Attitude Towards Organization
Attitude Towards Organization
Attitude Towards Organization
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Table of ontents
ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................5 Features of Attitude...........................................................................................................7 Attitude, Opinion and Belief..............................................................................................7 Fa tors in Attitude For!ation.........................................................................................."" #et$ods of Attitude C$an%e............................................................................................"& 'alues and Attitudes........................................................................................................"3 'alues and Be$a(iour......................................................................................................"3 )!plo*ee+s Attitudes to,ards t$e Or%ani-ation ............................................................". R)'I)/ OF 0IT)RATUR)..............................................................................................&7 0IT)RATUR) SUR')1................................................................................................&7 R)S)ARC2 #)T2ODO0O31........................................................................................33 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................33 SA#40IN3 #)T2OD...................................................................................................35 TOO0S FOR DATA CO00)CTION.............................................................................35 0I#ITATIONS OF T2) STUD16.....................................................................................3. Anal*sis and interpretation..................................................................................................37
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The project work entitled Employees attitude towards the organization with special reference to the Kenana Sugar Company, UP the various factors that are concerned towards the attitude of the employees.
The analysis has been made mainly based on the primary data that is by the employees opinion survey method. The researcher has taken a sample size of 180 and has used the stratified random sampling method to select the samples from the total population. The study gives the opinion of employees about all the functions of Kenana Sugar Company" .!.
conditions" wages and incentives" interpersonal relationship" working conditions" management practices" etc. The researcher has used percentage analysis and # $%&'uare test" and the study reveals that there is no relationship between ()* +,!$# -+,T educational 'ualification of the respondents" and there is no relationship between length of service of the respondents" and welfare facilities" and there is no relationship between the salary of the respondents and
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welfare facilities. The study has also revealed that most of the respondents have a positive attitude towards the welfare facilities" management practices and employment conditions" .+/01!+ for its improvement which includes suggestion schemes which may be transparent and promotions which may be made both based on seniority and performance to a certain level in the organizational hierarchy. 01#$/$T$+&" $,T+! 2+!&),1/ !+/1T$),& $2" .)!3$,4 #),5$T$), the researcher has given suggestions
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%&TR'() T%'&
Attitude: The importance of attitude in understanding psychological phenomenon was given formal recognition early in the history of social psychology. 0rom the time of the concepts entry in to the language of psychology until now" interest in attitude has been strong and growing. methods. Con ept o! Attitude: $t is necessary to be precise in defining concept" attitudes" attitude because may also the be variety defined of in published two ways" definitions and descriptions is almost endless. /ike any other #onceptual and )perational. There is 'uite a difference in the conceptual definition of the term attitude" and divergent points of view regarding the concept of attitude have developed. owever" over the years attitudes have been studied with differing emphasis and
"a#or aspe ts: .hen the term first entered the field of social phenomenon" it was natural to conceive of attitude as a tendency" set or readiness to respond to some social object. 0or the first time" 1//2)!T noted the definition of attitude"
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which he had observed contained the words 6readiness" 6set or 6disposition to act. +ven 1//2)!T has used these terms in defining attitude. e defines attitude as follows7
81ttitude is a mental and neural state of readiness organized through e9perience" e9erting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individuals response to all objects and situations with which it is related:
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Features of Attitude 1ttitudes affect behavior of an individual by putting him ready to respond favorably to things in his environment. 1ttitudes are ac'uired through learning over a period of time. The process of learning attitudes starts right from the childhood and continues throughout the life of a person. 1ttitudes are invisible as they constitute a psychologied phenomenon which cannot be observed directly. They can be observed by observing the behavior of an individual. 1ttitudes are pervasive and every individual has some kind of attitude towards the objects in his environment. $n fact" attitudes are forced in the socialization process and may relate to anything in the environment.
Attitude, Opinion and Belief 1n opinion is generally the e9pression of ones judgment of a particular set of facts" an evaluation of the circumstances presented to him. 8Thurstone: defines opinion as a response to a specifically limited stimulus" but the response is certainly influenced by the predisposition with"
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with the individual is operating" that is" the attitude structure. 1 difference can also be made between attitude and belief. 1 belief is an enduring organization of perceptions and cognitions about some aspects of individual world. Thus" belief is a hypothesis concerning the nature of objects" more particularly" concerning ones judgments of the probability regarding the nature. $n this sense" belief is the cognitive component of attitude which reflects the manner in which an object is perceived. The difference between attitude" opinion" and belief e9ists on conceptual basis. -ost researchers believe that these three terms are so closely tied that it is difficult to separate them e9cept on a conceptual basis. limited
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$n the literature" often" there is a considerable amount of overlapping in these three terms. -ost psychologists" however" believe that attitudes are more fundamental to human behavior than are the related aspects. 0or this reason" more attempts have been made to analyze attitudes as compared to others. )bviously attitudes are an important consideration because of their central position in the process of transforming work re'uirements in to efforts. 1ttitude alone do not influence behavior but these acts with other factors in the individual influencing behavior" such as personality" perception" motivation" etc. 0urther" attitudes are also affected by the individual dimension as well as the objects" persons" and ideas. 1ttitudes have been through as serving four functions and there by influencing the behavior. These are instrumental" ego defensive" value orientation and knowledge. $nstrumental: 1ttitudes serve as a means to reach a desired goal or to avoid an undesired one. $nstrumental attitude are aroused by the activation of a need or cues that are associated with the attitude object and arouse favorable or unfavorable feelings. Ego%&e!ensi'e: The ego%defensive functions of attitude acknowledge the importance of psychological thought.
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1ttitude may be ac'uired by facing threats in the e9ternal world or becoming aware of his own unacceptable impulses. (alue )rientation: The value%orientation function takes in to account attitudes that are held because they e9press a persons self%image" or by cues that engage the persons values and make them salient to him. Knowledge: The knowledge function of attitude is based on a persons need to maintain a stable" organized and meaningful structure of the world. Attitude that provides a standard against which a person evaluates the aspects of his world and serve as the knowledge function too.
These functions of attitudes affect the individuals way of interpreting the information coming to him. &ince attitudes intervene between work re'uirements and work responses" information about how people feel about their jobs can be 'uite useful in the predication about work response. Thus" these types of attitudes can portray areas of investigation for making the individual and the organization more compatible.
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Factors in Attitude Formation The attitudes are learned. Though there are different approaches as how learning works and is ac'uired by an individual" generally it is held that individuals learn things from the environment in which they interact. Thus" for attitude formation" all these factors must be taken in to account from which people learn. &uch factors may be analyzed in terms of groups starting from the family as a group" an individual moves in a close group" then to longer groups" and finally to the society as a whole. 1 part from these groups" the individuals psychology which makes up particularly his personality" is also responsible for behavior and attitudes.
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Methods of Attitude Change There are various methods through which a positive change in attitudes may be brought. $n the social conte9t" #ohen has suggested four methods for attitude change. They are #ommunication of additional information. 1pproval and disapproval of a particular attitude. 4roup influence" and
$nducing engagement in discrepant behavior.
$n some or the other" all these methods involve introducing discrepancies among the elements making up the individuals attitudes in the hope that the elements will be rebalanced through the effective component of the attitudes. 0rom the organization point of view" a -anager can take following actions in brining change in attitudes of its organizational members. 4roup action 2ersuasion through leadership 2ersuasion through communication and $nfluence of total situation. These actions involve the analysis of different variables affecting a particular action.
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Values and Attitudes &ome researchers see values as consisting of large sets of related attitudes. 0or e9ample" 80ishbein: and 81jzen: have included attitudes. two components in attitudes%informational" emotional. Thus" they have taken values as a part of owever" some differences e9ist between values and attitudes. 1ttitudes are specific and related to distinct objects; people" or ideas. <alues are more general than attitudes" values often contain statement of goodness or badness associated with the attitudes which people hold. <alues are" then" beliefs about which attitudes we should have or how we should behave.
Values and Behaviour *ehaviour of people is influenced by the values which they hold" particularly in terms of those stimuli which have some value orientation in the organizational conte9t" understanding the influence of individual value system on the behaviour of individuals in the following manner7
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problems he faces and conse'uently the decision he makes to overcome those problems.
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<alues influences the way in which an individual looks at the other individual and groups of individuals" that is" interpersonal relationship. <alues become the basis of such interpersonal elationship interactions. $ndividuals judge organizational success as well as its achievement of the basis of their value system. Thus" for some individuals" organizational success may be in the form of high profit learning irrespective of the means adopted where as" this may be a mean thing for other individuals. $ndividuals set limit for the determination of what is ethical or unethical behaviour for themselves as well as for the others. <alues determine the e9tent to which individuals accept organizational pressures and goals. $f these do not match with the value held by them" they thwart the organizational pressures and goals" and even leave the organization.
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Employees Attitudes towards the Organi ation 1ttitudes are not the same as values" but the two are interrelated. =ou can see this by looking at the three components of an attitude7 cognition" affect and behavior. The belief that 8discrimination is wrong: is a value statement.
Types of Attitudes 1 person can have thousands of attitudes" but )rganizational *ehaviour focuses our attention on a very limited number of work%related attitudes. These work%related attitudes tap positive or negative evaluations that employees hold about aspects of their work environment. -ost of the research in )* has been concerned with three attitudes7 job satisfaction" commitment. job involvement" and organizational
0ob "atisfa1tion The term job satisfaction to an individuals general attitude towards his or her job. 1 person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive attitudes about their job" while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative attitudes about the job. .hen people speak of employee attitudes" more often mean job satisfaction.
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0ob %n2ol2ement The term job involvement is a more recent addition to the )* literature while there isnt complete agreement over what the tem means. 1 workable definition states that job involvement measures the degree to which a person identifies him with his or her job and considers his or her perceived performance level important to self worth. +mployees with a high level of job involvement strongly identify with and really care about the kind of work they do.
'rganizational ommitment The third job attitude is organizational commitment" which is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals" and wishes to maintain membership in the organization. &o" high job involvement means identifying with ones specific job" while high organizational commitment means identifying with ones employing organization.
concluded attitudes
that and
people between
seek their
attitudes and their behaviour. This means that individuals seek to reconcile divergent attitudes and align their attitudes and behaviour so that they appear rational and consistent.
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.hen there is an in consistency" forces are initiated to return the individual to an e'uilibrium state.
ogniti2e (issonan1e Theory This theory sought to e9plain the linkage between attitudes and behaviour. 5issonance means an inconsistency. #ognitive dissonance refers to any incompatibility that an individual might perceive between two or more of his or her attitudes" or between his or her behaviour and attitudes.
Moderating 3ariables The most powerful moderates have been found to be the importance of the attitude; specially" its accessibility" whether there e9ist social pressures" and whether a person has direct e9perience with the attitude. $mportant attitudes are ones that reflect fundamental values" self%interest" or identification with individuals or groups that a person values. 1ttitude that individuals consider important tend to show a strong relationship to behaviour.
Attitude "ur2ey The preceding review indicates that knowledge of employee attitudes can be helpful to managers in attempting to predict
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information about employee attitudes. The most popular methods are through the use of attitude surveys.
employee attitude to reflect shifting perspectives on racial" gender" and other diversity issues. 1 comment to a co%worker of the opposite se9" which >0 years ago might have been taken as a complaint" can today become a career%limiting episode. The majority of large ?.&. employees and a substantial proportion of medium sized and smaller ones sponsor some sort of diversity training. &ome e9amples are" 2olice )fficers in +scondido" #alifornia" receive @A hours of diversity training for their 1>"000 employees. The 0ederal 1viations 1dministration sponsors a mandatory 8 hours diversity seminar for employees of its western pacific region.
0ob "atisfa1tion (ob satisfaction is one of the important factors which have drawn attention of managers in the organization as well as academicians <arious studies have been conducted to find out the factors which determine job satisfaction and the way
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it influences productivity in the organization. Though" there is no conclusive evidence that job satisfaction affects productivity directly because productivity depends on so many variables" it is still a prime concern for managers. (ob satisfaction is the mental feeling of favorableness which an individual has about his job. 85ubrins: has defined job satisfaction in terms of pleasure and contentment when he says that.
(eterminants of 0ob "atisfa1tion .hile analyzing various determinants of job satisfaction" we have to keep in mind that all individuals do not receive the same degree of satisfaction though they perform the same job in the same job environment and at the same time. Therefore" it appears that besides the nature of job and job environment" there are individual variables which affect job satisfaction. Thus all those factors which provide a fit among individual variables" nature of job and situational variables determine the degree of job satisfaction. /et us see what these factors are"
%ndi2idual 6a1tors $ndividuals have certain e9pectation from their jobs. $f there e9pectations are met from the jobs" they feel satisfied. These
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e9pectations are based on an individuals level of education" age" and other factors. *+ ,e'el o! Edu ation: /evel of education of an individual is a factor which determines the degree of job satisfaction. 0or e9ample" several studies have found the negative correlation between the level of education" particularly satisfaction. -+ Age: $ndividuals e9perience different degrees of job satisfaction at different stages of their life. (ob satisfaction is high at the initial stage" get gradually reduced" starts rising up to certain stage and finally dips to a low degree. .+ )ther !a tors: *esides the above two factors" there are other individual factors which affect job satisfaction. $f an individual does not have favorable social and family life" he may not feel happy at the work place. &imilarly" other personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job satisfaction. higher level of education and job
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Effe1t of his 0ob "atisfa1tion (ob satisfaction has a variety of effects. The effects may be seen in the conte9t of an individuals physical and mental health" productivity" absenteeism" and turnover.
7hysi1al and Mental Health The degree of job satisfaction affects an individuals physical and mental health. &ince" job satisfaction is a typed of mental feeling" its favorableness or unfavourableness affects the individual psychologically which for e9ample" 8/awler: has pointed out that drug abuse" alcoholism" and mental and physical health results from psychologically harmful jobs.
%mpro2ing 0ob "atisfa1tion (ob satisfaction plays a significant role in the organization. Therefore" -anagers should take concrete steps to improve the level of job satisfaction. These steps may be in the form of job re%designing to make the job more interesting and challenging" improving 'uality of work life" linking rewards with performance" and improving overall organizational climate.
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Attitude Measurement 1ttitudes are subjective attributes of people. They can be regarded as construct of in the sense that they are Thus" conceptualizations human statistical evidence.
people may vary along a number of attitudinal dimensions. 3eeping this measurement aspect in to consideration" the attitudes might be defined operationally by describing the measurement systems that psychologists use to measure attitudes. 1ttitude measurement" developed largely by social psychologists is concerned with the efforts to tap these attitudes as they are characteristics of individuals. There are many methods of attitude measurement. The Thurston type of scaling goes back to the early work of Thurston and #hive" which collected a large number of statements relating to the area in which attitudes were to be measured. This statement may be relating to any object about which attitudes were to be measured. The statements are both favorable and unfavorable and are placed in 11 piles" with most favorable one being placed in pile 11. )ther statements are placed in between their position depending on the degree of favorability or unfavorability. The scale is then presented to the respondents. +ach respondent
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&elf !eport $ndirect Tests 5irect )bservation Techni'ues 2sychology !eaction Techni'ues owever attitude measurement of employees in an
organization is most commonly carried out with self%respect 'uestionnaires uses several scaling methods. There are three types of attitude scaling which are commonly used in attitude measurement. They are Thurston type of scale" /ikert scale" and semantic differential. .ith which he agrees his attitude score is then based on the average or the median scale of the statements that he has checked. &oon after Thurston scale" /ikert e9perimented with certain other varieties of attitude scales. /ikerts attitude scale uses five points. The statements relating to the measurement of attitude is given to the person concerned and he is asked to check one of the five points given for every statement. These points show the degree of agreement or disagreement with the statement. The /ikert scale is considered better as compared to Thurston because of several positive facts.
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0or e9ample" in this scaling" there is no much problem in making numerous statements which will show both positive and negative degree. The semantic differential" an attitude scaling techni'ue that lends itself to various applications" was developed by )rgood" &uci and Tannenbaum. Therefore" an employee who has a high level of job satisfaction tends to bear attitudes" which are favorable to the organization. *alancing the positives with the negatives is important so that the employees will not be disappointed and become a problem that would have been avoided from the beginning. 1ttitudes cannot be changed drastically or 'uickly. There is a reason why people have attitudes; it is a part of them. To change a person takes patience and lots and lots of stalls" especially in a boss%employee relationship where it is more formal. &ometimes" all it takes is a warning in simple words which is to change an unfavorable attitude. .hen an employee discloses a mental health problem" try to work out a reasonable accommodation. 4ive himBher time off from work or a modified work schedule" make physical changes to the work place" or adjust supervisory instructions or training. -any mental health problems are highly treatable and cause only temporary disruptions at work.
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$f an employee with a chronically negative attitude suddenly claims a mental disability" employers have the right to ask for medical certification andBor" in some situations" a second opinion. owever" credible testimony from privacy. #heck with an attorney before re'uesting these. &trike before the iron gets hot by including conduct problems in your employee hand book. 5evelop a policy that clearly delineates the types of behaviour which are not acceptable in your workplace. The above mentioned e9amples are some which can change unfavorable attitude to a favorable one.
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with just @GE of the younger workers. /ikewise" among ADE of the older workers" only DGE of the younger workers really care about the fate of the organization for which they work. )verall" while CFC of the employees are satisfied with their jobs" that two out of every five D1E of the workers arent satisfied. $n addition" one%third of the workers feel they are in dead%end jobs" and 8trying to cope with feeling of burn out:. *urn out is much more prevalent among the workers ages between 18%>D years" DGE report feeling burned out" compared with >8E of the older workers. -s. *. ,agalakshmi" >00A" had done a project on 8+mployee 1ttitude towards the )rganisation in 8/akshmi -achine .orks /imited: and she suggested that -anagementB ! department may be changing the procedures or approaches to improve the employees positive attitude towards them by participation from them. 1ttitudes change from person to person. $n an organization" the functions and procedures followed by the managementB ! departent should accepted ! 5epartment and negative attitudes if any may be identified at an earlier stage. !elationship of the employees with the may be enhanced to reduce negative attitude among the employees in general which will lead to prosperity of the company through profits and that of the employees through enhanced 'uality of
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work life. 4anguli H1FADI has argued that the factors that determine performance of the workers in an industrial job can be classified under three heads. 1. 2ersonal factors >. .ork factors @. +nvironmental Hphysical and socialI factors 2ersonal 0actors refer to skills of workers and the degree of motivation that determine the e9tent to which he will apply his skill to the job. .ork factor refers to tools and e'uipment" method of work and materials used. +9amples of environmental factors are HaI physical lighting" ventilation" etc. HbI social and psychological nature of leadership Hsupervisory and managerialI" social climate in the shop" nature of the group formation amongst members" etc and HcI ,ature of organizational controls" communication patterns" etc. -r. <ijayanand" 1FFF" had done a project on 8job
satisfaction:" among the employees in 8&akthi &ugars: and he suggested that the organization has to concentrate more on labour measures and also with regard to the maintenance of buildings.
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satisfaction: among the workers in 8+/4$ +lectric and $ndustries /imited: and he suggested that the organization may provide better working conditions" can reduce the hours of work and provide more career advancement opportunities. 1ccording to <roomH1FADI" productivity depends upon two major variables viz." employees job performance and resources utilized. $n most organizational performance of the employees is relatively more important than the e'uipments and raw materials. +ven in automated operations" productivity in strategic and coordinate systems largely depends up on the human performance. 2erformance of a worker on a task or job is a direct function of his motivation. 1ccording relationship to ark -antelH1FG1I" job the nature and of the
reactions to their workHincluding satisfaction" performance" and absenteeismI will depend upon the need status of the employees. -aslow proposes that employees emerge in a hierarchical fashion and it is important for the organization to satisfy their
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productivity and effectiveness of the organization. 0leishman H1FC@I has studied the relationship of supervisory behaviour with the productivity and morale of the sub ordinates" department superiors and create certain climate results in in their high high consideration
productivity and morale. -r. !.3. &elvam has made 61 &tudy on .orker +9pectations on /abour .elfare 0acilities in 1FF8. $n TT3 2restige /imited" the sample size was A0. e used the interview schedule for primary data collection; the secondary data was collected through discussion with officials of the 2ersonnel 5epartment from the data it was found that almost every one were satisfied. -r. !ajaprabakaran has conducted a research on 6The &tudy on level of -otivating the +mployees with special reference to TT3 2restige /imited in >00>. The sample size was @00 and he used the interview schedule for the primary data collection. e found that >8E of employees were motivated with the working conditions of the company. 1ll of them were motivated with the first%aid facilities.
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1rgyris H1FCGI identified a style of leadership ranging from immaturity. e holds that the effective leader or manager will help people to move from a style of immaturity or dependent" towards a style of maturity.
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RE"EAR H METH'('8'9:
"(#$O)%C#"O( !esearch is an active" diligent and systematic process of in'uiry in order to discover" interpret" and revise facts" events" behaviors or theories or to make practical applications with the help of such facts" laws or theories. The tem research is also used to describe the collection of information about a particular subject. +mployees attitude towards the organization should be known by the entire organization to reduce the grievance. The main objective is to find out the number of employees who are having positive attitude and or negative attitude and what tends to the same. ere" the general employee opinion survey method has been followed. The 'uestionnaires were directly handed over to the employees of the organization for their responses.
'B0E T%3E" '6 THE "T)(: To know the employees attitude towards the organization
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To know the reasons for the employees positive attitude To know the reasons for the employees negative attitude To know the employees e9pectations from the organization To make suggestions to improve the attitude of the employees to the management. &AM*!"(+ ME#,O) The sample size taken is 180 which has been selected through Strati!ied
Random "ampling; .hen the markedly heterogeneous group is first sub%divided into groups or 6stratas in such a manner that all items in any particular group are similar with regard to the characteristic under consideration. 0rom each such 6strata items are chosen at random. The number of items taken from each group may be in proportion to its relative strength" the sample so formed is called as 6stratified.
Juestionnaire has been distributed to the employees directly and a discussion also has been done.
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"TAT%"T% A8 T''8" )"E( The following are the statistical tools used in this project to arrive specific results.
7er1entage Analysis< 2ercentage analysis is a statistical tool" which is used to identify the percentage of responses the respondent have given. Per entage234o o! respondents56otal 4o+ o! Samples78*99
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H%=">uare Test< The # $%&'uare test is a useful measure of comparing e9perimentally obtained results with those e9pected theoretically and based on hypothesis. $t is used as a test static in testing a hypothesis that provides a set of theoretical fre'uencies with which observed fre'uencies are compared. $n general" # $ &'uare test is applies to those problems in which we study whether the fre'uency with which a given event has occurred is scientifically different from the one as e9pected theoretically. The measure of # $%&'uare enables us to find out the degree of discrepancy between observed fre'uencies and theoretical fre'uencies and a theoretical fre'uency is due to error of sampling or due to change. C:$%S;uare23)i%<i-75Ei
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$t is interpreted from the table G E of the respondents belongs to @1 to D0 years" A@ E of respondents belongs to D1 to Co years and @0E of respondents belongs to C1 to A0 percentage.
$! (re)uency
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+ducational Jualification
/re;uen y *elow high school igh school 4raduation 5iploma 6otal @D D> @1 G@ *=9 Per ent 18.F >@.@ 1G.> D0.A *99+9
$t is interpreted from the table 1F E of the respondents belong to below high school" >D E of respondents belongs to high school" 1GE of respondents belongs to graduate and D0 E of respondents belongs to technical 'ualification and diploma.
$! *! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! +elow ,ig, sc,ool -ig, sc,ool .raduation /iploma (re)uency
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-arital &tatus
/re;uen y -arried &ingle 6otal 1C8 >> *=9 Per ent 8G.8 1>.> *99+9
$t is interpreted from the table 8G E of the respondents belongs to below married" >@ E of respondents belongs to single.
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/ength of &ervice
/re;uen y @ years to A year. A years to F years F years to 1C years 1C years and above 6otal 1A DG AD C@ *=9 Per ent 8.F >A.1 @C.A >F.D *99+9
$t is interpreted from the table 8.F E of the respondents belongs to @ years to A years" >A.1E of the respondents belongs to A years to F years" @C.A E of the respondents belongs to F to 1C years and >F.D E of the respondents belongs to 1C years and above.
*! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! & years to # year. # years to 1 years 1 years to %' years %' years and above (re)uency
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$t is interpreted from the table @.@E of the respondents belongs to bachelor" A.1E of the respondents belong to > members of the family" @8.FE of the respondents belongs to @ members in the family" C0E of the respondents belongs to D members in the family" and 1.GE f tespondents belongs to C member family.
1! $! *! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! single Sel2 and spouse Sel2, spouse Sel2, spouse Sel2, spouse and c,ild and tw o c,ildren and c,ildren parents (re)uency
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$t is interpreted from the above table " >CE of the respondents draw rs A000 to 8000" D0 E of respondent draw 8000 to 10000" 1AE of the respondents belongs to 10000 to 1>000" and 1GE of the respondents belongs to 1>000 and above.
$! *! #! '! "! &! 2! %! ! Rs #!!! to Rs $!!! Rs 1!!! to Rs %!!!! Rs %%!!! to Rs%2!!! above %2!!! (re)uency
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The able shows that @0.AE of the respondents belongs help of friend 1F.D E of respondents say that legal heirs" @1.GE of the respondents through !5 consultants and the 18.@ respondents says from open call for option.
! -elp o2 2riends3 relatives 4egal ,eirs -R/ consultants 5pen call 2or
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The table show that 8CE of the respondents are highly satisfied of type of work" 1D.DE of the respondents are satisfied on type of the work and .AE percentage of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on type of the work
%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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.ork /oad
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied ,either satisfied nor dissatisfied 6otal 1AC G 8 *=9 Per ent F1.G @.F D.D *99+9
The table show that F1.G E of the respondents are highly satisfied of work load" @.F E of the respondents are satisfied on work load and only D.D E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on work load
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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# $ &J?1!+ 1,1/=&$&
4ull hypothesis: There is no association between age and type of work performed. Alternate hypothesis7 There is an association between age and type of work performed. Age > 6ype o! wor? per!ormed @y you ross ta@ulation type of work performe d by you highly satisfied satisfied neither satisfied nor dissatisfie d age @1 to D0 D1 to C0 C1 to A0 Total 1@ FC DC 1C@ 18 8 >A 1 1 1@ 11@ CD 180 Total
Ao- L -=+--Page o :
The table value Ae- for the same at CE level of significance L 1A.F1F Hi.e.I 5.0 L B&ince the computed value is greater than the table value" the hypothesis is rejected and type of work performed. ence" there is an association between age
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(ob !otation
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied ,either satisfied nor dissatisfied 6otal 1CD >0 A *=9 Per ent 8C.A 11.1 @.@ *99+9
The table show that 8C.A E of the respondents are highly satisfied of job rotation" 11.1 E of the respondents are satisfied on job rotation and only @.@ E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on job rotation
%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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Per ent F@.@ A.1 .A *99+9
/re;uen ighly satisfied satisfied ,either satisfied nor dissatisfied 6otal y 1A8 11 1 *=9
The table show that F@.@ E of the respondents are highly satisfied of working hours" A.1 Eof the respondents are satisfied on working hours" and only .AE of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on working hours.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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&hift Timing
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied 6otal 1G@ G *=9 Per ent FA.1 @.F *99+9
The table show that FA.1 E of the respondents are highly satisfied of shift timings" @.FE of the respondents are satisfied on shift timing.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency
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!esponsibilitiesB1ssignment 4iven
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied ,either satisfied nor dissatisfied 6otal 1AD 1D > *=9 Per ent F1.1 G.8 1.1 *99+9
The table show that F1.1E of the respondents are highly satisfied of responsibilities" G.8E of he respondents are satisfied on responsibilities" and only 1.1E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on responsibilities.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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The table show that F>.> E of the respondents are highly satisfied of treatment by management" G.>E of the respondents are satisfied on treatment by management" and only .A E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on treatment by management.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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The table show that F@.@E of the respondents are highly satisfied of acceptance of suggestion" A.G E of the respondents are satisfied on acceptance of suggestion
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency
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!ecognition of 2erformance
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied ,either satisfied nor dissatisfied 6otal 1AC G 8 *=9 Per ent F1.G @.F D.D *99+9
The table show that F1.G E of the respondents are highly satisfied of recognition by performance" @.F E of the respondents are satisfied on recognition by performance" and only D.D E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on recognition by performance.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor (re)uency
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The table show that F@.@E of the respondents are highly satisfied of work group cohesiveness"C.AE of the respondents are satisfied on work group cohesiveness" and only 1.1E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on work group cohesiveness.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied eit,er satis2ied nor dissatis2ied (re)uency
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(ob &ecurity
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied 6otal 1A1 1F *=9 Per ent 8F.D 10.A *99+9
The table show that 8F.D E of the respondents are highly satisfied of acceptance of job security" 10.A E of the respondents are satisfied on job security.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency
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The table show that F>.8 E of the respondents are highly satisfied of acceptance of 'uality of work life" G.> E of the respondents are satisfied on 'uality of work life.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency
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# $ &'uare 1nalysis
4ull hypothesis: There is no association between job rotation and 'uality of work life. Alternate hypothesis7 There is an association between job rotation and 'uality of work life. 1o@ rotation > ;uality o! wor? li!e ross ta@ulation ;uality o! wor? li!e 1.00 job rotation 1.00 >.00 @.00 6otal Ao - L ---+E... The table value Ae - for the same at CE level of significance L C.F1F Hi.e.I 5.0 L &ince the computed value is greater than the table value" the hypothesis is rejected ence" there is an association between job rotation and 'uality of work life. 1D1 >0 A *CD >.00 1@ 0 0 *. 1CD >0 A *=9 6otal
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.ork &tress
/re;uen y ighly satisfied satisfied 6otal 1A8 1> *=9 Per ent F@.@ A.G *99+9
The table show that F@.@E of the respondents are highly satisfied of work stress" A.G E of the respondents are satisfied on work stress.
%$! %#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! -ig,ly satis2ied satis2ied (re)uency
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The table show that 8DE of the respondents are highly satisfied of co% worker relationship" 1@E of the respondents are satisfied on co%worker relationship" and only >E of respondents are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on co%worker relationship.
%#! %"! %2! %!! $! #! "! 2! ! 6ery ,elp2ul -elp2ul 7ndi22erent (re)uency
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(%" )""%'&"
(ob &ecurity is a potential tool for the motivation of the employees which in this study shows that" the employees have a negative attitude towards it. The management may make the employees understand that they are the partners of the business and the employees organization life depends up on the constructive contributions made by them. )nly half of the respondents are satisfied with the medical facilities and safety procedures provided in the organization which means that the remaining half of them are not satisfied. Therefore" the management with regard to the medical facilities along with +&$ may offer a minimal amount e9clusively for the medical e9penditure as a special package for different levels of employees. This may motivate them and restrict them to avail leave. 1s per the respondents opinion" safety procedures followed are not up to the mark which also is one of the reason for regular absenteeism. The respondents also feel that the leave facilities provided are also not ade'uate. -anagement in this regard may identify the ways by which leave facilities may be improved without disturbing the regular schedule of work" by giving restricted holidays" by increasing the number of paid holidays etc.
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.orkers 2articipation in -anagement is one of the criteria which do not have a good satisfaction from most of the employees in any of the organization. This also happens to be true in this organization" which reduces the morale and motivation of the employees.
Therefore" the management may formulate strategies based on the .orkers 2articipation in -anagement bill or prepare a tailor% made guideline for the e9tent of participation by the workers in the management decisions because when decision marker e9ecute" the e9ecution proves worthy.
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