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I 2420 e 02
I 2420 e 02
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
Vasant P. GanDHi anD DinesH Jain
Agro-industries have been given high priority in India due to their significant potential for contributing to rural and small farmer development. The emphasis on village-based agro-industries was initiated by Mahatma Gandhi in the 1920s as a part of Indias independence movement. However, even today the development of agroindustries is a central part of the national development strategy due to their significant role in bringing value-addition to agricultures output, increasing rural incomes and employment, and alleviating poverty in the countryside (India, Planning Commission 2008). Having said this, the sector faces a number of challenges and bottlenecks to its growth including difficulties sourcing raw materials, rural market imperfections, supply-chain inefficiencies, investment constraints, and product marketing challenges (Srivastava and Patel, 1994; Goyal, 1994; CII-Mckinsey, 1997; Gandhi et al., 2001). Questions remain as to what institutional arrangements/models would be appropriate and should be encouraged for the organization of agro-industrial activity that would work and maximize the contribution to rural and small farmer development. Mahatma Gandhis approach of village agro-based industries was founded on a strong economic, social and political ideology (Goyal, 1994), but later failed because it became a blanket basis for nationalists to favour less efficient techniques of production, oppose modern industry, and foster incompatibilities with market preferences. After independence and up to the early 1980s, agro-industrial policy was dominated by the thinking of Prime Minister Nehru and his economic think-tank led by P.C. Mahanalobis, who argued that India needed large industries for the capital goods sector, while the consumer goods sector should be reserved for small-scale agro and rural industries which were labour-intensive and required less capital. This was
consistent with reducing demand on the limited available capital and savings, and expanding employment. However, such agro-industries failed because of outdated technology and management, and their inability to meet changing and expanding demand for quality goods from a rapidly growing population with rising incomes. From the early 1980s and particularly after liberalization reforms in the early 1990s, there has been significant opening out towards promotion of agro-industries, stressing market demand, up-to-date technology and efficient management of the supply chain. However, this trend may lead to large, private, capital-intensive agro-industrial enterprises and a strong risk that the interests of small farmers and the rural poor will be bypassed. This would result in a negative outcome for rural employment, and a weakening of the development linkage for which agro-industries have been given priority in India. Major questions for the future remain on what policies and institutional models would be appropriate. In this context, this chapter examines the experience of various innovations and institutional models of organizing agro-industries that have been experimented with in India. The experiences and lessons learned may be useful for future agro-industrial development in India, as well as in other developing countries.
Data from the Annual Survey of Industries (India Ministry of Planning, 2007) shows that 41 percent of all factories in India are agro-industries that contribute 19 percent of the manufacturing value added and 43 percent of manufacturing industry employment (this does not include the employment generated in the agriculture sector). These figures indicate that agro-industry contribution to both employment and manufacturing GDP is very significant, substantiating the national priority status that has historically been given to this sector in India (Table 9.1). What are the structural and financial characteristics of agro-industries in India? Table 9.2 shows that only 21 percent of total industrial fixed capital is invested in agro-industries, while the sector employs 41 percent of Indians engaged in industrial employment. This tells us that, on average, agro-industry continues to be relatively labour-intensive and capital saving. The share of payment to labour out of the total value added is also greater at 35 percent in agro-industries, compared with 21 percent in other industries. Furthermore, agro-industries require relatively less fixed capital and more working capital as compared with other industries (43 percent vs 30 percent). Agro-industries on average are able to generate employment for 31 persons per fixed investment of 100 000 rupees (Rs.), whereas the figure for other industries is much lower at 11 persons. These figures do not include added employment generated in agriculture and the input supply chain through backward linkages. On average, agro-industries generate 47 percent value added income over invested fixed capital annually, as compared with
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
53 percent for other industries. Agro-industries are also able to absorb more inputs from other sectors (e.g. agriculture) as a percentage of the value of output compared with other industries. These features indicate that the agro-industrial sector deserves the priority given to it in the national strategy of development with employment. The Food and Agriculture Integrated Development Action Plan (FAIDA) report of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and McKinsey and Company (1997) shows that there is great scope and potential for development of food processing and agro-industries in India. However, there are various major constraints to the rapid development and growth of agro-industries in the country. The literature indicates that agro-industrial growth in India has historically been constrained by both supply of raw materials and slow growth in consumer demand for agro-industrial products (Srivastava and Patel, 1994; Boer and Pandey, 1997). Srivastava and Patel (1994), Kejriwal (1989) and Gulati et al. (1994) indicate that apart from the quantity of raw materials, the quality of the raw material is also a major constraint. Available raw material is often of unsuitable quality, processing varieties are frequently not available, and the period of availability of the raw material is too short and unreliable. Gulati et al. (1994) indicate that only about 5 percent of the fruits and vegetables grown in India are commercially processed. Both quantity and quality supply constraints indicate that there is a major need to improve the linkages between small farmer suppliers who constitute the majority of raw material producers and agro-industries. Effective and innovative institutional arrangements that would address multiple objectives are required. Srivastava and Patel (1994) indicate that another major constraint is the obsolete technology used in processing, resulting in low efficiency and poor quality of output.
206 Fixed capital per factory (Rs. million) Emoluments as a percentage of net value added 31.19 50.72 51.71 30.68 Percentage of working capital to invested capital Net value added to xed capital Employment to xed capital ratio (per Rs. 222100 000s) Material input consumed to value of output 84.68 54.10 17.63 79.16 25.60 37.44 36.55 43.84 30.92 76.84 67.95 22.04 34.96 42.47 46.66 30.84 80.62 62.96 58.11 21.10 29.51 52.63 10.83 75.82 65.01 43.30 23.73 32.68 51.38 15.01 77.01
Source: Ministry of Planning, 2007.
All industries
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
According to Boer and Pandey (op. cit.) a major problem in improving technology is the very small size of the average agro-processing unit, suggesting a clear need to integrate in order to achieve a larger scale of operation. However, Goyal (op. cit.) and others have shown that private sector industrial concentration is often associated with delinking from small farmer suppliers and losses in rural employment. Srivastava and Patel (1994) show evidence of two additional major constraints to Indian agro-industrial development, namely the small market size for many processed products, and difficulties in obtaining adequate financing. The financial institutions in India are mainly geared to lending for fixed capital requirements, while agro-industries, as shown in the analysis above, have a large requirement of working capital. Banks lend working capital, if at all, at higher interest rates than other capital loans. Furthermore, the government of India typically considers processed and packaged goods as luxury items; as a result, their production is heavily taxed. There are also myriad special regulations and licensing requirements for specific agro-industries, such as the Milk Product Order for the dairy industry. These policies create disincentives for investment in higher value-added agro-processing.
The challenges arising from the aforementioned constraints in the creation and functioning of agro-industries on the one hand, and the need for their continued growth to contribute to rural and small farmer development on the other, call for new and innovative approaches and models for their organization in India. Several models have been tried and need to be evaluated to provide lessons for what is required in the future in India, and perhaps other parts of the developing world as well. Whatever the nature of the model, a few key success factors have been observed (Gandhi et al., 2001):
ZZ creation of sufficient incentives for farmers to produce the required quantity and
quality of raw materials, and supply the produce as stipulated in the contract (rather than sell elsewhere) required farm inputs and technology need to be provided and the question of who bears what costs (and risks) should be transparent and well understood; access to high quality processing technology; ability to address new and changing consumer demand through effective market intelligence; adequate performance and capability to attract capital for investment and growth; overall, adequate attention to the crucial issues of ownership, organization, management and quality control.
large numbers of small farmers, thereby ensuring a significant impact on rural incomes and employment? To what extent are the models able to ensure adoption of appropriate modern technology and practices by the farmers, generating the required quantity and quality of output at a reasonable cost? Are the models able to ensure the use of up-to-date modern technology in processing and meeting the high working capital and other capital needs in a business characterized by seasonality and variability? Are the models able to deliver the necessary strong marketing efforts to compete in and open up nascent markets for processed agri-food products? Are the issues of sound ownership, management and control, adequately dealt with to ensure sustained performance in delivering benefits to the main stakeholders, including the farmers, consumers, investors and the government (nation)?
This section examines a range of different agro-industry models that have emerged and developed in India. They include government, cooperative and private business initiatives, and span many sub-sectors including dairy, fruits and vegetables, grains and oilseeds, horticulture and poultry. Using the available literature, the section examines their evolution, structure and operation, and provides observations on their performance with respect to the questions posed above.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
to form a cooperative body of their own. This body later became the Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union, popularly known as AMUL (based on its original name of Anand Milk Union Limited). The cooperative union started procuring milk through affiliated village milk cooperative societies, processing it, and sending it by its own means to Bombay. The model and its methods were perfected by the cooperative under the leadership of its enlightened chairman, Tribhuvandas Patel, and its competent professional manager, Dr Varghese Kurien. It has grown enormously over the years, spawning other district unions and becoming a state cooperative federation that now markets milk products across the whole country (Table 9.3).
AMUL at a glance
Members: No. of producer members: No. of village societies: Total milk handling capacity: Milk collection (total 200708): Milk collection (daily average 200708): Milk drying capacity: Cattle feed manufacturing capacity: Sales turnover 199697 199798 199899 199900 200001 200102 200203 200304 200405 200506 200607 200708 15 District Cooperative Milk Producers Unions 2.7 million 13 141 10.21 million litres per day 2.69 billion litres 7.4 million litres 626 metric tonnes per day 3 090 metric tonnes per day Rs. (millions) 15 540 18 840 22 192 22 185 22 588 23 365 27 457 28 941 29 225 37 736 42 778 52 554 US$ (millions) 450 455 493 493 500 500 575 616 672 850 1 050 1 325
Source: http://www.AMUL.com/business.com.
AMULs structure
In this model, ownership rests with the farmers on a cooperative basis. It has a three-tier organizational structure, with primary cooperatives at the village level, a cooperative union at the district level, and a cooperative federation at the state level. Broadly, the village cooperatives take responsibility for procurement of the produce from the farmers, the district union is responsible for transportation and processing, and the federation is responsible for marketing and strategic planning and investment. The cooperatives are governed by a rotating board of farmerelected directors, but the management is carried out by professional managers who are properly empowered and largely independent. Apart from the agro-industrial activity of the dairy business, the cooperative undertakes substantial developmental, agricultural, and dairy extension activities, and provides veterinary, breeding and other services. The primary level under the three-tier structure is the Village Cooperative Society. Its membership consists of village milk producers (usually 200 or more members per village) and is governed by an elected Managing Committee consisting of 9 to 12 elected representatives of the members. The Managing Committee elects a Chairman and appoints a Secretary and staff. The main function of this cooperative society is to collect milk from the milk producers of the village and make payments based on quantity and quality. It also provides support services to the members such as veterinary first aid, an artificial insemination breeding service, sale of cattle-feed, mineral mixtures, and fodder seeds, and training on animal husbandry and dairying. The district-level Milk Union is the second tier under the three-tier structure. Its membership consists of Village Societies of the district through their Chairmen, and is governed by an elected Board of Directors consisting of 9 to 18 elected representatives from among the Village Society Chairmen. The Board of Directors elect a Chairman and appoint a professional Managing Director and staff. The main function of the Milk Union is to procure raw milk from the Village Societies of the district, transport it from the villages to the Milk Union owned dairy plant, and process it into pasteurized milk and other milk products. It also offers significant supporting activities such as veterinary services, breeding services, cattle feed and other inputs for the village societies and producers, and undertakes initiation, training and supervision of the village level societies. The State-level Federation is the apex tier under the three-tier structure. Its membership consists of Milk Unions of the State through their Chairmen, and is governed by an elected Board of Directors from among the Chairmen of Milk Unions. It elects a Chairman and appoints a professional Managing Director and staff. The main function of the Federation is the marketing of the milk and milk products manufactured by Milk Unions. The Federation manages the distribution network for marketing of milk and milk products and maintains the supply chain network. It also provides support services to the Milk Unions such as technical inputs, management
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
support and advisory services. The structure and services of the model are outlined in Figure 9.1. Though not as significant at the national level, the National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India (NCDFI), is another national body that formulates, promotes and lobbies for policies and programmes to help safeguard the interests of milk producers.
FIGURE 9.1 Outline of the structure and functioning of the AMUL model
Milk producers at village level (milking, carrying milk) Veterinary rst aid, articial insemination, breeding service, sale of cattle feed and fodder seeds, training
Primary milk producer Cooperative societies (collection, weighing and grading) Payment every 10 days District Cooperative Milk Producers Union (planning, processing, and packaging) Payment on a regular basis
Milk products
State Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (marketing and distribution) Cash payment (retail stores, parlours and outlets etc) Consumer (demand and fullment)
Political functioning
At the village level, a Dairy Cooperative Society is formed with primary milk producers. A milk producer becomes a member by paying an entrance fee and buying a share of the Society. A farmer producer becomes eligible for a voting right in the Society if she/he is a member and supplies at least 700 litres of milk per year, with 180 days of supply in a year. The allocation of voting rights is by one member one vote. Members of the Society elect a managing committee as per the by-laws, and the committee elects its Chairman. Committee members are honorary and their role is restricted to policy formulation and overseeing the programme. The Society undertakes a few critical functions like collecting milk (twice a day), making regular payments to milk supplier members, and providing cattle feed, fodder, animal breeding and health care services to members. Member producers bring milk to the Society every morning and evening. Initially, the Union provides each Society with a fat testing machine free of charge. The quality (i.e. fat content) and quantity are assessed, and the amount payable to each producer is worked out. When the producer comes to the centre in the evening, she/he is paid for the morning delivery; for the milk delivered in the evening, money is paid the next morning. Apart from the daily cash income, members also receive bonuses and a difference in price at the end of the year. The amount of the bonus is pro rata to the value of milk supplied by the producers at the Society. The Society also makes profit on the milk it sells to the Union and receives the difference in price. The entire profit of the Society is generally not distributed to member producers. A part is allotted for developmental activities within the village and maintenance of the Society. Societies also act as disseminators for various activities of the Union such as member education and production enhancement. The staff at the Societies are also trained to undertake veterinary first aid and artificial insemination. The Cooperative Union is the representative of all the Village Societies located at the district level and is governed by a Board of Directors made up of representatives from village societies, financial institutions, the State cooperative department, dairy experts, the Federation, government nominees, and the Managing Director of the Union. The Board elects a Chairman and Vice Chairman and appoints a Managing Director who in turn appoints supporting staff. The Board is responsible for policy formulation and the staff are responsible for looking after the day to day operations. One-third of the village representatives on the Board retire every year and the vacancies are filled by election. The Chairman is elected every year.
Practical functioning
Given the perishable nature of milk, it was imperative for the Cooperative to devise ways and means of transporting the milk procured from distant villages in the shortest possible time, and under refrigerated conditions to the processing units. Hence, milk transportation routes are designed in a manner that all villages are covered in the shortest possible time and in a cost-effective manner.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
Bulk cooling units and chilling centres are often set up along these milk routes. Milk is collected by unions from villages twice a day with the help of contracted private transport vehicles. Milk from the Society is measured for its quantity and quality (Fat and SNF, i.e. Solids Not Fat) and is paid for on this basis. Payments to the Societies are made every 10 days. Cooperative Unions also provide many services to their farmer members. The Union runs mobile veterinary dispensaries to provide veterinary care free or at a small charge to the members, runs semen production centres for breeding, trains the Society staff in artificial insemination (AI), and conducts various technical extension programmes for increasing the production of milk. The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is the sole marketing agency for the products produced by different cooperative unions, under the popular brand names AMUL and Sagar (Kurien, 2003) and has a network covering over 3 500 dealers and 500 000 outlets (Subramanyam, 2004). There are 47 depots with dry and cold warehouses to carry inventory of the entire range of products. The distribution network comprises 300 stock keeping units, 46 sales offices, 3 000 distributors, 100 000 retailers with refrigerators, an 18 000-strong cold chain, and 500 000 nonrefrigerated retail outlets. Products marketed include fresh milk, UHT milk, brown beverage milk drink, infant milk, milk powders, sweetened condensed milk, butter, cheese, ghee, yogurt/curd, breadspreads, pizza, mithaee (ethnic sweets), icecreams, chocolate and confectionery. The network follows an umbrella branding strategy. AMUL is the common brand for most product categories produced by various unions. By insisting on an umbrella brand, GCMMF avoids interunion conflicts and creates opportunity for the union members to cooperate in developing products. GCMMFs technology initiatives include development of new products, processing technology, measures to enhance milk production and quality, and e-commerce. Village societies are encouraged through subsidies to install chilling units. Automation in processing and packaging areas is adopted, as is Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification. GCMMF actively pursues development of embryo transfer and cattle breeding in order to improve cattle quality and increase milk yields. Another initiative underway is to provide farmers with access to information relating to markets, technology and best practices in the dairy industry, through Internet-enabled kiosks in the villages. GCMMF has also implemented a Geographical Information System (GIS) at both ends of the supply chain, i.e. milk collection as well as the marketing process.
AMUL represents a methodology of building and sustaining an economic enterprise and has ensured high levels of patronage, cohesiveness, governance and operational effectiveness (Shah, 1996). The cooperative model benefits from commitment from the farmers, and cost-efficiency in raw material production and procurement. It also extensively engages with small farmers as well as the landless rural poor, who despite their impoverished state may keep 12 animals, and is reported to contribute significantly to rural incomes and employment through its
three-tier organization. However, its drawbacks include its need for enlightened and committed leadership (through its governing board), and capable management, which is sometimes difficult to ensure. The board is elected and may become politicized, detracting from sound cooperative and business practices. Further, antiquated laws governing cooperatives invite government interference and prevent use of financial markets for raising equity capital, thereby constraining expansion and growth to some extent.
Growth of Nandini
19761977 Dairy cooperatives Membership Milk procurement Milk sales Cattle feed consumed Daily payment to farmers Turnover Numbers Numbers Kgs/day Litres/day kg/DCS* Rs. 100 000s Rs. billions 416 37 000 50 000 95 050 220 0.90 20072008 11 063 1 956 163 3 025 940 2 129 790 3 010 342 27.07
Source: http://www.kmfnandini.coop/ * DCS means District Cooperative Society. There are currently 13 such unions and the statistic are average per union.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
in the AMUL style, in a three-tier structure with the village level dairy cooperatives forming the base level, the district level milk unions the middle level to take care of procurement, processing and marketing, and the State milk federation as the apex body to coordinate at the State level. Coordination of activities among the Unions and developing markets for milk and milk products is the responsibility of KMF. However, unlike AMUL, the marketing of milk in the district jurisdiction is organized by the respective milk unions. The surplus or deficit of liquid milk among the member unions is monitored by the federation. All the milk and milk products are sold under a common brand name, Nandini. The milk unions also provide the following technical inputs at subsidized rates or free of charge to their members:
veterinary emergency services round the clock at the milk producers door step; free animal health camps conducted by veterinary staff at village level; provision of animal feed and planting material to grow fodder crops; artificial insemination (AI) services to crossbreed animals, and free infertility camps at village level; free vaccination to protect animals against diseases like Foot and Mouth, Theileriasis etc; free training for milk producers and District Cooperative Society (DCS) staff; empowerment programmes for women in association with the Government of India (GOI) by forming womens cooperatives governed by women; on the death of a milk producer, payment by the Union of Rs. 10 000 to next-ofkin through dairy farmers welfare trusts, providing scholarships and fellowships for the education of the milk producers children.
KMF supports the livelihoods of around 1.95 million dairy cooperative members through over 11 000 dairy cooperative societies. KMF has become the second largest milk-procuring organization in the cooperative sector, with daily milk procurement of 3.02 million litres. This has resulted in a white revolution in Karnataka: milk procurement has increased 2.5 times in the last 10 years; the sale of milk per day has reached 1.7 million litres, increasing by 1.4 times; milk procurement is growing at 9.65 percent annually against the national average growth of 4.8 percent. Improved technical inputs such as animal health care, artificial insemination services and cattle feed supply have made a significant contribution to this trend. The surplus milk is sold to neighbouring milk deficit states such as Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Maharastra and Pondicherry, and the rest is converted into products. The Nandini product family consists of 35 products and new products are frequently added after market research. The marketing system and network are outlined in Figure 9.2(a). The major challenges facing the Nandini model are:
ZZ inadequate processing facilities; ZZ difficulties in maintaining the quality of raw milk under the prevailing conditions;
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
ZZ increasing costs of transportation and processing; ZZ unhealthy competition from private dairies in procurement; ZZ inadequate roads and power infrastructure.
Some of these problems seem to stem from a relatively limited role of the Federation (compared with AMUL), and as a result, inadequate scale economies and lack of support in larger roles such as marketing, investment and logistics.
existing collection infrastructure; arranging transportation from collection centres to the districts factory; ZZ implementing a programme to improve milk quality. ZZ Nestl India has its milk processing factory in the town of Moga and sources raw milk from the districts of Moga, Ludhiana, Sangrur, Mukatsar, Ferozepur and Faridkot. These districts have been collectively referred to as Moga Milk District. Selecting a location for collection points is based on several factors:
ZZ present milk production and the potential of the area based on available fodder
To ensure quality, Nestl undertakes training and has manuals detailing good farm practices for each district. The farms are audited regularly to make sure the right practices are followed. The company provides technical support to farmers to guide them in reaching the quality standards. Testing is done at the collection centres and cooling centres (Goldberg, 2006). Surpluses present a challenge for Nestl and the farmer: the company tries to offset the expense of buying up surplus in the spring season against the security of a steady supply at a stable price throughout the entire year. The chain structure is outlined in Figure 9.3.
Milk producers
Some 64 320 dairy farmers supply milk under contract and the company maintains their records. The company has stringent quality specifications. Nestl staff members regularly monitor milk quality and performance vis-vis contractual obligations, and the farmers obtain feedback on milk quality at the collection points. Company technologists determine quality in laboratories with samples being taken in the presence both of the farmers and the company representatives. Nestl is not obliged to collect milk that does not meet the quality standards specified in the contract. The contract also allows the technologists to penalise the producer with a 30-day ban; if antibiotics are found, the price of milk is reduced by 15 percent. Repetition of any discrepancy is considered a serious breach of contract. Farmers have the right to complain through registers located at each collection point if they believe there is a problem. The system still works because it provides an assured market for the farmers at remunerative prices for the milk.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
Nestl states that the milk district model has changed the lives of farmers and also boosted the companys bottom line.The small township of Moga in Punjab is today on the world dairy map. Moga processes over 1 million litres of milk every day, twice the amount processed in the rest of Punjab. The company procures over 1.1 million kg of milk per day from the states of Punjab and Haryana during the peak season, covering 14 000 square kilometres and 98 000 dairy farmers through an efficient milk collection system, with a network of 2 240 milk agencies, and 698 milk cooling centres. It also provides farmers with training and advice on correct dairy farming practices. A news report indicates that covering even 90 000 farmers and ensuring timely payment, linked to both quantity as well as quality for the milk supplied, is no small task. It is certainly something that very few private corporates have attempted and actually succeeded in doing (Business Line, 9 December, 2001).
In 20002001, Nestls payments to Mogas farmers for procurement of milk amounted to nearly Rs. 1 950 million. If one adds to this the value of various developmental inputs provided by the company free veterinary aid, breed improvement and extension services, subsidies on installation of farm cooling tanks, etc the amount paid to farmers would be around Rs. 2 040 million. This amounts to almost 47 percent of the value of the companys sales of milk products. In comparison, this proportion for AMUL and its unions is over 80 percent. As part of the equation it must be noted that Nestl is a company accountable to its shareholders and investors, while AMUL is an entity accountable to and owned by the farmers themselves (Business Line, op. cit.).
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
for Heritage to launch its private labels in rural markets. The companys rural retail network has increased to 1 515 stores with 13 distribution centres. A typical rural store is about 10 square metres in size and is based on a franchise model to cater to villages with a population of less than 5 000. The objective is to deliver popular fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) products and quality groceries at affordable prices to interior villages across South India, leveraging the milk procurement network. Apart from milk, vegetables and seasonal fruits are also produced and procured through contract farmers and reach pack houses via collection centres strategically located in identified villages. The collection centres undertake washing, sorting, grading and packing and dispatch to retail stores through distribution centres. Other features of the model include:
ZZ promotion of an annual crop calendar of sourcing that seeks to ensure higher
linkage and input supply; a package of improved farm practices for better productivity and quality; an assured market at the doorstep; assured timely payments; transparency in operations.
The Heritage model provides an example of using the existing marketing points and chains for the purpose of agro-industry rather than building new/dedicated chains. This may achieve faster roll-out and reach. It also provides an example of using two-way or reverse logistics for improving the efficiency and economics of the supply chain. Both these methods are not seen in the AMUL, Nandini or Nestl models.
Mother Dairy sources its entire requirement of liquid milk from dairy cooperatives it buys the liquid milk from state federations. Because it runs on the principle that the landed price of milk at Delhi should be the same for all, only state federations near Delhi supply milk to Mother Dairy. Profitability is not the core motive and procurement is done more or less at the market price. Marketing is mainly carried out through bulk vending machines, apart from 12 packaging stations for polypack preparation that are outsourced from the state federations. The costs of the processing units are borne by the federations whereas those of the distribution centres are borne by Mother Dairy. Mother Dairy pays almost 70 percent of the market price to the milk suppliers. The payment is made through cheques and the milk suppliers receive the payment within 10 days. The surplus from the remaining amount is shared among Mother Dairy, state federations, district unions, and the village-level societies. For the procurement of fruit and vegetables, the grower associations are paid a commission of 1.75 percent to meet the expenses of running the association. The annual turnover of liquid milk distribution is about Rs. 1213 billion and the total turnover of Mother Dairy is Rs. 27 billion. Bulk vending milk sales are growing at 34 percent per annum, whereas polypack milk sales are growing at 1213 percent. Mother Dairy brought significant benefits to the farmers by assisting in the marketing of the dairy cooperatives milk. Recently, Mother Dairy has been facing competition from other organized retailers, and maintaining quality is also a major challenge. The reach of the Mother Dairy model to farmers depends substantially on the efficiency and the effectiveness of the cooperatives, given that it does not connect with the farmers directly. On the other hand it assists the farmer bodies to market the milk in the vast markets of the major urban areas a capability many of them lack. It also undertakes the necessary investments for processing and distribution which are difficult for some of the farmer bodies to carry out.
Source: http://www.motherdairy.com/
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
Through this set-up, quality end products are assured through a production chain that can count on the best quality chicks, feed and professional care. Sugunas scientists and employees train the farmers in GMP (Good Management Practices). Through these, Suguna brings substantial value to the industry as well as its farmers, who on their own may not have been able to gain access to these technologies and services. Quality products result from stringent processes and ultra-hygienic rearing methods that are accepted worldwide. Sugunas presence is now established in 11 states across the country and it has obtained ISO certification, further proof of its commitment to quality. It has also implemented the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system and is well prepared with its state-of-the-art processing plant to meet growing demand. Sugunas business model can be called contract broiler farming, a form of franchise farming, and was introduced in 1991. Farmers who own land and have access to resources such as water, electricity and labour can become growers of Sugunas Ross breed of chicks. All the required inputs day old chicks (DOCs), feed, medicines and expertise are provided by Suguna, which has successfully reduced middlemen in the poultry chain from 14 to 4. The process of growing the chicks is standardized and must conform to the exacting standards laid down by the company; quality control checks are carried out by company staff to ensure the norms are being met. The broilers are procured by Suguna as long as they comply with established quality norms, and the farmer is paid a growing commission or charge. On average, a typical farmer franchisee can earn Rs. 10 000 monthly for breeding broiler chickens on their farm. If a farmer does not comply with procedures as laid down in the breeding manual, or sells chickens to another party, this is considered a breach of trust and the contract is unlikely to be renewed. Suguna also provides farmer franchisees with a safety net: not only does the company bear production and market risks, it also shoulders the responsibility for any damage from a change in the market environment. For instance, a rise in feed prices would not affect contract farmers because they are supplied with feed directly by Suguna. Similarly, when an attack of bird flu occurred, Suguna took on the financial losses suffered by the farmers. Farmers deal only with the company and receive assured returns. Regardless of the market price, the farmers still receive the assured growing charge/cost, and incentives. Suguna has been able to prove that every state in India is fit for poultry operations with its presence in 11 states. It has benefited large numbers of rural households, improving their lives with its innovative business model. Seeing the impact of Sugunas initiatives on rural development, Chief Ministers of other States such as Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Punjab and Jharkand have invited the company to set up operations in their States. The model has also attracted visitors from across
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
borders that are keen to learn from Sugunas initiatives and success and to adopt the same model in their countries. This model protects the interests both of the farmer and the integrator (Suguna). The integrator takes responsibility for providing day old chicks, feed, medicines and supervision to the farmers. In addition, the integrator brings GMPs and technical know-how that leads to higher productivity. In the absence of these, independent farmers required heavy investments, multiple interactions, and had poor yields overall. Farmers who follow the practices are assured of good earnings in the integrated/contract farming model. The Suguna model offers fast scalability because the company does not have to buy or lease farms. It keeps costs low, and offers economies of scale including in buying raw materials, feed and medicines.
witnessing it.
ZZ There are no commission agents, and no commission is required to be paid by the
ripening chambers. The supply chain is simple and direct. The farmers may either bring the produce directly to the Safal Auction Market with their own or hired transport, or take the produce to the closest Safal Growers Association. In the latter case, a round of grading is carried out before the produce is sent to the market in the Associations transport. If the produce is brought directly by the farmers, grading takes place at the auction centre before the auction. The produce usually arrives in the evening of the day before. Farmers may come along with their produce to view the auction. Buyers are required to pay a deposit to participate in the auction; afterwards, the produce is transported out by the buyer/trader, including to markets in other States. Despite the world-class facilities that indicate efficiency and hygiene, the Safal Auction Market, even after five years, is operating at only 1520 percent capacity. Officials hope
the market will operate at full capacity after another five years or so. The main reason they cite for the current situation is the boycott of the facilities by the wholesalers; these and also some retailers indicate that the main drawback is the lack of product choice. Officials also state that the dependence of farmers on the commission agent for credit discourages them from coming to this facility. Nevertheless, some farmers and consolidators make use of the cold storage and ripening chambers available at the market, even if they do not sell their produce at the auction.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
Indian Airlines, Alliance Air India and Indian Railways, earning Rs. 2.1 billion revenue annually. It also supplied products, worth Rs. 13.7 million in 20052006, to private companies such as Heinz, Parle, Mohan Meakin and Britannia. To export apples, HPMC has signed a memorandum of understanding with the private company India Tobacco Company Limited (ITC), under which HPMC helped ITC procure 10 000 boxes of apples worth Rs. 4.7 million and HPMC extended its storage and packing facilities to ITC in 2008. Under the Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) of the government, the corporation procured 0.4 million metric tonnes apples in 201011. HPMC procures some fruits such as apples under the governments MIS, which helps support prices, preventing them from crashing. The efforts made by the corporation have resulted in a stabilization of the prices of fruits in the market. Apart from procuring under MIS, HPMC also directly procures other fruits such as peaches, pears, plums, lychee and almonds grown in the State, for marketing and processing under hygienic conditions in its processing plants. This helps increase the capacity utilization of the plants and assists farmers in receiving additional returns for their produce. HPMC did well in the beginning but subsequently could not perform in the active market. Producers did not bring apples in sufficient quantities to HPMC on account of their scattered, hilly and distant producing locations, which made transportation from the producing areas expensive. Bringing produce from a producing area to the grading and packing centres was time consuming and they had to wait a long time for their turn to get the produce graded. Because the apple season is very short, the producers preferred to send the produce immediately to the terminal markets to avoid losses and get better returns. Cold storage facilities were often not fully utilized and HPMC therefore needed to divert its utilization to mushroom cultivation, after modifications (Dhankar and Rai, 2002). When HPMC found it difficult to process the fruit procured, it sent it to markets for sale in fresh form. This affected the market and prices for fresh fruits: for example, good quality apple prices crashed when HPMC took such steps. Though the corporation has experience in the post-harvest management of fruits, it lacks in business skills and capabilities. There has been a gradual decrease in its activities and an increase in its losses. The capacity utilization of grading and packing houses has become very low. HPMC attributes this low utilization to the removal of free transport facilities that were previously available to growers through HPMC (Dhankar and Rai, 2002 ). As indicated, even though HPMC was fairly successful at one time, reports show that it has not been able to sustain the performance (Vaidya, 1996; Gandhi et al., 2001). It has been unable either to attract enough farmer suppliers or expand distribution beyond its own outlets. While government-owned agro-industries are well funded as far as investment in infrastructure and technology are concerned, they also depend on bureaucrats for management, and these individuals often have limited business skills. Managers are frequently transferred to other areas at the
whim of changing governments and are accountable primarily to their superiors, not to the farmers or consumers. They are unable to sustain a commitment to procure from small farmers on the one hand, and to meet dynamic marketing demands on the other, thwarting the long-term performance of the enterprise.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
To support the initiative, PepsiCo also set up a 27-acre research and demonstration farm in Punjab to conduct farm trials for new varieties of tomato, potato and other crops. They have evaluated more than 100 varieties and hybrids of tomato, more than 200 varieties and hybrids of chilli, 25 varieties and hybrids of corn, more than 60 varieties of peanut and several varieties of basmati rice. The quality parameters put in place through the chain are driven by the specific needs of processing, and buyer requirements. Processing requires potatoes with low sugar content (0 percent) and high solids content (between 15 to 20 percent). Apart from this, because the company is also HACCP and ISO certified, stringent quality control is required at all levels in the chain. Specific requirements are met by ensuring quality compliance at every stage: RandD, farming, storing, processing, and packaging (Punjabi, 2008). Before introducing the varieties to farmers, extensive trials are undertaken and a package of agronomic practices suitable to the local agro-climatic conditions are developed by
Banks and other credit institutions (Party 3) Payment for produce and credit Government schemes and support Payments Supporting infrastructure and initiation Growers (Party 1) Inputs (quantity and quality) Input company (Party 3) Payments and commission Select growers, negotiate and contract Pepsi Company (Party 2)
PepsiCo in collaboration with Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI). The package includes specific fertilizer recommendations and spraying schedules (Punjabi, 2008). The company ensures availability of inputs to farmers working in the area, and seed potatoes of specific varieties for processing are also provided by the company. The vendor in the region ensures that farmers falling under their supervision have all the required inputs at the right time. If the company is providing inputs, the costs are deducted during buy back of potatoes. Apart from ensuring inputs, the company had also introduced crop insurance under the auspices of the Agricultural Insurance Company (AIC), and weather insurance from ICICI Lombard. In Karnataka, PepsiCo created an institutional framework roping in the Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI), agrochemical giant Du Pont and the ICICI Lombard General Insurance company. For producing specific varieties and enhancing productivity, PepsiCo is very closely involved with its contract farmers in potato production. The company has employed teams of agricultural graduates who work with the farmers to provide technical input and to monitor production in their specified area. One technical expert deals with approximately 100 farmers. As a result, farmers reported that because of the technical information provided by company agronomists, the use of chemicals and fertilizers is much more timely and effective (Punjabi, 2008). The agronomists regularly monitor the fields at the time of planting, spraying, harvesting etc; if there is expectation of an outbreak of any disease or pest, they inform the farmers about timely spraying. Any major problems are attended to in consultation with the company researchers if necessary. Apart from PepsiCos contract farmers, all potato growers benefit from early detection of diseases as a positive externality of the companys operations (Punjabi, 2008). To emphasize the care required in post-harvest management, the company agronomists often transmit messages such as Handle potatoes like eggs not like stones (Punjabi, 2008). Traditionally, jute bags have been used for packaging potatoes. Instead of these the company has propagated the use of plastic bags for packaging because this ensures better storage. At the companys unloading dock, the potatoes are mechanically graded for size and potatoes that are too small for processing are separated. A visual inspection for damaged potatoes is also carried out, and a test for sugar content is undertaken by frying a small sample from the lot. Sample tests are also undertaken for solid content; potatoes that do not meet all the requirements are rejected. The potatoes are stored at 12 degrees to regulate conversion of sugar to starch; at this temperature they can be stored for up to 4 months. They are also treated to limit sprouting. Selected potatoes are taken to the processing plant. They are washed and peeled and inspected for physical damage and discolouration, are run through rotating slicers, and are deep fried. Rice bran oil is used for frying because it has a low saturated fat content, and the fried chips are optically tested for colour. Finally, the chips are mixed with spices and packed. The plant has a well-equipped quality testing lab and thorough testing of inputs and packaging materials is also conducted.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
New tomato varieties are said to have contributed to an increase in annual tomato production from 28 000 tonnes to over 200 000 tonnes in Punjab (Punjabi, 2008), and yields have increased from 16 tonnes to 54 tonnes per hectare. Many high quality, high yield potato varieties have also been introduced; these have helped increase farm incomes and have enabled PepsiCo to procure world class chip-grade potatoes for its Frito Lay snacks division. The company has partnered with more than 10 000 farmers working over 10 000 acres of potato across Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Jharkhand West Bengal, Kashmir and Maharashtra. This model involves more than simple procurement or contract farming, by developing a mutually beneficial partnership between the agro-industry and the farmers. The process may entail substantial financial losses in the initial years, but is expected to be followed by profitability thereafter. The model can result in excellent benefits for small farmers perhaps in a limited area, but it requires a long-term view and commitment from the company and a willingness by the enterprise to absorb substantial start-up costs and initial losses (Gandhi et al., 2001). Singh and Bhagat (2004) analysed the PepsiCo model and concluded that, though it is a better model of contract farming as compared with Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) and Nijjer, there are various operational problems in the functioning of contract farming practices. The authors indicate that many farmers rate the PepsiCo experiment with contract farming as a better model. But in the larger sense, PepsiCo has treated farmers as their supply base and had worked only with the intention of creating sustainable supply bases. As the acreage under tomato crop increases, production also increases and the open market prices may fall. The company then may base its price paid or contract price on this low open market price. Farmers in Sangrur, as well as Ganganagar, indicated that PepsiCo had started paying them as low a price as Rs. 1.50 per kg (Singh and Bhagat, 2004). At times, as reported in Dainik Bhaskar (2 nd September, 2000), they have also failed to fulfil their contract. The same authors indicate that such a wonderful agreement can go haywire if PepsiCo does not learn to care for the farmers. PepsiCo must fulfil commitments and should enter into an option contract with farmers group, i.e. when open market prices are higher than the contract price they should pay open market prices, and vice versa. They should learn from the experiences of HLL that contract farming without building mutual trust with supply chain partners might be problematic for the company itself. PepsiCo should treat farmers as partners and pass on benefits to them, thereby creating a long-term and sustainable relationship for a sustainable business. Singh and Bhagat (2004) indicate that PepsiCo needs to share its benefits to gain the trust of the farmers. Indian firms need to partner with Indian farmers to bring about an agricultural revolution that will lead to a winwin situation for both the farmers and corporates.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
e-Choupal supply chain (Direct: bypassing of many intermediaries) Input company, Department of Extension, Department of Agriculture etc
Money lender
e-Choupal (Sanchalak)
Few intermediaries
Input retailers
Money lender
Many intermediaries
collecting the produce from villages that were located far away from the processing centres and bringing it to the ITC centres. The samyojka was paid a 1 percent commission for his service. According to Bowonder, Gupta and Singh (2002), the previous days mandi closing price is used to determine the benchmark Fair Average Quality (FAQ) price at the e-Choupal. The benchmark price is fixed for a given day. This information and the previous days mandi prices are communicated to the sanchalak through the e-Choupal portal, i.e. http://www.itcibd.com. The commission agents at the mandis are responsible for entering daily mandi prices into the e-Choupal system. If and when the Internet connection fails, the sanchalak calls an ITC field representative to obtain the information. To initiate a sale, the farmer brings a sample of his produce to the e-Choupal. The sanchalak inspects the produce and based on his assessment of the quality, makes
appropriate deductions (if any) to the benchmark price and gives the farmer a conditional quote. The sanchalak performs the quality tests in the farmers presence and must justify any deductions to the farmer. If the farmer chooses to sell his soy to ITC, the sanchalak gives him a note with his name, his village, particulars about the quality tests (foreign matter and moisture content), approximate quantity and conditional price. The farmer takes the note from the sanchalak and proceeds with his produce to the nearest ITC procurement hub, ITCs point for collection of produce and distribution of inputs. At the ITC procurement hub, a sample of the farmers produce is taken and set aside for laboratory tests. A chemist visually inspects the soybean and verifies the assessment of the sanchalak. Laboratory testing of the sample for oil content is performed after the sale and does not alter the price. Therefore pricing is based solely upon tests that can be understood by the farmer. The farmer accepts foreign matter deductions for the presence of stones or hay, based upon the visual comparison of his produce with his neighbours. After the inspection, the farmers produce is weighed on an electronic weighbridge. When the inspection and weighing are complete, the farmer then collects his payment in full at the payment counter. The farmer is also reimbursed for transporting his crop to the procurement hub. Every stage of the process is accompanied by appropriate documentation. The farmer is given a copy of lab reports, agreed rates, and receipts for his records. At the end of the year, farmers can redeem their accumulated bonus points through the e-Choupal for farm inputs, or contributions toward insurance premiums. The transaction at the ITC hub is faster than at the mandi, usually taking no more than two or three hours. ITCs electronic weighing scales are accurate and not susceptible to sleight of hand like the manual weighing system at the mandi. The system also does not require produce to be bagged; this avoids the associated loss of produce. The e-Choupal allows the farmer daily access to prices at several nearby mandis and can make better decisions about when and where to sell his crop. Thus, e-Choupal attempts to provide farmers with a better price for their crops. The incremental income from a more efficient marketing system is estimated to be US$6 per tonne on average, or an increase of about 2.5 percent over the mandi system. Farmers can also make use of the information available to them through the e-Choupal to improve yields. Seed, fertilizer and consumer products are offered to them through e-Choupals cost less than through other local sources such as village traders. Thus there are other economic benefits to farmers. It is reported that in areas covered by e-Choupals, the percentage of farmers planting soy has increased dramatically, from 50 to 90 percent in some regions, while the volume of soy marketed through mandis has dropped by as much as 50 percent. A major impact of the e-Choupal system is in bridging the information and service gap of rural India. Information and services provided by the e-Choupal Web site and e-commerce system include:
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
ZZ weather The availability of accurate rain information may cut losses due to
weather by more than half. agricultural best practices Information on scientific practices is available on the ZZ Web site. Additional questions can be answered through FAQs and access to experts by e-mail. ZZ customized quality solutions Farmers are given customized feedback on how they can improve crop quality and yield. ZZ product deployment Inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides are supplied along with recommendations and services such as soil testing. Singh and Bhagat (2004) find that most farmers did not agree with the ITC claim that farmers have been getting better prices for their produce, and that in reality there are only minor benefits like de-bagging expenses etc. Farmers also indicated that the company does not pay the price agreed by the sanchalaks. Sometimes, quality is downgraded and farmer income is reduced. One significant advantage however is correct weight, which had been a major worry in traditional mandi. The authors found that the portal did not have the requisite richness for it to become an information and knowledge dissemination kiosk. The information as regards best practices, integrated crop production, inputs, fertilizer and seeds, was of poor quality. Information was not customized to the farming needs of these agroclimatic regions. In all these villages, the only information disseminated was the prices and weather conditions. The authors find that as regards selling pesticides and fertilizers and seeds, ITC has not taken care to see that there is acceptability of input trading by its e-Choupals. Selling the inputs of another company does not take the business relationships into account, and proper partnerships with these companies are often absent.
of the market price. In a flexible contract a range is fixed within which the deal will be settled finally. If prices at the time of harvesting are more than the upper boundary then the farmer is bound by the upper price. In case prices are below the lower boundary, the company is obliged to pay the lower price. In the open contract, both parties are free to transact or not too. Another type of contract may involve a mix of two of the three kinds just described, in some agreed monetary proportion.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
use of sprinklers rather than flood irrigation reduced their labour requirements, improved soil quality, increased potato yields and quality, and also saved water and extraction costs (Singh, 2007). In the case of Frito Lay, the cost of production was higher and transaction costs somewhat lower than for APMC and farm-gate growers, despite the fact that contract growers had to deliver to the factory. Gross and net income was lower than that of growers using other channels due to lower yields; contract prices for high quality produce and rejected produce were lower than post-harvest and off-season prices. The trend was for farmers directly supplying the companies to have higher production costs, regardless of whether a contract was involved, than those selling to other market outlets.
9.4.12 Model 12: Desai Fruits and Vegetables (Desai Cold Storage)
The large scale production of fruits and vegetables in the south Gujarat area gave two families the idea of starting a cold storage facility, in 2001. There were two partners in this venture. Mr Ajitbhai Desai was the active partner while the other partner was associated with a sugar mill in the area. The construction of the cold storage was begun in 2001 and was completed in 2002. In venturing into this business the main intention was to help other traders and farmers to keep their produce for a longer time. But no suitable enquiry was carried out as to the extent the facility would be used; in the end, no such service was provided to any customer. The facility is now used only by the partners themselves, and they do not keep any of their products in cold storage for very long. Nevertheless, they have developed a highly-successful business mainly trading in fruits and vegetables, not only locally but also nationally and internationally. It is this business, initially named Desai Cold Storage, that we will assess in this section. The major problem the partners encountered at the outset was convincing farmers to sell their produce to them. To overcome this, they devised a number of activities to create awareness among farmers in their area about the facilities they were offering. In 2001 Desai organized a number of face-to-face meetings with farmers in different villages. To attract farmers they offered integrated pest management (IPM) without any charge. They also offered the harvesting and handling technology through which farmers could save labour and obtain higher quality produce. Some of the other benefits offered were:
ZZ waver of any commission on the transactions (normal market charges amount to ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ
about 10 percent) assurance of 100 percent buying quality based pricing higher than the prevailing market price direct buying from the farm gate an assured minimum price. The minimum price would be calculated on the
basis of the production cost and harvest labour cost, with a margin for the farmers added in. Through this mechanism, even if the market price crashed the farmers would receive the pre-determined minimum price agreed upon. If market prices increased, then the transactions would be carried out at the prevailing market price. Desai began trading only in mangoes. During the first year of operation in 2002, with the help of traders from Canada, France, the Netherlands and other countries, they exported 600 tonnes of the fruit; in 2003 this increased to 1 200 tonnes, again with the help of merchant traders. In 2002 they also tried to sell in the domestic market through some super market chains in major cities, and to the system run by NDDB Mother Dairy. But this experience was disappointing: the response from consumers was not as expected and the venture did not work. By 2004 they were exporting 17 000 tonnes of mangoes. The main destinations for these were the Middle East and the UK. They also continued to sell locally on a minor scale through merchants and Mother Dairy on a demand basis. Though the mangoes business is its major one, Desai also exports banana, papaya and pomegranate. It has now succeeded in expanding its export destinations to include China and Australia; the required approvals/contracts have already been signed. The mango season in India is spread over a period of about eight months. It can start as early as January or February in Kerala, moving up to Andhra Pradesh and the Konkan region of Karnataka as the year progresses, then further north to Maharashtra, Valsad and the Saurashtra region in Gujarat, ending during August in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. As such, Desai can expect to have a viable mango business for about eight months per year. To meet the requirements of expanding the business into an eight-month operation, Desai are buying in local markets in Gujarat and are carrying out improvements and value additions to the produce at their present unit. In the future the company plans to implement the procurement system it has already developed at Gujarat in other states and areas. Desai has already contacted with farmers in some of the above mentioned regions, who have been guaranteed the benefits and facilities offered to producers in Gujarat. The state governments of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra have also started some processing units to help the farmers. Desai has noticed that during the initial 23 months of the season they will not have any competitors from any Asia region countries; hence their business can have a major competitive advantage during this period. Major competition comes from Pakistan but only towards the end of the season (JulyAugust), when the Chosa varieties of mango from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are available.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
To improve and maintain quality and prevent deterioration in exports, certain processing and handling measures are followed stringently in the cold storage premises. These include:
ZZ deshaping: The raw mangoes brought from the farm first undergo deshaping.
In this process the extra length of the stem is cut uniformly (to about one inch length) to avoid damage that may result from the acidic discharge; hot water treatment: After deshaping the mangoes are put through an automatic hot water treatment plant to remove and destroy fruit fly eggs; fungicide treatment: After the hot water treatment, the lot goes for fungicide treatment, which extends the shelf life of the product; grading: The produce is then passed through an automatic grading machine. In this process the mangoes are sorted into different lots according to the weight of each fruit; washing/waxing: As per the requirements of the buyers, washing and waxing services are carried out on selected lots; packing: This is carried out according to weight of fruits and the buyers requirements vis--vis the number of mangoes in a carton; pre-cooling: The entire lot is then moved to a pre-cooling treatment plant. Pre-cooling brings the fruits at a uniform temperature before they move to the cold storage shelves; storing: After pre-cooling the packages are moved to specified locations in the cold storage facility; loading: When an export or domestic order is received the lots are loaded into containers for transportation to their destinations.
To expand into the banana business, Desai is planning to import modern technology in all aspects of its operation, including farming, handling and processing; the company plans to spend about Rs. 5 million for this purpose. Large-scale banana farmers around Navsari and in nearby areas of Gujarat have already been contacted and offered the same benefits and guarantees as the mango farmers. Contact meetings with these farmers have already taken place at different locations. Since inception Desai has also been dealing in green vegetables, the main ones being lady finger (okra), bitter gourd, bottle gourd, and other minor interests such as chilly and lemon. During the first year of this operation (2002) the company bought this produce on the market but also purchased from farmers around the cold storage facility. As with the mangoes, vegetable exports were also initially distributed via merchant traders. Desai exported about 40 percent of its procured produce through these traders and sold the remainder in the domestic market. Here Mother Dairy was the major purchaser.
In this initial period the company convinced farmers to tie-up directly with them on the same lines as with the mango farmers. Slowly, direct input arrivals have picked up. Farmers are required to sort their produce into A, B and C quality categories before delivery, and this is taken into consideration in deciding prices. The purchase prices of vegetables are fixed slightly higher than the Surat APMC daily market price. The payment is made to farmers the next day, after the exact market prices of Surat APMC have been ascertained. In 2003 Desai started direct export of vegetables to the UK and Middle Eastern countries. In addition to this they are still keeping up their export business through merchant traders and in the domestic market through Mother Dairy. To maintain the quality of the produce, Desai has devised a plan that also benefits the farmers significantly. Typically, small and marginal farmers had been exploited by retailers in the supply of inputs such as seeds, pesticides and fertilizers. These farmers had also been exploited in selling their output to traders and commission agents. To liberate farmers who agreed to supply the company with produce, Desai devised an innovative idea. Inputs such as seeds, pesticides and fertilizers are procured in bulk and are supplied to farmers without any margin and on credit, free of any interest. The cost is then taken into account against payment for supply of the output. In 2004 Desai distributed about 3 000 kg of ladys finger seeds (okra). By supplying this to its farmers, as well as bottle gourd and bitter gourd, the company ensured that the output would be of the same good variety and quality. For lemon, chilly, beans and other vegetables, Desai did not provide seeds but a bulk purchase agreement was signed. In chilly alone, the 2004 business amounted to more than 500 tonnes, while the weekly procurement of lemon was as much as 15 tonnes. Contract Farming India (CFI) AG, a company based in Zug, Switzerland , has made significant investments in Desai Fruits and Vegetables (DFV) the new name for Desai Cold Storage since April 2006 to enhance its financial, operational and management capabilities. DFV has since created multiple integrated pack houses for bananas and continues to invest in creating facilities at the farm and village levels. Since its inception the company has invested in RandD for agricultural practices and in developing long-distance transport protocols. These initiatives have helped Desai emerge as one of the leading exporters of high quality fruits and vegetables in India. It now supplies a wide range of high quality tropical products: the portfolio includes over 10 types of fruits and 30 types of vegetables. However, the key focus over the years has been on four fruits mangoes, bananas, pomegranates and grapes. This flagship produce makes up over 90 percent of total sales. Over 2 500 small and medium-sized farmers supply to Desai. The company has a unique contract farming mechanism by which it controls the inorganic inputs,
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
technology and work practices at the farm level to ensure that the product is absolutely natural and safe. The model has been so successful that Desai has a waiting list of over 800 farmers wishing to be included in its programme. The company works with its customers to create specialized, customized solutions in order to deliver quality at a reasonable cost. It ensures the quality of every product that it supplies by controlling every step involved in the production process, from land preparation to logistics. The quality assurance system is based on the following principles:
ZZ process control achieved through contract farming and technical control; ZZ farm approval system extensive checks are conducted for work practices,
use of chemicals and quality of products, before any farm is approved for procurement; ZZ traceability of the farm, inputs used, processing location and transportation; ZZ quality checks a Desai product passes through a stringent quality assurance process: o quality control by a supervisor at the point of procurement from farmer; o quality checks at the point of packing; o random checks of consignments; o random sampling at laboratories for residue analysis. Desai has been conscious of the importance of superior infrastructure from its inception. As a result, one of the most modern and state-of-the-art packhouses has been developed, innovative trailer designs have been created for smooth transportation, reefer vans have been bought, and pre-cooling, cold storage and processing facilities have been enhanced.
How do the different models compare vis--vis the institutional performance of agro-industries in developing countries, as discussed above? Table 9.6 provides a broad comparison; this is followed by a more in-depth discussion.
AMUL Nandini Nestl Heritage Mother Dairy Suguna Safal Market HPMC Pepsi ITC e-Choupal McCain Desai Cold Storage
Strong Good Limited Good Limited Strong Limited Limited Limited Strong Limited Reasonable
Strong Reasonable Strong Good Good Strong Limited Poor Strong Strong Strong Strong
9.6.1 Do different models reach out well to large numbers of small farmers?
Access or reach to large numbers of small farmers is a major problem for most models and is very important for cost effectiveness, quality and development impact. Small farmers often do not have the ability to connect on their own with the main stream of agro-industry development initiatives. On account of its huge membership of village cooperative societies, the AMUL model is able to cover a very large number of small farmers: it is able to collect milk even from farmers who only keep a single animal. The Suguna model is also able to reach out to a large number
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
of small farmers, mainly because of its low capital requirements; the farmers only have to feed and rear the chicks until they grow. ITC e-Choupal also reaches a large number of farmers even in remote villages through the Internet, and by setting up web-linked e-Choupals run by local operators or sanchalaks. The Nandini model, another cooperative model like AMUL, also has a substantial reach but not as deep as that of AMUL. Heritage foods has developed a good presence in some rural areas by using the existing retail network for FMCG goods, but is a little constrained because it does not directly count on farmers involvement. Desai Fruits and Vegetables has achieved good reach with small farmers in a small area of operation. By contrast, other models such as Nestl, Mother Dairy, Safal, HPMC, PepsiCo and McCain, though successful in other aspects, are generally unable to connect with a large number of small farmers and expand their reach, even though they may often suggest that they contribute substantially to their development. In the cases of Nestl and McCain, this may be explained by their stringent quality requirements and limited quantity requirements.
9.6.2 Do the different models try to organize production of raw material from small farmers?
AMUL leaves milk production to the farmers but it promotes the organization of farmers into cooperatives for the collection and marketing of milk. It also helps the farmers in milk production through the supply of nutritious cattle feed, fodder seed, veterinary services, vaccination, artificial insemination services, and extension. Suguna leaves rearing of poultry birds to its farmers but provides large-scale technical inputs, including the best breeds of day-old-chicks, quality feed, veterinary care, and extension guidance. The PepsiCo model also works extensively with small farmers so that they use the best technology and achieve the quality and quantity required by the company, making good profits. McCain too follows this approach in alternative ways. PepsiCo and McCain give technological advice and offer inputs to the growers. PepsiCo has collaborative tri-party agreements with farmers and input companies as partners. McCain provides diggers, planters, advisory services and extension services to its growers. ITC has sanchalaks and a web portal to give advice. Desai also provides inputs and advisory services to its members. HPMC, Nandini, Heritage Foods, Mother Dairy and Nestl provide some extension services, albeit in a limited role.
and district cooperatives. Nandini takes a similar approach but is not as efficient. Mother Dairy is not owned by the farmers and therefore is unable to fully leverage this model. However, it helps the cooperatives in distribution and marketing so that they can become more viable. Heritage achieves good efficiency in procurement by using the existing retail network for consumer goods, achieving a two way flow of goods. Suguna organizes procurement efficiently via a contracting arrangement with the farmers in which costs and risks are shared. ITC leverages the Internet to organize its procurement efficiently. PepsiCo and McCain are not able to be as efficient on this count as they have a relatively loose link with the farmers.
Adoption of appropriate technology and practices by farmers and performance on quantity and quality
9.7.1 Are the various models able to adopt appropriate technology and practices through the farmers?
Private players such as Nestl, PepsiCo, McCain and Suguna, which are demand or market-driven, seem to do comparatively better in ensuring the adoption of good technology and practices by farmers. This appears to be because they are especially concerned about selling quality products, given the fierce competition: ensuring quality in the raw material is critical to their operations. Because of this they make special efforts to push the adoption of appropriate technology by farmers, and they enforce this discipline through strict quality control in purchasing from the farmers. Desai is also focused on adopting the right technology because it is privately run and is engaged in export, and therefore needs to comply with high international quality standards. Farmer or supply driven models such as AMUL and Nandini are often not able to do as well in ensuring the adoption of appropriate technology and practices by farmers. This issue does not garner as much importance because the inclination is to accept the farmers produce, given that they are ultimately the owners of the enterprise. However, to achieve success, these models cannot ignore market requirements. ITC e-Choupal needs to focus on the adoption of appropriate technology, but its link with farmers is more remote for example, extension knowledge is sent through the Internet only and hence it cannot exert the required pressure as effectively. However, the price paid and the acceptance of the produce is linked strongly to quality, and this serves as a signal of what is required from the farmers. Heritage Foods, working through retail outlets, is able to do little for adoption of technology; Safal and HPMC are also not able to play much of a role.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
9.7.2 Are the models able to procure a high quantity and quality of output from the farmers?
AMUL does very well on quantity criteria; it procures 7.4 million litres of milk per day from the farmers. It also maintains basic quality through local quality testing automated by milk testers, weighing machines and computers widely distributed to the village cooperatives. The model is able to achieve high quantity output and satisfactory quality. Nestl on the other hand procures much less at 1.1 million kg of milk per day (1 kg is slightly more than a litre for milk) during the peak season, but pushes very strongly for high quality through various measures such as training on good farm practices, auditing of farms, technical support to farmers to help them reach quality standards, and strict testing/ acceptance policies at the collection centres. This is driven by Nestls high quality standards and requirements. Suguna has achieved notable success in both quantity and quality. The company does business worth Rs. 20.2 billion (2007) in live broiler chicken, frozen chicken and eggs, by sourcing its products through 12 000 contract farmers on 15 000 farms across 11 states. It has reduced middlemen in the poultry chain from 14 to 4. It aims for a turnover of Rs. 30 billion by 2010 and a 20 percent market share in the Indian poultry industry. It maintains high quality through importation of breeds, state of the art hatcheries, an advanced RandD centre, feedmills, veterinarians, scientists and other expert professionals, assuring farmers the best quality chicks, feed and professional care. Its scientists and employees train the farmers in good management practices. The system results in the production of high quality poultry birds in the quantities demanded by the market. For its limited quantity requirements, PepsiCo works closely with its contract farmers to produce the specific varieties of produce needed and enhance productivity. It employs a team of agricultural graduates to provide technical input and monitor the farmers in their specified area. McCain also works in a similar way to generate high productivity and quality raw materials for it processing requirements. ITC depends on its Internet enabled e-Choupal network to obtain the quantities of produce it needs from the farmers. It does well on reaching out widely and achieving the volumes it desires. However, where quality issues are concerned, it only works indirectly with farmers by making available high quality agri-inputs at reasonable prices, and providing information about best agronomic practices through its web portals.
9.7.3 How cost effective are different models in procuring from the farmers?
A major strength of the AMUL model is the cost effectiveness of its procurement. AMUL has shortened the milk supply chain and has made it very financially viable. Moreover, AMUL passes on the benefits of this cost-effectiveness to the farmers, who if linked to AMUL receive about 80 percent of what the consumer pays. The ITC e-Choupal is also highly cost effective because it uses the Internet very effectively, thus reducing transaction costs substantially. The incremental income to ITC from the more efficient marketing process is about US$6 per tonne, which is about 2.5 percent over the mandi system. Suguna is also cost effective, mainly because of its efficient contracting arrangements and achievement of scale economies in technology and technical services. The PepsiCo model and McCain models are also more efficient than alternative channels and provide more margins to farmers as compared with traditional potato growing. But their high procurement costs prevent them from expanding widely. This is also true for Nestl. Besides, gains in procurement efficiencies would mainly go to the companies in the Nestl, PepsiCo, McCain and ITC models. HPMC, Safal Market and Mother Dairy lack cost effective procurement processes.
9.8.1 Are the models successful in using or promoting good processing technology?
AMUL has a good record of using modern state-of-the-art processing technology and adopting it innovatively to local needs and conditions. This is mainly because its leaders have always believed in employing professional management that is highly empowered. A highly efficient procurement system and the need to find a market for the growing milk production of members has propelled the use of good technology. Private players like Nestl, PepsiCo, McCain, ITC and Suguna all have a good record of excellent processing technology, and this has been driven largely by internal standards and markets. PepsiCo and McCain have world class processing facilities for making various products such as chips and french fries. Desai uses good processing technology because its produce must meet high export standards. HPMC and Nandini have not done so well on this count. HPMC plants work at only 1520 percent of their capacity which perhaps prevents them from upgrading much. They are neither highly market oriented nor highly farmer oriented, and have less pressure for generating a return on investment.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
9.8.2 Are the models able to meet the high capital requirements of agro-industry?
AMUL has been able to meet the high capital requirements of it dairy plants and processing technology because of its sound management, particularly its cost effective procurement and strong marketing. It has made use of credit which it could easily obtain, as well as government assistance and international aid, given that it was a cooperative of farmers serving high priority development objectives. ITC could tap the resources of its highly diversified and profitable parent businesses, PepsiCo and McCain, its multinational parent organization. The capital resources available to Nandini, Desai and Suguna were more limited. HPMC and Mother Dairy could tap government resources. AMUL could meet part of its working capital requirements by delaying the payments for milk. The district milk unions pay the village milk societies after 10 days. In the McCain model farmers are paid for their produce 717 days after the procurements. This provides some working capital for the model. In the cases of ITC and PepsiCo, payments are delayed by some days and help meet the requirements of working capital. Some working capital management is built into contracts in the case of Suguna. Additional requirements in all these cases need to be met through bank credits, for which the basic soundness of business models is very important.
9.9.1 Are the different models able to deliver a strong marketing effort?
AMUL, Nestl, Suguna, ITC e-Choupal, PepsiCo, McCain and Desai all demonstrate strong marketing performance, while Mother Dairy and Heritage foods can be rated as good. Nandinis marketing performance can be rated as reasonable while the marketing performance of NDDBs Safal is limited. HPMC is not very effective in marketing. The top tier of AMULs three-tier structure, i.e. the state federation, focuses on the marketing of milk and milk products. By insisting on an umbrella brand, AMUL skilfully avoided interunion conflicts and also created an opportunity for union members to cooperate in developing products. Nandini is not so effective in this regard because much of its marketing is done by the district unions themselves and not by the state federation. AMUL products are available in over 500 000 retail outlets across India through its network of over 3500 distributors. AMUL has used very simple but highly effective advertising campaigns as compared with the starstudded campaigns of PepsiCo and Nestl. It is fair to conclude that AMUL, PepsiCo, ITC and Nestl are highly successful in marketing their produce.
PepsiCo has a strong soft drinks marketing network and the agribusiness division uses the same network to market its products under the brand name Frito Lays. ITC uses marketing channels and the marketing experience of its FMCG divisions to good effect. McCain Foods India has strong institutional buyers such as McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut. Suguna has also developed strong marketing with substantial retail reach. HPMCs marketing, though initially successful has not been sustainable, perhaps explained by its non-market orientation.
9.9.2 Are the different models able to develop new innovative products?
AMUL initially was making only a few milk products and mainly concentrated on liquid milk, butter and milk powder. But it is now producing a whole range of products such as ice cream, srikhand, dahi, chaas, chocolates, flavoured milks and more. PepsiCo is continuously innovating and has a huge number of products. McCain, ITC, Suguna and Desai are adding to their product ranges. The private players are generally at the forefront of creating innovative products, barring exceptions such as AMUL. Private models are more proactive in creating niches and innovative products, and develop the necessary technology that goes with this. Suguna has launched a new category of home meal replacements Suguna Home Bites and Suguna Anytime a range of ready-to-eat chicken products. Nestl, PepsiCo, McCain and ITC invest large sums of money on research and development to bring out innovative new ranges. Most cooperative and government-run models are less market oriented, perhaps as a result of bureaucratic and structural bottlenecks.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
In private models such as Nestl, PepsiCo, McCain, ITC, Heritage Foods and Suguna, the ownership and control remains with the private company which reports to its shareholders. The private profit motive and generating shareholder value will naturally dominate. In the cases of PepsiCo, McCain and Suguna, a partnering approach through, for example, contract farming models has been developed with the producers, thereby recognizing their critical role in production and supply. In this way producer concerns can be taken into consideration. However, in the case of ITC and Heritage, partnering is not explicitly developed and the relationship continues to be based mainly on procurement. In the government-driven models of HPMC, Mother Dairy and Safal, the ownership and control remains with the State, which helps bring in substantial state capital and government support. But performance remains dependent on government management and commitment, with varying degrees of success.
9.11 Addressing the interests of various stakeholders: producers, consumers, investors and government
9.11.1 Producers
The AMUL model, given its ownership by producers and strong professional management, is perhaps best able to meet the interests of farmers. In recent years, with significant market share and power in its hands, AMUL appears to have enhanced the bargaining power of the producers, often allowing it to raise consumer
prices in the interests of its farmers. Suguna, PepsiCo and McCain also claim to meet the interests of producers through winwin contracting models. The Nestl, ITC and Heritage models appear to be focused more on reducing procurement and supply chain costs to the companies; they share benefits with the producers to a limited extent but claim to provide them with a better marketing channel.
9.11.2 Consumers
Nestl, PepsiCo and McCain are focused entirely on consumers and aim to provide best quality products to their customers, who are the raison detre of their business. Suguna also tries to do the same and AMUL is not far behind. These two organizations naturally seek markets for the increasing supply of produce from their farmers, and therefore need to deliver high quality to their customers, serve them well, and keep offering new products which consumers will want. Government-run models such as HPMC, Mother Dairy and Safal often lack this fundamental customeroriented philosophy.
9.11.3 Investors
Given that cooperative shares such as AMUL are not traded and therefore do not have a market value, there is no outside investor interest in such shares, though of course, the farmer owners are interested parties and therefore are themselves investors of sorts. AMUL profits are often shared through their distribution as price bonuses at year-end. By contrast, private models such as Nestl, PepsiCo, McCain and Heritage naturally try to maximize benefits to shareholder investors through increases in share value. As such, they are ideal vehicles for all kinds of investors who may, for example, see agri-industry as a safe bet in difficult economic times. Government-run models such as HPMC and Safal are usually not concerned with share values; however, in the present economic environment, the Government does not tolerate loss-making enterprises either, and as such may be an active and interested investor.
9.11.4 Government
The Government gets involved in these enterprises mainly for social objectives. These are served well by AMUL because its activities substantially benefit a large number of producers, all rural people, and their well-being is a high priority for the Government. The Government is also behind other initiatives such as HPMC, Mother Dairy and Safal, given that these engage in critical activities which are ignored by the private sector. However, if they fail, they become a burden on the Government. Meanwhile if private models are successful in contributing to agricultural and rural
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
development, they are also doing the Government and the nation a service. In a more extensive way, ITC and Suguna seem to have demonstrated such an impact. Nestl, PepsiCo and McCain too have contributed, but in limited areas and to limited numbers of people compared to models such as AMUL and Suguna.
9.12 Conclusions
Agro-industries have been given significant priority in the economic development of India. Mahatma Gandhis emphasis on developing village-based agro-industries in the movement for independence marked the beginning of this strategic view. Is the priority given to agro-industries justified today? This analysis finds that the agro-industrial sector in India contributes significantly to employment in industry, as well as to value addition and income generation. Its continued role in promoting development and reducing poverty will depend on its capacity to contribute to small farm incomes and rural employment, particularly among the landless poor. Managerially, one of the major challenges lies in organizing sustained production and procurement from large numbers of small farmers. A partnering approach appears to be most promising in overcoming multiple constraints. It can be implemented either through building cooperative organizations, or by building confidence and trust through a mutually beneficial business relationship involving private enterprise and farmers. In both cases, and with other successful models, the government must play a facilitating role through enabling policies, regulations, financing options and research and development. If the development objectives of agro-industrial growth are to be served, small farmers must benefit from this growth, and the landless should at least benefit indirectly. However, this depends substantially on the nature of the organization and the commitment of the agro-industry to their involvement as partners. It also depends on the bargaining power of the small farmers within the models and structures that are created. Cooperatives have often done better in bringing benefits to the rural poor, sometimes with the assistance of NGOs as intermediaries. Supply contracts with small farmers are rarely formal and are therefore mostly non-enforceable in India as elsewhere in developing countries remaining agreements that are only morally-based. In order to make contract farming successful, much depends on the development of longer-term relationships between agro-industries and farmers through transparent contract terms, fair pricing, effective extension, and good marketing. This is possible for private agro-industry firms, as shown by the PepsiCo model. There is a need for new indigenous models to emerge for the organization of agro-industries. Government models alone do not demonstrate a good record of performance. The AMUL cooperative model is one promising approach that brings
benefits to small farmers and gives them ownership of the enterprise. However, it needs to overcome political, legal and managerial limitations. The PepsiCo model, involving cogent backward integration with farmers by a private company based on a strong product market, offers another alternative. However, it requires long-term commitment and financial strength with limited scope for benefiting large numbers of rural poor. It is critical that alternative agro-industrial models are encouraged and receive strong government backing, especially those models which contribute positively to rural employment, poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
Institutional innovations and models in the development of agro-industries in India: Strengths, weaknesses and lessons
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Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
MYSORE SUDHA anD Froukje Kruijssen
10.1 Introduction
In recent times, world markets have become truly globalized. World exports have increased and commercial stakeholders from across the globe are now able to participate in trade at the global level. This trend is true for agricultural/horticultural crop-based products as much as any other good. It is becoming increasingly important that all participants along agrifood value chains are effectively organized to be competitive globally. Yet, value addition in the globally competitive production process will only be effective if the final consumer price is fairly distributed to all actors along the supply chain (FAO, 1997). The effectiveness and smooth functioning of such supply chains is also dependent on access to market information, which in turn depends on factors such as technology, infrastructure, institutional policy and financial resources, as well as market forces. The goal of global competitiveness is especially challenging in supply chains involving highly perishable commodities like horticultural products. Cross border supply chains involving horticultural products have proven to be instruments that stimulate the development of local agro-industry, generate employment and improve access to technology, if the connection between producers and the different actors across the chain is well managed (Roekel et al., 2002). India, with its strong horticultural crop production base, appears to have huge untapped potential to be a global competitor for a number of horticultural products. Mango and mango-based products constitute an important segment of Indias agrifood economy. The country is the worlds largest producer of mango, accounting for about 40 percent of global output (Hanemann, 2006). Although less than 5 percent of this production is processed into mango pulp, this is the main export product, both in terms of value and volume (Babitha, 2009). The Chittoor district of
Andhra Pradesh is the main supply base for mango pulp (Mehta and George, 2003) in the country, followed by the Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu state. Both are located in Southern India, where a nascent agro-industry cluster for the supply of mango pulp has been in operation for a long time. This agro-industry cluster is rather dynamic, yet still inefficient for want of appropriate institutional support. Realizing the untapped potential of this sector for supplying processed products and generating income and employment, strong policy support for developing infrastructure and logistics support began to receive higher priority from the Government in recent years. The creation of a separate Ministry of Food Processing Industries, as well as the enhancement of the installed capacity of the industry and the liberalization of the policy of importing modernizing technology, are a few of the recent government initiatives aimed at uplifting the processed product sector. The installed capacity of the food processing sector more than doubled within one decade, from a mere 1 108 000 million tonnes (MT) in 1993/94 to over 2 774 000 MT in 2006/07. In the 2006/07 budget, the food processing sector was declared a priority area for bank credit and a refinancing window, with an allotment of some US$2 billion, especially for agro-processing infrastructure and market development. One of the main objectives of this drive has been to improve the linkage of farmers with the market through value addition and processing, a goal whose accomplishment continues to be far off. This is especially so with regard to the totapuri mango agro-industry sector, given its persisting domination by market intermediaries such as the pre-harvest contractors and commission agents. While several models of effective linkages between farmers and markets through processing, including publicprivate partnerships, have been initiated successfully, they could not be sustained for long. In a highly competitive and mature market, initiating and sustaining a market linkage requires special efforts. This chapter presents an analysis of the agro-industry cluster of totapuri mango in Southern India, from the point of view of cluster development, distribution of margins, changing partnership patterns, government policies and initiatives and supply chain management. The authors analysis uses data from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data has been collected from a sample of over 50 producers, processors and other stakeholders involved in totapuri mango in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The secondary data has been drawn from various sources. Discussions with key stakeholders complement the information sources utilized. The data pertains to agricultural years 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The chapter is organized into three sections. Section 2 outlines the status and performance of the totapuri mango agro-industry cluster and the existing pattern of margin distribution along the supply chain. Section 3 provides a discussion on the agro-marketing clusters, including various models of linkage involving horticultural crops. Section 4 highlights the uniqueness of the totapuri mango cluster and makes suggestions for improving this agro-industry clusters performance.
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
Rupees (Rs.) 1 416.3 million (US$29.63 million) of mango pulp from the agro-industry cluster (Department of commerce, 2007). The region also houses a wholesale market exclusively for mango trade and has good access to an international airport, about 180 km away in Bangalore. The processing units, being located close to the production centre, give the producer the option of supplying directly for processing into pulp.
Irrespective of the variety or orchard type, mango is mainly sold though pre-harvest contractors (PHCs), with few undertaking self-marketing. The PHC enters into a contract with a farmer three to four months prior to the harvest season, based on the flowering of the orchard. The PHC will also undertake some of the maintenance of the orchard, plus the harvest of the produce and its transfer to the market or processing unit at his cost. By entering into a contract with the PHCs, farmers transfer their production and marketing risks down the market chain. The specific characteristics of mango production and sale such as biennial bearing of mango trees, high transaction costs and a lack of access to credit can force producers
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
into distress sales to PHCs; thus the price paid by the PHC is often lower than that prevailing at the wholesale market at any given time. Since the PHC enters into such a contract with a number of producers, he undertakes the transfer function and makes his margin through bulking and economies of scale. Despite efforts at creating marketing infrastructure such as markets closer to production centres, the dominance of PHCs still persists in mango marketing.
Processors form an important market intermediary in the totapuri mango marketing network, as much of the produce is converted to a value added intermediary product, the pulp. Chittoor hosts around 50 mango processing units that operate during the mango season for three to four months, from May through August every year. Most of these processing units are small-scale canning units, with investments of up to Rs. 2 million (US$47 620), with a capacity of 10 tonnes per hour (India Ministry of Agriculture, 2008). There are four units with state-of-the-art technology for undertaking aseptic packaging, involving an investment of over Rs. 5 million (US$120 000). In contrast with the typical processing plants of the region, these have a 5 tonne per hour capacity only, as aseptic packaging takes longer for processing. The processing units undertake custom processing based on the orders from exporters. The raw material and the packing material (tin cans) are supplied by the exporter, while the semi-processing units simply convert the fruit into pulp using the available infrastructure and labour. The amount paid to the processor to conduct this activity is Rs. 3 500 (US$85) per tonne of pulp. A few of the processing units also undertake their own processing, procuring the raw fruit from the market, involving a working capital of over Rs. 200 000 (US$ 4 750) per export container (of 6 000 cans or 18.6 tonnes of pulp). The final product of this processing stage is a semi-processed product, mango pulp, which is usually canned or in some cases packed in aseptic packaging. The exporter bears the costs of transporting the pulp to the port and exports to different destinations by sea. The pulp thus sold is repacked to serve the domestic and export demand for fresh juice and other mango based products, such as jams, jellies and thandra.
Nearly 80 percent of the mango pulp is exported to different destinations based on prior orders. Mango exporters are generally the large industrial groups that are already into export business or individual entrepreneurs who act as agents for foreign buyers. Much of the mango pulp from India is exported to the Middle East, Europe and USA.
FIGURE 10.1 Market chain and sale price for fresh mango sale (domestic market) (The highlighted channel is the focus of this analysis)
Producer cooperative
Commission agent
Cooperative retailer
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
FIGURE 10.2 Market chain and sale price for processed mango sale (export market) (The highlighted channel is the focus of this analysis)
Commission agent
Domestic consumer
The producer contracts to the pre-harvest contractor, who transports the produce to the nearest wholesale market and auctions it. The retailer purchases and sells to domestic consumers. The highest margin in the fresh totapuri mango chain is earned by the retailer (28 percent), followed by the wholesaler (16 percent), farmer (10 percent) and lastly the PHC (9 percent). In the processed chain the exporter receives the highest share (17 percent). The PHC is better off in this chain than in the fresh one (11 percent) and is then followed by the processor (7 percent) and finally the farmer (6 percent). In real (rupee) terms, there is no price difference for the farmer; the PHC, however, is able to increase the margin in real terms because of the elimination of the commission agent from the chain. Some large-scale producers that are located in the vicinity of the processing units are able to make direct deliveries to the processing units, thereby substantially increasing the margin they receive. The processors margin reflects the level of risk undertaken by this chain actor. The work is contracted and own investments are therefore limited, resulting in a relatively low level of risk. Along the market chain, the material is increasingly bulked, given a concentration of the produce with a reducing number of players at each stage; this implies that income in real terms will also increase significantly along the chain.
The difference between the price paid by the ultimate consumer and the price realized by the producer is the price spread. In the case of fresh and processed totapuri mango this is Rs. 14.37 and Rs. 24.91 per kg respectively (Table 10.1). Although the price spread is significantly different in the two chains, because of the high differences in costs involved in processing this is not reflected in the margins earned in real terms. (Sudha and Kruijssen, 2008). The flow of market information along the chain is limited; this is shown by a lack of differentiation at farmer level in terms of totapuri mango production. Further, the exact terms and conditions of the contract between the exporter and the importer are not clearly known. The price spread and market margins will reduce substantially if the final price paid by the consumer at the importing country is taken into account. In a typical export transaction of mango pulp following the standard marketing channel, the proportion of consumers price received by the producer does not show any difference from what it is when obtained in the market for fresh product. The exporters share is improved, but the advantage of a higher export price is not distributed to all the other players along the chain. The fag end player, like the exporter who has access to market information, improves his margin from the export of mango pulp. It is here that the totapuri agro-industry cluster fails to coordinate a fair distribution of the market margins, unlike in the case of other export-oriented market linkages.
TABLE 10.1
Farmers sale price PHCs sale price Wholesalers/processors price Retailers/exporters price Final consumers price (Europe) Price spread (up to exporters price) Price spread (export sale price)
3 5.25 8.5 16
26.54 45
24.91 42
Table based on authors own calculations and Europe mango price. * Proportion based on exporters price. ** Proportion based on price paid by the final consumer in the imported country. Source: Authors own data, compiled from sample collected.
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
10.2.4 Income and employment generation along the supply chain in the totapuri mango agro-industry
An analysis of the totapuri agro-industry clusters performance is incomplete if an assessment of the livelihood support that it provides to several stakeholders along the market chain is not carried out. Besides the prominent actors in the chain such as the PHC, the wholesaler/commission agent, the retailer, the processor and the exporter, others also play an important role in the mango supply chain. Employment is provided to a large number of people that are involved in odd jobs such as loading, unloading, sorting and grading at the market yard, and also in sorting, cleaning, cutting and packing at the processing units. Transport at all stages in the chain also provides employment for many. During the mango season, families temporarily migrate to the market yard in the urban area or the processing units to earn a living, from as far as 200 km away. In the years when quantity is high, it is not uncommon that some of the migrants also act as small (on the spot) retailers. Nearly 150 days of employment is generated at each processing unit during the mango processing season, as each one of the transformation units processes over 500 tonnes of fresh mangoes annually. The Chittoor mango cluster could be generating employment to over 1 000 000 man days during the 3 to 4 month mango season annually. Yet, the jobs performed at the processing level are under threat from the increase in automated machinery that is required for the aseptic packing.
TABLE 10.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
produces collects and transports arbitration transfers transfer value addition exports
production risks low shares much of the producers risk moderate low low low high
With regard to income, the proportion earned in the different supply chain echelons seems directly proportional to the risk borne at each stage. Table 10.2 outlines the role played by each of the market intermediaries, the perceived risk borne and the proportion of income earned. While the high proportion of income earned by the exporter is justified given the level of risk borne for processed mango, the proportion of income earned and the risk taken by the wholesaler, either for fresh or for processed mango, is not justified by the amount of risk taken. The wholesaler primarily helps in arbitration and collects a market fee from both the seller and purchaser, taking away a major chunk of the margin merely from bulking products.
FIGURE 10.3 Export trend of mango pulp from India (19931994 to 20072008)
Quantity (thousands tonnes) 180 000 160 000 Quantity (thousands tonnes) 140 000 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000 0 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Value (millions US$) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Value (millions US$)
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
large market and considerable bargaining power, and has its own division for food and beverage exports (HUL, 2009). ITC Limited is the market leader in agro-exports (ITC, 2009). Besides these big two are hundreds of small-scale exporters (APEDA, 2009). According to a recent study, aseptic packed totapuri mango pulp with 14 brix fetches around US$850/MT, equal to Rs. 45/kg. The producer receives only about 25 percent of this price, suggesting inequitable distribution of margins in the export-oriented supply chains.
10.2.6 Efforts and innovations that lead to the current status of the totapuri mango supply chain
The totapuri mango agro-industry cluster is probably among the oldest market networks that have been in operation in India. The cluster as it stands today is a result of several favourable policies and innovative efforts. These include government policy and investment initiatives by the chain actors themselves.
(c) Liberalization of import policy: This was one of the most important policy initiatives that enhanced private sector participation in Indian agriculture and allied sectors. Prior to 1997, imports of fresh and dried fruits were prohibited with the exception of dates and figs. Following the liberalization of trade in agricultural commodities, imports of all fresh fruit (except citrus, grapes and lychees) have been permitted generally on an Open General License (OGL) basis. In the case of countries belonging to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), an import tax of 44 percent ad valorem is levied, while for other countries it is set at 45.6 percent. There are no reported export duties on fruits from India. With additional facilities such as duty draw back, export market promotion concessions have helped growers gearing up for export oriented production. However, liberalized import policies helped foster the importing of state of the art technology for processing and packaging, including that for mango pulping and aseptic packaging. (d) State-of-the-art aseptic packaging facility: As a result of the increased attention given to food safety standards in the post WTO period, the demand for aseptic packaging of pulp for export markets is increasing. This type of process requires substantial investments in sterile processing and packing technology and material and lab testing facilities. Two such facilities have been set up exclusively for mango processing and packaging in south India, one of them at Chittoor and one in Bangalore. The daily requirement of raw material for these units is around 160 tonnes of fresh mango for 24 hours after which the process is interrupted by a sterilization process required for production according to HACCP standards hence sourcing of raw material in the appropriate quantity, maturity and price is a crucial constraint in the process. With the high level of fixed investment involved, it is essential for processors to utilize the unit at full capacity at all times during the mango season.
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
with a crushing capacity of around 10 tonnes per hour/day. These processing units started forming cartels during the season, allowing them to control the market price, nullifying the specific advantage of the processing infrastructure that was created. In yet another attempt, an effort has been made by the State Government to promote the establishment of technology parks. These provide centralized facilities at reduced rates for processing and packing to producers or semi-processors that wish to set up a processing centre, thereby allowing them to enjoy these benefits, given that fixed investments and overheads are reduced. In addition, the central unit also provides market information on quality parameters, standards, arrivals and prices in different export destinations, in order to assist entrepreneurs to benefit from trade (TIP)3. It is important to ensure that the price advantage realized by an effective market information system is distributed along the market chain. However, this second effort also did not achieve the vertical integration that was anticipated. A few large farmers dominate the mango processing segment by acquiring the units of other small-scale players operating on job work or custom processing. In a more recent attempt under a publicprivate partnership model, an effort has been initiated with farmers cooperatives in order to assure the supply of mango for processing purposes4. Most of the efforts at creating horizontal linkages through cooperatives have not been successful in the past, given the administrative bottlenecks the cooperatives typically become entangled in.
3 Technology Infrastructure Park (TIP), 1999. 4 There have been some attempts at creating horizontal linkages across the chain actors by creating cooperatives among producers with the goal of empowering them. Notable among these are the efforts initiated by AgriTerra of the Netherlands, through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Federation of Farmers Associations (FFA) and the Horticulture Department of Andhra Pradesh. This project, helping farmers to develop these cooperatives, has been implemented since 20072008.
frequent market gluts and associated price risk, thereby forcing farmers into distress sales to pre-harvest contractors and commission agents. A typical marketing channel of a horticultural crop thus involves a number of intermediaries like the pre-harvest contractor, commission agent, wholesaler and retailer, all operating between the producer and the final consumer. Each of these market intermediaries performs a specific market function that involves a cost to them, thereby yielding a share in the market margin. Some economic theories suggest that an efficient market provides for the distribution of market margins in proportion to the aggregation of utility performed by each market intermediary; however, market failures might distort the chain margin structure. In a market function, the physical movement of the produce occurs from farm to market along the chain, while the monetary and information flows happen in the reverse direction. The asymmetric access to information tends to empower market intermediaries and give them a stronger bargaining position, thus allowing them to secure higher shares in the chains marketing margin (FAO, 1997). Fostering coordinated linkages of farmers to traders and processors has been a recognized means to reduce seasonal gluts and associated price crashes, especially for perishables (Eaton & Shepherd, 2001; Subrahmanyam, 2000; Sudha and Gajanana, 2001). However, the linkage between producers and processors is rather weak under Indian conditions, given reasons such as high processing costs, inadequate supply of the right quantity of raw material for processing, dual taxation policies, and inconsistent demand for the processed produce. Efforts have constantly been made to link farmers to markets, so that the marketing channels and the role played by different market intermediaries are better coordinated. These efforts include the creation of alternate marketing channels that provide better pricing policies and reduce the margins, the promotion of contract farming for assured buy-back and corollary assured prices, and the development of streamlined supply chains to create and sustain value addition for some commodities (Dileep et al., 2002).
Contract farming
Contract farming is one of the most accepted forms of integrating producers with industry through value addition. Several forms of contracting have been successfully implemented in horticultural crops. Some of these models, such as the one adopted by Pepsi or Hindusthan Lever for tomato and potato in India, are worth mentioning (Singh, 2000). These contracts seem to have worked well, but the inclusion of small farmers and the benefits to them are debatable (Dileep et al., 2002). However, evidence points towards the positive impact of cross-border contract production of fresh vegetables for supermarkets involving a large number of small farmers. In this global supply chain, small farmers microcontracts are combined with extensive farm assistance and supervision programmes to fulfil the complex quality requirements and phyto-sanitary standards of supermarkets. Small farmers that participate in these contracts enjoy higher welfare gains, more income stability and shorter loan periods (Minten et al., 2005).
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
Coffee and Tea: The export market linkage models existing for coffee and tea provide insights into a comprehensive linkage scheme, where even a small grower is able to realize the benefits of quality-based export market prices for his produce. The fact that the prices of these commodities are internationally established provides an opportunity for producers to benefit from a quality-based pricing system. These commodity groups provide an example of how an internationallydetermined competitive price is effectively transmitted to the farthest upstream players along the supply chain. Effective institutional support and strong producer collectives can be identified as the most critical factors responsible for the success of these initiatives. The case of Darjeeling tea is an example of chain empowerment channeled through Mercy Corps and its local partner, Darjeeling Earth Group. This linkage arrangement gave farmers the right to sell directly to tea estates and realize higher prices than when selling to middlemen. Most of these experiences or models do not seem to apply directly to the mango supply chain, given the sheer size of the cluster and also because of its unique characteristics. Section 4 examines these features and makes inferences and suggestions for the future.
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
wind-induced damage to the mango crop. This comparative advantage and low cost of establishment and maintenance makes the production base highly differentiated in terms of holding size; this is not the case with other perennial fruits. Another feature unique to mango is the biennial nature of its cultivation cycle, which means that not all the trees in an orchard will bear fruit every year. Growers therefore maintain orchards involving different varieties and different age groups, such that overall, the orchard sustains itself through income from one or other variety every year. These unique features of mango differentiate it from other fruit trees and make it difficult to maintain any regular farmer group. The grape model highlights the scope for organising growers into fewer and smaller groups of farmers sharing common interests. Such associations develop uniform practices and allow the formation of a regular supply base. Since the mango industry is based on a highly-differentiated production base, any effort aimed at market intervention seems to have sparked off market expansion through additional processing infrastructure. The fact that the totapuri mango cluster has been expanding continuously is an indication of the growing and sustainable profitability of the commodity in domestic and export markets. Most of the earlier efforts initiated by the Government to create infrastructure and facilitate smooth functioning of the value addition chain have been successfully countered by alternate efforts from private owners and growers themselves. Despite this there has not been a decline in the revenues earned or quantity traded. The impact of Government policy in terms of dissemination of market information by APEDA, infrastructure creation through the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), and a drive towards refinancing and promotion of liberalized exports, can be seen in the expansion of the agro-industry cluster and the subsequent enhanced exports of mango pulp from the region. Now that mango pulp has been standardized as an internationally-traded commodity, there is a need to put in place a mechanism for price determination in the free market that can be passed along the chain to the lowest level player. The most critical point in the mango pulp cluster is that the margin involved in converting fresh mango into pulp is rather small. A number of players along the chain, including the processor, earn their profits from bulking. It is here that supply chain management needs to pay special attention to avoid the smallest player in the chain, the grower, suffering the consequences of unfair trade practices. The chain model needs to be developed so that the cluster incorporates a safety mechanism to safeguard the interests of the smallest link in the supply chain. The model adopted by Darjeeling tea, discussed earlier, seems to offer a suitable approach in this respect. Furthermore, there is a need to address the problem of non-competitive behaviour, which appears to characterize the actions of market chain players such as wholesalers or commission agents. While these market intermediaries retain nearly half of the producers share from the consumers rupee, there are no indications that the
functions they perform would justify the margins observed. Indeed, there is evidence that suggests the failure of markets to disseminate price information effectively across the different players in the chain, thus creating asymmetries to the detriment of the growers. As such, a key function of any attempt at market organization for the cluster should ensure that market price information is effectively disseminated along the chain. Similarly, redundant and non-essential market intermediation should be minimized. Being a processed commodity, totapuri mango could be marketed through direct links set up between growers and processing companies. Since totapuri mango pulp is an internationally-recognized commodity that can be measured on standard brix and the international price is directly proportional to the brix, there is scope for setting up an efficient price information system.
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
Apart from the interventions required at processing level to ensure uniform quality, efforts are also needed to increase competition at the wholesaler level of the chain. This would require collective action in a three-tier structure, grouping farmers at community level into self-help groups, identifying processors at district level who procure fresh material directly from these groups, and who in turn are integrated with exporters to export the semi-processed pulp under one brand name. Obstacles that have to be overcome for such an intervention to succeed are manifold and include: inconsistencies in export demand; lack of transparency and information sharing in the market in terms of price, quantity and quality; a lack of trust among the chain actors; difficult and cumbersome taxation policies; the absence of initiatives to build brand names. The commodity board or association would be expected to address most of these issues.
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). 2008. (Available at: http://www.apeda.gov.in). Aharam. 2009. Farmers as entrepreneurs. In Leisa magazine, Vol 25(2). APO (Asian Productivity Organization). 2007. Enterprenuership development for competitive small and medium enterprises. New Delhi, Indian Ministry of Food Processing Industries. (Available at: http://mofpi.nic.in/mango.pdf). Babitha, M. 2009. Export of Fresh Mangoes and Mango Products from India. (Available at: http://icaap.org.in/node/59.dask.2008). Burks, R. 2008. Unity takes root in Darjeeling. Portland, USA. Mercy Corps (Available at: http://www.mercycorps.org/countries/india/11694). CII, McKinsey Report. 1997. The Fruit and Vegetable Opportunity. In Food and Agriculture Integrated Development (FAID) Action Report, pp. 140152. Das, K. 2008. Copping with SPS challenges in India: WTO and beyond. In International Journal of Economic Law 11, pp. 9711019. Department of Commerce (Press Release). 2007. BOA grants formal approval to 23 and in principle approval to 6 SEZs. New Delhi, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. (Available at: http://commerce.nic.in/May07_release.htm). Dileep, B.K., Grover, R.K. & Rai, K.N. 2002. Contract Farming in Tomato: An Economic Analysis. In Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 57(2), pp. 197210. EMC Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 2009. Indian Food Processing Industry. FAO. 1997. Agricultural and food marketing management. Rome, FAO. (Available at: www. fao.org/docrep/004/W3240E/W3240E00.HTM). FAO. 2001. Contract farming, partnerships for growth: a guide. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No.145, Chapter 3, pp. 4354. Rome. Government of Andhra Pradesh. 2008. Annual Action Plan 200809: Horticultural Profile of Andhara Pradesh. (Available at: http://www.aphorticulture.com/actionplan_2009/ Horticultureprofile.html). Gupta, S.P. & Rathore, N.S. 1998. Marketing of Vegetables in Raipur District of Chhattisgarh State: An Economic Analysis. In Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics, Vol. 53(3), p. 393. Hanemann, L.P. 2006. An Assessment of the Export Competitiveness of the Banana, Mango and Mango Pulp Sectors in the State of Tamil Nadu. Paper for the World Bank, Abt Associates, Inc. (Available at: http://www.farm2marketconsulting.com/Projects/ ABT(INDIA)-EXECUTIVE%20SUMMARY.pdf).
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL). 2009. (Available at: http://www.hul.co.in/) India Ministry of Agriculture. 2008. (Available at: http://india.gov.in/sectors/agriculture/ ministry_agriculture.php) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). 1976. Rural Agro-Industrial Complex for Karnataka. A joint effort of India and the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria. Brochure released on the occasion of the visit of His Excellency the President of Bulgaria to inaugurate the Agro-industrial Complex, Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bangalore. pp. 120. ITC. 2009. (Available at: http://www.itcportal.com/sets/itc_frameset.htm) Mehta, R. & George, J. 2003. Processed Food Products Exports from India: An Exploration with SPS Regime. New Delhi, Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (RIS). (Available at: https://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/41962/1/aciar%20_2003_mehta_ george.pdf). Minten, B., Randrianarison, L. & Swinnen, J.F.M. 2005. Supermarkets, International Trade and Farmers in Developing Countries: Evidence from Madagascar. (Available at: http://www.cfnpp.cornell.edu/images/wp191.pdf) Minten, B., Randrianarison, L. & Swinnen, J.F.M. 2006. Global Retail Chains and Poor Farmers: Evidence from Madagascar. Leuven, Belgium. LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance. Preckel, P.V., Gray, A., Boehlje, M. & Kim, S. 2004. Risk and value chain: Participant sharing of risk and rewards. In Chain and Network Science, 4, pp. 2532. Roekel, V.J., Willems, S. & Boselie, D.M. 2002. To Stimulate Cross-Border Trade in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies. In World Bank Paper Cross-Border Agri Supply Chain Management, s-Hertogenbosch, 19 August 2002. Singh, S. 2000. Contract farming for agricultural diversification in the India Punjab: A study of performance and problems. In Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 55(3), pp. 283294. Subrahmanyam, K.V. 2000. Linkages Between Farm and Non Farm Sector: Role of Processing of Horticultural Products. NABARD Occasional Paper 16, pp. 2939. Mumbai, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. Sudha, M. & Gajanana, T.M. 2001. New Vistas in Institutionalizing Agricultural Marketing. Linking Production with Marketing through Processing. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Institutional Change for Greater Technology Impact organized by the National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi, 1314 March 2001. Sudha, M. & Kruijssen, F. 2008. Varietal Differences in the Supply Chain of Two Mango Varieties in South India. In Acta Horticulturae 787, pp. 379386.
Table 10.3
Linking farmers to market through processing: The role of agro-industry clusters with special reference to mango in south India
Annex 2: Marketing margins and price spread along the supply chain for totapuri mango
Table 10.4
Marketing margins and price spread along the supply chain for totapuri mango
Fresh Value (Rs./tonne) Farmer Net price PHC Buying price Costs Transport Handling Commission Margin Wholesaler Buying price Costs Margin 5 250 650 2 600 32.81 4.06 16.25 420 1 410 2.63 8.81 120 0.75 3 000 18.75 1 630 10.19 % of total Farmer Net price PHC Buying price Costs Transport Handling Commission Margin Processor Buying price Costs Margin 6 000 60 1 910 22.61 0.23 7.20 10 2 970 0.04 11.19 10 0.04 3 000 11.30 1 630 6.14 Processed Value (Rs./tonne) % of total
Marketing margins and price spread along the supply chain for totapuri mango
Fresh Value (Rs./tonne) Retailer Buying price Costs Transport Handling Margin 2 500 500 4 500 15.63 3.13 28.13 8 500 53.13 % of total Exporter Buying price Costs Cans Reforming and lling Packing Transport to port Sea freight Commission License Margin Consumer price Price spread 16 000 14 370 100.00 Export price Price spread 3 330 1 670 20 250 2 530 640 5 560 4 570 26 540 24 910 12.55 6.29 0.08 0.94 9.53 2.41 20.95 17.22 100.00 7 970 30.03 Processed Value (Rs./tonne) % of total
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
Lateef O. Sanni
11.1 Introduction
The production, processing and marketing of cassava provides a major source of income for about 450 million people, often women and low-income earners, in sub-Saharan Africa (FAO, 2004). Cassava is not only strategically important as a food source and famine reserve. Combining high calorific efficiency with versatile/ low cost input and reliable and flexible production, it is now seen as a pro-poor vehicle for economic development (NEPAD, 2004). The New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) hence adopted the slogan Cassava: A Powerful Poverty Fighter in Africa for its Pan African Cassava Initiative (Whingwiri, 2004). Nweke et al. (2002) classified cassava development in Africa into five stages. In the first stage, cassava is considered a famine reserve crop, especially in areas where rural consumption is based on cereals. In such dry regions of Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zambia, as well as in the northern Saharan zones of most countries in West Africa, cassava is a famine reserve crop during periods of scarcity and drought. In the second stage, cassava is considered a rural food crop because it is the main source of calories in the diets of rural consumers. Although cassava has this important role, farmers only use local varieties and traditional technology, largely because of the limited market incentives to adopt new varieties and improved technology. As a result, farm output is relatively low and cassava is mainly consumed on the farm. This type of production is often found in remote areas of the cassava belt in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
In the third stage, cassava is considered a food and cash crop, based on traditional technology and traditional low-yield varieties. Average yields are 710 tonnes/ha and manual processing is very common. Cassava is a basic rural and urban food staple; a significant part of the harvest is sold in processed form. This type of production is found in regions with market access in the coastal, forest and savannah zones of some countries in western and central Africa: examples include Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea. The fourth stage is when cassava is considered a food and cash crop based on improved technology, involving a broad adoption of high yielding varieties and mechanization of certain processing stages (grating, pressing, frying and milling). At this stage cassava is both a rural and urban food crop. Examples abound in Nigeria and Ghana as a consequence of presidential initiatives. At the fifth stage cassava also becomes an industrial crop, providing raw material for starch, ethanol, flour, and the livestock feed industries. At this stage, less than 75 percent of the total cassava output is devoted to direct human consumption in both rural and urban areas. A significant number of cassava growers in Nigeria have made the transition to the fourth stage (high yielding varieties and mechanized processing), even though farmers have not yet attained the desired technical efficiency in cassava production. This low efficiency results from a lack of knowledge of the latest available technology in cassava cultivation and other improved inputs such as fertilizers and herbicides. However, the wide-scale adoption of high yielding varieties and the resulting increase in yields from 11 tonnes/ha to 40 tonnes/ha have shifted the problem of the cassava sector from supply issues (production) to demand issues, such as finding new uses and markets for cassava.
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
competitively advantageous industries identified as having the potential for fast growth and demand from export markets. The Ghanaian Presidential Special Initiative (PSI) on cassava began in 2001, as part of the Governments policy of transforming cassava production from its subsistence nature into a commercially viable agribusiness that can generate substantial revenue locally and through exports. The specific objectives of the PSI on cassava were to: (1) transform the cassava industry into a major growth area; (2) establish 10 cassava starch processing plants; and (3) generate annual export revenues of US$100 million by the end of 2006. In addition the initiative aimed to ensure that 50 percent of farmers participating in the project should be women. Although the Ghanaian Government is the main sponsor of the PSI, the project was to be executed through a farmer-ownership scheme called the Corporate Village Enterprise (COVE).The COVE model seeks to bring rural communities into mainstream economic activity by establishing large-scale export-oriented enterprises, which will be owned by farmers themselves but managed by professionals with industrial experience who are engaged on performance contracts. In line with this policy, farmers were encouraged to form cooperatives. Members of the cooperatives were expected to grow the crop on their individually-owned farms and then be assisted by the Government to own a starch processing plant collectively, established by the government to process cassava into starch (Tonah, 2006). The Government and its development partners were expected to complement the efforts of the private entrepreneurs by supporting the project with infrastructure facilities: construction and upgrading of access roads, provision of communication facilities, adequate power for the processing plant, and potable water for the factory as well as the surrounding communities. Advocacy structures were also set up using project field staff (with the assistance of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture) to inform the farmers about the impending project and the roles expected of farmers and the Government in the project. They also needed to convince rural farmers about the benefits of cassava production and the readiness of the produce market to receive their output. In July 2002, a year and a half after the launch of the PSI in Ghana, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria announced a similar initiative. This aimed to create awareness among farmers about the opportunities that exist in the cassava market through expanded cassava utilization and primary processing. To this end, actions was taken to increase productivity and expand annual cassava production in order to achieve global competitiveness, while integrating the rural poor (especially women and young people) into the mainstream of Nigerias national economic development. Furthermore, new market opportunities were identified and developed to stimulate increased private sector investment in the establishment of export-oriented cassava industries (FNG and UNIDO. 2006; Knipscheer et al., 2007; Ezedinma et al., 2007).
The specific objectives of the Nigerian presidential initiative on cassava (PIC), which was to be achieved by 2007, included: 1. Enhance the productivity and production of cassava by increasing the area cultivated to 5 million ha, with the hope of harvesting 150 million tonnes of fresh cassava tuber annually. 2. Produce 37.5 million tonnes of processed cassava products (i.e. gari, HQCF (high quality cassava flour), pellets, chips, starch and ethanol) for local and export markets. 3. Organize the export of cassava and processed-cassava products as a revenue-generating project. 4. Earn about US$5 billion annually from exporting value-added cassava products. According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO, 2006), existing and new policies aimed at supporting investment and market development in the cassava industry in Nigeria include:
ZZ Policy on national strategic food reserve. The food reserve policy was aimed
at ensuring food security, guaranteeing food and industrial raw materials and providing employment opportunities for the rural labour force. Gari, the most produced and traded cassava product, has recently been added to the list of products. This should stimulate the gari production industry, creating more cassava plantations, essential for the growth of the overall cassava industry. ZZ Policy on Pioneer Status Investment Incentives: Companies can obtain pioneer status in several ways: if they produce products declared pioneer products under the Industrial Development (Income Tax Relief) Act No. 22 of 1971 as amended in 1998; if the Nigerian Investment Promotion Council (NIPC) has declared it a deserving enterprise; if the company is located in an economically disadvantaged area. Pioneer status provides a five-year tax holiday to qualified investors, with a two-year extension for those located in economically disadvantaged areas. These areas are defined in the NIPC guidelines for investment incentives in Nigeria (NIPC, 1998). However, it must be noted that pioneer status is not automatic and must be applied for; even with pioneer status such companies must report taxes to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) even though the tax is not taken from the company. Policies on export incentives for non oil sector: These include (a) a 10 percent ZZ tax concession for five years for industries exporting no less than 60 percent of their products; (b) retention of export proceeds in foreign currency; (c) an Export Development Fund (EDF) that provides financial assistance to private sector exporting companies; (d) an Export Grant Fund Scheme (EGFS) that provides cash inducements for exporters that have exported a minimum of 50 0001 worth of semi-manufactured products; (e) a duty drawback/suspension and manufacture-in-bond scheme; (f) an export adjustment fund scheme providing supplementary export subsidies to compensate exporters for the high cost of local
1 = Nigerian naira.
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
production arising mainly from infrastructure deficiencies and other negative factors beyond the control of the exporter; (g) Nigeria Export/Import (NEXIM) Bank Foreign Exchange facilities; (h) a capital assets depreciation allowance, which is an annual allowance of five percent on plants and machinery to manufacturing exporters who export at least 50 percent of their annual turnover, provided that the product has at least 40 percent local materials content or 35 percent value added. All of these incentives are also applicable to cassava-based industries (e.g. starch or ethanol) that are produced for export purposes.
ZZ Policy on the provision of credit loans for agriculture producers through
specialized banks like the Nigerian Agriculture, Credit, and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB). ZZ Policy on mandatory substitution of 10 percent wheat flour with high quality cassava flour in the flour mill industry. This policy will link high quality cassava flour processors to large-scale wheat flour millers in Nigeria, and consequently create the desired jobs. ZZ Policy on provision of gainful employment for the countrys population. The present government of Nigeria strongly supports a growth-oriented economy with the capacity to create jobs. ZZ Policy on blending of 10 percent Ethanol in fuel. The Nigerian government as part of its commitment to the 2000 Kyoto Agreement has decided to implement a policy of blending fuel with 10 percent ethanol. Ethanol blended fuels will lower the emission of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. Nigerias PIC was to have been implemented during the period 20022007. To achieve these objectives, there was a need to develop the domestic market and create national policies in order to promote cassava development in the country.
TABLE 11.1
Millennium Development Goals and the roles of PICs and other parties
Millennium Development Goal Eradicate extreme poverty Roles of PICs and others Cassava is a secure source of food and nutrients. Post-harvest processing adds value and enables farm-gate businesses to boost farmers incomes. Women beneted especially from improved cassava farming and processing activities. Womens participation in cassava initiatives increased their knowledge and skills, and enable them to make better enterprise decisions. PICs have contributed to this goal by reducing hunger and raising farmer-processors standards of living. Through better nourishment, PICs directly improved the health of women and their unborn children. More partners involved in cassava for development.
A policy was promoted to add 10 percent of cassava flour to the wheat flour used in bread, to open additional market opportunities for smallholder farmers. The growth in demand activated the industrial scale-up of HQCF and starch processing by about 48 percent (Maziya-Dixon and Onadipe, 2007). The awareness created greater interest and increased investment in the industry by foreign and local investors. During the period, private sector participants established over 500 microprocessing centres (MPCs) and 100 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the production of intermediate cassava products. The enterprises provided substantial job opportunities for the young, technicians, professionals and artisans (Sanni et al., 2006). There were substantial investments in new factories for the manufacture of glucose syrup, starch and HQCF. Such factories include Ekha Agro Farms, Ogun State, a glucose syrup factory built in 2007; Dutch Agricultural Development Company Nigeria Ltd, Benue State, an automated HQCF factory built in 2006; and Matna Foods, Ondo State, a cassava starch factory built in 2005. The market for HQCF in Ghana is already established with the Plywood manufacturers and the biscuit factories (Piccadilly Biscuits and Parle Biscuits). There is also instant fufu being manufactured and available on the market. Finally, a company named Lee Chemicals that is chiefly into export trade also purchases HQCF. Some companies attempted regional marketing of cassava starch, e.g. Matna Starch Industry exported cassava starch through Nestle Plc to Cote dIvoire, while Ayensu Starch Mills, Ghana, attempted to enter the Nigerian market. There was a policy on 5 percent inclusion of HQCF in bread, but it has not been passed into law as the bill had not gone through parliamentary scrutiny. The Ghana Agro-Food Company
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
(GAFCO) had a significant interest in HQCF, provided that the other two flour millers (Irani Brothers Flour Mills and Takoradi Flour Mills) would be willing to use it in the production of composite flour. The Nigerian PIC rested its success more on strong financial support to relevant institutions, most especially the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), the Raw Materials Research Development Council (RMRDC) and the Root & Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP), towards the achievement of the objectives of the initiative. The period between 2007 and the present day has seen a new outlook in liberalization of food trade, including cassava products. Unlike previous regimes, African leaders are decreasing trade barriers on flour products, including cassava. This conflicts with research findings that suggest nationals made more money in local substitution with high tariffs on importation of food products. Today, Africa is lacking in the area of reliable and sustainable policy implementation on trade liberalization. Various reports (mainly in the news media in Nigeria) and an impact study published in Ghana (Tonah, 2006) have been highlighting difficulties in their implementation. For example, processors failed to meet the deadline of January 2005 related to government policy on 10 percent cassava flour inclusion in bread making in Nigeria. In Ghana, Tonah (2006) found that farmers were unhappy with low prices paid by the processors who, in turn, complain about insufficient supply of raw cassava roots. The coordinating Government Ministries in Nigeria (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, FMAWR, and Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry, FMCI) failed to provide strong influence to ensure early commencement of the initiative. There were also conflicting positions as regards the implementation of PIC, which shows a serious lack of monitoring and evaluation; this problem is still lingering. Price has always been the bone of contention among all stakeholders in the cassava sector. Farmers complain of the prices offered for the cassava roots by processors, while processors in turn complain of the prices that major end users are offering to purchase their finished products. Furthermore, Nigerian processors were unable to sell high quality cassava flour (HQCF) to flour milling industries because of a price disagreement. At present, HQCF is sold at 65 000 (US$439) per tonne in Nigeria while processors are clamouring for 90 000 (US$608) per tonne. There are two types of HQCF available in the Ghanaian market the food grade HQCF, which sells for Gh700/tonne, and the other grade for the plywood industry, which sells for Gh 600/tonne. Kokorte sells for Gh400/tonne. Price is greatly affected by seasonal differences in this part of the world. The perceived challenge at present is that ongoing efforts are not adequate and that the cassava sub-sector needs a further push for it to play a leading role in
the agricultural and economic development of SSA countries. To this end, African leaders made a call, through the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), to give priority to cassava in regional agricultural development strategies. This led to the creation of the NEPAD Pan African Cassava Initiative (NPACI), a strategic institutional arrangement that is aimed at linking national agricultural research and extension systems to regional initiatives on cassava, in order to ensure food security and income generation in Africa. Changes in successive governments and leaders have been a bane in sustainable agro-based industrialization in sub-Saharan African countries. Incentives that opened windows of market opportunity based on paradigm shifts from production to marketoriented approaches are easily withdrawn, simply because of changes in leadership, without any policy dialogue involving the stakeholders.This has implications for product and process innovations that can enhance agro-industrial development. It is pertinent to note that the sustainable and stimulating effect of a cassava diversification policy in Africa rests heavily on supportive and amiable approaches, continuous political will, constant dialogue with stakeholders and collaboration by development partners. This has been exemplified by South American countries such as Brazil and Colombia, which have advanced cassava development systems that play a vital role in their successful industrialization. With 70 percent of South American market share, these two nations, especially Brazil, have become leading world producers, processors and marketeers of cassava and its corollary products (UNIDO, 2006).
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
with capacities of 0.25 tonnes/ha and 1 tonne/ha. Various suggestions were discussed and manufacturers were encouraged to improve on their designs. Consequently, ARCEDEM produced a prototype peeler in collaboration with IITA (Sanni et al., 2006b). A recent field visit by engineers from the National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM) to A & H Engineering revealed some improvement in innovative cassava peelers (Olowonibi et al., 2009). The peeling machine comprises three cylindrical rotating rollers with a crest of about 0.5-inches and 2 mm mild steel wound round the rollers, which serves as the peeling blade. The blade winds round the top left and wooden rollers anticlockwise while the top right roller blade winds clockwise. There is a stationary hollow cylindrical galvanized pipe positioned exactly at the top downroller; the three rollers connect together with a chain via sprockets. The machine has an efficiency of 8590 percent with small cassava roots and 9095 percent with large roots. Processors (Cottage to SMEs) in other parts of Africa are still using manual peeling, which is laborious. It is only Ayensu Starch Mill that uses mechanical peelers, which are not accessible for use by a critical mass of processors in Ghana. Some SMEs are currently testing using ARCEDEM-WABAMACO, Fataroy and A&H peelers, with some degree of success. However, there is still a need for further collaboration in the development and perfection of cassava peeling machines before they may be usefully integrated into cassava processing methods by other end users in Africa. Based on considerable demand from vulnerable groups and processors in remote areas of Nigeria, a mobile grater was designed and manufactured by engineers from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, State Agricultural Development, and manufacturers (Sanni et al., 2007). The best version was produced by the Scientific Equipment Development Institute (SEDI) a Government-owned engineering centre in Enugu, Nigeria. The mobile grater has the following features: a stainless steel hopper/delivery chute, a 7 HP (Horsepower) diesel engine prime mover, a steel chassis, a motorcycle wheel that supports and reduces vibrations, a push handle, and a rest/support metal frame. This initiative resulted in the large-scale commercialization of the production of cassava derivatives such as gari, which culminated in the shift from the use of local roasters to stainless steel double roasters and automatic roasters. Cassava processors in particular have perceived that the PIC has improved their access to improved processing technologies that reduce drudgery and facilitate the processing of high quality cassava products. They also believe that these technologies have enhanced their opportunities to earn income (Sanogo and Adetunji, 2008). One notable benefit of process innovation from PIC was the positive collaboration from 2006 to 2008 between the IITA and other public agencies (e.g. the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)-sponsored Root and Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP)) and in Godilogo farms, Obudu, Cross River State, on the design and manufacture of more efficient flash dryers. The new flash dryer installed
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
at Godilogo was commissioned in August 2008 with financial support from the IITA, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)-Root and Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP), Godilogo farms, and the Raw Material Research and Development Council (RMRDC) under the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. It is an impressive machine that can produce 250 kg/hour of cassava flour (Kuye et al., 2008).
TABLE 11.2
294 Countries Ghana Achievements/Impacts/Scalable innovations Processing options developed and tested to produce HQCF which could be used directly by plywood and food industries or used as a feedstock for the manufacture of paperboard adhesive, glucose syrup and industrial and potable alcohol. The HQCF was used at levels of 1035 percent in bakery products. HQCF was used for complete substitution of wheat our as an extender in urea and phenol formaldehyde resin plywood adhesives. HQCF was used to produce Bauer-type paperboard adhesive that could completely replace imported starch-based materials. A controlled process was developed for conversion of HQCF into a range of sugar syrups for different end uses. Developed concept of commercial processors (SMEs) acting as market intermediary between the farmers and the end users. The approach adopted of getting groups of poor local processors to supply cassava mash to the cassava processing plants (SMEs) has made them the net beneciary (in terms of higher patronage) in this intervention (Adebayo et al., 2004). The outputs of the project (dried fufu and HQCF, drying technology and market linkages) are currently being used in 11 SMEs in Nigeria and ve medium-scale companies in Ghana. On a technical level the project has developed dried fufu (fermented Nigeria) and instant fufu (unfermented Ghana) as products and specic processing technologies. Also the approach of linking farmers to markets through SMEs acting as market intermediaries was rened further. Nigeria Ghana Tanzania Developed chip-based our processing using non-motorized equipment to enable poor farmers to access supermarket chain outlets, addressing issues such as access to machinery and access to nance. Developed and tested new technological and management innovations offering signicant potential for the commercialization of small-scale cassava producers. Results of the project turned out to justify the original assumption of the existence of a large unexploited market for high quality cassava products and the high positive potential impact on poor households. The outcomes of the project imply that any publicprivate partnership aimed at promoting higher scale application of the tested modern processing technologies and management approaches can ensure that the full benets of cassava can be derived more quickly, by increasing demand for cassava and the incomes of more smallholder cassava producers. Poverty can be reduced through accelerated growth of rural value-addition enterprises, creating job opportunities and reducing the cost of food and other consumer goods for rural and urban consumers. Uganda Tanzania (other countries in region)
GCDS-related initiatives
An NRI/FRI research project funded by DFID. Beneciary farmers (8 000) involved at the level of validation of technologies.
2. Development of high quality cassava products (DfID and the EC-funded CASSAVA-SMES projects).
A NRI/FRI/UNAAB research project funded by the EU, working with more than 10 000 farmers through a number of NGOs involved in validation exercises. Main focus on SMEs
4. Small-scale cassava processing and vertical integration of the cassava subsector in southern and eastern Africa (funded by CFC/SARRNET/EARRNET/NRI/ FOODNET and implemented by IITA and ve national institutions).
GCDS-related initiatives
Countries Nigeria This project has facilitated the establishment of additional processing centres in the following states: Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Ebonyi, Edo, Enugu and Rivers. The project strategies include the distribution of mobile graters and assistance to existing enterprises by providing machinery based on need. As at March 2007, Over US$21 million revenue had been generated from gross sales of cassava products. 463 processing enterprises established and over 1 000 new jobs created. More than 5 000 persons trained on cassava post-harvest techniques. Cassava products are sold in wet and dry forms such as mash, gari, fufu our, HQCF, cassava chips and starch. Other products produced and sold, especially by SMEs, include bread and plantain our. Nigeria Ghana Uganda Tanzania Malawi C:AVA is developing value chains for HQCF in Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria and Malawi to improve the livelihoods and incomes of at least 90 000 smallholder households as direct beneciaries, including women and disadvantaged groups. The project is focusing on three potent intervention points: (i) ensuring a consistent supply of raw materials; (ii) developing viable intermediaries acting as secondary processors or bulking agents in value chains, and (iii) driving market demand and building market share (in, for example, the bakery industry, components of traditional foods or plywood/paperboard applications). This project aims to achieve a level of 50 percent penetration of new disease resistant cassava varieties into the farming systems of cassava-based poor farming households. Achievements/Impacts/Scalable innovations
5. Integrated Cassava Project hosted by IITA in south and southeast Nigeria, with funding from USAID and the Shell Petroleum Development Company, the Nigerian Federal Government Presidential Initiative on Cassava, the Niger Delta Development Commission, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, and 12 State Governments.
6. Cassava: Adding Value for Africa hosted by NRI, UK sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2008 to date)
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
7. Great Lakes Cassava Initiatives hosted by Catholic Relief Services sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2008 to date) Nigeria Benin Republic of Sierra Leone
8. Cassava Value Chain Development in West Africa hosted by IITA, sponsored by Common Fund for Commodities, The Netherlands (2008 to date)
CFC West African Cassava Value Chain Development project is strengthening the capacity of rural enterprises on supply lines, upgrading traditional processing technologies and products and creating sustainable markets with the deployment of superior cassava varieties, high capacity processing machines and workable business plans in 12 locations in project countries.
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
institutional capacity of producers, processors, commodity traders and manufacturers to produce, process and market cassava efficiently, as well as foster increasing private sector investment in the production, processing, storage and marketing of the product. The implementation of the PSI on cassava in Ghana had also built greatly on the cassava improvement research at IITA. The three major cassava varieties with good starch content (afisiafi, doku duade and agbelefia) deployed on the implementation of the PSI were all developed at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. IITAs links with national systems are of great importance to the realization of common goals. IITA has been active in maintaining and further improving linkages between the cassava programme and the national root crops programmes in Ghana and other African countries.
regarding stakeholders as equal partners; building a practical, shared vision; helping to make action plans for industry; building better linkages with private sector organizations; building better links with and among public sector institutions; ensuring co-stewardship of research and service outputs with users; facilitating the rapid introduction of high-impact technologies through public and private sector partnerships.
At the FAO/GFAR (Global Forum for Agricultural Research) conference Global Initiative on Post-Harvest Technology, Phase 1, held in Entebbe, Uganda, 1719 September 2001, two strategies for promoting the post-harvest sector were developed by the participants. One was based on the existing post-harvest system and traditional commodities. It suggested upgrading products and processes, and improving value addition and quality, thereby allowing the products to enter higher value urban and regional markets. This strategy also encompassed storage of traditional commodities, for on-farm use or to take advantage of higher prices in the off-season. The second strategy focused on the development of novel or non-traditional export commodities/products, aimed at both regional and global markets, including products with large volumes and those with a niche but higher unit-value market. The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF)IITA Ibadan Strategic Plan of 2005 encouraged the industrialization of cassava in Africa based on available resources, a global competitive framework, and vertically-integrated agricultural business ventures. The UNIDO Abuja 2006 Master Plan declaration promoted domestic, regional, and international market strategies for the cassava sub-sector, in line with the FAO Entebbe 2001 action plans for the cassava agro-industrialization system in Africa. Meanwhile IFADs cassava processing and marketing regional initiative workshop the Accra declaration of March 2006 also affirmed previous action plans with the private sector as the key driver. Various action plans went in tandem with the FAO Entebbe plans and the Commission for Africa initiatives. The Commission for Africa was set up by Tony Blair in early 2004. It recognized that everyone would benefit from and has a role in creating a strong and prosperous Africa using commodities like cassava. The action plan proposed a commodity chain approach, which is by definition a pragmatic, results-oriented approach. A commodity chain describes the full range of activities required to bring a product (e.g. fresh cassava) from its conception (e.g. production) throughout all intermediary phases, transformation (e.g. processing) and delivery (e.g. marketing) to its final consumers.
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
11.7 Conclusions
There have been noticeably successful outcomes to the introduction of cassava presidential initiatives in Africa, with sound process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sector. The technologies and machinery involved, particularly for mobile graters, peeling, drying etc, are still not well known in many African countries. An effective and complete cassava productionutilization system in Africa requires a coalition of privatepublic partnerships, with the private sector investing in market development and procuring the machinery required. Clear and effective policies that cover the influence of presidential initiatives on trade liberalisation, access to markets, equitable distribution of benefits, gender, environment, credit, infrastructure, taxes, legal requirements, grades and standards need to be embarked upon. The examples outlined in this chapter show that through political will and appropriate policy incentives, much can be accomplished in the promotion of agro-industrial development. The lessons learned from these examples, and some critical success strategies for cassava development that have emerged, are summarized as follows: Lessons learned from the PICs:
ZZ The right policy environment is critical to attracting adequate investment and
ZZ Access to long-term investment finance at low (single digit) interest rates
continues to be a major bottleneck that denies African private sector operators the ability to respond to new market opportunities. Strategies that will enhance proper legislation for the advancement of commercially-driven cassava sectors in Africa include:
ZZ increased research for development efforts and investment in the area of
cassava innovations;
ZZ initial substantial investment by government for the establishment of farm gate
processing centres;
ZZ joint partnerships between entrepreneurs and foreign investors for the successful ZZ
provision and operation of adapted and efficient processing units; formal legislation and enforcement to facilitate the compliance of relevant implementing actors for the successful achievement of PIC objectives, such as the inclusion of cassava in baking (composite) flour; promoting the establishment of a cassava development commission; provision of basic infrastructure by the Government, especially energy sources at affordable rates for cottage industries in rural and semi-urban areas; provision of tax-free regimes for SMEs in their first 57 years of operation.
Various issues for sustaining cassava equipment development in Africa, such as intellectual property rights, the technical know-how of manufacturers, environmental risks (renewable vs. non-renewable energy sources), gender influence and flexibility of equipment use, adoption rates (viability and durability of equipment), and quality hazards, are becoming more important and must be addressed for sustainable technology transfer.
Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
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Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives
Nweke, F.I., Spencer, D.S.C. & Lynam, J.K. 2002. The cassava transformation: Africas best-kept secret. Ibadan, Nigeria. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Olowonibi, M.M., Aransiola, J.A. & Ademiluyi, Y.S. 2009. Back to office report on the visit to A & H Engineering Construction Company in Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria. Report submitted to the Director General, National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, May 2009. Olukunle, O.J., Ademosun, O.C., Ogunlowo, A.S., Agbetoye, L.A.S., & Adesina, A. 2006. Development of a Double Action Cassava Peeling Machine. Proceedings of the International Conference on Prosperity and Poverty in a Globalized World: Challenges for Agricultural Research. Bonn, Germany. Deutscher Tropentag. Onabanjo, O.O. 2007. Development and nutritional evaluation of optimized complementary foods from yellow-fleshed cassava root and leaves. Abeokuta, Nigeria. PhD Dissertation, University of Agriculture. Raji, A.O., Kanwanya, N., Sanni, L.O., Asiru, W.B., Dixon, A. & Ilona, P. 2008. Optimisation of cassava pellet processing method. International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol 4:2. Sanni, L.A., Dixon, C., Ezedinma, P., Ilona, R., Okechukwu, G., Tarawali, G. 2006. Cassava Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) synergy between marketing, territorial opportunities, capacity building and sustainability. Presented during the CRSWAROCARO/CIAT Learning Alliance on Agro-Enterprise Development, 2nd Workshop, 1218 February 2006, Banju, The Gambia. Sanni, L.O., B. Maziya-Dixon, J., Akanya, C.I., Okoro, Y., Alaya, C.V., Egwuonwu, R., Okechukwu, C., Ezedinma, M., Akoroda, J., Lemchi, E., Okoro, E. & Dixon, A. 2005. Standards for cassava products and guidelines for export. Ibadan, Nigeria. IITA. Sanni, L.O., Adebowale, A.A., Filani, T.A. Oyewole, O.B. & Westby, A. 2006a. Quality of flash and rotary dried fufu flour. In Journal Of Food Agricuture Environment 4 (3&4): 7478. Sanni, L.O., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, R.U., Patino, M., Akoroda, M.O., Maziya, B., Dixon, J., Lemchi, P., Ilona, E., Okoro, G., Tarawali, T., Awodeyi, B., Bamkefa, N., Nnaji, F. Ogbe & Dixon, A.G.O. 2006b. Catalogue of post-harvest equipment for cassava processing. Ibadan, Nigeria. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Sanni, L.O., Alenkhe, B., Edosio, R., Patino, M. & Dixon, A. 2007. Technology transfer in developing countries: Capitalizing on equipment development. In Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol 5(2): 8891. Sanni, S.A. 2008. Nutritional and sensory qualities of iron fortified cassava gari and fufu flour. Abeokuta, Nigeria. PhD Thesis, University of Agriculture.
Sanogo, D. & Adetunji, O. 2008. Presidential initiatives on cassava in Africa: case studies of Ghana and Nigeria. NEPAD Pan-African Cassava Initiative, IITA/NEPAD, Malawi. Tanya, A.N., Darman, R.D., Ejoh, R.A., Mbahe, R. & Hamidou, M.J.A. 2006. Physicochemical and sensory analysis of fermented flour 'Kumkum' from three improved and one local cassava varieties in the Adamawa Province of Cameroon. In Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 5(4): 355358. Tomlins, K., Sanni, L., Oyewole, O.B., Dipeolu, A., Ayinde, I., Adebayo, K. & Westby, A. 2007. Consumer acceptability and sensory evaluation of a fermented cassava product (Nigerian fufu). In Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87: 19491956. Tonah, S. 2006. The Presidential Initiative on Cassava: A bane or blessing to Ghana's smallholder farmers. In Ghana Journal of Development Studies 3(1): 66 -84. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). 2006. Master Plan on Cassava Development in Nigeria. Abuja, UNIDO/Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Westby, A., van Oirschot, Q., Tomlins, K., Graffham, A., White, J., Gallat, S., Collinson, C., Ndunguru, G., Ngendello, T., Kapinga, R., Sanni, L., Ayinde, I., Mlingi, N., Adebayo, K., Johnson, P., Oyewole, O. & Jumah, A. 2004. Innovative approaches for cassava research and development: post-harvest in Africa. Invited paper presented at the Sixth International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 814 March 2004, Cali, Colombia. Whingwiri, E. 2004. NEPAD Pan Africa Cassava Initiative. Presented at ISTRC-AB Symposium, 31 October to 5 November 2004, Whitesands Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
ADebaYo B. Abass, Mpoko BokanGa, ALfreD DiXon anD PauLa BraMeL
12.1 Introduction
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has the largest population of poor people in the world (World Bank 2009). Agriculture accounts for 70 percent of the labour force and as such is very important for economic growth, but productivity for many agricultural commodities is low. Rapid urbanization, food aid, and an increased taste for cheap foreign foods, are all contributing to significant food import expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa. In 1995, per capita importation of wheat into Africa was estimated at 8.25 kg/year. African farmers are not able to supply agricultural products to both the local and export markets, partly because of tough price competition in the world market. African markets are therefore flooded with surplus food products from other markets where farming is probably subsidized (IITA, 1999). Graffham et al. (1999) observed that fluctuations in wheat flour prices suggest that the wheat flour market was likely influenced by the political wish to keep prices of food staples low. Such low prices increase the access of low income families to cheap food, but they also create negative impacts on the rural poor because farmers have no incentive to increase production of local crops. The lack of technologies to transform crop produce into higher-value products further exacerbates the problem. Rural populations responsible for the processing of staple foods at village level particularly women are unable to increase the quantity and improve the quality of their outputs because of limited access to labour- and energy-efficient processing machinery. Excess production therefore leads to huge spoilage and loss of incomes. Scott et al. (2000) showed that the production of the most important root and tuber staples of sub-Saharan Africa cassava, yams and sweet potato has been increasing since 1968 and will continue to increase till 2020. The production
increases can be explained by an increase in the area cultivated and the introduction of high yielding, disease-free and pest-resistant cultivars. However, demand issues and uncertain markets remain major constraints to the development of the crops. According to Hartmann (2004), cassava is one of the most consumed staple food crops in sub-Sahara Africa; the per capita consumption (kg/year) is 103, followed by maize (40), banana/plantain (28), yam (28), sorghum (23), and millet (17). Although cassava, maize, banana, yam, sweet potato, beans, sorghum and millet form the bulk of what the rural poor in SSA produce and rely on for food security, the markets for these crops are seriously under-developed. The efforts concentrated on the development of markets for traditional export crops such as coffee, tea and cotton is disproportionate when judged on the basis of the values of trade involved. The annual value of staple food crops in Africa exceeds US$150 billion, compared with the gross value of the traditional export crops which stands at around US$8.5 billion/year, and non-traditional export crops (especially horticulture and fish) which stands at around US$7.8 billion/year (Adesina, 2008). Therefore, processing and value-addition to staple food crops in sub-Saharan Africa can improve market opportunities for African farmers, who may thereby gain the full benefits of new production technologies (Abass et al., 2009). The cassava subsector in Africa is largely subsistent and rudimentary. Smallholder farmers are dispersed over large areas and there is little coordination of production, processing and marketing activities. Average farm holdings in many countries are less than 0.5 ha; the farmers operate using low input technologies and lack mechanization. Yields are very low, typically 10 tonnes/ha compared with 2540 tonnes/ha in India, Thailand, Brazil, and Colombia. Farm holdings and yields can vary considerably from location to location in the same country. While the average farm holding in the major cassava growing areas of Nigeria is 0.75 ha/farmer, it is 0.43 ha in the moderate growing areas. Although root yields are determined by ecological factors, cassava production is more strongly determined by the availability of labour-saving technologies for production and processing than ecological factors (Ugwu, 1996). Plant population density is often low in many countries where cassava is considered a subsistence crop; this contributes to the low yields per hectare. In high production countries such as Nigeria, cassava production exhibits high levels of variability and cyclical gluts, mainly because of the inability of markets to absorb supplies. As a result, prices decline sharply and production levels reduce in succeeding years before picking up again. Most of the poorest of the poor in Africa depend on cassava, and are therefore vulnerable to such adverse short-term supply and price fluctuations (Scott et al., 2000), significantly increasing their income risk. This can result in more people becoming poorer and farmers being discouraged from taking up improved production technologies. Insufficient processing options for cassava, inadequate marketing channels, and a lack of linkages between producers and end users are other factors preventing higher production and greater profitability for producers and processors.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
To resolve these problems, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and national institutions in SSA have, since 1974, continued to invest in the development of technologies and innovations that improve the productivity and tradability of cassava and other crops. A holistic value chain or food systems approach is used to develop proven agricultural technologies that address the constraints of African farmers from input supply to production and marketing. This is combined with a concurrent delivery of technologies to national institutions, capacity building, information exchange, policy dialogue and technical support to the agricultural development agendas of various African governments (Figure 12.1). The research for development activities was redesignated as root and tuber systems which became one of the seven medium-term programs that have been recently integrated into the consultative group on international agriculture research programs (CRPs). These measures in total constitute the IITA Research for Development (R4D) approach to enhance food security and improve livelihoods of smallholders in Africa. The model is implemented through development platforms that use long-term agricultural development needs of Africa for designing research and choosing partners. It involves a process of mid-term research outcome, impact and exit strategy (http://www.iita.org/what-we-do). This approach contributes to the development of agro-industries, and supports a more commercially-based farming system compared with the conventional production-based research strategy. The combined efforts of IITA, other international research centres and international and bilateral development agencies, have contributed to the change in status of cassava from a poor mans crop to a commodity with high potential for industrial use. Although cassava commercialization is spreading across Africa, faster advances have been made in Nigeria and Ghana than in other countries. Yet, cassava commercialization still faces major problems arising from the high cost of primary production that makes cassava products less competitive in some cases. Processing infrastructure in many countries (except Nigeria and Ghana) is poor; institutional support for mobilizing investment and use of modern technologies is low; implementation of policy instruments that support cassava-based agro-industrial processing is weak.
Scientic understanding of constraints and identication of opportunities Research and partnership development Research to develop technologies and strategies that overcome agricultural constraints along the whole value chain
Technology testing in different agro-ecologies and in commercial environments with national institutions and the eventual users of the technologies
Information exchange
Policy dialogue
Capacity building
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
solution to a specific problem in the food pipeline without considering the upstream and downstream problems leads to a blockage in the food supply system. It makes the continual supply of adequate food unachievable. The integrated food systems approach at IITA involves investigating the problems faced and the development needs of the smallholder farmer, including poor rural dwellers, and designing agricultural research to tackle those problems. The development needs are identified through diagnostic surveys, stakeholder consultations and participatory identification of challenges and opportunities (Robert Asiedu, personal communication). The Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa (COSCA study) implemented between 1989 and 1997 demonstrates the procedure used to identify research and development needs, on the basis of which strategic research at IITA is designed. During the COSCA study, researchers collected primary data on cassava in the main cassava producing countries of Africa, namely the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cte dIvoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. These data included cassava production systems, processing and food preparation methods, markets and consumption patterns. The information was subsequently used in the food systems approach to research, design, develop and extend programmes and policies for reducing food insecurity and poverty in many African countries (Nweke et al., 2002). The food systems approach focuses on the poor, the markets for their commodities, and the profits involved in marketing a crop. It uses new approaches to improve traditional production and processing methods and to develop new market opportunities (IITA, 1999). The approach has been implemented through structured multidisciplinary research projects or programmes at IITA; these are either based on themes or are focused on specific production systems. Currently the main IITA research programmes are: Agriculture and Health, Agrobiodiversity, Banana and Plantain Systems, Cereals and Legumes Systems, Horticulture and Tree Systems, Root and Tubers Systems, Opportunities and Threats. The Institute also hosts the System-wide Program on Integrated Pest Management (SP-IPM) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Many projects dealing with different aspects of the food system, such as inputs, production, post-harvest and other issues are carried out within most of these programmes. The Improving post-harvest systems project adopted in 1994 was part of the food systems approach. It involved post-harvest processing, value addition and marketing research. It emphasized the links between crop characteristics, farmers resources, cropping systems, commodity handling and storage problems, processing requirements, food quality characteristics and consumption patterns, seasonal and special price variability, and the movement of agricultural products between rural and urban areas. The emphases were meant to improve food availability, increase accessibility by consumers, and raise the income of small-scale farmers and processors (IITA, 1999). Four main
areas were involved: raw material quality, post-harvest machinery and storage, processing, utilization and marketing, and capacity building and information exchange (IITA, 1999).
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
The increased demand and increased production of cassava contributed to a reduction in poverty and hunger because the cash income for cassava-dependent farmers increased, while more food products were available at lower costs (Nweke et al. 2002). Collaboration, capacity building and support to national root and tuber programmes in many African countries were further strengthened for the transfer, testing and selection of new varieties adapted to their specific agro-ecologies. In 1993, Ghana officially released three improved varieties (TMS 4(2)1425 (Abasa Fitaa), TMS 50395 (Glemo Duade), and TMS 30572 (Afisiafi). In 1994, Uganda officially released three varieties TMS 60142 (Nase 1), TMS 30337 (Nase 2), and TMS 30572 (Migyera). Additionally, six improved and disease resistant varieties of IITA origin were released in Uganda in 1999. These improved varieties later contributed to the improvement of yields and the slow-down or control of major disease epidemics that threatened the food security of millions of the poorest farmers in some African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda (IITA, 1986; IFAD and FAO, 2005a). Major achievements in the development of additional varieties have been made since then, with hundreds of those new varieties currently being tested by many national programmes.
adoption of improved cassava varieties did not bring substantial cost-saving benefits to farmers without the use of mechanical processing machines (Nweke et al., 1999).
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
FIGURE 12.2 Effects of mechanization and improved processing techniques on food losses, labour input to processing enterprises and output products
Modied processing equipment grater dewatering device chipping machine sifters grinder fryers
Loss reduction is due to: 6.5% technology 2.2% system arrangement 2.6% attitude 0.5% training
Labour contributed by: 9.6 hrs Husband 256.8 hrs Wife 26.4 hrs Children 2.4 hrs Hired labour
Labour saving is due to: 77.3 hrs Technology System arrangement 60.9 hrs 43.1 hrs Attitude 26.3 hrs Training
Labour contributed by: 3.1 hr Husband 61.6 hr Wife 19.7 hr Children Hired labour 3.4 hr
Often for home consumption Low output volume Poor aesthetic appeal Prone to contamination with microbes and toxins Sometimes containing high residual cyanide Sometimes of low market value
Home consumption and industrial use High output volume Improved aesthetic appeal Reduced possibility of contamination Low residual cyanide Mostly of high market and industrial value
Mill nely
Technology introduction
Technology testing by value chain actors; institutional arrangements (farmers associations, credit, market information, etc.), market expansion (end-use tests), policy dialogue
Farmer level expertise Packaging/labelling/ grades/standards Farmers (individual producers) Chips, starch, our Industrial users
Production technologies
feed plywood paper textiles sugar syrup industrial alcohol bakery products glue
Processing technologies
Processors, farmers associations, womens groups, small-scale industries Market level and industrial test expertise
Supermarkets and other markets Flour Equipment Fast-food products Flour and other cassava products
Equipment technologies
Machine prototypes (grater, chipper, press, dryer, etc) Associations of equipment manufacturers
Farmers, processors, private sector, etc Industrial users, marketers, consumers, etc
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
Flow of knowledge, technologies and innovations from research, and products from chain actors.
processors and end users; developing market strategies for the most promising cassava products. Training farmers/processors in the new processing technologies for making cassava products with the required quality characteristics. Producing and supplying cassava product(s) to end users, or urban-based supermarkets near the pilot locations. Training potential end user industries to adopt the new products as raw materials in their recipes or processes. Use of suitable improved varieties and agronomic practices to ensure sufficient and timely supply of raw materials for processing.
Pilot operations also involved training, information exchange and technology refining. During pilot operations experiences were shared on the performance of the technologies and other innovations being tested. The approach emphasized the collection of feedback along the research to development continuum, during the field or pilot tests, during adaptation by national institutions, and from higher levels of policy-makers. Corrective actions were taken by designing new research activities based on the feedback. Technologies and innovations are refined based on feedback from value chain actors during pilot testing. For example, previous knowledge before the development of high quality cassava flour technology in 1995 suggested that fermentation was critical to removing cyanide from cassava, so that flours to replace wheat flour could be made from certain cassava varieties. However, the products made from the fermented flours deteriorated rapidly (IITA, 1988) because of spoiling microorganisms in the fermented flour. It therefore became necessary to develop a new technique for processing cassava to flour with suitable baking properties. The refining of this technology led to the current HQCF processing method. Pilot testing of HQCF technology was carried out in Nigeria from 1995 to 1998. The merits of using HQCF were demonstrated to potential user factories (biscuits and noodles) in Ogun, Oyo and Lagos states. A client-supplier relationship was developed between HQCF producers and user factories. National research institutes and state agricultural development projects (ADPs), local NGOs and a credit institution (the Farmers Development Union), community-based organizations, farmers associations, as well as the private sector, were all involved. Smallholder processors and entrepreneurs were supported with respect to cassava value addition, agroenterprise development, and marketing activities emphasizing better organization, collective action, better marketing, and private sector participation through investment. The farmers or their local government authorities provided farmer-level infrastructure, including the pilot processing buildings used for technology testing.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
Information exchange
Market information service (MIS) was designed to benefit farmers, traders and consumers. MIS was initiated first in Uganda, by the Post-harvest and Marketing Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (FoodNET). Market data were collected on current prices of agricultural commodities and products in different markets, including the variation in prices due to season or qualities. These were disseminated through radio broadcasts, newspapers, e-mail, fax, or post office couriers (IITA 1999). Access to market information helped farmers to better negotiate prices of their products based on current market prices, instead of accepting prices offered by traders or local marketing agents. It enabled farmers to take decisions on the need to bulk their produce for higher value in times of best market prices.
12.3 Selected cases and outcomes of capacity building through pilot tests, and training on agroprocessing technologies
Pilot tests in West Africa
Before 1994, there was no producer or user of HQCF in Nigeria whatsoever. By 1999, after four years of pilot testing in Nigeria, 25 to 30 groups of HQCF producers were involved in regular processing and trading of cassava flour at commercial or household levels. Demonstration of the use of HQCF to potential end user industries led to the use of HQCF in 1995 by three biscuit factories and the only noodle factory in Nigeria. By 1999, the number of industrial users increased to 11 while 9 small-scale bakers and caterers were using HQCF for baking bread and making other snack foods (Figure 12.5). HQCF was used in about 18 brands of biscuits (1050 percent of the countrys total biscuit output) and in a brand of noodles amounting to about 10 percent of the
FIGURE 12.5 Nigeria, showing locations of HQCF processors and end users during the pilot phase
Sokoto Katsina Kebbi Zamfara Kano Jigawa Yobe Bomo Lake Chad
Kogl Benue
Delta Bayelsa
Imo Rivers
countrys output. Home caterers used 10 to 100 percent HQCF depending on the products they made, e.g. cake, pies, chinchin or buns. The products were sold freely in Nigerian markets. According to the end users, the benefits of HQCF included increased profits as a result of the lower cost of HQCF compared with wheat, and increased product quality and yield. To maintain product quality, users of HQCF set quality specifications for screening HQCF before purchase (Abass et al., 2001). The main factor that favoured the use of HQCF as wheat flour replacement in Nigeria was its lower cost compared with wheat flour. The price of HQCF was about 55 percent of the price of wheat flour delivered at bread bakeries (Abass et al., 2001). Processors also maintained that the HQCF processing enterprises were profitable. However, the cost of fresh cassava constituted a very high percentage of the total cost of HQCF processing (Table 12.1). Although the use of cassava flour in the baking industry proved to be technically possible and appeared economically beneficial to processors, farmers, and users alike, its production and use were hindered by the disorganized state of its marketing structure (Abass et al., 2001). Due to the smallscale processing method, which was based on sun-drying, production capacity in the dry season by processors (2.5 tonnes/week) was reduced to nearly 1.0 tonne during the rainy season.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
TABLE 12.1
Some cost parameters of cassava flour production by small-scale processors during the pilot phase
Parameters Cost of fresh cassava roots (US$/tonne) Cost of transporting fresh cassava from the farm to the processing centre (US$/tonne) Cost of production (US$/tonne) Selling price, delivered at end users gate (US$/tonne) Cost of production attributable to fresh cassava (%) Cost of production attributable to labour and other inputs (%) Wheat our price, delivered at end users gate (US$/tonne) HQCF to wheat our price ratio 1996 54 8 256 291 81 19 538.9 0.55 1998 32 8 209 314 57 43 570.8 0.54
It became obvious that the use of better drying technologies for HQCF processing, better organization of the market and targeted national policies were needed to help expand the market for cassava, increase farmers incomes, and create jobs for more people, especially women, who are the majority involved in cassava production and processing. In 2000, a flash dryer owned by Femtex Starch factory in Lagos was tested for drying HQCF. The result of the test was encouraging and it was subsequently proposed that flash drying technology needed to be promoted for HQCF processing to elevate the scale of processing and to resolve the drying dilemma once and for all (Abass et al. 2001). By 2002, a partnership with the Raw Material and Development Council of Nigeria was initiated to develop flash drying technology in Nigeria. Overall the results of pilot testing showed that, while the use of intermediate cassava products by industries provided the opportunity to reduce the cost of raw material importation, it also proved to be a successful approach to developing markets for smallholder farmers. The replication of the Nigerian experience then began in Ghana and Benin. The pilot testing of HQCF processing was carried out in the Oueme and Mono regions of Benin by the Departement de Nutrition et Sciences Alimentaires, Universit Nationale du Bnin and the Laboratoire de Technologie Alimentaire, Institut Nationale de Recherches Agronomiques du Bnin. The project staff had earlier received training on product development from IITA in 1998. Results in Benin showed that substituting starch with HQCF in biscuits and galettes, and substituting wheat with HQCF in atchonmon improved the quality of the traditional products. Incorporation of HQCF
as a 15 percent substitute for wheat in bread loaf and French baguette produced products with 100 comparative quality vis--vis wheat bread (IITA, 1999). A study on expanded markets for locally-produced cassava flours and starches in Ghana funded by the United Kingdoms Department for International Development (DfID) was carried out in the 1990s by the Natural Resources Institute, Food Research Institute (FRI), University of Ghana and the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG). A marketing sample survey conducted in 1997 by the team clearly showed that composite flour with a 20 percent cassava inclusion rate was widely accepted by the Ghanaian public as comparable to 100 percent wheat flour. This was then followed up by FRI demonstrating HQCF processing technology, the production of various new convenience foods from HQCF, and the adoption new techniques for using HQCF in plywood (IFAD and FAO, 2005c). The market potential of HQCF as a partial or total replacement for wheat in food, and for the manufacture of plywood and paperboard, began to increase significantly in Ghana (Day et al., 1996). The increase in cost of wheat flour in Ghana in the late 1990s increased the potential to use HQCF, which was cheaper. While the cost of producing HQCF was between US$0.13/kg and US$0.22/kg, the wheat flour price was US$1.30/ kg. Bakers were able to save 32 percent of the cost of flour when HQCF was used to substitute 35 percent of the wheat flour, and the replacement of wheat flour with HQCF in adhesive formulations led to a reduction in the cost of adhesive extenders (Graffham et al., 1999). The application of HQCF for partial replacement (20 percent) of imported wheat flour (2 500 to 300 000 tonnes/year) and imported industrial starch (about 2 500 tonnes/year) in Ghana therefore proved to be technically feasible and economically competitive (Graffham et al. 1999). It was evident that an expanded use of HQCF for food and non food industries in Ghana would reduce the depency on imported raw materials for these industries (Abass and Shiwachi 2003b).
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
End user industries were therefore encouraged to try out the use of the products. Estimates of market opportunities for cassava products, particularly HQCF, showed that there were significant opportunities for increasing the production and supply of fresh cassava by primary producers of cassava. In Madagascar, end users such as bread and biscuit factories expressed the need to expand the processing capacity for making HQCF to meet growing demand. As of 2005, the demand for HQCF by eight bread bakers in Antananarivo was 425 tonnes/year, while the demand by makers of pastries was estimated at 1 000 tonnes/year. In Tanzania, two supermarkets, six food processing factories and two textile manufacturers that tested cassava in 2005 demanded 95 tonnes of HQCF and 42 tonnes of cassava starch per month. The annual market opportunity for fresh cassava created by these ten end users was 4 500 tonnes of fresh cassava (Mbabaali and Abass, 2008). In 2004 Tanzania imported about 10 484 tonnes of starch at the rate of US$400/ tonne, and 730 000 tonnes of wheat at US$168/tonne, an expenditure of over US$124 million. Assuming 10 percent of the imported wheat was replaced with HQCF (the rate could be much more for biscuits, bread, etc), the demand for fresh roots would have been about 297 000 tonnes. Up to 1 240 small agroprocessing industries would have been required to supply HQCF and at least US$12.5 million foreign exchange expenditure would have been saved. The amount would be distributed among the farmers, processors and other people who are involved in ancillary activities such as harvesting, transportation, bulking and marketing activities in the agroprocessing industry. While the price of wheat flour was US$164/tonne in 2005, operators of supermarkets in Dar es Salaam offered higher prices for HQCF, between US$169 and US$253 per tonne. Textile factories that import starch at US$400/tonne offered US$350/tonne for HQCF. In Zambia, seven end users requested 505 tonnes/year of HQCF for the production of various items such as biscuits, paper, and packaging materials, providing an opportunity for smallholder farmers to supply about 2000 tonnes of fresh cassava annually (Mbabaali and Abass, 2008). However, in terms of HQCF processing, small-scale operations with sun-drying were again found to be a major constraint, as previously reported in West Africa (Abass et al. 2001, 2009). Output volumes were low, supply to end users by small-scale processors was irregular, and product quality was inconsistent. The uncertainties about the available volume of products of acceptable quality to meet end user requirements, the poor image of cassava, the widespread belief that cassava is a food security crop, and the lack of policy support for the use of cassava in the industry, continued to hinder its wide adoption as a reliable raw material. The opinion of a few policy-makers in the ESA region is that the use of cassava in large volumes in the industrial sector might disrupt food supply systems. They are therefore reluctant to support or promote industrial utilization of cassava. The successes in Nigeria
and Ghana, however, have shown that this view is questionable. A detailed analysis of the profitability of processing enterprises (for starch, HQCF and chips) and the factors that influenced the overall success of such enterprises in Tanzania has been investigated (Abass et al., 2009a). The factors identified include:
ZZ The low ability of smallholder processors or farmers to operate the processing
plants at optimum processing capacity for a significant number of days per year. Village processors did not ensure that the output volumes of the plants exceeded the break-even volumes. The potential to achieve this was found to be affected by the length of the rainy season and the time farmers spent on other farming activities. Efficient use of inputs such as labour and access to water. Such inputs are often limiting in many rural villages where cassava processing occurs, and therefore affect efficiencies. Ability of the processors to maintain the quality of products. Quality was also affected by insufficient supply of water and dependence on sun-drying. These made it difficult to avoid fermentation, contamination and spoilage during the rainy season. Availability of sufficient raw material at low cost. Insufficient raw material was found to be a major issue in ESA villages, unlike the West African countries of Nigeria and Ghana. Most cassava farmers in ESA are not yet market oriented; they produce mostly for subsistence and have little or no excess cassava to sell to processing plants. Access to a product market was poor. Most rural farmers/processors shy away from getting their products to end users in the cities; transacting business or negotiating prices with urban-based factory owners was difficult for most rural-based farmers. The processors resorted to selling the processed products to traders who buy at lower prices than those offered by the end user industries. Managerial skills were not good enough. Support infrastructure such as electricity, water, roads and affordable transport systems are generally inadequate in rural areas and affected the enterprises negatively.
Between 1996 and 2001, during the implementation of the Cassava for Bread Project alone, more than 550 trainees from national research and extension agencies in 25 African countries were trained on cassava processing and utilization (Table 12.2). Over 350 Nigerians (farmers, processors, caterers, bread bakers, biscuit manufacturers, etc) received classroom and practical skills enhancement during the training of trainers. The project helped in the development of researchers, extension officers and university scientists from more than 40 partner institutions in the 25 African countries. In addition, other units and programmes of IITA such as the post-harvest engineering project, the East African Root Crops Research Network (EARRNET), the Southern African Root Crops Research Network (SARRNET),
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
and the Post-harvest and Marketing Research Network for Eastern and Central Africa (FOODNET), conducted similar training sessions in Central, East, Southern, and West Africa. Performance testing of small machines, and training of equipment manufacturers on the design, operation, and maintenance of post-harvest tools and equipment was carried out in collaboration with other agencies such as FAO, national cassava programmes, post-harvest programmes, and roots and tubers (RandT) programmes of Central, East, Southern, and West African countries (IITA, 1999). About 9 000 people were trained from 2003 to 2008 during the IITA-led Preemptive Management of virulent CMD (cassava mosaic disease) in the south-south and south-east of Nigeria (the CMD Project), and the Cassava Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) implemented in Nigeria. The results of the pilot tests improved knowledge of the constraints against the cassava agroprocessing sector in ESA, and were bases for additional research to improve the sector through additional out-scaling and up-scaling programmes and projects. In 2008 and 2009 the Common Fund for Commodities provided additional funding to IITA to adopt lessons from the past pilot projects and test a higher-scale technology for HQCF processing. This occurred with farmers and local entrepreneurs in Tanzania, Madagascar and Zambia, ensuring that the entrepreneurs participated as constructively as possible by taking a business outlook. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) also provided funds to IITA to apply the approach in Nigeria, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania. The government of Italy through FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative (MACO) is replicating the approach in Zambia and Malawi. Similarly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) provided funds to the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) to implement a value-addition project on cassava (Cassava: Adding Value to Africa, or CAVA), focusing specifically on the processing of HQCF in Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, and Malawi. The NRI selected IITA to participate in the project to provide both production and postharvest support. Several organizations and governments are currently involved in the development of the cassava sector and there are many on-going projects or programmes through which the pilot tests are carried out in many countries. The next sections will explain how multi-country investments on cassava have had positive effects on the development of cassava-based agro-industries in ESA. Having acquired the necessary expertise on cassava processing and product development, national institutions took on the dissemination of the new processing technologies to the wider public at national and regional levels during meetings, trade shows, etc. End users were made aware of the possibility of using cassava flour in their products and processes. The recipes and baking techniques developed by IITA were adapted to the food tastes and preferences of consumers in different countries (Gensi et al., 1998; Mlingi et al., 1998; Sanni et al., 2006). The development of more expertise for cassava processing, product development, and use of HQCF is an ongoing activity in various African countries and is now undertaken by previous
324 NARES Afliation 57 50 100 100 0 67 29 50 100 33 0 100 100 Private Institut d'Economie Rural Southern Africa Root Crop Research Network Institut Nationale d'Etudes et de Recherches Agronomiques Gambia Food and Nutrition Association; National Agricultural Research Institute Food Research Institute; Ministry of Food and Agriculture; Sasakawa Africa Association; University of Science and Technology; Crops Research Institute Institut de la Recherche Agronomique de Guine Kenya Agricultural Research Institute; Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Marketing; Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute Centre Nationale de la Recherche Appliqu au Dveloppement Rural; Cit Universitaire Ankatso Ministre de l'Agriculture University of Maryland Institut de Recherche en Science Applique et Technologie Laboratoire de Technologie Alimentaire; Institut Nationale des Recherches Agricoles du Benin INNOVATIVE POLICIES AND INSTITUTIONS TO SUPPORT AGRO-INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT
TABLE 12.2
% Female
International training
Burkina Faso
Country 0 0 67
% Female
Portugal 100 50 33 50 50 20 0 50 67
Local training in Nigeria 61.9 57.9 Small-scale cassava processors and farmers, staff of the only noodle factory in Nigeria, and bread and biscuit bakers involved in the initial pilot testing activities
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
trainees who apply the knowledge acquired to the implementation of new projects in various countries. For example, two metal manufacturers in ESA Tonnet Enterprises in Uganda and Intermech Engineering in Tanzania provide training services to other manufacturers in the region. They also provide appropriate and affordable equipment to farmers, processors and investors.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
an international workshop on Cassava Competitiveness in Nigeria was held in 2002 in collaboration with national institutions, such as the Raw Materials and Research Development Council (RMRDC), the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (FMANR), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the National Seeds Service (NSS), the Nigeria Chamber of Commerce, and private sector companies such as AGIP Oil. Various recommendations were proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Nigerian cassava sector. For example, three areas of policy intervention for the development of cassava markets and agro-industry for poverty reduction were proposed by Abass (2002):
ZZ A composite flour policy: a five-year development plan to make all flour mills
of their ethanol from cassava in order to progressively reduce importation of (crude) ethanol. ZZ A national starch-use policy: a phased development plan for industries such as confectionery, textiles, paper, gum, to source their starch requirements locally, with the aim of meeting 70100 percent starch-based raw material needs in the food, pharmaceutical, oil drilling and textile industries from internal sources. A conceptual framework for the implementation of the HQCF policy was proposed (Abass, 2002). It was suggested that the implementation should involve direct blending of locally-sourced wheat, HQCF, and imported wheat by flour millers before marketing to bread bakers and other users (Figure 12.6). Direct blending by the flour millers was expected to reduce problems associated with irregular quality, low supply volume, fear by cassava users of sanctions from regulatory agencies, and possible negative consumer reaction to these cassava-containing products. It was projected that the policies would open significant market opportunities for smallholder farmers and reduce poverty and hunger, given that more industries would be required to use secondary cassava products such as chips, baking flour and ethanol as raw materials. The potential benefits of implementing the policy proposals from IITA were further discussed by the Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO) Oshodi-Lagos with the Nigerian Government in 2004. In 2005, the Nigerian Government finally announced its intention to implement a policy on mandatory inclusion of 10 percent locally-sourced flour in bakers flour. This was followed by the approval of a Biofuel Policy by the Nigeria legislature in 2007; the policy aimed to integrate the agricultural sector with the downstream petroleum sector. The policy made special reference to the use of cassava, sugar cane, oil palm and other crops as biofuel feed stocks. In addition, the policy also identified the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI), the Root and Tubers Expansion Program (RTEP) and the IITA as some of the institutions charged with the responsibility of developing biofuel feedstock in Nigeria (FGN, 2007). Further policy dialogues were carried out with relevant Government agencies and policy-makers at two levels to support cassava development programmes. Discussions were
FIGURE 12.6 Conceptual framework for the import substitution policy in Nigeria
Cassava farmers
Wheat farmers
Global market
Cassava roots
Locally-grown wheat
HQCF factories
held with technocrats such as agricultural and marketing extension experts at the 36 State and Federal levels and in Abuja, and also with the programme managers of all the agricultural development projects (ADPs). Discussions were then also held with high-level policy-makers including State Commissioners, the Ministers of relevant Ministries, and the Presidency.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
and Madagascar are some of the countries where such collaborative activities are strong. In Tanzania, IITA serves as a member of the technical committee of the bureau that developed the standards for cassava products (starch, HQCF, chips). It was represented in the committees of the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTEC), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFSC), responsible for cassava sector development, including a programme on the development of composite flour technology. The national institutions responsible for the coordination of the IITA small-scale cassava processing project Centre National de Recherche Applique au Dveloppement Rural (FOFIFA) in Madagascar and the Zambian Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) are members of the technical committees of the standards bureaus that developed the standards for cassava products starch, edible cassava flour, chips in the two countries.
The processing plants were to be managed by management professionals. The project started with the establishment of the Ayensu starch plant and the distribution of high yielding varieties to farmers. Some of these high-yielding cassava varieties were from the TMS series, e.g. Afisiafi (TMS 30572), Doku Duade, and Agbelefia. Through its links with the Root and Tuber Improvement Program (RTIP) and the National Root crops programme, IITA contributed to the SPI through capacity building previously provided to most of the institutions involved in the SPI. Some of the processing experts went through degree training or group training previously organized by IITA both in Ghana and in Nigeria. IITA has also been providing backstopping support to the RTIP since the 1990s. Extensive analysis of the outcome and constraints of the SPI have been well documented (Tonah, 2006; Sanogo and Olanrewaju, 2008). The Presidential Initiative on Cassava (PIC) was announced by the Government of Nigeria in August 2005. PIC was a three-year initiative (20042007) to increase the contribution of cassava as an engine of economic transformation, to spur rural industrial development, to generate employment, to reduce poverty, to ensure food security, and to generate and conserve foreign exchange through exports and import substitution. It aimed to enhance the productivity and production of cassava by increasing the area cultivated to 5 million ha with a target yield of 30 tonnes/ha in order to produce 37.5 million tonnes/year of products for local and export markets. The PIC was designed to involve a coordinated set of activities that would promote a competitive cassava production, processing and marketing system, and generate revenue of about US$5 billion annually. The PIC was implemented through two policy initiatives one on composite flour and the other on biofuel production with eight major output targets. Complementary to these, two major cassava value chain development projects were implemented as precursors to the PIC. The two projects, led by IITA, formed extensive partnerships with national institutions to deliver cassava technologies and marketing innovations to all actors in the Nigerian value chain, to develop institutional arrangements, and to facilitate the development of the cassava industry. The projects were:
ZZ the preemptive management of virulent CMD in the south-south and south-east of
Nigeria and Petroleum companies (Figure 12.7). Technologies that addressed multiple cassava constraints from production to consumption were introduced to farmers, processors and other stakeholders using the commodity chain approach. Production technologies were integrated with value-adding post-harvest processing and storage technologies, microenterprise and market development, the development of supply-chain structures and management, the promotion of agro-inputs and service delivery systems, and the enhancement of farmers access to credits. They also improved the links between producers/ processors and end users.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
FIGURE 12.7 Presidential Initiative on Cassava (PIC) showing the nine component parts, the two precursor projects and the two policy drives
HQCF POLICY Creating sufcient market in the our milling industries in order to integrate smallholder farmers in mainstream national economy 9. Facilitate the emergence of publicprivate sector alliance for the sustained development of cassava in Nigeria
CMD PROJECT (IITA, 20032008) A precursor for the Presidential Initiative on Cassava production and export
PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVE ON CASSAVA (20032007) Increased cassava utilization; reduced nutritional deciency; > US$1/ day income for the poor; 1.2 million jobs created by 2007; import substitution for ethanol, starch, feed, our; $5 billion import substitution/export revenue
7. Integrate the rural poor into the mainstream of the national economy
BIOFUEL POLICY Create opportunities for smallholder farmers to supply fresh cassava to ethanol factories.
Close partnerships were maintained with a wide range of stakeholders from both public and private sector institutions: the Root and Tuber Expansion Project (RTEP), the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs), strategic private industries, NGOs and individuals, CIAT, the Latin American Consortium for Cassava Research and Development (CLAYUCA), and the private sector in Brazil. These led to the introduction of wide range of technologies, including new designs and higher scale machinery for cassava processing. The machinery designs introduced provided opportunities for equipment manufacturers in Nigeria to improve on the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of local machinery, and also to acquire additional expertise in the manufacture of
a wider range of new machinery with the higher capacity needed to support the emerging cassava agro-industry. In addition to the previously existing cassava-based associations such as the Root and Tuber Growers Association of Nigeria (RATGAN), new associations such as the Nigeria Cassava Processors and Marketers Association (NICAPMA) and the Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Fabricators Association of Nigeria (AMAEFAN) have emerged, and are currently driving commercial activity in the cassava sector.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
and consuming households. The spread of cassava technologies has been possible through collaborations with the network of NARES, Root and Tuber Crop networks, regional projects on cassava, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the private sector, NGOs, and policy-makers. So far the technologies have made it possible for the private sector to invest in cassava production, processing, and marketing of high-value cassava-based products.
12.6.1 The outcome of the use of new cassava varieties and HQCF technology in Africa
According to Nweke et al. (2002) and Nweke (2003), there are four stages to cassava transformation, based on the role cassava plays in a countys economy or food system. The stages have been classified as: famine reserve (stage I), rural food staple (stage II), urban food staple (stage III), raw material for food, feed and industry (stage IV). Since the 1990s the increased activities on cassava development by national and international research centres, multilateral development institutions, NGOs and others, have helped many countries progress on the cassava transformation ladder. In the past 12 years, organizations such as IITA, CIAT, SARRNET, EARRNET, NRI, FAO and NGOs, have collaborated with the NARES in ESA countries, particularly the cassava programmes, on implementation of cassava research and development activities. These activities have included testing and disseminating market-oriented cassava processing technologies. In Zambia, the Program Against Malnutrition (PAM) has been involved in the distribution of planting material in many parts of the country. In 2004, the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute in collaboration with IITA established the first HQCF pilot plant in Mansa, Zambia. The capacity of processor groups was enhanced to supply HQCF to paper, cardboard and food factories in the copper belt area of Zambia.
Compared with traditional cassava products, the significant improvement in the quality of cassava produce supplied to the industries using the new IITA processing methods and machinery led to an increase in industrial demand for new cassava products. Subsequently, the PAM, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MACO), FAO and some NGOs, collaborated to out-scale the cassava processing technologies through testing and adaptation with more smallholder farmers and processors in other locations in Zambia. Presently the CFC, FAO, International Trade Centre (ITC), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Bank (WB) are collaborating in the implementation of value chain development activities in Zambia. In Tanzania, collaborations between the Root and Tuber Programs on the mainland and Zanzibar, IITA, SARRNET, district and regional governments and the prison service, have improved the availability of new high-yielding disease-tolerant cassava varieties with acceptable food quality traits. Pilot cassava processing plants were established in collaboration with the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC) and MAFSC, e.g. a CFC-funded project on small-scale cassava processing, a CIATIITA starch processing project, and the Livelihood project funded by the USAID Initiative to End Hunger in Africa programme. Subsequently, many district and regional governments and NGOs became active in the formation of farmers and processors groups to take up and outscale the new processing technologies. There has been a significant demand for HQCF, starch and chips from industrial users. However, the private sector is yet to invest in cassava agroprocessing (Abass, 2008). Most investment was carried out by the public sector and NGOs to promote processing technologies and enhance food security (Figure 12.8). Consequently, industrial demands for cassava products have not been met by the small-scale processing groups, although consumption of cassava flour by the urban middle class has been on the increase since 2004/2005. The sale of cassava flour in Tanzanias city supermarkets has increased. In addition, the consumption of fresh cassava as a snack has been on the rise in the cities. Public opinion seems to suggest that the high energy content and the lower glycaemic response properties of cassava are contributing to increased consumption. The activities of national and international research and bilateral institutions, NGOs and local governments, combined with the increased demand for cassava roots and products, indicate a growing recognition of cassava as an urban food and industrial raw material in Tanzania. The cassava sector in Tanzania appears to have transformed from the rural staple stage of the 1990s to the urban staple stage. The increased demand has influenced production; cassava cultivation in villages around major cities has increased. These factors may have contributed to increases in cassava yield and total production in Tanzania. Statistics from FAO (Figure 12.9) show that for the first time in over ten years, cassava yields and production have both increased consistently for four years.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
FIGURE 12.8 Trends in supply of cassava machinery by Intermech Engineering Ltd and Tonnet Enterprises to Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
Development agencies/NGOs Ministries/research institutions 450 Cumulative number of machines 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005
Source: Sales records of Intermech Engineering Ltd (Tanzania) and Tonnet Enterprises (Uganda).
FIGURE 12.9 Cassava production, area planted and yield in Tanzania, 19982007
Area (105 ha) 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 Units 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 1998 1999 2000
Yield (tonnes/ha)
Source: FAOSTAT 2009.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
FIGURE 12.10 Nigeria, showing location of wheat our mills and the medium- and large-scale cassava plants processing HQCF during the commercial phase
Sokoto Katsina Kebbi Zamfara Kano Jigawa Yobe Bomo Lake Chad
Kogl Benue
Imo Rivers
Cross River
first time in Nigeria. In addition, a larger capacity flash dryer with a higher fuel efficiency and double output was designed, tested and commercialized. A major scaling-up of capacity and more advanced mechanization in terms of unit operations of the cassava processing industry was thereby achieved. This achievement was recognized with an award by the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) for an outstanding example of agricultural technology in SSA in 2008. Following the CGIAR award, doubts about the need for agroprocessing and value-addition research which form part of the IITA R4D approach seems to have been resolved and the Science Council of the CGIAR finally adopted the R4D approach in 2008. The combined effects of the nine aspects of the PIC, two policy plans, and the two IITA-led projects, jump started the establishment of several medium-scale cassava processing enterprises between 2005 and 2008. By 2009, the number of companies and entrepreneurs that had invested in flash dryers for HQCF or starch production had increased to circa 140150, from a mere six or so in the year 2000 (Figure 12.10). Nearly 95 percent of the enterprises were for HQCF processing with additional facilities for making traditional products such as gari and fufu. These include the model processing plants established under the CMD and CEDP projects. The capacity that existed for processing HQCF with mechanical flash dryers increased
from near zero in 2003 to about 85 000 tonnes per year in 2009. The production of higher volumes of HQCF at consistent quality, even during the rainy season, was made possible. This represents a major achievement compared with the situation during the pilot testing stage in Nigeria, when groups of 14 small-scale processors dried HQCF by sun-drying (Abass et al., 2001). At the medium scale, the cost of the machinery for HQCF processing and the daily output volumes were much higher than obtained during the piloting stage (Table 12.3). In addition, new factories were established for the production of ethanol and glucose syrup. The demand for the intermediate cassava products increased HQCF, starch, and glucose syrup and came from wheat flour mills, textile factories and multinational food factories such as Cadbury and Nestl. Farmers responded to the demands for cassava roots by increasing production. Total production in Nigeria increased from 34.1 million tonnes in 2002 to 45.7 million tonnes in 2006, and farm-gate prices also increased (Figures 12.11 and 12.12). Average farm size increased and truly commercial cassava farms emerged. The increases in the price of
TABLE 12.3
Equipment required for production of HQCF during pilot and commercial phases
Item Pilot phase (19951998) Capacity Mechanical peeler Mechanical grater (two required for commercial processing) Double screw press Twin basket hydraulic press (Brazilian design) Filter bag (used with twin basket hydraulic press) Wooden drying racks (sun-drying) Flash dryer Hammer mill Total per processing plant 0.250.40 tonnes our/hour 129153 tonnes our/year 1 550 2 750 Set (15) 30 4 tonnes our/day 5.0 tonnes our/day 960 tonnes our/year 33 898 5 508 55 085 0.30.5 tonnes fresh roots/hour 0.050.10 tonnes fresh roots/hour 870 300 8 tonnes fresh roots/day (two units/plant) 20 pieces/day 11 017 424 Cost (US$) Commercial phase (20052008) Capacity 0.60.8 tonnes fresh roots/ hour; 6090% peel removal 2.03.0 tonnes fresh roots/ hour (two units/plant) Cost (US$) 2 966 4 237
Source: Abass et al. 2001, SIS Engineering Ghana Limited, Niji Lukas Nigeria Limited, Nobex Technical Company Limited, and Fataroy Enterprises.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
FIGURE 12.11 Cassava production trend in Nigeria before, during and after the PIC
Cassava production 48 000 000 46 000 000 Production volume (tonnes) 44 000 000 42 000 000 40 000 000 38 000 000 36 000 000 34 000 000 32 000 000 30 000 000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2007 2009
Source: FAOSTAT 2009.
FIGURE 12.12 Trend of fresh cassava root prices in Nigeria before, during and after the PIC
Fresh cassava roots price 110 100 90 Price (US$/tonne) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Source: HQCF processors, and Agroprocessing Unit, Ogun State ADP.
fresh cassava during the years of increased production signify a reversal of the usual price collapse following production increases for an African crop. The purpose of expanding market opportunities for cassava was to increase farmers incomes. Such increases helped Nigeria to reduce rural poverty in the 1990s (Nweke, 2003). Many smallholder farmers in Nigeria benefited from the recent increases in prices, between 2006 and 2008, at the same time as they increased production. However, raising smallholder farmers incomes through significant reductions in the cost of production is more desirable than increasing incomes from higher prices of cassava or land expansion. Reductions in the cost of production will make cassava and its products more competitive, both in the domestic and international markets.
12.6.3 Assessing new challenges in the development process: the case of the HQCF industry in Nigeria
The R4D approach requires assessment of new challenges arising from the development impacts of the use of IITA technologies by partners. A recent assessment of the emerging challenges of the HQCF industry, following the impact being generated in Nigeria, showed that the major challenge in the cassava products market is the cheaper prices of imported substitutes. A high cost of cassava production translates into a high cost of cassava products and uncompetitive prices. At the same time, lower prices of imported substitutes reduce the market opportunities for cassava products because most consumers buy cheaper items. Farmers are then discouraged and drop out of the market; import volumes and national import expenditure grow once the local farmers are forced out of the market (World Bank, 2009). Such situations have often been followed by increases in the prices of the imported items already dominating the market. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Nigeria imports up to 85 percent of the wheat it consumes from the USA (USDA, 2009). About 3.2 million tonnes of wheat was imported in the 2008/2009 season; part of this may have been traded in the regional market. The milling capacity in Nigeria grew from 1.2 million tonnes per year in 1985 to about 6.2 million tonnes per year in 2008.According to USDA (2009) only about 52 percent of the 2008 milling capacity was utilized. It is estimated that the average import price of wheat into Nigeria during the 2008/2009 season was around US$395.3/tonne. This implies that Nigerias expenditure on wheat imports alone in 2008/2009 was about US$1.3 billion (Table 12.4). The substitution of 10 percent of this with HQCF would save Nigeria US$130 million yearly. Meanwhile over US$49 million can be injected into the rural economy through the purchase of fresh cassava from farmers and to engage thousands of unemployed youths in the production, processing, transportation and marketing of the HQCF (Table 12.5). The possibility of achieving this depends on the competitiveness of HQCF compared with wheat, corn starch and maize, to which the price of HQCF is strongly linked.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
TABLE 12.4
Summary of indicative cost of cassava production under traditional and modern methods in Uganda, 2007
Cost item/activity Yield (Fresh, tonnes/ha) Unit cost of production (US$/tonne) Current farm gate price for fresh roots market (US$/tonne) Most probable farm gate price for processing plants; high volume or high turnover opportunity for farmers (US$/tonne) Gross value of output (current, US$/ha) Net income (US$/ha) Net income (US$/tonne) Net income ratio (Improved production method to traditional production method) 191 124 12 2.43 : 1
Source: Starcas Ltd, Uganda.
478 300 12
The price of HQCF in Nigeria has risen gradually from the time of pilot testing in 19951998. Although HQCF has more added value in terms of its stage of processing compared with imported wheat, processors and end users often settle for about 75 percent of the on-going price of imported wheat for HQCF. The HQCF price was about US$290/tonne in 2000, and was traded at US$609/tonne in 2007 when the implementation of the mandatory inclusion of 10 percent HQCF in wheat flour was implemented (Figure 12.13). This relatively high price was also influenced by the recent global food price crisis caused by low global wheat stock and general high prices of food items. By 2008, the imported price of wheat in Nigeria decreased from the US$450550/tonne in 2007 to about US$280510/tonne (Figure 12.14). Wheat flour millers became reluctant to buy HQCF at the 2007 price. The price was not acceptable to the majority of HQCF processors, particularly those that adopted flash drying technology, who argued that the price of fresh cassava was high and the profit margin was too low.
TABLE 12.5
49 318 400
Yet, wheat millers pointed out that the price was acceptable to HQCF processors located in semi-arid or dry regions of Nigeria who are using sun-drying. The cost of HQCF processing was cheaper when sun-drying was used, although the method can lead to supplies of low quality and inconsistent volume during the rainy season. The safety of the sun-dried HQCF may be easily compromised and could cause serious financial losses to wheat flour mills and bread bakers who use the composite flour (Abass et al., 2001, 2009). According to some of the processors the purchase price of HQCF should be at par with if not more than the factory gate price of wheat grains. HQCF is of higher added-value than whole wheat grains in terms of the extent of processing and readiness for bagging and marketing. There were no additional milling costs incurred by wheat flour mills for the use of 10 percent HQCF, given that HQCF enters the flour
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
HQCF price 650 600 Price (US$/tonne) 550 500 450 400 350 300 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Jul-09
Source: HQCF processors, and Agroprocessing Unit, Ogun State ADP.
Wheat price 600 550 Price (US$/tonne) 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Oct-07 Aug-08 Nov-08 Jan-09 Apr-09
Source: USDA 2009.
milling process at the final sifting, blending, and bagging stages. The HQCF processors observed that there was no evidence that the reduction in the price of imported wheat since 2008 resulted in any commensurate reduction in the price US$835 848/tonne which bread bakers pay for the wheat flour. In addition, consumers were observed not to have benefited from the reduction in import price for wheat because the prices of loaves of bread did not reduce proportionately. Processors therefore argued that the savings gained by using HQCF and the substantial reduction in the price of imported wheat in 2008/2009 have both been to the almost exclusive benefit of wheat flour millers. Field data has shown that for an efficient HQCF processing plant, the profit margin would be near US$47/tonne (Table 12.6). A model of marketing margins also showed that smallholder cassava farmers, HQCF processors using flash drying technology, HQCF distributors, and bread bakers, can achieve additional benefits of US$14.92, US$14.92, US$4.47 and US$48.47 respectively for every tonne of HQCF sold for bread baking, and this including the potential for reduction in prices of food items, particularly bread. Clearly the current price formation model in the HQCF industry is not understood very well by all the stakeholders, particularly farmers, processors and users. This evident disorganized state of the market is a major factor slowing down progress in HQCF development in Nigeria. A similar situation was observed in 19961998 during the pilot phase
TABLE 12.6
Some cost parameters of HQCF production by medium-scale processors in Nigeria during the commercial phase
Costs Fresh cassava Peeling labour Washing labour Permanent staff costs/ tonne Diesel (15 litres/ hour) Electricity Cost of equipment Overhead costs Packaging/ Transportation Contingency (5%) TOTAL US$/tonne 203 34 8 34 85 8 42 21 42 24 503
Source: HQCF processors, 2009.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
(Abass et al., 2001). Nearly 96 percent of the HQCF plants in Nigeria are now idle because of these pricing problems. It is therefore necessary that marketing margins are discussed by all stakeholders to improve confidence and business cooperation in the Nigerian HQCF industry. The existing HQCF plants in Nigeria are constrained by the unreliable supply of electricity. The processing enterprises rely on fuel-operated electricity generators that make the processing operations expensive. Nigeria often experiences chronic shortages of fuel, especially diesel, which results in a complete shutdown of processing operations. If the current state of infrastructure and inputs permits it is advisable for idle HQCF plants in Nigeria to diversify into drying of other products, such as plantain flour, ogi, fufu, and soy flour. Although the composite flour policy of the Government of Nigeria seems to be slowing down as a result of the confusing pricing situation resulting from the disorganized marketing structure, wheat flour millers are aware that the Government could sanction erring flour mills, as occurred in 2007 when many of the flour mills did not comply with the requirement (USDA, 2009). The huge capacity of wheat flour millers and the implementation of the policy on 10 percent import substitution provide an opportunity for agricultural growth and poverty reduction in Nigeria. The capacity to grow wheat (if possible) and to produce and use HQCF will need to be developed and sustained (Abass, 2002). The competitiveness of HQCF as an import substitute in the medium to long term depends on the possibility of reducing the production cost of fresh cassava. However, organization and training of the entrepreneurs who have invested in the HQCF plants will facilitate proper management or optimization of the drying operations, which appear to be inefficient at the moment. The Nigerian cassava industry needs a robust price formation strategy to ensure a fair distribution of profits and benefits along the whole chain. The stakeholders cassava farmers, processors, wheat millers, bread bakers and other players need mentoring in developing good business relations.
12.6.4 Translating new challenges to development interventions: the case of HQCF plants in Nigeria
The new challenges identified in the HQCF industry in Nigeria require development intervention, particularly in the area of infrastructure development and policy interventions. However, the stakeholders at the cassava competitiveness workshop held at IITA (Nigeria) in 2002 before the announcement of the import substitution policy by the government of Nigeria in 2005, had cautioned that there were no quick fixes for achieving economic growth and poverty alleviation. A deliberate, strategic and sustained set of actions were recommended for a private-sector-led agricultural transformation and long-term commitment (e.g. for 15 to 25 years) to invest in
market-oriented strategies, with an emphasis on value addition and productivity enhancement along the entire cassava value chain. The provision of an enabling environment for the adoption of modern techniques by stakeholders will make cassava competitive within and outside the country. The focus for the immediate development of the cassava sector should be the sale of cassava products in the domestic and regional markets, rather than export out of Africa. African countries need to make the foods they want from what they grow, and grow what they eat to feed themselves sufficiently before considering exporting food. As such, success in providing market opportunities for African farmers in the immediate and medium term would depend on good strategies and policies that encourage internal use of secondary processed cassava products as food, feed, and industrial raw materials. Export does not seem to provide an immediate competitive advantage to African cassava farmers because of the high cost of production, and poorly organized or expensive logistics of production and marketing activities. Improvement in the marketing structure of cassava products can be achieved with an efficient real-time national and regional market information system (MIS) with readily available disaggregated price data. The MIS would allow comparisons of volumes, prices, seasonality of supply, and evaluations of opportunities in the domestic and export cassava markets. It would also assist existing and potential investors to make informed decisions on how, where and when to invest in the cassava industry, and would help to attract more investments in the cassava sub-sector. Recently, consumers in Nigeria seem to have accepted the inclusion of cassava in bread and other food items. Consumer rejection can no longer be a reason for the baking industry not to use HQCF: the public perception of cassava is better in Nigeria than in any other African country. New market outlets for HQCF can be created through product development research and promotion activities. For example, the promotion of a maizecassava flour blend for home consumption might be considered. Such products may be less affected by the fluctuating prices of imported food items and could stabilize the price of HQCF. This strategy will work even better for ESA countries where there are larger populations dependent on moisture-sensitive crops (such as maize or rice) as staple foods. Most of these countries are prone to droughts that cause frequent food shortages and food price instability. These often lead to frequent reliance on food aid and cheap food imports that make it even more difficult for smallholder farmers to compete, thereby destabilizing agricultural growth. Some millers have suggested tax concessions for wheat millers who use a set minimum quantity of HQCF, or other incentives similar to the vitamin and iodine supplementation strategies used in some countries. Millers in Nigeria also noted that 10 percent inclusion was difficult to achieve, particularly at the beginning, since the HQCF plants were few and did not have the capacity to supply the required volume of HQCF. A gradual increase from 3 percent inclusion rate to 10 percent over a period of 58 years is proposed for Nigeria, and Ghana is currently developing its own composite flour strategy.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
Other countries such as Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, all of which are hoping to transform their cassava industries, may adopt a similar approach. The experiences and labour-saving technologies developed in Nigeria can help these countries in their transformation processes. Deliberate efforts should be made to tap into the Nigerian experience and technologies through international collaboration. It is proposed that African governments planning to implement composite flour policies should ensure that HQCF is not a burden, but rather an acceptable and positive input for millers in terms of the quality, quantity and competitiveness of their businesses.
12.7 Conclusion
The IITA R4D approach emphasizes the development of technologies that solve the problems of African farmers along the whole value chain of each mandated crop, from input supply to consumption. The technologies are designed to reduce risk and generate income for poor farmers. The application of a holistic value chain or food systems approach is working: in partnership with national and international research partners, in the development of proven agricultural technologies that address the constraints of African crops, combined with a concurrent delivery of these technologies to the national institutions, capacity building, and technical support to the agricultural development agendas of various African governments.
The continuous interaction of partners along the research to development continuum, and the development of the capacity of NARES to adapt technologies to their specific needs, are an important factor for the spread of technologies and their eventual impact. The engagement in policy dialogue with various governments helps to ensure that favourable economic and policy environments are created for the application of the technologies to benefit smallholder farmers and help the development of national economies. This approach played a significant role in the cassava transformation that occurred in Nigeria from the 1960s to the 1990s because of the spread of high-yielding cassava varieties and the availability of processing technologies. The investment and policy initiatives adopted by Ghana and Nigeria from 20012007, aimed at commercializing the HQCF technology developed by IITA, have enhanced the acceptance of cassava as an urban food and as an industrial raw material. The level of processing and marketing activities by the private sector in the two countries during the period represents a shift to the industrialization step on the cassava transformation ladder. However, those development activities have led to new challenges that need to be addressed. Nonetheless, the experiences of IITA applying the R4D approach on cassava in Africa have proven to be successful, and to the greatest extent in Nigeria and Ghana.
The authors would like to thank all the cassava value chain actors farmers, HQCF processors, equipment manufacturers, bread bakers, wheat flour millers and government agencies who provided their opinions on the current situation of the cassava sector in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
Abass, A.B. 2002. Jump-starting the Nigerian cassava sub-sector to become competitive and sustainable. Presentation at the International Workshop on Cassava Competitiveness in Nigeria (Making the Nigerian Cassava Sub-sector Competitive). International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 1822 November 2002, Ibadan, Nigeria. Abass, A.B. 2006. How to make High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF). Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Abass, A.B. 2008. Recent developments in cassava processing, utilization and marketing in East and Southern Africa and lessons learned. Presented at the FAO Expert consultation meeting on cassava processing, utilization and marketing, 1112 December 2008, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Greenwich, UK. Abass, A.B., Abele, S., Mlingi, N., Rweyendela, V. & Ndunguru, G. 2009. An assessment of the potential efficiency and profitability of value-addition and marketing innovations involving smallholder farmers under a pilot system in Tanzania. Paper presented at the AGRA conference Towards Priority Actions for Market Development for African Farmers, 1315 May 2009, Nairobi, Kenya. Abass, A.B., Onabolu, A. & Bokanga, M. 2001. Impact of the High Quality Cassava Flour Technology in Nigeria. In Root Crops in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the International Society for Root and Tuber Crops African Branch (ISTRCAB), 1117 October 1998, Cotonou, Republic of Benin, pp. 735741. Abass, A.B. & Shiwachi, H. 2003a. Food and agriculture industry in Nigeria. In Japanese industry, encouraging foreign business in the area of food processing agricultural and fishery industries of major countries in Africa (African food guide). Tokyo, Japan External Trade Organization, Overseas Research Department, pp. 204236. Abass, A.B. & Shiwachi, H. 2003b. Food and agriculture industry in Ghana. In Japanese industry, encouraging foreign business in the area of food processing agricultural and fishery industries of major countries in Africa (African food guide). Tokyo, Japan External Trade Organization, Overseas Research Department, pp. 91120. Adesina, A. 2008. Achieving Africas green revolution: lessons for transforming agriculture. Speech delivered at the International Conference on Food Security, Global Food Crisis: Nigerias Economic Opportunity, 2324 July 2008, Abuja, Nigeria. Day, G., Graffham, A.J., Ababio, J. & Amoako, M. 1996. Market Potential for Cassava Flours and Starches in Ghana, Project R6504 Report R2333(S). Legon, Ghana. Joint report of the Natural Resources Institute and Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana.
Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN). 2011. Cassava Master Plan. (Available at: http://eucord.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/cassava_master_plan.pdf). Federal Republic of Nigeria. 2007. Nigerian Biofuel and Incentives. Lagos, Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette, No. 72, Vol. 94. Gensi, R.M., Bokanga, M., Nayiga, A. & Ferris, R.S.B. 1998. Investigating the potential for vertical integration of primary cassava flour producers with secondary confectionery processors in Uganda. Proceeding of the 7th triennial symposium of the International Society for tropical root crops Africa branch, 1117 October 1998, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. Graffham, A.J., Dziedzoave, N.T. & Ayernor, G.S. 1999. Project R6504 Expanded markets for locally produced cassava flours and starches in Ghana, Final technical report of the FRI/NRI Cassava Flour Project. Accra and Chatham, UK. Natural Resources Institute (UK) & Food Research Institute (Ghana). Hartmann, P. 2004. An Approach to Hunger and Poverty Reduction for sub-Saharan Africa. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IFAD & FAO. 2005. Cassava Development in Nigeria: A Country Case Study towards a Global Strategy for Cassava Development. In A review of cassava in Africa with country case studies on Nigeria, Ghana, the United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Benin. Proceeding of the validation forum on the global cassava development strategy, Volume 2. Rome. IITA. 1986. Root and Tuber Improvement Program Annual Report 1985. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA. 1987. Root and Tuber Improvement Program Annual Report 1986. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA. 1988. Root, Tuber and Plantain Improvement Program Annual Report 1987. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA. 1997. Annual Report, 1996. Ibadan, Nigeria, Plant Health Management Division, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA. 1998a. Post-harvest machinery for rural women of Nigeria: Operational features. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA. 1998b. Project 9: Improving Post-harvest Systems Annual Report 1998. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. IITA. 1999. Project 9: Improving Post-harvest Systems Annual Report 1999. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture.
Transiting cassava into an urban food and industrial commodity through agro-processing and market driven approaches: Lessons from Africa
Mbabaali, S. & Abass, A.B. 2008. Commercializing the cassava sub-sector in Eastern and Southern Africa: A case for Madagascar, Tanzania and Zambia. Amsterdam, Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). Mlingi, N., Mtunda, K., Ngunguru, G.T., Kiriwaggulu, A. & Mahungu, N.M. 1998. Promotion of cassava utilization for improvement of food security and income generation in Tanzania: Viability of processing cassava flour for biscuit production in Dar es Salaam. Proceeding of the 7th triennial symposium of the International Society for tropical root crops Africa branch, 1117 October 1998, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. Nweke, F. 2003. New Challenges in the Cassava Transformation in Nigeria and Ghana. Conference Paper No. 8 presented at the WEnt, IFPRI, NEPAD, CTA conference on Successes in African Agriculture, 13 December 2003, Pretoria, South Africa. Nweke, F.I., Spencer, D.S.C. & Lynam, J.K. 2002. The Cassava Transformation: Africas Best Kept Secret. East Lansing, USA. Michigan State University Press. Nweke, F.I., Ugwu, B.B., Dixon, A.G.O., Asadu, C.L.A. & Ajobo, O. 1999. Cassava production in Nigeria: A function of farmer access to markets and improved production and processing technologies. Collaborative Study of Cassava in Africa, Working Paper No 20. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Onabolu, A. & Bokanga, M. 1995. Promotion of high quality cassava flour (HQCF) for the food industry in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops Africa Branch, pp. 263269, Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Onabolu, A., Abass, A. & Bokanga, M. 1998. New Food Products from Cassava. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Sanni, L., Maziya-Dixon, B., Onabolu, A., Arowosafe, B., Okoruwa, A., Okechukwu, R., Waziri, A., Ilona, P., Ezedinma, C., Ssemakula, G., Lemchi, J., Akoroda, M., Ogbe, F., Tarawali, G., Okoro, E. & Geteloma, C. 2006. Cassava recipes for household food security. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Sanogo, D. & Olanrewaju, A. 2008. Presidential Initiatives on Cassava in Africa: Case studies of Ghana and Nigeria. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) / NEPAD. Scott, G.J., Best, R., Rosegrant, M. & Bokanga, M. 2000. Roots and Tubers in the Global Food System: A vision statement to the year 2020 (including ANNEXE). Lima, International Potato Centre. A co-publication of the International Potato Centre (CIP), Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, (IITA) and International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI).
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Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
Katinka WeinberGer anD Antonio L. AceDo Jr.
13.1 Introduction
Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam have experienced sustained growth in vegetable production, from about 2.9 million tonnes in 1980 to 9.3 million tonnes in 2007 (Figure 13.1) (FAOSTAT, 2008). Harvested acreage also increased by approximately threefold, from 337 850 ha to 875 400 ha. In Viet Nam, widespread vegetable production and commercialization has been observed even in the most impoverished communities of the northern uplands (International Food Policy Research Institute, IFPRI, 2002).
FIGURE 13.1 Vegetable production area, volume and average yield, in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam, 19802007
Yield Production (000 tonnes) and Yield (kg/ha) 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 0 Production quantity Area harvested 1 000 000 900 000 800 000 700 000 600 000 500 000 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 0
Source: FAOSTAT (2008).
Post-harvest losses negatively impact on the economic benefits derived from vegetable production. They are usually high in developing countries such as those in the Greater Mekong subregion Cambodia, Chinas Yunnan Province, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam where a lack of knowledge, skills, technologies, techniques and facilities for produce handling and processing are compounded by the perishable nature of most vegetables and the regions hot and humid climate. The loss of food and economic opportunities contributes to the persistent problems of poverty, unemployment and malnutrition in the region. Reducing post-harvest losses through the proper application of appropriate post-harvest technologies has far-reaching benefits. It improves the incomes of farmers and marketers, makes diversification into vegetable production less risky and more attractive, creates rural employment and income generation opportunities through value-added activities and post-harvest enterprises, enhances productivity and competitiveness in vegetable industries, increases opportunities for export, and sustains economic growth (Jaffee and Gordon, 1993). As the world economy becomes more integrated, post-harvest technologies could enable developing countries to position their agricultural produce more effectively in domestic and export markets at competitive quality and prices. Post-harvest industries contribute to greater gender equality and empowerment of women, who often play an important role in post-harvest activities for fresh and processed vegetables (Jaffee and Morton, 1995). Recently, AVRDC The World Vegetable Centre launched an initiative to strengthen the vegetable industry and advance economic growth and food security in Southeast Asia. The initiative aims to provide the groundwork and direction for future development activities within a supply chain setting, to improve the well-being of disadvantaged actors in Southeast Asias vegetable industry, particularly in Cambodia, Laos, and Viet Nam. In this chapter the approaches used will be described; these included an assessment of post-harvest losses of vegetables along various points in the supply chain, an overview of the technologies developed, and an assessment of how adoption of post-harvest technologies improves the livelihoods of the rural poor, including some of the factors that contributed to adoption and uptake. The relevant methodologies applied will be discussed under each section. The chapter will conclude by discussing the major achievements of the project, and will offer recommendations for the replication of models that aim to support the rural poor by providing access to post-harvest technologies.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
Field observations have reported that 4050 percent of horticultural crops produced are lost before they can be consumed, mainly as a result of high rates of bruising, water loss and decay during post-harvest handling (Kader, 2003). Poor post-harvest handling and storage can also lead to loss in nutritional quality, because of loss of vitamins and the potential for development of health hazards (e.g. mycotoxins in dried chili). Post-harvest related losses in quality also reduce opportunities for export and export revenues (Weinberger and Lumpkin, 2007). Typically, post-harvest losses vary greatly between different vegetable types, production areas and seasons. The magnitude of the losses and their impact on farm incomes can be difficult to calculate because the post-harvest handling chain includes all the steps between harvesting and consumption, including sorting, cleaning, packing, cooling, storage, transport and processing. Reducing post-harvest losses for fresh produce has been shown to be an important part of sustainable agricultural development efforts whose aims are to increase food availability, but which usually attract little funding (Kader, 2005; Weinberger et al., 2009). During the past 30 years, less than 5 percent of the funding provided globally for horticultural development efforts has been directed at the post-harvest phase (FAO, 2004). Reasons for high post-harvest loss can include poor pre-harvesting and harvesting practices (e.g. harvesting leafy vegetables during the hottest time of the day), inappropriate post-harvest handling and packaging (e.g. packing tomatoes in woven bamboo baskets that can be crushed when stacked), post-harvest pests and diseases, and lack of storage, cooling and cold chains (e.g. the transport of tomatoes over long distances on the top of trucks and tankers). Knowing where loss occurs along the chain is essential to identify appropriate research strategies and training programmes. Thus, an initial activity during the AVRDC project assessed and quantified post-harvest loss in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam for priority vegetables including chili, tomato, yard-long bean, cucumber, and Chinese kale and, according to production quantities and sales, identified critical technological entry points for reduction of post-harvest loss. Based on the outcomes of the study, subsequent research focused on certain areas and crops to reduce post-harvest loss. To analyse the supply chains and post-harvest loss for vegetables, detailed interviews were conducted with actors at various points in the supply chain using a structured questionnaire. Three types of questionnaires were developed to gather general and specific information from supply chain actors. The generic information sought included: socio-demographic data, post-harvest loss estimates, trading information, marketing information (e.g. the monthly volume of produce purchased and sold, the prices achieved, the main trading partners, the monthly turnover of the entire business), and attitudes towards post-harvest loss. For farmers, details about production and harvesting practices were obtained based on the past years production cycles. An upstream interview approach (retailers to farmers) was applied. Through proportionate sampling the objective was to ensure equal
representation of retailers, intermediaries (collectors and wholesalers) and farmers, all from important production areas serving the larger cities of the countries involved. All actors were required to identify their main sources of the crop in question. After establishing the different forms of retail outlets for vegetables and their approximate share of total vegetable sales based on interviews with the key informant, the sample size of supermarkets, wet market vendors, small grocery stores and street vendors was determined. The initial respondents were selected at random from a list of retailers in two major cities in each country. At the conclusion of the retailer interview, intermediaries were selected based on the list of names provided by retailers; farmers were chosen from the list furnished by intermediaries. The sample included retailers, intermediaries and farmers. The number of actors surveyed was approximately equal: 190 retailers, 181 intermediaries and 187 farmers, for a total of 558 respondents in the three countries. In the study, loss referred to produce unfit for human consumption, and excluded produce of lower quality that was still saleable. For farmers, post-harvest loss was quantified in absolute terms for produce lost after harvest, and then calculated as a percentage based on total harvested quantity. For intermediaries and retailers, loss was estimated as the difference between quantity purchased and quantity sold1. To obtain a monetary value of the loss experienced, actual loss in kilograms (kg) was multiplied by the average selling price achieved in each month or harvest. This value was divided by the total amount of vegetables produced or purchased by each actor (kg) to obtain a value of loss based on a uniform denominator; the value was then added across all actors in the supply chain. The total number of observations used for collectors, wholesalers and retailers was the monthly observations collected for the entire year. For farmers, the total number of observations amounted to the past years production cycles (a maximum of three production cycles in each country with one wet and two dry seasons). The data presented are a summary for wet and dry seasons. Data for post-harvest loss by individual actors along the chain was aggregated to obtain the total loss along the chain. Figure 13.2 maps out the flow of fresh vegetables from the producer to the consumer level. Supply chain channels are similar across the various crops. Respondents were asked to identify the main actor they sold their produce to, and to estimate the share of produce sold. The percentages in green arrows represent the shares of vegetables that suppliers at different levels sold to their main trading partners as a share of total produce sold. Dotted lines represent minimal transactions by the actors (less than 5 percent). Where our analysis generated missing links between actors and their main buyers, the main sources of their vegetable produce, represented by solid lines with no percentage value, were added into the flow chart to obtain a complete picture of the demand and supply side of vegetable transactions in each country.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
22% 32%
Wet market vendors
6% 40%
Grocery stores
Street vendors
The main flow of vegetables is highlighted by the thick black line and usually moves from farmers to collectors and wholesalers. Wholesalers either resell the produce to other wholesalers who distribute the product to other regions, or sell to grocery stores and wet market vendors who then sell vegetables to final consumers. Table 13.1 provides an overview of the post-harvest loss situation across crops as perceived by various actors in the supply chain. Post-harvest loss was incurred by most supply chain actors, with 94 percent of farmers, 93 percent of intermediaries and 87 percent of retailers experiencing vegetable losses. The volume of loss per million tonnes of produce harvested or sold was highest for farmers, slightly higher than intermediaries and about 30 percent higher than that of retailers. Seasonal effects escalated the problem, especially among farmers, where losses increased by 20 percent during the wet season compared with other actors. The median of loss was lower than the average value for all actors, but still substantial, indicating that
Restaurants Consumers
TABLE 13.1
64.8 13.4
61.1 18.6
43.0 21.9
most supply chain actors were affected by post-harvest loss. The maximum loss that a single supply chain actor experienced was 50 percent for farmers, 91 percent for intermediaries, and 69 percent for retailers. Table 13.2 shows the accumulated loss values for specific vegetables in the supply chain per country. Tomato was the only crop surveyed in the three countries and had the highest physical loss amounting to about 20 percent of production (205 kg per million tonnes) of all the crops covered. The monetary value of loss was highest for chili, at about US$75 per million tonnes. Cambodia had the highest post-harvest loss among the three countries. Factors that contributed to the high loss in Cambodia may have included relatively complex supply chains2 with more backward and forward linkages than in Laos and lack of technological expertise in post-harvest handling and processing compared with Viet Nam. Across crops and countries, the average loss throughout the supply chain was about 17 percent.
2 The vegetable supply chain in Laos was rather short and direct. In contrast, there was a higher retailer participation in Cambodia and Viet Nam, i.e. supermarkets, wet market vendors, grocery stores and street vendors. In addition to final consumers, wet market vendors also cater to restaurants and grocery stores. A certain contingent of vegetables was supplied by importing suppliers and there was evidence that during certain months when local production was low, the share of imports to domestic supply was substantial.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
TABLE 13.2
Total value of post-harvest losses in the vegetable supply chain by crop and country
Country Cambodia N Kg/MT* US$/MT Laos N Kg/MT US$/MT Viet Nam N Kg/MT US$/MT Average N Kg/MT US$/MT Tomato 50 245.7 56.8 31 169 84.2 105 191.2 35.3 186 204.6 49.1 119 167.0 54.2 77 146.8 21.8
*MT = million tonnes.
In terms of loss distribution, farmers incurred the highest physical loss of produce, estimated at nearly 40 percent of the total quantity lost in the entire supply chain, with a monetary value of about 25 percent of the total value of loss (Figure 13.3). The case is reversed for retailers, where the monetary value of loss was estimated at more than 40 percent and physical loss was only about 26 percent. These differences in physical and monetary values of loss at the farm and retail levels can be explained by the retailfarm price margins. Both physical and monetary values of loss were lowest for collectors, given that they merely transport the produce and have limited involvement in other value-adding activities such as re-packing. The results showed that concentrating efforts only at the farm level to try to reduce post-harvest loss is not sufficient, and that losses further down the supply chain are relevant and large. The monetary value of loss and the consequent loss of economic opportunities is enormous. In 2005, the combined total vegetable production in the three countries was 8.5 million tonnes, worth US$2 612.3 million (FAOSTAT, 2006). Assuming that 17 percent of this was completely wasted after harvest, this means a loss of 1.5 million tonnes of produce, worth US$461 million. The loss quantified
Physical loss
Value of loss
would be even larger if the loss caused by reduced quality (qualitative loss), which always reduces product prices, and the loss of nutrients (nutritional loss) were also factored in.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
RandD programmes initially focused on tomato and chili. Before undertaking these programmes, however, capacity building was critical because post-harvest RandD in vegetables was new to Cambodia and Laos partners, and the capacity of Viet Nam partners required upgrading. Post-harvest laboratories with basic facilities were established in Cambodia and Laos, the post-harvest laboratory in Viet Nam acquired new equipment, and training on post-harvest research and technology development was conducted with a component workshop to develop the RandD plan. A training manual incorporating a review of post-harvest techniques based on simple and low-cost technologies that should be adapted and optimized was selected for use in the workshops (Acedo and Weinberger, 2006b). Later, leafy vegetables were included and a workshop attended by GMS (Greater Mekong Subregion) network members was conducted to review the best practices in post-harvest management of leafy vegetables (Acedo and Weinberger, 2007), determine priorities, and plan for RandD programmes. A series of post-harvest trials was conducted following standard experimental procedures. For tomato and chili, the AVRDC lines and commercial varieties used included those identified as having a good yield, and good shipping and processing qualities in on-station and on-farm variety trials in each country. For leafy vegetables (cabbage, Chinese/green mustard, Chinese kale, aromatic mustard, and kangkong or Ipomoea aquatica), commercial varieties were used. Brief descriptions of the research that took place to identify the most promising technologies are now outlined.
13.3.1 Cooling
It was thought that rapid removal of product heat by precooling could improve the storability of tomato. A simple, portable, knockdown-type hydrocooler was developed (Acedo et al., 2008b). Water was cooled using ice to 10 C, monitored with an ordinary bulb thermometer, and the fruit was dipped for 412 minutes before storage at ambient or chilling temperature (10 C). Hydrocooling for 12 minutes proved to be the most promising: it retarded fruit reddening and maintained high soluble solids at both storage temperatures. It also slowed the rate of acidity loss and reduced chilling injury at 10 C.
were about 110 C lower and 1025 percent higher than at ambient temperature: 22.542 C and 3289 percent RH, respectively. As a result, weight loss decreased and shelf-life increased.
13.3.2 Packaging
Modified atmosphere packaging
Keeping produce in polymeric films creates low oxygen, high carbon dioxide, and high humidity conditions that retard quality deterioration. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) trials were conducted using three commercially available plastic films: low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) of different thicknesses (2575 microns) with and without perforations as vents (Acedo et al., 2009b. Acedo et al., 2008d; Chanthasombath et al., 2008; Vanndy et al., 2008b; Vanndy et al., 2008d). Storage was at ambient temperature. The inclusion of an ethylene scrubber sachet (0.10.4 percent potassium permanganate) in MAP-wrapped leafy vegetables for control of yellowing was tried and in some trials, storage at ambient temperature and in a cold chamber (1013 C) was compared (Acedo et al., 2009a). Cost-benefit analysis by partial budgeting showed that the techniques are potentially profitable.
TABLE 13.3
Technical and monetary benefits of using grid-polystyrene crate with paper shreds in reducing fruit damage of different tomato varieties relative to the use of carton box
Harvest maturity Breaker fruit Variety CLN2123A (AVRDC) CLN2498E (AVRDC) Perfect 89 (Syngenta) Turning fruit FM1080 (local) CLN2123A (AVRDC) CLN2498E (AVRDC) Perfect 89 (Syngenta) FM1080 (local) Fruit damage reduction (%) 13 18 18 11 13 18 15 11 Net returns* (US$/kg) 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.02
* Calculated as the difference between the monetary saving attributable to damage reduction, and the added cost of using grid-polystyrene crate with paper shreds over the cost of carton box. Cost of 25 kg carton box (used only once) = US$1; 25 kg grid-polystyrene crate (assumed to be used 3 times) = US$3; paper shreds = US$0.2/kg (1 kg/container); labour = US$3.5/person-day (1 crate packed in 5 mins). Price of tomato = US$0.5/kg.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
TABLE 13.4
Tomato fruit decay reduction using 2 percent bicarbonate washing prior to storage in evaporative cooler (EC) and its monetary return based on partial budget analysis.
Tomato variety Decay incidence (%) With bicarbonate wash CLN1462A (AVRDC) TLCV15 (AVRDC) T56 (local) TMK1 (local) 14 9 4 0 Water wash (control) 18 27 37 15 Net return* (US$/kg) 0.26 0.40 0.33 0.31
* Calculated as the difference between the monetary saving due to decay reduction and shelf-life improvement and added cost of bicarbonate wash and EC storage over that of water wash and ambient storage. Costs per 1000 kg tomato per year: baking soda = US$2; EC annual depreciation = US$100 (EC used 10 times/year); labour = US$5; water (4 m3/year) = US$2. Price of tomato= US$0.5/kg.
Packaging system
Different packaging methods for tomato in Viet Nam (a 25 kg carton box and gridpolystyrene crate with and without paper shreds as cushioning material) were evaluated for reducing physical damage through simulations of handling hazards by drop test (Thanh et al., 2008). The use of grid-polystyrene crates with paper shreds was the most promising and its financial return was estimated by partial budget analysis (Table 13.3).
TABLE 13.5
Promising treatments for the control of bacterial soft rot in cabbage in Cambodia, Laos, and Viet Nam and monetary return based on partial budget analysis
Country Cambodia Treatment Lime Alum Guava leaf extract Water (control) Laos Lime Alum Guava leaf extract Water (control) Viet Nam Lime Guava leaf extract Water (control) Trimming loss due to soft rot (%) 8.7 20.3 7.2 44.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 2.0 33.4 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.11 Net returns* (US$/kg) 0.15 0.09 0.15
* Calculated as the difference between the monetary saving due to trimming loss reduction and added cost of the treatment over that of the control. Costs per 1 000 kg cabbage: lime = 1 kg at US$1; alum = 0.5 kg at US$1/0.5 kg; mortar and pestle for guava leaf extraction = US$4 (2 units at 2US$/unit); labour = 57 person-days at US$3.55.0/person-day. Price of cabbage: US$0.50.7/kg.
alum solution (15 g alum granules in 100 mL water); guava leaf extract as 1:1 pure extract and water mixture (Acedo et al., 2009d). These control agents were applied using any suitable applicator (e.g. fine brush, cloth, or cotton) at the cut butt end of the cabbage head where soft rot usually develops. Water served as a control. After air-drying, a paste made from soft-rot affected cabbage butts was spread on the cut surface, simulating possible infection of cabbages during post-harvest handling. Responses were consistent and promising treatments for soft rot control were identified for each country (Table 13.5).
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
hygiene-related problems. These constraints could be minimized by placing the produce in an enclosed solar drying chamber where it is protected from dust, rain, stray animals, and so on. Simple solar dryers were designed and manufactured in Cambodia (cabinet solar dryer and a solar dryer with heat collector RoyalUniversity ofAgriculture, Phnom Penh), Laos (solar dryer National University of Laos), and Viet Nam (a solar dryer that combined the features of the Cambodia and Laos designs). The solar dryers maintained much higher temperatures and lower RH than those achieved under sun-drying conditions. In Cambodia, drying trials were conducted for chili and cabbage, with the latter first being shredded, mixed with 5 percent salt, and fermented overnight (as in traditional practice) before drying. The two solar dryers accelerated drying to less than 10 percent moisture content in chili in three days instead of six days for sun-drying, and in cabbage to one day instead of two to three days for sun-drying. In the Laos chili drying trials, drying rates differed according to variety, apparently as a result of differences in morpho-anatomical structures. Nevertheless, the solar dryer again accelerated drying of the produce compared with sun-drying (Table 13.6). Dipping in 65 C water for 3 minutes was included as a pre-drying treatment to preserve the red colour of the fruit. In the Viet Nam trials, the use of the solar dryer similarly resulted in faster drying. Cost and return analysis showed that dried chili production could yield 32.5 percent higher income than fresh chili production.
TABLE 13.6
Days to achieve less than 10 percent moisture content of different varieties of chili dried using a solar dryer and in the sun
Chili variety* Days to <10% moisture content Solar dryer CCA 321 (AVRDC) CCA323 (AVRDC) PBC142 (AVRDC) DemonF1 (commercial variety from Thailand) Local variety 2 6 1 6 2 Sun-drying 12 12 6 8 6
*All varieties belong to Capsicum annuum, except the local variety, which is C. frutescens.
Paste/sauce processing
Tomato paste and chili-tomato sauce processing trials were conducted. One trial determined the effects of tomato variety on the paste product processed following
the method developed at the Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh. Two AVRDC lines (CLV1462A and TLCV15) and two commercial varieties (T56 from Viet Nam and the local TMK1) were used. The variations in paste quality resulting from different crop varieties provided useful benchmarks for choosing fruit for processing. For example, fresh paste from T56 showed the best quality, mainly on account of the deep red colour of the fruit, while pastes from CLN1462A and TLCV15 had more stable storage quality because colour and flavour was better maintained, especially compared with TMK1. In another trial, different combinations of tomatoes (CLN2498E and CLN2123A from AVRDC, Perfect89 from Syngenta, and FM1080 from the Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute, Hanoi) and chili (995515 and CCA321 from AVRDC, and Ox Horn, a local variety) were tested. The sauces were of good sensory quality regardless of chili-tomato variety combination, except for the 995515 and FM1080 combination, which had inferior colour, texture, and taste. Dark storage keeping the bottles of sauce in a closed carton box maintained better taste quality than storing bottles in the open. Profit analysis calculated the net return of chili-tomato sauce production at US$0.04 per 250 gram jar and US$151.5 per million tones of product.
Cabbage and Chinese mustard fermentation was optimized in Viet Nam in winter and summer using different salt concentrations (614 percent) and fermentation periods (210 days). Cabbage required higher salt concentration (10 percent) than Chinese mustard (8 percent), but the optimum fermentation period for both crops was the same, 4 days in winter and 2 days in summer. The fermented products had better sensory qualities and shelf-life than those produced using other salt levels and fermentation periods. Cost and return analysis for cabbage fermentation revealed that it could realize 23.2 percent higher income than fresh market production. Profit analysis for Chinese mustard fermentation showed a net income of US$0.09 per 500 g jar and US$190 per million tonnes of product. The optimized fermentation procedure for cabbage was adopted in Cambodia and for Chinese mustard in Laos; it was compared with traditional methods and those developed by the national universities. In both countries, the Viet Nam process was found to be very desirable for longer shelf-life. However, the products produced by the local methods were more positively appreciated in terms of colour and taste.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
with 2 000 supply chain actors in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam. Training manuals on post-harvest technologies for tomato, chili and leafy vegetables (Acedo and Weinberger, 2009, 2006a) were developed based on the results of RandD work and other information on best practices from various sources. These were translated to country languages, distributed during training sessions, and for wider dissemination were uploaded to the AVRDC post-harvest web page3. Demonstrations of some technologies were set up prior to the training so that trainees could observe the actual outcomes or results brought about by using the technologies. This increased the credibility of the training programmes and helped to build the trainees trust and confidence in the training providers. Monitoring and evaluation are tools to help manage the resources and activities of a project to enhance its impact throughout its term, and beyond. Under this post-harvest project a number of monitoring and evaluation tools were applied. These included regular assessments of training courses by participants, an interim assessment of training impacts, and a formal assessment of the impact of the pilot trainings two years after they were conducted. The evaluation of these pilot trainings is described now. A questionnaire for the evaluation of the pilot training was distributed to partners for feedback and translation into local languages. Fifteen respondents per country were selected at random, based on the list of training participants available for each country; those unavailable were replaced accordingly. The complete sample included 45 respondents. The questionnaire was organized around ten open-ended questions. These covered aspects such as retention of information, details about the technologies adopted, impact on farm operations and livelihoods, and constraints to adoption. The survey was conducted in early 2009, with the following results.
TABLE 13.7
TABLE 13.8
TABLE 13.9
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
included: harvesting with an intact calyx (tomato) and using scissors to cut the fruit from the vine; harvesting at the appropriate stage, i.e. when the fruit turns pink; careful handling of produce after harvest, e.g. using soft leaves or old newspapers to cover baskets before loading; gentle loading into appropriate containers; storage of harvested produce in cool rooms or in the shade; sorting and grading by colour and size; packaging into suitable containers. Farmers who adopted practices for handling fresh produce usually changed a range of practices between harvesting and selling. The processing technologies that farmers adopted included practices for chili and tomato drying using a simple solar dryer, and for the preparation of chili sauce and tomato paste with improved hygienic standards, by filtering water and boiling glass bottles and lids.
participation in the training. In one case, a farmer from Hadxayfong District increased the number of trading partners to ten collectors, up from five collectors in 2007. Another farmer reported increasing the number of his buyers to 20, compared with five to seven in the past. Several farmers mentioned that overall it became easier to sell produce. Other benefits respondents referred to related to enhanced knowledge and increased consumption.
TABLE 13.10
Share (%) 54 29 29 54 21 17 33 21 12 8 4 8 29 8 4 4 4 4
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
TABLE 13.11
TABLE 13.12
Share (%) 44 22 22 11 11 11 11
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
13.5 Discussion
13.5.1 Relevance of the problem
Nearly all supply chain actors reported that they incurred large volume losses. The average loss of these vegetables along the entire supply chain from farmers to retailers was about 17 percent, but differed by country, type of produce and even growing season. This was anticipated as every country has its own peculiarities in supply chain and handling practices. Different vegetables have different degrees of perishability and susceptibility to hazards in the post-harvest period, during which environmental conditions vary with time of year. It is likely that this loss situation prevails in the entire vegetable industry of the three countries. All actors along the supply chain were affected, indicating that solutions to reduce post-harvest loss must address different stages along the supply chain. Supply chain actors would have better control over product quality, longevity and marketability through appropriate storage and processing techniques, as well as through better market coordination. Improved market coordination would lessen the oversupply of produce and thus reduce waste. A major component of improved market coordination is market information, yet studies in the region indicate a lack of availability or use of information (Genova et al., 2006a; Genova et al., 2006b; Genova et al., 2006c). Interventions that address the availability of information related to produce volume and quality requirements could help to reduce waste. Another important requisite for ensuring market coordination is the standardization of product quality. Product quality standards serve as the universal language that guides supply chain actors in producing, handling and marketing agricultural produce. Without product quality standards, poor quality produce will be a persistent problem in the supply chain. Poor quality produce was the second leading cause of loss at the retail level, likely caused in part by poor transportation during distribution from the farm or wholesale market to the retail market. An immediate solution to this problem is greater care during harvesting, as well as interventions that address packaging and transport conditions.
13.5.2 Factors that contributed to the successes and failures of the project
Technically and economically feasible packaging systems (e.g. MAP, polystyrene crates) and commodity treatments (e.g. bicarbonate wash for tomato decay control, lime treatment for cabbage soft rot control) were developed that can enhance quality and shelf-life and reduce loss during transport and storage. These and other technologies developed for fresh produce handling (e.g. precooling, evaporative coolers) and processing (e.g. solar dryers, tomato paste and chili-tomato sauce
processing, fermentation of leafy vegetables) provided farmers and other supply chain actors with more alternatives for better control of product quality and marketing, and for generating more income. It is vital that these technologies and other best practices in produce handling and processing reach the users of such technologies. Thus, a training programme was developed to address this need. Careful planning and preparations are essential for successful training, including capacity building of country partners, training teams, and developing the RandD and training master plans. Adopters of technologies noted the benefits of post-harvest technologies. The majority of the intermediaries had an explicitly positive attitude towards the technology changes because of the positive impact on produce quality. Improved networks, which in turn lead to greater demand for produce from a larger number of buyers, were most important to farmers. In many cases this translated into higher farm profits and profit stability. Farmers reported an increase in price of 2530 percent, and in many cases, substantial increases in the volume of sales. There were reports that losses had gone down to 23 percent, from previous rates of 2030 percent. Substantial improvements in income were observed for those who adopted the improved post-harvest technologies, ranging from 2530 percent. Other beneficial impacts at the community level were also reported, and the most striking among these was employment generation. Fresh produce handling technologies involve little additional effort and investment, therefore adoption rates were high. In contrast, a move to commercial processing requires investment in infrastructure and equipment, which is difficult without access to capital and risky in a situation where small-scale businesses are not supported by the political environment. Adoption rates for processing technologies were lower, therefore. Because the benefits of fresh produce handling are high and attainable without the need for large investment, it is worth identifying major constraints in the uptake of the technologies. An analysis of non-adopters suggested that careful selection of participants is crucial for the success of future training programmes. Trainers and trainees alike should be selected based on criteria that indicate the likelihood of the respondent to make further use of the technologies. Current involvement in production, handling, and marketing of fresh or processed vegetables is one such indicator. Another approach could be to request that participants make a small contribution to the training programme, perhaps in-kind, e.g. by offering food. As in the past, training programme participants should include all actors along the supply chain, because intermediaries play an important role in the uptake of technologies.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
13.5.3 Recommended models of good practice for small scale post-harvest and processing technologies
Overall, the results discussed here indicate that several strategies can contribute to the development of the post-harvest and marketing sector for vegetables, with the objective of enhancing the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers. These strategies include both technological and organizational interventions:
ZZ To contribute to a reduction of post-harvest loss for farmers, more research
is required on pest and disease-resistant varieties and improved production methods. Insect pests and fungal diseases were identified as major reasons for loss. In designing training and other dissemination activities, limited access to credit should be considered. Previous studies indicate that farmers access to credit is very limited, especially in Cambodia and Laos. NGOs providing microfinance could become involved in training programmes. This may enhance uptake of equipment-intensive processing technologies. Recruiting the most successful trainees to lead future training programmes is one way to expand on experiential learning. The positive experiences of these successful trainees can convince others about the usefulness of the technologies. Processing at farm level is underdeveloped in Laos and Cambodia, and farmers in both countries face high price variations. Farmers also reported a lack of knowledge on how to conduct processing; access to the credit necessary for the procurement of equipment is also a limiting factor. Training in processing technologies may be a viable approach, especially in collaboration with microcredit NGOs. Technologies and varieties that allow year-round production of leafy vegetables as is occurring in Viet Nam could help reduce price fluctuations and contribute to year-round income. Encouraging value-addition at farm level should focus on the promotion of grades and standards, especially in Laos and Viet Nam, as these are important for the development of high-value agricultural markets: currently an underdeveloped sector in these two countries. In terms of enhanced efficiency of the supply chain, two areas for intervention deserve attention. More emphasis on collective marketing by farmers can reduce marketing costs and enhance the bargaining power of farmers. Contract farming is another area for development. Currently, very few farmers are engaged in contract farming and opportunities for farmers to become involved in contract production and marketing are limited.
13.6 Conclusion
AVRDC The World Vegetable Centre aims to address post-harvest loss in vegetables through a supply chain approach administered through research and development efforts in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam. These efforts include studying and quantifying loss in vegetables along the entire chain, identifying appropriate strategies, conducting research for adaptation of available technologies, and developing a training programme for wide dissemination of technologies. The benefits of adopting post-harvest technologies were high and involved improved supply chain networks, higher farm profit, and profit stability. Farmers reported an increase in prices of 2530 percent, and in many cases substantial increases in the volume of sales. There were reports that losses had gone down to 23 percent, from previous rates of 2030 percent. In future, more emphasis should be placed on developing and disseminating post-harvest handling and processing technologies and facilitating the access of smallholder farmers to these technologies, especially in the upland areas of Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam. The limited post-harvest and value-adding activities that currently characterize the sector are a positive step towards providing the scope and potential to enhance the livelihoods and well-being of millions of small and poor farm households.
Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
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Development and diffusion of vegetable post-harvest and processing technologies in the Greater Mekong subregion of Asia
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Agro-industries are an important source of employment and income generation worldwide, occupying a dominant position in the manufacturing sector of the economy and representing a signicant demand driver for agricultural products. As part of its mandate to provide food security for the worlds growing population, FAO promotes the development of agro-industries through its technical programs, including activities in the areas of policy advice, capacity building, advocacy, awareness raising and investment promotion. This book represents a contribution of FAO to broaden the understanding of approaches and mechanisms to foster the emergence and sustainability of agro-industries that are competitive
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and inclusive. With emphasis on experiences from the developing world, the book presents and discusses innovative policies and institutions that are supportive of agro-industries development.
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