Host Command Reference
Host Command Reference
Host Command Reference
Includes RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet UDP, Ethernet TCP/IP and EtherNet/IP communication
Commands........................................................................ 9
Buffered Commands..........................................................................9
Stored Programs in Q Drives............................................................................ 9 Multi-tasking in Q Drives.................................................................................. 9
Immediate Commands.......................................................................9 Using Commands...............................................................................9 Commands in Q drives......................................................................10 SCL Utility software............................................................................11 Command Summary..........................................................................12 Motion Commands.............................................................................13 Servo Commands..............................................................................14 Conguration Commands..................................................................14 I/O Commands...................................................................................16 Communications Commands.............................................................17 Q Program Commands......................................................................17 Register Commands..........................................................................18 Command Listing...............................................................................19 AC - Acceleration Rate......................................................................20 AD - Analog Deadband......................................................................21 AF - Analog Filter...............................................................................22 AG - Analog Velocity Gain..................................................................23 AI - Alarm Reset Input ......................................................................24 AL - Alarm Code................................................................................27 AM - Max Acceleration.......................................................................28 AO - Alarm Output.............................................................................29 AP - Analog Position Gain.................................................................31 AR - Alarm Reset (Immediate)...........................................................32 AS - Analog Scaling...........................................................................33 AT - Analog Threshold........................................................................34 AV - Analog Offset Value....................................................................35 AX - Alarm Reset (Buffered)..............................................................36 AZ - Analog Zero...............................................................................37 BD - Brake Disengage Delay.............................................................38 BE - Brake Engage Delay..................................................................39
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BO - Brake Output.............................................................................40 BR - Baud Rate .................................................................................42 BS - Buffer Status..............................................................................43 CA - Change Acceleration Current....................................................44 CC - Change Current.........................................................................45 CD - Idle Current Delay Time.............................................................47 CE - Communication Error.................................................................48 CF - Anti-resonance Filter Frequency................................................49 CG - Anti-resonance Filter Gain.........................................................50 CI - Change Idle Current....................................................................51 CJ - Commence Jogging...................................................................53 CM - Command Mode (AKA Control Mode)......................................54 CP - Change Peak Current................................................................56 CR - Compare Registers ...................................................................57 CS - Change Speed...........................................................................58 CT - Continue.....................................................................................59 DA - Dene Address..........................................................................60 DC - Change Distance.......................................................................61 DE - Deceleration...............................................................................62 DI - Distance/Position........................................................................63 DL - Dene Limits..............................................................................64 DR - Data Register for Capture..........................................................66 ED - Encoder Direction......................................................................67 EF - Encoder Function.......................................................................68 EG - Electronic Gearing.....................................................................70 EI - Input Noise Filter.........................................................................71 EP - Encoder Position........................................................................72 ER - Encoder Resolution...................................................................73 ES - Single-Ended Encoder Usage...................................................74 FC - Feed to Length with Speed Change..........................................75 FD - Feed to Double Sensor..............................................................77 FE - Follow Encoder..........................................................................78 FI - Filter Input...................................................................................79 FL - Feed to Length...........................................................................82 FM - Feed to Sensor with Mask Distance..........................................83 FO - Feed to Length and Set Output.................................................84 FP - Feed to Position.........................................................................85 FS - Feed to Sensor...........................................................................86 FX - Filter select inputs......................................................................87
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FY - Feed to Sensor with Safety Distance.........................................88 GC - Current Command.....................................................................89 HD - Hard Stop Fault Delay...............................................................90 HG - 4th Harmonic Filter Gain...........................................................91 HP - 4th Harmonic Filter Phase.........................................................92 HW - Hand Wheel..............................................................................93 Immediate Status Commands...........................................................94 IA - Immediate Analog.......................................................................95 IC - Immediate Current (Commanded)..............................................97 ID - Immediate Distance....................................................................98 IE - Immediate Encoder.....................................................................99 IF - Immediate Format.......................................................................100 IH - Immediate High Output...............................................................101 IL - Immediate Low Output.................................................................102 IO - Output Status..............................................................................103 IP - Immediate Position......................................................................105 IQ - Immediate Current (Actual).........................................................106 IS - Input Status.................................................................................107 IT - Immediate Temperature...............................................................110 IU - Immediate Voltage.......................................................................112 IV - Immediate Velocity......................................................................113 IX - Immediate Position Error.............................................................114 JA - Jog Acceleration.........................................................................115 JC - Velocity (Oscillator) mode second speed...................................116 JD - Jog Disable.................................................................................117 JE - Jog Enable..................................................................................118 JL - Jog Decel....................................................................................119 JM - Jog Mode...................................................................................120 JS - Jog Speed..................................................................................121 KC - Overall Servo Filter....................................................................122 KD - Differential Constant..................................................................123 KE - Differential Filter.........................................................................124 KF - Velocity Feedforward Constant...................................................125 KI - Integrator Constant......................................................................126 KJ - Jerk Filter Frequency..................................................................127 KK - Inertia Feedforward Constant....................................................128 KP - Proportional Constant................................................................129 KV - Velocity Feedback Constant.......................................................130 LA - Lead Angle Max Value................................................................131
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LS - Lead Angle Speed......................................................................133 LV - Low Voltage threshold.................................................................134 MC - Motor Current, Rated................................................................135 MD - Motor Disable............................................................................136 ME - Motor Enable.............................................................................137 MN - Model Number..........................................................................138 MO - Motion Output...........................................................................139 MR - Microstep Resolution.................................................................141 MT - Multi-Tasking..............................................................................142 MV - Model & Revision......................................................................143 NO - No Operation.............................................................................145 OF - On Fault.....................................................................................146 OI - On Input......................................................................................147 OP - Option board..............................................................................148 PA - Power-up Acceleration Current..................................................149 PB - Power-up Baud Rate .................................................................151 PC - Power-up Current.......................................................................152 PF - Position Fault..............................................................................153 PI - Power-up Idle Current.................................................................154 PL - Position Limit..............................................................................155 PM - Power-up Mode.........................................................................156 PN - Probe On Demand.....................................................................157 PP - Power-up Peak current...............................................................158 PR - Protocol.....................................................................................159 PS - Pause.........................................................................................160 PT - Pulse Type..................................................................................161 PW - Password..................................................................................162 QC - Queue Call................................................................................163 QD - Queue Delete............................................................................164 QE - Queue Execute..........................................................................165 QG - Queue Goto..............................................................................166 QJ - Queue Jump...............................................................................167 QK - Queue Kill..................................................................................168 QL - Queue Load...............................................................................169 QR - Queue Repeat...........................................................................170 QS - Queue Save...............................................................................171 QU - Queue Upload...........................................................................172 QX - Queue Load & Execute.............................................................173 RC - Register Counter.......................................................................174
5 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
RD - Register Decrement...................................................................176 RE - Restart or Reset........................................................................177 RI - Register Increment......................................................................178 RL - Register Load - immediate.........................................................179 RM - Register Move...........................................................................180 RO - Anti-Resonance ON..................................................................181 RR - Register Read...........................................................................182 RS - Request Status..........................................................................183 RU - Register Upload.........................................................................184 RV - Revision Level............................................................................185 RW - Register Write...........................................................................186 RX - Register Load - buffered............................................................187 R+ - Register Add..............................................................................188 R- - Register Subtract........................................................................189 R* - Register Multiply.........................................................................190 R/ - Register Divide............................................................................191 R& - Register AND.............................................................................192 R| - Register OR................................................................................193 SA - Save Parameters.......................................................................194 SC - Status Code...............................................................................195 SD - Set Direction..............................................................................196 SF - Step Filter Frequency.................................................................197 SH - Seek Home................................................................................198 SI - Enable Input Usage.....................................................................199 SJ - Stop Jogging .............................................................................201 SK - Stop & Kill..................................................................................202 SM - Stop Move.................................................................................203 SO - Set Output.................................................................................204 SP - Set Position................................................................................205 SS - Send String................................................................................206 ST - Stop............................................................................................207 TD - Transmit Delay...........................................................................208 TI - Test Input.....................................................................................209 TR - Test Register..............................................................................210 TS - Time Stamp................................................................................211 VC - Velocity Change.........................................................................212 VE - Velocity.......................................................................................213 VI - Velocity Integrator Constant........................................................214 VL - Voltage Limit...............................................................................215 VM - Maximum Velocity......................................................................216
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VP - Velocity Mode Proportional Constant.........................................217 WD - Wait Delay.................................................................................218 WI - Wait for Input..............................................................................219 WM - Wait on Move............................................................................220 WP - Wait Position.............................................................................221 WT - Wait Time..................................................................................222 ZC - Regen Resistor Continuous Wattage.........................................223 ZR - Regen Resistor Value................................................................224 ZT - Regen Resistor Peak Time.........................................................225
Appendices................................................................... 239
Appendix A: Non-Volatile Memory in Q drives................................240 Appendix B: Host Serial Communications......................................241 Appendix C: Host Serial Connections.............................................245 Appendix D: The PR Command........................................................249 Appendix E: Alarm and Status Codes..............................................253 Appendix F: Working with Inputs and Outputs...............................260 Appendix G: eSCL (SCL over Ethernet) Reference.........................268 Appendix H: EtherNet/IP....................................................................282 Appendix I: Troubleshooting............................................................313 Appendix J: List of Supported Drives..............................................315
7 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Getting Started
The basic procedures for integrating an Applied Motion drive into your application are the same for every drive offered. The rst step is to congure and/or tune the drive using either ST Congurator (stepper) or Quick Tuner (servo). Depending on the specic drive, the user may now use SCL Utility, Q Programmer or Si Programmer software for testing and advanced programming.
Servo Drives
This series includes all SV7, SVAC3, BLuAC5, BLuDC9, and BLuDC4 drives. For Ethernet-enabled drives, see Appendix G of this document and your drives Hardware Manual for information regarding Ethernet communications. Use Quick Tuner software to tune and congure your drive. See the Quick Tuner Software Manual for details on tuning servo drives. For SCL applications choose the SCL Operating Mode; for Q applications choose either the SCL or Q Program Operating Mode. For SCL applications, theSCL Setup Utility is a useful tool to gain familiarity with the SCL command syntax and to test commands that will be used in the nal product. For Q applications use Q Programmer both for creating stored programs and for sending commands to your drive. For Si applications use Si Programmer for creating stored programs. Note: SV7-Si and BLu-Si drives are not recommended for multi-drop communications over the RS-485 port.
Stepper Drives
This series includes all ST5/10, STM, STAC5 and STAC6 drives. For Ethernet-enabled drives, see Appendix G of this document and your drives Hardware Manual for information regarding Ethernet communications. Use ST Congurator software to dene your motor, congure the operating mode and encoder (if applicable), as well as any application-specic I/O requirements. For SCL applications choose the SCL Operating Mode; for Q applications choose either the SCL or Q Program Operating Mode. For SCL applications, theSCL Setup Utility is a useful tool to gain familiarity with the SCL command syntax and to test commands that will be used in the nal product. For Q applications use Q Programmer both for creating stored programs and for sending commands to your drive. For Si applications use Si Programmer for creating stored programs. Note: ST5/10-Si and STAC6-Si drives are not recommended for multi-drop communications over the RS485 port. STAC5-Q, STAC6-Q, STAC6-QE, and STAC6-Si drives can be used in Q applications.
There are two types of host commands available: buffered and immediate. Buffered commands are loaded into and executed out of the drives volatile command buffer, also known as the queue. Immediate commands are not buffered: when received by the drive they are executed immediately.
Buered Commands
After being loaded into the command buffer of a drive, buffered commands are executed one at a time. (See Multi-tasking in Q Drives below for an exception to this rule). If you send two buffered commands to the drive in succession, like an FL (Feed to Length) command followed by an SS (Send String) command, the SS command sits in the command buffer and waits to execute until the FL command is completed. The command buffer can be lled up with commands for sequential execution without the host controller needing to wait for a specic command to execute before sending the next command. Special buffer commands, like PS (Pause) and CT (Continue), enable the buffer to be loaded and to pause execution until the desired time.
Multi-tasking in Q Drives
Multi-tasking allows for an exception to the one at a time rule of buffered commands. The multi-tasking feature of a Q drive allows you to initiate a move command (FL, FP, CJ, FS, etc.) and proceed to execute other commands without waiting for the move command to nish.
Immediate Commands
Immediate commands are executed right away, running in parallel with a buffered command if necessary. For example, this allows you to check the remaining space in the buffer using the BS (Buffer Status) command, or the immediate status of digital inputs using the IS (Input Status) command, while the drive is processing other commands. Immediate commands are designed to access the drive at any time. Applied Motion recommends waiting for an appropriate Ack/Nack response from the drive before sending subsequent commands. This adds limited overhead but ensures that the drive has received and executed the current command, preventing many common communication errors. If the Ack/Nack functionality cannot be used in the application for any reason, the user should allow a 10ms delay between commands to allow the drive sufcient time to receive and act on the last command sent. This approach allows a host controller to get information from the drive at a high rate, most often for checking drive status or motor position.
Using Commands
The basic structure of a command packet from the host to the drive is always a text string followed by a carriage return (no line feed required). The text string is always composed of the command itself, followed by any parameters used by the command. The carriage return denotes the end of transmission to the drive. Here is the basic syntax.
In the syntax above, Y symbolizes the drives RS-485 address, and is only required when using RS-485 networking. XX symbolizes the command itself, which is always composed of two capital letters. A symbolizes the rst of two possible parameters, and B symbolizes the second. Parameters 1 and 2 vary in length, can be letters or numbers, and are often optional. The <cr> symbolizes the carriage return which terminates the command string. How the carriage return is generated in your application will depend on your host software. Once a drive receives the <cr> it will determine whether or not it understood the preceding characters as a valid command. If it did understand the command the drive will either execute or buffer the command. If Ack/Nack 9 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference is turned on (see PR command), the drive will also send an Acknowledge character (Ack) back to the host. The Ack for an executed command is % (percent sign), and for a buffered command is * (asterisk). It is always recommended that the user program wait for an ACK/NACK character before subsequent commands are sent. If the ACK/NACK functionality cannot be used in the application, a 10ms delay is recommended between non-motion commands. If the drive did not understand the command it will do nothing. If Ack/Nack is turned on a Nack will be sent, which is signied by a ? (question mark). The Nack is usually accompanied by a numerical code that indicates a particular error. To see a list of these errors see the PR command details in the Appendix. Responses from the drive will be sent with a similar syntax to the associated SCL command.
In the syntax above, Y symbolizes the drives RS-485 address, and is only present when using RS-485 networking. XX symbolizes the command itself, which is always composed of two capital letters. A symbolizes the requested data, and may be presented in either Decimal or Hexadecimal format (see the IF command). The <cr> symbolizes the carriage return which terminates the response string.
Commands in Q drives
Q drives have additional functionality because commands can also be composed into a stored program that the Q drive can run stand-alone. The syntax for commands stored in a Q program is the same as if the commands were being sent directly from the host, or XXAB. Q Programmer software is used to create stored Q programs and can be downloaded for free from The diagram below shows how commands sent from the hosts serial port interact with the volatile command buffer (AKA the Queue), and the drives non-volatile program memory storage. Loading and Uploading the Queue contents via the serial port are done with the QL and QU commands, respectively. Similarly, the Queues contents can be Loaded from NV memory using the QL and QX commands, and can be saved to NV memory with the QS command. Finally, commands currently in the Queue can be executed with the QE or QX command.
Host Command Reference The Q Programmer software automates many of the functions shown in the diagram above.
If your motor didnt move after sending the FL20000 check the LEDs on your drive to see if there is an error present. If so send the AR command (AR<ENTER>) to clear the alarm. If after clearing the alarm you see a solid green LED it means the drive is disabled. Enable the drive by sending the ME command (ME<ENTER>) and verify that the you see a steady, ashing green LED. Then try the above sequence again. Here is another sample sequence you can try. JA10<ENTER> JL10<ENTER> JS1<ENTER> CJ<ENTER> CS-1<ENTER> SJ<ENTER> Set jog accel rate to 10 rev/sec/sec Set jog decel rate to 10 rev/sec/sec Set jog speed to 1 rev/sec Commence jogging Change jog speed to 1 rev/sec in CCW direction Stop jogging
In the above sequence notice that the motor ramps to the new speed set by CS. This ramp is affected by the JA and JL commands. Try the same sequence above with different JA, JL, JS, and CS values to see how the motion of the motor shaft is affected.
Command Summary
This section contains a set of tables that list all of the Host Commands available with your drive. In each table there are a number of columns that give information about each command. Command shows the commands two-letter Command Code. Description shows the name of each command. NV designates which commands are Non-volatile: that is, which commands are saved in non-volatile memory when the SA (Save) command is sent to the drive. Note that certain commands (PA, PB, PC, PI, and PM) save their parameter data to non-volatile memory immediately upon execution, and need not be followed by an SA command. Write only or Read only is checked when a command is not both Read/Write compatible. Immediate designates an immediate command (all other commands are buffered). Compatibility shows which drives use each of the commands.
The different categories for these tables - Motion, Servo, Conguration, I/O, Communications, Q Program, Register - are set up to aid you in nding particular commands quickly. Motion commands have to do with the actual shaft rotation of the step or servo motor. Servo commands cover servo tuning parameters, enabling / disabling the motor, and lter setup. Conguration commands pertain to setting up the drive and motor for your application, including tuning parameters for your servo drive, step resolution and anti-resonance parameters for your step motor drive, etc. I/O commands are used to control and congure the inputs and outputs of the drive. Communications commands have to do with the conguration of the drives serial ports. Q Program commands deal with programming functions when creating stored programs for your Q drive. Register commands deal with data registers. Many of these commands are only compatible with Q drives.
Motion Commands
Command AC AM CJ DC DE DI ED EF EG EI EP FC FD FE FL FM FO FP FS FY HW JA JC JD JE JL JM JS MD ME MR PA SD SH SJ SM SP Description Accel Rate Accel Max Commence Jogging Distance for FC, FM, FO, FY Decel Rate Distance or Position Encoder Direction Encoder Function Electronic Gearing Input Noise Filter Encoder Position Feed to Length with Speed Change Feed to Double Sensor Follow Encoder Feed to Length Feed to Sensor with Mask Dist Feed to Length & Set Output Feed to Position Feed to Sensor Feed to Sensor with Safety Dist Hand Wheel Jog Accel/Decel rate Velocity mode second speed Jog Disable Jog Enable Jog Decel rate Jog Mode Jog Speed Motor Disable Motor Enable Microstep Resolution Power-up Accel Current Set Direction Seek Home Stop Jogging Stop the Move Set Absolute Position NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives Servos and steppers with encoder feedback Servos and steppers with encoder feedback All drives All drives Servos and steppers with encoder feedback All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives Al drives (see JM command) All drives All drives All drives Stepper drives only STM stepper drives only STM stepper drives with Flex I/O only All drives All drives Q drives only All drives
Servo Commands
Command CP EP GC IC IE IQ IX KC KD KE KF KI KJ KK KP KV PF PL PP VI VP Description Change Peak Current Encoder Position Current Command Immediate Current Command Immediate Encoder Position Immediate Actual Current Immediate Position Error Overall Servo Filter Differential Constant Differential Filter Velocity Feedforward Constant Integrator Constant Jerk Filter Frequency Inertia Feedforward Constant Proportional Constant Velocity Feedback Constant Position Fault Position Limit Power-Up Peak Current Velocity Integrator Constant Velocity Mode Proportional Constant NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only SV7 Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives, drives with encoder feedback Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only Servo drives only
Conguration Commands
Command AL AR BD BE BS CA CC CD Description Alarm Code Alarm Reset Brake Disengage Delay time Brake Engage Delay time Buffer Status Change Acceleration Current Change Current Idle Current Delay NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives STM stepper drives only All drives Stepper drives only
I/O Commands
Command AD AF AG AI AO AP AS AT AV AZ BD BE BO DL EI FI FX IH IL IO IS MO Description Analog Deadband Analog Filter Analog Velocity Gain Alarm Input usage Alarm Output usage Analog Position Gain Analog Scaling Analog Threshold Analog Offset Analog Zero (Auto Zero) Brake Disengage Delay time Brake Engage Delay time Brake Output usage Dene Limits Input Noise Filter Filter Input Filter Selected Inputs Immediate High Output Immediate Low Output Output Status Input Status request Motion Output NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only All stepper drives and SV servo drives All drives All stepper drives and SV servo drives All drives All drives All drives All stepper drives and SV servo drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives (Note: not NV on Blu servos) Blu, STAC5, STAC6, SVAC3 All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives
Communications Commands
Command BR BS CE IF PB PR TD Description Baud Rate Buffer Status Communications Error Immediate Format Power up Baud Rate Protocol Transmit Delay NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives All drives
Q Program Commands
Command AX MT NO OF OI PS QC QD QE QG QJ QK QL QR QS QU QX SM SS TI WD WI WM WP WT Description Alarm Reset Multi-Tasking No Operation On Fault On Input Pause Queue Call Queue Delete Queue Execute Queue Goto Queue Jump Queue Kill Queue Load Queue Repeat Queue Save Queue Upload Queue Load & Execute Stop Move Send String Test Input Wait Delay using Data Register Wait for Input Wait for Move to complete Wait for Position in complex move Wait Time NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only All drives Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only All drives Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only All drives Q drives only Q drives only All drives Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only
Register Commands
Command CR DR RC RD RI RL RM RR RU RW RX R+ RR* R/ R& R| TR TS Description Compare Register Data Register for Capture Register Counter Register Decrement Register Increment Register Load Register Move Register Read Register Upload Register Write Register Load Register Addition Register Subtraction Register Multiplication Register Division Register Logical AND Register Logical OR Test Register Time Stamp read Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only NV write only read Immediate Compatibility only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only
Command Listing
This section is an alphabetical listing of all the commands available with your drive. Each page in this section contains the details of one available command. Below is a sample of what these pages look like, with an explanation of the information you will nd on each page.
Title - shows the commands two-letter code followed by the commands name.
Host Command Reference
DI - Distance/Position
Compatibility: All drives Affects: All move commands See also: AC, DC, DE and VE commands Sets or requests the move distance in encoder counts (servo) or steps (stepper). The sign of DI indicates move direction: no sign means CW and - means CCW. DI sets both the distance for relative moves, like FL, and the position for absolute moves, like FP. DI also sets the direction of rotation for jogging (CJ).
Compatibility - shows which drives use this command. Affects - a summary of parameters or other commands the command affects. See Also - related commands Description- an explanation of what the command does and how it works. Command Details - shows the commands Structure, Type, Usage, Non-Volatile status, and Register Access. Structure always shows the two-letter command code followed by the number of parameters it uses. Not all commands have parameters, some commands have optional parameters, and other commands always have a parameter. Optional parameters are designated by { }, and required parameters are designated by ( ). Type can be BUFFERED or IMMEDIATE. Usage can be Read Only, Read/Write, or Write Only. Non-Volatile will show if the command can be saved (YES) or not (NO). Saving Non-Volatile commands to memory requires the SA (Save) command. Register Access shows any data registers associated with the command. If the command transfers data to a register that is accessible via the RL and RX commands, that register will be shown here. Parameter Details - shows a description, the units, and the range of the parameter(s) available with a given command. Some commands will also have a Response Details section which shows how the drives response to the given command is formatted. Examples - shows what to expect when you use this command. Under Command are the command strings you would send from a host controller or write into a stored program. Under Drive Sends are the responses from the drive: no response from the drive is denoted by -. Notes give additional information about the results of the command string. 19 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access DI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES D (020)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range distance encoder counts (servo) or steps (stepper) -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 sign determines direction: - for CCW, no sign for CW
Command Drive sends Notes DI20000 - Set distance to 20000 counts in the CW direction DI DI=20000 DI-8000 - FL - Set distance to 8000 counts in the CCW direction Initiate FL move
AC - Acceleration Rate
Compatibility: All drives Affects: FC, FD, FE, FL, FM, FS, FP, FY, SH commands See also: AM, DE, DI, DC, VE commands Sets or requests the acceleration rate used in point-to-point move commands in rev/sec/sec.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES A (017) Note: Units of AC command and A register are different. See Data Registers section for details of A register.
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Acceleration rate rev/sec/sec (rps/s) 0.167 to 5461.167 (resolution is 0.167 rps/s)
Command Drive sends AC100 - AC AC=100 AC25 DE25 VE1.5 FL20000 - - - - Notes Set Acceleration to 100 rev/sec/sec Set acceleration rate to 25 rev/sec/sec Set deceleration rate to 25 rev/sec/sec Set velocity to 1.5 rev/sec Execute Feed to Length move of 20000 steps
AD - Analog Deadband
Compatibility: All stepper drives and SV servo drives Affects: Analog input See also: CM command Sets or requests the analog deadband value in millivolts. The deadband value is the zone around the zeroed value of the analog input. This deadband denes the area of the analog input range that the drive should interpret as zero. This zero point can be used as the zero velocity point in analog velocity mode, or as the zero position point in analog position mode (see CM command). The deadband is an absolute value that in usage is applied to either side of the zero point. Note that in Analog Positioning mode (CM22), the AD setting is used as a hysteresis value rather than a standard deadband setting. As such, it will work over the entire analog range, not just at zero volts.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AD{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES Setting the AD command will affect the contents of the a (Analog Command) register
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog deadband value millivolts 0 - 255
Command Drive sends AD100 - AD AD=100 Notes Set analog deadband to 0.1 volts
AF - Analog Filter
Compatibility: All drives Affects: All commands using the analog inputs See also: IA, CM commands Applies a digital lter to the analog input(s). This is a simple single pole lter that rolls off the analog input. The lter value of the AF command is related to the desired value of the analog lter in Hz by the following equation: Filter value = 72090 / [ (1400 / x ) + 2.2 ] where x = desired value of the analog lter in Hz
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AF{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES Setting the AF command will affect the responsiveness of the a, j, and k registers to changes in analog voltage
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter value integer (see formula above) 0 - 32767* (0 disables the lter)
* An AF value of 28271 equates to 4000.425 Hz. Setting the AF command to anything higher than 28271 has a negligible effect on the analog lter. In other words, the maximum value of the lter is approximately 4000 Hz.
Command Drive sends AF5000 - AF AF=5000 Notes Make the analog input bandwidth 114.585 Hz
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AG{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog velocity gain value 0.25 rpm -32767 to 32767
Command Drive sends AG3000 - AG AG=3000 Notes Set top speed of analog velocity mode to 12.5 rps
Input is open, normal operation Alarm occurs Input closed, alarm is reset
Input is closed Alarm occurs Input opened, no reset occurs Input closed, alarm is reset
(high) (low) (high) (low)
time AI2: For normal operation the A B C D A B C D E X4 input must be closed (active, low). Alarm reset A Input is closed, normal operation A Input is open occurs when the input is B Alarm occurs B Alarm occurs opened (inactive, high). C Input opened, alarm is reset C Input closed, no reset occurs D Input opened, alarm is reset This is an edge-triggered event. If the switch is open when an alarm is activated no reset will occur. The input must be closed and then opened to reset the alarm.
AI3: Input is not used for Alarm Reset and can be used as a general purpose input. ST-S, STM17, STM23 Denes the EN input as an Alarm Reset Input. If you want to use the EN input as an Alarm Reset input you can dene it as such in two ways, with the ST Congurator software, or with the AI command. AI takes no effect if the drive is set in Command Mode (CM) 13, 14, 17 or 18, because these modes use the EN input as a speed change input and take precedence over the AI command. Also, setting the SI command after setting the AI command reassigns the EN input to drive enable usage and turns off any alarm reset usage (AI3). In other words, the AI and SI commands, as well as Command Modes (CM) 13, 14, 17 and 18 each assign a usage to the EN input. Each of these must exclusively use the EN input. There are three Alarm Reset Input states that can be dened with the AI command: AI1: For normal operation the EN input must be open (inactive, high). Alarm reset occurs when the EN input is closed (active, low). This is an edge-triggered event. If the switch is closed when an alarm is activated no reset will occur. The input must be opened and then closed to reset the alarm. After the alarm is cleared, the drive will be enabled when the input is opened again. 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 24
Host Command Reference AI2 : For normal operation the EN input must be closed (active, low). Alarm reset occurs when the input is opened (inactive, high). This is an edge-triggered event. If the switch is open when an alarm is activated no reset will occur. The input must be closed and then opened to reset the alarm. After the alarm is cleared, the drive will be enabled when the input is closed again. AI3: The EN Input is not used for Alarm Reset and may be used as a general purpose input. AI will be automatically set to 3 if CM is set to 13, 14, 17, or 18 or if SI is set to either 1 or 2 after the AI command is set.
(high) (low) (high) (low)
(high) (low)
Input is open, normal operation Alarm occurs Input closed, alarm is reset Input opened, drive is re-enabled
Input is closed Alarm occurs Input opened, no reset occurs Input closed, alarm is reset Input opened, drive is re-enabled
(high) (low)
Input is closed, normal operation Alarm occurs Input opened, alarm is reset Input closed, drive is re-enabled
Input is open Alarm occurs Input closed, no reset occurs Input opened, alarm is reset Input closed, drive is re-enabled
STM24 Drives with Flex I/O allow a second parameter which allows the user to specify the I/O point used as the Alarm Reset input. Before an I/O point can be used as an Alarm Reset input it must rst be congured as an input with the SD command. See the STM24 Hardware Manual for details of which inputs may be used as the Alarm Reset input. Possible uses for the AI command on the STM24 are as follows (n denotes the I/O point to be used): AI1n: For normal operation the designated input n must be open (inactive, high). Alarm reset occurs when the input is closed (active, low). This is an edge-triggered event. If the switch is closed when an alarm is activated no reset will occur. The input must be opened (inactive, high) and then closed to reset the alarm. The drive will be enabled when the input is returned to the opened state (inactive, high), unless the SI command has been used to congure hardware enable functionality.
(high) (low) (high) (low)
Input is open, normal operation Alarm occurs Input closed, alarm is reset Input opened, drive is re-enabled
Input is closed Alarm occurs Input opened, no reset occurs Input closed, alarm is reset Input opened, drive is re-enabled
(high) (low) (high) (low)
Input is closed, normal operation Alarm occurs Input opened, alarm is reset Input closed, drive is re-enabled
Input is open Alarm occurs Input closed, no reset occurs Input opened, alarm is reset Input closed, drive is re-enabled
AI2n: For normal operation the designated input n input must be closed (active, low). Alarm reset occurs when the designated input is opened (de-energized). This is an edge-triggered event. If the switch is open when an alarm is activated no reset will occur. The input must be closed (energized) and then opened to reset the alarm. The drive will be enabled when the input is returned to the closed state 25 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference (active, low), unless the SI command has been used to congure hardware enable functionality. AI3n: The designated input n is not used for Alarm Reset and may be used as a general purpose input. NOTE: A rule of thumb when using the Alarm Reset function is to toggle the designated input twice whenever an alarm occurs. That is, if the input is normally open (inactive, high), it should be closed and then opened again. If the input is normally closed (active, low), it should be opened and then closed again.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AI{Parameter #1}{Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only)} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only) - units - range Input Usage integer code 1, 2, or 3 I/O Point (if applicable, see note below) Integer Code 2 or 4 (See STM24 Hardware Manual for details)
NOTES: For drives equipped with Flex I/O, the SD command must be executed to set an I/O point as an input before it can be used as the Alarm Reset Input. Parameter #2 only applies to drives equipped with Flex I/O. Parameter #2 is not defined for drives equipped with standard I/O.
All drives with standard I/O: Command Drive sends AI1 - AI AI=1 Drives with Flex I/O: Command Drive sends SD4I - AI14 - AI AI=14 Notes Enables input to reset alarm when closed (active, low)
Notes Congures I/O 4 as input (see SD command for details) Assigns input 4 to reset the alarm when closed (active, low)
NOTE: When working with digital inputs and outputs it is important to remember the designations low and high. If current is flowing into or out of an input or output, i.e. the circuit is energized, the logic state for that input/ output is dened as low or closed. If no current is flowing, i.e. the circuit is de-energized, or the input/output is not connected, the logic state is high or open. A low state is represented by the L character in parameters of commands that affect inputs/outputs. For example, WI3L means wait for input 3 low, and SO1L means set output 1 low. A high state is represented by the H character.
AL - Alarm Code
Compatibility: All drives See also: AI, AR, AX commands, Appendix Reads back an equivalent hexadecimal value of the Alarm Codes 16-bit binary word.
Command Details:
Structure Command Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AL IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO f (054) Note: response to AL command is a different format than the response to the RLf command. See Appendix F for details. Hexadecimal value of 16-bit binary word (see below)
Response Details:
Hex Value 0001 0002 0004 0008 0010 0020 0040 0080 0100 0200 0400 0800 1000 2000 4000 8000 No Move Wizard Failed Current Foldback Motor Resistance Out of Range Blank Q Segment (not used) Bad Hall Sensor Bad Encoder Comm Error Bad Flash No Move (not used) (not used) Under Voltage* Under Voltage Excess Regen* Internal Voltage BLu SV STAC6 Position Limit CCW Limit CW Limit Over Temp Excess Regen Over Voltage Under Voltage Over Current Open Motor Winding (not used) Under Voltage Under Voltage Internal Voltage Internal Voltage ST STM
* BLuAC drives only NOTE: Items in bold italic represent Drive Faults, which automatically disable the motor. Use the OF command in a Q Program to branch on a Drive Fault. NOTE: See Appendix for more detailed information on Alarm Codes.
Command AL AL AL Drive sends AL=0000 AL=0001 AL=0201 Notes No alarms Position limit alarm Position limit and bad encoder signal alarms 27 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
AM - Max Acceleration
Compatibility: All drives Affects: ST, SK , SM, QK commands; analog velocity and oscillator modes See also: VM command Sets or requests the maximum acceleration/deceleration allowed when using analog velocity and oscillator modes. Also sets the deceleration rate used when an end-of-travel limit is activated during a move or when an ST (Stop) or SK (Stop & Kill) command is sent.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AM{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Maximum acceleration/deceleration rev/sec/sec (rps/s) 0.167 - 5461.167 (resolution is 0.167 rps/s)
Command Drive sends AM2000 - AM AM=2000 Notes Set maximum acceleration/deceleration values to 2000 rev/sec/sec.
AO - Alarm Output
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Alarm Output usage See also: AI, BO, MO, SD, SI commands BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, SVAC3-Q/S/IP, STAC5-Q/S/IP Denes usage of digital output Y3. Normally this output is used to indicate an Alarm caused by a Drive Fault. This output can being recongured as a general purpose output for use with other types of output commands. There are three states that can be dened: AO1: Output is closed (active, low) when a Drive Fault is present. AO2: Output is open (inactive, high) when an Drive Fault is present. AO3: Output is not used as an Alarm Output and can be used as a general purpose output. ST-S, STM17, STM23, STM24-C Denes the drives digital output as an Alarm Output. The output of a drive can be assigned to one of ve functions: Alarm Output, Brake Output, Motion Output, Tach Output or General Purpose Output. Each of these functions must exclusively use the output, so only one function is allowed. There are two ways to dene the function of this output: via the ST Congurator or via SCL commands. To set the output as an Alarm Output, use the AO command and one of the codes below. There are three Alarm Output states that can be dened with the AO command: AO1: Output is closed (active, low) when a Drive Fault is present. AO2: Output is open (inactive, high) when a Drive Fault is present. AO3: Output is not used as an Alarm Output and can be used for another automatic output function or as a general purpose output. STM24-SF/QF Drives with Flex I/O allow a second parameter which allows the user to specify the I/O point used. Before an I/O point can be used as an Alarm Output it must rst be congured as an output with the SD command. Possible uses for the AO command on the STM24 are as follows (n denotes the I/O point to be used): AO1n: Designated output n is closed (active, low) when a Drive Fault is present. AO2n: Designated output n is open (inactive, high) when a Drive Fault is present. AO3n: Designated output n is not used as an Alarm Output and can be used for another automatic output function or as a general purpose output. NOTE: Setting the AO command to 1 or 2 overrides previous assignments of this outputs function. Similarly, if you use the BO or MO command to set the function of the output after setting the AO command to 1 or 2, usage of the output will be reassigned and AO will be automatically set to 3.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AO{Parameter #1}{Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only)} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only) - units - range Output Usage (see above) integer code 1, 2 or 3 I/O Point (if applicable, see note below) integer code 1-4
NOTES: For drives with Flex I/O, the SD command must be executed to set an I/O point as an input or output before that output can be designated as the Alarm Output. Parameter #2 only applies to drives equipped with Flex I/O. This includes the STM24SF and STM24QF. Parameter #2 is not defined for drives equipped with standard I/O.
All drives with standard I/O: Command Drive sends AO1 - AO AO=1 Drives with Flex I/O only: Command Drive sends SD4O - AO14 - AO AO=14 Notes Alarm Output will close when a Drive Fault occurs
Notes Congures I/O 4 as output (see SD command for details) Alarm Output is mapped to output #4, and will close when a Drive Fault occurs.
NOTE: When working with digital inputs and outputs it is important to remember the designations low and high. If current is flowing into or out of an input or output, i.e. the circuit is energized, the logic state for that input/ output is dened as low or closed. If no current is flowing, i.e. the circuit is de-energized, or the input/output is not connected, the logic state is high or open. A low state is represented by the L character in parameters of commands that affect inputs/outputs. For example, WI3L means wait for input 3 low, and SO1L means set output 1 low. A high state is represented by the H character.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES X (040)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog position gain value encoder counts 0 - 32767
Command Drive sends AP8000 - AP AP=8000 Notes Position range over full scale of analog input is 8000 steps
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AR IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Command AR Drive sends - Notes Reset Drive Fault and clear Alarm Code (if possible)
AS - Analog Scaling
Compatibility: All stepper drives and SV servo drives Affects: Analog input See also: CM command Sets or requests the analog input scaling setting. This is a code that determines what type of analog input scaling is desired. The codes for selecting the various settings are in the Details table below.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AS{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Code integer number 0 = single-ended +/- 10 volts 1 = single-ended 0 - 10 volts 2 = single-ended +/- 5 volts 3 = single-ended 0 - 5 volts 4 = differential +/- 10 volts 5 = differential 0 - 10 volts 6 = differential +/- 5 volts 7 = differential 0 - 5 volts
Command Drive sends AS2 - AS AS=2 Notes Analog input scaling set to single-ended +/- 5 volts
AT - Analog Threshold
Compatibility: All drives Affects: All Feed to Sensor type commands See also: AF, AZ, FS, FY, FD commands Sets or requests the Analog Input Threshold that is used by the Feed to Sensor command. The threshold value sets the Analog voltage that determines a sensor state or a trigger value.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AT{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES Y (041)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog threshold value volts BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, STAC5, SVAC3: -10.000 to 10.000 ST-S, STM: 0.000 to 5.000
Command Drive sends AT4.5 - AT AT=4.5 Notes Analog input threshold set to 4.5 volts
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AV{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES Z (042) Note: Units of AV command are different than units of Z register; see Data Registers section for more details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog offset value Volts BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, STAC5, SVAC3: -10.000 to 10.000 ST-S, STM: -5.000 to 5.000
Command Drive sends AV0.25 - AV AV=0.25 Notes Set analog offset to 0.25 Volts
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AX BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command Drive sends Notes When a drive fault occurs load and execute program segment 9 In segment 1 of a Q program... OF9 -
In segment 9 of the same Q program... WT0.1 - Short delay to allow the system to settle AX - Alarm reset ME - Motor enable QX1 - Load and execute segment 1, which will also reset the OF function.
AZ - Analog Zero
Compatibility: All drives Affects: All Analog input functions See also: AF, AP, AV, CM & Feed commands Activates the analog auto offset algorithm. It is useful in dening the current voltage present at the analog input as the zero reference point, or offset.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access AZ BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command AZ Drive sends - Notes Start analog offset algorithm
Example: Apply 1 VDC across the AIN and GND terminals of the drive. Then send the AZ command to the drive. Next apply 4 VDC across the AIN and GND terminals. Send the IA command and the response will be very close to IA=3.00 (or 4 - 1 VDC).
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access BD{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Delay time seconds 0 - 32.767
Command Drive sends BD0.2 - BD BD=0.2 Notes Sets brake disengage delay to 200 ms
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access BE{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Delay time seconds 0 - 32.767
Command Drive sends BE0.25 - BE BE=0.25 Notes Sets brake engage delay to 250 ms
BO - Brake Output
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Function of digital output See also: AI, AO, BD, ME, MD, MO, SD, SI commands NOTE: The digital output circuits available on Applied Motion drives are not sized for directly driving a typical holding brake. An external relay must be wired in circuit between the digital output of the drive and the holding brake. See the appropriate drive hardware manual for an example wiring diagram. BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si Denes usage of digital output Y1 as the Brake Output, which can be used to automatically activate and deactivate a holding brake. Output Y1 can also be congured as a general purpose output for use with other types of output commands. There are three states that can be dened: BO1: Output is closed (energized) when drive is enabled, and open when the drive is disabled. BO2: Output is open (de-energized) when drive is enabled, and closed when the drive is disabled. BO3: Output is not used as a Brake Output and can be used as a general purpose output. ST-S, STM17, STM23, STM24-C Denes the drives digital output as a Brake Output. The output of a drive can be assigned to one of ve functions: Alarm Output, Brake Output, Motion Output, Tach Output, or General Purpose Output. Each of these functions must exclusively use the output, so only one function is allowed. There are two ways to dene the function of this output: via ST Congurator or via SCL commands. To set the output as a Brake Output, use the BO command and one of the codes below. BO1: Output is closed (active, low) when the drive is enabled, and open when the drives is disabled. BO2: Output is open (inactive, high) when the drive is enabled, and closed when the drive is disabled. BO3: Output is not used as a Brake Output and can be used for another automatic output function or as a general purpose output. STM24-SF/QF Drives with Flex I/O allow a second parameter which allows the user to specify the I/O point used. Before an I/O point can be used as a Brake Output it must rst be congured as an output with the SD command. Possible uses for the BO command on the STM24 are as follows (n denotes the I/O point to be used): BO1n: Designated output n is closed (active, low) when the drive is enabled and open when the drive is disabled. BO2n: Designated output n is open (inactive, high) when the drive is enabled and closed when the drive is disabled. BO3n: Designated output n is not used as a Brake Output and can be used for another automatic output function or as a general purpose output. STAC5-S, SVAC3-S Denes usage of digital output Y2 as the Brake Output, which can be used to automatically activate and deactivate a holding brake. Output Y2 can also be congured as a Motion Output, a Tach Output, or a General Purpose output for use with other types of output commands. There are three states that can be dened: BO1: Output is closed (energized) when drive is enabled, and open when the drive is disabled. BO2: Output is open (de-energized) when drive is enabled, and closed when the drive is disabled. BO3: Output is not used as a Brake Output and can be used as a general purpose output.
Host Command Reference STAC5-Q/IP, SVAC3-Q/IP Denes usage of digital output Y2 as the Brake Output, which can be used to automatically activate and deactivate a holding brake. Output Y2 can also be congured as a Tach Output, or a General Purpose output for use with other types of output commands. There are three states that can be dened: BO1: Output is closed (energized) when drive is enabled, and open when the drive is disabled. BO2: Output is open (de-energized) when drive is enabled, and closed when the drive is disabled. BO3: Output is not used as a Brake Output and can be used as a general purpose output. NOTE: Setting the BO command to 1 or 2 overrides previous assignments of this outputs function. Similarly, if you use the AO or MO command to set the function of the output after setting the BO command to 1 or 2, usage of the output will be reassigned and BO will be automatically set to 3.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access BO{Parameter #1}{Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only) - units - range Output Usage (see above) integer code 1, 2 or 3 I/O Point (if applicable, see note below) integer code 1-4
NOTES: For drives with Flex I/O, the SD command must be executed to set an I/O point as an output before that output can be assigned as the Brake Output. Parameter #2 only applies to drives equipped with Flex I/O. This includes the STM24SF and STM24QF. Parameter #2 is not defined for drives equipped with standard I/O.
All drives with standard I/O: Command Drive sends BO1 - BO BO=1 Notes Brake Output will be closed when drive is enabled
Drives with Flex I/O only: Command Drive sends Notes SD4O - Congures I/O 4 as output (see SD command for details) BO14 - Brake Output is mapped to I/O point 4 and will be Closed when drive is enabled BO BO=14
BR - Baud Rate
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Serial communications See also: TD, PB, PM, PR commands Sets or requests the bit rate (baud) for serial communications. At power up a drive will send its power-up packet at 9600 baud. If a response from a host system (such as a software application from Applied Motion) is not detected after 1 second and the drive is congured for SCL or Q operation (see PM command) the drive will set the baud rate according to the value stored in the Baud Rate NV parameter. A Host system can set the baud rate at anytime using this command. See Appendix B, Host Serial Communications for details. NOTE 1: Setting the value takes effect immediately. NOTE 2: Due to processor speed limitations, -Si drives can accept only parameter values 1, 2 or 3. -S and -Q drives will accept parameter values of 1-5.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access BR{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Baud rate (see above) integer code 1 = 9600 bps 2 = 19200 3 = 38400 4 = 57600 (-S and -Q drives only) 5 = 115200 (-S and -Q drives only)
Command Drive sends BR2 - BR BR=2 Notes Baud rate is immediately set to 19200
BS - Buer Status
Compatibility: All drives See also: CT, PS commands Requests from the drive the number of available command locations in the command buffer. This technique simplies sending commands by eliminating the need to calculate if there is enough space in the buffer for a command. If the drive responds with at least a 1, a command can be sent. If a drive responds to the BS command with the value 63 it means the buffer is empty. If a 0 is returned the buffer is full and no more buffered commands can be accepted (a buffer overow will occur if another command is sent).
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units BS IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None Empty command spaces in buffer
Command BS Drive sends BS=20 Notes There is room in the buffer for 20 more commands
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CA{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES M (029) Note: The CA command uses different units than the M register; see Data Registers section for details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Accel/Decel Current amps (resolution is 0.01 amps) STM23: 0 - 5.0 STM17: 0 - 2.0
STM17, STM23 Command Drive Sends Notes CA1.75 - Set accel/decel current to 1.75 amps (peak of sine) CA CA=1.75
CC - Change Current
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Motor current and torque See also: CA, CI, CP, PC commands BLu, SV Sets or requests the continuous (RMS) current setting of the servo drive. STAC6 Sets or requests the current setting (peak of sine) of the stepper drive, also known as the running current. The range of the CC command may be limited from the ranges shown in the Parameters table below based on the settings dened in the STAC6 Congurator software. Use STAC6 Congurator to select a motor and set the maximum current setting. Note that setting CC automatically sets CI to the same value if the new CC value is less than the starting CI value. ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM Sets or requests the current setting (peak of sine) of the stepper drive, also known as the running current. The range of the CC command may be limited from the ranges shown in the Parameters table below based on the settings dened in the ST Congurator software. Use ST Congurator to select a motor and set the maximum current setting. Note that setting CC automatically sets CI to 50% of CC. If a CI value different than 50% of CC is needed be sure to always set CI after setting CC.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES N (030) Note: The CC command uses different units than the N register; see Data Registers section for details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Continuous current setting amps rms (resolution is 0.01 amps) BLuDC4: 0 - 4.5 BLuDC9: 0 - 9.0 BLuAC5: 0 - 5.0 SV: 0 - 7.0 SVAC3 (120V): 0 - 3.5 SVAC3 (220V): 0 - 1.8
Host Command Reference *Current setting in stepper drives depends on the selected motor. Use Congurator software to select a motor and set the maximum current setting.
BLu, SV, SVAC3 Command Drive sends CC4.50 - CC CC=4.5 Notes Set continuous current to 4.5 amps rms
STAC6 Command Drive sends Notes CC4.50 - Set running current to 4.5 amps CI2 - Set idle current to 2.0 amps CC1.8 - Set idle current to 1.8 amps CC CC=1.8 CI CI=1.8 CI automatically set to 1.8 amps along with CC1.8 command ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM, STAC5 Command Drive sends CC3 - CI CI=1.5 CI1 - Notes Set running current to 3.0 amps CI automatically set to 1.5 amps along with CC3 command Set idle current to 1.0 amps
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CD{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Delay time seconds 0.00 to 10.00
Command Drive sends CD0.4 - CD CD=0.4 Notes Idle current delay time set to 0.4 seconds
CE - Communication Error
Compatibility: All drives See also: AL command Requests the hexadecimal equivalent of the communication errors 8-bit binary word. The presence of a comm error will also be shown in the Alarm Code (AL command) as well as the status LEDs at the front of the drive (Appendix F). Bit assignments for the 8-bit word are shown in the Response Details table below.
Command Details:
Command Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None
Response Details:
Response - units - range Communication error code hexadecimal code bit 0 = parity ag error bit 1 = framing error bit 2 = noise ag error bit 3 = overrun error bit 4 = Rx buffer full bit 5 = Tx buffer full bit 6 = bad SPI op-code bit 7 = Tx time-out
Command CE CE Drive sends CE=0010 CE=0002 Notes Rx buffer full Framing error
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CF{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter frequency Hz 1 - 2000
Command Drive sends CF1400 - CF CF=1400 Notes Set anti-resonance lter frequency to 1400 Hz
Command Structure:
CG{Parameter #1}
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CG{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter gain integer number 0 - 32767
Command Drive sends CG800 - CG CG=800 Notes Set anti-resonance lter gain to 800
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes O (031) Note: The CI command uses different units than the O register; see Data Registers section for more details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Idle current amps 0 - 100% of running current
STAC6 Command Drive sends CI1.0 - CI CI=1 CC0.5 - CI CI=0.5 Notes Set idle current to 1.0 amps Set running current to 0.5 amps CI automatically set 0.5 amps along with CC0.5 command
Host Command Reference ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM, STAC5 Command Drive sends CI2 - CC2 - CI CI=1 CI1.8 - Notes Set idle current to 2 amps Set running current to 2 amps CI automatically set to 1 amp to match 50% of CC2 command Set idle current to 1.8 amps, or 90% of last CC value
CJ - Commence Jogging
Compatibility: All drives See also: JS, JA, JL, SJ, CS and DI commands. Starts the motor jogging. The motor accelerates up to the jog speed (JS) at a rate dened by the jog accel (JA) command, then runs continuously until stopped. To stop jogging, use the SJ (Stop Jogging) command for a controlled decel rate (decel rate set by JL command). For a faster stop, use the ST command (decel rate set by AM command), but beware that if the speed or load inertia is high, the drive may miss steps, stall, or fault. The jogging direction is set by the last DI command. Use the CS command to change jog speed and direction while already jogging. CS does not affect JS. Use in Q Programs (Q drives only) Within a stored Q program jog moves are most commonly initiated with the CJ command. However, because the SJ and ST commands are immediate type they cannot be used within a Q program to stop the jog move. So the procedure to stop a jog move within a Q program involves both the MT (Multi-tasking) and SM (Stop Move) commands. See Examples below for a sample command sequence.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CJ BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command JA10 JL25 JS1 CJ CS10 SJ Drive sends - - - - - - Notes Set jog accel to 10 rps/s Set jog decel to 25 rps/s Set jog speed to 1 rps Start jogging with speed set by last JS command Change jog speed to 10 rps Stop jogging using decel rate set by last JL command
The following example changes the jog speed during program execution by directly loading a value into the J register. This method allows for dynamically calculated jog speeds, and does not affect the original JS or DI setting. CJ always starts a jog move using JS and DI, so this is the recommended method of changing speed dynamically during program execution. Sample Q program sequence MT1 Turn Multi-tasking ON FI58 Filter input X5 for 8 processor ticks (2 msec) WIX5L Wait for input X5 low CJ Commence jogging RLJ480 Change speed to 2 rev/sec by directly loading the J register. Note, units are 0.25rpm. WIX5H Wait for input X5 high SMD Stop Move using the decel ramp set by JL
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CM{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES m (061) Note: Because a drive can change Command Mode on its own to complete certain moves, the CM command and the m register may not always match.
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Command mode integer code 1 - Commanded Torque (servo only) 2 - Analog Torque (servo only) 7 - Step & Direction 10 - Commanded Velocity (jog mode) 11 - Analog velocity 12 to 18 - (see below) 21 - Point-to-Point 22 - Analog Position
NOTE: In Command Modes 11, 12, 13 and 14, input X2 will function to reverse the direction of motion.
Host Command Reference Command Modes 12 to 18 are for stepper drives and SV servo drives only: 12 - Analog velocity mode with input X1 as run/stop input 13 - Analog velocity mode with input X5 (X4 for STAC5 drives) as speed change input 14 - Analog velocity mode with input X1 as run/stop input and input X5 (X4 for STAC5 drives) as speed change input 15 - Velocity mode (JS for speed) 16 - Velocity mode (JS for speed) with input X1 as run/stop input 17 - Velocity mode (JS for speed) with input X5 (X4 for STAC5 drives) as speed change input 18 - Velocity mode (JS for speed) with input X1 as run/stop input and input X5 (X4 for STAC5 drives) as speed change input NOTE: It is recommended to use Congurator or Quick Tuner software for setting up velocity mode operation.
Command Drive sends CM2 - CM7 - CM10 - CM11 - CM22 - Notes Sets the servo drive to Analog Torque mode, at which time there is a linear relationship between the voltage at the drives analog input and the motor current. Sets the drive to Step & Direction input mode, which is used for all digital positioning schemes like Step (Pulse) & Direction, CW/CCW Pulse, and A/B Quadrature. Use the appropriate Congurator or Quick Tuner application to set the proper scheme within this mode. Sets the drive to Command Velocity, or jog mode, which in practice is very similar to Point-to-Point mode (CM21). When in CM21 and a jog command is issued, like CJ, the drive automatically switches to CM10 during the jog move and then back to CM21 when the jog move is stopped. Conversely, when in CM10 and a feed move is commanded, like FL, the drive automatically switches to CM21 during the move and then back to CM10 when the move is nished. CM10 is most useful with servo drives, and when the JM (Jog Mode) is set to 2. This puts the drive into a jog mode in which position error is ignored. Then, when the motor is at rest the drive acts somewhat like a constant friction device in that a certain amount of torque (set by CC and CP commands) is required to move the shaft. Sets the drive to Analog Velocity mode. In servo drives this will be similar to the Analog Torque mode, where voltage level at the analog input relates to motor speed. In stepper drives this puts the drive into continuous oscillator mode, with speed set by the JS command. Sets the drive to Analog Positioning mode. In this mode it is also possible to control the position through the use of an external encoder.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES O (031) Note: The CP command uses different units than the O register; see Data Registers section for more details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Peak current limit amps RMS BLuDC4: 0 - 13.5 A BLuDC9: 0 - 18.0 A BLuAC5: 0 - 15.0 A SV7: 0 - 14.0 A SVAC3 (120V): 0 - 7.5 SVAC3 (220V): 0 - 3.75
Command Drive sends CP9.0 - CP CP=9.0 Notes Peak current is set to 9.0 amps RMS
CR - Compare Registers
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Contents of condition code register h See also: RI, RD, RM, RL, QJ commands Compare the contents of two data registers. The rst data register (Parameter #1) is tested by comparing it against the data value in the second data register (Parameter #2). The result is a condition code that can be used for program conditional processing (see QJ command). For Example, if the rst data register is greater than the second the greater than ag is set and the QJGx command can be used to create a conditional jump.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CR(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register assignment character All data register assignments Second data register assignment character All data register assignments
Command Drive sends CRE1 - QJG5 - Notes Compare data register E to data register 1 If E register is greater than 1 register jump to line 5 of Q segment, otherwise proceed to next line.
CS - Change Speed
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Jog speed while jogging See also: CJ, JS, JA, JL commands Sets or requests the jogging speed in rev/sec while jogging. When Jogging using the CJ command the Jog speed can be changed dynamically by using this command. The sign of CS can be positive or negative allowing the direction of jogging to be changed dynamically also. Ramping between speeds is controlled by the JA and JL commands. Setting CS does not change JS or DI.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CS{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE YES J (026) Note: The CS command uses different units than the J register; see Data Registers section for more details.
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Jog Speed rev/sec BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STAC5, SVAC3: -133.3333 to 133.3333 (resolution is 0.0042) STM: -80.0000 to 80.0000 (resolution is 0.0042) sign determines direction: - for CCW, no sign for CW
Command JS1 CJ CS2.5 CS CS-5 SJ Drive sends - - - CS=2.5 - - Notes Set base jog speed to 1 rev/sec Commence jogging Set jog speed to CW at 2.5 rev/sec Displays current Jog speed Set jog speed to CCW at 5 rev/sec Stop jogging
CT - Continue
Compatibility: All drives See also: PS, ST, SK commands Resume execution of buffered commands after a PS command has been sent. The PS (Pause) command allows you to pause execution of commands in the command buffer. After sending the PS command, subsequent commands are buffered in the command buffer until either a CT command is sent, at which time the buffered commands resume execution in the order they were received, or until the command buffer is full.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access CT IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Command PS FL2000 WT.25 FL-2000 CT Drive sends - - - - - Notes Pause command buffer CW move, 2000 counts Wait 0.25 seconds CCW move, 2000 counts Resume execution of buffered commands
DA - Dene Address
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Drive address for multi-drop communications Sets individual drive address character for multi-drop RS-485 communications. This command is not required for single-axis (point-to-point) or RS-232 communications.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access DA{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range RS-485 network address character Valid address characters are: !#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<>?@
Command Drive sends DA1 - DA DA=1 Notes Set drive address to 1
DC - Change Distance
Compatibility: All drives Affects: FC, FY, FO, FM commands. Sets or requests the change distance. The change distance is used by various move commands to dene more than one distance parameter. All move commands use the DI command at some level, and many require DC as well. Examples are FC, FM, FO, and FY. The moves executed by these commands change their behavior after the change distance (DC) has been traveled. For example, FM is similar to FS, but in an FM move the sensor input is ignored until the motor has moved the number of steps set by DC. This is useful for masking unwanted switch or sensor triggers. Since DI sets move direction (CW or CCW), the sign of DC is ignored.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access DC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES C (019)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range distance encoder counts 0 to 2,147,483,647 (the sign of negative values is ignored)
Command Drive sends DC80000 - DC DC=80000 DI-100000 DC50000 VE5 VC2 FC - - - - - Notes Set change distance to 80000 counts Set overall move distance to 100000 counts in CCW direction Set change distance to 50000 counts Set base move velocity to 5 rev/sec Set change velocity to 2 rev/sec Initiate FC command
DE - Deceleration
Compatibility: All drives Affects: FC, FD, FE, FL, FM, FO, FS, FP, FY, SH commands See also: AM, DE, DI, DC, VE commands Sets or requests the deceleration rate used in point-to-point move commands in rev/sec/sec.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access DE{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES B (018) Note: The DE command uses different units than the B register; see Data Registers section for details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Deceleration rate rev/sec/sec (rps/s) 0.167 to 5461.167 (resolution is 0.167 rps/s)
Command Drive sends DE125 - DE DE=125 Notes Set deceleration rate to 125 rev/sec/sec
DI - Distance/Position
Compatibility: All drives Affects: All move commands See also: AC, DC, DE and VE commands Sets or requests the move distance in encoder counts (servo) or steps (stepper). The sign of DI indicates move direction: no sign means CW and - means CCW. DI sets both the distance for relative moves, like FL, and the position for absolute moves, like FP. DI also sets the direction of rotation for jogging (CJ).
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access DI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES D (020)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range distance encoder counts (servo) or steps (stepper) -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 sign determines direction: - for CCW, no sign for CW
Command Drive sends DI20000 - DI DI=20000 DI-8000 FL - - Notes Set distance to 20000 counts in the CW direction Set distance to 8000 counts in the CCW direction Initiate FL move
DL - Dene Limits
Compatibility: All drives Affects: All move commands See also: AM command CW and CCW end-of-travel limits are available on all drives and can be used to dene the boundaries of acceptable motion in a motor/drive system. If one of these inputs is activated while dened as an end-of-travel limit, motor rotation will stop in that direction, and an alarm code will show at the drives status LEDs. When dening these inputs as end-of-travel limits both inputs are dened together as either active low, active high, or not used. See below for details. BLu-S/Q, STAC6 Denes usage of inputs X6 and X7 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. X6 is the CCW limit input and X7 is the CW limit input. If not needed, X6 and X7 can be redened as general purpose inputs. STAC5-S, SVAC3-S Denes usage of inputs X1 and X2 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. X1 is the CW limit input and X2 is the CCW limit input. If not needed, X1 and X2 can be redened as general purpose inputs. STAC5-Q/IP, SVAC3-Q/IP Denes usage of inputs IN7 and IN8 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. IN7 is the CW limit input and IN8 is the CCW limit input. If not needed, IN7 and IN8 can be redened as general purpose inputs. Blu-Si Denes usage of top-board inputs IN7 and IN8 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. IN7 is the CW limit input and IN8 is the CCW limit input. ST-Q/Si, SV Denes the usage of inputs X7 and X8 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. X7 is the CW limit input and X8 is the CCW limit input. If not needed, X7 and X8 can be redened as general purpose inputs. ST-S, STM-17/23 Denes the STEP and DIR inputs as CW end-of-travel and CCW end-of-travel limit inputs, respectively. The STEP and DIR inputs can each be assigned to only one function in an application. If you want to use the STEP and DIR inputs as end-of-travel limit inputs you can dene them as such in two ways, with the ST Congurator software, or with the DL command. DL takes no effect if the drive is set in Command Mode (CM) 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18, because these modes predene these inputs and take precedence over the DL command. Also, setting the JE command after setting the DL command reassigns the STEP and DIR inputs as jog inputs and turns off any limit input usage (DL3). In other words, the DL and JE commands, as well as Command Modes (CM) 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 each assign a usage to the STEP and DIR inputs. Each of these must exclusively use the STEP and DIR inputs. Command Modes are most dominant and will continually prevent DL and JE from using the inputs. DL and JE exclude each other by overwriting the usage of the STEP and DIR inputs. STM24-C Denes the usage of inputs IN1 and IN2 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. IN1 is the CW limit input and IN2 is the CCW limit input. If not needed, IN1 and IN2 can be redened as general purpose inputs. STM24-SF/QF Drives with Flex I/O allow a user to congure a drives I/O (I/O1 through I/O4) to be either an input or an output by using the SD command. For the DL command, the drive uses inputs I/O3 and I/O4 as dedicated end-of-travel limits. I/O3 is the CW limit input and I/O4 is the CCW limit input. If not needed, I/O3 and I/O4 can be redened as general purpose inputs.
Host Command Reference There are three end-of-travel limit input states that can be dened with the DL command: DL1: End-of-travel limit occurs when an input is closed (energized). Motion stops automatically at rate dened by AM command. DL2: End-of-travel limit occurs when an input is open (de-energized). Motion stops automatically at rated dened by AM command. DL3: Inputs are not used as end-of-travel limit inputs and can be used as a general purpose inputs. In the case of ST-S and STM drives, DL will be automatically set to 3 if CM is set to 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18, or if JE is executed after the DL command is set.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access DL{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Limit input state (see above) integer number 1, 2 or 3
Command Drive sends DL1 - DL DL=1 DL3 - Notes Set limit inputs to work with normally open limit switches Set limit inputs to act as general purpose inputs
NOTE: When working with digital inputs and outputs it is important to remember the designations low and high. If current is flowing into or out of an input or output, i.e. the circuit is energized, the logic state for that input/ output is dened as low or closed. If no current is flowing, i.e. the circuit is de-energized, or the input/output is not connected, the logic state is high or open. A low state is represented by the L character in parameters of commands that affect inputs/outputs. For example, WI3L means wait for input 3 low, and SO1L means set output 1 low. A high state is represented by the H character.
Command Details:
Command Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Data register assignment character All data register assignments
Command DRa Drive sends - Notes Set capture data register to a (Analog Command) register
ED - Encoder Direction
Compatibility: BLu, STAC5, STAC6, SV7, SVAC3 Affects: Encoder count direction See also: EF, EI commands BLu, STAC5, STAC6, SV7, SVAC3 Sets or requests the encoder count direction.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ED {Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES none
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Encoder Count Direction Binary ag (0 or 1) 0 = default behavior 1 = count in reverse
Command Drive sends ED1 - ED ED=1 Notes Set encoder to count in reverse
EF - Encoder Function
Compatibility: Stepper drives with encoder feedback Affects: Stall Detection and Stall Prevention See also: CC, CI, ER, PF commands NOTE: The behavior of this function was updated subsequent to firmware rev 1.04L (STM17, 23). Most notably, a power-cycle was requried to initialize the drive with a new EF setting. Drives with more recent firmware perform a current probe and encoder alignment immediately following execution of the EF command, and do not require the drive to be reset. All descriptions shown here assume that the drive is running current rmware. ST-Q/Si, STM Sets or requests the decimal equivalent of the encoder functions 3-bit word. The encoder function can be set through Congurator or by using the EF command. Only stepper drives with encoder inputs (optional on ST-Q/ Si, STAC5 and STM drives) running a step motor with a shaft-mounted encoder can utilize the Stall Detection and Stall Prevention functions. Note, this feature is NOT available on the STAC6. AMP recommends an encoder with differential outputs and a resolution of at least 1000 lines (4000 counts/rev). EF0: Disable Encoder Functionality EF1: Turn Stall Detection ON. EF2: Turn Stall Prevention ON. EF6: Turn Stall Prevention with time-out ON. The drive performs a full current probe for encoder alignment during power-up and after each EF command is sent. It is very important to raise the idle and continuous current settings to the maximum value and then execute the new EF setting after a 1 second delay. Once the EF command is completed, the current may be reset to its normal value.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access EF{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Encoder function setting decimal equivalent of 3-bit binary word 0 = Encoder function off 1 = Stall Detection 2 = Stall Prevention 6 = Stall Prevention with time-out
Command Drive sends EF1 - EF EF=1 Notes Turn ON Stall Detection function
EF6 - Enable Stall Prevention with time-out EF EF=6 Example encoder alignment sequence (STM24): CC6 CI5.4 EF1 CC3 CI2.4 Raise current to 6A Raise idle current to 5.4A* Enable Stall Detection feature Lower current to normal running level (application dependent) Lower idle current to normal running level (application dependent)
If this is done through a Q program, add a short delay after raising current levels: CC6 CI5.4 WT1 EF1 CC3 CI2.4 Raise current to 6A Raise idle current to 5.4A* Short delay Enable Stall Detection feature Lower current to normal running level (application dependent) Lower idle current to normal running level (application dependent)
EG - Electronic Gearing
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Command Mode 7, FE and HW commands See also: CM, ER, FE and HW commands. BLu, SV Sets or requests the pulses per revolution for electronic gearing. For example, with an EG value of 20000 the servo drive will require 20000 pulses from the master pulse source to move the servo motor 1 revolution. STAC6, ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM Sets or requests the desired step/microstep resolution of the step motor.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access EG{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES R (034) Note: With servo drives the EG command is equal to the R register. With stepper drives the EG command is equal to twice the R register. Servo = electronic gearing ratio Stepper = step resolution Servo = counts/rev Stepper = steps/rev Servo = 200 - 32000 Stepper = 200 - 51200
Command Drive sends EG20000 - EG EG=20000 RLR RLR=20000 EG36000 - EG EG=36000 RLR RLR=18000 steps/rev Notes Set electronic gearing resolution in servo drive to 20000 pulses/rev R register matches the EG setting in a servo drive Set microstep resolution to 36000 steps/rev in a stepper drive R register contains 1/2 the EG setting in a stepper drive, or 18000
ST, STM23 / 24, SV7, SVAC3, STAC5, STAC6 Given a cutoff frequency, an appropriate EI value may be calculated as follows (where f is the target cutoff frequency): EI = 15,000,000 / f
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access EI {Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES none
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range 0 - 255 Encoder Noise Filter Constant
Command Drive sends EI128 - EI128 - EI EG=128 Notes (STM17) Set encoder noise lter to 70.3 kHz (9,000,000 / 128) (STM23) Set encoder noise lter to 117.2 kHz (15,000,000 / 128)
EP - Encoder Position
Compatibility: Servo drives and stepper drives with encoder feedback Affects: Encoder position value See also: SP, MT, WM commands. The EP command allows the host to dene the present encoder position. For example, if the encoder is at 4500 counts, and you would like to refer to this position as 0, send EP0. To ensure that the internal position counter resets properly, use SP immediately following EP. For example, to set the position to zero after a homing routine, send EP0 then SP0. Sending EP with no position parameter requests the present encoder position from the drive. For best results when using stepper systems, AMP recommends setting both CC and CI to the motors maximum ratings before issuing an EP command. This will avoid any position error caused by the motors detent torque. Once EP has been changed, reset CC and CI to their running levels. WARNING: When in Multi-tasking mode (see MT command), the EP command should not be issued while the drive is simultaneously executing a move command (CJ, FL, FP, FS, etc.). A drive fault may result.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access EP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE NO e (053) read only
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Encoder position value Counts -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647
Command EP0 SP0 Drive sends - - Notes (Step 1) reset internal position counter (Step 2) reset internal position counter
ER - Encoder Resolution
Compatibility: Servo drives and stepper drives with encoder feedback Affects: Motor Operation Sets the encoder resolution in quadrature counts. For example, if the motor connected to the drive has an 8000 count (2000 line) per revolution encoder, set the encoder resolution to 8000. WARNING: Changing this setting will affect motor commutation with servo drives. Use the Quick Tuner setup utility to change this setting, then run the Timing Wizard in Quick Tuner to properly set up the motor commutation.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ER{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Encoder resolution encoder counts/rev 200 - 128000
Command Drive sends ER8000 - ER ER=8000 Notes Set encoder resolution to 8000 counts/rev
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ES{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Single Ended Encoder Usage Flag integer 0 = Differential encoder used (recommended) 1 = Single-ended encoder used
Command Drive sends ES0 - ES ES=0 Notes Drive will use a differential encoder
(Distance) DC DI
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FC{Parameter #1}{Parameter #2} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command DI50000 VE5 DC40000 VC0.5 FC
Drive sends - - - - -
Notes Set distance to 50000 steps Set velocity to 5 rps Set change distance to 40000 steps Set change velocity to 0.5 rps Initiate move
FC with I/O trigger DI50000 - VE5 - DC40000 - VC0.5 - FC1L - For Q drives only MT1 - DI50000 - VE5 - DC10000 - VC10 - FC - WP - DC20000 - VC1 - WP - DC30000 - VC0.5 -
Set distance to 50000 steps Set velocity to 5 rps Set change distance to 40000 steps Set change velocity to 0.5 rps Initiate move, specifying that the drive will move 50000 steps beyond the point where input 1 goes LOW. Turn multi-tasking ON* Set overall move distance to 50000 steps Set initial velocity to 5 rps Set 1st change distance to 10000 steps Set 1st change velocity to 10 rps Initiate move Wait position Set 2nd change distance to 20000 steps Set 2nd change velocity to 1 rps Wait position Set 3rd change distance to 30000 steps Set 3rd change velocity to 0.5 rps
* Because multi-tasking is required for the WP command to be used, only Q models can perform multisegment moves.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FD(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command FDX2F4H AC50 DE50 DI-1 VE5 VC1 FD1F2H Drive sends Notes - Launch Feed to Double Sensor move: decel from VE to VC when input 2 changes from high to low (falling), then decel to a stop when input 4 is high - Set accel rate to 50 rev/sec/sec - Set decel rate to 50 rev/sec/sec - Set move direction to CCW - Set initial velocity to 5 rev/sec - Set change velocity to 1 rev/sec - Launch Feed to Double Sensor move: decel from VE to VC when input 1 changes from high to low (falling), then decel to a stop when input 2 is high
FE - Follow Encoder
Compatibility: All drives See also: EG, MT, ST commands Puts drive in encoder following mode until the given digital or analog input condition is met. The master encoder channels A and B must be wired to the STEP/X1 and DIR/X2 inputs of the drive. Use the EG command before the FE command to set the following resolution, or use the R register to dynamically adjust the following resolution while following (Note that in stepper drives the R register is equal to 1/2 the EG command). The Step Smoothing Filter is active in FE mode; see the SF command for details. When the FE command is initiated, the acceleration rate AC is used to ramp the motor up to the following speed. (Doing this prevents extreme accelerations when the master encoder signal is already at its target velocity). The motor continues to follow the master encoder pulses until the input condition is met, at which time the motor decelerates at rate DE to a stop using the DI command as the overall decel distance. If DI is long the motor may not begin decel immediately after the input condition is met. If DI is short the motor may have to decelerate at a rate faster than DE. Before the input condition is met the motor will follow the master encoder pulses in both CW and CCW directions, regardless of the sign of the DI command. However, once the input condition is met the motor will only stop properly if moving in the direction set by the DI command. When done executing the drive returns to the mode it was in before executing the FE command. NOTE: You must use the appropriate conguration software - Quick Tuner for servos, Congurator for steppers - to set up the STEP/X1 and DIR/X2 inputs for encoder following. Do this by choosing A/B Quadrature in the Position mode settings. NOTE: Take care when changing the R register while following because some move parameters will be scaled as well and therefore the move may change unexpectedly.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FE(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command AC500 DI8000 FE4L Drive sends - - - Notes Limit acceleration in encoder following to 500 rps/s Set the stopping offset distance to 8000 counts Run in encoder following mode until input 4 is low
FI - Filter Input
Compatibility: Affects: See also: All drives (except STAC5-S) All commands using inputs FX, RC, SD, WI and all feed to sensor commands. See EI for hardware lter alternative, specically on STAC5 drives.
Applies a digital lter to the given input. The digital input must be at the same level for the time period specied by the FI command before the input state is updated. For example, if the time value is set to 100 the input must remain high for 100 processor cycles before high is updated as the input state. One processor cycle is 125sec for a servo drive and the STAC5 stepper drive, and 100sec for all other drives. A value of 0 disables the lter. BLu, STAC6 This command can be used to apply lters to low speed inputs X3 through X7 on the main driver board of all drives, and can also be used on top board inputs IN3 through IN7 of SE, QE, and Si drives. Reassigning the lters to top board inputs of SE, QE and Si drives is done with the FX command. SV, ST-Q/Si This command can be used to apply lters to low speed inputs X3 through X8. ST-S, STM17, STM23 This command can be used to apply lters to inputs STEP, DIR, and EN STM24-SF/QF For drives with Flex I/O, this command can be used to apply lters to any input. STM24-C This command can be used to apply lters to inputs IN1, IN2 and IN3. STAC5-Q/IP, SVAC3-Q/IP This command can be used to apply lters to inputs IN5 - IN8.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FI{Parameter#1}{Parameter#2} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES, except BLu servos None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command Drive sends FI4100 - FI4 FI4=100 Notes Requires that input X4 (if FX=1) maintain the same state (low or high) for 100 total processor cycles before the drive registers the change
Host Command Reference Filter values are non-volatile for all but the BLu series of servo drives, if followed by an SA command. With a BLu servo drive, the lter values are lost at power-down and must be set each time the drive is powered on. NOTE: A side eect of the digital lter, which is true of any lter, is to cause a lag in the response to an input level. When an input changes state and is solid (no noise), the lag time will be the same as the lter value. When noise is present the lag may be longer.
FL - Feed to Length
Compatibility: All drives See also: AC, DE, DI, VE commands Executes a relative move command. Move distance and direction come from the last DI command. Speed, accel and decel are from the VE, AC and DE commands, respectively. Executing the FL command with no parameter initiates a feed to length move that uses the last DI command for direction and distance. Executing the FL command with a parameter uses the parameter settings for direction and distance without changing the DI command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FL{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Relative distance counts or steps -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 sign determines direction: - for CCW, no sign for CW
Command DI20000 FL Drive sends - - Notes Set distance to 20000 counts in the CW direction Launch Feed to Length move Launch Feed to Length move of 20000 counts in the CW direction without affecting the DI command Launch Feed to Length move of 400 counts in the CCW direction without affecting the DI command
FL20000 - FL-400 -
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FM(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Example: Parts are feeding on a conveyor which is being driven by the motor. A sensor detects the leading edge of the part and stops. If the part has a hole in it, which is common, when you attempt to feed the next part into position you may in fact stop after feeding the previous part only a short distance because the sensor will register the hole in the part rather than the leading edge of the next part. The solution is to use the FM command instead of the FS command, and to set the DC command for the size of the part (or greater). Example continued: The parts on a conveyor are 6 inches long. Your mechanical linkage provides 2000 steps per inch. You want the leading edge of the part to stop moving 1 inch past the sensor, and therefore 5 inches of the part will not have gone past the sensor yet. To avoid holes in the part and see the next part properly, we need to mask 5 inches or more of the move. Here are the commands you could use. Command Drive sends DI2000 - DC10200 - FM1F - Notes Set distance to stop past sensor at 1 inch (2000 steps) Set distance over which to ignore (mask) the sensor at 5.1 inches, enough to allow the previous part to completely clear the sensor Initiate FM move. Sensor is connected to input 1 and will close when it sees a part
Same as Feed to Length (FL) but changes the state of an output during the move. Overall move distance is dened by the DI command. Accel rate, decel rate, and velocity are set by the AC, DE and VE commands, respectively. Distance within overall move at which output condition should be set is dened by the DC command. If DC is equal to or greater than DI, the input condition will not be met during the move and the output will not be set. NOTE: Dedicated output functions - alarm output, brake output, motion output - must be configured as general purpose before the FO command can be used with the drives output. See AO, BO, and MO commands.
Command Details:
Structured Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FO(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Example: Youre feeding parts to be cut to length. For maximum throughput, you want to trigger the cut-off knife as the part is nearing the nal position. Command AC100 DE100 VE2.5 DI20000 DC15000 FO1L Drive sends - - - - - - Notes Set accel rate to 100 rev/sec/sec Set decel rate to 100 rev/sec/sec Set velocity to 2.5 rev/sec Overall move distance set to 20000 steps Set output distance set to 15000 steps Initiate move and set output low at 15000 steps
FP - Feed to Position
Compatibility: All drives See also: AC, DE, DI, SP, VE commands Executes an absolute move command. Move position comes from the last DI command. Speed, accel and decel are from VE, AC and DE commands, respectively. Executing the FP command with no parameter initiates a feed to position move that uses the last DI command for position. Executing the FP command with a parameter uses the parameter for position without changing the DI command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Absolute position counts or steps -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647
Example: After homing the motor you want to zero the home position and move to an absolute position 8000 counts (or steps) from the new home position. Command SP0 DI8000 FP Drive sends - - - Notes Set current motor position as absolute zero Set move position to 8000 counts/steps Launch Feed to Position Launch Feed to Position to 8000 counts/steps without affecting the D register Motor is already at position 8000, no motion occurs.
FP8000 - FP8000 -
FS - Feed to Sensor
Compatibility: All drives See also: FD, FM and FY commands; see AT command for using AIN as sensor input Executes a Feed to Sensor command. Requires input number and condition. The motor moves until a sensor triggers the specied input condition, then stops a precise distance beyond the sensor. The stop distance is dened by the DI command. The direction of rotation is dened by the sign of the DI command (- for CCW, no sign for CW). Speed, accel and decel are from the last VE, AC and DE commands, respectively. A motor moving at a given speed, with a given decel rate, needs a certain distance to stop. If you specify too short a distance for DI the drive may overshoot the target. Use the following formula to compute the minimum decel distance, given a velocity V (in rev/sec) and decel rate D (in rev/sec/sec.). R = steps/rev, which will equal the encoder resolution for a servo motor and the EG setting for a step motor. minimum decel distance = (V)2(R) 2(D)
Note that it is possible to use an analog input (AIN) as a discrete sensor by conguring a threshold point. See the AT command for details.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FS(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command Drive sends FS1L - FS3R - FSX5L - Notes Launch move and decel to stop when sensor tied to input 1 is low Launch move and decel to stop when sensor tied to input 3 changes from low to high (rising edge) Launch move and decel to stop when sensor tied to input X5 is low
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FX{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Digital inputs selector integer 0 = top board inputs of SE, QE, and Si drives 1 = main board inputs of all drives
Command FX0 FX Drive sends Notes - Cause digital input lters set by FI command to affect top board inputs IN3 through IN7 of SE, QE, and Si drives. FX=1 Digital lters are set to be applied to main driver board inputs X3 through X7.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access FY(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO F (022) Executing the FY command will put a value of 2 in the F register when the sensor is successfully found, or a value of 1 in the F register if the safety distance is met. If you plan to use the F register for monitoring the success of the FY command you must zero the register before each FY command by executing RLF0.
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Notes Set distance to stop beyond sensor to 2000 counts/steps Set safety distance to 60000 counts/steps Launch Feed to Sensor: motor will stop when input 2 is low or when 60000 counts/steps are reached: whichever event comes rst
When using the SE, QE, or Si drives and needing to access the main driver board inputs... FYX2L - Launch Feed to Sensor: motor will stop when main driver board input 2 is low or when 60000 counts/steps are reached: whichever event comes rst
GC - Current Command
Compatibility: Servo drives only Affects: Commanded motor current See also: CM command Sets or requests the immediate current command for the servo motor and drive when the servo drive is set for Command Mode 1 (CM1). NOTE: Setting this value may make the servo motor run to a very high speed, especially if there is no load on the motor. Take care when using this command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access GC{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE Yes G (023)
Command Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range RMS Current 0.01 amps rms -2000 to +2000 (+/- 20 amps rms)
Command CM1 GC100 GC-100 Drive sends - - - Notes Set servo drive to Commanded Current Command Mode Set current to motor at 1 A rms Set current to motor at -1 A rms (opposite direction)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access HD{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Hard Stop Fault Delay Time integer 1 - 32000 milliseconds
Command Drive sends HD1000 - Notes In the event of a stall, instruct the drive to attempt to recover for 1000ms (1 second) before faulting.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access HG{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE YES only when set in Congurator software, otherwise NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter gain integer number 0 - 32767
Command Drive sends HG8000 - HG HG=8000 Notes Set lter gain value to 8000
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access HP{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE YES only when set in Congurator software, otherwise NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter phase integer number -125 to +125
Command Drive sends HG105 - HG HG=105 Notes Set 4th harmonic lter gain to 105
HW - Hand Wheel
Compatibility: All drives See also: EG, FE, and MT commands; see AT command for using analog input as sensor input Puts drive in hand wheel mode until the given digital or analog input condition is met. Hand wheel mode is a kind of low speed following mode, where the motor follows master encoder signals as a hand wheel is manually turned. This command differs from the FE command in that the AC, DE, and DI commands are not used in any way. In other words, the motor will attempt to follow the master encoder signals without injecting any ramps to smoothly approach high frequency target speeds or to come to a stop when the stop input condition is met. BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, STAC5, SVAC3 Inputs X1 and X2 are used for connecting the A and B signals of the encoder-based handwheel. The EG (Electronic Gearing) command denes the following resolution of the motor. ST-S, STM17/23 Inputs STEP and DIR are used for connecting the A and B signals of the encoder-based handwheel. The EG (Electronic Gearing) command denes the following resolution of the step motor.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access HW(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command HWX4L Drive sends - Notes Run in hand wheel mode until input X4 low
IA - Immediate Analog
Compatibility: All drives See Also: AD, AV, AZ and IF commands BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si Requests present analog input value from the given source. There are three different analog values that can be accessed. With no parameter the IA command returns the Analog Command value which is derived from the analog inputs with gain and offset values applied as set in Quick Tuner or Congurator or via the AD, AV and/or AZ commands. When a parameter is given raw (unscaled) analog input values are returned. ST-S, STM Requests present analog input value. There are two different analog values that can be accessed. With no parameter the IA command returns the Analog Command value which is derived from the analog input with gain and offset values applied as set in ST Congurator or via the AD, AV and/or AZ commands. When a parameter is given raw (unscaled) analog input values are returned. Note: The output of the IA command is formatted by IF. See IF for further details.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IA{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO All drives... a (049) Analog Command BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si... j (058) Analog input 1 (unscaled) k (059) Analog input 2 (unscaled) ST-S, STM... j (058) AIN (unscaled)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog input integer No parameter or 0 = Analog command 1 = Analog input 1 (unscaled) 2 = Analog input 2 (unscaled) 3 = Expanded analog input (SE, QE, and Si models)
Command Drive sends IFD - IA IA=2.5 IFH - IA IA=1FEE Notes Return future Immediate command responses in Decimal format Analog Command is at mid range when drive is set to 0-5 volt input. (In Decimal mode neither leading nor trailing zeros are used, so the response length is not strictly dened and may be up to four digits in length.) Return future Immediate command responses in Hexadecimal format. Analog Command represented as hexadecimal value. (Leading zeros are used for small values, so the response will always be four digits in length.)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units IC IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO c (051) 0.01 amps
Command IC IC Drive sends IC=015E IC=FEA2 Notes 3.5 amps -3.5 amps
If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=D IFD - Set values to be read back in decimal IC IC=350 3.5 amps IC IC=-350 -3.5 amps
ID - Immediate Distance
Compatibility: All drives BLu, STAC6 Requests the total relative distance moved in the last completed move. SV, ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM Requests the immediate relative distance traveled from the beginning of the last move. Once the move is nished the value will be equal to the relative distance of that last move until another move is initiated, at which time the value will zero and begin tracking the new relative distance moved.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units ID IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO d (052) encoder counts (servo) steps (stepper)
Command ID ID Drive sends ID=00002710 ID=FFFFD8F0 Notes 10000 (10000 counts into CW move) -10000 (10000 counts into CCW move)
If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=D ID ID=10000 10000 counts into CW move ID ID=-10000 10000 counts into CCW move
IE - Immediate Encoder
Compatibility: Servo drives and stepper drives with encoder feedback Requests present encoder position.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units IE IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO e (053) encoder counts
Command IE IE Drive sends IE=00002710 IE=FFFFD8F0 Notes Encoder position is (+)10000 counts Encoder position is -10000 counts
If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=D IE IE=10000 Encoder position is (+)10000 counts IE IE=-10000 Encoder position is -10000 counts
IF - Immediate Format
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Immediate Commands IA, IC, ID, IE, IP, IT, IU, IV and IX Sets the data format, hexadecimal or decimal, for data returned using all I commands (except IH, IL, IO and IS). Data can be requested from the drive in two formats: hexadecimal or decimal. By default data is returned in hexadecimal because of its speed and efciency. Conversion to ascii in the decimal format is slower and causes a slight delay that varies in length. Hexadecimal minimizes the overhead required to convert the internal binary data to ascii form. This speeds up the process of sending out the requested data thus giving the most recent value. Typically, applications written on more powerful host computers can easily convert a hexadecimal value into a decimal value. All I commands can be used at any time and at the fastest rate possible limited only by the given baud rate (see BR and PB commands). Immediate commands are executed as they are received, regardless of what is in the drives command buffer. Regardless of format (hex or dec) there will be a slight delay in processing the response to an I command. Real time usage of the data must be carefully analyzed.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IF{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Return format letter H (hexadecimal) or D (decimal)
Command Drive sends IFH - ID ID=00002710 IF IF=H IFD - ID ID=10000 IF IF=D Notes Sets format to Hexadecimal Distance is 10000 counts Sets format to Decimal Distance is 10000 counts
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IH(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command IH1 IH2 Drive sends - - Notes Output 1 goes high immediately Output 2 goes high immediately
To force Outputs on main driver board when using an SE, QE or Si drive IHY1 - Output 1 of main driver board goes high immediately IHY2 - Output 2 of main driver board goes high immediately
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IL(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command IL1 IL2 Drive sends - - Notes Output 1 goes low immediately Output 2 goes low immediately
To force Outputs on main driver board when using an SE, QE, or Si drive ILY1 - Output 1 of main driver board goes low immediately ILY2 - Output 2 of main driver board goes low immediately
IO - Output Status
Compatibility: All drives With no parameter this command requests the immediate status of the designated outputs. The status is displayed as an 8-bit binary number with output 1 in the far right position (bit 0). With a parameter this command sets the outputs high or low using the decimal equivalent of the same binary pattern. Logic zero (0) turns an output on by closing it.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IO{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
BLu and STAC6-S or -Q versions (optional Y character is not necessary) Command Drive sends Notes IO IO=00000000 All 3 outputs of IN/OUT1 or main board are low (closed) IO IO=00000111 All 3 outputs of IN/OUT1 or main board are high (open) IO0 - Sets all 3 outputs low (closed) IO7 - Sets all 3 outputs high (open) BLu and STAC6-QE or -Si versions Command Drive sends IO IO=00000000 IO IO=00001111 IO0 - IO15 - IOY IO=00000000 IOY IO=00000111 IOY0 - IOY7 - STAC5-S, SVAC3-S Command Drive sends IOY IO=00000000 IOY IO=00000011 IOY0 IOY3 Notes All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 or top board are low (closed) All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 or top board are high (open) Sets all 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 or top board low (closed) Sets all 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 or top board high (open) All 3 outputs of IN/OUT1 or main board are low (closed) All 3 outputs of IN/OUT1 or main board are high (open) Sets all 3 outputs of IN/OUT1 or main board low (closed) Sets all 3 outputs of IN/OUT1 or main board high (open) Notes (DB-15) Both outputs of IN/OUT1 are low (closed) Both outputs of IN/OUT1 are high (open) Sets both outputs of IN/OUT1 low (closed) Sets both outputs of IN/OUT1 high (open)
STAC5-Q/IP, SVAC3-Q/IP Command Drive sends Notes (DB25) IO IO=00000000 All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 are low (closed) IO IO=00001111 All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 are high (open) IO0 Sets all 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 low (closed) IO15 Sets all 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 high (open) 103 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference IO IOY IOY IOY0 IOY7 SV, ST-Q/Si Command IO IO IO0 IO7 All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 high (open) Notes (DB15) IO=00000000 Both outputs of IN/OUT1 low (closed) IO=00000011 Both outputs of IN/OUT1 high (open) Both outputs of IN/OUT1 low (closed) Both outputs of IN/OUT1 high (open) Drive sends IO=00000000 IO=00001111 - - Notes All 4 outputs are low (closed) All 4 outputs are high (open) Sets all 4 outputs low (closed) Sets all 4 outputs high (open) IO=00001111
ST-S, STM17-S/Q/C, STM23-Q/C, STM24-C Command Drive Sends Notes IO IO=00000000 Output is low (closed) IO IO=00000001 Output is high (open) IO0 - Sets output low (closed) IO1 - Sets output high (open) STM24 Flex I/O Command Drive sends IO IO=00000000 IO IO=00001111 IO0 IO15 IO IO=00001111 Notes All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 are low (closed) All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 are high (open) Sets all 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 low (closed) Sets all 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 high (open) All 4 outputs of IN/OUT2 high (open)
IP - Immediate Position
Compatibility: All drives Requests present absolute position. The position data is assigned a 32-bit value. When sent out in Hexadecimal it will be 8 characters long. When sent out in decimal it will range from 2147483647 to -2147483648.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units IP IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None encoder counts (servo) steps (stepper)
Command IP IP Drive sends IP=00002710 IP=FFFFD8F0 Notes Absolute position is 10,000 counts (or steps) Absolute position is -10,000 counts (or steps)
If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=D IP IP=10000 Absolute position is 10000 counts (or steps) IP IP=-10000 Absolute position is -10000 counts (or steps)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units IQ IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None 0.01 Amps
Command IQ IQ Drive sends IQ=015E IQ=FEA2 Notes 3.5 Amps -3.5 Amps
If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=D IQ IQ=350 3.5 Amps IQ IQ=-350 -3.5 Amps
IS - Input Status
Compatibility: All drives Requests immediate status of all drive inputs. A closed input is represented by a 0 (zero), and an open input is represented by a 1 (one). Unused positions in the response are represented by 0 (zero). BLu, STAC6 On S and Q drives the IS command requests the status of IN/OUT1 or main driver board (DB-25) inputs X1 through X7 plus the encoder index channel (if present). On SE, QE, and Si drives the ISX command (IS command with parameter character X) is required to request status of IN/OUT1 or main driver board (DB-25) inputs X1 through X7 plus the encoder index channel (if present), while IS requests IN/OUT2 or top board (screw terminal) inputs 1 through 8. SV, ST-Q/Si The IS command requests the status of inputs X1 through X8 plus the encoder index channel (if present). ST-S, STM17-S/Q/C, STM23-Q/C, STM24-C The IS command requests the status of all three digital inputs, STEP, DIR, and EN, plus the encoder index channel (STM only, if present). STM17-C, STM24-C The IS command requests the status of all three digital inputs, IN1, IN2, and IN3, plus the encoder index channel, if present.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IS{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 Optional X character used to access driver board inputs with SE, QE, and Si drives.
Parameter #1 Optional X character used to access driver board inputs with Q and IP drives.
Response Details:
BLu, STAC6 S and Q drives (X character is not required to designate main board inputs) SE, QE, and Si drives (X character is required to designate main board inputs)
ISX = X1 X2 X3 X4
BLu and STAC6-S or -Q versions (optional X character is not necessary) Command Drive sends Notes IS IS=00000000 All 8 inputs are low (closed) IS IS=11111111 All 8 inputs are high (open) IS IS=11101100 Inputs 1, 2, and 5 are closed IS IS=10000101 Inputs 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are closed BLu and STAC6-SE, -QE, or -Si versions (optional X character necessary to access IN/OUT1 or main driver board (DB-25) inputs Command Drive sends Notes IS IS=11010011 Inputs 3, 4, and 6 are closed ISX IS=10101110 Inputs X1, X5, and X7 are closed SV, ST-Q/Si Command IS IS Drive sends IS=100110110 IS=011111111 Notes Inputs 1, 4, 7, and 8 are closed Encoder index channel is closed
ST-S, STM17-S/Q/C, STM23-Q/C, STM24-C Command Drive Sends Notes IS IS=10000111 All inputs are open IS IS=00000111 Encoder index channel is closed IS IS=10000100 Inputs STEP and DIR are closed SVAC3, STAC5 Command Drive Sends IS IS=10001111 IS IS=10001111 IS IS IS IS ISX IS=00000111 IS=00000111 IS=10101110 IS=10101110 IS=10001010 Notes (S drive) No inputs are closed. (Q or IP drive) Inputs IN5 - IN7 are closed. (S drive) Encoder index and input X4 are closed. (Q or IP drive) Inputs IN4 - IN8 are closed. (S drive) Invalid response. (Q or IP drive) Inputs IN1, IN5 and IN7 are closed. Inputs X1 and X3 are closed.
NOTE: When working with digital inputs and outputs it is important to remember the designations low and high. If current is flowing into or out of an input or output, i.e. the circuit is energized, the logic state for that input/ output is dened as low or closed. If no current is flowing, i.e. the circuit is de-energized, or the input/output is not connected, the logic state is high or open. A low state is represented by the L character in parameters of commands that affect inputs/outputs. For example, WI3L means wait for input 3 low, and SO1L means set output 1 low. A high state is represented by the H character.
IT - Immediate Temperature
Compatibility: All drives Requests drive temperature, as measured by either an on-chip or board-mounted sensor. A parameter of 0 or 1 is used to specify which temperature reading is desired, depending on drive type (see Parameter Details). The temperature reads out in decivolts, or units of 0.1 degrees C. The drive will fault when the temperature reaches a specied maximum value. (See Parameter Details section below for details). If no parameter is supplied, IT0 is assumed.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Range Units IT {Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO t (068) 0-1 0.1 deg C
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 Optional. IT or IT0 returns the termperature as measured by an external, board-mounted sensor. Overtemp occurs at 85 degrees C.
Parameter #1 Optional. IT or IT0 returns the termperature as measured by the internal, on-chip sensor. Overtemp occurs at 85 degrees C.
Parameter #1 Optional. IT or IT0 returns the termperature as measured by the internal, on-chip sensor. Overtemp occurs at 100 degrees C.
STM23, STM24
Parameter #1 0 = Returns the temperature as measured by the internal, on-chip sensor. 1 = Returns the temperature as measured by an external, board-mounted sensor. Overtemp occurs at 85 degrees C.
Command IT IT0 IT1 Drive sends IT=275 IT=310 IT=412 Notes Drive temperature is 27.5o C Drive temperature is 31.0o C Drive temperature is 41.2o C
IU - Immediate Voltage
Compatibility: All drives Requests present value of the DC bus voltage, +/-5%. The voltage reads out in 0.1 volts resolution. The drive will fault when the DC bus voltage reaches a specied maximum value. An Alarm will be set when the DC Bus voltage is less then a minimum value. (See hardware manuals for details).
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units IU IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO u (069) 0.1 Volts DC, +/-5%
Command Drive sends Notes If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=H IU IU=01E2 DC supply voltage is 48.2 Volts IU IU=067E DC bus voltage is 166.2 Volts If the IF command is set with Parameter #1=D IU IU=482 DC supply voltage is 48.2 Volts IU IU=1662 DC bus voltage is 166.2 Volts
IV - Immediate Velocity
Compatibility: All drives Requests present velocity of the motor in rpm. There are two different velocities that can be read back: the motors actual velocity and the motors target velocity.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access IV(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO v (070) Actual velocity (servo drives and stepper drives with encoder) w (071) Target velocity
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Velocity selector integer 0 = actual velocity request (servo drives and stepper drives with encoder) 1 = target velocity request
Command IV0 IV1 Drive sends IV=1000 IV=1000 Notes Servo motor is running at 1000 rpm Target motor velocity is 1000 rpm
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units IX IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO x (072) encoder counts
Command IX Drive sends IX=10 Notes Position error is 10 counts
JA - Jog Acceleration
Compatibility: All drives Affects: CJ, WI (jogging) commands See also: CJ, CS, JD, JE, JL, JS, SJ Sets or requests the accel/decel rate for Jog moves in rev/sec/sec. Sending JA with no parameter causes drive to respond with present jog accel/decel rate. Setting JA overwrites the both the last JA and JL values. This means that to have different jog accel and jog decel values, you should rst send JA to set the jog accel and then send JL to set the jog decel. The JA value cannot be changed while jogging.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JA{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Jog acceleration value rev/sec/sec (rps/s) 0.167 to 5461.167 (resolution is 0.167 rps/s)
Command Drive sends JA100 - JA JA=100 Notes Set jog acceleration to 100 rev/sec/sec
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Analog velocity mode second speed rev/sec BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, ST-S: 0.0042 - 133.3333 (resolution is 0.0042) STM: 0.0042 - 80.0000 (resolution is 0.0042)
Command Drive sends JC11 - JC JC=11 Notes Set second jog speed in analog velocity mode to 11 rps
JD - Jog Disable
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Jogging during a WI command See also: JA, JE, JS, WI commands Disables jog inputs (which are active during a WI instruction if previously enabled by the JE command). Jog accel/ decel and velocity are set using the JA and JS commands, respectively.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JD BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command JD Drive sends - Notes Disable jog inputs while executing the WI command
JE - Jog Enable
Compatibility: All drives Affects: WI (jogging) command See also: JA, JD, JS, WI commands Enables jog inputs during a WI instruction. Jog accel, decel and velocity are set using the JA, JD and JS commands, respectively. BLu, STAC6-S, SE, Q, QE Inputs X1 and X2 are the designated jog inputs during a WI instruction. BLu, STAC6-Si Inputs 5 and 6 of IN/OUT2 or top board (screw terminal) connector are the designated jog inputs during a WI instruction. SV, ST-Q/Si Inputs X5 and X6 are the designated jog inputs during a WI instruction. ST-S, STM The STEP and DIR inputs are the designated jog inputs during a WI instruction. The STEP and DIR inputs can each be assigned to only one function in an application. If you want to use the STEP and DIR inputs as jog inputs you can dene them as such with the JE command. JE takes no effect if the drive is set in Command Mode (CM) 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18, because these modes predene these inputs and take precedence over the JE command. Also, setting the DL command (to 1 or 2) after setting the JE command reassigns the STEP and DIR inputs as end-of-travel limit inputs and turns off jogging functionality. In other words, the JE and DL commands, as well as Command Modes (CM) 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 each assign a usage to the STEP and DIR inputs. Each of these must exclusively use the STEP and DIR inputs. Command Modes are most dominant and will continually prevent JE and DL from using the inputs. JE and DL exclude each other by overwriting the usage of the STEP and DIR inputs. To enable jogging with the STEP and DIR inputs simply execute the JE command with CM=21 or CM=22.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JE BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command Drive sends JE - WIX4L - Notes Enable jog inputs while executing the WI command Wait for input X4 to close. While waiting jog inputs are active, which means the motor can be jogged in the CW and CCW directions by closing the jog inputs. After input X4 closes the jog function stops, at least until the next WI command executes.
JL - Jog Decel
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Jogging during WI command, velocity (oscillator) modes, and CJ command See also: JA command Sets or requests the decel rate for Jog moves and velocity (oscillator) modes in rev/sec/sec. The JL value cannot be changed while jogging. To maintain compatibility with legacy products, JA sets both the JA and JL values, so when a different JL value is required set JA rst, then set JL.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JL{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Jog deceleration rate rev/sec/sec (rps/s) 0.167 - 5461.167 rps/s (resolution is 0.167 rps/s)
Command Drive sends JL25 - JL JL=25 Notes Sets jog deceleration rate to 25 rps/s
JM - Jog Mode
Compatibility: All drives*, see below Affects: CJ command, and jogging during a WI command See also: CJ, JE, WI commands Sets or requests the Jog mode. There are two Jog modes available: *Stepper drives only utilize Jog Mode 1 (JM1), and therefore will ignore attempts to set JM2. Jog Mode 1: Servo and stepper drives For servo drives, Jog Mode 1 uses a position-type of servo control that moves the target position which causes the servo to move at the set velocity. Jog Mode 1 will cause the servo motor to always move the same distance over time. A drawback is that the servo can fault if the position error during the move exceeds the value set by the PF (Position Fault) command. For stepper drives, Jog Mode 1 causes the step motor to run at the set velocity (see JS and CS commands). Jog Mode 2: Servo drives only For servo drives only, Jog Mode 2 uses a velocity-type of servo control that applies torque to the motor to maintain velocity. This method functions better with high inertia loads because it ignores the value set by the PF (Position Fault) command. It also allows the drive to function in a torque-limited velocity mode or a velocitylimited torque mode. Jog Mode 2 also uses a different set of control parameters, VI and VP, for tuning the velocity mode. See VI & VP commands later in this guide.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JM{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Jog mode integer 1 = position-type 2 = velocity-type
Command Drive sends JM1 - JM2 - JM JM=2 Notes Put drive into position-type servo control when jogging Put drive into velocity-type servo control when jogging
JS - Jog Speed
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Jogging during WI command, velocity (oscillator) modes, and CJ command See also: CJ, CS, JA commands Sets or requests the speed for Jog moves in rev/sec. Sending JS with no parameter causes drive to respond with present jog speed.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access JS{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes J (026) Note: The JS command uses different units than the J register. See Data Registers section for details.
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Move velocity rev/sec BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, ST-S: 0.0042 - 133.3333 (resolution is 0.0042) STM: 0.0042 - 80.0000 (resolution is 0.0042)
Command Drive sends JS10.35 - JS JS=10.35 Notes Set jog speed to 10.35 rps
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter Value integer 0 - 32767 (see above for calculations)
Command Drive sends KC7836 - KC KC=7836 Notes Set servo lter to 200 Hz
KD - Dierential Constant
Compatibility: Servo drives only Affects: Servo tuning and performance Sets or requests the servo control differential gain. Gain value is relative: 0 meaning no gain, 32767 meaning full gain. KD is part of the Damping servo parameters in Quick Tuner. It works to damp low speed oscillations. NOTE: It is recommended to use the Quick Tuner software for tuning and conguring your servo system.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KD{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Differential Gain value integer 0 - 32767 (0 = 0%, 32767 = 100%)
Command Drive sends KD2000 - KD KD=2000 Notes Set differential gain to 2000
KE - Dierential Filter
Compatibility: Servo drives only Affects: Servo tuning and performance Sets or requests the differential control parameter lter frequency. The lter is a simple one-pole, low-pass lter intended for attenuating high frequency oscillations. The value is a constant that must be calculated from the desired roll off frequency. See equation below. C = 72090 / (1400/F + 2.2) where C = Filter Value, K = desired lter Frequency in Hz NOTE: It is recommended to use the Quick Tuner software for tuning and conguring your servo system.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KE{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Filter Value integer 0 - 32767
Command KE7836 Drive sends - Notes Set differential lter to 200 Hz
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KF{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Velocity feedforward gain value integer 0 - 32767 (0 = 0%, 32767 = 100%)
Command Drive sends KF4000 - KF KF=4000 Notes Set velocity feedforward gain to 4000
KI - Integrator Constant
Compatibility: Servo drives only Affects: Servo tuning and performance Sets or requests the servo control integrator gain term. Gain value is relative: 0 meaning no gain, 32767 meaning full gain. KI is part of the Stiffness servo parameters in Quick Tuner. It minimizes (or may even eliminate) position errors especially when holding position. NOTE: It is recommended to use the Quick Tuner software for tuning and conguring your servo system.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Integrator gain value integer 0 - 32767 (0 = 0%, 32767 = 100%)
Command Drive sends KI5000 - KI KI=500 Notes Set integrator gain to 500
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KJ{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Jerk Filter Frequency (Hz) integer 0 - 5000 (0 = disabled)
Command Drive sends KJ500 - KJ KJ=500 Notes Set jerk lter frequency to 500Hz
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KK{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Inertia feedforward gain value integer 0 - 32767 (0 = 0%, 32767 = 100%)
Command Drive sends KK500 - KK KK=500 Notes Set inertia feedforward gain to 500
KP - Proportional Constant
Compatibility: Servo drives only Affects: Servo tuning and performance Sets or requests the servo control proportional gain term. Gain value is relative: 0 meaning no gain, 32767 meaning full gain. KP is part of the Stiffness servo parameters in Quick Tuner. This parameter is the primary gain term for minimizing the position error. NOTE: It is recommended to use the Quick Tuner software for tuning and conguring your servo system.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Proportional gain value integer 0 - 32767 (0 = 0%, 32767 = 100%)
Command Drive sends KP5000 - KP KP=5000 Notes Set proportional gain to 5000
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access KV{Paramter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Velocity feedback gain value integer 0 - 32767 (0 = 0%, 32767 = 100%)
Command Drive sends KV4000 - KV KV=4000 Notes Set velocity feedback gain to 4000
Alternatively, in terms of physical displacement, 1 rotational degree / 50 electrical degrees 0.02 rotational degrees / electrical degree
The maximum effective setting for LA is 180 electrical degrees. If at any point the motors lead angle exceeds this value, a stall condition will occur. NOTE: While it is worthwhile to understand the meaning of the Lead Angle setting, it is intended that the ST Congurator software be used to congure this setting.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access LA{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ / WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Lead Angle Value integer 1 - 180 electrical degrees
Command Drive sends LA120 - LA LA=120 Notes Set the target lead angle setting to 120 electrical degrees (default, optimal for most motors)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access LS{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ / WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Lead Angle Speed integer 1 - 80 rev/sec
Command Drive sends Notes LS25 - Use maximum lead angle setting (LA) at 25 rps LS LS=25
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access LV{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Low voltage threshold All drives except BLuAC5: 0.1 volts DC BLuAC5: 1 volt DC BLuDC: 18 to 40 BLuAC: 90 to 300 STAC6: 90 to 160 ST5: 12 to 75 ST10: 12 to 75 SV7: 12 to 75 STM: 10 to 75
Command LV LV200 LV LV Drive sends LV=180 - LV=900 LV=90 Notes Low voltage threshold of ST5 set at 18 VDC Set low voltage threshold of ST5 drive to 20 VDC Low voltage threshold of STAC6 set at 90 VDC (bus voltage) Low voltage threshold of BLuAC5 set at 90 VDC (bus voltage)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access MC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ / WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Motor Rated Current amps 0 - 6.00 amps (STAC6 only) 0 - 10.00 amps (ST-S, ST-Q/Si)
Command Drive sends Notes MC2.5 - Motor maximum current set to 2.5A. MC MC=2.5
MD - Motor Disable
Compatibility: All drives See also: BE, BO, ME commands Disables motor outputs (reduces motor current to zero). Disabling the motor also activates the Brake Output function (see BO command). Motor current is not reduced to zero until the Brake Engage (BE command) time has expired.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access MD BUFFERED WRITE ONLY No None
Command MD Drive sends - Notes Drive turns off current to the motor
ME - Motor Enable
Compatibility: All drives See also: BD, BO, MD commands Restores drive current to motor. If the drive cannot be enabled due to the Enable Input (SI) state, the drive will respond with a & which indicates that the drive could not be enabled. Enabling the drive also deactivates the Brake Output function (see BO command). Enabling of the motor is delayed by the BD (Brake Disengage) time delay. WARNING: This command restores the previous mode of operation. If for example the drive is operating in Analog Velocity mode the motor may immediately start moving. External inputs to the drive must be sequenced properly to avoid unpredictable operation.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ME BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command ME ME Drive sends - & Notes Drive is enabled Drive is NOT enabled: check Servo Enable input (SI) for proper state
MN - Model Number
Compatibility: All drives NOTE: This command is deprecated. Please use MV to query the drive for model and revision information. Requests the drives Model Number. Drive returns a single character that is a code for the model number. Unlike most other commands that request data back from the drive, where the drive will send the original Command Code followed by an = and then a value, when the MN command is sent to a drive the drive only responds with the single character code. (See below).
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units MN IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None character code (see below)
Response Details:
Model Number Character code BLuDC4-S* O BLuDC4-SE* o BLuDC4-Si* P BLuDC4-Q* W BLuDC4-QE* w BLuDC9-S* R BLuDC9-SE* r BLuDC9-Si* S BLuDC9-Q* X BLuDC9-QE* x BLuAC5-S T BLuAC5-SE t BLuAC5-Q U BLuAC5-QE u BLuAC5-Si V STAC6-S Y STAC6-SE y STAC6-Q Z STAC6-QE z STAC6-Si [ Model Number Character Code STAC6-220-S \ STAC6-220-SE | STAC6-220-Q ] STAC6-220-QE } STAC6-220-Si ^ ST5-S D ST10-S E ST5-Plus J ST10-Plus K ST5-Q F ST10-Q H ST5-Si G ST10-Si I STM23S-xxx a STM23Q-xxx b SV7-S ; SV7-Q < SV7-Si =
* BLu100 and BLu200 series drives have been replaced by BLuDC4 and BLuDC9 series drives, respectively. BLu100 and BLu200 drives are still supported, but part numbers have been changed.
Command MN Drive sends T Notes Connected drive is a BLuAC5-S
MO - Motion Output
Compatibility: All drives See also: AO, BO, PL, SD commands Denes the drives Motion Output digital output function. See the PL command for details on the in position window setting. There are three Motion Output states that can be dened for all drives with the MO command: MO1: Output is closed (energized) when motor is not moving. MO2: Output is open (de-energized) when motor is not moving. MO3: Output is not used as a Motion Output and can be used for another automatic output function or as a general purpose output. For all stepper drives there are 5 additional states available: MO4: Output is used as a Tach Output at 100 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO5: Output is used as a Tach Output at 200 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO6: Output is used as a Tach Output at 400 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO7: Output is used as a Tach Output at 800 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO8: Output is used as a Tach Output at 1600 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. For SV servo drives there are 7 additional states available: MO4: Output is used as a Tach Output at 64 pulses/rev with 8 pole motor (8 times number of poles) MO5: Output is used as a Tach Output at 128 pulses/rev with 8 pole motor (16 times number of poles) MO6: Output is used as a Tach Output at 256 pulses/rev with 8 pole motor (32 times number of poles) MO7: Output is used as a Tach Output at 512 pulses/rev with 8 pole motor (64 times number of poles) MO8: Output is used as a Tach Output at 1024 pulses/rev with 8 pole motor (128 times number of poles) MO9: Output is closed when in position based on encoder error MO10: Output is open when in position based on encoder error BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, STAC5-Q/IP, SVAC3-Q/IP Output Y2 is the designated Motion Output. ST-S, STM17-S/Q/C, STM23-Q/C, STM24-C The one output of these drives (OUT) can be assigned to one of the ve available functions: alarm output, brake output, motion output, tach output, or general purpose output. Each of these functions must exclusively use the output, so only one function is allowed. There are two ways to dene the function of this output: via the ST Congurator software or via the MO command. STM24-SF/QF Drives with Flex I/O allow a second parameter which allows the user to specify the I/O point used. Before an I/O point can be used as a Motion Output it must rst be congured as an output with the SD command. Possible uses for the MO command on the STM24 are as follows (n denotes the I/O point to be used): MO1n: Output is closed (active, low) when a Drive Fault is present. MO2n: Output is open (inactive, high) when a Drive Fault is present. MO3n: Output is not used as an Alarm Output and can be used for another automatic output function or as a general purpose output. MO4n: Output is used as a Tach Output at 100 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO5n: Output is used as a Tach Output at 200 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO6n: Output is used as a Tach Output at 400 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO7n: Output is used as a Tach Output at 800 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. MO8n: Output is used as a Tach Output at 1600 pulses/rev with 1.8 degree step motor. 139 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference NOTE: Setting the MO command to 1, 2, or 4 - 8 overrides previous assignments of this outputs function. Similarly, if you use the AO or BO command to set the function of the output after setting the MO command to 1 or 2, usage of the output will be reassigned and AO will be automatically set to 3.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access MO{Parameter #1}{Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only)} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only) - units - range Output Usage (see above) integer code 1, 2 or 3 I/O Point (if applicable, see note below) integer code 1-4
NOTES: The SD command must be executed to set an I/O point as an output before that output can be designated as the Motion Output. Parameter #2 only applies to drives equipped with Flex I/O. This includes the STM24-S and -Q. Parameter #2 is not defined for drives equipped with standard I/O.
All drives with standard I/O: Command Drive sends MO1 - MO MO=1 Drives with Flex I/O only: Command Drive sends SD4O - MO14 - MO MO=14 STM24-S, -Q only Command Drive sends MO14 - MO MO=14 Notes Motion Output will close when the motor is not moing
Notes Congures I/O 4 as output (see SD command for details) Motion Output is mapped to output #4, and will close when the motor is not moving
NOTE: When working with digital inputs and outputs it is important to remember the designations low and high. If current is flowing into or out of an input or output, i.e. the circuit is energized, the logic state for that input/ output is dened as low or closed. If no current is flowing, i.e. the circuit is de-energized, or the input/output is not connected, the logic state is high or open. A low state is represented by the L character in parameters of commands that affect inputs/outputs. For example, WI3L means wait for input 3 low, and SO1L means set output 1 low. A high state is represented by the H character. 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 140
MR - Microstep Resolution
Compatibility: All Stepper Drives Affects: Microstep Resolution See also: EG command The MR command allows the user to set or request the Microstep Resolution of the drive. NOTE: The MR command has been deprecated, and should no longer be used. It is included here solely for compatibility with older programs. New applications should make use of the EG command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access MR{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Microstep Resolution (code) Integer 0 - 15: Code, steps/rev 0 = 200 1 = 400 3 = 2000 4 = 5000 5 = 10,000 6 = 12,800 7 = 18,000 8 = 20,000 9 = 21,600 10 = 25,000 11 = 25,400 12 = 25,600 13 = 36,000 14 = 50,000 15 = 50,800
Command Drive sends MR8 - MR MR=8 Notes Set the drives microstep resolution to 20,000 steps/rev
MT - Multi-Tasking
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All move commands See also: CJ, OI, QJ, TI, TR, and WM commands Sets or request the status of the multi-tasking function (on or off). When multi-tasking is enabled (on), commands such as FL (Feed to Length) or HW (Hand Wheel) do not block execution of subsequent commands in the queue or program segment. This allows executing other type of operations, such as setting outputs (SO), while a move is taking place.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access MT{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE No None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Multi-tasking switch integer 0 = multi-tasking disabled 1 = multi-tasking enabled
Command Drive sends MT1 - MT MT=1 Notes Enables multi-tasking
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access MV IMMEDIATE READ ONLY No None
Response Details:
Response will be in the format AAAABBBC, where AAAA is the rmware version, BBB is the model number code, and C is the sub-model number code. Model and sub-model number codes are listed below by drive, and Examples are given afterward. Drive Firmware Model No. Code SV7-S * 011 SV7-Q * 012 SV7-Si * 013 STAC6-S * 041 STAC6-Q * 042 STAC6-Si * 043 STAC6-220-S * 044 STAC6-220-Q * 045 STAC6-220-Si * 046 STAC6-C * 047 STAC6-220-C * 048 ST5-S * 020 ST5-Q * 022 ST5-Si * 023 ST5-Plus * 026 ST10-S * 021 ST10-Q * 024 ST10-Si * 025 ST10-Plus * 027 STM23S-2AN * 049 STM23S-2AE * 049 STM23S-2RN * 049 STM23S-2RE * 049 STM23S-3AN * 049 STM23S-3AE * 049 STM23S-3RN * 049 STM23S-3RE * 049 STM23Q-2AN * 050 STM23Q-2AE * 050 143 Sub-Model No. Code A E C G B F D H A E 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference STM23Q-2RN * STM23Q-2RE * STM23Q-3AN * STM23Q-3AE * STM23Q-3RN * STM23Q-3RE * 050 050 050 050 050 050 C G B F D H
* See example below for format of rmware version. - Denotes no sub-model number code is used for this drive.
Command Drive sends MV 100Q012 MV 103F042 MV 102J049A Notes Drive connected has DSP rmware version 1.00Q, and the drive model number is SV7-Q Drive connected has DSP rmware version 1.03F, and the drive model number is STAC6-Q Drive connected has DSP rmware version 1.03F, and the drive model number is STM23S-2AN
NO - No Operation
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Stored program ow Q programs halt execution at blank lines. If a no op line is required in a program, for comments or other purposes, rather than leave the line blank the NO command is used. Think of the NO command as leaving a blank line in the middle of a sequence of commands. This is useful if after creating a sequence of commands you would like to delete a command without the line numbers of the remaining commands changing. Instead of deleting the line with the unwanted command, replace the unwanted command with a NO command and the remaining commands in the sequence will maintain their respective line numbers. NOTE: NO commands are not required after the last command in a segment.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access NO BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command NO Drive sends - Notes No operation takes place at this program line
OF - On Fault
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Stored program ow See also: AL, AX, AX, ME, OI commands When a drive fault occurs, the OF command causes a given program segment to immediately load from nonvolatile memory into the queue. The OF command acts as a kind of software switch in that when this function is turned on the drives response to a drive fault (loading the designated program segment) is automatic. Once a fault occurs the fault must be cleared (AX) and the motor re-enabled (ME) before continuing normal program execution. Please note that while immediately executing AX will clear the alarm code, it does not guarantee that the condition that caused the alarm has been resolved. Therefore it is recommended to include a short delay or wait for user input before clearing the alarm and resuming normal operation. Also, a drive fault will turn the OF function off, so after a fault the OF command must be executed again to reset the function. For this reason it is common to place the OF command in segment 1 of a Q program, and then load segment 1 (QX1) from the designated OF segment after the fault has been cleared and the motor re-enabled. A parameter value of 0 disables the On Fault function. See the AL (Alarm code) command for details of drive faults.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access OF(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY No None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range program segment # integer 1 - 12 = segment 1 - 12 0 = disable On Fault function
Command Drive sends In segment 1 of a Q program... OF9 - Notes When a drive fault occurs load and execute program segment 9
In segment 9 of the same Q program... WT0.1 - Short delay to allow the system to settle AX - Alarm reset ME - Motor enable QX1 - Load and execute segment 1, which will also reset the OF function. OF0 - Disable the On Fault function
OI - On Input
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Interrupt function and stored program ow See also: MT, OF command When the given input condition is met the OI command causes program segment 10 to immediately load from non-volatile memory into the queue. The OI command operates as a kind of software switch. Executing the command turns the interrupt function on. Responding to the interrupt input (by loading segment 10) turns the interrupt function off. Therefore after an interrupt condition is cleared in the system the OI command must be executed again to reset the interrupt function. One way to do this is place a copy of the OI command near the end of segment 10, before loading and executing another segment (QX command). Only one interrupt input can be dened at a time within a program. Executing the OI command with no parameter disables the interrupt function. If Multi-Tasking is disabled (MT0, default) when the input condition is met, any move in progress will be aborted and Segment 10 will be loaded immediately. If Multi-Tasking is enabled (MT1) when the input condition is met, the program will branch to Segment 10 without interrupting a move in progress. In this scenario a Stop Move (SM) command may be used to abort the move.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access OI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY No None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Notes Turn Multi-Tasking off Load and execute program segment 10 when input X5 goes from high to low. If a move is in progress, abort it. Turn Multi-Tasking on Load and execute program segment 10 when input X5 goes from high to low. Has no effect on a move already in progress. Disable interrupt function
OP - Option board
Compatibility: All drives See also: IF, MV commands Requests the decimal or hexadecimal equivalent (see IF command) of the option boards 7-bit binary word. Since some drives - like the SV, ST-Q/Si, and STM drives - are available with different option boards, it is useful for the host to be able to request this information from the drive. The 7 bits in the option boards binary word are shown below.
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Value (Hex) 1 2 4 8 10 20 40 80 SV7 Encoder Board RS-485 CANOpen reserved reserved MCF Board * Ethernet reserved SVAC3 Encoder Board reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved Ethernet Expanded I/O ST Encoder Board RS-485 CANOpen reserved reserved MCF Board * Ethernet reserved STAC5 Encoder Board reserved reserved reserved reserved Expanded I/O 0 reserved
* This board includes encoder output so drives with this option will also have bit 0 set
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access OP IMMEDIATE READ ONLY Yes None
IF command set for decimal (IFD)... Command Drive sends OP OP3 OP OP4 OP OP33 Notes Drive has both encoder and RS-485 option boards installed Drive has CANOpen board installed Drive has MCF board installed (bits 0 and 5 are set)
IF command set for hexadecimal (IFH)... Command Drive sends Notes OP OP0003 Drive has both encoder and RS-485 option boards installed OP OP0004 Drive has CANOpen board installed OP OP0021 Drive has MCF board installed
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PA{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes (see note below) M (029)
Note: The PA and CA commands use different units than the M register; see Data Registers section for details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Power-up accel/decel current Amps (resolution is 0.01 amps) STM24: 0-6.0 STM23: 0-5.0 STM17: 0-2.0
Congurator software may also be used to set all current levels. NOTE: This data is saved to non-volatile memory immediately upon execution. It is not required to execute the SA command to save to non-volatile memory.
STM17, STM23, STM24 Command Drive sends PA1.2 - PA PA=1.2 Notes Set power-up accel/decel current to 1.2 amps (peak of sine)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PB{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes (see note below) None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Baud rate code integer code 1 = 9600 2 = 19200 3 = 38400 4 = 57600 5 = 115200
NOTE: This data is saved to non-volatile memory immediately upon execution. It is not required to execute the SA command to save to non-volatile memory.
Command Drive sends Notes PB2 - Power-up baud rate is set to 19200 and this value is immediately saved to non-volatile memory PB PB=2
PC - Power-up Current
Compatibility: All drives Affects: Motor current and torque See also: CC, PI, PP commands If using a stepper drive, PC sets or requests the continuous (RMS) current setting of the servo drive. If using a servo drive, PC sets or requests the current setting (peak of sine) of the stepper drive, also known as the running current. NOTE: This command is similar to CC. It diers only in that in addition to setting the continuous current of the drive, PC also immediately saves the setting to NV memory. See CC command for further details.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes (see note below) N (030) Note: The PC and CC commands use different units than the N register; see Data Registers section for details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Power-up continuous current setting amps rms (resolution is 0.01 amps) BLuDC4: 0 - 4.5 BLuDC9: 0 - 9.0 BLuAC5: 0 - 5.0 SV: 0 - 7.0 SVAC3 (120V): 0 - 3.5 SVAC3 (220V): 0 - 1.8
NOTE: Applied Motion recommends using Configurator software to select a motor and set the maximum current.
Command Drive sends PC3.2 - PC PC=3.2 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 Notes Set power-up continuous current to 3.2 amps RMS for servo drive or 3.2 amps running current for stepper drive 152
PF - Position Fault
Compatibility: Servo drives and stepper drives with encoder feedback Servo drives Sets or requests the Position Fault limit in encoder counts. This value denes the limit threshold, in encoder counts, reached between actual position and commanded position before the system produces a position fault error. Stepper drives: Sets or requests the percentage of torque used in the Stall Prevention function for systems with an encoder installed on the motor. Making this setting with the PF command requires that an SA (Save) command be sent afterwards, then a power-down/power-up cycle before the change will take effect. It is recommended that the Congurator software be used to make this setting.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PF{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Servo: Position fault limit Stepper: Percentage of torque Servo: encoder counts Stepper: percentage of torque Servo: 1 - 32767 Stepper: 0 - 100 (percent)
Command Drive sends PF2000 - PF PF=2000 Notes Set position fault limit to 2000 counts in servo drive
PF50 - Set percentage of torque to 50% in stepper drive tted with encoder and with the Stall Prevention function turned on PF PF=50
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes (see note below) O (031) Note: The CI command uses different units than the O register; see Data Registers section for more details
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Idle current at power-up amps 0 - 100% of running current
NOTE: This data is saved to non-volatile memory immediately upon execution. It is not required to execute the SA command to save to non-volatile memory.
Command Drive sends PI0.75 - PI PI=0.75 Notes Set power-up idle current to 0.75 amps
PL - Position Limit
Compatibility: Servo drives only Affects: Motion Output function See also: MO command Sets or requests the count value used by the servo to determine if the motor is in position. This is used by the servo for determining the state of Motion Output (see MO command). When performing a move the Motion Output will be set to the designated condition until the servo is in position at the end of a move. The In Position status is set in the same way.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PL{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Positioning limit encoder counts 0 - 32767
Command Drive sends PL20 - PL PL=20 Notes Set position limit to 20 counts
PM - Power-up Mode
Compatibility: All drives See also: CM command Sets or requests the power-up mode of the drive. PM determines how the drive is congured for serial communications at power-up. For example, for SCL applications set PM=2 or PM=5. The power-up mode is also set when conguring the drive with Quick Tuner or Congurator. PM2 (Q / SCL) is the same as PM7 (Q Program Mode), except the program is not automatically executed at power up. Q drives When creating Q Programs for your Q drive, checking the Execute Q at Power-up box on the main screen of the Q Programmer software will change the power-up mode of the drive to 7 (PM7) with the next download. This will cause the drive to run its stored Q Program at power-up. You must download the program after checking this box for the change to take effect. Si drives An Si drive is set to PM1 automatically when an Si program is downloaded to the drive. If the drive is currently set to PM7 for operation in Q mode, simply uploading and executing a stored Si program will not change the powerup mode of the drive to PM1. The program may be uploaded and executed, but the drive will not power up and execute the Si program until after a download through the Si Programmer software. NOTE: If the drive is configured for power-up modes 1 or 3, it will not respond to SCL commands issued by a host device. If SCL communications are required in this scenario, the host device must recognize the drives powerup packet and issue the response 00 (double-zero, no carriage return) within two seconds to force the drive into SCL mode without altering the PM setting. See Appendix B for further information.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PM {Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes (see note below) None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Power on mode integer code 1 = Si Program (Si versions only) 2 = Q / SCL (drive enabled) 3 = Quick Tuner (servos) or Congurator (steppers) 4 = SiNet Hub 5 = Q / SCL (drive disabled) 6 = not used 7 = Q Program, Auto-execute (Q drives only)
NOTE: This data is saved to non-volatile memory immediately upon execution. It is not required to execute the SA command to save to non-volatile memory.
Command Drive sends PM2 - PM PM=2 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 Notes Drive will power up in Q / SCL mode (drive enabled)
PN - Probe On Demand
Compatibility: Stepper drives See also: EF, MC commands Perform a full-current probe of the motor. The motors maximum rated current is used as dened by the MC command. This allows the drive to dynamically measure electrical parameters such as inductance and resistance, which are used to optimize the drives control over the motor. This probe is automatically done on power-up and after an EF command is issued, but may be performed at any time using the PN command. NOTE: This operation will briefly energize the motor with full current. Use caution when executing the PN command as this may cause slight movement of the motor shaft.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PN BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command PN Drive sends - Notes Perform a full-current probe of the motor.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Power-up peak current limit amps RMS (resolution is 0.01 amps) BLuDC4: 0 - 13.5 BLuDC9: 0 - 18.0 BLuAC5: 0 - 15.0 SV7: 0 - 7.0 SVAC3 (120V): 0 - 7.5 SVAC3 (220V): 0 - 3.75
Command Drive sends PP6 - PP PP=6 Notes Set power-up peak current to 6.0 amps RMS
PR - Protocol
Compatibility: All drives Affects: RS-232 & RS-485 Serial Communications See also: BR and PB commands Sets or requests the serial communication protocol settings. Sets or requests the serial communication protocol settings. There are a number of settings that can be turned on or off in the PR command. Each setting is assigned a bit in a 6-bit binary word. The parameter of the PR command is the decimal equivalent of this word. If you send the PR command without a parameter the drive will respond with the decimal equivalent of the word as well. The different protocol settings and their bit assignments are shown below.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PR{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Protocol code decimal (integer) value of binary word 1 - 63 (000001 - 111111) bit 0 = Default (Standard SCL) bit 1 = Always use Address Character bit 2 = Ack/Nack bit 3 = Checksum (RESERVED) bit 4 = (reserved) bit 5 = 3-digit numeric register addressing
*Bit 0 is only required when all other bits are set to 0. If any other bit in the word is set to 1, Bit 0 is ignored. For example, PR4 and PR5 provide the same protocol settings.
Command PR1 Drive sends - Notes Set to standard SCL protocol Turn Ack/Nack on
PR4 - PR PR=4
PS - Pause
Compatibility: All drives See also: BS, CT command Suspends execution of buffered commands until the next CT (Continue) command is executed. This can be useful for coordinating motion among axes by rst pausing (PS) the drives, then loading the drives command buffers with commands, and then resuming command execution (CT) in all drives at once. PS can also be useful for holding a sequence of commands in the drives command buffer to time with an external event. Use the PS command to pause the command buffer, then send each (buffered type) command in the desired sequence to the drive. When the timing with the external event occurs, simply send the CT command which will trigger the execution of the already buffered sequence of commands. NOTE: It is possible to overow the command buer. Use the BS (Buer Status) command to view how many command spaces are vacant in the buer at any given time.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PS BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command PS Drive sends - Notes Pause execution of buffered commands
PT - Pulse Type
Compatibility: All drives See also: CM, EG commands Sets or requests the type of incoming pulse used in CM7 (Pulse and Direction mode). The possible input signals are as follows: 0 = Step / Direction 1 = CW / CCW Pulse 2 = AB Quadrature (master encoder) 4 = Step / ~Direction (direction input is reversed from PT0) 6 = BA Quadrature (count direction is reverse of PT2)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PT{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ / WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Pulse Type integer 0, 1, 2, 4, or 6
Command Drive sends Notes PT0 - Instruct the drive to follow step/direction pulses from a master controller. PT PT=0 PT2 - Instruct the drive to follow AB quadrature encoder pulses, typically from a master encoder. PT PT=2
PW - Password
Compatibility: Q drives only Normally the stored program of a Q drive can be uploaded and downloaded at will. This allows basically any user to access the stored program of a Q drive. To password-protect the stored program of a Q drive the PW command can be issued with a customized key code. The factory default key code is 1234, which allows uploading and downloading programs freely. To passwordprotect a stored program the user should enter the PW command with a new key code. This new key code can be any 4 character alpha-numeric code (characters A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 are acceptable). After entering the new key code the user must enter the SA (Save) command for the new key code to be saved in the drive. Then, the next time the drive is powered up password-protection will take effect, which means the user must rst unlock the drive by sending the PW command with the customized key code before being able to upload (QU), save (QS), or delete (QD) any part of the Q drives stored program. (All other immediate commands function even if the drive is not unlocked). Furthermore, every subsequent power-up of the drive will require the same key code to be entered before uploading. To change the key code, enter the present key code at power up and then use the PW command to enter a new key code followed by the SA command. To return the drive to the default state of nopassword protection, unlock the drive rst by using the present key code, then enter the default key code of 1234 followed by the SA command. NOTE: If the key code is forgotten or lost, re-entering the default code of 1234 will unlock the drive and ERASE THE CONTENTS OF THE DRIVES NON-VOLATILE MEMORY AT THE SAME TIME.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access PW(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range - default 4-digit alphanumeric key code upper and lower-case letters and numbers A-Z, a-z, 0-9 Default key code is 1234
Command PWak99 SA PWak99 Drive sends - - - Notes Password key code set to ak99 New key code saved in drive Access to stored program unlocked at next power-up of drive
QC - Queue Call
Compatibility: Q drives only See also: QX, QE, QL commands Loads a program segment from non-volatile memory into the queue and begins executing at line #1. Loads the calling segment location and the line where the call occurred into a call stack. When a QC command without a parameter is encountered in the segment a return to the calling segment is activated. The calling segment is loaded from non-volatile memory back into the queue and begins executing at the line immediately following the line number of the original calling QC command. The call stack can go 5 calls deep which means you can nest up to 5 calls. If the number of calls before a return (QC with no parameter) is encountered exceeds 5 the calling QC command (with parameter) is ignored. If a return is encountered without a previous call, the return is ignored.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Program segment, no parameter means return to calling segment integer 1 - 12 = segment 1 - 12 no parameter = return to calling segment
Command QC4 QC Drive sends - - Notes Call segment 4 Return to calling segment
QD - Queue Delete
Compatibility: Q drives only See also: QL, QS, PW commands Deletes the contents of the non-volatile memory location associated with a particular program segment.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QD(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Segment number integer number 1 - 12
Command QD5 Drive sends - Notes Delete program segment 5 from the drives non-volatile memory
QE - Queue Execute
Compatibility: Q drives only See also: QL, QX Begins executing a program segment previously loaded into the queue. Starts executing at line #1. A segment must have previously been loaded using the QL or QX commands.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QE IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Command QE Drive sends - Notes Begin execution of loaded segment
QG - Queue Goto
Compatibility: Q drives only See also: QJ, QR Causes program segment execution to jump to the given line number in the queue. Gotos directed to the same line number as the QG command or past the end of the queue are ignored.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QG(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Segment line number integer 1 - 62
Command QG10 Drive sends - Notes Cause a jump to line 10 in the segment
QJ - Queue Jump
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Program ow See also: QG, TI, TR, CR and all Math commands (R commands) Causes program segment execution to jump to the given line number in the queue based on a condition code. Jumps directed to the same line number as the QJ command or past the end of the queue are ignored. If the condition code is met the jump occurs, if not the program proceeds to the next line. Condition codes are set by previous commands such as the TI (Test Input) or TR (Test Register) commands. When using math commands (R commands) the condition code is set based on the result of the math operation.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QJ(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Condition code letter T = True F = False P = Positive G = Greater than L = Less than E = Equals U = Unequal Z = Zero Segment line number integer 1 - 62
Command TI4L QJT15 Drive sends - - Notes Test input 4 to see if its low (active) Jump to line 15 if condition code is True (i.e. input 4 is low)
QK - Queue Kill
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Queue execution and program ow See also: SK Halts execution of the queue. The queue contents are not affected and can be executed again using the QE command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QK BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command QK Drive sends - Notes Stop execution of the queue/program
QL - Queue Load
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Contents of command buffer See also: QE, QS, QX commands Initiates the loading of a command sequence into the queue. Loading can come from the serial port (host controller) or from non-volatile memory (stored program). When no parameter is sent with the command loading is done from the serial port. Loading is nished when a QS (Queue Save) or QE (Queue Execute) command is sent. When a parameter is sent with the command the parameter designates the non-volatile memory location of the desired program segment to be loaded into the queue. QL will cause an overwrite of any commands in the queue starting at line #1.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QL{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Program segment number integer 1 - 12
Command QL QL3 Drive sends - - Notes Initiates loading queue from serial port Loads segment from non-volatile memory into the queue
QR - Queue Repeat
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Selected data register See also: QJ, QG, RL, RX commands Causes program segment execution to jump to a previous line number in the queue for a given number of repeat counts. The repeat count is acquired from a selected Read/Write or User-Dened data register. Jumps past the end of the queue are ignored. Jumps to subsequent line numbers in the queue will not be repeated. If repeat count is set to 1 no Jump is performed. The data register selected for the repeat count must be set with the number of repeat counts prior to using the QR command: use the RX (Register Load - buffered) command to load the data register with the repeat count. The data register contents are affected by this command and must be reloaded before each usage with the QR command. NOTE: Although data registers A - Z can be used with the QR command it is not recommended. The QR command eventually destructs the data in a register by decrementing its value each time a jump is made in the repeat loop and could therefore lead to unexpected results in other parts of the program that make use of data registers A - Z.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QR(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range Data register register character A - Z and all user-dened registers (listed in the Data Registers section) Segment line number integer 1 - 62
Command Drive sends RX120 - QR15 - Notes Load user register #1 with the value 20 Cause a repeated jump to line 5 of the queue using the value (20) in data register #1 as the repeat count
QS - Queue Save
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: None See also: QE, QL, QX, PW commands Saves a segment currently in the queue to a non-volatile memory location. Ends a QL (Queue Load) if one is in progress. See Appendix B for more details on this command, including its limitations.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QS(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Program segment location integer 1 - 12
Command QS2 Drive sends - Notes Save contents of queue to non-volatile memory location #2
QU - Queue Upload
Compatibility: Q drives only See also: QL, QE, QS, QX, PW commands Uploads a stored program segment from the drives non-volatile memory to the serial port. This command is used to retrieve stored program segments from the drive. When using this command the drive responds with either a positive or a negative response. A positive response consists of a normal acknowledge (ack) followed by the contents of the requested program segment with each line number separated by a carriage return. Program segments 1 to 12 can be uploaded, as well as the contents of the queue. A negative response from the drive consists of a normal acknowledge (ack) followed by one of four error codes: 0, -1, -2, or -3. A negative acknowledge (nack / ?) will be sent from the drive if the command is not understood by the drive. See Appendix D for more information on acknowledge and negative acknowledge responses. Positive response format: ack (%) First line = QU## where ## = the number of lines in the segment + 1 Second line = command at line 1 of the segment Next line = command at line 2 of the segment ... Last line = command at last line of segment Negative Responses: ack (%) QU0 = No segment at specied location QU-1 = Program Running (Cannot upload at this time) QU-2 = Upload currently in process QU-3 = Password Protected (Protection must be unlocked using PW command)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QU(Parameter #1) IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Program segment location integer 1 - 12, or 0 to upload queue
Command QU0 QU3 Drive sends (queue contents) (segment #3 contents) location #3 Notes Uploads contents of queue to the serial port Uploads contents of segment from non-volatile memory
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access QX(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Program segment location integer 1 - 12
Command QX2 Drive sends - Notes Loads segment #2 and begins execution
RC - Register Counter
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Data Register I (025) See also: RL, RX , RI, RD, TS commands This command enables a function that increments the I data register when the given input condition (determined by the RC command) is met. Typically the R or F input condition (see Details below) is used to trigger an increment. If however the L or H input condition is used the register will be incremented at a rate of 8000 times per second. In other words the R and F input conditions are used for true input counting while the L and H conditions act as input timers. Use the RL (Register Load - immediate) or RX (Register Load - buffered) commands to preset or set the I data register to a predetermined value. Sending the RC command without a parameter disables the function. This command is also used in conjunction with the TS (Time Stamp) command. See the TS command for more details.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO I (025)
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command RC4F Drive sends - low (falling edge) Notes Increment data register I each time input 4 changes from high to
The sample Q program on the following page illustrates the interaction of the RC and TS commands. After initialization, the program waits for a falling edge event on input X3, at which point a 5 second timer begins counting down. During this delay, the user may trigger X3 an arbitrary number of times. After 5 seconds, the motor will execute a series of 5000-step moves, with the delay between each corresponding to the delay between switch closures on X3. That is, if the user trips X3 four times waiting 1 second between each event, the motor will execute four 5000-step moves with a 1 second dwell between each.
Host Command Reference Sample Q program for illustrating RC and TS interaction MT 1 Multi-tasking ON EG 20000 20,000 steps/rev AC 250 DE 250 VE 5 FI 3 200 Filter input 3 for 200 processor ticks RX I 0 Zero the I register RC X3F Setup the I register for input X3 WI X3F Wait for input X3 WT 5.00 Wait 5 seconds >>> trigger inpuxt X3 a few times TS Throw away rst time stamp LABEL2 RD I Decrement I register FL 5000 Feed 5000 steps TR I 1 Test I against 1 QJ L #LABEL1 Jump to end if I less than 1 TS Time stamp RM W 1 Move W into 1 WD 1 Delay for 1 milliseconds QG #LABEL2 Go to Label 2 LABEL1 NO Stop program
RD - Register Decrement
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: RI, RM Decrements by 1 the value of the designated data register.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RD(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Data register assignment character all Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Command RDV Drive sends - Notes Decrements the value of the velocity data register V
RE - Restart or Reset
Compatibility: All drives Restarts the drive by resetting fault conditions and re-initializing the drive with the startup parameters. Leaves the drive in a disabled state to prevent any movement after the restart is complete.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RE IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Command RE Drive sends - Notes Resets drive condition and parameters
RI - Register Increment
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: RD, RM commands Increments by 1 the value of the designated data register.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RI(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Data register assignment character all Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Command RIV Drive sends - Notes Increments the value of the velocity data register V
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RL(Paramter #1){Parameter #2} IMMEDIATE READ/WRITE NO All data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Data register assignment character All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers; ReadOnly data registers can be read back when Parameter #2 is not included Data register value integer +/- 2147483647 (long data registers) +/- 32767 (short data registers)
Command RLA100 RLA Drive sends - RLA=100 Notes Set acceleration register to 1000 rpm/s Return acceleration register value Set Acceleration register to 1000 rpm/s Return acceleration register value
NOTE: When setting a register no pre-processing of the data value is performed. Data is set to the internal raw value. For example, the internal raw acceleration value is in tens of rpm/s. See the Data Register section at the beginning of this manual for more details on data register assignments and units. Units Example: AC10 means 10 rps/s RLA10 means 10 * 10 rpm/s = 1.667 rps/s Multiply the desired rps/s value times 6 to convert to the raw acceleration value
RM - Register Move
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: RI, RD, RL, TR, RX commands Move the contents of a rst data register into a second data register.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RM(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range Source data register character all data register assignments Destination data register character all Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Command Drive sends RMAB - Notes Move contents of acceleration register A into the deceleration register B
RO - Anti-Resonance ON
Compatibility: Stepper drives Enables or disables the Anti-Resonance algorithm. This command has the same effect as the Anti-Resonance off check box in ST Congurators motor conguration dialog.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RO{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ / WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Anti-Resonance Algorithm Status integer 0 (Anti-Resonance OFF) 1 (Anti-Resonance ON)
Command Drive sends Notes RO1 - Enable Anti-Resonance algorithm RO RO=1 RO0 - RO RO=0 Disable Anti-Resonance algorithm
RR - Register Read
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: RI, RD, RL, RM, RW commands Reads a data value from a non-volatile memory location into a data register. The data value is read as a Long word. If the value being read is too large for the destination data register, the value is truncated.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RR(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range Data register character all Read/Write and User-Dened data registers Non-volatile memory location integer 1 - 100
Command RRV10 Drive sends - register V Notes Read data from non-volatile memory location #10 and place it in data
RS - Request Status
Compatibility: All drives See also: SC command Asks the drive to respond with what its doing. The drive has a number of different states of operation that are represented by character codes. The drive can send more than one code at a time to dene its current status.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RS IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None
Command RS RS RS Drive sends RS=PR RS=AED RS=JR Notes Motor is in position, drive is enabled Alarm code is present, drive is faulted and disabled Motor is jogging, drive is enabled
Status character codes: A = An Alarm code is present (use AL command to see code, AR command to clear code) D = Disabled (the drive is disabled) E = Drive Fault (drive must be reset by AR command to clear this fault) F = Motor moving H = Homing (SH in progress) J = Jogging (CJ in progress) M = Motion in progress (Feed & Jog Commands) P = In position R = Ready (Drive is enabled and ready) S = Stopping a motion (ST or SK command executing) T = Wait Time (WT command executing) W = Wait Input (WI command executing)
RU - Register Upload
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: PR, RL, RX commands Upload the contents of an array of data registers. Up to 16 registers can be read back with one RU command. Each reading is terminated with a carriage return.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RU(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO All data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range Data register assignment character all data registers Number of consecutive data registers to upload integer 1 - 16
Command RUA5 Drive sends RUA=400 RUB=400 RUC=16000 RUD=8000 RUE=0 Notes A The Acceleration value B The Deceleration value C The Distance Change value D The Distance value E The Encoder value 017 The Acceleration value 018 The Deceleration value 019 The Distance Change value 020 The Distance value 021 The Encoder value
When PR command Bit 5 is set RU0175 RUA=400 RUB=400 RUC=16000 RUD=8000 RUE=0
NOTE: All Data values are raw meaning the data is not scaled to the drive user units. For example the velocity value (V) will be returned as 0.25 rpm instead of rps: raw value of 2400 = 10 rps.
RV - Revision Level
Compatibility: All drives See also: MV command Requests the drives rmware version. Data is returned as a three digit value. To see the rmware versions subletter as well (if applicable) use the MV command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units RV IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None Drive rmware version
Command RV Drive sends RV=150 Notes Drive is running rmware version 1.50
RW - Register Write
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: RI, RD, RL, RM, RW commands Writes the data value of a given data register into non-volatile memory. The data value is written as a Long word. See Appendix A for more details on this command, including its limitations. NOTE: The RW function writes information to flash memory, which has a useful life of 10,000 write cycles.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RW(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range Data register assignment character all Read/Write and User-Dened data registers Non-volatile memory location integer 1 - 100
Command RWV10 Drive sends - Notes Write data from data register V into non-volatile memory location #10
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RX(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED READ/WRITE NO All data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Data register assignment character All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers; ReadOnly data registers can be used when Parameter #2 is not included (i.e. for reading back the contents of a Read-Only data register) Data register value integer +/- 2147483647 (long data registers) +/- 32767 (short data registers)
Command Drive sends RXA100 - RXA RXA=100 Notes Set acceleration register A to 1000 rpm/s
R+ - Register Add
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: R-, R*, R/, R&, RD, RI, QJ commands Adds the contents of a rst data register to a second data register and places the result in the accumulator data register, User-Dened register 0. This is a 32-bit operation: adding two Long word values can cause an overow. All math operations affect the condition code used by the QJ (Queue Jump) command. R+ can set condition codes T, F, N, P, and Z
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access R+(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO 0 (000), Accumulator
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register assignment character all data registers Second data register assignment character all data registers
Command R+D1 Drive sends Notes - Add contents of distance register D to user-dened register 1 and place the result in the accumulator register 0
R- - Register Subtract
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: R+, R*, R/, R&, RD, RI, QJ commands Subtracts the contents of the second data register from the rst data register and places the result in the accumulator data register, User-Dened register 0. This is a 32-bit operation: subtracting two Long word values can cause an underow. All math operations affect the condition code used by the QJ (Queue Jump) command. Can set condition codes T, F, N, P, and Z.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access R-(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO 0 (000), Accumulator
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register assignment character all data registers Second data register assignment character all data registers
Command Drive sends R-D1 - Notes Subtract the contents of user-dened register 1 from the distance register D and place the result in the accumulator register 0
R* - Register Multiply
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: R+, R-, R/, R&, RD, RI, QJ commands Multiply the contents of the rst data register by the second data register and place the result in the accumulator data register, User-Dened register 0. This is a 32-bit operation: multiplying two Long word values can cause an overow. All math operations affect the condition code used by the QJ (Queue Jump) command. Can set condition codes T, F, N, P, and Z.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access R*(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO 0 (000), Accumulator
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register assignment character all data registers Second data register assignment character all data registers
Command R*D1 Drive sends Notes - Multiply contents of distance register D by contents of user-dened register 1 and place result in accumulator register 0
R/ - Register Divide
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: R+, R-, R*, R&, RD, RI, QJ commands Divide the contents of the rst data register by the second data register and place the result in the accumulator data register, User-Dened register 0. This is a 32-bit operation. A value of zero in the second data register will cause an illegal divide by zero, in which case the divide operation is ignored. All math operations affect the condition code used by the QJ (Queue Jump) command. Can set condition codes T, F, N, P, and Z.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access R/(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO 0 (000), Accumulator
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register data register assignment All data registers Second data register data register assignment All data registers
Command Drive sends R/D1 - Notes Divide contents of distance register D by user-dened register 1 and place result in accumulator register 0
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access R&(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO 0 (000), Accumulator
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register data register assignment All data registers Second data register data register assignment All data registers
Command R&s1 Drive sends Notes - AND the contents of status register s and user-dened register 1 and place the result in accumulator register 0
R| - Register OR
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: R+, R-, R*, R/, R&, RD, RI, QJ commands Do a bit-wise OR of the contents of the rst data register with the contents of the second data register and place the result in the accumulator data register, User-Dened register 0. This is a 32-bit operation. All math operations affect the condition code used by the QJ (Queue Jump) command. Can set condition codes T, F, N, P, and Z.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access RI(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO 0 (000), Accumulator
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range First data register data register assignment All data registers Second data register data register assignment All data registers
Command Drive sends R|i1 - Notes OR the contents of inputs register i with user-dened register 1 and place the results in accumulator register 0
SA - Save Parameters
Compatibility: All drives See Also: RE command Saves selected command parameters to non-volatile memory. This command is useful for setting up the drive conguration with the desired defaults at power-up. (See which commands are non-volatile in the Command Summary section.)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SA BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command SA Drive sends - Notes Save all Non-Volatile-designated data registers
SC - Status Code
Compatibility: All drives See also: RS command Requests the current drive status as the Hexadecimal equivalent of a binary word. Each bit in the binary word relates to a status condition (see assignments below). The representation of this binary word as a hexadecimal value is called the Status Code. Drives can have multiple status conditions at one time, and host systems can typically interpret a Hexadecimal code very quickly. See Appendix E for more details on the Status Code.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units SC IMMEDIATE READ ONLY NO None Hexadecimal equivalent of the binary status code word (see bit assignments below)
Response Details:
Hex Value 0001 0002 0004 0008 0010 0020 0040 0080 0100 0200 0400 0800 1000 2000 4000 8000 Status Code bit denition Motor Enabled (Motor Disabled if this bit = 0) Sampling (for Quick Tuner) Drive Fault (check Alarm Code) In Position (motor is in position) Moving (motor is moving) Jogging (currently in jog mode) Stopping (in the process of stopping from a stop command) Waiting (for an input; executing a WI command) Saving (parameter data is being saved) Alarm present (check Alarm Code) Homing (executing an SH command) Waiting (for time; executing a WD or WT command) Wizard running (Timing Wizard is running) Checking encoder (Timing Wizard is running) Q Program is running Initializing (happens at power up)
Command Drive sends SC SC=0009 SC SC=0004 SC SC=0209 Notes Drive is in position and enabled (hex values 0001 and 0008) Drive is faulted and disabled (hex value 0004) Drive has an alarm, is in position and enabled (hex values 0001, 0008, and 0200)
SD - Set Direction
Compatibility: Integrated Steppers with Flex I/O Affects: All input and output commands See Also: AI, AO, BO, DL, MO and SI The Flex I/O feature allows the user to specify the direction of each I/O point. That is, to congure each as either an input or output. SD may be used as a query if issued without a parameter. The drive will then report the direction of each I/O point. WARNING: The SD command allows dynamic changes to I/O behavior of the drive, and may cause unintended interactions with other machine components if not implemented properly. Extreme caution should be used. The SD command is documented here only for completeness; Applied Motion Products strongly recommends that the Congurator software be used to make changes to drive I/O behavior.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SD{Parameter #1}{Parameter #2} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range I/O point to congure Integer 1-4 Direction (input or output) Single character I or O (letter O, not zero)
NOTE: This command requires either the letter I (input) or O (output) as Parameter #2. The drives response however, is composed of the numbers 1 (one = input) or 0 (zero = output).
Command SD2O SD4I SD Drive sends Notes - Set I/O point 2 as an Output - Set I/O point 4 as an Input SD=00000111 Drive reports that I/O points 1, 2 and 3 are inputs, 4 is an output. (Note: on the STM24, I/O points 5-8 are unused)
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SF{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Step lter frequency Hz 0 - 2500
Command Drive sends SF500 - SF SF=500 Notes Set step lter frequency to 500 Hz
SH - Seek Home
Compatibility: All drives See Also: DL, FD, FS, FY, MT commands Executes the seek home command. Requires input number and condition for the home sensor. Speed is set by the last VE command. Accel and decel are set by AC and DE. Direction comes from the sign of the last DI command (- is CCW, no sign is CW). It should be noted that the SH command is not affected by multitasking. It will execute as shown here regardless of the current MT setting. Please see the MT command for details. The SH command performs a number of operations all combined into one command. The basic operation acts like a combination of the FS (Feed to Sensor) and FP (Feed to Position) commands. First, an FS-like move is made that runs the motor until the drive sees the home sensor. When the drive sees this home sensor it does two things: it records the absolute position of the home sensor and it immediately starts decelerating the motor to a stop. After the motor has come to a stop the drive then does an FP-like move to move the motor back to the absolute position recorded for the home sensor. Another function of the SH command is that if an end-oftravel limit switch is encountered before the home sensor condition is met, the move direction is reversed until the opposite limit is found. After the opposite limit is found the move then returns to the original direction and again attempts to nd the home sensor. This always ensures that the motor is moving in the desired direction when the drive sees the home sensor. NOTE: This command is designed for use with three physical sensors or switches tied to three separate digital inputs of the drive: a home sensor, a CW end-of travel limit, and a CCW end-of-travel limit.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SH{Parameter #1} BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command SH1L SH3R SHX5L Drive sends - - - Notes Seek home to input 1 low Seek home to input 3 rising edge Seek home to input X5 low (main driver board input)
Host Command Reference STAC5-S, SVAC3-S Denes the X3 input as an Enable Input. If you want to use the X3 input as an Enable input you can dene it as such in two ways, with the ST Congurator software, or with the SI command. SI takes no effect if the drive is set in Command Mode (CM) 13, 14, 17 or 18, because these modes use the X3 input as a speed change input and take precedence over the SI command. Also, setting the AI command after setting the SI command reassigns the X3 input to Alarm Reset usage and turns off any drive enable usage (SI3). In other words, the AI and SI commands, as well as Command Modes (CM) 13, 14, 17 and 18 each assign a usage to the X3 input. Each of these must exclusively use the X3 input. There are three Enable input states that can be dened with the SI command: SI1: Drive is enabled when the X3 input is open (inactive, high). SI2: Drive is enabled when the X3 input is closed (active, low). SI3: The X3 input is not used for Enable and can be used as a general purpose input. SI will be automatically set to 3 if CM is set to 13, 14, 17, or 18, or if AI is set to 1 or 2 after the SI command is set.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SI{Parameter #1} {Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only)} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 (Flex I/O only) - units - range Input Usage integer code 1 - 3 or 1 - 5 (see above) I/O Point (if applicable, see note below) Integer Code 1 or 3 (See STM24 Hardware Manual for details)
NOTES: For drives with Flex I/O, the SD command must be executed to set an I/O point as an input or output before it can have a dedicated function assigned to it. Parameter #2 only applies to drives equipped with Flex I/O. This includes the STM24SFand STM24QF. Parameter #2 is not defined for drives equipped with standard I/O.
All drives with standard I/O: Command Drive sends SI1 - SI SI=1 Drives with Flex I/O: Command Drive sends SD3I - SI13 - SI SI=13 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 Notes Cause drive to be enabled when X3 / EN input is open
Notes Congures I/O 3 as input (see SD command for details) Cause drive to be enabled when Input 3 is open
SJ - Stop Jogging
Compatibility: All drives Affects: CJ command See Also: JA, CJ, ST, SK, SM commands Stops the motor when jogging (CJ starts jogging). Jog decel rate is dened by the JA command.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SJ IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Command SJ Drive sends - command Notes Stops jogging immediately using the deceleration rate set by the JA
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SK{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Deceleration rate letter D = deceleration rate set by DE or JA command no parameter = deceleration rate set by AM command
Command Drive sends SK - SKD - Notes Stop motion immediately using the deceleration rate set by the AM command and erase the contents of the queue Stop motion immediately using the deceleration rate set by the DE command (or JA if jogging) and erase the contents of the queue
SM - Stop Move
Compatibility: Q drives only See also: AM, DE, JL, SK, ST, QK commands Stops any type of move in progress* such as FL or CJ. This command acts like the ST (Stop) command except it will not stop a wait operation (like WD, WI, WP, or WT) and it can be part of a stored Q program. The contents of the queue are not affected by the SM command * = Exception: SH NOTE: Requires Multi-Tasking to be enabled (MT1). By default Motion-Tasking is disabled, which means the current move must complete before any subsequent buffered command (such as SM) can execute. With MultiTasking enabled, subsequent commands may be processed while a move is in progress and the SM command will execute properly.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SM(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Deceleration rate letter D = deceleration rate set by DE command or JL command (if jogging) M = deceleration rate set by AM command
Command Drive sends SMD - SMM - Notes Stop motion immediately using the deceleration rate set by the DE command or the JL command (if jogging) Stop motion immediately using the deceleration rate set by the AM command
SO - Set Output
Compatibility: All drives See Also: IL, IH, IO commands Sets an output to the given condition. Care must be taken when using outputs on the main driver board because those outputs are by default programmed for dedicated purposes (Alarm, Brake, Motion). Use the AO, BO and MO commands to recongure main driver board output usage to general purpose before using the SO command with those outputs.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SO(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command SO1L SO2H SOY1L SOY2H Drive sends - - - - Notes Set output 1 low (closed) Set output 2 high (open) Set main driver board output 1 low (closed) Set main driver board output 2 high (open)
SP - Set Position
Compatibility: All drives Affects: FP commands See Also: EP, FP commands Sets or requests the motors absolute position. To ensure that the internal position counter resets properly, use EP immediately prior to sending SP. For example, to set the position to zero after a homing routine, send EP0 immediately followed by SP0.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Absolute position encoder counts +/- 2,147,483,647
Command Drive sends SP100 - SP SP=100 EP0 SP0 - - Notes Set absolute position offset to 100 encoder counts (Step 1) reset internal position counter (Step 2) reset internal position counter
SS - Send String
Compatibility: All drives with RS-232 communication Instructs drive to respond with the desired character string (up to 4 characters). This command is useful for letting the host system know via the serial port when a sequence of commands has nished executing. Multiple SS commands can be placed into the queue at any time, though care should be taken when using this command to avoid serial data collisions. For example, the host system should avoid sending commands to the drive while expecting a character string (from a previously buffered SS command). NOTE: Due to the possibility of data collisions related to unscheduled communication from slave devices, this command is nonfunctional for RS-485 drives.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access SS(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range String of characters any printable characters up to 4 characters
Command SSdone Drive sends done Notes String done sent when SS command is executed
ST - Stop
Compatibility: All drives See Also: SK, SM commands Halts the current buffered command being executed, but does not affect other buffered commands in the command buffer. When used to stop a move deceleration rate is controlled by the AM (Max Acceleration) command. If a D parameter is used deceleration rate is controlled by either the DE command (with Feed moves like FL, FP, and SH) or the JL* command (when jogging). *Note that setting the JA command also sets the JL command. If distinct JA and JL values are required always set JL after setting JA.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ST{Parameter #1} IMMEDIATE WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Deceleration rate letter D = deceleration rate set by DE or JA command no parameter = deceleration rate set by AM command
Command ST STD Drive sends - command - JA command Notes Stop motion immediately using the deceleration rate set by the AM Stop motion immediately using the deceleration rate set by the DE or
TD - Transmit Delay
Compatibility: All drives Affects: RS-232 & RS-485 Serial Communications See Also: BR, PB & PR commands Sets or requests the time delay used by the drive when responding to a command that requests a response. Typically this is needed when using the 2-wire RS-485 interface (Half-duplex). Because the same wires are used for both receive and transmit a time delay is usually needed to allow transition time. The Host devices RS-485 specication must be understood to determine the time delay needed.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access TD{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range - default Time value milliseconds 0 - 32767 10
Command Drive sends TD10 - TD TD=10 Notes Set Tx time delay to 10 milliseconds
TI - Test Input
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Condition Code See also: QJ, TR commands Tests a digital or analog input against the given input state. If the input is in the state the condition code is set to T (true). If not the condition code is set to F (false). The condition code is found in read-only register h and is most commonly used in conditional jump (QJ) commands. The input is tested, and the jump is performed only if that input is in a specic state.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access TI(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command TI4L QJT15 Drive sends - - Notes Test input 4 for a low state Jump to line 15 if the previously tested input is True
TR - Test Register
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: All data registers See also: CR, TI, RI, RD, RM, RL, QJ commands Tests a data register against a given data value. The result of the test is the setting of the condition code, which can be used for conditional programming (see QJ command). All conditions codes can be set by this command. See QJ command for more details.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access TR(Parameter #1)(Parameter #2) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO All data registers
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Parameter #2 - units - range Data register data register assignment All data registers Test value integer +/- 2,147,483,647 (long data registers) +/- 32,767 (short data registers)
Command TR15 Drive sends - Notes Test user-dened register 1 against the value 5
TS - Time Stamp
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Data Register W See also: RC, WD, All register commands Transfers the oldest Time Stamp value from the time stamp buffer into the W data register. The time stamp value is a time value in milliseconds, recorded between two input triggers when using the RC command. Each time a dened input condition is True (triggered), the elapsed time from the previous input is stored in the time stamp buffer. The time stamp buffer is 8 words deep and acts as a FIFO buffer. The I data register, used by the RC command, records when an input trigger has occurred. Sending the RC command clears the time stamp buffer. Executing the TS command removes the oldest time value from the time stamp buffer and places it in the W Data Register where it can be used. With each execution of the TS command a time value is transferred, until the end of the time stamp buffer is reached. If a TS is sent with no time values in the time stamp buffer a 0 is placed in the W data register.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access Units TS BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO W (039) milliseconds
This sample Q program illustrates the interaction of the RC and TS commands. After initialization, the program waits for a falling edge event on input X3, at which point a 5 second timer begins counting down. During this delay, the user may trigger X3 an arbitrary number of times. After 5 seconds, the motor will execute a series of 5000-step moves, with the delay between each corresponding to the delay between switch closures on X3. That is, if the user trips X3 four times waiting 1 second between each event, the motor will execute four 5000step moves with a 1 second dwell between each. LABEL2 LABEL1 MT 1 EG 20000 AC 250 DE 250 VE 5 FI 3 200 RX I 0 RC X3F WI X3F WT 5.00 TS RD I FL 5000 TR I 1 QJ L #LABEL1 TS RM W 1 WD 1 QG #LABEL2 NO Multi-tasking ON 20,000 steps/rev
Filter input 3 for 200 processor ticks Zero the I register Setup the I register for input X3 Wait for input X3 Wait 5 seconds >>> trigger inpuxt X3 a few times Throw away rst time stamp Decrement I register Feed 5000 steps Test I against 1 Jump to end if I less than 1 Time stamp Move W into 1 Delay for 1 milliseconds Go to Label 2 Stop program 211 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
VC - Velocity Change
Compatibility: All drives Affects: FC, FD commands Sets or requests the change speed for FC and FD moves..
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access VC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes U (037)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Move velocity rev/sec BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si, ST-S: 0.0042 - 133.3333 (resolution is 0.0042) STM: 0.0042 - 80.0000 (resolution is 0.0042)
Command Drive sends VC5 - VC VC=5 Notes Set change velocity to 5 rev/sec
VE - Velocity
Compatibility: All drives Affects: FC, FD, FE, FL, FM, FS, FP, FY, SH commands Sets or requests shaft speed for point-to-point move commands like FL, FP, FS, FD, SH, etc.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access VE{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes V (038)
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Move velocity rev/sec BLu, STAC6, : 0.0042 - 133.3333 (resolution is 0.0042) SV: 0.0042 - 136 (resolution is 0.0042) ST-Q/Si, ST-S , STM, STAC5: 0.0042 - 80.0000 (resolution is 0.0042)
Command Drive sends VE2.525 - VE VE=2.525 Notes Set move velocity to 2.525 rev/sec
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access VI{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Velocity integrator gain value integer (no specic units) 0 - 32767 (0% - 100%)
Command Drive sends VI5000 - VI VI=5000 Notes Set velocity integrator gain to 5000
VL - Voltage Limit
Compatibility: High-voltage Stepper Drives (STAC5, STAC6 only) Species the maximum voltage that will be applied to the motor by the PWM outputs on the drive. Normally this is set to 100% for modern step motors. Some inexpensive motors are constructed with less robust winding insulation, and require this voltage to be limited. In these rare cases, VL may be lowered. This will directly impact motor performance, but will allow the drive to control a wider variety of motors.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access VL{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ / WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range 10 - 1000 (1.0% - 100.0%) PWM Duty Cycle
Command VL1000 VL Drive sends - VL = 1000 Notes Maximum voltage applied to the motor: 100.0% (default) Maximum voltage applied to the motor: 50.0%
VL500 - VL VL=500
VM - Maximum Velocity
Compatibility: Servo drives Affects: Analog Velocity mode See Also: AM, VC, VE commands Sets or requests the maximum motor velocity in rev/sec. Used in analog velocity mode to limit the maximum speed of the drive.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access VM{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE YES None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Move velocity rev/sec (rps) 0.0042 - 133.3333 (resolution is 0.0042 rev/sec)
Command Drive sends VM50 - VM VM=50 Notes Set maximum move velocity to 50 rev/sec
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access VP{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Velocity mode proportional gain integer 0 - 32767 (0% - 100%)
Command Drive sends VP5000 - VP VP=5000 Notes Set velocity mode proportional gain to 5000
WD - Wait Delay
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: None See also: WI, RX commands Causes a time delay to occur using a time value from a given data register. The resolution is in milliseconds. Only up to 15 bits of the data register are used, giving a maximum wait time of 32 seconds.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access WD(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Data register data register assignment All Read/Write and User-Dened data registers
Command WD5 Drive sends Notes - Wait the number of milliseconds indicated by the value in userdened data register 5
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access WI(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
(See Appendix F: Working With Inputs and Outputs)
Command Drive sends WI3R - Notes Wait for input 3 to go high (rising edge) before proceeding to the next command in the queue
WM - Wait on Move
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Queue execution See also: MT When in multi-tasking is turned on (see MT command) this command will block execution of subsequent commands until the previously initiated move is complete. This can be any type of move such as Feeds, Jogging or the Hand Wheel (encoder following).
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access WM BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Command WM Drive sends - complete Notes Causes queue execution to wait until any move in progress is
WP - Wait Position
Compatibility: Q drives only Affects: Multi-velocity, or complex, move proles See Also: FC, DC, VC, MT commands When multi-tasking is turned on (MT1), this command is used in conjunction with the DC command to block program execution until a specic position(s) is reached during a move. When the position(s) specied by the DC command is reached program execution continues. Common example: This command is used as a separator in changing the motor speed of multi-velocity move proles created using the FC command. The normal FC command provides for one speed change using values determined by DC and VC commands executed prior to the FC command. Additional speed changes can be added after an FC command is initiated by using the WP command to separate additional DC and VC commands. See the example below. NOTE: This command, along with the ability to create multi-velocity move proles with the FC command, is only available in BLu servo drive rmware revisions 1.53C or later. This command is available in all rmware revisions of STAC stepper drives.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access WP BUFFERED WRITE ONLY No None
Command Drive sends DI100000 - VE10 - DC80000 - VC15 - FC - WP - DC60000 - VC9 - WP DC40000 - VC1 - WP - DC20000 - VC19 - Notes Overall move distance set to 100,000 counts Initial move speed set to 10 rps 1st change distance set to 80,000 counts 1st change speed set to 15 rps Initiate FC command (complex move) 2nd change distance set to 60,000 counts 2nd change speed set to 9 rps 3rd change distance set to 40,000 counts 3rd change speed set to 1 rps 4th change distance set to 20,000 counts 4th change speed set to 19 rps
WT - Wait Time
Compatibility: All drives Causes a time delay in seconds. The resolution is 0.01 seconds with the largest value being 320.00 seconds.
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access WT(Parameter #1) BUFFERED WRITE ONLY NO None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Time seconds 0.00 - 320.00 (resolution is 0.01 seconds)
Command WT2.25 Drive sends - Notes Causes time delay of 2.25 seconds
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ZC{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Continuous wattage value of regen resistor Watts 1 - 1000
Command Drive sends ZC250 - Notes External regen resistor with value of 250 continuous watts is connected to the drive
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ZR{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Value of regen resistor Ohms 25 - 100
Command ZR50 Drive sends - Notes 50 ohm external regen resistor connected to drive
Command Details:
Structure Type Usage Non-Volatile Register Access ZT{Parameter #1} BUFFERED READ/WRITE Yes None
Parameter Details:
Parameter #1 - units - range Maximum time for peak regen 0.25 milliseconds 1 - 32000
Command Drive sends ZT1250 - ZT ZT=1250 Notes Regen resistor peak time set to 0.3125 seconds
Data Registers
Many of the commands listed in this reference function by transferring data to a drive for later use. These data values are stored in data registers within the drive and remain there until new commands change the values or power is removed from the drive. For example, if you send the Velocity command VE10, a maximum move speed of 10 rev/sec is placed in the data register for velocity. You can then execute as many FL (Feed to Length), FP (Feed to Position) or FS (Feed to Sensor) move commands as youd like without sending another VE command: the move speed of 10 rev/sec will remain in the velocity data register until you change it. In addition to the data register for velocity, there are registers for move acceleration (AC command, A register), deceleration (DE command, B register) and move distance (DI command, D register). There are also registers for limit sensors (DL command), motor current (CC command), encoder resolution (ER command), motor position (SP command) and encoder position (EP command). There are 75 data registers in all. See the following Data Register Assignments section for a complete listing of data registers available in your drive. Not all commands function by transferring a data value into a register. Conversely, not all data registers are associated with a command. To access data registers that are not associated with a command, you can use a registers unique character assignment. See the Data Register Assignments on the following pages for a listing of data registers and their character assignments. When accessing a data register using its character assignment you use the RL (Register Load Immediate) or RX (Register Load Buffered) commands. These commands allow you to load data values into a register as well as read back the contents of a data register. For example, we set the move speed to 10 rev/sec in the rst paragraph of this page by using the velocity command VE10. You can accomplish the same thing by using the RL command and the character assignment for the velocity data register, V. By sending RLV2400 to the drive (see units of V register in Data Register Assignments section) you set the move speed to 10 rev/sec. There are four categories of data registers available with your drive: Read-Only, Read/Write, User-Dened, and Storage. The last two categories, User-Dened and Storage, are only for use with Q drives.
Host Command Reference power up, these values can be loaded back into the User-Dened registers from the Storage registers (called Reading). Each Storage register can save one data register value, and the Storage registers are numbered 1 to 100. See the RR, RW, and SA commands as well as the Appendix for more information on accessing this section of memory.
Math & Logic (R+, R-, R*, R/, R&, R|) (Q drives only)
Math and logic functions can be performed on data registers. Math is limited to integer values. Some of the math functions are also limited to 16-bit values. When doing math only one operation can be done per instruction. Math and logic results are stored in the Accumulator register, 0. This register is part of the user-dened register set. Math functions include Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide. Logic functions include Logical AND and Logical OR.
NOTE: The QJ (Queue Jump) command is designed to use the Condition Codes above for jumping. The Condition Code can also be accessed via the h register.
All drives
*Note that the a register is affected by the AV (Analog Offset) command, so the range may vary beyond 0 to 16383.
Line # 1 - 62
Q drives only
c d
All drives
All drives
BLu, STAC6 The d register (as well as the ID command) contains the relative move distance used in the last move. This means that the d register is only updated at the end of every relative move. SV, ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM The d register (as well as the ID command) contains the immediate relative distance moved since the start of the last or current relative move. This means the d register is updated during relative moves and can therefore be polled during a move to see where the motor is with respect to the overall relative move distance.
Servo drives and stepper drives with encoders
encoder counts
f g
All drives
Sensor Position
All drives
The g register contains the absolute position of the point at which the input condition is met during moves like FS, FE, SH, and other sensor-type moves. It is common practice to use the EP and SP commands to establish known absolute positions within an application or program, which will make the value of the g register most meaningful. Otherwise, the absolute position of the motor is zeroed at every power-up of the drive.
Condition Code
Q drives only
The response to the RLh command will be the decimal equivalent of the condition codes binary word. Bit assignments and examples are shown below. Description Bit # TRUE (non-zero) 0 FALSE (zero) 1 POSITIVE 2 NEGATIVE 3 GREATER THAN 4 LESS THAN 5 EQUAL TO 6 UNEQUAL TO 7 Decimal Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
Host Command Reference Example: Command Drive Sends RLh RLh=149 Notes Bits 7 (UNEQUAL TO), 4 (GREATER THAN), 2 (POSITIVE) and 0 (TRUE) are set. Within a Q program the programmer will often have more than one condition to choose from when using the QJ command. The condition FALSE in Q Programmer is represented by bit 0 = 0 (opposite of TRUE).
decimal equivalent of binary bit pattern (see below) All drives
Details when executing the RLi command: BLu, STAC6 The bit pattern of the i register breaks down as follows: bit 0 is the state of the encoders index (Z) channel, also known as input X0; bits 1 - 7 represent the states of driver board inputs X1 - X7, respectively; bits 8 - 10 represent the states of driver board outputs Y1 - Y3, respectively; and, bits 11 - 15 are not used. For bits 0 - 7 (inputs X0 - X7), a state of 1 means the optically isolated input is open, and a state of 0 means the input is closed. It is the exact opposite for bits 8 - 10 (outputs Y1 - Y3), for which a state of 1 means the optically isolated output is closed, and a state of 0 means the output is open.
SV, ST-Q/Si The bit pattern of the i register breaks down as follows: bits 0 - 7 represent inputs X1 - X8, respectively; bits 8 - 11 represent outputs Y1 - Y4, respectively; and, bit 12 is the encoder index channel (if present). For bits 0 - 7 and 12 (inputs X1 - X8 and the Index), a state of 1 means the optically isolated input is open, and a state of 0 means the input is closed. It is the exact opposite for bits 8 - 11 (outputs Y1 - Y4), for which a state of 1 means the optically isolated output is closed, and a state of 0 means the output is open.
ST-S, STM The bit pattern of the i register breaks down as follows: bit 0 represents the encoder index channel (if present), bit 1 represents the STEP input, bit 2 the DIR input, and bit 3 the EN input. Bit 8 represents the drives single output, OUT. For bits 0 - 3 (Index, STEP, DIR, and EN inputs), a state of 1 means the optically isolated input is open, and a state of 0 means the input is closed.
tu s in ed de x
tp u
X X X X X X Y2 Y1 X X X X X4 X3 X2 X1 0 0 0000 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0
231 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
in p
SVAC3, STAC5 The bit pattern of the i register breaks down as follows: bits 0-3 represent inputs X1-X4, respectively; bits 8 and 9 represent outputs Y1 and Y2, and bit 14 represents the encoder index channel (if present). represents the STEP input, bit 2 the DIR input, and bit 3 the EN input. Bit 8 represents the drives single output, OUT. For bits 0-3 and 14 (X1-X4 and the Index), a state of 1 means the optically isolated input is open, and a state of 0 means the input is closed.
j k l m n
raw ADC counts, 0 - 32760 16383 = 0 volts for BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si drives raw ADC counts, 0 - 32760 16383 = 0 volts Encoder counts (servo), or motor steps (stepper). Mode # State # (see below)
All drives BLu, SV, STAC6, ST-Q/Si only All drives All drives All drives
Analog Input 2 (IA2) Immediate Absolute Position Command Mode (CM) Velocity Move State
Response details to the RLn command: Description Decimal Value WAITING 0 RUNNING 1 FAST STOPPING 2 STOPPING 3 ENDING 4
Comment In velocity mode waiting for a command Doing a velocity move (jogging) Stopping a velocity move (ST or SK with no parameter) Stopping a velocity move (SJ, STD, or SKD) Clean up at end of move (1 PWM cycle, 62 usec)
State # (see below) All drives
NOTE: The Point-to-Point Move State is only defined during FL, FP, and FS commands. Details when using RLo command: Description Decimal Value WAITING 0 WAITING ON BRAKE 1 CALCULATING 2 ACCELERATION 3 CHANGE VELOCITY 4 AT_VELOCITY 5 DECELERATION 6 FAST DECELERATION 7 POSITIONING 8 Comment In position mode waiting for command Waiting for brake to release Doing the calculations for the move Accelerating up to speed Changing the speed (accel or decel) At the desired speed Decelerating to a stop Doing a fast deceleration (ST or SK) Clean up at end of move (1 PWM cycle, 62 usec)
Segment # 1 - 12 0.01 Amps Watts Q drives only Servo drives only BLuAC5, STAC6
p q r
s t u v w
Status Code (SC) Drive Temperature (IT) Bus Voltage (IU) Actual Velocity (IV0) Target Velocity (IV1)
All drives All drives All drives Servo drives and stepper drives with encoder All drives*
*For stepper drives, the w register is only updated when Stall Detection or Stall Prevention is turned on.
Servo drives and stepper drives with encoder BLu, STAC6
x y
072 073
Long Short
Details when executing the RLy command: BLu, STAC6, SVAC3 and STAC5 drives The bit pattern of the y register breaks down as follows: bits 0 - 7 represent the states of top board inputs 1 - 8, respectively; bits 8 - 11 represent the states of driver board outputs 1 - 4, respectively; and, bits 12 - 15 are not used. For all I/O bits 0 - 11 (inputs 1 - 8 and outputs 1 - 4), a state of 1 means the optically isolated input or output is open, and a state of 0 means the input or output is closed. Bit 15 represents the ID bit, which simply holds a 1 if the IN/OUT2 or screw terminal I/O board is present and a 0 of its not. In other words, for SE, QE and Si drives the ID bit will equal 1. For S and Q drives the ID bit will equal 0.
For example, if top board inputs 3 and 5 and top board outputs 1 and 2 were all closed, the response of the drive to the command RLi would be RLi=-29461 (1000 1100 1110 1011). For a more efcient use of the y register it is recommended to mask off the ID bit and the other three not used bits. This can be done by using the R& (Register AND) command with the y register and a User Dened register set with the value 4095 (0000 1111 1111 1111 1111). Following a register AND operation (&), this will reject the top 4 bits, leaving the rest of the data untouched. For example, the command sequence would look like this. RL14095 R&y1 RL0 Load User Dened register 1 with the value 4095 Register AND the y and 1 registers Request the value stored in the Accumulator register 0 to which the drives response would be RL0=3307.
074 Short encoder counts Servo drives only
Phase Error
Acceleration (AC)
The A register units are 10 rpm/sec, which means that the value of the A register is equal to 6 times the AC command value. In other words, to achieve an acceleration value of 100 rev/sec/sec send the command RLA600. NOTE: Take care to ensure that this register is never set to zero. The drive may become stuck in a command mode or program loop and/or refuse to move. See the RL, RM, and RX commands.
Deceleration (DE)
10 rpm/sec
All drives
The B register units are 10 rpm/sec, which means that the value of the B register is equal to 6 times the DE command value. In other words, to achieve a deceleration value of 100 rev/sec/sec send the command RLB600. NOTE: Take care to ensure that this register is never set to zero. The drive may become stuck in a command mode or program loop and/or refuse to move. See the RL, RM, and RX commands.
The E register contains the difference between the encoder count and the motor position. This value is most useful with servo drives (Blu / SV) where the resolution of the motor and encoder are the same, and this offset can be useful when working with absolute positions. The register contains the difference in counts between the e register and the value set by the SP command.
Other Flags
All drives
BLu The value of the F register is a hexadecimal sum of various drive states, as shown below. Description Hex Value Decimal Value DISTANCE LIMIT FLAG 0x0001 1 SENSOR FOUND FLAG 0x0002 2 LOWSIDE OVERCURRENT 0x0004 4 HIGHSIDE OVERCURRENT 0x0008 8 Clear ags by sending RLF0 to the drive. SV The value of the F register is a hexadecimal sum of various drive states, as shown below. 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 234
Host Command Reference Description Hex Value DISTANCE LIMIT FLAG 0x0001 SENSOR FOUND FLAG 0x0002 LOWSIDE OVERCURRENT 0x0004 HIGHSIDE OVERCURRENT 0x0008 OVER CURRENT READING 0x0010 BAD CURRENT OFFSET - Phase A 0x0020 BAD CURRENT OFFSET - Phase B 0x0040 BAD FLASH ERASE 0x4000 BAD FLASH SAVE 0x8000 Clear ags by sending RLF0 to the drive. Decimal Value 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 16384 32768
STAC6 The value of the F register is a hexadecimal sum of various drive states, as shown below. Description Hex Value Decimal Value DISTANCE LIMIT FLAG 0x0001 1 SENSOR FOUND FLAG 0x0002 2 HARDWARE OVERCURRENT 0x0004 4 SOFTWARE OVERCURRENT 0x0008 8 BAD CURRENT OFFSET - Phase A 0x0010 16 BAD CURRENT OFFSET - Phase B 0x0020 32 OPEN WINDING - Phase A 0x0040 64 OPEN WINDING - Phase B 0x0080 128 Clear ags by sending RLF0 to the drive. ST-Q/Si, ST-S, STM The value of the F register is a hexadecimal sum of various drive states, as shown below. Description Hex Value Decimal Value DISTANCE LIMIT FLAG 0x0001 1 SENSOR FOUND FLAG 0x0002 2 LOWSIDE OVERCURRENT 0x0004 4 HIGHSIDE OVERCURRENT 0x0008 8 OVER CURRENT READING 0x0010 16 BAD CURRENT OFFSET - Phase A 0x0020 32 BAD CURRENT OFFSET - Phase B 0x0040 64 OPEN WINDING - Phase A 0x0080 128 OPEN WINDING - Phase B 0x0100 256 LOGIC SUPPLY 0x0200 512 GATE SUPPLY 0x0400 1024 BAD FLASH ERASE 0x4000 16384 BAD FLASH SAVE 0x8000 32768 Clear ags by sending RLF0 to the drive.
023 024
Short Short
The H register in BLu servo drives is similar to the AG command in all other drives. The H register is used to set the motor speed at a given DC voltage in analog velocity mode. It is recommended to make this setting in Quick Tuner, where it is labeled Speed in rev/sec at xx Volts, under the Velocity > Analog Operating Mode.
Input Counter
Q drives only
0.25 rpm
All drives
The J register units are 0.25 rpm, which means that the value of the J register is equal to 240 times the JS command value. In other words, to achieve a jog speed value of 7 rev/sec send the command RLJ1680.
RESERVED RESERVED Max Velocity (VM, servo) Accel/Decel Current (CA, STM Integrated Stepper) Continuous Current (CC, servo) Running Current (CC, stepper) Peak Current (CP, servo) Idle Current (CI, stepper) Absolute Position Command RESERVED Steps per Rev*
027 028
Servo: 0.01 amps RMS Stepper: 0.01 amps, peak-ofsine Servo: 0.01 amps RMS Stepper: 0.01 amps, peak-ofsine Servo: 0.01 Amps RMS Stepper: 0.01 amps, peak-ofsine counts counts
All drives
Pulse Counter
All drives
The S register counts pulses coming into the STEP/X1 and DIR/X2 inputs of the drive. This is particularly useful when in Command Mode 7 (see CM command) or executing an FE (Follow Encoder) command. To zero the S register send the command RLS0.
Total Count
(see below)
Q drives only
The T register is automatically saved at power down and restored at power up.
0.25 rpm
All drives
The U register units are 0.25 rpm, which means that the value of the U register is equal to 240 times the VC command value. In other words, to achieve a change velocity value of 7 rev/sec send the command RLU1680.
Velocity (VE)
0.25 rpm
All drives
The V register units are 0.25 rpm, which means that the value of the V register is equal to 240 times the VE command value. In other words, to achieve a velocity value of 7 rev/sec send the command RLV1680.
Time Stamp
0.001 sec
Q drives only
Analog Position Gain (AP) Analog Threshold (AT) Analog Offset (AV)
The Accumulator register 0 is, aside from being a User-dened data register, the register in which the result of every register math function is placed. For example, if the drive executes the register addition command R+D1 the result of this operation (i.e. the sum of the values in data registers D and 1) will be placed in the Accumulator 0 register.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ `
User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened User-dened RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 043 044 045 046 047 048
Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long -
integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer integer -
Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only Q drives only -
The following appendices detail various special topics in working with Applied Motion motor drives. Appendix A: Non-Volatile Memory in Q drives Appendix B: Host Serial Communications Appendix C: Host Serial Connections Appendix D: The PR Command Appendix E: Alarm and Status Codes Appendix F: Working with Inputs and Outputs Appendix G: Troubleshooting Appendix H: EtherNet/IP Communications
The aim of this appendix is to describe the following aspects of operating an Applied Motion Products motor drive in host mode. General structure of host serial communications. Hardware wiring and connecting a host device to the serial ports of an Applied Motion drive. (Covered in detail in Appendix C). COM Port Settings UART settings and Bit Rate (Baud) settings. Communications Protocol Communication Details Communication Errors
Details on drive terminals and connectors for wiring each of the available hardware congurations are shown in Appendix C. Below is an overview of the three available congurations. RS-232: This is the easiest method for drive serial communications. Using an Applied Motion supplied adapter/programming cable (one supplied with each Applied Motion drive) a single drive can be connected directly to any PC with a standard 9-pin RS-232 serial port. Here are some RS-232 highlights: Easiest to use Conguration of choice for using Applied Motion software applications such as Q Programmer, Quick Tuner and STAC6 Congurator Short Cable Lengths Serial cable provided with each Applied Motion drive Susceptible to EMI
RS-422 (4-wire RS-485): RS-422 was originally designed for high reliability communications in point-to-point congurations. It usually requires a special adapter to work with a PC but is common on many types of controllers such as PLCs and HMIs. Our implementation allows for multi-drop communications with a single master (serial network). Here are some RS-422 highlights: Relatively easy to use NOT supported by Applied Motion software applications such as Quick Tuner or STAC6 Congurator. (Q 241 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference Programmer does support RS-422 in a limited fashion). Permits longer cable Lengths May require special adaptor Immune to EMI (when wired properly)
RS-485 (2-wire RS-485): Designed for multi-drop serial networks, provides simple wiring, high reliability, and long cable lengths. Here are some RS-485 highlights: More difcult to use NOT supported by Applied Motion software applications such as Quick Tuner or Congurator. (Q Programmer does support RS-485 in a limited fashion). Permits longest cable lengths: up to 1000 feet at low baud rates May require special adaptor Fewest wires, smaller cables Immune to EMI (when wired properly)
Communications Protocol
In general, the protocol for communications between a host device and a drive is quite simple. The drives do not initiate communications on their own, so drives are normally in a state to receive packets from the host. A communications packet, or packet for short, includes all the characters required to complete a command (host to drive) or response (drive to host) transmission. In other words, a host initiates communication by sending a command packet, and the drive responds to that command (if necessary) by sending a response packet back to the host. Command Transmission (host to drive): The transmission of characters to the drive requires the host to send all the required characters that form a packet in a limited time frame. At the start of receiving a packet, the drive begins timing the space between characters. Each time a character is received an internal timer is reset to 200 milliseconds. If the timer reaches zero before the next character in the packet is received the drive will terminate its packet parsing (characters will still go into the receive buffer) and may send out an error response packet depending on the protocol setting. The purpose of the time-out feature is to allow the drive to purge its buffers automatically when a bad transmission occurs. NOTE: This time-out feature limits the usage of host devices such as the Windows application HyperTerminal. We recommend using Applied Motions SCL Setup Utility instead. This utility sends out an entire command packet with the minimum delay between characters, and includes the packets terminating character (carriage return). Command packets are terminated by a Carriage Return (ASCII 13). Response Transmission (drive to host): In response to a command packet from the host a drive can send a response packet. The drive sends out its entire response packet with very limited space between characters. 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 242
Host Command Reference At 9600 baud the space between characters is less then 1 bit space (0.0001 seconds). The host system must be able to handle this speed. The space between characters can vary depending on the settings of the PR command (see below). Response packets are terminated by a Carriage Return (ASCII 13). Protocol Settings (PR Command): The PR (Protocol) command offers users the ability to add various features to the overall communications protocol, i.e. tailor the structure of command and response packets to best t the needs of the application. In general, when a host device sends a command packet to a drive, the drive will either understand the command or not. If the drive understands the command the drive executes the command. If the drive doesnt understand the command it cannot execute the command. In most cases the host device will want to know whether the drive has understood the command or not, and so the drive can be set to automatically send an Acknowledge (understood) or Negative Acknowledge (not understand) response packet to the host for every command packet received. Along with Acknowledge/Negative Acknowledge (Ack/Nack), the PR command controls a number of other protocol settings. See Appendix D for details on the PR command. Also, the PR command controls whether or not the drive will respond with error codes in the response packet when communications errors occur.
Communication Details
Transmit Delay: (TD Command): The TD command allows users to dene a dwell time in a drive, which is used by the drive to delay the start of transmission of a response packet after the end of reception of a command packet. When using 2-wire RS-485 networks there are times when a drives response packet must be delayed until the network is ready for the drive to transmit. Why is this necessary? The answer is because RS-485 networks are by nature half-duplex, which means you cannot transmit and receive at the same time. Rather, a host must rst transmit, stop, then wait to receive. This is because the host and drive transmitters share the same pair of wires. When transmitting, the device that has the transmission rights must assert its transmitter outputs and therefore take control of the pair. At the same time all other devices on the network must de-assert, or open, their transmitters so as not to interfere with the device that has the rights. Transmitters in this scenario have tri-state outputs: the three states are transmit, open, and receive. Some devices are not as quick in opening their transmitters as others. For this reason it may be necessary for other, faster devices on the network to dwell some time while the slower devices open their transmitters. Applied Motion drives de-assert their transmitters very quickly. Typically it is done within 100 microseconds (.0001 second) after the end of a packet transmission. However it is possible that the host device wont be this fast, and so the TD command allows users to set the time delay that an Applied Motion drive will delay after receiving a command packet before sending a response packet. Communications Packet: A Communications Packet, or packet for short, includes all the characters required to complete a command or response transmission. This can vary depending on the settings of the PR command. See Appendix D for more on the PR command. All packets are terminated by a Carriage Return (ASCII 13). Drive Startup: At power-up, all Applied Motion drives send out what is called the power-up packet. This packet noties a host of the drives presence. After sending the power-up packet the drive waits for a response from the host. This is one of the rare instances in which a drive will initiate communications with the host. This process is necessary for a number of Applied Motion software applications such as Quick Tuner and STAC6 Congurator. The power-up packet is an exception to the ASCII character rule in that all the characters in the packet are binary value. Even if the character is printable its binary value is what is important. The power-up packet consists of three binary characters with the rst character being a binary 255 (255 is not a printable ASCII character). This character designates to the software application that the packet is a power-up packet. The following two characters are the rmware version number and the model number of the drive, respectively. Power-Up Packet = (255)(F/W Version)(Model No.) As an example, a BLuAC5-Si with f/w version 1.53 rmware will send out a power-up packet that looks like this: (255)(53)(38). To an ASCII terminal this packet may look like 5&. The (255) is the power-up packet designator, the (53) actually stands for f/w version 1.53 (the 1 is implied), and the (38) is an internal model 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference number for the BLuAC5-Si The power-up packet is always sent at 9600 baud, regardless of the bit rate set by the BR or PB command. If an Applied Motion software application is present it will respond to the power-up packet and communications will continue at 9600 baud. If an Applied Motion software application is not present, the drives request made by the power-up packet will time-out and the drive will begin communicating at the saved bit rate (BR or PB command), 9600 or otherwise. Interaction with PM parameter (Power-up Mode): If the drive is currently in power-up modes 1 or 3 (PM1 or PM3), it will be unable to respond to standard SCL commands. In these modes the drive is using a proprietary communication protocol used by Si Programmer (and its interface to the SiNet Hub units) as well as the QuickTuner and Congurator software programs. Standard SCL commands will not be recognized or acted upon by the drive in these modes. If the application requires it, the drive may be temporarily forced into SCL mode through the use of the double zero. Double Zero: When the drive initializes, it will send the power-up packet as detailed above. Typically this packet is used only by Applied Motion Products software, but a host device may also use it to force SCL communication in a drive otherwise not congured to do so. The host device must recognize the power-up packet and respond with a simple double zero (00). No carriage return is required. Note that this response must occur within 2 seconds of the power-up packet being sent, but must delay at least 2 milliseconds (0.002 sec). This will force the drive into standard SCL mode and enable serial communication without altering the PM setting of the drive.
Communication Errors
During the process of sending communication packets between the host and drive(s), two different types of communication errors can occur. Hardware errors: Hardware errors are displayed physically by a drive (via either LEDs or a 7-segment display on the drive, see Appendix F), but no response packet is automatically generated from the drive to the host. Therefore it is the responsibility of the host to check for hardware comm errors using the AL, RS, and/or SC commands. See Appendix F for more details on the AL and SC commands. Once the host has determined the presence of a hardware comm error, the nature of the error can be retrieved using the CE command. Parsing errors: Parsing errors happen when a drive receives a command packet but cannot properly interpret (parse) the command. Parsing errors can automatically generate a response packet from the drive to the host, depending on the settings of the PR command (see Appendix D, PR command, Bit 2).
Single or multi-axis
If your project calls for communicating to only one drive you can consider any of the three options. If your project calls for communicating to more than one drive you should use 2-wire or 4-wire RS-485.
Host Command Reference Applied Motion drives allows multiple nodes. NOTE: In general we recommend using half-duplex communications with the drives. Even though the 4-wire RS-485 network can support full-duplex, there is now the capability to have multiple nodes and therefore data collisions might occur. For this reason we recommend limiting communications to half-duplex, even with the 4-wire RS-485 connections.
NOTE: If you are using a laptop computer that does not have any COM ports, you will have to use either a USB to Serial adapter or a PCMCIA Serial adapter. There are a variety on the market, and some work better than others. But in general, once youve installed one of the adapters your PC will assign the adapter a COM port number. Remember this number when you go to use your Applied Motion software. Also, if you are having troubles with your adapter, contact Applied Motion for help with recommended adapters. Now take the 7 foot cable and plug one end into the adapter you just attached to your PCs COM port, and plug the other end into the RS-232 (RJ11) jack on the drive. If you need to locate your drive farther from the PC, you can replace the 7 foot cable with any 4-wire telephone cord. Do not exceed 50 feet.
WARNING: Never connect an Applied Motion Products drive to a telephone circuit. It uses the same connectors and cords as telephones and modems, but the voltages are not compatible.
Host Command Reference 1. Connect the drive TX+ to the host RX+. 2. Connect the drive TX- to the host RX-. 3. Connect the drive RX+ to the host TX+. 4. Connect the drive RX- to the host TX-. 5. Connect GND to the host signal ground. 6. We recommend a 120 ohm terminating resistor be connected between the Rx+ and Rx- terminals of the drive farthest from the host.
NOTE: Proper cable shielding is a must. High voltage, high frequency, high current signals that are present on the servo motor cables can emit a signicant amount of electrical interference. Without proper shielding on the communications wiring this interference can disrupt even noise-tolerant dierential line drivers.
Request data Examples: Command DI 1DI Drive Sends DI=8000 1DI=8000 Notes Global distance request Drive with address 1 responds with distance
Request data Examples: Command VE Drive Sends 1VE=50 Notes Drive responds with address 1 and velocity to global 249 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference 1VE 1VE=50 velocity request Drive responds with address 1 and velocity to specic velocity request from drive at address 1
Acknowledge characters are always sent out of the RS-232 port. When operating on a 2-wire or 4-wire RS485 network, the acknowledge characters are sent out under the following conditions: 1. An acknowledge character is sent when the received command has an address character at the beginning. 2. An acknowledge character is NOT sent when global commands (commands without addresses) that do not request data from the drive are used. 3. Global commands that request data will cause data to be returned from the drive(s). This can cause data collisions if there are more than one drive on a network. NOTE: Always use addresses with commands in multi-drop networks to avoid data collisions. NOTE: When possible avoid using Acknowledge characters (%, *, ?) as drive addresses in multi-drop networks to prevent confusion. Good command Example: Command Drive Sends DI8000 % 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013 Notes Drive sends normal Ack (over RS-232 port only) in response to global set distance to 8000 250
Host Command Reference 1DI8000 1% Bad command Example: Command Drive Sends VE200 ?5 1VE200 1?5 Buffered command Example: Command Drive Sends AC10 * 1AC10 1* Notes Drive sends Exception Ack (over RS-232 port only) in response to global set acceleration to 10 rps/s Drive at address 1 sends Exception Ack and address (over both ports) in response to address-specic set acceleration Notes Drive sends Nack (over RS-232 port only) in response to global set velocity to 200 rps; error code 5 is sent because parameter 200 is out of range Drive at address 1 sends Nack (over both ports) and error code in response to address-specic set velocity to 200 rps Drive at address 1 sends normal Ack (over both ports) in response to address-specic set distance to 8000
Host Command Reference usage for the RL (Register Load) and RU (Register Upload) commands. NOTE: When data is returned from a drive (whether Bit 5 is set or not set), the data register is always represented by its single character designation. RL Command Example: Command RL017100 RL017 Drive Sends - RLA=100 Notes Load register 017 (A) with the value 100 Drive sends contents of acceleration register
RU command Example: Command Drive Sends RU0174 RUA=100 RUB=150 RUC=140 RUD=210 Notes Drive responds to register upload command by sending contents of 4 sequential data registers, starting with register 017 (A)
PR Command Examples
Now that you know what the bits in the PR commands 6-bit binary word mean, here are a couple examples showing how you would set the serial communications protocol of your Q drive. Example: Turn on Ack/Nack (Bit 2) and 3-digit numeric register addressing function (Bit 5) The 6-bit word for this combination is - 100100 - and its decimal equivalent is 36. Therefore, to set your drive with this serial protocol, you would send the command PR36 to your drive. Example: Turn on RS-485 adaptor function (Bit 4) The 6-bit word for this combination is - 010000 - and its decimal equivalent is 16. Therefore, to set your drive with this serial protocol, you would send the command PR16 to your drive.
* BLuAC drives only NOTE: Items in bold italic represent Drive Faults, which automatically disable the motor. Use the OF command in a Q Program to branch on a Drive Fault. Example: The drive has hit the CW limit (0004), there is an under voltage condition (0040), and an encoder wiring connection has been lost resulting in an encoder fault (0200). The resulting Alarm Code is 0244, and when the host sends the AL command the drive will respond with AL=244.
f data register
Another way to retrieve the Alarm Code is to use the f data register. If the host sends the RLf command, the response from the drive will be the decimal equivalent of the 16-bit Alarm Code word. The diagram below 253 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
Host Command Reference shows the 16 bit assignments for the Alarm Code (which of course match the hexadecimal values above).
Example: The drive has hit the CW limit (bit 2), there is an under voltage condition (bit 6), and an encoder wiring connection has been lost resulting in an encoder fault (bit 9). The resulting Alarm Code binary word is 0000 0010 0100 0100. The decimal equivalent of this word is 580, so the response from the drive to the RLf command will be RLf=580.
Example: The drive is running a stored Q program (hex value 4000), its in position (hex value 0008), and its waiting for the input specied by the WI command (hex value 0080). The Status Code for this condition is 4088, and when the host sends the SC command the drive will respond with SC=4088.
s data register
Another way to retrieve the Status Code is to use the s data register. If the host sends the RLs command, the response from the drive will be the decimal equivalent of the 16-bit Status Code word. The diagram below shows the 16 bit assignments for the Status Code (which of course match the hexadecimal values above).
Example: The drive is running a stored Q program (bit 14), its in position (bit 3), and its waiting for the input specied by the WI command (bit 7). The resulting Status Code binary word is 0100 0000 1000 1000. The decimal equivalent of this word 16,520, so the response from the drive to the RLs command will be RLs=16520.
Velocity Mode
Over Voltage
Torque Mode
Under Voltage
Step Mode
Over Current
Bad Flash
Si Mode
Current Limit
Comm Time-out
Position Limit
Bad Encoder
Stack Underow
CCW Limit
Memory Failed
Q Program Running
CW Limit
Excess Regen
SV LED codes
Items in bold italic are Drive Faults. DESCRIPTION 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 solid ashing slowly ashing quickly 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 Motor disabled Motor enabled Q program running (Q drives only) position limit move attempted while disabled CCW limit CW limit over temp internal voltage out of range attempt to load blank Q segment over voltage under voltage Bad Si program instruction over current / short circuit current limit bad hall bad encoder serial communication error bad ash
Host Command Reference 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 motor stall (w/ optional encoder only) move attempted while disabled CCW limit CW limit over temp excess regen over voltage under voltage Bad Si program instruction over current / short circuit motor resistance out of range open motor winding bad encoder signal (w/ optional encoder only) serial communication error
Host Command Reference 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 move attempted while disabled CCW limit CW limit over temp internal voltage out of range over voltage under voltage over current / short circuit open motor winding serial communication error
Low v. High
When working with inputs and outputs it is important to remember the designations low and high. If current is owing into or out of an input or output the logic state for that input/output is dened as low or closed. If no current is owing, or the input/output is not connected, the logic state is high or open. A low state is represented by the L character in parameters of commands that affect inputs/outputs. For example, WIX4L means wait for input X4 low, and SO1L means set output 1 low. A high state is represented by the H character. When working with the analog inputs, L designates an analog value lower than the value set by the AT command. Similarly H designates an analog value greater than the value set by the AT command.
Parameter Details
The following tables show general I/O details for commands as they relate to specic drives. There are exceptions to these general rules, so be sure to check the command pages for the specic SCL commands you wish to implement, as well as the list of exceptions at the end of this section. For specic voltage or wiring questions, consult your drives hardware manual.
- units - range
- units - range
Parameter #1 Optional X, input number, input condition NOTE: Including/omitting the optional X has no effect on the execution of the command. integer, letter - integer: 0 (encoder index, if present), 1 - 4, 8 (AIN) - letter: L = Low, H = High, F = Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge Parameter #2 - units - range input number, input condition integer, letter - integer: 0 (encoder index, if present), 1 - 4, 8 (AIN) - letter: L = Low, H = High, F = Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge
- units - range
- units - range
- units - range
- units - range
Parameter #1 Optional X, input number, input condition NOTE: Including/omitting the optional X has no effect on the execution of the command. Optional X, integer, letter - integer: 0 (encoder index, if present), 1 - 3, 4 (AIN) - letter: L = Low, H = High, F = Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge Parameter #2 - units - range input number, input condition integer, letter - integer: 0 (encoder index, if present), 1 - 3, 4 (AIN) - letter: L = Low, H = High, F = Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge
- units - range
- units - range
STM24SF, STM24QF Drives with Flex I/O allow a user to congure I/O1 through I/O4 as either inputs or outputs by using the Set Direction (SD) command.
Parameter #1 Optional X, input number, input condition NOTE: Including/omitting the optional X has no effect on the execution of the command. Optional X, integer, letter - integer: 0 (encoder index, if present), 1 - 4, 5 (AIN) - letter: L = Low, H = High, F - Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge Parameter #2 - units - range input number, input condition integer, letter - integer: 0 (encoder index, if present), 1 - 4, 5 (AIN) - letter: L = Low, H = High, F = Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge
- units - range
Host Command Reference Exceptions: When using the Follow Encoder or Hand Wheel commands (FE or HW, respectively), the master encoder channels A and B must be wired to drive inputs STEP/X1/IN1 and DIR/X2/IN2. In these modes, these inputs must not be used for sensor inputs. Using the On Input (OI) command with no parameter will disable the interrupt function. The Seek Home (SH) command makes use of the drives CW and CCW limit functions. As such, the home sensor may not be wired to the following inputs: STAC5-S: STAC5-Q/IP: SVAC3-S: SVAC3-Q/IP: BLu: STAC6: ST-S/Plus: ST-Q/Si/C/IP: SV7: X1, X2 IN7, IN8 X1, X2 IN7, IN8 X6, X7 X6, X7 STEP, DIR X7, X8 X7, X8 STM17-S/Q: STM17-C: STM23-S/Q: STM23-C: STM24-SF/QF: STM24-C: STEP, DIR IN1, IN2 STEP, DIR IN1, IN2 I/O3, I/O4 IN1, IN2
- units - range
- units - range
- units - range
- units - range
- units - range
Host Command Reference ST-S, ST-Plus STM17S, STM17Q, STM17C STM23S, STM23Q, STM23C STM24C
Parameter #1 Optional Y, output number, output condition NOTE: Including/omitting the optional Y has no effect on the execution of the command. Optional Y, integer, letter - integer: 1 - letter: L = Low, H = High
- units - range
STM24SF, STM24QF Drives with Flex I/O allow a user to congure I/O1 through I/O4 as either inputs or outputs by using the Set Direction (SD) command.
Parameter #1 Optional Y, output number, output condition NOTE: Including/omitting the optional Y has no effect on the execution of the command. Optional Y, integer, letter - integer: 1 - 4 - letter: L = Low, H = High, F - Falling Edge, R = Rising Edge
- units - range
Getting Started
There are three steps required to create an eSCL application with your new Applied Motion Products motor driver. Each of these is explained in a separate section of this manual. Connect the drive to your PC. This includes getting the drive physically connected to your network (or directly to the PC), setting the drives IP address, and setting the appropriate networking properties on your PC. Congure the drive for your motor and application. For step motor drives, youll need to use a suitable version of our Congurator software. For servos, use Quick Tuner. Create your own application. This guide includes code examples in Visual Basic and C# to help you get started. You can download the example in their entirety, from our website, but we recommend reading the explanations in the guide rst.
Addresses, Subnets, and Ports Every device on an Ethernet network must have a unique IP address. In order for two devices to communicate with each other, they must both be connected to the network and they must have IP addresses that are on the same subnet. A subnet is a logical division of a larger network. Members of one subnet are generally not able to communicate with the members of another. Subnets are dened by the choices of IP addresses and subnet masks. If you want to know the IP address and subnet mask of your PC, select StartAll ProgramsAccessoriesCommand Prompt. Then type ipcong and press Enter. You should see something like this:
Host Command Reference If your PCs subnet mask is set to, a common setting known as a Class C subnet mask, then your machine can only talk to another network device whose IP address matches yours in the rst three octets. (The numbers between the dots in an IP address are called octets.) For example, if your PC is on a Class C subnet and has an IP address of, it can talk to a device at, but not one at If you change your subnet mask to (Class B) you can talk to any device whose rst two octets match yours. Be sure to ask your system administrator before doing this. You network may be segmented for a reason. Your drive includes a 16 position rotary switch for setting its IP address. The factory default address for each switch setting is shown in the table to the right.
IP Address*
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F DHCP
0 12
Settings 1 through E can be changed using the STAC Congurator software (use Quick Tuner for servo drives). Setting 0 is always, the universal recovery address. If someone were to change the other settings and not write it down or tell anyone (Im not naming names here, but you know who Im talking about) then you will not be able to communicate with your drive. The only way to recover it is to use the universal recovery address. Setting F is DHCP, which commands the drive to get an IP address from a DHCP server on the network. The IP address automatically assigned by the DHCP server may be dynamic or static depending on how the administrator has congured DHCP. The DHCP setting is reserved for advanced users. Your PC, or any other device that you use to communicate with the drive, will also have a unique address. On the drive, switch settings 1 through E use the standard class B subnet mask (i.e. The mask for the universal recovery address is the standard class A (i.e. One of the great features of Ethernet is the ability for many applications to share the network at the same time. Ports are used to direct trafc to the right application once it gets to the right IP address. The UDP eSCL port in our drives is 7775. To send and receive commands using TCP, use port number 7776. Youll need to know this when you begin to write your own application. You will also need to choose an open (unused) port number for your application. Our drive doesnt care what that is; when the rst command is sent to the drive, the drive will make note of the IP address and port number from which it originated and direct any responses there. The drive will also refuse any trafc from other IP addresses that is headed for the eSCL port. The rst application to talk to a drive owns the drive. This lock is only reset when the drive powers down. If you need help choosing a port number for your application, you can nd a list of commonly used port numbers at One nal note: Ethernet communication can use one or both of two transport protocols: UDP and TCP. eSCL commands can be sent and received using either protocol. UDP is simpler and more efcient than TCP, but TCP is more reliable on large or very busy networks where UDP packets might occasionally be dropped.
If you have a spare port on a switch or router and if you are able to set your drive to an IP address that is compatible with your network, and not used by anything else, this is a simple way to get connected. This technique also allows you to connect multiple drives to your PC. If you are on a corporate network, please check with your system administrator before connecting anything new to the network. He or she should be able assign you a suitable address and help you get going. If you are not sure which addresses are already used on your network, you can nd out using Angry IP scanner, which can be downloaded free from But be careful: an address might appear to be unused because a computer or other device is currently turned off. And many networks use dynamic addressing where a DHCP server assigns addresses on demand. The address you choose for your drive might get assigned to something else by the DHCP server at another time. Once youve chosen an appropriate IP address for your drive, set the rotary switch according the address table above. If none of the default addresses are acceptable for your network, you can enter a new table of IP addresses using Congurator. If your network uses addresses starting with 192.168.0, the most common subnet, you will want to choose an address from switch settings 4 through E. Another common subnet is 192.168.1. If your network uses addresses in this range, the compatible default selections are 1, 2 and 3. If your PC address is not in one of the above private subnets, you will have to change your subnet mask to in order to talk to your drive. To change your subnet mask: 1. On Windows XP, right click on My Network Places and select properties. On Windows 7, click Computer. Scroll down the left pane until you see Network. Right click and select properties. Select Change adapter settings 2. You should see an icon for your network interface card (NIC). Right click and select properties. 3. Scroll down until you see Internet Properties (TCP/IP). Select this item and click the Properties button. On Windows 7 and Vista, look for (TCP/IPv4)
Host Command Reference 4. If the option Obtain an IP address automatically is selected, your PC is getting an IP address and a subnet mask from the DHCP server. Please cancel this dialog and proceed to the next section of this manual: Using DHCP. 5. If the option Use the following IP address is selected, life is good. Change the subnet mask to and click OK.
Using DCHP
If you want to use your drive on a network that where all or most of the devices use dynamic IP addresses supplied by a DHCP server, set the rotary switch to F. When the drive is connected to the network and powered on, it will obtain an IP address and a subnet mask from the server that is compatible with your PC. The only catch is that you wont know what address the server assigns to your drive. Ethernet Congurator can nd your drive using the Drive Discovery feature, as long as your network isnt too large. With the drive connected to the network and powered on, select Drive Discovery from the Drive menu. You will see a dialog such as this: Normally, Drive Discovery will only detect one network interface card (NIC), and will select it automatically. If you are using a laptop and have both wireless and wired network connections, second NIC may appear. Please select the NIC that you use to connect to the network to which youve connected your drive. Then click OK. Drive Discovery will notify you as soon as it has detected a drive. If you think this is the correct drive, click Yes. If youre not sure, click Not Sure and Drive Discovery will look for additional drives on you network. Once youve told Drive Discovery which drive is yours, it will automatically enter that drives IP address in the IP address text box so that you are ready to communicate.
5. Select the option Use the following IP address. Then enter the address This will give your PC an IP address that is on the same subnet as the drive. Windows will know to direct any trafc intended for the drives IP address to this interface card. 6. Next, enter the subnet mask as 7. Be sure to leave Default gateway blank. This will prevent your PC from looking for a router on this subnet.
8. Because you are connected directly to the drive, anytime the drive is not powered on your PC may annoy you with a small message bubble in the corner of your screen saying The network cable is unplugged.
This technique allows you to keep your PC connected to your LAN, but keeps the drive off the LAN, preventing possible IP conicts or excessive trafc. 1. If you use a desktop PC and have a spare card slot, install a second NIC and connect it directly to the drive using a CAT5 cable. You dont need a special crossover cable; the drive will automatically detect the direct connection and make the necessary physical layer changes. 2. If you use a laptop and only connect to your LAN using wireless networking, you can use the built-in RJ45 Ethernet connection as your second NIC. 3. Set the IP address on the drive to by setting the rotary switch at 0. 4. To set the IP address of the second NIC: a. On Windows XP, right click on My Network Places and select properties. b. On Windows 7, click Computer. Scroll down the left pane until you see Network. Right click and select properties. Select Change adapter settings
5. You should see an icon for your newly instated NIC. Right click again and select properties. a. Scroll down until you see Internet Properties (TCP/IP). Select this item and click the Properties button. b. On Windows 7 and Vista, look for (TCP/IPv4) 6. Select the option Use the following IP address. Then enter the address This will give your PC an IP address that is on the same subnet as the drive. Windows will know to direct any trafc intended for the drives IP address to this interface card. 7. Next, enter the subnet mask as Be sure to leave Default gateway blank. This will prevent your PC from looking for a router on this subnet.
8. Because you are connected directly to the drive, anytime the drive is not powered on your PC will annoy you with a small message bubble in the corner of your screen saying The network cable is unplugged. 273 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
The following diagram shows a basic network. Note that each device has both a MAC ID and IP address. The router maintains an ARP table, which is really just a list that matches MAC IDs to IP addresses. An entry is created for every device on the network.
ARP TABLE MAC ID: 08:A4:C3:10:0E:00 <--> MAC ID: A2:FB:3D:21:7A:01 <--> MAC ID: 03:C8:11:2B:DE:02 <--> IP: IP: IP:
l No
T 5
It should be noted that computers maintain a local ARP table as well, tracking other devices theyve interacted with. This is an important point because the ARP table on a PC will typically refresh more frequently than those on a network router or switch. So why do we care? Your application will probably require changing the IP address of a drive. The ARP table must then be refreshed to show the same MAC ID with a different IP address. This is usually not an issue if the drive is directly connected to the PC used to congure it, because the local ARP table will likely refresh quickly enough to catch the new IP address and re-establish a connection. The problem comes when the drive is connected through a router during conguration. In this scenario it is entirely possible for IP address changes to happen more frequently than the ARP table can refresh itself. Most routers do not allow users to refresh the ARP table directly, as this poses a signicant network security risk. The router must actually be rebooted to force a reset of the ARP table and allow a connection with the new IP address. Obviously this is not an ideal solution. For this reason we recommend that all conguration be performed while directly connected to a PC. Do not use a router for drive conguration. Once an IP address is assigned the drive may be placed on the plant network without worry. NOTE: If you nd that you are changing IP addresses often and the connection becomes unreliable, it may be necessary to force a refresh of your PCs local ARP table. This can be accomplished by opening a command window and using the command arp -d. You must have administrator privileges on your PC to do this.
X8 X8 / CC X7 / CC X7 / W WLIM / CWCW LIM IT LIM LIM IT IT+ 25 IT+ Y4 24 Y +5 Y4 23 CO V GN 22 Y2 Y3 MM OU D + 13 21 Y1 / MO/ FA ON T 12 20 11 19 / BR TIOUL 10 T 18 GN AK N 17 9 X1 D E 16 8 X1 / 15 7 X2 / ST 14 6 X2 / ST EP 5 X / DI EP + 4 X3 CO DI R+ 3 X4 / MM R 2 X5 / EN ON 1 X6 / AL AB / CCCW AR LE AN JO M AN AL WJ G RE AL OG OG SE T OG IN IN 2 1
B+ B-
Example: Sending RV SCL Header = 07 (two bytes) R = ASCII 82 V = ASCII 86 <cr> (ASCII carriage return) = 13 RV 7 82 86 <cr> 13
header 0
Example Programs
Both example programs are available for download at You should still read this section so that you understand the key elements of the code and what tradeoffs you may encounter.
Visual Basic 6
Even though VB6 is an older language, its refreshing simplicity makes it a compelling choice for quickly developing an Ethernet application. To communicate over Ethernet from VB6, youll need the Winsock control (MSWINSCK.OCX), which is included in the Professional and Enterprise editions of the language. To congure an instance of Winsock, you must specify the protocol as UDP, choose a local port number, and set the remote IP address and port number to match the drive. In the code example below, 7775 is the port of the drive. driveIPaddress is the IP address of the drive ( or for example). 7777 is the port of the PC. Winsock1.RemotePort = 7775 Winsock1.RemoteHost = driveIPaddress Winsock1.Protocol = sckUDPProtocol Winsock1.Bind 7777 // if port 7777 is in use by another application, you will get an error. // that error should be trapped using the On Error statement // and an alternate port should be chosen. Sending RV command: Dim myPacket(0 to 4) as Byte declare a byte array just large enough myPacket(0) = 0 myPacket(1) = 7 myPacket(2) = R myPacket(3) = V myPacket(4) = vbCR Winsock1.SendData myPacket first byte of SCL opcode second byte of SCL opcode R V carriage return
Host Command Reference To receive a response, you will need to place some code in the Winsock_DataArrival event. This event is automatically declared as soon as you add a Winsock control to your form. The DataArrival event will automatically trigger each time a packet is received. The code below extracts the SCL response from the UDP payload and displays it in a message box. Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Dim udpData() As Byte, n As Integer Dim hexbyte As String, packetID As Long, SCLrx As String Winsock1.GetData udpData remotehost gets clobbered when packet recd, next line fixes it Winsock1.RemoteHost = Winsock1.RemoteHostIP first 16 bits of packet are the ID (opcode) If UBound(udpData) >= 1 Then packetID = 256 * udpData(0) + udpData(1) If packetID = 7 then SCL response SCLrx = For n = 2 To UBound(udpData) SCLrx = SCLrx & Chr(udpData(n)) Next n MsgBox SCLrx End If End If End Sub
The .NET languages are Microsofts modern, object oriented Windows application building tools and include robust Ethernet support. We present this example in C#. Make sure your project includes this line, providing access to an Ethernet socket: using System.Net.Sockets; In your form header you must declare a UdpClient object and create an instance, which can be done in the same line. The local port number is included in the new UdpClient call. This is the port number that will be reserved on the PC for your application. static UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient(7777); To open the connection, invoke the Connect method, specifying the drives IP address and port number: udpClient.Connect(, 7775); To send RV to the drive: //create a string loaded with the SCL command Byte[] SCLstring = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(RV); // create a byte array that will be used for the actual // transmission Byte[] sendBytes = new Byte[SCLstring.Length + 3]; // insert opcode (07 is used for all SCL commands) sendBytes[0] = 0; sendBytes[1] = 7; // copy string to the byte array System.Array.Copy(SCLstring, 0, sendBytes, 2, SCLstring.Length); // insert terminator sendBytes[sendBytes.Length - 1] = 13; // CR
Host Command Reference // send it to the drive udpClient.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes.Length); Getting responses back from the drive in C# is a more complicated than VB6. You have two choices: poll for a response or create a callback function that will provide a true receive event. Polling is easier to code but less efcient because you must either sit in a loop waiting for an expected response or run a timer to periodically check for data coming in. Since the choice depends on your programming style and the requirements of your application, we preset both techniques.
Further Reading
The following materials can be downloaded from www. The eSCL Utility will help you get familiar with the SCL language. ST Conguration Ethernet is needed to congure the ST5-QE and ST10-QE step motor drives. This application also includes extensive help screens. QuickTuner is used to congure and tune SV7 servo drives. . Quick Tuner also includes extensive help screens. Visual Basic and C# example projects can be downloaded from the software page.
To learn more about networking using Ethernet, we recommend reading Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours, available from and other ne booksellers.
Appendix H: EtherNet/IP
EtherNet/IP products, designated by the letters IP in the model number, provide access to Q and SCL functionality over EtherNet/IP networks. This appendix details which commands are available and how to encapsulate them into EtherNet/IP and CIP packets. It is assumed that the user has a working knowledge of EtherNet/IP as it relates to the controller being used, as this chapter will not explain general EtherNet/IP implementation details. AMP offers both Class 1 and Class 3 type connections, each of which are useful for specic tasks. Class 1 connections are useful for high bandwidth tasks such as monitoring specic functions of the drive, while Class 3 connections are used for sending targeted messages to directly control the drive. The latter is used to implement Explicit Messaging. Note that with EtherNet/IP, all data direction notation assumes the point of view of the network. In this way, data sent by the drive to the controller is referred to as an Input, while data sent by the controller down to the drive is referred to as an Output.
The data transmitted by the drive is sent in Little Endian format, so it will likely require rearranging before use. IP addresses said to be stored in Internet Format are simply encoded into hexadecimal notation and rearranged into Little Endian format. Each octet has a value from 0-255, and can be represented by a single byte. Standard IP address: Convert to Hexadecimal: 192 = 0xC0
168 = 0xA8 0 = 0x00 40 = 0x28 Rearrange into Little Endian Format: Converted IP address: C0 A8 00 28 -> 28 00 A8 C0 -> 0x2800A8C0
Note that all numbers are sent in Little Endian format, so the process for converting is the same for each piece of data.
Host Command Reference Thus, an example message might be organized as follows: Raw: E0032800A8C019000000E90100003802BAFCFFFFC72A0600C3FFFF40000F0F00 Grouped: [E003] [2800A8C0] [1900] [0000] [E901] [0000] [3802] [BAFCFFFF] [C72A0600] [C3FF] [FF40] [000F] [0F00]
The data should be decoded as follows. Where possible, the values have been converted to humanreadable units. Please refer to the appropriate command page for further information. Note that Encoder Position, Absolute Position and Velocity are signed integers, and negative values will be represented in 2s complement form. Sequence Number: 0xE003 IP Address: Status (see SC command): Alarm (see AL command): Current (see IC command): Temp (see IT0 command): Encoder Position (see EP command): Absolute Position (see SP command): Velocity (see IV command): Extended Inputs (see IS command): Main Board Inputs: (see ISX command): Outputs (see IO command): 0x2800A8C0 0x1900 0x0000 0x0000 0x3802 0xBAFCFFFF 0xC72A0600 0XC3FF 0xFF40 0x000F 0x0F00 = 0x238 = 0xFFFFFCBA = 0x00062AC7 = 0xFFC3 = 0x40FF = 0x0F00 = 0x000F = 568 (56.8 degrees C) = -838 = 404167 = -61 = 0xC0A80028 = 0x0019 = = 0000 0000 0001 1001
Explicit Messaging
The AMP EtherNet/IP implementation allows for Explicit Messaging using either a Class 3 connection or the Unconnected Message Manager (UCMM). The service code of this custom prole is 0x3C and the class code is 0x64. In addition to the custom prole, the following standard objects and services are implemented: Message Router Object (Volume 1, Section 5-3) Connection Manager (Volume 1, Section 5-7) Connection Conguration (Volume 1, Section 5-50) Port (Volume 1, Section 3-7) Ethernet Link Object (Volume 2, Chapter 5) TCP/IP Object (Volume 2, Chapter 5) Assembly (Volume 1, Section 5-37) CIP Sync Object (Volume 1, Section 5-47.7) Documentation can be found in the following ODVA specications (specic sections are noted above next to each object name): Volume One: Common Industrial Protocol (CIP), edition 3.8 Volume Two: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, edition 1.9
Point of Interest To check the drives prole code and ARM rmware version, use the standard Get Attribute Single service with the following parameters: Service Class Instance Attribute 0x0E 0x64 0x00 0x08
To communicate with the drive via Explicit Messages, use the Vendor-Specic prole service with the following parameters: Message Type Service Type Service Class Instance Attribute CIP Generic Custom 0x3C 0x64 0x01 0x01
Name Prole Code & ARM Firmware Version Example response message: 0x00 = ARM (Ethernet board) rmware major revision, most signicant byte 0x75 = ARM (Ethernet board) rmware major revision, least signicant byte 0x00 = ARM (Ethernet board) rmware minor revision, most signicant byte 0x07 = ARM (Ethernet board) rmware minor revision, least signicant byte 0x41 = ASCII A, the prole code 0x5F = 95, Model Number (see table below) 0x00 = Sub-model Number (see table below) 0x01 = 1, Drive rmware major revision number (1.xx) 0x03 = 3, Drive rmware minor revision number (x.03) 0x4A = ASCII J, Drive rmware revision letter (x.xxJ) ARM rmware : [major rev] . [minor rev] = [0x0075] . [0x0007] = 117.07 Drive Model Number Identication Table Model ID Hex [Dec] 0x0F [15] 0x11 [17] 0x13 [19] 0X32 [50] 0X32 [50] 0X32 [50] Sub-Model ID Hex [Dec] ---0x09 [9] 0x0A [10] 0x0B [11] SV7-IP ST5-IP ST10-IP STM23Q-2EN STM23Q-2EE STM23Q-3EN Drive Model Number Model ID Hex [Dec] 0X32 [50] 0x53 [83] 0x59 [89] 0x5F [95] 0x65 [101] Sub-Model ID Hex [Dec] 0x0C [12] ----STM23Q-3EE STAC5-IP STAC5-IP-220 SVAC3-IP SVAC3-IP-220 Drive Model Number Service 0x0E (Get Attribute Single) Class 0x64 Instance 0x00 Attribute 0x01
Host Command Reference Vendor-Specic Device Prole A 0x3C 0x64 0x01 0x01
Register, I/O or other code here for some commands (see Table 1, page 275). 0 for all others.
Response Axis Number = 0x0 Opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB Unused = 0
Register code for commands QR, RR, RW and RX, 0 for all others
opcode 0x001E from Table 1 operand 0x258 units are 10 rpm/sec, so 6000 rpm/sec is represented by 600 decimal = 258 hex Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 DE100 opcode 0 1 0 1E 0 0 2 58 reserved message type unused opcode unused unused operand MSB operand LSB Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 1E ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
set deceleration rate to 100 rev/sec/sec (6000 rpm/sec) 0x001F from Table 1 Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 1F ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
operand 0x258 units are 10 rpm/sec, so 6000/sec is represented by 600 decimal = 258 hex Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 VE5 opcode 0 1 0 1F 0 0 2 58 reserved message type unused opcode unused unused operand MSB operand LSB
operand 0x4B0 units are 0.25 rpm, so 300 rpm is represented by 1200 decimal = 4B0 hex
Host Command Reference Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 1D 0 0 4 B0 reserved message type unused opcode unused unused operand MSB operand LSB Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 1D ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
DI100000 set move distance to 100,000 steps opcode 0x00B6 from Table 1 units are steps, so 100000 is represented by 186A0 hex Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 B6 ? ? 0 0 reserved message type not used opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used reserved message type not used opcode not used operand MSB operand 2nd LSB operand LSB operand 0x186A0 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 FL opcode 0 1 0 B6 0 1 86 A0
start the feed to length move 0x0066 from Table 1 no operand Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 66 ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used 0 1 0 66 0 0 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode not used not used not used not used
Host Command Reference Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 8B 0 0 4C B2 reserved message type not used opcode not used not used operand MSB operand LSB Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 8B ? ? 0 0 reserved message type not used opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
set deceleration rate to 150 rev/sec/sec (9000 rpm/sec) 0x001F from Table 1
Host Command Reference operand 0x384 units are 10 rpm/sec, so 9000/sec is represented by 900 decimal = 384 hex Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 VE3 opcode 0 1 0 1F 0 0 3 84 reserved message type unused opcode unused unused operand MSB operand LSB Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 1F ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
set velocity to 3 rev/sec (180 rpm) 0x001D from Table 1 Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 1D ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
operand 0x2D0 units are 0.25 rpm, so 180 rpm is represented by 720 decimal = 2D0 hex Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 DI5000 opcode 0 1 0 1D 0 0 2 D0 reserved message type unused opcode unused unused operand MSB operand LSB
set move distance to 5,000 steps (this is the distance beyond the sensor where motor will stop) 0x00B6 from Table 1 Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 B6 ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
operand 0x1388 units are steps, so 5000 is represented by 1388 hex Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 B6 0 0 13 88 reserved message type unused opcode operand MSB operand 2nd MSB operand 2nd LSB operand LSB
FS2R opcode
start the feed to sensor move, stop 5000 steps after input 2 rising edge 0x006B from Table 1
Host Command Reference Type 1 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 6B 0 0 52 B2 reserved message type unused opcode not used not used condition (R) ionum (2) Type 1 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 1 0 6B ? ? 0 0 reserved message type unused opcode Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used
Command Axis Number = 0x0 Opcode (see Table 2) Operand (see Table 2) Data MSB
Data LSB [Data 2nd MSB for opcode 0x9E] Unused = 0 [Data 2nd LSB for opcode 0x9E] Unused = 0 [Data LSB for opcode 0x9E]
Response Axis Number = 0x0 Opcode (see Table 2) Operand (see Table 2)
Status MSB [Data MSB for opcodes 0x84, 0x88, 0x89, 0x9F] Status LSB [Data LSB for opcodes 0x84, 0x88, 0x89] [Data 2nd MSB for opcode 0x9F] Unused = 0 [Data 2nd LSB for opcode 0x9F] Unused = 0 [Data LSB for opcode 0x9F]
operand 0x1E from Table 3 0x258 units are 10 rpm/sec, so 6000/sec is represented by 600 decimal = 258 hex Type 2 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 83 1E ? ? 0 0 reserved message type opcode operand Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used 0 2 83 1E 2 58 0 0 reserved message type opcode operand data MSB data LSB not used not used Type 2 Command Message Payload
operand 0x1E from Table 3 return value byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 Type 2 Command Message Payload
data 0x12345678 Type 2 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 9E 44 12 34 56 78 reserved message type opcode operand data MSB data 2nd MSB data 2nd LSB data LSB
opcode (hex)
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Reg code
Motion Commands AC AM AX CJ DC DE DI EF P_TO_P_ACCEL, MAX_ACCEL, ALARM_RESET START_JOGGING SET_CHNG_DISTANCE P_TO_P_DECEL, SET_REL_DISTANCE ENCODER_FUNCTION 1E 16 BA 96 B7 1F B6 D6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 bit distance or position decel rate 32 bit distance or position function +/-2,147,483,647 1..32000 +/-2,147,483,647 0,1,2 or 4 steps 10 rpm/sec steps 0 = Encoder function off 1 = Stall Detection 2 = Stall Prevention 4 = Stall prevention w/ time-out steps/rev divided by 2 counts see IO Encoding Table accel rate accel rate 1..32000 1..32000 10 rpm/sec 10 rpm/sec
26 98 6D 69
0 0 0 0 cond 2 io2
100..25600 +/-2,147,483,647 ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R ST: Y1..Y4, L or H STAC5: 1..4, Y1,Y2. L or H
CC 0
feed to length (relative move) 66 Feed to Sensor with mask distance feed and set output 6A
67 6B
0 0 cond io ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R see IO Encoding Table
Units see IO Encoding Table see IO Encoding Table see IO Encoding Table
opcode (hex)
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Reg code
Hand wheel
ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R 1..32000 1=cw enable, 2=ccw enable, 3=both 1..32000 0..32000
1B A3 A2 1C 1A 9E 9F A9 6E
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 cond
0 or 1 0 or 1 io ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R D (DE rate) or M (AM rate) +/-2,147,483,647 1..32000 1..32000 io ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R
B5 A5 4A 1D 70
0 0 0 0 0
BC D0 A6 D2 D1
0 0
0 0
0..255 0..7
40 41 61
0 0 0
Units see IO Encoding Table 10 rpm/sec 10 rpm/sec .25 rpm 1=on, 0=off see IO Encoding Table D or M steps .25 rpm .25 rpm see IO Encoding Table millivolts 0 = single-ended +/- 10 volts 1 = single-ended 0 - 10 volts 2 = single-ended +/- 5 volts 3 = single-ended 0 - 5 volts 4 = differential +/- 10 volts 5 = differential 0 - 10 volts 6 = differential +/- 5 volts 7 = differential 0 - 5 volts msec msec 10 rpm/sec 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
opcode (hex)
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Reg code
18 4F 19 10 D6
0 0 0 0 0
motor current 500 / 1000 / 500 when running delay time motor current when idle mode code function code 1..32000 500 / 1000 / 500 7, 10..18, 21, 22 0,1,2 or 4
ENCODER_RESOLUTION, Filter Input Filter Select Inputs harmonic smoothing gain harmonic smoothing phase PU_ACCEL_CURRENT POSITION_FAULT, OPERATION_MODE,
20 C0 D3 4 5 D7 21 44
0 io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
encoder line count lter value input bank gain phase current posn fault limit mode code freq deadband freq speed at full scale state state posn at full scale input range
50..32000 0..32767 0 or 1 0..32000 +/-255 STM only 1..32000 2 or 7 100..25000 0..255 0..32000 +/-32000 1..3 1..3 1..32000 0..7
Units .01 amps msec .01 amps 0 = Encoder function off 1 = Stall detection 2 = Stall prevention 4 = Stall prevention w/ time-out lines/rev (counts/rev/4) CPU cycles 1=IN/OUT1, 0=IN/OUT2 .01 amps encoder counts 0.1 Hz mV Filter value = 72090 / [ (1400 / Hz ) + 2.2 ]. O=no lter .25 rpm steps 0 = single-ended +/- 10 volts 1 = single-ended 0 - 10 volts 2 = single-ended +/- 5 volts 3 = single-ended 0 - 5 volts 4 = differential +/- 10 volts 5 = differential 0 - 10 volts 6 = differential +/- 5 volts 7 = differential 0 - 5 volts
opcode (hex)
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Reg code
threshold voltage offset brake release delay brake engage delay state state lter value input bank
3C A1 40 41 48 42 C0 D3 A3 A2 49 B9
0 0 0 0 0 0 io 0 0 0 0 0
+/-32000 1..32000 1..32000 1..3 1..3 0..32767 0=extended, 1 = main board 1=cw enable, 2=ccw enable, 3=both 1..3 io ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R 1..3 io ST: Y1..Y4, L or H STAC5: 1..4, Y1,Y2. L or H ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R a..z or A..Z or 0..9 a..z or A..Z or 0..9 a..z or A..Z or 0..9 a..z or A..Z or 0..9 a..z or A..Z or 0..9 a..z or A..Z or 0..9 a..z or A..Z or 0..9
45 8B
0 0
state cond
Test Input
Register Commands CR R+ RR* R/ R& R| Compare Registers Register add Register subtract Register multiply Register divide Register and Register or BE B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 0 2B 2D 2A 2F 26 7C reg 1 reg 1 reg 1 reg 1 reg 1 reg 1 reg 1 reg 2 reg 2 reg 2 reg 2 reg 2 reg 2 reg 2 see register code table see register code table see register code table see register code table see register code table see register code table see register code table
Units ADC Counts 32767 = +10 volts -32767 = -10 volts ADC counts msec msec CPU cycles see IO encoding table see IO Encoding Table see IO Encoding Table see IO Encoding Table
opcode (hex)
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Reg code
Register Counter
ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R A..Z or 0..9 A..Z or 0..9 source: a..z or A..Z or 0..9. dest: A..Z or 0..9
AF B0 B1
0 0 0 reg reg
reg: A..Z or 0..9. see register code table memory location: 1..100 reg: a..z or A..Z or 0..9. see register code table memory location: 1..100 reg: A..Z or 0..9 value: +/- 2147483647 (long data registers) +/- 32767 (short data registers) reg: a..z or A..Z or 0..9 value: +/- 2147483647 (long data registers) +/- 32767 (short data registers) see register code table
C3 BA A9 B8 B9
0 0 0 0 0 0 cond 0 or 1 0 or 1 0..12 io ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R 1..12 1..62 line: 1..62 cc (condition code): ASCII T = True F = False P = Positive G = Greater than L = Less than E = Equals U = Unequal Z = Zero see register code table see IO encoding table 1=on, 0=off segment
74 7E 7F
0 0 cc
Queue Repeat
Units see IO Encoding Table see register code table see register code table see register code table see register code table
opcode (hex)
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4
Reg code
78 CE A8
0 0 0
segment cond io
1..12 ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R a..z or A..Z or 0..9 ST: X0..X8, L/H/F/R STAC5: X0..X4, 1..8. L/H/F/R see IO Encoding Table
BF 70
reg 0 cond io
BC D0 6F
Host Command Reference *Type 2 Set Output Immediate (opcode 8B) operand table Operand 00 ST STAC5 OUT1 high Y1 high 01 OUT2 high Y2 high 02 OUT3 high OUT1 high 03 OUT4 high OUT2 high OUT3 high OUT4 high 04 05 80 OUT1 low Y1 low 81 OUT2 low Y2 low 82 OUT3 low OUT1 low 83 OUT4 low OUT2 low OUT3 low OUT4 low 84 85
**Q register writes are not range checked, so be careful before you write.
Host Command Reference Command SI TD VC VE Read Only ----AL BS EP EP IA IC IO IQ IS ISX IT IU IV IV1 IX OP DSP rmware letter Hall Pattern (SV7 only) Sub Model (STM only) IsServo (ST/SV only: 1=servo, 0=stepper). Can be used to tell if drive is servo or stepper alarm code Buffer Status encoder count upper encoder count lower command voltage (Ain) command current Output Status (reads back outputs) actual current IN/OUT 2 input status [STAC5 only, read as F on ST] IN/OUT 1 input status drive temp supply voltage actual speed target speed position error DriveOptions bit pattern indicating presence of option boards. Bit 0 = Encoder Bit 1 = RS-485 Bit 2 = CANopen Bit 3 = reserved Bit 4 = Resolver Bit 5 = MCF (encoder in and out SV7 only) Bit 6 = Ethernet status word 8E 8F 90 91 81 94 84 85 83 88 95 89 8D 82 87 86 8B 8C 8A 92 q y i t u v w x a c f Description SERVO_ENABLE, ACK_DELAY, CHANGE_VELOCITY, P_TO_P_VELOCITY, Index Q Register Char 45 5A 4A 1D U V
IO Encoding Table
Useful ASCII values for IO commands On STAC5, inputs X1-X4 and outputs Y1 & Y2 are on the DB15 (IN/OUT 1) connector. Input X0 is the encoder index signal. Inputs 1-8 and outputs 1-4 are on the DB25 (IN/OUT 2) connector. Character X0 X1 or Y1 X2 or Y2 X3 or Y3 X4 or Y4 X5 X6 X7 X8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L H R F hex code ST5 & ST10 0xB0 0xB1 0xB2 0xB3 0xB4 0xB5 0xB6 0xB7 0xB8 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x4C 0x48 0x52 0x46 encoder index signal input X1 or output Y1 input X2 or output Y2 input X3 or output Y3 input X4 or output Y4 input X5 input X6 input X7 input X8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a low state (closed) high state (open) rising edge falling edge Signies STAC5 encoder index signal input X1 or output Y1 input X2 or output Y2 input X3 input X4 n/a n/a n/a n/a input 1 or output 1 input 2 or output 2 input 3 or output 3 input 4 or output 4 input 5 input 6 input 7 input 8 low state (closed) high state (open) rising edge falling edge
Host Command Reference Register Name p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Use Q segment actual current average regen power status code drive temperature bus voltage actual velocity target velocity position error IN/OUT 2 inputs phase error accel rate decel rate change distance distance position offset other (misc) ags current command analog velocity gain input counter jog speed jog accel rate jog decel rate max velocity continuous current idle current absolute position command reserved steps/rev pulse count total count change speed velocity time stamp analog position gain analog threshold analog offset AP AT AV VC VE EG JS CC CI GC AC DE DC DI SC IT IU IV0 IV1 IX IS IQ equivalent SCL command Code 0x70 0x71 0x72 0x73 0x74 0x75 0x76 0x77 0x78 0x79 0x7A 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47 0x48 0x49 0x4A 0x4B 0x4C 0x4D 0x4E 0x4F 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x53 0x54 0x55 0x56 0x57 0x58 0x59 0x5A short long long short short short short short short Size short short short short short short short short long short short short short long long long long short short long short short short short short short long Read Only yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
segment 1 (up to 12 segments are allowed in a Q program) Type 2 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 78 1 ? ? 0 0 reserved message type opcode operand Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used reserved message type opcode operand unused unused unused segment number
Once a Q segment has begun, Type 1 messages are no longer permitted, because the CPU is busy executing the commands in the Q segment. To stop a Q program, you must use a Type 2 SK message (opcode 98, as shown in the next example). Q programs also stop running if they encounter a blank line in the segment. This makes it possible to launch a segment, have it complete a task, and stop by itself.
operand decel rate (0 = use quick decel rate from AM, 1 = use normal decel rate from DE or JL) Type 2 Command Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 98 0 0 0 0 0 reserved message type opcode operand not used not used not used not used Type 2 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 98 0 ? ? 0 0 reserved message type opcode operand status code MSB status code LSB not used not used
operand 0x80 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 84 80 0 0 0 0
Typical return values: 0001 4001 4801 4019 Motor enabled, Q program not running Motor enabled, Q program running Motor enabled, Q running, Wait Time command executing Motor enabled, motor moving, Q running
For more information about the status code, please read about the SC command in the main part of this manual.
Example: Close and reset UDP port for access by another host
opcode 0xFF from Table 2 operand 0x1 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 FF 1 0 0 0 0 Close and reset UDP port 7775. Type 2 Response Message Payload byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 0 2 FF 1 ? ? 0 0 reserved message type opcode operand Status Code MSB Status Code LSB not used not used reserved message type opcode operand unused unused unused unused Type 2 Command Message Payload
Remember, this is a two step process. First the port must be closed and reset, as shown above. Once reset, the port must be opened for new connections, which may be accomplished by sending opcode FF again, but this time with an operand of 0.
06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Partial transfer Connection lost Service not supported Invalid attribute value Attribute list error Already in requested mode/ state Object state conict Object already existst Attribute not settable Privilege violation Device state conict Reply data too large Fragmentation of a primitive value Not enough data Attribute not supported Too much data Object does not exist Service fragmentation sequence not in progress No stored attribute data Store operation failure
Host Command Reference General Status Code (in hex) 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Routing failure, request packet too large Routing failure, response packet too large Missing attribute list entry data Invalid attribute value list Embedded service error Vendor specic error The service request packet was too large for transmission on a network in the path to the destination. The routing device was forced to abort the service. The service response packet was too large for transmission on a network in the path from the destination. The routing device was forced to abort the service. The service did not supply an attribute in a list of attributes that was needed by the service to perform the requested behavior. The service is returning the list of attributes supplied with status information for those attributes that were invalid. An embedded service resulted in an error A vendor specic error has been encountered. The Additional Code Field of the Error Response denes the particular error encountered. Use of this General Error Code should only be performed when none of the Error Codes presented in this table or within an Object Class denition accurately reect the error. A parameter associated with the request was invalid. This code is used when a parameter does not meet the requirements of this specication and/or the requirements dened in an Application Object Specication. Status Name Description of Status
Invalid Parameter
21 22
Write-once value or medium An attempt was made to write to a write-once medium (e.g. WORM drive, PROM) that already written has already been written, or to modify a value that cannot be changed once established. Invalid Reply Received An invalid reply is received (e.g.reply service code does not match the request service code, or reply message is shorter than the minimum expected reply size). This status code can serve for other causes of invalid replies. The message received is larger than the receiving buffer can handle. The entire message was discarded. The format of the received message is not supported by the server. The Key Segment that was included as the rst segment in the path does not match the destination module. The object specic status shall indicate which part of the key check failed. The size of the path which was sent with the Service Request is either not large enough to allow the Request to be routed to an object or too much routing data was included. An attempt was made to set an attribute that is not able to be set at this time. The Member ID specied in the request does not exist in the specied Class/Instance/ Attribute. A request to modify a non-modiable member was received. This error code may only be reported by DeviceNet Group 2 Only servers with 4K or less code space and only in place of Service not supported, Attribute not supported and Attribute not settable. A CIP to Modbus translator received an unknown Modbus Exception Code. A request to read a non-readable attribute was received. Reserved by CIP for future extensions Reserved for Object Class and Service errors This range of error codes is to be used to indicate Object Class specic errors. Use of tihs range should only be performed when none of the Error Codes presented in this table accurately reect the error that was encountered.
23 24 25
26 27 28 29 2A
Path Size Invalid Unexpected attribute in list Invalide Member ID Member not settable Group 2 only server general failure Unknown Modbus Error Attribute not gettable
2B 2C 2D-CF D0-FF
Appendix I: Troubleshooting
This Appendix addresses potential issues that may occur while using AMP equipment. NOTE: Every drive must be configured with AMP software prior to operation. For stepper systems, use the appropriate Congurator utility, while QuickTuner should be used for servos. It is never safe to assume that the conguration state of the drive is known when it is received. This step should not be considered optional.
Error Message / Indication Explanation Solution It is recommended that the user receive and process the drives ACK / NACK character before sending the next command. This will ensure that the drives command buffer never overows and the drive behaves normally. The drives command buffer may be full, which may cause unpredictable behavior. If this is not possible, a delay should be introduced between commands that are streamed to the drive. A delay of approximately 10ms should be sufcient for all commands that do not cause motion.
While streaming commands to the drive, it behaves erratically or does not send legible ACK / NACK responses.
The software is unable to communicate to the drive. There are four common causes for this error: 1 - The drive is not powered. 2 - The software is using the wrong COM port. 3 - The drive was already running before the software was launched. (wrong power-up sequence) The drive is not responding. Is it connected to the right port and turned on? 4 - The USB/Serial converter is faulty or not supported by AMP. If an onboard 9-pin COM port is not available, use a USB/Serial converter based on the FTDI chipset. The chipset used will be shown on the converters documentation. Contact AMP for specic device recommendations. Hint: If communications have been established, AMP software will display the drives rmware revision along with the model number. If this box is empty, communications have not been established. 1 - Apply power to the drive. 2 - Physical 9-pin COM ports are typically assigned COM1 or COM2. USB Adaptors are often assigned arbitrary COM port identiers. Check your computers hardware settings in the Control Panel to verify which COM port your device is using. 3 - Ensure that the software is running and using the correct COM port. Then, cycle power on the drive. This will allow the software to intercept the drives powerup packet (as detailed in Appendix B) and initiate communications.
An alarm or fault condition exists. The Fault codes are drive-dependent. Consult display consists of a specic number of red Appendix E and your drives hardware and green blinks, and will repeat continuously manual for specic information. until resolved. A rmware download was interrupted, and the drive is unable to boot properly. Cycle power on the drive and repeat the rmware download process.
ST Drives ST5-S ST5-Plus ST5-Q-NN ST5-Q-NE ST5-Q-RN ST5-Q-RE ST5-Q-EN ST5-Q-EE ST5-IP-EN ST5-IP-EE ST5-Si-NN ST5-Si-NE ST5-C-CN ST5-C-CE ST10-S ST10-Plus ST10-Q-NN ST10-Q-NE ST10-Q-RN ST10-Q-RE ST10-Q-EN ST10-Q-EE ST10-IP-EN ST10-IP-EE ST10-Si-NN ST10-Si-NE ST10-C-CN ST10-C-CE SV Drives SV7-S-AE SV7-S-AF SV7-S-RE SV7-Q-AE SV7-Q-AF SV7-Q-RE SV7-Q-EE SV7-IP-EE SV7-Si-AE SV7-Si-AF SV7-C-CE 920-0002 Rev. I 2/2013
5A DC Stepper Drive, RS-232 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-232 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-232 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-232, Encoder 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-485 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-485, Encoder 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, Ethernet 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, Ethernet, Encoder 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP 5A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP, Encoder 5A DC Stepper Drive, Si Programming, RS-232 5A DC Stepper Drive, Si Programming, RS-232, Encoder 5A DC Stepper Drive, CANOpen 5A DC Stepper Drive, CANOpen, Encoder 10A DC Stepper Drive, RS-232 10A DC Stepper Drive, RS-232 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-232 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-232, Encoder 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-485 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, RS-485, Encoder 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, Ethernet 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, Ethernet, Encoder 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP 10A DC Stepper Drive, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP, Encoder 10A DC Stepper Drive, Si Programming, RS-232 10A DC Stepper Drive, Si Programming, RS-232, Encoder 10A DC Stepper Drive, CANOpen 10A DC Stepper Drive, CANOpen, Encoder
7A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Encoder, MCF Encoder Feedback Board 7A DC Servo Drive, RS-485, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, Q Programming, RS-232, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, Q Programming, RS-232, Encoder, MCF Encoder Feedback Board 7A DC Servo Drive, Q Programming, RS-485, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, Q Programming, Ethernet, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, Si Programming, RS-232, Encoder 7A DC Servo Drive, Si Programming, RS-232, Encoder, MCF Encoder Feedback Board 7A DC Servo Drive, CANOpen, Encoder 316
4A DC Servo Drive, RS-232 4A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Expanded I/O 4A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Q Programming 4A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Q Programming, Expanded I/O 4A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Si Programming 9A DC Servo Drive, RS-232 9A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Expanded I/O 9A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Q Programming 9A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Q Programming, Expanded I/O 9A DC Servo Drive, RS-232, Si Programming 5A AC Servo Drive, RS-232 5A AC Servo Drive, RS-232, Expanded I/O 5A AC Servo Drive, RS-232, Q Programming 5A AC Servo Drive, RS-232, Q Programming, Expanded I/O 5A AC Servo Drive, RS-232, Si Programming
STAC5 Stepper Drives STAC5-S-N120 STAC5-S-N220 STAC5-S-E120 STAC5-S-E220 STAC5-Q-N120 STAC5-Q-N220 STAC5-Q-E120 STAC5-Q-E220 STAC5-IP-N120 STAC5-IP-N220 STAC5-IP-E120 STAC5-IP-E220 5A 120VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet 5A 220VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet 5A 120VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet, Encoder 5A 220VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet, Encoder 5A 120VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming 5A 220VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming 5A 120VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming, Encoder 5A 220VAC Stepper Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming, Encoder 5A 120VAC Stepper Drive, EtherNet/IP 5A 220VAC Stepper Drive, EtherNet/IP 5A 120VAC Stepper Drive, EtherNet/IP, Encoder 5A 220VAC Stepper Drive, EtherNet/IP, Encoder
STAC6 Stepper Drives STAC6-S STAC6-S-220 STAC6-SE STAC6-SE-220 STAC6-Q STAC6-Q-220 STAC6-QE STAC6-QE-220 6A 120VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232 6A 220VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232 6A 120VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Expanded I/O 6A 220VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Expanded I/O 6A 120VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Q Programming 6A 220VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Q Programming 6A 120VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Q Programming, Expanded I/O 6A 220VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Q Programming, Expanded I/O
STAC6-Si STAC6-Si-220 STAC6-C STAC6-C-220
6A 120VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Si Programming 6A 220VAC Stepper Drive, RS-232, Si Programming 6A 120VAC Stepper Drive, CANOpen 6A 220VAC Stepper Drive, CANOpen
SVAC3 Servo Drives SVAC3-S-E-120 SVAC3-S-E-220 SVAC3-Q-E-120 SVAC3-Q-E-220 SVAC3-IP-E-120 SVAC3-IP-E-220 3A 120VAC Servo Drive, Ethernet 3A 220VAC Servo Drive, Ethernet 3A 120VAC Servo Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming 3A 220VAC Servo Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming 3A 120VAC Servo Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP 3A 220VAC Servo Drive, Ethernet, Q Programming, EtherNet/IP