Oil of Metals

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The document discusses various topics related to alchemy including spiritual alchemy, laboratory techniques, and controversial uses of psychedelic drugs.

Pages 1-3 discuss the importance of understanding the theoretical or spiritual side of alchemy before attempting practical or laboratory work, as without this foundation laboratory work will likely fail or be dangerous.

Spiritual alchemy, or the theoretical understanding of alchemical principles, is emphasized as being very important and should not be taken lightly, as it provides the foundation for practical work.

Paracelsus Research Society

Lab Bulletin Extracts

Table of Contents
That Alchemy Both Sides of Alchemy About Alchemical Literature Alchemy in Our Times The Distant Drummer Ho to !et Started in Alchemy "otes on Plant Alchemy The Dan#ers of Distilled $ater Sim%le &acuum Extractions On Tinctures Alchemy and Astrolo#y 'ormula for (etals Procedure for (a)in# Oil of *ron The Sul%hur "otes from the Laboratory The Philoso%hers Stone Pyramid Re%lica About the (a#net and its Healin# Po er Si#nals from Outer S%ace Antimony (orality Essays +estions and Ans ers A%%endix Thelema Roll A ay the Stone

That ,ALCHE(-,
Again and again we are asked about the various procedures to be followed when it comes to the manifold laboratory manipulations. It all seems so contradictory when we emphasize that the socalled spiritual alchemy must go hand in hand with the practical laboratory application. We say contrary because during the instruction here at the P.R. . we stress the fact that spiritual alchemy is overemphasized in the various esoteric and metaphysical schools. !he reason for this statement is the predominant emphasis that is placed upon the latter and the almost entire absence of laboratory techni"ue. #or this reason and for this reason only we make such statements. !his does not preclude the theoretical knowledge which is not only necessary but absolutely essential to the tangible manifestation to follow. When premature attempts in the laboratory fail it is undoubtedly due to a lack of thorough understanding of the underlying laws. $ever% should the socalled spiritual alchemy that gives us the knowledge and understanding of the entire alchemical structure be taken lightly. !his is the foundation upon which the laboratory structure is erected. Without thorough mastery of the fundamental laws of alchemical procedure any laboratory work attempted will be merely a dabbling around that may even prove harmful& if not outright dangerous& to the misinformed or insufficiently instructed novice. !hey e'pose themselves to grave hazards that may endanger their lives and those of others. (ven psuedo adepts are liable to mishaps if careless or they pay insufficient attention to the minute details that must be meticulously followed for success. It has been observed that not withstanding the patient e'planations given to the students& while the practical work involved was demonstrated so that the entire procedure could be observed and closely followed& that even as the process involved took place& "uestions contrary to visible evidence& were asked. If such occasions occur during class instructions one can easily imagine what will take place in the private laboratories when individuals are dependent on their notes and previously observed class conducted e'periments. !he old refrain) *If I had only taken more notes and been more thorough with my notations&* is truly a refrain& for it can be heard over and over again. !his is where the term spiritual alchemy& or theoretical alchemy if you prefer& shows its importance. An old a'iom of the (uropean Rosicrucian brethern stated) *+now the theory first before attempting the practice.* !his advice cannot be overemphasized. It is of the utmost importance to know the theory first before attempting the practice& because the outcome depends upon the mastering of the theoretical aspect that needs thereupon to be proven. ,uess work must be eliminated as much as possible. !his does not e'clude contemplation and observation of natural phenomena. -ut it should not be a *guess* .ust because no other code of revelation is presently to be had. ('periments conducted in practical demonstrations at the P.R. . laboratories will produce identical results elsewhere under identical conditions. #ailure to produce like manifestations is due to a change in procedure. /ere is proof of the importance of laboratory and class notes. With complete notes the students have evidence of procedure and results of the same or similar e'periments. It is truly amazing to read or listen to statements made by students when a little contemplation and meticulous following of the fundamental laws would give the answers to the "uestions. 0ver and over again we stress the importance of the fundamental laws involved. At times students take this advice far too lightly and can hardly wait to see the manifestations take place that are first discussed in theory. In their overzealousness important theoretical aspects are overlooked and the result is a malfunctioning already taking place while the e'periment is still in the developmental stage. If only the *would be alchemist* would spend a little more time in contemplation much time and lost labor could be saved& not to mention financial outlay& that in some cases proves a hardship when it need not be so. Whether one works at the herbal& animal& or metallicmineral alchemy& the fundament laws are the same in principle. When constant failure in the laboratory results there is but one alternative and that is to return to the spiritual alchemy and make sure that the laws involved are known and undersood. !he first wrong turn is made when personal opinions are substituted because one does not clearly understand the outline given.

Personal opinions and further improvements of already e'isting alchemistical formulas in books& manuscripts and other sources are possible only after the fundamental laws have been followed and can& at will& be repeated with identical results. As long as these primal re"uirements cannot be met it is generally useless to attempt to improve& with personal opinions& upon something that is not even understood. heer luck& as it is called& may produce something of worth& but even here little benefit will be derived since it may not& and probably will not& have anything to do with the intended outcome. 1any alchemical students have found that before any actual laboratory work is commenced a moment or two of contemplation is of great help. #ortunately when such an attempt is made the thought pattern which evolves out of the "uiet moment gives rise to much more profound investigation such as the rechecking of former notes. When thereafter the student or *would be alchemist* goes through the entire process in his mind& preferably with his eyes closed& and follows step by step what he is later to do by manual operation& he will find his work will go much more smoothly than if he has to stop fre"uently to ask himself) *$ow& how was this again.* 0r *What was it he did ne't2&* etc. Actually the alchemist is then following a blue print of the mind& where every detail has been worked out in advance. !he adept& having his blue print in mind& knows what he should do and what the result should be. hould a mistake occur& should the result be different than e'pected then he will immediately recognize the possibility of error and in retracing his steps discover what has been done incorrectly. /owever& had he not first had a blue print and known what the result should be he could not find his mistake& let alone correct it. Research& alchemical or otherwise& is not guess workit may sometimes be trial and error but it is not guess work. -y working with the basic laws and learning the fundamental facts first then the more e'perienced alchemist may try other means or methods to produce the same result. /ere& however& it is imperative that very careful notes be kept or it is doubtful if the same results can be duplicated. !herefore& an important piece of information and research might be lost. If for the adept careful planning for an e'perimental pro.ect is necessary& then how much more important this admonition is to the novice blue print your work and keep accurate notes. !he alchemist or *would be alchemist* does not produce alchemical manifestations in the laboratory only to prove something in the form of material manifestation. /is ob.ective is to produce something of value& especially in therapeutics. Alchemical products contain three essentials& known as sulphur& salt& and mercury in the purest obtainable form. When used medicinally they represent the highest and most potent form of any medication known& provided the alchemistical a'iom has been followed& by separation& purification and proper con.unction of the substance in "uestion. (ven here the key to this work is of no value to the one in possession thereof& if he does not have the lock wherein it will fit& as the ancients have phrased it. 1edicinal alchemy is not for the curiosity seeker who .ust wants to dabble in this kind of work to see if there is anything to it. !he alchemical key is only of value to the physician. A "uack has no business coming up with socalled alchemical products and indiscriminately using them as he sees fit *because the books say so* or because he *feels it might work.* !o be an alchemist re"uires more than .ust reading what former alchemists have said and following their instructions& which in most cases are e'tremely hard to understand& especially for those who have had no previous instructions in the spagyric art. Alchemy& rightly called the mother science of all sciences& because it is the fountainhead of evolution& on the physical plane& re"uires much knowledge. An alchemist is way ahead of his time& .ust as alchemists of centuries ago were far ahead of their time as more and more often present investigation reveals. !o advance beyond those earlier alchemists& then& re"uires that the aspirant knows as much as they did& before any further growth can be made Alchemists of today need to provide evidence that they are able to produce the same product as did the former adepts. When this proof has been made available then further advancements in alchemy appear to be possible. As it stands now& from the evidence available& very few students can rightfully be called *achemists.* !his should be no deterent to those who sincerely delve into alchemistical .argon in an attempt to unravel it. In fact such effort is very good for the mind& as in this manner mental cobwebs will be removed and preconceived notions will have to make room for factual substantiation& usually by the time proven method

of trial and errorsince ages past the best teacher for all concerned. It must be admitted that this is a very cumbersome and tedious way to arrive at alchemical truths but nevertheless& the most reliable. 3p to now no one has found a better way to unravel the .argon e'cept by making the most likely interpretation. After all is said and done& we are happy to confess that the results e'tant from students who have been instructed in the P.R. . laboratories have eliminated for those to follow many false paths that were previously unmarked pitfalls. !his was done for them or in their behalf by others here at P.R. . !his alone is worth the saving in time and money that would otherwise have to still be undergone by the novices in their alchemical "uest. $ot only this but the fact that& like results become manifest when instructions are followed& is the best evidence of the approach used. When the final evidence of therapeutic values become known and coincide with the indicated previous recommendations& what others say or think& will no longer be important. Alchemy will have proven itself and will need only unbiased minds to further evaluate what still lies hidden in the annals of alchemy& since time immemorable& as former alchemists have testified In this new age more and more of such alchemical testimonials will be revived and added upon& making the arduous task of the alchemical novice even more promising. !hus& the alchemist may become a saviour of mankind in his own way& beginning by setting his own house 4body and mind5 in order& thus enabling him& as a living testimonial& to be of uplifting and positive influence to all those with whom he comes in contact. Alchemy will have proven itself and will need no vindication. !he P.R. . deeply regrets that it has no more teachers available to help in dispensing this knowledge and must limit classes to the small number of five students in any class& in order to provide personal and individual instruction. 1ass media will not do6

Both Sides of Alchemy

Again and again we are asked the same "uestion& in essence) *If alchemy is evolution why separate the inner alchemy from the ourter2* #irst there can be no separation of alchemy because alchemy presents itself as dual. !here is a mental and physical aspect of alchemy. !hey belong to alchemy in itself& as the dual aspect of the inner and outer man are to be found as a unit. Waite in his Azoth states under the heading of the sub.ect or matter of the philosophers) *$o alchemical book has ever revealed the materials on which alchemy operated for the transmutation of the metallic natures. !his is not because the materials have been named& but because they have never been really described. (very new writer has given them a new name& and everyone in assigning their "ualities has contradicted one& more than one& or all of his predecessors. We have stated this plainly before& and we again state it plainly so that there may be no possibility of misconception& and that no person may be so distraught as to undertake at our instance the discovery of the physical tone of the philosophers. !he e'oteric chemistry of today& were it brought to believe that transmustation has occurred in the past& would consider the secrecy of the adepts as a foolish and culpable thing& but it will be seen from foregoing remarks that the veritable initiates& in our conception& did well to conceal& even in announcing& their discovery. !hey had found in their process the complete vanity and worthlessness of material riches7 the desire for wealth and its amenities had melted under fire in their crucibles7 the ambition which henceforth seems to have ruled in their lives was to subsist without ostentation& and to keep the %,rand ecret)% !o them the conception of a rich alchemist was more mad than an %undevout astronomer.% 8et us hear (irenaeus Philalethes appraising the gold which he pretended to manufacture. %I wish gold and silver were as mean in esteem as earth. ... I disdain& loathe& and detest the idolizing of silver and gold& by which the pomps and vanities of the world are celebrated. Ah& filthy evil6 Ah& vain nothingness6 ... I do hope and e'pect that within a few years money will be as dross7 and that prop of the anti9:hristian beast will be dashed to pieces. !he people are mad& the nations rave& an unprofitable weight is set up in the place of ,od.% $or is the true philalethes% alone in the violence of his disdain. *!hus even for the physical alchemists& who never pretended to work otherwise than in metals&the chief end of attainment was that they might %en.oy this gift of ,od secretly. !he annals of the science contain no record of an adept who has amassed wealth& a fact which is e'plicable on two hypotheses only99that which regards the en"uiry as a delusion or an imposture& but with this we are in nowise concerned7 and that which regards transmutation as the lowest achievement of the arcane knowledge& the veil chosen by the Wise as a cloak to their ulterior designs. !his is our standpoint& and regarded in this light& initiation into the lesser mystery involved at least a theoretical ac"uaintance with the possibilities beyond& while that ac"uaintance inevitably destroyed the desire for material wealth. *-ut the larger proportion of genuine.alchemical literature is concerned& in our opinion& with a spiritual as well as a physical work& and the true adepts were 1ystics in the pneumatic sense before they became alchemists. !heir knowledge was perpetuated by inheritance from a certain /oly Assembly& or resulted from contact therewith& and their operations& like their works& are to be understood in two senses. It is easy to distinguish these 1asters among the !3R-A P/I80 0P/0R31& for they invariably say that the achievement of alchemy is philosophical gold& and not gold of the mines& whereas the physical school of adeptship worked upon common gold& and is not backward in assuring us of the fact. !o this class belonged ,eorge tarkey& and the 1ARR0W 0# A8:/(1; is a typical work within its own division. #rom writers of the higher degree we may select an initial definition) *%!he gold of the Philosophers is a heavenly substance7 it is heaven& and the rays of the sun. It is the most eminent medicine. It has in itself all the stars of heaven and all the fruits of earth.% !hese are words borrowed from the higher alchemists. We may compare them with a passage from the interior philosopher& <acob -oehme) %/e in whom this spring of divine power flows carries within himself the divine image and the celestial substantiality. In him is <esus born of the =irgin& and he shall not die in eternity. %/eaven and

earth with all their inhabitants& and& moreover& ,od /imself is in man. #rom the correspondences between these passages& it is easy to reach a conclusion as to the nature of the ,old of the Philosophers regarded from the standpoint of -asil =alentine& (ugenius Philaleehes& +hunrath& aild Ale'ander eton.* We see that Waite is trying to find the connecting link from the inner to the outer. With (irenaeus Philalethes he descries the search for ,old& because Philalethes had found that it was only a way of proving the laws involved. -ut without this proof alchemy would not have been proven on both planes of awareness. 0n the other hand& if we let a fairly contemporary speak such as Archibald :ockren& we find that the outer approach leads to the inner and will reveal its supplementary opposite according to the law of duslity. >:ockren says) *!he practice of alchemy in the laboratory has been a far from easy task& as those who have at any time studied literature on the sub.ect will fully appreciate. It is only by continuous e'periment and constant comparison with alchemistic writings that the present results have eventually been attained& and looking back on the years of persistence in the face of the countless difficulties and failures which ever confront the would9be alchemist& one can well "uestion the wisdom of pursuing such a course. At last& however& it does seem that these labors may not have been entirely in vain& for from these e'periments has gradually emerged the vision of the benefit this art could be to man who& in his present state of imperfection& with its a?companying suffering of mind and body& would seem to re"uire some assistance on his way through life.* *As I have said& I believe that in this art lies man%s salvation from sickness and disease& and the secret of his ultimate perfection& but needless to say in order to utilize to the full the physical benefits of alchemistic research& man must undertake the transmutation of certain baser elements in his emotional and mental make9up. With this process of psychological transmutation I do not propose to deal for the moment& but I am convinced that in this present age of chaos& when new ideas& new values& and& as I believe& new understanding are coming into being& it may be possible that some of these more unorthodo' conceptions will meet with less opposition and more sympathy than previously. ince the complete destruction of all those conditions which in the nineteenth century seemed so permanent and immovable& man has been far less inclined to re.ect out of hand any idea which may be put before him. #or this reason I write down my findings of an age9old truth in the belief that it is a task destiny has sent me& and whether my words be accepted or not lies not with me but with those to whom they are addressed.* *:ome with me& therefore& to my little laboratory with its array of alembics& crucibles& and sandbaths& and hear something of the struggles of the would9be alchemist and of the mysteries he seeks to unravel. *After a careful study of -asil =alentine%s %!riumphal :hariot of Antimony&% I decided to make my first e'periments with antimony. I soon found& however& that on arriving at a crucial point& the key had almost invariably been deliberately withheld& and a dissertation on theology inserted in its place. ,radually& however& I came to realize that the theological discourse was not without ob.ect& but actually the means of veiling a valuable clue of some kind. After much labor& a fragrant golden li"uid was finally obtained from the antimony& although this was merely a beginning. !he alkahest of the alchemist& the #irst 1atter& still remained a mystery. *!hen followed processes with iron and copper. After purification of the salts or vitriol of these metals& of calcintion& and the obtaining of a salt from the calcined metal by a special process& followed by careful distillation and re9distillation in rectified spirits of wine& the oil of these metals was obtained& a fewr drbps of which used singly& or in con.unction& proved very efficacious in cases of anemia and debility which the ordinary iron medicine failed to touch. *!he con.uncti"n of iron and copper proved to be an eli'ir of a very stimulating and regenerating character the action being such as to clear the body of to'ins& and I well remember on taking a few drops one evening that the prospect of a spell of fairly strenuous mental work& even after a really laborious day& seemed to hold no terrors for me6

*-ut still the alkahest remained an enigma& and so further e'periments were made with silver and mercury. #or those with silver& fine silver was reduced with nitric acid to the salts of the metal& carefully washed in distilled water& sublimated by special process& finally yielding up a white oil which had a very soothing effect on highly nervous cases. *In the case of mercury& the metal on being reduced to its oil& produced a clear crystalline li"uid with great curative properties& but unlike common mercury& no poisonous "ualities. *After this I decided to work upon fine gold9gold& that is& without any alloy. !his was dissolved in A"ua Regia and reduced to the salts of gold7 these were washed in distilled water& which in its turn was evaporated in order to remove its very caustic properties. It was at this point that a very real difficulty arose& for when these salts of gold lose their acidity& they slowly but surely tend to return to their metallic form again. $evertheless& an eli'ir was finally produced from them by distillation& although even then a residue of fine metallic gold remained behind in the retort. */aving got so far I realized that without the alkahest of the philosophers the real oil of gold could not be obtained& and so again I went back and forth in the alchemists% writings to obtain the clue. !he e'periments which I had already made considerably lightened my task& and one day while sitting "uietly in deep concentration the solution to the problem was revealed to me in a flash& and at the same time many of the enigmatical utterances of the alchemists were made clear.* */ere& then& I entered upon a new course of e'periment& with a metal for e'perimental purposes with which I had had no previous e'perience. !his metal& after being reduced to its salts and undergoing special preparation and distillation& delivered up the 1ercury of the Philosophers& the A"ua -enedicta& the A"ua :elestis& the Water of Paradise. !he first intimation I had of this triumph was a violent hissing& .ets of vapor pouring from the retort and into the receiver like sharp bursts from a machine9gun& and then a violent e'plosion& whilst a very potent and subtleodor filled the laboratory and its suroundings. A friend has described this odor as resembling the dewy& earth on a <une morning& with the hint of growing flowers in the air& the breath of the wind over heather and hill& and the sweet smell of the rain on the parched earth. *$icholas #(amel& after searching and e'perimenting from the age of twenty& wrote when he was eighty years old) *%#inally I found that which I desired& which I also soon knew by the strong scent and odor thereof.% *@oes this not coincide& this voice from the fourteenth century& with my own description of the peculiar subtle odor2 :remer& also writing in the early fourteenth century& says) *%When this happy event takes place& the whole house will be filled with a most wonderful sweet fragrance& and then will be the day of the nativity of this most blessed preparation%.* In the foregoing we see from direct "uotations the different approaches to the same sub.ect. !he inner aiming at the transmutation of man into a superior being with the help of the outer by the restoration of faults from within. :ockren aptly states and we re"uote him) *At last& however& it does seem that these labors may not have been entirely in vain& for from these e'periments has gradually emerged the vision of the benefit this art could be to man who& in his present state of imperfection& with its accompanying suffering of mind and body& would require some assistance on his way through life." !his is what the P.R. . is trying to do. !o be of assistance with what alchemy has to offer to both the inner and outer man as a combination or the sum total during his e'istence while in the flesh upon this earth& right here and now. *Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored by A. Cockren.

About Alchemical Literature

#rom remote anti"uity on during the 1iddle Ages and through the last few centuries much Alchemical 8iterature has been written. 0ne wonders if anything is left about which to write. #irst of all that which alchemist%s have been writing from personal e'perience has to be separated from that which is but a verbal erudition of what others have performed. When such literature is separated it shows an overabundance of the last and very little of the first. /ere the reader can save considerable time and confusion. /e need not make another separation by going through all the interpretations of non9e'perts who differ among themselves. /e may now confine himself to reading those authors who have written from personal e'perience. !hese are& numerically speaking& a minority. /owever& here& too& a separation must take place. 1ost alchemists have written about the highest aspect of alchemy on the material plane99the *philosopher%s stone*9that alchemy offers. ince the *philosopher%s stone* represents the goal of all sincere alchemists many readers lose sight of the fact that much needs to be known about the *lesser work* before one should even attempt the *,reat Work* as it is called. =ery little has been written on the herbal work because those authors who wrote about the *,reat work* took for granted that no one in their right senses would attempt the *,reat work* first. In addition to mastering the work upon herbs other prere"uisites must be fulfilled. !he mineral preparation follows the work on herbs. -esides the herbal and mineral work there are still others to be known& such as the work in the animal world& the work on tartar and on other substances. As can be seen from the foregoing much knowledge must be ac"uired before the student is ready to enter into the metallic realm from which alone can the coveted *philosopher%s stone* be made. /asty attempts to ac"uire such a vast amount of knowledge has brought about considerable discredit and denial of the e'istence of corporeal laboratory alchemy. -ooks written by ine'perienced authors& not sufficiently informed about their sub.ect matter& have added to the confusion. After all is said and done& alchemical literature has added more to the confusion about alchemy& than the very few works of genuine practitioners who have made known their personal e'periences& have done to clear up the confusion. It is indeed& unfortunate that pure alchemical knowledge has been covered up& yes& almost smothered& by the coarse rehashing of ignorant contributors to alchemical literature. #ortunately our own century has not brought in such a deluge of alchemical writings as were written a few centuries ago. !he reason might very well be found in the ignorance about alchemy and the ill repute into which it has fallen. :hemistry now reigns supreme& having no more use for alchemy& although the chemist and scientist acknowledge alchemy a forerunner of our present chemistry& thereby outdating alchemy. We may consider this a good omen. /ad as much been written recently as was written in past centuries about alchemy the chasm would have been wider. !he present trend to republish former works of both genuine and pseudo alchemical authors leaves us .ust about where we were a few centuries ago. -ecause of lack of present day e'perts who will challenge alchemistical misstatements and misrepresentations of former times and because of our present confused state of mind due to such former assumption it becomes even more evident that contemporary literature on alchemy is a must. uch literature will have to be based upon practical& demonstrable evidence which corroborates earlier claims made by genuine practitioners& in the light of present day accomplishments. Where is such present day alchemical literature based upon present day results to be found2 !his "uestion needs to be and can be answered. We need tangible alchemical evidence today .ust as it was needed in the past. 0nly then can .ustification be found for adding further alchemical literature. !his is what the Paracelsus Research ociety is attempting by bringing such contemporary practical laboratory results to the attention of those interested in alchemy. 8iterature pertaining to this field must be added to the few genuine authors of alchemy as we do not wish to make further contributions to the volumes of pseudo9alchemists& who only theorize while neglecting practical alchemy. Alchemy in its scientific aspects needs to be proven& and that is what the Paracelsus Research ociety with its contribution to alchemical literature& is attempting to do.

With the present issue of the ,erman 8anguage book *Alchemy in the ABth :entury* we may assume that we have poked into the proverbial hornet%s nest. We say this ahead of time& because the very near future will bear us out99when the hornets fly out and begin to sting. -ut& then& there are some few& it is said& who are immune to such stings or who have a remedy that will not cause such stings to be fatal. The Path !he path at first will be rough and the way steep. It will re"uire infinite patience and courage and determination to overcome the obstacles which will beset you on your upward climb7 yet once you have overcome these barrierswhich are& after all& only the habits of your past lifeand have reached the pinnacle& you will be free of doubt and selfdistrust. !hen you will en.oy the vista of a $ew 8ife and /appiness and uccessful Accomplishment. 0nce you have savored its sweetness& nothing else will bring such complete satisfaction as Achievement& for it is then that you can #((8 its surging power within youa tonic "uality that will enable you to push back the mental boundaries of the world in which you live. $o man has the RI,/! to be a failure. It is his duty& $0! /I PRI=I8(,(& to be successful. If you have been unsuccessful it is because you have negative "ualities of mind that prevent you from accomplishing that which you /038@ and :A$ A::01P8I /. <oin now in this adventuree'ploring the hidden& secret& processes of your mindthat you may understand it better7 that you may utilize it to the full7 that you may achieve a more abundant& successful life of happiness.

Alchemy *n Our Times

It may come as a distinct surprise to some to learn that the above heading is a real possibility. Alchemy was supposed to be an outgrown and discarded medieval art& the parent of present9day chemistry which& as we all know& is transforming our lives in such a wide variety of ways. 8ike many other current beliefs& this belief is far from the case. Alchemy may have spawned modern chemistry& but the fact remains it has never ceased to be a distinct science in its own right. It has always e'isted& and still does. -efore it is concluded that the alchemists were "uacks and deceivers& we might remember the remark made by (. <. /olmyard& one of the more erudite and thoroughgoing historians of alchemy. *It must be remembered&* he wrote& *that to the alchemists was due much of the practical chemical knowledge upon which scientific chemistry was based....* !his disposes of the notion that they were ignorant men. #urthermore& /olmyard& "uoting from -oerhaave& a @utch chemist of the early CDth century& the author of *$ew 1ethod of :hemistry&* adds) *Wherever I understand the alchemists& I find them to describe the truth.in the most simple and naked terms& without deceiving us& or being deceived themselves. When therefore I come to places& where I do not comprehend the meaning& why should I charge them with falsehood& who have shown themselves so much better skill%d in the art than myself2 ... :redulity is hurtful& so is incredulity7 the business therefore of a wise man is to try all things& hold fast to what is approv%d& never limit the power of ,od& nor assign bounds to nature.* Whenever I hear references to alchemy made by people who obviously know nothing either of the literary or technical processes involved& I devoutly bless -oerhaave in his "uiet wisdom& wishing that our contemporary critics and scoffers could be half as sagacious as he. Popular fancy has it that the old alchemists were primarily interested in one sub.ect& and that only99the transmutation of the base metals into gold. While there is little doubt that this may well have been true99 enough te'ts are e'tant to substantiate this in part99nonetheless it must be stated categorically that this was merely one of its several goals. A closer e'amination of some of its important authorities indicates that they were also interested in healing mankind of some of its grosser ills& to substantially prolong human life so that man might pursue without a break his ma.or interests& but at the same time not only to imbue him with more vitality and energy but to aim for the highest spiritual goals. About a decade ago& an alchemical manifesto was issued& completely out of the blue& unheralded and unannounced99and largely unnoticed. It announced that the alchemist%s goals and techni"ues were once more available for study& research and consultation. It stated that *whereas the term Alchemy is associated by most people solely with the Philsophers tone& and the making of ,old& it becomes necessary to correct this false notion. Alchemy& as such& covers an enormous territory and consists of the raising of the vibrations. !his varied and many sided manifestation is the outcome of profound study and contemplation.... In this new cycle of Alchemistical awakening it likewise becomes essential to commence cautiously our work& while making contact with those of like mind and aspirations& that may have been laying dormant for many years....* (very now and again& I cannot help but be reminded of the :ommunist 1anifesto issued by +arl 1ar' over a century ago. At the time of its issuance& very few people took serious notice of it99at best it was lightly dismissed as the ravings of a mad man. It may still be for all that. $evertheless& whether you like it or not& the world has seen momentous changes in the entire social and economic structure as a definite result of that piece of paper. It has never been the same since99nor will it ever. In much that same way& I have the profound suspicion that before too much time has passed& this obscure Alchemistical 1anifesto& noticed only by a few people within this country or the world at large& may begin to e'ert a greater influence on the minds and spirits of men than can possibly be conceived at this moment. It was a statement that was spoken

softly and "uietly at the time. Its vibrations however may permeate every nook and cranny of the scientific community before too long. -ecause I sincerely think this may well be the case& I have taken the liberty of contributing this article on Alchemy in modern times. We are obliged to take the sub.ect seriously. And we have to recognize that though it may now be accepted by only a few hundred people at the very most& yet they may turn out to be the spiritual and intellectual revolutionaries who are going to turn the whole scientific world topsy9turvy before it is capable of e'panding its present limited point of view. !he alchemists of olden time were spirtually enlightened men99not merely blind and stupid workers or seekers in the chemistry laboratory. !his fact must never be forgotten. !hey sought to perfect all phases of man his body& his mind& and his spirit. $o one of these aspects of the total organism should be neglected. It was their belief that man is indefinitely perfectable. !hey were highly religious men& not vagabonds who sought to deceive and swindle the treasury of the country in which they lived. *Art perfects what nature began.* 1an& and all the gross and subtle constituents of nature& are capable of being brought to a state of infinite perfection. -ut nature unaided fails to achieve this perfection. (volution may ultimately succeed& though the time factor seems so preposterously slow when one watches through recorded history& the cumbersome& the appallingly slow& progress of mankind. o the alchemists sought to intervene by their art99to speed up the process of growth and evolution& and so to aid ,od%s work. ince organized religion for the greater part of the last couple of thousand years would have denounced this heretical point of view and condemned its advocates to the torture rack and to the fiery stake& great care and caution at all times had to be e'ercised in e'pressing what they believed or knew to be true. 0ften& then they used a scintillating variety of symbols and an even more e'otic cosmological theory which& though considered defective and archaic from the point of view of twentieth century scientific philosophy& nonetheless enabled them to work out a satisfactory scheme of mythology. !he latter& incidentally is a word covering all our philosophy and psychology as well as our scientific theory. Anyway& in that mythology the above9mentioned ideas could be e'pressed and recognized as valid by others similarly engaged. /aving mentioned the term *mythology&* it is worth while to remember the concluding remarks of (. <. /olmyard in his *Introductory* to his historical work on alchemy. *It may be recollected that the theory of the unity of the world permeated by a universal spirit had a corollary in the assumption that every ob.ect in the universe possessed some sort of life. 1etals grew& as did minerals& and were even attributed se'. A fertilized seed of gold could develop into a nugget& the smokey e'halation was masculine and the vaporous one feminine& and mercury was a womb in which embryonic metals could be gestated. !hese and similar animistic beliefs mingle with the more rational outlook of Aristotle& and are more closely related to late forms of *Platonism.* I wonder whether these ideas are so outrageous as they once seemed to many6 !he twentieth century& poised on the brink of the technology of multiple plastics& the e'ploration of space& and fantastic feats of engineering& is about ready to accept a mythology or a philosophy which at first sight seems far more fantastic than that espoused by the old alchemists. !oday& the threat of persecution at the hands of vested religious or scientific interests has passed& thus permitting& perhaps for the first time in centuries of social history& the re9emergence of alchemy and alchemists into the open. 1ore than that& what has only recently occurred may never perhaps have been repeated. An actual school is in operation where the time9honored processes of alchemy are taught to carefully screened students. !hese are from all walks of life& from all levels of society& and with educations that vary from those with little to those with multiple university degrees. /ere is definitely disproved the popular notion that alchemy was the unscientific mother of some of our modern sciences. !he processes are taught there as chemistry and physics are taught in our better colleges9by e'periment& demonstration& and e'perience. In beautifully

e"uipped laboratories99whose pyre' glassware and stainless steel accoutrements would have dazzled the classical scholars of former ages99there is a recrudescence of alchemical techni"ue and process such as the world has never previously seen. $or is this merely a local phenomenon. Alchemy is once more rearing its head not only in this vast country of ours& but in ,reat -ritain and in the heart of (urope as well& and in the Antipodes. !here is communication now9a9days between its advocates as there always has been& since many of the famous published te'ts were simply the means whereby one adept in the art could convey to others somethings of his own knowledge and e'perience. In one school& perhaps the most prominent ever& !he Paracelsus Research ociety& has embarked on a most ambitious program which& punctuated by a Euarterly -ulletin and fre"uent publications& shows every sign of achieving fulfillment. ome of its books have achieved poly9lingual publication. !wo of the most recent in the ,erman tongue are *Praktische Alchemie im zwanzigsten <ahrhundert* and *1en and the :ycles of the 3niverse&* both by #rater Albertus. $ot a great deal of time elapses before first editions of all the books are e'hausted. !he *8esser Work* is taught there prior& of course& to the *1agnum 0pus&* the *,reat Work.* And this naturally follows along classical lines. /erbs of all types are studied99from the picking and drying process& to that of e'tracting tinctures and similar final products. !his no evidence of mere dillentantism. !he work with metals and minerals is a necessary conse"uence of such investigations& but first things must come first. !he metal and mineral operations have to follow in due course of time when the knowledge of the lesser work or circulation has been wholly mastered. It might be well to emphasize here that respect for current laws is sternly inculcated. tudents are not taught to diagnose or to prescribe for other people in violation of the medical practice acts of the tate. -ut they are taught to study themselves99since the most outstanding task for man is to know himself99and then to prepare a variety of herbal e'tracts and tinctures for themselves alone. !he motive for such e'perimental work is to alter and raise their waves and fre"uencies so that they may become conscious participators in the great work of facilitating the onward progress of nature. -ut this work& like charity& must begin at home& with the student himself. In addition to the practical work in the laboratory where alchemical processes are demonstrated and confirmed& there is also classroom work of lectures and study. :ertain sub.ects are an absolute pre9re"uisite to laboratory e'periment in order to arrive at a theoretical understanding of the laws of nature and so to appreciate what proceeds& as it were& in the test9tube. !hese sub.ects are astrology& known here as astro9 cyclic pulsations& the Eabalah which is an archaic mystical system with a mathematical structure long in use by the earlier alchemists& and& of course& much more about herbalism. Where and when necessary a few of the basic princicples of metallurgy as it pertains to the alchemical work are reviewed and related to the task at hand. Where the earlier generations of alchemists would have been surprised and undoubtedly pleased& is in the sophisticated utilization of all modern pedagogic methods. =isual aids are employed in addition to oral instruction& plus fre"uent laboratory demonstrations. ome students who have previously ac"uainted themselves with the classical literature& have fre"uently remarked that a mere five minutes in the laboratory with a modern alchemist clarifies brilliantly what years of faltering& difficult reading and study never came to reveal. Admittedly what is written here is superficial to a degree& but it may demonstrate to some degree the significance of the title of this article99that there is an alchemy in modern times. It has never perished.

The Distant Drummer

*Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed& and in such desperate enterprise2 If a man does not keep pace with his companions& perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. 8et him step to the music which he hears& however measured or far away.* 1ore than one hundred years ago& these words were written by an individual who insisted on following the drummer whom he heard& and whose insistent beat led him to take two years of his life to live in solitude. !his individual was /enry @avid !horeau& who in <uly CDFG went to live in a one9room cabin he himself had built& beside Walden Pond in the woods near :oncord& 1ass. @escribed at that time as a *thin& shambling& ill9dsessed man at the late end of his twenties&* he was considered a puzzle& an eccentric& by the townspeople who knew him. !hey had no inkling at that time that Walden99that masterpiece of literature& he was9.to write between the years CDFG and CDGF9 was to become a book translated into many languages& as well as to become a beacon of inspiration to those who sought other than materialistic values. /is words pondered upon& even today stir the imagination99*If a man does not keep pace with his companions& perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. 8et him step to the music which he hears& however measured or far away.* !his statement implies that there may be many measures& many rhythms to the beat of the drum& or perhaps one should say& there may be many drummers who appeal as variously as there are diversities of individuals. It also implies that the drummer one hears may often be heard at a distance so that one must stop to listen to be able to hear. !horeau took this time to stop and listen7 day and night& at sunrise and sunset& hoeing his two acres of beans& or sitting at the doorstep of his cabin during a gentle rain& he harked to the harmonies and melodies in nature around him& and was richly rewarded as we see in Walden. $ow listen again to him99*I learned this& at least& by my e'periment& that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams& and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined& he will meet with a success uncommon in common hours. /e will put some things behind& will pass an invisible boundary7 new& universal and more liberal laws will be e'panded and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense& and he will live with the license of a higher order of being.* Incidentally& this passage would seem to be some indication that during the period of writing Walden9 ?between his AHth and ADth year9at the age at which @r. -ucke says cosmic consciousness is often e'perienced& that some measure of this could have been true of !horeau. As students of mysticism& has not each one of us listened to and heard the beat of the distant mystical drummer in one way or another2 Perhaps it came in the form of a pamphlet some one gave us& perhaps from a word some one dropped about things mystical& or an advertisement in a magzine& or a lecture. Perhaps this sounded at first faintly as from a great distance and we almost lost it9as indeed many we know have99but finally it became so insistent in the consciousness& so appealing& even though heard from the other side of the woods& so to speak& that we must follow even though not knowing whither it might lead. We had to know and we must follow. 3nfortunately& not everyone stops to listen as did !horeau7 certainly not the townspeople of his day& who considered him not only eccentric but an impractical loafer. And in our day& even more than in his& we are bombarded on all sides by the many appeals to the five physical senses through radio& television& advertisements& re"uests to follow this or that school of thought in practically every area of our western culture99such as politics& religion& education& the new in the arts& sciences& music and literature. !he ideologies in all these areas are changing so fast that it is confusing& and at times& we hardly know whither they tend or what we should think of them. o in the midst of all this flu' and change& of calls to follow the liberal or the conservative& the far left& or the far right& of revolution to be accomplished by violence& or

revolution to be brought about more slowly by change of consciousness& it is often difficult for the individual to discover the right path for him. In addition to the confusion present in this time of change& there is always present the terrific pressure to conform 99 socially& politically& religiously& etc. 0ne is often asked to what organization does he belong9 what church does he attend9what are his political affiliations& and so on. All these are matters not only scrutinized in his community& but commented upon& and especially if they vary conspicuously from the norm. (ven the technological and scientific knowledge and achievements of our era tend to drown out the more delicate beat of the mystical drummer. !here is often the individual who has heard& although muffled& the beat of the drum and then denies he has heard it. 0r there is another who hears the drummer distinctly& but chooses deliberately to not listen. !here is the one who hears the call and wonders from whence it came& and lets it go at that. And there is another who hears and follows but only for a little way. o in response to the rhythm of the drummer& there is again a diversity of people. #inally& there is that individual who hears and simply likes the measure& the beat& because it is different from any other he has heard. 0ften& then& he becomes the one who knows he must follow9the music is so appealing that he cannot do otherwise& even though he knows not whither he is being lead. I suppose you might say that we fall in this class. ince follow we must& we eventually pass beyond that *invisible boundry* of which !horeau speaks& and enter into the life where the measured beat of the drum becomes much clearer and closer at hand. lowly at first99to give our steps time to become accustomed to its measure999one learns what lies beyond this boundary& for if we progressed too swiftly& the light there might blind us. /owever& it gradually leads into that land of understanding of what we are& physically& mentally and psychically) who we are) why we are where we are. And if consistently followed& the student finds that the gently graduated lessons& degrees and e'periments give him an e'panded understanding and enlarged consciousness& which no amounut of secular or academic education can impart. It is indeed an *invisible boundary* we have passed& unseen and unknown to the world at large. Perhaps one has listened to the same measured beat or rhythm in a past life or lives. Perhaps that is why we were almost compelled to follow in this. As we look into the past& we see e'amples of those who have followed their particular drummer& perhaps for many lives& for how could their achievements be e'plained otherwise. We can& if we will& take courage from some of those towering geniuses. Witness 1ozart writing musical compositions at the tender age of seven7 or Wagner catching melodies from the air as he walked up and down his garden paths and then giving to the world some of the world%s most transcendent musical passages in his.operas7 -eethoven writing his symphonies and oher works until he produced his superb $inth even during his growing deafness. !here were others we know who *listened* and gave to the world the harmonies of line& form and color& such as that many sided genius& 8eonardo& who in his early twenties was surpassing his teacher& =errochio7 and 1ichelangelo whose marvelous conceptions in paint and stone& still leave us standing in awe. Whence came these accomplshments2 :an we believe otherwise than that it was only after many lives of persistent effort that such perfection& such sublimity& could have been reached2 @id I say *we can take courage* from these towering geniuses2 Well& here could be a tendency to do .ust the opposite& to be discouraged& and say we can never attain to such heights in any area) our talents are too small& our achievements too few. -ut like !horeau& never let us be stopped by such a negaitive attitude7 let us as he says& *advance confidently in the direction of our dreams and endeavor to live the life we have imagined&* and then perhaps we *may meet with uncommon success in common hours.* Persistence here is& I think& the key word in mysticism& as in all achievements& often against great odds. Why is the accomplished concert pianist still content to put in hours of practice every day& or the leader of the ymphony willing to go over and over again the same passage with the orchestra until they are perfect in

nuances and interpetations. Why does the writer demand perfection of e'pression& often re9writing many times& until his article& story or book says what he means in the clearest& most forceful or most beautiful way. o I would say that in addition to talent& this "uality of persistence is one of the most important which has come over from the past& or which is being developed in the present& as wefollow that steady& persistent beat sounding within. 8et us then persist along the path shown us. (ach effort will not go unnoticed by the elf9that inner monitor& that inner drummer& so to speak& who looks on in austere silence as we progress along the path. 8et us take advantage of the teachings and e'ercises as they advance our understanding of the actual duality of our being and our real relation to the cosmos. !rue they may bring to light the +armic forces impinging upon us& whose effects we must here and now come to understand and either use or atone for in this life. !his latter& this necessity of atonement& is something we may resist. We may not wish to see ourselves as we are7 we may wish to keep the more flattering image of ourselves we now have. We may resist the +armic ties which brought us into relation to those around us& or nearest us. -ut the drum beats on and perhaps with greater understanding& the rhythm& if we listen to it& may bring harmony wherebefore there was discord& as the e'panding consciousness brings more light on the +armic problems we face. And in this way& as !horeau says& we *will put same things behind ... is new& universal and more liberal laws will be e'panded and interpreted ... and one will live with the license of a higher order of %being.* o I consider that we here who have heard and are still following the mystic drummer& who is now no longer the distant drummer& are indeed fortunate. I conceive thus that with us there is no limit to an e'panding consciousness on through the aeons of time. !he drummer we hear may lead us up to the foothills of achievement7 perhaps across the fertile and pleasant plateaus of peace and growth for awhile7 then eventually over difficult terrain and on up a narrow and rugged mountainous path7 until perchance at last we can view all from a glorious mountain top& and know that as we look downward over that difficult upward path we have traversed& that all the tests and trials and pains are as nothing compared to the view that climb has bronght us. 0ne so fittingly e'pressed this idea) *0nly through ceaseless application& and after incredible pains do the masters of the arts and sciences attain their superb insight and mastery ... only through steadfast service and never failing aspiration& through love and compassion and sacrifice& through success and failure& through lonely vigil and impassioned admonition& through all the heights and depths of thought and emotion of which the eager heart and the awakened mind is capable& shall we gain a true perspective of the pure and perfect action and become worthy e'ponents of the 1aster%s techni"ue.* In mysticism& this is of paramount importance& as we work on that most important of all instruments9the (8#& spelled in capitals. We are indeed fortunate in this era that /ierarchy& behind and beyond that great invisible boundary& has permitted the ancient mystical teachings to be brought into the 8ight of our day and to be e'pressed in such clear and understandable language& enabling the student to advance by precept and e'periment into higher levels of understanding end development. It sounds difficult and challenging& but is there any goal more worthy of our efforts2 In the meantime& let our minds return to that moment when we first heard the drummer7 then how our pace accelerated at times& and often how it would slacken7 and let us ask ourselves now where we are in relation to the rhythm and beat of our particular drummer. And hearing anew& then resolve to never stop listening intently& so that again as !horeau says& we *eventually will live with the license of a higher order of being.

HO$ TO !ET STARTED *" ALCHE(!his I I$!($@(@ #0R those who have read or studied about alchemy and are now preparing themselves to commence their work in the laboratory. As this will prove to be a most interesting and enlightening task& it should not be undertaken carelessly. #irst of all& the place selected for the work about to begin& is of importance. !he space re"uired is not large. A corner in the basement or in an attic& perhaps even a garage& will do& as long as there is a constant source of heat available. :old water should also be close by for the cooling of the condenser tube. A few bottles and flasks and a mortar and pestle are desirable& if not necessary& to have the ingredients handy and protected& also for the grinding of the dried herbs and other substances to be worked with. A table and chair .ust about complete the furnishings. !he table or workbench should be so located that the heat and water source are very close by and handy& as the gas flame or electric heat& whichever is available. is constantly needed. #or the gas flame& a -unsen burner& or better still& a #isher burner are recommended. As for the flasks& the flat9bottom type& called (rlenmeyer flasks& are best for us. #or stoppers& both types& cork and rubber& are needed. A small mi'ed assortment will last a long time. A support to bring the flask over the flame& to hold it in a rigid position when used for distillation& also is re"uired. It can either be bought or be homemade& as long as it meets the re"uirements. ince the most important implements will& no doubt& be known by now to the beginner& we shall begin by getting the substance prepared& that is to be alchemically to be worked with. 8et us choose a herb that is easily available. ay& 1elissa 41elissa officinalis9lemonbalm5. ince it is an important herb and any herbal supply house can furnish it& we shall use it g& an e'ample in our first e'periment. !he dried herb usually works best. !he first step& is to ascertain that it is the correct herb. !his may seem superfluous. but it is not. !here is& for e'ample& a difference between wild and garden sage in our work. !he flowers of the wild sage again produce a different medication. !herefore always make sure the herbal substance involved is the desired one. $e't in procedure is the grinding of the herb. !his may be accomplished by rubbing between the hands or by grinding it with the pestle in the mortar. !he more minute the particles the easier the e'traction. /aving accomplished this& the ne't step is to place it in a flask& bottle or container& preferably glass& that can be well closed& over which is poured the menstrum to e'tract it with. !he easiest way is to pour some strong alcohol 4$(=(R use denatured alcohol or 1ethanol5& preferably brandy& over the herb in the flask or bottle& then close it tightly and put it on top& or near the furnace in the winter& or provide it with a gentle warmth not to e'ceed the temperature re"uired for the hatching of chicken eggs. Allow at least one9half to one9third of the container to be empty above the herb immersed in the menstrum& so it has room for e'pansion and to relieve some of the pressure that may build up within the container. After several days the menstrum will be colored green. !he shade of the color will depend on the type of 1elissa used and the strength and pureness of the alcohol. When sufficiently macerated& 4this process is called maceration5 the li"uid is to be poured off into a clean glass container and the remaining herbal substance should be placed in an earthenware dish& and then be burnt to ashes. !his is accomplished by taking it outdoors and by igniting it. !he alcohol& which has saturated it& will catch fire and will burn the leftover of the herb& now called feces& to black ashes. As this will cause smoke and smell& similar to the burning of weeds in the fall& care should be taken not to do this in a room. After the burning of the feces& as we shall call them from now on& they can be incinerated over the open flame in earthenware& or any fire resistant dish& until they become a light gray. An occasional grinding in the mortar& with the pestle& and then reburning& which we shall now call *calcining&* will let the lightening of the feces become noticeable. When this state has been arrived at they should be removed from the fire and& while still warm& be placed into a flask& which has been preheated& so as not to break it from the

sudden temperature change& over which is the poured9off essence to be added. !he flask must again be tightly stoppered so that no alcohol fumes can escape and again be sub.ected to moderate heat for digestion After several weeks& depending on the constantly retained degree of heat and the careful preparation before& the li"uid must again be poured off. @uring this interval of digestion it is assumed that the feces have absorbed enough of the essence necessary for the formation of the re"uired strength. With the feces left in the flask& it will need again to be stoppered and for another few weeks brought in contact with the moderate warmth& so essential for its concoction. After a few more weeks& the medication is then ready for use. It is absolutely harmless but of high potency and should be taken in minute amounts. A few grains in a glass of distilled water will produce e'hilarating results. !his is the most primitive and simplest form for the preparation of an herbal substance& according to the precepts of Alchemy. As logically "uite some time will have elapsed during the maceration period& the time interval has to be put to beneficial use. In the meantime we shall attempt to procure a pure menstrum from alcohol& or spirits of wine. ince there are various kinds of alcohol& we are chiefly concerned with but one& at the outset of our work. !his is the spirit of wine. As wine generally contains less than ABI of alcohol by natural fermentation& this alcohol 4spirits of wine5 has to be e'tracted. Remember& apple wine& loganberry wine& etc.& are not grape wines. !herefore& we stay with wine fermented from the grape. !he tyro in our work has to go step by step to master eventually the essential fundamentals. At present we are concerned about learning all these steps ourselves gradually& as this is so important& especially later& in our more progressed work. We& therefore& take some pure unadultered wine& or grape brandy& and pour a sufficient amount into a flask for distillation. !he amount depends on the flask at hand. It should never be filled more than half full. !hen& in a rubber or cork stopper& two holes are to be inserted to fit tightly a thermometer and a bent glass tube. !he thermometer shall not touch the wine and the bent glass tube reaches barely below the stopper. $ow we need a condenser. !his may be purchased from any chemical supply house. !he bent glass tube from the flask is inserted into the stopper that closes the condenser opening. We have formed now what is called a distillation train. !he water to cool the condenser will have to be connected with a rubber tube from the tap& which needs an adapter for this purpose& to the condenser .acket& where it will flow out at the top opening back into the floor or sink drain. !his will cool the vapor& or steam& that rises from the heated flask and drips out of the bottom end of the condenser into a receptacle. When all this is set up& the heat under the flask will have to be started and before long& the wine will begin to boil and the vapor begins to rise& goes up through the bent glass tube and will enter the condenser& where the cooling water around the inner tube will let it emerge at the end as a distillate& dripping into the receiver. !he heat should be so regulated that the first distillation will not e'ceed DB degrees centigrade. !he thermometer will show what it takes on heat to maintain this temperature. When about CG or so drops have distilled over and the temperature has been regulated and the thermometer shows the same degree of heat& the receiver may be attached to the condenser end& to avoid evaporation of the alcohol and any possible ignition of the fumes. !his& however& should be done only after the pressure in the distillation train has become e"ualized& and this will be after some of the li"uid has come over. When the temperature begins to rise to above DG degree celsius and all of the alcohol has come over but with it still some traces of water& the train may then be disconnected& after the flame has been e'tinguished and the vessels have cooled off enough to be safely handled. !he residue of the wine can now be discarded as it is of no further use to us at present. !he distillate we save. @epending on the amount of wine used for the distillation we either have to distill some more or& if the alcohol in the receiver e'ceeds CBB milliliter& we can then begin with the rectification of the spirits of wine. As our distilled spirits of wine is not pure as yet it has to undergo several more distillations to become absolute alcohol. !his is accomplished by redistillation& e'actly as the first time& only the newly distilled wine is poured back every time into the distillation flask. !here will always remain a small amount of cloudy residue after each distillation& which we discard& as it contains still some water. @uring these subse"uent distillations the temperature has to be about HD degrees Jcentrigrade. 0nly during the last& appro'imately seven times are sufficient& should the temperature be HK degrees. !he final menstrum is

more potent when we macerate a herb in it. As it contains no more traces of water it reaches the spiritual essence of the herb in shorter time and moi9e effectively. !here is another way to purifLr the spirits of wine with potassium carbonate anhydrous. !his process we do not use in the beginning. ince with the purified spirits of wine we obtain better results in our work we shall always use it for the e'traction in the herbal work. 4In the following installments we shall consider the e'traction of herbs by distillation with yet another menstrum and continue until we end with the mineral and metallic essences.5 tart with the herbal e'traction first& in order to familiarize yourself with the procedure. !oo much time is being consumed when metallic e'tractions at first are undertaken. !he process re"uires great knowledge and perseverance that can only be obtained after a greater length of time. ;ou can re.oice e'ceedingly by preparing the alchemical herbal medications to bring your body in the desired condition to make it possible to be physically more enduring in your tedious work ahead. It is almost unbelievable what potent remedies can be prepared out of the =egetable +ingdom& to restore the soundness of the human body. $ot to mention what% the mineral 4metallic5 e'tractions make possible. !he *=inegar* of Antimony is e'tracted out of living Antimony. Plain distilled water will e'tract it& which is a sour as the name indicates and the taste proofs. @o not use any acetous substances for its e'traction& or you will not be able to tell which is the vinegar of Antimony and your menstrum& when it comes over. A ho'let ('tractor worked very well. An Alundum& medium9sized !himble was used. Paracelsus has proven himself correct in all the e'periments& so far accomplished. 0nce you have the key& his instructions are very precise. Allowing for the more and better adapted modern e"uipment& some results can even be obtained in shorter time intervals& as we can now in the laboratory thermostatically control& what formerly was tedious manual operation. W0R+ 0$ A8:/(1; R(:011($@(@ !0 -( !3@I(@ !he #0880WI$, -00+ and manuscripts are almost essential to be read and studied by the student of Alchemy. !hey represent a group that are& although hard to obtain and in some cases rather e'pensive& yet still to be had from special book dealers. Among the most important ones& to begin with& are the works of Paracelsus. ince several editions in many languages have been published& for the only (nglish9reading student& Arthur (dward Waite%s *!he Works of Paracelsus* in two volumes are perhaps the most important ones. In those two volumes the reader will find more than can be digested for many years to come. !his same author& translator& compiler and student of occult literature& has given us more important translations from the 8atin& #rench and ,erman languages& than any other writer. /ere& then& is a partial list of alchemical literature by Arthur (dward Waite) *8ives of Alchemical Philosophers.* *A $ew 8ight of 1ysticism 4Azoth5.* *!he $ew Pearl of ,reat Price.* *!he Works of !homas =aughan.* *!he 1agical Writings of !homas =aughan.* *!he 0ccult ciences.* *!he Real /istory of the Rosicrucians.* * tudies in 1ysticism.* *!he !urba Philosophorum.* It will become inevitable that the works of the old masters and the contemporary writers on Alchemy& the latter being unfortunately only too? few& need to be read and studied. A cursory e'amination of their works

is not sufficient. @etailed information about some of these important books will be forthcoming from time to time in the A8:/(1I:A8 8A-0RA!0R; -388(!I$ . #or further information& where some of the above mentioned books may be obtained& contact the Paracelsus Research ociety. /owever& it must not be& from the foregoing& be construed by the reader that we are selling any books. We will only forward names and sources and do not handle any transactions. PRI1AR; R(8A!I0$ /IP !/( #0880WI$, !A-38A!I0$ Will help beginners to find the various inter9relationships& when working with the alchemical manifestations on both& the transcendental and physical planes. Remember that each metallic substance has a spiritual counterpart manifesting at the same time& according to the law of duality. Alchemical remedies are therefore of either like or contrary nature& attracting or repulsing respectively at specific times either beneficial or inimical.




:ardinal in

:ardinal =irtue

Part of body










8ust of #lesh


























Regen. 0rgs







!he above may be of little sense to the tyro at the outset. ;et& again& in the twinkling of an eye& all will become clear& what formerly was known. but not understood. Wisely says ,autama -uddha) *-elieve nothing which is unreasonable& and re.ect nothing as unreasonable without proper e'amination.* !o this we may add) *In Religion we believe7 in 1ysticism we know7 in /ermetic Philosophy we understand why wisdom is essential for Peace profound.* !ake Acetum& distilled from wine and sal ammoniac fi'ed in it. It will e'tract the "uintessence and is a secret. 4Paracelsus5

ulphur& alt and 1ercury are in all substances. ome contain more of the one& than the other& thus making possible the different manifestations of matter.

Part . B !"R #"$%# A%& deeper into the laboratory procedures and to avoid any possible mistakes& it should be remembered that results depend on the preparations preceding the actual manual work in the laboratory. In Alchemy any process that is being tried out to produce results must carefully follow the instructions given. It has been found to be of an immense help to be mentally and& if possible& above all& to be spiritually prepared. /ow can this be accomplished2 -y contemplation. Any scientist has to contemplate the way he wishes to choose for his intended work. 0nce this is accomplished it needs a concentrated effort& which is achieved by concentration on the work to be done. If a mystically inclined person speaks of meditation& it is .ust as well& as the process in the end is the same and only the approach differs one from the other. !he more one is prepared for the work to be accomplished in either an abstract scientific or mystical way7 the better will be its manifestation. !he sincere student will eventually be able to prove to him or her self that a cientist can be a 1ystic and visa versa. !his established personal proof will remove many a barrier and open up far greater vistas that will help to procure what the aspirant desires. It is not unreasonable to try to ac"uire the Philosophers tone& neither to make efforts to reach planets in outer space& not as yet con"uered by humans. 0ne must have faith in its undertaking and be firm in the pursuance of ones ob.ective. ,reat men were called great A#!(R they accomplished their goal. -efore that& many unkind names were given to them& and much ridicule was their daily fare. 1any& if not most& came from humble beginnings7 had little schooling until they contemplated the work that was to be their lifeMs effort. If you desire to make the Philosophers tone& @0 I!. 0nly by working on our plans can they be turned into actualities. hould the law of @uality be not clear to your understanding and your belief center on the Philosophers tone as a transcendental sub.ect& by all means continue on this line of thought& as it is the beginning& that will help to open the Portal to the Alchemists 8aboratory. ;ou must produce the !0$( within you first& before you can hold it tangibly in your praying hands. Anything that e'ists does so because of the law of @uality. If the Philosophers tone e'ists in the world of Ideas and !houghts then its counterpart will be found in its material manifestation and must lawfully appear as material evidence. !rue& not the manifestation as material substance but the inherent power is the real thing. $evertheless& it does e'ist& according to the law of @uality. As all Alchemical $eophytes have come to know that our main ob.ect is to lay bare the mercurial Euintessence in either of the three kingdoms& and to separate from it the ulphur& later to be added again to its 1ercury and purified alt& so must every Nealator in the /ermetic Work learn how to separate his Inner -eing from the 0uter 1an and be able to form a greater and better /uman -eing. Ponder again over the inter9relationship of things in the last -388(!I$ and see how far you have been able to transmute your baser tendencies 4metals5 into the more refined ones. Are your :ardinal virtues e"ualing your cardinal ins2 !he greater and higher your aim the more thorough must your preparation be. It can be done. imple& honest and truthful individuals have& with their sincerity& accomplished many things that schooled intellectuals have not been able to produce. It is& in almost every case& the sincerity in an attempted undertaking that forecasts the eventual result. hould personal greed modify ones aim& little can be e'pected. Altruistic endeavors to be of service to humanity and glorify by ones labor the @ivine for the great blessing of .ust *-eing&* on the other hand& have helped many a sincere soul to reach realms far beyond their fondest dreams and aspirations. It may sound outmoded to some in our otherwise so9called

rational approach& how to go about in deciphering alchemical secrets and making them public property. <ust the same& only harmony in thought and action will produce harmonious results. And that is an Alchemists Aim. #irst find Peace and :ontentment within you. !hen set out on your fascinating and rewarding .ourney to the land of the Alchemists. $o matter how far you travel& no matter how little you think that you have accomplished at your .ourneys end& rest assured it was more than worth your while. 1uch more6 ;our healthier outlook in life embodied in a healthier physical appearance will let -ody& oul and 1ind become a :osmic alt& ulphur and 1ercury. !hen it takes only the 1aster within you to .oin them in proper proportions to let you become actually a living Philosophers tone& who can give and never be depleted7 who can heal and provide spiritually& mentally A$@ physically. Part / A was stated before we shall now consider another way to e'tract the essence of an herb. Instead of using alcohol we shall use ether. (ther 4 "uibb& for anesthesia5 in copper9coated tin cans can be purchased from any chemical supply house and costs less by volume than pure alcohol. !he procedure differs somewhat from that with alcohol& as e'treme caution must be used $0! to have any open flame or sparking e"uipment nearby. !he following e'periment is given verbatim as written down by some alchemical students who performed for the first time the described ether e'traction. !his way novices can muster courage to perform these simple e'periments by knowing that others too had a *first* time to get started. Attention is called to the fact that the evaporation as described below should take place outdoors& or at least by an open window& to avoid the breathing of the ether fumes. *!his is a simple method of obtaining the essence of herbs. #or the here described procedure we used ,erman :amomile. We took ether as a menstrum. ,reat care should be e'ercised when working with ether. $ever should there be an open flame or sparks close by& because of e'plosion. We poured the contents of a can of ether into a bottle which can be closed air9tight with a ground glass stopper& which should be moistened first with pure alcohol. !hen we weighed AO gr. of ,erman :amomile& put it in a bottle measured LBB9ml. ether in a measuring cylinder and poured it over the camomile. We closed the bottle also with a glass stopper. !his we let stand FD hours for maceration 4a process to soften by steeping in li"uid5. !hen we filtered the li"uid into an (rlenmeyer flask through a funnel& in which we had placed a sheet of filterpaper $o. G& which we also moistened first with pure alcohol. !his flask we left open for the ether to evaporate to FG ml. We then added LB ml. of pure alcohol 4three times distilled at HK deg. :.5 and let it stand open again until the rest of the ether evaporated& which took four days. !his left us with the pure essence of camomile. We put this in an airtight flask. @r. $icholas :ulpeper writes in his *:omplete /erbal* that the (gyptians dedicated the camomile to the un because of its great healing power. It cures pains in the sides and region of the liver and spleen& is good for the bladder& provokes urin& eases all pains of cholic& stones and the belly and comforts overstrained sinews. PART 0 #R01 W/A! !/( !3@($! wrote in the foregoing& it can be seen that the ether e'traction is a rather simple process. :onsidering besides that the cost of ether is less than alcohol& one can understand why some prefer it. In this case it should be noted that the ether can be recovered& that is& most of it if the process is conducted like an ordinary alcohol e'traction in an e'traction apparatus or distillation flask. :are should be used however& to place a wet strip of cloth around the condenser opening& before the receiver is

connected to it& to prevent the escaping ether fumes from reaching the outside of the flask. !his will take a little training& but e'perience will teach that it can be safely handled& provided that no open flame is under any circumstances used. An electric hotplate& a sandbath or& with some ingenuity of the laborant& even a waterbath may be used. A sandbath is used to regulate the heat& especially from rising& when a constant temperature is wanted. Any ordinary dish of porcelain or crockery can be used and clean& fine& washed sand placed in it& will make a very suitable sandbath. As the student will find out& some e'perimentation with the various items shows what is best suited to the prevailing circumstances and e"uipment on hand. It is this improvising where the ingenuity of the young alchemist& and for this reason also the more advanced one& will make some of the most promising discoveries. A word of caution will not be amiss to be inserted here) when working with any of the volatile and in some cases e'plosive solvents& such as ether& alcohol& etc.& the e'perimentation should not be stretched too far& but always remain within the domain of reason and be used sparingly. !hat is& in small amounts& before the desired results are obtained. PART 1 About the waterbath& and its apparant mystery in our work& much has been written in alchemical books. !he -alneum 1ariae 4-ath of 1ary5 is again a rather simple way of heating a substance. ;ou will& no doubt& be ac"uainted with the so9called double9boiler& where one pot rest on top of another& and where the bottom container is filled with water& that& having been brought to the boiling point& will then heat the vessel resting above it. !his way no contact is made with the bare flame or heating element& but a constant degree of heat is maintained at the boiling point of water. In the laboratory a waterbath is thermostatically controlled. !his means a constantly desired temperature can be maintained& that will not fluctuate within more than CPA to AB :. Anyone who possesses a watherbath& of course& is fortunate& as it makes it possible to be more accurate and precise in one%s work. /owever& again a word of caution to the beginner) Please& do not go head over heel into heavy e'penses by buying every conceivable instrument that you would like to have for your laboratory& at the spur of the moment. 1uch money has been spent by some over9an'ious students& that wanted all at once a completely e"uiped laboratory. Remember) /aste makes waste. At later dates& only too often& a piece of e"uipment has been picked up for a fraction of the price& that was paid out in the beginning& after one had become ac"uainted with a chemical supply house& where sometimes from institutions of learning e"uipment has been traded in for newer and more advanced items& that can be obtained very reasonably and serves the purpose perfectly for the beginner. $ever hesitate to ask "uestions. @o not appear that you know all of as sudden so much& because you are starting out on a new approach to something that& .ust a little while ago& was a book with seven seals. Above all) !/I$+ for yourself. !he :osmic has endowed you with the ability to reason. 0bserve. :ompare. :rowning it all& meditate and pray before you actively engage in any of the tests and e'periments.% >$icolas #lamel& a #rench Alchemist& says) *@uring the long space of one9and9twenty years I made a thousand plunders& not always with the blood& which is wayward and vile. #or I found in my book that philosophers gave the name of blood to the mineral spirit which is in metals7 hence& never seeing the signs in my operations at the times written In my book I had always to begin all over again.* In another place he stales) *It was on the seventeenth day of <anuary& a 1onday about noon& in my house& Perrenelle 4his wife5 alone being present& in the year of the restoration of the human lineage one thousand three hundred and eighty two 4CLDA5& that I made the pro.ection on mercury and converted half9a9pound or thereabouts of the same into pure silver& better than that of the mine.

And then afterward I did so with the Red Powder upon a like "uantity of mercury in presence once more of Perrenelle alone& in the same house on the twenty fifthday of April about five o%clock in the afternoon& which mercury I verily transmuted into almost as much pure gold& very certainly better than common gold& softer and more fle'able. I can say this with truth. I have trice performed it with ihe help of Perrenelle& whounderstood it as well as myself.

Part 2 !o further our e'perimental knowledge in the laboratory step by step we may now consider again some of those important but often neglected manual operations. When purifying any medical substance be sure that you clean them and not .ust rinse them a little in water. -y doing so do avoid destroying their inherent virtues through careless handling7 such as leaving them compressed in containers half closed for a greater length of time. ;ou may wash herbs by immersion in cold water and gently swaying them to remove any foreign matter and dirt adhering to them. -ut do not prolong the process of cleaning more than necessary. While drying the herbs& barks or roots do not pack them tightly but scatter them loosely on paper and place them so that a stream of fresh air can easily circulate over them. If you have not a laboratory and little of any e"uipment do not become discouraged. A fruit .ar that can be sealed is a wonderful vessel for many of the basic operations. Place the substance to be macerated in it and pour over it either the alcohol or ether and if you have neither one use plain water. ('cept for the water& seal the .ar tightly and leave alone in moderate warmth for digestion. When using water you will embark on a different path that will prove very interesting. 1ake a hole in the lid large enough to take a little robber hose or a bent glass tube and immerse the end of it in a glass of water so that the tube is covered with water. After some days the herbal substance will begin to ferment and the gas that is formed will escape through the tube and form a bubble in the water while escaping. !his way no air can enter and the fermentation takes place naturally. ;ou can hasten the process by adding a small amount of yeast or sugar. It will prove very interesting to e'periment with the various ways and to observe the results. !his process of fermenting the herbs is especially important later on when you have progressed in the alchemical work. !o the beginner it may appear rather complicated what Paracelsus says concerning the separation of vegetables. $evertheless it shall be included here and provide the alchemistical student with much food to digest because to eventually understand the process described is essential. *!he separation of those things which grow out of the earth and are combustible& such as fruits& herbs& flowers& leaves& grasses& roots& woods& etc.& is also arranged in many ways. -y distillation is separated from them first the phlegma& afterwards the 1ercury& after this the oil& fourthly their sulphur& lastly their salt. When all these separations are made according to pagyric Art& remarkable and e'cellent medicaments are the result& both for internal and e'ternal use. *-ut when laziness has grown to such an e'tent among physicians& and all work and every pursuit are turned only to insolence& I do not wonder& indeed& that preparations of this kind are everywhere neglected and that coals stand at so low a price. If smiths could do without coals for forging and fashioning metals as easily as these physicians do without them in preparing their medicines& there is no doubt that all the coal merchants would have been before now reduced to e'treme beggary. In the meantime. I e'tol and adorn& with the eulogium rightly due to them& the pagyric physicians. !hese do not give themselves up to ease and idleness& struuttmg about with a haughty gait dressed in silk with rings ostentatiously displayed on their fingers or silvered poignards fi'ed on their loins& and sleek gloves on their hands. -ut they devote themselves diligently to their labours& sweeting whole nights and days over fiery furnares. !hese do not kill the time with empty talk& but find their delight in their laboratory. !hey are clad in leathern garments& and wear a girdle to wipe their hands upon. !hey put their fingers among the coals& the 8ute& and the dung& not into gold rings. 8ike blacksmiths& and coal merchants& they are sooty and dirty and do not look proudly with sleek countenance. In presence of the sick they do not chatter and vaunt their own medicines. !hey perceive that the work should glorify the workman& not 8he workman the work& and that fine words go a very little way towards curing sick folks. Passing by all these vanities& therafore& they re.oice to be occupied at the fire and to learn the steps of alchemical knowledge. 0f this class are) @istillation& Resolution& Putrefaction& ('traction& :alcination& Reverberation& ublimation& #i'ation& eparation& Reduction& :oagulation& !incture and the like.

*-ut how all there separations are made according to pagyric and Alchemical Art by the help of distinct degrees has before been said generally& and to repeat the very same thing here anew is vain. !o go on to specialties and briefly e'plain the practical method& let it be known that all cannot be separated by one and the same process7 that is to say& the water& spirit& li"uid& oil& etc.& from herbs& flowers& seedg leaves& roots& trees& fruits& woods& according to the grade of distillation. */erbs re"uire one process& flowers another& seeds another& 8eaves another& roots another& trees& stalks& and stems another& fruits another& woods another& etc. And in this grade of distillation the four degrees of fire have to be considered !he first degree of fire is the Balneum 'ariae. !his is the distillation made in water. !he second degree of fire is distillation made in ashes. !he third is in sand the fourth in free fire& as also distillation is generally made by a"ua fortis and other violent waters. /erbs& flowers& seeds& and the like& re"uire the first degree of fire. 8eaves& fruits& etc.& need the second. Roots& branches and trunks of trees& etc.& re"uire the third. !imber and the like re"uire the fourth. (ach of these substances must be minutely cut up or pounded before being brought into the still. o much has been said as to the distillation of waters and vegetable substances. As regards the separation and distillation of oils the same process must be followed as we have spoken of in the separation of waters& e'cept that& for the most part. they have to be distilled by descent. !hey cannot& like waters ascend in the still7 therefore in this case the process has to be changed. 8i"uids however are not separated like waters and oils& by distillation& but are s"ueezed out from their corporeal substances under a press. And here it should be known that some oils& in like manner& .ust as li"uids are s"ueezed out from their corporeal substances and separated by means of the press for this reason& that they can bear scarcely any combustion or heat of the fire& but ac"uire therefrom an unpleasant odour. 0f this kind are the oils of almonds& nuts& hard eggs& and the like. !his also is to be noted& that all oils& if they are prepared or coagulated according to pagyric and Alchemical Art& pour forth varnish& electuary gum or a kind of resin& which might also be called a sulphur7 and if the species left in the still were calcined and reduced to ashes& alhali could be e'tracted and separated from them with simple warm water alone. !he ash which is left is called dead (arth& nor can anything more be produced or separated from it.* Part 3 While e'perimenting with the foregoing the student should never lose sight of the fact that a gradual unfoldment will take place that makes possible the understanding what is being performed in the laboratory. !he first step that the aspirant takes is not the one into the laboratory& but within. Why then& emphasize so much the laboratory aspect& if it is necessary to start within2 It is very simple. !oo many are inclined to believe that the inner unfoldment and spiritual awakening towards this great new field encompasses only the inner men. It was so& then there would be no need for men to travel on this earth and become ac"uainted with matter in such coarse forms as surrounds him. !hough originally emanating from one source& men& nevertheless& represent a composite organism 9spiritual& mental and physical. It is of little value to argue the importance of one over the other. !he e"uilibrium is maintained by paying attention to the three composite parts trying to develop each according to the prevailing needs. At times we are physically under developed or over developed. !his holds true also for the spiritual and mental capacities inherent in each individual. $ow& in Alchemy& which comprises all three aspects and unifies them again in the end on the road of evolution& this whole matter becomes simpler and more understandable in its outline& provided one is properly guided. !his guidance depends on the willingness of the individual and its attitude towards the whole matter. When& therefore& the turning point has been reached where the individual realizes that there must be more to it than what has up to now been accomplished and more light needs to be shed on this matter for the further progress that is strived for& then it becomes essential to know where one fits into the other7 or better how they integrated to become united again the eventual 0ne. 8et us analyze the spiritual aspect first.

ince the spiritual development comprises presently the highest obtainable aspect of the three& it will become apparent that in order to know more about and to e'perience its effects the lesser that of the mental and physical development& need to be considered first. 1entally active individuals develop this trait more than the physical ones and conversely there is a fast difference as to how to go about the proper training. It may be not amiss to stress the thought to develop a mental and physical harmony right from the beginning. !hose afflicted with one or the other will naturally place more emphasis on the correction of the lacking "ualities. #or the average and normal individual& however& who is looking towards the fulfillment of his desires& that is to become a more and better integrated personality& a regimen that provides for both should be considered right from the start. !here is no need to go into detail as to how to get started along this line as most are emerging from fraternal affiliations that teach and stress this point especially. -dt there comes a time in the student%s life where he or she is confronted with the fact that more is to be accomplished then .ust the theoretical aspects of mental and physical efficiency. !his is where the Alchemy of the individual begins. It is from within where the way is found to understand what it is that surrounds the individual. $amely& the commonplace material things that are accepted because they are simply here and to be used. It is then that a new horizon emerges7 that a new world begins to dawn ... wherein the :reator of the 3niverse reveals itself. All the potentials that lie hidden from the eyes of the profane begin to reveal themselves and become available to the searching soul9segment of the great 0versoul or :osmic oul to be used and to be applied for the raising of the vibrations within and without. !o become ac"uainted with these higher laws of evolution& of the raising of the vibrations& this constitutes Alchemy. ince in this life everything is based upon the law of polarities or duality as it is commonly called& the workings of these laws need to be studied and mastered to bring about the desired results. !his means a knowledge& not .ust a belief& but pradtical knowledge of the working of these laws as they manifest in the life of the individual here and now99both physically and mentally99to make possible the spiritual unfoldment of the great :osmic scheme that lies behind all these appearances in this mundane life. It will be easier to understand now for many why no results in the laboratory with prematurely attempted e'periments have been produced. Anything that is to be accomplished in the laboratory has to be produced within first. <ust like the dross from the vegetable and mineral has to be eliminated in order to set the essence free& so has the individual to eliminate the dross of mental substance first. *As a man thinketh& so is he.* 0ut of the thought evolves the action either positive or negative. !he results are e'actly identical. !rue. It is difficult for the individual alone to delve into the so9called mysteries of Alchemy and find a pathway that leads to the fulfillment of the desires. It is not necessary& however& to follow such a course& unless it has been attempted while one is very young as the years in this life count. In association with those who have worked along alchemistical lines& an e'change of thoughts and e'periments will prove very beneficial. If this is followed up by studying with those capable to teach more on the sub.ect matter& it is easily conceivable how one can reach his goal much sooner. It should not be overlooked that a change in the procedure of the teaching in Alchemy is taking place. Where formerly much stress was placed on the individual& it is now the group spirit that is emphasized by the /ierarchy. Where formerly in the past centuries& scattered individuals wanted to be instructed& there is now a much greater number of searching individuals to be found. And it is for this reason that the group spirit is stressed so much& as combined effort brings forth a greater stream of advanced vibration whereby mankind as a whole can benefit. !hose who work in con.unction with these groups will emerge as the so9 called World ervers& as they are called by the /ierarchy& and are trained to become leaders to perform the tasks outlined to them that they should accomplish in this life as their mission among mankind. !his will begin to let the true picture of the real Alchemist emerge. ,one are the times where one individual here and there had to look for greater lengths of time to find one of like mind. !oday students of mysticism and the occult sciences are found by the thousands. As is to be anticipated& not all are of the same degree of advancement7 but the fact remains students of the higher sciences are to be found all over the world. It is the work of the :osmic /osts to separate and form into groups those soul segments so they

can be taught according to their state of development. @uring previous incarnations& traits and characteristics have emerged that need to be developed now to make further progress possible. It would be a great fallacy to e'pect everyone to become an Alchemist. !here are many and various ways and roads whereby an individual can attain his goal. In the end& however& Alchemy& as it is understood among the initiates& is necessary to be understood in its fulness which makes one then an Alchemist. !his is not the end of the line of progression but constitutes a milestone& a mark of accomplishment on the road of evolution. Whoever has entered the portal to the alchemist%s temple surely has gone a long way in his former lives& otherwise he or she could not enter. It is therefore paramount to keep in mind that a proper orientation is essential to begin this great work. -y starting the transmutation of the baser tendencies within will the rocky road become more level as time goes on and make possible the accomplishment in physical manifestation what has to be learned and mastered in order to become one of those who presently help guide the destiny of nations on the earth and its present welfare. !he need is great and urgent for servants to administer under the guidance of the 1asters to the needs of humanity. !hose who feel that they should enter into the spagyrists temple should not hesitate but make every effort to gain the knowledge that is offered to them concerning this monumental work to be accomplished by the Alchemist of this& our own& day.

"otes on Plant Alchemy

About Plants 4sed in the Se5en Basics
ome of the herbs that are being used for the preliminary e'periments to e'tract the essentials are not all alike and e"ually well suited although related to the rays under "uestion. !he reason is that some plants are not as pure in themselves and are imbued with lesser potencies than others. 1any are listed that fall under either of the seven rays. (nvironment& as was pointed out repeatedly& and climatic conditions as well as the habitat they are being found in are determining factors that should not be overlooked. ome are known by prolonged e'perience to have within themselves concealed greater potencies than others and& we repeat& while still belonging to the same ray7 they are not as potent. 1any plants are listed under the sun for e'ample& but a few show e'tra strength if they can be found in their natural habitat growing near you. Plants such as 1elissa have proven their potencies in acute cases of inflammation and diseases of the heart and rheumatic disorders. !his information should be observed also by those who have prepared the seven basic medications as outlined during the study groups. ome of them& especially before they have been prepared the alchemical way and are taken by way of infusions& may have to be alternated in order to reveal their strength to be found within different plants yet belonging to the same group of the prevailing ray. When alchemically prepared their strength& because of their pureness& will be of the same nature. !aken in an impure form& i.e.& not cleansed by calcination they will differ in their strength when taken in form of a tea& etc. !his information is for beginners only as advanced students will then be given the =& P and + factors relative to the elemental "ualities that are little& if at all& used in the 0ccident but well known to the initiates of the 0rient.

Hints on the Herbal Process

@uring the instruction period the most simple and basic methods are demonstrated and then applied by the student to prove the law under consideration. It must not be assumed that this is the only way by which the herbal substances can be brought into the state of medicinal preparation. After separation of the three essentials& namely) ulphur& alt and 1ercury& out of any of the plants in "uestion& the process of purification has still puzzled some. !he ob.ective of the whitening or purging of the e'traneous substances& still adhering to the three separated essentials& is to prepare them for their con.unction. All three must be in pure condition before it can be accomplished to the satisfaction of the spagyrist. It has been found that after the first day of calcination of the feces& the salt& after it has been purged of the black color and begins to show the gray it can then be covered with a wire gauze such as is used to place underneath a flask for distillation so that the asbestos shield will cover the calcining dish. It seems that the whitening will take place faster and& most important& the fine fluffy substance now forming 4the snow5 will not be drifted off by the heat. 8ikewise& the sulphur 4alchemical soul substance5 which is always pure in itself and has only on the e'terior the impurities clinging to it& will yield much faster to purgation. As was noted in the laboratory here& when the process is demonstrated& in a few days the sulphur became as white as snow and even showed crystaline formations. !hese are the true organic mineral salts where the oily appearance of the sulphur now has become pure. !hat it reacts differently from the salt when calcined was proven by its cohesion and adhesion when lifted from the dish. !he spoon or spatula turned around would not let the calcined sulphur fall off. ('periments with the salt showed that it would not do that but would fall off as soon as the spoon or spatula was turned upside down. ince both will& in the course of time& have become white& common observation will not be able to keep them apart. !he con.unction is then performed by having the mercury of the vegetable kingdom purified as

described in the Alchemists /andbook and the three& when absolutely pure& are then con.oined in three e"ual parts by either volume or weight. !hey will fuse when put into a vial and sub.ected to moderate heat. When they become too dry more of the purified mercury of the vegetable should be added until in the course of time it will congeal and become hard& as was shown. !he purified salt& sulphur and mercury can also be placed in a small (rlenmeyer flask with a condenser& preferably a coil condenser& attached to the top in an upright position and the circulation thus performed. :are should be taken not to have an e'cess of mercury in the flask. !he con.unction should take place over a moderate fire to begin with and the fire can be increased as time goes on and the hardening becomes visible. (ven then gradually adding more of the mercury and keeping the process going for sometime will increase the potency. Another way has been tried and will work also when not sufficient e"uipment is at hand. !he purified or near purified substances when having attained a gray coloring are placed in a bottle or vial and sub.ected to continuous heat. In the tightly closed vessel it will become solid and change color and whiten as time goes on. !he purer the substance the better and the sooner the whitening will occur. !he circulation described above using the coil condenser attached to the top the gray calcined sulphur and salt can be added and circulated in a like manner. Another way is to take the feces only& calcining them while the e'tracted tincture& derived by distillation from alcohol or water is being reserved and then added to the calcined feces that remained behind in the distillation flask. :onstant circulation and repeated redistillation and cohobation upon the calcined feces in the retort or distillation flask will also produce the desired results. As can be seen there are many ways by which the desired results can be obtained. +now the law involved& understand its applications and then use not only the head but also the intelligence which the dear 8ord has given you. After all you are the one who is going to bring about the result and not the booklearning or the notes that you wrote down. (cert from the work ")*+ , # -AB$. by /ohannis $saci 0ollandi1 Amsterdam1 23451 page 67. * ince you would ask me what kind of herb and how much of it I have to take& if hot or dry& or whatever nature these may be& I shall answer you) take all kinds of herbs& as I have mentioned before. /ot and cold& dry and moist. !he more different kinds of herbs that are being used at one time the better it is. *As you do find when many people are gathered together their strength increases as one leads the other. o it is with "uite a few of the herbs that have attained to their state of perfection. When such are taken by men they will perform wonders& because each herb has its own function to perform& and when combined with herbs will remove all imperfections in men. $o affliction that has befallen men can remain within him& e'cept he was born with it& otherwise such medicine could not be called Euinta (ssentia. *If someone would be possessed by the devil and given the Euinta (ssentia& at the very hour the evil spirit would have to leave him& because no evil spirit can endure under it.* -" 8-RAC- -0 9*$%-A' ++ %-$A' "*- ") -0 ).A%- +".AR$A "R +"%% %-A* I shall now teach you& my child& the most hidden secret of the plant world& which the old 1asters have kept a secret& because they had given an oath among themselves not to reveal in their writings which would make public the solar power of this plant. !his knowledge is only for those who have attained natership in our work and for those free artisans who know about it and are under oath. 0therwise no one will get to know how to perform this herbal work for in there you will find the combined strength of all plants& stones& gums and all that which is medicinal. It has not been revealed in writing by anyone e'cept 1aster Isaac and his son& and now to you& my child. !herefore my son& I implore you by the living ,od and your inheritance of /is +ingdom& that you will keep this art and power a secret.

#urther shall you know& my son& that the solar strength of this herb is the same as that which the rays of the sun mainly e'ert by their influence upon gold and the mineral veins in the mines. o that ,od gave only to this plant which he created& an influence which e'cels the planets& confirmed by all philosophers& as the sun through its greater power e'cels all other things in our firmarnent created by ,od. 8ikewise& has this plant greater virtues in this world than other plants. Also& its color& leaves and shape show it to be different from other plants. !his herb is of such a nature& that the hotter and dryer the countryside& the hotter the weather& and the stronger the sun shines and burns on it& the more moist the plant becomes and thousands of dewdrops will hang on .ust one leaf. !ry it in this manner) Place a glass bowl below the plant. !hen take a slender& pliable stick and tap the plant with it& so the dewdrops fall in the glass dish below until it is filled with a dew& with which you will perform wonders. And let me add this) When the sun shines very hot and you have tapped off all the dew7drops& when you say the 8ord%s Prayer five or si' times& so will you find again dewdrops on the plant. And if one were to tap the plant twenty times& he will find the dew thereon. If there was nothing else to marvel about this plant it would be that the hotter it igets the more moisture it gives off& while other plants under the same condition would wilt and die. -ut the hotter and dryer the weather and the hotter and stronger the sun shines& the more moist and wet this herb gets as if someone had poured water on it& this should cause us to contemplate about such wonderful power and the secret nature it must possess. $ow& this water which you have collected in the dish& does wonderful things. With it you can cure diseases of the eyes& such as running eyes and inflammation and watery eyes when you opened or closed them& and many more. #urther it will take away the pains of the heart. It will sooth the burning in the liver and stomach& cleans up coughs and sunstroke. It is good against hallucinations& is used to kill cancer and lupus& snake and othe poisonous bites& even poison when drunk by a person& even pestilence and other evil illnesses& which would take too long to mention here. -esides this herb has the color of the sun. It is dark red with yellow streaks running through it. It is nicely formed like a star. Its proportion is like a planet in the heavens with seven points& the forepart broad and the hindpart small& is rough and full with hair and yet a clean tender herb& from without warm and moist& while from within cold and dry. Its left side is cold and moist& its right side warm and dry& and is of the same temper of gold. ;ou can cleanse its feces from it but you cannot separate its elements because it has been fi'ed by nature. If you distill it in the water bath the air will go over with the water& as we will teach you later. !he earth can be separated from the feces.and the feces from the fire and earth& though it does not have much feces. In 8atin it is called 8ingua avis7 others named it olariam& from sun& like 8unariam from poppy. Its ,erman name is onnenthau but the old philosophers concealed its name because of its wonderful strength and virtue. Arnoldus de =illanova says& it is a wonder that men die& because if a man would take a daily portion of its coarse substance his spirit would become so subtle that it would be separated from its feces. !o the above we would like to add that the reader should not be carried away by such statements as the /ollandish alchemist Issaacus /ollandus here makes. !his herb has to be prepared alchemically to produce the virtues mentioned by him. !he difficulty lies in his remark that the plant has its virtues fi'ed within it. tudents of alchemy who are familiar with the wonders of antimony will especially appreciate this remark.

About the Birth1 "rigin and :issolution of ,egetabilia from the Catena Aurea 0omeri
*All plants are brought forth by their own seeds including the one which is infused by the planets& e'cept in the case of propagations and by way of grafting in which case the seed is already contained within. *As soon as the seed comes in contact with the moist soil which consists of nitrogen and salt& also called *8offas&* because of the rainwater wherein the salt is dissolved& the seed begins to swell& opens up and dissolves in a milky& slimy water& as can be observed when a seed is placed in water which contains saltpeter and salt. !he seed will first swell& then open and turn to a slime. uch is the first substance of plants and may be called the vegatable *,ur.* uch *,ur* 4.uice5 is warmed by the sun until it begins to evaporate. !he highly volatile substance goes into the air or chaos& while the other which is not as volatile and has a tendency to contract itself coagulates into roots& stem& leaves and blossoms& which the plant represents. !he fi'ed part of such coagulated substances is again divided into nonfi'ed and fi'ed. !he fi'ed part becomes the root& that which is less fi'ed the stem and the more subtle the leaves. (verything is still moist and weak. !he root representing the stomach of the plant is the vegatable magnet which draws forth food from the soil including the rainwater and also attracts the air becoming now the food for the plant to grow into plant or tree. *Its food is therefore nothing else but the soil and the water found in it. !he soil takes up subterranean vapors that rise to the surface. uch water has in itself two common seeds& namely saltpeter and salt. !here is more of the salt& which acts as the magnet and attracts all that which& as manure& has been added by man. uch salts are constantly produced by rain& dew and snow. 0ut of this is born saltpeter. !he earth soaks up the saltpeter generated by the putrified rainwater. o that the sun and heat cannot take it away again the salt fi'es the saltpeter. !he roots attract such salts& dissolved in the water& and separated into spirit and vapor sending it through the pores into stem and leaves. uch salts serve not only as food for plants but divide the soil and make it very subtle dissolving it further as nutrient for the plants.* %"- -" -0 R A: R; In the above translation it appears that two substances are prominently mentioned99saltpeter and salt. altpeter 4potassium nitrate5 and salt 4sodium5 seem to play an important part in the life of plants. In general terms this is acknowledged in botany. /owever& to the alchemist there is much more to it. altpeter mentioned here is a coagulated& highly volatile substance found in the air and becomes first attracted by the moisture& descending as dew& rain or snow. !he salt found in the soil is like a magnet attracting the saltpeter& as proven when the three essentials known to the alchemist are separated and salt emerges as the magnet which attracts the purified sulphur and mercury. !his would imply that in the natural saltpeter> derived from the rainwater& the spirit& as it reads in the translation& can be found. !his should prove of immense help to spagyrists as it is to be found there in its pure form before putrefaction frees it from either rainwater or its combination of earthy 4soil5 substance and its coagulated saltpeterous moisture& which needs to be freed. altpeter burns& a sign that it contains spirit 4fire5. !he above should be a tremendous key to the spagyrist who is working with plants and minerals. >Also named *free nitrogen.*

The Dan#ers of Distilled $ater

@istilled water has a definite place in many applications. Where sterile e"uipment& etc. is concerned it is a must. !hus we assign it a rightful place. /owever& to drink distilled water regularly instead of natural water& even though the latter may be chlorinated to make it germ free& is to deprive the consumer of the important minerals found in a natural water supply. $ot all distilled water& so labelled& is actually distilled& but most of it is deionized& which&means that the minerals found in our regular water supply are removed. 1an needs these inorganic minerals found in water. 8ack of them with the resultant deficiency of essential mineral salts deprives the body. It should be remembered that water treated for culinary consumption by chlorination or otherwise removes organic germs that may prove harmful. !his does not mean that inorganic mineral salts are thereby affected. It has been suggested that minerals may be supplanted with @r. chuessler%s minerals salts& etc. !hese perform a different function as supplements where such are lacking in the diet& but the minerals in water have undergone a process that is much more effective when assimmilated into the body and carried into the blood stream. $atural radiations in the ground complemented by sidereal influences produce entirely different mineral effects physiologically than those used in artificially produced mineral salts. #errum phosphate& for instance& is produced by the action of phosphoric acid on common iron wire& then washed& and the iron phosphate salt remains to be used. !he Alchemist will know at once that here a *dead* metal has been used& whereas the iron found as o'ide and otherwise in natural water is *alive.* !his applies to all the other minerals also. @istilled water definitely has a place& but it should not be consumed when a fresh supply of natural water is available.

Sim%le &acuum Extraction (ethod

=acuum e'traction has long been known to be more efficient& "uicker and to utilize lower heats than standard methods. !he disadvantage with standard methods is the cumbersome and costly e"uipment usually necessary. #ollowing is a description of a simple vacuum e'traction method. !he listed materials and sizes have been found most practical for individual use but they can& of course& be used as a guide to customize other setups. -asically we need a flask wherein the materials *cook&* plus a glass tube long enough and of enough bore to allow sufficient vacuum7 also an auto vacuum gauge and a heat source are re"uired. #or the flask a GBB ml (rlenmeyer is a good size. !he condensing tube which is placed atop the (rlenmeyer should be at least CD inches long in order to create a reasonable vacuum. A good running vacuum is around CG inches of mercury. -oth condenser tubes and the loose inner tube of 8iebig :ondensers% have been used. If caustic materials that will attack rubber stoppers are being used& then& of course& it is best to use a condenser tube with a ground ! .oint and a compatible (rlenmeyer. Any auto vacuum gauge will be the least e'pensive. !he lower end of the condenser tube must be placed through a rubber stopper sufficiently that the condensing vapors may return to the flask. When stoppering the top of the condensing tube be sure to insert the vacuum gauge far enough through so it can register vacuum. All fittings must be snug and air tight. 4 ilicon lubricant goes a long way5. 0nce the necessary materials are at hand proceed as follows) /aving placed your materials in the (rlenmeyer for e'traction affi' on top of the flask the stopper with inserted condenser tube immediately sealing this portion of your vacuum system. $ow place over heat source and lightly stopper top of your condenser tube with rubber stopper containing vacuum gauge. 4@0 $0! !I,/!8; !0PP(R ;(!5 lowly bring li"uid to a 80W boil& watching for its vapors to rise up the condensing tube. In some li"uids the vapors cannot be too readily seen and one has to feel for temperature changes to determine the height to which they have risen. 0nce the vapors start rising watch your gauge carefully and release upper stopper each time the gauge shows a pressure reading. :ontinue releasing the pressure as it builds until the vapors reach the top of your condensing tube& thereby indicating that all air is out of the system. Euickly remove the setup from heat& seal the system and let stand until you get at least a CB to CG inches of vacuum reading. !he higher the vacuum the more efficient your e'traction7 it is not suggested to go above AG inches of vacuum when cold as there is a chance of your vessel collapsing. 0nce you have obtained a good vacuum reading& you may then return the system to its heat source. ;ou will now be operating at a lower temperature than the boiling point of your li"uid& so it is necessary to monitor your system for at least an hour until you are sure it is maintaining the proper vacuum. ;our gauge will indicate whether you need more or less heat. If you have too much heat the vacuum will drop. It will also drop if your system is not air tight. If you have too little heat the vacuum will rise. As an e'ample alcohol boils at HD degrees centigrade but under vacuum it boils at about KB degrees. !his vacuum system can be used with almost any e'traction and will be found to cut the e'traction time by at least GB per cent if not HG per cent. In highly volatile li"uid& this adds a degree of safety since one does not have to be as concerned about a flask *blowing its cork* as it were. -est of all& no water cooling is necessary with this vacuum system.

On Tinctures
Tincture of Ammonium Chloride
%In making +erkrings 1enstruum& a "uick way to get a tincture from Ammonium :hloride was done as follows by one of our students) !he student purchased a stainless steel nipple& H* by A* in diameter with threaded ends. :aps or covers were also purchased. !his made it a completely enclosed tube. !he tube is small enough to be mounted vertically on a regular stand using a A* clamp to hold it vertically. 1oderate heat to the bottom of the tube was provided by a regular -unsen burner. !he top cover can easily be unscrewed9using a heat glove and several tablespoons of $/F:8 poured into the tube. -y unscrewing the top cap& you check the progress of the sublimation or remove some of the yellow powder clinging to the cap. 1ost of the $/F:8 sublimates the sticks to the sides of the tube and forms a hard lining. !his lining can easily be removed by letting the steel tube remain overnight with the ends left open. !he lining would then loosen up and be easily removed99 dried in an oven9and ground in a mortar. A tincture is "uickly made when alcohol is poured over the yellow9orange powder. @epending upon the amount of heat& it was found that about an hour%s time woud sublimate each two tablespoons. 0nly once did the bottom cover stick to the bottom of the tube9a hard rap with a hammer would loosen it up or maybe some pipe grease would have helped.

A short tract of the particular and universal tinctures by an unknown artist1 %urnberg 23<3
*#or a long time alchemists have complained very strongly that they could not produce a croci martis that would unite with "uicksilver and then& when added to 8una& would change it. ome have taken iron filings boiled in vitriol& rubbed it with mercurio until they could see an amalgam and accomplished nothing. 0thers& again& dissolved layer upon layer of iron in a"ua fortis& thereafter reverberated it until it became glowing red. ome wanted to be even more clever and poured vinegar upon it& e'tracted its redness and coagulated one part and reverberated the marti until it became "uite subtle. All this effort failed for a useful fluidic crocum could not be produced. !he correct way I shall bring here and make known) #irst you have to use a strong distilled water after the manner of the metal to be used. /ang above such water& to the height of two fingers& some laminate iron. :lose and don%t touch the water or stir it. 8et stand for twenty9four hours in a warm sandbath. ;ou will then find a nice crocus on the iron which brushes off with a rabbit%s foot. :ontinue this until no more crocus can he brushed off& for then is the metal dead. !hereafter& pour over it good vinegar drawn off from sal amoniac& which vinegar will become sweet in taste after it has been standing for half an hour. #ilter and coagulate and you will have a beautiful good tasting salt& namely the sal martis. Put this salt in a moist place and in a few hours it will dissolve into an oil. !ake this oil and pour over the previously dried crocum marti& which will drink it up like thirsty earth and continue until no more will be absorbed by the salt. ,ently dry it and let it revolve again in a cellar into an oil. 1ercurium sublimatum imbided in this oil& as much as it will take& will again dissolve in the cellar into an oil. :oagulate and it will not separate again. !his powder brought upon 8una runs like grease into the 8una and e'alts the mind of each artist& because *the farmer has become a 8ord.*

ALCHE(- A"D ASTROLO!$HO R4LES THE STARS6 $ow if anyone at this point argues against us& saying& *!he signs of physiognomy are from the stars& but no one has the power of compelling or urging on the stars&* he does not speak amiss. ;et& this difference must be noted at the outset& that the stars compell one and do not compell another. !his ought to be known& who it is that can rule and coerce the stars& and also who is governed by the stars. !he wise men can dominate the stars& and is not sub.ect to them. $ay& the stars are sub.ect to the wise man& and are forced to obey him& not he the stars. !he stars coerce and compell the animal man& so that where they lead he must follow& .ust as a thief does the gallows& a robber the wheel& a fisher the fishes& a fowler the birds& and a hunter the wild beasts. What other reason is there for this& save that the man does not know or estimate himself or his own powers& or reflect that he is a lesser 3niverse& and has the whole firmament with its powers hidden within himself2 $n order to grasp these things it must be remembered that stars are of two kinds1 terrestrial and celestial. -he former belong to folly1 the latter to wisdom. And as there are two worlds1 the lesser and the larger and the lesser rules the larger1 so also the star of the 'icricosm governs and subdues the celestial star. ,od did not create the planets and stars with the intention that they should dominate man& but that they like other creatures should obey him and serve him. And although the higher stars do give the inclination& and& as it were& sign man and other earthly bodies for the manner of their birth& yet that power and dominion are nothing& save only a predestined mandate and office& in which there is nothing occult or abstruse remaining but the inner force and power is put forth through the e'ternal signs. )aracelsus #overning the %ature of -hings =:e %atura Rerum lib.5> ASTROLO!- A"D ALCHE(*STS + 'A%-$C+ $% A+-R"."#& has caused enough confusion among students of esoteric teachings that one can hardly attempt to elaborate on this sub.ect without causing some more doubts or apprehension. In reality it is basically sound and rational. !he essentials are not too difficult to master& provided one is sufficiently versed in its mechanics. 0nly uninformed individuals have caused the furor among rational thinkers with their incoherent interpretations in many cases devoid of any plausible fundamental and lawful e'planations. It should be remembered that there are two ways& or kinds& of acceptable Astro9:yclic9 Pulsations that clearly show themselves by careful analysis of any birthday& representing the culmination of one%s past& which is represented in this incarnation& and the future one presently here in the making in this life& where cyclic impulses can be used to bring about a mastery of the e'isting situations. @r. /. pencer 8ewis in his book *:ycles of 8ife* 4A10R:& an <ose& :alifornia5 is bringing this contemporary influence of these cycles& as they manifest& clearly to the fore stating that what we are doing now at a given time will have a bearing on future outcomes depending on the cyclic impulses prevailing at the moment. In :hapter CB in his book he states 4page CCO& COAO (d.5 *the laws and principles set forth in this book have naught to do with the art and practice of the system called astrology& and whether one believes that the planets have any effect upon life or not& is immaterial in consideration and application of the system set forth in these chapters.* !his statement may seem entirely misleading to the cursory reader& because a closer analysis of the table on page CFF in the same book will reveal some very interesting facts. -efore giving the key to a marvelous unfoldment of these :osmic :ycle manifestations& it should be remembered also that here& the term (soteric Astrology 4Astro9:ydic9Pulsation5 should be used. !he following is computed for sincere alchemistical students to better comprehend the workings as outlined in this remarkable book.

!he author& @r. 8ewis& used the letters A to , inclusive7 however& the Alchemist being aware of the necessity for the concealment of certain important factors will greatly re.oice in receiving the key for further understanding of these important cycles. @r. 8ewis rightly divided the day into seven e"ual parts or periods of time& appro'imately three and one9half hours each& beginning and ending at midnight. -y substituting the planetary symbols in place of the letters used in the book we will find the key to the :osmic influences as they manifest at the various times and periods. It is therefore recommended that the student place the book of @r. 8ewis side by side with this -388(!I$ to confirm what follows. -y referring to -3I8(!I$ $0. C at the same time an interesting comparison will reveal some marvelous facts. 8et us now compare the following postulation)

It will at once be seen that each day period $r. A during the time of sunrise& appro'imately LCPA hours after midnight until close to seven a.m.& has the symbol that indicates the day7 such as unday& period $r. A& the un& for the letter A. 1onday& the 1oon& for the letter @& etc. 8ikewise will the seven periods of GA days each during the solar year of appro'imately LKG days beginning at the birthday& be signed in a similar way& although @r. 8ewis brings no chart to this effect. A close study of the following will also reveal its relationship.

-y going over the chart in -388(!I$ $0. I& page O& it will show how much more can now be read in those symbols as they appear in the different periods of the day& or during the seven GA9day periods in the year. It is not generally known that there is a pronounced difference between a so9called $atal :hart& a /oroscope made for the planetary constellations at birth showing the tendencies an individual has brought along and constituting the sum9total of its former lives& and the Astro:yclic9Pulsations as they manifest at the present time here on earth.

!he past record as indicated in the /oroscope can not be obliterated& but the present and future are at our disposal and may be used according to our free agency and choice. 1an& therefore& is not a slave to his fate& but can be the master thereof. !he difference consists in his knowing when and how to do things that those not initiated perform at random or by guessing. !he end of this incarnation will again show the sum total of all combined incarnations& including the one .ust completed and determines the station in our ne't life. (ach individual creates its own destiny in this fashion and makes its own heaven and hell here and beyond. It becomes apparent that the evolved individual is not so much concerned with his or her natal chart showing the inclinations but rather with the potentials in this present life by using the Astro9:yclic9Pulsations now. !he Alchemist is especially aware of this and would not commence anything at a given period that proves negative but would wait until the time of the day& week& month or year that will prove to be a fruitful period for the undertaking in mind. !hese cyclic influences one will have to prove to himself to be of any value. It will determine the success or failure of ones labors. An intense concentration and meditation will reveal its importance and become eventually subconsciously an integral part of the Alchemists thinking. @r. 8ewis further states about the 1oon cycles that coming generations will shed more light on this sub.ect& as it was at his writing not fully comprehended. In some future -388(!I$ We hall discuss this very important sub.ect& so essential to be known by the Alchemist. !hese e'planations have to be brought to the attention of the beginners in Alchemy& as they are of great importance& if results in the laboratory are to be forthcoming. "$n one million hardly three are ever ordained to Alchemy." =A?oth> !his should set you to think& as you are one of those privileged to enter the Portal of the Alchemists anctum& to begin a new phase in your life before you strive to be worthy of your calling. &4LCA" THE &E*LED PLA"ET -(#0R( A$;!/I$, can be veiled& it must e'ist. 0nly then can it be attempted to conceal or veil this certain ob.ect. !herefore& when in occult language of a hidden planet is spoken99one that is concealed by another one9then it is of importance to make a thorough investigation in mystical and occult literature to obtain all the information re"uisite for a sound appraisal. tudents of the occult will in due time hear more about a planet not as yet discovered by astronomers called =ulcan. 1uch speculation is going on in the mystical and occult circles as to its orbit and size and the esoteris function it is supposed to perform. As it is with so many appearances that need to be substantiated and proven as facts& so will the uncertainties have to be cleared up concerning this heavenly body. @ue to the fact that we are dealing with the occult nature of this planet& we can for the time being leave aside the technical aspect and consider solely the esoteric side of this scientifically undiscovered planet& =ulcan. (soterically speaking& the un veils =ulcan. Its orbit lies between the Planet 1ercury and the un and can& therefore& not be seen with the eye& even through an instrument& as the light of the un& that great celestial star 4$ote) it is $0! called a planet5 is much too strong to make possible a sighting of its orbit. At the same time it is hidden by the 1oon. -ut what has the 1oon to do with the hiding of this planet since its orbit is much closer to the un than the 1oon%s7 and between the (arth and un& the planet =enus and 1ercury turn on their eliptic paths. ;et& the un veiles and the 1oon hides =ulcan.

!he 1oon& a body consisting of matter embued with life& is dead. We will have to make a distinction between living matter& wherein is contained the pirit #orce of :osmic :onsciousness inherent in all matter and the life giving principle of individuality. When we speak of planetary 8ogoi& we speak of an entity capable of acting and being acted upon. !he 1oon is devoid of such. Its response is solely to the physical manifestation or its mass. =ulcan who& has dominion over the mineral world and in esoteric Astrology rules the sign or constellation !aurus& is of a highly mystical nature. Its rays penetrate and act upon the mineral world in our solar system. #rom the crystal to the crude metal up to the so called precious ones& such as silver and gold to the semi9 precious stones& until it has reached its Nenith with the precious stones like& the Ruby& (merald& and @iamond& do its rays as carriers of forces e'ert radiations so essential to the living organisms. It should be remembered that rays are carriers of forces. Radium emmanates a force in form of its rays. !hese visible and mostly invisible rays are the alchemical forces that bring about the various manifestations not only in the mineral world but in all the olar evolution. It is this constant change that brings about the stability of the :osmos) parado' as it sounds to those not initiated in these :osmic and occul laws. 4see footnote5 ince out of the mineral world& that is out of its material manifestation in the form of mineral substance& the greatest material ob.ects& in so far as its potency on the material plane is concerned& can be produced& it behoofs us to give careful consideration to its active laws. In the physical world the rays from the mineral kingdom are the most potent. 1ore so than in the =egetable kingdom or Animal realm. !his may come as surprise to many. ;et& it is so. $othing that even the physical human body contains can e"ual the forces of those powerful rays that emerge from the mineral world& over which =ulcan& the veiled planet has dominion. We cannot let the mind of man enter here into the controversy as it is not of a material nature but of @ivine origin. !rue& the mind of men has or rather& should have& dominion over the elements& and conse"uently the human body& composed of the elements& never9the9less& it belongs to a different planetary 8ogoi and can& therefore& not be considered in this connection. =ulcan as protector and benefactor of these mineral radiations from the lowest hardly perceptable vibrations to the most momentous emmanations in form of the so9called Philosophers tone& can rightfully be regarded as the most potent influence in the human chain of reactions. Inorganic minerals with their rays& as carriers of forces& working upon the =egetable world& leave an indelible imprint on the pattern of its propagation& that still manifests in the minute "uantities of inorganic minerals in the human body. Without them the /uman could not e'ist. !he Animal world& like the =egetable world& depends on the radiations from the mineral realm. !he reason why not much or not enough is known about this fact& may be found in the reluctance of those that made a study of it to give it out openly& because of the far reaching conse"uences inherent. #or .ust one moment picture the fantastic power of the Atomic destruction wrought by the unleashing of the atomic forces with their accompanied radiations. Where does it originate2 In the =egetable or Animal realm2 0f course not& but in the mineral world are these unbelievable forces contained. Again it must be stated that the mind is more powerful& but here the physical fountainhead of strength and power is considered. ince the 1oon has affinity to the (arth%s 8ife through its mass that is acted upon by =ulcan& we can now envision why the 1oon& dead as she is as a planet& influences the life pattern on earth ... of itself it cannot operate. It acts only as a relay station& if such term could be considered applicable. <ust as it reflects the physical sunlight and reflects the rays from this great star& so does it modify the potent& invisible but partly measurable rays of =ulcan.

1uch more will be given about this mysterious Planet& in due time& called in occult language =ulcan& one of the five sacred planets out of several that cannot be considered as such. In =ulcan%s domain rests the great power that the Alchemists as far back as we can trace the pages of occult history& are trying to free and then to rule. /ow wisely the @ivine eludes the cursory searcher for this inestimable power and veiles it inmitts the brilliance of the great solar light7 and as this would not seem enough& to make e'tra sure& has its power hidden behind a dead and yet living organism& that again modifies its tremendous power before it sheds it forth as radiations. If men would only know what power even a 1oonbeam contains& as carrier of forces& he would simply be astounded. >!he structural /ypothesis of the Radium atom science wants us to believe is like a :osmos in miniature. A olar ystem in 1icrocosmos. 3nable to disprove scientific theories and hypothesies& what else can a layman do but believe or disbelieve them. ,eneral belief of what science has propounded as so called natural laws should not make it any harder to believe that the 1acrocosmos has an identical influence on the surface of the earth 4tissue5 as below its surface. What is so unreasonable about this% /as not the old /ermetic A'iom its counterpart here7 *As above so below& as below so above.* -he Alchemist@s 0andbook 2st. d. 253A1 page 2A.

$hat About &ulcan6

A few months ago& an e'citing news item was carried in the press all over the world. upposedly a new planet was discovered6 0ne such newspaper statement read) % B B":& 'A& B 2Ath ).A% 0A+@A8(& $.;.9943PI599A celestial body has been discovered which may be the CBth planet or cluster of planets in our solar system& an astronomy professor at @owling :ollege said aturday. /enry :. :ourten& FA& said he accumulated *strong evidence* that there is a celestial body or cluster in solar orbit closer to the un than 1ercury while he led an e'pedition to southern 1e'ico during the eclipse of the un on 1arch H& COHB. /e said his findings have been reviewed by $A A& the mithsonian Astrophical 0bservatory and the 3. . $aval 0bservatory& leading to the conclusion the ob.ect& or possibly several small ob.ects& is fragmentary remains of an earlier comet or an intramercurial planet. !he astronomer said the ob.ect probably is "uite small& less than GBB miles in diameter. tudents of the P.R. . and readers of the Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins will have taken special notice because here at the P.R. . considerable attention has been focused upon this planet. ighting of this small planet is rather difficult because of its nearness to the sun. 0ne can see with great difficulty when9looking directly into the sun but nevertheless at propitious times when atmospheric conditions are favorable a faint9 dark crescent can be seen. !his crescent is the e'act opposite of the moon which shows as a light crescent against a dark sky& since the moon receives its light from the sun while by contrast =ulcan is immersed in the sun%s light. ince =ulcan can only be seen during daytime while the crescent of the moon is visible from dusk until dawn& the ancient saying *the sun veils =ulcan and the moon hides =ulcan* begins to assume a deeper meaning. oon we will hear much more about this newcomer in our solar system.

!he reader might find it of interest to read -ulletin $o. K& Cst "uarter& COKC& page KG. It will be of further interest to the reader to learn that we will soon have a five year ephemeris of =ulcan available covering the years COKD9HA. !his will enable the student to check for himself as to whether =ulcan has influenced the lives of individuals who have had occurrences having no astrological evidence to substantiate such events through the influences of =ulcan.

L4"A $ESA7 8$esa) 'esti5al9

It should really read the Wesak 1oon& but since it is a festive occasion for all those who treasure the e'periences in their mystical nature& it is indeed a festive time when the Wesak 1oon occurs during the month of 1ay each year& and is called the Wesak #estival. 0ne& who wishes to be known only as !/( !I-(!A$ or an elder brother& and who presides at intervals over a lamasery in the /imalayas while in his body& gives perhaps presently the best information on this eventful occasion when he states) *... It is this impending Probability which is held in mind during the century at the annual reoccurance of the Wesak festival. tudents would do well to further the ends of the occult /ierarchy by a similar concentration at the time of the festival& thus setting up currents of thought which will have a greet appeal in the occult sense of this term ... Watch the signs of the times& and be not discouraged over the immediate future... /ence the gradual recognition of the Wesak festival& and its true significance in the occident is desirable& and opportunity will be offered to all who are willing to place themselves in the line of this force& and thus become vitalized by it& and conse"uently available for service.* And again he says) *In all countries& in the orient and in the occident& prepared disciples and highly evolved men and women& will be found who will be doing the work along the lines intended& and who will be occuping places of prominence which will make them available for the reaching of the many7 their bodies also will be sufficiently pure to permit the overshadowing. It will only be possible in the case of those who have been consecrated since childhood& who have been servers of the race all their lives& or who& in previous lives& have ac"uired the right by +arma.*


!he following tabulation should help e'plain some of the climatic changes especially in the weather during summer and winter. A careful observation over a greater length of time and a conciencious record kept would prove valuable for further calculations concerning lunar influences.

:/A$,( 0# 100$> -etween the hours of)



1idnight 9 A)BB A.1.


trong frost7 partly windy

A)BB9 F)BB A.1.

:ool7 some times storm indications

now and wind


Rain7 uncertain

Rain or snow

K)BB9 D)BB A.1

Windy7 part rain

trong winds


=ery :hangable

:old rain and snow


:hangable& inclined to stormy weather

:old wind

$oon 9 A) BB P.1


now and Rain

A)BB P.1. F)BB P.1

=ery :hangable

3nsteady7 getting warmer

F)BB9 K)BB P.1


@ry and cold

K)BB9 D)BB P.1


:old wind7 some snow



Windy& cold7 little snow

CB)BB 9 1idnight


#air and cold

>!his means the various phases of the moon such as #ull& $ew& #irst& or 8ast Euarter 1oon. Where the particular moon phases take place is not alone sufficient to determine the changes& since they occur in various signs of the Nodiac. !herefore a $ew 1oon taken alone in a sign is not the e'act indication of an indicated change& rather it is the time when the particular moon phase commences. !his means at what time it takes place and in what sign which will tell the observer what shall occur. Planetary rays prevailing at the time and the placement of the four elmental signs will reveal the key. It should be of interest to note what the @wadashamsas% reveal. ;ou can add to it the signs of duration such as cardinal& fi'ed or mutable and determine the conditions prevailing as to its *spells* as they are often called. Indicating their "uick changing or persistent manifestation or nature.

Planetary *nfluences on the Oils of (etals

PR tudents concerned with producing the 0ils of 1etals have repeatedly posed the "uestion) *Why so great a variation in the time of e'traction2 It appears that some oils are produced in a matter of hours& others take weeks or months. In one instance there was no result after almost two years. In such a case it may be presumed that an oil will never manifest. !hese unsatisfactory results led to a number of evaluations based on !ropical Astrology. Accurate records were kept and charted on many e'periments for the time a menstrum was poured over a metal. !his should be called a :onception :hart because it is certainly not the time of the birth of an 0il7 it is the time which begins a process. :harts were also erected on e'periments that had been previously initiated when the day was known. In the beginning both 1idnight :onception 4 olar type5 and $atal 4for the moment of :onception5 :harts were erected. It soon became apparent that& in most cases& it was only necessary to erect a simple olar :hart with the ign occupied by the un placed in the first /ouse. !hese figures were easily obtained from an (phemeris. At first all recognized planetary configurations were plotted but the results were obscure. !he patterns of reaction were not clearly defined. !hen =ulcan%s placement was added to the charts. !he book that #rater :arl tahl had so generously given to the ubscribers of the PR -ulletins in <anuary of COKD& describing in detail how to find the position of =ulcan for any date& was dusted off and pressed into service. When the placement of =ulcan was added to the charts the patterns of reaction became more apparent. !he following material is best presented by anology because the correspondences are analogus& not actual. #or instance& the un is said to represent the oul as well as ulphur analagously. !he idea of analogy and the basic Astrology taught in the #irst ;ear :lass is all that is necessary for a clear understanding of that which follows. !he logic is elementary. !he un represents the Alchemical (lement ulphur. !he Planet 1ercury represents the Alchemical (lement 1ercury and 1enstrum. !he ruling planet of the metal 4say the 1oon for ilver5 represents the Alchemical (lement. alt. !he Planet =ulcan represents the I$$(R #IR(. As we have been taught& in Alchemy the regulation of the fire is of primary importance. In these e'tractions the Inner #ire is the only one that we have to regulate. !his is of special importance since the menstrum used is the very volatile&

etherial menstrum revealed in the 1ineralia - :lass. All other planets are irrelevant and may be disregarded in these charts. !he planets that demand attention are those that represent ulphur& alt& 1ercury& and the Inner #ire. !o combine our analogy& it was observed that from the most rapid& satisfactory result the relevant planets& with the sometime e'ception of the alt ruler& should be in the same /ouse at the time of conception. !his appears to be a logical se"uence since the /ouse represents the #orm or 1ould into which the planetary influences are poured. !he /ouse symbolically represents the pot or :osmic #lask in which the ulphur& 1ercury and #ire are placed in order to produce an oil. It was observed that =ulcan produced its best result when positioned at the bottom of the flask7 that is& to possess the greatest degree of arc below the meridian or the cusp of the first /ouse. !oo& if heat is desired it should be placed below that which is to be heated else there is a drying action. !he un should be between 1ercury and =ulcan. If the alt be represented in the same /ouse& which it seldom is& then the alt should be nearest the cusp of the /ouse7 that is& to have the least degree of are. !he following is a segment of a 1idnight :onception :hart for an e'periment set up to e'tract the 0il of iver on $ovember O& COKO. !he 0il of ilver was produced in appro'imately OK hours. !his chart displays the most ideal relative planetary values that have been observed to date. It will be noted from the diagram that =ulcan is positioned at the bottom of the /ouse or :osmic flask. Rising& there is the un which represents the ulphur or oil that is to be e'tracted& 1ercury which represents the menstrum which must actively e'tract the oil and the 1oon which represents the alt from which the ulphur is to be separated.

It is patent that the planets have an apparent counterclockwise motion in such a chart since they travel in their orbits in that direction. /owever& it is also plain that a /ouse rises clockwise appro'imately fifteen degrees per hour due to the rotation of the (arth. !herefore& initial activity is in a clockwise or rising direction. !his e'planation is offered for suggesting that the relevant planets be placed in their relative positions99aside from the fact that these are positions that produce results. If the :hart for the 0il of ilver for the above date were complete aturn would be found five degrees retrograde in !aurus and 1ars three degrees in A"uarius. !herefore& aturn is in opposition to our 1ercury and alt and 1ars s"uares them. It was upon this basis and other charts with similar malific aspects that it was decided to disregard the position of irrelevant planets. 8unar aspects were considered but it appears that the general sign and position of the 1oon is not of great importance7 however& the 1oon%s phases are important. When relevant planets were properly positioned the most significant results were obtained on the increase of the 1oon and at the first& second and full "uarters. !he decrease of the 1oon and the fourth "uarter appear not to be conducive to a rapid result. !he above

mentioned 0il of ilver was set up on the day of the $ew 1oon& so both the "uarter and the increase were favorable. !he best position for the planet representing the alt has not been determined. It has been observed that when the alt .oined the other relevants in the /ouse of :onception that the alt should be nearest the cusp. In general the alt was observed to occupy the most prolific position when above the /orizon but not s"uared or in opposition to the un& =ulcan or 1ercury. When =ulcan occupies a /ouse ad.acent to the /ouse of :onception results were considerably slowed& and similarly with 1ercury. If both planets are located in an ad.acent /ouse at conception a result will probably never appear. (ven with 1ercury in an ad.acent /ouse and =ulcan within two degrees of the :usp of an ad.acent /ouse results are unlikely. !he e'periments were performed on the o'ides of Reagent ,rade 1etals e'cept in the case of ,old and ilver where /astings #oil was used. !he menstrum revealed in the 1ineralia - :lass was used throughout. #lasks of an erlenmeyer shape 4slope sided5 and neoprene 4non9reactive5 stoppers were used. !he seven basic metals were chiefly considered though the halftone metals appear to respond in an identical manner.

('periments run under partial vacuum render a more rapid result but the conditions of the seven basics tested were uniformly under normal atmospheric pressure. -e advised that when producing a partial vacuum to obtain an oil with the above mentioned menstrum an asperator or vacuum pump should be used. !o apply heat to this menstrum is to court disaster. An asperator can produce CK inches of vacuum with no difficulty. !his report is far from conclusive. 1any more e'periments must be initiated. It is hoped that those who have had the training will .oin in this investigation. !o those who do be consistent. 3se the same grade metals and menstrum as well as the same type flask and stoppers. @o not use the black& reactive rubber stoppers unless covered with a nonreactive material such .as saran wrap. Record the time the menstrum is poured over the metal at least to the nearest ten minutes. In most cases a olar :hart is all that is necessary but in other instances a more accurate chart must be constructed to properly reveal relative values& especially in the case of =ulcan. If partial vacuum is used note it. Indicate astrological system used. !ropical was employed e'clusively for this report. !he idereal system could reveal variations though general interpretation should be the same. @o keep a record of the 1oon%s sign and phase. !his could have a great bearing which has not as yet been observed. -e certain that you have an oil. :olor or lack of color in a menstrum is not conclusive evidence for an oil. 0ne #rater produced a beautiful color for an 0il of ,old in a short period of time but when it was purified and the menstrum removed there was no trace of an oil.

'ormula for (etals

!o one lb. metallic substance C oz& of final e'tract or tincture is the basic formula. C oz. e"uals AO.GH ml. #rom this basic formula all other dilutions are derived& i.e. allopathic or homeopathic. !he above represents the full strength potency of any e'tract or tincture in metallic spagyric and alchemical preparations according to the Paracelsus Research ociety. C lb. 4CKoz.5 of antimony yield C.KF mlfl tincture. Euestion) /ow does this compare to the C)O formula2 Answer) C oz. of antimony e"uals C ml. of standard P.R. . tincture. $ote) !his is not to be confused with the final yield of sulphur of antimony when all of the +erkring menstrum is distilled out. !he above formula of C.KF ml. per ounce is the basis from which all other dillutions are derived.


I$:( I! I @I##I:38!& in fact almost impossible to obtain pure metallic Iron& it is preferable to commence the procedure by using :.P. 4:hemically Pure5 #errous ulphate :rystals 4#e oF H/A05& the =itriol alts of this metal. 43se -aker%s Analyzed :.P. #errous ulphate obtainable from any :hemical Reagent upply /ouse.5 !hese alts have already been purifled by several successive washings and recrystallization. 3sing a $umber L Porcelain :oors :rucible 4glazed inside and outside5 level full with the #errous ulphate :rystals 4five5 calcine the alts in the electric muffle furnace. Place the crucible containing the alts in the cold furnace and then raise the temperature of the furnace to CHGB :. :ontinue the calcination until all fuming ceases and the iron is brought completely to a state of o'idation. !his usually takes about two hours. A good supply of air should have access to the furnace. Remove the crucible and allow to cool to nearly room temperature. !ransfer the o'ide sponge to a glass mortar and triturate with a glass pestle to a fine powder. Weigh out CF grams 4appro'imately one half ounce avoirdupois5 of the powdered iron o'ide and transfer to a Pyre' -eaker of about DBB ml. capacity and digest on the hot plate with CAB ml. of K normal /ydrochloric Acid until all the Iron o'ide is in solution& adding more acid if neces sary to accomplish solution. Add AB ml. of :.P. $itric Acid 4 pecific ,ravity C.FA5 and boil for five minutes to bring all the Iron to the #erric tate. 4$ote) It cannot be assumed that the Iron 0'ide product of the :alcination is in a uniform condition of o'idation.5 :ool for a few minutes and filter the solution through a fast filter paper into a Pyre' -eaker of A&BBB ml. capacity& washing the filter paper with distilled water and allowing the washings to drain through this filter paper into the -eaker containing the main portion of the filtrate. @iscard the filter paper and any residue remaining in it. 1ake up the volume of the olution in the Pyre' -eaker to C&BBB ml. $eutralize the olution with K normal odium /ydro'ide olution 4to make) Add to AGB gm. of $a 0/& purified by alcohol& enough distilled water to make the volume C&BBB ml.5 thus precipitative the Iron as #erric /ydro'ide& then add a slight e'cess of the K normal odium /ydro'ide olution. !he solution containing the Iron should be stirred vigorously with a glass stirring rod during the preceeding operation. till stirring vigorously& add K. normal /ydrochloric Acid cautiously& using a dropper until the olution is neutral or to the barest trace of acid reaction to litmus paper. 1ake up the volume of the contents of the Pyre' -eaker to about C&OBB ml. with distilled water. tir well and then allow the #erric /ydro'ide precipitate to settle for about an hour. @ecant the clear upernatant olution. Again bring the volume of the contents of the -eaker to about C&OBB mi.& stirring well as the distilled water is added& and allow to settle. Repeat this washing by decantation three or four times. 4 ee $ote C.5 /eat the olution& containing the washed #erric /ydro'ide precipitate& after the last decantation and without further addition of distilled water& to near boiling and filter through a hardened filter paper 4Whatman $o. GA or $o. GF5 using vacuum with a -uechner =acuum #ilter #unnel and a =acuum #ilter #lask and finally washing any #erric /ydro'ide precipitate adhering to the wall of the -eaker into the -uechner #ilter #unnel by means of a fine stream of distilled water from the wash bottle. After the filtrate has been sucked through the #erric /ydro'ide cake into the #ilter #lask& wash the #erric /ydro'ide cake in the -uechner with three consecutive CBB ml. portions of hot distilled water& taking great care to seal up with the end of a glass stirring rod all cracks which may develop in the #erric /ydro'ide cake& as they appear. 1aintain the vacuum in the #ilter #lask after the last washing until the #erric /ydro'ide cake is free of e'cess water and is firm and solid. Remove the cake and filter paper by inserting the blade of a small

spatula between the cake and the porcelain wall of the -uechner and running it around the periphery of the cake. @etach the -uechner #unnel from the =acuum #ilter #lask and invert the -uechner over a porcelain dish of sufficient diameter to receive the cake and filter paper and then .ar these from the -uechner into the porcelain dish. Peal off and remove the hardened filter paper 4this may be washed and used again5 from the cake. Remove carefully any #erric /ydro'ide still adhering to the -uechner #unnel and add it to the main portion of the cake in the porcelain dish. @iscard the filtrate and wash waters from the vacuum filtration. Place the porcelain dish& containing the #erric /ydro'ide cake in the drying oven and dry at AAG deg. #. for about three hours. At intervals& as the drying proceeds& break up the cake in the dish with spatula or knife blade into smaller and smaller pieces until& finally& it has been chopped up into small pieces about the size of a match head. !his will ensure proper drying. When the precipitate is finally "uite dry& remove from the drying oven and allow to cool. !hen transfer the dried material to a glass mortar and triturate it to a fine powder with the glass pestle. !ransfer the fine powder to a Pyre' -eaker of FBB ml. capacity. Add sufficient fuming :.P. /ydrochloric Acid 4 pecific gravity C.CD5& to dissolve the powdered iron o'ide 4appro'imately GB mi. should be sufficient5. /eat on the hot plate until all the solid material is in olution. Pour the /ydrochloric Acid olution& containing the Iron as #erric :hloride& into a glazed porcelain evaporating dish 4deep type5 large enough to contain it and yet small enough to provide as small a surface area of the olution as possible in the course of the evaporation to follow. 43se a :oors layed porcelain @ish CAB mm. @iameter. /eight GB mm.5 $o water may be used to wash any of the #erric :hloride olution adhering to the -eaker into the porcelain evaporating dish. 1erely drain the contents of the -eaker into the dish. 4 ee $ote FJ5 (vaporate the acid #erric :hloride olution slowly on the sandbath& care being taken to see that the temperature of the sand bath is not sufficiently high to cause burning or undue drying. @o not use the water bath or the steam bath for this evaporation. As the evaporation proceeds work down into the body of the thickening solution any #erric :hloride gel which may form and adhere to the evaporating dish around and above the solution level. 3se a robber policeman on a small stirring rod to accomplish this. !he solution will finally thicken to a gel& and the evaporation must not be carried out to the point at which the gel commences to dry. !he gel must remain moist with a slight e'cess of /ydrochloric Acid. As soon as bulk of the acid has evaporated and the mass consists of a gel still moist with /ydrochloric Acid& remove from the sand bath and& after thoroughly cooling the dish and contents on cold water and then carefully drying the bottom of the dish with a cloth& making sure that no trace of water is left around the lip of the dish nor has reached the interior of it& transfer the #erric :hloride ,el to a wide mouthed glass bottle of about AGB ml. capacity& and having a ground glass stopper. Accomplish this by working the gel over the decanting lip of the dish with the rubber policeman. 3se no water. Pour a few ml. of ether 4 ee $ote A.5 into the dish after making sure that no bare flame& nor electric element or sparking e"uipment is near& and work any gel residue remaining in the dish out with the ether into the glass bottle by means of the rubber policeman on the stirring rod. Ignore any dried rim of #erric :hloride there may be in the evaporating dish. Add& at once& a CBB ml. portion of ether 4have this ready at hand5 to the #erric :hloride gel in the glass bottle and insert the glass stopper. 4It is well to have the glass bottle standing in a dish of cold water the level of which is not sufficiently high to tend to float the bottle5. hake the bottle containing the gel and the ether vigorously for a few minutes& cooling the lower half of the bottle fre"uently under the cold water faucet. Allow to stand a minute& then remove the stopper& first being very careful to dry off thoroughly any drops of water on the bottle and especially around the rim of the stopper orifice& and decant the now brown ethereal solution into an (rlenmeyer #lask of LBB ml. capacity and stopper the #lask with a rubber stopper.

Add another fresh CBB ml. portion of ether to the contents of the glass shaking bottle and repeat the ether e'traction by shaking once more for a few minutes& cooling as before under the cold water faucet. @ry the bottle and allow it to remain stoppered. -oth the glass bottle and the (rlemneyer #lask containing the first portion of ether should be kept in a cool place until re"uired or& if this is not available& stand them in shallow running cold water keeping the stoppers dry and protected from water. et up a distillation train consisting of a Pyre' distillation flask or retort of LBB ml. capacity& the stopper neck of which is fitted with a bored rubber stopper through which is inserted a L inch immersion mercury !hermometer reading 0 :. to ABB :.& so that when the rubber stopper and thermometer are placed in position in the distillation flask or retort the thermometer bulb clears the bottom of the distillation flask or retort by three or four millimeters99a condenser& water .acketed so that cold water may be passed continually through the .acket& filled to the delivery arm of the distillation flask or retort on one end& and to a receiver of sufficient capacity 4about GBB mi.5 at the other end. /aving removed the !hermometer and stopper from the distillation flask or retort& arrange a KB degree Pyre' #ilter #unnel 4having a diameter at the top of about A CPA inches5 in a ring support or clamp of the retort stand and with the stem lowered into the distillation flask or retort so that the stem is well below the level of the opening into the delivery arm of the flask or retort. Place a fast filter paper in the funnel and fi' in place by moistening with a little fresh (ther. 3sing first the ether e'tract contained in the (rlenmeyer flask& filter this through the funnel into the distillation flask or retort& washing out the (rlenmeyer #lask with G ml. of fresh (ther end passing it through the filter paper in the funnel. !hen replace the filter paper in the funnel with a fresh filter paper and introduce into the funnel the (ther e'tract contained in the glass bottle together with the gross body of the Iron& decanting and filtering first the bulk of the clear brown (ther olution and then& with the last remaining AB ml. or so& swirling the gross body of the Iron into suspension with the remaining (ther solution& decant the whole into the filter funnel. Allow the ethereal solution to filter through into the distillation flask or retort& then wash out the glass bottle with about CB ml. of fresh (ther and pour this over the residual gross body of the iron in the filter paper. Allow these washings to pass through into the distillation flask or retort& then remove the filter funnel and discard the filter paper and contents. 1oisten the rubber stopper fitted on the !hermometer& with a drop or two of absolute alcohol 4(thyl5 and insert the rubber stopper and !hermometer in the distillation flask or retort. 4!he alcohol facilitates the proper placement of the rubber stopper5. As a precaution arrange a -urette clamp on the stand so that one claw of the clamp bears down& when the clamp arm is swrewed in position on the rod of the stand& on the top of the rubber stopper carrying the !henmrometer& and .ust to one side of the !hermometer. 3sing a Precision) (lectric /eater e"uipped with Rheostat& not a bare flame& and arranged so that the bottom of the distillation flask or retort is about A CPA inches from the heater element gradually raise the temperature of the contents of the distillation flask or retort until the ether is distilling at about FB degress : as shown& on the !hermometer cale. :ontinue the distillation until the volume of the contents of the flask or retort is about CAG ml. Ignore for the time being any suspended solid matter or cloudiness which may have appeared in the solution. 3ntil the first small portion& about L ml.& of distillate appears in the Receiver& the Receiver should be left loose at the neck where it fits on to the discharge end of the :ondenser. When about L ml. have distilled over& the temperature in the distillation flask or retort ?I have risen to? mon than LG degrees :) !he Receiver may then be fitted up tightly to the end of the condenser7 but until this is done and while the neck of the Receiver is loose& a wet strip of cloth should be wound around the open .oint to prevent the escape of

any vapour. When the neck of the receiver is closed up with the discharge end of the condenser this cloth may be dispensed with. When the contents of the distillation flask or retort appro'imate CAG ml. in volume& turn off the electric current to the /eater and by loosening the /eater clamp drop the /eater on the stand away from the bottom of the distillation flask or retort and place a sand bath or some such insulation over the element of the /eater to prevent the heat from rising. :ool the bottom of the distillation flask or retort with a wet cloth. Remove the rubber stopper carrying the !hennometer& and add to the contents of the flask or retort about CBB ml. of absolute (thyl alcohol 4 ee $ote L.5 Replace the stopper and !hermormeter. Raise the precision (lectric /eater to its original positionon the stand and continue the distillation at FG degrees :. to GB degrees : until FB ml. or GB ml. have distilled over& and observing the same precautions as befote with respect to the Receiver #lask. At this point any portion of the gross body of the iron which may have passed into solution in the e'cess of /ydrochloric Acid present with the #erric :hloride ,el when the (ther ('traction was made& will have been thrown down out of solution 4 ee $ote G5& and the e'cess of /ydrochloric Acid will have combined with the (ther in the first distillation and alcohol in the subse"uent distillation to pass over as (thyl 0'ychloride and (thyl :hloride respectively Again disconnect and drop the (lectric /eater on the stand. :ool the distillation flask or retort as before and remove from the train. 4$ote. Whenever the distillation train is to be broken at any point& after heat has been applied to the distillation flask or retort& great care must be e'ercised for the reason that if pressure within the apparatus has not attained e"uilibrium with the outside pressure& violent restoration of e"uilibrium will take place if the difference in pressure is e'cessive& and this may completely ruin the operation. Always break the train or remove the rubber stopper from the distillation flask or retort only after sufficient cooling has taken place& and then very carefully and by degrees& thus allowing gradual re9 ad.ustment of pressure5. @ecant& carefully& the contents of the distillation flask or retort into a Pyre' -eaker of FBB ml. capacity. Wash out the distillation flask or retort thoroughly with a little absolute (thyl Alcohol& adding these washings to the main portion in the -eaker. Replace the distillation flask or retort in position in the train& and& using the Pyre' #ilter #unnel fitted with a fast filter paper& filter the olution contained in the -eaker back into the distillation flask or retort& washing the filter paper and contents& after the main body of the solution has passed through the filter& with G ml. of absolute (thyl Alcohol& but first having washed out the -eaker with a like portion of alcohol& and having passed these washings through the filter. When the last washings of the filter paper and contents have passed through into the distillation flask& remove the filter funnel and discard the filter paper and residual contents. Replace the rubber stopper and !hermomeer in the distillation flask or retort& raise the electric heater& so that the heater element is& this time& about one inch from the bottom of the distillation mask or retort. Raise the temperature of the contents of the flask or retort gradually 4observing the same precautions as before with respect to the Receiver #lask5 until a temperature of about DG degrees : is reached& and continue the distillation until the volume of the contents of the distillation flask or retort is about GB ml. @isconnect the (lectric /eater once more and drop it sway from the bottom of the flask or retort. :over the element with a sand bath as before& to prevent the heat from rising. :ool the flask or retort to about FB degrees :. Remove the rubber stopper and !hermometer carefully to allow re9ad.ustment of pressure. Add HG ml. of absolute (thyl Alcohol. Re9insert stopper and !hermometer. Raise the (lectric /eater into

position& so that one inch separates the bottom of the flask or retort and the heater element& and continue the distillation& observing the same precautions as before& with respect to the Receiver #lask. Allow the temperature of the contents of the distillation flask or retort to mount a little more rapidly this time until a temperature of OB degrees : is reached& and maintain this temperature until the volume of the contents of the mask or retort is about KG ml. !hen allow the temperature to mount gradually until there is a sudden& short and moderately violent ebullition of the solution in the flask or retort. Allow the temperature to continue to mount until the contents of the flask or retort appear wine red by transmitted light. !he volume of the solution at this point should be about LG ml. !he fluid in the flask or retort is now the true 0il of Iron& of which five& si' or seven drops in half a tumbler full of water may be taken two or three times a day before meals with great advantage and without any fear of ill effects& for the general health and especially in cases of anaemia and other ailments as stated in #rater Archibald :ockran%s great work entitled *Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored.* !he writer wishes here to e'press his deep gratitude and thanks to #rater Archibald :ockran for the very great amount of help he has received through his study of this book. @isconnect the (lectric /eater and drop it away from the bottom of the distillation flask or retort. :ool the flask or retort and remove it from the train observing the usual precautions with respect to pressure re9 ad.ustment. @ecant the 0il of Iron into a dropper bottle made preferably of brown glass. If& at the conclusion of the decanting operation a thin red9brown film of sediment is found adhering to the bottom of the flask or retort& pay no attention to it. It is not caused by the presence of any of the gross body of the Iron. It is due to local overheating of the oil and is caused by there having been too high a heat on the electric heater element. !his& however& should be avoided. After decanting the 0il of Iron from the flask or retort& and washing the flask or retort out with a little distilled water 4not to be added to the 0il5 without disturbing his film& and then& upon the addition of a further portion of distilled water& about AG ml.& rubbing off the film with a rubber policeman and agitating it with the water& it will be found that it dissolves in the water to form a bright red solution. Warming the solution helps to accomplish this. $0!() !hose who have followed the above instructions in their laboratories are asked to submit the result of their e'periments in writing and possibly a small amount of the substance obtained for e'amination. %"- 2C !he decantation is most easily performed by using the water vacuum pump with a very slight degree of suction and by keeping the end of the rubber suction tube .ust below the surface of the clear supernatant solution. -y watching the progrrss of the decantation through the wall of the -eaker& any suction of the precipitate through the tube when the solution level is approaching the top of the settled #enic /ydm'ide layer& may be avoided by raising the end of the suction tube and thus discontinuing the operation. !his method is much easier and more effective than decantation by manipulation of the -eaker or *hand tilting.* %"- 7C -0 R. 3se (ther "uibb 4( R. "uibb Q ans& $un ;ork5 for anesthesia in copper protected cans& holding C lb& net weight of (ther. !his may be bought at a very low price from any wholesale @rug :ompany. I am sure it cannot be made on a small scale in the laboratory as cheaply as it may be bought wholesale. -efore using& rectify the (ther in a glass vessel 4well stoppered5 over anhydrous Potassium :arbonate& :.P. !en or fifteen grams of Potassium :arbonate for each pound weight of (ther being rectified is sufficient. 8et stand for FD hours& shaking occasionally. Re9distill .ust before uaina. %"- D. -0&. A.C"0"..

3se the 3. .P. COB Proof Alcohol @istilled from :ane Ploducrs by th9 :ommercial olvents :orporaton& Agnen& :alifornia& if possible. Redistill at HO* DB*:& to about CPCGth of original volume and rectify the distillate over Anhydmus Potassium :arbonate& :.P. using about A%< gm. per litre of alcohol. 8et stand for FG hours& shaking occasionally. Redistill at 3FB: before using. %"- 6C BA- R. All water used should be distilled water. It is absolutely essential that after the drying of the #erric /ydro'ide precipitate& no slightest trace of water should be allowed to enter into the procedure& and every precaution nmst be taken to prevent it so doing. 0therwise a proportion of the gross body of the Iron commensurate with the "uantity of water present and with its solubility therein will be carried into the (ther ('tract and will not be thrown down in the subseguent procedures& for the reason that #erric :hloride in solution with /ydrochlaric Acid in various degrees dilution with water& is soluble in (ther and subse"uently in the alcohol added in the course of the distillations. !hus it will be present in the end product which will not be the true 0il of Iron. %"- 4. -he portion of the #ross body thrown down in the course of the first two distillations. !his smell portion of the gross body of the Iron carried into the (ther ('tract is due to the presence at the end of the evaporation of the /ydrochloric Add olution containing the Iron as #erric :hloride& of the slight but necessary e'cess of free /ydrochloric Acid& and the #erric :hloride held in solution by this e'cess of acid is e'tracted as such 4#erric :hloride5 by the (ther7 the alchemystical ulphur end 1ercury of this portion of the Iron being unable to separate from the gross body to form the coalition with (ther as the (thereal 0il. 3pon distillation& first of the (ther e'tract and later upon the addition of alcohol& the (ther olvency factor with respect to this portion of #erric :hloride is destroyed and coincidental separation of the gross body of this retained portion from its five parts takes place& the gross body constituent being thrown down out of solution and the alchemystical ulphur and 1ercury constituents& forming their proper coalition& are retained in solution.

The Sul%hur
1any have written about their sulphur after they had returned home. !here was either a misunderstanding& wrong procedure& or similar happenings. !he method demonstrated in the laboratory was one of many such procedures. /owever& it can be simplified at home& especially when not sufficient or similar e"uipment is available as was the case in the laboratory. !ake the herb& soak it in water& macerate or distill it& and then filter it7 let evaporate. !he remaining feces will yield the sulphur. It will powder in the mortar when ground with the pestle. If it is distilled with the vegetable mercury it will not stay powdered but will return to a wa' like consistency& especially when kept in a warm place. !his sulphur can then be mi'ed with the purified mercury and salt. It will produce a darker substance but is efficacious .ust the same and re"uires less time to prepare. It will get lighter in color with time.

About the Sul%hur

@uring the study groups you will have noticed that emphasis was placed on the fact that the separation from the mercury is not necessary in the 8esser :irculation. When a separation was performed it was only to demonstrate the fact that it can be done. ;ou will have less difficulty in .oining the li"uid substance i.e. 1ercury and sulphur combined to your salt when you proceed cautiously and slowly while imbibing them. !he process you have witnessed in the laboratory had to be condensed so you could follow it visibly from stage to stage. !he change from the natural color of the substance to black& grey and then pure white without addition of any foreign substance was accomplished solely with the alchemical fire kindled by the common fire by friction. ;ou have noticed that even a common water distillation will e'tract the sulphur. !his can then be reserved for the eventuality when you run short of this medium. It will prove less e'pensive then the e'traction with the mercury. After purification and redistillation you can .oin it with the mercury until your salt has absorbed enough of the re"uired amount. !here is no need to calcine the sulphur ahead with the salt. Reserve the distilled e'tract or tincture and start to imbibe after your salt has attained a sufficient light gray color.

#ormer alchemical terms and their present day e"uivalents for sulphur) =I!RIo8sulphuric acid and any crystaline salt therefrom -83( =I!RI08copper sulphate ,R(($ =I!RI08iron sulphate or copperas W/I!( =I!RI08zinc sulphate 0I8 0# =I!RI08sulphuric acid (8IRIR 0# =I!RI08aromatic sulphuric acid pirit of alts S /:8

"otes from the Laboratory

!he filtrate of the yellow glass of antimony& when properly fi'ed& will yield white and faint yellow feces. !hrough digestion& using the dry bath& we also have been able to free ice9blue feces yielding a green e'tract. !his indicates that the green 8ion& gum or green feces of the filtrate from the living antimony& can be obtained from the yellow glass without adding any other foreign substances to it. 8ikewise& when& after fi'ation& these white feces are calcined to an umber color and sub.ected to digestion with the proper vehicle 4+erkring5& they will yield a golden e'tract.

,lyconin is presently e'tracted from eggs in a new process here in the lab. $ewer avenues open up for the use of this medication& lately neglected in medical prescriptions. In this new process the thrce essentials can be reunited after separation and purification yielding much more of the sub9stance than formerly. Please note that formerly discarded feces yield additional ingredients.

!o help somewhat in the confusion arising from the change of the (nglish9American method to the conversion to the metric system& here are the most commonly used)

Re%eat of An Easter E## Ex%eriment

Report on an e'periment to find if results would be similar to the e'periments described in -ulletin& =ol. II& $o. A& COHB under the heading of Will all chicken eggs putrefy2& which e'periments were undertaken to verify or disprove the ancient tradition that hen%s eggs are sensitive to cosmic influences99in particular those held to be active during the three lays that constitute the celebration of the @eath and Resurrection of 0ur 8ord <esus :hrist at (aster9tide. @uring the period of April F through April CG& COHC& twenty9four eggs were kept& two each day. (ach egg was marked with a date& care taken to be certain the eggs were laid on that day. !he eggs were taken from chickens living under natural conditions. !he eggs were placed in cardboard egg cartons and stored in a cupboard in the basement for a period of seven months. !his period of time *being sufficient time for normal putrefaction to have occurred.* 4-ulletin& =ol. II& $o. A& COHB5 !he usually cooler basement temperature was not consistently natural during this seven month period& !he eggs having7 been placed inside a cupboard in a laboratory area of the basement were sub.ected to high temperatures for appro'imately two months during the summer because of other e'periments being done that re"uired an almost constant heat at the time. !he eggs were opened on unday& $ovember CF& COHC. All AF eggs with the e'ception of those& which will hereafter be separately described as to the difference& were observed in this manner) !he yolk was normal in color though slightly darker and of a somewhat firmer nature 4much like that which can be observed when a fresh egg is opened& the yolk broken& and left uncovered in the refrigerator from CA to AF hours5. ome of the yolks were almost entirely of this nature 4though not broken5& others only partially so. @ehydration of some portion of the albumen was noted in all of the eggs& some eggs having more dehydration than others. !he albumen which remained was for the most part thin. !he viscous or thick portion of the albumen was not as apparent as in a normal egg. !he color of the albumen appeared normal. !he eggs were of a normal odor. @ifferences) 40nly F eggs out of AF were different.5 April G 41onday5990ne (gg) A black spot appro'imately one half inch in diameter was formed in the yolk. 0ther (gg) !here were some pin9head size black pots and slight amount of mold9appearing areas on a small portion of the membrane which surrounds the albumen. April O 4,ood #riday590ne (gg) !he yolk was entirely black. !he albumen was like a watery custard having particles of a pale yellow& brown and orange coloration mi'ed throughout. !he odor& though not that of a normal egg& was mildly malodorous. April CB 4 aturday590ne (gg) urrounding the albumen was a thin layer of a watery custard nature having a pale orange coloration. !he eggs were not immediately given to the cats because there were some friends who wished to see the opened eggs. !he eggs were kept on a cool porch for two days. !here was only a slight change in the appearance and odor of the eggs during this time.

0n April CKth& two days after the eggs had been opened& all of the eggs were placed at once& but separately& before the farm cats& which are fed regularly and which at this time had other food to eat as well. All of the eggs were eaten. !here Is some reluctance 9on my part to include the preceeding final information for we have a iamese cat who turns her nose up at fresh eggs while I strongly suspect that the particular group of $ebraska cats referred to would most likely& given the opportunity& devour twenty9four putrefied eggs6 $ote 0$ !/( A-0=() Recently while in $ew Nealand 4COHA5 another test was made as to the wholesomeness of such eggs. !hose marked as being layed during the specified (aster time proved wholesome& whilel the remainder were putrid and emitted a horrible stench. Another report has reached us frorn 0hio wherein the writer says) *0ur e'perience was that none of& the eggs taken from chickens raised on the ground three weeks before and three weeks afterward putrified after K months at room temperature.

The Philoso%her:s Stone

:lassical literature contains many references to the Philosopher%s tone. !his elusive ob.ect has been known under various names but no matter what its designation the thought of making it has challenged the mind of man for ages past. @isregarding the activity of an over9stimulated mind and confining ourselves to a rational approach to the possibilities ascribed to the Philosopher%s tone& there nevertheless appears to be curiosity mingled with doubt and hopeful assumption that after all such a substance might e'ist. #urther& when written evidence is corroborated by ancient alchemists who have stated that they too obtained the Philosopher%s tone& then the assumption is given further credence that such a feat could be accomplished even at the present time. /owever& because the composition of this seemingly elusive substance has been garbed at times in most unintelligible language and symbolism great doubt has arisen as to the authenticity of the Philosopher%s tone. #urther difficulties were encountered by the would9be laboratory alchemist due to the fact that the three primal substances& sulphur& salt and mercury& were supposedly the only ingredients used to produce the Philosopher%s tone. Repeated e'periments& not only by laymen and amateurs& but also by sincere chemists and pharmacists were complete failures. $ever have these three substances produced the Philosopher%s tone. Alchemists and alchemical books declared othemvise. What then is the problem2 /ere we find a lack of understanding of the alchemical meaning of the three words sulphur& salt and mercury. It was never the intention of a genuine alchemist to suggest that crude brimstone 4sulphur5& salt 4sodium chloride99our table salt5& or mercury 4"uicksilver5 were to be used in unison to make the Philosopher%s tone. What then are sulphur& salt and mercury in the alchemist%s language2 3nder sulphur was understood the oil of a metallic substance. !he chemist may ask in astonishment) *An oil out of a metal2 I never heard of the e'istence of such a thing.* And we don%t blame those who make such remarks6 Why2 -ecause there is nothing in technical or scientific te'tbooks or teachings to substantiate such a claim. 3nder salt it would not be too difficult to assume a mineral substance& but when it comes to mercury& the confusion starts all over again. What has "uicksilver to do with the Philosopher%s tone2 $owhere in alchemy is there a more perple'ing substance to be found. #or ages mercury& both in word and symbol& has been the troublemaker of the alchemistical aspirant. !his elusive substance was even harder to capture than was the sulphur. ulphur& alchemistically speaking& we find definitely described as an oil derived from a metal. !here can be no doubt as to what is conveyed thereby. <ust as an oil can be derived from the plant and animal world& so the alchemists say it must be obtainable from the mineral or metallic world. !his at least makes sense& so far as the definition goes. -ut mercury6 called by such names as Water of Paradise& =irgin%s 1ilk& and other strange names& and most often as the Alkahest99the best a dictionary or encyclopaedia will tell us is that Alkahest refers to the alchemist%s mercury. As can readily be seen& the imagination of the would be alchemist now has unlimited room to roam. And how this imagination is still roaming in all possible and impossible directions99mostly the latter6 What then is this mercury2 !he genuine alchemist tells us& it is a highly volatile li"uid 4which by analogy he compares to "uicksilver5 of great penetrative virtue. !his philosophical mercury which he defines as different from crude mercury is unknown to any e'cept the alchemist who has been initiated by another alchemist into the characteristics of the alchemical mercury and instructed in how to lure it from the metallic substances wherein it is to be found. !his omits the chemist and pharmacist. !hey are not alchemists. !he study of the art and science of alchemy is a very difficult one. 8ooked upon in the light of the present day knowledge obtainable in colleges and universities& it will easily be seen why very few ever enter into this field of study& for which no chair e'ists in our contemporary institutions of learning. Where& then& and by whom& can this art and science be taught2 0nly by alchemists. Where are these to be found2 It is getting more and more difficult to answer such "uestions. 8et us go back to the Philosopher%s tone itself. !he first and foremost attribute bestowed upon it is the supposedly inherent power to transmute inferior metals such as lead& "uicksilver& etc.& into silver and gold. ince present day science has e'perimented in this direction and produced such manifestations in the laboratory the former alchemists% claim& that this transmutation has been accomplished by them& is

immediately taken out of the realm of the impossible. Physical alchemy& i.e.& metallic transmutation& is an accomplished fact today as man9made transmutations such as uranium into plutonium& neptuniunn& etc. prove. Physical alchemy is therefore an established scientific fact. If this is the case& then why differentiate between the accomplishments of scientists and alchemists2 !he difference is to be found in the methods used. While enormous forces have to be created by modern physicists such as in cyclotrons and the like& the alchemists in comparison use very simple& almost crude& methods to achieve their ends. It is conceded that physical science has accomplished results which the alchemist did not achieve& but at the same time it too must be admitted that the alchemists accomplished things which science has not been able to achieve& foremost among them the Philosopher%s tone. !he Philosophical 1ercury& the very substance re"uired to produce the Philosopher%s tone& is also an enigma to science. !he "uestion) *What is the Philosopher%s tone2* is therefore impossible for science to answer& because it cannot produce it. We have no alternative then& birt to look to the alchemists for an answer. !heir reply is) *!he Philosopher%s tone consists entirely of substances derived from the metallic realm& wherein the greatest potency is to be found that enables a transmutation of one element into another.* !he enormous force necessary to release the energy to accomplish this transmutation is& by analogy& to be found in the freeing of the atom as demonstrated by atomic fission and fusion which also are found in the metals& such as 3ranium& etc. !he composition of the Philosopher%s tone has been known to all the world for centuries. <ust because its formula has been given in obscure terminology and archaic symbolism& it is in essence not any stranger than the intermi'ture of numbers& letters& and ,reek symbols mi'ed with geometrical symbolism that makes up the *.argon* of the present day physicist. !o one not versed in physics it becomes utterly meaningless. imilarly& if not identically& the alclhemistical *.argon* makes sense only to the initiate alchemist. !here is no hokus pokus in either language e'cept to those who through ignorance of one or the other do not understand. !he main difficulty comes from the fact that no chair of alchemy is available at colleges or universities& for lack of a capable alchemist to give instruction. 0nly an alchemist could occupy such a position99not a chemist or physicist unless either one at the same time was an alchemist& a combination almost impossible to find. !he P.R. . will continue to strive to accomplish this goal in the very near future& to become a blessing to mankind. If to a scientist& with an open mind& all things are open to investigation& why e'clude Alchemy.and the Philosopher%s tone2 Is it because of the stigma that has to do with mysticism& etc.2 If this is the case then psychology& (. .P.& etc. should never have been investigated either& because these too arose out of psychic phenomena& spiritualism& etc. $ot until these "uestionable outer wrappings were stripped away did psychology emerge as a science and parapsychology attain its rightful place. !he same holds true for alchemy and its supreme manifestation& the Philosopher%s tone. !here is a reluctance among the members of the academic profession to handle the investigation of alchemy. uch a study could help solve many profound& unanswered "uestions and produce more knowledge of the Philosopher%s tone which is reputedly a source of physical transmutation and also considered.as the most powerful healing agent for the animal body due to the positive vitalizing rays which emerge from it and are the opposite of the negative rays that destroy cells. If no other value were to be found in the Philosopher%s tone than this it would behoove scientific institutions to prepare a way for a chair of alchemy where the substances that make up the Philosopher%s tone could be thoroughly e'amined in the 8ight of alchemy and& freed from bias& would eventually open up an entirely new avenue of approach to problems such as diseases of man and ecology that urgently needs to be solved. !his is what the Philosopher%s tone is e'pected to accomplish if we may trust the alchemists. !here is every reason to believe that they were and still are trustworthy. Psychology re"uired a #reud& Adler and <ung to pave the way for further evaluation for a completely new version& psychiatry& to emerge.

As with psychology& so with alchemy it is to be e'pected that further investigation will also yield a newer version of the underlying concept that is still concealed therein. 0nly if and when scientists will pioneer in alchemy will more light be shed on the sub.ect and retrieve alchemy from the ignorance and superstition to which it has been sub.ected far too long. !hen and then only will we know what the Philosopher%s tone is and how it can be used to benefit all mankind. Perhaps& who knows& it may be the very panacea that the world is searching for and has overlooked. $othing is impossible to a sincere scientist. 8ast& but not least& alchemists have been and& whereever they are to be found today& are scientists and will continue to be scientists. A more tolerant approach to this entire matter should make it possible to enable those who have spent decades of research in the alchemical field& to assist in the establishment of such an academically accredited branch of learning. ince such alchemical investigators are at present the only competent sources available& their knowledge would prove invaluable. !he Philosopher%s tone of the ancient alchemists may yet turn out to be of even greater value than any of us ever imagined& both in substance and potency. What is lacked at present is for science to take a more tolerant attitude towards alchemy and to conduct impartial scientific investigation. uch investigation has been and is still lacking as concerns alchemy and its purported manifestations. $HAT *S THE '*RE STO"E6 @r. !. +erckring& "uoted above also says) *As far as the heaven is from the earth& so far is the true Philosophers tone from this #ire tone. I confess that though I have found the #ire tone& I have yet much to learn concerning the more potent tincture.* o much for one who claimed to have possessed it. $ow& what does -asil =alentine say what it is2 *-ut the #ire tone is not an universal !incture& like the Philosophers tone& which is prepared from the essence of ,old. 0ur #ire tone tinges silver into gold& and also perfects tin and lead& but does not transmute iron or copper& nor does it impart to them more than can be obtained by them from separation. 0ne part of this tincture has no power to transmute more than five parts of any imperfect metal. !he great Philosophers tone& on the other hand& has infinite power of transmutation. ;et the precious metal produced by the #ire tone is pure and solid gold.* !he reader may begin to wonder& what difference there is if one substance can change baser metals into precious ones& as well as another. It shows how wonderful $ature provides the Alchemists with its various potentials& that begin to unfold as one delves into her secrets& but will to the uninitiated forever remain as *1ysteries.*

Basilius &alentinus About the 'ire Stone

=%ot the )hilosophers +tone>
*When you have reached this point& my friend& you have the 1edicine of men and of metals7 it is pleasant& sweet& and penetrating& and may be used without any risk. Without being a purgative& it e'pels all impure and morbid matter from the body. It will restore to you health& and relive you of want in this life7 nor can you ever discharge to ,od your obligation of gratitude for it. I fear that as a monk and religious man I have transcended the proper bounds of reticence and secrecy& and spoken out too freely. At any rate& I have told you enough7 and if after all that9 has been said you do not discover the secret& it will not be my fault.

*I have spoken as lucidly and openly& nay& I fear& more openly& than the rules of our brotherhood permit.*

Pyrarmid Re%lica;
When we promised to bring to the reader%s attention the peculiar fact that flesh 4meat5 can be kept from putrefaction by placing it under a pyramid built according to given measurements of cardboard or some similar material& we were unaware of a publication which has now come to our attention& e'plaining this particular sub.ect. At present we are not so much concerned with the physical manifestation thereof& as with the underlying cause of such manifestations. ince the phenomena of the preservation of meat and other ob.ects placed at the center of such a pyramidal structure is known& we call your attention to the causation of such manifestation. What is it then that dehydrates flesh and prevents its putrefaction when in such a structure. #or those not familiar with the replica of such a pyramid the dimensions are given here. It is of importance that the dimensions are closely followed.

In centimeters it would be) height CG cm& base AL.GK& sides AA.FC In inches it would be height) G HPD inches& base O CPF& sides D HPD :ardboard will serve our purpose. !he scale seems to work best when the original dimensions of the pyramid are taken as C)CBBB. !he finished structure must be placed e'actly with each side to one of the four cardinal points& i.e.& north& east& south& or west. !he ob.ect to be tested must be elevated and placed e'actly under the ape' of the pyramid. #ace east when testing. It is said& and your tests will have to substantiate this& that a medication placed in the pyramid will have a AGI increase in potency. Water can be charged in like manner. When the pyramid is placed upon the head of a person seated north9south the pendulum will not move. 0ther e'periments will bring e"ually startling results. What causes this strange behavior2 !he answer is *rays.* *Rays* both visible and invisible influence all life upon earth. <ust as a magnifying glass can concenter the sun%s rays and generate heat& so can invisible rays with the help of a geometrical& properly scaled instrument condense energy& be concentered. When seemingly mysterious circumstances surround such phenomena& at present une'plainable by the laws of physics& etc.& it only shows that something superior 4meta5 to the present laws of physics must be considered& i.e.& metaphysics. Were one to include here also some available "abalistic knowledge and apply such understanding anyone can easily conceive what additional surprising manifestations can be brought about. hould one be able to construct such a replica in thin slabs of sandstone& granite& or limestone and .oin them as close as humanly possible with a mortar made of limestone& the results should be even more revealing.

0ne word of caution. Winkelmann& 8uner and others had some psycic e'periences that were anything but pleasant when conducting some tests. Warning is therefore given to the reader who rashly enters into such e'periments. !here is as much danger connected with serious e'periments& as will be found when one conducts some chemical& electrical or other physical e'periments without taking precautionary measures to safeguard one%s health. !his applies to both physical and mental health. hould someone conduct such e'periments by placing substances to be tested under the ape' of the pyramid or test its radiations in other ways the P.R. . would appreciate receiving reports indicating in detail any observed phenomena& for further evaluation in its research program.

About the (a#net And *ts Healin# Po er

!he strange power to be found in a magnet has aroused the curiosity of many people from remote times up to the present. imple e'periments conducted by teachers in school demonstrate the underlying law of attraction and repulsion. Anyone can see it work but why the magnet acts in the way it does is still a mystery. #irst& why does the magnetic pole differ from the geographic pole2 !he magnetic $orth pole is positive and the magnetic outh pole negative. -y contrast neither geographic pole shows such magnetic attraction. !he geographic pole is man9oriented while the magnetic poles make a complete revolution in appro'imately A&GOB&BBB years& during which time the polarities become reversed or how long such rotation has gone on and will continue to go on is not known. -ut there is something about the magnetic power that we do know. A plain horseshoe or bar magnet will attract iron. !his is in itself rather peculiar. 0ne would ask) *Why iron2* It appears that the magnetic force of the earth centers around iron. -ut what about the magnetic force of the moon2 /ere we find the magnetic power attracts water. 0ne may assume& as the ancients observed& that the planetary forces have a relationship to the various metals and their inherent "ualities making it possible by their individual polarities to attract to themselves those of opposing polarity and thus produce amalgams& i.e. copper and zinc give brass& and copper and tin make bronze& etc. ince we use metals as conductors beginning with gold as the best and then going down the line finding some that are e'tremely poor conductors while other refuse entirely to act as such. !he ancient also related planetary polarities to some of the physical limbs and vital organs of man. And since male and female are considered positive and negative respectively& yet does each possess both polarities. !he right half of the human body is considered positive and the left negative. hould any ailments or disorders show within the human system it would indicate a weakening of the ability of the respective polarity to attract the opposite polarity and thus to create a harmonious field of attraction. !his would clearly reveal magnetism at work. $ot only does it reveal the magnetic attraction and repulsion like the removing or repelling of e'traneous matter in the body of both the healthy and sick& but that the underlying cause of both attraction and repulsion is brought about by spirit. ince spirit is life and resides in matter to which soul 4consciousness5 is added we have the triune perfection of creation. !he moment this harmony is disturbed we have what in anskrit is called *!ridosha&* which means one or all three of the vital essentials are at fault. It& therefore& re"uires the conscious 4soul5 energy to act and it chooses the magnetic polarity found upon earth attracted to iron in combination with other planetary polarities to re9establish any harmony or magnetic e"uality. 0ur sense of balance is a typical e'ample. !he fluid found in both ears when une"ually divided causes the e"uilibrium to be disturbed. !he fluid in the ears would indicate that such an organ comes& as does the water in the oceans& under the magnetic force of the moon. omnambulists show an e'traordinary sense of e"uilibrium 4balance5. It is no wonder that the magnet has been used to restore the e"uilibrium in the human system imbedded in an enormous amount of fluid& or the four humours of the ancients& of which our blood is the most prominent with lymph fluids& bile& etc& comprising the bulk. :onsidering that iron plays an important part in our blood we may assume that it acts as an internal magnetic substance 4iron particles5 diffused throughout the body acting as an internal magnet attracting or repelling e'ternal magnetic influences coming from planet and moon forces to the magnet of earthy origin 4the human body5. It may be suggested that the force of attraction or repulsion of magnetic iron particles in the blood would be e'tremely weak compared to the ordinary horseshoe magnet used by children. !his is not necessarily so. Admittedly such a child%s magnet may consist of LBB gaus& yet the earth%s magnetism is only CPA gaus. ince men are sub.ect to continuous magnetic attractions and repulsions this force would have to be of a subtle nature considering the average life span of man. /owever& when a distortion has occurred e'tra strength may be re"uired to set aright what has become out of balance. !he magnet may thus be used as a conductor for the opposite polarity inducing a cohesion of particles.

!he writer witnessed some magnetic manipulations while in India& that were interesting enough to warrant further evaluation. !he :hinese system of Acapuncture is another way whereby gold and silver needles are used as conductors and in some instances have been replaced with steelneedles. It is obvious that here too magnetism plays a part. Were one to add& what is known as animal magnetism& not to be confused as found with wild or domesticated animals only& but mainly inherent in men& we have further proof that magnetisim can be stored within men and used as either attraction or repulsion. If such is the case what about the healing properties of the magnet. /ere one must be very careful as a very thorough diagnosis of the various ailments under "uestion is first necessary. 0ne should not .ump to the conclusion that a magnet may be applied *any old way* as long as it is a magnet. When a positive phase is needed to bring about an e"uilibrium then a negative polarity applied will not work. /ow one can know which polarity to apply and why could be ascertained through trial and error. If relief from the imbalance of the body after treatment is the result we know we have been correct in our treatment. A contrary result speaks for itself. /owever& it is wiser to get literature on magnet healing and check the results listed therein before e'perimenting. About five hundred years ago -asilius =alentinus& the famed alchemist& says at the end of his book *!riumphant :hariot of Antimony&* *I return to my monastery where I mean to devote myself to further study& and& if possible& to elucidate the secrets of vitriol& common sulphur& and the magnet& their origin& preparation and virtues.* =itriol and sulphur& their preparation and virtues have received considerable attention in therapeutics& but the magnet and its virtues are .ust about to become known as being more useful in treating e'ternal and internal illness and disease. In a future issue of the -ulletin we shall give some reliable evidences of how magnetic results in therapeutics have opened up entirely new concepts for treating ailing manlrind. uch findings are at present being tested and further evaluated. !he results should prove very enlightening.

:Si#nals: from Outer S%ace

(erie *signals* from outer space reported recently by -ritish and 3. . scientists are probably a natural phenomenon of some kind& a radio astronomer believes. !he strange signals& which occur at precisely regular intervals from an origin beyond the earth& are being investigated as possible attempts by another civilization to contact the earth. American scientists at the Arecibo Radio 0bservatory in Puerto Rico are helping -ritish scientists pinpoint their sources. @r. Arno A. Penzias& a radio astronomer who works at the :rawford /ill facility near /olmdel& $ew <ersey& said his feeling about the *signals* is that they are *dead stars collapsingstars that have e'hausted all their hydrogen.* /e described the discovery as *a reasonably e'citing astronomical event& but it doesn%t call for anything but a physical e'planation.* Penzias e'pects scientists to discover many more than the nine sources signals already pinpointed. /e discounted the theory by some that the signals& called pulsars& might be navigational beacons or some part of a communication network in another civilization. *If they wanted to navigate&* said Penzias& *they wouldn%t use those low fre"uencies 4FB to ABB megacycles5. If you were a superduper civilization& you could do much better than that.* !he scientist& however& doesn%t rule out the possibility of other civilizations e'isting in the universe nor the probability that radio astronomers would be the first earthdwellers to make contact with such civilizations.

1issing) OG Per :ent of the 3niverse cientists doing research on radio wave behavior in outer space are taking part in a search for OG per cent of the universe that may be *missing.* It is part of a widespread scientific effort to patch a hole in the socalled *big bang* theory. Peering into the very origins of our universe& as suggested by the theory that it resulted from a gigantic e'plosion some CA billion years ago& the scientists are reviving an early interest in the fastgrowing science of radio astronomythe study of celestial bodies by the radio waves they give off. +arl ,. <ansky& is credited with being the *father of radio astronomy.* /e discovered radio waves coming from outer space in COLC& while investigating static noise hindering radiotelephone communications. ince then& the new science has spawned construction of at least GB radio telescopesactually special radio receivers with uni"ue antennasand now engages an estimated AGB scientists in its study. -y providing a valuable new *window on the sky&* the techni"ue has vastly e'panded the scope of modern astronomy& heretofore dependent solely on the optical telescope. @r. Amo A. Penzias in COKC became the first professional radio astronomer to do research on microwave radio antennas. /e was .oined soon by another radio astronomer& @r Robert W. Wilson& and the two began work with a sensitive& KOfootlong hornreflector antenna originally designed for communicating with the (cho and !elstar satellites. haped like a giant sugar scoop& the unusual antenna built to talk to these pioneering communications satellites is located atop :rawford /ill& at /olmdel& $ew <ersey. /olmdel was also the site of <ansky%s first crude antenna that in COLC picked up a mysterious *hissing sound* from outer space amidst the static noise. !he hissing turned out to be radio waves from stars and led to discovery by other scientists of many stellar bodies never before observed with ordinary telescopes.

0ne of the interesting research pro.ects Penzias and Wilson have been pursuing is an attempt to help prove the *big bang* theory of how our universe was created. !he theory holds that our solar system and all the other gala'ies resulted from a gigantic e'plosion that scattered planet and star matter all through space some CA billion years ago. !he theory was sparked by discovery that *everything is moving away from everything else* in the universe& as Penzias e'plains it. /e and helped bolster the theory two years ago when they detected radio waves apparently given off by the e'plosion long ago. Along with the *big bang* theory goes another more recent hypothesis that once the momentum of the original e'plosion has dissipated& the various gala'ies will be drawn back together again& following the law of gravity. !his pulsating& or oscillating& universefirst e'panding from the e'plosion& then contracting again under the pull of gravity until the gala'ies fall back together and e'plode all over againwould continue indefinitely -ut there is one drawback to this new supposition. *It turns out that right now there isn%t enough mass discovered in the universe to bring it all back together again&* said Penzias. !he law of gravity& he e'plained& re"uires a certain mass to hold any ob.ect propelled through space within the gravitational pull of its source. *As much as OG per cent of the mass of the universe may still be hidden from us&* said Penzias. *What we are looking for doesn%t have to be stars or undiscovered gala'ies. We believe it may be atomic hydrogen& which also makes up HG per cent of the mass of stars.* !his invisible gas& the simplest of elements& can be detected on one of the wave lengths 4AC centimeters5 at which the :rawford /ill radio telescope is most sensitive. pecially designed e"uipment has been installed to make a careful search for atomic hydrogen& which may comprise the *missing* OG per cent mass of the universe& amidst the gala'ies. o far the search has proved fruitless& leaving unsolved some tantalizing "uestions about the originsand futureof the universe. It is most interesting to follow up on the thought pattern of an accredited scientist. When the following is appended it may shed even more light on the sub.ect. !he metaphysician says that) /ydrogen& a gas& invisible& yet measurable could compare to the alchemist%s e'planation of a substance that can be li"uified and *does not wet the hands.* !his Alkahest& as the Arabs called it& is supposedly the primal substance out of which atomic matter evolved. Antimatter& nonatomic particles by contrast& is the invisible substance or energy which when released& on colliding with atomic particles causes a seeming disintegration or annihilation& which is but another way of saying that matter& as presently known& evolves further into a state unknown to contemporary standards but anciently described as *spirit&* indicating the very life force inherent in all matter& manifesting under various names as cohesion& gravitation& kinetics etc. 1atter as tangible substances re"uires an intangible contrary 4energy5 which can only manifest when opposed by a resistor thereby creating a field of force increasing movement by repulsion& as the recession of matter 4the theory of an e'panding universe5 would indicate. !he elusive macrocosm may yet reveal what it harbors within its own microworld as identical when used relatively of its own e'tension into macroscopic measurements& which would e'plain the ancient a'iom *As above& so below.*

1ention the word *antimony* and most people will ask) *What%s that2* When it is e'plained to them the answer will be something like) *0h6 I never knew that.* And that concludes the matter in most cases. $ot to the alchemist. What the magazine *-usiness Week* has to say concerning Antimony in this year%s 1ay A& COHB issue is noteworthy. In a condensed version it says) *Antimony holdout has buyers in a bind. #rom lead acid batteries to dyestuffs and vinyl plastics& from paints and electric cables to toothpaste tubes& prices continued to move up this week. And the cause was a single problem) a shortage of the element antimony99which rhymes with alimony and whose cost can be almost as crippling. *Antimony occurs in nature in both a free state and in various igneous rocks. It has been known since the early CKBBs as a metallic element of unusual and desirable properties) hardness& strength& resistance to o'idation at room temperatures. -ut its chief source is stibnite& an ore found e'tensively in mainland :hina. *:hina for its own reasons& has been refusing to sell antimony on the world market. And the results have been catastrophic. In .ust a year%s time& the price of antimony in the 3. . has "uadrupled99from FF cents per pound in COKD to TC.HD today. And in (urope& the situation is even worse. Prices this week were running close to TA.BB per pound& with consumer scouring the world for new supplies. *@omestic production from primary ore was only L&GBB tons. Another CK&OBB tons was imported& chiefly from 1e'ico& outh Africa& -olivia& and (urope. $o imports were of :hinese origin. *!he problem now is that in foreign markets 3. . purchasers must compete with buyers who no longer can get antimony from :hina. And available ore is going where the price is highest. *!he impact on some 3. . companies has been staggering.* We raised our prices on vinyl compounds effective 1arch C& based on an antimony o'ide price of TC.BHG per pound&* says !enneco Plastics @iv. =ice9President R. W. +ulick. *-ut by April C& we found we could not buy antimony o'ide for less than TA.GO per db.& with no deliveries scheduled before 1ay C. *%0ur prices&* says +ulick& *will henceforth go up or down with the cost of the o'ide.* *1 Q ! :hemicals& Inc.& a producer of antimony o'ide& has announced that it will sell its product only on a month9to9month spot basis until the ore crisis is over. And the <. !. -aker :hemical :o.& which also sells antimony o'ide& recently boosted the price of its product from TA.DG to TK.DG per lb. *Antimony o'ides go into the production of tartar emetic 4a medicinal5. As .ust one e'ample of how the price rises are now fanning out) before the antimony shortage tartar emetic sold in the 3. . for KG cents a lb.7 today the price is TL.CG a lb. and still going up.* !o the alchemical student this will reveal something that may have no meaning whatsoever to those not informed about the virtues of antimony. It is the law of e"uilibrium that brings the material aspects of antimony& value wise& to the level of its spiritual manifestation& as its medicinal value becomes more and more e'pounded& presently almost e'clusively through the research of the Paracelsus Research ociety& for the benefit of mankind at large.

About -he ,itrio Antimonii and $ts -incture

*1r. -orel told me that he prepared the tincture antimonii 4by using distilled wine vinegar over the vitrio antimonii5 and observed that the salt which remains behind& that needed to be sweetened after the vinegar was driven off 4as -asilius taught5 he never could find out why& when the wine vinegar was driven off& it did not sweeten the salt& but remained a dry powder and salty as before with the brown9gray color. -ut one thing he did note especially7 when he had the water evaporated four to five times& the tincture became red and the salt from the distilled vinegar dissolved in the water& which he poured off& after which he dried the powder which became very red and perfectly sweet. -ut when the salt was removed from the red powder the spiritus vini did not e'tract the tincture. 1aybe spiritus tartarus will do it.* It seems that alchemists of the CKth and CHth centuries had the same difficulties that are encountered by alchemists today. !he resulting disap pointment of not getting a tincture out of the glass of antimony has confronted contemporary alchemists in the same way. /owever& the +ergring 1enstruum will e'tract the tincture of properly prepared glass of antimony& this we know. Apparently the writer of the above was not aware of this& though @r. +erkringius of /olland was his contemporary. /ad he studied the works of Paracelsus more thoroughly he would have found the statement) *take acetum distilled from wine and sal ammoniac fi'ed in it. It will e'tract the "uintessence& and is a secret.* !hen the (nglish +night continues) */e also told me& that when he prepared glass of antimony for this work so it would prove successful& that after it was with gentle fire and by constant stirring so prepared that it gave off no more smoke and then made glass from it in the crucible& he did throw in a small piece of coal. It will ignite the sulphur in the coal and drop with a little regulus to the bottom and will make the glass pure& clear and red. -ut when no coal is added it will be black and impure. What makes this work so uncertain is that sometimes pieces of coal fall in the crucible when the fire is stirred about to give greater heat& without the artist knowing it& and the work is then successful& but when no charcoal falls in the glass it is not as good as it should be.* !hen he states further) *1r. le #evre told me when he prepared the tincture of antimony from the glass he noted the same thing as 1r. -orel did& that when the powder is deprived of the vinegar and then e'tracted with spirits of wine it did not yield the tincture. When he poured water over it two or three times and evaporated the water he leaves it at the end moist and then pours over it spirit of wine& when the spirit will become impregnated with the tincture.* It should be noted here& that in the above 1r. le #evre did not dry the red powder completely before pouring the spirit of wine over it but left it moist. Another formula is described as follows) *!ake salt of tartar and "uicklime. -oil together and make a strong lye. #ilter. !ake three ounces of "uicksilver and pour lye over it to the height of four inches above the "uicksilver. @igest for four days and then pour off. Add fresh lyewater and digest. :ontinue until all tincture from the "uicksilver has been e'tracted and the powder becomes subtle. 1i' this powder with as much sublimated sal.ammoniac. Add again as much oil of tartar and mi' thoroughly. Place for LB days into dung to putrefy. !hen place the matter in a mortar made of marble& grind and add a little warm water. Add a little more water but hotter than before. ,rind. 8et settle and pour water off and pour wine vinegar on it instead. ,rind again and you will see in a short while the powder will be changed into running mercury again. $ote) When you sublimate regulus of antimony with F parts of sal ammoniac& you can get mercury out of it the same way.* At first glance it may appear that the whole process involved was to make the "uicksilver into a powder only to recover it again as "uicksilver. !his is not so. It should be noted that he said that the "uicksilver will impart its tincture to the lyewater. !o recover the tincture from the lyewater re"uires careful separation and distillation& so it will deliver up the essential part of the "uicksilver& namely its pure tincture wherein the oil of mercury can be found.

!he translations prove again that no matter at what time alchemical e'periments are made similar conditions are encountered such as have frustrated alchemists in the past& as they will at present and in the future.

$hy Antimony6
0f all the minerals and metals Antimony has the strangest attraction for alchemists. !his is strange& indeed. Why should a poisonous substance such as Antimony have an e'alted place when gold& silver& and other metals are so much more precious2 -ut what makes a substance precious2 If precious means the high value attached to corporeal substances whose value remains& or may even increase due to its rarity& then likewise there will have to be something of a precious nature which is the opposite of tangible worth. Antimony in its mineral99metallic nature is not precious as is gold& silver& or other rare substances. In fact by such comparison it is relatively cheap. Wherein then is the value of Antimony to be found if not in its corporeal state2 !he value is found in its essence. !his idea will startle most readers& because Antimony is considered very poisonous& comparable to arsenic& etc. What is this essence of Antimony2 peaking of an essence in general terms brings to mind those found in the plant world. 1ost everyone is ac"uainted with such essences as peppermint& wintergreen& etc. 0n the other hand we "uestion whether anyone is ac"uainted with the essence of gold& lead& antimony& or other metals. #or instance consider lead99the poisonous character of the lead salts are only too obvious. -ut the lead salt is not the essence of lead as much as a mineral salt obtained from plants represents an essence thereof. !he essence of a mineral is of a fluidic nature in consistency comparable to herbal essences. hould one be able to e'tract from a mineral or metal its inherent essence in the form of a tincture of an oily consistency with whatever e'traction media is re"uired for its 1enstruum& we could then speak of such an e'tract as being in the form of a tincture. !he cientist "uestions this process as no te'tbook of pharmacy will tell how to e'tract a purely mineral or metallic essence from such a substance. If& then& no such formulas are to be found in such authorized te'ts as the Pharmacopea and 1ateria 1edica& wherein only the salts or mineral contents of such material are listed& where can such information be had2 !his inavailability of any reliable information about the e'traction of such essences has been a source of contention. Is such information available or not2 !he answer is yes. If it is not found in the standard works accepted presently in pharmacy and medicine then it will have to be found outside of such works. !his information is to be found in the writings of Alchemists& both old and new. It matters not that their writings have been scorned and ridiculed because of their seemingly weird interpretation& so archaic in our times9yet it is there and there only that the answer is tobe found. $ow& as to Antimony& when its poisonous mineral contents are freed from the essence found therein& as inversely the essence freed from its poisonous corporeal substance& it represents a non9poisonous e'tract free from all harmful substances. uch are the Alchemists who have found no way yet to fully describe the virtues of an antimonal essence. 0ne of the greatest researchers on Antimony& -asilius =alentinus& a 1onk& who lived about GBB years ago in ,ermany& wrote abook about Antimony> in which he says that one man%s life is not long enough to fathom all the marvels and virtues to be found in Antimony. /e concentrated his research on the pharmacological and medicinal aspects of Antimony. <udging by his testimony& which he had personally validated by the application of antimonial medications to his fellow 1onks and others who came to his dispensary in the -enedictine 1onastery wherein he resided& he makes a statement that he cured among many other diseases 8eprosy 4/anslen%s @isease5 and :ancer. Immediately the reader will respond by saying) *why can%t this healing be accomplished today if it was done five hundred years ago2* Present day scientists do not accept such writing. !hey are declared outmoded& long since surpassed by newer medications and other more acceptable means of healing. /ere a great mistake has been made. !o blindly close the eyes to statements because they are not contemporary& deprives one of the perspective of the past which made our present progress possible. -ecause some and perhaps most of what was applied in the past has now lost its usefulness& does not mean that all of this knowledge is passe. !here are fundamentals that will hardly change in essence. uch fundamentals undergo

an outer change brought about by changed conditions environmental or technical& but in essence will remain the same. !he most important of all research pro.ects going on at the P.R. . is to find the virtues of Antimony as given by former Alchemists. ,reat strides have been made in this direction& thanks to more modern e"upiment and to other sophisticated means not formerly available. #or several decades research has been continuing in an attempt to fathom more of the marvels and virtues of Antimony. !his work has been full of surprises to researchers here at the P.R. .& and much more information is e'pected to be gleaned in the future. It is to be regretted that no outside funds have been available to do such research on a much greater scale for the benefit of mankind. !he reason may be found partially in the reluctance or outright refusal of much of the knowledgeable world to have anything to do with such a thing as *Alchemy.* !he word alone seems to be a stumbling block for many. -ut& then again& why use a word as an e'cuse .ust because it is archaic and not presently in use on the same scientific level as other words2 -ased upon present results due to research in Antimony the P.R. . feels absolutely confident that much more can and should be done to further such research. We re"uire competent and conscious assistance here in the P.R. . 8aboratories. We need individuals who can see an ideal in their devotion to a cause from which mankind as a whole will benefit. We urgently need more help to bring such research to fruition. uch help according to the law of polarity re"uires both willing minds and hands& and the necessary resources. 1uch money is being spent all over the world on combating :ancer alone. A fraction of these sums could prove to be a turning point in this research. -ut& it will have to come from those whose ideals are based upon the desire to relieve suffering mankind& not only for the reward or enrichrnent of those who contribute financially to such an undertaking. Research at the P)R. . is accomplished on a voluntary basis. $o researcher receives remuneration for the work rendered due to a lack of funds. !his research has ben going on for over a decade at the P.R. . Individuals and corporations& who administer funds and give grants for research of this type& will have to show similar idealism. We stress Antimony Research above all other laboratory research here as the P.R. . because we are convinced that we are on the right track& .udging by) the results that are presently obtained in a pharmacological way. !hese results point in the right direction indicating medicinal values and virtues& which are now undergoing tests. till& the research on Antimony goes on& but we need additional help everywhere in order to develop medication soon. 0ur research has now been taken out of the realm of speculation. It is based on concrete facts proven by preparation and production methods. !herefore& it is but reasonable to e'pect a more general acceptance of such research as sufficient "uantites are now becoming available& and will allow further medical evaluation to be carried out by competent and authorized private and ,overnmental Institutions. We have not heard the last word about Antimony and do not e'pect to do so for a long time to come) #rom information available at the present time it appears that it is the P.R .& which is conducting the most ambitious program in Antimonial Research& stressing its pharmacological medicinal curative properties& which are strictly of a non9poisonous character& producing no side or after effects of a detrimental nature. !his lack of detrimental or "uestionable side effects is the main reason why we emphasize our research on Antimony. *-he -riumphal Chariot of Antimony1 by Basilius ,alentinus. nglish version by A. . Baite1 reprinted by +tuart Batkins1 .ondon1 ngland1 2537.

Alchemical Antimony Preparations Investigated 0n A :ontemporary cientific -asis

Prof. @r. 0tto Neckert& =ienna& Austria& e'tended an invitation to the Paracelsus Research ociety to deliver a paper at the CGth international convention of the International Paracelsus ociety.> #rater A. . accepted the invitation and delivered a paper& in the ,erman language& at the convention& held 0ctober A and L& COKG& at the 3niversity of alzburg& Austria. !he lecture presented by #rater A. . received considerable comment since it dealt with the open acknowledgment of successful laboratory results& as advocated by Paracelsus& and which are still hotly contended by the scientific world. !he following is a translation of the paper read by #rater A. . *!he Paracelsus Research ociety has succeeded& through contemporary tests& to procure antimony preparations comparable to those prepared by the early alchemists who claimed to have obtained important medicinal results with them. *Antimony& arsenic& and similar minerals& because of their poisonous "ualities& have been a deterrent to many researchers to go beyond established e'periments. !his was also the reason for many of the medicinal mishaps& because antimony was used in a crude and not purified condition. Practical tests in the laboratory have furthermore shown that despite calcination and similar manipulations& the poisonous "ualities remained in the mineral. Results had proven that no medical preparations free from poison could be produced from the corpus antimonii. !herefore& the healing essence is not to be found in its crystalline structure but in the essential potency contained therein. !hese tests likewise did not produce any satisfactory results because antimony could not be opened up e'cept by using acids or alkalies. $ever theless& the alchemists spoke of a fluidic substance to be obtained from the antimony and called it an oil. !his oil they understood to be their sulphur. !he procedure how to obtain this oil has been given in a veiled way& in a symbolic language. peculations derived therefrom led further away from the originally intended procedure. It was emphasized that the mode of procurement was relatively simple& contradicting contemporary attempts. !he thesis of Paracelsus that the medicinal values are not to be looked for in the corporate substance as such& but in the inherent potency& is therefore to be considered as the point of departure for all alchemical9medicinal investigations in this vast field of research. *Also& it should be taken into consideration that alchemical symbolism deserves a revision. upposed substances such as sulphur& salt& and mercury are to be understood analogically and should not be taken in their ontological sense. In the revision mentioned here& terms referring to antimonial substances& such as salt represents the corporal mineral and sulphur the inherent healing potential. Euicksilver is to be understood as a volatile& "uickly evaporating third appearance. !hese three main constituents& out of which all matter consists& would have to be the first to be considered& according to the alchemists. uch tests can only commence after the essential substance known as sulphur can be freed. We have been successful to free this oily substance from crude antimony. !he laying bare took place according to the prescribed and still disputed way of the old alchemists. !he result was obtained without corrosive waters or alkalies. !he final result was an oily manifestation which had all the characteristics of an oil. It swims on the surface of water and sinks to the bottom in pure alcohol. We have therewith reestablished the fact that the inherent oily substance& called sulphur& can be freed and that it appears in the typical oily consistency mentioned. #urther proof& found in this oil& is that none of the former poisonous mineral substances are retained therein. Individuals& including myself& who have e'amined it and partaken of this oil did so without harmful effects& whereas& percentage wise& an e"ual amount of the crude mineral salt would have had to be fatal. *!o obtain his oil& the ore or the metal of antimony may be used. -oth have to undergo calcination in order to remove the natural sulphur in the are as b and to change it into an o'ide. When the calcination or roasting process has progressed sufficiently& i.e.& when the dark gray metal has changed into a light colored powder& the process of producing the oil may begin. In order to obtain a higher degree of purity& the o'ide will have to be melted into a glass. A temperature of CBBB :. and higher will let the greater part of the still

attached poisons& such as arsenic and others& evaporate. !o obtain various colored glasses& the calcined antimony has been molten at temperatures of as high as CGBB :. When cooled and pulverized& the oil could inveriably be e'tracted. *Attempts to melt antimony trio'ide 4 bA0L5& in a crucible& with the addition of some bora' as flu'& produced a light yellow color in the antimony glass. /igher temperatures& without adding any foreign substances& will produce different colors. In this way& we have produced& besides the light yellow glass of antimony& amber& red& light green& moss green& black& and white glasses of antimony. It should be noted that& according to the alchemists& all colors are to be found in antimony& which was thus& at least partially& substantiated. 0ut of the various colored glasses of antimony the oil or alchemical sulphur is obtained. 8ikewise& it was possible to produce what Paracelsus and other alchemists called the green lion. !hey also called this their green gum. !ruly& as the word indicates& it is a sticky& gumlike substance7 a further .ustification in behalf of the ancient scientists. It was also possible to produce therefrom the red oil of antimony& in alchemical language called the dragon%s blood. #urther tests were made to obtain the fi'ed oil of antimony. According to the alchemists there was a difference between the fi'ed and the unfi'ed oils of antimony in their therapeutical applications. !his attempt was also successful. /owever& in this case& acetic acid of a vegetable origin was used as a fi'ing agent7 it was removed after several thorough washings& leaving the preparation free from acid to be used for further e'tractions of the essential oil. All this took place according to the formulas left us by the alchemists. *0ccasionally& hints were given concerning an acetous substance inherent in crude antimony that was not& by e'ternal means& inserted therein. !his acid& obtained from crude antimony& is supposed to possess special curative properties. We were successful to free this antimonial vinegar without the help of foreign acids or dissolving agents. *We have herewith established that several substances mentioned by the alchemists and supposedly to be found in antimony could actually be produced. #urther to be e'pected therapeutical potentials will have to await additional and thorough pharmaceutical and medicinal tests. *As previously mentioned& personally conducted tests& e'tending over a period of several years& have shown& up to this date& no poisonous effects7 ailments supposedly alleviated and cured by the alchemists have found a partial substantiation in better blood circulation& alleviated asthmatic and epileptic conditions during supervised observations. * hould further medical uses establish themselves& compared to the presently evolved techni"ue of procuring antimony preparations& it would constitute a new step forward. Its value would be recognized by the fact that from poisonous mineral and metallic substances nonpoisonous preparations can be produced whose partly determined and further to be investigated potencies have been used without causing any negative side or after effects. *-ased upon the above cited methods& it was further established that it is possible to e'tract from several other minerals and metals this oily essence or alchemical sulphur. It is to be e'pected that this procedure will bring to light other important facts in the pharmaceutical9medical research whose future uses can presently not be estimated or determined.*

*-he ).R.+. is not affiliated with this or any other organi?ation.

A Euestion What significance& if any& does the following permutation of the word A I$A!& given on Page GH of7 the !riumphal :hariot as the Arabic word for Antimony have. ;ou will notice that the word * in* appears a number of times as does the word *satan.* @oes this in any way relate to what has been said about @AA!/& possibly indicating that Antimony in some way aids in *crossing the abyss* by reconstructing or recreating @AAth.

II. Will you comment on the possibility that the deviation of anti9mony may be *against the one.* Answer) It is an interesting arrangement and shows that @AA!/ is contained within as atan if one will look at the third line reading also) $A!A I A!A$. @AA!/ is actually referring to 8ucifer& as the ancient counter polarity of) atan 9 Naph9ki9el as lucifer !e9uf9el& 4,erman) !eufel7 (nglish) @evil5. As to anti9mony&. against the one 4mony 9 monism5& not money& it could be construed as against the negative aturnan 4 atani5 influence& which is of a trying and testing nature. !herefore& antimony 4Asinat in :haldaen5 as a positive healing and reconstructing agent could be .ustified in such an& interpretation. As in all9 "aballistic variations such as ,ammatria etc.& one can come up with some most interesting versions.

LE!E (4LT4( SED "O" (4LTA -0$+ .A-$% +A&$%#) @0 much& but not a multitude7 is as appropriate today as it was anciently. (ndeavor to do one thing at a time as good as the ability permits and then only commence the ne't undertaking in a like manner. Rarely bring scattered energies aimlessly pushing in constantly shifting directions in its wake profitable results. !his is e"ually true in Alchemy. 1uch as an individual may desire to be in possession of the Philosophers tone& it will prove almost inevitably an impossible undertaking& when one turns repeatedly from one e'periment to another. ,oing progressively step by step& and above all& being determined to follow the instructions on hand until repeated results or failures either substantiate or refute its predestined outcomes& is absolutely essential. We cannot afford to guess& when ways and means are at our disposal to certify every step we undertake. Always have some notebooks handy and preferably make your notations with a permanent ink. Water and other solutions can easily make illegible valuable results and therefore become temporarily lost& resulting in grief about precious time that cannot be regained. @o not rely too much on your memory in the beginning. 1any a wonderful idea has been lost& because we entrusted it to memory instead of writing it down. 3sually when we need it most& it is not available& because we failed to put it on paper. $owhere& perhaps& is this of greater importance& than in alchemical investigations. trive to be accurate by recording seemingly unimportant details& such as changing colors or rising and diminishing9 odors. !hese meager hints should bring to the fore the importance of painstaking observations during our investigations. @o not become discouraged because the first half dozen or more attempts fail& even with simple demonstrations. In our work some elusive elements of an ethereal nature are to be dealt with& that can escape unnoticed to the uninitiated. /e may find himself at the end to have worked with a mortified substance devoid of its vital essence& which lack of knowledge brought about. In the first stage of structural molecular changes 4!ransmutation5 much time and labor can be lost& if the process is not wisely directed. -e not discouraged when results in the beginning are slow to come. Patience is our keyword and accomplished manifestations our reward. Remember) 8ege multum& sed non multa. ORA ET LABORE PRA; A$@ W0R+& 0 it says in 8atin. !ruly& Prayer and Work are the most reliable teachers. -y prayer and meditation our minds are opened and made receptive for the knowledge that has to be applied through work in order to manifest. Euietly and sensibly do we have to accomplish our tasks. It is for this reason that here attention is being called to the procurement of the oil of iron as outlined in the following pages. It should be remembered that the -ulletins bring material for both the novice and progressed student in Alchemy. When therefore the formula for the oil of iron is given& it is for those who are ready and e"uipped to do so. #urthermore& it should also be considered that there are some seeming discrepancies to the uninitiated. When it says& for instance& that the heat shall be CHGB deg. :. it will become apparent that this heat will kill the sperm in the metals. ince here only the oil 4sulphur5 is intended to be procured and no propagation is intended& the difference will be only too evident. In other words& an egg boiled has lost the sperm for further propagation& however& the nourishing value of the yolk and albumen are still available. o with the oil of iron. Please ponder about it you novices& so as not to become discouraged when these seeming

contradictions show up ever so often in your mind. !herefore& do not attempt to produce the oil of iron if you are not prepared and e"uipped to do so as outlined. Rather figure out some shortcuts 4and they are possible5 to simplify the process as described later on. $otify the ociety of your attempts& failures and success. Remember) 0ra et labore. S4((A S4((AR4( It would be well to place yourself in a mental position vis9a9vis from me and while rela'ing in comfort& carefully listen to what you should know about yourself. !o begin with& it will be no idle speculation when you are being told that you are an important individual. Perhaps not in sense of worldly esteem of wealth and great influence in your country& where everyone can read your name ever so often in the daily newspapers. $evertheless& you are an important person. ;ou are above average& because your way of thinking is different from the common person that walks the streets in a trance. !hey e'ist in a world of their own making and have not emerged into the world of reality. 0nly what actually happens around them is of their immediate concern. ;ou are different. ;ou& having awakened into the world of reality& here in this mundane sphere of e'istence& are about to get up and begin your real work among mankind. !o do this you must condition yourself for the task ahead of you. ince you are endowed with a free choice in your realm of e'istence& it is now e'pected of you to make wise use of your light that surrounds you& for the benefit of mankind. $o morea re you concerned with your own welfare first but with those entrusted to your care& knowing well that the @ivine law will take care of your needs& as long as you stay within its sphere of influence. ;ou are about to begin to live& whereas up to now you have only e'isted among the @ivine :reation unable to fulfill your destiny in its fullness. ;es& you have become& or are about to become& a very important personality in the :osmic scheme of manifestations. !he dawn is breaking for you now. #ace with confidence the rising light in the east. erve /umanity7 though small your contribution may seem& it will appear of monumental size to those who will follow you. Arise from the lower lanes of matter and soaring to heights of attainment become a blessing to those that will need you and are waiting for your distribution of the heavenly bliss that you may bestow eventually as :osmic ambassador among the searching souls now engulfed in darkness& while you begin to bath in @ivine 8ight& 8ife and 8ove. !his then& my beloved& is the summa summarum) ;036

+4O &AD*S
:an you answer this "uestion honestly2 Are you going in circles or are you changing directions constantly not knowing where you are even heading for2 -e honest with yourself6 tuffing yourself with all sorts of knowledge and information7 with bits gathered wherever available and crammed into your brain supplemented with figures that in the end will only remain figures and cannot be used to produce results for you as an individual& it only makes the mental burden heavier and heavier as time goes on. ;ou may know how far the earth is from the sun& moon and planets7 you may have the names of various scientific accomplishments in your head7 you may know of many and varigated ways and means employed by others used to reach their accomplishments and perhaps even end up a clever person. -hen what2 What good will it do you2 Will your smattering of knowledge about things make it possible to reach identical results2 Will it enable you to become a doctor& a scientist& lawyer& astronomer& geologist& pharmacist& or what have you. Will supplementary courses& or lessons give you the essential knowledge2 If not trained in the particular field you will still have to rely on others. !he doctor will have to help cure your ailment7 the scientist will have to solve your problems7 the mechanic remedy your troubles7 the pharmacist compound your prescription7 the mathematician calculate for you7 and the engineer develop the time9saving implements that make our present9day mechanized world tick.

We desperately need scientists& astronauts& doctors& lawyers& geologists& astronomers& etc. !hey have much work to do for the advancement of the human society. 8ikewise young people should be encouraged to study& to become educated and well informed in the field of their endeavor. All this is vitally necessary. -ut what about you) the carpenter& the housewife& the painter& the bricklayer& laundry worker& laborer& office worker etc. Is it denied to you to have knowledge about things that you like because you have no academic degrees2 Pause for a moment. 8ean back in your chair and !/I$+6 lowly& perhaps imperceptably like the dew that is descending from heaven& will you come to realize that every effort to learn more will leave an imprint on your mind because of your search for knowledge. !o the mystically inclined and the student of the occult this is very important. 1ystical and occult knowledge is in the end of greater impact than abstract scientific facts. /e& who masters the mystical9occult laws can accomplish what those only abstract9scientificaIly inclined cannot do. It is not in vain when they are called * ecret !eachings&* because they remain a secret to those who cannot comprehend them and are sacred to those who do. A beggar& with a bowl in his hands& though said to be of princely lineage& went through his country confounding the learned. /e came to be known as the -uddah. A carpenter& working hard and building with his& hands for a livelihood& left such a deep imprint on humanity that it engulfed the whole world and too confounded& then and now& the learned ones /e became known as the :hrist. !o a humble shoemaker in ,ermany came secretly the most learned theologicans and before royal courts was he invited to teach the profound :osmic secrets& /e became known as the !eutonic Illuminate of ,od& or <acob -oehme. 1yriad others& greet and small received understanding from this @ivine ource. !hat is the reason why you too can reach that state of illumination by mingling with those of like mind. Remember) !ransmutation always takes place on a higher plane. Alchemy9there is only one99manifesting in its various e'pressions& is the chosen path of those who regardless of their worldly or academic standing9 work toward the state of illumination that makes it possible to command matter and act as its master hereof. uch knowledge will make it possible to transmute baser tendencies into refined ones7 sick bodies into healthy ones7 morbid minds into illumined ones7 slaves into masters and masters into greater servants. 8ook up and beyond the present. ee where you are going. <oin hands with those who are willing to help and be of practical assistance to you so you can help yourself and be of service to others. When asked) *E30 =A@I 2&* then you can truthfully answer) *!oward the greater light with greater love for mankind& able to better serve with a healthier body and mind.*

It is only *for the time being.* /ave you noticed how some use that sentence2 In mysticism and occuluism& there is hardly anything accomplished with that thought in mind. If a thing is only for the time being& very little value is likely attached to it. Anything transitory is a makeshift& a temporary thought& or its action evolved out of it. !hat is all. 0ne can not study mysticism or occultism for the time being and then discard it hoping to have attained its end. In such a case& it will come back again and again until it becomes part of one%s life and will never be studied or applied .ust for the time being. In most cases& anything undertaken for the %time being is precluding its later continuation. Why& then& start something .ust for the time being2 !he only e'ception that could be looked upon as e'cusable would be if an undertaking is commenced because of the propitious time and the thought in mind at a given time to contemplate its further investigation and study or active accomplishment ... -ut what with those who start everything for the time being and never get around to catching up with what they started2 !heir troubles multiply because it becomes harder and more difficult to bring order into their mental and actual chaos. !he ne't time you want to do something .ust for the time being ask yourself if it

is worthwhile doing at all. If so& then do it. And do it well& but not .ust for the time being. !he time allotted to your present life is too valuable to s"uander in pursuits that have no aim or purpose. In this life& time goes on without pausing for anyone to catch up with his or her problems. !he more we integrate ourselves in the :osmic rhythm and its pulsations the better off we are& for it means advancement and progress in this life and thereby evolvement for the individual and the group to which it belongs.


A home is a sacred place. It is the birthplace of contentment or strife. (ither has its origin in the attitude of the individual. $othing much of permanent value is gained by one of the partners being too dominant over the other& when no valid reasons are at hand. hould one have a tendency to urge others of the family to follow its way of thinking only and deny others the priviledge of having their own opinions& then it is time to pause and think. !olerance is not .ust a word or phrase& but an attitude coupled with action. !olerance has to be practiced in order to e'ist. ome have written in and complained that they are meeting with obstacles when they want to live up to the precepts as given in the -ulletins. 1embers of the family ob.ect to their way of thinking and acting. !he reasons for this may be manifold. Perhaps one should look for the cause within one%s self. 3sually it is not hard to discover the cause. -ut the reluctance to admit it& will reveal itself in the e'cuses that are being thought of and then voiced. !his may not be the case all the time& but it has itself proven over and over again that he who shows consideration for others is apt to receive it in due time also. 0ne has to be persistent not only in the pursuance of ones own ob.ectives& but also being tolerant in deed. 1arried partners that have different opinions in their approach to the vital "uestions of life& now and hereafter& should remember that each is entitled to his way of thinking. /armony can only be established when disharmony disappears. 0nly one note has to be changed in a chord of three notes to create a harmony or discord. 0ne may link it to the three points on the triangle. !wo negative or two positive poles bring no perfect manifestation about. If you have discord in your home& because one or the other is a subscriber to the -ulletin and wants to follow the path as outlined therein& then it would be better to discontinue for the time being. !alk it over with your partner or members of your family. how your sincerity by actions and not only by words. -e kind& considerate& lovable& and above all truthful. !hen you can not fail to set an e'ample that will convince the others. Remember that you can convince no one. It is impossible. 0ne has to convince itself. -e a true Alchemist%s apprentice by learning how to transmute the baser and unwanted tendencies within you into refined and wanted attributes. 8earn to love your partner and members of the family and friends more than you have loved them up to now. 8earn for yourself that you must transmute your inner self into a philosopher%s stone first& before you can hold it tangibly in your hands. !hen you will radiate all that is good and wholesome to those around and near you. Rest assured& they can not help but notice it. !hen you have cleared the road before you and your travel may begin. Read the foregoing over again with your partner or the rest of the family and see& if they will not agree with you and the teachings that you want to follow. ;ou will e'perience then for yourself that the first step towards harmony in the home has been taken& by being tolerant and considerate towards others.

Hoc o%us< hic labore est

=-his is Bork1 -his is .abor> !oo many are inclined to think that as soon as they start on the esoteric path it takes only a simple formula or magic word to attain all the secrets they have set out to obtain. $othing could be more erroneous. !here is no such a thing. !here never will be one either. All the esoteric knowledge that one can attain will have to be worked for. It must be ac"uired. Any one e'pecting to have it dropped into his lap will be sorely disappointed. ince any attainment re"uires efforts on behalf of the one who is setting out towards manifestations it should again& once and for all& be made very dear and plain that only work and effort will produce results on the esoteric path. It became very evident during the study groups when it was observed where individuals really and sincerely attempted to master the teachings presented. !rue& for many it was much more to comprehend than they had anticipated to receive. ome of it was so entirely new& although it was as old as time itself& because the way it was presented revealed completely new possibilities& yet the definite results obtained in that incredibly short time gave rise to hopes of further and much more profound accomplishments. !his is the point to be stressed here. !he possibilities that open up for the sincere student are so enormous& that one has to become actively engaged in the work in order to come to a realization. !heory alone will not let it become apparent what can be had by active engagement in the work. In many instances individuals are supplied with books that crowd their shelves. ome of them contain enough light to blind a person. ;et& and this has been proven& those are asking for more light. Ridiculous as it sounds& they hope that one of those works will produce the word or magic formula that will make all this possible to attain where others have spent their entire life to get initiated into these very secrets.

(alus 4sus Est Abolendus

*A bad custom should be abolished.* A thing bad in one%s way of thinking is contrary to established precepts we acknowledge as good. If it has become customary to do good& a noble trait is developed and by doing contrary the negative aspect is emphasized. /abits that are of a negative and derogatory nature should be overcome not suppressed but overcome. <ust because a thing is customary in one%s environment does not preclude it to be of an enobling or even beneficial nature. As soon as we discover the uselessness of continuing to hold fast to customs for their own sake& because we find them established even before our own arrival on the scene& we become enslaved in its tradition and part of its manifestation. =arious such customs are surrounding us. We find them among our eating& sleeping and working habits. 8ikewise our ways of learning and the ac"uisition of new and different knowledge may not be fitting in the presently attained state of thinking& yet we may tenaciously cling to the traditional customs for sentimental or other reasons.If they prove uplifting and inspiring& by all means they should be perpetuated. -y the same token should they be abolished when they prove opposite to all what we may term enobling or uplifting At moments of introspection we will be confronted with many such facts that have even been overlooked because they were accepted as customary. !o appear contrary would make one seem odd or out of place. It is by far better to seem out of place than to be truly odd by adhering and following customs that are to us wholly outdated and useless. 0utworn and outdated customs are a hinderance to progress e'cept they are of historical value and are for that reason perpetuated.

Ad *nfinitum
*It is forever.* *I am going to swear this off forever.* What does it really mean& this *forever*2 Is there such a thing2 0r is it .ust a saying used as substitute for *As long as I am able to do so&* most likely. !he word forever is similar in meaning to endless& no end& eternity& etc. :an we foresee such an event& hardly2 0ur thinking is limited7 we may imagine it to be unlimited& but this very fact has placed its limitations upon it. We can only add our willingness to the attempts to perpetuate certain occurences or happenings from either reoccuring or to bring about a continuous manifestation. -efore we commit ourselves for all eternity we better pause% because our limited capacities certainly are restricting us for anything of such far9reaching conse"uences. 8et us attempt $0! to be hasty and to make certain& before we commit ourselves& so we will not have to recall or rescind or rectify the commitments& we entered into rashly& and which by then would have already started the process inaugurated. ;ou will recall that& at the beginning of the instruction periods& you were admonished not to e'pect any promises as to the 1etaphysical& :abalistical& or Alchemical work before you. 0nce such a promise is made& it would have to be kept. ince all individuals are different& it would also be an in.ustice to make such statement as any promise made would be differently accepted or understood according to the individual%s degree of intelligence. 1an9made time as a duration of ob.ective consciousness is limited and anything started or begun within its limits is bound to change and cannot be ad infinitum or forever.

A (*"OR* AD (A=4S
#rom the lesser to the greater. Where does it all lead to2 $o one will know it in its entirety. It depends on the individual%s efforts. (ach will have a different perspective of the plane before him. !he possibilities are so many and so varied that one could specialize in either of the many fields comprising (soteric Astrology& Eabala& Alchemy and :eremonial 1agic. -efore attempting such a move& however& it becomes imperative that the sub.ect matter under consideration is fully understood and all the others are mastered likewise. $o small order& indeed6 $o one claiming to be an alchemist can do so without having mastered the fundamentals of (soteric Astrology and the Eabala. $either could one understand the Eabala without being informed about (soteric Astrology. !hose who attended the first year study group realized this only too well when visibly observing the phenomena. !he drawing together of the various segments from former and present studies into a coherent whole has demonstrated the necessity of such a procedure. In many cases too much emphasis had been placed on theory and one9sided application. !o know what& when& and how to do something at a given time is of importance& not .ust believing it to be so. !rue esoteric teachings comprise common sense& practical& and applicable laws and not only hypothetical postulations. !hey can& should& and have to be proven and demonstrated in order to be of value. $ot only by others who claim to be able to do so& but by you& the individual. ;our time spent on previous studies has not been wasted& on the contrary& it is now helpful to let you come to a better and clearer understanding of what lies before you after you have attained to the higher from the lesser. -ut you must act and not .ust read. ;ou must e'periment to prove the laws and not .ust study them. ;ou must be able to produce at will the manifestations and not be contented wih what others know or believe that can be done. !hen only will esoteric teachings become of value& and you will advance from the lesser 4belief5 to the greater 4knowledge5. A minori ad ma.us.

8et us be .udged by our actions. !his is important. $ot only shall webe .udged by our words& but& most important& by our actions. !hey are the results of our words based upon our thoughts. What are our actions2 !hey are the manifestations of what we know or believe in. 1ostly of what we believe& because our knowledge is very limited. o& likewise& are our actions that are based upon knowledge. We believe too much and know too little. It is so much easier to take someone else%s word for it than to find out for ourselves if things really are as they have been presented to us by others. If we are .udged by our actions99 and we are99rightfully or wrongly& it behoofs us to be sure of ourselves first in whatever we commence to undertake.

!ake astrology for instance. !he mystic will have to become an Astrologer.-ut not in the commonly accepted sense. /e will not use his mundane horoscope blindly follow indications. /e will be a master of his actions as he creates them. /e will realize his standing in the universe and live accordingly& knowing that he will be eventually .udged& one way or another& relative to his actions. !his +arma99the result of and our actions. It is the fruit of our labor that is inherent in the seed which we plant. !he mortal eye cannot see the ripened fruit within the seed7 but the divinely enlightened eye will perceive it. (ach seed&as soon as it is acted upon will be .udged accordingly to the law under which it falls. And likewise we /umans will be .udged. If our motives are pure& honest& and godlike& so will our actions. !herefore& think and live clean and your actions will become likewise. ;es& spektemur agendo 4let us be .udged by our actions5 and triumph over fear) the negative seed inherent in ignorance.


*I would like to have&* ... or& *I want very badly* ... and then follows the e'pression of one%s desire completing the sentence. uch and similar phrases we hear only too often. What follows thereafter is usually a negation whereby is confirmed what has been e'pressed in the beginning namely99a dubious commencement. omething we would like to do or anything we want to do precludes some sort of limitation. *I would like to study but have no time for it a present&* or) *I want to read the -ulletin so badly but have no money to pay for the subscription. o& it will have to wait .ust a little while longer until I can afford it.* /ow different by contrast the change will become when we change all this for .ust one word which will take the place of all the speculative ones and replaces them with will. I will7 not) I want or I would like to& will then make all the difference. ,reat men and women set out to accomplish what they had the will to accomplish or to do it with. !heir minds were made up. !hey knew what they wanted. It may seem unimportant at a cursory e'amination and appears to be only a mincing of words. -ut there is more behind it than can be seen at a casual glance. When a law or a force is set into motion its causation will have to be followed by a manifestation. It is the will to do& to bring about& to set into motion whatever law may be involved that will bring the result. Wishing or wanting it will not set the cause into activity. It remains dormant and inactive unless it is activated. It is will& the connecting link between the thought and the activated thought that will bring about the action or visual manifestation on the material plane. Inverted it will produce identical results. !he mind likewise will have to be activated otherwise it will remain in its latent state and imperceptibly crawl on its evolutionary process by way of higher forces to which it is sub.ect. When higher #orces inaugurated some of these laws known to us it was because Ita volverunt& ita factum est& meaning) !hus they willed& thus it was done.

AB *"*T*O
!o attain one%s goal& of whatever nature& one is apt to go out of the way to reach it. 1ost have a high aim for which& they glamour that it is not surprising at all to find e"ually as many unable to attain it. !he reason will be found mostly in the very first attempt because it is out of proportion of the capabilities one possesses. !oo many aim too high. !here is nothing wrong with having high and lofty aims provided they are within the realm of our capacity to reach them. !he time factor alone is not sufficient to determine if we shall achieve it) Rather it is the determination to start from the beginning by being properly prepared and attuned to the "uest. It is here where most lay the groundwork for their failure. (ssential preparations based on simple laws are mostly overlooked or considered unimportant when compared with the final result to be obtained. !he final manifestations of the con"uered mountain top is all that will be imagined and the path to be trotted is ignored. When commenced and aftera while a tired feeling overcomes the wayfarer it then appears to be such a long .ourney for which we are ill9e"uiped. We easily tire and succumb to the fatigue we apparaently can not chake off. We finally realize that it was not the asim we had in mind that was so far away but our insufficient preparation for the .ourney ahead. /ad we tarried .ust a little while longer and plotted our course more accurately and made provisions for the une'pected which we will always encounter on life%s pathway we would have had more courage to spare when we needed it most. !here would have been a reservoir to draw from when all those around us on whom we depended failed us. !oo late did we find out that we have to accomplish our ob.ectives alone. #or it is the individual who hitched his

wagon to a star and will now have to guide it. If the tempo becomes too fast for us we will lose control over it and have to abandon the cherished hopes. #ulfillment of our fondest hopes and wishes& our dreams and aspirations will be denied us because of our shortsightedness to be properly prepared. 1any an alchemistical aspirant saw his dreams fade away. !hey could not realize them and see their practical fulfillment. !hey reached too high from the very beginning. !hey aspired to things which they were not capable of handling. /ad they even reached them& because of dogged determination& even then it is no guarantee that they would be in a position to recognize the true value because only the attainment was their goal but not the purpose behind it. Without a purpose an aim is a hollow thing. It is like trying to hit a target only to have the satisfaction to have hit it. 0ne would rarely call such a satisfaction a purpose. hould a selfish purpose be the motif to reach our aim it is likewise of little avail. -efore long it will dawn on us that the efforts were not worth the sacrifices because in the end we will have very little en.oyment out of things that others can not share with us. We may fear their loss and want to guard what we have finally reached and are the loosers also at the end. Ab initio 4from the beginning5 comes our success and final result. If we took time in the beginning to prepare ourselves for the goal there is little likelihood of not attaining it. 0nly our haste and ignorance of the simple laws involved in our undertaking spell our doom ab initio.

If we were to subscribe to a creed it would have to be based on the rational assumption that neither e'treme materialism nor mentalism should predominate. !hose who advocate the theory that anything can be solved by spiritual means are .ust as much out of balance as those who materialize everything. It is obvious that those who adhere to the first creed& that everything is to be interpreted spiritually& find themselves& at one time or another& confronted with the fact that material means are necessary. =ery often individuals have claimed to be able to heal themselves by spiritual means only to find themselves in a doctor%s office or in a hospital bed to be taken care of by e'ternal treatments. 8ikewise& this also holds for those who are convinced that anything can be solved only through scientific means. =arious esoteric teachnigs have become so one9sided that they have lost their true origins. #or e'ample& advocates of the eastern teachings have lost sight of the fact that they are not always applicable in the western world. /owever& the inherent essentials of those teachings are .ust as rational here as they are anywhere else. $o matter whether -uddhist& :hristian& or <ew& etc.& all may reach for the state of balanced manifestation while in this physical enclosure. Attainment is possible through all creeds provided that the basic& fundamental laws are being adhered to. It is their application that we are concerned with. !oo many uninformed people speak of alchemy as either a spiritual or physical science or art. It only indicates that a dividing line is artifically drawn by persons who endeavor to penetrate into the true meaning of alchemy. 0pinionated and onesided preferences& usually based on the inability to penetrate sufficiently to the core& make them take the easy way out by choosing those aspects which appeal to them. !hese are then worked with and a superstructure is built upon them that can only be as enduring as its foundation. All kinds of teachings by all kinds of names have come and gone through the intervening centuries. ometimes they have been changed so much that hardly anything of their originally proclaimed tenets can be recognized. $ot so with alchemy7 this evolutionary process has remained the same. It is based on the concept that all phenomena are of a dual nature and that only compliance with the laws involved will permit a truly balanced individual to emerge. It is the work of the Paracelsus Research ociety to foster this aim by presenting& factually& both tenets in a lawful manner. !his will permit the true meaning of alchemy to emerge to the in"uiring mind. !his will make possible the preparation for that state of mind that can only be realized after a certain degree of mastery over matter& involving mental9spiritual laws& has been attained.

We have no panacea to offer& only hard work and study towards the achievement of this end. !he task can be lightened by building upon the laws discovered from the remotest past to the present times by demonstrating their applications. While hypotheses and theories are being investigated nothing short of demonstrative proof can be accepted. If we were to subscribe to a creed this is essentially what it would have to be unless and until it can be superceded by a higher one presently not recognized or understood.

(alus 4sus est Abolentus

Why27 because a bad habit is detrimental. Physically and mentally bad habits should be abolished. What are had habitsl All contraries to beneficial occurances& such as bad thoughts& that is& thoughts of a negative nature& when positive ones should be employed. Anything habit forming to mind and body& producing a reaction that has to be relied upon as a substitute for an otherwise normal function& can be considered detrimental. 0ne should make a distinction between an emergency when a stimulant is re"uired. 1ost habits are the outcome of an evasion. /e& who can not face a challenge will evade it. !rouble7 are doused by imbibing alcoholic beverages. It will not eliminate them. !hey will reoccur when the alcoholic stupor is wearing off. $ervous tension is circumscribed by using other narcotics& nicotine for instance& that is easing nervous tension to some& who indulge in the habit. If they are asked to refrain from smoking& it is said that it would make them irritable. A sure sign that the nervous tension& originally to be overcome& was only suppressed. !he longer we suppress our desires the more are they penned up and want to be freed. In some in stances more powerful stimulants will have to be used to former ones& that proved not strong enough in their effects to be soothing to body and mind. 1arihuana& :ocaine and all kinds of dopes are then resorted to and instead of freeing onseself from the ac"uired habits they actually are enslaving the one who wanted to escape the fear of the unknown and the responsibilities confronting him. @etrimental habits may be transmuted into beneficial tendencies that may vary in their application. !he motive underlying them will be similar& but are activated according to the circumstances prevailing. !he basis of all troubles is fear. +nowledge and understanding abolish fear. /e who indulges in fear fosters a bad habit. -ad habits should be abolished. 0nly a clean body and mind can function normally. Impurities to both are a hinderance to progress for body and mind. Progress is essential for the advancement of all species& especially man. &adre Retro (e< Satana ,et thee behind me atan. Why behind2 We can see less of what goes on behind our back than what transpires before our eyes. Who is atan anway2 !he dictionary says) !he chief evil spirit7 the great adversary of man7 the devil6 Whatever that is. In /ebrew atan& with both a%s pronounced means adversary. With the first *a* pronounced it means oppose. 0thers say it means aturn. Again other claim it is 8ucifer. If we look up aturn and 8ucifer in the dictionary it becomes even more confusing. /ere 8ucifer becomes the bringer of light. !he morning star or =enus. In the same breath the -ible speaks of 8ucifer the fallen angel. An archangel identified with atan who fell from /eaven. What does all this mean2 Is atan a man or woman2 A personage2 @oes atan actually e'ist2 Who can answer it2 urely there must be something to this. !here must be a meaning. It is safe to say that we deal here with an attribute that is contrary to the concept *,ood.* It is that which is in itself contrary. It represents the opposite to another. It is opposition. Whenever and whereever we meet opposition it means a frustration confronting us to hinder us in whatever we will accomplish. An opposition is an obstacle to be overcome. It needs to be removed. It is a test of our strength and endurance and above all of our willpower. !he will to overcome. It is not only a necessary occurrence but an essential one. Without it we could never progress because we could never recognize advancement. ome fear atan& the @evil& 8ucifer or what have you. 0thers don%t. !he latter do not fear anymore. !hey have the will to overcome and put behind them what they have con"uered or overcome while those who fear are afraid of their weakness99mostly selfimposed weaknesses either presently or previously. !hey are not in a position to command for they live under the threat of all that is opposed to them. /ere atan emerges as a reality. /e becomes real in actual appearance as #ear. -oth& actuality and

reality predominate then. $ot so with the fearless. /e can brush his atan aside& this opposition& and say) *0ut of my way. ,et thee behind me and stay there7 wait for other timid& fearful& weaklings. I will go onward.* =adre retro me& atana. DO 4T DES I give that you may give. !his 8atin phrase can be twisted into many ways and can serve many purposes. -ut this was not its original intention. ('tending assistance unto others placing them in a position to help themselves without having to rely on others is the original meaning of it. It is a reciprocal gesture. When we e'tend our help it should not be based on a selfish motive whereby the benefit is retained by the benefactor as well as the beneficient. Were we to stop here the benefit would be short9lived and the help of little avail. It will have to become a perpetual motion. (ach recipient is under the moral obligation to e'tend the help received unto others& at least in the same measure. $ot necessarily in the same way and manner& but in the spirit of the giver. An additional gratituity should be attached as compensation. !ruly& it is more blessed to give than to receive. !his does not abrogate the fact that the recipient is e"ually blessed with the result of the benificial act involved. Activated ,ood Will is a blessing for all who come under its influenve. 3nfortunately& it seems that there are more willing recipients than activated givers. When you give of your time& efforts& attention& or even of your material belongings with the intention to perpetuate a good thought& the law of retribution becomes even more effective. Where there is no need to give it is better to withhold this gesture until such a time will let the seed fall onto fertile ground where it can bear fruit. 1uch is given in a foolish way when emotions predominate reason. If both go hand in hand the giver usually makes a wise choice. :ompassion will compel us to act in most cases& but it should also be considered when& where& and how to give our charitable contributions of either nature. It is considered improper to rely on assistance if it is within our capacity to accomplish things& without the help of others& what we have set out to do. !his will free the giver%s activity to be channeled where the most good can be perpetuated. !herefore do ut des99I give that you may give. L4> ET &ER*TAS 8ight and truth are eternal. $either can be e'tinguished. -oth will always prevail. (verything depends on them. 1an could not e'ist without them. !hey are essential. ;et& man& in his ignorance& fails to recognize its tremendous impact on his own life. @ue to the precarious position he is holding in the animal world& he shuns the light at times when he needs it moist. !ruth does not fare any better in his daily life. 1an tries to evade the inevitable. /e wants to postpone what he knows is impossible to prolong forever. ome actually fear the light. It will reveal too much about them& what they would rather like to remain hidden from the light. 8urking behind it is the fear of truth. !he failure to live up to what the light has revealed and still reveals& causes man to hide behind falsehood. /e misrepresents what he knows is different. /e fears his own ignorance more than the light. $ot recognizing that the light will dispell his insufficient knowledge& he& nevertheless refuses to bask in its warmth. When the chill of evasion hurts his ego and body he crawls like a hurt animal from his hiding place to soak up the healing rays of light& only to hide from it again as soon as someone approaches who could see his plight. /e can not stand the truth. /e is ashamed of himself being helpless. /e has to acknowledge that there is more to life than he knows. !hat there are forces greater than he can command. /e knows it by e'perience. -ut he is reluctant to admit it. Bnly by painful e'perience will he learn. And then slowly. !herefore& man will never accomplish all that to which he may aspire until he sheds his fear for light and truth. When he will have realized his need for the greater light and the necessity for living a life according to the highest truth to which he may attain& then only& will he became aware of his true dignity as a child of ,od. /e is then ready for the rebirth in the spirit.

Dele#atus non Potest Dele#are Why2 -ecause a delegate can not delegate his powers. !hey are limited to him only. !hose who assume the right that they can delegate an office or authority to others must be in possession thereof. Anyone authorized to perform a certain work should be able to cite proof to the e'tent that he is capable to7 e'ecute his assigned task within his sphere of activity. And there it ends. It does not carry with it the right of further e'tension. A delegate%s authority is limited. 0n the other hand& he who delegates& may do so by the right of his authority. !his implies full knowledge& understanding& and the means for the plan or work to be consumated. A delegate may not have possession of that fullness. /is may be only a partial knowledge& understanding& and means of the entire scope. While in the capacity of his specific assignment he be fully capable to perform the task to which he has been delegated. As above so below. It is men%s perogative to aspire to greater things in life. :omparisons should be based upon the "ualifications inherent in the persons and their acts that are to emulated. !hose who will always look below their present standing will find those who are not as fared developed. :omparisons made with such individuals does not help much in the furtherance of one%s development. It may develop into a smug feeling of superiority. /e& who is not more developed than you can be of little assistance in the furtherance of ac"uiring greater knowledge. If the latter is our aim we must look above. We must find those who do know more than we do. !here is the storehouse from which we may draw. !here will be found the ways and means for greater knowledge. -ut then we become insignificant. 0ur former standing of selfmposed agrandizement becomes nill. Instead of looking down we will have to look up. We will find ourselves in the center of things. !here will be those below us and those above us. As soon as we have realized that there is always one below us& who is not capable to perform a task as good as we are able to do& by that same token do we acknowledge that there is one who can do it better. !his should help us in establishing an e"uilibrium within ourselves. It will help to forstall a feeling of continuous superiority. !oo many harbor such a feeling by constantly making comparisons with those below their present level of knolwledge and understanding. !his is selfdelusion. Remember) there is always one who can do things better than you and who has a greater knowledge and understanding than you possess. #rom there we can e'pect help which will enable us to do the same unto others who look to us for help. -ut then we will render it in a spirit of meekness and thanksgiving and not in arrogance and self9agrandizement. (emor et 'idelis !o be mindful and faithful are wonderful attributes. 1inding what has been said or taught re"uires a careful absorption and paying attention when the sub.ect in "uestion comes up. catterbrains that .ump from one thing to another and never& or seldom& pay enough attention to the essential occurrences in their lives are unreliable. !hey cannot be trusted. !hey do not mind. !hey always have e'cuses for everything. It can be said that the only contribution they make to human society is for the latter not to imitate their behavior patterns. A faithful individual does not necessarily have to confine this virtue to religious precepts. /ere we speak of trustworthy individuals. !o be faithful is no compulsory state of mind but a voluntary one. !o be faithful means to have trust and confidence. -eing taught essential laws re"uires to be mindful to the enlightenment e'pounded and to show our faithfulness& confidence& and trust to those teaching us. Applying the teachings that have been given will let us arrive at the crucial point of self e'perience. !his is the payoff for being mindful and faithful in the beginning in order to be entrusted with the success based thereon. tudents of alchemy will have to be endowed with these essential "ualities. 0ne will have to mind very carefully what has been laid down by those who& through personal e'perience& have obtained what was predicated upon their being faithful. Impatience and doubt are the greatest obstacles to those entering the alchemists% realm. @ecrying as none'isting what is invisible or presently not obtainable because of one%s inability to accomplish it& establishes a barrier that can only be overcome by being mindful and faithful to what has been taught.

E> 4(BRA *" SOLE( #rom the shadow into sunlight6 Who does not long to escape the shadow of darkness when light appears2 $owhere does it come more to the fore than in the mental and spiritual realms. Prolonged darkness makes the dawn even more welcome. !he arising of the light& when shadows depart and the glorious warmth of the sun rays that penetrate all life that it comes in contact with& elevates even a gloomy mood into a more cheerful frame of mind. /ow soothingly the glow of sunlight engulfs all creatures that do not shy away from it. In the mental realm the light of knowledge is e"ually important. It removes the shadows of doubt and despair& for knowledge is enlightenment. Ignorance is the shadow of the dreadful darkness& the want of knowledge. 8ight within and without brings an upsurge of the dormant laying hopes and wishes that find their fulfillment in the light of completion. -ut man cannot find the sum of perfection in solitary en.oyment while depriving others of the same blessing he en.oys. /e will find it by sharing with others the bounties of newly found light& the treasures of the radiant luminosity transcending mental images created in man%s inferior way of thinking. 3plifting one%s thoughts from the "uackmire of superstition& from the unclean crevices in the sordid caverns of a debased brain& from the enslavening shackles of lustful impulses& man can rise& phoeni' like& into the higher realms where no shadows can darken or even obscure that which has been lit by the light of the sun of our universe and the even greater luminary of the soul. uch is man%s heritage. ;et& there are those who bring forth the claim) *Who wants to be in the sunlight all the time2 Is the shadow not refreshing after being e'posed to the constant rays of the sun2* !o the superficial mind this will sound as a welcome rebuttal& a well tailored e'cuse. -ut it is void. It is the earthbound fledgling that undulates between the shadow and light. 8ike the mole that dwells in darkness and only in rare instances emerges to see the sun& so does he who prefers darkness& to conceal his misgivings from being e'posed& shy away from the light. ,od created the eternal light and he who will dwell within it will have to rise towards it to become finally consumed by it and thereby at9oned with the eternal light that knows no darkness anymore. $o mortal man& dwelling within the shadows of the unclean& will ever abide in the light of the pure in heart. 0nly he& who is willing to be cleansed will rise e' umbra in solem from the shadow into sunlight6 Animum Pictura Pascit *nani6 @o you feed your mind on an empty picture2 Is there such a thing2 :an a picture be empty2 If we mean by that a canvas& paper or other background where upon it should have been painted& then we can answer with yes. -ut that would leave only an empty background. $ot a picture. !o be a picture it would have to convey a drawing or painting. /ow& then& can a picture be empty2 (mpty of what2 !his "uestion has puzzled many. $ot only laymen& but art connoisseurs alike. Who has not stood before a picture and wondered what it meant. *It leaves my mind a blank. I cannot make it out&* such and similar phrases one can overhear "uite often. Would this be factual with everyone who looks at such a picture2 $o. !o some it may portray a message. /e can see something he has not seen before. While to some others it remains meaningless& a blank so much for an actual picture. !here are other pictures besides. !hose thoughts paint for us. !he very ones our own imagination creates. /ere the word empty takes on a different meaning. It leaves a void within. Where the meaning has not even become clear to us. It is of a passing nature. It is a nebulous composition of values that are not lasting. It leaves us empty and devoid of vital energy and strength. !oo many chase after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is a mental picture of no lasting value7 a #ata 1organa that vanishes7 a truly empty picture. /ow many such pictures have you created and looked at in the past2 /ow many years have you tarried in such a void2 top and contemplate upon this thought for a while& and emptiness may give way to fullness. 8et us face reality and then ask us) *animum pascit inani2 4@o you feed your mind on an empty picture25.

'ortie Et 'ideli "ihil Difficile *!o the brave and faithful nothing is difficult.* 0nly the doubting weakling finds things impossible. !o accomplish a goal takes determination and a special effort. /e who is complacent and will not stir beyond his immediate necessity& will not accomplish what he& who makes a special effort& will attain. It is this e'tra attempt that lifted man above the lower animal and primitive man& that made a willful advancement possible. It takes foresight and an e'tra e'ertion to even infuse new thoughts and transform them into actualities. !he retarding influence of an uncertain outcome is most negative. It strangles the conception before it can give birth. !hen it will be a still birth7 lifeless and devoid of all activities normally implanted in all species. 0nce we are convinced of a purpose it becomes an easy matter to have our enthusiasm give birth to an e'tra or special effort in order to bring about the fruition of that purpose. !his elevation of purpose will accelerate the process. 1ore attention will be bestowed on the desired result than when it was considered only in a casualway. !he importance and eventual impact upon its fulfillment will become paramount. !he results anticipated become of lesser conse"uence in the e'citement of seeing the idea actually taking form and shape. !hus a special effort will make it possible to accomplish in a shorter time interval& that which would otherwise have to go the way of a slow and often retarded result. !hose who have not become aware of a purpose are not conditioned to arouse enthusiasm. !hey will see no reason to make a special effort and become brave enough to stand firm in the face of deterent opposition. !hey will lack the essential confidence or faith in the laws involved. Where a purpose is established first enthusiasm becomes cognate and makes one brave in the face of adversity so that confidence& or faith& according to established laws will find fulfillment on a higher plane. !here we will find the greatest knowledge and greater light so essential for our progress and evolution. #ortie et fideli nihil difficile7 yes& to the brave and faithful nothing is difficult. Ele%hantus non ca%it murem An elephant does not catch a mouse. /e can kill it by stepping on it. -ut to catch and retain it defies his physical capabilities. 1any a strong man parading his physical prowess is incapable of catching even a glimpse of mental agility. It is too little& too elusive for him. !hen& again& there are those intellectual giants unable to catch a spiritual thought. !heir intellectual powers are awesome. Walking encyclopedias& libraries of book learning are they compared with. !hey become helpless creatures when little things annoy them99 things too little to feel their weight. 8ike the mouse that may run up and seat itself upon the elephant%s head& crawling in its ear& it will nibble and bite making it unbearable to the behemoth. !he trunk can not reach it. !he mouse is too little. -ut& oh6 how annoying6 !ons against ounces& and the tons are helpless. @avid against ,oliath. A slingshot against armor and sword. !he spiritual agility of a @aniel against the kingly might of a $ebuchadnezzar. !he truth in the hands of a carpenter against the legions of Rome. And so it goes *1ight is right&* the masses shout. $o& not the weight of the masses but the right of the few is important. An unguided herd will stampede to its doom& trampling by sheer weight all that comes in its way. -ut one single leader can change its course and alter the direction from doom to security. 1any a steady little light has endured over the whirling flames of a holocaust. It endured because of its steady source of nourishment while inferno burnt itself out and left a path of annihilation. !he little light kept on shining and is still serving a greater purpose. 8et not the brute strength be a symbol of power. -efore long it will have to become a servant to the greater might of the spirit which will be found among the righteous and .ust. !wo strong arms of a amson collapsed what hundreds of arms had erected. !he steady falling of drops of water hollowed out a block of granite that broke the steel of a drill powered by the force of many horse power. !he subtle planning of the mind made a 1aginot line& thought to be impregnable& useless. Why waste the time building an enclosure& erecting a bulwark& to hide our ignorance behind2 $o matter how high and thick it is& truth will pierce it anyway. It%s the little things that count. @on%t ignore them. (lephantus non capit murem

E> L*BRAS !he days of a life compare to pages of a book wherein thoughts& actions& deeds& and desires are inscribed. When one encounters a worthless book& it is discarded& whereas the possession of a book whose pages are filled with worthy actions& information& inspiration& and illumination is a .oy to read. uch books are cherished& held dear& and emulated. What is the difference in books that distinguishes authority and wisdom from the trite and mundane2 Is it not character& the doing in a proper manner2 !his may be defined as following the dictates of the one within& living the principles set forth by the conscience. In so doing one becomes a leader and an e'ample in his realm for he follows no other than one whose being is law and whose cloak is truth. !his brings strength& purpose& and days of value. 0nce someone asked)*When a book is opened and on the inner cover a plate is found with the warding %(' 8ibris% attached9what does it mean2* !he reply) *!his book belongs to the one whose name appears below the wording.* !he "uestioner blushed visibly and later confided& *It gave the book an important look and I wanted to impress my friends with it& so I told them that it was given to me by the one whose name appeared on the plate. I imagined that it meant something like %with my compliments%.* What does this indicate2 It seems that the uninformed one wishes to use the feathers of another bird. !he urge to appear important is "uite predominant with the insecure. 0bserve it in your surroundings. Perceive how people of small stature attempt anything to appear taller. 1any can recall the bald man e'tolling the former glories of his hair. /ow often does an actor show is scrap book& point out press notices& and drop casual remarks of how he is ac"uainted with this or that great name. Altogether there are too many such instances to be ignored or to be brushed aside as incidental. !hese instances are of e'treme importance in the life of the average man and woman. !he basic insecurity of such persons is the lack of :ommunion with the 0ne within7 often there is a complete denial of such a presence. !hese unfortunates see themselves isolated& sub.ect to the willful acts of others as miserable as themselves and the vicissitudes of fate. If they believe in @eity it is one outside and apart from themselves on whom they heap grievances7 beg for rewards and attempt to trade acts of piety for material gain. eeking hither and yon for succor they identify with another unfortunate who has attained some wordly success. Accomplishments of the other are portrayed as their own to lessen their insecurity and build their image. If it were only realized that one is never alone and sub.ect only to the love of the 0ne within& these lives would be miraculously changed. #aith would replace doubt and happiness misery. !hough it takes time to make a complete change& doing so brings contentment. 0ut of books and other records mankind has gathered the blossoms and flowers of accummulated knowledge. :arefully planted seedlings in fertile ground produce a harvest. $ot wanton scattering but careful planting and nurturing give us the key to ,od%s and nature%s marvels. !his knowledge fills the books that make up the library of creation. Are we only repeating words found in books& or do we strive to find the knowledge therein that belongs to all. (' libris2 0ut of what library7 out of what collection of books2 We find what we are looking for in nature%s storehouse& wherein the wisdom and love of ,od is revealed& and not in the borrowed adornments that man hangs on himself to conceal his own inefficiency and ignorance. Consuetudo Pro Le#e Ser5atur :ustom is observed as law. 1any customs have become lawful observances9among them (aster. (aster& what a word and what all it signifies& besides being the most important of the :hristian observances. (aster& and the days immediately preceding it& stand for one of the greatest sacrifices and for one of the greatest e'pressions of divinity. :hrist was crucified and resurrected. According to :hristian mythology& *:hrist died in order that man might live& that man may be saved& that he may be free from his so9called innately sinful nature.* :hrist was crucified for an ideal& for being true to himself& and for the love that he e'pressed for his fellow man.

Is it really important to apply :hristian mythology& as it took place about A&BBB years ago& to our modern society2 Wouldn%t it be more meaningful to speak of the true meaning of (aster in the conte't of contemporary society2 What about the man or woman dying prematurly of illness& or being killed carelessly in an accident2 What about the children& women& and men suffering innocently from the horrors of wars and natural catastrophes2 What about the young men giving their lives on the battlefields2 0ne could go on and find many more e'amples of sacrifices. Are these less meaningful to the persons involved than the crucifi'ion of :hrist2 !hey might be for the environment that they take place in& but certainly not for those directly involved. :ertainly there is plenty of crucifying going on in the lives of men& involving physical and mental pains. /owever& the "uestion arises whether any resurrections also take place. !his is very difficult& if not impossible& to answer. We probably have to ask the "uestion& resurrection from what2 !hinking again in terms of :hristian mythology& aren%t we taking the events that took place some A&BBB years ago too literally2 Aren%t we really overlooking the real meaning of (aster2 Wasn%t the crucifi'ion of :hrist first of all to signify the victory of man over his senses& his desires& his thoughts2 Isn%t this victory really a prere"uisite for man%s efforts to gain the so9called salvation2 houldn%t this really signify the mastery of the mind over matter& or of the soul over the mind2 Isn%t it this that is really necessary to transform man into a new being2 !his mastery of man over him self is necessary for man to resurrect himself. /e can only achieve this through his own efforts. <ust as there can be no rewards without efforts on the material plane& there can be no resurrection without effort on the spiritual plane. 1an has to master himself in order to transform his nature& to become humane& to be in harmony with the Infinite& the upreme -eing& the ,od of his heart& or whatever you might want to call it. Isn%t this lack of crucifi'ion and the accompanying lack of resurrection responsible for the current state of world affairs2 Aren%t the current events a reflection of the mentality of mankind2 :an we ever hope for a better tomorrow without a mental or spiritual regeneration of each member of the human race2 As long as man fails to awaken to his responsibility& conditions will not improve. Another e'pression of the carelessness of man to have done something in this direction is to be found in the growing restlessness or uneasiness in the western world& for e'ample. And this despite a rising standard of living. Why2 -ecause man is no longer satisfied with the mythology that has been passed down to him through history. !hough man has become more alert and awakened& he finds himself without an inner support. -esides an inner reformation being primarily the responsibility of each man& shouldn%t the various institutions& especially the religious denominations& try to live up to a new challenge& enticing man to do something himself& rather than to be satisfied with the crucifi'ion of :hrist. 1an should come to the realization that he cannot pass this responsibility to :hrist& .ust as he cannot transfer the responsibility of any of his actions on the material plane. 1an has to be brought to the realization that nothing really stands between himself and his maker but carelessness or unwillingness to crucify and to resurrect himself. It is only then& after the first steps have been taken in this direction& that our environment will become a better one. !he changed outlook of men then will not longer permit crimes& wars& hostility of any kind to e'ist& whether on an individual& or national& or international basis. :onsuetudo pro lege servatur 9custom is observed as law9 will have given to men a deeper meaning. PRAETER*TA *!hings Past* is the title of <ohn Ruskin%s autobiography. In it he relates the influence of the past upon his own evolvement. /e attempts to show that& what is past has not lost its value but can be reappraised and reevaluated by prevailing standards. *!hings past* that were of merit then& when compared by their usefulness under today%s given conditions retain their value.

In Alchemy *things past* have to be scrutinized very carefully& because not all that has been written and specualted about in Alchemy is of merit. !oo many spurious statements have been inserted into its literature that cannot be substantiated. Anti"uity is no guarantee that *what was* has been carried over into the present& or has been proven and established. 1any claims of *things past* are cherished because of age and are accepted as having been substantiated without further "uestioning. !his is a great fallacy. $ot all that has been handed down is proven but never9theless has become acceptable. 1uch such speculation is inserted as factual when in reality it was only an assumption to start with. !he failure of spagyric practitioners can be traced in most cases to the wrong premises upon which such e'periments are based. Assuming further that all alchemical writers know what they are writing about would be stretching things somewhat. 1any personal interpretations of well meaning authors enter in alchemical literature for which no foundation e'ists to establish the proof of *things past.* When that& which has been recorded in ages gone by& has no factual basis to rest upon then all contemporary attempts will fail to establish a rational concept upon which a successful outcome can be e'pected. When& however& *things past* are well founded such facts can be corroborated at present and in the future and will retain their value. 0nly by checking and testing will e'perience reveal the merit of *things past* or their uselessness. Alchemy based upon laws& no matter how anciently discovered& re"uires present9day confirmation and substantiation. A standard by which values can be measured is best ascertained by the compensation re"uired. #ormerly as today alchemical aspirants received only their .ust dues when their mental and physical efforts pay the price. It becomes useless to haggle and try to cheat. !he law asks for its last farthing to be paid. In Alchemy& anciently as presently& there is no e'ception to this rule. <ohn Ruskin said very pointedly) *It%s unwise to pay too much& but it%s unwise to pay too little. When you pay too little& you sometimes lose everything& because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing you bought it to do. !he common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot can%t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder& it%s well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that& you will have enough to pay for something better.* Praeterita99*things past*9are not always what they purport to be. "omen est Omen When it is said that a name as well indicates the characteristic traits found in individuals it deserves an investigation before .udgment is passed and such statements are brushed off as absurdities. A name 4nomen5 is a word or sound by which an individual is known& recognized or identified. 3nder omen is generally understood a phenomenon believed to show or portend the character of a future event. :onsidered in such a way a named individual thus represents a phenomenon in which is e'pressed or characterized what the name portends. When for e'ample the name 0scar is interpreted or translated from the language wherein such a name originated and we find it to mean) !he leaping warrior7 we see the omen emerge .ust as the description would indicate. When it was anciently conceived that a name was not to be looked upon as an e'ternal mode of identification but would have to contain the essential "ualities to be found phenomenally e'pressed by the individual& it would .ustify the ontology thereof. It could rightfully be called then a mystical 4not mysterial5 event& when the naming of a child was associated with such ceremonies or rituals. A so9called christening or name giving to a child is usually given considerable thought prior to the official performance in churches& synagogues etc. @uring the prenatal state parents are wondering what they should name the yet unborn infant. -ecause of the uncertainty of the gender both types of names are considered& i.e.& male and female. 3pon arrival of the new born child it may even then

still be a matter of discussion& if no final decision has been reached. It appears therefore that a name selection is not haphazardly arrived at. !hough in some instances it may appear so& when a first suggested name finds immediate approval. When the ancients considered the proper naming and correct pronunciation of the name as a sacred ritual& it was to have its effects throughout life. $ever was the name to be maligned& changed or abused. It had to be kept clean and unspotted or the good omen attached to it would leave the bearer. 8ikewise it would be a bad omen if the name had become associated with misgivings or derogatory acts. !here is more to the name first given to an infant than may appear to the casual observer. !he law of polarity would make it evident. A *given name* is actually *given* in addition to the already established *last name.* !he combination of the two manifesting in the variety of individual characteristics as evidenced in a family where all bear the *last* name. ;es& indeed) $omen est 0men. "une Aut "un?uam *$ow or never.* A confrontation re"uiring an immediate& binding decision is usually fraught with dire conse"uence. @ecisions made in haste are ruefully repented when soberly contemplated but by then *the decision made* cannot be reversed. In too many cases individuals are confronted with re"uests for an immediate answer. !he "uestioner usually has his own fortune at stake and to forestall a loss& he takes the person challenged by surprise. In such a situation it is far better to refuse to answer or to ask for time to evaluate the decision to be made. !hose who make "uick decisions are fre"uently as unscrupulous as are those who urge the *now or never* determination. uch snap decisions are hit and run measures. If luck bears them out& boasts are in order. If luck runs out a shrug of the shoulder is supposed to write off the failure. A respite& even if only temporary& from such a high pressure individual& be it a salesman& a broker& or what have you& is to bargain that an immediate decision will be made provided the "uestioner will agree to answer with either yes or no the "uestion& *@o you still go about stealing from people2* #or the no& answer) *People that claim to have stopped stealing from others are liable to do it again. /ow do I know your proposal is honest2* #or the yes answer reply) *I don%t want to be another of your victims.* If an individual is confronted with the "uestion) *$ow or never* a reply under conditions as mentioned is also proper. When a "uestioner is so challenged he begins to realize that he is about to implicate himself9the very thing he desires the other person to do. PAR BE"E CO(PARAT4( *A well matched pair*99who has not heard it said and wondered what brought this matching about2 !hings well matched are complementary. !hings complementary are harmonious. !hings harmonious strive toward perfection. o it is with man as a dual being. 1an%s physical appearance is but half of him. /is well matched psychic other half brings about his complementary self and the two combined are on the way towards perfection. It is very unfortunate that one or the other aspect of man%s awareness is usually overemphasized. Rarely do we find an integrated personality that shows the dual being as complementary where the mental or psychic makeup e"uals the physical. ince man looks towards the pleasing aspects of life as they manifest in his immediate surroundings so should he look within himself and make sure that he also represents to others *a well matched pair* of inner and outer tendencies that are complementary& thereby assisting others to emulate such striving towards perfection. $ot only what we see revealed in others but& also what we reveal to others re"uires matching. 0nly in such manner can evolution be brought about and evolvement of a more refined and e'alted type of mankind take place. A haphazard choice or

random grasp of what is immediately available and serves a temporary purpose does not bring about *a well matched pair&* but careful contemplation and thoughtful evaluation lays the foundation for a more abundant life here and now while we dwell up on this earth. <ust as much as we get undue attention when we wear two different colored gloves or shoes so do we get undue attention for our bizarre behaviors within and without when the awareness pair do not match. Above all it reveals our character and character is destiny. DE *"TE!O !his 8atin e'pression for *anew* or *afresh* really has a deeper meaning than may appear .ust by interpreting the wording as it is written. omething& started& begun anew or afresh after preparatory work. omething had to precede it& something had to be looked into or entered into so it can be recognized as no longer being new or fresh. 0nly after discovering shortcomings can a renewal be undertaken. If we desire to improve something or better it then we should also be prepared to come up with a sound plan for any attempted renewal. <ust complaining about things being old and worn out without having a remedy to offer is of no avail. 1any individuals try to change things for the sake of change. !hey would like to see or have something else but are not aware that the time for a renewal is not yet at hand. !here is so much to be taken from what is available which has not fully served its intended purpose. It is wise not to attempt changes or bring about renewals of whatever nature unless the time and circumstances warrant. 1any such premature attempts have contributed only to greater confusion and hindrance in bringing about intended advancements. 8ast& but not least& many assumed renewals are not such at all. !hey prove to be only different modes of application. !his does not constitute a renewal. !o renew or to make afresh indicates a basic change and not merely make an ad.ustment. !hose who desire only ad.ustments to suit their own fancies without considering what benefits or detrimental effects these may have upon others have not integrated themselves sufficiently to bring about a renewal of whatever nature.

+4EST*O"S and A"S$ERS

$0!() While traveling abroad we made personal contact with many individuals who had "uestions concerning their alchemical and related problems. !here were many& however& with "uestions that could not be answered verbatim. 0thers have been added to those& which we shall attempt to answer herewith. E3( !I0$) 1any times you have said that Paracelsus was such a great man and that he did wonderful things. Why is it that he is rarely heard of currently. All we know about him is what was written in ages past. Answer) It all depends on how you look at it. $aturally& since he left this earth plane several centuries ago& we have to be content with what he left us in his writings. !hat he is not forgotten is readily seen by the constant stream of newly edited works that appear about him. $ot only is he highly esteemed by those of an alchemical or spagyric turn of mind but likewise by the medical profession. We are personally ac"uainted with many professional medical doctors who are trying very hard to fathom this genius. It might be of interest that .ust recently a hospital in ,ermany& at a cost of GG million ,erman 1arks 4appro'imately eleven and a half million 3nited tates dollars5 which took four years to build and has FAB beds plus all the other buildings necessary for such a comple'& was named *PARA:(8 3 +RA$+($/A3 * 4Paracelsus /ospital5. It is located in Ruit near tutgartt. !his certainly does not sound like he has been forgotten or that his name has fallen into oblivion. 0n the contrary& Paracelsus is gaining more and more in esteem& especially since chemotherapy has made such inroads into the medical profession. /e is still considered the father of modern medicine in our day. !his is by no means a small tribute to a man who lived FBB years ago considering the strides science has made since then. E3( !I0$) Why can%t you publish a -ulletin& like you have in the (nglish language& in ,erman2 !here are many of us who cannot read (nglish& or& at least not well& therefore& much of the meaning is lost to us. Answer) We have had your idea in mind for sometime. 0ffice help and finances are present obstacles. Why don%t you talk this matter over with as many of your friends as you can contact. If there are enough subscribers interested to cover the cost we shall then seriously consider it. E3( !I0$) Why don%t you put some of the wonderful alchemical remedies that you have on the market so that mankind can really benefit therefrom. What good does it do if only a few people know about them while the needy as a whole have none of the benefits2 Answer) !he Paracelsus Research ociety will not manufacture or put on the market& as you say& any of its alchemical or spagyric formulas. orry. 0ur work is a different one. hould anyone be interested in making them available to the public& after they have the consent of their respective governmental agencies& we shall be happy to collaborate with them. -ut never will they be manufactured or sold or in any way made available under the name Paracelsus Research ociety. E3( !I0$) We would like to add a "uestion from the PR office. *#rom 0ne to !en* is out of print but we still have constant re"uests for it. If you have an e'tra copy or know of anyone who would sell theirs to us we would greatly appreciate it if they would contact us. A check will be sent immediately. !his is also true of the *Pra'is pagyrica Philosophica.* We cannot fill the orders now coming in. E3( !I0$) What is your stand concerning 3nidentified #lying 0b.ects2 Answer) 0ne of reserve. E3( !I0$) Why is it that like classes& which should get the same material teachings are not treated alike2 Answer) We do not understand what you mean by alike. If you have reference to the sub.ect matter all are treated alike. If you mean the way it is presented& you may be right. As you know we make every effort to teach each individual. /ence& the approach necessary to convey what we would like to make known may be different for each person. In the end everyone will get what he or she is able to absorb. It would be of little

use to rattle off the same words to everyone .ust so the words have been said. 8ittle would be gained by students taught in such manner. All are treated alike& according to their ability to comprehend and absorb that which is being taught. E3( !I0$) is there a difference between the Alkahest and the Philosophical 1ercury2 We are in doubt. -ecause one of us says that they are not the same while the rest think the substances are alike. Answer) ,enerally speaking it is considered to be the same. /owever& to those who are initiated into the alchemical terminology it is not the same. !he reason why it has been and generally is considered the same rests on the assumption that both the Alkahest and Philosophical 1ercury are derived from the mineral world. !he difference is that the Alkahest is obtained from a mineral and the Philosophical 1ercury from a metal. -oth belong to the same realm but differ one from the other& i.e.& mineral and metal. !he Alkahest will e'tract from minerals and metals their sulphur or essence and leave the essencedepleted body behind while the Philosopher%s 1ercury dissolves both essence and body. !he Alkahest 4not alcohol5 is derived from the vegetabiliamineralia and dissolves the essence found within minerals and metals as stated above. !his would be the alchemical sulphur. !he Alkahest is not the universal solvent& as the ancients called the Philosophical 1ercury. E3( !I0$) @o plant eztracts and the residue of spagyric plants always show the same elemental "ualities& such as eyebright& which comes under the sun7 would it have to show gold2 Answer) $o. !here is a difference between the influence of the planetary rays upon plants and the mineral contents. At first glance it seems to be contrary to what the alchemists taught. It should be remembered that one can heal diseases by contraries as well as by likes. #or e'ample 1elissa in an impartial analysis showed lead& zinc& and bromine with the usual other elements present in plant ashes. A report on hand reads) *A hot water e'tract of dried 1elissa 0fficinalis was concentrated& evaporated to dryness and ashed for about three hours at C&ABB degrees #. RRay #luorescence analysis shows that the sample contains lead& zinc and bromine in high amounts. !he other elements are present in the usual concentration found in plant ashes.* According to alchemical terminology lead comes under aturn and zinc under $eptune with bromine not ascertained at present. !he two metals are not related to <upiter which governs 1elissa. /ow then can this be construed2 (ither the alchemists are wrong or our interpretation is out of place. If <upiter& which is said to govern 1elissa& and whose metal is tin& with a positive polarity& and its contrary negative polarity is found in lead and zinc& both negative& it would indicate that the law of opposites or contraries would be operative in such case. 1uch more needs to be investigated and tabulated which only e'haustive tests can produce. We are in dire need of individuals capable of helping us in further laboratory investigations regarding these and other unsolved "uestions. E3( !I0$) Is it true that when you were in India you were told& while in an Ashram& that you had been e'pected there for some years and that you would return2 @oes this mean you will then live in India2 Answer) !he time for our return to India has not yet come. Why should it make such a difference where one lives2 E3( !I0$) In your cycle chart in the book *!he even Rays of the E.-.8.* you start a grand cycle with CO&HCH years -.:. /ow do you arrive at such a date2 Answer) Astronomers determine our present position according to the precession of the ("uino'es. !hey usually start with the sign =irgo. In any case you can add or subtract the remaining time intervals to complete the LKB* within the AG&OAB years of such a precession of ("uino'es. E3( !I0$) ;ou state that HA years is a cycle of man on earth. /ow can that be2 People die in infancy and past the age of HA. Answer) Right. !he HAyear cycle is a norm by which man%s life upon earth is governed. It does not mean that everyone has to live to such an age. ('ample) (ach country has a ruling stating how many years of compulsory education is re"uired. !his does not prevent anyone from under or over completing the

re"uired lawful cycle of years. @ropouts and additional years of study in e'cess of the prescribed years makes for different age groups of students. E3( !I0$) Why do you always teach in witierland when you are in (urope2 Why not teach in ,ermany2 !here are as many in ,ermany& if not more& than you will find in witzerland. Why do we have to go to witzerland where everything costs more for us2 We can offer the same facilities. Answer) As it happens& mortal man can only be at one place at any one time& while in his mortal body. And& oh& how mortal ours is. We are not giving preference to any one country. When we taught in witzerland it was simply because the wiss people made the greater effort. We were contacted by the wiss to teach there. !hey made all arrangements for the class. We did not have to make any preparations. We .ust went to witzerland to teach and then disappeared from the scene. !hey did a most admirable .ob of organizing everything. If you can do e"ually as well in ,ermany we certainly will consider teaching there. As you know& we stress that we would rather% support those who %will% than those who %would like to% or are considering%& etc As of now& the wiss have %willed% it while the ,ermans still %would like to%. E3( !I0$) If you do not charge for your teachings and even supply students with the study materials how do you finance everything Answer) !his is not the first time this "uestion has been asked. It can be answered simply by saying) *We do all we can and what is in our power to do to make ends meet.* ;our TL.BB subscription fee for the -ulletins only partly defrays the cost of printing. We have had some cash gifts and also generous donations in the form of laboratory e"uipment& which are reasons why we can keep going. As long as we have sincere students that are honestly striving to further their alchemical studies& we will not be concerned as to where the means will come from in order to continue with the work of P.R. . Where there is a will there is a way. When *will* is strengthened it can become all powerful. 0nly when it becomes wishful thinking and the life blood is drained away does it begin to disintegrate. !hen it is too late. E3( !I0$) In answer to your re"uest in the -ulletin I have written offering our services to P.R. . if some work is available that can be done at home. I have never received a reply. Answer) We are sorry that you did not receive a reply to your letter. We may be late in answering the mail due to lack of office help& but that you should not have received an answer is presently une'plainable. We shall look into the matter. It may not be amiss to state here that we have received several re"uests like yours. !here is only one thing wrong with them. $o one states what he or she would or could do& or is specifically able to do. *I am willing to do anything I can* is not sufficient for us. We need to have specific information. :ertain "ualifications are re"uired. uch "ualifications have to be clearly stated so that assignments can be made. orry your letter received no personal answer. We hope this will take care of it. E3( !I0$) Is it necessary to take the teachings offered by the P.R. . to make further progress in esoteric knowledge2 Is this the only way2 @oes one have to come to your place to get these teachings2 Answer) $o. @efinitely $0!. 0nly when you desire P.R. . teachings must we get together. E3( !I0$) I read with interest the brochure about the P.R. . activities and notice that on all the pictures not once did it show #rater Albertus. !here are some who would like to know what he looks like and I am orie of them. /ow about a picture of him2 Answer) !his snapshot was taken recently while #rater Albertus was in (urope when he inspected some (nzian plants being raised for medicinal purposes. E3( !I0$) ;ou list special classes in the -ulletins. Are these special classes all the same2 If not& how is one to know which is which2 Answer) ;ou are right. We&too& wonder sometimes which is which. As the classes advance and no one has yet reached the re"uirements for the third class or group& where the Alkahest is given& we are about to

change this setup and will make detailed announcements in the future. We are happy to state that during the first months of COHB the first thirdyear class will convene& after nearly eleven years. It .ust shows that you cannot break these things over your knee and get it over with. It appears that more will be ready in the near future to be e"ually instructed. E3( !I0$) Will you always be teaching in other countries as well as here in the 3. .A..% Answers) What do you mean by *always*2 We will go where we are needed as time and circumstances permit. E3( !I0$) Would it be possible to have your books published in the ,erman language2 ;ou advertised a ,erman book %Alchemistisches /andbuch des AB. <ahrhunderts.* Where can it be obtained and how much does it cost2 Answer) We are considering publishing some of our books in the ,erman language. !hey have not yet been translated. ome are in a preparatory stage of translation. !he book you mention has been revised& its title will be changed and some more pages added. We hope to have it out soon since the ,erman publisher who wants to print it is also getting impatient. E3( !I0$) I am confused. In classes you gave us some conversion tables of the old formulas used by the alchemists. ;ou also published some in the -388(!I$ . I compared them and they don%t agree. Answer) 3nits of weight have varied greatly during different times and in different countries. !he (nglish Pound based on CK ounces 4H&BBB grains avoirdupois5 was in use for ordinary commodities. As a matter of fact it still is. -y contrast& the alchemists used& the *pound troy* of CA ounces 4G&HKB grains5. :ommencing the Cst of <anuary COHB& we here at P.R. . shall use in all our e'perimental formulas and otherwise& the troy weight 4apothecaries5. !his should avoid further mistakes and misunderstandings. Any laboratory report from now on will have on the caption a statement to this effect that the measures used are *troy weigiht* or apothecaries weight. We include here also the ,erman *loth* which was much in use with the ,erman alchemists. C pound CA ounces LKB grams lounce A loth circa LB grams or oneeighth mark C drachme L scrupel F gram C loth F drachme CK gram 4note difference of A gram above5 C scrupel AB grain C.L gram C grain !he weight of a pepper corn 4circa CG grains r"ual one gram5 C mark D ounces AFB gram C "uintlein C drachme F gram or CPF loth ince one grain can hardly be weighed it also e"uals one drop C 1asz is between C lPF and A 8itre. !here has been no uniform measure established for a mast& due to the container used in various countries. A typical beer stein in -avaria is still called a mast. It should be noted that the above table is taken from an old ,erman manuscript and could be of great help to those who are confronted& even in (nglish alchemical books& where such measures have been copied or adopted by the then alchemists. Euestion ) What is the /3I1A$ /terarchy2 Answer) It consists of -eings who form the Invisible ,overnment of the World. E. Whence did they come to our world2 A. 0riginally from =enus. E. Is =enus more advanced than the earth2

A. It is in the last phase of evolution. 0ur earth has passed the middle point. !he average =enusian humanity is near our adept level7 thus were the =enusian Adepts able to provide our world with @ivine /elpers. At the end of our scheme of evolution& our Adepts will perform the same service for the four backward schemes in the solar system. E. At what time of our earth%s history did they come2 A. About the middle of the 8emurian Period. E. When was that2 A. About eighteen million years ago. E. #or what purpose did they come2 A. C5 !o assume the reigns of government on the (arth A5 !o found the /uman /ierarchy7 L5 !o ensoul the life of the race man and thus ensure the capacity to fulfil his destiny in !he 8ogoic Plane. E. 0utline the land area of Atlantis. A. It originally e'tended from Iceland to the present location of -razil embracing what is now !e'as& ,ulf of 1e'ico& south and east of the 3nited tates& and from 8abrador to Iceland. It also reached from -razil to the West :oast of Africa. !his was one million years ago. E. When did Atlantis suffer the first catastrophe2 A. DBB&BBB years ago. 1uch of the main continent was destroyed. E. And the second catastrophe2 A. ABB&BBB years ago. :ontinental Atlantis was split into two large islands& Ruta and @aitya. E. What happened in the third catastrophe2 A. HG.BAG -.:.& @aitya disappeared7 Ruta was partly subrnerged and what remained was the small island of Poseidonis. It too disappeared about CC&BBB years ago. E. ,ive the precise date of the year. A. CC&GAO years ago 4COKK5. E. /ow large was Poseidonis2 A. About the size of Ireland. E. And Plato knew only of this fragment of Atlantis2 A. /e could not divulge more without violating his oath of Initiation. E. Who else among the ancient writers refers to it2 A. /omer in the 0dyssey. /erodotus also speaks of a people who gave their name to 1ount Atlas7 the people *whose sleep was never disturbed by dreams&* *who daily cursed the sun.*

E. 0f whom is this said today2 A. !he !aurags of the ahara& the veiled men of the desert who live FBB miles south of !unis. E. What may we conclude2 A. !he !aurags are descendants of the Atlanteans. E. As to 1ount Atlas in Africa2 A. It is only onethird as high as it was in the days of Atlantis. o with the peak of !eneriffe6 !he present Azores Islands were inaccessible and formed the snowclad peaks of the highest range of the mountains of Atlantis. E. What is the teaching as to the following modern nations) -ritish& ,erman& #rench& Americans2 A. !he -ritish are the reincarnation of the ancient Romans7 the ,ermans of the Pholenicians7 the #rench of the ,reeks following the Age of Pericles7 the Americans of the (gyptians. E. What is the destiny of Russia2 A. After the baptism of the fires and flames of purging through ovietism& Russia in the ages to come will have& like ,reece& a short but brilliant noon in the artistic and aesthetic life of mankind. E. Which of the present landsurfaces is first to be submerged2 A. !he secret records indicate the -ritish Islands and the coast of #rance. E. And America2 A. !he law of cycles is one and immutable> America& too& must disappear in vast ages to be. $o continent can overlap its period on the schedule of destiny& as no race can impinge upon the prerogatives of its successor. > ee *!he even Rays of the E.-.8.* published by the P.R. . Euestion) 8ooking at the colored charts in the book *#rom 0ne to !en* it seems to me that there is something to it I .ust can%t see. I sense that it is there& but try as I may it eludes me. :an you help me to get a start or at least give me some hints so I can break the ice2 Am I asking too much of your time2 Answer) everal readers of *#rom 0ne to !en* have given us to understand that they fail to see in the charts what they are looking for. #or e'ample& pages FC and FL seem to hold the most interest. !he inability of some readers to understand the charts may be due to the fact that those who have attended the classes are more familiar with the underlying principles involved in these charts. !o begin with& we may say that the entire presentation is a Eabalistic one. !his means that it is analogous to the !ree of 8ife presentation. As we point out to the students& this is only an analogy of the cosmology and cosmogeny. It is a graphic description of the laws involved and their underlying functions. In our treatise we bring the entire Eabalistic !ree in a more contemporary presentation. 0n page FC we show the pentagram or five pointed star encompassing the +ing and Eueen scale of color or spectrum of the prevailing rays. !his also includes all the paths or mezlas and other phenomena derived therefrom. As e'plained in the te't& the three primary triangles constitute this emblem. ,oing clockwise& we have on top the celestial fire or spirit force as red 4fire5& followed by air 4yellow5& water 4blue5& terrestrial fire 4red5& and earth 4green5. We also see the alternating polarities. !he top has both positive and negative 4electrical and magnetic5 poles. !his is followed by airpositive& water negative& fire 4gravity5 positive& and earthnegative. -oth polarities

emanate from the top red in its two paths& positive and negative& the positive going to its own lesser fire and the negative to water. !hus from water we reach earth 4negative5 and from fire we come to air 4positive5 . !his e'plains the father and son and the mother and daughter principles as they have been called by the Eabalists. !he inner pentagram is reversed. Its point is down. (ach triangle in the inner pentragram shows its own ray on its opposite end in the outer pentagram& e'cept the celestial fire which ends up in the obscura of black. !he yellow& blue& red& and green triangles terminate e'actly opposite their own colors. Inside we again find the three triangles. !he blue becomes green on the side where it touches the yellow ray of the big triangle. ,reen is the only secondary manifestation shown in the inner pentagram. urrounding it are the remaining two secondary colors& violet and orange& and the trinaries& citrine& olive and russet. !he pentagram represents the "uintessence. In it are contained all that the Eabalistic !ree of 8ife reveals. !he gray circle wherein all this takes place is :hokmah& the zodiac& or wisdom as it begins to unfold. !he white center indicates +ether& around which all revolves. It is now an easy matter to substitute the planetary rays and symbols and follow up from there. !o give us another e'ample of the versatility of this symbolic presentation& start with the red triangle on top and place there the vowel *A.* #ollow the line down to the lower red point and place there the vowel *(.* #rom here trace the line to yellow and mark it *I.* #ollow across to green and place an *0.* We then go to the blue tip where we write the vowel *3.* !here is only one way to go now and that is to the point of beginning. We have now placed the five vowels& the creative forces& in their proper places. econdary& or combination vowels& are formed by combining the two positives& *A* and *(&* producing *ae* as in have. *A* and *3* give us *au.* !he same negative sound is obtained by combining the two negatives *3* with *0.* /ere we have the same sound as in loud. !he positive *(* and *I* give us *ei* as in light. !hese we consider secondary vowel sounds. !here are three of them. !hen we have two trinary vowel sounds. :ombining the positive *(* with the negative *0* gives us *oe* as in the ,erman oel or the #rench bleu. 0n the other side we combine the positive *I* with the negative *3* to get *ui* as in the ,erman suess. !hese are the ten primary sounds. 0thers may be derived therefrom such as the *eu* and *ai* sounds we do not have in the (nglish language. !he nearest to *eu* would be our pronunciation of *ai* as in oil. #urther subtle sound changes are possible which only the trained ear can perceive. !o bring these about& the consonants are needed. If other combinations are attempted& they will have similar& if not identical& sounds to the untrained ear such as 8aos& louse or mouse& having the sound of *au.* 0n page FL we can go into more detail where the septagram with its seven rays gives further illustrations. tarting with the yellow on top& and following the line down to violet& then up to red& across again to orange& then over to blue& from there to green& and down again to black and up to yellow& will give us the rays as they are found in the seven days of the week. !hese seven triangles& likewise& represent the seven rays in their positive manifestations. Ancient e'planations give to each planet a throne by day and a residence by night& or a positive and negative sphere of polarity. imilar to the pentagram& we find here also opposite each triangle& a lesser one& with its own field of activity. !hus& opposite the un& we find a small yellow triangle. 4!he printing mistake shows it as citrine. ee erratta in the back of the book5. !he un is day and night in 8eo. !he big red triangle represents 1ars positive in Aries. 0pposite it& in the small triangle& we find the greenblue of corpio as shown on the Eueen scale of color. /ere 1ars is negative. !he blue triangle shows <upiter positive in agittarius& while its opposite triangle shows the crimson sign of Pisces& where he is found to be negative. -ut the ne't triangle gives us trouble& so it seems. /ere we have aturn in :apricorn. Astrologers will tell us that aturn here is negatively posited. ince all the other outer triangles are positive& with aturn as the only e'ception& we leave it to the student to ascertain if we are dealing here with an irrevelant concept carried over from times immemorable& and handed down to us by the Ancients. It will be hard to convince those who are holding on to ironclad rules& even if these rules cannot be substantiated. Ptolemy had to give the flag to ,alileo. It was hard for many to convert from the geocentric to the heliocentric system& but it had to be done no matter how long it took. As will be shown in the * even Rays of the E.-.8.* even greater revisions will become necessary if the present theories of celestial mechanics have to have more stable foundations. 8et%s come back to aturn. Its opposite triangle is indigo. /ere we find its other polarity. We cannot reverse the color scheme. !his would bring indigo into the outer triangles. Indigo is a Eueen scale color& while the others are taken from the +ing scale of the Eabalistic !ree of 8ife. It would throw the orderly aspects asunder. !he violet triangle should have the same color on its other side. 4 ee erratta.5 !he 1oon is day and

night in :ancer. 0range has on its other side the yellowgreen of =irgo wherein 1ercury is to be found negative. !he =enusian ray is positive in 8ibra while it manifests negative in !aurus& the redorange field. Again& all this takes place within :hokmah& gray& the zodiac& and revolves around +ether& or white. !he entire universal structure& likewise& is revealed if we place on the tip of the yellow triangle the word electron and go clockwise& following with molecule& cell& man& solar system& gala'y& and the final creation within the cosmos as far as we terrestrial inhabitants are concerned. #rom here the cosmogeny and cosmology can be further e'tended. 0n page FH it will be noted that the rays are depicted upon a white sphere with the earth 41alkuth5 and its trinary color rays in the center& while on the following page& the yellow 4 un5& or !iphereth& takes up the center within the white circle. !hese few pointers should suffice as an incentive to delve further and deeper into what still remains unto many a great mystery of universal functions. 0ne should not lose sight of the fact that the macrocosm has its reflection in the microcosm and vice versa. We hope to have answered a tiny fraction of your "uestion. Euestion $o C ince it is hardly permlssible to talk& or even write& in detail about the philosophical mercury and furthermore nearly all books& to my knowledge& evade at the crucial point the answer& how can you attempt to bring in your proposed publication of an A8:/(RI; !:A8 -388(!I$ the answer& if vou have it2 Answer to "uestion $o. I +nowledge is gained only by e'perience. It is from this e'perience that we shall speak. Euestion $o A and then when it came to separate the three essentia have I been able only to e'tract two. As the instructions tell us we must have all three& can you help me2 I have been able to get the mercurial e'tract in form of an essence& by using highly rectified alcohol as solvent& and the remaining feces after incineration yielded a pungent salt& but as to the sulphur I am .ust simply not able to get to the bottom of the riddle... J With minerals I have had no success at all. It yielded nothing. Absolutely nothing. Answer to Euestion $o. A !he ulphur is con.oint your e'tract. @istill in a waterbath your solvent and the sulphur will remain behind. @o not dry it completely of its moisture by distilling it to dryness. ;our failure with the mineral is understandable& as you have not mastered the herbal process. Euestion $oJ L It would indeed be a very interesting& and most of all& a welcome contribution to the /ermetic literature& if you succeed in bringing out a monthly paper dealing e'clusively with hermetic problems. Will you cull the most important items from e'isting alchemical works or are you proposing to bring original reading matter& as to the practical problems& how do you intend to go about them2 Answer to Euestion $o. L We shall bring both& original and previously published material. !he practical problems we shall help you to master by giving advice based on e'perience& as far as possible and permissible& depending on your state of advancement and accomplishments. Euestion $o. F /ave you noticed how hard it is to get books that deal with Alchemy. In most of them you find nothing. It%s .ust history. I have not seen one that will tell me what to do. I firmly believe that a Philosophers tone did e'ist and can be made again. I sure would like to know someone who works in alchemy. I am not very much educated. but have read a lot about it and it sure fascinates me all the time.

Answer to Euestion $o. F ;ou will be one of the many to welcome the /andbook for Alchemists. Euestion $o. G When I was in your library you had a ,erman book with handcolored pictures in it. !his book was about Alchemy. Is this book in (nglish too2 I have another "uestion) Why do the people think I am crazy because I mentioned Alchemy to them2 I was born in ... 4name withheld on purpose5 and when I came to America was sure that I had found everything I wanted in my religion. $ow I feel there is something much more important in life. In my church they are against me and say I will apostatize& as it is the work of the @evil to take men away from the church. I don%t want anybody to know about it and would like to talk with you. Answer to Euestion $o. G ;es& there is an (nglish translation by @r. #ranz /artman. A much better and more complete edition followed almost fifty years later and was published by the Aries Press in :hicago. $o one can rightfully infringe upon anothers belief. 0ur meeting is being arranged. Euestion $o. K I am interested in Alchemy. :an you help me to get started2 Are there any courses that one can .oin to come in contact with people of like mind2 Answer to Euestion $o. K Read answer $o. F. In due time you will make contacts. -e patient. Euestion $o. H If the #rench Alchemistchemistscientist <. :astelot succeeded during the COABs in a gold transmutation& and gave to the public at large the formula for making artificial gold& why does no one now duplicate his socalled successful transmutation2 As you will be& most likely& if you belong to the advanced student in our work& familiar with *!riumphant :hariot of Antimony&* have you not often wondered what =alentine meant& when he so diligently tried to e'plain the difference between the living and dead Antimony. Read it over and over again and you too will re.oice in the discovery. Answer to Euestion $o. H In COFA and COFL a transmutation by the writer of these lines was attempted in a university laboratory. !he result yielded a very small amount. If the formula is correct it will work. !he partial failure was do to the one conducting the e'periment. !hank you for the reminder. Euestion $o. D In -3ll(!I$ $0. C& first "uarter& that I borrowed from ... concerning Alchemy& there is no reference to a water bath. Was there a reason for this2 Also would you kindly send information on where to get the books you mention in the -388(!I$2 (specially the works of Paracelsus. Answer to Euestion $r. D #or no other reason than to save the beginner some money. !ry amuel Weiser& DFG -roadway& $ew ;ork& or 8arsen%s -ookstore& GGLB /ollywood -oulevard& /ollywood AD& :alif. Euestion $o. O I had to look up so many words and some I couldn%t find in the dictionary and I would not know how to begin to make two holes in a cork and get and make all the things needed. -ut I would be glad to work and share e'penses with someone who would understand what to do and how to follow directions that is if there is anyone here in Indianapolis who subscribed and if you could put us in touch with each other. Answer to Euestion $r. O /onest persons like you have the greatest possibilities. We shall attempt to find someone to work with you.

Euestion $o. CB ... as I am definately a beginner in Alchemy I would like a book on elementary lines& if possible. Also would you please tell me where I can get the 1elissa you mentioned in your -388(!I$& at this time of the year2 Answer to Euestion $r. CB ;ou have the /andbook by now. Indiana -otanical ,ardens at /ammond& Indiana& would be the nearest to you. Answer to Euestion $r. CC and lA Read page FFJ. Euestion $o. CC Is it necessary to know about Astrology to do alchemical work2 Euestion $o. CA /ow does the :abala fit into Alchemy2 Are they not two distinct sub.ects2 Euestion $o. CL Why is there so little known about Alchemists and those studying it. It seems that a lot of people are interested in it& but seem to have a hard time getting a"uainted with someone who really knows something about it. Euestion $o. CF @o you know of anybody who has the Philosophers tone2 E3( !I0$ $R. CG 4-he following is an entire letter1 typical of the ones to reach urE showing how entangled some can get and how easy it is to finally end up confused. $t shows only too clearly that in most cases without the help of a teacher1 much valuable time can be spent and not enough is gained during the interval. -here is nothing wrong with the one@s writing such letters1 only their approach to the subFect matter is so cumbersome. -he whole is in reality simple1 provided the steps taken are systematic and plausible. $t shows more and more how necessary if is to be properly instructed to avoid the pitfalls so easily to be encountered. +ince most of the type of correspondence is answered privately do not be reluctant to ask questions in your letters. so you can be helped in your sincere search for more light.5 @ear #rater A. .7 I have been a little more successful in the herbal e'tractions& and on calcining the feces I obtained a light brown color. 0n taking the two grains of essence in a glass of distilled water& I was not aware of any e'hilarating feeling& but I did notice a darkening of the stool. !he two grains of balm essence in a glass of distilled water tasted about the same as one teaspoon of balm steeped in a cup of water. orer /. and I have taken the Rosicrucian #ellowship Astrology :ourse& but there seems to be something missing. :an you give us any information on where to get the type of Astrology that we need with the herbs5 :ulpeper rates with Amorc& does this agree with your findings5 In :ulpepers :omplete /erbalCDCF& on page ACC there is the following reference) C. #ortify the body with herbs of the nature of the 8ord of the Ascendant& %tis no matter whether he be a #ortune or Infortune in this case. A. 8et your medicine be something antipathetical to the 8ord of the si'th. L. 8et your medicine be something of the nature of the sign ascending. FJ If the 8ord of the !enth be strong& make use of his medicines. G. If this cannot well be& make use of the medicines of the 8ight of !ime. K. -e sure always to fortify the grieved part of the body by sympathetical remedies.

H. Regard the heart& keep that upon wheels& because the un is the foundation of life& and therefore those universal remedies& Aurum Potabile& and the Philosopher%s tone& cure all diseases by fortifying the heart. Would you have time to e'plain this to us2 Also& would you happen to have a copy of :ulpepers Astrological <udgement of @iseases2 I have an e'tra copy of 4:ulpepers :omplete /erbalCDCF5 If you do not have this& I shall be glad to send it to you. I have added !he Works of Paracelsus to my library and now I really need an interpreter. #orever in search of 8ight. #raternally& etc.& etc. E3( !I0$ $R. CK I became a subscriber to the Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins much later than R& yet my number is way below his. /ow is this possible2 SSSSSS E3( !I0$ $0. CIn the *!riumphant :hariot of Antimony* by =alentinus mention is made on page CBO about 0mphacium. !rying to find this word in the dictionary or any place else has proved fruitless. :an you help2 Answer) !he word 0mphacium refers to unripe grapes& the green unripened flesh of the grapes. (ven as there is a difference between raw meat and cooked meat& so is there a difference between unripened and fully ripened grapes.%@r. +erkringius% translation into 8atin out of the original ,erman made use of the ,reek originated word 0mphacium. *0mphacium* was also used by A. (. Waite in his (nglish translation. In the original ,erman it reads) *darnach wird darauf gegossen ein ausgepresster aft von unzeitigen Wein!rauben* 4orig. ,erm. ed. CKHK at P.R. . archive5. !ranslated it reads literally *thereafter will have to be poured upon the e'pressed .uice of untimely grapes.* !he word *unzeitigen* means immatured or not yet fully ripened. E3( !I0$ $0. A?/0W can I get the sodium borate out of the glass of antimony that had been added according to the formula of =alentinus2 Answer) Wash it out. !he glass must be pulverized very finely for the sodium borate to dissolve in the water. When the p/ factor shows neutral it is reasonably free. If you have a o'hlet ('tractor with draincock place the glass to be washed in the thimble. ('tract with water as usual. Wheh the water is about to syphon down open the draincock sufficiently to make the p/ factor test. :ontinue the e'traction until the water tests neutral. ;ou will notice when allowing the distilled water to stand over night in the thimble chamber that it will again test negative 4alkaline5. !his is due to the undissolved sodium borate that could only be freed after thorough saturation. It is "uite difficult to get the bora' completely washed out. E3( !I0$ $0. L) I saw a bound volume of all the Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins inthe P.R. . 8ibrary. 8ater I found that some students had purchased such a volume. /ow much does one cost2 Answer) ;ou did not see a bound volume of *all* the Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins. At one time a dozen volumes of -ulletins were bound comprising the five years COKBKF. !hese have all been sold. -ut we have good news6 We have sufficient of -ulletin $o. C to have AB complete sets of the first ten years of the Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins& COKB to COKO& bound. !hese will be bound uniformly with our other booksdark blue with silver letteringand will constitute the last complete sets of the -ulletin to be available. !he price will be TAH.GB per volume. #or those who have already purchased the five yearsCOKBKF volume of -ulletins we will have a dozen volumes of COKKCOKO bound in the same manner as the first. !he cost of this volume will be TCK.BB. 0rders will be filled as received. E3( !I0$ $0. FWould you please confirm or deny the rumor that the P.R. . is doing research in which the $ational :ancer Institute of 1aryland is interested2

Answer) It is no rumor but an established fact that the above named institute has& since August COKD& been testing a preparation of the P.R.7 . Research 8aboratories for luekemia. !his was done by re"uest of the medical profession and by invitation from the $ational :ancer Institute. We may have more to say about this in the near future. E3( !I0$ $0. GIs there a purpose behind the schooling one receives through the P.R. .2 pecifically& are there possibilities for those having gone through the available class teachings to perform special tasks which they should be capable of performing2 Answer) P.R. . schooling will enable individuals through selected activities to be better prepared to serve mankind all over the world. ome such activities fostered by the P.R. . but functioning entirely inaependently will be announced in the following -ulletins. #or some& the ten years of probation have now ended and preparations are beginning to emerge for those ready to assume such assignments. ,radually some of these P.R. . students will be selected and entrusted to perform pro.ects which have been fully outlined many years previously& waiting only for the opportune time and the properly prepared administrators. E3( !I0$ $0. KIn the herbal work we are told that a stone of the plant world can be made. ;ou showed us a white stone that one of the students had made and told us that it was not yet perfected. I did not "uite understand what was meant by that. Answer) In the :ollectanea :hemica mention was made& and& as we recall& we also read to you from it that such a stone has the medicinal potencies enhanced in it. !he repetition of imbibing and calcining& to bring the preparation to a greater state of potency was what we meant by that statement. It will then change color& becoming yellow and eventually reddish& similar to the ,reat Work& where such color changes are indicated. E3( !I0$ $0. HIn your book on the Eabalah you made some changes that are not generally recognized& such as the planetary symbols for as yet undiscovered planets. ;ou also changed some accepted planetary placements in the various houses and signs such as $eptune to !aurus and 3ranus to =irgo. Why did you do that2 Answer) !o put it mildly& the changes revealed in the book are .ust some preliminaries. !here are more yet to come. In ordernot to fall with the door in the house& as the saying goes& in the forthcoming portfolio which we hopefully anticipate will be ready by the middle of the year& you will find some such further additional changes and e'planations as to why these have been made public. !his portfolio& incidentally& will be considerably larger than the announced size.

E3( !I0$ $0. D99Will all chicken eggs putrefy2 Answer) We have on hand a report from a student in $ew Nealand who conducted the following e'periment with chicken eggs in an attempt to shed some light on the vital "uestion concerning putrefaction in alchemy. !his represents a scientific endeavor and is not to be taken lightly. !he e'perimenter is an 0'ford scholar and deeply interested in esotericism. /is wife assisted him with this e'periment. 3nfortunately this published report could not appear in the last issue of the -ulletin so other students could perform the e'periment at this (aster time. A year from now we anticipate receiving further results of tests and lawful e'planations. Report on e(periments to verify or disprove the ancient tradition that hen@s eggs are sensitive to cosmic influencesGGin particular those held to be active during the three days that constitute the celebration of the :eath and Resurrection of "ur .ord /esus Christ at asterGtide.

!he :hurches have for some time now been involved in controversy over the date of the (aster festival. It is at present99as is well known99a movable feast in the :hristian ;ear. -eing celebrated according to the Roman rule established in (ngland in KKO A@7 which is that (aster @ay is the first unday after the CFth day of the calendar moon 4not the real moon5 which happens on or ne't after the pring ("uino' 41arch ACst5. 0ne of the bitterest points of division between the :eltic and Roman :hurches in -ritain was the date of keeping the (aster festival. !o this day the (astern 0rthodo' :hurch observes (aster a fortnight later according to the old unreformed calendar still in use there. 1any times the proposal of fi'ing (aster has been muted& and in COAD the -ritish Parliament passed an Act providing that it should fall on the first unday after the second aturday in April. !he 0rder in :ouncil re"uired to bring the Act into force has never been made however. !he e'periments to be reported herewith may therefore shed some little light on this controversial "uestion7 and raise the further "uestion whether if all calendars are man9made& some are perhaps more so than others2 !he connection of the hen%s egg with (aster originates with the <ewish Pesach or Passover festival. !he Pesach is the <ewish term for the Paschal lamb which is symbolically represented in the modern festival of the Passover by a shank9bone placed on the edar plate& together with an egg. It was therefore decided to keep for a period of seven months& two each of the eggs laid during /oly Week& i.e. two eggs for each day of the week& which were carefully marked with the date& care being taken to ensure that the eggs had actually been laid on that day. !his has now been done for two years running namely (aster COKD and (aster COKO. !he results are tabulated below) !he eggs were opened after seven months& this being sufficient time for normal putrefaction to have occurred. (aster week COKD 1onday 99 -oth eggs totally putrefied99yolk black. !uesday 99 -oth eggs totally putrefied99yolk black. Wednesday9-oth eggs totally putrefied99yolk black. !hursday99-oth eggs totally putrefied99yolk black ,ood #riday. 0f these two eggs one had been fertilized& the other not. -oth eggs had some dehydration of the albumen& but were otherwise perfectly sound. !here was no putrefaction& discoloration& or bad smell& with the astounding e'ception that in the case of the fertilized egg the embryo only had turned black without contaminating the yolk. -oth eggs were given to the cat who ate them with every sign of relish. (aster9 aturday. -oth eggs perfectly sound as above. (aster9 unday. -oth eggs sound& and given to the cat as before. /oly9Week COKO. !he results as above were repeated. !his time my wife and family were eye9witnesses and will corroborate the findings as reported here. !here were however& some variations insofar that the ,ood9#riday egg was not fertile and therefore had no *black9spot*7 and we e'tended the e'periment through to (aster 1onday&

All eggs laid from ,ood9#riday through to (aster 1onday inclusive were without any sign of putrefaction. It is intended to repeat this e'periment this coming (aster also only this time e'tending the dates covered to include the <ewish 0rthodo' festivals as well. hould anyone feel inclined to repeat this highly significant e'periment for themselves and report on their findings& the results would be of the greatest possible interest to the author of this report. /ere is a chance to perform an Alchemical e'periment with no apparatus at all& other than that provided by nature and the cosmos. 0nly one condition is suggested99that only eggs from fowls kept under natural conditions be used. As the writer notes specifically that only eggs from chickens living under natural conditions should be used this will of course e'clude any store bought eggs& or such that one may get *first hand* fresh from a chicken farm where the fowl is kept confined to their coops. #ree running chickens should be watched as to where they lay their eggs and above all the time and day involved. $aturally this re"uires some time and attention& but then& this is an e'periment that has to be verified to "ualify as scientific. It may be added that the moon%s phase& sign etc. as it prevailed at (astertime& should be noted and by inference and deduction similar prevailing conditions used for the e'periment. E3( !I0$ $0. O99When in my o'hlet ('tractor the thimble has become worn and no replacements are available for some time& is there any other way to keep on e'tracting without a thimble2 Answer) ;es& there is. 8ay a piece of sterile cotton on the bottom of the e'tractor so that it forms a filter for the opening of the syphon tube and leaves a layer of about CPA 9C inch on the bottom of the e'tractor. ;ou will now have more room to put your substance to be e'tracted in the ('tractor chamber than when using a thimble. +eep e'tracting the usual way. !he cotton will prevent the clogging of the syphon tube with solids and will become colored from the e'tract. When the cotton again washes white it is a sure sign that your e'traction is completed. E3( !I0$ $0. CB99In -ulletin $o. FC& COKO& on page FDO it reads that all measurements used by the P.R. . are to be *!roy Weight.* !his is confusing with present day standards. Why do you use this kind of measurement2 Answer) We were not specific enough in our announcement. !he above refers to those formulas as given by former alchemists when their weights and measures were listed. Any such repeated e'periment will use the formula as given in -ulletin $o. FC. In our present day investigations and tests we use the worldwide scientifically used and accepted metric system. E3( !I0$ $0. CC99What can be done to get a higher degree of heat from an ordinary #isher burner2 Answer) 3se some ordinary cement asbestos transite pipe. :ut so that you can partly immerse your crucible in the cylinder and yet have it above the flame of the burner. :ut some air holes in the bottom for o'ygen supply and leave enough of an opening on top so that the flame will not be e'tinguished for lack of o'ygen. E3( !I0$ $0. lA99Will a distillate contain all the essentials to be obtained from a menstrum2 Answer) It will contain as much as can be distilled from it. /owever& the first one seventh up to one fourth of either steam 4water5 or other volatile 4alcohol etc.5 e'tracted tincture actually contains the volatile essence by way of distillation. !he sulphur and salt will ordinarily stay behind. E3( !I0$ $0. CL9 alt of calcined 1elissa was fused in a furnace and showed yellow. When dissolved again in dist. water it produced a yellow tincture from the originally white calcined salt 4mineral5. /ow come2

Answer) Apparently not all the alchem. sulphur was taken out by either maceration or e'traction methods used and showed up again in the above water solution. E3( !I0$ $0. CF99!he ancient alchemists claimed that the heavenly influences play an important part in the e'traction of their eli'iers. Is this so2 Answer) tudents attending classes are well aware of this fact. !heir own results in their home laboratories has only too often revealed this sometimes aggravating and disappointing evidence. What had been done by them in the P.R. . 8aboratories with ease could not be repeated at home. 8ack of knowledge of these contributing factors is the cause. We take from the file a recent report from a student who after years of likewise futile e'periments has come up with some of his own e'periences concerning your "uestion. /ere are his findings) Planetary *nfluences on the Oils of (etals PR tudents concerned with producing the 0ils of 1etals have repeatedly posed the "uestion) *Why so great a variation in the time of e'traction2 It appears that some oils are produced in a matter of hours& others take weeks or months. In one instance there was no result after almost two years. In such a case it may be presumed that an oil will never manifest. !hese unsatisfactory results led to a number of evaluations based on !ropical Astrology. Accurate records were kept and charted on many e'periments for the time a menstrum was poured over a metal. !his should be called a :onception :hart because it is certainly not the time of the birth of an 0il7 it is the time which begins a process. :harts were also erected on e'periments that had been previously initiated when the day was known. In the beginning both 1idnight :onception 4 olar type5 and $atal 4for the moment of :onception5 :harts were erected. It soon became apparent that& in most cases& it was only necessary to erect a simple olar :hart with the ign occupied by the un placed in the first /ouse. !hese figures were easily obtained from an (phemeris. At first all recognized planetary configurations were plotted but the results were obscure. !he patterns of reaction were not clearly defined. !hen =ulcan%s placement was added to the charts. !he book that #rater :arl tahl had so generously given to the ubscribers of the PR -ulletins in <anuary of COKD& describing in detail how to find the position of =ulcan for any date& was dusted off and pressed into service. When the placement of =ulcan was added to the charts the patterns of reaction became more apparent. !he following material is best presented by anology because the correspondences are analogus& not actual. #or instance& the un is said to represent the oul as well as ulphur analagously. !he idea of analogy and the basic Astrology taught in the #irst ;ear :lass is all that is necessary for a clear understanding of that which follows. !he logic is elementary. !he un represents the Alchemical (lement ulphur. !he Planet 1ercury represents the Alchemical (lement 1ercury and 1enstrum. !he ruling planet of the metal 4say the 1oon for ilver5 represents the Alchemical (lement. alt. !he Planet =ulcan represents the I$$(R #IR(. As we have been taught& in Alchemy the regulation of the fire is of primary importance. In these e'tractions the Inner #ire is the only one that we have to regulate. !his is of special importance since the menstrum used is the very volatile& etherial menstrum revealed in the 1ineralia - :lass. All other planets are irrelevant and may be disregarded in these charts. !he planets that demand attention are those that represent ulphur& alt& 1ercury& and the Inner #ire. !o combine our analogy& it was observed that from the most rapid& satisfactory result the relevant planets& with the sometime e'ception of the alt ruler& should be in the same /ouse at the time of conception. !his

appears to be a logical se"uence since the /ouse represents the #orm or 1ould into which the planetary influences are poured. !he /ouse symbolically represents the pot or :osmic #lask in which the ulphur& 1ercury and #ire are placed in order to produce an oil. It was observed that =ulcan produced its best result when positioned at the bottom of the flask7 that is& to possess the greatest degree of arc below the meridian or the cusp of the first /ouse. !oo& if heat is desired it should be placed below that which is to be heated else there is a drying action. !he un should be between 1ercury and =ulcan. If the alt be represented in the same /ouse& which it seldom is& then the alt should be nearest the cusp of the /ouse7 that is& to have the least degree of are. !he following is a segment of a 1idnight :onception :hart for an e'periment set up to e'tract the 0il of iver on $ovember O& COKO. !he 0il of ilver was produced in appro'imately OK hours. !his chart displays the most ideal relative planetary values that have been observed to date. It will be noted from the diagram that =ulcan is positioned at the bottom of the /ouse or :osmic flask. Rising& there is the un which represents the ulphur or oil that is to be e'tracted& 1ercury which represents the menstrum which must actively e'tract the oil and the 1oon which represents the alt from which the ulphur is to be separated. It is patent that the planets have an apparent counterclockwise motion in such a chart since they travel in their orbits in that direction. /owever& it is also plain that a /ouse rises clockwise appro'imately fifteen degrees per hour due to the rotation of the (arth. !herefore& initial activity is in a clockwise or rising direction. !his e'planation is offered for suggesting that the relevant planets be placed in their relative positions99aside from the fact that these are positions that produce results. If the :hart for the 0il of ilver for the above date were complete aturn would be found five degrees retrograde in !aurus and 1ars three degrees in A"uarius. !herefore& aturn is in opposition to our 1ercury and alt and 1ars s"uares them. It was upon this basis and other charts with similar malific aspects that it was decided to disregard the position of irrelevant planets. 8unar aspects were considered but it appears that the general sign and position of the 1oon is not of great importance7 however& the 1oon%s phases are important. When relevant planets were properly positioned the most significant results were obtained on the increase of the 1oon and at the first& second and full "uarters. !he decrease of the 1oon and the fourth "uarter appear not to be conducive to a rapid result. !he above mentioned 0il of ilver was set up on the day of the $ew 1oon& so both the "uarter and the increase were favorable. !he best position for the planet representing the alt has not been determined. It has been observed that when the alt .oined the other relevants in the /ouse of :onception that the alt should be nearest the cusp. In general the alt was observed to occupy the most prolific position when above the /orizon but not s"uared or in opposition to the un& =ulcan or 1ercury. When =ulcan occupies a /ouse ad.acent to the /ouse of :onception results were considerably slowed& and similarly with 1ercury. If both planets are located in an ad.acent /ouse at conception a result will probably never appear. (ven with 1ercury in an ad.acent /ouse and =ulcan within two degrees of the :usp of an ad.acent /ouse results are unlikely. !he e'periments were performed on the o'ides of Reagent ,rade 1etals e'cept in the case of ,old and ilver where /astings #oil was used. !he menstrum revealed in the 1ineralia - :lass was used throughout. #lasks of an erlenmeyer shape 4slope sided5 and neoprene 4non9reactive5 stoppers were used. !he seven basic metals were chiefly considered though the halftone metals appear to respond in an identical manner.

('periments run under partial vacuum render a more rapid result but the conditions of the seven basics tested were uniformly under normal atmospheric pressure. -e advised that when producing a partial vacuum to obtain an oil with the above mentioned menstrum an asperator or vacuum pump should be used. !o apply heat to this menstrum is to court disaster. An asperator can produce CK inches of vacuum with no difficulty. !his report is far from conclusive. 1any more e'periments must be initiated. It is hoped that those who have had the training will .oin in this investigation. !o those who do be consistent. 3se the same grade metals and menstrum as well as the same type flask and stoppers. @o not use the black& reactive rubber stoppers unless covered with a nonreactive material such .as saran wrap. Record the time the menstrum is poured over the metal at least to the nearest ten minutes. In most cases a olar :hart is all that is necessary but in other instances a more accurate chart must be constructed to properly reveal relative values& especially in the case of =ulcan. If partial vacuum is used note it. Indicate astrological system used. !ropical was employed e'clusively for this report. !he idereal system could reveal variations though general interpretation should be the same. @o keep a record of the 1oon%s sign and phase. !his could have a great bearing which has not as yet been observed. -e certain that you have an oil. :olor or lack of color in a menstrum is not conclusive evidence for an oil. 0ne #rater produced a beautiful color for an 0il of ,old in a short period of time but when it was purified and the menstrum removed there was no trace of an oil. -ring your results to your ne't class and compare information. In this manner problems are resolved. %ote) It is most gratifying to the P.R. . to have students answer by their own results "uestions for their fellow students. !hat is the way it should be. E3( !I0$ $0. CG991y oleum vitelli throws down considerable feces shortly after filtration. Repeated filtrations with slow papers still do not remedy this condition. When the oleum stands& sometimes for weeks and months& there is always a precipitate. Answer) !ake the smallest funnel you have. Insert some cotton to stopper the funnel outlet with .ust enough cotton on the bottom to keep the cotton from being pushed through the opening with the oil. It is slow filtering but will eliminate your problems. Answer to Euestion $o. CG In regards to the *type of astrology we need with the herbs* please be advised that this would cover too much to bring it here. It will be answered during the first year course in detail. /ere are the answers to the seven points in "uestion) 4C5 If your ascendant in your natal chart would be !aurus& its 8ord would be =enus. 4A5 If the 8ord of your si'th house 4health and illness5 would be aturn @andelion 4<upiter5 would be antiphathetical. 4L5 If your ascending sign is Aries& ruled by 1ars& take herbs under his rulership& that have possibly attained maturity while the sign is reigning. It should have reached that stage in your environment and not be imported from climates different from the one prevailing in your locality& I# possible. 4F5 If you have 1ercury in the tenth house well aspected& then use herbs under his rulership. 4G5 If it is not favorably aspected then use the herbs ruled by the un or 1oon whichever of both is more favorably placed in your chart. 4K5 If your trouble& for instance& lies with the gall& then first administer a 1artian remedy like rhubarb& nettle& horseradish& onion& etc.

4H5 !he un has rulership over the heart& therefore& herbs like camomile& .uniper and saffron etc. growing under its dominion would be of beneficial influence. $aturally& the Potable ,old 4$0! made from metallic ,old5 and the 8apis Philosophorum will remedy or *cure all diseases by fortifying the heart.* Answer to Euestion $o. CK =arious individuals selected who have not as yet been contacted or have not replied& have their numbers reserved. $umbers CC& CA& CL& for instance& are not listed as yet in the files. Among them is a promising young man who will play an important part in the future as a leading individual in a 1ystical#raternal-rotherhood. /e has not even been contacted as yet. -ut his time is close at hand. !he three numbers mentioned missing up to numbers CAB will be filled in due time. -etween the numbers CAB and CFF is also a small gap& from there to COA no number is missing. After that again some blank spaces indicate the missing ones among the higher numbers etc. !his is the reason why yours was a lower number. E3( !I0$ $0. CH !here is another problem that confronts me. !hat is& in the e'periment profoundly e'pounded in the first -ulletin& we are not told what specific ailments the medicated distillation can cure. 4!his subscriber from Africa is writing regarding the 1elissa e'traction5 Answer to Euestion $o. CH -y sharing our love and gratitude for all we have received. orry7 nothing to sell at the end or at any other time. $o catch to it either. o sorry to be disappointing. E3( !I0$ $0. CD I would like to ask if I could get a folder for the first five -ulletins& as they would not look very neat after some more are coming& and they remain in loose leaf style. Answer to Euestion $o. CD !he Paracelsus Research ociety is not in a position to furnish folders for the -ulletins. $or does it intend to do so in the future. When you will have ten or twelve -ulletins on hand it is suggested to have them bound. It will give you about CAB to CGB pages or a somewhat larger volume than the /andbook. E3( !I0$ $0. CO /ow can you teach without payment such an important course. Are you selling something in the end2 What is the catch2 Answer to Euestion $o. AB 1elissa officinalis is especially recommended for the /eart. In (urope *1elissengeist* the spirit of 1elissa is a well sought after remedy and can be purchased in any Pharmacy there. !he alchemical preparation is much more potent& of course& since it contains not only its essence& but its sulphur and mineral 4salt5. E3( !I0$ $0. CG99!here is some talk back and forth going on about the effects that tomatoes have in man%s metabolism. :an you shed some light on this besides telling us about their vitamin content and such things2 Answer) Where :arcinoma 4cancer5 prevails) $0 tomatoes. #or the increase of the functions of the liver @0 use tomatoes. 3se the tomato vines for its own fertilizer. -etter tomatoes will grow from using their dead vines as fertilizer. E3( !I0$ $0. CK99I find that the full moon does not always stimulate the growth as astrologers tell us. What would you say causes this2 Answer99If there is no rain .ust before the full moon growth is retarded& but the full moon .ust before rainy days will stimulate growth. !o this some may answer that there is nothing to the theory that water would not do. !his is not so. Please note that we say) *!he full moon .ust before rainy days will stimulate growth.

E3( !I0$ $0. CH99:an you tell me why /orsetail ,rass 4("uisetum5 is useful in 1edicine2 Answer991an needs silica and silicic acid. /orsetail grass contains about OBI silica. $ot only that but about half of the earth at our disposal consists of silica. Alchemically speaking silica is representing the element fire 4warmth5. 0ther susbstances in abundance on our earth and available to man for his health are to be found in limestone& potassium and sodium. E3( !I0$ $0. lD99If I understood you rightly in one of your lectures during P.R. . classes& you said that gems and metals grow like plants. Is this correct2 Answer) !here is some talk that science has accomplished alchemical feats with metals. -y that we refer to the increase of their substance. #or e'ample we mean to increase the weight of gold without the addition of more gold but by using other substances. !he ,erman newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine Neitung said under the date) of August K& COKD in part) *8arge pure gold crystals up to one centimeter have been grown at the Phillips Nentral laboratorium in Aachen. cience hopes to have come a step closer to the secret by which nature shows how nuggets are formed. @r. Rabenau and Rau produced gold crystals under hydrothermalic conditions with temperatures e'ceeding CBB degree : where a watery media is brought under high pressure. !he gist of it all is that fine gold fragments are placed in a solution of Iodine and /ydrogen forming an acid solution which is heated up to GBB degree: where each end of the ampule has a slight difference in temperature. !he gold moves from the colder end towards the warmer part and in so doing transports gold crystals which separate itself again and which grow within days to about one centimeter.* !he "uestion now is) What became of the results of such further investigations and laboratory tests after two years2 $othing more has been forthcoming during the ensuing years. We merely cite this instance where alchemical theories are being evaluated& though& perhaps& not with the same results as used by former alchemists. We may add here& that we have .ust received word from witzerland wherein we are informed through an enclosed brochure that a #rench scientist is able to grow emeralds& also by using genuine but imperfect natural stones and by reducing them and adding his secret solvent grows within ten months genuine emeralds. /ere too& further investigation should prove most interesting as these emeralds are on the market by now and are considerably less in price than the valuable green emerald& the stone of =enus. Information regarding the latter can be had from (ts Pierre ,ilson& :ampange9lezJ Wardre"ues& Pas9de9:alais& #rance. /owever& there is more to this than meets the eye in a test tube or ampule. !he alchemical process involved is likewise a natural one accomplished by artificial means. !he seed of the metals of which the philosophers speak is not to be compared with the seed of the plant world as the seed of the plant world is not to be compared with the spermatozoon of the animal. o differs the seed of the minerals and the metals one from the other. It takes a much deeper insight than can be given here in a few words. If it was that easy to comprehend it would not remain the mystery which it appears to be to many. E3( !I0$ $0. CO99Is it possible to establish a relationship between the alchemical symbols mercury& sulphur& and salt with the chemical symbols /& 0& and :2 Answer) !here is& though not in the order you mention here. /ad you suggested /& $& and : you would have come closer. E3( !I0$ $0. AB9!here is something strange about these Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins. ;ou read them and still have not read all that you think you have. <ust now& after many years& I have found that you gave us the formula for the e'traction of the Euintessence from 1etals in the very first -ulletin& $o. C& which I e'perienced in the P.R. . laboratory only some years after. What%s wrong with me2 Answer) $othing. -asically there are two ways to read our -ulletins. #irst) 8ike any reading matter by .ust giving a cursory glance through them to see %what is new this time.% econd) Pausing while reading and contemplating what has been read and becoming involved and actually concerned about the sub.ect matter

under consideration& which& incidentally& may be taking place right now with you while you are reading what is said here. E3( !I0$ $0. AC99I have a confession to make. At first I thought that alchemy was a pretty e'pensive undertaking& when you consider traveling a great distance to your place. !his means one%s vacation time has to be sacrificed among other things. -ut the longer I look back and think& of what I took out of my time with you and how it helped me and my family mentally& physically and spiritually& I now confess& I really struck a bargain after all. Answer) omeone said& *!he bitterness of poor "uality remains after the sweetness of cheap price is forgotten&* to which we add) *as the bitterness of the high price is forgotten when we en.oy the sweet enduring value of high "uality.* E3( !I0$ $0. AA99I refer to the last -ulletin Euestion and Answer $umber CL. !here it was said that salt of 1elissa was fused. I tried it and mine did not fuse. Why2 Answer) If you used the salt of 1elissa that became the deadhead thereof or you used its leached out salt& then it would not fuse. If you take the entire plant and calcine it and recover the salt therefrom& then it will fuse. E3( !I0$ $0. AL99/ow far ahead may application be made for P. R. . classes2 Answer) As soon as possible. !here will be a full complement of classes in COHC but only a limited number in COHA. !here will be no classes in the 3. .A. in COHL as that will be a seminar year. !he last seminar took place seven years ago in COKK. E3( !I0$ $0. AF99 am confused about the E.-.8. metzlahs. /ow do you find the metzlah from the sephirah by number2 !he sephira is clear to me. !he day& month and year of birth are totalled and kept within the +ing scale of numbers. -ut what about the metzlahs2 I have never gotten that straight. Answer) 1etzlahs start at CC. !he first letter becomes the eleventh metzlah. When the sephirah totals between one and nine add CB. If the number of the first total 4sephirah5 is ten or higher but not more than LL this is your metzlah. If the total is higher than LA deduct CB to get your metzlah. (zample) O9AO9COBD S LD S CC S A is sephirah A U CB S CA is metzlah F9L9 COBA S CO S CB is sephirah When the total is ten the reference is to 1alkuth. C U B S C cannot be used because *one* represents *!he 0ne&* which man cannot know. !herefore the first sephirah is not applicable to mortal man. /owever& to get the first metzlah& the eleventh path& add ten to the one derived as shown and it will give the eleventh metzlah or the first letter on the Eueen 4negative5 scale& i.e.& CB S C U 0 S C add CB S CC is the first metzlah. E3( !I0$ $0. AG99I have heard it said that eating too many potatoes is not good. Is there some reason other than because of their starch content2 Answer) It has been said that eating too many potatoes overstimulates the brain. !his could be caused by the starch being converted into sugar which& besides producing fats) also generates some body fuel in the form of alcohol which acts as incitement upon the brain. E3( !I0$ $0. AK99What is the reason that no spagyric medications can be bought in Pharmacies or @rugstores in the 3. .A.2 I understand that in some countries in (urope and elsewhere this is possible.

Answer) -ecause none are produced in the 3. .A. pagyrists capable of doing so prepare these privately for themselves. /owever& plans are under way to bring about such manufacture of spagyric medications in the 3. .A. with the P.R. . acting as a consultant. It should be clearly understood that the P.R. . will $0! manufacture spagyric or alchemical medications in such an enterprise but will act solely as a consultant. E3( !I0$ $0. AH99@o enzymes react on metals2 Answer) =egetable or animal enzymes have no action on metals. -ur metallic catalysts. such as platinum& nickel and copper& do have a catalytic action that speeds up certain chemical processes involving metals. E3( !I0$ $0. AD99What is :helamus2 /as it reference to chelah 4disciple52 Answer) $o. :helamus in the alchemical language used during the 1iddle Ages refers to * ea alt*. E3( !I0$ $0. AO99;ou have stressed in classes that the inner or spiritual alchemy and the laboratory alchemy are of e"ual importance. In practical laboratory alchemy manifestations show and can be anticipated as an outcome of such former manifestations. @oes this show also in spiritual alchemy2 Answer) ince alchemy is evolution and evolutionary processes can be observed on the material plane& if the law of polarity is valid& the same will have to be possible on the non9material plane. /ere we shall cite an incident where on the psychic plane& such manifestations show. We print this letter .ust as received) *,o to +. ch. 4name omitted5. /e has a Parcelsus book of great importance. 0nly my brother Albertus can read it. !he book has to be secured for brother Albertus.* *@ear esteemed #rater Albertus) !he above te't I received as a small message. :urious& to find out if it was correct& I went immediately to witzerland. !he above named +. ch. is an elderly gentleman of DC years& a publisher and formerly had his pra'is as $aturopath. /e was greatly surprised when I approached him with my message& and behold& a book bound in pigskin& weighing G kilo& height LF&G cm with AH cm and depth CL&G cm was brought for me to see. !he te't on the first page read) A4REOL* Philippi !heophrasii -ombasts von /ohenheim ParacelsiPdes (dlenP /ochgelehrtenP #urteflichstenPWeiberumbtesten Philosophi vnd 1edici OPERA -ucher vnd chrifftenP so viel deren zur /and gebrachtP mit vnd ausz ihren glaubwurdigen eygener /andgeschriebenen 0riginalien collacioniertP verglichenPverbesert vnd durch =OA""E( H4SER4( BR*SCO*4( in zehn vnderschiedliche !heilPin !ruck gegeben)

<etzt von nevem mit fleisz vbersehen& auch mit etlichen biszhero vnbekandten !rectaten gemehrt7 vnd vmb mehrer -e"uemlichkeit willenPin zween vnderschiedliche !010 vnd !heil gebrachtPderen -egriff vnd 0rdnungPnach der =orrede zu findenPsampt beyder !heilen fleiszien vnd vollkommenen Registern STRASSB4R! In verlegung 8azari Netzners ehgen (rben Anno 1.@:.R=I *!he book contains among other things #ormulas and e'ceptionally many symbols. It is by now over FBB years old. I shall take precautions that +. ch. does not sell in the meantime this book99in the meantime6 -ecause I& too& hope that I shall have the pleasure of seeing it again. With heartiest greetings& yours& (. ,. 4name withheld5* /ere we have evidence that results can be predicted in the spiritual world when spiritual laws are followed& .ust as alchemical results can be foreseen when alchemical laws are followed. 3pon the "uestion of how the writer received this message& by letter or other physical means& the answer was) *:oncerning my message I should e'plain that I am not given to wait for messages of a spiritual nature or that I am not concerned with mediumistic things. It .ust so happens that I see things or am being shown things. Among other things a coat of arms was placed in my hands. It had the colors of gold& white and blue and above it was a golden eagle. I only saw the hand that gave it to me and heard the words) %!ell him& it is the same as that of von /ohenheim%. I saw a number of people gathered in a hall as if a conference was in session. Among them was a spiritual healer from witzerland whom I later visited and I also saw the owner of the book and even heard his name fully pronownced as +. ch. 4here abbreviated5. ince I did not know what to do about it I kept silent. 0nly later did I confide in a friend about it& who first called my attention to the fact that it must concern Paracelsus and his brotherhood. o& take it or leave it& I have been witness to it and can only trust in ,od that the World of 8ight will guide this matter about the von /ohenheim into the proper ways and to a good end. !hat would be it for today. Please be not too disappointed.* 1ay peace be with you. (., !his then is the alchemy on the non9tangible side& that& nevertheless& reveals itself also on the physical plane& .ust as the physical laboratory alchemy must show results on the spiritual plane. 0ne without the other is not genuine alchemy. !he law of polarity could not function otherwise. E3( !I0$ $0. LB990nce started in practical alchemy and when the 8esser Work is completed& that is& the process has been mastered& is it not permissible to start on the 0pus 1agnus. After all& should not the Philosopher%s tone be man%s highest "uest on the material plane2 Answer) /aving mastered the 8esser Work it is recommended that the alchemist work on antimony and produce the #ire tone& before attempting the Philosopher%s tone. /owever& some have tried to get the tone of the Wise even before they worked with antimony. We recommend a step by step procedure. It will prove helpful in the long run.

E3( !I0$ $0. LC99Is spiritus mundi and the 3niversal pirit the same2 Answer) $o. piritus mundi refers to the spirit of the earth& while the 3niversal pirit is the 3niversal 8ife permeating everything& of which the earth represents but a segment thereof. !he sum total of all life found within and upon the earth is the spiritus mundi. E3( !I0$ $0. LA99We are supposed to compare our inner progress with the practical laboratory work of alchemical manifestations. !his puzzles me& because how can I determine the progress made& if any2 Answer) Alchemy is a slow process. We hardly notice the changes that go on in the laboratory while we wait for them to show. If we leave for awhile and then return to the substance with which we are working we do notice the change. -ut the work has to go on and on and must not stop. 0nly then& after sometime& do we notice the progress made. As far as we are concerned others do notice the changes in ourselves before we do because we& ourselves& are involved in the slow process and everpresent in it. E3( !I0$ $0. LL99Is it better to use glacial acetic acid or K $ormal for antimony e'tractions. Answer) It all depends on what you are after. K normal acetic acid has water as an o'idizing agent in it. 0n some substances it works better& on others not so well. Are you referring to the brown powder precipitate or to the sulphide or o'ide2 E3( !I0$ $0. LF99It is hard for me to accept the teaching of reincarnation. /ow can one be an animal at one time& then a flower and again man2 Answer) ;ou misunderstand the meaning of reincarnation. What you refer to is known as transmigration& a primitive belief of some lesser evolved individuals or tribes. Reincarnation means the evolving of the soul consciousness in the human body. <ust as the holy books tell you& for instance the -ible& that :hrist was with his #ather before he came on this earth taking a resurrected body as /e returned to heaven& so will /e on his second coming again appear as man in another body. $ever did reincarnation mean transmigration. !he word *carna* means flesh a flower is no flesh. Admitted that the animals have flesh& but still the body is of secondary importance as a vehicle for the soul to develop therein. !he human body is the greatest achievement of creation and therefore has been created to house the soul so it may evolve& while the body is permeated by the 3niversal pirit which gives it life. E3( !I0$ $0. LG99;ou have said before that students will be selected to help teach at P.R. . /as anything been done in this respect. Answer) We have answered this "uestion in another place in this -ulletin. /owever& anyone feeling competent to teach may submit a re"uest to do so. uch re"uests will be very carefully screened and considered. E3( !I0$ $0. LK99Why are alchemistical activities which have been kept secret in times gone by& now made available so openly. @oes this not constitute a violation of secret oaths by those who received such instructions& at least partially& from other sources such as esoteric bodies& they belong to2 Answer) Read what is said under *!ranslations #rom 0ur 0ld -ooks.* !his might help answer your "uestion in more detail. !imes have changed. !here is no longer a need for secrecy because of fear for one%s life. -esides why try to keep alchemical secrets when so much has been said and published on Alchemy in the past2 All that is needed is a plausible e'planation so mankind as a whole may benefit& instead of as formerly when only a few benefited. #urthermore& now as in the past& those who are unable to understand

what they read cannot perform or produce the alchemical product. o what is violated if all has been said before openly for all to see and read2 -esides& no one individual or group of individuals has a monopoly on alchemy or its teachings. Anyone claiming so& lays claim to entire evolution and that is pure nonsense. E3( !I0$ $0. LH99:an you please e'plain briefly& .ust to clear up the "uestion a bit& what special purpose the different shapes of flasks best serve2 Answer) -asic types of flasks are round and flat bottomed boiling flasks and cone shaped (rlenmeyer flasks. #or boiling the first are preferred. !he latter are used when no violent boiling is necessary. ('perience will teach us what to use and for what purpose. #or maceration long necked flasks are preferable. !he long neck serves as a condenser. hort) necked flasks let the steam rise a shorter distance& etc. E3( !I0$ $0. LD99Will your ,erman language alchemistical hook be available in (nglish2 Answer) At present no plan has been made to translate the book. /owever this ,erman book basically deals with conditions and alchemists in (urope. At present we are engaged in revising the (nglish /andbook. As well as correcting its many grammatical and printing errors it will be considerably enlarged with practical laboratory results from P.R. . students. When the publication date is near further annoncements will be made in the -ulletins. E3( !I0$ $0. LO99Whnt do you think about messages people claim to have received from other planetary beings by recording or tape for all to hear or have received in some other manner. Answer) It is very doubtful that e'alted beings& which do e'ist& will stoop to such a low means to convey what they will. 0n the other side& infernal beings who have not succeeded in their former mortal life will use any mecns to get hold of willing minds& to become their dupes& especially weak ones. uch beings& dwelling at the lower regions of levels of consciousness& because of their former lives of crime and sordid living will gladly get hold of anyone whom they can use& even by bodily possession& to finish what they themselves by suicide or other infernal means had cut short themselves. A deeper insight and knowledge is need to distinguish these things. !hose who do not know& will fall an easy prey& their sincerity notwithstanding. ('alted beings have e'alted messages and they have nothing to do with lowly& personal& terrestrial things. !here messages or visions will always take place in pure light and brightness& never in dark rooms& with curtains drawn and by using other people as messengers. !hey will come direct to you& when you are ready to receive them. !hese messages are unmistakable and need no e'planation or interpretation by others. !hat will be revealed to you which is willed to be revealed and is .ust that& namely a revelation. ;ou& rather& are in a position to tell others what they do not know& instead of them telling you what they are trying to interpret. If you are not living a clean& pure and virtuous life you are suscepthible to those of like mind. 0n the contrary& if you honestly live a pure life& you don%t have to worry about infernal beings getting hold of you& because they will flee the pure light of virtue& while making a last strong stand to tear you down in a weak moment of doubt and despair. ;es& there are lying and deceiving infernal beings and holy& pure e'alted beings. It is up to you to determine with whom you will associate. !he former by lying and deceiving promise to make things easy and know what you don%t know about here on earth& but they do not know or cannot endure the truth prevailing in the higher spheres or regions and they flee from the truth into their& to them& holy hell& while the pure in heart and in daily life& who do not mind their struggles to live a noble life& will get.a taste of the purer spheres& or heavens& that they will never trade for a moment of earthy satisfaction brought about by the lower senses upon their sense organs.

E3( !I0$ $0. LB0nce started in practical alchemy and when the 8esser Work is completed& that is& the process has been mastered& is it not permissible to start on the 0pus 1agnus. After all& should not the Philosopher%s tone be man%s highest "uest on the material plane2 Answer) /aving mastered the 8esser Work it is recommended that the alchemist work on antimony and produce the #ire tone& before attempting the Philosopher%s tone. /owever& some have tried to get the tone of the Wise even before they worked with antimony. We recommend a step by step procedure. It will prove helpful in the long run. E3( !I0$ $0. LCIs spiritus mundi and the 3niversal pirit the same2 Answer) $o. piritus mundi refers to the spirit of the earth& while the 3niversal pirit is the 3niversal 8ife permeating everything& of which the earth represents but a segment thereof. !he sum total of all life found within and upon the earth is the spiritus mundi. E3( !I0$ $0. LAWe are supposed to compare our inner progress with the practical laboratory work of alchemical manifestations. !his puzzles me& because how can I determine the progress made& if any2 Answer) Alchemy is a slow process. We hardly notice the changes that go on in the laboratory while we wait for them to show. If we leave for awhile and then return to the substance with which we are working we do notice the change. -ut the work has to go on and on and must not stop. 0nly then& after sometime& do we notice the progress made. As far as we are concerned others do notice the changes in ourselves before we do because we& ourselves& are involved in the slow process and everpresent in it. E3( !I0$ $0. LLIs it better to use glacial acetic acid or K $ormal for antimony e'tractions. Answer) It all depends on what you are after. K normal acetic acid has water as an o'idizing agent in it. 0n some substances it works better& on others not so well. Are you referring to the brown powder precipitate or to the sulphide or o'ide2 E3( !I0$ $0. LFIt is hard for me to accept the teaching of reincarnation. /ow can one be an animal at one time& then a flower and again man2 Answer) ;ou misunderstand the meaning of reincarnation. What you refer to is known as transmigration& a primitive belief of some lesser evolved individuals or tribes. Reincarnation means the evolving of the soul consciousness in the human body. <ust as the holy books tell you& for instance the -ible& that :hrist was with his #ather before he came on this earth taking a resurrected body as /e returned to heaven& so will /e on his second coming again appear as man in another body. $ever did reincarnation mean transmigration. !he word *carna* means flesh a flower is no flesh. Admitted that the animals have flesh& but still the body is of secondary importance as a vehicle for the soul to develop therein. !he human body is the greatest achievement of creation and therefore has been created to house the soul so it may evolve& while the body is permeated by the 3niversal pirit which gives it life. E3( !I0$ $0. LG;ou have said before that students will be selected to help teach at P.R. . /as anything been done in this respect. Answer) We have answered this "uestion in another place in this -ulletin. /owever& anyone feeling competent to teach may submit a re"uest to do so. uch re"uests will be very carefully screened and considered. E3( !I0$ $0. LKWhy are alchemistical activities which have been kept secret in times gone by& now made available so openly. @oes this not constitute a violation of secret oaths by those who received such instructions& at least partially& from other sources such as esoteric bodies& they belong to2 Answer) Read what is said under *!ranslations #rom 0ur 0ld -ooks.* !his might help answer your "uestion in more detail. !imes have changed. !here is no longer a need for secrecy because of fear for one%s life. -esides why try to keep alchemical secrets when so much has been said and published on Alchemy in

the past2 All that is needed is a plausible e'planation so mankind as a whole may benefit& instead of as formerly when only a few benefited. #urthermore& now as in the past& those who are unable to understand what they read cannot perform or produce the alchemical product. o what is violated if all has been said before openly for all to see and read2 -esides& no one individual or group of individuals has a monopoly on alchemy or its teachings. Anyone claiming so& lays claim to entire evolution and that is pure nonsense. E3( !I0$ $0. LH:an you please e'plain briefly& .ust to clear up the "uestion a bit& what special purpose the different shapes of flasks best serve2 Answer) -asic types of flasks are round and flat bottomed boiling flasks and cone shaped (rlenmeyer flasks. #or boiling the first are preferred. !he latter are used when no violent boiling is necessary. ('perience will teach us what to use and for what purpose. #or maceration long necked flasks are preferable. !he long neck serves as a condenser. hort) necked flasks let the steam rise a shorter distance& etc. E3( !I0$ $0. LDWill your ,erman language alchemistical hook be available in (nglish2 Answer) At present no plan has been made to translate the book. /owever this ,erman book basically deals with conditions and alchemists in (urope. At present we are engaged in revising the (nglish /andbook. As well as correcting its many grammatical and printing errors it will be considerably enlarged with practical laboratory results from P.R. . students. When the publication date is near further annoncements will be made in the -ulletins. E3( !I0$ $0. LOWhnt do you think about messages people claim to have received from other planetary beings by recording or tape for all to hear or have received in some other manner. Answer) It is very doubtful that e'alted beings& which do e'ist& will stoop to such a low means to convey what they will. 0n the other side& infernal beings who have not succeeded in their former mortal life will use any mecns to get hold of willing minds& to become their dupes& especially weak ones. uch beings& dwelling at the lower regions of levels of consciousness& because of their former lives of crime and sordid living will gladly get hold of anyone whom they can use& even by bodily possession& to finish what they themselves by suicide or other infernal means had cut short themselves. A deeper insight and knowledge is need to distinguish these things. !hose who do not know& will fall an easy prey& their sincerity notwithstanding. ('alted beings have e'alted messages and they have nothing to do with lowly& personal& terrestrial things. !here messages or visions will always take place in pure light and brightness& never in dark rooms& with curtains drawn and by using other people as messengers. !hey will come direct to you& when you are ready to receive them. !hese messages are unmistakable and need no e'planation or interpretation by others. !hat will be revealed to you which is willed to be revealed and is .ust that& namely a revelation. ;ou& rather& are in a position to tell others what they do not know& instead of them telling you what they are trying to interpret. If you are not living a clean& pure and virtuous life you are suscepthible to those of like mind. 0n the contrary& if you honestly live a pure life& you don%t have to worry about infernal beings getting hold of you& because they will flee the pure light of virtue& while making a last strong stand to tear you down in a weak moment of doubt and despair. ;es& there are lying and deceiving infernal beings and holy& pure e'alted beings. It is up to you to determine with whom you will associate. !he former by lying and deceiving promise to make things easy and know what you don%t know about here on earth& but they do not know or cannot endure the truth prevailing in the higher spheres or regions and they flee from the truth into their& to them& holy hell& while the pure in heart and in daily life& who do not mind their struggles to live a noble life& will get.a taste of the purer spheres& or heavens& that they will never trade for a moment of earthy satisfaction brought about by the lower senses upon their sense organs. E3( !I0$ $0. FBWhen Paracelsus lived he had no use for complicated e"uipment& such as I found at the P.R. . laboratories. #irst& they were not available and second& to him& not necessary. Why do you use them2 Answer) It is very doubtful that Paracelsus would have had no use for *complicated e"uipment* as you call it. What he used was also *compli.cated* for his time. We acknowledge that e"uipment available to us today was none'istent to him but that it would not have proven useful to him is open to "uestion. If he%d

had access to such e"uipment he certainly would have considered it necessary when compared with the clumsy clay and easily corrodable metal vessels which he had to use. As we put it once during a class) *If Paracelsus had the e"uipment we have today he would have thought himself already in heaven at least e"uipmentwise.* E3( !I0$ $0. FCI was elated with the first class I took with the P.R. . It was a revelation to me. -ut6 When I read *!he even Rays of the E.-.8. before I came to class I thought I would be taught all that it contains2 !his was sort of disappointing& because we only got a little bit of what the book contains& which I treasure. Answer) /ere we go again. /as it ever occurred to you that those who bite off too much find that they cannot digest all of it and usually end up with a belly ache2 /ere& too&%easy does it.* It would take at least the entire first year%s halfs moon cycle and then some to go through the E.-.8. It shows that you need oral "abbalistic instruction as your reading alone does not give you what you e'pect. Prepare yourself accordingly. (ventually all will make sense. E3( !I0$ $0. FA I have tried so many different alchemical procedures in my little laboratory but have e'treme difficulties. !o be honest I have not produced one item to my satisfaction. In fact none of my e'periments have been a success. What am I doing wrong2 Answer) * o many different alchemical procedures*that is what seems to be wrong. tick with one procedure at a time and try to bring it to a conclusion. We agree that occasionally& timewise& we must have several e'periments going at the same time but that is only considering the weeks and months involved. :oordinating our thoughts first is more important than to rush into the lab and start mi'ing and brewing up all kinds of concoctions because we are impatient. 0ur in.unction *(asy does it* still holds. ,ive us details of your problems and we shall see if we can assist you to correct your errors. E3( !I0$ $0. FLWhy does science ridicule and deny the work of $icolas !esla& a genius who was way ahead of his time2 Answer) We do not now about definite denials of !esla%s work. !he trouble seems to begin where $icolas !esla left off. <ust *any scientist* cannot succeed !esla. $ot until an e"ual or superior scientist appears on the scene who is "ualified to continue his work will the genius of $icolas !esla be fully recognized. E3( !I0$ $0. FF Would like to work with some !rue 3nicorn which I have. It isn%t usually listed in herbal books. !o what ray does it belong2 Answer) We do not have a definite answer to your "uestion at present. As books give us no answer we will have to arrive at one by inference or deduction. =alentine gives it a dual polarity of attraction and repulsion. !hat is it repulses poison and attracts nonpoison. We may therefore not be wrong if we attribute unicorn to 1ercurial influences. We have not enough evidence on hand at the P.R. . laboratories to fully substantiate this.;our e'periments and that of other students will help to establish further knowledge about this unusual plant. ince it is hard to come by& perhaps you would like to divulge your source of supply so other students may obtain it for further e'perimentation. P. . to the reader) !he unicorn referred to here is not the legendary animal with one horn& but a plant by this name. E3( !I0$ $0. FGWould it be simpler and correct to obtain the volatile oil. !hen obtain the combined salts by the shortcut we have learned. !hen combine the volatile oil with the salts and add absolute alcohol& place in a distillation process and keep pouring the distillate 4moisture5 over the salts until the stone is ac"uired. Answer) ;es it would be simpler if you are able to obtain the pure volatile oil of the plant under "uestion. In fact it is the proper way to do this. /owever& under normal procedures this re"uires steam distillation which not everyone is e"uipped to do at home in his lab. ;ou are on the right track& if you follow the procedure as outlined.

E3( !I0$ $0. FKPersonally I think you make a big mistake staying in the background. !he P.R. . and what it stands for should be known among all& those who are interested in alchemy and allied teachings. /ow can people benefit from something about which they are unaware. In -ulletin =olume A& $umber G& page GG& paragraph A you state that alchemy is not merely a local phenomenon but that communication e'ists between its advocates. /ow can such communication be accomplished if you have no one with whom to communicate. Answer) ;ou are putting us on the spot. It is a fact that the P.R. . rarely advertises openly. !he brochure *=isual& 0ral& 8aboratory Instruction* was not intended for public distribution& but is given out only on re"uest. 3ndoubtedly more could be done to inform individuals about the P.R. . activities. !he reason for the e'istence of the P.R. . is to teach alchemy and its related sub.ects in the original meaning. !here is little demand for such profound teachings as compared to the sensational approaches used by those who advertise what money can buy that will do practically all kinds of esoteric things for individuals. We have no desire to be classified among such. After all& the best advertisements are the results of those who can prove by themselves what can be accomplished& and that will have to be done by the individual& not by the P.R. . We prefer to work in a smaller circle with sincere individuals& rather than with large groups where envy and petty .ealousy re"uire time and energy to bridge the gap of shallow and sensational thoughts. If you and others of like mind think it worth your while to make known what the P.R. . does and stands for you may do so by writing about the work or making illustrations to let others know what we do. -ut such advertising must come from interested individuals. Anyone may speak for or against the P.R. . as it pleases him or her. E3( !I0$ $0. FHWhy do te't books on pharmacy make no mention of spagyric preparations2 urely& if there is anything of value to be found in alchemical preparations it would be considered by the medical profession and prepared by pharmacists. Answer) 1ention of spagyric preparations is to be found in some te'tbooks. $ot many& we agree& but one of the latest such te'tbooks known to us is in ,erman *Rezeptbuch der Pflanzenheilkunde&* (leventh (dit. /ippocrates& =erlag tuttgart& ,ermany. !he reason for the unavailability of spagyric preparations in pharmacies is undoubtedly the slow& cumbersome process involved in preparation that would be costly and so would take such products out of the competitive market. !oday with some people& money counts more than the effectiveness of medicationsbut fortunately not with all people. What is even more to the point& alchemical medications cannot be effectively prepared synthetically in order to lower the cost. E3( !I0$ $0. FDA herb is separated into its three parts and purified. It is then recombined and sub.ected to more heat. Are the resulting crystals the * eeds of the /erb*2 Answer) $o. E3( !I0$ $0. FOWhy does one wish to stay alive2 Answer) !his "uestion has often arisen during classes. Answers of some students might be of interest. We "uote from such answers) a. -ecause mostly I feel that it might hurt to die. b. Why to stay alivebecause we .ust want to. -ut offer this) if there is a reason& to find out what it is. c. !o en.oy life at its most. d. It is my wish to stay alive that I may progress as much as possible toward the perfection that is my ultimate goal. e. !o be able to accomplish as much to my progress or mission in life and to become nearer to ,od. f. !o travel on the road to become humane. g. -ecause there is no other choice. h. !here are things to do. i. I don%t know.

!o which we may add) All answers indicate to us that *one%s self* has not been discovered& because if life is without end throughout the universe then life is everlasting and life will keep on pulsating& whether we want it to or not. E3( !I0$ $0. GB!he statement *Within the F elements will be found the L essentials produced by $ature*they will always reveal themselves by the 8aw of Polarity.* @o we have this statement worded correctly2 Answer) !he law of polarity will reveal itself within the three essentials that will be found within the four elements wherein is found the "uintessence which is not one of the four but one of the three. E3( !I0$ $0. GC('plain the statement *0ut of the plant comes A& alcohol and tincture7 separate the tincture and there is L. Answer) !he plant yields the mercury and sulphur as a unit& namely its tincture. !he other unit is the plant from which the tincture has been e'tracted. eparate the first unit into mercury and sulphur which make two and add to the second unit 4salt from the plant5 and you have three. E3( !I0$ $0. GA!here is something not "uite clear to me in regard to the vegetable stone. When the stone is finished and immersed in an herbal tincture it is supposed to attract the three essentials and cause them to float on the top where they can be scooped off. /ow can his be2 Would the stone not dissolve in the tincture if it is immersed in it2 Answer) !he stone would not dissolve so easily. It is of an oily nature having a considerable amount of the alchemical sulphur 4oil5 thoroughly amalgamated with its mercury and salt. E3( !I0$ $0. GL) ;ou said you would let us know if you could find a source for buying unicorn. /ave you found one2 Answer) ;es. /erb Products :o.& Inc. CCBCA 1agnolia -oulevard $. /ollywood& :alifornia OCKBC E3( !I0$ $o. GF:an you melt bA 0L with a flu' that would not need to be removed later as we do when we use bora' and then must wash the bora' out2 Answer) As you know bA BL can be molten into glass under very high heat. ince this is not always available there is still another method to make pure yellow glass without using any substance other than antimony. !his method will be given to those who are further advanced in the work. As you know by now& there are many different ways to do thingssome may not have been thought of as yet. !his is Alchemy for you on both planes of awareness. E3( !I0$ $0. GG;ou clearly demonstrated the difference between two antimonial e'tractions& both of which were alike in color and were clear but one was poisonous and one was not. 0ne gets scared now when making the tincture& not knowing whether it is poisonous or not. Answer) ;ou have no business working with substances about which you know nothing& or at least not enough. *+now the !heory first before attempting the Pra'is* is an old RosicruJcian Alchemical A'iom. It is .ust as valid today at it was ages ago. !his admonition applies to each of you readers. E3( !I0$ GKWhen following the directions of -asil =alentine in the *!riumphant :hariot* as to how to make antimonial vinegar I had no results. After macerating it for several months 4H5 and then carefully decanting and filtering it there was hardly a trace of acidity noticeable. @o you know how to proceed so I will get the vinegar he said can be made from the antimony.

Answer) ;es. @istill it. E3( !I0$ GHWhy do you always tell us that alchemical medications will be available soon& but we never get a definite commitment from you as to when this will be. Answer) !o produce and market alchemical 4spagyric5 medications is not "uite as easy as some think. 1uch legal work and finances are involved. As you also know the P.R. . will not produce and market these medications. A company will be formed to manufacture such products under the label *Paralab.* !his is an abbreviation for Paracelsus 8aboratories. !he only resemblance to P.R. . is to be found in the name *Paracelsus%.* We are informed that those interested in such an undertaking will be contacted soon by a committee that is now in the organizational stage. In fact we will assist those interested by delivering any mail addressed to this :ommittee provided it is addressed) PARA8AcPo Paracelsus Research ociety P. 0. -o' KBBK alt 8ake :ity& 3tah DFCBK& 3. .A. Please do not address any in"uiries directly to the P.R. . as we have no information to give about PARA8A-. E3( !I0$ $0. GDI found out that I am not the only one who is now trying very hard to catch up with the vegetable process by making the herbal stone. As you showed us the last time we were in class we definitely need the oil 4alchemical sulphur5 in its oily state. :an one use such oils that are produced commercially2 Answer) ;es. Provided you have a guarantee that such oils are pure& natural 4preferably steam distilled5 products. ynthetically produced oils are useless in this case. E3( !I0$ $0. GOWould you come and give some lectures in our city if we were to make arrangements for you2 o many people would like to know more about alchemy but we are in no position to e'plain it as you can. Answer) We are always willing to help and be of assistance. -ut there is such a thing as time. 4Remember time is man made5. With our teaching overseas and here in the tates& there is little time left even for our personal affairs. !he *Place* has to be kept up even while we are gone and upon our return so many things need our care and attention. If you will make some tentative plans for ne't year& let us know in time 4soon5 and we will see what we can do. E3( !I0$ $0. KBI have worked with antimony trichloride and found it to be easily dissolvable in absolute alcohol. It yields a deep amber colored heavy li"uid. eeing how easily it is accomplished I thought that I had found the simplest way ever to get the antimonial tincture. -ut it turned out to contain all the poisonous antimony salts. $o matter how I have tried to e'tract the tincture therefrom it has proved impossible. :an you tell me if there is a way to e'tract the tincture of antimony from the antimony chloride without the poisonous salts getting dissolved in the menstrum2 Alchemists say in their books that it can be done. @o you know how to do it2 Answer) ;es we know how to do it. Advanced students are given the formula. We hesitate to give such procedures here where those not yet sufficiently versed in the sub.ect matter can harm themselves or others. $o one should work with antimony who has not been taught how to handle it. ;es& we know that a clamour is made known by those who have read that alchemists cured cancer with this tincture and the oil of antimony. -ut what good is a lock without a key2 (ven then the key has to fit the lock to be of any value. We are trying very hard to make all this information available to students of the P.R. . but there is some preliminary training necessary before such knowledge can prove of benefit and not become a further aggravating hinderance because of ignorance of the laws involved. !hese things have to be learned by e'perience under proper

supervision. uch knowledge cannot be handled in a flybynight manner or through casual e'perimentation. Please remember the P.R. . is a research institution with emphasis upon the *Research.* E3( !I0$ $0. KC!he antimony vinegar can only be obtained from the ore 4either calcined or not5 but not from the regulus. Is this not true2 Answer) $o. ;ou can get antimony vinegar from the regulus but it does not have the spirit in it. A fi'ed spirit is found in the acid& but an acid does not necessarily have to contain the essential spiritfor instance com.monly prepared nitric acid does not contain an essential spirit as the Alchemist understands. E3( !I0$ $0. KA0ld alchemists& including ully& claim that there is a stone and yet is not a stone. Is tartar such a stone2 Answer) $o. E3( !I0$ $0. KLWhy are we so particular in making glass of antimony without any admi'ture when in making the red sulphide or trichloride& etc.& we use other chemicals in their preparation. Answer) ,lass of antimony is pure antimony while in the red sulphide the sulphur remains and is calcined out when making the glass of antimony. E3( !I0$ $0. KF/ow and when did the alchemists discover the three building blocks of creation& namely& salt& sulphur and mercury& and is there any historical record of it2 Answer) !hese are found in the beginning of creation here on earth. !here is no historical record available. E3( !I0$ $0. KGIf planets are impersonal& then they must be personal. A socalled negative aspect of aturn for instance should be an opportunity to contact the sanctifying Intelligence of aturn directly. ince a personal& higher Intelligence is being contacted in 80=(& what is there to fear2 Answer) 0nly fear itself. E3( !I0$ $0. KK#rater Albertus& if we are not being too personal& would you tell us how you& yourself& were drawn to Alchemy in your early years& something of what your training was like and of the teacher who guided you& that you in turn% might guide others& such as stumbling students like ourselves2 Answer) !his would be too long a story here. uch things are best given orally. When simply stated too much nonsense would be made out of such statements by people whose imaginations run wild. E3( !I0$ $0 KHWhat should be used to stop hardening of the arteries& all over the body2 Answer) !he proper solvent that will loosen andPor dissolve the deposits found therein. !hese could be of many and different origins. In the case of cholesterol a solvent that would dissolve cholesterol deposits would be the one. uch a one could be derived from pure oleum vitelli& not commonly e'tracted oil of egg which contains a considerable amount of cholesterol impurities. In the Euarta class preliminary instructions on how to obtain such a solvent are given by way of research procedures. As was said before& there are many contributing factors causing hardening of the arteries. !hese factors must be ascertained before the proper solvent can be found. E3( !I0$ $0. KDIs it good to let $/F:C sublimate for more than L days for the +.1.2 Answer) It will depend on the type of sublimator used and the heat source and temperature available whether more or less than three days are needed. E3( !I0$ $0. KOAt the symposium in +ansas :ity& in answer to a "uestion& you said that the oils 4or tinctures5 of the herbs should not be mi'ed. @oes not your theriac contain .ust such a mi'ture2

Answer) We had reference then to making the herbal stone. ;es& our !heriac does contain .ust such a mi'ture& which is according to the transmitted formula for theriac& of which the =enetian seems to be the most famous. E3( !I0$ $0. HBWould you please e'plain the benefits of fasting to body and mind and what takes place in the various body systems2 Answer) A good housecleaning is essential& not .ust necessary& every so often6 Accummulations must be removed or these will cause putrefaction which will breed diseasd. !he body will benefit thereby and so will the mind& as here& too& a housecleaning is in order. !oo much is stashed away in the mind that has seen its usefulness and needs to be discarded or it will also breed an apathy against anything needed to cleanse it from indoctrinated or preconceived notions. E3( !I0$ $0. HIWould you tell us what the seven mother herbs are. <ust heard of them this year. Answer) We are not aware of any seven mother herbs. At least not the way you have worded it. E3( !I0$ $0. HA/ow can we prove that the color system you use is correct2 ;our system differs from others on such basics as the four elements. It%s understandable that there might be some variation in the shading areas7 however& it seems all systems would agree on the four elements. Answer) In alchemy the accepted four colors for the four elements are) redfire7 yellowair7 greenearth7 bluewater. -y mistake some have been changed such as watergreen and earthblue& etc.& but so much has been adulterated in alchemical terminology that the meaning a symbol is trying to tell us becomes of importance. :olor is also a symbol. An initiate alchemist is able to differentiate. We have no system of our own. We take what is to be had and by research discover which system serves a given purpose best under given circumstances. !he Paracelsus Research ociety is not tied down to a certain system and does not refuse to investigate all and any systems that might help clarify and simplify a matter under investigation. E3( !I0$ $0. HLA heretical "uestion perhaps& but here it iswhy should the highest& the philosophical mercury& proceed from the lowest in socalled evolution& the metallic kingdom2 Answer) !he philosophical mercury is found in the metallic realm because in the animal and plant kingdoms it does not have the necessary time to coagulate and even ripen into its watery 4fluidic5 consistency. In the end all three of the mercuries spoken of in alchemy are of the same origin. !here is but one 3niversal pirit but its ramifications are many by degree. !he Philosophical 1ercury is the one that lovers of wisdom 4philosophers5 discover hidden in the metallic realm and re.oice in the fact that it will do in the hands of men what nature would re"uire an enormeusly long time 4naturally5 to accomplish and what the philosopher 4*lover of wisdom*which he must have first before he can love it5 do by art in a comparatively short time compared to nature%s way. E3( !I0$ $0. HF:. ,. <ung has placed great emphasis upon the psychological interpretation of alchemical symbols in his works in @epth Psychology. !hese symbols had emerged through his own and his patient%s dreams. Will this aspect of Alchemy eventually play a part in our work2 Answer) @efinitely. 1an creates his own symbols according to his consciousness. ymbols may have different meanings to different people. It is not the symbol per se that is important but what it means in each case that gives the clue to the answer to be found therein. E3( !I0$ $0. HG/as analysis of the tincture of antimony& especially the fi'ed tincture& derived from the brownishred powder by the hydro'ide process& shown any measurable amount of antimony or other trace elements2 Answer) A recent report& dated 1arch AL& COHA& from an independent analytical and consulting :hemist 8aboratory on file here at the PrR. . shows& and we "uote)

*We have to report the results of our analysis of the sample of %0il of Antimony% received from you on the CHth 1arch& COH. Analysis of this sample revealed) Antimony KLB parts per million Arsenic C part per million Iron KL parts per million 8ead OG parts per million ulphur was detected in trace "uantities. *!he antimony was determined by atomic absorption spectrephotometry and its presence confirmed by the Rheinsh test. Arsenic& iron and lead were also determined by atomic absorption spectrephotometry.* !his report indicates that antimony is found in a homogeneous state in the tincture. /owever& it is not so much the antimony per se found therein which is of importance as it is the inert alchemical oil dispersed throughout the tincture& which in reality represents the curative or healing properties therein. !he essentials in this oil& alchemical sulphur& cannot be determined as it shows only as a hydrocarbon. :linical evaluation alone can do this. E3( !I0$ $0. HKIf the philosophical mercury is the universal solvent& capaible of dissolving all substances into their first matter& how is it possible for anything to contain this mercury without being dissolved also2 Answer) ubstances referred to here are those which are products of nature. ince these contain the three essentials& sulphur& salt& and mercury& the philosophical mercury will react on its own as found therein causing a dissolution because of its e'cess. Artifically produced ob.ects 4containers5 too will react in due course of time if the philosophical mercury is e'tremely highly rectified and in great preponderance. It may even volatilize itself through the porous subsances of containers before it breaks down their atomic structures if such containers have e'cessive cohesion due to their artificial composition. E3( !I0$ $0. HHWould you e'plain how one bonds the pyre' tubing 4which can be opened or closed with a flame5 to the neck of a round bottom& long necked& CBBB ml flask. Answer) !here is a simpler way than fusing and breaking it. 3se a flask with a ground .oint AOPLA or the size to fit your flask. Place a stopcock with ground .oint to fit flask opening AOPLA or size of flask. 3se stopcock lubricant for tight seal& also grease stopcock liberally and then the stopcock may be opened for adding or draining off material when necessary. !his way a hermetic seal on the flask is produced. If you wish& you may have the stopcock permanently attached to your flask. -ut this would best be done by an e'perienced glass blower. E3( !I0$ $0. HD:ould you give me a translation of he following /ebrew words) $ephesch& Ruach& $eschama2 Are these connected wih alchemy or Eabalah2 Answer) $ephesch S body7 Ruach S soul7 $eschama S spirit& when applied to alchemy. As an e'ample& Ruach is the intelligence inherent in or synonomous to consciousness or mind. It was Ruach 4the mind5 that brooded above he waters. E3( !I0$ $0. HO!here is such a diversity of teachings regarding the right use of se'ual power for those who are consciously striving for great inner unfoldment or who are endeavoring to transmute the lower self into atonement with the higher or Real elf. As each student progesses in the Work& does he or she find the answer yhat pertains to his or her own particcilar stage of unfoldmentor can some general instructions be given that would pertain to all students who are undergoing the "uickening of the Alchemical process2 Answer) A clean& pure life is all that is necessary to bring about *the answer that pertains to his or her own particular stage of unfoldment.* It begins with clean& wholesome thoughts and consummates in such actions. #or here& too& separation and purification should precede cohobation. E3( !I0$ $0. DBAfter we get a volatile oil by means of e'traction by ether or alcohol can this oil be fi'ed by pouring over it acetic acid and then distilling off2

Answer) $o. E3( !I0$ $0. DC/ow can we be sure of the right people to work with& since things are not always as they seem7 sometimes people think we are not what we are& while we%re busy trying to prove that we are2 Answer) Why try to prove what you are when your own actions can do that so much better and without effort on your part2 E3( !I0$ $0. DACBB proof vodka already is half alcohol and half water& is it not2 Answer) ;es. E3( !I0$ $0. DLA10R: recommended concentration on psychic centers to develop them but Paul #oster :ase 4Page CHB of !arot book5 says not to focus your attention upon the centers themselves& but upon the intelligence of eachto avoid psychic congestion. :orrect2 Answer) What is meant by psychic centers2 Psyche 4,reek for soul5 has but one place wherein it is centered in man& that is in his mortal mind or limited consciousness. All other socalled centers& no matter by what names& chackras& etc.& are of a delicate *substance* permeated by e'cessive vitality 4life force5 when their functions are e'ercised or stimulated. Psyche 4 oul5 is not substance& neither is pirit& but both are to be found within *substance*Alchemisticallysalt S body. E3( !I0$ $0. DF ome years ago I en.oyed or suffered a salvation e'perience in a Pentacostal Revival /all. 8ater I was filled with the /oly ,host and spoke in other tongues. !he beauty of the e'perience still haunts me. I lost the e'perience within a year. I have never been able to accept purely psychological e'planations of my e'perience. :an you help me to understand what happened when I accepted <esus as my personal aviour2 !he doctrine of vicarious atonement& being washed in the blood& being saved by grace& etc.& may be invalid intellectually. !hat is of no concern to me. I speak of an e'perience lost. Answer) :an an e'perience be lost2 ;ou may have forgotten it& a sign the e'perience was not of a lasting naturebut lose it6 *!he beauty of the e'perience still haunts me.* ... Are the beauty and the e'perience not synonomous2 ;ou were *filled with the /oly ,host6* What do you mean by that statement2 According to your 4:hristian5 interpretation you spoke in tongues. !hen you were in a state of mind& of consciousness above your normal one. Is the /oly ,host not mentioned as a :omforter to be sent by ,od. Is it not the mind which is comforted and may not the body *feel* such comfort when the mind is at ease2 All you could possibly have lost is the superconscious state of mind you e'perienced during a short period of time& but the e'perience of having it2 /ow can you still remember an e'perience which you claim you have lost2 ;ou had it in your mind as you wrote the above "uestion. E3( !I0$ $0. DGAre you the Artist (lias2 4Page GB !riumphal :hariot footnote. 5 Answer) We would not even dream of making such a claim. E3( !I0$ DKIs the oil resulting from the use of mineral vinegar with bABL always of a fi'ed nature2 In other words& can an unfi'ed oil be obtained with it. Answer) It is a fi'ed oil and because of this cannot be made unfi'ed.ust as wine turned into vinegar can never become wine again.

E3( !I0$ $0. DH9 C. What significance& if any& does the following permutation of the word A I$A!& given on Page GH of7 the !riumphal :hariot as the Arabic word for Antimony have. ;ou will notice that the word * in* appears a number of times as does the word *satan.* @oes this in any way relate to what has been said about @AA!/& possibly indicating that Antimony in some way aids in *crossing the abyss* by reconstructing or recreating @AAth.

II. Will you comment on the possibility that the deviation of anti9mony may be *against the one.* Answer) It is an interesting arrangement and shows that @AA!/ is contained within as atan if one will look at the third line reading also) $A!A I A!A$. @AA!/ is actually referring to 8ucifer& as the ancient counter polarity of) atan 9 Naph9ki9el as lucifer !e9uf9el& 4,erman) !eufel7 (nglish) @evil5. As to anti9mony&. against the one 4mony 9 monism5& not money& it could be construed as against the negative aturnan 4 atani5 influence& which is of a trying and testing nature. !herefore& antimony 4Asinat in :haldaen5 as a positive healing and reconstructing agent could be .ustified in such an& interpretation. As in all9 "aballistic variations such as ,ammatria etc.& one can come up with some most interesting versions.

E3( !I0$ $0. DD/ow long should I save my rain water2 @o you suggest I distill some or all of it2 Answer) @istill shortly before using it. E3( !I0$ $0. DOwill the inde' for the !riumphal :hariot of Antimony be availlable2 Answer) If we can get someone to type it then we can make Rero' copies of it& which we will make available. We are under too much pressure with insufficient help to do all we shoulddo. E3( !I0$ $0. OB:an Antimony 0il be gotten from the ore 4calcined5 with +.1. Answer) ;es. E3( !I0$ $0. OCWhich planet governs (ucalyptus2

Answer) We are not in full agreement with some statements made& therefore we withhold our comments until our own presently conducted research gives us more information& which should be forthcoming in the near future. We say this because we are testing dried (ucalyptus buds as well as its oil and tinctures. We are getting different reactions that could cloud the picture somewhat. We want to be fairly certain before we make a commitment. E3( !I0$ $0. OAI have heard all the P.R. . books out of print can now be had again& or very soon. Where can I get them2 Answer) !he ,erman 8anguage books through !urm=erlag& -ietigheim& ,ermany. !he (nglish 8anguage through . Weiser& $ew ;ork& HLF -roadway& $.;. CBBBL. !he panish 8anguage will be announced in the ne't -ulletin. Please order direct from the above and not through the P.R. . E3( !I0$ $0. OLRef.) !he Alchemist%s /andbook& Page AH& ub.ect) !he /erbal tone. *!he process can be conducted by placing all three substances in a glass flask& tightly sealed& and sub.ected to moderate heat for digestion. !his way a stone in the vegetable kingdom can be produced. !his is not absolutely necessary but will prove of great help for further alchemical investigation& especially if one is not familiar with what a sublimate substance looks like.* C. @oes the above statement indicate the herbal stone will be a sublimate substance2 If not& what is the meaning of the above "uotation2 A. What will the physical appearance of a vegetable stone be when it is removed from the container in which it is formed2 Answer) ublimation means dry distillation. !o make the vegetable stone is not "uite as simple as some assume. It is better to sublimate your salt first before the final coagulation with sulphur and mercury. In the revised version of the handbook now ready to be published& some additional notices will be found which e'plain this better. !he physical appearance of the vegetable stone as a rule is a hard substance of a white or very light gray color& yet it softens when e'posed to the air for a time. Its physical appearance depends also on the number of circulations it went through. E3( !I0$ $0. OFWould you please comment on the meaning of) *!he :urtain is about to close on the present scene or act.* Answer) Please rephrase your "uestion. It is too general in its present wording. E3( !I0$ $0. OGWhat is a safe method to distill and recover li"uid mercury from gold flakes and nuggets obtained by gold panning2 Answer) :losed distillation. !he mercury will volatiize and condense in the condenser to precipitate as mercury. -e careful not to inhale the mercury vapor as it can prove fatal. E3( !I0$ $o. OKIs there an intelligent& semiiintelligent& or at least conscious entity inherent in the herb that we are processing that is capable of affecting our consciousness positively or negatively2 @oes the herb resist our prurification of it7 or can the herb be strong enough to resist our work with it2 Answer) !here is a degree of consciousness in plant life. Where there is life there is consciousness. It is the life in plants which has an effect on our life because life is spirit& and we need it to sustain our own as much as we need the minerals 4salt5 to replenish what has served its purpose. It is our reaction towards the plant consistency which determines the positive or negative results. E3( !I0$ $0. OH hould you distill dew2 hould you protect it afterwards from the sunlight& heat& cold& moonlight& etc.2 Answer) ;ou may distill it .ust prior to using it for alchemistical purposes. +eep it under moderate temperature preferably in earthenware containers& not metal containers& and cover lightly.

E3( !I0$ $0. ODWhat is the method for making K$ $a 0/H2 Answer) !o one part by weight of $a0/ 48ye5 add si' parts of water) ('ample) CG gr. $a0/ and DG gr. /A0. !his is very close to C to K. E3( !I0$ $0. OOWhat is the powdery material deposited at the bottom of boiling flaskduring the e'traction from the ground glass with acetic Acid 4K$52 Answer) !his can be of various origin. It could be some sodium borate that w7as not washed out sufficiently from the glass. It could be some of the gangue retained in the bA L or 0L that went into flu' and then separates. It can also be some other minerals that separate during the e'traction in K$ acetic acid. 0ne would have to know what substance was used to begin with. E3( !I0$ $0. CBBWhat is the best procedure to free and collect free nitrogen and o'ygen into a li"uid to be used as a menstruum to work the dissolution of herbs and minerals& etc.2 Answer) It can he separated in a difficult process from dew or rainwater. E3( !I0$ $0. CBl/ow do you e'plain the recent newspaper and magazine articles on a so called transplutonian planet2 Answer) Read what is said in the *E-8* and *1en and the :ycles of the 3niverse.* E3( !I0$ $o. CBAWhat are the e'act proportions to make fluid e'tracts or tinctures as used by pharmacists2 Answer) In fluid e'tractse'traction either ethyl alcohol or waterC for C. !he finished product is one ounce of herb or root to one part of the fluid. Powdered e'tractusually L or F or G for one. !incturesC to K C to CB depending on herb used and as found in the -P or 3 P or $ational #ormularyif it is recognized. 3sually dissolved in alcohol. E3( !I0$ $0. CBL*!he !riumphal :hariot of Antimony* by -. =alentine Page iL*#irst there should be the invocation of ,od& flowing from the depth of a pure and sincere heart& and a conscience which should be free from all ambition. .. .* C. Please elaborate upon the meaning of ambition in this conte't. A. Why is the lack of ambition necessary for alchemical operations2 Answer) =alentinus says) *unverfaelschtess ,ewissen.* /e does not use the word ambition which the translater uses. 8iterally translated it would mean *not falsified conscience.* In other words a clear conscience free from all that would prevent a conscience to be clear and be bothered by anything contrary. E3( !I0$ $0. CBF/ow can the P.R. . waive dormitory fees to students and even give them money to live on during their study periods when the P.R. . tudent 8aboratory #und is insufficient at timesas I was told in a letter received not long ago from a fellow student2 What percentage of students do receive assistance2 Answer) @uring the spring "uarter here in the 3. . during COHA& about HDI of the students paid their dormitory fee while AAI had their%s waived. !he money for students who need help during study periods does not come from the tudent 8aboratory #und. E3( !I0$ $0. CBG@o you believe in materialization of ob.ects by magical 4I have no better word5 means2 uch as getting food out of the air& etc.2 Answer) In $ew @elhi& India& I was introduced to a high governmental official. While discussing various topics of interest he related to me in a matter of fact manner that he was witness many times to such

phenomena. @uring his term of Postmaster ,eneral in India& 1r. -hola told me personally that he was well ac"uainted with a adhu who could produce by the art of materialization various kinds of fruits& rings& .ewels& food& such as warm pudding& in such a "uantity that when given to the many people present& they all had enough to eat. !he name of the adhu who lived in a small temple and became his friend and regular visitor to his house was ... 4name omitted5 1r. -hola told me he witnessed the materializations himself and this is how they were formed. !he adhu tipped his hands and had a cloth or piece of paper placed over them. While 1r. -hola held his hands underneath the hands of the adhu& which he gently opened& the materialized ob.ects fell into his 41r. -hola%s5 hands& for him and all present to see& handle& taste and e'perience. ;es& these things are possible and those who are able to produce such phenomina do so by the application of the laws involved and knowledge of them. !hese can be learned and one may become "uite efficient in them. An artist who devotes his entire life and energy to his calling will e'cel therein& be it in the fine arts or any endeavor. It is a matter of learning the laws involved and mastering them first& such as becoming adept in the e'pert handling of an instrument that produces great results& re"uires much practice. ome may be mediocre while a few show outstanding results above others. (ven if such are called psychic phenomena& they are not such in the ultimate sense because they manifest on the material plane and are physical manifestations. !rue psyhic phenomena does manifest on its own plane and should not be confused with materializations as the name indicates. 1aterialization is a natural physical phenomena& no matter if produced by the slow process of natural evolution or by artificial means shortcutting the appearance of natural phenomena. We repeat) all such are natural physical phenomena and not psychic phenomena. E3( !I0$ $0. CBK ome time ago it was mentioned that in Antimony lies the key to open all the other metals. :an you elaborate a little on this at this time2 Would this be in connection with the antimonial vinegar2 Answer) ;es. E3( !I0$ $d. CBH:an I make glass of Antimony without the addition of bora' with my natural gas #isher burner2 If not& would the burner shield andPor the enclosure help2 Answer) It has been done. Anything to obtain a higher degree of heat would help. E3( !I0$ $0. CBD!he following in my notes appears to be contraditoryr C. When all that which has been created reaches its stage of perfection& then the time will come when there will be a new earth.... All that was imperfect will have to give way to perfection. Perfection is the outcome of a predestined cause. A. $o guarantee that product is a perfect one even though the outcome& the result& is preordained. Would you please comment further on the above. Answer) !he ultimate aim of nature is perfection of all its creative efforts. As to your $o. A there seems to be a misunderstanding. What was meant was that under identical conditions we have identical results. !his means an attempt to prove thereby the perfect outcome is not guaranteed because under identical conditions you may make the same mistake every time and with the same mistakes have an identical result& which does prove that you have not the perfect result you were after because it was a misstake. ;ou missed the perfection you were after by making identically the same mistake. E3( !I0$ $0. CBO ome old alchemists claim that !artar contains the four elements of fire& air& water& and earth. @oes P.R. . Research indicate that this is true2 Answer) ;es& so does all substance. E3( !I0$ $0. CCBWould you please comment on the difference between piritus 1undi and Primz 1ateria2

Answer) piritus 1undi is the spirit of this earth& while Pima 1ateria is the primal substance out of which all manifestations occur. Also known by the alchemists as their *,ur.* E3( !I0$ $0. CCC!his "uestion may perhaps best be discussed in private) We do not have the %idea% as to how alchemy can correct an emotionally unstable personality& especially one that is not capable of any but the most basic functions. (specially how can alchemy transmute a schizophrenic personality such as this one e'hibited in the past. /ow does alchemy transmute a traumatic e'perience that has all but destroyed the ego. It has been this one%s personal e'perience on the road to recovery as a functioning entity that the analyst can do absolutely nothing for the patient e'cept act as a sounding board or mirror and that the patient has to do A88 the work on themselves. In analysis the underlying cause is found and not removed but transmuted or changed. A simple e'ample would be an alcoholic. 0nce an alcoholic learns why he drinks he no longer has to e'ert any Will in order to keep %on the wagon&% the impulse simply has been removed or rather transmuted. It has been our e'perience further that the H sinspride& lust of the flesh& anger& etc& are neurotic and that a completely emotionally stable individual is incapable of them and since alchemy transmutes these sins also there has to be as you said a psychoanalysis going on in the lab& but the "uestibn is how2 !his "uestion is of vital importance to this one for obvious reasons. Answer) !he psychoanalysis going on in the labthe humanis of a twofold nature. #irst the (go has to be found before it can be destroyed. What is the (go2 !here are many interpretations. In essence it concerns the elf and elfconsciousness. It is the consciousness of the elf as having being. !here is only one self*one%s self&* but it has dual attributes brought about by previous e'periences. !hese can be either or both positive and negative. !he results of such e'periences reveal themselves as opposites. It is here where the one gains the upper hand and wants to destroy the other. All this is found in the conscience. !he word translated means going with knowledge we have. We are dealing therefore knowlinglyeven if we have temporarily forgotten some of itwith previous e'periences. When trying to recall& and total recall is not possible& frustration sets in. !his is where the splitting begins. 0ne part is trying to remember& the other is incapable& so our memory fails us. !he consciousness is trying to put all available fragments together and the result is mentally confusing fastening with or the .oining of what we know with what we don%t know. 8atin con& and fususmeaning to combine. !his is combining *with* out order or clearness with whatever is available to come to a conclusion. A completely stable individual should be able to transform the socalled seven cardinal sins into their virtues. !his psychoanalysis is the outcome of a selfwilled pattern of life& the creative effort from within to will. !hen truly we have overcome and *@o what thou wilt shall be the whole of the lawfor 8ove is the law& love under will. We either will love or hate& all depends on our will to do. A schizophrenic personality is fighting a battle of love against hate or inversely. And as long as hate& even for our own self*0h& I .ust hate myself for itwho has not heard such an e'pression before& finds a place within us& it will continue to create the split personality. -ut the moment we begin to lovenot .ust to likethe good to be found within us& without conceit& then the battle is as good as won. !his is the psychoanalysis of the elf by the elf I n its own laboratory where relief and eventually the cure for all our ills will be found. E3( !I0$ $0. CCAIn response to the many "uestions desiring more information about Parachemy and the #ellowships& we give the following) Answer) Parachemy will replace the Alchemical 8aboratory -ulletins with more comprehensive literature than presently available in the -ulletin. At the same time it will contain announcements& "uestions& and answers concerning the P.R. . It is strictly a Paracelsus Research ociety Publication. !he ob.ective is to present detailed information of former and present day laboratory results and theoretical spagyricalchemical treatises. !hese will appear with annotations andPor e'planations applicable to our times& particularly in cases where the cumbersome and archaic terminology& so all prevailing in ancient and medieval te'ts& is used. !he ob.ective of the #ellowships is to enable serious students and researchers to gain access to available laboratory records of the P.R. . and to e'change their findings andPor results with the P.R. . and associates. !he yearly fee is TAG.BB which includes a subscription to Parachemy. !hose receiving ellowships have the privilege of their articles appearing in Parachemy with a priority over other contributors. tudents attending P.R. . classes will receive a free #ellowship for the year of their attendance& commencing with COHL& and pay only the yearly Parachemy subscription rate of TH.GB. !he institutional and library fee is TCB.BB per year. Research reports and other related pertinent information is

available only to those who are admitted to the #ellowship. A #ellowship does not constitute a P.R. . membership. Anyone applying for a #ellowship must fill out an application& which will be mailed upon re"uest& and submit same with the fee. If not accepted the fee will be returned within CB days. We would like to emphasize again that the special privileges "uoted above are available only to those who receive their :ertificate of #ellowship& and only for the year in "uestion. uch information& to the best of our knowledge& is not available anywhere else on the scale offered by the P.R. . !hose attending classes or coming to the P.R. .& who have a #ellowship& have access& under supervision& to available laboratory results actually on hand at the P.R. . in conformity with the stipulations found on the application blank.

THELE(A *!/( W0R@ !/(8(1A is ,reek and means *will.* :omparatively little is known of this ,nostic order. !he Illuminati in ,ermany& several centuries ago& and other orders ante9dating it& were known under this name. !o the (nglish9speaking people even less is apparent. At the turn of the last century an order in (ngland known under the name *!he ,olden @awn&* received its charter from .ust such a ,nostic order. ('cept for this occasion little is known of !helema in (nglish speaking countries. In (urope& in the mountains of witzerland& !helema still e'ists. !his order follows the ,nostic teachings& its rituals and life. 8ike the :athars in the Pyrenees& between #rance and pain& the guardians of the /oly ,rail& their legends and their sacred places amidst the mountains& so is !helema heir to the ancient teachings handed down for generations to those who can be entrusted with them. !heir rituals are full of symbolism& which aspirants have to learn to unravel. Initiation re"uires lengthy preparation. 1uch has been taken from the ,nostics and corrupted. 1any rituals go under the name of ,nosticism& but little can be discovered from such pseudo rites. !helema performs a wonderful work in keeping the ,nostic flame alive. In a stronghold of the wiss Alps !helema guards the records entrusted to its care. urrounded by war9 ravaged countries& witzerland has zealously guarded its independence. 0ne may therefore rest assured that it will continue to safeguard its esoteric heritage under the symbol of !helema for many generations to come.

Roll A ay the Stone

Israel Regardie has produced a masterful work on Aleister :rowley%s use of psychedelic drugs. It throws an entirely new light on the man :rowley. 1any will reverse their opinion about this controversial figure after reading of the pioneering work he did on the drugs that enable man to get a glimpse of the outer mind regions. Previously reserved only for those who as ascetics were able to attain such higher states of awareness& it is very interestingly written. !he author certainly knows how to present his case. Israel Regardie%s close relationship with Aleister :rowley& whose secretary he was& gives it e'tra value because of the first hand knowledge the author had of :rowley. *Roll Away the tone* will become an important long time work of reference in the use of psychedelic drugs. It .ustifies the work of a man who spoke from personal e'perience and who had hoped that modern medicine would produce a medium whereby one could attain what was otherwise only possible through prolonged meditative effort. !he book does not condone the indiscriminate use of such drugs as 8 @& /ashish& etc.& but rather stresses the effects upon the mind when used to ascertain whether a state of higher consciousness can be produced therewith. Israel Regardie dared to go against the current stream of derogatory outcries against 8 @ and such drugs as being entirely harmful. /e pointed out also that positive effects can be had with such drugs in the hands of competent psychiatrists. Published by 8lewllyn Publishing :o.& 1inneapolis.

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