Foo Moo Tutorial

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To solve this type of problems, I want you to use the following technique.

For each class create a box and write the method names in it, then use an arrow to point to its super class. For this particular problem class Foo { public void method1() { System.out.println("foo method 1"); } public void method2() { System.out.println("foo method 2"); } } class ar e!tends Foo { public void method2() { System.out.println("bar method 2"); } public void method"() { System.out.println("bar method ""); } } class a# e!tends Foo { public void method1() { System.out.println("ba# method 1"); } public void method2() { System.out.println("ba# method 2"); method1(); } } class $umble e!tends a# { public void method1() { super.method1(); System.out.println("mumble method 1"); } public void method"() { System.out.println("mumble method ""); } } We have four classes, (foo, bar, ba and mumble! each having few methods. "ow let#s create a box for each class and use arrows to indicate the &a super class. method$(! Foo method%(! method$(! method%(! 'umble method$(! method((!

&ar method%(! method((!

"ow let us loo) at the instances created. Foo foo1 = new Bar(); Foo is the super class of &ar, so this statement is valid. We are creating an instance of &ar, and saving it inside a variable of Foo type. Foo foo2 = new Baz(); Foo is the super class of &a , so this statement is valid. We are creating an instance of &a , and saving it inside a variable of Foo type.

Bar bar1 = new Bar(); this statement is definitely valid. If you don#t )now the explanation of its validity, then you are in serious trouble. Baz baz1 = new Baz(); this statement is definitely valid. If you don#t )now the explanation of its validity, then you are in serious trouble. Baz baz2 = new Mumble(); &a is the super class of 'umble, so this statement is valid. We are creating an instance of 'umble, and saving it inside a variable of &a type. Object obj1 = new Bar(); *b+ect is the parent class of all classes and this is defined in +ava. Therefore this statement is valid. "ow let#s run the code line by line. "ot all the following lines are correct. Therefore while you are testing it in ,r.-ava, comment all the lines except the line you are wor)ing with. For example, when you are trying to find out the output of the first line, do the following. foo1.method1(); //foo2.method1(); //bar1.method1(); //baz1.method1(); Let us run the first line and see whether it produces a valid output, compile error or a run time error. foo1.method1();

From the objects created above, foo1 is the variable name for the class type foo containing the object of bar. Its calling method1(). ow refer to the bo! of bar created above. "hec# if it contains the method method1(). If it does, do as it says and if method1() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. $o go to bars parent class chec# the arrow that is coming out of the bo!. It points to foo and inside the foo bo! there is method1() and therefore foos method()% will be invo#ed and the output will be foo method 1. foo2.method1(); foo2 is the variable name for the class type foo containing the ob+ect of baz. It#s calling method1(!. "ow refer to the box of baz created above. /hec) if it contains the method method1(!. If it does, do as it says and if method1(! does not exist, chec) if its parent class has the method or not. In this case baz has method1(! and therefore its own method(!$ wil0l be invo)ed and the output will be baz method 1.

bar1.method1(); bar1 is the variable name for the class type bar and its calling method%(). ow refer to the bo! of bar created above. "hec# if it contains the method method1(). If it does, do as it says and if method1() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. $o go to bars parent class chec# the arrow that is coming out of the bo!. It points to foo and inside the foo bo! there is method1() and therefore foos method()% will be invo#ed and the output will be foo method 1. baz1.method1(); baz1 is the variable name for the class type baz and its calling method%(). ow refer to the bo! of baz created above. "hec# if it contains the method method1().In this case baz has method1() and therefore its own method()% wil&l be invo#ed and the output will be baz method 1.

baz2.method1(); baz2 is the variable name for the class type baz containing the object of mumble. Its calling method1(). ow refer to the bo! of mumble created above. "hec# if it contains the method method1(). If it does, do as it says and if method1() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. Mumble has method1() and Inside it, there is a line super.method1()'. $his means the method1() of its super class will be invo#ed. (o to its super class and chec# for method1()'. If it e!ists, run it and if the super class does not have such method, a compile time error will occur. In this case the super class of mumble, baz, has mehod1() and therefore and the output will be baz method 1. )ut wait** $his is not it. +ave you noticed, in mumble, after the line super.method1(), there is another line that says System.out.println("mumble method 1"); $herefore there will be another output mumble method 1;. ob 1.method1(); ob 1 is the variable name for the class type !b e"t containing the object of bar. Its calling method1(). ow refer to the bo! of bar created above. "hec# if it contains the method method1(). If

it does, do as it says and if method1() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. In this case, the object of bar is stored inside !b e"t. ,s bar does not have method1(), it will loo# inside !b e"t to find method1(). -bject does not have anything called method1() and therefore it will be a "ompile time error. foo1.method2(); foo1 is the variable name for the class type foo containing the object of bar. Its calling method2(). ow refer to the bo! of bar created above. "hec# if it contains the method method2(). If it does, do as it says and if method2() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. $here is method.() in bar and therefore the output will be bar method 2. foo2.method2(); foo2 is the variable name for the class type foo containing the object of baz. Its calling method2(). ow refer to the bo! of baz created above. "hec# if it contains the method method2(). If it does, do as it says and if method2() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. In this case baz has method2() and therefore its own method2() will be invo#ed and the output will be baz method 2. $his is not it. $here is another line saying, method1(). $herefore its method1() will be called and there will be another output baz method 1; bar1.method2(); bar1 is the variable name for the class type bar and its calling method.(). ow refer to the bo! of bar created above. "hec# if it contains the method method2(). If it does, do as it says and if method2() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not . Method2() e!ists and the output will be bar method 2. baz1.method2(); baz1 is the variable name for the class type baz and its calling method2(). ow refer to the bo! of baz created above. "hec# if it contains the method method2() . It does contain and therefore the output will be baz method 2. $hen again, there is another line method1() and method1() of baz will be called. $he second output will be baz method 1. baz2.method2(); baz2 is the variable name for the class type baz containing the object of mumble. Its calling method2(). ow refer to the bo! of mumble created above. "hec# if it contains the method method2(). If it does, do as it says and if method2() does not e!ist, chec# if its parent class has the method or not. Mumble does not have anything called mehod2() and therefore it goes to his super class baz. #az has method2() and therefore and it will be called and it will print baz method 2. now notice there is another line method1(). ow the /uestion is, both baz and mumble has method1(), whose method will be called0 $he answer is, always wor# with a classs own method. (o to the super class only if you dont find it in the sub class. $herefore method1() of mumble class will be called. ow once you go to the method1() of mumble, there is another line saying super.method1(). ow you have to go to its super class baz and call its method1() and the second output will be baz method 1. $his is not the end, in mumble after the line super.method1() there is another line where it as#s you to print something, +ence there is a third output and it is mumble method 1.

((#az)ob 1).method2(); Let us see (()a1)obj%) part first. -bj% is an -bject type and as we #now all classes e!tend -bject, casting is valid in here. $his part of the code will show no error. ow let us see the . method2() part. ,s ob 1 as has been casted to #az , and #az has method2() there is nothing wrong with this line. ow run it.,L,2*** It shows a run time error. )ut why0 Loo# at this line carefully. Object obj1 = new Bar(); obj1 has an instance of Bar, not Object., and Bar and Baz has no connection at all. Therefore casting was not done and therefore it shows a run time error. ((!b e"t)bar1).method$(); ,s -bject is the super class of all classes, the part ((!b e"t)bar1) is valid, and bar% has been cast to -bject. 3oes the super class -bject have anything called method4()0 o, it will show an compile time error. ((%oo)baz2).method$(); ,s Foo is the super class of ba1, the part ((%oo)baz2).is valid, and ba1. has been cast to Foo. 3oes the super class Foo have anything called method4()0 o, it will show an compile time error. ((#ar)foo1).method$(); Foo% contains the object of bar. ((#ar)foo1) therefore casts bar into bar which is valid. #ar contains method$() and therefore the output will be bar method $. ((Mumble)baz1).method$(); Mumble contains method4() so this will compile. baz1 contains the object of baz itself and mumble is its subclass. , super class cannot be casted into its subclass so it will throw a run time e!ception. ((Mumble)baz2).method$() 5umble contains method4() and this will compile. )a1. has the instance of mumble. ((Mumble)baz2) casts a mumble object into a mumble. $herefore it will run smoothly. ((#az)foo2).method$() )a1 does not have method4() nor does its superclass foo. $herefore it will never compile. ((Bar)foo2).method2(); bar has method%(! so it will compile. Foo% has the ob+ect of ba , ba and bar has no relation. These two classes are totally separate and thus cant be cast. Therefore a run time error will be thrown. ((%oo)ob 1).method2(); foo has method.() and therefore it will compile. -bj% has bar and as foo is the super class of bar the casting is successful. $his piece of code will run smooth.

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