SWP-06 Lifting Operation Daiman

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Safe Work Practices (SWP) Lifitng Operation using Crawler / Mobile Crane Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick): Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Certificate of approval for crane contractor/ operators Lockout Procedure in place where applicable PP! requirements !mer"enc# $esponse Plan(!$P)


%he followin" &WP shall be followed for all personnel e'posed to ha(ards in the course of liftin" operations and maintenance/ servicin" of liftin" equipment) %he procedures appl# to all lifts hoists liftin" appliances liftin" machines and liftin" "ears) 1. T P!S O" L#"T#$% !&'#PM!$T #$ 'S!

Crawler / *obile Crane

1.1. Pre(Operation +) ,efore the commencement of liftin" operations on site the !-& .fficer shall ensure the followin" items are in order: Certificate of %est / %horou"h /isual !'amination of Liftin" !quipment issued b# *inistr# of *anpower Crane .perator0s %rainin" Certificate %est Certificates of Liftin" 1ppliances and 2ear 3nspection b# 1pproved Person of %ower / *obile Crane Passen"er / *aterial -oist and Climbin" Platform Crawler Cranes are erected b# approved erectors foundation is desi"ned / supervised b# Professional !n"ineer and approvals from relevant authorities such as C11& *.* *345!6 etc) have been secured) 7) ,efore the commencement of liftin" operations Liftin" &upervisor shall ensure the followin": Checked and approved the load and method for liftin" Crane operators assi"ned are certified and competent &i"nalman and ri""er are certified and competent Cranes are equipped with safet# devices such as load chart limit switch radius indicator fire e'tin"uisher and proper "uardin" of movin" parts 1ll liftin" machineries / equipments / tools are coloured-coded with reference to the respective months0 colour code) Mo)ing in t*e +obile crane Carr# out traffic control from entr# to the assemblin" point) Prepare the place for mobile crane to park nearb# for assembl# the crawler crane at site) 1.,. Crane Operations %he Liftin" &upervisor shall ensure that the "round condition is safe for liftin" operations) %his will include construction accordin" to Professional !n"ineer0s desi"n if necessar#) %he !-& .fficer and/or Crane supplier shall ensure that Crawler cranes are inspected / tested b# an 1pprovedPerson after installation and that all cranes are inspected / tested at least ever# +7 months)

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd


%he Crane .perator shall perform dail# checkin" usin" the attached form (1ttachment 7 or 8) and submit records to the !-& .fficer if required) Prior to an# liftin" operation sub-contractor must first appl# for a Permit-%o--oist (P%W 9+) and obtain clearance) Liftin" &upervisor shall check the ph#sical condition usin" the attached checklist (1ttachment +) once the Permit %o -oist has been approved) 5urin" operation the Crane .perator shall ensure that: a) Liftin" operation is not carried out unless a liftin" supervisor is present or has approved the carr#in" out of such operation b) $i""er and si"nalman are present at all times durin" liftin" operation c) Crane is not overloaded d) Crane is not operated in inclement weather (li"htnin"/stron" wind) e) Load is not held over public area unless that area has been cordoned off f) .utri""ers are full# e'tended ") &udden movements are avoided h) Loads are securel# slun" and balanced to prevent fallin" / dislod"ement i) .b:ect is not hoisted if he is unable to ascertain the wei"ht of the ob:ect :) Load is not hoisted if there is an# obstruction in the path of manoeuvre k) -e does not use the crane for an# operation for which it is not intended includin" pullin" or dra""in" a load l) 1 clear si"nal from a si"nalman is received before hoistin" an# load m) -e does not en"a"e in an# act or manoeuvre which is not in accordance with safe and sound practice Where the Crane .perator has no view of the load a si"nalman shall be assi"ned to assist him b# voice and / or visual communication) %he si"nalman shall be positioned where he can see the load throu"hout the lift and such that he can be seen b# the operator) Whenever cranes are to be left unattended the .perator shall ensure that: a) &uspended loads are removed b) Controls are at neutral c) Power is off d) ,rakes are applied (where applicable) e) -ook is raised to hi"hest position and boom is at minimum radius ,. ,.1. S-"!T .'/#$% L#"T#$% OP!/-T#O$S Crawler / Mobile Cranes &afe load capacit# of each crane shall be indicated clearl# on the hoist bod# of the crane) Workers should alwa#s check the safe workin" load before loadin") 1 crane shall not load be#ond its rated capacit# e'cept for testin" b# an 1pproved Person (Professional !n"ineer approved b# *.*)) 1 load shall be picked up onl# when it is directl# under the hoist) .therwise stresses for which the load is not desi"ned ma# be imposed upon it) 3f the load is not properl# centred with the crane block it ma# swin" (upon bein" hoisted) and in:ur# can result) 5o not leave short len"ths of steel or other heav# ob:ects loose on top of a load) ,e watchful of loads raised in the air) Workers shall keep out from under them)

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd


When raisin" or lowerin" the load see that it safel# clears ad:acent/ nearb# stockpiles or machiner#) 4ever permit a crane to run into another crane) Limit switches must be installed and maintained to prevent cranes from collidin" into each other and hittin" forcefull# a"ainst buildin"/ support structure such as the side pillar) 1n operator hoistin" a load shall not be permitted to perform an# other work and he should not leave his position at the controls until the load is safel# landed) 4ever leave a load suspended) 4o man shall be allowed to ride on a load or on crane hooks) 4o "uard or safet# device such as safet# catch should be removed or otherwise be made ineffective e'cept for the purpose of makin" immediate repairs lubrications or ad:ustments) 4o "uard or safet# device such as safet# catch should be removed or otherwise be made ineffective e'cept for the purpose of makin" immediate repairs lubrications or ad:ustments) 1ll "uards should be replaced immediatel# after completion of repairs and ad:ustments) Power should be shut off before an# repairs lubrications or ad:ustments are made) $efer to Chart + below for some safet# precautions in the securin" of the load)

S-"!T P/!C-'T#O$S #$ S!C'/#$% O" LO-.S "O/ L#"T#$%


M-#$T!$-$C!/ S!/0#C#$% O" Crawler /Mobile C/-$!

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd


4o liftin" machine or appliance shall be deemed to be a hoist or lift unless it has a platform or ca"e the direction of movement of which is restricted b# a "uide or "uides)

Lift includes an# liftin" machine or appliance used for carr#in" persons whether to"ether with "oods or otherwise) ,.1. #nspection 2 Ser)icing of Crawler / Mobile Cranes %he emplo#er shall desi"nate a competent person who shall inspect all liftin" and "ears prior to each use and durin" use to make sure it is in safe operatin" condition) 1n# deficiencies shall be repaired or defective parts replaced before continued use) earl3 inspection an4 ser)icing of Crawler / Mobile crane shall be performed b# an *.* approved 3nspector)

!)er3 lifting gear s*all be t*oroug*l3 e5a+ine4 at least once in e)er3 1, +ont*s b# an *.* approved inspector) %he facilities shall maintain a record of the dates and results of inspections for each piece of liftin" "ear) Wire rope shall be taken out of service when an# of the followin" conditions e'ist: o o o o ;inkin" crushin" bird ca"in" or an# other dama"e resultin" in distortion of the rope structure< !vidence of an# heat dama"e resultin" from a torch or an# dama"e caused b# contact with electrical wires< and 1n# other defects as mentioned in CP8= &election Care and *aintenance of &teel Wire $opes for -oistin"

Crawler Crane shall be locked out or otherwise rendered inoperable and ta""ed out with a >5o 4ot .perate> ta" durin" repairs and when operation is ha(ardous to emplo#ees performin" maintenance work) 1. .is+antle t*e crawler/+obile crane 5isallow unauthori(ed personnel near the operation areas) !nsure all personnel to wear PP!) 1pproved crane erector must "ive instruction to the workers and operators durin" assembl# of crane)

Prepared ,#: *r 5aiman 5esi"nation: W&-. 5ate: +? @une 79+9

$eviewed ,#: *r 4" Choon -uat 5esi"nation: &enior Pro:ect *ana"er 5ate: +? @une 79+9

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