Inverter 1
Inverter 1
Inverter 1
Home inverter is to provide uninterruptible power to run household electric devices. These are available in different voltage and load capacities. In the basic design of the inverter a DC (battery) source is connected to a transformer through the centre tap of the primary winding. A switch is rapidly switched back and forth to allow current to flow back to the battery following two alternate paths through one end of the primary winding and then the other. The alternation of the direction of current in the primary winding of the transformer produces alternating current (AC) in the secondary circuit. This will be !" #$$" %olt AC and can operate all the electric devices.
Efficiency of Inverter
The &uality of the output wave form ( !" volt AC) from the inverter determines its efficiency. The &uality of the inverter output wave form is e'pressed using (ourier analysis data to calculate the )Total *armonic Distortion+ (T*D). T*D is the s&uare root of the sum of the s&uares of the harmonic voltage divided by the fundamental voltage. THD = V2 2 + V3 2 + V4 2............. Vn 2 / V1
Types of Inverters
,ased on the output waveforms- there are three types of Inverters. These are .ine wave- /odified .ine wave and .&uare wave inverters.
Inverters providing modified sine wave can ade&uately power most house hold appliances. It is more economical but may present certain problems with appliances like microwave ovens- laser printers- digital clocks and some music systems. 556 of appliances run happily in modified sine wave. Instruments using .C7 (.ilicon Controlled 7ectifier) in the power
supply section behave badly with modified sine wave. The .C7 will consider the sharp corners of the sine wave as trashes and shut off the instrument. /any of the 8aser printers behave like this and fail to work in inverters and 90. providing modified sine wave power. /ost variable speed fans bu33 when used in modified sine wave inverters.
Sine wave
Square wave
.&uare wave voltage can be easily generated using a simple oscillator. :ith the help of a transformer- the generated s&uare wave voltage can be transformed into a value of !" volt AC or higher.
& 'ere Hour $&(% Amp>*our usually abbreviated as Ah is the Amps ' Time. Ah is the measure of battery capacity which determines the backup time of the inverter
Vo!t & 'ere $V&% It represents the ma'imum load capacity of the inverter. Commonly available inverters are 4"" A- ?"" %A- $""" %A$4"" %A etc.
(or e'ample if you wants to run @"" watts load on $ volt battery for ! hours- then the capacity of the battery should be minimum $"" Ah. &( = 444 / 12 1 3 = 144 &(. If the load increases (within the capacity of the inverter)- backup time reduces.
/urrent ,onsu 'tion in 1 Hour $in & 's% "."!-"."@"-"."B?-".$4 ".$$-".$B-". A-".@! "."$-". ".$>".@ ".@>> $>$.@ @.4>$4 ".B> $.@> .? @>@.4 .A>A.4 "."@>".$$
Compact (luorescent 8amp ( C(8) ,ulb (luorescent 8amp (an T% (ridge *eater %acuum cleaner /i'i :ashing /achine /icrowave Cven Table (an
?-$$-$?-!4 4-@"-A"-$"" "-@" 4>?" ?">@"" "">!"" $""">!""" $4">@"" !"">A"" ?"">$""" A"">$4"" $"> 4
Computer 8aptop 8aser 0rinter Ink Det 0rinter Electric Iron D%D A#C $*0 :ater 0ump F *0 *air Dryer /usic system
?">$4" ">4" $""">$4"" 4>4" @4">$""" ">4" $""">$4"" 4"">$""" $ "">$4"" ">@"
$>$.! "."5>". @.!>A.4 ".$$>". >! "."5>". @.!>A.4 .$B>@.! 4. >A.4 "."5>".$B
)ower /a!,u!ation
,efore purchasing an Inverter- it is necessary to calculate the power re&uirements of the loads that are going to be connected. /id si3e inverter (4""%A to ?"" %A) will handle most of the low power household appliances. If you wish to use (ans- Tube lights and $ T%- the total power consumption will be around !?" :atts. 0ower loss in the inverter is estimated as $.$4. .o the Inverter capacity should be at least !?"'$.$4. That is @!B %A. The suitable available si3e is 4"" %A. Inverter rating is usually given in %A (%olt Ampere). The backup time of the inverter depends on the type and capacity of the battery used. ,attery capacity is represented in Ah (Ampere hour). To power the whole house (say !""" watts)- more planning is necessary. A 4 <%A inverter is necessary in this case. ,ut obviously not every appliance will be )CG+ at the same time. .o a high capacity inverter is a good choice because- if the load increases above the rated capacity of the inverter- it can lead to ha3ardous results. The following chart will guide you to calculate the Inverter load.
Tota! 6o.................
Tota! #atts................
7or u!a 8 3atter+ /a'a,it+$ &(% Total watts ' ,attery voltage ' ,ackup hours re&uired
"nverter............... V&
.e ar*s
If a @ %olt inverter with @ volt battery is used- backup time can be doubled. ,ut the cost of the inverter and battery will be high compared to a $ volt inverter and $ volt battery.