Laurelorn Elves

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The document provides background on the Wood Elves of the Laurëlorn forest, including their history and relationship with other races. It details how they split from the High Elves and established themselves in the Old World forests. It also explores their perspectives on Dwarfs, Halflings, Orcs and other races.

The Wood Elves split from the High Elves after the Phoenix King ordered all Elven colonies abandoned, forcing many Elves who called those lands home to flee or be left behind to an uncertain fate. This betrayal caused deep resentment that led the Wood Elves to become independent from the High Elven kingdom.

The Wood Elves have a cautious but sometimes friendly relationship with Dwarfs and Halflings, but see Orcs and Goblins as a blight that must be eradicated to protect the forests. They believe any Orc or Goblin, no matter their status, must be destroyed to prevent their populations from growing unchecked.

The Elves of the Laurlorn

By Tim Eccles, Alfred Nuez Jr. and Martin Oliver

Additional Background y !yan "ileman

"it# t#e returning of t#e "$!% license to &ames "orks#o', t#e c#ance of t#e muc#(antici'ated "$!% Elf source ook making its )ay to 'rint )as reduced to nil. *t seemed t#at t#e creativity of Martin Oliver )as destined to remain alone in #is com'uter. T#is same fate )as s#ared y some of t#e )ork created y Tim Eccles for t#e +aur,lorn Elves during t#e long gone, anarc#ical years of #is yout#. -ome of t#e information made its )ay to t#e venera le "$!% Arc#ives as an army list 'rior to t#e release of t#e "$B. "ood Elf army ook. T#is 'ro/ect is an attem't to ring elements of t#e t)o vie)s toget#er )it# additional material to 'rovide &Ms and 'layers of Elven c#aracters )it# t#e ackground necessary to ring t#is little understood and detailed 'ortion of t#e Em'ire to life. *t also s#ould e noted #ere t#at Martin Oliver0s efforts concentrated on t#e "ood Elves of t#e +oren $orest. %ortions of #is )ork #ave een amended for t#e "ood Elf 'o'ulation in t#e nort#()estern corner of t#e Em'ire.

1om'ared to t#eir kin in t#e enc#anted +oren $orest of sout#)est Bretonnia, t#e "ood Elves of t#e +aur,lorn $orest are little kno)n. T#is is sur'rising given t#at t#e +aur,lorn Elves are not 2uite as secretive as t#eir more numerous kin. *n fact, t#e im'ression t#at most outsiders #ave of t#e +aur,lorn Elves 3 )#o call t#emselves t#e +aur,lornalim 3 is from limited interaction from t#ose Elves )#o decide to make t#eir mark on t#e larger )orld. Any assum'tions ased u'on t#ese c#ance meetings are likely to 'romote even furt#er misunderstandings et)een t#e t)o races. After all, t#e individuals )#o leave t#e sanctuary of t#e +aur,lorn $orest for t#e dangers of t#e )ider )orld are #ardly re'resentative mem ers of t#eir former communities. T#eir res'ective outlook on life, no matter #o) varied, is seen y t#eir forested kin as 4not 2uite rig#t in t#e #ead and #eart.5

The Beginning of the Wood Elves
One decision, one c#oice, determined t#e #istory of t#e "ood Elves. "#en %#oeni6 7ing 1aradryel gave t#e order t#at t#e fine, 'roud cities of t#e Old "orld )ere to e a andoned, #e lost t#e #earts of t#ousands of settlers. T#ere )ere many )#o #ad never seen 8lt#uan, )#o #ad een orn and raised in t#e colonies. "it#out )arning, )#en t#e t#reat to t#eir safety and tran2uillity )as at its greatest, t#ese citizens )ere issued an ultimatum9 a andon your #omes and flee to 8lt#uan, or remain, in 'eril of your very lives. T#e sense of s#ock, of etrayal, )as incredi le. %roud 'rinces raged in t#e streets like madmen, railing against t#e s#ame of a andoning t#eir lands. T#e ordinary folk )e't, filled )it# dread and grief at t#e 'ros'ect of leaving all t#e kne), taking only )#at t#ey could carry, 2ueuing like cattle to oard t#e oats leaving from t#e #ar ours t#ey #ad #el'ed to uild. All kne) t#e risks of staying, ut )as life as a refugee, dead to t#e culture t#ey #ad #el'ed to uild, any )orse: "#en t#e last oats sailed, many )ere left to )ander t#e deserted streets of Tol Alessi, of -it# !ionnasc0namis#at#ir, of a dozen ot#er once('roud colonies. As t#eir kin sailed for 8lt#uan, many settlers gat#ered )#at t#ey could and struck out for t#e remotest 'arts of t#e Old "orld. T#ey carried all t#ey could, ut t#e greatest )eig#t for eac# )as t#e sense of etrayal t#ey carried in t#eir #earts. T#ey )ould #ave no more to do )it# t#e %#oeni6 7ing. T#ey )ould #ave no more to do )it# 8lt#uan. As t#ey left t#eir comforta le #omes for lives of #ards#i' and suffering, t#ey vo)ed t#at t#ey )ould never, ever rely on anyone again. Of t#ose fe) t#at remained in t#eir cities, none survived. -uc# ric# 'ickings )ere soon 'illaged and ransacked y Orcs, demolis#ed y ;)arfs or #um led y t#e vandalism of t#e ;ark Elves. T#ose #undreds )#o gave u' all #o'e and motivation, )#o lost t#e )ill to move on and stayed in t#eir #omes, also gave u' t#eir lives. Not one )as left alive at t#e ne6t )a6ing of t#e moon.

The Laurlornalim
8nlike t#e <ig# Elves, "ood Elves attac# no great im'ortance to dates and c#ronologies. T#eir #istory is #anded do)n to t#em t#roug# songs, tales and dances, 'assed on t#roug# an oral tradition )#ic# values motive and conse2uence over fact and figure. T#ere are no "ood Elven #istorians= t#e closest t#ey #ave are t#e minstrels and storytellers )#o recount t#e ancient tales t#at s#a'ed t#eir culture.

T#is vie) is furt#er e6em'lified y t#e fact t#at fe) 'eo'le kno) #o) t#e +aur,lornalim came to t#e +aur,lorn $orest. -c#olars ac2uainted )it# t#e #istory of t#e "ood Elves of t#e +oren assume t#at t#e +aur,lorn Elves are t#e descendants of t#e +ost 7indred, )#o left t#eir kindred in searc# of t#eir muc#(loved and no) e6tinct "yt#el Trees. -ome s'eculated t#at t#e +aur,lornalim are an entirely different tri e of "ood Elves altoget#er given some of t#eir differences )it# t#e +oren Elves. T#e earliest mention of t#e +aur,lornalim come from t#e oral myt#s of t#e Teutognens, as )ell as t#e isolated communities of Old $ait# )ors#i''ers found near t#e -c#adensum'f on t#e Middenland>Nordland orders. Ancient rock art in t#is region de'icts tall, lit#e #umanlike figures )#ic# are elieved to e some of t#e first de'ictions of t#e "ood Elves in t#e region. T#oug# )arlike, t#e Teutognen tri e tended to stay a)ay from t#e #aunted )oodland realm of t#e +aur,lornalim. *t )as not until t#e Norsca invasion of t#e ?t# century t#at t#e "ood Elves and #umans clas# over t#e forested lands. -trife et)een t#e t)o races )as intermittent and seldom e6'anded eyond raiding and skirmis#ing. T#e real strain came in t#e @At# century )#en Norscan raiders led y <arald t#e !oarer took advantage of t#e )eakened, 'lague(ravaged land and invaded t#e nort#()estern 'ortion of t#e Em'ire. T#is invading grou' )as more am itious and determined t#an t#e earlier migration. T#e 'revious Norse immigrants )ere over)#elmed in s#ort(order and t#eir leaders killed. <ungry for more land, <arald led #is men into t#e dee'er forests in order to e6'and t#e oundaries of t#e land #e claimed. $or generations, t#e Norse attled t#e "ood Elves to no avail. T#e +aur,lornalim #ad no intention of allo)ing furt#er encroac#ment on t#eir #omeland and foug#t a defensive attle. *n time, t#e martial energies of t#e Norse )ere s'ent and t#ey retreated in e6#austion from t#eir failed endeavours. T#e outlying settlements of t#e +aur,lornalim )ere allo)ed to return to t#eir natural state as t#e "ood Elves retreated furt#er into t#eir forest. T#e e6'anded uffer zone et)een Elf and #uman ecame t#e ground u'on )#ic# )ay)atc#ers and glade guardians constantly 'atrol to frig#ten off 3 or kill if necessary 3 any )#o violate t#e 'eace of t#e +aur,lorn. T#e &reat "ar against 1#aos forced t#e +aur,lornalim do alter t#eir isolationist tendencies. T#e t#reat of 1#aos incursion from t#e -ea of 1la)s as )ell as increasing Beastmen activity from t#e ;rak "ald $orest )as enoug# to com'el t#e Elves to esta lis# /oint 'atrols )it# t#e #umans in order to 'rotect t#e orders of Nordland. T#is level of co(o'eration )as not to last. ;es'ite Magnus t#e %ious0 reaffirmation of t#e ancient treaty to )#ic# -igmar agreed, t#e am itious Barons of Nordland coveted t#e ric# )oodlands of t#e +aur,lorn. &ro)ing distrust of #umanity0s motives resulted in t#e +aur,lornalim retreat into t#e forest. -till, a fe) )ary travellers continue to venture into #uman lands in order to trade.

The Laurlorn
T#is magnificent )oodland is #ome to t#e +aur,lornalim. *t is ordered y t#e Enc#anted <ills in t#e nort# and stretc#es to t#e Misty <ills in t#e sout#. "est of t#e great forest lies t#e "asteland and to t#e east t#e *m'erial 'rovince of Nordland. T#e Baron of t#at 'rovince foolis#ly claims t#e +aur,lorn is a 'art of #is domain and makes no secret of #is intent to con2uer it some day in t#e near future. *n contrast to t#e neig# ouring and gloomy ;rak "ald $orest, t#e +aur,lorn is rig#t and lively. Many meado)s are found )it#in its orders and t#e dee' forest is not as tangled )it# undergro)t#. T#e animals and 'lant life of t#e forest is e6tremely #ealt#y and many of t#e various s'ecies t#at call t#e +aur,lorn #ome are larger t#an t#eir kind t#at live else)#ere. T#e ma/estic lornalim trees are found dee' )it#in t#e +aur,lorn. T#e ma/ority of t#e "ood Elves settlements are situated on t#e lim s of t#ese trees, )ell a ove t#e forest floor. T#e +aur,lorn is elieved to e #ome to myt#ical creatures 3 suc# as faeries, giant o)ls, unicorns and zoats 3 as )ell as more mundane creatures t#at one ty'ically finds in t#e )oodlands. T#ere are also rumours of dryads and treemen living among t#e +aur,lornalims as friends and allies. 1reatures of 1#aos are not kno)n to reside )it#in t#e oundaries of t#e "ood Elf realm, t#oug# some may e found along t#e fringes ordering t#e #uman lands. Ot#er aneful creatures are also ke't at ay y t#e 'o)er of t#e forest as )ell as t#e Elves. T#e enc#antment of t#e +aur,lorn creates magical illusions as a defence against intruders and can e called u'on y ritual y any of t#e Elven mages and 'riests. T#ese illusions consist of a variety of illusionist s'ells of increasing level of mastery )it# increasing forest de't#. -ome areas of t#e forest, t#e #oly glades and t#e like, are also sentient due to t#e 'o)er of t#e Elven deities #ere and )ill actively attack intruders, directly aiding t#e "ood Elves. *t is even elieved t#at small animals convey constant re'orts on any invaders to t#ose individual Elves gifted )it# t#e a ility to converse )it# t#em. As a final defence, t#e +aur,lornalim #ave long gro)n and s#a'ed trees and us#es #ave gro)n toget#er to form an im'enetra le living )all to 'rotect t#eir more vulnera le settlements. T#ese living fortifications are generally used in con/unction )it# natural geogra'#ical features suc# as ditc#es, 'its, streams and t#e like t#at )ill e fully utilised.

Laurlornalim Settlements
Most "ood Elven settlements are small affairs, com'rising of et)een fifty and a #undred individuals. 8nlike t#e small, isolated enclaves else)#ere in t#e dee' forests of t#e Em'ire, t#ose in t#e +aur,lorn are t#riving. T#ese follo) t#e 'atterns esta lis#ed in t#e smaller

settlements and t#e At#el(+oren, forming a loose alliance of related kindreds )#o #ave agreed to rule y a single s#ared council. T#is means t#at all settlements follo) t#e same asic 'attern9 t#e &lade. T#e term B&lade0 is really a misnomer. $e) settlements are actually ased in a '#ysical glade= instead, most are ased around a central clearing, or around a tree )#ic# #as s'ecial significance to t#e community. Traditionally, eac# community consisted solely of t#e mem ers of one kindred. "ood Elves still talk as if t#is is true today, alt#oug# t#e reality is t#at smaller kindreds may live alongside one anot#er. -tragglers and travellers may also c#oose to d)ell for a )#ile amongst t#e related families. O'en s'aces near t#e #eart of t#e community are set aside for assem ly meetings, gat#erings, cele rations, and so on. T#ese usually consist of little more t#an are eart#= 'eo'le ring lankets if t#ey )is# to sit. %laces are also set aside for stores to e ke't. T#ese, like t#e d)ellings, #ave een created y Treesingers, and are as often underground as t#ey are in t#e trees. *n t#is manner, stores are ke't cool, making t#em less likely to s'oil. $urt#er out are t#e d)ellings of t#e kindred. T#ese are scattered around, )it# no 'articular r#yme or reason to t#eir layout. *n most settlements, t#ese d)ellings #ave een created in t#e ranc#es of trees y Treesingers, mages trained in t#e )ays of s#a'ing nature to meet t#e needs of t#e community. T#ese individuals egin y scaling a suita le tree, sometimes dra)ing out ranc#es to use as a ladder as t#ey clim , and t#en end, s#a'e and unite ranc#es in order to form t#e structure of t#e d)elling. Over a 'eriod of days, Treesingers use t#eir nurturing magic to gro) and )eave ranc#es to form t#e floor, ceiling and )alls. $or t#e most 'art, t#ese d)ellings consist of one room )#ere 'eo'le gat#er, eat, cook, sing, and so fort#, and small rooms or alcoves )#ic# are used as slee'ing 2uarters and to store any 'ersonal effects. &uests invaria ly slee' in t#e common room, as do many "ood Elven c#ildren. T#e rooms #ave sim'le clot# #angings in t#e 'lace of doors. To kee' out t#e )ind, t#ese )ill e 'inned to t#e )alls= similar arrangements are made for t#e )indo)s. Naturally, suc# #ouses are ill(suited for fires. *n )inter, small )ood or coal fires are kindled in large metal o)ls, and #er s or resins are often added in order to fill t#e #ouse )it# 'leasant aromas. T#ese are 'laced on to' of #eavy, dead )ood, in order to 'rotect t#e living d)elling. T#e c#ances of fires are small as t#e material of t#e d)elling is full of sa', t#ere y rendering t#e c#ances of a fire taking #old negligi le. T#ese fires do little to stave off t#e c#ill of mid()inter. As t#e )eat#er turns colder, furs and )oollen clot#ing are roken out of storage and s#ared around. "#en #ouses ecome too cold, t)o or more families may move in toget#er. T#is may make 'laces cram'ed, ut is an im'ortant )ay of kee'ing t#e #ouses )arm enoug# for t#e Elves to survive in. *f t#e )intry )eat#er ecomes 'articularly severe, t#e underground storerooms )ill e cleared out Cat t#is 'oint, t#e freezing )eat#er )ill 'reserve stores 'erfectly )ellD, and t#e old, t#e young and t#e ill )ill e moved do)n into t#ese. "#ilst t#ey vie) t#e 'ros'ect of living underground )it# revulsion, t#ese rooms 'rove considera ly easier to #eat. T#e Elves0 #ouses need constant tending if t#ey are to remain #a ita le. T#ose a andoned

during t#e )inter often need t#e attentions of a Treesinger come s'ringtime. $or t#e most 'art, t#oug#, t#ese #omes are vie)ed as tem'orary structures, and it is common for families to move a out from year to year. -ome families do )it#out #omes altoget#er, s'ending t#e summers living an almost nomadic life in t#e land around t#e &lade, and s#aring a #ome )it# ot#ers in t#e )inter.

Laurlorn Society
+aur,lornalim society is est descri ed as an organised anarc#y, in )#ic# t#e rig#ts of t#e individual are 'aramount. T#eir society is, #o)ever, #ig#ly structured and many tiered. To #uman eyes, it is im'ossi ly com'le6, #aving evolved over t#e millennia efore #uman e6istence. 1om'ared )it# t#ose of t#e <ig# Elves, #o)ever, t#e structure is very 'rimitive and uncom'licated. *ndividual inde'endence is fundamental, and oneEs social standing is ased u'on intelligence, intuition, skill, 'ro)ess, etc. Age and 'revious e6'erience are not guarantees of res'ect, t#oug# are likely to e allied to esteemed attri utes and skills. +aur,lornalim society is ased on a strong moral>et#ical code t#at is in#erent in all Elves and on a total o'enness and commitment to t#e community, 'ossi ly due to t#e im'ossi ility of /ealousy in t#eir non(materialistic culture. *n effect, t#e 'rinci'le of Elven society in t#e +aur,lorn is t#at one must fully understand t#e meaning of all rules and o ligations, in order to t#en ignore t#em. All action )ill t#en e o'en to t#e individual, ut t#e conse2uential results )ill also e realised and t#e conse2uences acce'ted. Elven longevity and t#eir easy 'ace of life allo)s for t#e evolution of consensus t#at suc# a social system re2uires. -ince Elves love t#e discussion more t#an t#e outcome, all 'ro lems can e solved y interaction. *n )ar, #o)ever, t#ese lu6uries are not availa le.

Government and the Kindreds

T#oug# to a lesser degree t#an t#e in#a itants of t#e +oren $orest, t#e +aur,lornalim are an insular, sus'icious 'eo'le. T#eir tales of t#e ancient decree of t#e %#oeni6 7ing 1aradryel remind t#em constantly of t#e failings of %rinces and 7ings )#o #ave lost touc# )it# t#e feelings of t#eir 'eo'le. T#us, "ood Elven communities #ave no governments or royalty as t#eir inde'endent s'irits rail against t#e 'ros'ect of some faceless individual controlling t#eir lives. *nstead, t#ey o'erate more along t#e lines of an e6tended family. *n fact, t#e #uman translation of t#e name Elves give t#eir communities is Bkindred0. "#en 'ro lems arise )#ic# are eyond t#e a ility of an individual to deal )it#, t#ey are roug#t efore an assem ly of t#e kindred and discussed. -ometimes, leaders are a''ointed to focus or coordinate any actions t#at may need to e taken. More often, individuals undertake

res'onsi ility for a 'art of t#e task, negotiating furt#er su''ort or advice as needed. T#ere are e6ce'tions to t#is, most of )#ic# re2uires unified action y all mem ers of t#e +aur,lornalim. "#en t#e entire +aur,lorn is t#reatened y some e6ternal enemy, t#e need for a coordinated effort is vital. !e'resentatives from eac# 7indred C&ladeD assem ly are sent for)ard to re'resent t#eir community at t#e 1ouncil, 'resided over y <ig# %riestesses of *s#a and +iadriel. T#e 1ouncil meets at t#e ase of t#e largest lornalim tree in t#e #eart of t#e forest.

Kindred traditions
T#e traditions of eac# settlement are uni2ue #aving een s#a'ed y t#e area around it. Elves of t#e &lade of +ornalim are t#e most kno)ledgea le of sentient eings of t#e forest 3 treemen, dryads, and zoats 3 and include t#e most talented Treesingers of t#e +aur,lorn in t#eir kindred. T#ose of t#e "#itefoam $alls, )#o live along t#e !iver Eige and its tri utaries in t#e Enc#anted <ills, are skilled in all as'ects of river lore as )ell as strong cliff clim ers. T#oug# s#a'ed y necessity, t#ese traditions do c#ange over time, unlike t#e stagnant traditions of t#e ;)arfs. T#e Elven tem'erament eing )#at it is, a num er of +aur,lornalim ecome ored of t#e traditions t#ey gro) u' )it#. "#en Elves s#o) signs of )anderlust, t#ey are encouraged to strike out on t#eir o)n to find a settlement etter suited to t#eir current state of mind. -uc# a /ourney may involve t#em risking t#e 'erils of t#e <uman lands as t#ey searc# out ot#er settlements. A small num er of Elves may find even find t#ey 'refer eing in t#e com'any of #umans, adventuring and e6'loring, indulging t#eir a''etite for ne) e6'eriences, sometimes even lo)ering t#emselves to follo) a #uman career. "#en t#ey finally mature enoug# Cor come to t#eir sensesD to return to civilisation, suc# follies are usually left )ell e#ind. T#ese e6cursions outside t#eir glade serve many useful 'ur'oses. T#ey allo) ne)s to e carried, al eit slo)ly, as )ell as trade 3 ot# material and cultural 3 et)een t#e various "ood Elf 'o'ulations. Most im'ortantly, t#ese )andering yout#s often strike u' romantic relations#i's during t#eir e6otic travels. "it#out t#ese, t#e small communities )ould #ave )it#ered long efore, lig#ted y in reeding.

+ike ot#er Elves, t#e +aur,lornalim are kno)n y t#e ignorant as t#e Bfair folk0 3 t#ey are 'ale skinned, )it# elegant features and #air fine as fla6. T#ey are also taller t#at t#e ot#er races, and of a slender uild. Many Elves elieve t#emselves to e su'erior to ot#er races in almost every )ay. T#ey are nim ler, faster, smarter and longer(lived t#an #umans or #alflings, not to mention eing etter skilled at all im'ortant survival traits suc# as )oodcraft and #unting. T#ey are also less 'rone to illness and disease, and generally live for a s'an of AAF years, t#oug# some are elieved to e even older.

T#e only area in )#ic# t#e Elves seem to fall s#ort concerns '#ysical endurance, in )#ic# #umans #ave a slig#t advantage. -ome Elves dismiss t#is as not#ing more t#an t#eir o)n more #ig#ly develo'ed senses allo) t#em to feel 'ain and suffering far more acutely t#an t#e ot#er, less attuned races. T#is same asic Elven 'oint of vie) e6tends to t#e areas )#ere ;)arfs e6cel and Elves do not 3 suc# as resilience and stu ornness. T#e Elves sim'ly 'erceive t#is as an e6am'le of t#e estial nature of t#e ;)arfs given t#at suc# 2ualities are not ones to )#ic# any civilised Elf )ould as'ire. As a result of t#eir racial ias, t#e Elves feel a certain o ligation to #el' out t#e less a le races. After all, it is not t#eir fault t#at t#ey may lack t#e '#ysical and intellectual resources t#at )ould #el' t#em make t#eir )ay in t#e )orld. -uc# are t#e res'onsi ilities of t#e elite in t#e natural order of t#ings.

Birth! "arriage and #eath

+ike ot#er "ood Elves, t#e lives of t#e +aur,lornalim are governed y t#e 'assage of t#e seasons and t#e cycle of irt#, deat# and re irt# is integral to t#eir vie) of t#e )orld. T#ey strongly elieve t#at t#e souls of t#e dead rest in t#e s'irit )orld until t#ey #ave gat#ered t#eir strengt# and decided )#at t#ey )ant to ac#ieve in t#eir ne6t life. At t#is 'oint, t#ey are re orn to t#e )orld. As in most cultures, irt#s are a cause for great cele ration amongst t#e "ood Elves. $easts are #eld, and offerings made. -ickly c#ildren are often attended y %riests of -arriel, )#o #el' lead t#e infant0s consciousness out from t#e realm of t#e dead, and %riests of *s#a, )#o also tends to t#e mot#er. Alt#oug# "ood Elves do marry, t#eir customs are very different from t#ose of #umans or even t#e <ig# Elves. T#ey vie) marriage as a ne) life, and so su /ect to t#e same cycles as any ot#er life. Marriage among t#e "ood Elves is as sim'le as t#e cou'le 'u licly declare t#eir love and t#eir intention to live as #us and and )ife. -uc# declarations can take 'lace )#enever and )#erever t#e cou'le deems a''ro'riate. Marriage ceremonies in t#e +aur,lorn usually take 'lace during t#e cele rations #eld on t#e first day of -'ring, )#en t#e living creature finally s#ake off t#e effects of t#eir )inter slum er. *f mem ers of t#e kindred vie) a 'articular marriage as ill(advised t#en t#e matter is taken u' in assem ly. *f need e, a close relative of one of t#e cou'le is c#osen to s'eak )it# t#em a out t#e issues raised in t#e assem ly. *f matters cannot e resolved, t#e cou'le can c#oose eit#er to se'arate or to leave t#e community toget#er. T#ere are certain restrictions on )#o can and )#o cannot marry, alt#oug# t#ese are far looser t#an are found in most societies. No Elf is allo)ed to marry until t#ey #ave reac#ed '#ysical maturity Cat around @A for females and @G for malesD. No Elf can #ave more t#an one s'ouse at any time= so, any cou'les )#o do not rene) t#eir vo)s are considered to e eligi le for marriage

once more. -ingle(se6 marriages are 'ermitted, ut t#ose involved are usually s'oken to y an Elder as a matter of course, as t#e marriage )ill e arren. Needless to say, t#e "ood Elves0 vie) of marriage as onds of love and acce'tance of serial monogamy cause furt#er afflement and revulsion on t#e 'arts of ;)arfs, )#o vie) t#e clan as an immuta le and constant foundation for society. <umans #ave fairly mi6ed vie)s a out all t#is= many consider it ina''ro'riate and degenerate, alt#oug# t#e more li eral Cand de'ravedD see it as anot#er sign of Elven )isdom and enlig#tenment. T#e care and socialisation of c#ildren #as ecome a community res'onsi ility. As t#eir society e6'ects mot#ers and fat#ers to )ork alongside ot#er adults in order to ensure t#at no(one starved to deat#, t#e c#ildren are left )it# t#ose una le to )ork. *n/ured or venera le Elves take on t#e role tending and teac#ing t#e young until t#e ne) generation are old enoug# to assume t#eir societal res'onsi ilities. Because of t#is community u' ringing and t#e loose marital arrangements of "ood Elves, t#eir conce't of families is a strange one. A Bfamily0 consists solely of a "ood Elf0s mot#er, and any rot#ers or sisters Cincluding t#ose )it# different fat#ersD. Even if t#e mot#er remains married to t#eir fat#er, #e )ill still not e considered a mem er of t#eir family. A )ider conce't is t#at of Bkin0. -trictly s'eaking, t#is consists of an Elf0s family, t#e families of t#e mot#er0s sisters, and all t#e sons and daug#ters of any of t#e mot#er0s #us ands. *n 'ractice, t#e convoluted relations#i's of t#e Elves mean t#at all mem ers of a community are regarded as eing of t#e same Bkin0. Matters are furt#er confused y )andering Elves )#o are taken in y t#e community. T#ese are usually #oused )it# a family, and if t#e stay lasts for any lengt# of time, are likely to e Bado'ted0 as 'art of t#e family, making t#em a mem er of t#e community. T#is unusual set(u' #as strengt#ened "ood Elven communities considera ly. -ince almost everyone is vie)ed as a relative y marriage of some sort, t#ere is a sense of mutual res'ect and o ligation. %eo'le are )illing to s#are and to su''ort eac# ot#er, and )ill go out of t#eir )ay to #el' ot#ers, kno)ing t#at t#ey can count on similar assistance )#en t#ey need it. T#e "ood Elves0 deat# 'ractices are also uni2ue. Because of t#eir elief in reincarnation, deat# is not vie)ed )it# 2uite t#e same #orror as it is amongst #umans. T#e 'assing of a friend or loved one is still a sad event, ut t#e sadness is tem'ered y t#e elief t#at t#e friends may e re(united in some future life. -ince t#e soul )ill out(last t#e ody, "ood Elves vie) t#eir material frame as eing orro)ed from nature. Eac# individual c#ooses t#eir o)n met#od of urial efore t#eir time is ended, )#ic# ensures t#at t#eir closest friends and family are a)are of t#eir )is#es. "ood Elves consider it unlucky for a soul if t#eir ody is not dis'osed of according to t#eir )is#es. -#ould an Elf die )it#out a urial 'reference eing kno)n, t#eir family and friends may s'end many long #ours, usually in t#e com'any of a %riest of -arriel, discussing #o) t#e remains s#ould e dis'osed. *n t#e +aur,lorn, cremation is t#e usual form of dis'osal. T#e as#es for t#e deceased are scattered t#roug#out t#e &lade y a %riest of -arriel, )#o is follo)ed y mem ers of t#e grieving kindred.

*n addition to t#e urial, many Elves carry out an addition ritual. Many settlements )ill #ave a Tree of !emem rance, onto )#ic# a scra' of clot# from t#e clot#ing of t#e deceased is usually tied. -ome grieving Elves come to mourn or slee' eneat# t#ese trees. *t is said t#at t#e most trou led may, at times, e granted a dream or a vision of t#e de'arted soul.

T#e convoluted family lives of "ood Elves make it #ard to trace descent, not t#at t#e +aur,lornalim really care a out suc# matters. T#ere are no no les, for )#o suc# )ould e im'ortant, among t#eir num er. +ike t#ose of t#e +oren, t#e +aur,lornalim tend to carry t)o names9 t#eir given name and t#eir use name. "#en an Elf is orn, t#e 'arents Cor closest relatives, if t#e 'arents are unavaila leD )ill give t#e c#ild a name t#at it )ill carry t#roug#out its life. *n addition, t#e Elf can c#oose a name for itself. T#is may e t#e given name of someone t#e Elf admires, or a )ord descri ing a trait or activity t#at is im'ortant to t#em. *t is not un#eard of for married cou'les eac# to take t#e ot#er0s given name as a use name. 8se names c#ange as t#e Elf gro)s, altering to reflect t#eir develo'ing 'ersonality. T#is, of course, adds to t#e 'revalent #uman vie) t#at Elves are a rat#er flaky unc#.

&iven t#eir lifestyle, "ood Elves #ave little or no conce't of fas#ion. T#eir clot#es are first 'ractical and t#en comforta le= only after t#ese criteria #ave een met )ill a''earance e considered. To t#is end, "ood Elves often em roider and em ellis# favourite garments, using stylised designs. T#ese designs often incor'orate circles, re'resenting t#e cycle of life, sym ols of alance, and images of nature. *n t#e almy days of summer, Elves are often )arm enoug# to make clot#ing unnecessary. "#ile some c#oose to )ear t#ings )#ic# en#ance t#eir a''earance, it is not unusual for ot#ers to do )it#out. Many a #uman lad #as lived to regret )andering into a forest after catc#ing a glim'se of an Elf maid going naked. Just as designs are used to em ellis# clot#es, so it is common for "ood Elves to s'ort tattoos or, more commonly, tem'orary decorations )orked in 'aints and dyes. T#ese may e as su tle as using 'igments to en#ance t#e a''earance of eyes and li's, or as ela orate as turning t#e entire ody into a canvas for some grand )ork of art. Bot# se6es use of t#e )#ole range of decorations availa le to t#em. *n fact, it is not considered at all unusual for a man to s'ort su tle li' and eye make(u', or for a )oman to #ave e6tensive tattoos. On t#e very rare occasions t#at non(Elves visit an outlying +aur,lornalim settlement, t#e Elves

)ill #umour t#e 'rudis# conventions of t#eir guests0 social mores y ensuring t#at all in#a itants )ear clot#es in order not to s#ock t#eir guests.

Elven Senses
"ood Elves take great 'leasure in stimulating t#eir senses. +ike ot#er races, Elves en/oy e#olding eauty in all its forms9 lig#t 'laying on t#e surface of rooks, a eautifully 'olis#ed gemstone, t#e smile of a friend, and ot#er suc# activities. Music and singing t#at e6cite t#e sense of #earing are also en/oyed to t#e fullest. *n addition, "ood Elves find great 'leasure )it# t#e taste of good food and )ine as )ell as e6'eriencing t#e )orld t#roug# touc#. T#e one sense t#at t#e "ood Elves take greater stock t#an any ot#er race is smell. T#e Elven sense of smell is far more acute t#an t#ose of #umans and t#ey take great delig#t in t#e delicate fragrances of flo)ers, t#e #eady smells of summer, musky scents of autumn. T#eir study of 'lants #as made t#em )ell a)are of #o) eac# can e used, and #o) t#e ground leaves, crus#ed 'etals, urnt seeds, distilled oils, and countless ot#er sources and actions can e used to en#ance t#e scent of a 'lace or 'erson. Elves at# fre2uently, en/oying its sensation as )ell as t#e resulting cleanliness, *n contrast, #umans )as# infre2uently, and ;)arfs even rarer still. 8nless forced to under less t#an favoura le conditions 3 suc# as travelling across country or s'ending #ours cram'ed in #ot, s)eaty coac#es 3 "ood Elves )ill do )#at t#ey can to remain u')ind )#en dealing )it# ot#er races. T#e odily odours of t#ese races offend t#e "ood Elves0 )ell(develo'ed senses and do little to #el' different races to co(e6ist 'eacea ly. $lo)ers are 'articularly valued y t#e +aur,lornalim as ornaments, since t#ey com ine scent and a''earance. Many Elves gro) flo)ers in t#eir #omes, and some )ear fres#ly cut looms as #umans mig#t )ear /e)ellery. T#is is not somet#ing to e done casually, #o)ever, as 'icking flo)ers is vie)ed as damaging nature= only t#e most common of flo)ers are 'icked 'urely to e used for suc# vanities.

Work and trade

All +aur,lornalim kindreds )ork for t#e enefit of t#eir small community. T#ey s#are )ork, care for t#e sick and dying, lessen t#e im'act of an individuals0 misfortunes, and distri ute t#e fruits of t#eir la our. Elves do not take turns at eac# activity as t#e skills and 'references of individuals are recognised, allo)ing eac# to s'ecialise. -ome are ade't at #unting, ot#ers at )eaving, still ot#ers at singing. Eac# individual gives )#at t#ey can to t#eir communities, and takes )#at t#ey need in return. Bet)een kindreds, #o)ever, traders do arter and e6c#ange goods. T#is #as allo)ed some

kindreds to s'ecialise, forming )#at #umans )ould descri e as cottage industries. +acking a monetary system, "ood Elves #ave no 'recise measures of value. A fur cloak could e e6c#anged for far more in )inter t#an in summer, for e6am'le. %er#a's less easily understood y #umans is t#at t#e Elves actively seek to uy from traders, even t#oug# t#ey could get t#e same item for less from t#e 'erson )#o 'roduced it. Traders form a vital link et)een communities, and mean t#at a disaster )#ic# strikes one kindred can e alleviated y t#e good fortune of anot#er. *t is im'ortant to t#ese communities t#at t#ese 'eo'le are su''orted. -imilarly, traders may give a)ay goods if t#ey find a community )#o is una le to trade, not ecause t#is )ill 'reserve t#eir market, ut ecause t#is re(distri ution of goods is )#at t#eir 'rofession is truly concerned )it#. "#ere trade )it# t#e outside )orld occurs, it )ill e in t#e form of artering. 1oinage is regarded )it# scornful amusement, and vie)ed as a )ort#less )aste of good metal. T#e #oarding tendency of t#e ;)arfs and a num er of #umans is somet#ing t#at t#e "ood Elves )ill sim'ly never e a le to understand.

-ince "ood Elf communities consist of small grou's of relatives, eac# of )#om )ill readily give )#atever t#ey can to su''ort a struggling neig# our, t#ere is little or no crime to s'eak of.

Not all Elves live amongst kindreds. T#ose )#o dedicate t#emselves to Adamnan(na(Brion#a c#oose to e6clude t#emselves and live in distinct communities. T#ese are usually marked out y a )ooden stockade in order to 'revent Csometimes fatalD accidents caused y 'eo'le )andering into a "ardancer settlement )it#out realising it. *nside, t#e culture and conventions of t#e "ood Elves is left e#ind. Just as Elves vie) t#e )orld in a far more vi rant )ay t#an any #uman could ever #o'e to a''reciate, so t#e follo)ers of Adamnan e6'erience a reality t#at lies eyond t#e com're#ension of ot#er Elves= t#e result resem les not#ing more t#an a #uman asylum. Not for not#ing is Adamnan kno)n as t#e god of madness. HHHHH 1olour Te6t HHHHH Illitharion approached the stockade warily. There was no gate, no watchman; the boundary was clear enough, and anyone who entered did so at their own risk.

Given the choice, he would gladly have turned around and left without further ado; however, Orc scouts had been seen, and it was imperative that the Wardancers were there when battle was joined.

Warily, he entered, and made his way towards the central clearing, trying desperately to blot out the sights he saw around him. Off to one side, two men were biting, punching, kicking at each other, whilst a third painted a mural in the blood which they spilt. Almost in front of him, a naked figure recited a poem whose words meant nothing. His eyes were closed, and his face bore an expression of near-unholy delight. He passed underneath a couple making love in a tree, a youth glass-eyed and sweating from the visions brought on by the Black Lotus leaves he chewed, and a young girl playing a tune consisting of only two notes on a small bone flute.

Finally, he reached the clearing, where an old man sat, surrounded by childrens toys. Without once looking up from his games, he said simply,

You come to ask Adamnans help in the battle to come, do you not? We will be there. Now, I suggest you leave with all haste, for we have a ritual to perform, and I cannot vouch for your safety once it has begun. HHHHH End 1olour Te6t HHHHH *n s'ite of t#e dangers to #ealt# and sanity, many as'iring artists c#oose to s'end time in t#ese settlements, learning from t#e clerics of Adamnan, and coming to see t#e )orld in a ne) and visionary )ay. "ood Elves elieve t#at madness and genius go #and in #and, a 'rinci'le illustrated y t#e t)o(faced as'ect of Adamnan(na(Brion#a. 8nsur'risingly, t#e d)ellings sung y t#e Treesingers of t#ese communities are strange #a itations indeed. $e) manual la ourers or #unters ever c#oose to live amongst t#ese 'eo'le. T#ey are too sane, too firmly involved in t#e mundane )orld around t#em. $ortunately for t#e follo)ers of Adamnan, t#e mi6ture of grudging res'ect, 'ity and fear )it# )#ic# t#e ot#er Elves vie) t#em means t#at t#ey never lack for t#e asic necessities of life. -uc# acts of c#arity are vie)ed almost su'erstitiously y many "ood Elves, )#o treat t#em as offerings to Adamnan so t#at t#ey and t#eir kin )ill never e visited y t#e 'eculiar madness t#at c#aracterises #is follo)ers. T#e "ardancers form t#e largest 'art of t#ese communities. T#ese are )arriors )#o as'ire to gain some measure of t#e skill and cunning of Adamnan. Alt#oug# t#ere is no set 'attern or routine in t#eir lives, rituals 'unctuate t#e day. A cleric of Adamnan may suddenly decide to

recite one of t#e e'ic 'oems a out t#eir god0s e6'loits. A grou' of arguing )arriors may suddenly realise t#eir dis'ute mirrors a 'articular myt#, and s)itc# seamlessly into a re(telling of t#at story. T#e variations are endless= )#at matters is sim'ly t#at t#eir #oly tales ecome 'art of t#eir daily life. Eac# "ardancer is trained to take 'art in t#ese re(enactments in some form, eit#er y acting, s'eaking, or some ot#er means of e6'ression. T#e most res'ected form of storytelling amongst t#ese 'eo'le, t#oug#, is dance. One of Adamnan0s many titles is t#e +ord of t#e ;ance= #is follo)ers all seek to master t#e #ig#ly e6'ressive and demanding "ardances. T#ese ritual dances are so im'ortant to t#eir society t#at t#ey #ave given t#em t#eir very name. Because of t#eir social and ritual im'ortance, all 'ros'ective "ardancers must understand and e all to 'erform t#e various key )ardances efore anyone )ill train t#em in any ot#er skills. E2ually, no(one can ecome an *nitiate of Adamnan until t#ey #ave learnt t#e dances, and since "ardancers refuse to teac# t#e ste's to anyone ut eac# ot#er, t#is means t#at all 1lerics of Adamnan )ill #ave een "ardancers first. Alt#oug# t#eir society focuses on Adamnan, t#e ot#er Elven gods #ave not een forgotten, and most "ardancers )ill )ors#i' t#e ot#er gods of t#eir 'ant#eon from time to time. Only 1lerics of Adamnan leave t#e ot#er gods e#ind as t#ey follo) t#e 'at# of o session.

"#ilst <umans and ;)arfs domesticate animals, taking t#em from t#e )ild and training t#em, t#e Elves do not. To an Elf, Btaming0 a creature is ar arous, a sign of a race0s attem't to master nature, rat#er t#an )ork alongside it. T#ey 'refer to gain an animal0s )illing co(o'eration. Out of t#is ra''ort )it# nature )as orn t#e uni2uely Elven career of t#e Beastfriend CCaraidhD. Beastfriends develo' t#eir natural affinity for a 'articular animal s'ecies to an e6traordinary degree. An Elf cannot e a Beastfriend to more t#an one s'ecies at a time= t#eir affinity )it# t#e s'ecies develo's to resem le somet#ing akin to t#e o session of t#e 1lerics, rat#er t#an t#e road, alanced tem'erament of most Elves. $or t#is reason, t#ey are usually treated )it# caution y t#eir com'anions. Beastfriends can sometimes e found living in Elven communities, ut for t#e most 'art t#ey live )ild, far a)ay from ot#er Elves and close to t#e animals t#ey love. "#en an Elf ecomes a Beastfriend, t#eir c#oice of favoured animal s#ould e o vious from t#eir tem'erament. At t#is 'oint, t#ey need to find a Beastfriend of t#e a''ro'riate ty'e, and 'ersuade t#em to train t#em. *f a c#oice of s'ecies isn0t clear, t#en t#e &M can eit#er c#oose an animal for t#e Elf to efriend or refuse to let t#e individual enter t#e career, on t#e grounds t#at t#ey clearly aren0t demonstrating t#e kind of tem'erament t#at eing a Beastfriend re2uires. Beastfriends of animals ot#er t#an t#e ones descri ed elo) do e6ist, ut are so rare as to e almost legendary. -tories tell of t#e Beith-Caradan C;ragon !idersD, for e6am'le, t#e

descendents of ;ragon %rinces )#o remained in t#e colonies )#en t#eir kin returned to 8lt#uan. T#e legends say t#at t#ese )ait, slee'ing )it# t#eir mounts in an enc#anted and ageless slee', ut )ill rise again )#en t#e Elven race is faced )it# destruction. Anot#er legendary ty'e of Beastfriend is t#e Caraidh Palurim C4Beastfriend of t#e $orest Tiger5D. T#ese Elves are elieved to #ave efriended t#e large sa re(toot#ed cats t#at )ere once found in t#e nort#ern forests of t#e Em'ire. Many sc#olars elieve t#at t#ese large 'redators ecame e6tinct efore -igmar0s time. *n t#e very least, t#ere #ave not een any recent sig#tings of suc# a east. HHHHH-ide arHHHHH

Side'ar( Beith)&aradan *+#ragonkin+,

Most #uman sc#olars )#o study t#e +aur,lornalim say t#at t#e Elven Beit#(1aradan are only legend. Once, t#ey say, t#ere )ere many, and t#ey fle) across t#e great "estern Ocean et)een t#e Elf lands of 8lt#uan and t#e Old "orld. No) no(one kno)s )#ere t#ey are, or even if t#ey e6ist. Ancient allads tell of t#em fig#ting t#e orcs and t#eir kin at t#e da)n of #uman #istory, and some c#ronicles claim t#at a #andful of Elven dragon(riders foug#t t#e #ordes of 1#aos t)o centuries ago, ut t#ey #ave not een seen since. -ome dou t t#at t#ey )ere ever more t#an t#e 'roduct of a minstrelEs fancy, ut according to Elven legend t#e last ;ragon Masters slee' dee' in t#e forest, )aiting for t#e time )#en t#ey are needed to save t#e )orld once more. And as foretold in t#e Elven legends, a Beit#(1aradan )ill a''ear from t#e minstrelsE stories to )reak destruction on t#e enemies of t#e +aur,lorn "ood Elves. T#e Caidillean-coilltean CE-lee'er in t#e $orestED is a great fire reat#ing, magic using forest dragon mounted y an ancient Elf )arrior )#ose origin is a mystery to all ut t#e most kno)ledgea le of t#e Elf leaders. HHHHHEnd -ide arHHHHH

The riesthood
"ood Elves ty'ically revere t#e gods of t#eir 'ant#eon )#enever t#ey undertake a task t#at falls into a 'articular god0s realm. T#us, an Elf on t#e #unt for game )ill offer 'raise to 7urnuous for t#e ounty of t#e forest and less t#e s'irit of t#e creature )#ose life )ill e given to feed #er kindred. Once t#e deed is accom'lis#ed, t#at same Elf mig#t t#en c#ant a song of t#anks to *s#a for t#e erries s#e collected on #er return tri' to t#e forest. -#ould t#e Elf t#en notice t#e clouds gat#ering over#ead, a 'lea may e offered to Torot#al to stay t#e rain until t#e #untress> gat#erer

can return safely to #er kindred. *n contrast, Elven 'riests focus s#ar'ly on serving t#eir deity. T#ose )#o ans)er t#is calling a andon t#eir kindred and t#eir familial ties to /oin )it# ot#ers of t#e same 'assion in communities referred to as 4Lothinieal lavintein5 Cim'recisely translated as t#e 4divine kindred5 in Old "orlderD. T#ese 'riests focus e6clusively on serving t#eir deity, even to t#e 'oint of asking t#eir 'atron to intervene on t#eir e#alf )it# ot#er deities. $or e6am'le, a concerned %riest of *s#a mig#t call u'on #is deity to re2uest t#at Torot#al lessen t#e torrential rains in order to #el' a near y village t#reatened y flood)aters. Elven 'riests strictly ad#ere to t#e strictures of t#eir cult and all t#eir activities are undertaken in t#e #onour of t#eir deity. To t#is end, t#e rituals of t#e 'riest#ood are very ela orate affairs )#ic# may lasts for #ours. *n contrast, t#e rituals used y normal Elves to c#ange t#eir mindset from a #unter of game Csuc# as in t#e a ove e6am'leD to a )arrior intent on dis'atc#ing invading go lins are sim'le, 2uick, and #ig#ly individualistic.

As )ell as s#a'ing t#eir culture, t#e "ood Elves0 unusual attitude to t#eir 'ast influenced t#eir language. T#e #ars# lifestyle t#at greeted t#e first refugees )#o fled t#eir cities made survival t#eir most im'ortant concern. T#is led to a sense of living for t#e moment, a focus on t#e 'racticalities of t#e 'resent. T#is as'ect of t#eir origins is reflected in t#e im'ortance of t#e 'resent tense in t#eir native tongue, $an(Elt#arin, as )ell as t#eir dialect of Old "orlder. *n addition, t#e 'ast tense is seldom used. "#en it is, t#e 'ast tense carries )it# it connotations of mysticism, legend, or arcane significance. T#e close relations#i' of "ood Elves )it# t#e natural )orld #as also influenced t#eir use of language. T#ey #ave derived t#ousands of ad/ectives from t#e )orld around t#em, and e6tended t#eir terminology to e6'lain and descri e t#e 'lants, animals and natural '#enomenon )#ic# <ig# Elves #ad never e6'erienced. <o)ever, t#ey #ave also lost many <ig# Elven terms, es'ecially t#ose descri ing smit#ing, fealty, and Cto a lesser e6tentD sc#olars#i'. -uc# ideas #ave little or no 'lace in t#e "ood Elven mentality. "ood Elves #ave also neglected num ers. T#ey retain asic numeracy skills, ut #ave little understanding of mat#ematics, or of 'recise measures. *nstead t#ey rely on estimates and com'arisons, and make e6tensive use of meta'#ors. Ask an Elf #o) muc# corn t#ey )ill need to feed t#eir family, and t#ey )ill ans)er, 4enoug#5. T#eir only measure is Bt#e amount needed to feed a family0= us#els or )eig#ts seem a izarre and unnecessary a straction. Ask an Elven scout #o) many troo's t#ere are in t#e enemy0s cam', and s#e )ill re'ly, 4as many as t#e stars in t#e #eavens5, or 4as many as t#e leaves on t#e tree.5 T#e scout may e a le to suggest )#et#er or not t#e enemy can over)#elm your defences, ut #e )ill not even t#ink to try and count t#em. -uc# a /o )ould e time(consuming and 'ointless. %er#a's most im'ortantly, t#e "ood Elves0 strong oral tradition and fla)less memory means t#at

)riting is seldom needed. No )ritten form of $an(Elt#arin e6ists= "ood Elves )it# t#e !ead>"rite skill )ill #ave learnt to read and )rite Tar(Elt#arin, or some ot#er language relevant to t#eir 'rofession. *t is not true to say, t#oug#, t#at t#e "ood Elves #as no )ritten language9 some careers #ave t#eir o)n sym ols, )#ic# are used to 'ass information secretly. More )ides'read is t#e use of generic sym ols, eac# of )#ic# is suggestive of a meaning. Nature images, sym ols of alance, images of t#e elements or of )ar, may all e used to ornament or em ellis# an item, uilding, or even 'eo'le. "#ilst #aving no 'recise meaning, any "ood Elf )#o vie)s t#em Cand anyone else )#o 'asses an *nt testD )ill e a le to discern t#e general sense of t#eir message. *n most ot#er res'ects, $an(Elt#arin resem les Tar(Elt#arin, and s'eakers of one language )ill e understood y t#e ot#er if t#e listener 'asses an *nt test.

The Wood Elves- attitudes to nature

T#e #ards#i' endured y t#e first settlers of t#e )oods meant t#at eac# and every resource #ad to e used s'aringly, nurtured, and res'ected. A use )as ultimately self(defeating. Even )it# suc# care, some kindreds #ave died )it# t#e drying u' of vital resources. "#en t#e "yt#el Trees of +oren faded and died, a )#ole kindred struck out across t#e &rey Mountains, never to e seen in +oren again= normally, t#oug#, t#e community sim'ly )it#ers slo)ly, )it# t#e young leaving, and no ne)comers staying. Eventually, only t#e dying elders remain, nurturing t#e s'ark of t#eir tradition until is 'asses from t#e )orld forever. T#ese #ars# necessities #ave led t#e "ood Elves to consider t#emselves in an almost sym iotic relations#i' )it# nature. T#ey tend it, and it 'rovides for t#em. T#e ;)arfen vie) t#at nature is a resource, t#ere to e made use of, is sim'ly anat#ema to t#em. *n recent decades, a num er of im'ortant events #ave t#reatened a s#ift in t#is attitude. Traditionally, Elves #unt and forage, living off )#at nature 'rovides. <ars# )inters make stock'iling essential. 8nfortunately, increasing frosts and raiding activity y Orcs and ot#er foul creatures #ave drastically reduced )#at can e gat#ered and stored. *n addition, #uman encroac#ments along t#e orders #ave 'ut 'ressures on t#e ounty of t#e )oodlands. *n some of t#e )orst #it communities, kindreds #ave #ad to )atc# as 'eo'le starve to deat#. As a res'onse to t#ese 'ressure, some rogue Elves #ave started farming. O'inions on t#is contentious activity s'an t#e s'ectrum. Many traditionalists see it as an e6'loitation and enslaving of nature, an affront to *s#a, and an a omina le C#uman(likeD activity t#at #as to e sto''ed at all costs. T#ey #ave even gone so far as to smas# farming e2ui'ment and attack t#e farmers. A num er of t#e older, more e6'erienced, and li eral(t#inking Elves #ave condemned t#ese attacks as misguided. T#ey argue t#at, )#en done 'ro'erly, farming follo)s nature, res'onding to times and seasons, tending and 'reserving rat#er t#an e6'loiting and destroying. T#ese Elves vie) farming as a 'ositive develo'ment )#en done 'ro'erly, and t#ose )#o o''ose it are as misguided as t#e <ig# Elves in t#eir struggle to freeze t#e 'resent. Tension et)een t#e t)o factions continues to mount.

The Laurlorn Elves and the outside .orld

!elations et)een +aur,lornalim and t#e surrounding #uman realms can only e descri ed as frosty. T#e main desire of t#e forest(d)ellers is sim'ly to e left in 'eace= any intrusion, even a friendly one, interferes )it# t#at desire. T#e Elves )ill, )it#out e6ce'tion, attem't to guide or frig#tened interlo'ers out from t#eir lands )it#out #aving to meet )it# t#em. -#ould t#ese efforts e ignored, or so muc# as a #and e lifted against any )oodland d)eller, t#e Elves )ill #ave no 2ualms a out killing t#e tres'asser t#ere and t#en. T#e Em'ire #as made several advances to)ards t#e Elven communities in t#e +aur,lorn. 1ouriers from t#e *m'erial court make t#e trek to t#e Nordlander to)n of &rafenric# to meet )it# t#e re'resentative of t#e 1ouncil. Alt#oug# no official links e6ist et)een t#e +aur,lornalim settlements and t#e Em'ire, Elves #ave marc#ed into attle alongside t#eir #uman neig# ours )#en times are des'erate. *n return, and ecause t#e #umans #ave no )is# to court trou le, *m'erial la)s #ave made it a #anging offence to enter an Elven )ood )it#out t#e e6'ress 'ermission of its in#a itants. *n 'ractice, t#is la) is almost never enforced as t#e Baron of Nordland does not recognise any treaties unless #e #as 'ersonally signed it. T#at seems unlikely given #is am itious claims to t#e +aur,lorn. *n any event, t#e "ood Elves make certain t#at #a itual tres'assers are never seen again. "ariness along t#e orders of t#e +aur,lorn is a trait s#ared y ot# Elves and #umans. T#e Elves )atc# t#e ar arous #uman savages cautiously, sometimes amused, sometimes disgusted y t#eir antics. *n contrast, #umans try and avoid )atc#ing t#e Elves for fear t#at t#is )ill ring ad luck u'on t#em. Many 'easants on t#e orders of t#e +aur,lorn leave offerings of milk, c#eese, or eer, in t#e #o'e t#at t#is )ill )in t#e favour of t#e B$aerie $olk0, and turn t#eir ca'ricious attentiveness else)#ere. By t#e same su'erstitious token, soured milk, ad #arvests, miscarriages and all sorts of misfortunes are lamed u'on t#e malicious s'irits of t#e )oods. Iery rarely, a courteous #uman )#o s#o)s enoug# res'ect for t#e )oods may e a''roac#ed y Elves and efriended. Many #uman villages #ave stories of t#e ill(fated individuals )#o #ave fallen for a $aerie lover. *t #as #a''ened t#at a 'articularly fetc#ing young lass #as caug#t t#e eye of an Elf carrying out #is usiness in t#e lands of men, or t#at an adventurous young lad #as come u'on an Elf maid at#ing in a forest 'ool, #er #air edecked y flo)ers, and t#at t#e 'air #ave, for a time, gone to live toget#er eyond t#e fields )e kno). -uc# stories are inevita ly tragedies, and are fro)ned u'on y )iser folk of ot# races, ut t#is does little to dissuade t#e arduous cou'le. As time 'asses, t#e clas# of cultures )ill mean t#at neit#er can understand t#e ot#er, or t#e arren nature of t#e relations#i' Cfor suc# 'airings never 'roduce offs'ringD )ill cause itterness and resentment, or, 2uite sim'ly, t#e #uman )ill gro) old and frail )#ilst t#e Elf does not. One )ay or anot#er, t#e #uman )ill eventually find it necessary to leave t#eir green()orld lover, and attem't to return to t#e )orld of #umanity. *f relations )it# t#e #umans are frosty, and t#ose )it# ;)arfs terse, t#e "ood Elves0 attitudes to

t#e <ig# Elves are 'ositively #ostile. T#ey #ave not forgotten t#e itterness of t#eir great etrayal, and #ave no )is# to start trusting 8lt#uan no). T#e notion t#at t#ey still fall under t#e /urisdiction of t#e %#oeni6 7ing is met )it# anger and contem't, and t#e 'osition of t#e E6arc#ate in Marien urg is vie)ed )it# scorn and derision. "#ilst t#ey )ould not dream of starting any conflict )it# t#eir cousins, individual "ood Elves )ill e 2uick to anger at 'erceived taunts, snu s and ignorance. "ood Elves of t#e +aur,lorn #ave rarely encounter t#e ;ark Elves, )#ose activities are generally confined to t#e coastal regions of t#e -ea of 1la)s, )#ere t#e #umans in#a itants serve as ot# a uffer and )arning system C urning uildings #ave t#at effectD. "#en t#ey do meet, t#oug#, loods#ed is inevita le. T#e "ood Elves vie) t#e ;ruc#ii as a ominations in e6actly t#e same )ay t#at t#e Elves of 8lt#uan do.

The Laurlornalim at War

"#en )ar t#reatens, individual Elves )illingly give u' t#e rig#t of self(determination for t#e common good. Even )it# suc# sacrifice, Elves e6'ect reasona le treatment and an o'enness in t#e decision(making 'rocess to t#e relevant 'eo'le as actions allo). After all, t#e +aur,lornalim are not likely to follo) someone seeking to glorify t#emselves at t#e e6'ense of t#eir fello)s. "ar leaders are c#osen from t#ose )#o #ave 'roved t#emselves )ort#y y t#eir actions, skills, intelligence and martial>magical 'ro)ess. 1onse2uently, t#ese leaders tend to e t#ose )#o are t#e res'ected EadvisersE in t#e organised anarc#y t#at is Elven life. Toget#er, t#ey form T#e Tree 1ouncil, kno)n as t#e +aurelornim. T#e *nner 1ouncil is com'rised of t#e key 'ersonnel for emergency decisions, suc# as t#e <ig# %riests of +iadriel and *s#a, )#ilst t#eir advisers form t#e Outer 1ouncil. <orses are used a great deal among t#e +aur,lornalim. T#e "ood Elf mounts tend to e smaller, more agile, and more intelligent t#an t#eir #uman counter'art. T#ose used y t#e )ar leaders are generally )#ite in colour, t#oug# ot#er s#ades ranging to a reddis# ro)n are kno)n. T#oug# stirru's are used in fig#ting, 'articularly y t#e cavalry units, many Elven riders direct t#eir mounts y )ill and ody language of rider. !ider and #orse are as close as t#e tandem can e )it#out t#e rider eing a Beastfriend.

Laurlorn /eligion and "agic

/eligion of the Laurlornalim

8nlike any ot#er race, t#e "ood Elves are as attuned to t#eir gods as t#ey are to nature. *n fact, t#e Elves vie) t#e )#ole nature )orld and divine as inse'ara le as'ects of t#eir lives and identities. T#ey #ave no real conce't of 4religious5 and 4secular5, even t#oug# t#ey are )ell a)are as to )#at t#e terms mean to ot#er races, es'ecially #umankind. $rom t#is 'ers'ective, Elves are truly 'olyt#eistic in t#eir attitudes. Only %riests and certain 4religious5 )arrior orders are dedicated to one Elf deity a ove all ot#ers. "ood Elves #onour t#eir gods t#roug# use of ritual in order to ac#ieve t#e 'ro'er mindset. $or e6am'le, an Elf 're'aring to #unt )ill 'erform a ritual to 7urnuous to ac#ieve t#e 'ro'er frame of mind to ac#ieve t#eir goal. %re'aring for )ar re2uires a different ritual to 7#aela Mens#a 7#aine so t#at t#e Elf can assume t#e mantle of a )arrior. !ituals are 'ersonalised y t#e individual Elf and ty'ically t#ere is a different one dedicated to eac# deity in t#eir 'ant#eon. T#e manifestation of t#e ritual may range from a sim'le meditation to a com'le6 dance to an ela orate series of c#ants and structured ceremony.

The Gods of the Laurlornalim

T#e "ood Elves of t#e +aur,lorn s#are many traits, e#aviours, and attitudes )it# t#eir kin in t#e +oren $orest. T#ey also s#are t#e same deities, t#oug# t#ere are no 'riests or o servances for t#e cults of 7#aela Mens#a 7#aine and Morai(<eg. T#e reasons for t#is are unclear, and t#e +aur,lornalim offer no e6'lanations. -ome t#eologians s'eculate t#at t#e )ors#i' of 7#aela Mens#a 7#aine #as vanis#ed in 'art due to t#e deity0s o vious connection to t#e 'roscri ed #uman cult of 7#Jine. T#e +aur,lorn cults s#are a num er of traits. All re2uire t#e Elves to lead a life t#at many #uman sc#olars classify as 4good5 or 4neutral5 Ct#is la elling is, of course, more indicative of t#e lack of understanding of Elves among suc# sc#olarsD. T#ere are also no constructed 'laces of )ors#i' for elievers to congregate. Elves do not )ors#i' re2uire a 'lace to )ors#i', unlike #umans. T#ere are times, #o)ever, t#at "ood Elves )ill gat#er at a location deemed suita le for cele rating t#e gifts and munificence of t#e res'ective deity. -uc# locations may e a s'ring of cool )ater, grove of large trees, tall #illto', or a cascading )aterfall. -tone megalit#s and circles are vie)ed as 'laces of 'o)er. +aur,lornalim cults tend to #ave res'ect and reverence for t#e Old $ait#, )#ic# s#ares many vie)s )it# t#e "ood Elf religion. T#ose sc#olars )#o are o livious to t#e differences claim t#at t#e Old $ait# derived many of its eliefs from t#ose of t#e "ood Elves. T#e "ood Elves #umour t#is ty'e of 42uaintness5 )#en t#ey are made a)are of t#is vie). T#e "ood Elf cults are also )ell dis'osed to)ards follo)ers of Taal and !#ya. T#e +aur,lornalims are indifferent to)ards t#e cults of ot#er #uman deities, alt#oug# t#ey are very )ary of t#e cults of 8lric and

-igmar. T#e 'olitical as'irations of t#e leaders of t#ese t)o cults cause great concerns and t#reaten t#e +aur,lorn. T#e attitude to)ards t#e ;)arfen 'ant#eon varies from contem't to condescending amusement. *n contrast, t#e 1#aos cults and t#e deities of Orcs and &o lins are vie)ed )it# utter disdain and #ostility. All )#o )ors#i' t#ese eings are to e e6terminated.

;escri'tion9 According to t#e Elf -ongs, Adamnan(na(Brion#a )as orn in t#e mists efore t#e da)n of time and is t#e 'ersonification of t#e union et)een t#e forces of -ound and Motion. "ardancers #old t#at #e is T#e $irst Being, )#ose dance structured t#e universe. Adamnan is also referred to as 4T#e $irst5 and 4T#e +ord of t#e ;ance.5 T#e "ardancer diety reflects t)o seemingly contradictory as'ects of life 3 t#e /oy of dance and t#e fury of rig#teous slaying. <e a''ears as a mig#ty elf, )#ose left #and side is slender and graceful, and )#ose rig#t #and side s#o)s t#e massive muscles of t#e mig#ty )arrior. <is face is also s'lit et)een an e6'ression of transcendent liss and one of eye('o''ing fury. T#e "ardancers elieve t#at it is t#eir fusion of )ar and dance t#at 'rovides t#e eart#ly inter'retation of t#eir divine 'atronEs cosmic manifestation. -ym ol9 Adamnan is sym olized y a flute #eld in a clenc#ed fist. ;evotees of t#e +ord of t#e ;ance usually ado't one of t#e flam oyant "ardancer #airstyles, and in addition must )ear t#e deity0s sym ol eit#er as a 'endant or a 'air of earrings. *n t#e latter case, t#ey )ear a tiny flute, often )orked in silver, on t#eir left ear, )#ile t#e rig#t is #ome to a clenc#ed fist, usually )orked in gold. *n some instances, "ardancers are kno)n to )ear colourful masks made of )ood sym olizing an as'ect or facial e6'ression of Adamnan <oly ;ays9 T#ere are no s'ecific #oly days as suc# #olds little meaning for cultists. Events and actions are far more im'ortant. ;ancing, rig#tful slaying, training, and testing and initiation of ne) "ardancers are all #eld to e sacred events )#en 'erformed )it# t#e 'ro'er s'irit and attitudes. $or t#ose versed in t#e #ig#er mysteries of Adamnan, eac# action, no matter #o) trivial, forms 'art of t#e ;ance of +ife, and every ne) e6'erience is to e savoured as of e2ual significance. 1ult !e2uirements9 T#e cult is o'en to all Elves. An Elf must e dedicate t#emselves into t#e %at# of t#e "ardancer and com'lete t#e re2uisite training CcareerD efore 'roceeding to ecoming an *nitiate of Adamnan. /eligious 1rders( "ardancers are t#e closest t#ing to a religious order for t#is cult. Strictures( T#e fe) formal strictures 'laced u'on its mem ers are9 7ee' t#emselves fit and su''le at all times. Never act in a manner t#at t#reatens t#e good of t#e Elven race.

<o)ever, Adamnan is attentive to t#e manner is )#ic# a )ors#i''er a''roac#es #er task. $or instance, entering com at )it# /oy and rig#teous anger and fig#ting )it# at#letic elegance are 'leasing to Adamnan. *n contrast, killing in a mean(s'irited, co)ardly, or inelegant fas#ion attracts #is dis'leasure. As t#ose )#o c#oose to em ody t#e +ord of ;ance, "ardancers are e6'ected to learn to master t#eir odies and t#eir emotions so as to e a le to release t#em )it# e2ually measured 'assion )#et#er t#ey are engaged in t#e cele ration of Adamnan or in t#e )#irling ecstasy of attle in #is #onour. S2ell 3se( %riests of Adamnan may use t#e follo)ing s'ells9 @st +evel9 KBattleL Aura of !esistance, 1ause Animosity, 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic, ;is'irit, $leet $oot, $lig#t, *mmunity from %oison, -li''ery &round, -teal Mind, "ilt "ea'on= KElementalL 1loud of -moke= K*llusionistL Be)ilder $oe And +evel9 KBattleL Aura of %rotection, Break "ea'on, 1ause %anic, +eg Breaking, Magical Mig#t, Mental ;uel, Mystic Mist, -tam'ede, -teal Magical %o)er= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym ol C!itualDH= KElementalL !esist $ire Mrd +evel9 KBattleL Arro) *nvulnera ility, Arro) -torm, 1ause 1o)ardly $lig#t, 1ause $ear, 1ause *nsta ility, 1ause -tu'idity, ;is'el Magic, Enfee le, Magic Bridge, -u vert "ea'on, Transfer Aura= KElementalL ;ust -torm Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Aura of *nvulnera ility, Bless CEnc#antD "ea'on, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic, Entanglement, !everse -'ell, -tand -till, -trengt# of Mind H see #ivine S2ells * rayers, elo) for descri'tion Skills( *nitiates and %riests of Adamnan may gain one of t#e follo)ing skills at eac# level9 Dance, Musicianship, Sing, Street Fighter, and Wrestling. -uc# t#e skill c#ose e one t#at #ad een taken )it# t#e "ardancer career, t#en t#e Elf gains dou le t#e skill onus. T#e Elf c#aracter must 'ay for t#ese skills at t#e normal e6'erience 'oint cost. Trials( A trial set y Adamnan ty'ically involves dealing )it# creatures t#at #ave s#o)n disres'ect to)ards t#e Elven race 3 for e6am'le, go lins encroac#ing into a "ood Elven forest, or <uman )oodcutters and c#arcoal( urners daring to invade t#e dee'er forests to cut do)n t#e lornalim or ot#er sacred trees. T#e style and s'irit in )#ic# a trial is undertaken is at least as im'ortant as t#e outcome. Blessings( A lessing from Adamnan usually takes t#e form of t#e single use of an a''ro'riate s'ell, a onus to one of t#e skills listed a ove, or t#e automatic success of one of t#e follo)ing tests9 Fall, Jump, Leap, or any WS or I tests.

;escri'tion9 *s#a is t#e )ife of 7urnuous, mot#er of +iadriel, Mat#lann and Torot#al. *s#a re'resents t#e fertility and ounty of t#e eart# and is t#e mot#er of t#e Elven race. <uman sc#olars and ;ruids elieve *s#a to e t#e Elven name for !#ya and, as suc#, an as'ect of t#e Eart# Mot#er. $rom t#is stand'oint, ot# mistakenly elieve t#at t#e "ood Elves are follo)ers of t#e Old $ait# and t#eir 'ant#eon is no really an assortment of unrelated #ero cults. T#e "ood Elves are unconcerned )it# #umans 'erce'tion of t#eir deities or )ors#i'. T#ey kno) t#at *s#a is t#e mot#er of t#e land and of t#e flora t#at gro)s u'on it. To t#e Elves, t#e +aur,lorn is *s#a 'ersonified. T#e s'irits of t#e trees, 'lants, #ills, rocks, and rooks are infused )it# #er s'irit. *n fact, t#e Elves consider Treemen and ;ryads as offs'ring of *s#a as do t#ey t#emselves. -ym ol9 *s#aEs sym ols are t#e leaf of t#e lornalim or a great oak, a 'inecone, or a )#ite tree covered in silver leaves. <er *nitiates and %riests )ear sim'le )oollen ro es )it# one or more of t#ese sym ols se)n into t#e #ems, carved into t#eir staffs, or on t#e stra's of t#eir satc#els containing #ealing #er s. <oly ;ays9 *s#aEs main festive days are t#e -'ring E2uino6 and t#e -ummer -olstice as t#ey are associated )it# t#e a)akening of 'lants from t#eir )inter slum er and t#e fullness of life in t#e forest. 1ult !e2uirements9 Any "ood Elf may venerate *s#a, es'ecially )#en t#ey are engaged in activities suc# as #arvesting fruit and erries, clearing t#e forest floor of de ris, and 'lanting seedlings. !eligious Orders9 *s#aEs Tree Tem'lars are knig#ts devoted to *s#a and regard t#e )#ole forest as #er tem'le. 1onse2uently, t#ey regard all intrusion as a defilement and regularly make forays into t#e outer reac#es of t#e forest to discourage any intruders. T#ey are elite cavalry troo's and are under t#e command of Tuisic#(Novasmair al *s#a. Strictures( *nitiates and %riests of *s#a must a ide y t#e follo)ing strictures9 !everence for t#e ounty of t#e eart#, t#e miracle of life. !es'ect and #onour for family and kin. ;efend t#e )oodland realm from any )#o )ould destroy, defile, and corru't it. Aid any kin less fortunate, es'ecially t#e elderly. Take from t#e )oodland realm )#at is needed, ut do not des'oil. S2ell 3se( %riests of *s#a are 'ro#i ited from using any offensive or #arm causing s'ells. T#ey may use only s'ells )#ic# are 'rotective or defensive in nature suc# as t#e follo)ing9

@st +evel9 KBattleL Aura of !esistance, 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic, $leet $oot, $lig#t, *mmunity from %oison, "ilt "ea'on= KElementalL 1loud of -moke, 1reate -'ring, Magic +ig#t, "ard of Arro)s And +evel9 KBattleL Aura of %rotection, Break "ea'on, Mystic Mist= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym ol C!itualDH, "ard IegetationH= KElementalL E6tinguis# $ire, <eal Iegetation, Move O /ect, !esist $ire Mrd +evel9 KBattleL Arro) *nvulnera ility, ;is'el Magic, Enfee le, Magic Bridge, -u vert "ea'on, Transfer Aura= K;ivineL -'eak )it# ;ryadH, KElementalL Banis# Elemental, Become Et#ereal Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Aura of *nvulnera ility, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic, K;ivineL 1all ;ivine 1reature C!itualDH, 1all ;ryad C!itualDH, -'eak )it# TreemanH= KElementalL 1#ange "eat#er C!itualD, 1reate Iegetation, ;is'el Elementals, -ummon Elemental H see #ivine S2ells * rayers, elo) for descri'tion Skills( *n addition to skills normally availa le to t#em, %riests of *s#a may c#oose one e6tra skill at eac# level, from t#e follo)ing list9 Animal Care, Augury, Cure Disease, eal Wounds, er! Lore, "denti#y Plant, "mmunity to Disease, Manu#acture Drugs C#er al ase onlyD, and Scrying. As al)ays, skills gained must e 'aid for )it# t#e normal cost of @FF E6'erience %oints. Trials( Trials set y *s#a ty'ically involve caring for t#e 'arts of t#e forest ravaged y t#ose )#o #ave des'oiled its eauty and )orking to restore areas lig#ted y 'estilence, )#et#er natural C'lague of locustsD or ot#er)ise Cmalevolent sorceryD. Blessings( -kills favoured y *s#a include all curative skills Csuc# as Cure Disease, eal Wounds, or er! LoreD and some medicinal CManu#acture Drugs )it# #er al asesD. $avoured test are mainly Int, &l and %el tests made in situations )#ere kno)ledge of and em'at#y for t#e )oodlands and its enc#anted in#a itants are needed.

;escri'tion9 <uman t#eologians consider 7urnuous as an as'ect of Taal, t#e god of nature and )ild 'laces. *n contrast, t#e Elves consider Taal as not#ing more t#an an artificial #uman construct created to sim'lified t#e com'le6ities of nature to make it more com're#ensi le. 7urnuous is one of t#e ma/or deities of t#e Elven 'ant#eon. <e is ot# t#e +ord of t#e forest animals and Master of t#e "ild <unt. 7urnuous is also t#e 'atron of t#e Elven Beastfriends and is )ors#i''ed y Elven scouts and #unters. Any )#o venture into #is realm are e6'ected to s#o) t#e Elven deity t#e 'ro'er res'ect. To do ot#er)ise )ill incur 7urnuous0 dis'leasure. *f one of forest animals are ca'riciously killed or maimed, t#en t#e offender my incur #is )rat#. 7urunous is normally de'icted as an Elf over ten feet in #eig#t, )it# t#e #ead and tail of a stag.

*t is elieved t#at 7urnuous can take t#e s#a'e of any forest creature at )ill. -ym ol9 +ike Taal, 7urnuous is re'resented y a stag0s #ead )it# large, ranc#ing antlers. *nitiates and %riests of 7urnuous dress in t#e same manner as ot#er Elves. T#ey do em roider t#e sym ols of 7urnuous along t#e #ems of t#eir clot#ing. T#ese sym ols include t#e skull of a stag, stylized Elf #ead )it# antlers, or t#e #ead of a unicorn. <oly ;ays9 7urnuous #as t)o main #olidays9 t#e middle of t#e s'ring )#en food ecomes 'lentiful and t#e young of t#e forest animals are orn in to t#e )orld and t#e middle of autumn )#en all creatures 're'are t#emselves for t#e a''roac#ing )inter. %riests of 7urnuous do not fi6 t#e dates of t#ese festivals to any s'ecific date on a calendar. T#e dates are in fact determined from t#e various natural signs as inter'reted y t#e %riest#ood. T#us, t#e dates can c#ange from one year to t#e ne6t. 1ult !e2uirements9 Any "ood Elf may 'ay reverence to 7urnuous, es'ecially )#en t#ey are engaged in activity )it#in t#e forested realms. !eligious Orders9 1araid# 7urnuous ( CEBeastfriends of 7urnousED T#is order of 'riests and initiates of 7arnos are s#a'ec#angers, #aving een favoured y an animal s'irit sent y t#eir lord. T#ey may take on t#e form of a #orse, )olf, ear, cat or oar. *n addition, t#ey #ave een granted #oly magical a ilities suc# as a s'ell. -trictures9 All *nitiates and %riests of 7urnuous must a ide y t#e follo)ing strictures9 Never #arm any animal e6ce't in self(defence, for food, or for need Never allo) an animal to e #armed, e6ce't in similar circumstances as descri ed a ove. &ive t#anks to t#e s'irit of t#e animal taken for food or need as t#ey #ave given u' t#eir lives for t#e enefit of Elfkind. Al)ays res'ect t#e animals of t#e )ild, )#et#er t#ey are 'rey or 'redator. ;o everyt#ing in one0s 'o)er to force &o lins, Orcs, Beastmen, -kaven, and t#e ot#er 1#aos servants out of t#e forests. -'ell 8se9 %riests of 7urnuous may any %etty Magic, Elemental Magic, and ;ruidic %riest s'ells, e6ce't Ta' Eart#'o)er and 1reate -'ecial &rove. @st +evel9 KBattleL 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic= K;ruidicL Animal Mastery, 1ure %oison, <eal Animal= KElementalL Assault of -tones, Blinding $las#= 1loud of -moke, Magic +ig#t, "ard of Arro)s And +evel9 KBattleL Break "ea'on, -tam'ede= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym ol C!itualDH= K;ruidicL &iant Animal Mastery, -#a'ec#ange, Tanglet#orn= KElementalL 1la' of T#under, 1ontrol +ig#tning, E6tinguis# $ire, Move O /ect, !esist $ire Mrd +evel9 KBattleL 1ause *nsta ility, 1ause -tu'idity, ;is'el Magic, -u vert "ea'on= K;ruidicL Animate Tree= KElementalL Banis# Elemental, Become Et#ereal, 1rum le -tone, ;ra) ;o)n +ig#tning, ;ust -torm

Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Bless CEnc#antD "ea'on, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic, Entanglement= K;ivineL -ummon t#e "ild <untH= KElementalL 1#ange "eat#er C!itualD, ;is'el Elementals, <edge of T#orns, -ummon CEart#D Elemental, -ummon -)arm H see ;ivine -'ells C%rayersD elo) for descri'tion -kills9 *nitiates of 7urnuous receive t#e Charm Animal skill instead of Secret Language-Classical. %riests of 7urnuous may roll once on t#e !anger -kill Ta le C"$!%, 'g @ND at eac# level, re(rolling if necessary until t#ey receive a skill )#ic# t#ey do not already 'ossess. T#is is in addition to t#e skills listed for eac# level in t#e "$!% rule ook, 'age @.@, and cost t#e normal @FF e6'erience 'oints. %riests of 7urnous may gain t#e Call Animal skill at eac# level a ove *nitiate, taking a different s'ecies eac# time. Alternatively, *nitiates and %riests of 7urnuous may c#oose )#enever t#ey advance a level to select t#e Augury skill at t#e cost @FF e6'erience 'oints. Trials9 Trials set y 7urnuous al)ays involve t#e 'rotection of t#e forest and its animals. T#is can involve driving a)ay t#ose )#o t#reaten t#e in#a itants of t#e forest )#et#er it is a lone #uman tra''er or a )ar 'arty of &o lins or Beastmen. *n rare circumstances, a trial mig#t #ave to do )it# relieving t#e suffering of animals, suc# as freeing t#ose ca'tured for #uman s'ort like 'it(fig#ting or aiting. T#e latter kind of trial leads to a certain amount of conflict )it# #umans )#o en/oy t#is ar aric and cruel form of entertainment.. Blessings9 -kills favoured y 7urnuous are all t#ose t#at deal )it# animals9 Animal Care, Animal $raining, Charm Animal, %ide, Spot $raps, and $ric& %iding. Ot#er skills may e favoured de'ending u'on circumstances. $avoured test are mainly 1l and $el tests made in situations )#ere animals are closely involved. On rare occasions a one(time use of Call Animal skill may e granted. %unis#ments )ill generally e t#e reverse effect of lessings. 7urnuous may also decide to inflict a c#aracter )it# t#e Animal Aversion magical disa ility C"$!%, 'age @M?D.

;escri'tion9 ;ue to t#e fact t#at a ma/ority of t#e Elves encountered y #umanity are minstrels y trade, t#ere is a mistaken elief t#at +iadriel is t#e ma/or deity of t#e "ood Elves. -till, +iadriel is a very im'ortant deity, es'ecially to t#e Elves of t#e +aur,lorn. T#e %atron of Music, %oetry, ;ancing, and "ine is androgynous, com ining traits ot# male and female, and a''ears as an Elf of sur'assing eauty )it# a slig#t smile. +iadriel al)ays carries a lute and a )ineskin. -ym ol9 +iadriel is re'resented y t#e follo)ing sym ols9 lute and )ineskin, cu', and vine leaves )it# gra'es. *nitiates and %riests )ear green #ooded ro es )#ic# are ric#ly em roidered in gold t#read. T#e em roidery re'resents a variety of sym ols including vine leaves, musical instruments, fruit, and so on. <oly ;ays9 <oly days, as #umans understand t#em, #ave no meaning to t#e cult of +iadriel. T#e

deity is )ors#i''ed )#enever "ood Elves sing or drink, )#ic# is 2uite fre2uently. &reat feasts and )ild cele rations are #eld on t#e nig#t of every ne) moon in #onour of +iadriel Ct#e largest of t#ese take 'lace on <e6enstag and &e#eimnistagD. *t is de ata le )#et#er t#ese constitute anyt#ing more t#an a feast in )#ic# +iadriel is #onoured as o''ose to a #oly day. 1ult !e2uirements9 T#e cult is o'ened to all adult "ood Elves. /eligious 1rders( T#ere are t#ree suc# dedicated to +iadriel. T#e Knights of the 1rder of the 4ade Wineskin are Tem'lars of +iadriel )#o #ave s)orn t#eir love for t#e deity and devoted t#eir life to u'#olding t#e fait#. Normally, t#is is a fairly easy life of feasting and an2ueting alt#oug# t#e knig#ts must undergo rigorous training and #ave limited inde'endence. T#e Order is dee'ly involved in defending t#e +aur,lorn and any invasion of it )ill e declared a <oly "ar y t#eir leader, t#e &rand Master 1)r(1alam as Nar +iadriel, as t#e forest is sacred to +iadriel and it is an act of defilement to so invade it. $ortunately, t#eir #oly 'laces and religious glades are #idden dee' in t#e forest and 'rotected y 'o)erful magicks, ut t#e Order realise t#at any incursions must certainly e sto''ed efore t#ese are reac#ed. To t#is end, t#e Order generally 'refers to meet t#eir enemies in o'en attle and remain inde'endent of t#e main Elven forces, t#oug# t#ey do recognise t#e need for unity and as long as it serves t#eir 'ur'ose. T#e Liadrielinim CET#e +ords of -ong and "ineED are clerics of +iadriel. T#ey are not est suited to )ar ut )ill serve as t#ey may under t#e direction of t#eir #oly leader, %arty(+ord Mellas 7ir Alyar u +iadriel. T#e +iadrielinim olster s'irits y #olding attle feasts and victory an2uets dedicated to +iadriel and )ill a''ear on t#e attlefield as needs re2uire. T#e "instrels of the 1rder of the Green Lute are c#am'ions #ave 'roved t#eir loyalty to +iadriel in many )ays and are res'ected t#roug#out t#e forest. T#is unit only ands toget#er on t#e raising of t#eir amuletic standard in times of a forest emergency, )#ic# is generally declared on t#e occurrence of any organised assault y t#eir leader, t#e &reat Balladeer, Nalfin(+am aras ur +iadriel. Strictures( T#e only strictures in t#e cult of +iadriel are9 Al)ays o''ose t#e destruction and desecration of t#e )oodland realm O''ose actions t#at are detrimental to t#e Elven race. S2ell 3se( %riests of +iadriel may use t#e follo)ing s'ells9 @st +evel9 KBattleL Aura of !esistance, 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic, ;is'irit, -teal Mind, "ilt "ea'on= K*llusionistL Assume *llusionary A''earance, Be)ilder $oe, 1amouflage Area, 1amouflage *llusion, 1loak Activity, &lamour, *llusionary $eature, -im'le ;ece'tion And +evel9 KBattleL Aura of %rotection, Break "ea'on, 1ause %anic, Mental ;uel, Mystic Mist= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym olH= K*llusionistL Banis# *llusion, 1onfound $oe, <allucinate, *llusionary "oods, +esser Eidolon, T#ro) Ioice

Mrd +evel9 KBattleL 1ause 1o)ardly $lig#t, 1ause $ear, 1ause -tu'idity, ;is'el Magic, -u vert "ea'on, Transfer Aura= K*llusionistL *llusionary Enemy, *llusion of Mig#ty A''earance, 8niversal *llusion, Ianis# Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Aura of *nvulnera ility, Bless CEnc#antD "ea'on, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic= K;ivineL %acifyH= K*llusionistL 1om'lete *llusion, ;estroy *llusions, *llusionary Army, *llusion of ;arkness, Tele'ort H see #ivine S2ells * rayers, elo) for descri'tion Skills( 1lerics of +iadriel may gain one of t#e follo)ing skills at eac# level9 Augury, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Dance, ypnotise, Musicianship, Scrying, Seduction, Sing, and 'iniculture. T#e skills must e oug#t )it# e6'erience 'oints as usual. Trials( +iadriel does not normally set trials for #is>#er follo)ers as suc#. T#ere are occasions, #o)ever, )#ere +iadriel considered t#at t#e 'etitioning cleric did not 'erform in a manner t#at is consistent )it# #is>#er 'rinci'les. *n suc# cases, t#e cleric may need to undergo a 'eriod of time )#ere +iadriel scrutinizes t#eir 'erformance. Blessings( -kills favoured y +iadriel are Augury, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Dance, ypnotise, Musicianship, Scrying, Seduction, Sing, and 'iniculture. T#ere are no favoured tests, alt#oug# +iadriel may confer a lessing in t#e form of a tem'orary increase in %el.

;escri'tion9 -arriel is t#e &od of ;reams as )ell as t#e %atron of t#e #ealing arts and %rotector of t#e "andering Elven -'irits. -arriel is descri ed y #is follo)ers as an es'ecially tall Elf of regal earing and dark, lack #air. *t is said t#at s'arklings of lig#t s#ine u'on #is raven tresses muc# like t#e stars t)inkling aginst t#e nig#t sky. -ym ol9 *nitiates and %riests of -arriel identify t#emselves )it# t#e sym ol of t#e )#ite )olf, a sacred s'irit east t#at is said to #el' 'rotect t#e deceased Elven s'irits from t#e foul easts t#at stalk t#e -'irit !ealm. *nitiates and %riests )ear 'lain #ooded ro es of midnig#t lue )it# sym ols of stars and 'lanets se)n onto t#e #ems. <oly ;ays9 T#ere are no s'ecific #oly days to -arriel, t#oug# t#e nig#t is considered #is favoured time. -arriel is usually called u'on during sickness to assist t#e ill and at deat# to assist t#e de'arture of t#e Elf from #is cor'oreal eing. 1ult !e2uirements9 T#e cult is o'ened to any "ood Elf )#o )ould venture in -arriel0s mysteries. /eligious 1rders9 T#e Shado. Weavers Cor The #ream)"akers of SarrielD are "ood Elf )izards )#o follo) t#e &od of ;reams, due to #is relations#i' )it# illusionism and #ave formed t#eir o)n secret Cas secret as Elves can getD society under t#e tutelage of T#e &rand ;eceiver,

;reamguiler +a2uenyar !al -ilmar. *ndividual mem ers of t#e society may serve t#e army as )izards. Strictures( All follo)ers of -arriel must e a ide y t#e follo)ing strictures9 Al)ays o''ose t#e servants of t#e ;ark Elves, es'ecially t#e minion of t#eir sorcerors. Al)ays o''ose Necromancers and any 8ndead )#enever and )#erever t#ey encounter t#em. Al)ays o''ose t#ose )#o seek to destroy or defile t#e "ood Elven #omeland. Never refuse to attend and care for t#e ill, es'ecially c#ildren. Never refuse to listen to t#e dreams of ot#ers. Never refuse to conduct a funeral service if re2uested to do so. Never enter or distur a 'lace of urial )#ic# #as een 'ro'erly dedicated to t#e 'rotection of -arriel. S2ell 3se( %riests of -arriel may use t#e follo)ing s'ells9 @st +evel9 KBattleL Aura of !esistance, 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic, ;is'irit, *mmunity from %oison, -teal Mind, "ilt "ea'on= K;ivineL 1ure %oison, $uneral !ite C!itualDHH = K*llusionistL Be)ilder $oe, 1amouflage Area, 1amouflage *llusion, &lamour= KNecromanticL ;estroy 8ndead And +evel9 KBattleL Aura of %rotection, Break "ea'on, 1ause %anic, Magical Mig#t, Mental ;uel, Mystic Mist, -teal Magical %o)er= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym ol C!itualDH= *nvisi ility to 8ndeadHH, Treat *llness= K*llusionistL Banis# *llusion, 1onfound $oe, *llusionary "oods, +esser Eidolon Mrd +evel9 KBattleL Arro) *nvulnera ility, 1ause 1o)ardly $lig#t, 1ause $ear, 1ause *nsta ility, 1ause -tu'idity, ;is'el Magic, Transfer Aura= K;ivineL <eal *n/ury, %urification !ite C!itualDHH, "rat# of -arriel CMOrrDHH= KNecromanticL Anni#ilate 8ndead= K*llusionistL 8niversal *llusion, Ianis# Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Aura of *nvulnera ility, Bless CEnc#antD "ea'on, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic, !everse -'ell, -tand -till, -trengt# of Mind= K;ivineL O'en -arriel0s CMOrr0sD &atesHH= K*llusionistL 1om'lete *llusion, ;estroy *llusions, Tele'ort H see #ivine S2ells * rayers, elo) for descri'tion HH descri ed in 02ocry2ha 5( &harts of #arkness, 'ages AP(A?. Skills( *nitiates of -arriel must 'urc#ase t#e Dream "nterpretation skill at normal E% cost in addition to t#e skills normally availa le to *nitiates. %riests of -arriel may 'urc#ase one of t#e follo)ing skills for eac# level t#ey0ve ac#ieved9 Arcane Language- (ecromantic Magic&, Astrology, Astronomy, Augury, "denti#y )ndead, %esistance to "llusionist Magic Csee elo)D, Scrying, and )ndead Lore C02ocry2ha 5( &harts of #arkness, 'age A.D. /esistance to Illusion "agic( T#is skill ena les t#e %riest of MOrr to add a Q@FR modifier to all magic tests against *llusion Magic only.

Trials( Trials set y -arriel generally involve 'unis#ing t#ose )#o distur urial 'laces and desecrate t#e dead. *n some instances, trials may e of a more enign nature suc# as going to 'lace )#ere 'lague #as overtaken in#a itants of a settlement, even a #uman one, and do )#at one can to attend to t#e diseased. Blessings( -kills favoured y -arriel include Astrology, Astronomy, Augury, Cure Disease, Dream "nterpretation, eal Wounds, "denti#y )ndead, Magic A*areness, %esistance to "llusion Magic&, Scrying, and )ndead Lore. $avoured tests include Fear, $error, all %oison, ;isease, and ot#er test )#ic# counter s'ecial attack forms of any 8ndead creature. -arriel may also grant a tem'orary increase to Int, &l, and W attri utes. $re2uently, -arriel may less a c#aracter y sending a dream to give advice or information.

;escri'tion9 Torot#al is t#e &oddess of !ain and !ivers and is revered almost as muc# as *s#a for t#e #ealt# of t#e )oodland realm. Torot#al is generally descri ed as a tall Elven )oman )it# long flo)ing lig#t lue #air )#o makes #er #ome in t#e rivers of any "ood Elf realm. T#oug# normally gentle, Torot#al0s anger generally manifests itself in t#e tem'ests t#at occasionally atter t#e land. Many Elves elieve t#at Torot#al0s anger tends to e directed at t#e #umans )#o foolis#ly encroac# u'on t#e land. -ym ol9 T#e sym ols re'resenting Torot#al include )ater dro's, rain o)s, and lig#tning olts. *nitiates and %riests of Torot#al )ear clot#ing ty'ical of "ood Elves )it# t#e addition of lue trim se)n on t#e #emlines. Medallions crafted in t#e s#a'e of one of Torot#al0s sym ols are discreetly )orn. <oly ;ays9 Torot#al does not #ave any #oly days as suc#, t#oug# many #onour #er )#enever rain comes to t#e +aur,lorn. -ome of t#ose o serving t#e descend of life(nouris#ing )ater from t#e sky 'erform a dance in cele ration of t#e lessed event, 'articularly after an unusual dry s'ell. 1ult !e2uirements9 Any "ood Elf may venerate Torot#al )#erever )ater flo)s )#et#er from t#e sky or along t#e various rivers, streams, and )aterfalls. /eligious 1rders( T#e cult #as t)o suc# Orders9 T#e %lock of Torothal are 'riests )#o form an unorganised collection of individuals under t#e leaders#i' of $orest(+ord Eled#ir Eidyn u Torot#al. ;ue to t#eir relations#i' )it# t#e goddess, eac# #as t#e 'o)er, in addition to ot#er a ilities, to call fort# a s)arm of Torot#alEs eloved forest creatures Ct#e ty'e t#at live in eit#er t#e )ater or fly in t#e airD in order to defend #er forested #omeland. T#e ty'es of s)arm t#at may e called include irds, otters, and frogs. Torothal+s /ain of #eath are a and of scout(tem'lars dedicated to t#e 'rotection of t#e forest rivers t#at are so eloved of t#eir goddess, and are t#e life lood of t#e forest. T#e leader,

7int#ane +orfin Alf#eim, is an initiate of Torot#al and t#e unit is a semi(religious one under t#e aus'ices of t#e clerics of Torot#al. Strictures( *nitiates and %riests of Torot#al a ide y t#e follo)ing strictures9 Never dam or ot#er)ise im'ede t#e course of a river or ot#er )ater)ays. ;o not 'ermit t#e defilement of rivers or ot#er )ater)ays. ;o not allo) a fello) eing to go t#irsty. ;o not a use t#e animals of t#e air and )ater. ;o not suffer t#e enemies of Elfkind to #arm any living eing in t#e )oodland realm. S2ell 3se( %riests of Torot#al may use t#e follo)ing s'ells9 @st +evel9 KBattleL Aura of !esistance, 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic, ;is'irit, $lig#t, -li''ery &round, "ind Blast= KElementalL Blinding $las#= 1loud of -moke, 1reate -'ring, Magic +ig#t, "alk on "ater And +evel9 KBattleL Aura of %rotection, 1ause %anic, +ig#tning Bolt, Mystic Mist, -teal Magical %o)er= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym ol C!itualDH= KElementalL 1ause !ain, 1la' of T#under, 1ontrol +ig#tning, E6tinguis# $ire, *cy &round, Move O /ect, !esist $ire Mrd +evel9 KBattleL Arro) *nvulnera ility, 1ause 1o)ardly $lig#t, 1ause $ear, 1ause -tu'idity, ;is'el Magic, Enfee le, Transfer Aura= K;ivineL !aise $ogH= KElementalL Banis# Elemental, Become Et#ereal, ;ra) ;o)n +ig#tning Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Aura of *nvulnera ility, Bless CEnc#antD "ea'on, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic, !everse -'ell, -tand -till= KElementalL 1#ange "eat#er C!itualD, ;is'el Elementals, -ummon CAir or "aterD Elemental, -ummon -)arm, -)ell !iver H see #ivine S2ells * rayers, elo) for descri'tion Skills( 1lerics of Torot#al may gain one of t#e follo)ing skills at eac# level9 Augury, Boat!uilding, Dro*sing, (avigate +%iver,, -rientation, %iver Lore, %o*, Sailing, Scale Sheer Sur#ace, Scrying, and S*im. T#e skills must e oug#t )it# e6'erience 'oints as usual. Trials( Trials set y Torot#al ty'ically involve 'rotecting rivers, )aterfalls and ot#er )ater)ays from t#ose )#o seek to des'oil its eauty and deny its use to ot#er denizens of t#e )oodlands and ot#er locales. *n some cases, t#is mig#t also involve 'rotection of t#e forest )#ere t#e "ood Elves live. Blessings( -kills favoured y Torot#al are Augury, Dro*sing, (avigate +%iver,, -rientation, %iver Lore, %o*, Sailing, Scrying, and S*im. *n addition, HHHHH-ide arHHHHH

Side'ar( The &ult of Kern

"ood Elves of t#e +aur,lorn $orest elieve t#at t#eir gods sometime take '#ysical forms to )alk and live among t#em. Occasionally t#ese visitations may result in t#e irt# of a demi(god )#o ecomes a #ero in t#e folklore of t#e +aur,lornalim and ins'ires some to dedicate t#eir lives to follo) #er e6am'le. One of t#e etter kno)n of t#ese semi(divine eings is 7ern, son of t#e !iver &oddess Torot#al. *t is elieved t#at #e )as t#e eing t#at sealed t#e orders of t#e +aur,lorn $orest from t#e ;)arfs )#o )ere 2uickly returning to t#e mountains after sacking t#e <ig# Elven colonial city of -it# !ionnasc0namis#at#ir at t#e end of t#e "ar of t#e Beard. One of t#e legends #ad it t#at 7ern also erected t#e megalit#ic stones t#at mark t#e oundaries of t#e +aur,lorn in order to offer some 'rotection against Elven enemies as )ell as maintain t#e mystical enc#antment of t#e forest itself. One of t#e etter kno)n grou's t#at revere 7ern is t#e troo' kno)n as -karloc0s Arc#ers. T#e mysterious leader of t#e and is also called BT#e <ooded One.0 Many young and idealistic Elves flock to -karloc0s anner. Among t#eir num er is &lam, t#e +aug#ing "arrior, reno)ned as t#e one of t#e greatest of t#e Elven )ardancers. *t is )#is'ered t#at only -karloc can control #is mercurial tem'er. Anot#er mem er of t#e and is 7aia -torm)itc#, t#e scouts0 )izard and standard earer. T#e standard s#e carries is a #oly relic and contains t#e as#es of t#e #eart of 7ern. $inally, t#ere is Araflane "arskald, )#ose great ronze caryn6 )ar#orn doomsounder strikes fear into t#e #earts of t#e Arc#ers0 enemies. HHHHHEnd -ide arHHHHH

#ivine S2ells * rayers,

T#e follo)ing are ne) ;ivine Magic s'ells9

#edicate #ivine Sym'ol */itual,

-'ell +evel9 -econd Magic %oints9 ? !ange9 Touc# ;uration9 %ermanent *ngredients9 -ym ol of t#e a''ro'riate deity T#e ritual is similar to t#at descri ed for t#e cult of MOrr 4;edicate -taff5 C02ocry2ha 5( &hart of #arkness, 'age AP(AND. +ike t#ose in t#e #uman cult, "ood Elven 'riests and sorcerors )ould #ave a difficult time casting s'ells )#ic# use com'onents t#at are of an offensive nature to a "ood Elf0s sensitivities, suc# as ody 'arts of )oodland creatures. Being #ig#er magical creatures, t#e "ood Elves #ave develo'ed a ritual t#at calls u'on t#e 'o)er of t#eir gods to

allo) for t#e 'ermanent lessing of an Elven 'riest0s or sorceror0s #oly sym ol to act as a focus for t#eir s'ells. T#e ritual involves a And level %riest and #er *nitiate once t#e latter #as learned t#e mysteries of #is cult and is on t#e t#res#old of ecoming a %riest. T#e mentor )ould #ave t#e *nitiate first craft t#e #oly sym ol y #and and engrave it )it# t#e )ords of 'o)er t#at )ould e uni2ue to t#at Elf and used to invoke t#e magical 'otential of #is inner s'irit. T#e mentor )ould e lay t#e *nitiate0s sym ol under #er o)n and c#ant t#e cult0s litany in order to em'o)er t#e token. A sacrifice is t#en called u'on, t#e nature of )#ic# also varies y cult. T#e cult of Adamnan mig#t use dro's of t#e *nitiate0s lood )#ile *s#a mig#t call u'on t#e /uice of t#e rare %hathina erry. T#e same ritual is used y "izardly order, t#e Dreinarthia Corlinalith, CEldritc# "atc#ers( see elo)D, and ot#er "ood Elf sorcerors of t#e +aur,lorn.

Ward 6egetation
-'ell +evel9 -econd Magic %oints9 . 'er @A. 1u ic Sards !ange9 touc# ;uration9 @dM days *ngredients9 None T#e cleric is granted t#e 'o)er to 'rotect a large area of vegetation Cand t#e soil )it#in )#ic# t#ey are rootedD from lig#t and ot#er infestations. *n addition, t#is s'ell can slo) any see'age of contamination from 1#aos su stances suc# as "ar'stone and "ar'dust. T#e volume to e )arded must e marked off y #oly sym ols inscri ed onto t#e arks of trees and stems of smaller 'lants. Once invoked, t#e inscri ed sym ols disa''ear from normal vie) and can only e 'erceived y t#ose )it# t#e Magical -ense skill.

/aise %og
-'ell +evel9 T#ird Magic %oints9 ? !ange9 G? yards ;uration9 @ #our *ngredients9 A clum' of moss mi6ed )it# a 'inc# of algae. T#is s'ell is similar to t#e second level Battle s'ell of Mystic Mist C"$!%, 'age @.ND t#oug# )it# a greatly increased area of effect )it# a AF yards radius.

S2eak .ith #ryad

-'ell +evel9 T#ird Magic %oints9 . !ange9 Touc# ;uration9 @ #our *ngredients9 A t)ig from a tree in#a ited y a dryad T#is s'ell allo)s t#e caster to e a le to converse )it# a ;ryad even )#en t#e ;ryad is residing )it#in a tree. T#e conversation can range from sim'le discussion of creatures 'assing t#roug# t#e area to a )arning of a destructive force a''roac#ing.

&all #ivine &reature */itual,

-'ell +evel9 $ourt# Magic %oints9 @A !ange9 @FF yards ;uration9 G #ours *ngredients9 A silver #orn T#is s'ell allo)s a 'riest to call fort# a creature t#at is deemed sacred to t#e cult. *n t#e case of *s#a, suc# creatures include 'egasi, large )#ite stags, and unicorns. T#e ritual incantation includes t#e re2uest t#at t#e casting 'riest )is#es to make of )#ic#ever creature ans)ers t#e call. Once t#e creature a''ears, t#e 'riest #as to make t#eir case in order to )in t#e creature0s coo'eration. T#e 'riest gains a QAF modifier to t#eir $el Calong )it# any ot#er a''ro'riate modifierD

&all #ryad */itual,

-'ell +evel9 $ourt# Magic %oints9 @G !ange9 @FF yards ;uration9 G #ours *ngredients9 +eaf from a lornalim tree T#is s'ell allo)s a 'riest to call fort# a dryad. T#e ritual incantation includes t#e re2uest t#at t#e casting 'riest )is#es to make of t#e dryad ans)ering t#e call. Once t#e creature a''ears, t#e 'riest #as to make t#eir case in order to )in t#e creature0s coo'eration. T#e 'riest gains a QAF modifier to t#eir $el Calong )it# any ot#er a''ro'riate modifierD

%rayer !ank9 $ourt# Magic %oints9 @A !ange9 %ersonal ;uration9 8ntil ne6t sunrise Area of Effect9 BM% yard radius centred on cleric !esistance9 None T#is s'ell grants t#e invoking 'riest t#e a ility to calm all creatures )it#in t#e area of effect )#o are #ostile to)ards t#e 'riest or #is com'anions. T#ese once #ostile creatures )ill lay do)n t#eir )ea'ons and sit as t#ey find contentment in t#e song or music t#at must accom'any t#is 'rayer. Moreover, s#ould t#e invoking 'riest 'ass a $el test C)it# t#e a''ro'riate modifiersD, t#ese creatures may e called u'on to 'rovide a service, suc# as 'rotecting t#e 'riest and #is com'anions or leaving t#em alone. Naturally, any re2uest t#at is o viously intended to do t#e 'acified creatures #arm CT"ould you mind looking t#e ot#er )ay )#ile * sli''ed t#is s)ord t#roug# your ri s.TD automatically ends t#e s'ellEs effect. *f t#e 'riest luckily survives t#at e'isode, #eEll still #ave to contend )it# +iadriel Cafter all, t#is action )ould definitely e a gross violation of +iadrielEs 'rinci'lesD. T#is s'ell also 'rovides t#e 'riest and #is com'anions )it# a QAF modifier to all #ear and a Q@F modifier to all terror tests caused y #ostile creatures )it#in t#e area of effect.

S2eak .ith Treeman

-'ell +evel9 $ourt# Magic %oints9 ? !ange9 Touc# ;uration9 @ #our *ngredients9 +eaf from a treeman T#is s'ell allo)s t#e caster to e a le to converse )it# a Treeman. T#e conversation can range from sim'le discussion of creatures 'assing t#roug# t#e area to a )arning of a destructive force a''roac#ing.

Summon the Wild Hunt

-'ell +evel9 $ourt# Magic %oints9 MF !ange9 @F yards of %riest ;uration9 8ntil t#e #unt is com'leted or da)n reaks *ngredients9 A #unterEs #orn

One of t#e strongest availa le to %riests, t#is s'ell must e used only in t#e most des'erate of situations Ce.g., )#en a mig#ty 1#aos )ar and of t#irty strong led y a 1#aos <ero is a out to descend on a cam' of a young no le lady escorted y t#ree armed guardsmenD. T#e s'ell grants t#e %riest t#e 'o)er to summon t#e "ild <unt into t#e )orld. T#e <untsman and #is #ounds a''ear facing t#e direction of t#eir 2uarry, ut )ait for t#e %riest Es re2uest efore sounding t#e #orn Csignalling t#at t#e #unt #as egunD. T#e <untsman, a large man )it# stag antlers and cloven #ooves for feet, runs )it# t#e aying #ounds as t#ey 'ursue t#eir 'rey. <e is armed )it# s'ear, s)ord, and o) and may use s'ells as if #e )ere a fourt# level %riest of 7urnuous. -#ould t#e 2uarry e 'articularly 'o)erful, t#e <untsman may ta' into t#e Magic %oints of #is #ounds. T#us, only t#e strongest of foe #ave any c#ance (( remote t#at it is 3 to survive t#e #unt. <untsman " WS U ?. BS .. S U T U W AA I ?. 0 P #e7 N. Ld ?. Int ?. &l ?. W ?. %el ?.

Magic %oints9 GF P <ounds of t#e "ild <unt " WS BS S T U G. F . . Magic %oints9 @F -#ould t#e %riest summon t#e "ild <unt for a trivial matter Ce.g., killing a and of ten go lin )olfriders ecause t#e %riest and #is four uddies didnEt )ant to risk t#emselves in a attleD, t#e <untsman )ill a''ear )it#out #is #ounds. $acing t#e offending %riest, t#e <untsman )ill announce t#at t#e %riest #as incurred t#e )rat# of 7urnuous and 'unis#ment )ould e fort#coming. T#ere is a @FR c#ance t#at t#e 'unis#ment )ill result in t#e offending %riest ecoming t#e o /ect of t#e #unt Cin )#ic# case t#e <untsman )ill give t#e cleric a fifteen minute #ead startD. Ot#er)ise, t#e <untsman )ill sim'ly vanis#ed and t#e %riest )ill #ave to a)ait 7urnuousE decision. W @@ I .. 0 M #e7 F Ld GF Int M. &l PF W GF %el A.

Laurlornalim Sorcery
Not all "ood Elf )izards in t#e +aur,lorn are skilled enoug# to use Tree -ongs. -ome )#o #ave magical a'titude also 'ossess a #arder edge to t#em t#at are elieved to come from t#e enc#anted forest0s eing surround y forces #ostile to its e6istence. T#ese Elves are t#e Dreinarthia Corlinalith, CEldritc# "atc#ersD, a sorcerous order )#ose goal is 'rotection of t#e +aur,lorn at all costs. T#e origins of t#is Order are s#rouded in mystery. T#e +aurelornalim do not talk a out it as t#e Order is secretive even to t#eir o)n folk. -ome elieve t#at t#ey are aligned )it# t#e )ors#i' of *s#a, ot#ers )it# -arriel. No matter )#ic# deity t#ey are aligned, t#e Eldritc# "atc#ers )ield

great 'o)er and are not restricted in t#eir magic as #uman )izards. T#e Eldritc# "atc#ers are a le to lend Battle, Elemental, and *llusionist s'ells )it#out #aving to 'ursue eac# ty'e as s'ecialists. &iven t#is a ility, t#is ty'e of )izard is restricted to Non(%layer 1#aracters only. *f, for )#atever reason, a &M )ants to allo) a 'layer to 'ursue t#is c#aracter, t#e e6'erience 'oints costs e2ual t#at of any s'ecialist )izard career, i.e., everyt#ing costs t)ice in E6'erience 'oints )#at it )ould cost a Battle )izard. 1areer descri'tions are included in t#e section on "ood Elf careers elo). -'ells for Eldritc# "atc#er c#aracters can only e o tained from t#e follo)ing list9 %etty9 Butterfingers, ;anger -ense, ;ark -ig#t, $ind, &ift of Tongues, &lo)ing +ig#t, 7nock ;o)n, Magic Alarm, Magic $lame, Mars# +ig#ts, Mend, %etty Animal <ealing, %etty Beastfriend, %rotection from !ain, -#ar' Eyes, -lee', -ounds, -tealt#, "eaken %oison @st +evel9 KBattleL Aura or !esistance, 1ause Animosity, 1ure +ig#t *n/ury, ;etect Magic, ;is'irit, $leet $oot, $lig#t, *mmunity from %oison, -li''ery &round, -teal Mind, "ilt "ea'on, "ind Blast= KElementalL Assault of -tones, Blinding $las#= 1loud of -moke, 1reate -'ring, Magic +ig#t, "alk on "ater, "ard of Arro)s= K*llusionistL Be)ilder $oe, 1amouflage Area, 1amouflage *llusion, &lamour And +evel9 KBattleL Aura of %rotection, Break "ea'on, 1ause %anic, +eg Breaking, Magical Mig#t, Mental ;uel, Mystic Mist, -tam'ede, -teal Magical %o)er= K;ivineL ;edicate ;ivine -ym ol Csee a oveD= KElementalL 1ause !ain, 1la' of T#under, 1ontrol +ig#tning, E6tinguis# $ire, <eal Iegetation, *cy &round, Move O /ect, !esist $ire= K*llusionistL Banis# *llusion, 1onfound $oe, *llusionary "oods, +esser Eidolon Mrd +evel9 KBattleL Arro) *nvulnera ility, Arro) -torm, 1ause 1o)ardly $lig#t, 1ause $ear, 1ause *nsta ility, 1ause -tu'idity, ;is'el Magic, Enfee le, Magic Bridge, -u vert "ea'on, Transfer Aura= KElementalL Banis# Elemental, Become Et#ereal, 1rum le -tone, ;ra) ;o)n +ig#tning, ;ust -torm= K*llusionistL 8niversal *llusion, Ianis# Gt# +evel9 KBattleL Aura of *nvulnera ility, 1ure -evere "ound, ;rain Magic, Enc#ant "ea'on, Entanglement, !everse -'ell, -tand -till, -trengt# of Mind= KElementalL 1#ange "eat#er C!itualD, 1reate Iegetation, ;is'el Elementals, <edge of T#orns, -ummon Elemental, -ummon -)arm, -)ell !iver= K*llusionistL 1om'lete *llusion, ;estroy *llusions, Tele'ort Anot#er Order of "ood Elf )izards are t#e -#ado) "eavers Cor T#e ;ream(Makers of -arrielD )#o are an order dedicated to -arriel Csee a oveD. T#ey s'ecialise in *llusionist magic and follo) t#e *llusionist career 'at#. +aur,lorn )izards )#o de'art t#eir )oodland #omeland to live among t#e #umans are generally from t#is Order. *n many cases, t#ese Elves kee' t#eir a ilities secret so as to etter s'y on t#e #umans, 'articularly t#ose in t#e em'loy of t#e Baron of Nordland.

Laurlorn Elf characters

Wood Elven &areers
*nstead of rolling on t#e 1areer ta les in t#e rule ook C'g. @?D, c#aracters s#ould use t#e ta les elo). *n all ot#er res'ects, #o)ever, t#e 'rocedure for generating c#aracters remains unc#anged. Note t#at t#ere are fe) o''ortunities for military careers in "ood Elf society= t#e vast ma/ority of +oren0s in#a itants follo) )#at are essentially !anger careers, ut are u'on to defend t#eir land if needed. Many of t#ese careers are descri ed in t#e "ar#ammer rule ook. T#ere is no difference et)een t#e <uman and "ood Elven versions of t#ese careers, e6ce't t#at Elves )ill use t#eir o)n secret signs and languages, )#ic# may #ave little or not#ing in common )it# t#ose of <umans. -#ould a c#aracter of one race try and understand a secret sign or language of t#e ot#er race Cfor e6am'le, an Elven $ar !ider trying to understand a #uman s'eaking in t#e secret language of rangersD, t#ey s#ould take an *nt test. -uccess indicates t#at t#ey are a le to understand t#e gist of t#e message= success y MF 'oints or more means t#at t#ey understood it 'erfectly. $ailure of more t#an MF 'oints s#ould #ave catastro'#ic im'lications. Because ne) careers #ave een added, t#e career e6its listed in t#e "ar#ammer rule ook are not necessarily t#e same for Elves as t#ey are for #umans. T#e careers given in t#is c#a'ter all #ave career entry lists, as )ell as career e6its. *f a career is listed as eing a career entry, for e6am'le *nitiate C7urnousD as a career entry for a Beastfriend, t#en an Elf follo)ing t#at career can take u' t#e ne) 'rofession. C*n t#is case, t#e *nitiate could ecome a BeastfriendD. -ome careers are not o'en to "ood Elves. T#is is usually ecause o''ortunities to follo) t#em sim'ly do not e6ist in Elven society. T#ese careers include9 Basic 1areers Alc#emist0s A''rentice, Ba)d, Beggar, 1oac#man, ;ruid, Engineer, E6ciseman, &rave !o Jailer, Marine, Muleskinner, No le, %ilot, %it $ig#ter, %ros'ector, %rotagonist, !at 1atc#er, !oad)arden, !unner, -cri e, -eaman, -ervant, -oldier, -2uire, -tudent, Toll(7ee'er, Tom !o er, Troll -layer, and Tunnel $ig#ter. Advanced 1areers Alc#emist, Artillerist, some ty'es of Artisan Cincluding 'rinters, s#i')rig#ts and stone masonsD, Assassin, 1ounterfeiter, ;ruidic %riest, $ree +ance, &iant -layer, &unner, <ig#)ayman, Judicial 1#am'ion, +a)yer, Navigator, !acketeer, -a''er, -c#olar, -ea 1a'tain, -laver, Torturer. *n addition, furt#er careers Cincluding t#e ones in t#is c#a'terD may, at t#e &M0s discretion, e unavaila le for %layers of Elven c#aracters. *f an Elf leaves t#eir community and lives amongst #umans, t#e standard career entries and e6its given in t#e "ar#ammer rule ook s#ould e used, er,

along )it# t#e standard Elven Basic 1areer 1#arts CW%/ , 'g. @?D. W0//I1/ B0SI& &0/EE/S #899 &areer F@(@F Bodyguard @@(.. &lade &uardH ( +a ourer ( Marine .P(P. P.(?F ( ?@(?. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ?P(FF Mercenary Militiaman No le Outla) %it $ig#ter %rotagonist -eaman -ervant -oldier -2uire Troll -layer Tunnel $ig#ter "atc#man

H denotes ne) career Csee elo)D /0$GE/ B0SI& &0/EE/S #899 &areer F@(@F Boatman @@(@. Bounty <unter ( 1oac#man

@P(AF A@(MF M@(GF G@(.F .@(.. .P(P. ( ( PP(NF ( ( ( ( ( (

$armerHH $is#erman &amekee'er &lade !iderH <erdsman <unter MinerH Muleskinner Outrider %ilot %ros'ector !at 1atc#er !oad)arden !unner Toll(7ee'er

N@(?F Tra''er ?@(UF "ood Elf -coutH U@(FF "oodsman H denotes ne) career Csee elo)D HH descri ed in #.arfs(Stone and Steel, 'age ?A

/1G3E B0SI& &0/EE/S #899 &areer F@(F. Agitator ( Ba)d ( FP(AF A@(A. Beggar Entertainer $oot'ad

AP(M. ( ( MP(.F .@(PF P@(NF N@(N. NP(?. ?P(FF (

&am ler &rave !o Jailer Minstrel %edlar !aconteur !ustler -muggler T#ief Tom !o er er

0&0#E"I& B0SI& &0/EE/S #899 &areer ( Alc#emist0s A''rentice F@(F. ( ( ( FP(@. @P(MF M@(M. MP(GF G@(G. GP(.F ( .@(PF ( Artisan0s A''rentice ;ruid Engineer E6ciseman $orest &uardianH <er alist <y'notist *nitiate %#armacist %#ysician0s -tudent -cri e -eer -tudent

P@(NF TellerH N@(?. Trader ?P(FF "izard0s A''rentice H denotes ne) career Csee elo)D

6ariations on Human careers

+ike ot#er larger Elven settlements, t#e +aur,lorn #as Bounty <unters. T#ese individuals are su''orted y t#e community, in return for )#ic# t#ey are e6'ected to deliver /ustice to tres'assers Cinvaria ly non(ElvesD, and ring to trial t#ose )#o #ave fled rat#er t#an face t#e 'u lic s#ame of a trial. -imilarly, +aur,lornalim &amekee'ers do not 'atrol 'rivate 'ro'erty, ut seek to defend t#e land from 'oac#ers, t#ieves and raiders. $or careers of t#is ty'e, use t#e advance sc#eme and skills given in t#e main rule ook, ut use common sense )#en determining #o) t#ey fit into Elven society.

Basic &areers

%orest Guardian
T#e Elves0 interde'endence )it# t#eir forest #omes 'uts t#em in a delicate 'osition9 )#en disease or disaster strikes an area, )#ole kindreds are 'ut at risk. $or t#is reason, t#ere )ill al)ays e Elves in eac# settlement )#o tend and care for t#eir #a itat. T#ey roam t#e )oods around t#eir #omes, looking for signs of sickness, and c#ecking for unnatural damage. T#eir )ork often takes t#em to t#e scenes of attles, )#ere t#e forests #ave een transformed into lood(c#urned, rust(ridden and c#arred travesties of t#eir once(verdant glory. "#ere suc# e6tensive )ork is needed, $orest &uardians from near y kindreds )ill usually e called u'on to travel to t#e scene of t#e attle, and eing t#eir o)n struggle to #el' t#e land gro) and ecome fertile once more. "#ilst Elves rarely meet t#e legendary ;ryads and Treemen, suc# creatures )ill al)ays recognise $orest &uardians as #ealers and servants of t#e forest, and )ill treat t#em )it# res'ect. 0dvance Scheme " WS BS S T W Q@ I Q@F 0 #e7 Q@F Ld Int Q@F &l W %el

-kills9 ;o)sing <er +ore *dentify %lant Orientation %lant 1are

Tra22ings9 ;o)sing !ods -ickle -ling Bag &areer Entries9 <er alist %#ysician0s -tudent &areer E7its9 *nitiate C*s#aD %#ysician -eer Teller

Glade Guards
*t is #ardly sur'rising t#at a race t#at 'laces suc# great im'ortance on defending its orders )ill #ave a standing guard dedicated to t#e tasks. "#at is sur'rising a out t#e "ood Elves is t#e 'ro'ortion of t#eir 'o'ulace involved in t#is. Almost every "ood Elf )ill serve as a &lade &uard at some time in t#eir life, forming a front line against attacks and, )#en necessary, 'olicing t#e affairs of t#e kindred. As a result, t#e "ood Elf nation can, )#en 'ressed, mo ilise almost in its entirety. "#enever t#e num er of &lade &uards d)indles, mem ers of t#e community )ill volunteer to take a turn, s'ending a year or so in a state of readiness for conflict, learning t#e skills and disci'lines t#at #ave earnt t#e Elven force suc# a keen re'utation amongst t#e less civilised nations. *t is a serious life, 'oorly suited to t#e )ildness and im'ulsiveness of t#e "ood Elves= t#ose )#o undertake service often ecome more reflective, more t#oug#tful as a result, and many life(long friends#i's are formed t#roug# t#e sense of camaraderie t#e )ork rings. Any esta lis#ed mem er of t#e kindred )ill e )elcomed into t#e &uards. *n game terms, t#is means t#at t#e career s#ould al)ays e treated as a career e6it for "ood Elves living in a kindred. 0dvance Scheme " WS Q@F BS Q@F S Q@ T W QG I Q@F 0 Q@ #e7 Ld Q@F Int &l W %el

-kills9 ;isarm ;odge Blo)

-trike Mig#ty Blo) -trike to -tun Tra''ings9 -leeved Mail -#irt -)ord or A6e .FR c#ance of a -#ield .FR c#ance of a -'ear &areer Entries9 Mercenary Militiaman "atc#man "oodsman &areer E7its9 Mercenary 1a'tain Tem'lar

Glade /iders
&lade !iders can e found in many of t#e larger "ood Elven settlements, 'atrolling t#e #eat#, scru and do)ns t#at form t#e orders of t#e enclave. *n +oren, t#e 7indred of E2uos takes on t#is res'onsi ility, as it gives t#em a 'erfect e6cuse to tend, reed and care for t#e #erds of Elven steeds descended from t#e #andful t#at t#e first refugees managed to s'irit a)ay )it# t#em to t#e forests. On t#ese #eat#s and moors, et)een t#e scattered clum's of trees and us#es, t#eir 'recious #orses can graze freely. 0dvance Scheme " WS Q@F BS Q@F S T W QA I Q@F 0 #e7 Q@F Ld Int &l Q@F W %el

-kills9 Animal 1are 1#arm Animal C<orseD $ollo) Trail Orientation !ide ( <orse Trick !iding .FR c#ance of -'ecialist "ea'on 3 +ance Tra22ings9 Elven steed, tra''ings and #arness

+eat#er Jack -)ord or A6e -#ield -'ear &areer Entries9 $armer &amekee'er <erdsman Outrider &areer E7its9 $ar !ider "ood Elf -cout

"#en a kindred gat#ers to discuss matters of im'ortance to t#e community, matters are )eig#ed on t#eir merit, and on t#e arguments of t#eir 'rotagonists. -uc# discussions may ecome #eated, and on some of t#e finer 'oints, e6'erts may need to e consulted. Tellers are individuals )#o dedicate t#eir lives to su''orting t#e kindred0s 'rocess of government. At kindred meetings, t#ey )ill recount relevant stories, clarify 'oints, and sometimes c#air t#e session. T#ey are t#e nearest t#e Elves #ave to la)yers, ut could e2ually )ell e t#oug#t of as social #istorians. Outside of meetings, Tellers can usually e found ar itrating in dis'utes, acting as an emissary, or sim'ly iding t#eir time efore t#eir skills are ne6t needed y telling stories to c#ildren or #el'ing forage for food. Because of t#eir social role, Tellers are usually )ell(res'ected= y t#e same token, a corru't or self(centred Teller is vie)ed )it# great contem't and disdain. 0dvance Scheme " WS BS S T W Q@ I 0 #e7 Ld Q@F Int Q@F &l Q@F W %el Q@F

-kills9 1#arm Etti2uette <istory +a) C"ood Elven onlyD %u lic -'eaking -tory Telling Tra22ings9 Elven steed, tra''ings and #arness +eat#er Jack

-)ord or A6e -#ield -'ear &areer Entries9 Agitator $orest &uardian Minstrel !anconteur Trader &areer E7its9 ;emagogue *nitiate Merc#ant "izard0s A''rentice

Wood Elf Scout

&uarding any "ood Elven settlement re2uires constant vigilance. *n a realm t#e size of At#el +oren, t#is re2uires a full(time standing force of Elves dedicated to 'atrolling, )atc#ing, and reconnoitring. Additionally, )#en une6'lained rumours are roug#t y travellers from ot#er kindreds, t#e scouts are usually t#e first dis'atc#ed to find out information. *n At#el +oren, t#e scouts form one kindred, )#ose tradition e6tends un roken ack to t#e first Elves to enter +oren, even efore t#e coming of t#e refugees. 0dvance Scheme " WS Q@F BS Q@F S T W Q@ I Q@F 0 #e7 Q@F Ld Int &l QAF W %el

-kills9 1oncealment !ural $ollo) Trail Orientation -cale -#eer -urface -ecret -igns ( "ay)atc#er -ilent Move !ural -'ot Tra' Tra22ings9 Elven o) and arro)s +eat#er Jerkin

&areer Entries9 Bounty <unter &lade !ider <unter Tra''er &areer E7its9 Mercenary Tem'lar "ardancer "ay)atc#er

0dvanced &areers
T#e variety of animals efriended y t#ese Elves is reflected in t#e diversity et)een Beastfriends. T#e different advances and skills associated )it# t#e main ty'es of animals are given elo). <o)ever, all Beastfriends #ave access to t#e follo)ing common core set of skills9 -kills9 Animal 1are Animal Training 1all Animal Cne) skill, see elo)D 1#arm AnimalH $ollo) TrailH Orientation -i6t# -ense HT#ese skills are gained automatically )#en Beastfriends enter t#e career, ut o'erate )it# res'ect to t#eir s'ecific friend s'ecies only. To gain full use of t#ese skills, t#ey can e oug#t normally using e6'erience 'oints. &araidh Bruinn *Beastfriend of the Bear, T#e kings of t#e forest are also eloved to t#e Elves and #ave animal kee'ers dedicated to #onour and 'rotect t#em. 0dvance Scheme " WS Q@F BS S QA T QA W QA I 0 #e7 Ld Int &l Q@F W %el

-kills9 -'ecialist "ea'on ( $ist -treet $ig#ter -trike Mig#ty Blo) &araidh "uch *Beastfriend of the Boar, T#ese famed Elven animal kee'ers live )it# t#eir )ards, )#om t#ey are dedicated to 'rotect, and #ave formed mental ties )it# t#em. T#is live in a oar family grou' e6ternal to mainstream Elven communities, ut remain integral )it# t#em. 0dvance Scheme " WS Q@F BS S Q@ T Q@ W QA I Q@F 0 #e7 Ld Int &l Q@F W Q@F %el

-kills9 $renzied Attack -treet $ig#ter -trike to *n/ure &araidh Iolair *Beastfriend of the Ha.k, &reat 1la) and t#e eagles of t#e "estern $orest are #ig#ly inde'endent and no le creatures, ut #ave good relations )it# t#e Elves and )ill assist t#em in t#eir struggle for t#ey #ave no desire to flee t#eir nests. T#ese are, in fact, t#e last remnants of t#e once great s'ecies of forest eagle. 0dvance Scheme " Q@ WS Q@F BS Q@F S T W Q@ I QAF 0 #e7 Ld Q@F Int Q@F &l W %el

-kills9 ;odge Blo) $leeV -trike to *n/ure &araidh 0ech *Beastfriend of the Horse, 0dvance Scheme " Q@ WS BS S Q@ T QA W QA I 0 #e7 Ld Int Q@F &l Q@F W %el

-kills9 Acute <earing

$leeV !ide 3 <orse &araidh &u *Beastfriend of the Hound, T#is grou' of animal kee'ers roam t#e forest in a 'ack and are res'onsi le for kee'ing t#e vermin do)n to acce'ta le num ers and also #unt do)n larger intruders. T#e Elves #ave ado'ted many of t#e mannerisms of t#eir com'anions and #o)l orders to t#em as necessary. T#e #ounds are descended from t#e #unting variety t#at t#e <ig# Elves roug#t from 8lt#uan over five millennia ago. T#e <ounds of +aur,lorn are a feral version of t#at ancient reed. 0dvance Scheme " Q@ WS Q@F BS S T W QA I Q@F 0 #e7 Ld Q@F Int Q@F &l Q@F W %el

-kills9 Acute <earing $renzied Attack -treet $ig#ter &araidh &adhmorr *Beastfriend of the &at, A #ig#ly aloof grou', t#ese Elves and t#eir com'anions live a nomadic lifestyle travelling from settlement to settlement, )#ere t#ey are #onoura ly received during t#eir fre2uently s#ort stays. 0dvance Scheme " Q@ WS Q@F BS S Q@ T W Q@ I QAF 0 #e7 Ld Int Q@F &l W Q@F %el

-kills9 1oncealment !ural -ilent Move !ural -'ecialist "ea'on( $ist Tra22ings9 T#ere are no 'articular tra''ings associated )it# t#e Beastfriend career, alt#oug# many c#oose to arm and dress t#emselves in styles reminiscent of t#eir friend s'ecies. T#us, t#e 1araid# Muc# favour curving, tusk(like daggers, )#ilst t#e 1araid# Bruinn and 1araid# 1ad#morr use cla)ed knuckle(dusters. &areer Entries9 &amekee'er <erdsman *nitiate C7urnuousD

"oodsman &areer E7its %riest C7urnuousD "ay)atc#er

Eldritch Watchers
T#ese +aurelornalim )izards follo) t#e same advance sc#eme as normal )izards C"$!%, 'age @GAD. T#e difference comes in t#e skills t#ey can learn at eac# level. T#e follo)ing re'resents t#e availa le skills and eac# must e taken, along )it# all 'rofile advances, efore t#e c#aracter can move to t#e ne6t level. -kills9 @st +evel9 Arcane +anguage( Elemental Magick Arcane +anguage( *llusionist Magick 1ast -'ells( Battle @ 1ast -'ells( Elemental @ 1ast -'ells( *llusion @ Magical A)areness Magic -ense Meditation !ide(<orse -croll +ore And +evel9 Astronomy Augury 1ast -'ells( Battle A 1ast -'ells( Elemental A 1ast -'ells( *llusion A Evaluate <eal "ounds <er +ore *dentify %lant !une +ore Mrd +evel9 Arcane +anguage( Ancient Elf 1ast -'ells( Battle M 1ast -'ells( Elemental M 1ast -'ells( *llusion M 1#arm Animal

1ure ;isease ;aemon +ore *dentify Magical Artefact *dentify 8ndead -crying Gt# +evel9 Arcane +anguage(;ruidic Arcane +anguage(;)arf Arcane +anguage(!unicH 1ast -'ells( Battle G 1ast -'ells( Elemental G 1ast -'ells( *llusion G <y'notise Manufacture %otions Manufacture -crolls %re'are %oisons Has descri ed in ;)arfs9 -tone W -teel, 'age @F@. &areer Entries9 "izard0s A''rentice &areer E7its9 Ne6t level of "izardry *nitiate C-arrielD

%ar /iders
T#e finest of t#e &lade !iders are sometimes called u'on to undertake 'articular tasks, scouting out enemy 'ositions, carrying messages and su''lies to remote settlements, or leading t#eir comrades into attle. T#eir travels often take t#em dee' into t#e ar arous lands of t#e Em'ire or Bretonnia, )#ere only guile, cunning and a familiarity )it# t#e guttural languages s'oken y t#e #umans kee' t#em from eing #unted do)n and murdered as s'ies. T#ese skilled individuals are kno)n as $ar !iders. 0dvance Scheme " WS QMF BS Q@F S QA T Q@ W QG I QAF 0 QA #e7 QAF Ld QAF Int Q@F &l QAF W QAF %el Q@F

-kills9 1oncealment !ural ;isarm ;odge Blo)

-ecret -igns ( "ay)atc#er -#ado)ing -ilent Move !ural -ecret +anguage ( !anger -'eak Additional +anguage ( Old "orlder Cgenerally Breton or !eiks'iel dialectsD -'ecialist "ea'on ( +ance -'ecialist "ea'on ( T)o <anded Tra''ings9 Elven steed, tra''ings and #arness Elven o) and arro)s -leeved Mail -#irt -)ord or A6e -#ield -'ear &areer Entries9 &lade !ider "ood Elf -cout &areer E7its9 -'y "ardancer "ay)atc#er

Amongst t#e "ood Elves of t#e Old "orld, t#e most feared and res'ected )arriors are t#e "ardancers. T#ey live for t#e glory of attle, and dedicate t#emselves to reac#ing t#e 'eak of fig#ting 'ro)ess. T#ey are also masters of courtesy and dance, 'erforming t#eir intricate manoeuvres )it# consummate ease and grace. "ardancers are distinguis#ed y t#eir graceful 'ride, t#eir love of fig#ting and t#eir fondness for s'ectacularly(dyed #air, often stiffened )it# tree(resin. "ardancers can e found in many of t#e larger "ood Elven settlements. T#ey 'refer t#e com'any of t#eir o)n kind, ut often live a little )ay a'art from t#e main settlement, 'racticing t#eir )arc#ants and feats of arms )#ilst )aiting for action. 0dvance Scheme " Q@ -kills9 WS QGF BS S Q@ T Q@ W QP I QMF 0 QA #e7 Q@F Ld Q@F Int &l QAF W Q@F %el

Acting Acro atics ;ance ;isarm ;odge Blo) Marksmans#i' ( t#ro)n )ea'ons only -ing -'ecialist "ea'on ( %aired "ea'ons -'ecialist "ea'on ( T)o(<anded "ea'ons -trike Mig#ty Blo) -trike to *n/ure Transfi6 Cne) skill, see elo)D "arc#ant Cne) skill, see elo)D "ardance Cne) skill, see elo)D Tra22ings9 <and "ea'on -#ield One additional )ea'on, )#ic# may e a <and "ea'on, a -'ear, a T)o(<anded -)ord or a T)o(<anded A6e &areer Entries9 Bounty <unter $ar !iders Mercenary 1a'tain Outla) "ay)atc#er "ood Elf -cout &areer E7its9 *nitiate CAdamnan(na(Brion#aD Mercenary 1a'tain Outla) 1#ief

Warha.k /iders
A fe) talented individuals from t#e area near t#e Enc#anted and Misty <ills manage to develo' t#eir understanding of t#e ma/estic giant ra'tors into somet#ing far dee'er, far more trusting. -uc# a relations#i' takes years to uild, re2uiring t#e Elf to nurse and nurture an or'#aned or a andoned fledgling until it is gro)n. Only t#e most gifted and dedicated Elves ever ac#ieve t#is degree of em'at#y )it# t#e "ar#a)ks Cor t#e occasional &iant EagleD. T#ose fe) )#o manage to efriend t#ese magnificent creatures #ave een kno)n to fly on t#eir acks. "ar#a)k !iders 'atrol t#e skies a ove t#e settlements, s'otting 'otential t#reats, and scouting out t#e rugged terrain t#at se'arate 'arts of t#e +aur,lorn frim #uman #a itation. At times )#en s'eed is of t#e essence, t#ey are entrusted )it# im'ortant messages or 'ackages.

-ome riders train t#eir "ar#a)ks to fig#t in attle= t#ese #ave given t#eir 'osition its distinctive name. <o)ever, t#e deat# of a "ar#a)k is a serious matter. !iders come to vie) t#eir #a)ks as close friends, or even as kin. *t is not uncommon for !iders to take t#eir o)n lives if t#eir #a)k is slain in a attle t#ey c#ose to /oin. 0dvance Scheme " WS BS S Q@F Q@F QA Skills9 Animal 1are Animal Training 1#arm Animal &ame <unting Orientation !ide ( "ar#a)k -'ecialist "ea'on ( +ance Tra''ings9 Elven o) and arro)s -#ield -leeved Mail -#irt -'ear -)ord or A6e "ar#a)k, tra''ings and #arness &areer Entries9 &amekee'er <unter Tra''er &areer E7its9 None T QA W Q. I QAF 0 QA #e7 Q@F Ld QAF Int Q@F &l QAF W Q@F %el

"#en eac# "ood Elven settlement is so small, a sur'rise attack )ould e disastrous. "ay)atc#ers are s'ecially selected from amongst t#e finest of t#e "ood Elf -couts, and given t#e task of )atc#ing over routes leading to t#e d)ellings. T#roug# t#eir kno)ledge of t#e terrain, t#eir tra's and t#eir stealt#, t#ey can often deter forces many times t#eir o)n num er from invading t#e &lades t#ey defend. "ay)atc#ers #ave refined stealt# to an art un'aralleled in t#e Old "orld, dressing in cloaks of

green and ro)n, and )orking leaves and foliage into t#eir cloaks and clot#ing. "#en so disguised, t#ey can #ide in ranc#es or us#es mere inc#es a)ay from t#eir foes. T#is e6'ertise allo)s t#em to ac2uire t#e skills Concealment %ural and Silent Move %ural t)ice. T#is dou les t#e test modifiers associated )it# Silent Move %ural. "#en "ay)atc#ers use dyes and 'aints, and ent)ine foliage and leaves into t#eir clot#ing, t#e second 'urc#ase of Concealment %ural increases #iding test onuses from QAFR to QGFR Cor from Q.R to Q@FR if moving cautiouslyD. 0dvance Scheme " WS BS S QAF QAF Q@ Skills9 1oncealment !ural $ollo) Trail <er +ore Marksmans#i' Orientation %re'are %oisons !ide ( <orse -ecret -igns ( "ay)atc#er -et tra's -ilent Move !ural -'ecialist "ea'on ( net -'ot Tra's Tra''ings9 Elven o) and arro)s +eat#er Jack !o'e ( AF yards -)ord or A6e 1amouflaged cloak and clot#es &areer Entries9 Beastfriend Mercenary "ood Elf -cout &areer E7its9 Mercenary 1a'tain -'y Tem'lar "ardancer T Q@ W QM I QMF 0 Q@ #e7 QAF Ld Q@F Int Q@F &l QMF W Q@F %el

$e. Skills
&all 0nimal
T#is skill is kno)n only to Elven Beastfriends. T#ey refuse to teac# it to any ot#ers, out of fear t#at it mig#t e misused. "#en a Beastfriend is in a region Cusually a forestD )#ere t#eir efriended s'ecies lives, t#ey may call out in t#e language of t#at s'ecies in an attem't to gain t#e attention of allies. T#e Beastfriend makes a +d test, and if t#e test is successful, t#e animals )ill a''ear )it#in Ad@F minutes, in t#e follo)ing num ers9 &reature Bear Boar <a)k <orse <ound "ildcat $um'er @ ;M @ @ ;M ;M

T#e animals s#ould e treated as N%1s, and controlled y t#e &M. Beastfriends usually call animals )#en t#ey need t#eir #el'. "#et#er or not t#is #el' is given )ill de'end on t#e risk involved to t#e animal, t#e e6tend to )#ic# t#e Beastfriend0s 'lans fit t#e animal0s needs, and so on. !e2uests to e lead to food or s#elter are almost al)ays granted= calls to attle may )ell e refused, unless t#e foes t#reatened t#e forest or relatives of t#e animal involved. Beastfriends )#o a use t#is skill in an attem't to gain e6'enda le troo's may )ell find t#emselves s#unned y t#e animals and cursed y 7urnuous.

T#is skill is only kno)n y "ardancers, and )ill not e taug#t to anyone outside of t#eir num er. *t allo)s t#em to confuse o''onents )it# a ra'id succession of feints and flurries. T#e "ardancer must make a successful * test to use t#is skill. <is o''onent must make a "% test ( if #e fails, t#e "ardancer gains a Q@F "- onus against #im, and t#e trans#i.ed victim suffers a (@F "- 'enalty against t#e "ardancer. A "ardancer fig#ting more t#an one o''onent need only make a single * test= eac# o''onent must make a "% test, and all t#ose )#o fail are affected as normal. T#ese modifiers continue, )it#out t#e need for furt#er tests, until t#e trans#i.ed o''onent #its t#e "ardancer Calt#oug# t#e #it need not actually cause a )oundD. T#e "ardancer cannot trans#i. o''onents )it# *nt P or less, or o''onents )#o are immune to 'syc#ology Ce.g. 8ndeadD.

T#is skill is only kno)n y "ardancers, and )ill not e taug#t to anyone outside of t#eir num er. "ardancers may sing a *archant )#en c#arging an o''onent. T#ey must make a successful *nt test to raise a rousing *archant, and t#e effects are as follo)s9 C@D T#e "ardancer singing t#e *archant may c#oose to enter #ren/y= CAD All friendly c#aracters gain a Q@F onus to #ear and terror tests )#ilst t#e "ardancer is c#anting= CMD All #ostile c#aracters and creatures suffer a (@F 'enalty to all #ear and terror tests )#ilst t#e "ardancer is c#anting. T#e *archant lasts until t#e "ardancer is )ounded, or until s#e s'ends a round out of com at Ci.e., a round in )#ic# s#e is neit#er attacked nor tries to land a lo)D.

Elven "ardancers are e6'ected to master a num er of feats of e6treme de6terity, unmatc#ed y even t#e most accom'lis#ed of acro ats. As suc#, t#e skill cannot e learnt y c#aracters until t#ey #ave ac2uired ot# Acro atics and ;ance. Eac# dance #as s'ecial significance for t#e "ardancers, re'resenting a legend from t#e legends of Adamnan(na(Brion#a, and forms a 'art of t#eir ritual storytelling and cele rations. Because of t#e im'ortance of t#ese ceremonies, all "ardancers are e6'ected to learn t#ese dances as soon as 'ossi le, and t#e individuals tutoring novice "ardancers may )ell refuse to teac# ot#er skills until t#ese #ave een mastered. Eac# dance must e oug#t se'arately, at @FF E%s eac#. *n addition to t#eir im'ortance in rituals, "ardancers can use t#ese dances in attle, emulating t#eir god0s #eroic feats in order to est t#eir foes. A rief descri'tion of t#e main dances, toget#er )it# t#eir game effects, is given elo). Note t#at only one dance can e 'erformed at a time, alt#oug# t#e dance ste's eing used can e varied from round to round. 7urnuous0 +ea'9 7urnuous #ad gro)n tired of Adamnan(na(Brion#a0s trickery, and so )#en ne6t Adamnan(na(Brion#a 'erformed #is foolis# antics 7urnuous 'inned #im to a tree )it# #is magic s'ear, and left #im t#eir for t#ree days and t#ree nig#ts to contem'late #is folly. "#en #e )as released, Adamnan(na(Brion#a admitted t#at #e #ad learnt #is lesson= )#at 7urnuous failed to realise )as t#at it #ad not een t#e lesson #e #ad intended. As soon as 7urnuous0 ack )as turned, Adamnan(na(Brion#a stole t#e s'ear from its secret #iding 'lace, so t#at in future #e could continue #is 'layful games )it#out fear of retri ution. <e #ad learnt a lesson9 to )eaken #is foes efore #e attled )it# t#emV <o)ever, 7urnuous )as not amused, and loosed #is #unt to ring ack Adamnan(na(Brion#a and t#e s'ear. Adamnan(na(Brion#a fled to t#e to' of a tall cliff and s#attered t#e land around #im, #o'ing t#at t#is )ould kee' #im from 7urnuous0 )rat#. 7urnuous0 fury )as so great t#at #e vaulted clear u' to )#ere Adamnan(na(Brion#a )as #iding. <e took ack t#e s'ear, and left Adamnan(na(Brion#a u' t#ere on t#e cold, arren mountain, )it#out food or drink, cut off from every)#ere y t#e great gulfs #e #imself #ad o'ened u', for a )#ole year as a 'unis#ment. T#is is one of t#e fe) legends in )#ic# Adamnan(na(Brion#a is ested. *t is treasured y t#e "ardancers, )#o vie) it as a lesson t#at sometimes, in s'ite of your )it and skill, t#e /oke )ill

e on you. *n "ardancer rituals, t#e individual 'laying t#e role of 7urnuous 'erforms t#e dance. *n com at, t#is dance can e used to let "ardancers lea' to a #ig#er vantage 'oint, suc# as a ledge or even a ranc#, or to vault over t#e #eads of t#eir foe, landing to face t#eir acks. "ardancers using t#is dance can lea' C"$!%, 'g. N.D as if t#eir M c#aracteristic )as dou led. Alternatively, t#ey can lea' u')ards, /um'ing u' to t#eir M c#aracteristic in yards. -torm of Blades9 7#aela Mens#a 7#aine )as not a god noted for #is #umour, and once again, Adamnan(na(Brion#a0s )it led #im into trou le. 7#aine soug#t to e6ile Adamnan(na(Brion#a, to lim o, )#ere #is madness and misc#ief could #arm no(one. Naturally, Adamnan )asn0t im'ressed y t#is idea, and told 7#aine )#at #e t#oug#t of it in no uncertain terms. T#e ot#er gods, )#o #ad gro)n )eary of Adamnan, decided t#at t#e matter s#ould e decided y a com at, )it# Adamnan0s fate eing determined y t#e outcome. Adamnan kne) #e )as no matc# for 7#aine, and so decided to out)it #im instead. <e 'rotested itterly, and insisting t#at #e #ad no c#ance of )inning against t#e )ar god, and said t#at #e oug#t to e given more t#an one c#ance to eat 7#aine. 7#aine, )#o kne) t#at #e could eat Adamnan easily, said #e )ould #a''ily fig#t #im a #undred times, )it# even one victory allo)ing Adamnan to remain. Adamnan smiled, and agreed to t#ese terms. As soon as t#e first fig#t egan, Adamnan s'lit #imself into a #undred 'ieces, eac# of )#ic# #urled itself at 7#aine in a mad yet rilliant fury of movement. After all, no(one #ad said t#at #e couldn0t #ave all of #is fig#ts at onceV Not even 7#aine could #o'e to )in against t#e ceaseless slas#ings of a #undred Adamnans, and furiously conceded t#e attle. "#en fig#ting, "ardancers can use t#ese ste's to concentrate several 'eo'le0s attacks on one foe. Iaulting, das#ing and lea'ing, t#ey can 'ass around or even t#roug# a com at, striking lo)s against a foe )#o is surrounded, or acked u' against a )all, or similarly out of reac# for normal com at. T#e -ilent &#ost9 One of Adamnan(na(Brion#a0s more notorious e6'loits involved a drinking inge from )#ic# t#e god took almost a year to recover. To cele rate t#e success of one of #is many sc#emes, Adamnan decided to steal +iadriel0s finest erry )ine, a re) so #eady t#at even t#e gods #ad to drink it in moderation. <o)ever, stealing from t#e gods is no sim'le matter, so Adamnan decided t#at first #e )ould learn t#e skills of stealt# from t#e g#osts )#o lived in -arriel0s realm. T#is #e did, and )it# #is ne)(found a ility #e managed to carry off t)o full arrels of +iadriel0s )ine. T#is dance involves fast, lig#t ste's, and allo)s "ardancers to )eave and dodge et)een and around 'eo'le and o stacles. T#is means t#at t#ey can move as if t#ey #ad t#e skill, Silent Move %ural. T#ey can also )eave t#roug# cro)ds )it#out slo)ing do)n, even if t#ey are running. *t does not 'revent t#em from eing struck at in com at. T#e -#ado)s 1oil9 One of Adamnan(na(Brion#a0s most tricky 'ro lems )as )#en, for a )#ole mont#, a geas )as 'laced u'on #im y *s#a in a des'erate attem't to sto' #is fooling. T#is geas )as suc# t#at if #e so muc# as touc#ed anot#er of t#e gods, or even anyt#ing t#at elonged to t#em, #e )ould e cast out from t#eir num er, never to return. "#en 7#aela Mens#a 7#aine #eard of t#is, #e set out at once to find Adamnan. <e )as still smarting from #is defeat in )#at

s#ould #ave een a single com at, and sa) t#is as a c#ance to est #is foe. All #e #ad to do )as touc# #im once, and Adamnan )ould trou le #im no more. Adamnan did #is est to #ide and to flee, ut 7#aine )as remarka ly 'ersistent, and eventually caug#t u' )it# #im. 7#aine tried to attle #im, ut Adamnan kne) t#at if 7#aine0s s)ord so muc# as rus#ed #im, #e )ould e cast out. ;es'erately, #e concentrated on dodging, lea'ing, side(ste''ing and evading eac# and every one of 7#aine0s lo)s. 7#aine )ould not give in, #o)ever, and ke't 'ressing t#e attack. T#e 'air carried on like t#is for t)o )#ole )eeks, until t#e full moon signalled t#e end of Adamnan0s geas. As soon as #e sa) t#is, #e nim ly tri''ed u' #is foe, and fled off into t#e nig#t as 2uickly as #e could, leaving t#e fallen )ar god to )eary to 'ick #imself u' from )#ere #e #ad fallen. "ardancers )#o #ave mastered t#e ste's of T#e -#ado)s 1oil can c#oose to use t#em in com at to evade eac# and every lo) t#eir o''onent takes. T#is gives t#em a Q@F onus to all dodge and parry tests, and allo)s t#em to attem't to dodge u' to t)o lo)s C)#ic# must ot# e from t#e same o''onentD in a round, instead of one. <o)ever, )#ilst dancing t#is dance, "ardancers need to e concentrating com'letely on t#eir o''onent0s attacks, )#ic# means t#at t#ey cannot do anyt#ing else t#at round. "oven Mist9 T#ere are many malign entities )#o )ould 'rey on t#e c#ildren of *s#a. At t#e end of t#e &olden Time, )#en 1#aos )as unleas#ed in all its fury, demons came #unting, seeking to consume or carry off t#e souls of t#eir victims. $or t#e first time, t#e Elves felt truly cut(off from t#eir gods= 'rayers )ent unans)ered, as t#e surges of 'o)er t#at 'ulsed from t#e colla'sed "ar' &ates ke't *s#a from intervening in t#e affairs of Elvenkind. Only Adamnan(na(Brion#a could fully understand t#e madness )#ic# 1#aos re'resented= only Adamnan managed to #el' t#e Elves in t#ose most trou led of times. As t#e #ordes s'lit t#e )aves and surged to)ards t#e -#ifting *sles, Adamnan managed to manifest #imself as a great sea mist )#ic# envelo'ed t#e s#ores. Once inside, t#e 1#aos force )as #arried and #ounded y false visions, illusory s#ores, nig#tmares dra)n from t#e minds of t#e Elven nation, and anyt#ing else t#at Adamnan could find to t#ro) against t#em. "#en t#ey finally came to s#ore and egan t#e slaug#ter, t#e Elves t#ey foug#t )ere a le to take s#elter in t#e )rit#ing mists, am us#ing and #arrying t#e invaders at every turn. "#ilst Adamnan could not sto' t#e invasion, t#e mist did #el' t#e Elves to #old ack t#at first attack long for enoug# for Aenarion to reac# t#e s#rine of Asuryan, and t#ere to make t#e sacrifice t#at ena led #im to turn t#e tide of slaug#ter. T#e intricate and sinuous se2uence of /um's, t)ists and fli's )#ic# c#aracterise t#is dance are so mesmerising and e)ildering t#at, in com at, o''onents may ecome transfi6ed y it. Any ody fig#ting t#e "ardancer must take a "% test, or suffer a (@F "- 'enalty on all lo)s struck t#at round. "oven Mist )ill not e)ilder o''onents fig#ting t#e "ardancer0s comrades= t#ey )ill e concentrating on t#eir o)n com at. Note t#at t#is dance #as no effect on o''onents )#o are immune to psychology, suc# as 8ndead. "#irling ;eat#9 %art of Adamnan(na(Brion#a0s role as t#e god of madness includes t#e role of $ury. $or t#e <ig# and "ood Elves, 7#aela Mens#a 7#aine is t#e god of )ar, of directed anger= 'art of t#e tragedy of t#e ;ark Elves )as t#at t#ey lost t#e restraint and control )#ic# 7#aine re'resented, so t#at #e resem led t#e erserk fury of Adamnan. T#e dance of "#irling ;eat# is

rarely 'erformed, eing too dangerous to 'lay a 'art in any rituals. *n com at, it drives "ardancers into an almost unsto''a le state. T#e dancers automatically ecome su /ect to #ren/y CW%/ , 'g. P?D= no &l test needs to e made. "#ilst t#e dance lasts, t#ey cannot dodge or 'arry. T#e killing fury is so intense t#at "ardances often drive t#emselves into a state of e6#austion in an effort to destroy t#eir o''onents. Any missed WS roll can e re(rolled once, ut t#is in#uman effort #as a 'rice9 eac# time an attack is re(rolled, reduce t#e "ardancer0s W score y @. %oints lost in t#is )ay can e regained normally. "ardancers cannot use )ounds to re(roll attacks if t#ey are severely )ounded. *f a re(roll reduces t#e "ardancer0s current )ound total to F, t#ey colla'se, e6#austed, and )ill not regain consciousness until t#ey #ave regained at least @ )ound 'oint. Once egun, t#e dance of "#irling ;eat# can only e ended y t#e slaug#ter of all of t#e "ardancer0s foes.

Being Elven
T#is c#a'ter contains a num er of ideas t#at s#ould allo) 'layers to develo' t#eir Elven c#aracters into a truly distinctive, interesting o''ortunity for role('laying. *t is, of course, 'erfectly 'ossi le to 'lay Elves as #umans )it# 'ointed ears= doing t#is may )ell feel more comforta le, and may e more satisfying, for ne)comers to role 'laying, or to 'eo'le )#o are more interested in t#e stories t#at t#eir c#aracters are 'art of rat#er t#an t#e c#aracter itself. <o)ever, for t#ose for )#om role 'laying is a c#ance to see t#e )orld t#roug# different eyes, t#e ideas 'resented elo) give some flavour of )#at it mig#t mean to e an Elf. Naturally, t#ere )ill e 'eo'le )#o don0t agree )it# t#ese suggestions, and feel t#at t#ey #ave etter ideas of #o) Elves s#ould e in "ar#ammer. T#ey s#ould ignore t#ese, and take u' t#eir alternatives 3 t#e 'oint of t#is is, after all, to #ave fun rat#er t#an to e dogmatic.

The triad
<umans tend to t#ink in o''osites. <ot, cold= ric#, 'oor= alive, dead. *t seems natural to #umans to s'lit t#e )orld in t#is )ay. T#eir )orld is a )orld of 'airings. ;)arfs and <alflings, it seems, do muc# t#e same. Elves are different, t#oug#. %er#a's t#is is ecause t#ey develo'ed in isolation from t#e ot#er races, )#o mingled )it# eac# ot#er t#roug#out t#eir #istories. Or may e t#ey in#erited t#is mode of t#inking from t#e Old Ones )#o taug#t t#em in t#e &olden Age. "#atever t#e reason, Elves tend to t#ink in t#rees. But #o) does t#at )ork: T#e 'rinci'le is similar to t#e #uman idea of o''osites= #o)ever, )#ereas #umans t#ink of t#ings and t#eir o''osites, Elves t#ink of t#ings, t#eir o''osites and

t#eir a sence. T#us t#ey mig#t dra) u' lists suc# as #ot, cold, num = ric#, 'oor, un)orldly= alive, dead, 8ndead. -o #o) is t#e t#ird term in eac# list 'icked: T#is is )#ere t#ings get slig#tly com'licated. T#e t#ree terms toget#er 3 t#e 'rinci'le, t#e contrary 'rinci'le, and t#eir negation 3 are toget#er descri ed as a concept. T#e essence eing descri ed can only e identified once all t#ree terms are kno)n. Alternatively, if you t#e conce't t#at is eing discussed, it is normally 'ossi le to )ork out some or all of t#e terms. <o)ever, 'icking t#e right terms from all t#ose t#at mig#t e used is )#at makes t#e Elven language so #ard for #umans to learn. T#is forms t#e asis for muc# of t#eir 'oetry, and is also t#e asis for muc# of t#eir #umour, including t#eir e2uivalent to t#e #uman idea of t#e 'un. T#e ot#er com'lication is t#at many of t#e terms t#at get used in t#e triads could also e considered as conce'ts in t#eir o)n rig#t 3 ut at t#is 'oint, t#ings ecome altoget#er too messy, and far too com'licated for t#is sim'le descri'tion. *n t#e e6am'les a ove, t#en, t#e conce'ts mig#t e 4feelings of #eat5, 4greed5, and 4 eing5. $or t#e #uman conce't of fear, one triad mig#t e calm, 'anic and o liviousness. Anot#er mig#t e ravery, co)ardice and ignorance. T#e su tle difference #ere is t#at t#e first triad ca'tures t#e sense of )#at it means to #eel fear= t#e second descri es #o) fear mig#t e responded to. "it#in 'lay, t#is idea of t#e triad can e used in a num er of )ays. -killed 'layers mig#t e a le to t#ink on t#eir feet, talking in t#ese )ays and 'er#a's even 'ausing to e6'lain t#emselves to t#e #umans Cand so onD as t#ey do so, #o'ing to introduce t#ese strange races to t#e full and entirely sensi le )ay of t#inking of t#e Elven race. +ess demandingly, strategies could e uilt around t#e idea of t#rees. *nstead of a scouting force and a main force, Elves )ould naturally t#ink of scouts, t#e main force and a ase cam'. *nstead of sneaking 'ast t#e guard or attacking #im, t#e Elf )ould suggest sneaking, attacking, or doing not#ing. *nstead of )ondering )#et#er to interrogate or kill t#e 'risoner, t#e Elf )ould )onder a out interrogating, silencing CkillingD or ignoring t#e 'risoner, or 'er#a's even kee'ing, killing or releasing t#em.

The art of im2recision

;)arfs are famed for t#eir engineering, for t#eir steady, measured 'recision. Elves aren0t. T#ere is a good reason for t#is9 Elves don0t naturally t#ink in 2uantities. "#ilst t#ey are numerate, t#e idea of counting t#ings, measuring t#ings u', dividing and 2uantifying /ust doesn0t seem rig#t to t#em. As a result, only small num ers get used on a regular asis. Elves like num ers u' to t#ree= t#ey often use four and five in t#eir daily lives. But anyt#ing muc# a ove seven, and t#ey 'refer to resort to analogy instead. -end a scout out to s'y on enemies, and ask #o) many men #old t#e gate to t#e kee', and t#ey mig#t say, 4more t#an )e can #andle5, or t#ey mig#t say, 4as many as t#e stars of #eaven5 3 ut t#ey )on0t say, 4t#irty, give or take a fe)5. T#ey )on0t sit t#ere and count= t#ey0ll take a 'eek, /udge, or see )#at image t#e sig#t suggests to t#em, and leave it at t#at.

*t0s small )onder, t#en, t#at Elves #ave never really ecome an industrial race. T#e idea of mass('roducing t#ings is almost inconceiva le to t#em. *f you don0t kno) )#o0ll #old t#e s)ord, #o) can you alance it 'ro'erly: *f you don0t kno) )#o you0re making armour for, #o) can you get its 'ro'ortions correct: <o) can you craft /e)ellery )it#out kno)ing t#e eye colour, t#e skin tone, t#e lengt#, cut and s#ade of #air of t#e 'erson )#o )ill )ear it: Of course, not all Elven goods are made )it# a s'ecific 'erson in mind 3 ut many are. Most of t#e rest are /ust made for t#e love of it, and set aside until a 'erson )#o is )ell suited to t#e 2uirks and c#aracteristics of t#at 'articular t#ing comes along. Anot#er im'lication of t#is is t#at Elven goods aren0t of a consistent 2uality. "#ereas ;)arfs kno) #o) to 'roduce a sound result every time, and are 'roud to e consistently good, t#is )on0t satisfy t#e Elven tem'erament. T#ey0d rat#er e fairly good most of t#e time, )it# occasional flas#es of rilliance. After all, you don0t have to use t#e s#oddier 'ieces. T#e u's#ot of t#is is t#at Elven )orkmans#i' is of #ig# 2uality, ut is scarce. Eac# 'iece is distinctive= as a result, t#ey all take a lot longer to make, and so t#ey0re more valua le, too. And )#en t#ings go rig#t, t#ey0re e6em'lary 3 ut e2ually, a certain amount of )ork is e6'ected to fail. Sou can0t create a master'iece every time, even if you do kno) )#o you0re making it for.

Elves are lig#ted )it# a tragic c#aracteristic. T#ey remem er t#ings. T#ey remem er t#em altoget#er too )ell, in fact, often #aving difficulty kee'ing t#eir memories in order. "#y t#is is so is a mystery, /ust like t#e reason for t#eir t#inking in t#rees. %er#a's it )as a #a it valued y t#e Old Ones, and )as t#us somet#ing t#ey Bencouraged0 in some )ay or ot#er. !egardless of t#e cause, t#e im'lication is t#at Elves0 memories )ork differently to t#ose of ot#er races. T#ey sim'ly soak u' all t#at t#ey e6'erience, like a s'onge 3 #oarding sig#ts, sounds, tastes as t#ey encounter t#em. "#en t#ey are young, t#is causes t#em great difficulty. $orgetting t#ings is a skill t#at t#ey #ave to struggle to learn, and t#ere are al)ays a fe) )#o do not manage to do so in time. T#ey suffer terri le 'syc#ological damage as a result, t#eir sense of identity getting )ar'ed or attered y t#e over)#elming deluge of remem rances evoked y eac# and every ne) sensation. <o)ever, suc# 'syc#ological disorders are not actually as common as t#e sc#olars of some ot#er races elieve. T#e #umans, for e6am'le, t#ink t#at most Elves are slig#tly mad, ut t#is is 'artly /ust ecause t#ey don0t really understand #o) Elves t#ink, and 'artly ecause t#ose fe) )#o do develo' 'syc#ological damage also tend to e t#e ones keenest to leave Elven lands and )onder amongst ot#er races. T#ey0re sim'ly more likely to come into contact )it# suc# aty'ical individuals, rat#er t#an )it# t#e )ell( alanced folk )#o live out t#eir lives 2uietly amongst t#eir o)n kind. %layers of Elven c#aracters need to t#ink 2uite carefully #o) all of t#is )ill affect t#eir actions in t#e game. $or a start, t#ey need to decide )#et#er or not t#eir c#aracter ended u' scarred y an

ina ility to master t#eir memories at an early age. *f t#ey )ere, t#en t#e rules for generating @;P disorders for Elven c#aracters suggested in A'ocry'#a No) C'. ..D could e ado'ted= ot#er)ise, t#is could e ignored.

0ttitudes to.ards other races

-ince it0s unlikely, #o)ever, t#at many games of "$!% )ill only involve "ood Elves, it is )ort# t#inking a out #o) t#ey vie) ot#er races.

"ood Elves are, of course, all too familiar )it# men. !elations#i's tend to e cordial, if formal= t#e "ood Elves kno) #o) s)iftly #umans0 moods c#ange, and #o) a 'act of eternal friends#i' one decade can e forgotten in t#e need for tim er for a ne) fleet t#e ne6t. $or t#e most 'art, t#ey restrict t#eir dealings to t#e no ility 3 not out of sno ery, ut sim'ly ecause t#is tends to offer t#e s)iftest )ay of securing t#eir long(term 'rivacy and security. T#ey are also familiar )it# t#ose #umans )#o live rural lives, and many "ood Elves #ave s'ent some small amount of time travelling amongst suc# settlements, even if only to 'ass from one of t#eir o)n realms to anot#er. <o)ever, t#ey s#un t#e cities as "ood Elves cannot fully understand #o) #umans can uild and in#a it t#e dense, s2ualid cities )#ere t#e allure of nature does not e6ist. HHHHH-ide arHHHHH

Side'ar( The $oleldar

Not all mem ers of t#e #uman race feel t#reatened y t#e +aur,lornalim. Many #umans #ave taken to t#e forest as t#eir #ome and een )ell treated and aided y t#e Elves. *n fact, many of t#em #ave fled from t#e #ars#ness of t#e Old "orld and are glad to #ave found 'eace, t#at t#ey could not find among t#eir o)n race, )it# t#e Elves. T#ey are t#us more t#an ready to offer t#eir aid in defending t#e forest. T#e Elves #ave een 'leased at t#e attitude of t#ese 'eo'le to)ards venerating t#e forest and )ere #a''y to allo) t#em to settle on t#e 'eri'#eries of t#e +aur,lorn, )#ere t#ey also 'rovide a useful uffer. T#e foresters #ave made many friends and taken u' many of t#e ElvesE customs and even a )ors#i' of t#eir gods in some cases. T#e Elves call t#em (oleldar, literally non(Elf, ut im'lying T#alf(ElfT. T#e largest of t#ese communities 3 called %#yrdal#of after its founder y t#e in#a itants 3 is situated near <argendorf "ay /ust nort# of t#e Enc#anted <ills. HHHHHEnd -ide arHHHHH

T#e "ood Elves0 dislike of t#e ;)arfs is far more active t#an t#at of t#e ot#er Elvenkind, since t#e ot#ers rarely come into direct contact )it# ;)arfs. T#e "ood Elves still run in to ;)arfs from time to time, and t#e encounters are rarely civil. Many ;)arf living in near y #uman settlements still use tim er rat#er t#an coal to fuel t#eir furnaces= and t#eir gold entices #uman loggers to 'ay little #eed to im'ortant Elven 'rinci'les of forest maintenance. T#e Elves, for t#eir 'art, steer clear of ;)arfs 3 after all, t#ere is little to interest t#em underground, muc# less t#e ;)arfs t#emselves 3 ut do occasionally stum le u'on an enclave )it#in #uman lands. *n ot# cases, cool e6c#anges usually see t#e )eaker 'arty leave )it#out a struggle, ut it is not un#eard of for t#ings to come to lo)s. T#ere are stories of ands of adventurers )#ere Elves and ;)arfs #ave travelled toget#er= t#ese tales are not )idely elieved, #o)ever. -#ould suc# a t#ing come to 'ass, it )ould e unlikely t#at eit#er race )ould )elcome ack t#e errant individual )#o sullied t#emselves t#roug# 'rolonged e6'osure to t#e strange )ays of t#eir age(old rivals.

<alflings #ave ecome a source of great fascination to t#e "ood Elves. T#e "ood Elves see in t#em a kind of kindred s'irit 3 t#ey live lives in #armony )it# t#e natural )orld, t#ey value 'eace and 'ride t#emselves on t#eir generous natures, t#ey a''roac# life )it# #umour and good c#eer, and t#ey e6cel in t#eir c#osen arts Ceven if t#ese are, almost )it#out e6ce'tion, culinaryD. "#ere t#eir lands order eac# ot#er, it #as ecome common for mem ers of ot# races to s'end time visiting t#e ot#ers, learning and s#aring t#eir cultural #eritages. HHHHH-ide arHHHHH

Side'ar( The #urmast Halflings

A small grou' of <alflings #ave urro)ed a #ome in and around a large oak tree on t#e outskirts of t#e +aur,lorn $orest, /ust )est of t#e Nordlander to)n of Oldenlitz. T#e original settlers )ere fleeing 'ersecution in one of t#e *m'erial civil )ars, and found t#e 'lace s#eltered and safe. T#ey are 'rimarily a #unter(gat#erer community and originally #ad little contact )it# t#e Elves. ;es'ite early misgivings, t#e <alflings 'roved #armless and friendly neig# ours. HHHHHEnd -ide arHHHHH

1rcs and go'lins

T#e enmity et)een Elves and go linoids is entrenc#ed. True, ;)arfs raid forests and gru a out in t#e dirt, ut t#ey do so in t#e 'ursuit of civilisation, and t#eir )orks reveal centuries of craft and la our. On t#e ot#er #and, &o lins and t#eir kin kno) only greed and )anton destruction. T#ey are a lig#t t#at must e managed 3 muc# like a 'lague of locusts. Even if it )ere not for t#e 'erverse, dark 'leasure t#at t#ese easts take in t#eir acts of desecration, it )ould e /ustification enoug# to destroy t#em 'urely on t#e grounds of 'rotecting t#e natural environment. "#at 'articularly concerns t#e Elves is go linoids0 'ro'ensity to reed. +eave t)o alone in a room for a mont#, it )ould seem, and you mig#t )ell end u' )it# a )#ole clan on your #ands. +ike any infection, or any infestation, it is necessary to make sure t#at every last trace #as een t#oroug#ly cleared a)ay to 'revent t#e 'ro lem from coming ack. Elves kno) it is t#eir duty to eradicate any and all go linoids t#at t#ey find 3 and t#ey kno) t#at t#ey can s#o) no 2uarter, for if t#ey did, t#e lands )ould e over(run y t#ese teeming, s)arming #orrors. -carred )arlord, co)ering mot#er or me)ling infant, it matters not 3 an Elf )ill not #esitate to destroy t#em all, )it# no need for a /ustification eyond t#e sim'le management of an ot#er)ise irre'ressi le 'est.

"ood Elves are uneasy in t#e 'resence of Ogres, sim'ly ecause t#eir )ay of life and t#at of Ogres are com'letely o''osed. "#ere Elves seek to nurture and create, Ogres seek to consume. Elves are ins'ired y t#eir senses, and guided y t#eir )its= Ogres are driven y #unger, and guided y t#eir a''etites. T#e is anot#er reason for t#is unease, Elves instinctively recognise t#e touc# of 1#aos in t#ese creatures= t#ey see #o) #umanity #as een lost t#roug# t#e touc# of corru'tion, and t#is t#oug#t makes t#em s#iver. $or t#is is t#e no lest t#at #umans )ould e s#ould 1#aos take t#eir race 3 and )#ilst it is far, far etter t#an t#at t#ey s#ould ecome Beastmen, say, t#e t#oug#t of a continent 'o'ulated y suc# rutes turns t#e stomac#s of t#e normally tolerant Elves.

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