Bloomberg Implied Volatility Method 2008 New
Bloomberg Implied Volatility Method 2008 New
Bloomberg Implied Volatility Method 2008 New
The purpose of this document is to provide a brief introduction into the Bloomberg implied volatility calculations. Certain details have been omitted and others have been simplified to make it accessible for even the novice users.
As of March 10th 2008 the implied volatilities based on the VG-model will no longer be supported.
Date Monday March 10th 2007 Monday March 17 2007 Monday March 24th 2007
I. Introduction
The new Bloomberg equity implied volatility datasets consists of implied volatilities for fixed maturities and moneyness levels (%Moneness, Delta and Sigma) based on out of the money option prices (16:00 closing mid prices). The methodology can be split up in 2 parts: calculation of the implied forward price and calculation of implied volatility surface consistent with this implied forward price.
We calculate this implied forward for each expiration month. To calculate the implied forward for the fixed maturity points (30, 60, 3m, 6m etc) we transform the forwards into returns with the following formula:
1 Fimpl (T ) r (T ) = ln( ) impl T S
and use linear interpolation and flat extrapolation to calculate the return at each fixed maturity point.
Finally we use:
F (T ) = Spot e impl r T impl
1 1 ln( F /K)+ 2 T) ln( F /K) 2 T) impl impl impl 2 2 impl Ke rt N ( c E = e rt F N( impl impl T impl T
To calculate the implied volatility at a fixed level of moneyness we use a non-parametric interpolation in variance space across strikes and to interpolate in time to maturity we use a Hermite cubic spline interpolation in total implied variance space.
2) Delta:
F 1 ln( ) + 2T K 2 k delta = K T
3) Sigma:
ln( Sigma = K )
F implied atm T
The Moneyness and Sigma datasets are available for the front month and second month and the following fixed maturities: 30d, 60d, 3m, 6m, 12m, 18m, 24m. The entire dataset normalized by Delta will be released at a later stage. Options that expire in less then 10 calendar days will not be used when interpolating across expiries.