HPGL 0.9.9 Manual English
HPGL 0.9.9 Manual English
HPGL 0.9.9 Manual English
User Guide
Contents 1. Understanding the Basics ............................................................................... 4 1.1. Software Description ......................................................................... 4 1.2. System Requirements and Installation................................................ 5 1.2.1. Microsoft Windows ............................................................... 5 1.2.2. Ubuntu/Debian Linux (.deb-based) ........................................ 5 1.2.3. Other Systems....................................................................... 5 1.3. Components Used ............................................................................. 5 2. Core Features ................................................................................................ 6 2.1. Library Import ................................................................................... 6 2.2. Creating an IJK Grid ........................................................................... 6 2.3. Properties ......................................................................................... 6 2.4. Eclipse Property File Format............................................................... 7 2.4.1. Reading Eclipse Property files ................................................ 8 2.4.2. Writing Eclipse Property Files ................................................ 9 2.5. GSLIB Files ......................................................................................... 9 2.5.1. Reading from GSLIB Files ....................................................... 9 2.5.2. Writing to GSLIB Files .......................................................... 10 2.5.3. Writing to GSLIB Files ( ++) ................................................. 10 2.6. Covariance (Variogram) Object ........................................................ 11 2.7. Threading Parallel Algorithms .......................................................... 11 2.8. Releasing Data from Memory........................................................... 11 3. Using the Algorithms .................................................................................... 12 3.1. Simple Kriging.................................................................................. 12 3.2. Ordinary Kriging .............................................................................. 12 3.3. Indicator Kriging .............................................................................. 13 3.4. LVM Kriging (Local Varying Mean) .................................................... 14 3.5. Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) ................................................ 15 3.6. Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS)............................................... 16 4. Sub-Modules ............................................................................................... 19 4.1. geo_bsd.routines............................................................................. 19 4.1.1. Mean calculation................................................................. 19 4.1.2. VPC (Vertical Proportion Curve) Calculation ......................... 19 4.1.3. GSLIB File Routines .............................................................. 20 4.1.4. Moving Average Calculation ................................................ 21 4.2. geo_bsd.cvariogram ........................................................................ 23 Contact the Authors......................................................................................... 25 Modification History ........................................................................................ 26 License ............................................................................................................ 29
The attributes are set across an ijk space, meaning that all parameters (e.g. variogram or ellipsoid radiuses) are set in grid cells. Kriging algorithms supports parallel processing, see 2.7 to learn how to set up the number of threads. The following data import/export formats are currently supported: - Eclipse Property text file; - GSLIB property text file. HPGL properties are stored as NumPy Arrays (see 2.3 for details).
1.2. System Requirements and Installation Using HPGL requires a Windows (32-bit) or Linux (32/64-bit) operating system with installed Python version 2.5 or higher, as well as NumPy/SciPy python packages installed (for the corresponding Python version).
1.2.1. Microsoft Windows
MS Windows installation requires the presence of Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (it can be downloaded from
WARNING! The Redistributable Package must be of revision date 7/28/2009 or later (after the ATL security update). HPGL installation is performed by running the file HPGL-X.Y.Z-BSD-[py2.5/py2.6].win32.exe (for the corresponding Python version).
1.2.2. Ubuntu/Debian Linux (.deb-based)
Install package hpgl_X.Y.Z-BSD-[x32/x64].deb (corresponding to the operation systems architecture). Using HPGL also requires the Boost Libraries to be installed.
1.2.3. Other Systems
So far HPGL has binary packages only for Ubuntu Linux and Windows. However, if you want to compile the project under another Linux system (or to create a package), feel free to contact the authors.
1.3. Components Used TNT (Template Numerical Toolkit) (can be downloaded from http://math.nist.gov/tnt/overview.html); Boost Libraries (i.e. boost::python).
2. Core Features
2.1. Library Import Every HPGL Python script must be started with the import geo_bsd module command:
from geo_bsd import *
HPGL also includes two sub-modules geo_bsd.routines with additional property-related algorithms: VPC (Vertical Proportion Curve) and moving average calculations, GSLIB file format support etc., and geo_bsd.cvariogram for sample variogram calculation. If you want to use these sub-modules, the Python script must be started with:
from geo_bsd.routines import * from geo_bsd.cvariogram import *
2.2. Creating an IJK Grid Every HPGL geostatistical algorithm requires a Cartesian Grid object. An IJK (Cartesian) grid can be created with the SugarboxGrid() function:
grid_object = SugarboxGrid(I, J, K)
2.3. Properties All HPGL properties must be objects of the two classes: ContProperty (for continuous data) or IndProperty (for categorical data). a) Continuous property:
cont_property = ContProperty(array_prop, array_mask )
- array_prop is a 3D NumPy-array (float32 type) with property data;
- array_mask is a 3D NumPy-array (uint8 type), which defines array_prop points with a value (array_informed = 1 ), and array_prop
- array_prop is a 3D NumPy-array (uint8 type) with categorical property
data. Categorical indicators must be named from 0 up to max (0,1,2,3); - array_mask is a 3D NumPy-array (uint8 type), which defines array_prop points with a value (array_informed = 1 ), and array_prop points without value (array_informed = 0 ). - indicators_number is the number of categorical indicators in array_prop . Note: 2D or 1D properties must be created as 3D ones:
a = zeros((10,10, 1)) # 2D 10x10 property a = zeros((10, 1, 1)) # 1D 10 property
WARNING! NumPy arrays must use the FORTRAN data storage order. This can be achieved with the following: - creating a new array:
a = array([], order=F )
If an HPGL input array will be non-FORTRAN, it will be converted to the FORTRAN type automatically; you need to keep in mind that all resulted properties will be returned as FORTRAN order arrays. More information about FORTRAN order arrays can be addressed here: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/languages/fortran/ch2-6.html. 2.4. Eclipse Property File Format HPGL supports reading from and writing to Eclipse property files.
Reading properties from Eclipse property text files is implemented in two functions:
load_ind_property() for indicator values; load_cont_property() for continuous values. prop = load_cont_property(filename, undefined_value, size) prop = load_ind_property(filename, undefined_value, [indicators], size)
These commands will create an object (prop) of the corresponding class (ContProperty or IndProperty) that will contain a property from the file filename . Cells with values equal to undefined_value will be considered empty (undefined), and array_informed for these cells will be set to 0. Direct access to data and mask NumPy arrays can be achieved by indexing the property object: prop[0] will be a pointer to the data array, and prop[1] will be a pointer to the mask array. The [indicators] argument in the load_ind_property function is a Python tuple with indicator codes contained in the file. The last argument (size) is a Python tuple with the grid size in cells i,j,k:
size = (i,j,k)
WARNING! After importing data from the file, the indicators will be renumbered to 0,1,2 like in indicators . Example:
size = (50, 50, 100) cont_property = load_cont_property("d:\CONT.INC", -99, size)
Properties can be written to an Eclipse property file using the write_property() function:
write_property(prop_object, filename, prop_name, undefined_value, indicator_values=[])
This command will create a text file with name filename, which will contain the property prop_name extracted from the object prop_object . Empty cells (if any) will be written as undefined_value . For indicator properties, the indicator values are defined in indicator_values . If indicator_values is not defined, the indicators in the saved property will be 0,1,2, Example:
write_property(cont_prop, "CON_PROP.INC", "PROPCON", -99) write_property(i_prop, "INDP.INC", "PROP_IND", -99, [0,1])
2.5. GSLIB Files A detailed description of the GSLIB file format can be found at http://www.gslib.com/gslib_help/format.html. All GSLIB-related functions are included in the geo_bsd.routines sub-module, so you need to import it before using GSLIB files:
from geo_bsd.routines import *
where dict_gslib is a Python dictionary with data from file filename (the dictionary items will be NumPy-array properties from the file). A property with the name property_1 can be accessed using the following syntax:
dict_gslib[property _1]
An HPGL property can be written into a GSLIB file by the SaveGSLIBCubes() function:
SaveGSLIBCubes(dict_gslib, filename , caption, Format = "%d")
where filename is the GSLIB file name; dict_gslib is the Python dictionary with the properties in the form of NumPy-arrays; caption is the caption of the GSLIB file. A detailed description of Python dictionaries can be found in Python documentation, for example, here: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries
2.5.3. Writing to GSLIB Files (++)
another GSLIB property write function called write_gslib_property() present in HPGL. The parameters of this function are identical to those of the write_property()function for Eclipse property files:
write_gslib_property(prop_object, filename, prop_name, undefined_value, indicator_values =[])
This command will create a file named filename which will contain the property named prop_name extracted from the object prop_object. Empty cells (if any) will be written as undefined_value. For indicator property, indicator values are defined by indicator_values . If indicator_values is not defined, the indicators in the saved property will be written as 0,1,2, This function is much faster than SaveGSLIBCubes(), but it can be used to store only one property at a time. Multiple properties defined as dictionaries can be stored using the SaveGSLIBCubes() function. Example:
write_gslib_property(cont_prop, "CON_PROP.INC", "PROPCON", -99) write_gslib_property(i_prop, "INDP.INC", "PROP_IND", -99, [0,1])
2.6. Covariance (Variogram) Object All HPGL geostatistical algorithms use a unified type of the covariance (variogram) function. A covariance (variogram) object must be created as CovarianceModel :
cov = CovarianceModel( type = 0, ranges =(0,0,0), angles =(0,0,0), sill =1.0, nugget =0.0)
where type is the variogram type: 0 spherical, 1 exponential, 2 Gaussian; ranges are the variogram ellipsoid ranges (0, 90, vertical); angles are the variogram ellipsoid angles; sill is the sill value of the variogram; nugget is the nugget-effect value. Covariance model objects can be used in all HPGL geostatistical algorithms. 2.7. Threading Parallel Algorithms The number of threads for parallel algorithms (so far, only for Kriging) can be set/modified with the set_thread_num() function:
set_thread_num( th_num)
where th_num is the number of threads to be allocated. Note: A rule of thumb for threading is to set the number corresponding to the number of CPUs (or cores) operating on the system. To get the current number of threads, calle the function get_thread_num:
current_th_num = get_thread_num()
2.8. Releasing Data from Memory When a property is no longer needed, it should be deleted to free system memory. This is done by the del() command defined as
size = (55, 52, 100) grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) prop = load_cont_property("HARD_DATA.INC", -99, size ) cov_krig = CovarianceModel(type=1, ranges=(10,10,10), sill=1) prop_result = simple_kriging(prop, grid, radiuses = (20, 20, 20), max_neighbours = 12, cov_model = cov_krig, mean = 1.6) write_property(prop_result, "SK.INC", "SK_RESULT", -99) del(prop_result)
size = (55, 52, 100) grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) prop = load_cont_property("HARD_DATA.INC", -99, size ) cov_krig = CovarianceModel(type=1, ranges=(10,10,10), sill=1) prop_result = ordinary_kriging(prop, grid, radiuses = (20, 20, 20), max_neighbours = 12, cov_model = cov_krig) write_property(prop_result, "R_OK.INC", "OK_RESULT", -99) del(prop_result)
3.3. Indicator Kriging Before calling the indicator_kriging function, a list of parameters must be created as shown below:
data = [ # Variogram parameters for 0 indicator: { cov_model: cov0 "radiuses": (SR1, SR2, SR3), "max_neighbours": neigh_count , }, # Variogram parameters for 1 indicator: { cov_model: cov1 "radiuses": (SR1, SR2, SR3), "max_neighbours": neigh_count , } ] # covariance (variogram) object (see 2.6) # search ellipsoid radiuses # maximum interpolation points # covariance (variogram) object (see 2.6) # search ellipsoid radiuses # maximum interpolation points
A variogram is required for each indicator variable. Please notice: If only two indicators are used, Median IK will be performed.
The parameters in the structure being assigned, indicator_kriging can now be called as follows:
def indicator_kriging ( ik_prop, grid, data, marginal_probs )
# algorithm parameters structure # the grid on which Indicator Kriging is performed # property with initial values (hard data) # Python tuple with marginal probabilities for each indicator
size = (55, 52, 100) grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) prop = load_ind_property("HARDDATA.INC", -99, [0,1], size) cov1 = CovarianceModel(type=1, ranges=(10,10,10), sill=1) data = [ { "cov_model": cov1, "radiuses": (20, 20, 20), "max_neighbours": 12, }, { "cov_model": cov1, "radiuses": (20, 20, 20), "max_neighbours": 12, }] ik_result = indicator_kriging(prop, grid, data, (0.8, 0.2)) write_property(ik_result, "RESIK.INC", "PROP_IK", -99, [0,1])
3.4. LVM Kriging (Local Varying Mean) Kriging with Local Varying Means (LVM) is implemented in the function lvm_kriging :
def lvm_kriging ( prop, grid, # initial property values (hard data) # the grid in which lvm kriging is performed
# property with LVM values (must be float32 NumPy array) # search ellipsoid radiuses # maximum interpolation points # covariance (variogram) object (see 2.6)
grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) size = (55, 52, 100) mean_data = load_cont_property("cube_local_means.inc", size)[0] cov1 = CovarianceModel(type=1, ranges=(10,10,10), sill=1) lvm_prop = load_cont_property("LVM.INC", -99, size) prop_lvm = lvm_kriging(lvm_prop, grid, mean_data, radiuses = (20, 20, 20), max_neighbours = 12, cov_model = cov1) write_property(prop_lvm, "lvmresult.inc", "lvm_kriging", -99) del(mean_data) del(prop_lvm)
3.5. Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) The SIS parameters structure is identical to Indicator Kriging described above. The algorithm is executed by the sis_simulation function:
def sis_simulation( prop, grid, data, seed, marginal_probs, # initial property data (hard data) # grid on which SIS is performed # algorithm parameters structure # random seed (a stochastic realization number)
# if Python tuple with marginal probabilities # for each indicator, SIS will be performed; # if Python tuple with NumPy-arrays (probabilities cubes) # SIS LVM will be performed. use_correlogram = True,
# Type of LVM SIS (only if mean data defined as # probabilities cubes) # True use Correlogram SIS # False use Classic LVM SIS mask = None, # modeling region # in case not all points need to be simulated # mask must be an uint8 NumPy array with # 1 (ones) for points to be simulated, and 0 (zeros) # for the ones to leave out # if mask = None, all points will be simulated )
Please notice: If only two indicators are used, Median SIS will be performed. Example:
size = (55, 52, 100) grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) sis_prop = load_ind_property("HARD.INC", -99, [0,1], size) cov1 = CovarianceModel(type=1, ranges=(10,10,10), sill=1) sis_data = [ { "cov_model": cov1, "radiuses": (20, 20, 20), "max_neighbours": 12, "cov_model": cov1, "radiuses": (20, 20, 20), "max_neighbours": 12, }] sis_result = sis_simulation(sis_prop, grid, sis_data, seed=3241347) write_property(sis_result, "RESSIS.INC", "P_SIS", -99, [0,1])
}, {
3.6. Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) SGS is implemented in the function sgs_simulation :
def sgs_simulation( prop, grid, radiuses, max_neighbours, cov_model, seed, kriging_type = sk, # initial property data (hard data) # grid on which SGS is performed # search ellipsoid radiuses # maximum interpolation points # covariance (variogram) object (see 2.6) # random seed (a stochastic realization number) # Kriging type # sk Simple Kriging # ok Ordinary Kriging # ignored for SGS LVM # modeling property mean value # if number, SGS will be performed # if float32 NumPy array SGS LVM will be performed
mean = None,
use_harddata = True, # if False, initial property data will be ignored, and unconditional # SGS with histogram from cdf_data will be performed
cdf_data = None, # CdfData class object, which defines C DF used for modeling # can be created: # 1. by calc_cdf( prop), function, w here prop is a NumPy-ndarray # 2. as CdfData(values , probs ), where values are property cdf values # and probs are the corresponding cumulative probabilities
mask = None,
# modeling region # in case not all points need to be simulated # mask must be an uint8 NumPy array with # 1 (ones) for points to be simulated, and 0 (zeros) # for the ones to leave out # if mask = None, all points will be simulated
size = (55, 52, 100) grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) prop = load_cont_property("SGS_HARD_DATA.INC", -99, size)
cov1 = CovarianceModel(type=1, ranges=(10,10,10), sill=1) sgs_result = sgs_simulation(prop, grid, radiuses = (20,20,20), max_neighbours = 12, cov_model = cov1, seed=3439275) write_property(sgs_result, "RSGS.INC", "PROP_SGS", -99)
grid = SugarboxGrid(55, 52, 100) size = (55, 52, 100) prop = load_cont_property("HARD_DATA.INC", -99, size ) mean_data = load_cont_property("MEAN.INC", -99, size )[0] sgs_lvm_result = sgs_result = sgs_simulation(prop, grid, radiuses = (20,20,20), max_neighbours = 12, cov_model = cov1, seed=3439275, mean = mean_data) write_property(sgs_lvm, "SGS_LVM_RESULT.INC", "SGS_LVM", -99) del(sgs_lvm)
4. Sub-Modules
4.1. geo_bsd.routines The geo_bsd.routines sub-module has many additional functions to work with HPGL properties.
4.1.1. Mean calculation
a) CalcMean returns the mean value for the NumPy-array Cube calculated on the defined (Mask = 1) cells: mean = CalcMean(Cube, Mask) b) CalcMarginalProbsIndicator
returns a NumPy-array with proportions (marginal probabilities) of indicators in the array Cube, for each indicator in Indicators , calculated on the defined (Mask = 1) cells :
MProbs = CalcMarginalProbsIndicator(Cube, Mask, Indicators )
(Vertical Proportion Curve) means of vertical slices for the NumPy-array Cube for each indicator defined in Indicators , calculated on the defined (Mask = 1) cells:
Result = CalcVPCsIndicator( Cube, Mask, Indicators, MarginalProbs) MarginalProbs must be the means (marginal probabilities) for each of the indicators. These values will be set in VPC for slices without defined (Mask = 1) cells. ) CubeFromVPC creates a 3D NumPy-array of shape NX, NY, len(VPC), filled with VP values for each of the vertical slices.
VPC_Cube = CubeFromVPC( VPC, NX, NY) VPC_Cube array can be used as mean data for continuous Local Varying Mean
algorithms (SGS LVM, LVM Kriging). This function must be used in couple with CalcVPC .
d) CubesFromVPCs creates a Python list with 3D NumPy-arrays shaped as NX, NY, len(VPC), filled with mean values for each of the vertical slices. VPC_Cubes = CubesFromVPCs(VPCs, NX, NY) VPC_Cubes can be used as mean data for indicator algorithms with Local
Varying Mean (SIS LVM). This function must be used in couple with CalcVPCsIndicator .
4.1.3. GSLIB File Routines
The file reading and writing functions from this sub-module are described in 2.5. Some additional functions which may come in useful to work with GSLIB files are described below.
a) Cubes2PointSet converts a dictionary with GSLIB properties into the
- CubesDictionary is the dictionary with GSLIB properties; - Mask defined (Mask = 1) / undefined (Mask = 0) is the cell mask array. b) Cube2PointSet converts defined (Mask = 1) cells of the NumPy-array Cube into a GSLIB PointSet: PointSet = Cube2PointSet(Cube, Mask ) ) PointSet2Cube converts a GSLIB PointSet into an HPGL property: Cube , Mask = PointSet2Cube( X, Y, Z, Property, Cube )
- Mask is the NumPy-array which defines the defined (Mask = 1) and undefined (Mask = 0) cells for Cube; - X are the X-coordinates for the PointSets points ; - Y are the Y-coordinates for the PointSets points ; - Z are the Z-coordinates for the PointSets points ; - Property is the NumPy-array with the PointSet property values. Note: Cube must be initialized with the corresponding shape. After execution, it will be filled with Point Set values.
d) SaveGSLIBPointSet saves a GSLIB PointSet (PointSet) as a GSLIB file (FileName) with a caption (Caption): SaveGSLIBPointSet( PointSet, FileName, Caption )
The Moving Average function returns a NumPy-array which can be used in Local Varying Mean algorithms (SIS LVM, SGS LVM, LVM Kriging). To calculate a moving average array MACube on the defined (Mask = 1) cells of the NumPy-array Cube, you should use the MovingAverage3D function:
MACube = MovingAverage3D((Cube, Mask), Radiuses , undefined _value, MaskCalcFunction)
where: - Radiuses is a Python tuple with radiuses for moving average calculation; - undefined_value this value will be set in MACube cells with insufficient points for moving average calculation; - MaskCalcFunction is a pointer to a function that creates a moving average template: - GetCubicalMask for a cubical moving average template; - GetEllipseMask for an ellipsoid moving average template; Example:
size_prop = [166, 141, 20] undef = -99 prop = load_cont_property("DATA.INC", undef, size_prop) Radiuses = (10, 10, 10)
4.2. geo_bsd.cvariogram The geo_bsd.cvariogram sub-module contains some sample variogram calculation functions. To calculate a sample variogram, you must first set up the variogram parameters by creating a VariogramSearchTemplate object:
var_templ_obj = VariogramSearchTemplate( lag_width, lag_separation, tol_distance, num_lags, first_lag_distance, ellipsoid )
where: - lag_width is the variogram lag width; - lag_separation is the distance between lags centers; - tol_distance is the search cone height; - num_lags is the number of lags; - first_lag_distance is the distance between the cone node and the first lag center; - ellipsoid is the ellipsoid which defines the search cube parameters; it must be an Ellipsoid class object (see below). An Ellipsoid class object can be created as shown below:
ellipsoid_obj = Ellipsoid(R1, R2, R3, azimuth , dip, rotation )
where: - R1, R2, R3 are the ellipsoid radiuses (x,y,z); - azimuth, dip, rotation are the corresponding rotation angles. To calculate a sample variogram using the parameters defined in the VariogramSearchTemplate object, you can use the following functions: 1. To calculate a sample variogram on an HPGL property:
(lags_borders, variogram) = CalcVariograms( templ , hard_data, percent =100)
lags_borders are the lag borders for sample variogram values (X); variogram are the sample variogram values (Y); templ is the VariogramSearchTemplate object; hard_data is the HPGL property; percent is the part of the dataset (in percent), on which the sample
variogram will be calculated (points will be selected by a random process); this can be used to speed up calculation on large datasets. Example:
lag_width = 1 lag_separation = 1 tol_distance = 1 num_lags = 50 first_lag_distance = 0 r1, r2, r3 = 1, 1, 1 a1, a2, a3 = 0, 0, 0 prop_shape = (166, 141, 20) prop = load_cont_property('fixed/BIG.INC', -99, prop_shape) lags, variograms = cv.CalcVariograms( cv.VariogramSearchTemplate( lag_width, lag_separation, tol_distance, num_lags, first_lag_distance, cv.Ellipsoid( r1, r2, r3, a1, a2, a3)),
SGS: bug fixed for the cdf_data case Random path bug fixed (used to be incorrect for small grids of 100 or less cells) Project compilation scheme changed Packages for Python 2.5 & 2.6 (Windows + Linux) are now built simultaneously FORTRAN order in arrays now optional (arrays will be converted to FORTRAN order automatically inside algorithms) New GSLIB file read/write and VPC calculation functions very fast now Sill > Nugget check added
HPGL is distributed under terms of BSD license. Full text of BSD license is presented below.
Copyright (c) 2010, HPGL Team All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the HPGL nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.