Daniel: The Book of
Daniel: The Book of
Daniel: The Book of
CHAPTER 1 Hanani'ah he called Shadrach,
1 In the third year of the Mish'a-el he called Meshach,
reign of Jehoi'akim king of Ju- and Azari'ah he called
dah, Nebuchadnez'zar king of Abed'nego.
Babylon came to Jerusalem 8 But Daniel resolved that he
and besieged it. would not defile himself with
2 And the Lord gave Je- the king's rich food, or with
hoi'akim king of Judah into his the wine which he drank;
hand, with some of the ves- therefore he asked the chief
sels of the house of God; and of the eunuchs to allow him
he brought them to the land not to defile himself.
of Shinar, to the house of his 9 And God gave Daniel favor
god, and placed the vessels in and compassion in the sight of
the treasury of his god. the chief of the eunuchs;
3 Then the king commanded 10 and the chief of the eu-
Ash'penaz, his chief eunuch, nuchs said to Daniel, "I fear
to bring some of the people of lest my lord the king, who ap-
Israel, both of the royal family pointed your food and your
and of the nobility, drink, should see that you
4 youths without blemish, were in poorer condition than
handsome and skilful in all the youths who are of your
wisdom, endowed with knowl- own age. So you would endan-
edge, understanding learning, ger my head with the king."
and competent to serve in the 11 Then Daniel said to the
king's palace, and to teach steward whom the chief of the
them the letters and language eunuchs had appointed over
of the Chalde'ans. Daniel, Hanani'ah, Mish'a-el,
5 The king assigned them a and Azari'ah;
daily portion of the rich food 12 "Test your servants for
which the king ate, and of the ten days; let us be given veg-
wine which he drank. They etables to eat and water to
were to be educated for three drink.
years, and at the end of that 13 Then let our appearance
time they were to stand be- and the appearance of the
fore the king. youths who eat the king's rich
6 Among these were Daniel, food be observed by you, and
Hanani'ah, Mish'a-el, and according to what you see
Azari'ah of the tribe of Judah. deal with your servants."
7 And the chief of the eu- 14 So he hearkened to them
nuchs gave them names: in this matter, and tested
Daniel he called Belteshaz'zar, them for ten days.
iron mixed with the miry clay. the whole province of Baby-
42 And as the toes of the lon, and chief prefect over all
feet were partly iron and part- the wise men of Babylon.
ly clay, so the kingdom shall 49 Daniel made request of
be partly strong and partly the king, and he appointed
brittle. Shadrach, Meshach, and
43 As you saw the iron mixed Abed'nego over the affairs of
with miry clay, so they will the province of Babylon; but
mix with one another in mar- Daniel remained at the king's
riage, but they will not hold court.
together, just as iron does not
mix with clay. CHAPTER 3
44 And in the days of those 1 King Nebuchadnez'zar
kings the God of heaven will made an image of gold, whose
set up a kingdom which shall height was sixty cubits and its
never be destroyed, nor shall breadth six cubits. He set it
its sovereignty be left to an- up on the plain of Dura, in the
other people. It shall break in province of Babylon.
pieces all these kingdoms and 2 Then King Nebuchadnez'zar
bring them to an end, and it sent to assemble the satraps,
shall stand for ever; the prefects, and the gover-
45 just as you saw that a nors, the counselors, the trea-
stone was cut from a moun- surers, the justices, the mag-
tain by no human hand, and istrates, and all the officials of
that it broke in pieces the the provinces to come to the
iron, the bronze, the clay, the dedication of the image which
silver, and the gold. A great King Nebuchadnez'zar had set
God has made known to the up.
king what shall be hereafter. 3 Then the satraps, the pre-
The dream is certain, and its fects, and the governors, the
interpretation sure." counselors, the treasurers, the
46 Then King Nebuchad- justices, the magistrates, and
nez'zar fell upon his face, and all the officials of the prov-
did homage to Daniel, and inces, were assembled for the
commanded that an offering dedication of the image that
and incense be offered up to King Nebuchadnez'zar had set
him. up; and they stood before the
47 The king said to Daniel, image that Nebuchadnez'zar
"Truly, your God is God of had set up.
gods and Lord of kings, and a 4 And the herald proclaimed
revealer of mysteries, for you aloud, "You are commanded, O
have been able to reveal this peoples, nations, and lan-
mystery." guages,
48 Then the king gave Daniel 5 that when you hear the
high honors and many great sound of the horn, pipe, lyre,
gifts, and made him ruler over trigon, harp, bagpipe, and ev-
able, for the spirit of the holy Most High, which has come
gods is in you." upon my lord the king,
19 Then Daniel, whose name 25 that you shall be driven
was Belteshaz'zar, was dis- from among men, and your
mayed for a moment, and his dwelling shall be with the
thoughts alarmed him. The beasts of the field; you shall
king said, "Belteshaz'zar, let be made to eat grass like an
not the dream or the interpre- ox, and you shall be wet with
tation alarm you." Beltes- the dew of heaven, and seven
haz'zar answered, "My lord, times shall pass over you, till
may the dream be for those you know that the Most High
who hate you and its interpre- rules the kingdom of men, and
tation for your enemies! gives it to whom he will.
20 The tree you saw, which 26 And as it was commanded
grew and became strong, so to leave the stump of the
that its top reached to heav- roots of the tree, your king-
en, and it was visible to the dom shall be sure for you from
end of the whole earth; the time that you know that
21 whose leaves were fair Heaven rules.
and its fruit abundant, and in 27 Therefore, O king, let my
which was food for all; under counsel be acceptable to you;
which beasts of the field break off your sins by practic-
found shade, and in whose ing righteousness, and your
branches the birds of the air iniquities by showing mercy to
dwelt — the oppressed, that there may
22 it is you, O king, who perhaps be a lengthening of
have grown and become your tranquillity."
strong. Your greatness has 28 All this came upon King
grown and reaches to heaven, Nebuchadnez'zar.
and your dominion to the ends 29 At the end of twelve
of the earth. months he was walking on the
23 And whereas the king saw roof of the royal palace of
a watcher, a holy one, coming Babylon,
down from heaven and saying, 30 and the king said, "Is not
`Hew down the tree and de- this great Babylon, which I
stroy it, but leave the stump have built by my mighty pow-
of its roots in the earth, bound er as a royal residence and for
with a band of iron and the glory of my majesty?"
bronze, in the tender grass of 31 While the words were still
the field; and let him be wet in the king's mouth, there fell
with the dew of heaven; and a voice from heaven, "O King
let his lot be with the beasts Nebuchadnez'zar, to you it is
of the field, till seven times spoken: The kingdom has de-
pass over him'; parted from you,
24 this is the interpretation, 32 and you shall be driven
O king: It is a decree of the from among men, and your
had three ribs in its mouth be- the sound of the great words
tween its teeth; and it was which the horn was speaking.
told, `Arise, devour much And as I looked, the beast was
flesh.' slain, and its body destroyed
6 After this I looked, and lo, and given over to be burned
another, like a leopard, with with fire.
four wings of a bird on its 12 As for the rest of the
back; and the beast had four beasts, their dominion was
heads; and dominion was giv- taken away, but their lives
en to it. were prolonged for a season
7 After this I saw in the night and a time.
visions, and behold, a fourth 13 I saw in the night visions,
beast, terrible and dreadful and behold, with the clouds of
and exceedingly strong; and it heaven there came one like a
had great iron teeth; it de- son of man, and he came to
voured and broke in pieces, the Ancient of Days and was
and stamped the residue with presented before him.
its feet. It was different from 14 And to him was given do-
all the beasts that were before minion and glory and king-
it; and it had ten horns. dom, that all peoples, nations,
8 I considered the horns, and and languages should serve
behold, there came up among him; his dominion is an ever-
them another horn, a little lasting dominion, which shall
one, before which three of the not pass away, and his king-
first horns were plucked up by dom one that shall not be de-
the roots; and behold, in this stroyed.
horn were eyes like the eyes 15 "As for me, Daniel, my
of a man, and a mouth speak- spirit within me was anxious
ing great things. and the visions of my head
9 As I looked, thrones were alarmed me.
placed and one that was an- 16 I approached one of those
cient of days took his seat; his who stood there and asked
raiment was white as snow, him the truth concerning all
and the hair of his head like this. So he told me, and made
pure wool; his throne was known to me the interpreta-
fiery flames, its wheels were tion of the things.
burning fire. 17 `These four great beasts
10 A stream of fire issued are four kings who shall arise
and came forth from before out of the earth.
him; a thousand thousands 18 But the saints of the Most
served him, and ten thousand High shall receive the king-
times ten thousand stood be- dom, and possess the king-
fore him; the court sat in judg- dom for ever, for ever and
ment, and the books were ever.'
opened. 19 "Then I desired to know
11 I looked then because of the truth concerning the
make known to you what shall about the king's business; but
be at the latter end of the in- I was appalled by the vision
dignation; for it pertains to and did not understand it.
the appointed time of the end. CHAPTER 9
20 As for the ram which you 1 In the first year of Darius
saw with the two horns, these the son of Ahasu-e'rus, by
are the kings of Media and birth a Mede, who became
Persia. king over the realm of the
21 And the he-goat is the Chalde'ans —
king of Greece; and the great 2 in the first year of his
horn between his eyes is the reign, I, Daniel, perceived in
first king. the books the number of years
22 As for the horn that was which, according to the word
broken, in place of which four of the LORD to Jeremiah the
others arose, four kingdoms prophet, must pass before the
shall arise from his nation, but end of the desolations of
not with his power. Jerusalem, namely, seventy
23 And at the latter end of years.
their rule, when the transgres- 3 Then I turned my face to
sors have reached their full the Lord God, seeking him by
measure, a king of bold coun- prayer and supplications with
tenance, one who understands fasting and sackcloth and ash-
riddles, shall arise. es.
24 His power shall be great, 4 I prayed to the LORD my
and he shall cause fearful de- God and made confession,
struction, and shall succeed in saying, "O Lord, the great and
what he does, and destroy terrible God, who keepest
mighty men and the people of covenant and steadfast love
the saints. with those who love him and
25 By his cunning he shall keep his commandments,
make deceit prosper under his 5 we have sinned and done
hand, and in his own mind he wrong and acted wickedly and
shall magnify himself. Without rebelled, turning aside from
warning he shall destroy thy commandments and ordi-
many; and he shall even rise nances;
up against the Prince of 6 we have not listened to thy
princes; but, by no human servants the prophets, who
hand, he shall be broken. spoke in thy name to our
26 The vision of the evenings kings, our princes, and our fa-
and the mornings which has thers, and to all the people of
been told is true; but seal up the land.
the vision, for it pertains to 7 To thee, O Lord, belongs
many days hence." righteousness, but to us con-
27 And I, Daniel, was over- fusion of face, as at this day,
come and lay sick for some to the men of Judah, to the in-
days; then I rose and went habitants of Jerusalem, and to
all Israel, those that are near kept ready the calamity and
and those that are far away, has brought it upon us; for the
in all the lands to which thou LORD our God is righteous in
hast driven them, because of all the works which he has
the treachery which they have done, and we have not obeyed
committed against thee. his voice.
8 To us, O Lord, belongs con- 15 And now, O Lord our God,
fusion of face, to our kings, to who didst bring thy people out
our princes, and to our fa- of the land of Egypt with a
thers, because we have mighty hand, and hast made
sinned against thee. thee a name, as at this day,
9 To the Lord our God belong we have sinned, we have done
mercy and forgiveness; be- wickedly.
cause we have rebelled 16 O Lord, according to all
against him, thy righteous acts, let thy
10 and have not obeyed the anger and thy wrath turn
voice of the LORD our God by away from thy city Jerusalem,
following his laws, which he thy holy hill; because for our
set before us by his servants sins, and for the iniquities of
the prophets. our fathers, Jerusalem and thy
11 All Israel has trans- people have become a byword
gressed thy law and turned among all who are round
aside, refusing to obey thy about us.
voice. And the curse and oath 17 Now therefore, O our God,
which are written in the law of hearken to the prayer of thy
Moses the servant of God servant and to his supplica-
have been poured out upon tions, and for thy own sake, O
us, because we have sinned Lord, cause thy face to shine
against him. upon thy sanctuary, which is
12 He has confirmed his desolate.
words, which he spoke against 18 O my God, incline thy ear
us and against our rulers who and hear; open thy eyes and
ruled us, by bringing upon us behold our desolations, and
a great calamity; for under the city which is called by thy
the whole heaven there has name; for we do not present
not been done the like of what our supplications before thee
has been done against on the ground of our right-
Jerusalem. eousness, but on the ground
13 As it is written in the law of thy great mercy.
of Moses, all this calamity has 19 O LORD, hear; O LORD,
come upon us, yet we have forgive; O LORD, give heed
not entreated the favor of the and act; delay not, for thy
LORD our God, turning from own sake, O my God, because
our iniquities and giving heed thy city and thy people are
to thy truth. called by thy name."
14 Therefore the LORD has 20 While I was speaking and
his heart shall be set against cording to his will; he shall ex-
the holy covenant. And he alt himself and magnify him-
shall work his will, and return self above every god, and
to his own land. shall speak astonishing things
29 "At the time appointed he against the God of gods. He
shall return and come into the shall prosper till the indigna-
south; but it shall not be this tion is accomplished; for what
time as it was before. is determined shall be done.
30 For ships of Kittim shall 37 He shall give no heed to
come against him, and he the gods of his fathers, or to
shall be afraid and withdraw, the one beloved by women; he
and shall turn back and be en- shall not give heed to any oth-
raged and take action against er god, for he shall magnify
the holy covenant. He shall himself above all.
turn back and give heed to 38 He shall honor the god of
those who forsake the holy fortresses instead of these; a
covenant. god whom his fathers did not
31 Forces from him shall ap- know he shall honor with gold
pear and profane the temple and silver, with precious
and fortress, and shall take stones and costly gifts.
away the continual burnt of- 39 He shall deal with the
fering. And they shall set up strongest fortresses by the
the abomination that makes help of a foreign god; those
desolate. who acknowledge him he shall
32 He shall seduce with flat- magnify with honor. He shall
tery those who violate the make them rulers over many
covenant; but the people who and shall divide the land for a
know their God shall stand price.
firm and take action. 40 "At the time of the end
33 And those among the peo- the king of the south shall at-
ple who are wise shall make tack him; but the king of the
many understand, though they north shall rush upon him like
shall fall by sword and flame, a whirlwind, with chariots and
by captivity and plunder, for horsemen, and with many
some days. ships; and he shall come into
34 When they fall, they shall countries and shall overflow
receive a little help. And many and pass through.
shall join themselves to them 41 He shall come into the
with flattery; glorious land. And tens of
35 and some of those who thousands shall fall, but these
are wise shall fall, to refine shall be delivered out of his
and to cleanse them and to hand: Edom and Moab and the
make them white, until the main part of the Ammonites.
time of the end, for it is yet 42 He shall stretch out his
for the time appointed. hand against the countries,
36 "And the king shall do ac- and the land of Egypt shall