Most Important Terms & Conditions For Usage of Resdex and Naukri Job Postings

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Most Important Terms & Conditions for Usage of Resdex and Naukri Job Postings

We thank ou for subs!ribing to Naukri"!om" #or uninterrupted ser$i!es% a superior user experien!e% and maintaining data se!urit % it is important that there is a stri!t adheren!e to the Terms and !onditions that go$ern usage of our ser$i!es" & a!!epting to Naukri"!om ser$i!es Usage Terms and !onditions ou are a!!epting to NOT use Naukri"!om Resdex database% Naukri Job Postings and ser$i!es in the fo''o(ing manner) *" +haring of Naukri"!om a!!ount (ith other Indi$idua's,-mp'o ers,P'a!ement .gen!ies /" +pam Mai' and unso'i!ited &u'k Mai' 0" Mass do(n'oad of Resumes 1" Job postings for purposes other than Re!ruitment 2" Paid Training 3" .sking Jobseekers for mone 4" 5up'i!ate 6obs on the (ebsite 7" .sking 6obseeker dire!t' ,indire!t' to register on an other Jobsite 8" Up'oading Inappropriate !ontent

1) Sharing





Individuals/Emplo ers/!lacement "gencies User cannot share his,her Naukri"!om a!!ount 'ogin and pass(ord detai's (ith an indi$idua' outside one9s o(n re!ruitment team" The same (i'' be of its,his,her a!!ount b ensuring that the treated as a $io'ation of our Terms & Conditions" The user is responsib'e for prote!ting the !onfidentia'it

pass(ords are kept in a se!ure en$ironment" The user is deemed to be responsib'e for a'' a!ti$ities% authori:ed or unauthori:ed% being !ondu!ted through its,his,her Naukri"!om a!!ount and the safet and se!urit of pass(ords" If there are reasons to suspe!t an

unauthori:ed use of its, his,her a!!ount or the possibi'it of pass(ord ha$ing been !ompromised% user agrees to immediate' notif Naukri"!om" #) Spam $ail and unsolicited %ulk $ail

User is expe!ted to N;T send an

non<re!ruitment re'ated emai's to a non< be !onsidered as

targeted user base" Non<adheren!e to the same ma

=spam=" +pam e<mai's% or !ommer!ia' e<mai's seeking monetar transa!tions% to 6obseekers (i'' be treated as a $io'ation of the Terms & Conditions and ma in$ite a!tion as deemed proper" &) $ass download of 'esumes

The fa!i'it to do(n'oad resumes is pro$ided as an aid to user9s re!ruitment a!ti$ities on' " .n mass do(n'oad of Resumes from the database using an kind of soft(are% or for non<re!ruitment re'ated purposes% (i'' be treated as a $io'ation of the Terms & Conditions" User is expe!ted N;T to share the do(n'oaded information,!onta!ts,resumes (ith an bod re!ruitment team" .n the user" outside user9s o(n su!h a!tion (i'' be !onsidered as a $io'ation of

Naukri"!om9s terms and !onditions and (i'' 'ead to appropriate a!tion against

() )o* postings for purposes other than 'ecruitment

>Naukri Job Postings? ha$e the so'e purpose of he'ping re!ruiters find !andidates (ith more re'e$an!e and high intent" @en!e% Naukri Job Postings are be used for on' Re!ruitment re'ated a!ti$ities" Use of Naukri Job Postings for an thing e'se ex!ept re!ruitment (i'' be treated as a $io'ation of Naukri"!om9s terms and !onditions"

+) !aid Training

Naukri Job Posting !an on'

be used to ad$ertise 6obs (hi!h are part<time or

fu''<time or free'an!ing a!ti$ities but N;T paid training programs" ,) "sking )o*seekers for mone

There shou'd not be an a!ti$it or referen!e for mone from the 6obseekers for an dire!t,indire!t fa$or or other(ise" .n su!h a!t of asking mone from 6obseekers (ou'd be !onsidered the $io'ation of Naukri"!om9s terms and !onditions"

-) .uplicate /o*s on the we*site

Re!ruiters shou'd N;T post an

6ob t(i!e resu'ting in the dup'i!ation of the

same on Naukri"!om" It is high' re!ommended to !he!k before posting a 6ob% the existen!e of the same a'read on the (ebsite" 0) "sking /o*seeker directl /indirectl

to register on an other )o*site other 6ob site other than

Naukri Job Posting !an N;T be used for dire!t,indire!t 6obseeker re<dire!tion and,or pro$iding information re'ated to an Naukri"!om

1) 2ploading Inappropriate/Improper 3ontent

The user sha'' NOT up'oad% post% transmit% pub'ish% or distribute an materia' or information that is un'a(fu'% or (hi!h ma potentia'' be per!ei$ed as being harmfu'% threatening% abusi$e% harassing% defamator % 'ibe'ous% $u'gar% obs!ene% or ra!ia'' % ethni!a'' % or other(ise ob6e!tionab'e,infringing"

P'ease note that the abo$e<said !onstitute the ma6or but not a'' prohibited uses of our ser$i!es" Aou are deemed to use our dis!retion to a$oid an ma'i!ious usage of Naukri"!om Resdex database and Naukri Job Posting that 'eads to an 'oss to Naukri"!om BInfo-dge India CimitedD Aour a!!eptan!e to these Most Important Terms and !onditions is not 'imited to on' the abo$e mentioned terms and !onditionsE but b a!!epting these Most Important Terms & Conditions ou are a'so a!!epting the detai'ed Terms & Conditions 'isted at Naukri"!om Website" Aou !an a'so read the 5etai'ed Terms and Conditions" Naukri"!om reser$es the right to in$estigate upon abo$e issues and take 'ega' a!tion against an one (ho $io'ates the Terms & Conditions" We 'ook for(ard to our !ooperation in adhering to the Terms & Conditions" re$enue

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