Newbie's Guide To AVR Timers: Dean Camera
Newbie's Guide To AVR Timers: Dean Camera
Newbie's Guide To AVR Timers: Dean Camera
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1 Introduction 2 Timers running at Fcpu 3 Prescaled Timers 4 Long Timer Delays in Firmware 5 The CTC Timer Mode 6 CTC Mode using Interrupts 7 Pure Hardware CTC 8 The Overow Event 9 Overow as CTC 3 4 8 11 13 16 20 22 26
Chapter 1
The timer systems on the AVR series of Microcontrollers are complex beasts. They have a myriad of uses ranging from simple delay intervals right up to complex Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal generation. However, despite the surface complexity, the function of the timer subsystem can be condensed into one obvious function: to measure time. We use timers every daythe most simple one can be found on your wrist. A simple clock will time the seconds, minutes and hours elapsed in a given dayor in the case of a twelve hour clock, since the last half-day. AVR timers do a similar job, measuring a given time interval. The AVR timers are very useful as they can run asynchronous to the main AVR core. This is a fancy way of saying that the timers are separate circuits on the AVR chip which can run independent of the main program, interacting via the control and count registers, and the timer interrupts. Timers can be congured to produce outputs directly to pre-determined pins, reducing the processing load on the AVR core. One thing that trips those new to the AVR timer is the clock source. Like all digital systems, the timer requires a clock in order to function. As each clock pulse increments the timers counter by one, the timer measures intervals in periods of one on the input frequency: 1 Input Frequency
Timer Resolution =
This means the smallest amount of time the timer can measure is one period of the incoming clock signal. For instance, if we supply a 100Hz signal to a timer, our period becomes: Timer Resolution = = =
1 Input Frequency 1 100Hz
For the above example, our period becomes .01 seconds, thus our timer will be able to measure times that are a multiple of this duration. If we measure a delay to be 45 of our 100Hz timer periods, then our total delay will be 45 times .01 seconds, or .45 seconds. For this tutorial, I will assume the target to be an ATMEGA16, running at at 1MHz clock. This is a nicely featured AVR containing certain timer functionality well need later on. As modern AVRs come running o their internal 1MHz RC oscillator by default, you can use this without a problem (although do keep in mind the resultant timing measurements will be slightly incorrect due to the RC frequency tolerance). In the sections dealing with toggling a LED, it is assumed to be connected to PORTB, bit 0 of your chosen AVR (pin 1 of DIP AVRMEGA16). To start o, we will deal with basic timer functionality and move on from there.
Chapter 2
Were just starting out, so well use the polled method of determining the elapsed time - well put in an IF statement in our code to check the current timer value, and act on it once it reaches (or exceeds) a certain value. Before we start on the timer stu, lets create the skeleton of our project:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { // TODO : Set up LED hardware // TODO : Set up timer for (;;) { // TODO : Check timer value , reset and toggle LED when count matches 1/20 of a second } }
Extremely simple. Im going to assume you are familiar with the basics of setting up AVR ports as well as bit manipulation (if youre uncertain about the latter, refer to this excellent tutorial). With that in mind, Ill add in the LED-related code and add in the IF statement:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output // TODO : Set up timer for (;;) { // TODO : Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1/20 of a second if () { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED
Now we need to start dealing with the timer. We want to do nothing more than start it at 1MHz, then check its value later on to see how much time has elapsed. We need to deviate for a second and learn a little about how the timer works in its most basic mode. The AVR timer circuits come in two dierent widths, 8 and 16 bit. While the capabilities of the two timer types dier, at the most basic level (simple counting), the only dierence is the maximum amount of time the timer can count to before overowing and resetting back to zero. Those familiar with C will know that an unsigned eight bit value can store a value from 0 to 28 1, or 255, before running out of bits to use and becoming zero again. Similarly, an unsigned 16 bit value may store a value from 0 to 216 1, or 65535 before doing the same. As the name suggests, an 8 bit timer stores its value as an eight bit value in its count register, while the 16 bit timer stores its current count value in a pair of eight bit registers. Each advancement of the counter register for any AVR timer indicates that one timer period has elapsed.
1 of a second. Thats quite short to us humans, but to a Our project needs a fairly long delay, of 20 microcontroller capable of millions of instructions per second its a long time indeed!
Our timer will be running at the same clock speed as the AVR core to start with, so we know that 1 the frequency is 1MHz. One MHz is 1000000 of a second, so for each clock of the timer only one 1 millionth of a second has elapsed! Our target is 20 of a second, so lets calculate the number of timer periods needed to reach this delay: Target Timer Count = = = = =
1 1 Target Frequency / Timer Clock Frequency 1 1 20 / 1000000 .05 0.000001
50000 1 49999
The AVR timers will only update their count on each timer input clock tick, thus it takes one tick to get from a count of zero to one, or from the timers maximum value back to zero. As a result, we need to decrement the number of ticks in our calulation by one as shown in the above formula.
1 So running at 1MHz, our timer needs to count to 49999 before 20 th of a second has elapsed. Thats a very large value - too large for an 8 bit value! Well need to use the 16 bit timer 1 instead.
Firstly, we need to start the timer at the top of our main routine, so that it will start counting. To do this, we need to supply the timer with a clock; as soon as it is clocked it will begin counting in parallel with the AVRs CPU core (this is called synchronous operation). To supply a clock of Fcpu to the timer 1 circuits we need to set the CS10 bit (which selects a Fcpu prescale of 1 - more on that later) in the TCCR1B, the Timer 1 Control Register B.
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10 ) ; // Set up timer for (;;) { // TODO : Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1/20 of a second
Now, with only one line of code, weve started the hardware timer 1 counting at 1MHz - the same speed as our AVR. It will now happily continue counting independently of our AVR. However, at the moment it isnt very useful, we still need to do something with it!
1 We want to check the timers counter value to see if it reaches 20 of a second, or a value of 49999 at 1MHz as we previously calculated. The current timer value for timer 1 is available in the special 16-bit register, TCNT1. In actual fact, the value is in two 8-bit pair registers TCNT1H (for the high byte) and TCNT1L (for the low byte), however the C library implementation were using helpfully hides this fact from us.
Lets now add in our check to our code - its as simple as testing the value of TCNT1 and comparing against our wanted value, 49999. To prevent against missed compares (where the timer updates twice between checks so our code never sees the correct value), we use the equal to or more than operator, >=.
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10 ) ; // Set up timer for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1/20 of a second if ( TCNT1 >= 49999) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED // TODO : Reset timer value } } }
Great! Weve only got one more line of code to write, to reset the timer value. We already know the current value is accessed via the TCNT1 register for Timer 1, and since this is a read/write register, we can just write the value 0 to it once our required value is reached to rest it.
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10 ) ; // Set up timer for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1/20 of a second if ( TCNT1 >= 49999) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED TCNT1 = 0; // Reset timer value } } }
And there we have it! Weve just created a very basic program that will toggle our LED every 1 20 of a second at a 1MHz clock. Testing it out on physical hardware should show the LED being dimmer than normal (due to it being pulsed quickly). Good eyesight might reveal the LEDs very fast ickering. Next, well learn about the prescaler so we can try to slow things down a bit.
Chapter 3
Prescaled Timers
In chapter 1 of this tutorial we learned how to set up our 16-bit timer 1 for a 1/20 second delay. This short (to us humans) delay is actually quite long to our AVR - 50,000 cycles in fact at 1MHz. Notice that Timer 1 can only hold a value of 0-65535 - and weve almost reached that! What do we do if we want a longer delay? One of the easiest things we can do is to use the timers prescaler, to trade resolution for duration. The timer prescaler is a piece of timer circuitry which allows us to divide up the incoming clock signal by a power of 2, reducing the resolution (as we can only count in 2n cycle blocks) but giving us a longer timer range. Lets try to prescale down our Fcpu clock so we can reduce the timer value and reduce our delay down to a nice 1Hz. The Timer 1 prescaler on the ATMEGA16 has divide values of 1, 8, 64, 256 and 1024 - so lets re-do our calculations and see if we can nd an exact value. Our calculations for our new timer value are exactly the same as before, except we now have a new prescaler term. Well look at our minimum resolution for each rst: Timer Resolution = =
1 Input Frequency/Prescale Prescale Input Frequency
For a 1MHz clock, we can construct a table of resolutions using the available prescaler values and a Fcpu of 1MHz. Prescaler Value 1 8 64 256 1024 Resolution @ 1MHz 1uS 8uS 64uS 256uS 1024uS
If you recall our equation for calculating the timer value for a particular delay in chapter 1 of this tutorial, youll remember it is the following: 1 1 / 1 Target Frequency Timer Clock Frequency
However, as weve just altered the prescaler term, the latter half is now dierent. Substituting in our new resolution equation from above we get: 1 Prescale / )1 Target Frequency Input Frequency 8
CHAPTER 3. PRESCALED TIMERS Or, rearranged: Input Frequency )1 Prescale Target Frequency
Now, we want to see if there is a prescaler value which will give an exact delay of 1Hz. One Hertz is equal to one cycle per second, so we want our compare value to be one second long, or 1000000uS. Lets divide that by each of our resolutions and put the results in a dierent table: Prescaler Value 1 8 64 256 1024 Target Timer Count 999999 124999 15624 3905.25 975.5625
The results are interesting. Of the available prescaler values, we can immediately discount 256 and 1024 - they do not evenly divide into our wanted delay period. They are of course usable, but due to the rounding of the timer count value the resultant delay will be slightly over or under our needed delay. That leaves us with three possible prescaler values that will suit our purposes; 1, 8 and 64. Our next task is to remove the values that arent possible given our hardware constraints. On an 8-bit timer, that means discounting values of more than 28 1, or 255, as the value wont t into the timers 8-bit count register. For our 16-bit timer, we have a larger range of 0 to 216 1, or 65535. Only one of our prescaler values satises this requirement a prescale of 64 as the other two possibilities require a timer count value of more bits than our largest 16-bit timer is capable of storing. Lets go back to our original timer program and modify it to compare against our new value of 15624, which weve found to be 1 second at a prescale of 64 and a Fcpu of 1MHz:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output // TODO : Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1 second if ( TCNT1 >= 15624) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED TCNT1 = 0; // Reset timer value } } }
Note Ive removed the timer setup line, as it is no longer valid. We want to set up our timer to run at Fcpu/64 now. To do this, we need to look at the datasheet of the ATMEGA16 to see which bits need to be set in which control registers. Checking indicates that we need to set both the CS10 and CS11 prescaler bits in TCCR1B, so lets add that to our program:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1 second if ( TCNT1 >= 15624) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED TCNT1 = 0; // Reset timer value } } }
Compile it, and were done! Remember that our timer runs as soon as it gets a clock source, so with the above conguration our program will now work and the LED will now ash. The LED is toggled at a rate of 1Hz via our timer code, and two toggles are required for a full on-o cycle, giving a ashing frequency of .5Hz.
Chapter 4
The above pseudocode will build on our last experiment - a timer with a one second count - to produce a long delay of one minute (60 seconds). Its very simple to implement - all we need extra to our last example is an extra IF statement, and a few variable-related lines. First o, well re-cap with our complete code as it stands at the moment:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1 second if ( TCNT1 >= 15624) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED TCNT1 = 0; // Reset timer value } } }
We need some code to create and initialise a new counter variable to 0, then increment it when the counter reaches one second as our pseudocode states. We also need to add in a test to see if our new variable reaches the value of 60, indicating that one minute has elapsed. 11
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { // TODO : Initialise a new counter variable to zero DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1 second if ( TCNT1 >= 15625) { TCNT1 = 0; // Reset timer value // TODO : Increment counter variable // TODO : Check here to see if new counter variable has reached 60 if () { // TODO : Reset counter variable PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED } } } }
Now that we have our new programs structure, replacing the TODOs becomes very simple. We want a target count of 60, which is well within the range of an unsigned integer variable, so well make our counter variable of type unsigned integer. The rest of the code is fairly straightforward, so Ill add it all in at once:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { unsigned char E lapsedSe conds = 0; // Make a new counter variable and initialise to zero DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { // Check timer value in if statement , true when count matches 1 second if ( TCNT1 >= 15624) { TCNT1 = 0; // Reset timer value Elap sedSeco nds ++; if ( E lapsedS econds == 60) // Check if one minute has elapsed { Elap sedSecon ds = 0; // Reset counter variable PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED } } } }
Compile and run, and the LED should toggle once per minute. By extending this technique, we can produce delays of an arbitrary duration. One point of interest is to note that any timing errors compound - so if the timer input frequency is 1.1MHz rather than 1.0MHz our one minute timer will be sixty times that small error out in duration. For this reason it is important to ensure that the timers clock is as accurate as possible, to reduce long-term errors as much as possible.
Chapter 5
Short and to the point. Note that the name of the mode is Clear Timer on Compare - the timers value will automatically reset each time the compare value is reached, so we only need to clear the ag when the delay is reached. This set-and-forget system is very handy, as once the timer is congured and started we dont need to do anything other than check and clear its status registers. Now then, well grab our previous example, modifying it to t with our new pseudocode:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output // TODO : Configure timer mode to CTC // TODO : Set compare value for a compare rate of 1 Hz TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { if () // TODO : Check CTC flag
Now, we need to esh out the skeleton code we have. First up we need to congure our timer for CTC mode. As you might be able to guess, we want to congure our timer, thus the bits we want will be located in the timers Control registers. The table to look for is the one titled Waveform Generation Mode Bit Description, and is located in the timer control register descriptions for each timer. This table indicates all the possible timer modes, the bits required to set the timer to use those modes, and the conditions each mode reacts to. You should note that our previous examples have ignored this table altogether, allowing it to use its default value of all mode bits set to zero. Looking at the table we can see that this setup corresponds to the Normal timer mode. We want to use the CTC mode of the timer, so lets look for a combination of control bits that will give us this mode. Interestingly, it seems that two dierent combinations in Timer 1 of the ATMEGA16 will give us the same CTC behaviour we desire. Looking to the right of the table, we can see that the TOP value (that is, the maximum timer value for the mode, which corresponds to the compare value in CTC mode) uses dierent registers for each. Both modes behave in the same manner for our purposes and dier only by the register used to store the compare value, so well go with the rst. The table says that for this mode, only bit WGM12 needs to be set. It also says that the register used for the compare value is named OCR1A. Looking at the timer control registers (TCCR1A and TCCR1B) you should notice that the WGM1x bits used to congure the timers mode - are spread out over both registers. This is a small pain as you need to nd out which bits are in which register, but once found setting up the timer becomes very easy. In fact, as we only have one bit to set WGM12 our task is even easier. The ATMEGA16s datasheet says that WGM12 is located in the TCCR1B register, so we need to set that.
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode // TODO : Set compare value for a compare rate of 1 Hz TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { if () // TODO : Check CTC flag { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED // TODO : Clear CTC flag } } }
The second task for this experiment is to set the compare value - the value that will reset the timer and set the CTC ag when reached by the timer. We know from the datasheet that the register for this is OCR1A for the MEGA16 in the rst CTC timer mode, so all we need is a compare value. From our previous experiment we calculated that 1Hz at 1MHz with a prescaler of 64 needs a compare value of 15624, so lets go with that.
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64 TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { if () // TODO : Check CTC flag { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED // TODO : Clear CTC flag } } }
There, almost done already! Last thing we need is a way of checking to see if the compare has occurred, and a way to clear the ag once its been set. The place to look for the compare ags is in the timers Interrupt Flag register an odd place it seems, but the reason will become clear in the next section dealing with timer interrupts. The ATMEGA16s Timer 1 interrupt ags are located in the combined register TIFR, and the ag we are interested in is the Output Compare A Match ag, OCF1A. Note the A on the end; Timer 1 on the ATMEGA16 has two CTC channels (named channel A and channel B), which can work independently. Were only using channel A for this experiment. Checking for a CTC event involves checking the OCF1A ag in this register. Thats easy - but what about clearing it? The datasheet includes an interesting note on the subject: ...OCF1A can be cleared by writing a logic 1 to its bit location Very strange indeed! In order to clear the CTC ag, we actually need to set it - even though its already set. Due to some magic circuitry inside the AVR, writing a 1 to the ag when its set will actually cause it to clear itself. This is an interesting behaviour, and is the same across all the interrupt bits. Theres a good reason for the ags to be cleared this way, although it is a little outside the scope of this tutorial. Despite that, we can now add in our last lines of code to get a working example:
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64 TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { if ( TIFR & (1 << OCF1A ) ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED TIFR = (1 << OCF1A ) ; // clear the CTC flag ( writing a logic one to the set flag clears it ) } } }
And there we have it, a working .5Hz LED asher using the CTC timer mode!
Chapter 6
We can start o this by working with our skeleton main code, used in previous examples. Ill skip the details on the parts already discussed in previous sections.
# include < avr / io .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode // TODO : Enable CTC interrupt // TODO : Enable global interrupts OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64
TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64
Note how its a modied version of the non-interrupt driven CTC example covered in the last section. All we need to do is tell the timer to run the compare ISR we dene when it counts up to our compare value, rather then us polling the compare match ag in our main routine loop. Well start with creating the ISR rst, as thats quite simple. In AVR-GCC specically, the avr-libc Standard C Library that comes with it the header le for dealing with interrupts is called (unsurprisingly) interrupt.h and is located in the avr subdirectory. We need to include this at the top of our program underneath our include to the IO header le. The top of our code should look like this:
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { ...
This gives us access to the API for dealing with interrupts. We want to create an ISR for the Timer 1 Compare Match event. The syntax for dening an ISR body in AVRGCC is:
ISR ( VectorN am e _v ec t ) { // Code to execute on ISR fire here }
Where VectorName is the name of the ISR vector which our dened ISR handles. The place to go to nd this name is the Interrupt section of the datasheet, which lists the symbolic names for all the ISR vectors that the chosen AVR supports. When writing the vector name into GCC, replace all spaces with underscores, and append vect to the end of the vectors name. Like in chapter 4 we are still dealing with Channel A Compare of Timer 1, so we want the vector named TIMER1 COMPA. In GCC this is called TIMER1 COMPA vect, after performing the transformations outlined in the last paragraph. Once the ISR is dened, we can go ahead and write out its body, adding the LED toggling code.
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode // TODO : Enable CTC interrupt // TODO : Enable global interrupts OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64
TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } }
Notice how we dont clear the CTC event ag like in chapter 4 this is automatically cleared by the AVR hardware once the ISR res. Neat, isnt it! Running the code so far wont yield any results. This is because although we have our ISR all ready to handle the CTC event, we havent enabled it! We need to do two things; enable the TIMER1 COMPA interrupt specically, and turn on interrupt handling on our AVR. The way to turn on our specic interrupt is to look into the second interrupt-related register for our timer, TIMSK. This is the Timer Interrupt Mask register, which turns on and o ISRs to handle specic timer events. Note that on the ATMEGA16 this single register contains the enable bits for all the timer interrupts for all the available timers. Were only interested in the Timer 1 Compare A Match interrupt enable bit, which we can see listed as being called OCIE1A (Output Compare Interrupt Enable, channel A). By setting that bit we instruct the timer to execute our ISR upon compare match with our specied compare value. Lets put that line into our programs code and see how it all looks.
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE1A ) ; // Enable CTC interrupt // TODO : Enable global interrupts OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64
TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIM ER1 _ C O M P A _ v e c t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED }
Only one more thing to do enable global interrupts. The AVR microcontrollers have a single control bit which turns on and o interrupt handling functionality. This is used in pieces of code where interrupt handling is not desired, or to disable interrupts while an ISR is already being executed. The latter is done automatically for us, so all we need to do is turn on the bit at the start of our code, and our compare interrupt will start to work. The command to do this is called sei() in the avr-libc library that ships with WinAVR, and is named to correspond with the assembly instruction which does the same for AVRs (the SEI instruction). Thats irrelevant however, as we just need to call the command in our code.
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) {
= 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64
TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIM ER1 _ C O M P A _ v e c t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED }
And our example is nished! Running this will give a nice .5Hz LED asher using the timers event interrupts. The nice thing is that the timer operation is now completely handled for us in hardware once set up, we just need to react to the events weve congured. Notice that our main loop is now empty; if this is the case you may put sleep commands inside the main loop to save power between compares.
Chapter 7
So timer 0 has one Compare Output channel, while timer 1 has two (channels A and B) as weve already discovered. As always well just deal with Channel A in our example. Now we have a problem. All the previous chapters have assumed the LED is attached to PORTB, bit 0 - but well have to move it for this chapter. As stated above, the alternative pin functions cannot be moved to another pin, so we must move Moses...I mean, our LED, to the pin with the required alternative function. Timer 1 Channel As Compare Output is located on PD5, so move the LED there for the rest of this example. Now, lets psudocode:
Set up LED hardware Set up timer in CTC mode Enable timer 1 Compare Output channel A in toggle mode Set timer compare value to one second
Amazing how simple it is, isnt it! Well, we can already ll in almost all of this:
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRD |= (1 << 5) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode // TODO : Enable timer 1 Compare Output channel A in toggle mode OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64
TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } }
All we need is to congure the timer so that itll toggle our channel A output each time the timer value is equal to our compare value. The datasheet has several descriptions for the functionality of the COM1Ax and COM1Bx bits, so we need to nd the table corresponding to the mode were using the timer in. A CTC mode isnt listed explictly; instead the appropriate table is listed as Compare Output mode, Non PWM. PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation, and is a technique for producing digital output signals that can be modied with external components to produce pseudo-analog waveforms. For now, it is sucient to know that the CTC mode is not a form of PWM and thus the non-PWM bit description table is the one were looking for. To make the channel A Compare Output pin toggle on each compare, the datasheet says we need to set bit COM1A0 in TCCR1A. Thats our missing line, so lets add it in!
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRD |= (1 << 5) ; // Set LED as output TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12 ) ; // Configure timer 1 for CTC mode TCCR1A |= (1 << COM1A0 ) ; // Enable timer 1 Compare Output channel A in toggle mode OCR1A = 15624; // Set CTC compare value to 1 Hz at 1 MHz AVR clock , with a prescaler of 64
TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } }
Simple, isnt it! Weve now created the simplest (code-wise) LED asher possible using pure hardware functionality. Running this will cause the LED to ash at .5Hz, without any code other than the timer initialization!
Chapter 8
We want to determine the Target Frequency from the other two variables, so lets rearrange: Prescale 1 = Input Frequency Target Frequency
And swap the left and right hand sides to get it into a conventional form: 1 Prescale = (Target Timer Count + 1) Target Frequency Input Frequency Since we know that for the overow equation, the Target Timer Count becomes the maximum value that can be held by the timers count register, plus one (as the overow occurs after the 22
count rolls over from the maximum back to zero). The formula for the maximum value that can be held in a number of bits is: Max Value = 2Bits 1 But we want one more than that to get the number of timer counts until an overow occurs: Counts Until Overow = 2Bits Change Max Value to the more appropriate Target Timer Count in the rst timer equation: 1 Prescale = (Target Timer Count + 1) Target Frequency Input Frequency And substitute in the formula for the counts until overow to get the timer period equation. Since frequency is just the inverse of period, we can also work out the frequencies of each duration as well: 1 Target Frequency Prescale Input Frequency
Target Period =
Which is a bit complex, but such is life. Nows the fun part - we can now work out the overow frequencies and periods for our 16-bit Timer 1 running at dierent prescales of our AVRs 1MHz system clock: Target Period = 216 Prescale Input Frequency Overow Period 65.5 ms 0.524 s 4.195 s 16.78 s 67.11 s
Note how our frequency decreases (and period increases) as our prescaler increases, as it should. Because we have a reasonably slow main system clock, and a large timer count register, we end up with frequencies that are easy to see with the naked eye (with the exception of the case where no prescaler is used). Unlike the CTC method however, we are limited to the frequencies above and cannot change them short of using a smaller timer, dierent prescaler or dierent system clock speed we lose the precision control that the CTC modes give us. For this example, well use a prescaler of 8, to give a 1.8Hz ashing frequency, and a period of about half a second. Almost time to get into the code implementation. But rst, pseudocode! Im going to extrapolate on the preceding chapters and jump straight into the ISR-powered example, rather than begin with a polled example. It works in the same manner as previous polled experiments, except for the testing of the overow bit rather than the CTC bit.
Set up LED hardware Set up timer overflow ISR Start timer with a prescale of 8 WHILE forever END WHILE ISR Timer Overflow Toggle LED END ISR
Lets get started. As always, well begin with the skeleton program:
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output // TODO : Enable overflow interrupt // TODO : Enable global interrupts // TODO : Start timer at Fcpu /8 for (;;) { } } // TODO : Add overflow ISR here
Lets begin with lling in the bits we can already do. The ISR code is easy; we can use the same ISR as chapter 5, except well be changing the compare vector to the overow vector of timer 1. Looking in the ATMEGA16 datasheet, the overow interrupt for timer 1 is obvious its listed as TIMER1 OVF in the Interrupts chapter. Just like in chapter 5, we need to replace the spaces in the vector name with underscores, and add the vect sux to the end. We can also ll in the Enable global interrupts line, as that is identical to previous chapters and is just the sei() command from the <avr/interrupt.h> header le.
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output // TODO : Enable overflow interrupt sei () ; // Enable global interrupts // TODO : Start timer at Fcpu /8 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIMER1_ OV F _v ec t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED }
Next, we need to gure out how to enable the overow vector, so that our ISR is run each timer the overow occurs. The datasheets 16-bit Timer/Counter section comes to our rescue again, indicating that it is the bit named TOIE1 located in the Timer 1 Interrupt Mask register, TIMSK:
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE1 ) ; // Enable overflow interrupt sei () ; // Enable global interrupts // TODO : Start timer at Fcpu /8 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIMER1_ OV F _v ec t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED }
The last thing we need to do, is start the timer with a prescaler of 8. This should be easy for you to do if not, refer back to chapter 1. The ATMEGA16 Datasheet, Timer 1 section tells us that for a timer running with a prescaler of 8, we need to start it with the bit CS11 set in the control register TCCR1B. Adding that to our code nishes our simple program:
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE1 ) ; // Enable overflow interrupt sei () ; // Enable global interrupts TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11 ) ; // Start timer at Fcpu /8 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIMER1_ OV F _v ec t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED }
All done! This simple program will cause the LED to toggle each time the overow occurs and serves as a practical use of the overow interrupt.
Chapter 9
Overow as CTC
One neat application of the overow event is for creating a CTC timer on AVRs which dont support true hardware CTC. Its not as neat as the pure hardware CTC discussed in chapter 6, but faster than the pure software CTC discussed in chapter 1. CTC works by having a xed BOTTOM value thats the timers minimum value of zero, and a variable TOP value, the value at which resets the timer and res the event. However, with the overow event we seemingly have a xed BOTTOM of again zero, and a xed TOP of the maximum timers value. Not so; using a small trick we can adjust the BOTTOM value to give us the equivelent of a CTC implementation standing on its head. This tecnique is called timer reloading. When congured, we preload the timers count register (which is both readable and writeable) with a value above zero. This shortens the time interval before the next overow event, although only for a single overow. We can get around that by again reloading the timers value to our non-zero value inside the overow event for a hybrid software/hardware CTC. Pseudocode time!
Set up LED hardware Set up timer overflow ISR Load timer count register with a precalculated value Start timer with a prescale of 8 WHILE forever END WHILE ISR Timer Overflow Toggle LED Reload timer count register with same precalculated value END ISR
Lets examine the maths again. From chapter 1, we know that the formula for determining the number of timer clock cycles needed for a given delay is: Input Frequency )1 Prescale Target Frequency
Which works for a xed BOTTOM of zero, and a variable TOP. Weve got the upside-down implementation of a xed TOP of 0 to 2Bits 1 and a variable BOTTOM. Our BOTTOM value becomes the TOP minus the number of clock cycles needed for the equivelent CTC value, so the formula becomes: Reload Timer Value = (2Bits 1) ( Input Frequency ) Prescale Target Frequency
Lets go with the previous example in chapter 1: a .5Hz asher, using a 1MHz clock and a prescale of 64. We found the timer count to be 15625 for those conditions. Plugging it into the above Reload Timer Value formula gives: 26
So we need to preload and reload our overow timer on each overow with the value 49911 to get our desired 1Hz delay. Since weve already gone over the code for an interrupt-driven overow example in chapter 7, well build upon that.
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE1 ) ; // Enable overflow interrupt sei () ; // Enable global interrupts // TODO : Preload timer with precalculated value TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIMER1_ OV F _v ec t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED // TODO : Reload timer with precalculated value }
Both the reloading and preloading of the timer takes identical code - we just need to set the timers count register to the precalculated value. The timers current count value is avaliable in the TCNTx register, where x is the timers number. Were using the 16-bit timer 1, so the count value is located in TCNT1. Well now nish of the example, replacing the unnished segments:
# include < avr / io .h > # include < avr / interrupt .h > int main ( void ) { DDRB |= (1 << 0) ; // Set LED as output TIMSK |= (1 << TOIE1 ) ; // Enable overflow interrupt sei () ; // Enable global interrupts TCNT1 = 49911; // Preload timer with precalculated value TCCR1B |= ((1 << CS10 ) | (1 << CS11 ) ) ; // Set up timer at Fcpu /64 for (;;) { } } ISR ( TIMER1_ OV F _v ec t ) { PORTB ^= (1 << 0) ; // Toggle the LED TCNT1 = 49911; // Reload timer with precalculated value }
And done! This is less preferable to the pure hardware CTC mode, as it requires a tiny bit more work on both the programmer and the AVR to function. However, it will work just ne for AVRs lacking the complete CTC timer functionality.