Port Rules and Regulations For Health Safety

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Page Gazette
No. No.
Transport, Department of
Government Notice
255 National Ports Act (12/2005): Ports Rules .................................................................................................................... . 3 31986
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3 STAATSKOERANT, 6 MAART 2009 No.31986
No. 255 6 March2009
I, Jeff Thamsanqa Radebe, Minister of Transport, hereby, in terms of section 80(2) of
the National Ports Act no 12 of 2005-, ,approve the rules made by the National Ports
Authority for the control, management of ports, the approaches thereto, for the
maintenance of safety and good order and the protection of the ports
These Port Rules are published for general information and compliance and will
come into operation on the date of publication,
....3: .... ...:.. ,.. ,
Minister of Transport
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notional ports
Port Rules
"The Authority may, with the approval of the
Minister, by notice in the Gazette, make rules for
the control and management of ports and the
approaches thereto and for the maintenance of
safety, security and good order in ports, ... "
National Ports Act No. 12 of 2005, Section 80 (2)
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PortRules in termsofthe National Ports Act No. 12 of200S"
IssuedintermsoftheNationalPortsAct,No. 12of2005,Section(80)(2)
1. Interpretation.......................................................................................................1
2. Purpose ...........................................................................................................6
3. Application...........................................................................................................6
4. Location ofresources............................................................................................6
5. Powers oftheHarbourMaster................................................................................7
6. Powers oftheAuthority.........................................................................................7
7. Compliance with theHarbourMaster'sand Authority's instructions............................8
8. Co-operation with otherauthorities........................................................................8
CHAPTER2: VESSEL MOVEMENTSANDRELATED MATTERS....."'............................8
PARTA: APPLICATION..........................................................................................8
9. Application ofthisChapterand Part B.....................................................................8
TOA PORT............,............" ........e' " .0: ........................... 9 1"
10. Functions oftheVTS with respecttotheapproaches to aport ..................................9
11. Nautical charts and publications relating to theVTS zone.......................................10
12. Trafficclearanceand communication withVTS......................................................10
13. Reporting totheVTS...........................................................................................11
14. Anchoring orsojourningofvessels with nuclearmaterial........................................13
15. Vessels may notbe unseaworthy............................................................"........... 13
PARTC: REQUIREMENTSfORENTERINGA PORT...............................................13
16. Permission toenteraport...................................................................................13
17. Notices in terms ofMerchantShipping (MaritimeSecurity) Regulations, 2004to be
copied tothe Authority........................................................................................14
18. Noticeofarrival..................................................................................................14
19. Proceduresto approach and enteraport ifthereare vessels in tow........................ 15
20. Noticeofweapons, explosivesand otherdangerousgoods on board....................... 16
21. Requirements forpassengervessels.....................................................................17
22. Listofpassengers and crew.................................................................................17
23. Nautical charts and publications relating to theport...............................................17
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PortRules in termsoftheNational Ports ActNo. 12of2005
24. Vessels to communicatewithVTS orPortControl..................................................17
25. Signals, flags and lights.......................................................................................17
26. Mooring plan......................................................................................................18
27. Weapons and explosives tobe locked upand disarmed..........................................18
PARTD: VESSELSWITHINAPORT......................................................................18
28. Mooringsand shoreconnections..........................................................................18
29. Vessels tohavesound and efficientmooring lines..................................................19
30. Permissiontoshiftortoimmobilisewithinaport...................................................19
31. Noticeofportmovements...................................................................................19
32. Signals, flags and lights.......................................................................................19
33. HarbourMastermay requirethemovementofavessel..........................................19
34. Explosivesand pyrotechnics.................................................................................19
35. VTS orPortControl.............................................................................................20
PARTE: DEPARTURE FROM A PORT....................................................................20
36. Permission toleaveaport...................................................................................20
37. Noticeofdeparture.............................................................................................20
38. Listofpassengers and crew.................................................................................20
39. Vessels tocommunicatewith VTS ........................................................................20
PARTF: PILOTSAND PILOTAGE..........................................................................20
40. Pilotage is compulsory unlessexemption is granted...............................................20
41. Pilotfsfunctions."...............................................................................................21
42. Licensing ofpilots...............................................................................................21
43. Masterremains in control ofavessel underpilotage..............................................22
44. Assistancetothepilot.........................................................................................22
45.> Pilotladders.......................................................................................................22
46. Helicoptervessel-shoreoperations.......................................................................22
47. Smallvessels......................................................................................................23
PARTH: GENERAL................................................................................................24
48. Compliance with laws, charts, schemes and directiveswith regard tovessel
49. Master'sauthoritynotaffected.............................................................................24
50. Vessels may notbe unseaworthy.........................................................................24
51. Assignmentofberths..........................................................................................25
52. Assignmentofmarineservices.............................................................................25
53. Vessels torig and stowgear................................................................................25
54. Lostanchors.......................................................................................................25
55. Making fasttonavigationalaids...........................................................................25
56. IncidentsintheapprOaches and within ports........................................................26
57. Damagetoproperty............................................................................................26
58. Financial securityfordamages caused..................................................................27
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PortRules in termsofthe National Ports Act No. 12of2005
59. Masterto produce vessel'spapers........................................................................27
60. Vesselsin need ofassistance...............................................................................27
61. Arrested vessels..................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 3: HEALTH AND SAFETY .........................................................................29
PART A: VESSEL SAFETY MEASURES ...................................................................29
62. The master is responsible forthe safetyofthevessel ............................................29
63. Conductofthecrew............................................................................................29
64. Fires and hotwork repairs on vessels ...................................................................29
65. Sparksand thelightingoffires.............................................................................29
66. Smoking on board vessels ...................................................................................30
67. Persons disembarking orembarking.....................................................................30
68. Gangways .........................................................................................................30
69. Enginetrials.......................................................................................................31
70. Loweringofboatsfrom vessels....................................,.......................................31
71. Vessel's handling materialorgear in port..............................................................31
72. Vessels may notbe moored norobstacles placed withinthewaterarea ofaport repair
facility .........................................................................................................32
PART B: GENERAL SAFETY MEASURES ................................................................32
73. Requirements forfire protection personnel............................................................32
74. The HarbourMastermay instructthatsafetymeasures be taken............................32
75. Heating ofsubstances..............................,..........................................................32
76. Smoking on theshore.........................................................................................32
77. The use ofportable radios orcellularphoneson the shore.....................................32
78. Occupational healthand safety legislation.............................................................33
79. Authority's written instructionswith regardtooccupational health and safety matters33
80. Personal protectiveequipment.............................................................................33
81. CloSing ofparts ofthe port..................................................................................33
82. Incidentsordamagetopropertyon theshore within ports.....................................33
83. Swimming, surfing, fishing, diving and watersports...............................................34
84. Animals .........................................................................................................34
CHAPTER 4: PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ................................................34
85. Prevention ofpollutionand protectionoftheenvironment......................................34
86. Depositofharmful matter, including oil, in aport..................................................35
87. Cleanlinessofthe quayside...............................................,..................................36
88. Ballastwater......................................................................................................36
89. Portwaste reception facilities...............................................................................36
90. Compliance with PortWaste ManagementPlan .....................................................36
91. Compliancewith Vessel Waste ManagementPlan..................................................37
92. Use ofportwaste reception facilities ....................................................................37
93. Dischargeordumpingin aportofsewage orresiduewateras aresultofhatch ortank
cleaning .........................................................................................................37
94. Removal ofvessels having offensivematteron board ............................................37
95. The emission offumes orsmoke..........................................................................37
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PortRules in termsoftheNational PortsActNo. 12 of2005
96. Protection ofanimals, birds, fish and plants..........................................................38
97. Burials .........................................................................................................38
PARTA: WORKINGOFVESSELS..........................................................................38
98. Working ofvessels may be refused ......................................................................38
99. Themasterorhisorherdelegateetosuperviseand to protectall persons duringthe
100. Prevention ofcargo andvessel's gear falling intoaport........................................38
101. Reporting aboutcargo and vessel's gearthathas fallen intotheport......................39
102. Recoveryofcargo orvessel's gearthathasfallen overboard..................................39
103. Mechanical handlingappliances............................................................................39
PARTB: HANDLINGOFDANGEROUSGOODS......................................................40
104. Compliance with otherlegislationand industryguidelines .......................................40
105. HarbourMaster'sdirectives relating todangerousgoods........................................40
106. Dangerousgoods landed in ISOcontainers...........................................................41
107. The needforalanding, delivery, forwarding orcontainerterminal order.................42
108. Copy ofpackingcertificateto be provided to theAuthority.....................................42
109. Explosivestandards ............................................................................................42
CONTAINERS............. II ........................................................" ........................... I 42
110. Surveycertificate forthecarriageofflammable liquid............................................42
111. Vessels tooperatewithdueregard tosafety, security and the protectionofthe
environment .......................................................................................................42
112. HarbourMaster's instructions...............................................................................43
113. Liability forcosts.................................................................................................43
ANDPENAL TIES......................................................................................................44
114. Appointmentof vesselagen!5..............................................................................44
115. Security to befurnished to theAuthority......................................................... ......44
116. Terminationofvessel agentsmandate.................................................................44
117. Portdues, fees and fines to be paid beforevessel departsfrom port.. .....................44
118. Manifestofcargo................................................................................................44
119. Outturn reports ..................................................................................................46
120. cancelling cargodocumentation...........................................................................46
121. cargodues.........................................................................................................47
122. Penalties .........................................................................................................47
CHAPTER6: PLEASURE VESSELS .............................................................. " ............41
123. Application ofthischapter...................................................................................47
124. Permission toapproach, enterinto, shiftwithinorleave aport...............................47
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125, Pleasurevessels tocomplywith applicable legislation............................................47
126. Pleasurevessels tomakeway..............................................................................47
127. Pleasure vessels tocommunicatewithVTS ...........................................................47
128. TheHarbourMaster's restrictionson pleasurevessels............................................47
129. Mooring onlyatplaces assigned by theHarbourMaster.........................................47
130. No anchoring ormooring inachannel navigable by avessel withoutHarbour
Master's permission.............................................................................................48
131. Pleasure vessels nottobe in contactwithvessels..................................................48
132. Damage toordisplacementofnavigationalaids....................................................48
133. Pleasure vessels in need ofassistance..................................................................49
134. Dischargeofsewage in a port..............................................................................49
135. Weaponsandexplosivestobe locked upand disarmed..........................................49
136. Permitsforapleasurevessel...............................................................................49
137. Visiting pleasurevessels......................................................................................50
138. Inspectionofpleasure vessels..............................................................................50
CHAPTER7: SECURITYANDACCESS.....................................................................50
139. TheAuthority is responsible forsecurity................................................................50
140. Security officersoperating in the port...................................................................50
141. Access permitsare required forentryintoaport...................................................51
142. Compliancewith theconditions ofanaccess permit...............................................52
143. Removal ofpersonsand motorvehiclesfromaport...............................................52
144. Firearms .........................................................................................................52
145. Entrypointsintoaport.......................................................................................53
146. Motorvehicles in aport.......................................................................................53
147. Rail trafficwithin portlimits.................................................................................54
CHAPTER8: UCENCESANDREGISTRATION.........................................................54
148. Activities tobe licensed orregistered....................................................................54
149. Activitiesrequiring licensing orregistration maynotbecarried outwithouta licenceor
150. Determination oflicences orregistration...............................................................54
151. SuspenSion, withdrawal orcancellation.................................................................55
CHAPTER9: GENERAL............................................................................................55
152. Port repairfacilities.............................................................................................55
153. TheAuthority's portrepair facilities......................................................................55
154. Hotworkpermit................................................................................................. ,55
155. Repairs ormaintenanceto avessel ......................................................................56
156. Inspectionsand searches ....................................................................................56
157. Fumigation ofvessels..........................................................................................57
158. Late orincompletenotices...................................................................................57
159. AdvertiSing.........................................................................................................57
160. Prohibitedactions...............................................................................................57
161. Dredging .........................................................................................................58
162. Declaration ofawharf .........................................................................................58
163. Breaking upand removal ofwrecks in aport.........................................................58
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Port Rules in terms ofthe National PortsAct No. 12 of2005
164. Informationto be furnished by portusers.............................................................58
165. Mannerin which time is to be specified.................................................................59
166. Changes in information to be reported..................................................................59
167. LiabilityoftheAuthority......................................................................................59
168. Observanceofotherlawsand conventions............................................................59
169. Offences .........................................................................................................59
170. Transitional arrangements...................................................................................59
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PortRules in termsoftheNationaIPortsAct No. 12 of2005
1. Interpretation
(1) Inthese rules, unlessthecontextindicatesotherwise-
(a) "Ad' meansthe National PortsAct No. 12of2005.
(b) "agent' refers to all representatives having commercial dealings with a vessel or its
cargo, unless the context indicates that it refers to a particular kind of agent, and
includesa vessels agent and a cargo agent
(c) "approaches to a port' means the VT.5 zone in respect ofeach port excluding the
portlimits, or, whereaportdoes nothavea VTS zone, the portlimits.
(d) "AuthoritY' means, subject to section 3 ofthe Act, the National Ports Authority of
South Africa orthe National Ports AuthorityLimited, as contemplated in section 4ofthe
(e) "cargd' means any cargo, goods, wares, merchandise, and articles of every kind
whatsoever, includinganimals, birds, fish, plants and containers, carried, orintendedto
becarried, by sea.
(f) "cargo agent' includes bothaclearing and forwarding agent.
(g) "certified chemist' means a person who holds a B. Sc degree in chemistry or a
recognised equivalent certificate, or who has successfully completed a specialised
course in Chemical Tanker or Oil Tanker Safety Training Program in accordance with
theSouth African Code ofMaritimeQualifications published by SAMSA, and who has at
least two years laboratory experience and specialised training in the testing of
atmospheres in vessels.
(h) "chart' meansthe latestvalid navigationalchartforsea navigation purposes.
(i) "Chief Fire Officer' means theChiefFireOfficerofthe Authorityorthe Municipal Fire
U) IIcontainer operator' means any person providing international transportation of
containerised goods, and approved by the CommissionerfortheSouth African Revenue
Service under section 96A ofthe Customs and Excise Act 91 of1964, as amended, for
operatingcontainersin the Republic.
(k) "customs' meanstheSouth African Revenue Service.
(I) IIdangerous goods' includes dangerous cargo and -
(i) goods classified in the [MDG Code, published by the International Maritime
Organisation, as amended fromtimetotime;
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PortRules in tennsofthe National PortsAct No. 12 of2005
(ii) substances listed in chapter 17 of the International Code for the Construction
and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code),
published by theInternational MaritimeOrganisation, as amended from time to
(iii) substances listed in chapter 19 of the International Code for the Construction
and EquipmentofShips Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code), published
bytheInternationalMaritimeOrganisation, as amended from timetotime;
(iv) oils as defined in Annex I ofthe International Convention forthe Prevention of
Pollution from Ships 1973, as modified by the 1978 Protocol, as amended from
(v) noxious liquid substancesas defined in Annex IIoftheInternational Convention
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973, as modified by the 1978
Protocol, as amendedfrom timetotime;
(vi) harmful substances as defined in Annex IIIofthe International Convention for
the Prevention ofPollution from Ships 1973, as modified by the 1978 Protocol,
as amended from timetotime; and
(vii) radioactive materials specified in the Code for the Safe Carriage ofIrradiated
Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-level Radioactive Wastes in Flasks on board
Ships (INF Code), published by the International Maritime Organisation, as
amended from time to time.
(m) "enteringport'means a vesselentering the port's limits.
(n) "enteringtheVTSzone'meansa vessel entering the VTSlimits.
(0) "foreignregulatedship'meansaforeign ship thatis-
(i) inSouth Africanwaters;
(ii) in, oris intendingtoproceed to, aportin theRepublic; and
(iii) a passengership, a cargo ship of 500 gross tonnage or more, or a mobile
offshoredrilling unit(otherthan aunitthatis attached to theseabed).
(p) "fire protection personnel' means fire protection personnel complying with the
requirementssetbytheAuthorityin termsofrule 73.
(q) "fishingvessermeans a vesselthat is used for the purpose ofcatching fish orother
living resources ofthe sea forfinancial gain orreward.
(r) "gangway'meansanyaccess between vessel and shoreand viceversa.
(s) "gas free' means that the tank, compartment or container has sufficient fresh air
introduced into itin ordertolowerthelevel ofany flammable, toxic orinert gas tothat
required forany purpose.
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Port Rules in terms oftheNational Ports Act No. 12 of2005
(t) "Harbour Master' means the employee of the Authority appointed for each port as
contemplated in section 74(3)oftheAct
(u) "hot worK' means work involving sources ofignition ortemperatures sufficiently high
to cause the ignition of a flammable gas mixture or combustibles. This includes any
work requiring theuse ofwelding, burning orsoldering equipment, blowtorches, some
power driven tools, portable electrical equipment, which is not intrinsically safe or
contained within an approved explosion proofhousing orinternalcombustion engines.
(v) "hot work permit' means adocument issued by the Authority permitting specific hot
work tobedone duringaspecifictimeinterval in adefined area.
(w) "IMDG Code' means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code adopted by
the Maritime SafetyCommitteeoftheInternational MaritimeOrganization by resolution
MSC.122 (75).
(x) "in contact' means the wilful physical contact or interaction occurring between a
vessel and a pleasure vessel that involves the movement of persons or goods orthe
provision ofservicestoorfromthe vessel.
(y) "industry guidelines" includes the industry reference works referred to in rule
1041(2), as amendedfromtimetotime.
(z) "IMO' meansInternational MaritimeOrganisation.
(aa) "length" refers tothelength overall (LOA) and means -
(i) in thecase ofaregistered vessel, the length shown in thecertificateofregistry;
(Ii) in the case ofavessel licensed in terms ofsection 68 ofthe Merchant Shipping
Act, 1951 (ActNo. 57 of1951),the length shown in thelicence.
(bb) "manoeuvre" means any vessel movement that may be detrimental to safe
naVigation, and includes -
(i) acompass adjustment;
(ii) thecalibration and servicing ofnavigational aids;
(iii) asea trial;
(iv) adredging operation; and
(v) the laying, picking up and servicing ofsubmarinecables.
(cc) "master' means any person, otherthan apilot, havingchargeorcommand ofa vessel
or pleasure vessel.
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Port Rules in tennsofthe National Ports Act No. 12 of2005
(dd) "motor vehicle' means a vehicle that is registered in terms of the National Road
TrafficActNo. 93 of1996.
(ee) "ISOcontainer' means a freight container with the specifications prescribed by the
International Organization forStandardisation.
(ff) "owner'means any person to whom a vesselor pleasure vesselorashare in a vessel
orpleasurevesselbelongsorany otherorganisation orperson, such as the manageror
charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the vessel or
pleasure vessel fromtheownerofthe vesselorpleasurevessel.
(gg) "passenger"meansany person carried in a vessel, except-
(i) a person employed or engaged in any capacity on board a vessel on the
business ofthe vesse"
(ii) a person on board the vesseleither in pursuance ofthe obligation laid upon the
master to carry shipwrecked, distressed or other persons or by reason of any
circumstance that neither the master nor the owner nor the charterer (ifany)
could have prevented; and
(iii) achild underoneyearofage.
(hh) "passengervessel'meansa vesselthatcarries morethan 12passengers.
(ii) "pleasurevessel' means a vessel, however propelled, that is used, or intended to be
used, solely for sports and recreation and that does not carry more than 12.
Uj) "port' means any ofthe ports as defined in section 1ordetermined in termsofsection
(kk) "PortSecurity Officer' means a person appointed by the Authority in a portto
implementand maintain theAuthoritysmaritimesecurity plan.
(II) "Republic'meansthe RepublicofSouth Africa.
(nn) "SAMSA" means the South African Maritime Safety Authority, established as ajuristic
person by virtue ofsection 2.(1) ofthe South African Maritime Safety Authority Act No.
(00)"security officer operating within a port' means a person designated by the
Authorityor operator within a portto implement and maintain the relevant maritime
security plan.
(pp) "shift'means the movement ofa vesselfrom one place in the port to another, and
"shifting"bears acorresponding meaning.
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Port Rules in termsofthe National Ports Act No. 12 of200S
(qq) \Ismail vessel' meansacommercial small vessel that:
(i) is registered in the Republic;
(H) lies in, is used in oroperates from aport, and
(iii) includes a tug, fishing vessel, launch, barge, lighter, rowing boat, skiboat,
sailing boat, yachtorsimilar vessel, ora hulkofany ofthevessels enumerated,
butexcludesapleasure vessel.
(rr) "tanker' means a vessel designed tocarryliquid cargo in bulk, including acombination
carrierbeingused forthis purpose.
(55) \I Tariff Book" means theTariffBook contemplated insection 72 oftheAct
(tt) "unseaworthy", used in relation to a vessel, has the same meaning as setout in the
MerchantShippingAct No. 57 of1951, read withthechanges required by the context,l
(uu) "vessel' means any water-navigable vessel or structure and includes a passenger
vessel, ship, seaplane, small vessel and a non-displacement vessel, but excludes a
pleasure v s s ~ to which PartBofChapter2applies.
(vv) "vessel agent' refers totheagentof the ownerofthe vessel.
(ww)"vessel in need of assistance' means a vessel in a situation, apart from one
requiring rescue ofpersons on board, thatcould give rise to the loss ofthe vessel oran
environmental ornavigational hazard. "Pleasure vessel in need ofassistance' has
acorresponding meaning.
(xx) "vrs' means the vessel traffic service of a port administered by the Authority in
respect ofa VTS zone.
11 The definitionof"unseaworthy' in theMerchantShipping Act57 of1951 is:
""unseaworthy", used in relation toavessel, meansthatshe
(a) is not in a fitstate as to the condition ofher hull, equipment or machinery, the stowage of her cargo or
ballast, or the number or qualifications of her master or crew, or in any other respect, to encounter the
ordinaryperils ofthe voyage upon which she is engagedorisaboutto enter; or
(b) does notcomply with the conditions ofassignmentto the extent.set forth in paragraph (q ofsection two
hundredandseven; or
(q is loaded beyondthe limitsallowed-
(I) by aload linecertificate issued in the Republic underthisAct; or
(ii) ifshe isaload line ship, registeredin acountryinwhich the Load Line Convention applies, by
arecognized non-SouthAfrican intemational loadlinecertificate; or
(iii) by a load line certificate to which a notice issued under section two hundred and eighteen
Provided that a safety convention ship not registered in the Republic, in respect ofwhich a recognized non-
South African safety convention certificate is produced, shall not be deemed unseawortfly, as regards the
condition ofher hull, equipmentormachinery, unless itappears, on the report ofasurveyor, that she cannot
proceed tosea withoutdangerto human life owing to the fact thatthe actual condition ofthe hull, equipment
ormachinerydoes notcorrespond substantiallywiththe particularsstated in thecertificate;"
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PortRules in termsofthe National PortsAct No. 12 of2005
(yy) "vessel traffic services zone" or "VTS zone" means the inshore vessel traffic
services zone in respectofaport as described in columns 1and 2ofAnnex 1.
(zz) "writing' includes electroniccommunicationssuch ase-mails, facsimiles andtelexes.
(2) Unless the context indicates otherwise, and except for the expressions defined in sub-rule
(nanyexpression used in these rules bears the same meaning assigned to itintheAct
2. Purpose
The purpose of these rules is to ensure the proper control and management ofports, the
regulation and control ofnavigation within the approaches to ports and the maintenance of
safety, securityand goodorderin ports and theprotectionoftheenvironment.
3. Application
These rules applytothe ports ofRichards Bay, Durban, EastLondon, Ngqura, PortElizabeth,
Mossel Bay, capeTown, Saldanha Bay and PortNolloth and toanyotherport thathas been
determinedto beaport in terms ofsection 10(2)oftheAct
4. locationofresources
The following documentsmayeitherbe found on thewebsite ofthe Authority orothelWise
obtainedfrom theAuthority:
(a) BallastWaterManagementPlan;
(b) Local Contingency Plan;
(c) National ContingencyPlan;
Cd) PortContingency Plan;
(e) Tariff Booki
(f) TrafficSeparationScheme;
(g) VT.S'charts; and
(h) PortWaste ManagementPlan.
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PortRules in termsofthe National Ports Act No. 12 of2005
5. PowersoftheHarbour Master
(1) Ifa matter falls within the HarbourMastersfunctions as specified in section 74(3) ofthe
Ad,then the HarbourMastermay -
(a) give written or verbal instructions in accordance with the HarbourMastels powers as
setoutin section 74(3)oftheAct;
(b) permit a vessel to follow a procedure or practice other than that required by these
rules, if he or she is satisfied that the other procedure or practice is as safe as that
required by the relevant rule and is in the interests ofsecurity, good order, protection
oftheenvironmentand theeffectiveand efficientworking ofthe pott.
(2) Contravention ofaprocedure or practice substituted pursuant to sub-rule (l)(b) is deemed
toconstituteacontravention ofthe procedureorpracticerequired bytherelevantrule.
6. PowersoftheAuthority
(1) The Authoritymay give written or verbal instructions in accordance with the Authorit;!s
powers and functions as set out in the Act ifthe matter does not fall within the Harbour
Mastersfunctionsas specified in rule 5.
(2) The Authoritymay permitaperson tofollow aprocedure orpracticeotherthan thatrequired
by these rules in respect ofmatters thatdo notfall within the HarbourMastels functions as
specified in rule 5, ifthe Authorityis satisfied thatthe other procedure orpractice is as safe
as thatrequired by therelevant ruleand is in theinterestsofsecurity, good order, protection
oftheenvironmentand the effectiveand efficientworking ofthepott.
(3) Contravention ofa procedure or practice substituted pursuant to sub-rule (2) is deemed to
constituteacontravention ofthe procedureorpracticerequired by therelevant rule.
2 Interms ofsection 74(3) ofthe AGt-
(a) the HarbourMasteris, in respect ofthe port forwhich he orshe is appointed, the final authority in respect
of all matters relating to pilotage, navigation, navigational aids, dredging and all other matters relating to
the movementofvessels withinportlimits;
(b) for the purposes of paragraph (2), the HarbourMaster may give written or verbal instructions as may
reasonably be necessary for-
(i) promoting or securing conditions conducive to the ease, convenience orsafety ofnavigation in
(ii) regulating the movementormooringand unmooringofavessel In the port;
(iii) controlling the manner in which cargo, fuel, water or ship's stores are taken on, discharged or
(iv) regUlating the removal or disposal of any residues and mixtures containing oil or noxious liquid
substances, sewage and garbage from vessels in a port and requiring any such matter to be
deposited in reception facilities in the port;
(v) thedetention ofavessel reasonably suspected ofcausing oil pollution and ensuring thatthe total
costofthe pollutionclean-upoperation is recovered, oracceptable guaranteesare provided, prior
tothe vessel beinggiven permission to leavetheport; and
(vi) carrying intoeffectthe provisionsoftheAd:
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7. CompliancewiththeHarbour Masters and Authority's instructions
All persons must comply with the instructions ofthe Harbour Master in respect ofall matters
referred to in rule 5and the instructionsoftheAuthority in respect ofall matters referred to
in rule6(1).
8. Co-operationwithotherauthorities
(1) Interms ofsection 84 oftheAct; theAuthority may enterintoco-operation agreements with
immigration, customs, law enforcement and any other authorities required to perform a
function withinaport.
(2) The co-operation agreement-
(a) must afford the authorities referred to in sub-rule (1) every facility reasonably
necessary, subject to such compensation as may be agreed between the Authority and
the otherauthorities, or failing an agreement, such compensation as the Minister may
(b) must regulate the operational relationship between the Authority and the other
authorities referred to in sub-rule (1); and
(c) may vary these rules for or exempt the authorities referred to in sub-rule (1) from
complying with one ormore ofthese rules, provided thatthe co-operation agreement
puts in placeadequatemeasuresthatensuresafetyand thatthese measures arein the
interests ofsecurity, good order, protection ofthe environment and the effective and
9. ApplicationofthisChapterandPartB
(1) Parts CtoGofthis chapterapply to vessels, butdo notapplytopleasure vessels.
(2) Subjecttosub-rule(3), PartBofthis chapterappliesto-
(a) the approaches to a port wherethere is adefined VTS zone;
(b) vessels and pleasure vesselsof 15 metresormorein lengtlr,
(c) vessels and pleasure vessels engaged in towing orpushing any vessel, pleasure vessel
orobject, otherthan fishing gear, where
(i) the combined length ofthe vessel or pleasure vessel and any vessel, pleasure
vessel orobjecttowed or pushed by the vessel orpleasure vessel is 30 metres
ormore in length; or
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(ii) the length ofthe vessel, pleasure vessel or object being towed or pushed is 15
metres or more in lengtlr,
(d) passenger vessels; and
(e) a vessel carrying dangerous goods.
(3) Part Bofthis chapterdoes notapplyto-
(a) vessels exempted from the provisions ofthe MarineTrafficAct No.2of1981 by virtue
of regulation 2 of the Marine Traffic Regulations, 1981, published by Government
Notice No. R. 194of1February 1985
; or
(b) fishing vessels oflessthan 24 metres in length.
10. Functionsofthevrswith respecttotheapproaches to a port
With respect to any vessel about to enter or within a VTS zone and for the purpose of
promotingsafeand efficientnavigation, the VTS may
(a) giveatrafficclearancetoa vesselto enter, leave or proceedwithin a VTS zone;
(b) directthe master, pilotorperson in chargeofthebridgewatch ofthe vesselto provide
relevant information in respectofthat vessel,
(c) directthe vesselto use specificradio frequencies in communicationswithcoaststations
or other vessels;
(d) advise the vessel of-
(i) the non-availabilityofaberth required forthe vessel,
(li) pollutionor reasonable apprehension ofpollution in the VTS zone;
(iii) the proximity of animals whose well-being could be endangered by the
movementofthe vessel,
(iv) any obstructionorhazard to navigation in the VTS zone;
(v) the proximityofa vessel in apparentdifficultyorpresenting apollutionthreator
otherhazard to lifeor property;
3 Interms of regulation 2 of the MarineTraffic Regulations, 1981, warships, submarines or other underwater vehicles
present in the territorial waters and which constitute or form part of a visiting force as defined in section 1 of the
Defence ActNo. 44 of1957 areexemptedfromtheprovisionsoftheMarineTrafficActNo.2of1981.
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(vi) the proximity of a vessel navigating in an unsafe manner or with improperly
functioning equipment or radio equipment, or without charts or publications
required by these rules orany otherlaw; or
(vii) vessel traffic congestion that constitutes an unacceptable risk to shipping, the
publicortheenvironment; and
(e) in the light of one of more of the conditions referred to in sub-rule (d), direct the
v s s ~
(0 to leavea VTS zone;
(ii) to leaveorrefrain from enteringan area withina VTS zone; or
(iii) to proceed to orremain atalocationwithina VTS zone.
11. Nautical charts and publicationsrelatingtotheVTSzone
The master ofa vessel mustensure, before the vessel entersorproceeds within a VTS zone,
thatithas on board the latesteditionsofthenautical charts relating to that VTS zone.
12. Trafficclearanceand communicationwithVTS
(1) Subjectto sub-rules (4)and (6), no vessel may-
(a) enter, leave or proceed within a VTS zone without having previously obtained atraffic
clearance as envisaged by rule ID(a); or
(b) proceed within a VTS zone unlessabletomaintaindirectcommunicationwith theports
VTSin accordancewithsub-rule(2)(b).
(2) The master ofa vessel mustensurethat-
(a) before the vessel enters a VTS zone, its radio equipment is capable of receiving and
transmitting radio communications on the channel and radio frequency published by
the South African Navy Hydrographic Office or other recognised international
hydrographicpublications; and
(b) . where the vessel is in a VTS zone, a continuous listening watch is maintained on the
channel and radio frequency referred to in sub-rule (2)(a) on the radio equipment
(i) atany place on the vessel, when the vessel is at anchor or moored to a buoy;
(ii) in thevicinity ofthe vessels conning position, when the vesselis under way.
(3) The listeningwatch to the port's VTS referred to in sub-rule(2)may be suspended ifthe VTS
directs the vessel to communicate with coast stations and other vessels on a different
channel and radio frequency.
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(4) The master ofa vessel may proceed on his or her route, ifthe v s s ~ for any reason other
than thefailureofshipboard radio equipment
(a) is unable to obtain a clearance required by sub-rule (l)(a) by reason of inability to
establish directcommunication withtheVTS; or
(b) afterreceiving aclearance, is unabletomaintain directcommunicationwiththe VT5.
(5) The master ofthe vessel referred to in sub-rule (4) must take all reasonable measures to
communicatewiththe VTS as soon as possible.
(6) The master ofa vessel may notproceed on his or her route, ifthe v s s ~ due to the failure
ofshipboard radio equipment-
(a) is unable to obtain a clearance required by sub-rule (l)(a) by reason of inability to
establish directcommunication with the VT.5; or
(b) afterreceiving aclearance, is unableto maintaindirectcommunication with the VT.5".
(7) The master ofthe vessel referred to in sub-rule (6) must take all reasonable measures to
repairthe radio equipment, broadcasttheposition ofthe vessel and reporttheoccurrenceto
the VTS as soon as possible.
13. Reporting totheVTS
(1) The master ofa vessel mustensure thatareport is madeto the VT.5"-
(a) atleast 15 minutes beforethe vessel-
(i) enters a VTS zone, except where the vessel has been given atraffic clearance
underrule 12(1)(a); or
(ii) commences a manoeuvre in a VTS zone that may be detrimental to safe
(b) as soon as practicable after the vessel arrives at an anchorage or mooring buoy in a
(c) at least five minutes before commencing amanoeuvre in a VT.5" zone during which the
vesselleaves an anchorageormooring buoy and getssafely underway;
(d) whenthe vessel arrivesata VT.5"reporting pOintas described on the charts,
(e) as soon as practicable after the vessel commences a manoeuvre in a VT.5" zone that
may be detrimentaltosafe navigation; and
(f) immediately after the vessel gets safely under way after leaving an anchorage or
mooringbuoyin aVTS zone.
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(2) The contents ofthe reports required in sub-rule (1) must specify the issues set out in the
third column ofthetablebelow:
Item Nature of the Report
1 Rule 13(l)(a)(i) - At least 15
minutes before the vesselenters a

VT.5' zone, except where the ship

has been given atrafficclearance
underrule 12(1)(1)(a).

2 Rule 13(l)(a)(ii) - At least 15.

minutes before the vessel
commences a manoeuvre in a
VT.5'zonethatmay bedetrimental
tosafe navigation.
3 Rule 13(l)(b) - As soon as
practicable afterthe vesselarrives
atan anchorage or mooring buoy
in a VT.5'zone.
4 Rule 13(1)(c) - At least five.
minutes before commencing a
manoeuvre in a VTS zone during
which the vessel leaves an
anchorage or mooring buoy and
gets safely underway.

5 Rule 13(l)(d) - When the vessel

Report to specify
The nameofthe vessel,
The radio call sign ofthe vessel,
The positionofthe vessel,
The estimated time that the vessel will enter
the VT.5'zone;
The destination ofthe vessel,
The estimated timethatthe vesselwill arrive at
itsdestination; and
Whether any dangerous goods are carried on
board the vessel or the vesselbeing towed or
pushed by the vessel.
The position ofthe vessel, and
The manoeuvre that the vessel is about to
The name ofthe vessel, and
The position ofthe vessel.
The nameofthe vessel,
The radio call sign ofthe vessel,
The position ofthe vessel,
The estimated time that the vesselwill depart
theanchorage ormooring buoy;
Thedestination ofthe vesselin the port;
The estimated timethatthe vesselwill arrive at
itsdestination; and
Whetheranyharmful substance cargois carried
on board the vesselor any vesselbeing towed
or pushed bythe vessel.
The nameofthe vessel,
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PortRules in t:enns ofthe National PortsAct No. 12. of2.005
arrives ata VT.S" reporting pointas The position of the vesseland the number of
described on the charts. the reporting pointon the charts, and
! Rule 13(1)(f)- Immediately after The estimated timethatthe vesselwill arrive at
,the vessel gets safely under way the next location where a report is required by
after leaving an anchorage or these regulationsto be made.
mooring buoy in a VTSzone.
6 u l e 13(1)(e) - As soon as Description ofthe manoeuvre.
practicable after the vessel
commences a manoeuvre in a
VT.S"zonethatmay be detrimental
~ tosafe navigation. ___
~ J
14. Anchoringorsojourningofvesselswithnuclearmaterial
No vesselpropelled by nuclearpowerorwhich has on board any radioactive material capable
of causing nuclear damage may anchor or sojourn in the approaches to a portwithout a
nuclearvessel licence issued by theChief Executive Officerofthe National Nuclear Regulator
in terms ofsection 21(2) ofthe National NuclearRegulatorAct No. 47 of1999.
15. Vessels maynotbe unseaworthy
For the purpose of promoting safe and efficient navigation, the provisions of rule 50, read
with thechanges required by thecontext, apply to vessel; within the approachestoaport.
16. Permissiontoenteraport
(1) No vessel may enter a portwithout the permission of the HarbourMaster. The Harbour
Mastermay grant, refuse, withdraworamend thepermission.
(2) No vesselpropelled by nuclearpowerorwhich has on board any radioactive material capable
ofcausing nuclear damage may enter aportwithout a nuclear vessel licence issued by the
4Section 21(2)oftheNational NuclearRegulatorAct No. 47 of1999states thefollowing:
"Anyperson wishingto-
Ca) Anchororsojourn in theterritorial waters ofthe Republic, or
Cb) Enterany portin theRepublic,
With a vessel which is propelled by nuclear power or which has on board any radioactive material capable of
causing nuclear damage may apply to the chief executive officer [of the National Nuclear Regulator] for a
nuclearvessel licenceandmustfurnishsuch information as the board requires."
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Chief Executive Officer ofthe National Nuclear Regulator in terms of section 21(2) ofthe
NationalNuclearRegulatorActNo. 47 of1999.
17. Notices in terms ofMerchant Shipping (Maritime Security) Regulations, 2004to
be copiedtotheAuthority
At least 96 hours before the arrival in aportofa foreign regulatedship, the owner, master
oragentofthatvessel mustsend to the Authorityacopyoftheship's pre-arrival information
that was sent to the South African authorities in terms of regulation 86 of the Merchant
Shipping (MaritimeSecurity) Regulations, 2004.
18. Noticeofarrival
(1) The owner, masteroragentofa vesselmustgive atleast 72 hours notice in writingofthe
arrival ofa vesselataporttothe HarbourMasterofthatport.
(2) The noticemustinclude-
(a) theexpecteddateand time ofarrival ofthe vessel,
(b) the name and type ofthe vessel, call sign, portofregistrationand flag;
(c) the purpose ofthecall attheport,
(d) the vessel's draught (both fore and aft), deadweight, length overall, freeboard and
(e) the nameand contactdetailsofthe agentrepresenting the vessel,
(f) whetherthe vesseliscompliantwiththeInternationalSafetyManagement(ISM) Code;
(g) the vessel'SIMOnumber;
5 See footnote4.
6 Regulation 86 ofthe MerchantShipping (Maritime Security) Regulations, 2004 statesthefollowing:
"(1) The master ofa foreign regulatedship, or a ship intending to enter South African waters that would, once it
had done so, be a foreign regulated ship, must provide pre-arrival information in accordance with the
requirementsdetermined in writingbythe Director-General.
(2)Withoutlimitingsubregulation (1), the Director-General maydetermine
(a) The person orpersonstowhom pre-arrival information mustbegiven;
(b) The circumstancesin which pre-arrival informationmustbegiven; and
(c) Theformand mannerinwhich pre-arrival information mustbegiven.
(3) Pre-arrival informationis informationthat-
(a) Mustbe provided bytheshipbeforetheshipentersoneormoreofthefollowing:
(i) South African waters;
(ii) Asecurityregulated port;
(iii) Aportthatisnotasecurityregulated port;and
(b) Isofa kind thatcan be requested, under Xl-2/g ofthe Safety Convention, by aport state from a foreign
flagged ship.
(4) Ifthemasterofashipcontravenessubregulation (1), the masterorthe ship operatorfortheship may be given
acontroldirection underDivision 2ofthisPart."
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(h) thepottwherethe vesselpaid orintendsto pay its lightdues;
(i) the vessel's lastand nextportsofcall;
(j) conditionsthatmay cause the vesselto be unseawotthy,
(k) thequantityofbunkers on board, and the vessel's bunkerand otherrequirements;
(I) whetherthe vesselwitl bebunkering by bargeorby pipeline;
(m) any nuclear installations, radio-active ortoxic material orwaste, explosives, flammable
liquidsorotherdangerousgoodson board, in accordancewith Rule 20;
(n) the natureand quantityofcargoto be shipped, landed ortranshipped;
(0) any othermatter, including stowaways on board, which mayaffectthesafety, security,
good orderand the protection oftheenvironmentin theport;
(p) thecrewcomplementon the vessel,
(q) whetherthe vesselis engaged in atowageorsalvage service; and
(r) whetherthe vesselhas one or more vessels in towand the particulars ofthese vessels,
as required by rule 19.
19. Procedurestoapproachandentera portif therearevesselsintow
(1) Ifthe vesselintending to enter a potthas one or more vessels in tow, then the notice of
arrival referred to in rule 18 mustdisclose
(a) the number of vessels being towed and the total length of the tow, which is the
distancefromthe forepartofthetowing vesselto theafter-partofthelast vesselunder
(b) themethod oftowing;
(c) whetherthetowing vesselorany vesselbeing towed is unseawotthy,
(d) whetherauxiliary poweris available on the vesselor vessels undertow;
(e) ifauxiliary power is available on the vesselor vessels under tow, the extent ofthe
power availableand whether itis sufficientfor working the main engine, steering gear,
deck machinery and lowering or heaving the anchors of the vesselor vessels under
(f) thecrewcomplementon board the towing vesselandthevesselundertow;
(g) whether any ofthe vessels in tow are tankelS, and ifso, whether the tankelS are gas
(h) whatquantityoffuel and lubricatingoil is on board the towing vessel,
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(i) what quantity and type of fuel and lubricating oil is on board any vessel in tow and
where such fuel and oil is located;
(j) whatmeansofradiocommunication is availabletothemaster ofthetowing vesse"
(k) whetherthe vessel or vessel:. in tow can be disconnected and handed overto another
tugatsea; and
(I) any otherdetails which may affect the safety, security, good order and the protection
oftheenvironment in the port.
(2) Unless the Harbour Master directs otherwise, the towing vessel and the vesselor vessel:. in
tow must request the Harbour Master for permission to enter the port at a position no
closerthan 12 nautical miles toseaward.
(3) Unless the Harbour Master directs otherwise, a vessel engaged in atowage or a salvage
service may notenter the VT.5' zone.
20. Noticeofweapons,explosivesandotherdangerous goodson board
(1) The owner, master or agent ofa vessel having any radio-active or toxic material or waste,
weapons, explosives, flammable liquids or other dangerous goods on board must give the
Harbour Master and the terminal operator full written particulars of these items at least 72
hours before thearrival ofthe vessel attheport.
(2) The particulars must include
(a) the items'correcttechnical name;
(b) the UN number;
(c) the netexplosivequantityand mass ofthe cargo;
(d) the class of the dangerous goods, as specified by the categories listed in the IMDG
(e) the typeofpackaging used; forexample, drums, containers orbulk;
(f) the nature of any weapons on board the vessel and the purpose for which they are
kept on board;7
(g) copies ofany permits or licences in respect ofthe weapons, explosives or dangerous
goods thatwere issued in termsofanyapplicablelegislation;
(h) any otherinformation relevanttothe maintenanceofthesafety, security, good orderof
theport and theprotection oftheenvironment; and
(i) in the case of a vessel propelled by nuclear power or which has on board any
radioactive material capable of causing nuclear damage, a nuclear vessel licence in
termsofsection 21(2) ofthe National Nuclear RegulatorAct No. 47 of1999.
(3) The Harbour Master may shortenthe 72-hourperiod specified in sub-rule(1).
7 See rule 27.
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21. Requirementsforpassengervessel 5
(1) Apassenger vesselcalling atany portmust hold relevant and valid passengervessel safety
certificatesin accordancewith the SafetyofLife atSea Convention 1974, as amended.
(2) The total complement ofpassenge/S may notexceed thetotal numberofpassenge/S allowed
tovoyage on board a ves-selaccording tothecertificates described in sub-rule(1).
22. Listofpassengersandcrew
(1) At least 24 hours before the arrival ofthe vesselin the pan; the vessel's ownet; masteror
agentmust submit to the Authority, and where applicable to the terminal operator, a list of
the passengelS and crewfordisembarkation.
(2) The Authoritymay shorten the24-hour period specified in sub-rule(1).
23. Nauticalchartsandpublicationsrelatingtotheport
The master ofa vesselmustensure, beforethe vesselentersor proceeds within aport, that
it has on board the latesteditionsofthe nautical chartsand publicationsrelating to thatport
and theTrafficSeparation Scheme applicabletotheport where oneexists.
24. VesselstocommunicatewithVTSorPortControl
(1) Vessel.:; must comply with all traffic directives issued by the ports VTS or, where the port
does notoperatea VTS; the PortControl.
(2) A vessel must communicate to V7S or, where the portdoes not operate a vr.s; the Port
Control, itsarrival atthereporting pointsindicated on the chartforthatport.
2S. Signa/sfflagsandlights
When entering aporta vesselmustdisplay -
(a) itsnational colours;
(b) theflag ofthe Republic,
(c) ifapplicable, asignal indicating thatapilotis on board (internationalcode flag"H");
(d) iffree pratique has notbeen granted, aquarantineflag (internationalcode flag "Q");
(e) ifimmigration officialsare required (internationalcodeflag "I");
(f) ifthere are dangerousgoodson board
international code flag "8" by day and a red
lightby night; and
(g) anyothersignal theHarbourMasterrequires.
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26. Mooringplan
(1) The Harbour Master may direct that a mooring plan be furnished to the Harbour Master
beforetheentryofa vessel intotheport
(2) Ifa plan is not furnished as directed, orthe plan is, in the opinion ofthe Harbour Master,
inadequate, theHarbour Master mayrefuse permission forthe vesselto entertheport
(3) Ifthe Harbour Master is ofthe opinion thattheplan is inadequate, the Harbour Master will
provide reasons forthatopinion.
27. Weaponsandexplosivestobelockedupanddisarmed
(1) Unless the Harbour Master directs in writing otherwise, before a vessel, other than a South
African naval vessel, enters a port, the master ofthe vessel must ensure thatall weapons
and explosives on board the vessel, irrespective ofwhether or not they are intended for
importortranSit, are locked up in asecure place such as agun safe and aredisarmed.
(2) Ifthe weapons or explosives are to be imported into ortransported through the Republic,
then theownerormasterofthevessel mustcomply withsection 73 ofthe Firearms Control
ActNo. 60 of2000.
28. Mooringsandshoreconnections
(1) A vessel withinaport mustatalltimesand tothesatisfaction oftheHarbour Master-
(a) have sufficient hands on board to attend to its moorings, gangways and other shore
connections; and
(b) deal with its moorings, gangways and other shore connections so as to ensure the
safetyand securityofthe vessel.
(2) No rope may be made fast except to the dolphins, buoys, mooring posts and bolfards that
aredeSignated forthatpurpose.
(3) No wire rope may be used, unless the bollards and the edging ofthecoping ofthewharfor
jettyare protected tothesatisfaction ofthe Harbour Master fromchafe.
(4) Chain cables may not be used for mooring, except with the permission of the Harbour
sSection 73ofthe FirearmsControlActNo. 60 of2000:
"(1) No person may import into orexport from South Africa any firearms orammunition without an import or
exportpermitissuedin terms ofthisAct.
(2)No person maycarryintransitthrough South Africa any firearmsorammunition withoutan in-transitpermit
issued in termsofthisAct."
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29. Vesselstohavesoundandefficientmooringlines
(1) A vessel must have sound and efficient mooring lines when it moors in a portso that it
(2) Ifthe vesseldoes not have sound and efficient mooring lines on board, then the vessel's
agentmust see to itthatmooring lines ofthis natureare provided to the vesselatthe time
(3) The HarbourMastermaydirecta vesselthatdoes nothavesound and efficientmooring lines
to obtainthem beforethe vesselis moored.
(4) No mooring linemay be castoff, unless the HarbourMasterdirectsorauthorises this.
30. Permissiontoshiftortoimmobilisewithinaport
(1) No vessel may shift within a port without the permission of the Harbour Master. The
HarbourMastermay grant, refuse, withdraworamend thepermission.
(2) While within aport, no vesselmay be immobilised withoutthepriorwritten permission ofthe
Harbour Master. The Harbour Master may grant permission for the immobilisation of a
vessel, subject to whatever conditions he or she prescribes in the interests of safety,
security, the efficiencyand good orderoftheportand theprotectionoftheenvironment.
31. Noticeofportmovements
(1) The terminal operator, masteroragentofa giveatleastfourhours noticeto the
HarbourMasterofthetimethe ves:selwill be ready to shiftwithin aport.
(2) The terminal operator, masteror agentofthe vesselmust confirm this notice no less than
twohoursbeforethemovementtakes place.
(3) The HarbourMastermay varythenoticeperiodssetout in sub-rules (1) and (2).
32. Signals,flagsandlights
When alongside a quay or jetty or moving within aport, a vesselmust display the Signals,
flags and lights required by the HarbourMaster.
33. HarbourMaster mayrequirethemovementofavessel
The HarbourMastermay, in the interest of safety, security, good order and the efficient
working ofthe port, or the protection ofthe environment, require a vesselto shiftfrom a
berth to another partofthe port. The costs ofthis movement will be for the masterofthe
vessel, unless otherwise agreed.
34. Explosivesandpyrotechnics
(1) No explosives orpyrotechnic signals may be used within aport, unless a vesselis in distress
orthe HarbourMasterpermits otherwise.
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(2) The HarbourMastermay impose any conditions upon the use ofexplosives or pyrotechnic
signals in theinterests ofsafety, security, goodorderand theprotectionoftheenvironment.
35. VTSorPortControl
While in aport, vessef::, mustcomplywith all thetrafficdirectivesoftheports VT.S'or, where
theport does notoperatea vr.s; thePortControl.
36. Permissiontoleaveaport
No vessel may leave a portwithout the permission of the HarbourMaster. The Harbour
Mastermay grant, refuse, withdraworamend thepermission.
37. Noticeofdeparture
(1) Theterminaloperator, masteroragentofa ve.s:S'elmust giveatleastfour hours noticetothe
HarbourMasterofthetimethatthe vesselwill be ready to departfrom theport.
(2) The terminal operator, masteror agentofthe vesselmust confirm this notice no less than
two hours beforethedeparture is totake place.
(3) The HarbourMastermayvarythe noticeperiodssetoutin sub-rules(1)and (2).
38. Ustofpassenge/Sandcrew
(1) Atleast24 hours before the departure ofthe vesselin theport, the vessel's owner, master
oragentmust submitto the Authority; and whereapplicable, theterminal operator, a list of
thepassenge/Sand crewforembarkation.
(2) The Authoritymay shorten the24-hourperiod specified in sub-rule(1).
39. VesselstocommunicatewithVTS
(1) Vessef::, must comply with all traffic directives issued by VT.S' or, where the portdoes not
operatea vr.s; thePortControl.
(2) A vesselmust communicate to VT.S' or, where the portdoes not operate a vrs; the Port
itsdepartureatthereporting pointindicatedon the chartforthatport.
40. Pilotageiscompulsoryunlessexemptionisgranted
(1) Pilotage is compulsoryfor ve.S'selsentering, departingfromormoving within aport.
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(2) Ifthe Harbour Master is satisfied that the master ofa vessel is competent to navigate the
vessel safely within port limitswithoutassistanceofapilot, then theHarbour Master may
(a) grant permission in writing to the master to navigate the vessel withoutthe assistance
ofapiloton aspecified occasion; or
(b) grantto the master standing permission in the form ofapilotage exemption licence to
navigate the vessel withouttheassistance ofapilotduring the period ofvalidity ofthe
(3) The Harbour Master may suspend or cancel a pilotage exemption licence if it is in the
interestsofsafety, security, good orderand the protectionoftheenvironment.
41. Pilot's functions
Intermsofsections 75(3) to (5) oftheAct-
(a) the pilot's function is to navigate a vessel in the port; to direct its movements and to
determineand control themovements ofthe tugsassistingthe vessel underpilotage;
(b) the pilotmustdeterminethenumberoftugs required for pilotage with the concurrence
ofthe master ofthe vesse"
(c) in the event of a disagreement between the pilot and the master of the vessel
regarding the numberoftugstobeused, the Harbour Master takes thefinal decision.
42. licensing of pilots
(1) Intermsofsection 77(1) oftheAct,; no person mayperform thefunctions ofapilotin aport
(a) SAMSA hascertified theperson; and
(b) theAuthority hasissued the person withalicencetoperform these functions.
(2) TheAuthority may -
(a) determinethemannerin which applicationsforlicencesareassessed and decided;
(b) subject to the provisions ofthe Act; the requirements set by the Minister ofTransport
and these rules, determinethe termsand conditionsofthelicence;
(c) imposeconditions upon the issuing ofalicence; and
(d) on good cause shown, suspend, withdraworcancel alicence or registration after ithas
followed afairprocedure.
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43. Masterremainsincontrolofavessel underpilotage
Intermsofsections 75(6)and (7)ofthe Act-
(a) the masterofthe vessel mustatall timesremain in command ofthe vessel,
(b) neitherthe master norany person underthe masters command may, while the vessel
is underpilotage, in anyway interferewiththe navigationormovementofthe vessel or
preventthe pilotfrom carryingouthisorherduties, except in an emergency; and,
(c) in an emergency, the master may intervene to preserve the safety ofthe vessel, cargo
or crew and take whatever action he or she considers reasonably necessary to avert
the danger.
44. Assistancetothepilot
Interms ofsection 75(8) ofthe Act; the master ofthe vessel must ensure that the officers
and crew are at their posts, that a proper lookout is kept and that the pilot is given all
assistance necessary in theexecution ofhisorherduties.
45. Pilotladders
(1) The master of a vessel entering or leaving or moving within a port under pilotage must
provideapilotladderunlessthe pilotisembarkingand disembarking by helicopter.
(2) The pilot ladders must comply with the IMOs Recommendation on Pilot Transfer
Arrangements and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards on
(3) The master in charge ofan unmanned vessel under tow must, on arrival atthe approaches
to a port, arrange forasafe and suitable way forport and otherofficialsto board the vessel
under tow. In general, this means that the master should arrange for a pilot ladder
equipped with twoman-ropes over-sideofthe vessel undertow.
46. Helicoptervessel-shoreoperations
(1) The Harbour Master may decide to use a helicopter for the pilot to embark and disembark
from a vessel.
(2) All helicopter operations must be carried out in compliance with Schedule 1 of the South
African Civil Aviation AuthorityAct No. 40 of1998.
(3) The master ofa vessel must follow the procedures and take the measures indicated in the
International Chambers ofthe Shipping Guide when using a helicopter for the transfer of
personstoand from aship.
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47. Smallvessels
(1) No smallvesselmay lie in, be used in oroperated fromaponunless
(a) SAMSA, oranotherauthorityacceptable to SAMSA; has grantedthe owneror masterof
thesmallvesselacertificateoffitness; and
(b)the HarbourMasterforthatporthas granted the ownerormaster ofthesmallvessela
permitto do so.
(2) The Authoritymaydetermine
(a) the manner in which applications for permits for small vessels are to be invited,
assessed and decided;
(b) in the TariffBook, the fees payable for application for a small vessel permit and the
(c) thequalificationsand suitablecriteria thatapplicantsforapermitmustmeetin orderto
obtainapermit; and
(d) subjecttotheAct and these rules, including thepowersofthe HarbourMasterin terms
ofsection 74(3), thetermsand conditionsofthepermit.
(3) The Harbour Master for the ponwhere the small vessel has applied for a permit as
contemplated in sub-rule (1)may impose conditions orlimitationsupon thegranting ofthe
permit in the interests of safety, security, protection of the environment and the good
orderand efficientworking ofthepon.
(4) The Authoritymay, on good cause shown, refuse, suspend, withdraw or cancel a permit
provided ithas followed afairprocedure beforethedecision is taken.
(5) Ifan owneror masterofa smallvesselfails to obtain a permit, the HarbourMastermay
removeorshift the smallvesselattheexpense ofthe owner ormaster ofthe smallvessel.
(6) The ownerormasterofa small vesselmustcomply with the HarbourMasters restrictions
relating to launching, speed and area ofoperations orany otherrestrictions determined by
the HarbourMasterin respectofsmallvessels within portlimits.
(7) Asmallvesse/in possession ofa permitas contemplated in sub-rule (1) must, atall times,
keep outofthe way ofa vesselnavigating in anychannel orotherarea ofthe port.
(8) No ownerormasterofasmallvesselmay allow the smallvesselto come intocontactwith
another vesselwhilewithin portlimits unless the HarbourMasterauthorises it.
(9) The provisions ofrules 129 and 130, read with the changes required by thecontext, apply
to smallvesselsin possession ofapermitas contemplated in sub-rule(1).
(10) The Authoritywill set out, in the TariffBook; the fees, dues and fines applicable to small
vesselsin possession ofapermitas contemplated in sub-rule(1).
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(11) The Harbour Master may issue written instructions about the regulation and control of
small vessels in possession ofapermitas contemplated in sub-rule(1).
(12) The Authority may exempt small vessels in possession ofa permitas contemplated in sub-
rule (1)from the provisionsofoneormore ofthese rules

48. Compliance with laws, charts, schemes and directives with regard to vessel
Whilewithinthe approaches to a port orwithin port limits, the master ofa vessel is required
to -
(a) comply with all applicable international and South African legislation with respect to
vessel movement, including the Merchant Shipping (Collision and Distress Signals)
Regulations 2005 and theConventionon International Regulations forthePrevention of
CollisionsatSea 1972;
(b) move in accordance with the chart of the port or the Traffic Separation Scheme
applicabletotheport; and
(c) adhere to the instructions of the vrs or port control with regard to designated
anchorageareas thatthe Harbour Master may havedetermined.
49. Master'sauthoritynotaffected
Nothing in this Chapter affects the authority and responsibility ofthe master ofa vessel for
thesafe navigation ofhisorher vessel.
50. Vesselsmaynotbeunseaworthy
(1) A vessel entering, leaving, moving or shiftIng within aport, ormoving to an anchorage, may
notbe unseaworthy forthatpurpose.
(2) No vessel within a port may materially reduce its state of seaworthiness for any purpose
withoutthepriorwrittenconsentofthe Harbour Master.
(3) As the final authority in respect ofall matters relating to pilotage, navigation, navigational
aids, dredging and all other matters relating to the movement of vessels within port limits,
the Harbour Master may directthat measures beadopted to preventan unseaworthy vessel
from navigating from, and within, theport.
(4) All costs and expenses incurred by the Authority or by the vessel as a result of haVing to
comply with any ofthe Harbour Master's measures as contemplated in terms ofsub-rule (3)
mustbe paid by the vessel before the vessel departsfrom theport
9 Intermsofthecurrentpermitconditions, small vessels maybe exemptfrom rules 18,31, 37, 115, 117, 118and 119.
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51. Assignmentofberths
(1) The terminal operator will determine the assignment of berths where only one terminal
operatoroperatesthe berth.
(2) The Authoritywill determinethe assignment ofberths where asingleterminal operatordoes
notoperateaberth and itmay imposeconditions upon theassignmentofsuch aberth.
(3) In making its determination referred to in sub-rule (2), the Authority will take into account
thecontractual and otherrequirements ofany terminal operators operating atthatberthand
thegood orderand efficientworking oftheport.
(4) Despitethe provisions ofthis rule, the Harbour Master maydeterminethe assignmentofany
berth ifitis in the interestsofthesafetyand security and the protectionofthe environment.
52. Assignmentofmarineservices
(1) The Harbour Master determines the order ofprovision of marine services, which includes
pilotage, tug and berthing services to vessels and themovementand mooring ofships in the
(2) In making the determination, the Harbour Master will take into account the interests of
safety, security, and good order, the efficient working ofthe port and the protection ofthe
53. Vesselstorig and stowgear
A vessel entering aport, berthing, shifting ordeparting from aport must have its sidesclear,
its boatsswung inboard and projections ofanykind rigged inboard.
54. lostanchors
(1) The master ofa vessel must, on becoming aware ofany anchor, chain or cable that has
partedorslipped from the vessel, reportto the V7S or port control.
(2) The master must communicate to the V7S or port control the position where the anchor,
chain orcable parted orslipped and whether the anchor, chain orcable was buoyed when
the partingorslipping tookplace.
(3) The master must recover any parted orslipped anchor, chain orcable as soon as possible, if
itis reasonably possible todoso, and failing that, the Authorllywill recoveritattheexpense
ofthe owner ormaster ofthe vessel.
55. Makingfasttonavigationalaids
No vessel may be madefasttoanymarking buoy, light buoy, orany navigational aid ormark
provided forthesafetyofvessels.
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56. Incidentsin theapproachesandwithinports
(1) The master ofa vessel that is within or about to enter the approaches to a port or within
port limits must ensure that a report is made to the Harbour Master about any of the
following mattersas soon as themaster becomesawareofthem:
(a) theoccurrenceon board the vessel ofany fireorexplosion;
(b) theinvolvementofthe vesselin acollision, grounding orstriking;
(c) any defect in the vessels hull, main propulsion systems or steering systems, radars,
'compasses, radioequipment, anchorsorcables;
(d) any discharge orthreat ofdischarge of dangerous goods or other harmful substances
from the vesselinto thewater;
(e) another vesselin apparentdifficulty;
(f) any obstructiontonavigation;
(g) anyaid to navigationthatis functioning improperly, damaged, off-positionormissing;
(h) the presenceofany dangerous goods or harmful substances in the water;
(i) the presenceofa vessel thatmay impede the safe movementofother vessels;
U) anyweatherconditionsthataredetrimental to safe navigation;
(k) any matterthatmay affectthesafety and security ofthe vessel, itscrew or passengelS
and the port, or any matterthatmayaffecttheenvironment; and
(I) any othernavigational orenvironmental incident.
(2) The owner or master ofa vessel that has been involved in any navigational incident within
the approaches to or in a port, or any environmental incidentwithin aport, whether or not
damage is doneto any property, including underwaterproperty, must-
(a) immediately report the incident to the Harbour Master as well as any other applicable
(b) submitto the Harbour Master afull written report setting outthecircumstances ofthe
incident, within 24 hours afterthe accidentor before the departure ofthe vessel from
theport, whichever is thesooner; and
(c) furnish any furtherparticularsthattheHarbour Master may require.
57. Damagetoproperty
The owner or master of any vessel that damages any property within the port or the
approaches thereto, including fouling ordisplacing any buoy, navigational aid ornavigational
channel, must-
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(a) immediately report the occurrence to the Harbour Master and any other applicable
regulatory body orgovernmentdepartment;
(b) submitto the HarbourMasterafull written report setting outthe circumstances ofthe
occurrence, within 24 hours ofthe occurrence or before the departure of the vessel
fromtheport, whicheveris thesooner;
(c) furnish any furtherparticularsthattheHarbourMastermay require.
58. Financialsecurityfordamagescaused
Beforea vesseldeparts from aport, theAuthoritymay require the owner ormasteragentof
a vesselto lodge financial security with the Authorityto the satisfaction ofthe Authorityif
that vesselor its staff have caused pollution or damage to the environment or to property
within aport.
59. Mastertoproduce vesse/'Spapers
The HarbourMastermay require the masterof a vessel arriving in a port to produce for
inspectionthe vessel's register, certificatesand any otherpapers relating to the vessel.
60. Vesselsin need ofassistance
(1) Ifa vesselis in need ofassistance and requests permission to enterintoaport, the Harbour
Mastermay consultwith SAMSAand any otherrelevantstatutory body.
(2) InconSidering whethertoallow the vesselinto aport, the HarbourMastertakes intoaccount
thefollowing factors -
(a) safeguarding ofhuman lifeatsea;
(b) theportsindustrialand urban environment;
(c) therisk ofpollutionand damagetotheenvironment;
(d) the evaluation ofconsequences ifa request is refused, including the possible effectto
neighbouring states;
(e) therisk ofdisruptionto theportsoperations;
(f) the seaworthiness of the vessel, in particular its buoyancy, stability, means of
propulsion and powergeneration, and itsdocking ability;
(g) the nature and condition of the cargo, stores and bunkers, especially ifthere is any
hazardous cargo;
(h) thepreservation ofthe hull, machineryand cargoofthe vesselinneedofassistance;
(i) thedistanceand estimated transittimeto aSAMSAallocated place ofrefuge;
U) whetherthe masteris still on board;
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(k) the numberofcrew, salvors and other persons on board and an assessment of human
factors, including fatigue;
(I) whetherthe vessel in question is insured or notinsured;
(m) where the vessel is insured, identification of the insurer, and the limits of liability
(n) provisions offinancial security in favour ofthe Authority to guarantee payment ofall
expenses thatmay be incurred in connection with its operations;
(0) whether the owner and master of the vessel have agreed to the proposals of the
Authority and/orsalvorto proceedorto be broughtto aplace ofrefuge;
(p) commercial salvagecontracts already concluded by the masteror owner ofthe vessel,
(q) information on the intention ofthe master and/orsalvor;
(r) thedesignation ofarepresentativeofthe ownerof the vesse/in the Republic,
(s) the risk of disruption to the Authoril)ls operations taking into account the IMO
guidelines; and
(t) any otherrelevantconsiderations.
61. Arrested vessels
(1) The Harbour Master may direct thatany vesse/that has been arrested orattached by order
ofcourt, ordetained byanotherauthority, be moved toanotherplace within port limits.
(2) The Harbour Master will give notice to the sheriff of the court, or any other official
responsible fortheupkeepofan arrested v s s ~ thatthe vessel mustbe moved.
(3) Ifthe sheriffofthe courtorany otherofficial ofanotherauthoritycontemplated in sub-rule
(2) is unable to move the vessel within the period stipulated in the notice, the Harbour
Master may move the vessel at the expense of the arresting creditor or creditors after
consultation with thesherifforotherauthority, as thecase may be.
(4) In the eventofthe vessel's agent terminating his or her services, the sheriffofthecourt, or
any other official responsible for the upkeep ofan arrested vessel, must include any fees
charged by the AuthOrity in his orherclaim againstthe Preservation Fund as contemplated
in the Admirality Jurisdiction Regulation Act No. 105 of 1983 in respect of the arrested,
attached or detained vessel from the time ofits arrest, attachment, ordetention until it is
freed from thearrest, attachmentordetention.
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62. Themasterisresponsibleforthesafetyofthevessel
The master ofa vessel within theport limits is atall times responsible for the safetyofhisor
her vessel and nothing in these rules may be construed as relieving the master of this
63. Conductofthecrew
The owner or master ofa vessel mustensure theorderlyconduct and behaviourofthecrew
ofhis or her vessel and ensure thatall persons on board the vessel observe the laws ofthe
Republicwhile the vesse/is within port limits.
64. Firesandhot work repairsonvessels
(1) No open fires are permitted on board a vessel unless the master ofthe vessel has obtained
the Authorit]ls permission for thatfire.
(2) No hot work repairs are permitted on board a vessel unless the master of the vessel is
authorised in termsofahot work permit issued by theAuthority in termsofrule 154.
(3) Ifafire occurs on board a vessel within port limits/ the master must inform portcontrol by
VHF radio! telephonically orany otherappropriatemeans possibleofthe fireand -
(a) immediatelygive thealarm by sounding one continuous blaston the vessel's siren; or
(b) ifitis not possible to use the vessel's siren, by the continuous ringing ofthe vesse!'s
(4) The staffofa vesselwith afire on board mustimmediately -
(a) takepracticable steps toextinguishthefire and to protectadjoining property; and
(b) provide any further assistance that the Harbour Master or the Chief Fire Officer
65. Sparksandthelightingoffires
(1) The master ofa vessel in aport musttake all necessary precautions to avoid the emissionof
sparksfrom hisorher vessel, exceptwhereahot work permit is issued in termsofrule 154.
(2) No person may light afire upon any wharf, jetty, stacking area, quay oratany other place
where the lighting of fires is prohibited by notice! except with the permission of the
(3) The Authority may impose conditions on any permiSSion granted! to maintain safety,
security, good orderortoprotecttheenvironment.
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(4) No person may smoke, igniteamatch orlighters, orotherwisecreate orallowafire orflame
in any hold oratanyopen hatch ofany holdofany vesselorwithin an areaadjacenttosuch
hold oropen hatch -
(a) while flammable cargois being shipped, discharged ortranshipped into or from a hold
oropen hatch; or
(b) when non-flammable cargois being worked inahold thatcontainsflammable cargo.
(5) Portable radios and cellular phones maynotbe used in any hold or atany open hatch of
any hold ofany vesselorwithin an area adjacent to such hold or open hatch, unless the
radioorcellularphone is certifiedtobe intrinsicallysafe.
66. Smokingonboardvessels
(1) Noticesmustbe displayed on board vessel:, where smoking is prohibited forsafety reasons.
(2) Smoking is prohibited in the holds or on deck of vessel:; with open hatchesorin the vicinity
ofdeck cargo.
(3) Vessel:; carrying dangerousgoodsmust prominently display at the gangwayor other shore
access points notices inscribed with thewords: "Dangerousgoods on board, smoking strictly
(4) The notices must be written in English and accompanied by the international prohibition
symbol fornosmoking.
67. Personsdisembarkingorembarking
(1) Acompetent member ofthe vessel's crew must be in attendance atthe vessel's gangway
while persons, other than pilots, are disembarking from or embarking upon a vessel lying
alongside a wharf, jetty or quay, in order to attend to the security ofthegangwayand the
safetyofpersons passing overit.
(2) The same applies when a vessellying atanchor uses agangway, an accommodation ladder
(3) No person, otherthan apilot in the exercise ofhis or herduties, may, exceptafterobtaining
the HarbourMastel's permission, board or leave a vesse!while that vesselis in motion and
that person may only leave or board the vessel by way ofthe pilot ladder ora helicopter
68. Gangways
(1) The masterofa vesselthat is alongside awharf, quay orjetty, lying atbuoys or atanchor,
oroutsideanother vesse!must provide asafe and propergangwaytoallow forfreeand safe
passagetoand from thedeckofthe vessel.
(2) The gangwaymustbe sufficiently illuminated.
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(3) Apropersafety net mustbe rigged and secured belowagangway as soon as the gangway is
in position, to safeguard persons using the gangway from falling into the water or onto a
wharf, quay orjetty.
(4) The master is responsible for the handling of the gangway and must ensure that the
operationsarecarried outin aproperand safe manner.
(5) The person in control ofthe gangway must regulate the number ofpersons allowed on the
gangway atanyonetime.
(6) A notice indicating the maximum number of persons to be allowed on the gangway atany
onetimemustbe dearlydisplayed ateach end ofthegangway.
(7) A lifebuoy with aline attached to itmust be placed near each gangway and kept ready for
immediate use.
(8) The master must ensure that the gangway is at all times positioned so that it does not
obstructorfoul rail orcrane tracks, constitute ahazard to the safe movementoftrucks and
cranes orinterferewith bunkering operations.
(9) The master ofa vessel must take the necessary precautions to prevent damage to quay
surfaces by the vessel's gangways and loading ramps.
(10) Where the nature or construction ofa jetty or wharf is such that it is impossible for the
vessel to comply with this rule, the master of the vessel must conform to the Harbour
Mastels instructionsconcerning vesselto shoreaccess.
69. Enginetrials
No master may performengine trialsofthe vesselwhile itis alongsideawharf, quay orjetty
or while itis berthed outsideanother vessel in aport unless the master has the permission
ofthe Harbour Master.
10. loweringofboatsfromvessels
A master may cause or permit a boatto be lowered from his or her vessel in a port only if
the master has permission from Customs and the Harbour Master.
11. Vessel'shandling materialorgearinport
(1) Unless avessel's handling material orgear is being used forlegitimateoperational purposes,
a vessel may not place its handling material or gear upon any wharf, jetty or quay, or
elsewhere within port limitswithoutthe written consentoftheterminal operator, in the case
ofaterminal, orthe Harbour Master, in thecaseofanyotherarea.
(2) Ifitis placed anywherewithoutthe required consent, itmay be removed immediately, atthe
expense of the owner or master of the vessel, to a place determined by the terminal
operatororthe Harbour Master.
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72. Vessels may not be moored norobstacles placed within the waterarea ofa port
Unlessthe Harbour Master directsotherwise, no vessel mayanchororbe moored within, and
no person may place any chain, anchororotherobstacle inthewaterarea adjacenttoaport
repairfacility, which includesafloating dock, synchroliftorslipway.
73. Requirementsforfire protection personnel
(1) The Authority may set requirementsfor fire protection personnel whooperatewithin aport.
(2) All fire protection personnel mustcomplywith the Authority's reqUirements.
74. TheHarbour Master mayinstructthatsafetymeasuresbetaken
Despite the provisions ofany other rule, the Harbour Master may, in the interests of the
safety oftheport, the persons, vessels and other property in it, issue instructionsthatsafety
precautions be taken, or take emergency measures that the Harbour Master believes are
75. Heatingofsubstances
(1) No person may boil or heat pitch, tar, reSin, turpentine, oil or other flammable matter on
shore within aport on any wharf, jetty, stacking area, quay oratany otherplace where the
lighting offires is prohibited by noticeexcept
(a) withthe permission ofthe Authority, or
(b) ifthe person has avalid Hot Work Permit issued by theAuthority.
(2) The Authority may impose conditions upon any permission granted to maintain safety,
security, good orderorto protecttheenvironment.
76. Smokingon theshore
The Authority will deSignate areas on the shore of the port where no smoking may take
place. No person may smoke in such adesignated no-smoking area.
77. Theuseofportableradiosorcellularphoneson theshore
The Authority will deSignateareason the shoreoftheport whereportable radios and cellular
phones may notbe used. No person may use portable radios orcellular phones, otherthan
thosethatarecertified to be intrinsicallysafe, in such adeSignatedarea.
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78. Occupationalhealthandsafetylegislation
All persons, including service providers, terminal operators, drivers of transport vehicles,
employers, lessees and visitors within portlimits, must comply with the provisions of any
legislation relating to occupational health and safety matters, including the Merchant
Shipping Act No. 57 of 1951, the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of1993 and its
regulations, the Maritime Safety Regulations of1994, the IMDG Code and the National Road
TrafficAct No. 93 of1996.
79. Authority's written instructions with regard to occupational health and safety
(1) In order to give effect to rule 77, the Authoritymay issue verbal or written instructions
relating tooccupational health and safetymatterswithintheport
(2) All persons are required toadhereto these instructions.
80. Personalprotectiveequipment
All persons working within an area thatis designated as an operational area by theAuthority
must wear the appropriate personal protectiveequipment, including ahard hat, safety boots
and reflective high-visibilityvests.
81. Closingofpartsoftheport
(1) In the interests of maintaining safety, security, good order and the protection of the
environment, or ifthe Authoritydetermines that construction work should be carried out in
any partofthe port,theAuthoritymay -
(a) close any partoftheport tothe public; or
(b) prohibitthe public's use oforrestrictthepublic'saccess toany partoftheport
(2) Despitesub-rule(nthe Authoritymay allowaccess to parts ofthe ports towhich the public
has restricted access orwhich areclosed to the publicon conditions to be determined by the
82. Incidentsordamagetopropertyontheshorewithinports
All service providers, employers, lessees orother persons, other than a licensed operator
involved in an incident on the shore within aport, whether or not damage is done to any
property orthe environment, or involved in damage to the AuthoritYs property on theshore
ortheenvironmentwithin theport, must
(a) immediately report the incident to the Authority as well as any other applicable
regulatory body orgovernmentdepartment;
lO Licensedoperatorsare required to reportincidentsin termsofs62(5)ofthe Act
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(b) submit to the Authority a full written report setting out the circumstances of the
incidentordamageto property within 24 hoursafterthe incident; and
(c) furnish any furtherparticularsthattheAuthoritymay require.
83. Swimming, surfing, fishing, divingandwatersports
(1) No person is allowed to dive or perform diving operations within port limits without the
permission ofthe Harbour Master.
(2) A person may only swim
surf, fish or engage in water sports within port limits in areas
deSignated forthese purposes by theAuthorltyor apersonauthorised by theAuthority.
(3) The Harbour Master may, in the interests ofmaintaining safety, security, good orderand the
protection oftheenvironment, imposeconditions uponanyswimming, surfing, fishing, diving
orwatersportsthattakeplacewithin portlimits.
84. Animals
(1) For thepurposes ofthis rule, animals includebirds.
(2) The Authoritymay confiscate or confineany domesticated, tame orwild animal thatis found
atlargeon theAuthority's premises withinport limits.
(3) The master ofa vessel mustproperlysecure animals thatareon boarda ve5selin aport.
(4) The master of a vessel may not allow an animal to come ashore without the Authority's
85. Preventionofpollutionand protectionoftheenvironment
(1) All persons within a port must take all reasonable steps to prevent
minimise and mitigate
(2) Any person who pollutesorcauses damagetotheenvironmentwill bearthecosts associated
with the combating and cleaning up of that pollution, damage or degradation, and the
associated impacts relating thereto.
(3) Ifthe person or persons responsible for the pollution or damage to the environment fail to
take the necessary measures to prevent, minimize, mitigate, combat and clean up the
pollution ordamage to the environment, including its associated impacts, the Authority may
takethenecessary measures. The person or persons who caused the pollution ordamageto
the environment will be liable for the costs associated with the pollution, damage or
degradationto the environment, its associated impactsand any mitigating measures.
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86. Depositofharmfulmatter,includingoil,inaport
(1) No person may throw or deposit within port limits any harmful matter or substance of
whatsoever nature, including effluent or polluted water or foreign organisms, without the
permission ofthe Authority, and, in the case where it is to be thrown or deposited from a
vessel, withoutthe permission ofthe Harbour Master. The Authority orthe Harbour Master,
as thecase may be, may imposeconditions upon the permission to be granted. .
(2) No person may cause or allow pollutants, including paint, orcause orallow substances that
can cause pollution or negatively impact on the environment, whether or notthe substance
or pollutantis ofamineral,animal orplantorigin, to be dumped on thepropertyofaport or
to bedischarged ortoescape intowaterswithinport limits.
(3) No oil of any description or harmful matter or SUbstances of whatever nature, including
effluent, polluted waterorforeign organisms, may be discharged ordumped from a
(a) Vessel orbeallowed toescapefrom a vesselinto any partoftheport, or
(b) terminal orany other source, or be allowed to escape intoport waters from aterminal
orany othersource.
(4) The master of a vessel that is berthed alongside a quay or jetty must cause all the
dischargeoutlets ofthe vessel facing thequay orjettyto be closed or to be provided with
adequate covers to prevent any inadvertentdischarge ofwater or effluent or substances
onto the quay or jetty surface, bollards, moorings, telephone cables, fenders or hose
(5) The cleanup of pollutants, including oil, which is spilled within port limits, must be dealt
with in accordancewith theapplicable PortContingency Plan.
(6) Ifthe spill straddles thearea within port limitsand areas falling outsideport limits, thespill
must be dealt with in accordance with the applicable Port Contingency Plan, and in the
case of oil pollution management, the National Contingency Plan and any applicable
(7) A person who drops or deposits any article within port limits that might cause a danger,
obstruction, pollution, a negative impact upon the environment or a nuisance, or any
person who witnesses a person doing this, must report the matter to the Authority
(8) The owner or master of a vessel, terminal operator, lessee or port user that contravenes
this rule, causing an obstruction in theport must immediately cause the obstruction to be
removed attheir expense, failing which the Authority may remove the obstruction attheir
expense. Ifany damage arises from the obstruction, the person responsible for it is liable
forthecosts relating tothedamage.
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87. Cleanlinessofthequayside
(1) This ruleappliesto quaysidesthatare notoperated by aterminal operator.
(2) The owner or master of a vessel must ensure thatthe quayside is cleaned afterthe vessel
has completed itsworking operations.
(3) Ifthe owner or master ofthe vessel fails to affect the cleanup, the Authority will affectthe
cleanup atthe cost ofthe owner or master ofthe vessel. These costs will include the costs
associatedwith orincidentaltotheclean up and theremoval ofmaterialson thequayside.
88. Ballastwater
The master ofa vessel and any other person to whom the Port Ballast Waste Management
Plan applies, mustcomplywiththatplan.
89. Portwastereceptionfacilities
(1) Every terminal operatorand master ofa vessel mustmake use ofthe port's facilities for the
reception ofwastes from vessel:,.
(2) Despitesub-rule (1), theAuthority mayrequire -
(a) aterminal operatorto provideor procure properand adequatefacilities from a licensed
waste disposal service providerforthe reception ofwastes from vessel:, using the port
terminal; and
(b)the vessel's owner or masterto provide or procure properand adequate facilities from
a licensed waste disposal service provider for the reception ofwastes from vessel:" if
theberth is notoperated by aterminal operator.
(3) Inassessing the adequacy ofthewaste reception facilities contemplated in sub-rule (2), the
terminal operatororowner ormasterofthe v s s ~ as thecase may be, musthave regard to
the PortWaste ManagementPlan.
(4) Despitethe provisions ofthis rule, the owner- ormaster ofa vessel must arrange to dispose
galleywaste in accordancewiththePortWasteManagementPlan.
90. CompliancewithPortWasteManagementPlan
All persons to whom the Port Waste Management Plan applies, including terminal operators
and tenants, mustcomplywiththatplan.
11 The cleanliness ofaquayside operated by aterminal operator will be regulated by the licence agreement with the
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91. CompliancewithVessel WasteManagementPlan
The owner, master or agent ofa vessel must comply with their Vessel Waste Management
92. Useofportwastereception facilities
Any waste reception facilities provided foraparticularpurpose by theterminal operatormust
be open for useforthatpurpose by all vessels using theterminal.
93. Dischargeordumping in aportofsewageorresidue wateras aresultofhatch or
(1) No vessel may dischargeordumpsewage intoport watersorany partoftheport exceptinto
afacilitydedicated forthatpurpose.
(2) No vessel maydischargeordumpresidue water into portwaters as aresultofhatch ortank
cleaning without the written permission ofthe Harbour Master. The Harbour Master may
imposeconditions upon thegranting ofhis orherpermission.
94. Removal ofvesselshavingoffensive matteron board
(1) The Harbour Master may orderthe removal ofa vesselfrom aport ifthat vessel has cargo
orothermatteron board thatmay be athreatto theenvironment.
(2) At the expense ofthe owner or master ofthe vessel, the Harbour Master may orderthat
the cargo orothermatterbedisposed of.
95. TheemissionoffUmesorsmoke
(1) The master ofa vesselin aport musttake all necessary precautions to avoid theemission of
excessivefumes orsmokefrom hisorher vessel.
(2) No master ofa vessel in a port may permit the emission offumes, smoke or atmospheric
pollutants from the vessel that violates the National Environment Management: Air Quality
Act No. 39 of2004oranyotherapplicable law.
(3) The provisionsofsub-rule(2) do notapply -
(a) tosmokeemanatingfrom a vesselwithin 5minutes during the start-up period;
(b) while the smoke-producing appliance is being overhauled if the emission cannot
reasonably be prevented; or
(c) during the period ofany breakdown ordisturbanceofan appliance.
(4) All persons must comply with the applicable legislation relating to pollution, including the
National Environmental Management: AirQualityActNo. 39 of2004.
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96. Protectionofanimals, birds,fishand plants
Subject to rule 83 and any lease, licence or agreement with the Authority regulating pest
control, no person maycollect, use, remove orrelocate any animal, bird, fish orplantthatis
within the port unless theAuthority has authorised thisin writing.
97. Burials
No dead persons orcarcasses ofany kind may be buried within waters oftheport.
98. Workingofvesselsmaybe refused
The Harbour Master may, in the interests ofsafety, security, good orderand the protection
of the environment, impose conditions upon the handling of goods, including dangerous
goods, and may refusetoallowsuch goodstobe landed from a vessel until-
(a) asuitablewharf, shed, quay, orotheraccommodation is availableforthegoods; or
(b) arrangements to the satisfaction of the Harbour Master have been made for the
removal and storageofthegoods.
99. Themasterorhis orherdelegateetosupervise and to protectall persons during
(1) The master or his or her delegatee must remain on board the vessel whilst it is loading or
discharging cargo, which includes containers, for the purpose of supervising these
(2) The master may only delegate the supervision ofthe loading ordischarge operations to a
suitablyqualified person.
(3) The master musttake all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and protection ofaU persons
working aboard the vessel during the loading ordischargeoperations.
100.Preventionofcargo and vessel'sgear falling intoaport
(1) The master ofa vessel that is 'loading ordischarging cargo mustensure, in accordance with
best practice, that all measures are taken to prevent cargo orthe vessel's gear from falling
into thewater.
(2) If measures to the satisfaction of the Harbour Master have not been put in place, the
Harbour Master maysuspend theworking ofthe vessel until satisfactorymeasures are putin
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101. Reporting about cargo and vessel's gear that has fallen into the port
(1) The mastermust immediately and fully report to the HarbourMasterabout any cargo or
vessel'sgearthatis dropped overboard as soon as the masterbecomesawareofit.
(2) The mastermust provide the HarbourMasterwith any particulars that the HarbourMaster
102. Recovery of cargo or vessel's gear that has fallen overboard
(1) The masterofthe vesselmust immediately cause the cargoor vessel'sgearthat has fallen
overboardto be recovered assoon as is reasonably possible.
(2) The master of the vessel must abide by the Harbour Masteis directives regarding the
(3) If the vessel fails to recover the cargo or vessel's gear that has fallen overboard, the
HarbourMastermay directanotherperson torecover it, and the ownerormasterofa vessel
will be liable forthe costs associated with the recovery ofthe cargoorvessel's gearthathas
fallen overboard.
(4) The terminal operator or any portservice provider must ensure that any cargo, cargo
handling orpacking materials oroil-spills that have fallen on thequayside orterminal ofany
part ofthe portare removed, failing which the HarbourMastermay arrange for its removal
attheexpenseofthe responsible person.
103. Mechanical handling appliances
(1) A vesselberthed nearorunderthemechanical handling appliances must havesufficientcrew
on board ready to shiftthe vesselat any hour, day or night, as or when directed by the
(2) The Harbour Master may shiftthe vessel at the expense of the owneror master of the
vessel, ifthe vesselfails tocomplywith theHarbourMasteisdirectives.
(3) Operators of mechanical or other cargo-handling appliances or installations may not cause
the booms, chutes, loading gantries or otherappurtenancesto be lowered, to protrudeorto
be so positioned so as to causean obstructionon aberthoroverthewater.
(4) The HarbourMastermay grant an exception to sub-rule (3) and may impose conditions in
theinterestsofsafety, security, good orderand theprotection oftheenvironment.
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(1) All persons must comply with the applicable legislation relating to dangerous and flammable
liquids in bulk and in containers, including the Explosives Act No. 26 of 1956 and any
regulations promulgated underthatAct.
(2) All persons involved in the handling of dangerous goods must comply with the standards,
procedures, practices and requirements set outin the industry guidelines, as amended from
timetotime, including:
(a) The International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (presently in its fifth
(b) MarineTerminals BaselineCriteria and Assessment Questionnaire;
(c) UquifiedGas Handling Principleson Shipsand inTerminals;
(d) Ship/Shore Interface: Safe Working Practice for LPG and Uquified Chemical Gas
(e) GuidelinesfortheHandling, Storage, Inspection and testing ofHoses in theField; and
(f) Chemical carriersentered intotheCOl Scheme.
(3) The Harbour Master may permit avessel to follow aprocedure or practice other than those
required by the industry guidelines, if he or she is satisfied that the other procedure or
practice is as safe as that required by the industry guideline and is in the interests of
security, good order, the protection of the environment and the effective and efficient
working oftheport.
(4) Contravention ofaprocedure or practice substituted pursuant to sub-rule (3) is deemed to
constituteacontravention ofthepracticeorprocedurerequired by these rules.
105. Harbour Masters directivesrelatingtodangerous goods
(1) The Harbour Master may, in the interests of safety, security, good order and the protection
oftheenvironmentand atthe expenseofthe owneror master ofthe vessel-
(a) approve the dischargeand storageofuncontainerised, dangerous goods atdemarcated
areas in the port at the expense of the owner or master of the vessel and impose
conditions upon the approval, in the interests ofsafety, security, good order and the
(b) orderthat dangerous goods be discharged from a vessel, removed from the portor be
otherwisedisposed of, atanytimeofthe day or night;
(c) orderthatlanded dangerous goods
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(i) be returned on board thevessel from which itwas landed;
(ii) be destroyed; or
(iii) be dealt with in a manner that the Harbour Master considers necessary and
(d) orderthatvessels having dangerous goodson board thatare berthedalongside awharf
orjettyhavesufficientfire protection personnel and equipmentin attendance;
(e) orderthatthe master of a vessel with dangerous goods on board adopt precautionary
measures, as the Harbour Master considers appropriate.
(2) Miscellaneous class 9 dangerous substances ofthe IMDG Code, which do not need to be
labelled, areexempted from the requirements ofsub-rules (b)to (e).
106. Dangerous goods landed in ISO containers
(1) Ifdangerous goods are landed in ISO containefS, then the vessel's agent must present the
terminal operatorwithapacking declaration beforethe containeris landed.
(2) The packing declaration mustreflect-
(a) thecorrecttechnical name;
(b) mass;
(c) theUN number;
(d) IMDG Code class ofeach consignmentin thecontainer; and
(e) adeclarationthat-
(i) thecontaineris fittotransportthis kind ofdangerous goodS;
(ii) the cargo is adequately secured in thecontainer; and
(iii) no other cargo known to be incompatible with the dangerous goods has been
placed in thecontainer.
(3) The packing declaration mustaccompanythecontainertoits final destination.
(4) Ifdangerous goods are to be shipped in ISO containefS, the packing station must provide a
packing declaration as stipulated in sub-rule (2) with the loaded container. The packing
declaration mustaccompanythecontaineratalltimes and mustbe provided tothe owneror
the master ofthe vessel when thecontaineris loaded on board.
(5) All ISO containefS with IMDG Code labels attached must be treated as though they contain
dangerous goods.
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(6) The container operator and the agent ofthe vessel mustensure thatold IMDG Code labels
aredefaced orremoved,
107. The need for a landing, delivery, forwarding or container terminal order
(1) No dangerous goods may be landed, delivered orforwarded withoutthe terminal operator's
completed landing,delivery,forwarding orcontainerterminal order,
(2) Ifany dangerous goods are to be landed, delivered or forwarded without the appropriate
order, the terminaloperatormustreportthis to the Authority immediately.
(3) The correct type of landing, delivery, forwarding or container terminal order referred to in
sub-rules (2) and (3) is governed by the cargds IMDG hazardous cargo classification, or, if
the commodity is not listed in the IMDG Code, by the definition of dangerous goods
contained intheCode.
108. Copy of packing certificate to be provided to the Authority
(1) A copy ofthe packing certificate referred to in the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods)
Regulations, 1997 must be attached to the order covering the shipment and sent to the
Authoril:)ls officesattheport 24 hours beforethearrival ofthe dangerous goods within port
limits. Ifthis is not done, the Authority may refuse the shipment and the shipper will be
liable for all costs arising from the non-compliance with this requirement, including costs
incurred in connectionwith the returnofthe cargo.
(2) The Authority may request thecorrectMaterial SafetyData Sheet.
109. Explosive standards
The Harbour Master may issue written instructionsfortheshipment, handling and short-term
storageofexplosives in ports.
110. Survey certificate for the carriage of flammable liquid
(1) Every tanker carrying flammable liqUids that enters port limits must be in possession ofa
valid survey certificate issued by the flag state, oran authority recognised by the flag state,
forthecarriageofanyflammable liquid.
(2) The Harbour Master may refuse to allow any tanker that is not in possession of a valid
surveycertificateforthecarriageofflammable liquid toenterintoport.
111. Vessels to operate with due regard to safety, security and the protection of the
Vesses that convey, discharge or ship flammable liquids in bulk or during bunkering
operations, or conveyor discharge containers that hold or held flammable liquids, must
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conduct their operations in a safe and secure manner, and in away thatdoes notthreaten
112. Harbour Masters instructions
(1) In order to give effect to rule 111, the Harbour Master may, in the interests of safety,
security and the protection ofthe environment, issue verbal or written instructions relating
(a) the conveyance, discharge orshipping offlammable liquids in bulk orduring bunkering
operations; and
(b) conveyance, dischargeorshipping ofcontainers thathold orheld flammable liquids.
(2) All personstowhomtheinstructionsaredirected mustadhereto them.
(3) For thepurpose ofany rule orwritten instruction that requires that agas free certificate be
obtained, thecertificate isdeemed nottohave been issued until -
(a) both the master and the Harbour Master are in possession ofduplicateoriginals signed
by thecertified chemist, and
(b) itis posted in aconspicuous placeon board the vessel whereall personsconcerned can
easily read it.
(4) The master ofa vessel and the terminal operator must afford every facility to the Harbour
Master to ascertain whether any ofthese rules orany instruction, which is intended to give
effectto anyofthese rules, has been and is being observed.
113. liability for costs
(1) All persons to whom the verbal orwritten instructions referred toin rule 112are directedare
jOintlyand severallyliableforthecosts ofimplementing those instructions.
(2) Despitesub-rule(1)-
(a) the owner or master of a vessel, pipeline, bulk storage or other installation that
discharges or allows flammable liquid or contaminated water to escape into aport, is
liable for the costs that the Authority may incur in removing the flammable liquid or
contaminated water;
(b) the owneror master ofa vesselis responsibleforthecosts offire protection personnel,
safety measures and supervision as may be provided, taken or exercised in terms of
these rules orbythedirectionofthe Harbour Master, and
(c) ifthe Harbour Master orders the removal of a tanker that has flammable liquids on
board from the berth atwhich itis lying because the Harbour Master is ofthe opinion
thatthis is in theinterestsofsafety orthe efficiencyoftheport, the owneror masteris
responsibleforthecosts ofthe removal, unlessotherwiseagreed.
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114.Appointmentofvessel agents
Every owner ofa vessel intending to enter a port in the Republic must appoint a vessel
agent, unlesstheAuthority grantsan exemption toa vessel.
(1) Before a vessel enters a port the owner; master or agent of that vessel must furnish
security to the satisfaction of the Authority for the payment of any fees payable to the
A uthority,12
(2) Despite sub-rule (nthe Authority may, on written application by an agent, and subjectto
conditions that itmay impose, open acreditaccountorcredit facility against which will be
levied any fees orcharges thatmay become payable by the applicant under these rules or
the Tariff Book.
116.Terminationofvessel agenfs mandate
(1) Ifthevessel agents mandateis terminated, thevessel agent
(a) mustgivetheAuthority written noticeofthetermination; and
(b) remains liableforall fees due and payable uptotheexpiryofthetermination notice.
(2) Upon the termination ofa vessel agenfs mandate, the owner or master ofa vessel must
appointforthwith anothervessel agent
(1) Beforea vessel departs fromaport theAuthority may requirethe owner; masteror agentof
that vesselto payorprovidesufficientsecuritytothesatisfactionofthe forall port
dues, fees, finesoranyothermoniesowingtotheAuthority bythe vessels owner.
(2) Despite anything to the contrary in these rules, the vessel's agent is responsible for all the
vessel's debtsthatremain duetotheAuthority afterthe vesse/has departedfrom theport.
(1) At leastonedaybefore thearrival ofa vesselin the port in respectofimported cargo and at
least14daysafterthe vessef's departurein respectofexported cargo
12 Interms ofsection 73{4) ofthe theAuthority may require any person tofurnish such security as itdeems fitfor
thepaymentofanyfee payable totheAuthority.
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(a) the owner, master or agent ofa vessel must submit to the Authority a certified true
copy in English of the manifest of any non-containerised, breakbulk or bulk cargo
intended for landingorthathas been shipped;
(b) the container operator must submit to the Authority acertified true copy in English of
themanifestofany containerised cargo intended forlanding orthathasbeen shipped.
(2) The manifestreferred toin sub-rule(1) mustinclude-
(a) the vessel's details, voyage number, and estimated arrival and departuredates;
(b) itscountryororigin and destination;
(c) theport ofloading, discharge, and trans-shipment;
(d) fornon-containerised, breakbulkand bulk -
(i) the consignee and consignor names, addresses and contact details, where
(ii) the cargo agents or cargo agents' names, addressesand contactdetails;
(iii) the bill oflading ormates receipt;
(iv) the marksand numbers;
(v) the numberand descriptionofpackages orgoods;
(vi) thecommodity descriptionofthe cargo; and
(vii) the gross mass; and
(e) forcontainers-
(i) the consignee and conSignor names, addresses and contact details, and in the
case ofagroupconsignment, all the consigneeand consignor names, addresses
and contactdetails, where available;
(ii) the cargo agents or cargo agents
names, addressesand contactdetails;
(iii) thecontainer number, size, type, statusand container operator;
(iv) the commoditydescription ofthe cargo; and
(v) the gross mass.
(3) The container operator must submit to the Revenue Office within the timeframes stipulated
in the Tariff Book alistofemptycontainers intended forlanding orshipping attheport.
(4) The list referred to in sub-rule(3) mustinclude-
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(a) the vessel's details, voyage number, and estimated arrival and departuredates;
(b) the port ofloadingand discharge; and
(c) thecontainernumber, sizes, type, statusand container operator.
119. Outturn reports
(1) Afterthe vessel has completed its working theterminal operatormustsubmitto the relevant
Revenue Office outturn reports in respectofall cargo landed, shipped or transhipped at all
port terminals on aper vessel basis and withinthetimeframes stipulated by theAuthority.
(2) The outturn reportreferred toin sub-rule(1) mustcontainthe-
(a) vessel's detailsand voyage number;
(b) arrivaland departuredates;
(c) terminal indicator;
(d) berth indicator;
(e) forcontainerised cargo-
(0 containernumber, indicator, size, type and status; and
(ii) container operator, and
(f) forbulkand breakbulkcargo--
(i) bill of lading number or mate receiprs number, together with a commodity
description ofgoods, numberofpackages and mass; and
(ii) vessel's agent
120. Cancelling cargo documentation
(1) The applicable charges for cancelling cargo documentation to be submitted to the Authority
is stipulated in the TariffBook.
(2) The Authority may raise acharge in respectofeach cargo document, cancelling a previously
submitted cargo document, and thecharge is dueand payableatthetimethatthecancelling
cargo documentis deliveredtotheAuthority.
(3) The Authority may acceptcancelling cargo documentation only ifthe cargo owner or his or
her agent has signed an undertaking to pay theadditional charges thatarestipulated in the
Tariff Book.
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The Authoritymay require an exporter or importer of cargoand the cargo agentappointed
to act on behalf ofthe importer or exporter, ifsuch an agentis appointed, to furnish such
securityas theAuthority deems fitforthe paymentofcargodues.
The Authoritymay levy penalties as stipulated in the TariffBookfor late submission, non-
submission orcancelling ofcargodocumentation.
This chapterappliestopleasurevesselsonly.
(1) No pleasure vessel may approach, enter into, shift within or leave a port without the
permission ofthe HarbourMaster.
(2) The HarbourMaster maygrant, refuse, withdraworamend thepermission.
The owner or master of a pleasure vessel must comply with all applicable legislation,
including the Merchant Shipping (Collisions and Distress Signals) Regulations, 2005 and the
MerchantShipping (Small Vessel Safety) Regulations, 2002, which applyalso withinaport.
Pleasure vesselsmust, atall times, keep outoftheway ofa vesselnavigating in anychannel
orotherarea oftheport.
The Harbour Master may require a pleasure vessel to communicate their arrival and
departureto PortControl.
128.TheHarbour Mastersrestrictionsonpleasurevessels
The owneror masterof any pleasure vessel must obey the HarbourMastets restrictions
relating to launching, speed, and area ofoperations orany other restrictions determined by
the HarbourMasterin respectofpleasurevesselswithinport limits.
(1) Pleasurevesselsmay be moored only atpositions assigned by the HarbourMaster.
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(2) No pleasure vessel may be beached within port limitsexcept with the prior permission ofthe
Harbour Master.
(3) The Harbour Master may issue written instructions about where pleasure vessels may be
(4) No pleasure vessel may be made fast to a channel marking buoy, light buoy, or other
navigationalaid ormark providedforthesafetyof vessel:.;.
130. No anchoring or mooring in a channel navigable by a vessel without Harbour
Masters permission
(1) No pleasure vessel may be anchored ormoored in any channel ofaportthat is navigable by
a vessel exceptwiththe permission ofthe Harbour Master.
(2) Ifthe Harbour Master grants a pleasure vessel permission to anchor or moor in a channel
that is navigable by vessels, then the pleasure vessel must, at all times, not interfere with
vessels navigating in thatchannel.
(3) If,for reasons beyond the control ofthe owner or master ofthe pleasure vessel, apleasure
vessel is moored at a berth or position that has not been specifically assigned to it by the
Harbour Master, then -
(a) the owneror masterof thepleasure vesselmust immediatelynotifythe Harbour Master
thatthepleasure vessel is so moored; and
(b) the Harbour Master may, attheexpense ofthe owneror master ofthepleasure vessel,
take whatever action is necessary for the maintenance ofsafety, security, good order
and the protection oftheenvironment.
131. Pleasure vessels not to be in contact withvessels
No owner or master ofapleasure vessel may permit thepleasure vessel to come in contact
with a vessel withintheports limits unless the Harbour Master authorises this.
132. Damage to or displacement of navigational aids
(1) The owner or master of a pleasure vessel that fouls, displaces or damages a buoy or
navigationalaid or mark, must-
(a) immediately reportthe incidenttothe Harbour Master,
(b) within 24 hours after the incident took place, submit to the Harbour Master a full
written reportsettingoutthecircumstancesofthe incident; and
(c) provide in writing any particulars thatthe Harbour Master requires.
(2) The owner or master of a pleasure vessel that fouls, displaces or damages a channel
marking, buoy, light buoy or other navigational aid or mark is liable forall costs incurred in
thereplacementorrepairofthatchannel marking, buoy, lightbuoyorothernavigational aid
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133.Pleasurevesselsin needofassistance
The provisions ofrule 60 apply to pleasure vessels with the necessary changes required by
No pleasure vessel may discharge ordump sewage into port waters orany part oftheport
exceptintoafacilitydedicated forthatpurpose.
135.Weaponsandexplosivestobe lockedupanddisarmed
(1) Beforeapleasure vessel enters aport, the masterof thepleasure vessel mustensurethatall
weaponsand explosives on board thepleasure vessel are locked up in asecure place such as
agun safe and are disarmed.
(2) Upon arrival in a port, the master of a pleasure vessel must declare to the VTS or Port
Control whether any person on board his or herpleasure vessel is in possession ofa weapon
orexplosives and, ifso, thenatureoftheweapon ortheexplosive.
136.Permitsforapleasure vessel
(1) No pleasure vessel may lie orbe used in oroperated from aportunless-
(a) SAMSA, oranotherauthority acceptable to SAMSA, has granted the owneror masterof
thepleasure vessel acertificate offitness; and
(b) the Harbour Master for that port has granted the owner or master of the pleasure
vessel apermittodo so.
(2) The Authority maydetermine
(a) the manner in which applications for permits for pleasure vessels are to be invited,
assessed and decided;
(b) in the Tanff o o ~ thefees payable forapplication fora pleasure vessel permit and the
(c) thequalifications and suitablecriteria thatapplicants forapermitmustmeetin orderto
obtain apermit; and
(d) subjecttothe Ad and these rules, includingthe powersofthe Harbour Master in terms
ofsection 74(3), thetermsand conditions ofthe permit.
(3) The Authority may on good cause shown, refuse, suspend, withdraw or cancel a permit,
provided ithasfollowed afair procedure beforethe decision is taken.
(4) Ifan owner or master ofapleasure vesselfails to obtain a permit, the Harbour Master may
remove or shift the pleasure vessel atthe expense ofthe owner or master ofthe pleasure
(5) The AuthonZywili set out, in the Tariff o o ~ the fees, dues and fines applicable to pleasure
vessels in possession ofa permIt as contemplated in sub-rule (1).
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Pleasure vessels visiting thepOltmustpay portduesas stipulated in the TariffBook.
The Harbour Masteror any of the Harbour Mastels staff may, in the interests of safety,
security, the protection of the environment and the good order of the portinspect and
examinethepleasure vesseland its equipment.
Subject to the provisions of any legislation regulating other state security agencies, the
Authorityisresponsiblefortheregulation and control ofsecuritywithinportlimits.
(1) Security officers operating within a portmust have been trained in accordance with the
provisions of the ISPS Code and must be conversant with the provisions ofthe following
documents -
(a) theISPS Code;
(b) theMerchantShipping (MaritimeSecurity) Regulations, 2004; and
(c) anyotherrelevantsecurity legislation.
(2) The PortSecurityOfficerorhis orherappointee may stop and interview any securityofficer
operatingwithinaport in ordertoestablishwhetherthesecurityofficer-
(a) has been trained in accordance with the provisionsoftheISPSCode; and
(b) is conversantwith thedocuments referred toin sub-rule(1)and thestandard operating
proceduresassociated with his orherwork.
(3) Incarrying outthefunctions contemplated is sub-rule (2), the PortSecurityOfficerorhis or
herapPOintee mustrecord intheAuthorit)lsOccurrenceBook-
(a) thenameoftheperson interviewed;
(b) thedatewhen theinterviewtookplace;
(c) the portfacility orthe contracted private security firm to which the security personnel
belongs; and
(d) hisorherfindings.
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(4) The Port Security Officer or his or her appointee must discuss his or her findings with the
portfacility operatororthecontracted securityfirm as soon as possibleaftertheinterview.
(5) If, in theopinion ofthePort Security Officer, itis apparentthatthe person interviewed is not
conversantwith the provisions ofany orsome ofthe documents referred to in sub-rule (1),
the Port Security Officer must-
(a) bring this totheattention ofthe port facility operatororthecontracted private security
company towhomthatsecurityofficeris associated; and
(b) givewritten noticethatthe deficiency becorrected withinaperiod ofone month.
(6) Ifthematteris notremedied withinthe period specified inthenotice, theAuthority may -
(a) in the case of aport facility operator, report the mattertothe MinisterofTransport or
the Director General of the Department ofTransport, as may be required by relevant
legislation, forappropriateaction; and
(b) in the case ofacontracted private security firm, terminate the authorisation to provide
141. Access permits are required for entry into a port
(1) Subjectto sub-rule(9), no person may enteraport withoutavalid access permit.
(2) The Authority will designate an area or areas ofthe port where a person is not required to
obtain an access permit.
(3) The Authority will determine whether a permit is issued by the Authority, the operator ofa
facilitywithin apOr0 orboth.
(4) The Authority may, in respect ofan access permitissued by theAuthority
(a) determine the mannerin which apermit is issued;
(b) determinetheduration forwhich itis valid;
(c) setoutin the Tariff Book, thefees, ifany, payableforaccess permits;
(d) determinetheconditions ofaccess; and
(e) suspend, withdraworcancel the permit.
(5) The operator of a port facility may, with the approval of the Authority, in respect of an
access permitissued by the operator
(a) determinethemannerin which apermit is issued;
(b) determinethedurationforwhich itis valid;
(c) determinetheconditionsofaccess; and
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(d) suspend, withdraw orcancel the permit.
(6) The Authority may require the operatorthatissues an access permitas contemplated in sub-
rule Error! Reference sourcenotfound., to pay to theAuthority thefees, ifany, set out
in the Tariff Book foraccess permits.
(7) A person may be required to produce and show avalid access permit to an officer ofthe
AuthOrity or the operator of the relevant facility at any time while he or she is in the port,
includingatany exitpoint.
(8) Despite anything to the contrary in these rules, entry into any partof aport or port facility
within aport is subjectto thesecurity plans forthatport and thatportfacility as provided for
by theMerchantShipping (MaritimeSecurity) Regulations, 2004.
(9) The master ofa vessel must ensure that all crew members of the vessel have an identity
document that complies with the Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention, 1958 or the
Seafarers'IdentityDocuments Convention (Revised), 2003. TheAuthority will determinethe
date when itwill no longer accept identity documents that are not in compliance with the
Seafarers'IdentityDocumentsConvention (Revised), 2003.
(10) Thefollowing categories ofpersons may enteraportwithout an access permit-
(a) persons authorised in terms of section 12 of the National Key Points Act No. 102 of
1980toenterany National Key Pointthatis withinport limits;
(b) officials who areempowered in terms ofany legislation to enteraport;
(c) persons attending to emergencies, including doctors, paramedics and ambulance
personnel attending to patients, fire fighters from local authorities and veterinary
surgeonsattending to animals.
(11) The persons referred to in sub-rule (9) mustcarry a letterorcard identifying the institution
thattheywork for oridentifying theirmembership ofthe relevant professional society, as the
case maybe.
142. Compliancewiththeconditionsofanaccesspermit
A person in a port must comply with the conditions ofhis or her access permit or permits,
unless the person is in an area of the port that is deSignated as not requiring an access
143. Removalofpersonsandmotor vehidesfrom aport
TheAuthority may remove orcause to be removed any person whoormotor vehicle that
fails to comply with the provisions oftheserules, the Harbour Masters orAuthority's
instructions ortheconditions ofthe access permitormotor vehicle access permit.
144. Firearms
(1) No person may carry afirearm within aport unless the Authority has authorised thatperson
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(2) The Authoritymay impose conditions upon the manner in which a firearm may be used or
carried within apon.
(3) Despite sub-rule (n vessels that have firearms on board must comply with rule 27 and
pleasure vessels thathave firearms on board mustcomplywith rule 135.
(4) The provisions ofthis rule do notapply tomembers ofthefollowing organs ofstate whoare
on official business: government law enforcement agencies, including the South African
Police Service (SAPS), the South African National Defence Force (SAI'JDF), customs and the
NationalIntelligenceAgency (NIA).
145. Entry points into a port
A person may only enter or leave a ponthrough an entrance or exit designated by the
146. Motor vehicles in a port
(1) Amotorvehicle may only enterapOttorbe used in aportafterthe Authorityhas issued an
access permitforthatmotorvehicle.
(2) Despite sub-rule (1), the Authoritymay designate an area orareas ofaportwherea motor
vehicleis notrequired to obtainan access permit.
(3) The Authority will determine whether a motor vehicle access permit is issued by the
Authority, the operatorofafacilitywithin aport, orboth.
(4) The Authoritymay, in respect ofmotorvehicleaccess permits issued by the Authorityitself-
(a) determinethemannerin which apermitis issued;
(b) determinethedurationforwhich itis valid;
(c) requirethe holderofthepermitto display proofofthepermit in the motorvehicle;
(d) setout in the Tariff Book, thefees, ifany, payableformotorvehicleaccess permits;
(e) determinetheconditionsofaccess; and
(f) suspend, withdraworcancel the permit.
(5) The operatorofaportfacility may, with the approval oftheAuthority, in respect ofa motor
vehicleaccess permitissued by theoperator
(a) determinethemannerin which apermit is issued;
(b) determinethedurationforwhich itis valid;
(c) require the holderofthepermittodisplay proofofthepermit in the motorvehicle;
(d) determinetheconditions ofaccess; and
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(e) suspend, withdraworcancel the permit.
(6) The Authority may require the operator that issues a motor vehicle access permit as
contemplated in sub-rule (5), to pay to the Authoritythe fees, ifany, set out in the Tariff
Bookformotorvehicleaccess permits.
(7) The categories ofpersons set out in rule 141(10)are not required to obtain amotorvehicle
access permit.
147. Rail traffic within port limits
(1) By virtue ofsection 3 ofthe National Railway Safety Regulator Act No.5of2002, thatAct
applieswithin the portslimits. These rules donotderogatefrom that Act.
(2) The Authoritymay, in the interest of safety, security, good order and the protection of
environment, give directionsto atrain driver relating to the movement, stopping orparking
148. Activities to be licensed or registered
The Authoritymay require persons who carry out activities in the ports and at off-shore
cargo-handling facilities to registerorapply foralicence. Theseactivities include-
(a) fire protection and fireequipmentinstallationand maintenance;
(b) bunkering;
(c) pollutioncontrol;
(d) diving;
(e) pestcontrol; and
(f) vesselagents.
149. Activities requiring licensing or registration may not be carried out without a
licence or registration
Ifa licence or registration is required, no person may carry outan activity in aportoratan
off-shorecargo-handling facilitywithouthavingalicenceorbeing registered.
150. Determination of licences or registration
(a) which activities carried out in the ports should be regulated by way of licence or
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(b) the manner in which applications for licences or registrations are to be invited,
assessed and decided;
(c) set out in the Tariff Book, the fees payable for applications for a licence or a
registration, and the licenceorregistration itself;
(d) the qualifications and other suitable criteria, including security clearances, that
applicants forlicence orregistration mustmeetin orderto be licensed orregistered;
(e) subjecttothe Actand these rules, including the powers ofthe HarbourMasterin terms
ofsection 74(3)(b), theterms and conditions ofthe licence or registration.
The Authority may, on good cause shown, suspend, withdraw or cancel a licence or
registration provided thatithasfollowed afairprocedure beforethedecision is taken.
(1) In the interests of safety, security, good order and the protection ofthe environment, the
HarbourMastermay, in respect ofany portrepair facility, direct that priority be given to a
vesselin adamaged or unseaworthycondition.
(2) While in any portrepairfacility, no vesselmay dischargeeffluentwater, oil or refuse, except
with the permission in writingofthe HarbourMasteror his or her appOintee. The Harbour
Masteror his or her appOintee may impose conditions upon the granting of permission in
ordertomaintain safety, security, good orderand theprotectionoftheenvironment.
(1) The HarbourMasterdeterminestheorderofprovision ofportrepairfacilityservices.
(2) In making the determination the Harbour Master will take into account the interests of
safety, security, good order, the efficient working of the port and the protection of the
(3) The decision ofthe HarbourMasteras to the use orturn ofuse ofthe AuthoritYsportrepair
facilityin all cases ofdisputeis final.
(1) No hotworkmay be performed on a vesselorpleasure vesselwithin aportwithoutapermit
issued bythe HarbourMaster.
(2) No hotworkmay be performed on the shore within a portwithout a permit issued by the
(3) The Harbour Master or the Authoritymay inspect the place where the hot work will be
performed before itissues the permit.
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(4) The Harbour Master or Authority may impose conditions upon the performance of the hot
155. Repairs or maintenance to a vessel
(1) No external repairs or maintenance to a vessel may be carried outin aport except with the
permission ofthe Harbour Master.
(2) The Harbour Master may directthatprecautionary measures be implemented orthe Harbour
Master may impose conditions upon the permission granted to ensure safety, security, good
orderand theprotectionoftheenvironment.
(3) Ifthe master fails to comply with the Harbour Mastels directives, the Harbour Master may
withdrawhis orher permission and orderthatwork bestopped.
(4) No internal repairs ormaintenance toa vessel may becarried outin aport unlessthe master
(a) advised theHarbour Master ofthenatureand extentoftherepairs contemplated;
(b) obtained ahot work permit from the Authority, and
(c) taken adequate precautions to guard against the risk of fire occurring through or in
consequenceofthecarrying outofthe work.
(5) If, in the opinion of the Harbour Master, the precautions taken are not adequate, the
Harbour Master may orderthat the work be stopped until precautions to the satisfaction of
the Harbour Master have been taken.
156. Inspections and searches
(1) Subjecttotheprovisions ofany legislation
(a) theAuthorit]ls authorisedofficials may inspectand search any person, vehicle ortrailer
withinport limits, includingattheentryand exitpoints oftheport; and
(b) no person may board a vessel withinport limitswithoutthepermiSSion ofthe masteror
person authorised bythe master.
(2) Despitesub-rule(1) and subjectto the provisions ofany applicable legislation
(a) the Harbour Master or any person authorised by the Harbour Master may board a
vessel for purposes of investigating any matter related to the safety, security and
protectionoftheenvironmentoftheport; and
(b) theAuthorit]ls authorised officersmay board a vessel orenterany premises in theport
forpurposesofinvestigatingany matterrelated to thesafety, securityand protectionof
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(1) No mastermay cause his or her vesselto be fumigated in apod exceptwith the permission
ofthe Harbour Master.
(2) The Harbour Master may imposeconditions upon any permission granted as contemplated in
sub-rule(1), in orderto maintain safety, security, goodorderortoprotecttheenvironment.
(1) The acceptance of a late or incomplete notice required in terms of these rules may be
granted ifthere are special circumstances and it is in the interests ofsafety, security, the
protection ofthe environment, good orderand the efficient management and control ofthe
(2) Application in respect ofthe late orincomplete notice must be sought from the Authority or
theHarbour Master, asthecase may be.
(1) No person may, withoutthepermiSSion oftheAuthority-
(a) exhibitorcause to be exhibited any advertisement, placard, noticeorsign on any land,
building orstructure; or
(b) distributeorcause to bedistributedany literaturewithin pod limits.
(2) No person may deface, damage orcause to be defaced or damaged any advertisement,
placard, notice, orsign within port limits.
(1) No person within port limitsmay-
(a) forthe purposes ofavoiding prosecution, give afalse name oraddress to an employee
oftheAuthority on duty;
(b) be in astateofintoxicationorbehave in athreatening orviolent manner;
(c) do anything wilfully or negligently that may cause injury to persons or damage to
(d) commitany nuisanceoractofindecencyoruse anydefamatorylanguage;
(e) takephotographsorfilmwithouttheAuthorit;Js permission;
(f) write, draw or affix any defamatory matter upon any premises or property of the
Authority within port limits;
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(g) remove ordefacethe writing on anotice board ordocumentsetup orposted by order
of the Authority or deface the writing on a board or a notice authorised by the
Authorityto be exhibited;
(h) obstructordoanything likely to obstructthe authorised use ofaport facility; and
(i) interfere with or hinder an employee of the Authority in the execution of his or her
(2) The Authority may exempt categories of persons from the prohibition referred to in sub-
161. Dredging
The Harbour Master will, as far as itis practicable and reasonably possible, ensure thatthe
depth ofthe channels and the port is kept atadepth notless than the promulgated depths
for channels, basinsand berthsoftheport
162. Declaration of a wharl
The Authority may atanytime declareand define acertain area within the limits oftheport
to be a wharf on which cargo may be landed and from which cargo may be shipped in
163. Breaking up and removal of wrecks in a port
(1) No person may break up or remove a wreck, hulk or vessel within port limits without the
written permission ofthe Harbour Master.
(2) The Harbour Master may impose conditions upon the granting ofthis permission in orderto
maintainsafety, security, good orderand the protectionofthe environment.
(3) No permission will begranted unlesstheapplicanthas provided securitytothesatisfaction of
the Authority, in an amount notexceeding thecost thattheAuthority estimates for breaking
up and removal ofthewreck.
(4) Ifthe applicant fails to remove every part of the wreck, hulk or vessel within the period
stipulated by the Authority, the Authority may use the security to remove those parts ofthe
wreck, hulk or vessel thathave notbeen removed bythe applicant. Any additionalcosts will
be fortheaccountoftheapplicantwho undertooktoremove thewreck.
(5) This ruledoes notapplytohistoricwrecks.
164. Information to be furnished by port users
Despite the provisions of these rules, the Authority may request infonnation from users of
the port in relation to any oftheir activities within port limits and that information must be
furnished totheAuthoritywhen requested.
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165. Mannerinwhichtimeistobespecified
Ifa report or notice is made or given in terms ofthese rules and it requires a time to be
specified, then the time must be specified in local time (UTe +2), using the 24-hour clock
166. Changesininformationtobereported
Aperson who provides information to theAuthority pursuantto these rules mustensure that
the Authority is provided with any significant change in the information as soon as it is
reasonably possible.
167. liabilityoftheAuthority
Neitherthe Authority noran employeeorarepresentative oftheAuthority is liable for lossor
damage caused by anything done or omitted by the Authority, the employee or the
representative in good faithwhilstperforminganyfunction in terms ofthese rules.
168. Observanceofotherlawsandconventions
The provisions of these rules do not exempt any person from the due observance of the
proviSions ofany otherlaworconvention thatapplies within aport
169. Offences
(1) Aperson is guilty ofan offence ifhe or she contravenes rule 7, 10(e), 34(1), 64(1), 64(2),
65(2), 65(4), 66, 75(1), 76, 79,80, 820,83(1), 83(1), 85(1), 86(1), 86(2), 86(3), 86(7),
86(8), 91, 96, 97, 104, 159, 141(1), 142, 0(1), 145, OError! Reference source not
found., OError! Referencesourcenotfound.to Error!Referencesourcenotfound.,
OError!Referencesourcenotfound., 149, 156(1)(1)(b), 157(1), 158or163.
(2) The master ofa vessel is guilty ofan offence ifhe orshe contravenes rules 16(1), 20(1), 27,
3D, 36, 54Error! Reference source notfound., 54(1), 55, 56, 69, 70, 72, 84(3), 84(4),
88,93, 101(1), 154(1), 154(2), 155(1), 155(4),
(3) The master of a pleasure vessel is guilty of an offence if he or she contravenes rule
124(1),126, 131, 132(1), 133, 135, 136(1)or154(1).
110. Transitionalarrangements
A licence issued by the Authority or permission granted, order or direction given by the
Authority or other action lawfully taken under repealed legislation remains valid until the
licence, permission, order,direction oraction expires oris suspended orcancelled in termsof
theAct orthese rules.
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Port Rules in tenns of the National Ports Act No. 12 of 2005
Column 1
Vessel traffic
services zones
Saldanha Bay and
2 Table Bay and
3 Port Elizabeth and
Durban and
Richards Bay and
Column 2
All South African waters contained within-
A. cape Columbine 3249'.6 S 01750'.9 E
B. 3300'.0 S 01730'.0 E
C. 3325'.0 S 01745'.0 E
D. Yzerfontein Point 3321'.0 S 01808'.6 E
All South African waters contained within-
A. Bok Point 3334'.0 S 01818'.4 E
B. 3345'.0 S 01802'.5 E
C. 3400'.0 S 01810'.0 E
D. Duiker Point 3402'.4 S 01818'.6 E
A1 3401.7' S 2547.4' E, a line to St,. Croix Island
bearing 330 (T) to the shore high water mark.
Bl 3354.3' S 2550.0' E, a line to cape Recife bearing
270 (T) to the shore high water mark.
A radius of 12 nautical miles from 2950.2' Sand 3105.8'
E to the shore high water mark.
A radius of 15 nautical miles from south breakwater
position 2848.86' Sand 3205.85' E to the shore high
water mark.
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