USMLE Step 1 Web Prep - The Brain Stem: Part 1

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USMLE Step 1 Web Prep The Brain Stem: Part 1

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The Brain Stem

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Table IV-5-1. Cranial Nerve ! "#n$tional "eat#re CN Name I II Olfactory O#tic T%&e "#n$tion Le ion 'e #lt In Anosmia E(it )Enter Crani#m Cribriform late 'e*ion Innervate+ !asal Ca"ity Orbit

Sensory Smells Sensory Sees $o#tic ner"e is really a tract of C!S %it& menin'es(

)is*al fiel+ O#tic Canal +eficits $ano#sia( ,oss of li'&t refle- %it& III Only ner"e to be affecte+ by .S $s%in'in' flas&li'&t test( Sensorine*ral Internal &earin' loss a*+itory ,oss of meat*s balance0 nysta'm*s 1i#loria e-ternal

)II )estib*lococ&lear Sensory /ears

Inner ear




,inear acceleration

S*#erior Orbit orbital fiss*re

$'ra"ity( An'*lar acceleration $&ea+ t*rnin'( .o"es eyeball in all +irections A++*ction $me+ial rect*s( most im#ortant action Constricts #*#il $s#&incter #*#illae( Accommo+ates $ciliary m*scle( 2aises eyeli+ $le"ator #al#ebrae s*#erioris( CN Name ) T%&e "#n$tion

strabism*s ,oss of #arallel 'a3e 1ilate+ #*#il0 loss of li'&t refle- %it& II ,oss of near res#onse tosis

Le ion 'e #lt In

E(it )Enter 'e*ion Crani#m Innervate+

4roc&lear5t+> .otor S*#erior obli6*e7 +e#resses an+ ab+*cts eyeball $ma8es eyeball loo8 +o%n an+ o*t( Intorts

9ea8ness S*#erior Orbit loo8in' +o%n orbital fiss*re %it& a++*cte+ eyes 4ro*ble 'oin' +o%n stairs /ea+ tilts a%ay from lesione+ si+e

)I Ab+*cens

.otor ,ateral rect*s ab+*cts 1i#lo#ia 7 S*#erior Orbit eyeball internal orbital fiss*re strabism*s ,ess of #aralle+ 'a3e0 #se*+o#tosis .otor 4*rns &ea+ to o##osite si+e $sternoclei+omastoi+( ;le"ates an+ rotates sca#*la $tra#e3i*s( .otor .o"es ton'*e $styo'loss*s0 &yo'loss*s0 'enio'loss*s0 an+ intrinsics= #alato'loss*s is by :( .i-e+ >eneral sensation 9ea8ness <*'*lar t*rnin' &ea+ to foramen o##osite si+e S&o*l+er +roo# !ec8

:I Accessory

:II /y#o'lossal

4on'*e /y#o'lossal 4on'*e #ointe+ to%ar+ canal same $affecte+( si+e on #rotr*sion )1 7 loss of )1 7 s*#erior Orbit an+


o#t&almic $)1(

$to*c&0 #ain0 'eneral orbital fiss*re scal# tem#erat*re( of sensation in $o#t&almic fore&ea+5scal#5cornea s8in of +i"ision( fore&ea+5scal# ,oss of blin8 refle- %it& )II

393805 >>> 0:09:?4

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Table IV-5-1. Cranial Nerve ! "#n$tional "eat#re C! !ame .a-illary $)?( 4y#e @*nction >eneral sensation of #alate0 nasal ca"ity0 ma-illary face0 ma-illary teet& >eneral sensation of anterior t%o t&ir+s of ton'*e0 man+ib*lar face0 man+ib*lar teet& .otor to m*scles of mastication $tem#oralis0 masseter0 me+ial an+ lateral #tery'oi+s( an+ anterior belly of +i'astric0 mylo&yoi+0 tensor tym#ani0 tensor #alati .i-e+ 4o m*scles of facial e-#ression0 #osterior belly of +i'astric0 stylo&yoi+0 sta#e+i*s 4astes anterior ,esions 2es*lt In )?Aloss of 'eneral sensation in s8in o"er ma-illa0 ma-illary teet& )3Bloss of 'eneral sensation in s8in o"er man+ible0 man+ib*lar teet&0 ton'*e0 %ea8ness in c&e%in' <a% +e"iation to%ar+ %ea8 si+e 4ri'eminal ne*ral'iaA intractable #ain in )? or )3 territory ;-its5;nters 2e'ion Crani*m Inner"ate+ )?A foramen rot*n+*m $ma-illary +i"ision( tery'o#alatine fossa $lea"e by o#enin's to face0 oral an+ nasal ca"ity(

.an+ib*lar $)3(

)3A Infratem#oral foramen @ossa o"ale $man+ib*lar +i"ision(

)II @acial

Corner of mo*t& +roo#s0 canCt close eye0 canCt %rin8le fore&ea+0 loss of blin8

Internal a*+itory meat*s

@ace0 nasal0 an+ oral ca"ity $branc&es lea"e s8*ll in stylomastoi+ foramen0 #etrotym#anic0 fiss*re0 or

t%o t&ir+s of ton'*e5#alate

refle-0 &y#erac*sis

&iat*s of facial canal(

Sali"ates Alteration or $s*bman+ib*lar0 loss of taste s*blin'*al $a'e*sia( 'lan+s( ;ye +ry an+ 4ears $lacrimal re+ 'lan+( Dell #alsyA .a8es m*c*s lesion of $nasal an+ ner"e in #alatine 'lan+s( facial canal I: >losso#&aryn'eal .i-e+ Senses #&aryn-0 ,oss of 'a' <*'*lar caroti+ refle- %it& : foramen sin*s5bo+y Sali"ates $#aroti+ 'lan+( 4astes an+ senses #osterior one t&ir+ of ton'*e .otor to one m*sclesB stylo#&aryn'e*s !ec8 &aryn-5ton'*e

393806 >>> 0:10:11

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CN Name ) 4roc&lear

Table IV-5-1. Cranial Nerve ! "#n$tional "eat#re Le ion E(it )Enter T%&e "#n$tion 'e #lt In Crani#m

'e*ion Innervate+

.otor S*#erior obli6*e7 9ea8ness S*#erior Orbit +e#resses an+ ab+*cts loo8in' +o%n orbital fiss*re eyeball $ma8es eyeball %it& a++*cte+ loo8 +o%n an+ o*t( eyes Intorts 4ro*ble 'oin' +o%n stairs /ea+ tilts a%ay from lesione+ si+e .otor ,ateral rect*s ab+*cts 1i#lo#ia 7 S*#erior Orbit eyeball internal orbital fiss*re strabism*s ,ess of #aralle+ 'a3e0 #se*+o#tosis

)I Ab+*cens

:I Accessory

.otor 4*rns &ea+ to o##osite si+e $sternoclei+omastoi+( ;le"ates an+ rotates sca#*la $tra#e3i*s(

9ea8ness <*'*lar t*rnin' &ea+ to foramen o##osite si+e S&o*l+er +roo#


:II /y#o'lossal .otor .o"es ton'*e $styo'loss*s0 &yo'loss*s0 'enio'loss*s0 an+ intrinsics= #alato'loss*s is by :( ) 4ri'eminal o#t&almic $)1( .i-e+ >eneral sensation $to*c&0 #ain0 tem#erat*re( of fore&ea+5scal#5cornea

4on'*e #ointe+ /y#o'lossal 4on'*e to%ar+ same canal $affecte+( si+e on #rotr*sion

)1 7 loss of 'eneral sensation in s8in of fore&ea+5scal# ,oss of blin8 refle- %it& )II

)1 7 s*#erior Orbit an+ orbital fiss*re scal# $o#t&almic +i"ision(

393807 >>> 0:11:13

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C! !ame .a-illary $)?(

Table IV-5-1. Cranial Nerve ! "#n$tional "eat#re 4y#e @*nction ,esions ;-its5;nters 2e'ion 2es*lt In Crani*m Inner"ate+ >eneral sensation of #alate0 nasal ca"ity0 ma-illary face0 ma-illary teet& >eneral sensation of anterior t%o t&ir+s of ton'*e0 man+ib*lar face0 man+ib*lar teet& .otor to m*scles of mastication $tem#oralis0 masseter0 me+ial an+ lateral #tery'oi+s( an+ anterior belly of +i'astric0 mylo&yoi+0 tensor tym#ani0 )?Aloss of 'eneral sensation in s8in o"er ma-illa0 ma-illary teet& )3Bloss of 'eneral sensation in s8in o"er man+ible0 man+ib*lar teet&0 ton'*e0 %ea8ness in c&e%in' <a% +e"iation to%ar+ %ea8 si+e 4ri'eminal ne*ral'iaA intractable #ain in )? or )3 territory )?A foramen rot*n+*m $ma-illary +i"ision( tery'o#alatine fossa $lea"e by o#enin's to face0 oral an+ nasal ca"ity(

.an+ib*lar $)3(

)3A Infratem#oral foramen @ossa o"ale $man+ib*lar +i"ision(

tensor #alati )II @acial .i-e+ 4o m*scles of facial e-#ression0 #osterior belly of +i'astric0 stylo&yoi+0 sta#e+i*s 4astes anterior t%o t&ir+s of ton'*e5#alate Corner of mo*t& +roo#s0 canCt close eye0 canCt %rin8le fore&ea+0 loss of blin8 refle-0 &y#erac*sis Internal a*+itory meat*s @ace0 nasal0 an+ oral ca"ity $branc&es lea"e s8*ll in stylomastoi+ foramen0 #etrotym#anic0 fiss*re0 or &iat*s of facial canal(

Sali"ates Alteration or $s*bman+ib*lar0 loss of taste s*blin'*al $a'e*sia( 'lan+s( ;ye +ry an+ 4ears $lacrimal re+ 'lan+( Dell #alsyA .a8es m*c*s lesion of $nasal an+ ner"e in #alatine 'lan+s( facial canal I: >losso#&aryn'eal .i-e+ Senses #&aryn-0 ,oss of 'a' <*'*lar caroti+ refle- %it& : foramen sin*s5bo+y Sali"ates $#aroti+ 'lan+( 4astes an+ senses #osterior one t&ir+ of ton'*e .otor to one m*sclesB stylo#&aryn'e*s
393810 >>> 0:11:56

!ec8 &aryn-5ton'*e

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Table IV-5-1. Cranial Nerve ! "#n$tional "eat#re C! !ame : )a'*s 4y#e @*nction .i-e+ 4o m*scles of #alate an+ #&aryn- for s%allo%in' e-ce#t tensor #alati $)( an+ stylo#&aryn'e*s ,esions 2es*lt In ;-its5;nters 2e'ion Crani*m Inner"ate+ !ec8 &aryn- 5 ton'*e 4&ora-0 ab+omen

!asal s#eec&0 nasal <*'*lar re'*r'itation foramen 1ys#&a'ia0 #late +roo# E"*la #ointin' a%ay from affecte+ si+e /oarseness5fi-e+

$I:( 4o all m*scles of laryn- $#&onates( Senses larynan+ laryn'o#&arynSym#at&etics .otor 2aises eyeli+ to &ea+ $s*#erior tarsal m*scle( 1ilates #*#il Inner"ates s%eat 'lan+s of face an+ scal# Constricts bloo+ "essels in &ea+

"ocal cor+ ,oss of 'a' refle%it& I: ,oss of co*'& refle-

/orner sym+rome eyeli+ +roo# $#tosis(0 constricte+ #*#il $miosis(0 loss of s%eatin' $an&y+rosis(0 fl*s&e+ face

Caroti+ Orbit0 face0 canal on scal# internal caroti+ artery

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