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CF1 Homework 3

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BUS 330a: Corporate Finance I Fall 2012, American University in Bulgaria Pro !

"iroslav "ateev

HOMEWORK #3 Pro#lem 1 $ C%apter & A company currently pays a dividend of $2 per share (D0 = $2). It is estimated that the companys dividend will row at a rate of 20! per year for the ne"t 2 years# then at a constant rate of $! thereafter. %he companys stoc& has a 'eta of (.2# the ris& free rate is $.)!# and the mar&et ris& premium is *!. +hat is your estimate of the stoc&s current price, Pro#lem 2 $ C%apter & -everal years a o# .olen .iders issued preferred stoc& with a stated annual dividend of (0! of its $(00 par value. /referred stoc& of this type currently yields 0!. Assume dividends are paid annually. a. +hat is the value of .olens preferred stoc&, '. -uppose that interest rate levels have risen to the point where the preferred stoc& now yields (2!. +hat would 'e the new value of .olens preferred stoc&, Pro#lem 3 $ C%apter & %aussi %echnolo ies 1orporation (%%1) has 'een rowin at a rate of 20! per year in recent years. %his same supernormal rowth rate is e"pected to last for another 2 years ( (= 2 = 20!). a. If D0 = $(.20# rs = (0!# and 3= 2!# then what %%1s stoc& worth today, +hat is its e"pected dividend yield and its capital ains yield at this time, '. 4ow assume that %%1s period of supernormal rowth is to last another ) years rather than 2 years ( ( = 2 = 5 = * = ) = 20!). 6ow would this affect its price# dividend yield# and capital ains yield, Answer in words only. Pro#lem ' $ C%apter ( -uppose the -choof 1ompany has this book value 'alance sheet7 1urrent assets $50#000#000 8i"ed assets )0#000#000 1urrent lia'ilities 3on 9term de't 1ommon e:uity 1ommon stoc& (( million shares) .etained earnin s %otal claims $(0#000#000 50#000#000 (#000#000 5;#000#000 $00#000#000

%otal assets


%he current lia'ilities consist entirely of notes paya'le to 'an&s# and the interest rate on this de't is (0!# the same as the rate on new 'an& loans. %hese 'an& loans are not used for seasonal financin 'ut instead are part of the companys permanent capital structure. %he lon 9term de't consists of 50#000 'onds# each with a par value of $(#000# an annual coupon interest rate of 2!# and a 209year maturity. %he oin rate of interest on new lon 9term de't# rd# is (0!# and this is the present yield to maturity on the 'onds. %he common stoc& sells at a price of $20 per share. 1alculate the firms market value capital structure. Pro#lem ) C%apter ( %he earnin s# dividends# and stoc& price of Duner <limpia 1o. are e"pected to row at $! per year in the future. 1ompanys common stoc& sells for $25 per share# its last dividend was $2.00# and the company will pay a dividend of $2.(* at the end of the current year. a. =sin the discounted cash flow approach# what is its cost of e:uity, '. If the firms 'eta is (.2# the ris&9free rate is ;!# and the e"pected return on the mar&et is (5!# then what would 'e the firms cost of e:uity 'ased on the 1A/> approach, c. If the firms 'onds earn a return of (2!# then what would 'e your estimate of r s usin the over own9'ond9yield9plus9?ud mental9ris&9premium approach, (6int7 =se the midpoint of the ris& premium ran e.) d. <n the 'asis of the results of parts a throu h c# what would 'e your estimate of -hel'ys cost of e:uity, Pro#lem * C%apter ( -pencer -upplies stoc& is currently sellin for $20 a share. %he firm is e"pected to earn $).*0 per share this year and to pay a year9end dividend of $5.20. a. If investors re:uire a ;! return# what rate of rowth must 'e e"pected for -pencer, '. If -pencer reinvests earnin s in pro?ects with avera e returns e:ual to the stoc&s e"pected rate of return# then what will 'e ne"t years @/-, (6int7 = .<@ A .etention ratio.)

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