Algorithm2e Package For Latex

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sty package for algorithms

release 3.9
(c) 19962005 Christophe Fiorio, LIRM Montpellier, France
Report bugs and comments to [email protected]
[email protected] mailing list for announcements
[email protected] mailing list for discussion

febuary 10 2005
1 Introduction 2
2 How to use it: abstract 2
3 Compatibility issues with other packages 4
4 Environments dened in the package 4
5 The options of the package 4
6 The macros provided with the package 6
6.1 Typesetting macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.2 Restyling macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 The predened language keywords 9
7.1 To dene your own language keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
8 Two complete examples 17
8.1 Algorithm 2 : disjoint decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.2 Algorithm 3 : IntervalRestriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
9 Other language predened keywords 21
9.1 french keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
9.2 German keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
9.3 Portuguese keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
9.4 Some Czech keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
10 Known bugs 25

The author is very grateful to David Carlisle, one of the authors of the LaTeX Companion book, for his advices

Martin Blais ([email protected]) for his suggestions

David A. Bader ([email protected]) for his new option noend

Gilles Geeraerts ([email protected]) for his new command SetKwIfElseIf

Ricardo Fukasawa ([email protected]) for the portuguese keywords

Christian Icking ([email protected]) for the german translation of keywords

Arnaud Giersch ([email protected]) for his suggestions and corrections on SetKwComments

and the many users as Jean-Baptiste Rouquier ([email protected]) for their remarks
1 Introduction
Algorithm2e is an environment for writing algorithms in L
X2e. An algorithm is dened as a
oating object like gures. It provides macros that allow you to create dierent sorts of key words,
thus a set of predened key words is given. You can also change the typography of the keywords.
You can subscribe to algorithm2e-announce mailing list to receive announcements about
revisions of the package and to algorithm2e-discussion to discuss, send comments, ask questions
about the package. In order to subscribe to the mailing lists you have to send an email to
[email protected] with subscribe algorithm2e-announce Firstname Name or
subscribe algorithm2e-discussion Firstname Name in the body of the message.
2 How to use it: abstract
You must set \usepackage[options ]{algorithm2e} before \begin{document} command. The
available options are described in section 5.
The optional arguments [Hhtbp] works like those of gure environment. The H argument
forces the algorithm to stay in place. If used, an algorithm is no more a oating object. Caution:
algorithms cannot be cut, so if there is not enough place to put an algorithm with H option at a
given spot, L
X will place a blank and put the algorithm on the following page.
Here is a quick example
\KwData{this text}
\KwResult{how to write algorithm with \LaTeX2e }
\While{not at end of this document}{
read current\;
go to next section\;
current section becomes this one\;
go back to the beginning of current section\;
\caption{How to write algorithms}
which gives
Data: this text
Result: how to write algorithm with L
while not at end of this document do
read current section;
if understand then
go to next section;
current section becomes this one;
go back to the beginning of current section;
Algorithm 1: How to write algorithms
For longer and more complexe examples see Section 8
Very Important : each line MUST end with \; only those with a macro beginning a block
should not end with \;. Note then that you can always use the \; command in math mode to set
a small space.
The caption works as in a gure environment and is used by \listofalgorithms as a reference
name for the list of algorithms. You can also use the title macro given with the package, but this
macro doesnt insert an entry in the list of algorithms.
There are six text types in an algorithm environment:
1. The keywords (Kw): Macros which usually indicate words of the language. Some are
predened and given with the algorithm package.
The user can dene his own language keywords by using the dierent macros presented in
section 7.1 (see below for a short, non exhaustive list). He can also dene simple keywords
with the \SetKw{Kw}{thetext} macro.
2. The Functions: (Func) Macros dened by the user which denote local functions or other
algorithms dened in the text.
They are dened using \SetKwFunction{KwFn}{Fn} where \KwFn will be the macro and Fn
the text printed.
3. The Arguments (Arg): The arguments of the Kw or Func macros.
4. The procedure and function name environment style (ProcNameSty): The type style of
the caption of procedure and function environment.
5. The arguments of procedure and function environments style (ProcArgSty): the type style
of the argument of procedure and function environments.
6. Data (Data): A type of text dierent from the default. You can use it as you want, and can
be useful for example to emphasize a Data structure or denotes some important variables.
They are dened with the help of the \SetKwData{KwDat}{data} macro, where \KwDat will
be the macro and data the text printed.
7. The text (the default): All the remaining text of the algorithm.
Note that if you dene macros outside the algorithm environment they are available in all the
document and, in particular, you can use them inside all algorithms without redening them. Be
careful you cant use macros beginning a block outside an algorithm environment.
Here are some language keywords predened in the package
\KwData{input}, \KwResult{output}, \KwIn{input}, \KwOut{output}
\KwTo, \KwRet{[value]}
\Begin{block inside}
\eIf{condition}{then block}{else block}, \If{condition}{then block}
\Switch{condition}{Switch block}, \Case{a case}{case block}, \Other{otherwise block}
\For{condition}{text loop}
\While{condition}{text loop}
\Repeat{end condition}{text loop}
See Section 7 for a complete list of all predened macros such as \uIf, ...
3 Compatibility issues with other packages
At this time, release 3.9has no known compatibility problem with other packages. Neverthe-
less, when use with some packages, you need to specify some particular options, either from
algorithm2e package or from the other packages.
hyperref if you want to compile in L
X, you have to use it with naturalnames option. You
dont need to specify it if you compile with pdflatex.
4 Environments dened in the package
This package provides 4 environments :
algorithm : the main environment, the one you will used most of the time.
algorithm* : same as the precedent, but used in a two columns text, puts the algorithm across
the two columns.
procedure : This environment works like algorithm environment but:
the ruled (or algoruled) style is recommended.
the caption now writes Procedure name...
the syntax of the \caption command is restricted as follow: you MUST put a name
followed by 2 braces like this Name(). You can put arguments inside the braces and
text after. If no argument is given, the braces will be removed in the title.
label now puts the name (the text before the braces in the caption) of the procedure
or function as reference (not the number like a classic algorithm environment).
procedure* : same as the precedent, but used in a two columns text outs the procedure across
the two columns.
function : as the precedent but with Function instead of procedure in the title.
function* : same as the precedent, but used in a two columns text outs the function across the
two columns.
5 The options of the package
algo2e: changes the name of environment algorithm into algorithm2e and so allows to use the
package with some journal style which already dene an algorithm environment. Changes
also the command name for the list of algorithms, it becomes \listofalgorithmes
slide: require package color. Hack for slide class in order to have correct margins.
english: the default.
french: to have for example algorithme : instead of algorithm:.
german: to have for example Prozedur : instead of procedure:.
portugues: to have for example Algoritmo: instead of algorithm:.
czech: to have for example Algoritmus: instead of algorithm:.
gure: algorithms are put in classical gures and so are numbered as gures and putted in the
algopart: algorithms are numbered within part numbers.
algochapter: algorithms are numbered within chapter numbers.
algosection: (default) algorithms are numbered within section numbers.
boxed: to have algorithms enclosed in a box.
boxruled: to have algorithms enclosed in a box and caption above and boxed to.
ruled: to have algorithms with a line at the top and the bottom. Note that the caption is not
centered under the algorithm anymore but is set at the beginning of the algorithm.
algoruled: as above but with extra spaces after the rules.
plain: the default, with no feature.
lined: \SetLine becomes the default, see section 6.2 for explanations about the \SetLine macros.
vlined: \SetVline becomes the default, see section 6.2 for explanations about the \SetVline
noline: \SetNoline becomes the default, see section 6.2 for explanations about the \SetNoline
linesnumbered: lines of the algorithms are numbered except for comments and input/output
(KwInput and KwInOut). You must use \nllabel{label} to label thoses lines.
linesnumberedhidden: lines of the algorithms are numbered as linesnumbered but numbers are
not shown. \showln and \showlnlabel{label} show the number on line they are put.
commentsnumbered: makes comments be numbered if numbering is active.
inoutnumbered: makes data input/output be numbered if numbering is active.
titlenumbered: \Titleofalgo{title} prints Algorithm n: thetitle where n is the counter of the
Beware: \Titleofalgo dont insert an entry in the list of algorithms. So do not use
\Titleofalgo with a caption. Both increment the counter of the algorithms.
titlenotnumbered (default) the macro \Titleofalgo{title} doesnt number the algorithm.
resetcount the line numbers are reset to 0 at the beginning of each algorithm (by default).
noresetcount the contreverse of the precedent. To reset the line counter to 0 do:
algonl the line numbers will be prexed with the number of the current algorithm. Take care
to set the caption of the algorithm at the beginning of the environnement, else you will have
the precedent algorithm number as the current one.
longend the end keyword are longer and dierent for each macro. For example endif for a
if-then-else macro.
shortend the end keyword of the macros is just end (default).
noend the end keyword of the macros is not printed.
dotocloa adds an entry in the toc for the list of algorithms. This option loads package tocbibind
if not already done and so list of gures and list of tables are also added in the toc. If you want
to control which ones of the lists will be added in the toc, please load package tocbibind
before package algorithm and give it the options you want.
scright (default) right justied side comments (side comments are ushed to the righr)
scleft left justied side comments (side comments are put right after the code line)
llcomment (default) end mark of comment is ushed to the right so comments ll all the width
of text
nollcomment end mark of comment is put right after the comment
6 The macros provided with the package
6.1 Typesetting macros
\; marks the end of a line. Dont forget it !. By default, it prints a ;. You can change this
with \dontprintsemicolon.
\Titleofalgo{thetitle} prints: Algorithm n

: thetitle in the typography and size dened by

\SetTitleSty. Puts a vertical space below.
Beware: \Titleofalgo doesnt insert an entry in the list of algorithms. So dont use
\Titleofalgo with \caption. Both increment the counter of the algorithms.
note:with the french option prints Algorithme n

\listofalgorithms inserts the list of all algorithms having a caption.
\BlankLine prints a blank line. In fact puts a vertical space of one ex.
\Indp indents plus the text is shifted to the right.
\Indm indents minus the text is shifted to the left.
\nllabel{label} macro for labelling lines when auto-numbering is active.
\nl numbers the line: must begin the line.
\lnl{label} numbers and labels the line : must begin the line. So you can refer to the number
of the line by the following command: \ref{label}
\nlset{} and \lnlset{}{} work as \nl and \lnl{} except that the additional argument is the
number (text) to put at the begin of the line.
\showln shows number of the line when linesnumberedhidden is activated.
\showln{label} same as precedent but with a label.
\KwSty{<text>} set <text> in keyword type style.
\FuncSty{<text>} set <text> in function type style.
\ArgSty{<text>} set <text> in argument type style.
\DataSty{<text>} sets <text> in data typography.
\CommentSty{<text>} sets <text> in comment typography.
\AlFnt is used at the beginning of the body of algorithm in order to dene the fonts used for
typesetting algorithms. You can use it elsewhere you want to typeset text as algorithm
For example you can do \SetAlFnt{\small\sf} to have algorithms typeset in small sf font.
Default is nothing so algorithm is typeset as the text of the document.
\AlCapFnt is used at the beginning of the caption in order to dene the fonts used for typesetting
algorithms. You can use it elsewhere you want to typeset text as algorithm
For example you can do \SetAlCapFnt{\large\em} to have cpation typeset in large em
font. Default is nothing so caption is typeset as the text of the document.
\AlTitleFnt{<text>} is used to typeset {Algorithm: } in the caption. You can use it to have
text typeset as {Algorithm:} of captions. Default is textbf.
Default can be redened by \SetAlTitleFnt{font}.
6.2 Restyling macros
\restylealgo{style} change the layout of the algorithms as do options boxed, boxruled, ruled
and algoruled.
\linesnumbered makes lines of the following algorithms be auto-numbered.
\linesnumberedhidden makes lines of the following algorithms be auto-numbered, but numbers
stay hidden. You have to use \showln and \showlnlabel to see them.
\linesnotnumbered makes lines of the following algorithms no be auto-numbered.
\SetAlgoSkip{skip command} Algorithms puts extra vertical space before and after to avoid
having text bumping lines of boxed or ruled algorithms. By default, this is a . You can
change this value with this macro. The four possibilities are:
\SetAlgoSkip{}] for no extra vertical skip
\SetAlgoSkip{smallskip}] to act as the default behaviour
\SetAlgoSkip{medskip}] to have a bigger skip
\SetAlgoSkip{bigskip}] to have the bigger skip
Note that you can apply the skip you want by dening a macro doing it and passing its
name (without \) to \SetAlgoSkip
\SetAlgoInsideSkip{skip command} Algorithms puts no extra vertical space before and after
the core of the algorithm. So text is put right after the lines in boxed or ruled style. To put an
extra space, use \SetAlgoInsideSkip{skip command}, for example \SetAlgoInsideSkip{smallskip},
like for \SetAlgoSkip{skip command}.
\AlCapSkip is the dimension of the distance between algorithm body and caption in plain and
boxed mode. You can change by hands or by using \setalcapskip{0ex}.
\setalcapskip{length} set the lenght of \AlCapSkip) dimension between algorithm body and
\setalcaphskip{length} set the horizontal skip before Algorithm: in caption when used in ruled
\dontprintsemicolon the ; are no more printed at the end of each line.
\printsemicolon prints a ; at the end of each line (by default)
\SetVline prints a vertical line followed by a little horizontal line between the start and the end
of each block. Looks like that :
\SetNoline Doesnt print vertical lines (by default). The block is marked with keywords such as
begin, end.
\SetLine prints vertical lines between bloc start-end keywords as begin, end.
\SetKwSty{<font>} sets the Kw typography to <font> (by default: textbf ).
\SetFuncSty{<font>} sets the function typography (by default: texttt).
\SetArgSty{<font>} sets the argument typography (by default: emph).
\SetProcNameSty{<font>} sets caption typography of procedure and function environment (by
default the same as \FuncSty{)}.
\SetProcArgSty{<font>} sets argument typography of procedure and function environment (by
default the same as \ArgSty{)}.
\SetDataSty{<font>} sets the data typography (by default: textsf ).
\SetCommentSty{<font>} sets the comment text typography (by default: texttt).
\SetAlFnt{<font>} sets the font used by algorithm text.
\SetAlCapFnt{<font>} sets the font used by caption text.
\SetAlTitleFnt{<font>} sets the font used for {algorithm: } in caption or tile of algorithm
(default is set to textbf).
\Setnlsty{<font>}{<txt before>}{<txt after>} denes how to print line numbers:
will print {<font> <txt bef> thelinenumber <txt aft>}.
By default \Setnlsty{textbf}{}{}.
\SetTitleSty{type style}{type size} sets the typography and size of the titles dened with
the macro \Titleofalgo{} (not with \caption).
\nocaptionofalgo doesnt print Algorithm and its number in the caption. This macros is ONLY
active for algoruled or ruled algorithms and for the next algorithm. For example, it is
useful when the algorithm just describes a function and you only want to display the name
of the function in the caption.
\restorecaptionofalgo restores correct captions that was corrupted by a \nocaptionofalgo
\restylealgo{style} sets the style of the following algorithms to that given by this macro (plain,
boxed, ruled, algoruled) unlike those indicated in the options of the package (see options of
the package).
\SetInd{before rule space}{after rule space} sets the size of the space before the vertical
rule and after. In \NoLine mode the indentation space is the sum of these two values, by
default 0.5em and 1em
\Setvlineskip{length} sets the value of the vertical space after the little horizontal line which
closes a block in vlined mode.
\Setnlskip{length} sets the value of the space between the line numbers and the text, by default
\algomargin this is the value of the margin of all algorithms. You can change it by setting:
\setlength{\algomargin}{2em} for example. The default value is the sum of the two
dimensions \leftskip and \parindent when the algorithm2e package is loaded. Note that
if you change this value, it will take eect with the next algorithm environment. So even if
you change it inside an algorithm environment, it will not aect the current algorithm.
\incmargin{length} increases the size of the \algomargin by the length given in argument.
\decmargin{length} decreases the size of the \algomargin by the length given in argument.
\decmargin{length} decreases the size of the \algomargin by the length given in argument.
\SetSideCommentLeft equivalent to scleft option.
\SetSideCommentRight equivalent to scright option.
\SetFillComment equivalent to llcomment option.
\SetNoFillComment equivalent to nollcomment option.
7 The predened language keywords
Here are the english keywords predened in the package. There are other language predened
macros provided, such as french keywords, see section 9 for a list of other language keywords. All
these keywords are dened using macros provided by the package and described in section 7.1.
1. Input, output macros...
2. One simple common keyword:
3. One keyword requiring an argument:
4. A block:
\Begin{block inside}
\Begin(begin comment){block inside}
\tcc{line(s) of comment}: comment la C
\tcc*{right justied side comment}: comment la C
\tcc*[r]{right justied side comment}: comment la C
\tcc*[l]{left justied side comment}: comment la C
\tcc*[h]{left justied comment to be put in place}: comment la C
\tcc*[f]{right justied comment to be put in place}: comment la C
\tcp{line(s) of comment}: comment la C++
\tcp*{right justied side comment}: comment la C++
\tcp*[r]{right justied side comment}: comment la C++
\tcp*[l]{left justied side comment}: comment la C++
\tcp*[h]{left justied comment to be put in place}: comment la C++
\tcp*[f]{right justied comment to be put in place}: comment la C++
6. if-then-else macros:
\If{condition}{then block}
\If(then comment){condition}{then block}
\uIf{condition}{then block without end}
\uIf(then comment){condition}{then block without end}
\lIf{condition}{thens line text}
\lIf(if comment){condition}{thens line text}
\ElseIf{elseif block}
\ElseIf(elseif comment){elseif block}
\uElseIf{elseif block without end}
\uElseIf(elseif comment){elseif block without end}
\lElseIf{elseifs line text}
\lElseIf(elseif comment){elseifs line text}
\Else{else block}
\Else(else comment){else block}
\uElse{else block without end}
\uElse(else comment){else block without end}
\lElse{elses line text}
\lElse(else comment){elses line text}
\eIf{condition}{then block}{else block}
\eIf(then comment){condition}{then block}(else comment){else block}
\eIf(then comment){condition}{then block}{else block}
\eIf{condition}{then block}(else comment){else block}
7. multiple condition selection:
\Switch(switch comment){condition}{Switch block}
\Switch{condition}{Switch block}
\Case{a case}{case block}
\Case(case comment){a case}{case block}
\uCase{a case}{case block without end}
\uCase(case comment){a case}{case block without end}
\lCase{a case}{cases line}
\lCase(case comment){a case}{cases line}
\Other{otherwise block}
\Other(other comment){otherwise block}
\lOther{otherwises line}
\lOther(other comment){otherwises line}
8. loops with end condition test at the beginning:
\For{condition}{text loop}
\For(for comment){condition}{text loop}
\lFor{condition}{line text loop}
\lFor(for comment){condition}{line text loop}
\While{condition}{text loop}
\While(while comment){condition}{text loop}
\lWhile{condition}{line text loop}
\lWhile(while comment){condition}{line text loop}
\ForEach{condition}{text loop}
\ForEach(foreach comment){condition}{text loop}
\lForEach{condition}{line text loop}
\lForEach(foreach comment){condition}{line text loop}
\ForAll{condition}{text loop}
\ForAll(forall comment){condition}{text loop}
\lForAll{condition}{line text loop}
\lForAll(forall comment){condition}{line text loop}
9. loops with end condition test at the end:
\Repeat{end condition}{text loop}
\Repeat(repeat comment){end condition}{text loop}(until comment)
\Repeat(repeat comment){end condition}{text loop}
\Repeat{end condition}{text loop}(until comment)
\lRepeat{end condition}{line text loop}
\lRepeat(repeat comment){end condition}{line text loop}
Here we describe how they are obtained:
1. \SetKwInput{KwData}{Data}
2. \SetKw{KwTo}{to}
3. \SetKw{KwRet}{return}
4. \SetKwBlock{Begin}{begin}{end}
5. \SetKwComment{tcc}{/*}{*/}
6. \SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{endif}
7. \SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{endsw}
8. \SetKwFor{For}{for}{do}{endfor}
9. \SetKwRepeat{Repeat}{repeat}{until}
7.1 To dene your own language keywords
Note that all these macros verify if the keywords are already dened and do a renewcommand if
they are. So you can overload the default denitions of this package with your own.
\SetKw{Kw}{thetext} denes the macro \Kw which denes a keyword thetext and prints it in
keyword typography. It can take one argument: backslashKw{arg}. If so, arg is printed in
argument typography.
\SetKwData{Kw}{thetext} denes the macro \Kw{w}hich denes a data text. Prints thetext in
data typography. Note that this macros can takes one argument as function macros.
\SetKwInput{Kw}{input} denes the macro \Kw{arg} which prints input followed by : in key
word typography, and behind the argument arg. Typically used to dene macros such as
\Input{data} or \Output{result}. Note that arg will be shifted so that all the text is
vertically aligned and to the right of the :.
\SetKwInOut{Kw}{input} works as \SetKwInput{Kw}{input}. But the position of the : is xed
and set by the longest keyword dened by this macro.
\ResetInOut{input} resets the position of the : for all macros dened previously by
\SetKwInOut{Kw}{input}. The new position is xed depending on the size of the text
input given in argument.
\SetKwInParam{Kw}{text1}{text2} denes the macro \Kw{name}{arg} which prints name fol-
lowed by text1 in key word typography, behind the argument arg, followed by text2 in
key word typography. Typically used when the algorithm described a function in order to
dene a macro which allows to give the name of the function and to show its arguments.
Note that arg will be shifted so that all the text is vertically aligned and to the right of text1.
Example \SetKwInParam{Func}{(}{)} denes macro \Func and \Func{function}{arg1, arg2,
arg3} gives function(arg1, arg2, arg3).
\SetKwFunction{KwFn}{Fn} denes a macro \KwFn{arg} which prints Fn in Function typography
and its argument arg in argument typography, surrounded by a pair of parentheses.
\SetKwFunction{Dothat}{Do that} denes the macro \DoThat{this}, which is equivalent
to \FuncSty{Do that(}\ArgSty{this}\FuncSty{)} which gives: Do that(this).
Note that you can also use it without arguments, it will be printed without (), example:
\SetKwFunction{Fn}{TheFunction} use as \Fn gives TheFunction.
Keywords (with or without arguments) and functions dened previously in normal text (not
in an algorithm environment) can be used outside an algorithm environment. You can use it
by typing \DoThat{toto} (for a function dened by \SetKwFunction{Dothat}{Do that}),
you will obtain Do That(toto).
\SetKwBlock{Begin}{begin}{end} denes a macro \Begin{txt} which denotes a block. The
text is surrounded by the words begin and end in keyword typography and shifted to the
right (indented). In \Vline or \Line mode a straight vertical line is added.
\Begin(side text){text} gives also text in a block surrounded by begin and end, but side
text if put after the begin keyword. Combined with \tcc*[f] macro, it allows you to put
comments on the same line as begin.
\SetKwComment{Comment}{start}{end} denes a macr \Comment{text comment} which writes
text comment between start and end. Note that start or end can be empty.
It denes also \Comment*{side comment text} macro which allows to put comment on the
same line as the code. This macro can take various option to control its behaviour:
\Comment*[r]{side comment text} put the end of line mark (; by default) and side com-
ment text just after and right justied, then end the line. It is the default.
\Comment*[l]{side comment text} same thing but side comment text is left justied.
\Comment*[h]{side comment text} put side comment right after the text. No end of line
mark is put, and line is not terminated (is up to you to put \; to end the line).
\Comment*[f]{side comment text} same as the previous one but with side comment text
right justied.
\SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{endif} denes several macros to give
the opportunity to write all if-then-else-elseif-endif possibilities:
\If{cond}{Thens text}
Thens text is writen in a block (below then and on several lines) and terminating by
the endif given in the last argument.
\ElseIf{ElseIfs text}
ElseIfs text is writen in a block and terminating by the endif.
\Else{Elses text}
Elses text is writen in a block and terminating by the endif.
\lIf{cond}{Thens text}
Thens text is written on the same line as then. No endif is printed.
\lElseIf{ElseIfs text}
ElseIfs text is written on the same line as else if. No endif is printed.
\lElse{Elses text}
Elses text is written on the same line as else. No endif is printed.
\uIf{cond}{Thens text} (for uncomplete if)
denes a If block unterminated like in a \eIf block, i.e. dont print the endif or dont
put the little horizontal line in Vline mode (see examples below).
\uElseIf{ElseIfs text} (for uncomplete elseif)
Same explanation as for \uIf but with else if.
\uElse{Elses text} (for uncomplete else)
Same explanation as for \uElseIf but with else.
\eIf{cond}{Thens text}{Elses text}
equivalent to the use of \uIf followed by \Else.
The macros which begin with a l (l as line) denote that the text passed in argument will
be printed on the same line while with the others the text is printed in a block and shifted.
You should put \; at the end of l macros.
The macros which begin with a u (u as uncomplete) denote that the text passed in argu-
ment will be printed in a block not terminated by endif. They are useful to chain dierent
The keywords then and else are automatically printed. cond is always printed in argument
typography just behind the keyword if.
All this macros can be combined with () and \Comment* macros to put comments after main
keywords as If, Else or ElseIf (see list of predened keywords above and example below).
Some examples with \SetKwIF{If}{ElseIf}{Else}{if}{then}{else if}{else}{endif}
the default denition given in the package:
a line\;
a line\;
another line\;
another line\;
if cond1 then
a line;
a line;
another line;
another line;

second if\;
second if\;
if cond2 then
second if;
second if;

\lIf{cond4}{ok} \lElse{wrong}\; = if cond4 then ok else wrong;

\lIf{cond5}{cond5 true}\;
cond 5 false\;
but cond51 true\;
all is wrong\;
\Return result52\;
if cond5 then cond5 true;
else if cond51 then
cond 5 false;
but cond51 true;
else if then
all is wrong;
return result52;

cond6 is ok\;
always ok\;
choose result62\;
\Return result62\;
all is wrong\;
do something else\;
if cond6 then
cond6 is ok;
always ok;
else if cond62 then
choose result62;
return result62;
all is wrong;
do something else;

Lets have a look at what we can do
with if-then-else and side comments\;
\eIf{if-then-else test}{
no comment here\;
neither in then\;
nor in else\;
\eIf(\tcc*[f]{then comment}){test}{
then with a comment\;
}(\tcc*[f]{comment in else})
here we are in else\;
\eIf(\tcc*[f]{then comment}){test}{
again a comment in then\;
but not in else\;
\eIf{if-then-else test}{
this time, no comment in then\;
}(\tcc*[f]{else comment})
but one comment in else\;
Lets try with other if possibilities\;
\lIf(\tcc*[h]{lif comment}){test}{text}
\uIf(\tcc*[f]{uif comment}){test}{
then text\;
elseif text\;
Lets have a look at what we can do
with if-then-else and side comments;
if if-then-else test then
no comment here;
neither in then;
nor in else;
if test then /* then comment */
then with a comment;
else /* comment in else */
here we are in else;
if test then /* then comment */
again a comment in then;
but not in else;
if if-then-else test then
this time, no comment in then;
else /* else comment */
but one comment in else;
Lets try with other if possibilities;
if test then text; /* lif comment */
if test then /* uif comment */
then text;
else if test then /* comment */
elseif text;
else if test then text; /* comment */
else text; /* comment */
\SetKwSwitch{Switch}{Case}{Other}{switch}{do}{case}{otherwise}{endsw} denes several
macros to give a complete Switch-do-case-otherwise environment:
\Switch{iden}{switchs block}
\Case{cond}{Cases text}
\uCase{cond}{Cases text}
\lCase{cond}{Cases text}
\Other{Otherwises text}
\lOther{Otherwises text}
The keywords do and endsw are automatically printed. iden and cond are always printed
in argument typography just behind the keywords Switch, Case and Otherwise. Here is an
example with the default keywords:
\Switch{the value of T}{
\uCase{a value}{
do this\;
do that\;
\lCase{another value}{one line}\;
\Case{last value}{
do this\;
for the other values\;
do that\;
switch the value of T do
case a value
do this;
do that;
case another value one line;
case last value
do this;
for the other values;
do that;
As for If-then-elseif-else-endif macro, you can use () to put comments after main keywords.
\SetKwFor{For}{for}{do}{endfor} denes a loop environment with stop-test done at the be-
ginning of the loop.
\For{loops condition}{Fors text}
\lFor{loops condition}{Fors text}
The keywords do and endfor are automatically printed. The loop condition is printed in
argument typography. For example:
\ForAll{elements of $S_1$}{
remove an element e from $S_1$\;
put e in the set $S_2$\;
\lFor{i=1 \emph{\KwTo}max}{mark i}\;
\ForEach{$e$ in the set}{
put $e$ in ${\cal E}$\;
mark $e$\;
forall elements of S
remove an element e from S
put e in the set S
for i=1 to max do mark i;
foreach e in the set do
put e in E;
mark e;
As for If-then-elseif-else-endif macro, you can use () to put comments after main keywords.
\SetKwRepeat{Repeat}{repeat}{until} denes a repeat-until environment (loop with stop-test
at the end of the loop):
\Repeat{end loop condition}{the loop}
\lRepeat{end loop condition}{only one line}
It prints the loop condition behind the until after the text of the loop.For example:
\Repeat{this stop condition}{
the text of the loop\;
another line\;
always in the loop\;
\lRepeat{stop}{a one line loop}
the text of the loop;
another line;
always in the loop;
until this stop condition ;
repeat a one line loop until stop
As for If-then-elseif-else-endif macro, you can use () to put comments after main keywords.
8 Two complete examples
The algorithms 2 and 3 are written with this package.
8.1 Algorithm 2 : disjoint decomposition
Here we suppose that we have done:
The algorithm was written in L
X2e code as follow:
\caption{disjoint decomposition}
\Input{A bitmap $Im$ of size $w\times l$}
\Output{A partition of the bitmap}
\emph{special treatment of the first line}\;
\For{$i\leftarrow 2$ \KwTo $l$}{
\emph{special treatment of the first element of line $i$}\;
\For{$j\leftarrow 2$ \KwTo $w$}{\nllabel{forins}
\Left$\leftarrow$ \FindCompress{$Im[i,j-1]$}\;
\Up$\leftarrow$ \FindCompress{$Im[i-1,]$}\;
\This$\leftarrow$ \FindCompress{$Im[i,j]$}\;
\If{\Left compatible with \This}{
\lIf{\Left $<$ \This}{\Union{\Left,\This}}\;
\If{\Up compatible with \This}{
\lIf{\Up $<$ \This}{\Union{\Up,\This}}\;
\lForEach{element $e$ of the line $i$}{\FindCompress{p}}
which gives the algorithme 2 on the following page where line 4 denotes the second For:
input : a bitmap im of size w l.
output: A partition of the bitmap.
special treatment of the rst line; 1
for i 2 to l do 2
special treatment of the rst element of line i; 3
for j 2 to w do 4
left FindCompress(Im[i, j 1]); 5
up FindCompress(Im[i 1, ]); 6
this FindCompress(Im[i, j]); 7
if left compatible with this then 8
if left < this then Union(left,this); 9
else Union(this,left) 10
end 11
if up compatible with this then 12
if up < this then Union(up,this); 13
else Union(this,up) 14
end 15
end 16
foreach element e of the line i do FindCompress(p) 17
end 18
Algorithm 2: disjoint decomposition
8.2 Algorithm 3 : IntervalRestriction
Here we suppose we that have done:
and the L
X2e code is:
\KwData{$G=(X,U)$ such that $G^{tc}$ is an order.}
\KwResult{$G=(X,V)$ with $V\subseteq U$ such that $G^{tc}$ is an
interval order.}
$V \longleftarrow U$\;
$S \longleftarrow \emptyset$\;
\For{$x\in X$}{
$NbSuccInS(x) \longleftarrow 0$\;
$NbPredInMin(x) \longleftarrow 0$\;
$NbPredNotInMin(x) \longleftarrow |ImPred(x)|$\;
\For{$x \in X$}{
\If{$NbPredInMin(x) = 0$ {\bf and} $NbPredNotInMin(x) = 0$}{
\lnl{InRes1}\While{$S \neq \emptyset$}{
remove $x$ from the list of $T$ of maximal index\;
\lnl{InRes2}\While{$|S \cap ImSucc(x)| \neq |S|$}{
\For{$ y \in S-ImSucc(x)$}{
\{ remove from $V$ all the arcs $zy$ : \}\;
\For{$z \in ImPred(y) \cap Min$}{
remove the arc $zy$ from $V$\;
$NbSuccInS(z) \longleftarrow NbSuccInS(z) - 1$\;
move $z$ in $T$ to the list preceding its present list\;
\{i.e. If $z \in T[k]$, move $z$ from $T[k]$ to
$NbPredInMin(y) \longleftarrow 0$\;
$NbPredNotInMin(y) \longleftarrow 0$\;
$S \longleftarrow S - \{y\}$\;
which give us the algorithm 3 on the next page with line 1 and line REM.
Algorithm 3: IntervalRestriction
Data: G = (X, U) such that G
is an order.
Result: G

= (X, V ) with V U such that G

is an interval order.
for x X do
NbSuccInS(x) 0
NbPredInMin(x) 0
NbPredNotInMin(x) |ImPred(x)|
for x X do
if NbPredInMin(x) = 0 and NbPredNotInMin(x) = 0 then
while S = do 1
REM remove x from the list of T of maximal index
while |S ImSucc(x)| = |S| do 2
for y S ImSucc(x) do
{ remove from V all the arcs zy : }
for z ImPred(y) Min do
remove the arc zy from V
NbSuccInS(z) NbSuccInS(z) 1
move z in T to the list preceding its present list
{i.e. If z T[k], move z from T[k] to T[k 1]}
NbPredInMin(y) 0
NbPredNotInMin(y) 0
S S {y}
9 Other language predened keywords
9.1 french keywords
Hey, I am a frenchy , so I have dened the same as in section 7 but in french.
1. \Donnees{donnees}
2. \KwA
3. \Deb{interieur du bloc}
4. \eSi{condition}{bloc du alors}{bloc du sinon}
\Si{condition}{bloc du alors}
\uSi{condition}{bloc du alors sans n}
\lSi{condition}{ligne du alors}
\SinonSi{condition}{bloc du sinonsi}
\uSinonSi{condition}{bloc du sinonsi sans n}
\lSinonSi{condition}{ligne du sinonsi sans n}
\Sinon{bloc du sinon}
\uSinon{bloc du sinon sans n}
\lSinon{ligne du sinon}
5. \Suivant{condition}{bloc du Suivant-cas-alors} \uCas{cas o` u}{bloc de ce cas sans n}
\Cas{cas o` u}{bloc de ce cas}
\lCas{cas o` u}{ligne de ce cas}
\Autre{bloc de lalternative}
\lAutre{ligne de lalternative}
6. \Pour{condition}{bloc de la boucle}
\lPour{condition}{ligne de la boucle}
7. \Tq{condition}{bloc de la boucle}
\lTq{condition}{ligne de la boucle}
8. \PourCh{condition}{bloc de la boucle}
\lPourCh{condition}{ligne de la boucle}
9. \PourTous{condition}{bloc de la boucle}
\lPourTous{condition}{ligne de la boucle}
10. \Repeter{condition darret}{bloc de la boucle}
\lRepeter{condition darret}{ligne de la boucle}
Here we describe how they are obtained:
1. \SetKwInput{Donnes}{Donnees}
2. \SetKw{KwA}{`a}
3. \SetKwBlock{Deb}{debut}{fin}
4. \SetKwIF{Si}{SinonSi}{Sinon}{si}{alors}{sinon si}{alors}{finsi}
5. \SetKwSwitch{Suivant}{Cas}{Autre}{suivant}{faire}{cas o`u}{autres cas}{fin dalternative}
6. \SetKwFor{Pour}{pour}{faire}{finpour}
7. \SetKwFor{Tq}{tant que}{faire}{fintq}
8. \SetKwFor{PourCh}{pour chaque}{faire}{finprch}
9. \SetKwFor{PourTous}{pour tous}{faire}{finprts}
10. \SetKwRepeat{Repeter}{repeter}{jusqu`a}
9.2 German keywords
\KwZurueck{zur uck}
\Zurueck{zur uck}
\Wiederh{stop condition}{loop}
\lWiederh{stop condition}{line loop}
\eWenn{condition}{then text}{else text}
\Wenn{condition}{then text}
\uWenn{condition}{then text without end}
\lWenn{condition}{then line}
\SonstWenn{condition}{elseif text}
\uSonstWenn{condition}{elseif text without end}
\lSonstWenn{condition}{elseif line}
\Sonst{else text}
\uSonst{else text without end}
\lSonst{else line}
\Unterscheide{conditions}switch-case-default text\Fall{case of}{text}
\uFall{case of}{text}
\lFall{case of}{line text}
\Anderes{default text}
\lAnderes{default line}
\lFuer{condition}{line loop}
Here we describe how they are obtained:
\SetKwIF{Wenn}{SonstWenn}{Sonst}{wenn}{dann}{sonst wenn}{sonst}{Ende}
\SetKwFor{FuerPar}{fur}{tue gleichzeitig}{Ende}
\SetKwFor{FuerJedes}{fur jedes}{tue}{Ende}
\SetKwFor{FuerAlle}{fur alle}{tue}{Ende}
9.3 Portuguese keywords
\Iniciob{inside block}
\eSe{condition}{then block}{else block}
\Se{condition}{then block}
\uSe{condition}{then block without end}
\lSe{condition}{thens line text}
\Senao{else block}
\uSenao{else block without else}
\lSenao{elses line text}
\SenaoSe{condition}{elseif block}
\uSenaoSe{condition}{elseif block without end}
\lSenaoSe{condition}{elseifs line text}
\Selec{condition}{Switch block}
\Caso{a case}{case block}
\uCaso{a case}{case block without end}
\lCaso{a case}{cases line}
\Outro{otherwise block}
\lOutro{otherwises line}
\ParaPar{condition}{text loop}
\lParaPar{condition}{line text loop}
\ParaCada{condition}{text loop}
\lParaCada{condition}{line text loop}
\ParaTodo{condition}{text loop}
\lParaTodo{condition}{line text loop}
\Enqto{stop condition}{text loop}
\lEnqto{stop condition}{text loop}
\Repita{stop condition}{text loop}
\lRepita{stop condition}{line of the loop}
Here we describe how they are obtained:
1. \SetKwInput{Entrada}{Entrada}
2. \SetKw{Ate}{ate} \SetKw{KwRetorna}{retorna}
3. \SetKwBlock{Inicio}{incio}{fim}
4. \SetKwIF{Se}{SenaoSe}{Senao}{se}{ent~ao}{sen~ao se}{sen~ao}{fim se}
5. \SetKwSwitch{Selec}{Caso}{Outro}{selecione}{faca}{caso}{sen~ao}{fim selec}
6. \SetKwFor{Para}{para}{faca}{fim para}
7. \SetKwFor{ParaPar}{para}{faca em paralelo}{fim para}
8. \SetKwFor{ParaCada}{para cada}{faca}{fim para cada}
9. \SetKwFor{ParaTodo}{para todo}{faca}{fim para todo}
10. \SetKwFor{Enqto}{enquanto}{faca}{fim enqto}
11. \SetKwRepeat{Repita}{repita}{ate}
9.4 Some Czech keywords
Here are some czech keywords, please feel free to send me the others.
How they are obtained:
1. \SetKwInput{Vst}Vstup
2. \SetKwInput{Vyst}V ystup
3. \SetKwInput{Vysl}V ysledek
10 Known bugs
no more known bugs actually; if you nd one, please sent it to me.
List of Algorithms
1 How to write algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 disjoint decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3 IntervalRestriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
\;, 3, 6, 13
\AlCapFnt, 7
\AlCapSkip, 7, 7
\AlFnt, 7
\algomargin, 8, 8, 9
algonl, 5
algoruled, 5, 8
\AlTitleFnt, 7
\Anderes, 23
\ArgSty, 6, 8, 12
\ate, 24
\Aus, 22
\Autre, 21
\Begin, 3, 9, 12
\Beginn, 22
\Bis, 22
\BlankLine, 6
boxed, 5, 8
boxruled, 5
\caption, 6
\Cas, 21
\Case, 3, 10, 15
\Caso, 24
\Comment, 12
\Comment*, 12, 13
commentsnumbered, 5
\CommentSty, 6
french, 4
\DataSty, 6
\Daten, 22
\Deb, 21
\decmargin, 9
\Donnees, 21
\dontprintsemicolon, 6, 7
\DoThat, 12
dotocloa, 6
\eIf, 3, 10, 13
\Ein, 22
\Else, 10, 13
\ElseIf, 10, 13
english, 4
\Enqto, 24
\Entree, 21
\Ergebnis, 22
\eSe, 24
\eSi, 21
\eWenn, 22
\Fall, 23
gure, 5
llcomment, 6, 9
\Fn, 12
\For, 3, 10, 16
\ForAll, 11
\ForEach, 11
algo2e, 4
algochapter, 5
algopart, 5
algosection, 5
french, 4, 6
slide, 4
\Fuer, 23
\FuerAlle, 23
\FuerJedes, 23
\FuerPar, 23
\FuncSty, 6, 8, 12
german, 4
\gSonstWenn, 22
\If, 3, 10, 13
\incmargin, 9
\Indm, 6
\Indp, 6
\Iniciob, 24
inoutnumbered, 5
\Input, 12
\Kw, 12
\KwA, 21
\KwDados, 24
\KwData, 3, 9
\KwEntrada, 24
\KwFn, 12
\KwIn, 3, 9
\KwOut, 3, 9
\KwResult, 3, 9
\KwResultado, 24
\KwRet, 3, 9
\KwRetorna, 24
\KwSaida, 24
\KwSty, 6
\KwTo, 3, 9
\KwZurueck, 22
\lAnderes, 23
\lAutre, 21
\lCas, 21
\lCase, 10, 15
\lCaso, 24
\leftskip, 8
\lElse, 10, 13
\lElseIf, 10, 13
\lEnqto, 24
\lFall, 23
\lFor, 11, 16
\lForAll, 11
\lForEach, 11
\lFuer, 23
\lFuerAlle, 23
\lFuerJedes, 23
\lFuerPar, 23
\lIf, 10, 13
\Line, 12
lined, ,algonl17
lined, 5
\linesnotnumbered, 7
linesnumbered, 5
\linesnumbered, 7
linesnumberedhidden, 5, 6
\linesnumberedhidden, 7
\listofalgorithmes, 4
\listofalgorithms, 3, 6
\lnl, 6, 6
\lnlset, 6
longend, 5
\lOther, 10, 15
\lOutro, 24
\lParaCada, 24
\lParaPar, 24
\lParaTodo, 24
\lPour, 21
\lPourCh, 21
\lPourTous, 21
\lRepeat, 11, 16
\lRepeter, 21
\lRepita, 24
\lSe, 24
\lSenao, 24
\lSenaoSe, 24
\lSi, 21
\lSinon, 21
\lSinonSi, 21
\lSolange, 23
\lSonst, 22
\lSonstWenn, 22
\lTq, 21
\lWenn, 22
\lWhile, 11
\lWiederh, 22
\nl, 6, 6
\nllabel, 5, 6
\nlset, 6
\nocaptionofalgo, 8, 8
noend, 6
nollcomment, 6, 9
\NoLine, 8
noline, 5
noresetcount, 5
\Other, 3, 10, 15
\Output, 12
\Outro, 24
\ParaCada, 24
\ParaPar, 24
\ParaTodo, 24
\parindent, 8
plain, 5, 8
portugues, 4
\Pour, 21
\PourCh, 21
\PourTous, 21
\printsemicolon, 7
\ref, 6
\Repeat, 3, 11, 16
\Repeter, 21
\Repita, 24
\Res, 21
resetcount, 5
\ResetInOut, 12
\restorecaptionofalgo, 8
\restylealgo, 7, 8
\Retorna, 24
\Retour, 21
\Return, 9
ruled, ,vlined19
ruled, 5, 8
scleft, 6, 9
scright, 6, 9
\Se, 24
\Selec, 24
\Senao, 24
\SetAlCapFnt, 8
\setalcaphskip, 7
\setalcapskip, 7, 7
\SetAlFnt, 8
\SetAlgoInsideSkip, 7
\SetAlgoSkip, 7
\SetAlTitleFnt, 8
\SetArgSty, 8
\SetCommentSty, 8
\SetDataSty, 8
\SetFillComment, 9
\SetFuncSty, 8
\SetInd, 8
\SetKw, 3, 11, 12, 22, 23, 25
\SetKwAll, 11
\SetKwBlock, 11, 12, 22, 23, 25
\SetKwComment, 11, 12
\SetKwData, 3, 12
\SetKwFor, 11, 16, 22, 23, 25
\SetKwFunction, 3, 12, 12
\SetKwIF, 11, 13, 22, 23, 25
\SetKwInOut, 12, 12
\SetKwInParam, 12
\SetKwInput, 11, 12, 12, 22, 23, 25
\SetKwRepeat, 11, 16, 22, 23, 25
\SetKwSty, 8
\SetKwSwitch, 11, 15, 22, 23, 25
\SetLine, 5, 8
\Setnlskip, 8
\Setnlsty, 8, 8
\SetNoFillComment, 9
\SetNoline, 5, 8
\SetProcArgSty, 8
\SetProcNameSty, 8
\SetSideCommentLeft, 9
\SetSideCommentRight, 9
\SetTitleSty, 6, 8
\SetVline, 5, 7
\Setvlineskip, 8
shortend, 5
\showln, 5, 6, 7
\showlnlabel, 5, 7
\Si, 21
\Sinon, 21
\Solange, 23
\Sonst, 22
\Sortie, 21
\Suivant, 21
\Switch, 3, 10, 15
\tcc, 9
\tcc*, 9
\tcc*[f], 9, 12
\tcc*[h], 9
\tcc*[l], 9
\tcc*[r], 9
\tcp, 9
\tcp*, 9
\tcp*[f], 10
\tcp*[h], 9
\tcp*[l], 9
\tcp*[r], 9
titlenotnumbered, 5
titlenumbered, 5
\Titleofalgo, 5, 6, 6, 8
\Tq, 21
\uCas, 21
\uCase, 10, 15
\uCaso, 24
\uElse, 10, 13
\uElseIf, 10, 13
\uFall, 23
\uIf, 10, 13
\Unterscheide, 23
\uSe, 24
\uSenao, 24
\uSenaoSe, 24
\uSi, 21
\uSinon, 21
\uSinonSi, 21
\uSonst, 22
\uSonstWenn, 22
\uWenn, 22
\Vline, 12
vlined, 5, 8
\Vst, 25
\Vysl, 25
\Vyst, 25
\Wenn, 22
\While, 3, 11
\Wiederh, 22
\Zurueck, 22

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