ChemMedSci Flyer
ChemMedSci Flyer
ChemMedSci Flyer
. To serve the needs of students who have a strong interest in chemistry, but who ultimately plan on entering professional programs in the medical sciences pharmacy, medical school, dentistry, veterinary medicine, etc. Features of the Program. Chemistry Majors and Honours students take a chemistry-intensive program (particularly in the 2nd year). In comparison, students in the ChemMedSci program will take a selection of chemistry courses balanced with additional courses from other departments that are useful preparation for medically-oriented professional programs. As well as providing a solid grounding in Chemistry, this program will allow students to take all the required / recommended courses for entry to the professional program of their choice. Program Requirements 1st Year CHEM 101, 102 MATH 100, 101 PHYS 110 and 111 BIOL 190A, 190B 1.5 units of 1st year English 1 elective 3rd and 4th Year CHEM 337, 437 BIOC 300A, 300B One more of CHEM 212, 222 or 245 1.5 units of CHEM 3xx labs 2nd Year CHEM 231, 232 CHEM 213 plus one of 212, 222 or 245 BIOL 225 STAT 255 or 260 Plus 2 courses drawn from Pool A 2 electives
3 additional CHEM 3xx / 4xx lecture courses 2 courses drawn from Pool B 2 additional courses drawn from Pool A 7 electives*
*note that 21 units of 300 / 400 level units are required for graduation. Pool A ANTH 250 BIOL 230 ENGL 303 EPHE 141 EPHE 155 Pool B ANTH 352 BCMB 301A BCMB 301B BIOL 432 BIOL 436 BIOL 439 Biological Anthropology Genetics Copy Editing Human Anatomy Nutrition Human Osteology Biochemistry Lab Biochemistry Lab Molecular Endocrinology Molecular Genetics Molecular Epidemiology EPHE 241 EPHE 242 MICR 200A/B PHIL 331 PSYC 215A BIOL 447 MEDS 301 MEDS 410 MICR 303 MICR 402 STAT 355 Human Systemic Physiology Human Cellular Physiology Microbiology Biomedical Ethics Biopsychology Ion Channels and Disease Pharmacology Neuroanatomy Immunology Virology Medical Statistics