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Background It has been said that Barbie has been a cultural threat to Iran. This is because Barbie represents the American woman who never wants to get old or pregnant. She wears make up and indecent clothes, drinks champagne and has a boyfriend, Ken which is against Irans culture. Their solution for this simple problem is to create another doll, which is Sara. Whom was darker skin and black hair, and she wears the traditional floor-length chador and has no boyfriend. But Sara didnt push through it wasnt famous enough so they made another doll Leila who was envisioned to be about ten years old with black eyes and hair. She wears Western outfits as well as traditional dresses from the various Arab regions. In which, at the end Leila wasnt launched. I the US, Barbies competition also emerged. They introduced to Razanne doll for Muslim Americans. The creator claimed that the main message of the doll was what matters is whats inside you, not how you look. The Razanne doll has the body of the preteen and comes in three types: fair-skinned blonde, olive skinned with black hair, and black skin with black hair. She was wearing a modes outfit, some say it is a modern Muslim woman


Statement of the Problem: Barbie has been a cultural threat to Iran. This is because Barbie represents the American woman who had beliefs that of which was against Irans culture. The problem is how will Barbie be able to cope up with the different countries and their cultures without disrespecting them?


SWOT Analysis Strengths 1. The company that supplies Barbie has a wide range of dolls and accessories 2. Barbie itself is a big brand; global market leader in the toy industry Weaknesses 1. The company that produces Barbie doesnt cope up with the changes of the company 2. They are prohibited to sell in Iran 3. Week online presence

3. Top of the mind brand recall globally among young girls Opportunities 1. Barbie can sell for between $30 to $150 in various capitals of the Middle East. 2. They can have a joint venture with other doll or retail companies 3. Expansion with regard to creating another product line. Threats 1. Competition is arising fast low barrier to entry 2. Fulla is supported by television commercials that show her praying, reading a book and etc. 3. Cultural Indifferences what may not be good in our country may not be good with them. 4. Low switching cost - Changing taste of customer as far as dolls are concerned


Alternative Courses of Action Alternative course of action 1: Market Penetration Brand Extension They could create another line of products whereby a firm markets one or more new products under an already established and well-known brand name. The objective is to serve different customer needs or market segments while taking advantage of the widespread name recognition of the original brand. This is basically producing the same Barbie body but with different clothing lines


Cons: Alternative course of action 2: Market Penetration Use Adaptation If Coca Cola is using the adaptation strategy, Barbie could also do that by create social media campaigns and research on how the market is doing in each country, and what are their beliefs and culture. This is to know more about them and of course, respect the cultures of different countries



Alternative course of action 3: Market Development They could create another line of products whereby a firm markets one or more new products under an already established and well-known brand name. The objective is to serve different customer needs or market segments while taking advantage of the widespread name recognition of the original brand

Pros: Cons:


Relevance of the Case to the Chapter This case about banning Barbie in Iran lets us know that each country is different and that we should know more about their culture so we could respect them. This is an important study so we would know on what or how to adjust on a certain situation that will not affect the people.


Analysis & Implementation of Chosen Alternative

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