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Joo Nem uel M OU LOLy Merery | A WHOLE LOT EASIER For centuries, the Tarot has been regarded as a powerful mean} of telling fortunes and predicting fates. Consulted by kings, revered by mystics, the Tarot’s astounding revelations have | inspired awe and evoked wonderment. i Now, you too can learn the techniques and skills to read the | |y Tarot ~ in just two hours! Using this breakthrough manual, SU en a cee fay liner ther wl ai cl re | ‘© the Celtic Cross, and Seven Sisters spreads Oe a es ee Oe j + tips and troubleshooting for beginners ee «interpreting card meanings quickly and much more to read cards professionally, or simply want to impress your erent ataal | AHL UH ge J ii paren ert ha TAROT TUTOR is wee erage Le nig a tac me eee i ILMA CARROLL$8 Visit the Piatkus website! Paths publishes a wide range of best elling ton and non-fiction, inccing Books on healt, ming, body & spin, se, selfnelp, cookery, bowaphy andthe paranormal Ityou wont + read deseriptions of ourpopular tiles ‘buy ourbooks overtheinemet ‘take aevantage fou special fers ‘enter ur monthly competion + lean more about your favourite Piathus authors wisir our weesire ar: Cop © 200 by Wa Carat cylin he United Sef Ameria 204y ‘divin of Pe Ora (SA) ne S7Sthndan meee NewYork NE ICOIS > )2F OR TK Fx pblin Gt Btn n 205 by 5 Wl Soret, Lndn WIT IA So looper "The mon gt of estar bas Bees se Aco mn i ok al fom be Bish ary SBN 0796926104 Tox dig by Tay ache {et fram th ur Wate To Deck cn bh the Rik Tart she ‘Ware Tee eddy pero US. Gm Sai tf Co eset USA Ga nS Cn Sn ete “This bo a hen pnt on oper mid wth ope fr te enmen aie wom Singaacenable ener Pre od bln one Buy cape Cam Lid ‘To My Beloved Aunt DorothyCONTENTS Acknowledgments Inroduetion: Stop, Look, Listen! x ONE PICTURE IS WORTH A "THOUSAND WoRDS. 1 PART A: EZ THREE CARD SPREAD 1 ery Pie Tells a Sry Norice “This method is puaranted to work the instructions ae fl louedin the exact onder in hich hey represented! Do NOT PART B: THE RRST 2 HOURS. Mu (Geting There Is Hal the Fa! ‘Seovios 1: Tite Iserat Exercise u Secrios 2: Tie Reapine 1stm contents SAMPLE READINGS FoR THE CELTIC CROSS SPREAD. a ‘or Bur an Orange Candle and Call Mein the Morning? ARE WE HAVING FUN Ter? 45 Questions; Annes, Troubleshooting, and Fnctuning ‘THE SEVEN TRIPLETS ON THE SEVEN SISTERS sprean us “The Legacy of Pally’ Tea Room ‘THe INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY 13 ‘Advanced Spreads and Le Extras ‘Tue uLTiMare quesTION 167 “Do You Ever Get Any Gret Reais!” FINALE: THE LAST PLETURE SHOW 193 Possible Meanings tothe Cards Bibliography 285 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My deepest gratitude fistly goes to my agent, Mary Tahan, and ny editor, Christine Zika. They were the two very powerful forces behind this book. Special thanks to graphic designer Michele Montefore Peter Gray Cohen for biographical information on the late Eden Gray; Lynn M. Buess for allowing me to include his ‘wonderful Tarot spreads (Five-By-Five and Yes or No}; the late Richard Gardner for his Tarot spread (Past, Present, and Future) and Magenta Wise for giving me permission to in clude it ‘Much appreciation for the help I received from the guys at Copy Cats: Rob, Jim, and Kono; and many thanks to George Keskeny and Tammy Maurell for chose litle extras I shall be eternally indebted to the many spiritual teachers I ‘mer along the way, who answered my unending questions, in dlged me in my youthful exuberance, and always encouraged ‘me in my spietual pursuits Lam also grateful to the many people whose feedback overthe years helped me to navigate the course of my Tarot card readings and the developmen of my teachings. Telieve everyone can read Tarot cards. Its really an open sectet,and now I share it with the world. This gift was made possible because of all the others who generously shared theit knowledge and inspiration with me. INTRODUCTION: STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! Tewas 2 a. [had been shufling and throwing the cards since 10 ea. With each spread, I would fook up the meanings in books, [had been repeating this same ritual for weeks. was try ing in vain to learn how to read Tarot cards ‘A sophomore in college, I had an English Lit class at 8:30 ‘AM. Iwas exhausted and had to get some seep, but I could’ sop. Forcing myself, I gathered the cards together and placed them in a glitering antique beaded bag. Ie was intended solely fe them. [set it high on a shelf ‘As [layin bed, hovering between consciousness and sleep, the cards began 0 ise up in. my thoughts and ehe images danced in my mind. Last week the 3 of Cups had come up two ‘times, falling in the postion of the home. Then I remembered several friends had made a suprise visit to my apartment. Five days ago, The Lovers came up inthe position ofthe fur. The following day a guy I had been interested in acked me out ‘More and more pictures swirled through my head, appearingbefore meas reminders, describing something that had recently happened in my life. What I began to realize was that the cands were actualy talking to me. Infact, they had always been talk ing to me though the pictares, only I had not been listening. Fi- nally, sleep overtook me The next day, my classes were over by 12:30 nM. I rushed back home with no intention of studying. Pulling the cards from the shelf, I grabbed all the Taroc hooks and pur them on the shelf. I was going co read the cards without the books. I was going to look only a the eards. What was in the plerues? What did I see? Eureka! That was the whole key! Look at the cards, not in the books! The 2-hour TAROT TUTORONE PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS PART A: E-2 THREE CARD SPREAD Every Picture Tells a Story James sat before me spellbound. He was a business major at a competitive university on Long Island, New York. How do you do it?" he wondered aloud. 'seasy!” [assured him, [pulled a card from the deck, the Knight of Cups. “Look at the cant, What do you see?” L asked. “Say what you seein the card,” [instructed ‘Ac first he was bashful about it, but I isised. “Make something up!” I urged. James quickly gave a description, “Lsee a man riding a howe. He's carying a cup. There are ‘wings on his helmet and on his heels” (See Figure 1.1)2 We2-HoUR TAROT TUTOR Knight of Cs ok atte cart ay what yous inthe ace Aman edn [then pulled another card, the 3 of Cups. asked him to e- peat the same exercise ‘Look atthe card Say what you se inthe card" instructed James gave another description of tis card “Lsee three women dancing and holding cups. They're pat- tying” he said laughing, (See Figure 1.2.) SoCs {ok at cad a9 wat you seein the [then pulled third card, the 2 of Cups, and repeated the ONE PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS “Looks like a married couple,” he answered. (See Figure 13) 2ef Cups Wok tte cad Say what you sent rT pee nv oramanescouse. After that, I lad the three cards side-by-side. I instructed James to make up a story about the three cards all together "Someone carries a message about a wedding party. An inv tation to a wedding! he blurted, | informed James he had just given his first Taroe card read- fing and all he had to do was lok a the cand!4 Twe2-HouR TAROT TUTOR Lets try the same exercise using ast of thee different cards. Look at the cards and say what you see. Make free associations with che images. Be spontaneous and go with the fst thing thae comes to mind! Look at the card. Say what you see in the card: A man is working. (See Figure 14.) Look at the card. Say what you see in the card. What comes to your mind immediately: A man is fighting against something. (See Figure 15.) (ONE PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS. 5 Look atthe card. Say what you see in the card: A terrible fight or violent argument. (See Figute .6.) ‘Now, look at the three cards side-by-side. Weave what you have sen in each cad into a story. Incorporate the hey words you used to describe them: work, fights, bad arguments. How about something ke thi Arpunents and power stroge where one wok6 WE2-HOUR TAROT TUTOR Here's another example. This time try it without any hints. Remember to look at the card. Say what you seein the card Go with what immediately comes into your mind. Free asoci- ‘ate. Then move on to the next car, (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS. 7 Look atthe card. Say what you see in the card. [Now weave what you seein these cards into a story or inter: pretation. Make fee associations withthe images. Use key words twdescribe them Perhaps you see an introspective woman who is thinking of walking away from a troubling romance. Or maybe you see 2 wo Jationship of thinking wn who is disippointed about a8 THe 2-HouR TAROT TuTOR about giving up on love completely. You may even see a woman reading asad book about an unflfilling oF unrequited romance. ll of these interpretations can be correct. Or you. may sce something totally diferent from what | am suggesting. Cereainly other interpretations are also possible, But, iti im- portant to go with the frst impression that pops into your ‘mind. A good cop will agree: Your ist hunch s usually your Best Dion Fortune was one of the most famous and prolific 0¢- cult writers of the twentieth century. In her book, Practical (ceulism in Daly Life, she wrote how, with any form of ination, che interpretation [must] “leap spontaneously tothe mind..." Always go with what instantaneously comes t0 your mind. This is a very important key to reading Tarot cards, Reading Tarot cards is really very easy. All you have to do is look atthe cards and say what you see! By simply looking at the cards, you are making an intuitive connection with them. ‘The cards speak in a language of symbols. Ifyou look at the cards the images actually do talk to you. This sa truly revolutionary technique I break all the rules. ‘Andere isa trade secret: dol the really good readers. They are not following the standard rules either. With my radical method, there is no memorizing of mean- ings, no years and years of studying; nor do you even have to think. Instead, you wll be able to develop your own meanings to the cards spontaneously if you immediately get into the habit of looking atthe cands and saying what you se. These in- structions will be repeated throughout the book. Constant rep- cettion is what helps the mind get past the resistance of preconceived ideas. If you have already been trying 0 figure cout the Tarot, you most likely have several preconceived ideas (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH ATHOUSAND WoRDS 9 about the cards and may have built up a resistance to this new approach. Clear your mind. Seat afresh. And always remember tolook at the cards and say what you see! ‘The exercises in the following section are more in-depth. Follow the instructions exactly the way they are presented!>K NOTICE Follow These Instructions In the Exact Onder In Which They Are Presented! [Do Not Skip Ahead! [Do Not Refer tothe Other Chapters ‘Until the Exercises in ‘The First 2 Hours Have Been Correctly Completed! ‘This Method is Guaranteed to Work 1 the Instructions ‘Are Followed Sequentially. oK (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH A THOUSANO WORDS 11 PART B: THE FIRST 2 HOURS Getting There Is Half the Fun! °* SECTION 1+ THE INITIAL EXERCISE Marie showed me all of het Tarot books. “They'e 4 confusing,” she complained. “I can't figure them Having jut entered her freshman year ata college in Penin- sylvania she was well-acquainted with Tatot cards. Her mother hhad consulted many readers while Marie was growing up in New Jersey. By her mother's side for many of these sessions, Marie watched with burning curiosity, wondering how it was done. Now she was determined to crack the cade herself and maybe even save her mother some money. But Marie had fallen into the trap of looking up the meanings in books, trying to memo- ‘ize them; and, she found all ofthe instructions to0 compli- cated to understand, “These books give me a headache!” she complained, “Pur the books away,” I instructed. I gathered them together and set them off to the side, ‘And these ae the same instructions I now give to al of you Tarot enthusiasts. Put your Tarot books away; all of them. Put them high om a shelf ut of reach. You will not be needing the. All you need ow is yur deck of Rider Waite Tarot Cards You are going to start with the fist card. Ifyou have just taken the deck out ofthe package the cands will be in onder and the fist will be The Magician. If you have been playing with them for awhile (and I expect you have) itis not necessary t0 ‘Pur them in onder. You can start with whichever card son top.12 TWe2-HouR anor ruToR PICK UP A CARD AND LOOK ATIT. SAY WHAT YOU SEE IN THE CARD. Quickly say one thing you sce i the card Be spontaneous, donot think about it; instead, say whatever im- mediately comes to mind. You may see a man standing with outstretched arms, Say wha you see. You may see someone sit ting under a tee staring at cups. Say what you se. Say atleast one thing yousee or as many a8 three things; bu be very quick. Do not pause or hesitate. Do not stop to think. Spontaneously and quickly, SAY WHAT YOU SEE IN THE CARD. Then move onto tothe next card, repeating the same exercise until you have gone through all seventy-cight Tarot card very quiche spontaneous and speed. * NOW PUT THE BOOK DOWN, LOOK ONLY AT THE CARDS WHILE DOING THIS EXERCISE, DO NOT PICK UP THE BOOK UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS EXERCISE. IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE EXERCISE ABOVE, YOU MAY CONTINUE WITH THE FOLLOWING EXERCISE. *K [Now you are going to repeat the same exercise; except this time ata slower pace. Look closer and longer at che cards. Take some time to notice more details in the pictures. Look for something you did not see before. Here are some examples to ‘gt you started, (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH ATHOUSANO WORDS 13 ‘TEMPERANCE: An angel stands with one foot in the water and ‘one foot on the ground. Water is poured from chalice to chal- ‘ce. To his right, a path leads to the sun in the background. ‘THE STAR: A woman has one foot in the water and a knee on the ground. She pours water into the water and onto the round. Behind her isa bid perched in a tee. THE FOOL: A man looks to the sky while stepping off a cif. A. dog barks a hs fot. He holds a lower in his left hand (QUEEN OF PENTACLES: A rabbit scoots by to the lefe of het throne. (You have to look closely fr tis. Even the Queen her- salf does not seit.) 100F PENTACLES: In the foreground sits an older man looking ‘on. (This is another one you have to look fr closely.) KING OF WANDS: A man sits on a throne. Leaves sprout out of the wand he is holding. A tiny lizard sis to his lft TOR WANDS. A man wears a shoe on his right foot and a boot ‘om his left foot. (QUEEN OF SWORDS: A woman sts on a throne. Her lft hand is slightly raised. She stares off into the distance. Only hee profile isvisible, nother entire face. PAGEOFSWORDS: A young man appears tobe leaning tis left, but looks to his right. The top of the sword he holds is missing. Bid fly above.14 WE 2-nOUR TAROT TUTOR 9 OF SWORDS: Astrological symbols and roses cover the blan- kket. On the panel, below the bed, appear to be two men fight- ing. (Here is another one you must look at very closely.) ‘OF SWORDS: To the left ofthe boat, the water is calm; to the right, che water i rippled. Your responses should still be quick and spontancous. Take ‘only a few minutes with each card. Go through all seventy- ‘ight cards aguin. Look at the cards and say what you see. * NOW PUT THE BOOK DOWN AGAIN, DO NOT PICK IT UP UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS EXERCISE. *« hope you have completed the above-exercises exactly as have instructed. These exercises are very important. They lay the foundation for all your future work with Tarot cards. By looking atthe cards you are allowing your subconscious mind to ‘make an intuitive link with the Tarot’ symbolism, and you are already beginning naturally to develop your own meanings to the card. In other words, when you look atthe picture, you in- twitivey gee the picture. This is an ongoing process. As you con- tinuously look at a Tarot card over the years, you will likely see something different and revise its meaning Spontaneity isthe essential key. It unlocks your ntti) psychic faculties by facilitacing the shift from logical thinking to intuitive perception. Rational thinking interferes with the intuitive mind. If you depend on your rational (thinking) (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS 15 ‘mind to read the cards it will bean exercise in futility. Spon- taneity, not thinking, engages the intuition, whieh les impres- sions flow smoothly. Ths brings insights instantly to conscious awareness and works in harmony wih the tre esence of Tarot cards. PART B: THE FIRST 2 HOURS Getting There Is Half the Fun! °* SECTION 2: THE READING ‘Sean fdgeted withthe cards. He was about to give himself his fist Taroe reading “Tma litle nervous about this” he confided. “No need to be,” assured hie, ‘This isthe same assurance I give to all of you Tatotaficiona dos. You will still continue with the basic exercise: Look a the cards and say what you see, except this time the cards will have particular placements. Ic has been my observation that this i where many people bgin to experience extreme confusion. am going to eliminate that by giving you another trade secret. Skilled readers are not thinking about che card’ positions in a spread. Skilled readers are looking at (reading) the cands. This is exactly what I have bbeen teaching you. Keep this secret in the back of your mind when following the next set of instructions. The various spreads used for Tarot cand reading are designed to give the reader some direction, It is the cards themselves chat will ulti- imately do the talking! ‘There are countless spreads that can be used, but the most popular is the Celtic Cross Spread,16 THe 2-HouR raRor ur08 4 The frst step is to select what i called a significator This is the card used to represent the person getting the reading. ‘That individual i called the querent. The signifcator is usually ‘court card that best describes the appearance of the querent. Here are some sugested guideline for this selection: [Black hair or very dark har, dark eyes—Pentacles Blond or very light hair, ue or light eyes—Cups [Red hair or light brown hair, hazel or brown eyes Wands Light, medium, or dark brown hai, gray or light eyes—Swords ‘A man 35 years of age or older—a king ‘A woman 35 years of age or older—a queen ‘A young man 18 to 34 years of age—a knight ‘A young woman 18 to 34 years of age—a page ‘A teenager or child (male or female)—a page | repeat, these are suggested guidelines only. You can also se- lect sigificator according to your own personal taste and style by using whichever card you feel best represents the querent. Fora mother you might use The Empress; fora father, The Em- peor; a clergyman or very religious individual, The Hiero- pPhant; a judge ora lawyer, Justice. Or regardless of appearance, you may see a businesswoman as the Queen of Pentacles or the ‘Queen of Wands; a student as the Page or Knight of Pentacles and so on. Many years ago, a deat friend of mine wed to insist ‘my significator was The High Priestess, A signifcator is not necessary. I have been reading Tarot cards for over three decades and stopped using a signifcator ‘years ago because I felt it did not add to the reading. I know ‘many other professionals who also agree with me. The choice is yours. Tarot card reading is an at; you are the artist. ‘ONE PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS 17 After you choose a signifcatr, if you choose to do so, put it tw the side forthe time being. You will be using it when you lay ur the cards 2 The next step ito shufile the cards. Ifyou have selected asignificator, the cards are shufled without it. Remember, keep itaside for now. If you have nat selected a significator, shuf- fle the entre deck. The querent usually shuffles the cards. However, this is a practice reading, so you are going to be the ‘querent and give yourself a reading and shuflle the cards for yourself. always say to shufle the cards until they fel right. By this I ‘mean, when one feels comfortable with the energy of the cards and that a rapport has been made with them. ‘There isa theory among bridge players and card sharks that a deck of fifty-two cards must be shufled seven times to be thoroughly mixed. The Tarot contains seventy-cight cards and could probably use about ten or eleven shufles. Unfortunately most people do not shufile very well; so I suggest you, or the querent, put some energy (oF umpf) into this procedure and give the cards a really good mixing. You ‘might try relaxing by taking a few deep breaths; then clear your mind as you shuftle. A clear mind makes fr clear read- ing, even if asking a specific question, which, of course, the ‘Tarot can be used for. However, chete will be instructions for that later. For the time being, ler’s see what comes out. find this to be one of the most fascinating aspects of the Tarot Many things are revealed. Furure and unexpected events can bbe seen in the cards, especially when you give them the chance to talk freely. It is easier to hear their voice if the mind is clear when shufling.18 THE 2-HouR taRor TUTOR 3+ After you have thoroughly shufled the cards, place the «deck facedown and with your let hand, going lft cut the deck into three separate piles (See Diagram 1.1). Remember, if you were reading for someone ese, the querent would eut the deck, However, the eader always picks up the cards after they have been cut by placing one pile on top ofthe other. With your right hand, pick up pile 1 first. Place i¢ on top of pile nurmber 2 and then place that on top of ile 3. You should now be holding a fall deck of Tarot cards in your right hand, According to tradition, after the querent has cut the deck it should not be touched again by the querent, but handled only by the eader until another spread is done. This is one tradition Lam strict about—my personal taste. Later on, you can decide for yourself how you feel about this tradition. 4 Following Diagram 1.2, lay the cards out faceup. Ifa sig nifcator is used, i is placed down fst (faceup), under the cand in Position 1. Some readers will say the following words out loud when placing each card init proper position. It isnot nec- ‘essary to say this. Here again, it depends on your personal style. | used to repeat these words many years ago, now I dont. (I want to reemphasize technicalities are not what's really impor- tant. They are merely ritualistic and add no magic tothe read- ing. The magic iin the connection you make with the cards by looking atthe cards and saying what you se.) Position 1. “This is what covers you" Position 2. “This is what croses you.” Position 3. “This is above you" Position 4. “This is below you.” Position 5. “This i behind you." (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS 19 (tec ee spate ples wih your hand ging When ‘main fracter person, th gute cits th deck nt tlt hand > Position 6, “This is before you." Position 7. “This is you.” Postion 8. “This s your home, family, friends, andr envi- Position 9. “These are your hopes andor fears.” Position 10. “This isthe outcome or culmination.” 5+ After you have laid the cards out, quickly read over the ‘explanation for each positon. Do not try to memorize this. Do not bein referring tothe cards in the spread until give the in- structions to do so, and don’t worry if you forget everything as soon as you have read it (Iwill give mote details about this in the next chapter) Many people tell me they have difficulty remembering these postions; and this is where I see the diff culty beginning. What is most important is to always remember the basic exercise: Look at the cards and say wat you see! This connects you directly with the cards. After playing with the cards fora while, the postions will narurally fll nto place. But they will never be as important as the images in the cands themselves.20. THe 2-HOUR TAROT TUTOR 3 2 = 6 5 ‘The Calc Gs Spread = a “Meanings tothe Positions of the Celtic Cross Spread, 1. This Is What Covers Yu. This represents the atmosphere or (emotional) environment in which influences are working 2 This Is What Crosses You. This represents an obstacle or an aid 4 This Is Abou You. This indicates what the querent is or should be aiming for inthe matte. I is sometimes the solu- ton to the isue or the answer to the problem. (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS 21 ‘4 This Is Below You. This describes the subconscious motiva tion of the querent, how the querent is thinking, or the bass ‘or foundation of the matter 5 This Is BehindYou. This represents influences that are now passing away or the immediate or distane past. (6. This Is Before You. This isthe future or influences that may Ihave recently come into view. 1 This Is You. This represents the querent andlor the quer- ‘en's attitude inthe situation. {8 This Is You Home, Family, Friends, andlor Environment This represents the querent’s home, family, friends, or (ma terial) environment or the influences therein. ‘9 These Are Your Hopes andor Fears. This represents the ‘querent’s hopes andjor fears regarding the matter. zo, This Is the Outcome or Culminaion, This is the way the situation will eum out in the end. ‘You are now ready to look atthe cards in the spread before you. You are going to give yourself a Tart card reading. Do not worry about any other details at this time, even inverced/up- side-down cards. [ wil addres that issue and many other ques- tions later on in Chapter 3. At this time all you have to do is look a the cands and say what you se. ‘Start with the card in Position 1. Look at the card and say what you seein the card. Project what you see in the eard into the meaning of that position. If you have to refer to the de scription of this postion, do so very quickly, bur do noe get caugh¢ up in thinking about i. Ifyou have difficulty eelating the‘card tothe position, seg the psition’s meaning and focus only ‘on the card an what you se in the car. Spontaneity is still the ‘order ofthe day! Quickly move on to Postion 2 and repeat the same procedure. Go through al ten positions. Congratulations! You have just given yourself a Tarot cand reading. For many of you this was the fist ime. know every- ‘one got something out of i. Ifyou have followed these instruc- tions corectly the entite process should have taken about wo hhours. However there is much more to be gained! Still focused ‘on the same spread, here are some additional pointers: Be sure to take dated notes of the cards that came up in this first reading and all your practice spreads. You will most likely he up tll the wee hours ofthe morning like I was, theow- ing and throwing the cards over and over again. Indeed, a lot ‘can be leamed from these initial practice readings. Patterns ‘emerge from the very begining; the cards really do start talk- ing. By observing these pattems, you can learn the language of the cards. However it is impossible to remember all the cards that come up. That is why the notes make for easy reference Use the Celtic Cross Spread Worksheet provided atthe end of this chapter to record the cards positions. An extra worksheet forthe Celtic Cross Spread is also provided a the end of the book. Make copies and keep them in a Tarot file * Under the worksheet section for Nots and/or Obserua- tions, keep track of any happenings, occurences, or events that remind you of the cards chat eame up in the spread. See what (ONE PICTURE 1S WORTH A THOUSANO WORDS 23 transpires in afew days. Are the events reflected in any of the ‘cards? You will sce some very interesting correspondences. ‘These observations will be helpful in further developing your ‘own meanings, because the cards wil be talking to you. ‘Also in this ection, write down any feelings you may have ‘had about the cards inthe spread. Remember you are beginning towork on an intuitive level and will et felines that contradict rational chinking. Go with your felings! ‘= This is only a practice reading. Do not tke it too seriously and do not lose sleep over it. Eventually, if not right aay, you will begin experimenting on your friends and family. Heaven help them! Always be gentle! ‘There is an old vaudeville joke. Someone asks a taxi driver, “How do you get to Caregie Hall?” ‘The drivers answer is “Practice, practice, practice!” ‘The same i tue for learning how to read Tarot cards. Prac~ tice makes perfect! Continue working with this basic spread. You can use the Celtic Cross Spread fora general reading, to see what comes out. Or you can use i to answer a specific question. If you wish ro advance, there are instructions fora variety of diferent spreads in further chapters, including worksheets for the most sophisticated, aso, in the back of the book. Some spreads may yield enormous amounts of detailed information; others can be used to answer a specifi question; of, if you are in ‘a big hurry thee are spreads thar give quick and speedy results, “Then again, it may boil down to personal taste and style and what you feel comfortable with. Many people work exclusively with the Celtic Cross Spread and have excellent results. The choice is yours.24 THe 2-noUR TAROT TUTOR PERMISSION IS NOW GRANTED TO REFER TO THE, (OTHER CHAPTERS IN THIS BOOK. You now have a solid foundation for Tarot card reading and are on your way to be> ‘coming a highly skilled reader. Bu, always remember: Look at the cards and say what you see! Enjoy! Celtic Cross Spread Worksheet Date a n/t Coarston megan igul SAMPLE READINGS FOR THE CELTIC CROSS SPREAD ‘on BURN AN ORANGE CANDLE AND ‘Catt ME IN THE MorNine! Burn an orange candle and cll me inthe moming! This is the ad- vice the High Priestes of a Long Island Wiccan coven used to ‘offer as a quick remedy to a stresful situation. A powerful healer, Irene was known for her infinite reserves of energy, her compassionate nature, and her great cooking. She also knew the color orange has soothing effect by temporarily restoring balance and harmony. ‘So when Erica called me in the late evening, frantic and frustrated with her first attempt to give a Taro card reading I thought about recommending the High Priestess fall. But didn’ want Erica to lose any sleep over this, like many begin ners (including myself) have done. So I decided to jump-start her with an in-depth look as to how I might interpret this spread.28 WE 2-NoUR TAROT TUTOR Erica was an aspiring dancer to whom Thad given my crash course the previous evening. She appeared confident about what she had leared, but later, when she red to give her sister a reading, she had trouble linking the card together ino aco- hesive story. Unfortunately this is very common because the mind tends to quickly slp back into rational mode. A rational mind is of course, necessary to deal with day-to-day practicalities, but r tional thinking interferes with Tarot card reading, which re quires nomthinking. The mind must be trained to g0 into innve mode (that is, nonahnking mode). The spontaneity ex cise helps to make this shift. That is why the fundamental teaching must be dled into your head. People tend to forget it almort immediately and find themselves in a quandary. When beginning a Tarot reading, remember to always return (0 the ‘asic instruction: Look tthe cards an say what ou se Because an in-depth analysis of «Taro spread puts too much ‘rmphasis on thinking, it can be couner productive. That is fur- ther evidenced by another trade secret: Adept readets are look- ing at the wall pcuaes); they are not breaking down the spread cad-by-card,postion-by-position. That would be an cttruction tothe entire intuitive proces Therefore this jumpstart for Erica, along with two other samples, is included with great reluctance. Please, do not de- pend on these samples. The intention i ony to give you an idea of how a spread may be interpreted by showing the basic ‘mechanics of reading. Perwe them once. Incorporate what you can readily comprehend. Skim over what does noc immedi- ately click. Then move forward always continuing withthe ba- sic spontaneity practic: Look at the ads andy what you se ‘SAMPLE READINGS FOR THE CELTIC GROSS SPREAD 29 Before we continue, there is one other iswe. I have given permission to refer tothe other sections, and, yes, that does in-
THE INTERPRETATIVE TECHNIQUE Regardless of the answer given by the formula (point count) technique, you can still dig deeper for more information by in- ‘erpreting the card’ positions, From left to right, the positions indicate: (1) the past; (2) the present; (3) the immediate fu- ture. The center or middle card (4) represents the querent andor what the question is all about; (5) the atitude of an- ‘other person; (6) an obstacle (i a positive cand, this i reinfore- ing); and (7) the outcome “This method is highly subjective, and the messages will not always be clear, cut-anddey. Relate the cards to the question that is asked, and allow your intutve/psychic faculties to factor ino the interpretation. Lee’ look at sample readings using both the formula and in- terpretive techniques forthe etemal question: Wil he call? Felicia had met Anthony at a party ten days ago. He had ‘promised to call but Felicia was growing doubeful. She wanted toknow if there was any hope. She clealy stated the question, Will Anthony cll? She then shufiled and cut the deck. I dealt out seven cards following the Horseshoe Spread: The Sun, 4 of Pentacles (inverted), THE INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY 155 Surength (inverted), 9 of Pentacles,3 of Cups, Queen of Cups (inverted), and Knight of Cups. Pall che comesponding cards fom your deck an fllow along Sartng with the formula echnigue, I calculated the points ‘Only three cards were inverted. The remaining cards, including the two-point center card, were right-sid-up. This added up to five points aye. My prediction was that Anthony woud call. Using the inerpretaive techn | could dig up more infor sation, Follow along, Position |The Past, The Sun Some- thing ecently past made Felicia happy and optimistic. She met ‘Anthony. Postion 2—The Present, 4 of Pentacles (inverted) ‘She was tying to contol her overexuberance. Position 3—The Immediate Faure, Strength (inverted): She will be wing all ber will power to resist the urge to call hin. Position 4—The ‘Qucrent and/or What che Question Is All About, 9 of Pe cles Felicia had been dressing up cach day before going out, in ‘ease she ran into Anthony. Postion 5—The Attitude of Ane ‘other Person, 3 of Cups I sugested Anthony liked to party Postion 6—An Obstacle, Queen of Cups inverted): It looked asf Anthony could have had another lady on his mind. Post tion 7—The Outcome, Knight of Cups: Tis was the phone call from Anthony. ‘Afr the reading Felicia tol! me Anthony was known asa party animal; and he had reentl ben ite by agit he lly liked. However, two day ater he called. Here's another example. Gwen had been intersted ina guy ‘named Juan. He had asked for her number. But one month had ‘assed, and Juan had not calle. Distraught, she came to see me ‘on the day ofa fll moon. She clearly stated the question, Will he call? Then I spread the cards out and instructed her to pick seven and hand them ro meas she went along156 THe 2-HoUR TAROT TUTOR This isthe onde in which the cards were pled: 7of Swords, 8 of Swords (inverted), The Hanged Man, 9 of Swonts (in verted), 7 of Cups (inverted), The Tower, and Knight of ‘Wands (inverted). Arrange your cards accordingly and follow alo. ‘Using the formula technique forthe Horseshoe Spread, the interpretation was as follows Four cards were inverted, includ- ing the two-point center card, leaving only three cards right- side-up. That totals to thre, negate. 1 informed Gwen that Juan would not call, ‘Gwen presed me for details. was able to accommodate her by using the imerpretaive technique Position 1 ~The Pas, 7 of Swords: Something sneaky or de- ceptive had happened in the very recent past, Pethaps ian had never really intended to call Gwen, but instead was leading het ‘on, Postion 2—The Present, 8 of Swords (inverted): Gwen. was uncertain about what to do suggested she may have even fel tis deception, bu had been unable to admit it to here Position 3—The Immediate Future, The Hanged Man: Gwen ‘would soon begin to feel taken advantage of, Position 4—The (Querent and/or What the Question Is All About, 9 of Swords (averted): Gwen was quite distresed over this situation. Pos tion 5—The Attitude of Another Peron, 7 of Cups (i verted): It appears as if Juan may, in fat, be an unrchfd individual. Postion 6—An Obstacle, The Tower: There would be an unexpected tum of events. Postion 7—The Outcome, Knight of Wands (inverted): Although I firmly believed Juan would not cll, he was tli he pie, but | could not be eee- tain exactly how. And this is what [told Gwen oo. Here's what happened. Two months pased and Juan never called. Gwen had completely forgotten about him. Then one {WE INFORMATION SUPER WiGhwAY 157 night at about eleven o'clock, she bumped into him in a conve: rience store. He told her he had lost het phone number, and asked frit again. Gwen fell for that baloney that as old as the hills and wrote it down for him. OF course, Juan never called thae time either, demonstrating that he was leading her on and ‘most likely made a habit out of practicing deception. This is an excellent example of how life throws curve balls that are reflected in the cards, but very dificult to discern, ‘While the direct answer to the question was not what Gwen ‘was looking for, there was a message coming through. Indeed, the cards were telling something indirectly, but not specifically. This is one of the most fascinating aspects of Tarot cards. Al- ‘ways look at the cards. It may only be in retrospect that the mes- sage becomes cleat. This is why itis important to take dated ‘notes. In that way you will become more cognizant of how the cards realy tale Let's look at another sample. Kenda had had a huge argue ‘ment with her boyiiend, Doug. They both said nasty and hurt- ful things to each other. Kendra wondered if Doug would ever call her again ‘She clearly asked the question, shufled, and cut. I dealt out seven cards in the shape of a horseshoe. 5 of Swords (inverted), 3 of Swords (inverted), 2 of Swords, 7 of Wands, 5 of Cups, 10 of Swords (inverted), and Judgement (inverted). Set this spread up with your cards and follow along. Using the formula technique, four cards were inverted and: three cards were rght-sde-up (including the two point center card). That was only a total of four points. In other words, there was no answer at this time. Pethaps because the emo- tional investment in this question was too great; oF pethaps i was the univers’s way of telling Kenda there was a spiritual158 THE 2-HouR TAROT TUTOR leson to be learned from this experience and the outcome de- pended upon how she chose to respond to this situation. In other words, it was not simply a matter of Kendra wanting Doug to call het. Something ese was going on here. Remember, the messages are always coming through, albeit cryptically ing the interpretative technique for this reading, | easily obtained more information. Without even looking at the cards! positions a quick overview told me there was a lot of turmoil and stress, A breakdown was quite tevealing. Postion 1—The Past, 5 of Swords (inverted): There had recently been a bitter argument. Position 2—The Present, 3 of Swords (inverted): ‘There was alt of pain and anguish. Position 3—The Immedi ate Future, 2 of Swords: There was indecisiveness about what 0 do, Position 4—The Querent and/or What the Question Is All About, 7 of Wands: This card clued me in. It represented Kendra, She appeared to be quite controlling in this situation, and perhaps contra issues were part of what the question was all about. Position 5—The Attitude of Another Person, 5 of Cups: This definitely represented Doug. He felt quite wounded be- cause of this fierce fight. Postion 6—An Obstacle, 10 of Swords \Gnwerted): I sensed this related again to Doug, who was also de presed. Position 7—The Outcome, Judgement (inverted): This looked like a phone call, bt not from Doug. Instead it looked as if Kenda would call him, ‘At this point I paused, because I got the picture, Uhad an intur ve lash It appeared to me as if Kendra had initiated this bru- tal battle. Because of her controlling nature (7 of Wands), she refused to accept responsiblity for a situation she herself had created and wanted Doug to call her. That is, she wanted 10 ‘make Doug call her. However she should have been calling Doug to apologize. Bur, I did not want to put ideas into her ‘THEINFORMATION SUPER WlaKWAY 159 head by suggesting this. I wanted her to come to this realization for herself During the brief intermission of my pause, Kendra began talking. She admitted to having deliberately pressed Doug's buttons just to get a reaction out of him; only she hadn't real- {zed how badly she was really hurting him. Since Thad said he was not going to call her, she quietly asked me if she should cal, him to apologize. I advised her that 1 thought the last card, Judgement, was saying jus that. For Kenda, this was a lesson in personal growth. She Jeamed that for everything you do in life there is a price to be paid. And responsibilty must be taken for our actions. It was the Tarot cards that aided in vividly bringing this irevocable ‘cosmic law to her awareness. A QUICK YESOR NO “+ THE FORMULA TECHNIQUE ‘This spread is from Mastering the Tarot by Eden Gray Pose the question clearly before anything ese is begun. The cards are then shufled and cut as usual or fanned out to be selected by the querent. Deal out three cards or ak the querent 10 pick three cards, handing them to you inthe order in which they ate pulled. Lay them out side-by-side, going lft to right. The an- ‘wer is determined by how many cards are right-side-up of i verted. All three cards right-side-up, a definite yes. Thee cards inverted, a definite no. Two cards right-side-up, a qualified ys. ‘Two cards inverted, a qualified no. Qualified, in this case, means there are modifying influences affecting the matter, such a re- strictions. Or, perhaps the matter is subject to certain condi-169 THE2-HOUR TAROT TUTOR tions being met before i can effectively transpire. I told you, life is not always clear, eut-and-ry! “THE INTERPRETATIVE TECHNIQUE By reading (feeling) the three cards that come up in this spread and relating them to the question that is eing asked, they ean be interpreted in the context ofthe query. You can even weave the Three Card Spread (Real Quick Past, Present, and Future) into the interpretative technique for extra information. Use your intuitivelpsychic faculties freely with this spread. You will be ‘amazed at the insights you'll have! Let’ look at sample readings for this spread using both the forma xd interpretive techniques for that eternal question: Willhe call? Jennifer had met Russ few days ago. Russ was asta athlete, fn med school, and quite handsome. Jenifer was chewing her fingernails to the quick wondering if Russ would get in touch with hee She asked the question, Will Russ cll I ypread the deck ‘out, facedown, She picked three cans and handed them to me as she went along. I placed them down, going from lft to right ‘The 2 of Cups, Ace of Cups and 7 of Pentacles were alll rightside-up told Jennifer, Russ would definitely call. By looking at the individual eards, more information could bbe obtained. The 2 of Cups definitely meant a relationship. Love was inthe ait! The Ace of Cups suggests happy emotions and the predominating suit of Cups told me that something was going to happen soon, maybe in one day or one week. But the 7 of Pentacles said that something would also be around for {TWEINFORMATION SUPER MIGHWAY 1 avery long time. Seeds were being planted. There was more go {ng on ere than jus phone call. Told this to Jenifer Let's incorporate the Thee Card Spread (Real Quick Past, Present, and Future) ito this interpretation. The 2 of Cups, the immediate pat—a relationship appeared to be blooming ‘Ace of Cups, the immediate present, indicated a phone mes- sage is curently waiting. This middle card can alo bein preted asthe querent. Jennifer s happy and optimistic. The 7 of Pentacles, the immediate future, suggested that the seeds for long-term situation were being planted ‘When Jenifer got back to her room, his message awaited het. They went together for several yeas, then maried. Rus wanted to get through med school fst. They are still avery ‘happy couple! Here’ another example. Grace wanted to know if Phil would call. Phil was a charismatie guy, who attended a college about one-and-a-half hous avay from Grace. A frend had tried to fix them up and gave Phil Graces number Grace cealy asked the question, spread the eds ou face- down. She picked thre and handed them to me as she went along. Going from lft right I placed them down. The 6 of Sword, Temperance, and The Lovers wee all invert. Fad vised Grace that Pil would deftly not cll 1 was stil able to get more infomation for Grace by looking a the overall picture(s). In this instance I was working totally on intuition. Focusing on the cards, I diet like what I saw Based on the feling Iwas geting, Pil appeared tobe unstable in teationships. Grace confided that he was reputed to go fom cone gtlfiend to the next. told Grace she shouldbe glad she would never hear fom him However, The Lovers dd come up162 TWE2-HOUR TAROT TUTOR in the spread, although inverted. I fle as fit was signaling an Important message. There may be another opportunity. Grace informed me that another guy had indeed been asking her ou But she had been putting him off, hoping that Phil would call After the reading, Grace decided to forget about Phil and a cept a date withthe other prospect. This is yet another exam- ple of how the direct message may be unfavorable but an indirect message is coming through, which is significant ‘Adding the Three Card Spread to the interpretation, there ismore information that can be drawn. Remember, all the cards are inverted. The 6 of Sword, the immediate past: Phil was not near Grace, but at some distance attending another college “Temperance, the present: A situation that was not going tO change. As the querent, Grace was trying to balance for tie. Keep in mind I'm feeling here and in intitielpsychc mode. The Lovers, the future, showed that there was indeed another guy calling. Let’ look at another example. Keisha and Dwayne dated on and off fora while. Then they drifted apart. Ie had been more than six months since Keisha had seen him. Keisha formulated the question, Will Duayne cll? 1 spread the cards out face down. Keisha picked three cards and handed them to me one by one: the 6 of Pentacles, King of Cups and the 7 of Wands (inverted). One card was inverted, the other two were rightsideup. The answer was a qualified yes. That sneant Dwayne probably would eal if certain conditions were met. Or, the call was subject to restrictions. But, that was vague. had to dig deeper to give Keisha more information; and, here, again, my intuition was going to be the guide. “The 6 of Pentacles said that maybe Dwayne had had to bor- row money. If he was having financial problems, he may not THE INFORMATION SUPER WGHWAY 163 hhave felt good about himself and uncomfortable about talking to Keisha at this time, This was basic psychology. I saw Dwayne 1s the King of Cups, a man floating on the ocean. Pethaps Dwayne was drifting along in life, going wherever the tide was taking him. The 7 of Wands (inverted) looked lke a message. But Wands could have meant months down the road. So I told Keisha chat if Dwayne gets himself rogether and plants his feet ‘on the ground, she would hear from him within a few months. ‘These cards fi easily into the Three Card Spread. The 6 of Pentacles, the past: Dwayne had to borrow money. The King of (Cups, the present: Dwayne is presently floating aimlesly. This position can also be interpreted as the querent. Dwayne i strongly on Keisha's mind. The 7 of Wands (inverted), the fu- tur, indicated there will bea message Five months later he sent her a letter, a-mai, While this was not a phone call, it was nevertheles a communication. ‘But, maybe not exactly what Keisha had in mind. And, remem: said it was qualified. This is another example of how things play out much differently than our imagined expecta Here is another example. Alex, who was quite a charmer, hhad been flirting around with Rachel and had asked for her ‘number. One month had passed and she had not heard from him. Rachel asked the question, Will Alex cal? She picked three cards and handed them to me one by one: the 6 of Cups, the ‘Ace of Swords (inverted) and the Page of Wands (inverted). ‘One card was right-sde-up; the other two were inverted. The answer was a qualified no. But what did that mean? | dug deeper and looked atthe individual cards. It certainly looked like a message to me, I told Rachel the only pereepcion164 THE 2-nouR TAROT TUTOR could get was that he most likely would not call her, but I did see something about a message or phone cal. I had no idea ‘what that meant. This, however, was what my inition was telling me Using a quick analysis ofthe Three Cant Spread, the cards did not fit s0 neatly. Nevertheless, something could be seen. ‘The 6 of Cups, the past: Rachel had given Alex her number. ‘The Ace of Swords (inverted), the present and the querent: Rachel was anxious about a message. The Page of Wands (in verted), the futute: There would be a phone cal. ‘About two weeks passed. One day the phone rang. Rachel answered it. A man's voice asked to speak to Patricia, Rachel's gorgeous roommate. It was Alex! Indeed there was a phone call but not the one Rachel had: hoped for. This is an excellent example of how the universe throws us curve balls which are many times impossible to adroitly catch. must reemphasize that you will have to experiment with these spreads to see what works for you. Always interpret the cards in the context ofthe question being asked. Since you are working in intitie/psychic mode, everything may not fit ex actly. This is Tarot card reading, not mathematics! If you are uncertain about the message trying to come through, is okay to say so. Bur always remember to ook a the ands and say what you ee. WILMA CARROLL'S PARTY SPREAD. Here i an extra added bonus. This i a spread I developed my- self (See Diagram 5.7). In fat, as you become more comifort- 5 Dot 1 i166 WE 2-HoUR TAROT TUTOR able withthe cards, you may also find yourself guided to develop your own spread. You may find yourself, one day, unconsciously laying the cards out in a virtually unique spread of your very ‘own creation. Many Tarot card readers do this. This one came to me quite naturally. It was the result of reading at hundreds of partis, special events, and colleges— where time is ofthe essence. Start with the Advanced Celtic Cross Spread. After reading the cards in that spread, without picking them yp, continue with a quick and short variation of the Seven Sisters Spread, Deal the next three cards from the top of the unused deck and throw them (in that group of three) anywhere on top of the ‘Advanced Celtic Cross Spread of randomly around the spread, ‘There is no formal positioning with these extra cards. Read that group of three cards as you would in the Seven Sisters ‘Spread. Continue this random throw two or three times, or even four times more, as long as you feel you have an intuitive con- nection. If you are getting nothing from the group of three cards, ry using only two cards. Experiment and see what works for you vi THE ULTIMATE QUESTION “Do You Ever Ger Any Grear Revetarions?” “You'e all uron!” he snapped. “No deat. She's ight!” his wife shot back. “You're very accu rae!” She tured to me. “I don't believe in this stuff!" he growled. Gerald was a re- tired high-ranking naval officer. I was reading at his nephew's ‘bar mitzvah. Isa there and kept my mouth shut as husband and wife slugged it out I had witnessed this scene many times be- fore. Men disagree with me, no matter how accurate Iam, while theit wives confirm everything lam saying! In fact when I fist started reading at parties, I wouldn't read for a man unless his wife was siting there with him. Now, with nearly four decades ‘of experience under my belt, Iam better prepared to handle this situation. This is also aided by the somewhat changing New Millennium mentality In other words, men are not quite 1s skeptical. But they are still not true believes “All right," mumbled Gerald, “you're accurate.”168 THe 2-HouR TAROT TUTOR He was impressed. The Tarot cards had correctly described ‘an important upcoming meeting and the costly repair work be- ing done in his kitchen. In typical male style, however, he re ‘mained adamantly unyielding in his skepticism. “You sill haven't convinced me there's anything to this.” Gerald glared at me for several seconds, then slowly leveled a sly look. A devilish grin spread acros his face. [braced myself {for what was coming. I knew exactly what he was going to sa. “Do you ever get any great revelations” he snickered with a tongue-in-cheek attitude. Gerald could not resist asking what I call che ultimate ques tion. Ics occasionally asked by men, but always accompanied with a noticeably facetious undertone. Yt it is @ question for which Ihave a very serious answer. Yes! Absolutely! I can hon- cstly tell you that during my thirty-seven years of experience with Tarot cards, Ihave had many great, fascinating, and unbe- Tievable revelations! In this anecdotal chapter I recount the details of many of these incredible experiences. Ani itis deliberately placed near the end of the book, a I did not want anyone to be influenced by my particular style of interpretation. So when I tell you which cards came up ina particular reading, keep in ming, this ismy way of seeing things and definitely not the only way to see things. Certainly by now you have had some of your own pro- found revelations with Tarot cards Because these stories span a period of more than three de- ceades, Lam notable to remember all the cards that appeared in teach spread. But, {do remember (in most instances) atleast three of four, and that should give you an idea of how I came to these well-founded conclusions. THE ULTIMATE QUESTION 169 Pic is! Ie was my secon profesional reading. Amanda, an axeactive redhead, was « refer from my fist profesional client. vividly remembered Amanda fom junior high school Popular and well liked by everyone, she had been known for her wry sense of humor. My friends and I used to tell her she ‘would make a great stand-up comic, but unfortunately that was ot the route she had taken. Rushing into mariage right after Ihigh school, she was now left ors two children on her own, Her exhustand was nowhere to be found and, of couse, nei thee were the child support payments. So Amanda worked fll time as salesperson in a department store ‘As we sat in my study on a freezing February evening, sp ping hot tea to keep us warm, I began doing the Five-By-Five (Month-By-Month) Spread. In che row representing he pre ‘ent was The Empress, tight smack in the middle new the focus was a mother. Ido not remember the surrounding cards, but in the row akove were many Major Trump cards: The Star, Temperance, The Moon, and Judgement. That meant events were imminent, When I began reading this spread, my sind went blank. Amanda later told me that I put my hand over the cards and sat there hemming and hawing for abou ve Finally sad, “When the tite comes to let your mother 0, do 3 knowing she wll aay be with you i spirit and guiding you" Thad no idea why L was saying this Ie dida't make any sense to me, but my intuition was telling me something and the word seemed to fl ftom my mouth. Amanda then told me her170 1WE2-HoUR TAROT TUTOR mother was dying of cancer. She was not expected to live more chan three days Chills an up and down my spine. Tree days Inter her mother passed away What a way to start a caret! Leading off with the most sen- sive, verious, and taboo ise ofall! Month later Amanda told me the reading had comforted her, and she could actualy feet her mothers presence spt, guiding he as she reared het children But this was not at all comforting to me.I went on to sce death inthe cards two more ies! “The second time occured when I was reading at a dsco- theque on Long Island. I was still new as a professional reader, only six months into my career. The manager and the owner of the club sat down for readings. Bob, the manager, was no stranger to psychic readings. He had been a regular client of Long Island's famous Egg Lady, a Scottish woman, renowned for her phenomenal readings sing ex! “The Egy Lady had died about one-and-a-half years before 1 moved to Long Island, so I never had the privilege of meeting hex But eared all abou er from her lens, many of whom inher, They all read me with stores of her amazing clarwoymace el eccentric behav. M.D. lived in a comfortable hose in Suffolk County, l- cated in the midile of Long Island. She had come to the United States after marrying an American serviceman she ad snot during World War I. He die yeas earlier, and she ally amd er living (and decent one a that) reading ems Geting an appointment with her was no easy tak, the wait sometimes beng good six months! People woul drive sever hours rom as far away as Pennsylvania tose he, anda son ashe wasted, she would op. "WE ULTIMATE QUESTION 17 “Ie didn't matter how long you had been waiting ot how far you had driven. If there was along line of cas waiting ouside hher house, it didn't matter. She would run out into the street and seem that she was tired and had to stop. You would have to reschedule!" former client told me. Mrs. D. would crack an egg into a cup and then stiri with her finger. She would then look at the egg and ask, “Do you want to hear everything?” If you said, “yes,” she would tell you ail, even about serious illness and approaching death ‘One time Mrs. D. told a man his wife would have an affair, ‘And she did. He was so angered he returned to the Egg Lady and beat her up. (So you se, I'm not the only one to have dif- ficulties reading for men, Fortunately, my experiences have not been that severe.) After that she refused to read for any man but ultimately agreed to accept five gentlemen whom she deemed were special. Eventually I read for three of the chosen fw. ‘As commenced the reading with Bob, I remember thinking thac the Egg Lady was a tough act to flow. Yer despite my in- ‘experience, my performance was to get rave reviews, although somewhat delayed. | went on to tell Bob about another business he had, a travel agency. [also mentioned some realestate deals in which he was involved. In the position of the home, using the Advanced Celtic Cross Spread, I saw the 9 of Swords, the 6 of Swords, and the Queen of Wands. That isall I remember ‘My prediction was as follows: “A woman will be leaving your life, someone close to you like a sister” Again I had no idea what this meant. It was a strangely cryptic statement, but once ‘again the words sort of fll out of my mouth. My intuition was guiding me,172 We 2-nouR TAROT TUTOR ‘At the end of the reading Bob looked at the owner of the club, who had been listening intently. “Interesting, isn't it?” ‘commented Bob. They both exchanged nods, It wasn't until two years later that the story unraveled. Meanwhile 1 had moved into Manhattan and Jost touch with the people atthe disco. By a strange twist of fate T was in vited back to read on a Saturday night in June. The club now hhad new owners, but Bob remained as the manager. He greeted ‘me warmly atthe door and I inquired about his wife. had spo- ken to her and his sister a couple of times on the phone. They hhad been thinking of booking appointments with me for pri- vate consultations but we never could coordinate the times. “My wife died,” he sai. “Pm so sory!” I gasped. I was stunned and very concemed and continued extending my condolences. “What happened” “She died of a congenital heart disease. You predicted it” Instantly I went on the defensive. "I never predict death!” 1 screamed in a panicky voice. “It would be unethical” He then reminded me of the reading when 1 told him a ‘woman would be leaving his life. His wife had been ill for along time, and they both knew she did not have long to live. My cryptic message made sense, And in spite of my policy of never predicting death, the cards had their own unique way of con- vying the message symbolically. This was the second time I had ‘inadvertently predicted death. With the first rwo predictions the querents both knew that someone close to them would soon die. Iwas reading, or pulling, this information directly from their conscious minds. However, the third time I saw death in the cards the reading was more dramatic. Ths time I pulled the information from the THE ULTIMATE QUESTION 173, querent’s subconscious mind. She had no idea that someone close to her was about to die. A pleasant woman with graying hair sat before me as 1 did the Advanced Celtic Cross Spread followed by the Advanced Horoscope Spread. Beverly had been referred to me by her neighbor, who was a regular client. “ve always been curious about this,” she told me. “But 1 never got around to doing it” [was going around the houses in the Advanced Horoscope ‘Spread when I stopped at the Ninth House. I read the cans Justice, Ace of Pentacles, and 10 of Pentacles. I told Beverly she and her husband would be talking to a lawyer andlor an ac- ‘countant about real estate matters. This was consistent with ‘what appeared to be the entte theme of the reading. Beverly ‘and her husband would come into some money, sll their home and buy a new one some distance away. Beverly kept insisting that she could not relate to thing I was saying. I kept insisting she take notes because it would all make sense sooner or later. (This is a good example of how you mas always trust what you see in the cards, even ifthe querent disagrees. When you proj- cect into the future many times people cannot relate to what ‘you are saying because it seems so remote or impossible. The ‘querent may start arguing with you. Do not get into an argue ‘ment. Bu stick to what you see in the card!) Suddenly I realized I had accidentally skipped over the Eighth House. (Ie was really not an aceident. Nothing ever hap pens by accident, according to occultists. But, on a subcon- scious level 1 must have known something was up.) 1 didn't ‘want Beverly to think I was careless o I didn’t say anything Instead, I quietly backtracked tothe Eighth House and picked174 THE 2-HouR TAROT TUTOR up the cards. (The Eighth House deals with taxes inher tances, other people's money, insurance, sex, and death ot manner of death. Ii the most dificul to understand ofall the houses inthe horoscope because it deals wth transforma- tion.) The Empress was surrounded by Death and the 10 of Sword. Some Tarot experts think the 10 of Swords i the wont card in the deck. And, ve I have ssid in Chapter 3 the Death card doesnot mean physical death, When i falls sn the Eighth House, however, ts sigficance may have to be reconsidered “Inyour mother sil alive” asked “Oh, no!” she said. “My mother died years ago.” What I never thought to ask was, Is your maken sill alive? Two dys later Bevery mother in-law ded suddenly of atroke She was inher lt eighties and in good health. Her
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