Swot Analysis
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"LivePlan is incredibly simple and easy to use. The financial sales forecasting tool is very intuitive and makes writing a business plan more fun." Helga D. Svala
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Plan Outline
1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Company Summary 3.0 Services 4.0 Market Analysis Summary 5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary SWOT Analysis Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Strengths Macro-environment Competitive Edge Sales Strategy Marketing Strategy Pricing Strategy Promotion Strategy Strategic Alliances 6.0 Management Summary 7.0 Financial Plan 8.0 Controls Appendix
5.1.1 Weaknesses
Lack of a solid well-established network in the market research arena. The introduction of new organizational practices and personnel who have not previously worked together presents a challenge to the organization. Establishment on the Internet will produce technological challenges.
5.1.2 Opportunities
Specific niche. Appreciation for high quality, accurate, unbiased and relevant information. The introduction of the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) presents a vast opportunity, as both foreign and local firms will be looking for information, which may assist on entering their respective markets. Current growth of the economy in comparison to other economies presents an opportunity for an increased number of foreign investors to invest in the markets. The current drive towards localization is causing an increasing number of local individuals to invest and start their own businesses.
Market Research
Market research reports for Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, And Related Services industry.
The new generation of entrepreneurs, corporations, professionals, business owners has a far greater appreciation for the need for adequate planning and relevant information.
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Internet marketing and sales -- though still in its infancy. Increasing number of foreign firms, especially from South Africa looking at penetrating the local markets. Financial assistance given by the government on the credibility of business plans. However the results of the review of the FAP by the Botswana Institute of Development Policy Analysis need to be taken into consideration as it could be scrapped or replaced by a new scheme. Existence of well-established government organs that deal directly with aspiring entrepreneurs -- local and foreign, presents us with a networking opportunity.
5.1.3 Threats
The present growth in the economy may result in increased numbers of business consultants, leading to increased competition and confusion amongst clients. This competition could emerge from a variety of given sources including: Established mass-market consultants' development of new lines and vertically integrating so as to be totally in control of all services required by the client. New marketing strategies and tactics by established companies. Existing competition. The current plethora of 'fly-by-night' business consultancy firms in existence. Other start-up companies generated by healthy economic growth nation-wide. Existence of well established government organs that deal directly with aspiring entrepreneurs, both local and foreign.
5.1.4 Strengths
Strategic market segmentation and implementation strategies. Diversified market segments. Ensures the lack of dependency on one particular market. Combination of skills in directorship. The directors intend to jointly develop business strategy and long-term plans, having wide experience in market and product know-how, and strong financial management and business know-how. Establishment and maintenance of a well-known business name. An aggressive and focused marketing campaign. A marketing plan with clear goals and strategies.
5.2 Macro-environment
At a large scale, market research demonstrates that the business consultancy market we intend to enter is growing and changing. Generally there is a trend toward executive turnover in medium to large companies today. That is, corporate restructuring, privatization, and increased small business development providing for a younger more ambitious market in the executive and small business sector. Research indicates that this new generation of executives being more educated and aware of the global environment assesses and implements information to a much higher degree than past trends have indicated. This is exacerbated by the increase in competition in all industries making it necessary for individuals to have relevant information at their fingertips. Therefore with the emergence of this generation of individuals, the appreciation of quality information and business solutions/ recommendations that provide for and enables the company to grow, dictates that our service lines will be popular. The current drive by the government towards a more diversified economy presents an opportunity for our business to propel and excel in our intended markets, benefiting from the support of the concerned institutions and trade bodies. In addition with the country increasingly becoming an economic hub we foresee the demand for high quality information to be on the rise. Through undertaking of our business activities professionally we foresee that it should not be too difficult to gain market acceptance provided we deliver the final product timeously and of good quality, at competitive prices. Furthermore Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises are well recognized as a potentially important source of employment generation apart from the diversification that they inevitably result in. They in turn reflect the declining importance of centralized mass production, along with technical change, the growth of information technology and the growth of the service sector.
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Employment in Botswana by the type of Employer Government Large Employer Medium Employer Small Employer Micro Employer Source: BIDPA estimates 36% 32% 4% 14% 14%
Need actual charts? We recommend using LivePlan as the easiest way to create graphs for your own business plan. Create your own business plan
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12/09/2013 11:01 AM
Need actual charts? We recommend using LivePlan as the easiest way to create graphs for your own business plan. Create your own business plan
Sales Forecast
Year 1 Sales All services Other Total Sales Direct Cost of Sales All services Other Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $366,300 $0 $366,300 Year 1 $79,500 $0 $79,500 $612,000 $0 $612,000 Year 2 $117,000 $0 $117,000 $734,400 $0 $734,400 Year 3 $140,400 $0 $140,400 Year 2 Year 3
Need real financials? We recommend using LivePlan as the easiest way to create automatic financials for your own business plan. Create your own business plan
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12/09/2013 11:01 AM
Palms and Bonds will be competitively priced in relation to the dictates of the market. The pricing fits with the general positioning of Palms and Bonds as providing high-level quality expertise. We intend our income structure to match our cost structure, so as to ensure that the salaries/consultants fees we pay to assure good reports and service are balanced by the fee we charge. We will make sure that we charge for the service, workmanship and any delivery with our aim being to achieve a gross profit margin of at least 50%. Naturally services targeted at the higher end of the market will have higher mark ups as these clients are less price sensitive. All in all we intend our prices to be extremely competitive on the market. Consulting will be based on Pula per hour per project in the initial year for project consulting, market research, and retainer consulting. With time and as we become known on the market we foresee an increase in our consultancy fee -- tempered by market dictates. Market research reports should be competitively priced which will, of course, require that reports be very well planned, focusing on very important topics, and well presented.
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