Corporate Responsibility Report 2008
Corporate Responsibility Report 2008
Corporate Responsibility Report 2008
Raytheon received the The readers of Raytheon received EHS Today magazine Raytheon earned Raytheon earned
Aerospace Industries Careers & the the U.S. EPA/U.S. named Raytheon the Disability Rights the Colorado Gold
Association’s (AIA) disABLED magazine Department of one of America’s Legal Center’s 2008 Environmental Award
Worker Safety once again honored Energy 2009 ENERGY Safest Companies. Corporate Award for our efforts in
Excellence Award for Raytheon for its STAR Sustained The award recognizes for its commitment using recycled paper,
its outstanding safety commitment to Excellence Award, the Raytheon’s enterprise- to diversity and supporting land
program at Raytheon recruiting, hiring and highest honor given wide Environmental, meaningful employment conservation and
Missile Systems (RMS). promoting people to ENERGY STAR Health and Safety opportunities for people purchasing wind
Raytheon achieved with disabilities. partners. efforts, including with disabilities. generated power. the lowest employee innovative campaigns
Keyword: Corporate Responsibility injury rates in the such as Safety
Missiles and Space Madness, Olympic
award category. Madness and Kids
We invite you to visit our
2 Vision, Strategy, Goals and Values website to learn more
‘R’ Cool.
Raytheon’s Sustainability initiative encompasses the company’s
efforts to develop and follow best practices in the areas of sustainability,
social responsibility and protection of the environment.
A message from Raytheon’s
Chairman and CEO
In all times, and especially in these series featuring dramatic vignettes All of these examples of corporate
times, it is not enough to define delivered to employee desktops; responsibility are discussed in
corporate responsibility in the context and in engineering excellence, as the pages that follow. We will
of financial performance, though this reflected in the pivotal role we also share with you examples
is obviously important. We try to think played in the successful intercept of the recognition our team has
about corporate responsibility more of a non-functioning satellite. received. While we are gratified
deeply, to go “above and beyond.” with this recognition, we know
Our commitment to corporate
That’s why the theme of our Corporate that today’s accomplishments
responsibility is manifest in our
Responsibility Report is, “Building on must be the foundation for our
focus on diversity competencies to
Our Commitment: Being Responsible progress tomorrow. This eagerness
promote an inclusive culture; in
in Everything We Do.” has energized our company since
the implementation of wonderful
its founding 87 years — and
We believe that corporate responsibility safety and wellness programs and
many generations — ago, and
manifests itself in our strong and a fierce determination to achieve
it continues to do so today.
consistent Vision, Strategy, Goals and our ultimate goal of an injury-free
Values; in our sound and workplace; in our commitment to The 73,000 members of the
contemporary corporate sustainability, including protection of Raytheon worldwide team want to
governance framework; the environment and conservation of thank you for your support as we
in our innovative ethics natural resources; in our proactive and continue our journey — and our
education initiatives collaborative efforts to prevent, detect best efforts — on behalf of all who
such as our popular and respond to cyber threats; and in depend on us.
EthicSpace mini- our multifaceted, highly innovative
As always, a proud member
approaches to help secure the technical
of the Raytheon team,
talent pipeline and encourage students
to develop and maintain an interest in
math and science.
Last, but certainly not least, corporate
responsibility is reflected in support
for our service members, drawing William H. Swanson
on our long tradition of respect and Chairman and
admiration for our men and women Chief Executive Officer
in uniform.
Vision, Strategy, Goals and Values
One Company. One Vision.
Raytheon’s Vision, Strategy, Goals and Values are the foundation of our company. They
focus and unify Raytheon’s 73,000 people across six businesses, a multitude of markets
and more than 350 locations around the world. They influence our product development,
inspire our employees and strengthen our relationships with customers, partners, share-
holders and communities. They provide our roadmap for direction and our benchmarks
for measuring performance.
These are the threads that run through the pages that
follow. The 73,000 people of Raytheon thank you for
taking the time to read about all that we achieved in
Corporate Responsibility, and all that we aspire to
achieve as we continue our journey together.
In 2008, Raytheon adopted a number of governance enhancements to ensure the company
continues to embrace progressive practices in the area of corporate governance. In recognition
of its leadership on governance, Raytheon’s Board of Directors was named the 2008 “Board of
the Year” by the New England Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors.
Sound corporate governance provides executive compensation program, on which a director may serve.
the structure for overseeing the provide further assurance that The limits adopted are five public
company’s business and operations, Raytheon directors and officers will company boards (including
and also establishes a strong identify with shareholder concerns Raytheon) for any director who
foundation for effective corporate and perspectives. does not serve as a current CEO
citizenship. Raytheon entered 2008 of a public company and three
with a contemporary governance TRANSPARENCY public company boards (including
framework emphasizing active Raytheon is committed to transparent Raytheon) for any director who
and independent Board oversight, reporting at every level. The company does currently serve as a CEO.
accountability to shareholders, highly has robust controls and processes This latter limitation applies to
transparent financial reports and emphasizing transparency to ensure our Chairman and CEO.
disclosures, and vigilant compliance that information required to be Third, the MDCC adopted a
with complex and changing regulatory disclosed is appropriately documented, formal policy to ensure that its
responsibilities. Building on this processed, summarized and reported in compensation consultant meets
strong foundation, in the past year a timely manner. Raytheon’s Disclosure robust independence requirements.
the company adopted a number of Committee assists senior management This policy requires the MDCC to
significant governance enhancements. in helping to ensure that the company’s assess annually the independence
disclosures are accurate and complete, of its compensation consultant. As
INDEPENDENCE and fairly report Raytheon’s financial part of this assessment, the MDCC
Under the company’s Governance condition and results of operations in reviews any services proposed
Principles, independent directors must all material respects. to be provided by the consultant
constitute a substantial majority of the to the company, and considers
Board. To be considered independent, RECENT GOVERNANCE whether the provision of such
directors must meet strict criteria ENHANCEMENTS non-MDCC services might impair
demonstrating that they are free of In the past year, the company adopted the consultant’s independence.
any relationship with the company a number of important governance Such non-MDCC services may be
that might pose a conflict of interest. enhancements. First, the Board provided only with the MDCC’s
In addition, each of the Board’s four amended the company’s Governance pre-approval.
committees that meet regularly — the Principles to add a Restatement Finally, to achieve greater
Audit Committee, the Governance Clawback Policy. This policy gives the transparency, we instituted a
and Nominating Committee, the Board the right to recover incentive new website disclosure of the
Management Development and compensation or stock awards made company’s so-called “soft money”
Compensation Committee (MDCC), to any elected officer, to the extent that contributions — direct corporate
and the Public Affairs Committee — such payments or awards were inflated contributions to political parties,
is exclusively independent. due to erroneous financial reporting state and local political candidates,
knowingly caused by the executive. and political organizations
ACCOUNTABILITY This policy is designed to maximize established under section 527
Raytheon has majority voting in the likelihood that the company will of the tax code.
uncontested director elections and be successful in seeking to recover
requires the entire Board to stand for incentive compensation attributable to In recognition of its leadership
election each year. The company has improperly inflated financial results. on governance, Raytheon’s Board
eliminated its “poison pill” barrier was named the 2008 “Board of the
Second, the Board amended the
to hostile takeover. And Raytheon’s Year” by the New England Chapter
company’s Governance Principles to
guidelines for stock ownership, of the National Association of
establish a formal policy limiting the
together with its pay-for-performance Corporate Directors.
number of public company boards
Raytheon is committed to making ethics education an ongoing endeavor at every level of the
organization. As part of that commitment, the company developed a program entitled “Take 5 for
Ethical Leadership,” a series of seven brief learning modules that were delivered to users’ desktop
computers. Through its engaging and informative format, “Take 5 for Ethical Leadership” helps
reinforce the skills leaders use to promote a culture of integrity.
Raytheon’s Ethics and Compliance ■ Our library of online compliance In 2008, the office received more
program promotes a company modules provides job-related infor- than 3,000 contacts, up 33 percent
culture that aligns integrity with our mation on topics ranging from from 2007. Nearly 90 percent of
special mission as a leader in the conflicts of interest and workforce the contacts were requests for
defense industry. Ethical business diversity to the Foreign Corrupt advice. However, we also completed
conduct and scrupulous compliance Practices Act. In 2008, employees 301 investigations of alleged
are fundamental to our values and completed more than 153,000 online misconduct. In 74 percent of
continuously reinforced through the compliance courses. these cases, the misconduct alleged
program’s key elements of education, was substantiated, leading to 316
■ “Take 5” is a new ethical leader-
counseling and accountability. disciplinary actions up to and
ship program, started in 2008 and
including termination.
Our ethics program has a proud continuing in 2009. “Take 5” engages
history. In 1986, Raytheon became leaders with exercises and discussion
a charter member of the Defense of the skills employees look for when
Industry Initiative (DII), a major they describe ethical leadership. In our 2008 Employee Opinion
industry collaboration to promote Survey, 80 percent of the
Raytheon’s Ethics and Compliance
ethical business conduct. We remain a respondents found our ethics
education programs were featured
leader in DII and work continuously education useful in guiding their
as best practices in 2008 in both the
to live up to the highest standards conduct, up from 74 percent in
Federal Ethics Report and Ethikos
of integrity. Our compliance in this 2005 and 78 percent in 2007. A
area is one of the most important broader measure, our Ethics Index,
benchmarks by which we measure was also up two points over 2007.
our performance. INVESTIGATIONS Ethics and integrity are clearly
Employees who contact our ethics important to Raytheon employees.
2008 HIGHLIGHTS Our proactive Ethics and
office may do so confidentially,
We offer a variety of educational without fear of retaliation and with Compliance program continues to
experiences to help employees identify the assurance that the company will underscore that importance.
ethical issues and make appropriate review and respond to their concerns.
■ Ethics reConnection was the 2008
version of our annual all-employee
program of ethics awareness classes.
The program used realistic video • 90% Seeking Advice
vignettes to stimulate reflection and • 10% Alleged Misconduct
discussion on how to resolve a series
of ethical dilemmas.
■ Our EthicSpace mini-series reinforces
the classroom sessions by delivering
dramatic vignettes to employee
desktops several times a year. One
EthicSpace program was accessed
over 65,000 times.
Raytheon engineers develop innovative solutions to some of the world’s most demanding
challenges across land, air, sea, space and cyberspace. Each year at the Excellence in Engineering
and Technology Awards, Raytheon recognizes individuals and teams whose innovations, processes
or products have a substantial impact on the success of our customers.
At Raytheon, diversity is both a core component and a catalyst to everything we do. It enables
people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and opinions to share their thoughts in a welcoming
and respectful environment. The results are innovative ideas that are as diverse and valuable as the
people who develop them. At the 2008 Raytheon Diversity Summit, employees took part in breakout
sessions where role playing, discussions and experiential learning activities provided opportunity to
further explore how to apply diversity competencies.
Employee safety is critically important to everything we do as a company. Raytheon’s safety
programs are driven by a strong commitment from top-level management, and safety practices are a
core component of every business. From devising innovative solutions to help prevent injuries
to providing the tools and training needed to keep workers informed, Raytheon is committed to
safety excellence.
Safety and Wellness
We completed more than 18,000 risk Our comprehensive employee of our audit program is our
assessments in 2008, far exceeding our survey helps us gauge the company’s compliance record with regulators.
goal of 14,000 assessments. In 2008, we commitment to safety. In 2008, 89 In 2008, federal, state and local
also set a goal to mitigate 90 percent percent of all survey respondents regulatory agencies conducted
of the risks we had identified in 2007. agreed that safety is a priority at 78 environmental and safety
Our teams made tremendous progress, Raytheon, an increase of 2 percent inspections of Raytheon operating
and by year-end, we had mitigated 91 from 2007. We are pleased with the locations. Six Notices of Violations
percent of those risks. We completed results, but we continue to strive for (NOVs) were issued, four related
over 1,700 Job Hazard Analyses using further improvement. to environmental management
our Web-based, enterprisewide Job and two related to safety issues.
Hazard Analysis process. In addition, SAFETY AWARDS Total fines for 2008 were $8,000
we partnered with Liberty Mutual to and related entirely to one
EHS Today® magazine named environmental NOV. Corrective
conduct Qualitative Risk Assessments Raytheon to its 2008 list of America’s
(QRA) of selected chemical processes. actions for all the NOVs have been
Safest Companies. The Aerospace completed. We perform a thorough
More than 2,400 QRAs were completed Industries Association (AIA) awarded
through year-end 2008. We continue to root-cause analysis for each NOV
Raytheon its 2008 Worker Safety and share “lessons learned” across
resolve risks identified in assessments, Excellence Award in the Missiles and
and we track mitigation measures to the company to prevent recurrence.
Space category.
completion with the oversight of
senior management and the Board MISSION:HEALTH
of Directors. AND SAFETY AUDITS In 2008, Raytheon introduced
Mission:Health — a health
Raytheon’s robust internal
OSHA VOLUNTARY engagement program created to
PROTECTION PROGRAM (VPP) Environmental, Health and Safety help employees “put their health
(EHS) audit program performs an
OSHA’s VPP uses rigorous criteria to on the radar.” The program was
average of 25 audits per year to assess
recognize worksites with exemplary designed to:
compliance with governmental and
safety programs. Of approximately company EHS requirements. Major ■ Improve the lives of our people
nine million worksites in the United operating locations are typically ■ Get employees and their families
States, only 2,000 have achieved audited every three to five years. Sites more involved in actively managing
VPP certification. Raytheon’s are assessed based on five established their health
comprehensive safety programs protocols: EHS Management Systems,
create a strong foundation for our Asset Protection, Industrial Hygiene, ■ Use data and consumer marketing
operating locations to achieve VPP Environmental and Safety. Locations tools in tandem to promote behavior
certification. In 2008, we achieved are prioritized for audits based upon change
VPP Star Certification at the Missile risk and the complexity of their ■ Work closely with our health plan
Systems operation in Louisville, operations. A corporate staff member partners to develop a coordinated,
Kentucky, and the Integrated Defense leads each audit team, which includes far-reaching effort to engage
Systems Seapower Capability Center members from multiple operating employees and family members
in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. We now locations. Audit results are reported
have five VPP Star-certified locations up through the business presidents Having healthy, productive
and three more that have been and to the CEO. employees is critical to business
recommended for certification. success, but employees and their
families need to be motivated to
Sustainability in action at
Keyword: Sustainability
The unveiling of new solar panels at Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems’ Andover, Mass., facility
furthered the company’s commitment to utilizing energy sources that are cleaner, more efficient and
more environmentally sustainable. The panels generate enough clean electricity to power over 8,000
homes. By embracing solar energy, Raytheon is employing a solution that helps the planet and results
in substantial cost savings.
Energy and the Environment
environmental contamination. An
RTN Secure Botnets Targeted E-Mails Web Surfing
Customers worldwide depend on Raytheon solutions to protect their critical systems from breach,
fraud, theft and sabotage. This same level of security is equally important for our own systems,
which is why Raytheon created the RTN Secure companywide initiative. RTN Secure increases
employee awareness of threats, strengthens internal security controls, extends our leadership in
information protection, and maximizes opportunities for our Information Assurance business.
The MATHCOUNTS® national competition brings together students from every U.S. state and
territory. Raytheon has been a sponsor of MATHCOUNTS since 1995 and is proud to serve as title
sponsor for the organization’s 2009-2011 national competitions. We understand that through
programs like MATHCOUNTS, today’s students not only excel in math, they are inspired to become
tomorrow’s technologists.
Raytheon’s community relations and ■ The FIRST Robotics competition which campaign; supporting the Run
charitable giving program focuses challenges young people to build for the Wall Veterans appreciation
on math and science education, a robot and discover how rewarding event in El Segundo, California;
support for our men and women in engineering can be. welcoming home troops in Dallas/
uniform, and good citizenship in the Fort Worth, Texas; and sponsoring
■ The Hall at Patriot Place presented by
communities where we live and work. the Armed Services YMCA
Raytheon™, which promotes math and
“Christmas You Missed” event for
science education through football.
MATH AND SCIENCE returning troops in San Diego,
Patriot Place is the official home
EDUCATION California. We also made grants to
of the New England Patriots® Hall
Raytheon believes that to inspire organizations such as the Marine
of Fame.
tomorrow’s technologists and Corps Scholarship Foundation;
innovators, we need to engage them ■ Key sponsorship of NASA Future the Congressional Medal of Honor
Forums, which bring together experts Foundation; and the Fisher House.
when they are young, support them
during the critical middle school years, from a variety of perspectives to
and continue to build on that support discuss how space exploration helps OTHER COMMUNITY
throughout their academic lives. to advance science, technology and INITIATIVES
the economy. At the local level, our corporate
From the engaging
■ The Sum of All Thrills™, opening in citizenship included a combination website to
fall 2009 at Epcot® at the Walt of grants and employee
scholarships, sponsorships and other
Disney World® Resort. The math- volunteering around the world.
events, the company’s MathMovesU®
based interactive exhibit will engage Highlights included the company’s
program nurtures the interests and
children through a fun experience ongoing support of the American
ambitions of thousands of students,
and help instill a lifelong passion for Red Cross, the Walk for Hunger,
while strengthening our future
math, science and technology. Special Olympics, the Heart Walk
and school supply drives.
In 2008, MathMovesU supported and ARMED SERVICES SUPPORT
participated in more than 100 events,
Raytheon’s support for service
members draws on our long tradition
■ MATHCOUNTS, a math enrichment of respect and admiration for our men
and coaching program that promotes and women in uniform. In 2008, the
middle school mathematics company and its employees continued
achievement. Raytheon is the title to support all branches of the military
sponsor for the 2009-2011 National through the Fund in Support of Our
Competitions. Troops, a fund that benefits nonprofits
supporting the armed services.
■ Sponsorship of National Engineers
Week events including discussions Specific initiatives included
on NASCAR racing technology, coordinating enterprisewide package
designing hovercrafts and fuel collections for the “®”
cell vehicles and participating in
robotics demonstrations.
Customer Commitment.
Global Responsibility.
At Raytheon, stewardship means building on our
commitment to being responsible in everything we do.
Raytheon received the The readers of Raytheon received EHS Today magazine Raytheon earned Raytheon earned
Aerospace Industries Careers & the the U.S. EPA/U.S. named Raytheon the Disability Rights the Colorado Gold
Association’s (AIA) disABLED magazine Department of one of America’s Legal Center’s 2008 Environmental Award
Worker Safety once again honored Energy 2009 ENERGY Safest Companies. Corporate Award for our efforts in
Excellence Award for Raytheon for its STAR Sustained The award recognizes for its commitment using recycled paper,
its outstanding safety commitment to Excellence Award, the Raytheon’s enterprise- to diversity and supporting land
program at Raytheon recruiting, hiring and highest honor given wide Environmental, meaningful employment conservation and
Missile Systems (RMS). promoting people to ENERGY STAR Health and Safety opportunities for people purchasing wind
Raytheon achieved with disabilities. partners. efforts, including with disabilities. generated power. the lowest employee innovative campaigns
Keyword: Corporate Responsibility injury rates in the such as Safety
Missiles and Space Madness, Olympic
award category. Madness and Kids
We invite you to visit our
2 Vision, Strategy, Goals and Values website to learn more
‘R’ Cool.
Raytheon’s Sustainability initiative encompasses the company’s
efforts to develop and follow best practices in the areas of sustainability,
social responsibility and protection of the environment.
Raytheon Company
870 Winter Street
Waltham, Massachusetts
02451-1449 USA