Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies

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Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies

A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports

Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
Part 1
Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

This tutorial begins a series of how to apply Elliott wave analysis for
practical trading strategies. All subscribers have some Elliott wave
background from my Dynamic Trading book. Because that book goes
through the pattern structures in detail, there is no need to repeat that
information in this tutorial series.
It is assumed for this series, that subscribers are familiar with Chapter
3 of Dynamic Trading and how the most frequent pattern subdivide.
Besides teaching you the practical application of Elliott wave trading
strategies, an objective of this series will also be to dispel some Elliott
wave myths and bad practices fostered by Elliott wave academics.
Everything taught in this tutorial series will apply to any actively traded
market included futures, stocks, indexes and mutual funds and any time
frame whether five-minute or monthly.

What You Should Know Before Beginning This Tutorial Series
From your study of Elliott wave in Chapter 3 of Dynamic Trading, you
should be familiar with these concepts.
Impulse Trend Usually unfolds in five-waves. Five-wave impulse
trends are usually made in the direction of the larger degree trend.
Counter-Trend Usually unfolds in three-waves. A counter-trend is a
correction to the prior impulse trend.
Waves of Similar Degree Also called swings of similar degree.
Waves of similar degree represent the subdivisions that make up a
completed structure. In an impulse trend, waves one-five are the waves of
similar degree. The subdivisions of each wave are waves of a smaller
Subdivisions of a Wave Any given wave may subdivide into smaller
degree waves to complete the structure of the wave. For instance, Wave-1
of a five-wave impulse trend usually subdivides into five waves of lesser
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
degree. You should be familiar with how each wave of a trend or counter-
trend usually subdivides.
Multiple Time Frames - Multiple Time Frames has become a buzz-
phrase recently. It is nothing more than R.N. Elliotts approach to
considering multiple degrees of wave structure. When the subdivisions of
a wave are complete, the larger degree wave is compelte.

Trend or Counter-Trend?

What is Elliott Wave Analysis?
Elliotts Wave Principle is a catalogue of defined chart patterns. These
patterns are helpful to indicate if the market is in a trend or counter-trend.
Knowing the trend or counter-trend position, we also know the main trend
direction. Each pattern has implications regarding the position of the
market and the most likely outcome of the current position.
Most pattern positions will have an outcome that will validate or
invalidate the assumed pattern position. This is extremely important. It
also helps us to determine the maximum distance away from the market to
place the protective stop-loss.
Elliott Wave Pattern Basics 5s and 3s
The basis of Elliotts Wave Principle is that most trends unfold in five
waves in the direction of the trend and three waves or combinations of
three waves in the direction counter to the main trend. Its that simple.
Markets usually unfold in threes and fives. Five wave patterns are
impulsive or trend structures. Three wave patterns are corrective or
counter-trend structures.
A five-wave impulse trend and three wave or more complex counter-
trend each has a characteristic structure which we will talk about
continually throughout this tutorial series. One important objective of Elliott
wave analysis is to recognize in the early stages of the wave structure
whether it is more likely to be an impulse or a counter-trend.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
The Three Elliott Wave Rules
These three rules are most relevant to daily closing data.
1. Wave-2 should not exceed the beginning of Wave-1. In other
words, Wave-2 should not make greater than a 100%
retracement of Wave-1.
2. Wave-3 should not be the shortest of the three impulse
waves in a five-wave impulse trend (waves 1, 3 and 5).
3. Wave-4 should not make a daily close into the closing range
of the Wave-1.
These rules are extremely helpful to confirm or invalidate a potential
pattern. Even when using intraday data, be aware of the pattern and
guidelines relative to the daily closing data.
Why is pattern analysis an important part of the Dynamic Trading
approach to technical analysis?
1. Pattern analysis helps us to determine if a market is in a trend or
2. Pattern analysis helps us to determine the position of the market
within a trend or counter-trend.
3. Pattern analysis helps us to project the time and price objectives of the
current trend or counter-trend.

Think Pattern
Below we will go through several pattern examples. The objective is to
learn to think in terms of pattern position and what a market must do to
confirm or invalidate a particular pattern structure. Every potential pattern
position cannot be illustrated, but if you keep the basic pattern concepts
and guidelines in mind, you will be able to identify the potential pattern
position for most market situations.
Here is a quick review of what we are trying to accomplish with pattern

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

The Three Pattern Questions
1. What is the most probable pattern position? Why? The answer to
this question may only be impulsive or corrective. The answer
may also be, dont know.
2. What market activity will confirm the assumed pattern position?
What is the pattern guideline that is relevant?
3. What market activity will invalidate the assumed pattern position?
What is the pattern guideline that is relevant?

The Three Important Pattern Considerations
1. Be quick to admit when there is no discernable or relevant
pattern! Do not force an Elliott Wave count when there is no
count that meets the guidelines or a clearly defined five or three
wave structure.
2. If there is no discernable wave count, does the pattern appear
to be in an impulse or corrective structure?
3. As new data is made, the market will continually confirm or
invalidate the pattern position assumption. Trade the market,
not the forecast. Be quick to change your assumption of the
pattern position if the market activity invalidates the current

Continued on the next page.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Whats Next?
If a five-wave trend is complete as shown below, what is the minimum
pattern we should expect?

Regardless of how this five-wave pattern fits into the larger degree
pattern position, at least a three wave decline should be expected. The
minimum expectation is for a three-wave ABC correction. This may not
unfold but if pattern is to be useful, we must begun with a high-probability
assumption and let the market confirm or invalidate that assumption.
If this five-wave trend completed a larger degree five-wave trend, a
five-wave decline may follow but the minimum expectation would still be a
We always assume a correction will be a three-wave, ABC even
though it may take many shapes.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Trend or Counter-Trend?
What should we anticipate after the low in mid-March below a counter-
trend rally or an impulse trend eventually to a new high?

There is not enough data to give a high-probability answer. The decline
shown above is clearly an impulse trend. The position of that impulse
trend within the larger degree trend will help determine what next to
If the decline is a W.1, A or 3, we would expect a counter-trend rally
(W.2 or B or 4) followed by the continuation of the bear trend to a new low.
If the decline is a W.C, we would expect a continuation of the bull trend
to a new high.
If the decline is a W.5, we would expect a larger degree counter-trend
rally. The first rally would typically subdivide into five-waves since a W.A is
typically five-waves.
Whether the rally is a trend or a counter-trend, we would anticipate at
least a three-wave rally (ABC or 123). The position within the larger
degree trend will help to determine what to ultimately expect.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Count Backwards
Whats the pattern of this advance? It definitely doesnt fit a typical five or
three wave pattern. To help determine what a pattern may be, it is helpful
to have a firm idea of what is the pattern position of the last major pivot.

If the low in March is a Wave 1 or A, then the rally should be a
correction. We initially assume any correction is going to be an ABC until
proven otherwise. This data is up through the date of this tutorial.
Nowhere along the way of this correction did it unfold as a typical ABC.
Just today, bonds declined below the prior swing low which signaled
the impulsive part of the rally from the late March low (labeled W.B) should
be a completed pattern structure, probably a Wave-C that subdivided into
five-waves. If that is the case, count backward to see if any wave count
will fit. The one above is an acceptable fit within all of the guidelines of
Elliott wave.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Wave-A is an impulse. Wave-B is three waves and the W.b:B is also
three waves. Wave-C is five-waves. All the subdivisions fit well even
though the Wave-C is out-of-balance (much greater in time and price) than
Some times the pattern position does not clearly reveal itself until after
it has signaled that it should be complete. Then we need to count
backwards to see if the pieces seem to fit together within the rules and
guidelines. If so, we have a basis to make an informed and high-
probability trading decision with well defined and acceptable capital

Trend or Counter-Trend?
Is a 1-2-3 count the best potential for the data below? Why or why not?

The rule that was formed by for the stock indexes is Wave-4 should not
make a daily close into the closing range of the Wave-3. For the data
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
above, the potential Wave-4 has made several daily closes into the Wave-
1 closing range although the decline below the Wave-1 high is small in
price. It is acceptable for a Wave-4 to close and trade slightly into the
range of Wave-1 for commodities and individual stocks.
A better wave count may at first seem to be the high on the chart is a
completed five-wave trend as shown below. The main drawback here is
the Wave-4 is much shorter in time and price than the Wave-2 it is out-
of-balance with Wave-2. While this doesnt rule out a five-wave count, the
alternate wave count shown below where the high is a Wave-3 that
cleanly subdivided into five-waves is just as good a count.

At this point in time, neither of the two wave counts is overwhelmingly
favored. According to the rules and guidelines, either is acceptable. It will
require more data to determine which may be best. The trader must also
look to other factors such as the time, price or seasonal position to get a
better idea of which wave count may be more probable.
If the five-wave count to the March high shown above is correct, beans
should continue the bull trend after completing a correction to the five-
wave trend.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
If the alternate count is correct, beans should be in the process of
completing a Wave-4 low which should be followed by a continued
advance to a new high.
Which count becomes the most evident as more data is included will
help to determine the extent of the next bull trend A Wave-5 or entirely
new five-wave trend.

Lessons Learned
The Three Elliott Wave Rules
These three rules are most relevant to daily closing data. They should be
committed to memory.
1. Wave-2 should not exceed the beginning of Wave-1. In other words,
Wave-2 should not make greater than a 100% retracement of Wave-1.
2. Wave-3 should not be the shortest of the three impulse waves in a five-
wave impulse trend (waves 1, 3 and 5).
3. Wave-4 should not make a daily close into the closing range of the

The Three Pattern Questions
Whenever considering an Elliott wave pattern, you should ask yourself
these three questions and not consider an Elliott wave count unless you
can answer all three.
1. What is the most probable pattern position? Why? The answer to
this question may only be impulsive or corrective. The answer
may also be, dont know.
2. What market activity will confirm the assumed pattern position?
What is the pattern guideline that is relevant?
3. What market activity will invalidate the assumed pattern position?
What is the pattern guideline that is relevant?

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
The Three Important Pattern Considerations
If you are using Elliott wave for practical and logical trading strategies
and decisions, these three considerations will always be in mind.
1. Be quick to admit when there is no discernable or relevant pattern!
Do not force an Elliott Wave count when there is no count that
meets the guidelines or a clearly defined five or three wave
2. If there is no discernable wave count, does the pattern appear to be
in an impulse or corrective structure?
3. As new data is made, the market will continually confirm or
invalidate the pattern position assumption. Trade the market, not
the forecast. Be quick to change your assumption of the pattern
position if the market activity invalidates the current assumption.

More To Come
Each week, a new tutorial will build on what we have learned. Also, in the
regular report, I will expand on the pattern comments to relate to what is
being taught in the tutorials. The pattern descriptions in the report will help
you to learn how pattern is considered to be part of a trading decision as a
market unfolds.
Over the next few weeks, I believe you will have had the most
comprehensive and practical Elliott wave pattern education available from
any source. You will clearly understand how pattern can be an important
factor of your trading decisions. You will also understand and how to apply
Elliott wave pattern to make the high-probability time and price projections
that are a key to trend targets, reversals, continuations and other trading

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
Part 2
Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

Part one of this tutorial series taught the most important question related
to Elliott wave analysis Is It An Impulse Trend Or A Correction? The
assumption for this tutorial series is that all subscribers have a basic Elliott
wave background as taught in chapter three in the Dynamic Trading book.
The next few tutorials will look at the recent and current position of a
number of markets to see what we can learn about the trend position and
potential reversals based on the pattern position.
Each tutorial will dissect just one market and the recent data to see
how the pattern position has unfolded in recent weeks and days. The best
learn experience is always with current examples as we can then see how
the market unfolds related to how we view the current pattern position and
what should be the outcome.
As you will see, the pattern and trend position is not always clearly
defined, but, we can usually use the EW pattern analysis to identify the
specific market activity that will confirm or invalidate the probable pattern

This Weeks Lesson
Its Either One or the Other
The pattern position is not always clearly defined. Sometimes a market
reaches a juncture where the sub-divisions of the pattern position indicate
it is either a correction or an impulse. When this is the case, Elliott wave
pattern analysis will usually provide the specific market action that will
confirm which of the potential patterns is most probable and how the
market should follow through.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Whats Next?
From the Nov. high, bonds clearly made an impulsive decline into the Dec.
low. From the Dec. low, bonds clearly made a corrective rally into the Feb.
high. From the Feb. high, the decline to the March low was clearly
impulsive. What type of pattern should the rally from the March 21 low be?
It depends.
Impulse-correction-impulse could be an ABC correction or part of a
more complex correction. It could also be waves 1-2-1:3 of a larger degree
bearish impulse trend. It depends on what we would label the Nov. high.

If we considered the Nov. high the end of a multi-year bull trend, March
should not be the end of an ABC correction. If we though the Nov. high
was only temporary, March could be the completion of an ABC correction.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
If we have no strong opinion one way or the other about the Nov. high,
how could the pattern of the advance from the March low help us to
identify the larger degree pattern/trend position?
If the rally clearly unfolds in an ABC or other more complex corrective
pattern, the larger degree trend is probably bearish and will eventually
make new lows well below the March low.
If the rally clearly unfolds in an impulse trend, March should be the end
of an ABC corrective decline from the Nov. high or the impulse may be a
Wave-A which is part of a larger degree correction.
Lets take a look at the 60-minute data from the March low into mid-

Is the pattern of the data above clearly impulsive or corrective? From
my point of view, it is not clearly one or the other. Lets put the most
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
obvious labels on, those that would meet all of the EW rules and
guidelines and see what are the potentials.

Once bonds traded below the 9931 swing low, we could assume the
April 15 high completed some section of the trend. If we count backwards
from the April 15 high, there is a clear five-wave impulse from the March
28 low. The ABC from the March 19 high to the March 28 low meets all of
the guidelines for an ABC. Waves A and C are clearly impulsive as they
should be. Wave-B is an ABC itself.
What could bonds do to signal if the April 15 high is a Wave 3 or a
Wave C? A Wave-4 should not trade into the range of the W.1. If bonds
traded below 9916, the potential W.1 high, we would assume April 15 is a
W.C high. If this were to occur, bonds may still trade to a new high but the
continued rally would have to be considered a complex correction, not an
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
impulse trend. Waves overlap in corrections, not in impulse trends except
in a W.5 diagonal.
So far, we have not even considered if March 15 is a Wave-C or W.1:3
low. We have only considered the pattern possibilities of the data from the
March 15 low. If we were confident the March 15 low was a W.1:3, we
would consider the April 15 high had probably completed an ABC
correction (W.2:3) since bonds took out the probable W.4:C low.
Lets add more data. The chart below is the 60-minute data through
this morning. I havent added any labels. What do you think is the
probable pattern position?

Should we now consider the rally from the March 15 low an impulse
trend or correction based solely on the pattern?

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
It is clearly an impulse trend. Bonds did not trade into the range of
Wave-1 and the rally from the April 18 low is clearly impulsive which
should be the Wave-5. The Wave-5 appears to have clearly subdivided
into five-waves which is typical of a Wave-5.

A trade below the W.4:5 low at 10123 signals the W.5:5 high should
be complete.
What would we anticipated once the W.5 high is complete? At a
minimum, a correction that is greater in time and price than any of the
corrections within the five-wave trend.
Another important question would be how does the five-wave
impulse trend from the March 15 low to the May high fit into the larger
pattern/trend position? We will consider that in the next tutorial.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
For now, the most important lesson from a pattern perspective is we
have identified the most probable pattern and its alternative as the market
progressed and have used pattern to identify the signal that will indicate
the end of the trend. From a trading perspective, that is the critical

Lessons Learned
The pattern position is not always clearly defined. Even when it is not, we
can usually identify the market activity that will confirm or invalidate a
potential position. We can also look to the larger or smaller degree to help
identify the probable position. It is important to be sure that each of the
sub-divisions of the pattern meet the basic Elliott Wave rules and
guidelines described in lesson one before we consider assume to have a
confident opinion of the pattern/trend position.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
Part 3
Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

This Weeks Lesson
What Confirms A Trend Change?
In this tutorial, we will look at the recent pattern of the S&P and bonds in
detail to see what trading opportunities may be at hand and what the
pattern may be revealing about the larger degree trend position.
Since both of these markets may be near significant reversals, we will
see what the market can do to confirm a reversal is complete.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
From the March 15 low to the May 1 high, there is only one logical way to
view the Elliott wave pattern which is as a five-wave impulse. May 1 may
or may not be the completion of a W.5 high.
What would be the initial signal W.5 is complete? A trade below the
W.4:5 low. This is a reliable and consistent pattern strategy that should be
used to make trading entry and protective stop decisions. A wave-5
typically sub-divides into five-waves. This is not always clearly evident but
when it is, a trade beyond the W.4 extreme is the signal the W.5 should be

Bonds have made five-distinct sections up since the March 15 low.
None of them overlapped (W.4 did not trade into the range of W.1) which
implies the five-waves are an impulse trend. What is the pattern signal a
W.5 high complete? A trade beyond the W.4:5 extreme. What should we
anticipate following the completion of a W.5? It depends on the how the
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
five-wave trend fits into the larger degree pattern position. The minimum
expectation is for a correction against the five-wave trend greater in time
and price than any correction within the five-wave trend. If the W.5 high
completed a corrective high of larger degree, a new impulsive trend may
begin instead of just a correction to the five-wave trend.
Which ever the case may be, the job of the trader is to identify the
completion of the five-wave trend and prepare for a trend reversal trade
for either a correction or new impulse trend in the opposite direction.
The smaller degree data may provide an earlier signal a W.5 high is
complete. It depends on how clearly defined is the pattern. Lets take a
look at the 60-minute date from the April 18, W.4 low to see how it breaks
When we move down to a lower time frame with short-term data, it is
usually only necessary to view the data from the last confirmed pivot. In
this case, from the probable W.4 low on April 18.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
A five-wave rally from the April 18 low appears fairly distinct. If May 1 is
the W.5 high, we can assume May 2-3 completed the initial waves 1-2
down. If this is the case, what would be the signal that confirms W.5 is
complete? A trade below the W.1 low. Since the W.1 low is above the
W.4:5 low, a trade below the W.1 low would be an earlier signal the W.5 is
complete than a trade below the W.4 low.
What would be the maximum protective stop against a short position
taken one tick below the W.1 low? One tick above the W.2 high. It is that
simple and logical. We may be able to break down the data into smaller
degrees for even more timely information and potentially a trade strategy
with even less capital exposure.
The next chart is the bond five-minute data from the May 3 high.

Five-wave trends should be in the direction of the larger degree trend,
unless it is the last five-wave subdivision of the larger degree trend such
as the W.5 or W.C. Three wave trends should be corrections against the
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
larger degree trend which should be followed by the resumption of the
larger degree trend in the opposite direction to the correction.
Very short-term 5 and 3 wave patterns will often help to identify the
direction of the larger degree trend and how the market fits into the
immediate position. These very minor subdivisions will often help identify
trading strategies with less capital exposure.
In the 5-minute chart above, the market appears bearish since the five-
wave trends are down and the three wave trends are up. If this is the
case, a trade below the potential W.b:2 low signals the W.2 high is
Lets take a look at another current example to see how pattern may
help us determine the position of a market.
The chart below is the June S&P from the March 19 high to todays low,
May 7. There are five-distinct sections. The fifth may not be complete.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Is this a five-wave impulse trend? Probably, but by no means clearly
defined. Typically the W.3 is the extended wave or the longest of waves 1,
3 and 5. As shown above, the W.3 is shorter than the W.1. If the April 30
low is a W.3 low, what is the rule concerning W.5?
Since W.3 cannot be the shortest of waves 1, 3 or 5, the price range of
W.5 should be less than the price range of W.3 so W.3 will not be the
If the data so far is not a 1-2-3-4 what may it be? It could be a 1-2-1-2
which is a very bearish potential. I always prefer to stick with the simplest
and most obvious potential wave count unless there is compelling
evidence it is something more complicated or the market proves
Lets see if the intraday data helps the on the 60-minute chart below.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
The intraday data fits the wave count fairly well but not perfectly. The
best wave count for the data to date is shown on the chart above. At the
very least, the clearly defined ABC correction made into the May 2 high
and the probable five-wave decline from the May 2 high is the most recent
pattern information to work with. It clearly appears W.5 (of 5) is nearly
Now lets break it down further and just look at the short term 15-
minute data from the last defined pivot, the May 2, W.4 high.

It appears this is an ideal five-wave trend from the May 2 high. If so,
W.5:5 has already traded below the W.3:5 low which indicates the W.5:5
is in a position to be complete. Could this be something other than a five-
wave trend? Of course it could. We have to make decisions based on the
best available evidence. Unless the market proves otherwise, the
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
assumption is the W.4:5 high is complete and a W.5:5 low is close at
The completion of a W.5:5 low would also signal the completion of the
entire five-wave decline from the March 19 high if May 2 is the W.4 high
as shown on the charts above. How would a five-wave decline from the
March 19 high fit into the larger degree pattern? That is a subject we will
take up in the regular reports this week.

Lessons Learned
Elliott wave patterns are not always clearly defined. Only use them as part
of your trading strategy if they are clearly defined.
One way to help identify if a pattern is correct is if it subdivides as it
should. This usually requires a breakdown to the shorter term data.
It is most important to identify if there are clearly defined fives and
threes and which direction they trend. This will help to identify the larger
degree trend. Unless a five-wave trend is the final trend of a larger degree
pattern such as a W.5 or W.C, the assumption is it is in the direction of the
larger degree trend.
If a market appears to be in a Wave-5, a reliable signal the W.5 is
complete is a trade beyond the W.4:5 extreme. An entry one tick beyond
the W.4:5 extreme would be followed by a protective stop one tick beyond
the W.5:5 extreme.
If a Wave-5 appears complete, and waves 1 and 2 in the opposite
direction appear complete, a trade beyond the W.1 extreme confirms the
W.5 should be complete. This signal may be made before the W.4:5
extreme is exceeded. An entry one tick beyond the extreme of W.1 would
be followed by a protective stop just one tick beyond the extreme of W.2.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
Part 4
Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

This Weeks Lesson
Dont forget the EW rules and guidelines.
You must constantly keep in mind the Elliott wave rules and guidelines as
a market unfolds in order to be alert to if a pattern is a correction or an
impulse and where it should be within the correction or impulse. The rules
and guidelines are few and simple. Be alert to the subdivisions (smaller
degree) of each wave to help identify when a wave is at or near its
termination. The EW rules and guidelines will also give you what pattern
structure will confirm and invalidate a wave pattern.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Identify The Main Divisions
Take a look at the data below. For just this data, can we determine if the
market is making an impulsive trend or a correction? What would be the
definitive signal that would confirm which it is?

Rather than immediately begin to put labels on the chart, the first thing
to do is identify different degrees of change. For the bearish period of this
data, there are two rallies that stand out as greater in time and/or price
than the others. They are probably of the same degree and a larger
degree than the minor corrections.
Very simply, we have a declining section, sideways correction, another
declining section and a rally. Is the last rally that began at the May 22 low
a correction or the beginning of a bull trend? Can we tell which it should
be from this data alone?
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
The next chart includes the obvious labels for the trends and counter-
trends of similar degree we have identified so far.

The three completed pivots of similar degree should be W.1 or A, W.2
or B and W.3 or C. From just this data, there is no way to tell if it is a 1-2-3
or A-B-C. We may be biased one way or the other depending on how
confident we are of the potential wave pattern up to the May 17 high, but
lets assume we do not have a confident opinion. What can the market do
from a pattern perspective to signal if the May 22 low completed an ABC
or if it is just a W.3 in a bear trend?
A W.4 should not trade into the range of the W.1. If the S&P traded
above 1091.50, the potential W.1 low, it would indicate May 22 is a W.C
low, not a W.3. If this should happen, the larger degree trend should be up
and the S&P should continue to advance to above the May 17 high.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
If the S&P first traded below 1075.70, the potential W.3 low, we must
assume it is making an impulsive five-wave trend and the larger degree
trend is down.
We could get very creative with labeling the small subdivisions and
minor swings on this data. The clear fact is there is no clearly defined
sub-division pattern for the data above. We could make the subdivision
labels almost anything we want to fit any one outlook. That is what many
Elliott wave analysts do. Force a wave count to fit the forecast. For this
data, the 1-2-3 or A-B-C count is the only reliable one at this time.
Always Keep In Mind The EW Rules and Guidelines
Which pattern is more likely for the data shown on the chart below A-B-
C or 1-2-3-4-5? There is enough information from this data to put the odds
strongly in favor or one or the other pattern.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Note the pattern of the first section up from the May 14 low to the May
16 high. Does the first section appear to subdivide into a five or a three?
That will be the key to the larger degree pattern position.

The first section has three clearly defined swings of similar degree. If
this is the case, it is labeled an ABC. A Wave-A may subdivide into either
three or five waves. A Wave-1 should never subdivide into three waves.
The three-wave rally from the May 14 low to the May 16 high can only be
considered an A-wave.
If this is the case, the May 17 low should be the Wave-(B) and bonds
should be completing a Wave-(C) and the end of a corrective rally from
the May 14 low. Most traders would become very bullish with bonds
making a new high on a wide-range outside-day. But EW pattern traders
would be alert that the odds are bonds are in the very final stage of a
corrective rally from the May 14 low.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
What could bonds do to confirm a W.(C) top is complete? A trade
below 10100, the probable W.(A) high confirms the rally is a correction
and the W.(C) high should be complete. A trade below 10100 confirms
May 16 could not be a W.1 high as the W.4 should not trade into the range
of a W.1.

Lessons Learned
Elliott wave traders often get hung up trying to label every zig and zag on
a chart. If the minor swings are not in an obvious structure, the tendency is
to force a wave count to fit the prejudice of the forecast. We have all seen
this over and over again. Trying to pretend that every bump on an intraday
chart always fits into an Elliott wave pattern structure may be very costly.
At the least, it is simply foolish. It just doesnt work that way.
Begin a wave count by separating the obvious divisions of similar
degree. Place the probable count and the alternate if there is one on these
obvious divisions. Then identify what the market can do to confirm or
invalidate the most probable count.
Two key questions to consider once you have decided on the labels for
the obvious divisions
Have the main swings basically sub-divided according to the EW rules
and guidelines for the labels I have given it?
What pattern structure should unfold from the last confirmed pivot if it
is the label I have given it?
By working in a relatively simple and logical manner, Elliott wave
pattern analysis can be the key to identify the main trend direction and
when trends are at or near their reversals.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
Part 5
Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

This Weeks Lesson
Every zip and zag is not a perfect EW.
We always begin with the assumption that a market will unfold according
to the EW rules and guidelines. However, this is not always the case.
Rather than try to fit a convoluted wave count after-the-fact to make the
market conform to the rules and guidelines, move on. We are traders, not
EW academics. We are interested in making money, not in being right.
I can show you lots of examples of five wave corrections that fit all of
the rules and guidelines of an impulse wave structure. EW academics will
relabel them with all sorts of complex labels with Xs, Ws, Ys and more
when the reality is it was a five wave correction.
Prepare for the most probable, but adapt to the improbable.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Trend or Counter-Trend?
From the first low on the left of the chart below, the S&P clearly made an
impulsive rally which is labeled a W.1. A sideways flat ABC followed with a
gap up to a new high signaling the correction should be over.
If we consider the gap up rally a W.1 of a new impulsive trend, what
could the market do to void that idea?
A trade below the W.C:2 low would signal a larger degree correction
was being made, not a new impulse trend, and the bear trend should then
decline to a new low.

If the market traded below the W.C:2 low, how would the pattern be
relabeled and what would we then anticipate?
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
We would then relabel the rally as an ABC and expect the market to
decline in an impulse trend to well below the extreme low on the chart.
Several bars later, the market declined below what was labeled the
W.c:2 low. Now we consider the rally an ABC as shown below and
anticipate the continuation of the bear trend to a new low.

We now know which side of the market to trade for some time short.
A trading strategy would be to wait to identify a W.2 correction in order to
position short.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
How Long To Be Short?
If a correction is complete at the W.C high, we would want to only consider
short trades until it appears a five-wave decline is complete. The five-wave
decline should be lower than the beginning of the corrective rally which is
the low point on the chart below.
The market made an almost ideal ABC which probably completed a
W.2 high. The trade below the W.1 low signals W.2 should be complete
and the market should decline to well below the 875.50 low to complete
waves 3-5.

What form should the W.3 take? A W.3 should sub-divide into five
waves. Typically, a W.3 is greater in time and price than the W.1 so the
market should have a long way to decline before the W.3 is complete.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
As long as the market does not trade above the W.2 high, short trades
should be taken with a stop no higher than one tick above the W.2 high.
There are a lot of points between where the market is as of the last bar
on the chart below and the probable next low well below the 875.50 low
and not many points to above the W.2 high, the maximum stop on a short
trade. You dont need to make complicated risk/reward ratios do know this
is a great pattern position for a short trade.
The market declined sharply. As of the last bar on the chart below, a
correction of the same degree as the W.2 or W.2:3 does not appear to
have been made which means W.4 is still to come.

The next chart show the market eventually made a rally at least greater
in price than any since the W.2 high. The assumption is the W.3 is
complete and a W.4 is in progress. The assumption is a W.4 should be at
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
least a three wave correction. As of the last bar on the chart below, it
appears a W.a of 4 is complete and a W.b and W.c will finish off W.4. A
trade below the W.3 low indicates the W.4 is complete.

The market does not make a typical ABC-W.4 correction but declines
straight below the W.3 low signaling W.4 is complete. From a trading
perspective, we should always anticipate a market will make a typical
wave pattern until proven otherwise. The W.4 rally shown below is not a
typical correction since it is a single wave up. But, it only fits into the larger
degree pattern position as a W.4 so that is how we label it, Elliott wave
obsessives not withstanding.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

W.5 appears to be subdividing into five waves as it should. If 814.90 is
the W.4:5 high, a trade above it signals the W.5:5 is complete and the
entire decline from the W.C high is also complete.
The pattern position is now telling us the entire decline from the W.C
high is almost complete. The pattern position gives us a tremendous
trading advantage. If short, we are aware that the downside is relatively
limited and a significant rally is likely to be made soon. We should also
prepare to consider a long trade.
At a minimum, once the W.5:5 low is complete, we would anticipate a
correction of the entire decline shown above. If the low is a larger degree,
we would anticipate an even greater advance.
The following day, the market gaps lower and later in the day trades
above the W.4:5 high signaling a W.5:5 low is complete.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

The pattern position suggests we should now only consider long trades
as long as the market does not trade below the W.5:5 low.
If the W.5:5 low was not made at the ideal time and price targets for a
W.5:5 low, we do not have to buy the bottom for a long trade. One of W.
D. Ganns most useful trading advice was The safest trade is to buy
(sell) the first correction to the new trend. In other words, wait to go long
on the first correction to the new trend.
The Elliott wave pattern position gives us the tools to help identify very
early if a new trend is being made. In this case, the pattern position has
signaled a W.5:5 low should be complete and the trend should be up for
some time.
The initial advance should be a Wave 1 or A which typically subdivides
into five waves. If a five-wave advance is made, it is often followed by an
ABC correction. We would be alert to the pattern of the advance and initial
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
decline to help identify if a W.C of 2 or B low is being make to position
The chart below shows the idealized pattern. The market may or not
unfold in the idealized pattern but we do have a framework to work with to
prepare for a low risk, high probability long trade.

How Long To Be Long?
If the rally is only a correction, the minimum expectation is for an ABC
which typically subdivides 5-3-5. As long as the market has not traded
below the probable W.5:5 low, we would expect at least a three wave rally
that would be a correction to the advance from the W.C high where the
five-wave decline began.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
Lessons Learned
Elliott wave gives us a framework to make a trading decision although it
does not guarantee any particular wave structure will unfold. Remember,
all trading is probabilities. We use Elliott wave pattern analysis to help put
the probabilities on our side.
We use the Elliott wave position to help identify the main trend
direction, the maximum stop loss and what the market must do to be in a
position to complete a trend or counter-trend.
If we dont expect more from Elliott wave analysis than it can provide, it
will be one of the most important trading tools you use.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
Part 6
Robert Miner, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.

This Weeks Lesson
Always Be Aware of the Big Picture
We must continually be aware of the probable larger degree pattern
position to keep the short term in perspective.

Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
S&P Is a corrective rally over?
The current position of the S&P as of the end of today (July 30) is in a
position for an important Elliott wave lesson. First, lets take a look at the
15-minute chart from the July 24 low.

Todays high appears to have completed a text book three wave
advance from the July 24 low. Is it a 1-2-3 or A-B-C? From just the data
shown above, there is no way to tell. We dont have to guess. We can use
the simple EW guidelines and let the market let us know. What could the
market do to signal which it is?
A W.4 should not trade into the range of the W.1. If the S&P declines
below 854.50, the W.1 or A high, it signals the high should be a W.C.
Does that mean a corrective ABC rally high is complete and the trend
should continue to new lows? What do you think?
There is an important Elliott wave guideline that will help us answer
this question. First, we have to move back and review how this potential
ABC fits into the larger degree picture.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
The next chart is the daily SPX from the March high.

The assumption is July 24 completed a W.3 low and the rally is a W.4
correction, not the beginning of a bull trend. Today reached the minimum
of the W.4 retracement zone at 902-942 (SPX).
Is the W.4 correction over? Todays high could have completed an
ABC, the most typical corrective wave structure, at the ideal W.4
retracement zone. However, todays high is probably not the end of a W.4.
A W.4 will typically last longer in time than the W.2. In this case, W.2
was eight trading days and so far, the W.4 rally off the July 24 low has
lasted just four trading days. Lets consider the short-term pattern on the
15-minute chart again.
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
A W.4 should not trade into the range of the W.1. If the S&P declines
below 854.50, the W.1 or A high, it signals the high should be a W.C.
Even if this were to unfold, it is unlikely the W.4 correction is complete for
two important reasons.
Firstly, Wave-2 (May 7-17) was a simple ABC (see the daily chart
above). If we consider the guideline of alternation, if W.2 is a simple ABC
W.4 will typically be something other than a simple ABC. A decline below
854.50 would indicate the decline should be either an X-Wave, or todays
high completed an abc:A of larger degree. A Wave-A may be an ABC
itself. In either case, the S&P would continue the correction for at least
several more days and probably test or exceed todays high. The Elliott
wave guideline of alternation clearly warns that a Wave-4 high should not
be complete today.

Secondly, W.4 should have at least several more days to go to equal
or exceed the time range of the W.2. While this is not an Elliott wave rule
or guideline it is a high-probability time relationship with W.4 and W.2. A
Practical Elliott Wave Trading Strategies
A Special Tutorial Series For Subscribers To The Dynamic Trader Reports
Copyright 2002, Dynamic Traders Group, Inc.
W.4 is rarely shorter in time than a W.2 so we always anticipate it will
equal or exceed the time range of W.2.
Short term traders should be aware that todays high appears to have
completed a five-wave advance from the July 24 (W.2 or B) low. As long
as the S&P has not taken out todays high, short term traders should be
prepared for a day or two of sideways to down trading.
If the S&P declines below the potential W.1 or A high at 854.50, it
should not signal the end of an ABC.W.4 which should then continue in
some form of complex correction.

Lessons Learned
The Elliott wave rules and guidelines help us to not only determine the
high-probability pattern position of a market, but what the market can do to
confirm or invalidate the most probable position.
It is very important to keep aware of the big picture and how the short-
term pattern may fit into the big picture. Simple price and time factors will
often help to clarify the pattern position.
While no thing is for certain in the markets, the pattern position at least
gives us the high-probability position and what to anticipated for any
potential market activity.

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