This document outlines the rules of the Supreme Council 330, the governing body for the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry in England and Wales. It defines key terms, establishes the authority and structure of the Supreme Council, and provides rules regarding chapters, officers, membership, meetings, financial matters, and disciplinary procedures. The Supreme Council has ultimate authority over the Rite and delegates powers to branch councils, districts, inspectors general, and chapters, while respecting the authority of Grand Lodges over the first three degrees of Masonry.
This document outlines the rules of the Supreme Council 330, the governing body for the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry in England and Wales. It defines key terms, establishes the authority and structure of the Supreme Council, and provides rules regarding chapters, officers, membership, meetings, financial matters, and disciplinary procedures. The Supreme Council has ultimate authority over the Rite and delegates powers to branch councils, districts, inspectors general, and chapters, while respecting the authority of Grand Lodges over the first three degrees of Masonry.
This document outlines the rules of the Supreme Council 330, the governing body for the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry in England and Wales. It defines key terms, establishes the authority and structure of the Supreme Council, and provides rules regarding chapters, officers, membership, meetings, financial matters, and disciplinary procedures. The Supreme Council has ultimate authority over the Rite and delegates powers to branch councils, districts, inspectors general, and chapters, while respecting the authority of Grand Lodges over the first three degrees of Masonry.
This document outlines the rules of the Supreme Council 330, the governing body for the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry in England and Wales. It defines key terms, establishes the authority and structure of the Supreme Council, and provides rules regarding chapters, officers, membership, meetings, financial matters, and disciplinary procedures. The Supreme Council has ultimate authority over the Rite and delegates powers to branch councils, districts, inspectors general, and chapters, while respecting the authority of Grand Lodges over the first three degrees of Masonry.
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OFTHE Ancient and Accepted Rite FORENGLAND AND WALES AND ITS DISTRICTS AND CHAPTERS OVERSEAS Reprinted 1999 Incorporating Amendment Lists No 1 dated September 1994 and No 2 datedFebruary 1996 THE RULES SUPREME COUNCILRULES GENERAL INDEX Rule Page PART I DEFINITIONS 5 PART II SUPREME COUNCIL Preamble 2 Membership Honorarymembership 4 Conduct ofbusiness 5 Degrees ofthe Rite (Appendix A) 6 PART III EXTERNAL RELATIONS General 7 11 Concordat (AppendixB) 8 11 PART IV BRANCH COUNCILS, DISTRICTS AND GROUPS BranchCouncils 9 11 Districts and Groups 10 11 InspectorsGeneral 11 12 District and Group Recorders 12 12 Leviesin Districts and Groups 13 13 Dispensations issued by IGs 14 13 PART V CHAPTERS AND THE E[GHTEENTH DEGREE WARRANTS AND CERTIFICATES Precedence, Formation andWarrants 15 13 Custody ofWarrants 16 15 I I Ownership of Warrants & Certificates; Badges 17 15 I Loss etc. of Warrant or Certificate 18 15 Return ofWarrants & Certificates 19 16 Rule Page CONSTITUTION, CONSECRATION AND DEDICATION General Requirement 2 0 BY-LAWS Formand Content (AppendixD) 2 1 MEETINGS Discussion of religionor politics 2 2 Despatch of Summons 2 3 Quorum 2 4 Cancellation 2 5 Forbidden days 2 6 EmergencyMeeting 2 7 SOVEREIGN ANDOFFICERS Officers 2 8 Elections 2 9 Enthronement 30 Enthronement report 31 Enthronement cettificate 32 SERVINGBRETHREN 33 CANDIDATES ANDMEMBERSHIP Residence 34 Proposal 35 Qualifications 36 Ballot, adverse 37 Preliminary requirements: Perfection or Affiliation 38 fromForeign MasonicPower 39 Particulars on Summons 40 Registration ofJoining Member 41 Limit on numbers to beperfected 42 Rule 16 Commencement ofMembership 44 ClearanceCertificates 43 Lapsed Elections 45 PresentingBy-lawsand Rules 46 16 Presentingof Intermediate Degrees Booklet and 18 ~ Ritual 47 18 Subscriptions and Arrears 48 18 HONORARYMEMBERS 49 18 RESIGNAT[ON 5 0 18 TREASURERAND ACCOUNTS 18 Treasurer-duties 5 1 19 Vouchersetc 5 2 Auditorsand accounts 5 3 19 RECORDERS AND RETURNS 2 0 SubmissionofReportsetc 5 4 2 1 Minutes 5 5 2 2 Reporting Membershipchanges 5 6 2 3 Annual Return 5 7 2 3 Change ofaddtess 5 8 ANNUALANDOTHERDUES 2 3 AND PAYMENTS 2 3 Annual dues 5 9 2 4 Arrears 60 2 5 Payment 61 PART VI DISCIPLINARY MATTERS 2 5 Cessation of Membershipof Order 62 2 5 Degrees fromother Jurisdictions 63 2 6 MasonLcmisconduct 64 2 7 Duty to report, enquiryandappeals 65 2 7 Attendance at irregular meetings 66 Page 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 9 2 9 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 36 2 3 Rule Disputes 67 Talks and Papers 68 PART VII HIGHER DEGREES Irregular Meetings 69 Eligibility 70 THIRTIETH DEGREE Requirements for Meetings 71 Recommendation 72 THIRTY-FIRST ANDTHIRTY-SECOND DEGREES Recommendation andConferment 73 PART VIII GENERAL Titles 74 Clothing (Appendiir C) 75 Application ofCraft Constitutions 76 APPENDICES A - Degrees of Rite B - Concordatwith Sister Jurisdictions C - Clothing andRegalia D - Forms (NewChapter) E - Forms (Candidates) Page 37 37 I 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 45 5 0 5 6 THERULES OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL 330 FORENGLANDANDWALES AND ITS DISTRICTS AND CHAPTERS OVERSEAS PART I - DEFINITIONS 1. (a) In these Rules the words listed in column one belowhave the meanings set out against them in column twounlessthecontraryappearsfromthe context: TheGrand Constitutions TheSupreme Council BranchCouncil GrandEast The three documents commonly so called and stated to have been executedon the first day ofMay 178 6 The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third Degree of theAncient and Accepted Rite of Masonry for EnglandandWales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas instituted and established in the year 18 45 in conformity with the Grand Constitutions. A body established as such by the Supreme Council to exercise specifically delegated powers in a definedpart ofits jurisdiction. The headquarters of the Supreme Council. 4 5 The Rite Degree(s) of the Rite HigherDegree TheOrder Chapter F The Ancient and Accepted Rite of Masonry as established by the Grand Constitutions. Degree(s) listedin AppendixA. A degreeof theRite fromthe19th to the33rd both inclusive. Sister Jurisdictions SovereignGrand Inspector General Inspector General The Riteinsofaras it is controlledby theSupreme Council. A Chapter authorised by the Supreme Council to confer degrees of the Rite from the fourth to the eighteenth on duly qualified candidates. Masonic Power ForeignMasonic Power Inamity Jurisdiction A Sovereign masonic body acknowledged as such de facto by theSupreme Council. A Masonic Power whose centre of government is located outside Englandand Wales. Accepted by the Supreme Council as conforming with the principles for full recognition adopted by it fromtime to time (Used of Foreign MasonicPowers). (When usedofa MasonicPower) the area and masonic units owing allegiance to a Masonic Power and that Power itsclf. Relevant Inspector General Transmitted, transmissionetc. Consecration Subscribing member The Supreme Councils for Ireland and Scotland. A memberoftheRite upon whomthe SupremeCouncil has conferredthe 33rdDegree. A Brother appointed by the Supreme Council to thecharge and supervision of a District or Group as Inspector General and regularly installed as such (oi Inspector General Designate in Charge to the extent of his authority); where no such appointment hasbeen made 01 a Chapter is ranked as unattached, the Grand Secretary General or any other personappointedto act in that capacity The Inspector General having such charge and supervision in a particular District or Group Sent to higher authority through any subordinate authority e.g. an Inspector General. Includesconstitution anddedication except wherethe context precludes such interpretation. Amember ofa Chapter other than an honorary member, a Serving Brother, or anelectedOuter Guard. 6 77- Perfection Affiliation Join, rejoin Rules Dispensation Regular Meeting EmergencyMeeting Prescribed The regular conferment of the eighteenth degree ofthe Rite. Theacceptanceinto one jurisdiction of a Brother originally owing allegianceto another. Become a member of a Chapter beingalready amember oftheOrder (join) or having been previously a member of the relevant Chapter (rejoin). These Rules asamended from time to time. Anauthoritygivenby the Supreme Council or (where so authorised) by an Inspector General or competent masonic subordinate authority, to dispense with anyrequirement of theRules. A meeting of a Chapter held at a placeandon a dateauthorisedby its by-laws andby theseRules. A properlyauthorised meeting of a Chapter other than a regular meeting. Prescribedby theSupreme Council. (b) IntheseRules a reference to a District or Districts shall be read as including a reference to aGroup or Groups unless thecontrary is stated. PARTII - THE SUPREME COUNCIL 2 . (a) The Supreme Council was regularly establishedby theNorthern MasonicJurisdiction ofNorth America in conformity with the general system of government of the Rite and on terms which restricted its membership to Christian Freemasons. (b) TheSupremeCouncil hassupreme andunfettered authority in all matters telative to the Order within its jurisdiction including without prejudice to thegenerality ofthe foregoingthe rights to amend, delete, addto or grant dispensations from these Rules, to make and enforce regulations in regard to procedural or administrative matters, to prescribe fees and dues, to prescribe or amend rituals, ceremonial and procedures in, anditself to confer in extenso or by patent anyof the degrees and ceremonies of the Rite, to give procedural directions in anymatter to be determined by itself or an Inspector General and to delegate any of its authority and powers either generally or for a specific purpose or purposes and withdraw or modifyanysuch delegation. (c) The SupremeCouncil actsasacorporate bodywith a corporateseal and all property vested in or held in trust for it is held for thebenefit ofthe Order but the Supreme Council alone has power to deal with any such property andmay do so in anywaywhichin itsunfettereddiscretion is for the good of Freemasonry It also has the exclusive right and power on behalf of the Order to negotiate and I enter into treaties and other arrangements with other Masonic Powersandto specifywith whichsuch Powers it is 8 9 from time to time in amity or has any particular relationship. (d) The Supreme Council does not interferewith, or militate against, the authority of theUnited GrandLodge of England or Grand Lodges recognised by that Grand Lodge to govern the first three degrees of Symbolic Masonry. 3. Election to membership of theSupreme Council is in the unfettered discretion of the Supreme Council. The number of Memberswill not exceednine unless anduntil theSupreme Council otherwisedecides. 4. The Supreme Council may at its discretion elect as HonoraryMembers ofthe SupremeCouncil distinguished membersof theRite. AnHonoraryMembermay beinvited to attend the whole or part of anymeetingof theSupreme Council but shall not havetheright to votethereat. 5 . The conduct of business by the Supreme Council is within its unfettered discretion but is subject to such by- laws as it may from time to time prescribe anyor all of which may by the affirmativevote of at least six members at a regularly organised meeting be suspended for a particular purpose 6. The Supreme Council administers all the degrees of the Rite. It authorises its Chapters to confer on qualified candidates the 18 th Degree in extenso and the 4th to the 17th Degree by name only but no Chapter oi member of the Order other than a Member of the Supreme Council mayotherwise conferor attempt to conferor demonstrate any degree of the Rite unless pcrniittccl to do so by dispensation. PARTIII - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 7. The Supreme Council controls all matters affecting relations with other jurisdictions and MasonicPowers and no member of the Order is entitled or allowed to enter into discussions or communicate with any such jurisdiction or Power about theaffairs of theOrder unless specifically authorisedbytheSupremeCouncil so to do. 8 . In certain matters relating to the conferment of degrees andthefoundingofChapters overseasthe Supreme Council has entered into a Concordat with the Sister Jurisdictions whichis setout in AppendixB. PART IV - BRANCHCOUNCILS, DISTRICTS ANDGROUPS 9. The Supreme Council may in any case in which it considers it right so to do establish a Branch Council to act in specific matters on its behalfin a defined part of its jurisdiction. Such a Council shall act in all respects only in accordance with the authority delegated to it and the regulations laid downby the Supreme Council and shall render such reports, returns and fees to the Supreme Council as maybe required. TheSupremeCouncil has full power to modify, abrogate or otherwise change the terms of anysuch delegation andto dissolveanyBranch Council and shall not be bound to assign anyreason for any such action. 10. The Supreme Council may divide its jurisdiction or any part thereof into Districts or Groups and appoint Inspectors General to the charge and supervision of any such District or Group. 10 11 11. (a) From a date not earlier than that of his Patent of Appointment and until installed in his office a Brother appointed to be an Inspector General may be authorisedby theSupreme Council to exerciseall or some of the powers of an Inspector General pending his formal installation. A Brother so authorised shall be known as Inspector General Designate in Charge. Any such authority may be suspended, revoked or modified by the Supreme Council at any time. Unless so authorised an Inspector General Designate has no authority to exercise any powers conferred by these Rules on an Inspector General. (b) An Inspector General is expected to visit the Chapters under his charge and supervision from time to time andto transmit to theSupremeCouncil by31 July in each year a report in the prescribed form on the state of those Chapters, and other matters of general interest to theOrder in hisDistrict or Group. (c) Unless otherwise directed by the Supreme Council, an Inspector General has the powers and duties specified in these Rulesor whichmay fromtime to time be delegated to him by the SupremeCouncil either generally or for specific cases and in particular to investigate (in manner hereinafter described) any case of masonic misconduct which comes to his notice in his District or Group. 12 An Inspector General may appoint a District or Group Recorder to assist him in the routine duties of administration of hisDistrict or Group and shall transmit to the SupremeCouncil thenameof theBrother whom he appoints. 13. AnInspector General mayraisean annual levyfrom the Chapters in his District or Group not exceeding the amount authorisedeachyear for everysubscribingmember of each Chapter under his charge. This money shall be used only for theadministration expenses of the District or Group andof anyBranch Council to which theDistrict or Group belongs Anaccount shall be kept of the money receivedand expendedand an audited statement madeup to 30 June in each year shall beforwarded to the Supreme Council to arrivenot later than thefollowtng 31 July 14. An Inspector General is empowered to issue the following Dispensations in the prescribed foim, a copy of anysuch Dispensation beingsent to the SupremeCouncil together withanyprescribedfee: (a) to changethe dateofa regular meeting other than an Enthronement Meeting, (b) to change the date of an Enthronement Meeting by up to 2 8 dayseither side of the regular date; (c) to hold an EmergencyMeeting; (d) to hold a meeting if fewer than five qualified Brethrenare present; (e) whereauthorised under Rule 30(b). PARTV - CHAPTERS ANDTHE18th DEGREE WARRANTS AND CERTIFICATES 15 . (a) Chapterstakeprecedence according to thedates oftheir warrantsunless theSupremeCouncil otherwisedirects. (b) No Chapter may be formed under the Supreme Council or within itsjurisdictionotherwise thanby authority 12 13 of a warrant granted by the Supreme Council. Brethren wishing to form a Chapter must transmit a Petition to establish the same to the Supreme Council on the prescribed form. The Petition shall be signed by at least six members ofthe Orderowingallegianceto the Supreme Council. All Petitioners must be subscribingmembers of a Chapter and three of them at least must reside in the immediate vicinity of the place where it is intended the Chapter should meet. (c) Awarrant for a Chapter will include authorityto hold a Lodge of Perfection, a Council of Princes of Jerusalem, and a Lodge of Knights of the East and West. Thedegrees of the Rite fromthe4th to the 16th inclusive will be conferred by name only as follows: 4th to 14th inclusive in the Lodge of Perfection; 15 th and 16th in the Council of Princes of Jerusalem. The 17th Degree will be conferred in accordance with the prescribed ritual in a Lodge of Knights of the East and West. The 18 th Degree will be worked in full in accordance with the prescribed ritual andconferred in theChapter. (d) The form of Petition for a warrant is set out in Appendix Dto these Rules. Requests for the formshould be transmitted to theSupreme Council. (e) Oncompletionof theformii shotild bctransmitted to theSupreme Council with theprc8 ciibecl fcc. (f) A Chapter which has bceii in tinintcrrupted existence for not less than onc hundred yeats and has held at least one meeting in each of those years may transmit an application to the Suprcrnc Counell lor a Centenary Warrant andfor permission for uS siihscilhing membersto wear a CentenaryJewel provided that IfI n thc opinion ofthe Supreme Council it is just so to do a Chapter may be deemed to have met in a year or years of that period notwithstanding that for good cause shown it was unable so to do. (g) The Centenary Jewel shall be of the prescribed pattern. (h) Theprescribed fee for anywarrant must be paid before it can be issued. 16. The Sovereign of theChapter is responsible for the safe custody of warrants issued to the Chapter and for handing them to his successor when enthroned or to the SupremeCouncil. 17. (a) All warrants and certificates issued by the Supreme Council remain the pioperty of the Supreme Council and must bereturned to it on demand or when so requiredunder theseRules. (b) A Chapter wishing to adopt as its device a badge other than that of the 18 th Degree shall first transmit the proposed design to the Supreme Council for approval. A Chapter shall not use any design that has not received approval fromtheSupreme Council. 18. (a) Should a warrant be lost, destroyed, become illegible or be irremediablydamaged the SupremeCouncil may authorise the issue of a Warrant of Confirmation for which, unless the SupremeCouncil orders otherwise, the prescribed fee shall be paid in advance. Ifa lost warrant shall be found or restored the Warrant of Confirmation shall forthwithbe returnedto theSupremeCouncil. (b) Should anycertificate issued to a Brother by the SupremeCouncil be lost or destroyedan application for a 14 15 I replacement may be transmitted to the Supreme Council who mayauthorise the issue of a replacement for which a fee maybe charged. Iftheoriginal certificateis later found thereplacementshall forthwith be returned by theChapter orBrother to theSupremeCouncil. 19. (a) If a Chapter shall cease to meet the Sovereign or anyperson havingpossession of anywarrant issued to theChapter by the SupremeCouncil shall return it to theSupreme Council. (b) Any person who resigns from, ceases to be a member of, or is expelled from the Order shall forthwith return any certificate issued to him by authority of the SupremeCouncil to the SupremeCouncil (c) The Supreme Council may at any time and without giving a reason require that any warrant or certificate issued by it and remaining its property under these Rules be returned to it by the person having possession of thesame. CONSTITUTION, CONSECRATION AND DEDICATION 2 0. EverynewChapter shall be consecrated (whichunder these Rules includes its constitution and dedication) in ancient and solemn form by a member of the Supreme Council, or by a Brother nominated by the Supteme Council for that purpose, and no Chapter shall be considered as regular or entitled to exercise the powers confei redby itswarrant until it has beenso consecrated. BY-LAWS 2 1. (a) A Chapter shall as soonas practicable after it hasbeen consecratedapproveby-lawsfor itsgovernance and I transmit two copies thereof to the Supreme Council for approval. Pending such approval or disapproval the by laws submitted shall be of full force and effect but any modifications or alterations required by the Supreme Council as a condition of approval shall be brought into effect bytheChapter forthwithand ifso ordered shall take effect retrospectively. (b) Theby-laws ofa Chapter must includea statement of: the dates andplaceof itsregular meetings, the amount or method of deciding the amount of the annual subscription to be paid by each member and the fees for Perfection, affiliation, joining and rejoining; the meeting at which the Sovereign, Treasurer, Outer Guard and Auditorsshall be elected; andtheEnthronement Meeting. (c) By-laws shall (unless otherwiseauthorised by the Supreme Council) be in the form of the Model By-laws (set out in Appendix D), as amended from time to time, a copyofwhichwill accompany notification that thePetition for a newChapter has beengranted. (d) The fee for Perfection or affiliation shall be not less than 10 or the equivalent overseas and shall include an element to cover the cost of a copy of the Rules and should normally also allow for presentation of copies of the Intermediate Degrees booklet and the 18 th Degree ritual. (e) Every new member must pay the appropriate subscription and entrance fee or other fees on the dateon which he is perfected or affiliated or becomes a joining member. (f) A Chapter may by its by-laws allow the services of its Recorder to be deemed a satisfaction of his annual subscription. 16 17 (g) No alteration of or addition to the by-laws of a Chapter shall be made unless notice of the terms of the proposal has been included on the summons convening themeeting at which it is to be discussed and not less than two-thirds of the members present vote in favour thereof or of someamendment thereof. No alteration or addition (other than an amendment concerned onlywith changes in feesor annual subscription) shall become effectiveuntil approvedby the Supreme Council. MEETNGS OF CHAPTERS 2 2 . The discussion of religion or politics in open Chapter is forbidden andrenders anyparticipant liableto expulsion. 2 3. The summons for anymeeting of a Chapter shall be despatched to each member at least fourteen clear days before the dateof themeeting and at the same time a copy shall be despatched to the relevant Inspector General. 2 4. The presence of at least five brethren is necessary for the holding of a meeting of a Chapter, two being subscribing members of the Chapter including the Sovereign or a Past Sovereign. 2 5 . No regular meetingmaybe cancelled. Every meeting shall beheld at the meetingplace named on thewarrant of the Chapter or otherwise authorised in accordance with theRules. 2 6. Nomeetingofa Chapter maytakeplace on GoodFriday or Christmas Day. Should the regular meeting of a Chapter fall on Good Friday, ChristmasDay, or aPublic Holiday, the meetingmaybe held on a datenot morethan fourteen days before or after thedayfixedby theby-laws whichdayshall bedeemed for all purposestheregular dayofmeeting. 2 7. Provided that a dispensation has first been obtained an EmergencyMeeting of a Chapter may be called by its Sovereign or in his absence or non-availabilityby one of the Generals. An Emergency Meeting may also be called by the relevant Inspector General who shall at the same time advise the Supreme Council of his action and the reasonsfor it, and, in due course, theresult of themeeting. The business to be transacted shall be stated on the summons, the reading of anydispensation being the first item of business after the Chapter has been opened, and where a dispensat ion has been issued no other business than that permitted by it and stated on thesummons shall betransacted. ~4ominutes ofa regular meetingshall be read at an Emergency Meeting except any relating to the election of officers where the business includes an Enthronement. SOVEREIGNAND OFFICERS 2 8 . Theofficers ofa Chapter are: Sovereign Prelate First General Second General Treasurer Recorder Director ofCeremonies Marshal Raphael *Assistant Directorof Ceremonies *Assistant Recorder Almoner Herald *Organist Captain of theGuard *Stewards Outer Guard Offices marked *are optional 18 19 The officers rank in the order givenin the above table those in column one being the senior. No member may hold more than one office at the same time, save that one optional office maybeheld in addition to oneother office. 2 9. (a) At its meeting immediately preceding the Enthronement Meetingeach Chapter shall annually electa Sovereign, Treasurer, Outer Guard and twoor more Auditors for the ensuing year. The elections for Sovereign and Treasurer shall beby ballot. TheOuter GuardandAuditors shall beelectedbyshowofhands, provided that should the Chapter resolvethat a subscribing member be Outer Guard without emolument heshall be appointed by the Sovereign. Provided that where the normal Enthronement Meeting would be the next meeting after the Consecration of the Chapter the Founders may resolve at the Consecration Meeting that the next regular meeting shall not be the Enthronement Meetingandifit be so resolvedthe Sovereign and other officers shall continue in office as ifelected or appointed for a secondyear andparagraph(c) of this Rule shall applyas iftheperiod between the Consecration and the next Enthronement Meetinghad beena complete year (b) E~tcept in the case of the first election following the ConsecrationofaChapter no member shall be eligible for election as Sovereign unless at the date of the next Enthronement Meetinghe will have served or be deemed by the Supreme Council to have served as Sovereign or General in aregular Chapter for a full year. (c) E,tcept by prior dispensation from the Supreme Council no brother maycontinue as Sovereign of thesame Chapter for morethan twoyears in succession, nor be the Sovereign of morethanone Chapter at the same time. (d) Prior to theballots for Sovereign andTreasurer the membersmay beinformedof those eligible for electionbut no nomination maybemadein open Chapter (e) The ballots for Sovereign and Treasurer are to be taken by everymember present who wishes to take part writing hisnomination on a slip ofpaper; these arecollected and handed to the Sovereign or member presiding who declaies the eligible member with the greatest number of votes to beelected. The Sovereignor member presiding has a casting votein the event of a tie. ( 0 The Treasurer and Auditors shall assume responsibility for the duties of their respective offices immediately after the Enthronement Meeting. TheOuter Guard shall assumeresponsibility for his duties on being invested, should he not be present at the Enthronement MeetingtheSovereignshall appoint a Brother to act asOuter Guarduntil the Brother nominated can be invested. (g) If during the term for which he is elected the Treasurer, Outer Guard (if elected) or an Auditor of a Chapter dies, becomes unfit or is removed fromoffice the relevantInspector General shall be informed andmaygive instructions for the election of a substitute and such substitute, when elected, shall forthwithassumehisduties. (h) The Sovereign may appoint a member to fill any office other than Treasurer, Outer Guard (if elected) or Auditor which becomes vacant during his tenure as Sovereign. 30. (a) The Sovereignelect shall be enthroned at the next regular meetingof theChapter following his election unlessotherwiseprovided in theseRules. 2 0 2 1 (b) Should the Sovereign elect die or be unable or unwilling to assumethe officeof Sovereign, or should it be difficultor impracticableto hold theEnthronement Meeting on thedue dateor in case ofurgencyto enthrone himat that meeting, the Chapter shall immediately applyto therelevant Inspector General for directions stating thecircumstances andmaking anyappropriaterecommendations. Uponreceivingsuchan applicationtheInspector General shall either direct (1) that thepresent Sovereignofthe Chapter continuein officefor a secondyear or (2 ) that the dateof the meeting be changed and in each case issue the prescribed dispensation under Rule 14, or recommendto the Supreme Council oneof thefollowing courses ofactionanyofwhich requiresa dispensation fromthe SupremeCouncil. ( i) that the Enthronement take place at another meeting thanthat laid downin the by.lawsof theChapter; ( ii) that anewelection be heldimmediately beforethe Enthronement; ( iii) that aBrother not qualifiedfor election under these Rulesbe deemed eligible for election andEnthronement. In such cases the Supreme Council may also direct that theSovereign enthronedandanyofficer invested by him in accordance with such directions shall bedeemedtohavefilled hisofficefor a full year at thedateof thene~~ tEnthronement Meeting. Theregularityofanyact donein strict accordance with such instructions shall not thereafter be questioned. 31. The Recorder shall transmit a report of the Enthronement of the Sovereign to the Supreme Council on the prescribed form within seven days of the Enthronement. 2 2 32 . A Sovereign canifhewishes obtaina certificatethat he has been enthroned as such by transmitting an application to theSupremeCouncil with theprescribedfee. 17th DEGREE SERVINGBRETHREN 33. A 17th Degree Brother who has been dulyobligated as a Serving Brother before the date on which this Rule takes effect shall be subject in respect of his duties and privileges in the Order to theprovisions of Rule 2 4 in the 1992 edition of the Rules and Regulations of the Order unless anduntil obligated in the 18 th Degree. No further suchappointments shall bemade. CANDIDATES AND MEMBERSHIP 34. It is desirable that a candidate for admission into the Order should apply to be perfected in a Chapter in the neighbourhoodwherehenormally residesor where hehasa placeofbusinessor employment. Wherea candidateseeksto applyto a Chapter not so situated, heshall first giveawritten statement ofhisreasonsfor wishing to join theChapter andif theChapter is satisfied with themthe applicationmayproceed. 35 . (a) A candidate for Perfection, affiliation or joining shall be proposed and seconded in open Chapter or by letter to the Sovereign or Recorder but no such proposal shall be put to a ballot until the relevant requirementsof theseRules asto qualifications andmatters preliminary to election have been complied with and satisfactory replies to enquirieshavebeen received. (b) Before a ballot may be taken for a candidate for joining a confirmation as hereinafter required must be obtained that he has paid all dues to anyother Chapter of which heis or hasbeen a member; a Chapter whichelects 2 3 such a candidate without having first obtained such confirmation becomesliablefor thepayment ofanyunpaid duesthat such enquirywouldhavedisclosed. 36. (a) To be eligible for Perfection in the 18 th DegreeaBrother must: (i) be of high moral standing and prepared to sign theprescribeddeclaration that he professestheTrinitarian Christian faith; and ( ii) be a MasterMason of at least a years standing at thetime ofhis election andsubject as hereinafterprovided havebeeninitiated, passedandraised in a Lodgeor Lodges under either (1) theUnitedGrand Lodgeof Englandor (2 ) a Grand Lodge recognised by it at that time as regular and situated in a country within the jurisdiction of the SupremeCouncil or in Ireland or Scotland. (3) a Grand Lodge so recognised, he having subsequently madethe declaration ofallegianceto the United Grand Lodge of England as required by theBookofConstitutions. Provided that in thecase of a Freemason who is or has been a member of an Irish or Scottish Craft Lodge and neither is norhas been a member of a Craft Lodgeunder the United Grand Lodge of England any permission requiredunder theConcordat printedat AppendixB shall beobtainedthrough this SupremeCouncil beforeanyother stepis taken in thematter. (b) Before his name can appear on a summons as a candidatefor Perfectionhe must producehis Grand Lodge certificate or document to the same effect anda clearance certificate or certificates from his Craft Lodge(s) and the Sovereign or a Brother authorised by him must have explained to him fullyand ensuredthat he understands the nature of the Obligation which he will be called upon to take, viz: I.T.N.O.T.H.A.U.T. 37. No personcan be perfectedor admitted a member of a Chapter if, on the ballot, threeblack balls or such lesser number as maybe specified in the by-laws of theChapter appear against him. A person so disqualified may not be ballotedfor again in that Chapter for aperiodof 12 months. 38 . No candidate for Perfection or affiliation shall be proposed in open Chapter before he has completed and signed the prescribed form of application. Before a ballot is taken for his election heshall further completeand sign the prescribed Petition and Obligation of Allegiance (see AppendixE). These documents must be transmitted to the Supreme Council with the appropriate registration fee immediately following the ceremony; until this has been done hisnamecannotbe enrolled in thebooks oftheOrder nor can a certificateofhis membershipbe issued. 39. (a) No Chapter in a territory sharedwith a Sister Jurisdiction may admit as a candidate for affiliation a Brother owingallegianceto that jurisdiction. (b) No Chapter mayadmit as acandidate for affiliation a Brother owing allegiance to a Foreign Masonic Power unlesshe is ofhigh moral standing andpreparedto sign the prescribed declaration that he professes the Trinitarian Christian Faith andunlessthe Supreme Council is in amity with that Power and until theapproval of such Power has firstbeenobtained on application transmitted through this 2 4 2 5 Supreme Council. After the Chapter has been notified by the Supreme Council that such approval has beengranted (but not in any circumstances before) the matter shall proceedas follows: ( i) Before theballot is taken thecandidate shall sign thePetition andObligationof Allegiance(Appendix E). (ii) If the ballot is favourable the candidate at that meeting if present, or otherwise at the first meeting he attends thereafter (subject to Rule 45 ) shall beescorted into the Chapter andplaced in front of the altarwhere heshall be required to read aloud the amended Petition and Obligationwith r.h. on l.b. He thus becomes a member of theOrder and of theChapter. (iii) He shall then beplaced before the Sovereign and presented with copies of the Rules and of the by-laws of theChapter. 40. The summons for a meeting at which a ballot for theelectionof a candidatewill takeplaceshall contain the following particulars: (a) Inall cases- thefull name, home address, business address(ifany), dateof birth andprofession or occupation ofthecandidateandthenamesofhisproposer andseconder. (b) In thecaseof a candidatefor Perfection - the name andnumber of all Craft Lodges ofwhich he is, or has been asubscribingmember, together with the dateofhis Raising and the name and number of the Lodge in which it took place; where that Lodge belonged to a jurisdiction other than that of the United Grand Lodge of England that jurisdiction must benamed. (c) In thecaseof a candidatefor joiningor rejoining thename and number ofanyChapter under this Supreme Council ofwhichhe is or wasamember. (d) In the case of a candidate for affiliation from a Chapter under another jurisdiction - the name and jurisdiction of the Chapter in whichhe wasperfected and thedateof hisPerfection. (e) When a candidate is not perfected on the dayof his election, the date of such election shall be stated on thesummons for themeetingat whichhe is to be perfected. ( 0 A statement, in any case where any special requirement in a particular case are prescribed by these Rules, that the particular Rule has or Rules have been compliedwith. 41. Thename of amember joiningfroma Chapter under this jurisdiction with the name andnumber ofhis present or previous Chapter must be transmitted to the Supreme Council on the prescribed form immediately after the meetingat whichhis election takes place. No feeis payable to the SupremeCouncil for registrationof suchmembers. 42 . Nomorethantwo candidatesmaybe perfectedat one meeting. 43. A proposal for joining or rejoining a Chapter is not valid unless and until the candidate has supplied the Recorder of that Chapter with a list of all Chapters under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council to which he belongs or has belonged, a certificate from each stating that hisdues havebeen paid in full anda written statement that heaccepts membershipifelected. 44. A candidatefor Perfection becomes amember ofthe Chapter upon his Perfection. 45. A candidate whether for Peifectionor affiliation not taking up his election or membership within a year must be balloted for again beforehiscandidature can proceed. 2 6 2 7 46. A copy of the by-laws of the Chapter and where appropriate the Rules shall be given to candidates as follows: (a) To a candidate for Perfection, immediately after theceremony - both; (b) To a candidate for affiliation, immediately after he has taken the ObligationofAllegiance - both; (c) To a candidate for joining or rejoining, upon election or at first attendance- by-laws only. 47. A newly-perfected candidate should if possible be givencopies of theIntermediate Degrees booklet and the 18 th Degree ritual when heis perfected. 48 . (a) Subscriptions are due in advance on the first dayof aChapters financial year (b) Membership of a Chapter shall cease on grounds ofnon-payment ofsubscription ifat theexpiration of one year anypart ofhis subscription is duebut unpaid. (c) When a Brother has ceased to be a member of a Chapter under this Rule he can only become a member again by regular proposition and ballot according to the rules for re-joiningMembers and theChapter shall require payment of the arrears as a condition precedent to his election. (d) This rule shall not prevent a Chapter from proceeding according to its by-laws against any of its members for non-payment of subscription for a lesser periodthan oneyear. (e) When a Brother ceasesto be a member under this Rule and also when he subsequently pays the arrears of his subscription noticeof the facts shall be transmitted to the SupremeCouncil. I HONORARYMEMBERS 49. A Chapter may elect by ballot as an honorary member anymember of the Order who is worthy of that distinction by reason of his services to the Orderor to the particular Chapter and who is, or within the previous twelve months has been, a subscribing member of a Chapter. A member so electedandwho accepts the honour is not liable for entrance fee or subscription but cannot votein theChapter. Except where theproposal andelection take place at the Consecration Meeting, a notice of the proposal to elect an honorary member must appear (naming him) on the summons for the meeting at which theproposal is to be made RESIGNATION 50. (a) A member who resigns from a Chapter shall begivena clearance certificate(freeof charge) stating that all hisfinancial obligations to the Chapter havebeen paid in full ifsuchbe thecase. Resignation fromaChapter does not terminatemembership ofthe Order. (b) Amember wishing to resignfrom the Ordershall transmit to the Supreme Council by registered post a written application to do so and enclose with it all certificates issued to him by the Supreme Council. The resignation shall take effect from the date on which the Supreme Council approves the application but if permission is not refused within three months of transmissionthe applicationshall be deemed to havebeen approvedon the expiry ofthat period. 2 8 2 9 TREASURERANDACCOUNTS 51. The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the Chapter and shall also make the necessary disbursements therefrom. Everyitem of receipt andexpenditure shall be entered in a cash book kept by him for that sole purpose. He shall maintain an account at a bank or other financial institution approved by the Chapter. The account shall be in the name of theChapter and into it all monies, cheques etc. received shall be promptly paid, and from it withdrawals may be made under such signature or signatures as the Chapter may decide. He shall produce hisaccounts annuallyto the Chapter at theEnthronement Meeting and before the Sovereign is enthroned, prior to which he shall haveproduced them, with all vouchers, to theauditors electedby the Chapter. Immediatelyafter the Enthronement Meetinghe shall hand over to his successor the balance, together with all books, cheque books, bank statements, papers, vouchersandinstructions relating to the Chapter and sign all authorities and papers necessary to completethe formalities oftransfer. 5 2 . All vouchers,papers, booksetc relatingto thefinancial affairs of a Chapter are the property of the Chapter The Chapter, or, with thepermission of theInspector GeneraL, theSovereignhas thepower to requiretheir production and to retain them at anytime. 53. (a) The auditors shall audit the accounts promptly when submitted to them by the Treasurer and sign them prior to their production to the Chapter (b) Acopyof theannual accounts with thecertificate oftheauditors shall besent to everysubscribing member of the Chapter andto the relevantInspector General with the summons for the Enthronement Meeting. (c) Where accounts are not presented as required by these Rules the Sovereign shall forthwith inform the relevantInspector General of theposition andrequire them to beproducedat thenext regular meeting of theChapter. RECORDERS ANDRETURNS 54. The Recorder shall promptly submit all reports, applications, returns, complaints etc., to the relevant Inspector General by whom they will, if considered necessaryor ifso requiredby these Rules, be transmittedto theSupreme Council for information or action. 55. The Recorder is responsiblefor the preparation and issue of the summons for meetingsof theChapter andshall keep a Minute Book in which he shall record the proceedings ofeverymeeting. Theseminutes must be read, confirmed and signed at the next regular meeting of the Chapter unless they have been previously circulated in typed or printed form to every subscribing member, in which case they may be taken as read unless anymember presentobjects. 5 6. All changes in Chapter membership other thanthose coveredby Rules 38 (Perfections) and41 (Joining Members) will be notified to the Supreme Council on the Annual Return. 57. The Recorder shall complete and transmit to the Supreme Council the prescribed form of (1) the Annual Return for the year to 30 June for his Chapter and (2 ) 30 31 PARTVI- DISCIPLINARYMATTERS Enthronement Report immediately afier the Enthronement. The Annual Return (with the Annual Dues) shall be transmitted to reach therelevant Inspector General by 15 July andtransmitted by himto reach the SupremeCouncil by31 July. 5 8 . The Recorder of a Chapter shall immediately notify the Supreme Council and the relevant Inspector General and District or Group Recorder of any change in his address. ANNUALANDOTHER DUES ANDPAYMENTS TO THESUPREME COUNCIL 5 9. Every Chapter shall payto the Supreme Council an Annual Due of such amount as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Supreme Council in respect of every Brother who was a subscribing member during anypart of the 12 months immediately preceding 1 July in each year. 60. If for two consecutive years Annual Returns and dues are not duly received from a Chapter the warrant of that Chapter is liablefor forfeiturebut it maybe reinstated ifthe Supreme Council so directs and such reinstatement may be made retrospective; anysuch direction shall not prejudice the inherent power of the Supreme Council to revoke thewarrant at a laterdateor dates 61. All payments to the Supreme Council are to be tiansmitted to the Supreme Council at its Grand East (10 Duke Street St. James, London, SWlY 6B5 ). Postal and money orders, cheques etc. are to be madepayableto The Supreme Council 330, 62 . A member of the Order remains as such until his death or until either his resignation from the Order is acceptedby theSupreme Council or heis expelledfromit. 63. Except as herein provideda Brother, other than one affiliated from another jurisdiction, having sworn allegiance to this Supreme Council shall not receive any of the Thirty-three Degrees of the Ancient andAccepted Rite from any other masonic body, unless with the permission and sanction of this Supreme Council. Ifhe does he shall be deemed to have been foithwith expelled fromthe Order under theseRules. Provided always that a member who has regularly affiliatedfrom or to a Foreign Masonic Power nevertheless may receive without further permission from this Supreme Council anyhigher degree to which hemaybe electedby that Body. 64. In this andthefollowing Rules: (a) MasonicAuthority meansanyMasonicPowerand anybody or personactingwith theauthorityofsuch body. (b) Everymember of theAncient andAccepted Rite is required to observe the highest standard of moral and civil behaviour at all times. Failure to do so in anyrespect constitutes masonicmisconduct. Without prejudice to the generalityof this provision thefollowing particular matters constitute masonic misconduct, namely, convict ion in a criminal court (except wherethe onlypunishment is a fine not exceedingsuch sum asthe SupremeCouncil shall from time to time determine,) and failure to obey the Rules of 32 33 the Order or a dii ection of the Supreme Council or of an Inspector General acting within his authority. The imposition of a sentence of expulsion, suspension or exclusion by a competent Masonic Authority shall be conclusive proof of the commission of the masonic misconduct in respect of which such sentence was imposed. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Rule the Supreme Council has at all times and in all matters unfettered power to investigate and take action upon any suspected or alleged case of masonic misconduct and to take such action thereon as it may consider to be in the best interestsof theOrder. (d) By tradition a Sovereign Tribunal of Grand Inspectors Inquisitor Commanders 31st Degree is competent to deal with certain allegations of masonic offences and appeals; this jurisdiction may only be exercisedifauthotisedby theSupreme Council in aspecific case and subject to any limitations imposed in the authorisation Anappeal against anydecision in such an authorised case shall lie to the Supreme Council but only in respect ofsentence and matters of law. 65. ( a) It is the duty of the Sovereign and Recorder of a Chapter to report to the relevant Inspector General anycomplaint or allegationofmasonic misconduct byany member under his jurisdiction or of action taken by a Masonic Authorityin respect of such misconduct of which they may becomeaware. (b) An Inspector General may of his own motion enquire into anysuspected case of masonic misconduct by anymember under his jurisdiction and shall so enquire into any reported to him. He may himself conduct the investigation thereof or may appoint a committee of one, twoor threebrethren to investigate andreport thereon and shall satisfy himself that the Brother or Chapter against whom the complaint is made has had notice of the complaint andadequate opportunity to be heard thereon Ifhe finds theallegation to be establishedhe shall forward the papers, with his report and recommendation thereon, to the Supreme Council. A copy of the report and recommendation shall be forwarded by the Inspector General to the Brother or Chapter of whose conduct complaint wasmadeand heor it shall be informedof their right to comment thereon to the Supreme Council; such comments must be received by the Supreme Council within fourteen days of the date on which the copy was despatched to such Brother or Chapter and shall be laid before the next meeting of the Supreme Council. After considering the report, recommendations and any such comments the Supreme Council shall then, or after such adjournments as it may think desirable, award such punishment by wayof reprimand, suspension, expulsion or exclusion as they shall see fit provided that if the I Inspectot General deemstheoffenceto beofa minor nature he may himself reprimand the Brother or Chapter and report thefacts to theSupremeCouncil. Hemayalsosuspend the Brother or Chapter pending action by the Supreme Council. (c) The Supreme Council alone has power to expel Brethren or erase Chapters provided that a Brother expelled by the United Grand Lodgeof England shall be 34 35 deemed to have been expelled at the same time fromthis Order. ABrother resigningfromtheCraft under Rule 2 77A of the Book of Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England or any similar rule shall immediately be consideredto haveresignedalso fromthis Order. (d) A member of the Order who is suspended in the Craft by the United Grand Lodge of England or a competent masonic authority acting under powers conferred by it or who is expelled or suspended by any other Masonic Power shall be deemed to have been forthwith suspended in this Order and shall be liable to such further punishment of expulsion, suspension or otherwiseas the Supreme Council may determine. (e) A Brother expelledor resigningor deemed to have beenexpelledor tohave resignedunder this Rule shall return hiscertificates of membership of anydegreeof theAncient and Accepted Rite to the Supreme Council, and the last Sovereign of a Chapter which has been erasedshall return the warrant or Warrant of Confirmation and anyother warrant issuedto theChapter to the SupremeCouncil. (f) AChapter may be erasedby the SupremeCouncil at anytime after suchenquiries as it shall deem reasonable (g) Documents required by this Rule to be sent to a Brother or Chapter shall be sent by first class post or air mail addressed (in the case of an individual) to his last recorded address and(inthe case of a Chapter) to the last recorded address of the Sovereign or Recorder. The envelope shall be marked Private and Confidential and the package shall be deemed to have been delivered in course ofpost. 66. If a member of the Order be alleged to have been guilty ofmasonic misconduct by having aided, assisted or been present at the conferring in an irregular manner of anydegreeoftheRite(however named), heshall be deemed to have been the subject of a complaint of masonic misconduct to theInspector General having the charge of anyChapter ofwhichheis amember andmaybeproceeded against accordingly. Any question of jurisdiction as between InspectorsGeneral in such casesshall bereferred to the Supreme Council whose decision shall be final and bind all concerned. 67. Any dispute between members of the Order which cannot besettledwithin a Chapter andanydispute between Chapters shall be transmitted to and determined by the Supreme Council, provided that where all the parties to the dispute are within the jurisdiction of the same Inspector General, the dispute may be decided by him, subject to the right of anyof the parties to appeal to the SupremeCouncil. 68. Except by specific permission of the Supreme Council no member of the Ordermay give a talk or paper at anymeetingheld under its jurisdiction or on anyaspect of the Rite or anyof its degrees at anyother gathering nor may he cause or encourage thepublication of anymatter about or connectedwith the Rite or anyof itsdegrees. PARTVII - HIGHER DEGREES 69. ( a) No meeting fot conferring a Higher Degree shall be held except by permissionof the SupremeCouncil. 36 37 (b) Attendanceat ameeting at whicha Higher Degree is or is purported to be conferred, rehearsed or demonstrated otherwise than with the authority of the SupremeCouncil or a MasonicPower in amityconstitutes masonic misconduct. 70. (a) Except by authoritygranted by the Supreme Council - (i) no member is eligible to receive the 30th Degree unless he is a Past Sovereign of the Order, having served or being deemed to have served, a full year in the Chair of a Chapter and has been a member of the 18 th Degree for at least threeyears; (ii) no member is eligible for election to the 30th, 31st ox 32 nd Degreeunless heis a subscribingmember in good standingof a Chapter. (b) The prescribed form for recommendations for promotion to a Higher Degree may be obtained from the relevantInspector General. (c) Election to a Higher Degree includes election to all inferior degrees not previously conferred upon the candidate. (d) Election to a Higher Degree does not confer that or any other degree on the Brother so elected; they are conferredonlyby theappropriate cetemonial or by patent andifnot conferred within oneyear ofelection theelection lapses. 30th DEGREE 71. By the Grand Constitutions, no Grand Chapter of Grand Elected Knights K.H. can be heldexcept under the immediate supervision of the Supreme Council; any such GrandChapter held otherwisethan by the Supreme Council itself shall beconducted in strict accordance with the terms of the permission granted by the Supreme Council for holdingit. 72. ( a) A Chapter may recommend for promotion to the 30th Degree a subscribing member who satisfies the qualifications set out above and who has been recommended therefore by a majority vote at a duly summonedmeetingof Past Sovereignswhoare subscribing members of the Chapter. The recommendation must be on theprescribed form, signedby thesenior Past Sovereign present and transmitted by the Recorder to the Supreme Council. The relevant Inspector General may add his comments to the recommendation ifhe so desires. Where anydifficulty in obtaining theviews of thePast Sovereigns is experienced the relevant Inspector General may give instructions as to the procedure to be followed and the Chapter shall proceed in accordance with his ruling, and anyresultant voteshall be final andbinding. (b) An Inspector General may recommend to the Supreme Council a qualifiedmember for promotion to the 30th Degree of his own motion, but shall statein writing his reasons for so doing. 31st and 32 nd DEGREES 73. (a) TheseDegrees are conferredbythe Supreme Council byselection, but membership is strictly limited. (b) Recommendations for promotion to the 31st and 32 nd Degrees maybe madeto the Supreme Council by the 38 39 Inspectors General of Districts or Groups. Chapters not in aDistrict or Groupmayalsomake suchrecommendations, whichshall be in theformof a letter addressedto the Grand Secretary General, signed by the Sovereign, and certified by him arecommendation of a majorityof Past Sovereigns present at a duly summoned meetingofPast Sovereignsof theChapter. (c) Only in most exceptional circumstances will the Supreme Council consider tecommendations for promotion to the 31st or 32 nd Degrees or Illustrious Brethren who have served less than three years as 30th Degree or five years as 31st Degree respectively, but such service alone is not a qualification for commendation. Outstanding service to the Orderis essential in all cases. PARTVIII-GENERAL 74. Brethren belonging to the Order are distinguished by thefollowing prefixes or titles. Sovereign Grand Commander (Present and Past) Lieutenant GrandCommander (Present andPast) Other Members oftheSupreme Council (Present, Past andHonorary) Other members of the 33rdDegree Members ofthe 32 nd, 31st and 30th Degrees Members of the 18 th degree Most Puissant VeryPuissant Most Illustrious VeryIllustrious Illustrious Excellent & Perfect 75. Clothing to be worn by members of the Order (including any who have affiliated from another jurisdiction) shall be in accordancewith thesealedpatterns displayed at ihe Grand East of the Order and which are described in AppendixC. 76. ( a) Any matter not specifically dealt with in theseRules shall be governedby theBook ofConstitutions of Free and Accepted Masons under the United Grand Lodge of England, so far as such are not inconsistent with any of these Rules, or any direction which may be given by the Supreme Council, and so far as they are applicable to theAncient and AcceptedRite. (b) In applying this Rule any powers givenby those Conslirurions to the GrandLodge or to the GrandMaster shall, so far asnot otherwise expresslyprovidedherein, be exercisable in this Order by the SupremeCouncil. 40 41 APPENDIXA (SeeRules6 and 15 ) DESIGNATIONS OFTHE SEVERALDEGREES OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE 1. Entered by Supreme Apprentice Not worked Council for England J andWales 2 . FellowCraft 3. MasterMason 4. Secret Master 5 . Perfect Master 6 Intimate Secretary 7 Provost and Judge 8 Intendant ofthe Buildings 9. Elect ofNine 10 Elect ofFifteen 11. Sublime Elect 12 . GrandMaster Architect 13. Royal Arch of Enoch 14. GrandElect Perfect and Sublime Master 15 . Knight ofthe Swordor of theEast 16. Princeof Jerusalem I Composing ~ a Lodgeof Perfection Composing aCouncil of Princes of [erusalem 17. Krnghtsof the Lodte of I<ntghts ofthe East andWest j Eas and West 18 Knight of thePelican and Eagle, andSovereign PrinceRose Croi,r of H.RD.M. 19. GrandPontiff 2 0. VenerableGrandMaster 2 1. PatriarchNoachire 2 2 . PrinceofLibanus 2 3. Chiefofthe Tabernacle 2 4 Princeofthe Tabernacle 2 5 . Knight oftheBrazenSerpent 2 6. PrinceofMercy 2 7 Commander oftheTemple 2 8 Knight oftheSun 2 9. Knight ofSr Andrew 30. Grand ElectedKnight, K.H. Knightof theBlackand WhteEagle 31 GrandInspector Inquisitor Commander 32 . Sublime Princeofthe Royal Secret 33rdand last Degree. Sovereign GrandInspector General APPENDIXB CONCORDAT WITH IRELANDANDSCOTLAND (SeeRule 8 ) The following concordat has been entered into between the Supreme Councils of England, Ireland and Scoiland respectingthe conferringofDegrees: (a) That no private Chapter under either Supreme Council shall confer the 18 th Degree for a fee of less than 1000, or upon a Brother hailing from a Sister Jurisdiction, unless by special permission from the SupremeCouncil of thecountry to which hisCraft Lodge belongs. Nor shall a Rose Croix Mason be affiliated to a Chapier belonging to a jurisdiction other than that in which hewas perfected without thespecial permission of the Supreme Council of his allegiance. But any Brother who has affiliated into a Lodge belonging to another Constitution fromthat under which hewas initiated, and has been recorded in the books of its Grand Lodge, shall be at libertyto applyfor perfection to a Sovereign Chapter of Princes Rose Croix belonging to the Constitution to whichhe hascometo belong. (b) That the30th degree(or Higher Degree) shall not be conferred on anyBrother unless he is specially elected thereto by theSupreme Council of his allegiance, and that no Consisrory abroad shall be heldexcept for the purpose ofconferringtheDegree on Brethren so elected, andunder special authority fromthe saidSupremeCouncil. (c) That a Brother havingsworn allegianceto either 42 43 SupremeCouncil shall not receive anyother degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite fromany other masonicbody without ihe permission of the Supreme Council to which he has originally givensuchallegiance. (d) That no Chapter shall be founded in any place outside theBritish Isleswhere, or in theneighbourhood of which, there is already a Chapter working under a Sister Jurisdiction without communicating with the Supreme Council of that Jurisdiction with a view to obtaining its approval. In the event of that Supreme Council objecting to the founding of such Chapter, the Supreme Council of thethird jurisdiction maybe asked to act as arbitrator and its decision shall beaccepted asfinal. APPENDIXC CLOTHING AND REGAL[A (See Rule 75 ) 1. No jewels or regalia other than those authorised by the SupremeCouncil areto bewornwith theregalia o~the Order. 2 . (a) A Deputy or an Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (present or past) weats crossed wands on thecollarette of hisDegree. (b) A District or Group Recorder (present or past) wears crossedquills on thecollarette of hisDegree. (c) A Sentinel (present or past) wearscrossedaxes on thecollarette of hisDegree. (d) A CentenaryJewel, if awarded, is woin on theleft breast. 3. A ServingBrother of theOrder (17thDegree)wears a plain redribbonor sash fromright shoulder to left hip with a frog ~orhis sword. EIGHTEENTH DEGREE 4. Collar A watered red ribbon four inches wide, embroidered with the emblems of the degree, and edged with gold, lined with black watered silk, on which are embroidered ihree red crosses, oneon each side, and one at thepoint. Jewel Compasses surmounted by a celestial crown. A cross within the compasses. On one side of the jewel a pelican feeding itsyoung; on the other, a white eaglewith wings extended asifrising in the air; on both sides on the 4 44 45 joint of the compasses arose. The jewel is wornappended to the point ofthe collar Mourning - A blackrosette on theapexofthe collar. 5 . The Sovereign of a Chapter is to wear a red enamel Creek cross surmounted by a celestial crown, suspended round the neck by a red ribbon whenever attending any Chapter. Ifhis Chapter hasbeen awardedtheDevelopment Fund Rose it is to be worn on the apex of the collarette unless otherwise directedby theSupreme Council. The Past Sovereigns of a Chapter may wear as a breast jewel the same cross within a blue garter, on which is enamelled the name of the Chapter, surmounted by a celestial crown. THIRTIETH DEGREE 6. Sash - Four inch black watered ribbon, worn from the left shoulder to the right hip. Upon it in the centreof the breast the Ancient Order of Heredom K.H., viz: - An eagle soaring towards the light, holding the Anchor of Hopein histalons; on theextremity, the redflagofEngland andWales, bearingthreegolden lions crossedby thebanner of the Supreme Council, and below a red Teutonic cross. Thepoint to be fringedwith silverbullion. BreastJewel (optional). - A patt& cross in red enamel, thenumber 30 in gold upon the blue enamel in thecentre. Eagle - A black double spread-eagle, surmounted by a crown, and holding a sword in its claws, to be worn suspended round the neck from a blackribbon, one and a halfincheswide, with a narrowsilver edging. Mourning - A blackrosette on the bxeast of thesash. THIRTY-FIRSTDEGREE 7. Collar - White watered silk four inches wide embroideredwith the emblems o~the degree, edgedwith gold lace, lined with white. Collar Jewel - A patt& cross, as for the 30thdegree, but surmountedby a celestial crownand thenumber 31 in the centre. Eagle- As for the 30th degree, but tips of wings and tail gilt, to be worn suspended round the neck from a white ribbon oneanda halfinches wide, edged withgold Mourning - Ablack rosetteon the apexof thecollar. THIRTY-SECOND DEGREE 8 . Collar - Blackwatered silk fourand ahalfincheswide embroidered with the emblem of the degree, edged with silver]ace. The lining is p]ain black. CollarJewel - Asfor the3 1st degree, but withthenumber 32 . Eagle - As for the 31st degree, but with outer feathers of wings, legs and claws gilt, to be worn suspended round the neck and from a red ribbon one and halfincheswide edgedwithgold. Mourning - Ablack rosette on theapexof thecollar THIRTY-THIRD DEGREE (Other than SupremeCouncil) 9. Sash - Whitewatered silk fiveinches wideedged with 46 47 gold, and embroidered in the same with the emblems of the degree, viz:- ADeltasurrounded by rays- in the centre the number 33 in red. To be worn from left shoulder to right hip. Sash Jewel - As fox the collar jewel of the 32 nd degree, but with thenumber 33, to beworn on theright hip at the crossing of the sash, pendent from a golden and red rose ona scarlet bow. Eagle- Asfor the 32 nd degree, but with headsandnecks gilt andbody and inner feathers ofwings silver, suspended round the neck from a white collarette embroidered with gold savethat: (a) Inspectors General, when installed and while in charge of Districts or Groups wear the Eagle suspended froma si]ver chain; (b) TheGrandDirector ofCeremoniesandhisDeputy wear the Eaglesuspendedfroma blackoxidisedchain. Cap - Plain black velvet of the prescribed pattern with the number 33 within a triangle or, for present and past Inspectors General ofDistricts or Groups, thesame device imposed on a circle(all ofgo]d ox gilt metal). Ring - Aninscribedgold doublebandwornon thefourth finger of theleft hand. Mourning . Apurple rosette on thebreast of thesash. MEMBERS OFTHE SUPREME COUNCIL 10. Membersof theSupreme Council, present, past and honorary, wear regaliaas for the 33rdDegree except: (a) theeagle ofthe33rdDegree hasatriple cross in red enamel depending from the sword in its claws and is suspended fromagold chain wornroundtheneck; (b) thebadgeon the front of thecap is theeagleof the 33rdDegree chargedwith a triplecross in redenamel; (c) present Members of the Supreme Council wear in lieu of ihe sash a chain round the shoulders of metal gilt backed by and with shoulder-knots of white ribbon ~nd suspendedfromit the jewel ofthe degree; (d) present Members of the Supreme Council wear the mourning rosette on the chain above the jewel of the degree. 48 49 APPENDIX D FORMS ( NEW CHAPTERS) (See Rules 15 and 2 1) PETITION FOR AWARRANT Theformof Petition for aWarrant is as follows: We, the undersigned members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, under the Supreme Council for England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters overseas, being anxious to promote thewelfare andextend thegood ofthe Order, do hereby petit ion the Sovereign GrandInspectors General 330 in Council assembled to grant a warrant to open and hold a Lodgeof Perfection, a Council of Princes of Jerusalem, a Lodge of Knights of the East and West, and a Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix of H.R.D.M to be named Chapter, to meet at (full name and address of proposed place of meeting) in the City or Town of in the County of And we recommend our Brother to be thefirst Most Wise Sovereign. (Here followsignatures andthe recommendations of the Inspector General of the District or Group where applicable) Dated MODEL BY-LAWS Chapter by-laws shall be in the form of the following model by-laws: 1. The regular meetings of theChapter shall beheld on the(days) in (months) at (place) NB Givefull nameandaddressofplaceofmeeting 2 . The election of Sovereign, Treasurer, Auditors and Outer Guard shall take place at the (month) meeting and the Enthronement of the Sovereign and appointment of Officers at the (month) meeting. NB. After Auditors add, if required, two Junior members to serve on the Standing Committee. 3. The fees payable for Perfection, Joining, re-joining, affiliation from another jurisdiction and the annual subscription (due in advance in (month) ) , shall be such sums as shall be from time to time determined by resolution in open Chapter after due noticehas been given on the summons convening the meeting at which the resolution is to be considered. NB. (a) Thefee for Perfection andaffiliation must not be less than 10 (Rule21). (b) Any rule regarding countiy or non-dining subscription should follow here. Specimen: ~4fly member who, for reasons acceptable to the Chapter, is unableregularlyto attendmeetings may, on written application to theRecordei andbyresolution of theChapter, be considereda non-dining memberandshallpaya subscription of Whendining heshallpaythe Visitors diningfees 5 0 5 1 (c) If it is intended that the Recorder should be exempted, this should be stated thus: The Recorders services shall be deemedequivalent topayment ofsubscripUon~ 4. In theballot for membership ... blackballs shall exclude. NB. (a) This By-Lawis only necessaiyifa number less than three is required to exclude. (b) Any rule to the effect that prospective candidates are not to be approacheduntil approvedbythe Standing Committee should be includedhere, ifdesired. (c) AnyLaws regardingHonoraiy Membership, resignatwn, or cessation ofmembershipfor non-paymentofDues, shouldfollow here. (d) Subscriptions are due in advance on thefirst dayofa Chapters financial year. Membership of a Chapter ceases on giounds ofnon-payment of subscription ifat the expiration of oneyear anypart ofa members subscription is due but unpaid. Ifa Chapter wishes toproceedagainst a memberfornon-payment ofsubscription before hefalls oneyear in arrears, then the By- Law must be worded to conform with Rule 181(a), Book of Constitutions (Craft). Asuggestedformofwording might be M memberwho is more than (?) months in arrears maybe liableto be excludedbyresolution oftheChapter after due noticehas been servedon himnot less than (7?) days beforethe meetingat which theresolution is to be considered, andnoticeofwhichis given in thesummonsfor that meeting 5 . (a) The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the Chapter and shall also make the necessary disbursements thexefrom. Every item of receipt and expenditure shall be entered in a cash book kept by him for that sole purpose. He shall maintain an account at a bank or other financial institution appioved by the Chapter. The account shall be in thename ofthe Chapter and into it all monies, cheques etc. received shall be promptly paid, and fromit withdrawalsmay bemade under such signature or signatuxes as the Chapter may decide. He shall produce his accounts annually to the Chapter at the Enthronement Meeting and before the Sovereign is enthroned, prior to which he shall have produced them, with all vouchers, to the auditors elected by the Chapter. He shall hand over to his successor when elected and invested thebalance, together withall books, chequebooks, bank statements, papers, vouchersandinstructions relating to theChapter andsign all authoritiesand papers. (b) All vouchers, papers, books etc. relating to the financial affairsof aChapter arethe propertyofthe Chapter which haspower to require their production and to retain them at anytime. (c) The auditors shall audit the accounts promptly when submitted to them by the Treasurer and sign them prior to their production to theChapter. (d) A copy of theannual accounts withthe certificate of theauditors shall be sent to everysubscribing member of the Chapter and to therelevant Inspector General with the summons for theEnthronement Meeting. (e) Where accounts are not presented as required by these by-laws the Sovereign shall forthwith inform the relevant Inspector General of theposition andrequite them to beproduced at the next regular meetingofthe Chapter. 6. No payment for other than ordinary purposes shall be made fromChapter funds without the sanction of the Chapter by resolution, noticeof whichshall be givenin the 5 2 5 3 Chapter summons, except in cases ofemergency, when the Sovereign may authorise such expenditure to an amount not exceeding , but shall report the matter to the Chapter at thenext meeting. 7. TheSovereign, Past Sovereignsof andin theChapter, Prelate, Generals, Treasurer andRecordershall constitute a Standing Committee. It shall meet by direction of the Sovereign to interviewproposed candidates and to report on any matter referred to it by the Chapter shall forma quorum. NB. One or two junior members to be electedannually maybe addedto themembershipofthis Committee(see By-Law2 above). 8 . No alteration or addition shall be made to these By-Laws unless notice thereof has been inserted in the summonsconveningthe meetingat whichsuch alteration or addition is to be discussedand not less than two thirds of the members present vote in favour thereof. No alterationor addition shall becomeeffective until approved by the SupremeCouncil. NB. If model By-law 3 above is notfollowed andfees and/or subscriptions are set out in that By-Law thefollowing phrase must be added after a commafollowing .. SupremeCouncil: ... except amendments concerned only with changes in fees or annual subscription, which do not require Supreme Council approval. *Adopted at theConsecrationmeeting ofthe Chapter held on *Passed at a regular meeting of the Chapter held on Signed Sovereign Recommended and forwarded by 330, Inspector General (Districtor Group) *Deleteoneor other ofthese. 5 4 5 5 CONTENTS INDEX APPENDIXE FORMS ( CANDIDATES) (SeeRules38 and 39) FormofPetition andObligation ofAllegiance I, the undersigned, most humbly supplicate the Sovereign and E. and P Princes now assembled that you will be pleased to admit me to your Princely Order, presenting myself with humble desire to be *Perfected/*Affiliated I do most solemnly promise true allegiance to the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas, duly, lawfully and constitutionally established on the 2 6th day of October A D. 1 8 45 , sittingat its Grand East in London. I furthermore ptomise to hold no fellowship or communication with any masons or bodies of masons under any other Supreme Council which at any time have been or may hereafter be established anywhere by any authority whatsoever, except with such as are or may then be duly recognised by the aforesaid Supreme Council and then only with the prior approval of that SupremeCouncil I declare that I profess the TrinitarianChristian Faith. In testimony whereof I sign this solemn promise, obligation and declaration. (Here follow the signatures and full names of the candidate andhis witness) *delete asapplicable Accounts Affiliation - seealso Auditors and Treasurer - (andseeunder Candidate) Amity, in Annual Dues Annual Return Appeals to SupremeCouncil - from3l 0Tribunal - fromInspectors General Arrears - Chapters - members Auditors Behaviour, standard BranchCouncil By-laws Candidate - SupremeCouncil - Chapter - seeunder Chapter - Affiliation - Foreign Masonic Power - sharedterritory - special preliminary requirements - summons for election - ballot - black ball - preliminaryrequirements - valid for one year only 51,53 1 (a),63 I (a) 5 9.61 57,60 64(d) 65 (b),66,67 35 (b),60 35 ,43,48 29,5 l,53,AppC 64(b) 1(a),9 S 34-47 34,35 ,38 -40,AppB 39 39 36,38 ,39,43 40 35 ,40,45 37,AppD(4) 35 ,38 ,39,40,43 45 5 6 5 7 Chapter - documents to be givento 46,47 - feespayable for registration 38 ,41 - Foreign MasonicPower, from 39 - forms 38 ,AppE - Joining, rejoining 35 ,40,41,43,46 - notice to Supreme Council 41 - specialpreliminary requirements 35 (b),43 - summons for election 40 - Membership ofChapter - Affiliation - Cessation on non-payment - Joining - Perfection - Perfection - Intermediate Degrees booklet - limit on Perfections - petition - proposal - registration - special preliminary requirements - summons for election - Shared Territory, from - Summons, particularsto bestated on Centenary Certificate 38 ,39 48 43,45 ,48 38 ,44,45 47 42 38 ,AppE 35 38 34,36,38 40 39(a) 40 see under Jewel or Warrant enthronement lost ownership return of, to Supreme Council 32 18 17 18 ,19,65 - (and see under Warrant) - Accounts 5 3 - Annual Dues 5 9,60,61 - Annual Return 5 7,60 - Badge 17(b) - By-laws 2 1,46, App D - Consecration, constitution l(a),2 0 - Degrees to be conferred by 6,15 , App A - Discussion ofpolitics etc. barred 2 2 - Disputesbetweenmembers or chapters 67 - Election of SovereignandOfficers 2 9 - Erasure 65 (c) - Feespayable to 2 1 - Founding, overseas 8 - Meetings l(a),2 2 -2 7 - cancellation 2 5 - emergency 14,2 7 - Enthronement: see under Enthronement - place 2 5 - prohibited days 2 6 - quorum 2 4 - New: see under Warrant - Ownership of papersetc. 5 2 - Recommendationfor promotionby 72 - Subscriptions 48 ,49 - Summons for: see under Summons - Warrant and Certificates 15 -19,App E 5 1 Cheques Clothing Complaints, masonic - Investigations 75 ,AppC 64,65 5 8 59 Concordat with Sister Jurisdictions Confirmation, warrant of Consecration Constitutions, Grand Bookof(UGL) Conviction in criminal court Degrees 8 ,AppB 18 (b) l(a),2 0 1(a) 76 64 - authority to confei 6 Higher l(a),PartVII,App C Intermediate 6,15 (c),AppsA,D - qualifications andrecommendations - Thirtieth - Thirty-first andThirty-second - irregularly received Degreeceremonies irregularly attended Demonstrations, unauthorised Disciplinaryprocedures Dispensation Disputes District 70,72 70,71,73 63 66,69 6,66,69 63-65 l(a),14,2 7,2 9,30 67 l(b),l0 - (andseeunder Inspector General) - Recorder: see under Recorder (andseeunder Certificates andWarrants) service of in disciplinarymatters 65 (g) ownership ofChapter documents 5 2 seeunder Annual Dues Candidates: see under Candidates Chapter: see under Chapter Officers: see under individual title 60 - Sovereign: seeunder Sovereign EmergencyMeeting EnthronementMeeting - change ofdate - incapacityof Sovereign elect - report Erasure Exclusion Expulsion 2 7 2 1(b),2 9,30,App D 14,30 30 31 65 64(b) 62 63-65 19 65 7,8 - automatic - certificates, surrenderon - power of External Relations - (andsee Sister Jurisdictions) ForeignJurisdiction l(a),7 - andseeunder Candidate Foreign MasonicPower l(a),7 - and seeunder Candidate - disciplinaryactionby 65 (a) Grand Director of Ceremonies AppC(9) - Deputyand Assistant AppC(2 ) GrandConstitutions 1(a) Group ofChapters l(b),l0 - andsee under Inspector General Higher Degrees l(a),70-73,AppsA,C - andseeunder ThirtiethDegree etc. - attendanceat irregularmeetings 6~,69(b) - conferring of 70 - disciplinaryaction 69(b) - election 70 - lapse ofelection 70 61 Documents Dues Elections I - meetingsrequire permission 69 Honorary Members - Supreme Council 4,AppC - others 49 Inspector General 1(a), 10-14 - clothing AppC(9) - Designate in Charge 1 la - disciplinary powers andduties 65 - disobedience to ordersof 64 - dispensations by 14,30 - disputes, power to determine 67 - electedoffice, vacancy 2 9(g) - EmergencyMeeting, power to call 2 7 - levy, annual 13 - recommendations for promotion by 72 ,73 - Recorder(District etc.),appointment of 12 - relevant 1(a) - reports to Supreme Council 11,13,14,65 visitsby 11 Intermediate Degrees booklet 2 1(d),47 Ireland - see under Sister Jurisdiction Jewel - Centenary l5 ,AppC - Degrees 75 ,App C Sovereigns andPast Sovereigns AppC(S) unauthorised 75 ,App C(S) JoiningMember - (andseeunder Candidate) Jurisdiction 1 (a),2 ,7,8 ,l0,l5 (b) Levy(District or Group) 13 Masonicmisconduct 63-66,69 MasonicPower l(a),7,63,64(a) (andseeunder ForeignMasonic Power) 62 Meetings - (andseeunder Chapter, Summons, Higher Degrees) - Emergency - Regular Member ofChapter - feesandsubscriptions - honorary - not payingdues - resignation - subscribing Membership ofOrder - andsee under Expulsion Membership,Supreme Council - Honorary Misconduct, misbehaviour - andsee underMasonic misconduct - duty to report l(a),2 7 1(a) 2 1 49 48 5 0 1(a) 38 ,39,43-45 ,48 (b), 5 0(b),62 ,65 3 4 64 65 App C Mourning Officers ofChapter - andsee under Chapter, Treasurer, Recorder, andOuter Guard - appointment ifoffice vacant 2 9 - duplication 2 8 - precedence 2 8 Outer Guard 2 8 -2 9 Papersabout theRite 68 Past Sovereigns - meeting 72 ,73 - jewel AppC(6) 63 ii I - - Recorder Payments to SupremeCouncil, howmade Perfection - and see under Candidate Petition - seeunder Warrant or Candidate Politics, discussionin Chapter Prescribed Precedence - ofChapters - of Officers - Chapter address, changeof Annual Return - Enthronement Return - general duties - membership changes minutes ofmeetings - misconduct, reporting promotion submissions subscription - summons, responsibilityfor - District - appointment - clothing Regalia Regulations Rejoining Religion, discussion in Chapter Reprimand 61 1(a) 2 2 1(a) 15 (A) 2 8 5 8 5 7 5 7 5 4-5 8 5 6,5 9 5 5 65 72 2 1(f) 5 5 12 AppC 75 App C 2 (b) 40,43,46,48 2 2 65 (b) 64 Resignation fromChapter - clearance certificate - returnof certificates Resignation fromOrder Ritual, prescribed Rules Scotland 5 0(a) 19 5 0(b),65 (c) 2 (b ),15 (c),2 1(d),47 l(a),64(b) - seeunder Sister Jurisdiction Sentinel Serving Brother Sister Jurisdiction Sovereign ofa Chapter - continuing in office - custodyof Warrants - deathetc. before Enthronement - delayedaccounts, responsibility - election - Enthronement - (andsee under Enthronement Meeting) - certificate - misconduct, dutyto report - morethan oneChapter - precedence - qualifications for office Subscriptions - failure to pay - payment by Recorder - to be stated in By-laws - to bepaid by everynewmember - whenpayable Summons App C(2 ) 33,App C(3) l(a),8 ,App B 2 9(c),30(b) 16,19 30 5 3(c) 2 9 30 32 65 2 9(c) 2 8 2 9 48 (b) 2 1(f), AppD(3) 2 1(b), AppD 2 1(e) 48 (e) - accounts to accompany 5 3(b) 65 I - candidates, particulars - despatch - emergency meeting - honorarymember, proposal to elect - Recorders responsibilityfor Supreme Council - appealsto - applicationof Craft constitutions - clothing - disciplinarypowers - external relations Suspension, automatic Talks on the Rite ThirtiethDegree Thirty-first Degree Thirty-secondDegree Thirty-third Degree 36,40,49 2 3 2 7 49 5 5 l(a),2 -6,76(b) 64(d),65 (b),67 76 App C(l0) 64(c) 7 65 68 6,70-72 ,74, AppsB,C(6) 64(d),70,73,74 AppsB,C(7) 70,73,76, AppsB,C(8 ) 74,AppsB,C(9) Titlesofmembers Transmit, transmission Treasurer - assumes office - books, vouchers etc. belong to Chapter - death or incapacityof - duties - election - vacancy 66 74 1(a) 2 9(f) 5 2 2 9(g) 5 1 2 9(e) 2 9(g) Warrant, Chapter - Centenary - Chapter ceasing to meet - custody - forfeiture (fornon-payment) - lost, defacedetc - ownership - surrender on demand - Petition for and contentsof - reinstatement - surrender - on demand - on erasure 67 15 (f) 19 16 60 18 17 19(c) l5 ,AppD 60 19(c) 65 (e) I 1