Robotica/Volume27/Issue02/March2009,pp199207 DOI:10.1017/S0263574708004451,Publishedonline:11April2008
Robotica (2009) volume 27, pp. 199207. 2008 Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/S0263574708004451 Printed in the United Kingdom
SUMMARY Recursive matrix relations in kinematics and dynamics of a Delta parallel robot having three revolute actuators are established in this paper. The prototype of the manipulator is a three degrees-of-freedom space mechanism, which consists of a system of parallel closed kinematical chains connecting to the moving platform. Knowing the translation motion of the platform, we develop rst the inverse kinematics problem and determine the position, velocity and acceleration of each robots element. Further, the inverse dynamic problem is solved using an approach based on the fundamental principle of virtual work. Finally, a comparative study on time-history evolution of the torques of the three actuators is analysed. KEYWORDS: Dynamics modelling; Kinematics; Parallel mechanism; Virtual work.
C B mA 10 , m10 , m10 :
LIST OF SYMBOLS ak,k1 : orthogonal transformation matrix R : general transformation matrix of moving platform u1 , u2 , u3 : three orthogonal unit vectors A , B , C : angles giving the position of three actuators : initial inclination of four-bar parallelogram k,k1 : relative rotation angle of Tk rigid body k,k1 : relative angular velocity of Tk k0 : absolute angular velocity of Tk k,k1 : skew-symmetric matrix associated to the angular velocity k,k1 k,k1 : relative angular acceleration of Tk k0 : absolute angular acceleration of Tk k,k1 : skew-symmetric matrix associated to the angular acceleration k,k1 A rk,k : relative position vector of the centre of 1 Ak joint A : relative velocity of the centre Ak vk,k 1 A k,k1 : relative acceleration of the centre Ak mk : mass of Tk rigid body k : symmetric matrix of tensor of inertia of J Tk about the link-frame xk yk zk J1 , J2 : two Jacobian matrices of the manipulator
1. Introduction Parallel robots are closed-loop mechanical structures presenting very good performances in terms of accuracy, rigidity and ability to manipulate large loads. Generally, the mechanism of the manipulator has two platforms: one of them is attached to the xed reference frame and the other one can perform arbitrary motions in its workspace. Some moving legs made up as serial robots connect the moving platform to the xed platform. Spherical joints, revolute joints or prismatic joints connect the elements of the robot to one another. Typically, a parallel mechanism is said to be symmetrical if it satises the following conditions: the number of legs is equal to the number of degrees of freedom of the moving platform, every limb is controlled by a single actuator and the location and number of actuated joints in all limbs are equal.1 For two decades, parallel manipulators had increasingly focused attention of many researchers that consider their design as a valuable alternative design for robotic mechanisms.2,3 These complex architectures can be found in many technical applications where a high-speed displacement or orientation of a rigid body in space is desired. Since the robot is intended to operate on fragile objects, accuracy and precision in the execution of the tasks are essential, any error in the positioning of the tool could lead to costly damages. Many parallel robots are equipped with hydraulic or pneumatic actuators. They have a robust construction and can move bodies of considerable mass and size with high speed. This is why mechanisms, which impart translation or spherical motion to a platform, are based on the concept of parallel manipulators. Compared with serial robots, the parallel robots have specic characteristics: higher structural rigidity, better orientation accuracy, stable functioning, larger dynamic charge capacity and suitable position of the actuating systems. On the other hand, parallel kinematical machines offer essential advantages over their serial counterparts: lower moving mass, higher natural frequencies, simpler modular mechanical construction and possibility to mount all actuators on or near to the xed base. However, most existing parallel manipulators have limited and complicated
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200 workspace volume with singularities, while being governed by highly non-isotropic input-output relations.4,5 Recently, many efforts have been devoted to the kinematics and dynamics analysis of fully parallel manipulators. Important companies such as Giddings & Lewis, Ingersoll, Hexel and others have developed them as high precision machining tools. The most known class of manipulators is the ight simulator with six degreesof-freedom, which is in fact the GoughStewart platform (see refs. [69]). The Star parallel manipulator10,11 and the Delta parallel robot1214 are all equipped with three motors, which have a parallel setting and push the end-effector in a three degrees-of-freedom general translation. Angeles, Gosselin, Gagn e and Wang1517 developed the direct kinematics and dynamics of an Agile Wrist prototype that presents three concurrent rotations. In 1988, Reymond Clavel developed the prototype of the Delta parallel robot at Lausanne Federal Polytechnic Institute. The parallel manipulator built at the University of Maryland13 employs only revolute joints in contrast to ball-joints used in the Delta parallel robot18 to constrain the motion of the platform to a pure translation. The kinematics and dynamics of parallel structures has been studied extensively during the last two decades. When a good dynamic performance and a precise positioning of the moving platform under high load are required, the dynamic model of the robot is important for its automatic control. The dynamics analysis of parallel robots is usually implemented through analytical methods from the classical mechanics,19 in which projection and resolution of equations on the reference axes are written in a considerable number of cumbersome, scalar relations and the solutions are rendered by large scale computations implemented through time consuming computer codes. Meanwhile, quite limited approaches have been directed to the dynamic modelling of parallel mechanism congurations.20 Kane and Levinson21 had obtained some vector recursive relations concerning the equilibrium of generalized forces that are applied to a serial manipulator. Sorli et al.22 conducted the dynamics modelling for the Turin parallel manipulator, where the mechanism with three identical legs has just 6-DOFs. Geng et al.23 developed Lagranges equations of motion under some simplifying assumptions regarding the geometry and inertia distribution of the manipulator. Dasgupta and Mruthyunjaya24 used the NewtonEuler approach to develop closed-form dynamics equations of Stewart platform, considering dynamic and gravity effects as well as viscous friction at joints. A space parallel mechanism, which can be used in several applications including machining tools, is proposed in the paper. We focus our attention on an efcient and fast recursive matrix method, which is adopted to derive the kinematical model and the inverse dynamics equations of the three-degree-of-freedom Delta parallel robot with revolute actuators.
2. Inverse Kinematics The mechanism input of the robot is structured into three active revolute joints while the output body is connected to
the xed base through a set of three variable length legs with identical topology. The architecture of one of the three kinematical closed chains of the manipulator is made of an electrical motor, an active revolute joint and an intermediate mechanism with four revolute joints that connect four bars parallel two by two, ending with a passive revolute joint connected to the moving platform (Fig. 1). In the following we develop by inverse kinematics a means to determine the velocities and accelerations of all moving components of the robot, given the characteristics of the translation motion of the moving platform. Let us locate a xed Cartesian frame x0 y0 z0 (T0 ) at the centre O of the triangular base of side L about which the Delta parallel manipulator of known geometry moves. The elements of its legs have known size and given mass. To simplify the graphical image of the kinematical scheme of the mechanism, in what follows we will represent the intermediate reference systems by only two axes, so as one precedes in most of robotics papers.1,4,7 The zk axis is represented, of course, for each component element Tk . It is noted that the relative rotation with angle k,k1 or the relative translation of the body Tk with the displacement k,k1 must always be pointed along the direction of the zk axis. One of the three active elements of the robot is the input link of the rst upside-down leg A (Fig. 2). This is a homogenous crank of length A1 A2 = l1 and mass m1 , which A A A axis with the angle 10 , angular velocity 10 rotates about z1 A and angular acceleration 10 . The total tensor of inertia of the 1 . The centre of the input link-rotor mounted on this link is J transmission rod A3 A6 = l2 is denoted by A2 . This link is A A A connected to the frame x2 y2 z2 (called T2A ) and has a relative A A A A , so that 21 = 21 rotation about axis z2 with the angle 21 A A and 21 = 21 . It has the mass m2 and the central tensor of inertia J2 . Further on, two identical and parallel bars A3 A4 and A6 A7 A A with same length l3 rotate about two axes z3 , z6 respectively, A A with the angle 32 = 62 . They have also the same mass m3
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201 and we note that a joint variable is the displacement required to move a link from the initial location to the actual position. If every link is connected to at least two other links, the chain forms one or more independent closed-loops. The variable angles k,k1 of rotation about the joint axes zk are the parameters needed to bring the next link from a reference conguration to the next conguration. We call the matrix ak,k 1 , e.g. the orthogonal transformation 3 3 matrix of A A A relative rotation with the angle k,k 1 of link Tk around zk axis. In the study of the kinematics of robot manipulators, we are interested in deriving a matrix equation relating the location of an arbitrary Tk body to the joint variables. When the change of coordinates is successively considered, the corresponding matrices are multiplied. So, starting from the reference origin O and pursuing the independent legs A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 , B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 and C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 , one obtains the following transformation matrices
1 a , q21 = q21 a 2 q10 = q10 j
(q = a, b, c),
Fig. 2. Kinematical scheme of the leg A of upside-down mechanism.
(j = A, B, C ),
3 . The four-bar parallelogram and the same tensor of inertia J A is closed by an element T4 identical with T2A , but its tensor 4 . This element rotates about zA axis with the of inertia is J 4 A A = 32 . relative angle 43 The centre A5 of the interval between the two revolute A A A y5 z5 (T5A ). The joints connects the moving platform x5 platform of the robot is an equilateral triangle of side 5 with l = 0.5L 3 l3 sin , mass m5 , tensor of inertia J A respect to A5 , which rotates with the angle 54 and the angular A A = 54 about the neighbouring body T4A . Finally, velocity 54 another reference system xG yG zG is located just at the centre G of the moving platform. The following angles give the initial position of the robot A = , 3 B = , C = , 3 A = B = C = = . 6
where we denote:25 0 0 1 1 0 0 , 1 = 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 2 = 0 0
0 1 sin j cos j 0 0 0 1
0 0 1
(3) 0 0 , 1
cos k,k1
The angle A , for example, is measured from the xed x0 axis to the line which connects the centre O to the rst actuated joint A1 , while the angle A denotes the initial inclination of the four-bar parallelogram, which is dened A from the extended line of A1 A2 to the median x2 axis. Due to the special arrangement of the four-bar parallelograms and the position of three active revolute joints at points A1 , B1 , C1 , the mechanism has three translation degrees of freedom. In the following we apply the method of successive displacements to geometric analysis of closed-loop chains
qk0 =
s =1
The translation conditions concerning the absolute orientation of the moving platform are given by the following identities
T T T a50 = b50 b50 = c50 c50 = R = I, a50
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202 and by the matrices q50 = q54 q43 q32 q21 q10 , (q = a, b, c) (5)
Delta parallel robot where one denoted: 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 = 1 0 0 u1 = 0, u2 = 1, u3 = 0, u 0 0 1 0 0 0 L AT A A = a u1 , r21 = l1 u1 r10 2 3 l2 A A = u3 , r43 = l3 u2 r32 2 l2 l A GA r54 = u1 , r5 = u1 . 2 3 (9)
T T = a50 (t a50
T b50
1 0 = 0
where R = I is the diagonal identity matrix while the resulting matrix q50 is obtained by multiplying the ve basic matrices. From these conditions one obtains the rst relations between the angles of rotation 54 = 21 10 ,
j j j
Actually, these equations mean that there is only one inverse geometric solution for the manipulator:
G G cos j x0 sin j l3 sin 32 = y0 j j
(j = A, B, C ).
For the inverse geometric analysis, the position of an P P P , y0 , z0 ) is treated as known and arbitrary end-point P (x0 C A B the goal is to nd the joint variables 10 , 10 , 10 that yield the given location of the tool. C A B , 10 , 10 of the actuators The three rotation angles 10 A1 , B1 , C1 are the joint variables that give the input vector C T A B 10 10 ] of the instantaneous position of the 10 = [10 mechanism. But, the objective of the inverse geometric problem is to nd the vector 10 and the position of the mechanism with given three absolute coordinates of the G G G , y0 , z0 . centre G of the platform: x0 Consider, for example, that during three seconds the moving platform remain in same orientation and the motion of mass centre G along a rectilinear trajectory is expressed in xed frame x0 y0 z0 through the following equations
G G G y0 h z0 x0 = = = 1 cos t G G G 3 x0 y0 z0
(j = A, B, C ). The motions of the component elements of each leg (e.g., the leg A) are characterized by the following skew-symmetric matrices:26
A A T A 3, k k 0 = ak,k 1 1,0 ak,k 1 + k,k 1 u
which are associated to the absolute angular velocities given by the recursive relations
A A A k 0 = ak,k 1 k 1,0 + k,k 1 u3 , A A k,k k,k 1 = 1 . (12)
A Following relations give the absolute velocities vk 0 of centres of the joints Ak A A A A A vk k 0 = ak,k 1 vk 1,0 + ak,k 1 1,0 rk,k 1 + vk,k 1 u3
h = l1 + l3 cos
G G = x0 r0 j G y0 G z0 . T
A vk,k 1 = 0,
(k = 1, 2, . . . , 6).
The input angles 10 (j = A, B, C ) of the robot and j j j j j j the variables 21 , 32 = 43 and 54 = 21 10 will be obtained from the following geometrical conditions
4 A r10
Equations of geometrical constraints (4) and (8) can be derivate with respect to time to obtain the following matrix conditions of connectivity for the relative angular velocities:27
A T T A T T A T T 10 ui a10 u3 + 21 ui a20 u3 + 54 ui a50 u3 = 0 A T T T T 3 u1 + l3 uT 3 a21 a32 u2 l1 uT 10 i a10 u i a10 u A T T A T 3 a32 3 u2 l3 uT u2 + 32 l3 uT + 21 i a20 u i a30 u
k =1
T A ak 0 rk +1,k 4
T GA a50 r5
B r10
k =1 4
T B bk 0 rk +1,k
T GB b50 r5
= uT i r0 ,
(i = 1, 2, 3),
C + = r10 k =1
T C T ck 0 rk +1,k + c50 r 5
G = r0 ,
1, u 2, u 3 are skew-symmetric matrices associated where u to three orthogonal unit vectors u1 , u2 , u3 . If the other two kinematical chains of the robot are pursued, analogous relations can be easily obtained.
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203 as functions of the position of the mechanism by the kinematical constraints Eqs. (14). Some other relations of connectivity can be obtained if one considers successively Cv Cv Bv Av Av that 10 b = 1, 10b = 0, 10b = 0 and 10c = 1, 10c = 0, Bv 10c = 0. A A A As for the relative angular accelerations 10 , 21 , 32 = A 43 , A 54 of the manipulator, the derivatives with respect to time of the Eqs. (14) give other following conditions of connectivity
A T T A T T A T T 10 ui a10 u3 + 21 ui a20 u3 + 54 ui a50 u3 = 0 A T T T T 3 u1 + l3 uT 3 a21 l1 uT a32 u2 10 i a10 u i a10 u A T T A T 3 a32 3 u2 l3 uT u2 + 32 l3 uT + 21 i a20 u i a30 u A A T T 3u 3 u1 = uT i r 0 10 10 l1 ui a10 u T T T A A T T 3u 3 a21 3u 3 a32 + l3 uT a32 u2 21 21 l3 uT u2 i a10 u i a20 u A A T A A T T T 3u 3 u2 210 3 a21 3 a32 32 32 l3 uT 21 l3 uT u2 u i a30 u i a10 u A A T T T 3 a21 3 u2 210 32 l3 uT a32 u i a10 u A A T T 3 a32 3 u2 , 221 32 l3 uT u i a20 u G
G G + y0 cos j x0 sin j
(j = A, B, C ),
0G = [0 0 h]T corresponds to where the zero position r0 0 the joint variables 10 = [0 0 0]T . The derivative with respect to time of above conditions (15) leads to the matrix equation
10 = J2 r G. J1 0
(i = 1, 2, 3).
The matrices J1 and J2 are, respectively, the inverse and forward Jacobian of the manipulator and can be expressed as J1 = diag {A B C } A A A 3 1 2 B B B J2 = 1 2 3 ,
C 1 C 2 C 3
The following recursive relations give the angular A A accelerations k 0 and the accelerations k 0 of joints Ak
A A A k 0 = ak,k 1 k 1,0 + k,k 1 u3 A A T + k,k k 1 ak,k 1 1,0 ak,k 1 u3
A A A A A A T k k k0 + k k k 0 0 = ak,k 1 1,0 1,0 + 1,0 ak,k 1 A A A 3u 3 + k,k 3 + k,k 1 k,k 1 u 1 u A A T 3 + 2k,k k 1 ak,k 1 1,0 ak,k 1 u
G G cos j + y0 sin j j = l1 x0 G l3 sin cos 10 z0 sin 10 G 1 = x0 l1 sin 10 + l3 sin cos j G l1 sin 10 + l3 sin sin j 2 = y0 G 3 = z0 l1 cos 10 j j j j j j j j
A A A A A kA k k k 0 = ak,k 1 k 1,0 + ak,k 1 { 1,0 1. 0 + 1,0 }rk,k 1 A A T A + 2vk,k k 1 ak,k 1 1,0 ak,k 1 u3 + k,k 1 u3
A k,k 1 = 0 (k = 1, 2, . . . , 6).
(j = A, B, C ).
The relations (14), (19) represent the inverse kinematics model of the Delta parallel robot.
The three kinds of singularities of the three closed-loop kinematical chains can be determined through the analysis of two Jacobian matrices J1 and J2 . Based on the Eqs. (16) and the conditions of connectivity (14), in the direct kinematical problem we calculate the i . The velocities of all links in terms of input velocities 10 idea of expressing the velocities and accelerations of all the moving components in terms of those of the actuators was explicitly discussed by Xi et al.31 using the natural orthogonal complement method, where various Jacobian matrices were derived to relate the velocities and accelerations of each body to those of the actuators for numeric computation of the inverse dynamics. Let us assume that the robot has a virtual motion Av Bv determined by the angular velocities 10 a = 1, 10a = 0, Cv 10 a = 0. The characteristic virtual velocities are expressed
3. Dynamics Equations In the context of the real-time control, neglecting the friction forces and considering the gravitational effects, the relevant objective of the dynamics is to determine the input torques, which must be exerted by the actuators in order to produce a given trajectory of the effector. There are three methods, which can provide the same result concerning these actuating moments. The rst one is using the NewtonEuler classic procedure,24,28,34 the second one uses the Lagranges equations and multipliers formalism23,33 and the third one is based on the principle of virtual work.1,4,25,29,35,36 Within the inverse dynamic problem, in the present paper the principle of virtual work is applied in order to establish some recursive matrix relations for the torques of the three active systems.
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204 Three independent electric motors A1 , B1 , C1 that generate C C A B B three moments mA 10 = m10 u3 , m10 = m10 u3 , m10 = m10 u3 , C A B which have xed directions of the axes z1 , z1 , z1 , control the motion of the platform A5 B5 C5 . The force of inertia of an arbitrary rigid body TkA , for example,
A A A A A CA fkinA k k0 + k 0 = mk k 0 + 0 0 rk
Delta parallel robot The relations (24) and (25) represent just the inverse dynamics model of Delta parallel robot. The various dynamical effects, including the Coriolis and centrifugal forces coupling and the gravitational actions are also considered in these explicit equations. As application let us consider a robot which has the following characteristics:
G x0 = 0.04 m, G y0 = 0.06 m, G z0 = 0.08 m
t = 3 s, , (22)
L = 1.25 m,
l1 = 0.25 m (27)
A kA k J 0
A A A k 0 Jk k 0
are determined with respect to the centre of joint Ak . On the A other hand, the wrench of two vectors fkA and m k evaluates A the inuence of the action of the weight mk g and of other external and internal forces applied to the same element TkA of the manipulator, for example: fkA = 9.81mA k ak 0 u3
A A CA k ak0 u3 m k = 9.81mk r
m2 = m4 = 0.05 kg
(k = 1, 2, . . . , 6).
Knowing the position and kinematics state of each link as well as the external forces acting on the robot, in the following one applies the principle of virtual work for an inverse dynamic problem. The active torques required in a given motion of the moving platform will easily be computed using a recursive procedure. The fundamental principle of the virtual work states that a mechanism is under dynamic equilibrium if and only if the virtual work developed by all external, internal and inertia forces vanish during any general virtual displacement, which is compatible with the constraints imposed on the mechanism. Assuming that frictional forces at the joints are negligible, the virtual work produced by the forces of constraint at the joints is zero. Applying the fundamental equations of the parallel robots dynamics established by Staicu,37 the following compact matrix relation for the rst active torque results
T A Av A mA 10 = u3 M1 +54a M5 Av A Av A A A + 21 a M2 + 32a M3 + M4 + M6 Bv B Bv B B B + 21 a M2 + 32a M3 + M4 + M6 Cv C Cv C C C , + 21 a M2 + 32a M3 + M4 + M6 Av where the relative virtual displacements k,k 1 are expressed Av using the independent virtual velocities k,k 1 . Two recursive relations generate the vectors T A FkA = FkA 0 + ak +1,k Fk +1 A A T A A T A k Mk = Mk 0 + ak +1,k Mk +1 + r +1,k ak +1,k Fk +1 ,
, 2 m1 l1 /3 + Jm 0.0002 0.15 3 = 2 = , J 0.0002 0.02 J 0.0001 0.15 0.0001 0.35 5 = 4 = , J . 0.0004 0.50 J 0.0004 0.15
Jm /2 2 1 = m1 l1 /3 + Jm /2 J
4. Simulation Procedure The procedure for solving the inverse dynamics of Delta parallel robot by using the principle of virtual work can be summarised in several basic steps. 1. For a period of t = 3s, it is assumed that the time history of the moving platform is specied in terms of the position of the centre G from Eqs. (7). The relations (6), (10) give j j j j j the evolution of joint variables 10 , 21 , 32 = 43 , 54 , (j = A, B, C ). 2. Using the relations (2), (3), we compute the transj j j formation matrices of three legs A, B, C : q10 , q21 , q32 , j j j j j j j j j j j q43 , q54 and q20 = q21 q10 , q30 = q32 q20 , q40 = q43 q30 , j j j q50 = q54 q40 , (q = a, b, c). 3. Determine the velocity and acceleration of all link by performing the inverse kinematics analysis in terms of G G G G 0 0 0 0 prescribed velocities x ,y ,z and accelerations x , G G 0 of the moving platform. Specically, for each leg, 0 , z y from the conditions of connectivity (14), (19) we compute j j j j j the relative angular velocities 10 , 21 , 32 , 43 , 54 and j j j j j the relative angular accelerations 10 , 21 , 32 , 43 , 54 . j 4. The input velocities 10 could be easily veried through the relation (16) based on the inverse and forward conventional Jacobian matrices of the manipulator. Av 5. Using same Eqs. (14), where we introduce 10 a = Cv Bv 1, 10a = 0, 10a = 0, e.g., we compute the virtual characteristic velocities of each element of the robot. Other sets of virtual velocities are obtained if we consider Cv Bv successively that 10 b = 1, 10c = 1.
(k = 1, 2, . . . , 6).
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Delta parallel robot 6. We compute the velocity and the acceleration of centre of mass as well as the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of each link using the Eqs. (12), (13) (20). 7. Decompose articially the manipulator into several openloop chains by cutting open at the moving revolute joints. More complicated system is the rst open tree serial chain including the active link and ending with the moving platform. 8. For each link and platform we determine the inertia force (21) and the resulting force (excluding the actuator force) exerted to the rigid body Tk , from recursive Eqs. (25). 9. For each link and platform we determine the moment of inertia forces (22) and the resulting moment (excluding the actuator torque) exerted at the joint Ak , from recursive Eqs. (25). 10. We nd the actuator torque mA 10 from the Eqs. (24). C Analogous relations give the torques mB 10 , m10 of the other two actuators. Based on the algorithm from above procedure, a computer program was developed to solve the inverse dynamics of the Delta parallel robot, using MATLAB software. To illustrate the algorithm, it is assumed that the platform starts at rest from a central conguration and moves simultaneously along the three orthogonal directions for a period of three seconds. Furthermore, at the initial location, the moving platform is assumed to be located 0.725 m lower the xed base, namely G G G = 0, y0 = 0, z0 = 0.725 m. t = 0: x0 Assuming that there is no external force and moment acting on the moving platform, the time-history of the torques C B mA 10 , m10 , m10 of the three actuators are shown during the platforms evolution. The following examples are solved to illustrate the algorithm. For the rst example, the moving platform moves along the z0 vertical direction with variable acceleration while all the other positional parameters are held equal to zero. As can be seen from Fig. 3, it is proved to be true that all actuating torques are permanently equal to one another. If the platforms centre G moves along a rectilinear trajectory, the torques exerted by the actuators A1 , B1 , C1 are calculated by the program and plotted vs. time as follows: mA 10 C (Fig. 4), mB 10 (Fig. 5), m10 (Fig. 6). When the moving platform is going to the xed base, the limbs become more horizontally oriented, therefore, increasing the actuating torques.
The simulation through the MATLAB program certify that one of the major advantages of the current matrix recursive formulation is a reduced number of additions or multiplications and consequently a smaller processing time of numerical computation in comparison with the approach based on the Lagrange equations. Also, the proposed method can be applied to various types of complex manipulators of higher degrees of freedom, when the number of components of the mechanism is increased.
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5. Comparative Analysis The analytical inverse dynamics of the University of Maryland manipulator is solved by Tsai and Stamper1,13 using the Lagrange equations of second kind, which are written in terms of a set of three redundant coordinates G G G G G , y0 , z0 . The number of generalized coordinates x0 , y0 , x0 G C A B z0 , 10 , 10 , 10 exceeds the number of degrees of freedom of the moving platform. Three scalar constraint equations containing only the above six coordinates are easily obtained from the general vector conditions (8). However, this formalism generally leads to a cumbersome expression for the Lagranges equations, due to the complex kinematics of the manipulator. To simplify the analysis, one assumed that the mass m3 of each connecting rod in the upper arm assembly is divided evenly and concentrated at its two endpoints. The masses m2 and m4 of two transmission bars are supposed as negligible with respect to the mass of other links. Within these simplifying assumptions, one obtains a set of six equations 1 from which the three Lagrange multipliers 1 , 2 , 3 and the actuator torques 1 , 2 , 3 are determined. C B A comparative study of two sets of torques mA 10 , m10 , m10 , obtained in the present paper using the principle of virtual work and 1 , 2 , 3 in applying Lagranges equations of second kind is illustrated graphically through the relative error-coefcients: err mA 10 = err mB 10 = err mC 10 = mA 10 1 100 mA 10 mB 10 2 100 mB 10 mC 10 3 100. mC 10 (28)
The conventional Jacobian matrix can relate only the input i to the absolute velocity of the moving platform velocities 10 i i and therefore avoid the presence of the velocities 21 , 32 , i i 43 , 54 . Moreover, the transformation between the endeffector output forces and the joint torques is governed, in the absence of gravitational effects, by this conventional Jacobian matrix.
Finally, one obtains the graphs of the three relative errorC B coefcients err mA 10 (Fig. 7), err m10 (Fig. 8), err m10 (Fig. 9). The simplied analysis is the consequence of expressing of the geometrical constraint conditions in the reduced form of Eqs. (15), which are obtained from the remark that the distance between A3 and A4 is always equal to the length l3 of the connecting rod of the upper arm.
6. Conlusions on the Advantage of the Present Method Most of the dynamical models based on the Lagrange formalism neglect the weight of intermediate bodies and take into consideration the active forces or moments only and the wrench of applied forces on the moving platform. The number of relations given by this approach is equal to the total number of the position variables and Lagrange multipliers inclusive. Also, the analytical calculations involved in these equations are very tedious, thus presenting an elevated risk of errors. The commonly known NewtonEuler method, which takes into account the free-body-diagrams of the mechanism, leads to a large number of equations with unknowns including also the connecting forces in the joints. Thus, in dynamics of the Delta robot a one hundred and eight equations system, that must be solved, would result. Finally, the actuating torques could be obtained. Within the inverse kinematics analysis some exact relations that give in real-time the position, velocity and
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Delta parallel robot acceleration of each element of the parallel robot have been established in the present paper. The dynamics model takes into consideration the mass, the tensor of inertia and the action of weight and inertia force introduced by each element of the manipulator. Based on the principle of virtual work, the new approach is far more efcient, can eliminate all forces of internal joints and establishes a direct determination of the time-history evolution of torques and powers required by the three actuators. Also, the method described above is quite available in forward and inverse mechanics of serial and parallel mechanisms, the platform of which behaves in translation, spherical evolution or more general six-degree-of-freedom motion. The recursive matrix relations (24), (25) represent a set of explicit equations of the dynamic simulation and, in a context of automatic command, can easily be transformed into a robust model for computerized control of the Delta parallel robot. References
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