(Magic, Draft) The Unseen University of Tidak Osulan
(Magic, Draft) The Unseen University of Tidak Osulan
(Magic, Draft) The Unseen University of Tidak Osulan
the Pathfinder System. Chapter 1 / History of Tidak Osulan Post Admin on Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:41 pm History of the Tidak Osulan The history of the Tidak Osulan is virtually the same as the history of the arch mage named Magnus. No one knows the origin or any details of the youth of Magnus . His name was only mentioned in whispered rumours before the establishment of t he Tidak Osulan. Magnus was known by many names, the Eternal Researcher, the Nether Eye and Plane strider. He was one of the first necromancers to ever make a name for himself in the history of arcane magic. Yet, Magnus did not make a name for himself in the way that most necromancers do, by their destructive and malevolent behaviour. M agnus was already a scholarly person, travelling from plane to plane in his purs uit of necromantic lore. It is well known that Magnus has gathered a collection of necromantic material that rivals any other collection in the known multiverse , yet he hasn't used his arcane powers and dread magic to further any destructive or dominating ends. Instead, Magnus was always known to be peaceful necromancer with a calm temper. The Planestrider resorts only to violent magic if anyone opp oses him in his search for the secrets of necromancy. No one truely knows the race of Magnus; it is as much a secret as the rest of hi s background. Some believe that he is the last remainder of an extinct race of n ecromantically-endowed elves, while others believe that he is a demi-god of the dark arts. When he appears in person, he always takes the form of a strong-bodie d human male in his late forties, with long, blond hair and grey eyes. It is kno wn to all though, that a wizard of Magnus magnitude is perfectly capable of choo sing whatever appearance he sees fit. The history of the Tidak Osulan starts with the discovery of the Arokai ruins. T he Arokai were once a dominant race in the world, closely related to mindflayers . The Arokai were powerful spellcasters and especially their knowledge of necrom ancy was renowned. As with many of the races of old though, the Arokai were wipe d out in a series of wars. The wars in which the Arokai were involved were so de vastating that no trace was left of their civilisation. It was only when a small dark elf settlement discovered some unusual structures burried beneath the grou nd near their town, many thousand years after the demise of the Arokai, that any one got access to the some of the lore possessed by the ancient race. The dark e lves contacted their capitol with tales of the odd city they had found in a huge cave not far from their village. The dark elf council decided to send a famous scholar of theirs to the site, Zzariach Laray. With a small troup of researchers and soldiers, Zzariach made his way to the site of the newly discovered city. A t the site, he immediately concluded that what he had found was something not se en before by any dark elf, something hardly even mentioned in the history books of his race. For the first time in many thousand years, the lore of the Arokai w as once again accessible. Zzariach oversaw the construction of a small fort to protect the site. As soon a s the defences were in order, he started the construction of a series of buildin gs that would house his students and their equipment. Before the work on the encampment was completed, the site saw the arrival of an unwelcome visitor. One day the dark elves woke up to witness the arrival of an a rmy at their doorstep. Emerging from arcane portals, thousands of undead troops
had surrounded the site. Supported by enormous battle-beasts of reanimated flesh and metal, flanked by nether beings never seen before by any dark elf, the army quickly had the site under control. The dark elves did not put up a fight, bein g outnumbered ten to one. At the head of the army was a man who introduced himse lf simply as Magnus. With him was his student, Lgrand. Magnus approached Zzariach and his crew and gave them a simple ultimatum. The dark elves were given the option of either resisting Magnus control over the site, which would mean a war with the most powerful necromancer known, or they could relinguish control. Magnus had some conditions for the dark elves, should they wish to surrender the site. First of all, the location of the site would be come a secret too even the dark elves themselves. Secondly, Zzariach and his cre w would be permitted to stay and continue their work, but under the leadership o f Lgrande. The whole situation was a severe dilemma to Zzariach. He knew that the dark elve s were already engulfed in conflict with other denizens of the underdark, confli cts that took a heavy toll on the military ressources of his people. He knew tha t his people might be able to gather an army that would be able to oppose Magnus , but doing so would leave them very vulnerable to attacks from their neighbours . The dark elf kingdom was surrounded on all sides by races just waiting for any sign of weakness in the defences of the dark elf cities. Reluctantly, Zzariach had no other choice but to relinquish control of the Aroka i ruins to Magnus and his army. Zzariach accepted the offer to become a part of the research crew that would establish themselves around the site. Secretly, the scholar planned to learn as much as he could from both Magnus and his army, as well as from the Arokai ruins, and then hand over his findings to his dark elf b rethren. As soon as Magnus assumed control over the ruins, he sent out his Soul Screecher s to locate any dark elf that knew of the site. His powerful minions systematica lly erased the memory of those dark elves they found that knew of the site. Soon , the only dark elves that knew of the site were the ones working there. Magnus also sent out a small detachment of Rokalar Necrobeasts to the nearby dark elf v illage. The purpose of these Necrobeasts was a twofold one. First of all, the Ne crobeasts were a trumph card from Magnus side. If the dark elves were ever to br eak their agreement, then the beasts would be the first line of defence for the site, as well as a powerful offensive tool that could strike a devastating blow against the exposed dark elf village. Secondly, beasts were a gift to the dark e lves as a reward for their cooperation. As long as the dark elves remained on go od standing with Magnus and his crew, the Necrobeasts would stay in the village and assist in its defence against any enemies of the dark elves. As interested as Magnus was in the secrets of the Arokai, he didn't have the time to personally oversee all research done at the site. Instead, he put his student Lgrand in control. Lgrand, a human necromancer of great power, continued the work that the dark elves had started with fortifying the Arokai ruins. Soon, the few scattered buildings around the site had grown into a mighty fortress that prote cted some of the most sophisticated research facilities that had ever been built . Zzariach was given full control over the research into the artifacts recoved f rom the Arokai ruins, while Lgrand assumed general control over the site. Only a few years passed by before Lgrande noticed one of the problems of being in control of such a powerful source of necromantic knowledge. While the site was well protected against any army that would dare trespass the ruins, nothing prot ected the site from arcane scrying from inquisitive necromancers in their search for forbidden lore. Only three years after the fortress was finished, the first necromancer travelled to the site using arcane means and approached Lgrande with a plea to be allowed access to the findings of Zzariach. At first, Lgrande was t empted to simply dispose of the visitor, but he soon realised that the location
of the site could never be hidden from powerful spellcasters. Instead, Lgrande ga ve the young necromancer a proposal; a proposal similar to that Magnus had given Zzariach. The necromancer was given the choice between death or servitude. He c ould either stay at the site and work under Zzariach, severing all ties he had t o the surface world, or he could be killed. Naturally, the young necromancer dec ided to remain at the site and become a student of Zzariach. Thus, Lgrande starte d the program that would be the foundation of the Tidak Osulan. Any necromancer with enough power to locate the site would be given the choice of joining the Ti dak Osulan as a student. Since powerful barriers were erected that protected the Tidak Osulan from most forms of arcane scrying, only those spellcasters of exce ptional power stood a chance of penetrating the magic defences and locating the site. This provided the University with a very good test of admission. From time to time, students came to the university that brought necromantic lore so diverse from what were studied at the site, that a new wing would be establi shed to further the research into the new topic. The first wing established was naturally the Arokai wing, led by Zzariach Laray. Only ten years after the Aroka i wing was established, a dwarf necromancer who brought with him an extensive kn owledge of mechanics and how technology could be applied to undead minions visit ed the university. Dourak Stonesplinter first became a regular student at the un iversity, but as soon as he had finished his studies he was given a wing of his own, the Blackforge Wing. The Blackforge Wing studied the application of steam t echnology to improve the capabilities of undead creatures. The third wing to be established was the Mindflay Wing, started by another stude nt named Jasmin Noble. Jasmin, an inquisitive young wizard, had stumbled upon so me interesting side effects that Negative Energy had upon the mind of sentient b eings. As soon as she had finished her studies at the university, she started an extensive research program of her own that focused on how Negative Energy could be used to influence the mind of both living and dead creatures. The fourth wing was the Netherweave Wing, established by Samuel Destonte. While the Negative Material Plane is the source of all necromantic magic, Samuel had d iscovered demi-plans that possessed a type of energy that was similar, yet diffe rent from normal Negative Energy. This energy had powers that were subtler, yet still powerful, compared to Negative Energy. Soon, Samuel was given his own wing to continue his research into the matter. The Netherweave Wing is responsible f or the construction of the Nether Sentinels that provide the first line of defen ce for the Tidak Osulan. A student at the university did actually not establish the fifth wing, the Warfa re Wing. Only once in the history of the Tidak Osulan has it ever been under org anised attack. This attack came from a famous dwarf mercenary hired by an allian ce of underdark races to lead an army that would take control of the site. The a rmy never found the Tidak Osulan, as Lgrande heard of its purpose before it came close to the university grounds. Lgrande rallied an army consisting of the most p owerful creatures created by the individual wings, as well as his most potent st udents, to face the army of Khor Grimfist, the dwarf mercenary. Even though the army of Lgrande was a powerful one, Khor was a cunning tactician and his hit and run tactics provided to be a formidable foe to Lgrande. It took almost two years of constant fighting before Lgrande was finally able to defeat Khor on the battle field and destroy his army. Impressed by the performance of the cunning dwarf, Lg rande ordered that Khor be reanimated and offered a Wing of his own at the Tidak Osulan. Khor, being a mercenary by heart, accepted the offer and the high salar y that was included in it. Soon, the Warfare Wing was established, led by the re animated Khor Grimfist. The Warfare Wing has one purpose only. It is completely committed to research that can increase the potency of the Unseen army. Working in close relation to the Security Department, the Warfare Wing is responsible fo r the creation of the bulk of the creatures that make up the Unseen security for ces.
At the present time, the Tidak Osulan is more than seven thousand years old. The leaders of the individual wings remain the same though, having had their lives prolonged by necromantic magic. The site is home to almost a thousand living stu dents and employees, and countless undead creatures and creations. Chapter 2 / Tidak Osulan Mentor Template Post Admin on Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:27 am Tidak Osulan Mentor The mentor is a powerful variant of the lich, created specifically for the heads of the different wings of Tidak Osulan. Creating a mentor is a lenghty ritual t hat requires 500.000 gp worth of material components, six months and the attenda nce of several high level necromancers. Unlike a lich, a mentor resembles its fo rmer self to a greater extent. A mentor gains a faint grey complexion and eyes t hat glow dull red. Mentors are highly intelligent and capable opponents that rel y on their spells to defeat foes. They prefer to keep their opponents on as far distance as possible to prevent any harm to their frail bodies. Creating a Tidak Osulan Mentor Tidak Osulan Mentor is an acquired template that can be added to any living creatu re (referred to hereafter as the base creature) capable of creating the required phylactery. A tidak osulan mentor uses all the base creature's statistics and spe cial abilities except as noted here. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +4. Alignment: Any non-good. Size and Type: The creature's type changes to undead with the appropriate augmente d subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonuses, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged. Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. As undead, tidak osulan mentors use their Charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution) . Speed: A tidak osulan mentor can fly with perfect maneuverability at a speed equ al to the base creature's highest speed. This flight is a supernatural ability. Armor Class: The tidak osulan mentor's natural armor bonus increases by +8 over th at of the base creature. Attack: The tidak osulan mentor retains all the base creature's attacks, and its w eapon and armor proficiencies. These attacks retain the same primary or secondar y status they had for the base creature. The tidak osulan mentor gains a primary touch attack that it can use once per round if it did not already have one. A t idak osulan mentor armed with a weapon uses that or its touch in an attack actio n, as it desires. Damage: A tidak osulan mentor's touch attack uses negative energy to deal 3d6+12 p oints of damage to living creatures. A Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 tidak osulan mento r's character level + tidak osulan mentor's Cha modifier) reduces the damage by half . A tidak osulan mentor with natural weapons can use the touch attack or its nat ural weaponry, as it prefers. If it chooses the latter, it deals 3d6+12 points of negative energy damage in ad dition to the normal damage for one natural weapon attack of its choice. A tidak
osulan mentor's touch attack is a supernatural ability. Its natural attacks are c onsidered magic and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Special Attacks: The tidak osulan mentor retains all the base creature's special a ttacks and gains those described here. Command Undead (Su) A tidak osulan mentor can rebuke and command other undead as a 20th-level evil c leric. If the tidak osulan mentor has cleric levels, it channels enegery to heal undead as a 20th-level evil cleric or an evil cleric whose level equals 2 + the tidak osulan mentor's cleric class levels, whichever is greater. Empowered Spells (Ex) All of a tidak osulan mentor's spells from the Necromancy school, spells with the evil descriptor, and spell-like abilities are automatically affected as if by th e Empower Spell feat. Such spells do not require higher-level spell slots or inc reased casting times. The Empower Spell feat cannot be used to further augment t hese spells. Essence Drain (Su) Whenever the tidak osulan mentor causes any kind of ability drain, it can use th e drained energy to restore used spells. When an attack, special ability or spel l causes ability drain, the tidak osulan mentor can choose to have a spell resto red of a spell level equal to the amount of ability points drained. Maximized Spells (Ex) All of a tidak osulan mentor's spells from the Necromancy school, spells with the evil descriptor, and spell-like abilities are automatically affected as if by th e Maximize Spell feat. Such spells do not require higher-level spell slots or in creased casting times. The Maximize Spell feat cannot be used to further augment these spells. Spells The tidak osulan mentor can cast spells as it did in life. Strong Spellweaving (Ex) A 6 penalty applies to any dispel check made to dispel a spell cast by a tidak os ulan mentor. Touch of Despair (Su) The tidak osulan mentor causes 1d4+2 points of Charisma and Wisdom damage with a ny of its melee attacks. This power works in conjunction with the tidak osulan m entor's damaging touch (see above) and with natural melee attacks. Special Qualities: The tidak osulan mentor retains all the base creature's special qualities and gains the one described here. Phylactery (Ex) An integral part of becoming a tidak osulan mentor is creating a magic phylacter y in which to store its life force. Unless the phylactery is located and destroy ed, the tidak osulan mentor reforms next to its phylactery 1d4 days after its ap parent death. It does not matter how far away the tidak osulan mentor is from it s phylactery, but the two must be on the same plane. If the phylactery is on a d ifferent plane, the tidak osulan mentor reforms 1d4 days after the phylactery is brought to the plane on which the tidak osulan mentor was destroyed. Each tidak osulan mentor must make its own phylacterya task that requires the Cra ft Wondrous Item feat. The base creature must be able to cast spells or use spel l-like abilities, and its caster level must be at least 15th level. The phylacte ry costs 200,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creato
r at the time of creation. The most common kind of phylactery is a Tiny adamantine box that has hardness 30 , 50 hit points, and a break DC of 50. Other types of phylacteries, such as ring s, amulets, or similar items, can also exist. Damage Reduction (Su) A tidak osulan mentor has damage reduction 20/magic and good. Immunities (Ex) tidak osulan mentores are immune to cold, electricity, polymorph (although polym orph effects they use on themselves work), and mind-affecting effects. Channel Resistance (Ex) A tidak osulan mentor has channel resistance +6. Power of the Wing (Ex) The tidak osulan mentor has an additional power based on which wing it was creat ed in. If a tidak osulan mentor is somehow created outside the college, it will not have this special quality. - Blackforge Wing: The tidak osulan mentor is covered in a carapace of adamantin e that grants it damage reduction 20/adamantine, magic and good instead of its n ormal damage reduction. The natural attacks of the tidak osulan mentor are consi dered adamantine in addition to magic and evil-aligned for the purpose of overco ming damage reduction. - Mindflay Wing: The Touch of Despair special attack will cause 1d6+2 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage instead of merely 1d4+2 points of Wisdo m and Charisma damage. - Arokai Wing: - Netherweave Wing: The tidak osulan mentor gets a +2 bonus to the DC of all its enchantment spells. - Warfare Wing: The Empowered Spells and Maximized Spells special attacks apply their benefit to all spells from the Evocation school, in addition to the spells they normally apply their benefit to. - Zahl-Ganib Wing: It only takes the tidak osulan mentor 1d4 hours to reform nex t to its phylactery if destroyed, instead of 1d4 days. - Apostate Wing: The channel resistance of the tidak osulan mentor increases to +8, and it gains a +5 bonus to all saving throws against divine spells. Unlimited Darkvision (Ex) A tidak osulan mentor has darkvision with a range equal to that of the base crea ture's normal daylight vision or 120 feet, whichever is greater. Abilities: Str +6, Dex +2, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +6. As an undead creature, a tida k osulan mentor has no Constitution score, but uses Charisma for bonus hit point s and Fortitude saves. Skills: A tidak osulan mentor receives a +8 racial bonus on Perception and Steal th checks, and a +4 insight bonus on Linguistics, Knowledge (any), Spellcraft, a nd Use Magic Device checks. Feats: The tidak osulan mentor gains Greater Spell Focus (necromancy), Greater S pell Penetration, Skill Focus (knowledge(arcana)), Spell Focus (necromancy), Spe
ll Penetration, Toughness and Undead Master as bonus feats if it does not alread y have them. Environment: Any. Organization: Solitary. Tidak osulan mentor Characters Only a willing evil creature can become a tidak osulan mentor. A tidak osulan me ntor favors whichever class the base creature does. Chapter 2 / Tidak Ghouls Post Admin on Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:10 pm Tidak Ghoul The Tidak ghouls were amongst some of the first creatures discovered in the Arok ai ruins, roaming the outskirts of the site on the endless prowl for fresh meat. Tidak ghouls are in many ways similar to regular ghouls, being humanoid undead with grey, decaying skin that is stretched tightly over its nimble frame. As reg ular ghouls, Tidak ghouls prefer to roam in packs, relying on numbers and cunnin g to take down their prey. Tidak ghouls are different from regular ghouls in a number of ways, due to the t aint of the Arokai magic that permeates them. While they resemble regular ghouls at a distance, once you get closer you can see the Arokai crystals that have in fected their bodies, protruding from the skin. Some crystals appear in small clu sters while others are larger and clearly cumbersome as they can measure almost a full foot in length. Tidak ghouls are also unique in another way. Due to the taint of the Arokai magi c, they have a bond between them when they move in pack. This bond is created by the special ghoul called the unifier, a powerful ghoul leader with the ability to create a connection between all the ghouls in his pack. Each ghoul in the pac k gives a boon to all other ghouls in the pack, depending on the type of ghoul. Tidak ghouls are cunning opponents and prefer to use cowardly tactics whenever p ossible. They use their ability to burrow into the ground to the fullest extent, laying ambushes. Tidak ghouls know how to identify weaker opponents such as arc hers or spellcasters and prefer to target these foes first. Typically a pack of Tidak ghouls will send its ghoul brutes to either grapple or bull rush enemy spe llcasters to keep them occupied while ghoul armorer and ghoul fleshmenders keep the sturdier enemies occupied. If a pack is facing a superior foe it will typica lly use hit and run tactics, preferring to corner weaker foes to take them out q uickly before running away. A necromancer can create Tidak ghouls with the Create Undead spell if he has stu died at Tidak Osulan. As with all undead created with Create Undead, the Tidak g houls are not under the command of the creator when created. Ghoul Unifier CR 5 The ghoul unifier is the largest of the Tidak ghouls, a lumbering mass of pale f lesh that hovers above its companions. Protruding from the chest of the ghoul un ifier is a large Arokai crystal that pulsates with grey, necromantic energy. The ghoul unifier is the leader of the ghoul pack, creating an arcane bond betwe en all the members of the pack that bolsters each ghoul in the band as long as t he unifier is alive. If the unifier is slain or removed from the pack, the pack looses a significant boost as the individual ghouls can no longer receive pack b onuses. Therefore, even though the unifier is a very capable combatant, the othe r ghouls in the pack will always do their best to defend it. XP 1,600
NE Large undead Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 DEFENSE AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size) hp 68 (8d8+32) Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +9 Defensive Abilities: Channel resistance +4; Immune undead traits OFFENSE Speed: 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. Melee: Bite +10 (1d8+4 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +11 (1d8+6 plus paralysis) Special Attacks: Paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 19, elves are immune to this effect ) STATISTICS Str 18, Dex 15, Con , Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16 Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 23 Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Claws), Weapon Specializati on (Claws) Skills: Climb +12, Disguise +11, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +11, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +10 Languages: Common SPECIAL ABILITIES Howl of Battle (Ex) Once per day a ghoul unifier can emit a piercing scream that bolsters all nearby Tidak ghouls. Using howl of battle is a standard action that gives a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage to all Tidak ghouls within 120 ft. The ability has a duration of a number of rounds equal to the Hit Die of the unifier. Unifier (Su) Ghoul unifiers have the ability to create a bond between a pack of Tidak ghouls. This ability only works with Tidak ghouls, no other forms of ghouls can be part of a Tidak ghoul pack. A unifier can unite a number of ghouls equal to its Hit Dice. When a pack is formed through a ghoul unifier, all ghouls will receive bon uses depending on the pack bonuses of the individual ghouls. Each tidak ghoul ot her than the unifier will give a pack bonus that is given to each ghoul in the p ack, including the unifier and the ghoul giving the bonus. These bonuses typical ly stack unless otherwise noted. Pack bonuses only apply to ghouls within 120 ft . of the unifier. If there are more Tidak ghouls in the vicinity of the unifier than the unifier can unite, the unifier selects which Tidak ghouls arent consid ered part of the pack for the purpose of the unifier ability. Ghoul Armorer CR 3 The ghoul armorer is a heavy, cumbersome ghoul, covered in thick, brown scales. XP 800 NE Medium undead Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 DEFENSE AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +8 natural) hp 30 (4d8+12) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Defensive Abilities: Channel resistance +2; Immune undead traits; DR 3/OFFENSE
Speed: 25 ft., burrow 5 ft. Melee: Bite +4 (1d8+2 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +4 (1d8+2 plus paralysis) Special Attacks: Paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 16, elves are immune to this effect ) STATISTICS Str 14, Dex 15, Con , Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 14 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness Skills: Climb +6, Disguise +5, Perception +5, Stealth +6 Languages: Common SPECIAL ABILITIES Fortify (Ex) As a standard action, the ghoul armorer can harden its skin to better withstand physical punishment. When fortified the ghoul armorer grows large, thick scales all over its body. The ghoul armorer is unable to take any actions expect a 5 ft . move action when fortified. While fortified the ghoul armorer gains a +3 bonus to Natural Armor and a +3 bonus to its Damage Reduction, but it looses any Dext erity bonus to its Armor Class. The bonus to Damage Reduction stacks with both t he inherent Damage Reduction of ghoul armorers as well as the Damage Reduction g ranted by the pack bonus. Leaving the fortified stance is a standard action. Pack Bonus, Armor (Su) The ghoul armorer provides a pack bonus to all ghouls it is connected to through the ghoul unifier, including itself. This pack bonus grants a stacking +1 bonus to Natural Armor and a stacking DR 1/-. Each armorer ghoul in the pack increase s the Damage Reduction by one. This Damage Reduction stacks both with itself and the inherent Damage Reduction that some Tidak ghouls have. The maximum bonus th at can be gained from this ability is +5 Natural Armor and DR 5/- if there are 5 ghoul armorers present in the pack. Ghoul Brute CR 3 The ghoul brute is a heavily muscled undead XP 800 NE Medium undead Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 DEFENSE AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) hp 26 (4d8+Cool Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 Defensive Abilities: Channel resistance +2; Immune undead traits OFFENSE Speed: 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. Melee: Bite +5 (1d8+3 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +5 (1d8+3 plus grab and paraly sis) Special Attacks: Paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 16, elves are immune to this effect ) STATISTICS Str 16, Dex 15, Con , Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness Skills: Climb +6, Disguise +5, Perception +5, Stealth +6 Languages: Common
SPECIAL ABILITIES Bloodrage (Ex) Once per day, when a ghoul brute is wounded, it can choose to enter a bloodrage. Using the bloodrage ability is a swift action. Bloodrage lasts for one round pe r HD of the ghoul brute and grants a +2 morale bonus to Strength. The ghoul brut e can only enter bloodrage in the same round that it was wounded. Pack Bonus, Strength (Su) The ghoul brute provides a pack bonus to all ghouls it is connected to through t he ghoul unifier, including itself. This pack bonus grants a stacking +2 profane bonus to Strength. The maximum bonus that can be gained from this ability is +1 0 if there are 5 ghoul brutes present in the pack. Ghoul Fleshmender CR 3 XP 800 NE Medium undead Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 DEFENSE AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) hp 34 (4d8+16) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Defensive Abilities: Channel resistance +2; Immune undead traits; Fast Healing 3 OFFENSE Speed: 30 ft., burrow 10 ft. Melee: Bite +4 (1d8+2 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +4 (1d8+2 plus grab and paraly sis) Special Attacks: Paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 18, elves are immune to this effect ) STATISTICS Str 14, Dex 15, Con , Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness Skills: Climb +6, Disguise +5, Perception +5, Stealth +6 Languages: Common SPECIAL ABILITIES Swift Recovery (Su) As a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, the ghoul fleshmend er can imbue one tidak ghoul in its vicinity with improved regenerative abilitie s. By touching a ghoul in the pack, the ghoul fleshmender grants the imbued ghou l a stacking +5 bonus to its Fast Healing. This bonus stacks wih the Fast Healin g granted by the pack bonus of the ghoul fleshmender. Swift Recovery can be used twice per day and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Hit Die of the ghou l fleshmender. The Fast Healing granted by this ability takes effect immediately when used, healing the affected ghoul for 5 Hit Points. Swift Recovery does not stack with itself. Pack Bonus, Fortitude (Su) The ghoul fleshmender provides a pack bonus to all ghouls it is connected to thr ough the ghoul unifier, including itself. This pack bonus grants one additional stacking Hit Point per Hit Die and stacking Fast Healing 1. The Fast Healing gra nted by this ability stacks with the inherent Fast Healing of the ghoul fleshmen der. The maximum bonus that can be gained from this ability is 5 extra Hit Point
s per Hit Die and Fast Healing 5 if there are 5 ghoul fleshmenders present in th e pack. Ghoul Rusher CR 3 XP 800 NE Medium undead Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 DEFENSE AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+5 Dex, +4 natural) hp 22 (4d8+4) Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +5 Defensive Abilities: Channel resistance +2; Immune undead traits OFFENSE Speed: 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. Melee: Bite +4 (1d8+2 plus paralysis) and 2 claws +4 (1d8+2 plus paralysis) Special Attacks: Paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 16, elves are immune to this effect ) STATISTICS Str 14, Dex 20, Con , Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 19 Feats: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes Skills: Acrobatics +13, Climb +6, Perception +5, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics Languages: Common New Generic Feats Animation Mastery [Metamagic] Prerequisite: Ability to cast Animate Dead Benefit: By increasing the spell level of a spell used to create undead, you cre ate more potent undead. Animation Mastery can only be used on any spell that ani mates or creates undead. For each spell level that the spell is increased by, th e created undead have all of their Ability Scores increased by two, with the exc eption of Constitution which is unaffected. Karathan Infusion Prerequisites: Karathan Necromancy. Benefit: When you cast any spell from the school of necromancy, you may choose t o sacrifice Hit Points to bolster the spell. The spell gains a +1 bonus to DC fo r every 5 Hit Points sacrificed, up to a maximum bonus of +5 if 25 Hit Points ar e sacrificed. Karathan Necromancy Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least one spell from the school of necromancy, Constitution 15+. Benefit: You have mastered a special type of necromancy founded by Zzariach Lgran de. You add your Constitution Modifier to the DC of any spells you cast from the school of necromancy, instead of the Ability Modifier that would normally be ad ded to the DC of the spell. If you have no Constition score, you instead add you r Charisma Modifier. Karathan Thaumaturgy Prerequisites: Karathan Infusion, Karathan Warding. Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell from the school of necromancy that kills at l east one living creature, you are able to use the life energy of the slain creat
ure to power your spell instead of your personal reserves. When your necromancy spell kills at least one living creature, the spell is not spent and can be cast again. Karathan Warding Prerequisites: Karathan Necromancy. Benefit: Whenever you suffer Hit Point damage, you may choose to sacrifice a spe ll from the school of necromancy to create a temporary barrier of necromantic en ergy that blocks some of the damage. You reduce the damage taken by an amount eq ual to twice the spell level of the spent spell. You can use Karathan Warding on ce per round. Nemis Mastery Prerequisites: Nemis Precision Benefit: Whenever you cast a necromancy spell that requires a ranged touch attac k, your spell is split to affect two targets instead of one. The spell will both separate targets to the full extent of the spell. A ranged touch attack roll mu st be made separately for each target. Nemis Mastery will not allow you to affec t one target twice when casting a ranged touch attack spell, the two effects mus t target two separate enemies. If you have Nemis Weakness, both targets will suf fer from the penalties from Nemis Weakness if they are hit by the spell. Nemis Necromancy Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least one necromancy spell that requires a tou ch attack or ranged touch attack. Benefit: You have mastered an offensive type of necromancy that was discovered i n the Arokai ruins. Any necromancy spells that you cast that require a touch att ack or ranged touch attack will ignore any abilities, spells or effects that giv e a chance for attacks to miss, such as incorporeality, Blur, Displacement and s imilar. Necromancy spells that require a touch attack or ranged touch attack wil l also ignore concealment of any kind (but not cover). This feat will not allow you to ignore any effects that increase the Armor Class of your opponent, only e ffects that provide a chance for attacks to miss. Nemis Precision Prerequisites: Nemis Necromancy Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls made to hit with necromancy spe lls that require a touch attack or ranged touch attack. Additionally, all necrom ancy spells that you cast that require a ranged touch attack will have their max imum range increased by 50%. Nemis Transference Prerequisites: Nemis Necromancy Benefit: When you cast any necromancy spell that requires a touch attack or rang ed touch attack, you may choose to have the spell originate from any undead unde r your command instead of yourself. The range and the line of sight of the spell is calculated from the undead, but you use your own attack bonus to determine i f the spell hits. The spell otherwise acts as if cast by you. The spell still be nefits from all effects granted by Nemis feats. If you have Nemis Mastery, the s pell will still have double effect. Nemis Weakness Prerequisites: Nemis Necromancy Benefit: When you hit an opponent with any necromancy spell that requires a touc h attack or ranged touch attack, you weaken that opponent against any subsequent necromancy spells. You gain a +1 bonus to all subsequent touch attacks or range d touch attacks against that opponent, and your opponent suffers a -1 penalty to all his Saving Throws against necromancy spells you cast on him. This penalty s tacks indefinitely, but it will go away if one hour passes where the opponent is not hit by any touch attack or ranged touch attack necromancy spells from you.
Okku-Dalei Bolstering Prerequisites: Okku-Dalei Necromancy Benefit: If you have a profane bonus to any Ability Score from using Okku-Dalei Necromancy, you may choose to transfer this bonus to a willing recipient. Transf erring the bonus is a swift action that requires that you touch your recipient. The bonus and the duration of the effect remains the same when transferred. Okku-Dalei Consumption Prerequisites: Okku-Dalei Necromancy Benefit: If you have a profane ability bonus from using Okku-Dalei Necromancy in effect on you, you can choose to consume the energy of the bonus to heal yourse lf of damage. Using Okku-Dalei Consumption is a swift action. You are healed for an amount of damage equal to twice the bonus you previously received. If, for e xample, you used Okku-Dalei Necromancy to receive a +6 profane bonus to Strength , consuming this bonus will heal you for 12 points of damage. Okku-Dalei Necromancy Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least one spell which causes ability drain. Benefit: You have mastered one of the types of necromancy practiced by the Aroka i. When you cause ability drain with a spell you are able to leech the drained e nergy to bolster yourself. You gain a profane bonus to the same Ability Score th at you drained, equal to the amount drained by your spell. This bonus will last for one hour. It is not possible to benefit from more than one profane bonus to any Ability Score, but you can always choose to replace a profane bonus to an Ab ility Score when you cause ability drain, either to renew the duration of the pr ofane bonus, or to increase the profane bonus in case you caused more ability dr ain. Servant of Bone Prerequisite: Ability to cast a spell of at least level 4 from the school of Nec romancy and the ability to have a Familiar. Benefit: You can create a Servant of Bone that takes some of your strength and u ses it to enforce itself. Creating a Servant of Bone is a lengthy ritual that is very taxing to the creator. The ritual requires that the creator assembles a complete corpse of medium-size. The body of the Servant of Bone can consist of several corpses if necessary. Th ere must be the remains of a humanoid that had a minimum of 18 Strength when it was alive, a humanoid that had a minimum of 18 Dexterity and a humanoid that had a minimum of 18 Intelligence. Once an appropriate body is gathered, it must be further prepared with a great number of herbs and alchemical substances. The her bs and substances cost a total of 5.000 gp, and a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check mu st be made to correctly prepare the corpse. If the check fails, the material com ponents are lost, but the body remains usable. Once the body is prepared, a ritual must be completed to animate it. This ritual takes 48 hours and 5.000 gp worth of materials are used during it. The people p articipating in the ritual must cast a total of 100 spell levels worth of Necrom ancy spells into the corpse to imbue it with Necromantic energy. The creator him self, the person binding himself to the Servant of Bone, must be present for the full duration of the ritual, but any additional participants need only particip ate by casting the spells required for the ritual to be successful. Once the ritual is complete, a Servant of Bone is created. If the creator has an y familiar, this familiar will die at the end of the ritual as the link it share s with the caster is broken. The description of the Servant of Bone can be seen below. When the ritual is completed, the creator can choose to give the Servant of Bone additional powers by sacrificing some of his own energy. The following i s a list of powers that can be granted to the Servant of Bone, depending upon wh at the creator chooses to sacrifice. Some powers can only be granted once, while
others can be added as many times as the creator wishes. All the special abilit ies that cost Hit Points have a maximum amount of times they can be purchased eq ual to a third of the total amount of Hit Points spent on buying abilities. For example, if the creator spent a Hit Point on giving his Servant of Bone the Enfo rced Body power, then he can't purchase Enforced Body again until he has spent 2 H it Points on buying other powers. Sacrificing 1 hp. Artisan: The Servant of Bone gains 6 Skill Points that the creator may allocate to any skills he desires. No skill may have more skill points allocated to it th an the Servant of Bone's HD + 3. Enforced Body: The Servant of Bone gains 3 additional permanent Hit Points. Can be taken several times. Heightened Essence: The Servant of Bone gains a virtual Hit Dice. For all purpos es, the Servant of Bone will count as having an additional Hit Dice (Turn Undead , spell effects, etc.). The extra Hit Dice does not grant any bonuses to Base At tack or Saving Throws, nor does it grant any actual Hit Points. It does though i ncrease the maximum amount of skill points that the Servant of Bone may allocate to one skill. Minor Spell: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to cast any 1st level arcane spell three times per day. The creator must know the spell. Requires that the Se rvant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken seve ral times. Rejuvenation: The Servant of Bone gains Fast Healing 1. Can be taken several tim es, each time the amount of healing is increased by 1. Sacrificing 2 hp. Armored Body: The Servant of Bone gains 1 additional Natural Armor bonus. Can be taken several times. Elemental Resistance: The Servant of Bone gains a +5 bonus to one type of Elemen tal Resistance (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning and Sonic). Can be taken several tim es. Each time the bonus can either be increased by +5 to one type of damage, or a new type of resistance can be chosen. For example, the creator could sacrifice 6 hp. to give his Servant of Bone Fire Resistance 10 and Sonic Resistance 5. Lesser Spell: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to cast any 2nd level arcane spell three times per day. The creator must know the spell. Requires that the S ervant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken sev eral times. Lore: The Servant of Bone learns a feat. The Servant of Bone must fulfil all pre requisites for the feat. Only General feats can be chosen. Can be taken several times, each time the Servant of Bone learns a different feat. Sacrificing 3 hp. Combat Prowess: The Servant of Bone gains a +1 bonus to its Base Attack. Can be taken several times. Enhanced Spellcasting: The Servant of Bone gains a +1 bonus to the DC of all spe lls he casts. Requires that the Servant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken several times. Improved Saves: The Servant of Bone gains a +1 bonus to one of its Saving Throws (Fortitude, Reflex or Will). Can be taken several times, to either increase an existing bonus by another point or to provide a bonus to a different type of Sav ing Throw. Mediocre Spell: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to cast any 3rd level arca ne spell three times per day. The creator must know the spell. Requires that the Servant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken s everal times.
Sacrificing 4 hp. Medium Spell: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to cast any 4th level arcane spell three times per day. The creator must know the spell. Requires that the S ervant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken sev eral times. Undead Trainer: All undead under the command of the Servant of Bone gain a bonus feat chosen at the same time that this ability is chosen. The undead must fulfi l the requirements for the feat to gain it. Can be taken several times. Sacrificing 5 hp. Greater Spell: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to cast any 5th level arcan e spell three times per day. The creator must know the spell. Requires that the Servant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken se veral times. Saviour: The creator of the Servant of Bone can choose to use the Saving Throw b onus of the Servant of Bone instead of his own Saving Throw bonus when making a Saving Throw. This ability only works if the Servant of Bone is within 30 ft. of its creator. Can be taken once. Sentinel: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to take damage on behalf of its creator when it is standing within 5 ft. of him. This ability only works if the damage is only dealt to the creator and not the Servant of Bone as well. That me ans that if both the Servant of Bone and its creator are caught inside the effec t of a Fireball, then the Servant of Bone is incapable of taking the damage on b ehalf of the caster. Can be taken once. Sacrificing 6 hp. Major Spell: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to cast any 6th level arcane spell three times per day. The creator must know the spell. Requires that the Se rvant of Bone has the Innate Spellcasting power described below. Can be taken seve ral times. Sacrificing 1 Strength Combat Training: The Servant of Bone gains two Fighter feats. The Servant must f ulfil all prerequisites for the chosen feats. Can be taken several times. Strength Improvement: The Servant of Bone gains a +2 bonus to its Strength. Can be taken several times, bonuses stack. Sacrificing 1 Dexterity Dexterity Improvement: The Servant of Bone gains a +2 bonus to its Dexterity. Ca n be taken several times, bonuses stack. Sneak Attack: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to perform sneak attacks. On a successful Sneak Attack, the Servant deals an additional 3d6 points of damage . Can be taken several times, each time the Sneak Attack damage increases by +3d 6. Speed: The base speed of the Servant of Bone increases by 30 feet. Can only be t aken once. Sacrificing 1 Intelligence Innate Spellcasting: The Servant of Bone learns the basic principles of magic, e nabling it to learn spells as described above. The Servant of Bone also gains a +10 bonus to Spellcraft checks. All of the spells learnt are cast with the creat or's caster level, but the ability modifier is the Servant of Bone's Intelligence Mo difier. If the Servant of Bone casts any spell that consumes XP, the XP are dedu cted from the creator instead of the servant. Can only be taken once.
Intelligence Improvement: The Servant of Bone gains a +2 bonus to its Intelligen ce. Can be taken several times, bonuses stack. Undead Commander: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to control undead on beh alf of its creator. The Servant can control 8 HD of undead per caster level of i ts creator. The Servant doesn't gain the ability to animate undead, its creator mu st first animate all the undead under its command and then the control must be p assed to the Servant of Bones. Passing control of an undead creature is a standa rd action that can be done no matter the distance between the Servant of Bones a nd the creator. Can be taken several times, each time an additional 8 HD of unde ad can be controlled by the Servant for each caster level of its creator. Sacrificing 1 Wisdom Undead Frenzy: The Servant of Bone exudes an aura which increases the attack cap abilities of nearby undead. Any undead within 60 ft. of the Servant of Bone that are under either the creators or the Servants control gain a +4 Unholy bonus to Attack and Damage rolls. This ability also affects the Servant of Bone. Can onl y be taken once. Undead Sanctuary: The Servant of Bone exudes an aura which increases the Turn Re sistance of nearby undead. Any undead within 60 ft. of the Servant of Bone that are under either the creators or the Servants control gain +4 Turn Resistance. T his ability also affects the Servant of Bone. Can only be taken once. Wisdom Improvement: The Servant of Bone gains a +2 bonus to its Wisdom. Can be t aken several times, bonuses stack. Sacrificing 1 Charisma Charisma Improvement: The Servant of Bone gains a +2 bonus to its Charisma. Can be taken several times, bonuses stack. Fear Aura: Anyone that comes within 60 ft. of the Servant of Bone must succeed a t a Will Saving Throw or become Shaken for 2d6 rounds. The Saving Throw DC is 13 + the Charisma Modifier of the Servant of Bone. Rebuke Undead: The Servant of Bone gains the ability to Rebuke Undead 3 times pe r day. This ability operates as the Clerics ability, with the caster level being the arcane caster level of the creator. The Servant of Bone uses its own Charis ma modifier. Any Hit Points and Ability Scores spent on improving your Servant of Bone are pe rmanently lost as long as the Servant is alive. It is possible to transfer more power to the Servant of Bone after it has been created. Doing so requires a 12-h our ritual to be done that needs 500 gp. worth of material components to be done properly. At the end of the ritual, the creator can grant any number of additio nal powers to his Servant. If the Servant is ever destroyed, all the Hit Points and Ability Scores spent in improving it will slowly return at the rate of 3 Hit Points and 1 Ability Score per day. As long as the Servant of Bone is alive, no form of magic can restore the Hit Points and Ability Scores spent on improving it. The Servant of Bone will follow all orders given to it by its creator. The Serva nt of Bone and its creator are able to communicate telepathically no matter the distance between them, even if they are on separate planes. The stats of the Servant of Bone depends on the caster level of the creator. Onl y arcane caster levels apply for the purpose of calculating the stats of the Ser vant of Bone. Servant of Bone Medium Skeleton NE Medium undead DR 5/bludgeoning; Immune cold, undead traits Speed 30 ft.
Feats Improved Initiative All other stats of the Servant of Bone depends on the caster level of the creato r. Servant Training Prerequisite: Servant of Bone Benefit: You gain either 15 virtual Hit Points or 2 virtual Ability Score that c an be used for buying special abilities for your Servant of Bone. The Hit Points or Ability Score isn't added to your own, it can only be used for your Servant of Bone. Special: A character may take this feat several times. Its effects stack. Greater Servant Training [Epic] Prerequisite: Servant of Bone, Servant Training Benefit: You gain either 30 virtual Hit Points or 4 virtual Ability Score that c an be used for buying special abilities for your Servant of Bone. The Hit Points or Ability Score isn't added to your own, it can only be used for your Servant of Bone. Special: A character may take this feat several times. Its effects stack.[b] Spells Level 0 (Cantrips) Bind Spellbook School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 0 Casting Casting Time: 1 minute Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Effect: Wards a book against theft Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Bind Spellbook covers a book in immaterial strands of black energy that harms an yone who touches the book besides the caster. Despite the name of the spell, the spell can be cast on any book, not just spellbooks. Anyone touching the book su ffers one point of damage. Undead are immune to this damage. If you keep in cont act with the book you will suffer damage continuously, suffering one point of da mage every round. Description: When casting the smell, the casters hand becomes covered in immater ial strands of black energy that slowly float towards to book to surround it. Wh ile the spell causes very limited damage, the sheer visual appearance of the spe ll is often enough to deter most simple robbers and thieves. Black Ray of Flexibility School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 0 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Flexibility fires a black ray of pulsating energy at the target. Yo u make a ranged touch attack, if the attack hits the target suffers 1 point of A bility Damage. You choose what type of Ability Damage the spell will cause when you cast it, choosing between Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Description: Black Ray of Flexibility fires a very thin, transparent ray of blac k energy at the targets chest. Level 1 Black Ray of Pain School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Pain fires a ray of black energy at the target: You make a ranged t ouch attack. If your attack hits, you cause 1d6 points of damage, +1 per caster level up to a maximum of +5. The damage caused by the spell feels extremely pain ful, and if the target is forced to succeed at a concentration check to cast a s pell due to Black Ray of Pain, the concentration check DC is doubled. Description: Black Ray of Pain fires a ray of liquid black energy at the target that seems to seep into the head of the target when it impacts. Black Ray of Weakness School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Weakness fires a ray of black energy at the target: You make a rang ed touch attack. If your attack hits, you cause 1d2 points of Dexterity Damage. If you hit your target, it must also make a Fortitude Saving Throw every round f or the next 5 rounds. If it fails a Saving Throw the target suffers another 1d2 points of Dexterity Damage. This effect occurs starting on the round following t he round in which the target is hit. Description: Black Ray of Weakness fires a very slow-moving ray of black energy at the target. Claim Corpse School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
Effect Range: Touch Effect: Claims corpse touched Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Claim Corpse is a simple spell used by necromancers to keep their corpses safe f rom their colleagues. Some good and neutral casters will use the spell when bury ing a corpse to prevent it from being animated. Any corpse affected by Claim Corpse can only be animated as an undead by the cas ter who cast Claim Corpse. Any other caster who wishes to animate the corpse mus t first remove the Claim Corpse spell, which can be done with such spells as Dis pel Magic. Elzhims Decompose School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Targets: One corpse or 100 lbs of organic matter or water Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Elzhims Decompose causes a corpse to rapidly decay once touched. The spell can only be used on corpses, it can not be used on undead creatures. The spell can n ot be cast on any corpse affected by Claim Corpse, unless Claim Corpse was cast by the caster of Elzhims Decompose. The corpse will instantly age 5 years per caster level when the spell is cast. T he skin and flesh on the corpse will rot away. Any corpse affected by the spell can not be raised as a zombie. The corpse will become very frail and brittle if aged enough. If the corpse is used to create an undead, the undead will suffer a -1 reduction to its Natural Armor bonus for every 25 years by which the corpse was aged through this spell. The spell can also be used to spoil food or water. Any food or water affected by the spell will be completely inedible or undrinkable. Grasping Ray School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One creature Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Grasping Ray fires a ray of necromantic energy at the target. You make a ranged touch attack roll with a +5 profane bonus to your attack roll. If the attack is successful, you attach a long tendril of necromantic energy to the target, emana ting from your hand. As long as the target is attached to you through the Graspi ng Ray spell, you can cast spells that require a melee touch attack directly to the target, even if the target is outside melee range. Any touch attack or range
d touch attack spells you cast on the target will automatically hit. Grasping Ra y ends when the duration expires, if line of sight is broken with the target, or if the target moves outside the maximum range of the spell. Description: Grasping Ray fires a thick ray of black energy with a cluster of te ndrils at the tip. If the ray hits, the tendrils grasp around the subject, parti ally covering him in transparent, pulsating energy. While the ray is attached yo u will see a thick column of dark energy between you and the target. Gygyrs Taint School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 minute Components: V, S, M (small piece of organ tissue from a creature of the same rac e as the caster) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One creature of the same race as the caster Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Gygyr's Taint is by itself not a very powerful spell. It is though a very importan t part in the collection of spells made by Vladimir Gygyr. It places a small cor e of corrupted arcane energy inside the target. This arcane energy is attuned to the caster and allows the caster to tap into the essence of his target after th e spell has been cast. Due to the casting time of the spell, it's mainly used on targets that are otherwi se incapacitated, or targets that believe that the caster is casting a beneficia l spell. The spell can only be cast on a target of the same race as the caster, attempting to cast it on a target of another race will cause the spell to fail. A target affected by Gygyr's Taint will not feel the spell in any way, once inside the target the spell is virtually harmless. A target affected by Gygyr's Taint wi ll have a -1 penalty to all Saving Throws made to resist Necromancy spells from the caster. This is the only immediate effect of the spell. The spell is though a prerequisite for many of the other spells designed by Vladimir Gygyr and once a target has been tainted; the caster has many options available to him to draw upon the life-essence of the target. The taint is only effective if the target i s within 1 mile / caster level of the caster. If the target goes out of range, h e is still tainted, but the spells that depend on tainted targets will not affec t him. If he comes back within range of the caster, he will become influenced by any spells the caster has active that depend on tainted targets. Detect Evil and True Sight can spot Gygyr's Taint as a small core of evil energy i nside the target. The spell cannot be detected with Detect Magic. Gygyr's Taint ca n be removed only by a character with the Turn Undead ability. By touching a tar get and using Turn Undead, the spell can be removed permanently. Dispel Magic or other spells or effects that normally remove magic cannot remove it. Only one Gygyr's Taint can only affect any person. If you cast Gygyr's Taint on a ta rget already affected by Gygyr's Taint, the spell will fail. Description: There is virtually no visual indicator of Gygyrs Taint except for a faint shimmer of blue energy around the hands of the caster when it is being c ast. Locate Corpses School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
Effect Range: Personal Area: 60 ft. + 5 ft./level radius emanation centered on caster Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Locate Corpses is a simple yet effective tool for a necromancer to find useful b odies for other spells. When the spell is cast, the caster selects a certain siz e of corpses that he is looking for. He can look for one single size category (s uch as Medium-sized only), for a range of size categories (such as Huge or large r) or a number of specific size categories (such as Small and Gargantuan). The c aster will be able to sense all corpses within the area once the spell is active . Even corpses hidden from sight are detected. No form of animated undead are de tected by the spell, only inanimate bodies. Description: When the spell is cast there is a quick flash of grey energy in the eyes of the caster after which there are no other visual indicators that the sp ell is in effect. Level 2 Black Ray of Charged Potency School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action or more Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Charged Potency fires a ray of black energy at the target. You make a ranged touch attack, if the attack hits the target suffers 1d4+1 points of St rength Damage. You can choose to charge up the ray prior to casting to give it increased effect . You spend a number of full round actions to charge up the ray prior to firing. The maximum amount of rounds that you can spend charging the ray is equal to yo ur caster level. Each full round action spent to charge the ray increases the St rength drain caused by 1d4+1 to a maximum of 5d4+5 points of Strength drain if y ou spend four rounds charging the ray. Firing the ray is a standard action. If you, for example, cast Black Ray of Charged Potency and decide to charge it u p instead of casting it immediately, you spend a full round action on casting it . If you decide to fire it the following round, you spend a standard action to f ire the ray and cause 2d4+2 points of Strength drain. Description: Black Ray of Charged Potency fires a ray of liquid black energy at the target that swiftly surrounds the targets body before seeping through its sk in. If the spell is charged up prior to casting, you hold your hand outstretched while black, liquid energy swirls around you hand to form an solid sphere. Blood Coagulation School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action or more Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch
Targets: One living creature or one vampire Duration: 1 day/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Blood Coagulation affects the blood of the target. The caster makes a melee touc h attack against the target. If the attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fo rtitude Saving Throw. If the Fortitude Saving Throw fails, the blood of the targ et starts to grow thicker inside its body. This causes the target to weaken as t he muscles and body receive less oxygen. While the spell is in effect the target suffers a -2 penalty to Strength. While the spell is in effect, the target becomes immune to any effects that cause blee ding, and the target will automatically stabilize if brought to 0 Hit Points or less. The target also suffers slightly less damage from piercing and slashing we apons, gaining DR 2/blunt. The spell can be used on a vampire to cause damage. If used in this way the cast er must still make a melee touch attack, but the vampire is not allowed any Fort itude Saving Throw to resist the effect. If the vampire is hit by the attack, it suffers 9d6 points of damage. Create Meatpuppet School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 hour Components: V, S, M (one pound of flesh) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Creates one meatpuppet Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Create Meatpuppet creates a living, breathing creature from a piece of flesh. Wh ile this creature is completely immobile and incapable of any action, many necro mancers still use this spell to create a living dummy to use for other spells or effects. Description: When you start to cast Create Meatpuppet you place the piece of fle sh that is the material component on the ground. As the spell progresses, the fl esh starts to slowly grow in size while forming rudimentary muscles and organs. Dragoolhs Devouring School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Target: One undead under casters command Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Dragoolhs Devouring enables one undead under the casters command to drain life energy from any living creatures it attacks in melee. The undead will cause one additional point of damage with any melee attack it makes, even melee attacks ma de with weapons. Whenever the undead deals damage with a melee attack, it will b e healed for one point of damage. Description: The weapons of the affected undead become surrounded by a pale, red smoke.
Special: Dragoolhs Devouring can be made permanent through the Permanency spell . The caster must have a caster level of 9 or greater to make Dragoolhs Devouri ng permanent, and making the spell permanent requires material components worth 2,500 gp. Exhume School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One corpse within range Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Exhume raises a single corpse to the surface. The caster must know exactly where the corpse is prior to casting the spell. This knowledge can be achieved with a spell such as Locate Corpses. The affected corpse will begin to rise to the sur face at the speed of 10 ft. per round. The corpse can only move through dirt or mud, it cannot penetrate through hard rock. Description: When casting the spell the caster touches the ground. Grey tendrils of energy will emerge from the casters hand and slowly seep into the ground to reach the buried corpse. Gygyr's Astonishing Health School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 minute Components: V, S, M (small dose of any poison and a small piece of flesh taken f rom a diseased corpse) Effect Range: Personally Effect: Renders caster resistant to diseases and poisons Duration: Permanently Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Gygyr's Astonishing Health requires that the caster has at least ten people affect ed by Gygyr's Taint. The spell causes the caster to become far more resistant to d isease and poison by drawing upon the health of those he has tainted. For every ten people tainted by the caster, he gains a +1 (maximum +5) profane b onus to any Saving Throws made to resist disease or poison. All people tainted b y the caster suffer a -1 penalty to any Saving Throws made to resist disease or poison, as the spell weakens their body. The people tainted do not notice this w eakness. Description: There is virtually no visual indicator of Gygyrs Astonishing Healt h being cast except for a faint shimmer of blue energy around the casters hands. Haunting Rays School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Haunting Rays fires a cluster of rays that test the defenses of the target. You make a ranged touch attack. If you hit, you cause 1d6 points of damage, plus one per caster level (maximum +10). If the attack hits, you also learn the exact Sa ving Throw bonus the target has for all three types of Saving Throw. You only le arn the total Saving Throw bonus the target has, including any spells or effects that might modify these bonuses. You will not learn the base Saving Throws of t he target, and you will not learn anything about which spells or effects that ar e affecting the targets Saving Throws. Description: Haunting Rays fires a myriad of diminutive gray rays at the target. The rays scatter once they are fired, attacking the target from all directions at different speeds. Level 3 Black Ray of Binding School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Reflex partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Binding fires a ray of black energy at the target. You make a range d touch attack, if the attack hits the target suffers 1d6+1 points of Dexterity Damage. If the target is hit, it must succeed at a Reflex Saving Throw. If it fails, it is grasped by strands of black energy that emerge from underneath it. These stra nds will hold the target firmly in place for one round per caster level. Each ro und the target can spend a standard action to attempt to break free. If the targ et attempts to break free they are allowed a new Reflex Saving Throw. If they su cceed, they wiggle free from the strands and the spell ends. While grasped by the strands the target is completely incapable of moving, but c an freely perform any other actions, including casting spells. Description: When the target is hit by Black Ray of Binding it will be engulfed by hundreds of diminutive black strands that emerge from the ground. Counter Channel School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 swift action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One undead under casters command Duration: Permanent until spent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Counter Channel puts a protective enchantment on one undead creature under the c
asters command. Counter Channel will absorb one Channel Energy attempt that woul d otherwise affect the undead, as well as any ability that is derived from the C hannel Energy ability, such as the Command Undead or Channel Smite feats. Once t he spell has countered one channel energy ability it dissipates. Description: Counter Channel has almost no visual indicators. The only visual in dicator of the spell is a very pale barrier of necromantic energy that swirls ar ound the target. This energy is so faint that only creatures adjacent to the und ead will even notice it. Create Bloodpuppet School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 hour Components: V, S, M (one dose of blood) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Creates one bloodpuppet Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Create Bloodpuppet creates a living creature composed almost entirely of blood. As the meatpuppet, the bloodpuppet is entirely immobile and incapable of any act ion. Description: When the spell is cast, the caster pours blood on the ground and st arts the ritual. As the spell progresses, the blood starts to bubble and boil be fore it starts to form into a grotesque, round, skinless creature. Drogmirs Unnatural Armor School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S Effect Range: Personal Effect: Covers caster in armor of negative energy Duration: 10 minutes/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Drogmirs Unnatural Armor creates a shimmering shield of negative energy around the caster. The shield is powered by the casters own life energy, causing him to suffer 3 points o damage when the spell is cast. The solid energy grants the ca ster a +6 Armor bonus to his Armor Class. If the caster is undead, he also gain Channel Resistance +2, or he has his existing Channel Resistance increased by +2 while the spell is in effect. The spell is powered by a reservoir of negative energy located on the negative e nergy plane. If the spell is successfully dispelled, it will recreate itself usi ng this cache of negative energy one round after it was dispelled. If the caster is affected by a Dimension Anchor spell, Drogmirs Unnatural Armor will not be able to recreate itself if dispelled as the caster no longer has access to the c ache of energy on the negative material plane. Description: When casting Drogmirs Unnatural Armor, shimmering, radiant energy starts to dance and move around the caster as he starts the spell. As the spell progresses, the energy slows down and starts to solidify until it creates a soli d barrier around the caster, a mere inch from his skin. Ghouls Feast
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (one corpse) Effect Range: Touch Target: One corpse Duration: 24 hours Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Ghouls Feast enchants a corpse so that both living and undead creatures can gai n strength from eating it. Most good and neutral creatures will shun the use of this spell. The spell enchants one corpse. The spell will last for 24 hours or until the cor pse has been completely devoured. Anyone who eats from the corpse will be healed of 1d6+1 points of damage each round spent eating, while any ghoul that eats fr om the corpse will be healed of 2d6+2 points of damage. A corpse has a number of portions equal to the maximum Hit Points the creature had when it was alive. Fo r example, a human peasant that had 4 Hit Points will provide 4 portions when Gh ouls Feast is cast on his corpse. A corpse that is completely devoured can not be animated as a zombie, but it can still be animated as a skeleton or another t ype of undead. Description: When the spell is cast, red energy swirls around the casters hand a nd enters the corpse to be enchanted. For a brief second, the corpse shudders an d shakes when the spell is cast, before becoming inert again. Gygyrs Malevolent Shield School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Personal Effect: When caster is damaged there is a chance that the damage is transferred to a tainted target instead. Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Gygyr's Malevolent Shield requires that the caster has at least one person affecte d by Gygyr's Taint. The spell creates a link between the caster and those targets he has affected by Gygyr's Taint. This link protects the life energy of the caster and transfers some of the damage taken by him to the people he has tainted. Eac h time the caster suffers any damage, there is a 25% chance that all the damage taken is transferred to one of the targets he has tainted. If he has more than o ne person affected by Gygyr's Taint, a random target suffers the damage instead of the caster. All forms of normal damage can be transferred through the use of this spell. Abi lity drain and other negative effects that impair the caster can not be transfer red. Only damage measured in Hit Points are affected by the spell. This spell ca n transfer damage to any tainted target on the same plane of existence as the ca ster. Description: When the spell is cast there is a brief shimmer of blue energy that forms a bubble around the caster. The energy dissipates almost immediately afte r the spell is cast. Locate Corpses, Greater
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Personal Area: 1 mile radius emanation centered on caster Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Greater Locate Corpses is a more powerful version of the Locate Corpses spell wi th far greater range. Description: When the spell is cast there is a quick flash of grey energy in the eyes of the caster after which there are no other visual indicators that the sp ell is in effect. Skinrot School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Skinrot fires a ray of sickly green energy at the target. You make a ranged touc h attack. If your attack hits, you cause the target to loose 3 points of natural armor each round, starting on the round that the target is hit, until the spell ends or their natural armor has been reduced to zero. Each point of natural arm or that the target looses causes them to suffer 1d6 points of damage. Natural ar mor lost through the Skinrot spell will not return once the spell ends, instead it will return at the rate of one point per hour. A Restoration spell will resto re all lost natural armor immediately. Constructs, Elementals and Undead are immune to the effects of the spell. Description: Skinrot fires a ray of pale, green energy at the target that seeps through the skin. Shortly after being hit, the targets skin will start to decay and fall off. Weakening Grasp School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude, Will or Reflex negates (see description); Spell Resista nce: Yes Weakening Grasp is a very flexible spell intended to weaken the defenses of the target. When casting Weakening Grasp you choose two types of Saving Throw. The f
irst type of Saving Throw you choose (Fortitude, Will or Reflex) is the type of Saving Throw that the target must make to resist the spell. The second type of S aving Throw you choose is the type that the target will have weakened. If the ta rget fails his Saving Throw, he suffers 3d6 points of damage plus one per caster level (maximum +15). If the target fails his Saving Throw, he also suffers a -5 penalty to all Saving Throws of the type chosen by the caster. It is, for example, possible for the caster to cast Weakening Grasp so that it r equires the target to succeed at a Will Saving Throw to avoid having his Fortitu de Saving Throws reduced. Description: When Weakening Grasp is cast the target appears to have pale, gray fingers emerge from the ground under his feet that slowly embrace him. Level 4 Aura Sight School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: 3 rounds Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Aura Sight can provide the caster with valuable information about his target. Th e caster can read the aura of his target. The spell enables the caster to discer n the abilities and powers of his target. Only one target can be studied with ea ch casting of the spell. The information gained depends upon the amount of time the target is studied. 1st round: The targets general type (humanoid, animal, aberration, etc.). Also d etermines the creatures subtypes, if any (such as goblin oid, elf, dwarf, etc.). Elemental subtypes are also discerned. 2nd round: The targets resistances, if any (such as resistances to certain elem ents or damage types. Invulnerability to certain forms of attacks are also detec ted, such as immunity to critical hits, death attacks, poison, disease or subdua l damage). Generally, all of the targets special qualities are discerned. 3rd round: The targets Ability Scores. The caster detects the targets total Abil ity Scores, including any magical modifiers. In the third round, the caster also learns the exact HD and Hit Points of the target. Description: There are no visual descriptors for Aura Sight, which means that a caster can cast it without his target being aware of it being studied. Blackball School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Area: 20-ft.-radius spread Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half; Spell Resistance: Yes Blackball fires a small projective of solid, black energy at the target location . Blackball operates in a very similar manner as Fireball, when cast it will try to reach its target destination. If it impacts on any solid barrier before reac hing its destination it will explode there. When the Blackball explodes it will cause 1d6+1 points of damage per every two c aster levels, to a maximum of 10d6+10 at level 19. The spell will also cause 1 p oint of Strength Ability Damage for every 3 caster levels, to a maximum of 5 poi nts of Strength Ability Damage at level 13. Undead are immune to the damage caused by this spell, and naturally also immune to the Ability Damage caused by it. Description: The spell fires a small sphere of solid, black energy that will exp lode to form a sphere of solid darkness once it impacts. This cloud of darkness will only linger for a fragment of a second before imploding and eventually vani shing. Black Ray of Marking School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous and 1 day/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Marking fires a waving ray of black energy towards the target. If t he ray hits, the target suffers 1d8+1 points of Constitution Damage. Once the target has been hit by Black Ray of Marking they are enchanted by the s pell for one day per caster level. During this time the caster has a significant ly easier time tracking the target. If the caster attempts to use the Survival s kill to follow the tracks of the target he receives a +10 bonus to his Survival check to do so. The caster can also use the Scry spell on the target without the target being allowed any Will Saving Throw to resist the effect. The caster can also use the Teleport spell to teleport directly to any square adjacent to the target, the area is considered very familiar for the purpose of his chance to land at the right location. Description: Black Ray of Marking fires a erratically moving ray of black energy towards the target. Curse of Weariness School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: Permanently Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Curse of Weariness places a powerful curse on the touched target. Each time the target performs any action that requires a roll to be made that is modified by a n Ability Score, the target suffers 1 point of Ability Damage to that score. Thi
s effect applies to attack rolls, damage rolls and skill checks. If the target c asts a spell, he suffers a point of Ability Damage to the Ability Score associat ed with the spell cast. For example, a wizard will suffer Intelligence damage wh ile a cleric will suffer Wisdom damage. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Miracle, Remove Curse, or Wish spell. Description: When you cast Curse of Weariness your hands become engulfed in dark , green energy that seeps into your target when you touch it. Dragoolhs Devouring, Greater School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Target: One undead under casters command Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Dragoolhs Devouring enables one undead under the casters command to drain life energy from any living creatures it attacks in melee. The undead will cause 1d4+ 1 additional points of damage with any melee attack it makes, even melee attacks made with weapons. Whenever the undead deals damage with a melee attack, it wil l be healed for an amount of damage equal to the extra damage caused. Description: The weapons of the affected undead become surrounded by a pale, red smoke. Special: Dragoolhs Devouring can be made permanent through the Permanency spell . The caster must have a caster level of 13 or greater to make Dragoolhs Devour ing permanent, and making the spell permanent requires material components worth 7,500 gp. Drogmirs Leechlink School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Target: Living creature touched Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Drogmirs Leechlink creates a connection to the touched creature that the caster can use to drain life through. The caster must succeed at a melee touch attack to affect the target. The target is allowed a Fortitude Saving Throw to resist t he effect. If the target fails its Saving Throw, the connection is established a nd the target is allowed no further Saving Throws. When one of the casters spells is subjected to a dispel attempt, the caster can drain life through the leechlink to empower his spell to resist the dispelling a ttempt. As a swift action that doesnt provoke an attack of opportunity, the cas ter can drain up to 10 Hit Points from his target to enforce his spell. Each Hit Point drained gives the caster a +1 bonus to the opposed caster check made to r esist the dispel attempt. Only one spell is affected at a time, but the caster c an enforce several spells if more than one of his spell are being affected by di spelling magic. Each spell requires its own sacrifice of Hit Points from the aff
ected target. It is only possible to drain 20 Hit Points from his target each ro und to enforce his spells. It is possible for one target to be affected by multi ple castings of Drogmirs Leechlink if they are cast from different casters. It is possible to kill the target through the use of this spell. It is also poss ible for the caster to cast the spell on himself. The maximum range of the leech link is one mile, if the target moves outside this range the link is broken and the spell ends. Description: When casting Drogmirs Leechlink the casters hands become engulfed in pale, red energy. When the target is touched, the energy swirls around it for a brief second before entering the target. Essence of Death School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 minute Components: V, S, M (some water, some graveyard dust and various herbs and reage nts worth 10 gp) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Creates liquid of death essence Duration: 1 day/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Essence of Death creates a thick, grey liquid that is empowered by negative ener gy. The caster drains a small amount of life energy from himself and imbues the water with it, defiling it and turning it into death essence. When the spell is cast the caster suffers 1d4 points of damage as his life energ y fouls the water. The liquid turns grey and stale. The caster can touch and han dle the liquid without suffering any ill effects, but it will harm any other liv ing creature that touches it. Since the liquid has a rather long duration, it is often carried around in potion bottle or similar means of storage. The various effects the liquid has are; Thrown on target: If the liquid is thrown on a living target, it will cause 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d8). This requires a ranged to uch attack to be made. Undead are immune to this damage. Consumed by undead: If the liquid is consumed by an undead creature it will heal the creature for 1d6 Hit Points per two caster levels (maximum 10d6). Only unde ad that have some form of digestion system can consume the liquid. Undead withou t flesh, such as skeletons, are incapable of consuming the liquid. Smeared on undead: If the liquid is smeared on an undead it will grant that unde ad a +4 bonus to its Channel Resistance for one hour. Smeared on weapon: If the liquid is smeared on a weapon, the weapon will cause a n additional 1d6 points of damage to living creatures for one hour, and an addit ional 2d6 points of damage to living targets of good alignment. Smeared on corpse: if the liquid is smeared on a corpse, that corpse will be ani mated as a ghoul within 1d4+1 rounds of the liquid being smeared on it. The ghou l will not be under the casters command. Description: When casting the spell, the caster pours the water into some form o f container in preparation for casting the spell. While chanting the words of th e spell the caster stirs in the graveyard dust slowly together with the other re agents. While the spell is being cast the water starts to slowly turn grey. When the spell is finished the liquid gains a very noticeable smell of decay.
Gygyrs Endurance School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Personal Effect: Caster gains a temporary bonus to his Constitution Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: No Gygyr's Endurance requires that the caster has at least one person affected by Gyg yr's Taint. When the spell is cast, one random person affected by Gygyr's Taint by t he caster is drained of all life, and that life is temporarily transferred to th e caster. The caster can not choose which person is affected by Gygyr's Endurance, the target is randomly determined. The target is allowed a Fortitude Saving Thr ow to resist the spell. If he fails, he dies as his life energy is drawn from hi s body and into the caster. The caster gains a profane bonus to his Constitution equal to the base Constitution score of the drained target for the duration of the spell. If any spells or effects that increase his Constitution affect the ta rget, these effects are not transferred as well. Description: When the spell is cast there is a brief flicker of blue energy arou nd the hands of the caster. If the tainted target fails his Saving Throw there i s a violent torrent of blue energy around him that tears his body apart. Level 5 Animated Diplomat School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 hour Components: V, S, M (various herbs and reagents worth 500 gp) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Enchants a corpse so that the caster can assume command of it at a later time Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Animated Diplomat enchants a corpse so that the caster can assume command of it at any time. Preparing the corpse is a ritual that takes a full hour and require s 500 gp worth of expensive herbs and reagents. Once Animated Diplomat, the caster can assume command of the prepared corpse at any given time. The caster will see and experience everything from the point of view of the corpse he has taken command of, and he will be able to perform any a ction with the corpse. While commanding the corpse, the caster looses all contac t with his surroundings as he only sees the world from the perspective of the co mmanded corpse. The only sensation the caster can sense from his real body is pa in, any damage taken will cause him to loose control of the commanded corpse and resume command of his own body. The Animated Diplomat has the same stats as a skeleton of the same size. The cas ter can use any skills he knows through the corpse, but he cant cast spells thr ough the corpse. The caster can assume command of the corpse as long as he is on the same plane of existence as it. There are a number of uses for this spell. The most common use of the spell is t
o create an envoy at a distant location that the caster often communicates with. Other necromancers use the spell whenever they meet with people, to deter poten tial assassins. Some necromancers even use the spell to keep them safe when cond ucting dangerous experiments. Description: When the ritual is begun, the caster pours a dose of herbs around t he corpse to form a circle around it before he starts chanting the archaic words from which the spell is composed. Black Ray of Stolen Thoughts School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Stolen Thoughts fires a waving ray of black energy towards the targ et. If the ray hits, the target suffers 2d6 points of Intelligence Damage. If the target is hit it also looses on of its memorized spells, chosen randomly from the highest possible spell slot. Description: Black Ray of Stolen Thoughts fires a ray of black energy towards th e head of the target. Curse of Frail Spirit School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: Permanently Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Curse of Frail Spirit places a vile curse on the touched target. While Curse of Frail Spirit is in effect, the target can not be cured of any Hit Point or Abili ty Score damage. The target can also not have any negative levels cured. Even na tural healing wont work while the Curse of Frail Spirit is in effect. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Miracle, Remove Curse, or Wish spell. Description: When you cast Curse of Frail Spirit your hands become engulfed in g reen liquid that seep into your target when you touch it. Dragoolhs Vampiric Ray School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Dragoolhs Vampiric Ray fires a ray of blood red energy towards the target. If t he ray hits, the target suffers 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 1 5d6). The caster is healed of an amount of damage equal to the damage caused by the ray. Only damage actually taken by the subject is given to the caster as hea ling. For example, if the ray causes 45 points of damage and the target only has 15 Hit Points, the caster is only healed for 25 points of damage (since Hit Poi nts below 0 also count). Description: Dragoolhs Vampiric Ray fires a pulsating ray of blood red energy a t the target. If the ray impacts with the target, a small globe of red energy wi ll float rapidly back to the caster. Drogmirs Black Bolt School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Drogmirs Black Bolt fires a bolt of solid negative energy. This spell uses the life energy of the caster to power itself, causing the caster to suffer 5 points of damage when the spell is cast. The bolt created by the spell doesnt travel on the same plane as the caster, in stead it enters the negative energy plane and travels to it target there. It is still visible on the material plane as a transparent, ghostly projectile. Since the bolt travels on the negative energy plane, it can bypass most obstacles, inc luding obstacles that usually stop spells, such as Wall of Force or Antimagic Fi eld. The only spell that can stop Drogmirs Black Bolt is Dimensional Anchor, if it is in effect either on the caster or the target the spell will fail. When firing Drogmirs Black Bolt the caster is required to make a ranged touch a ttack to hit his target. If the attack hits, the target suffers 1d8 points of da mage per caster level (maximum 15d8). If the target is undead, it is instead hea led by the spell, since the bolt is composed of negative energy. Gygyrs Enforcement School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Targets: One creature affected by Gygyrs Taint Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see description); Spell Resistance: Yes Gygyr's Enforcement only affects a target if Gygyr's Taint has already affected that target. Gygyr's Enforcement makes it almost impossible to remove Gygyr's Taint from the target without hurting him. If anyone removes Gygyr's Taint from a target als o affected by Gygyr's Enforcement, the target has to roll a Fortitude Saving Throw or die from having the taint torn from his body. The target receives no Saving
Throw to resist the spell when it is initially cast, only when the taint is remo ved is a Saving Throw allowed. Description: When Gygyrs Enforcement is cast there appears a blue crown of tran sparent energy that rotates around the head of the target before dissipating. Spectral Imprint School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Targets: One undead under casters command Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No When locating and spying on creatures with divination magic, the caster relies o n the magical signature of his target to locate it and scry on it. Spectral Impr int alters the magical energy in one of the undead under the casters command to resemble that of the caster. If anyone casts Locate Creature in an attempt to lo cate the caster, the spell will instead lead to the undead affected by Spectral Imprint. If anyone attempts to use Scrying on the caster, the spell will show th e area around the affected undead instead of the area around the intended target . Level 6 Black Ray of Dancing School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature plus additional nearby enemies Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Dancing fires a jiggling ray of black energy towards the target. If the ray hits, the target suffers 1d8+1 points of Strength Damage. If the ray hi ts, it will leap to another target within 60 ft. of the target, allowing the cas ter to make an additional attack roll to see if he hits his new target. If the B lack Ray of Dancing hits, it will cause 1d8+2 points of Strength Damage to the n ew target as well. The ray can continue jumping a number of times equal to half the casters level (maximum of 9 times at level 17). Each time the caster makes a new attack roll. If any attack roll fails, the ray will stop jumping. Black Ray of Dancing can never jump back to any target it has already hit once. The caste r selects each new target when the ray jumps, as long as the new target is withi n 60 ft. of the old target. Each time the ray jumps it gains power, increasing the Strength Damage caused by +1 for a maximum of 1d8+10 points of Strength Damage caused to the tenth target . Description: Black Ray of Dancing fires a very thin ray of black energy that see ms to dance and jolt when it approaches its target.
Continuous Muscle Wrack School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates and Fortitude special; Spell Resistance: Yes Continuous Muscle Wrack places a powerful enchantment on the target that causes their muscles to constantly spasm. If the target fails its Fortitude Saving Thro w, the target will start to shake violently as he looses control of his muscles. While the spell is in effect the target suffers a -6 penalty to Dexterity. If th e target attempts to cast a spell with a somatic component, it must succeed at a Fortitude Saving Throw. If the Fortitude Saving Throw fails, the target is shak ing too violently to successfully cast the spell. The spell will be lost without any effect occurring. Description: When the spell is cast the target is surrounded by small, red tendr ils of energy. The tendrils appear to squeeze and grab the target while the spel l is in effect. Drogmirs Unholy Barrier School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: Creates wall whose are is up to 20 ft. square/level Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Drogmirs Unholy Barrier creates a wall of negative energy. The spell is empower ed by the life energy of the caster, so when the spell is cast the caster suffer s 6 points of damage. The wall consists of negative energy that is very harmful to living creatures. Any living creature that passes through the wall, or occupi es the same area as the wall, suffers 5d8 points of damage, plus one per caster level (maximum +20). Drogmirs Unholy Barrier is powered by negative energy that is stored in the neg ative energy plane when the spell is cast. If the barrier is dispelled, it will re-appear one round later as it is rebuilt by the cache of negative energy. The only way to permanently remove the barrier is by casting Dimensional Anchor on i t before dispelling it. A caster affected by Dimension Anchor can not cast Drogm irs Unholy Barrier. Mirror Curse School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (ornate iron mirror worth 500 gp) Effect Range: See text
Effect: Allows caster to cast curses through Scrying spell Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No You can only cast Mirror Curse if you have an active Scrying or Greater Scrying spell. While Mirror Curse is in effect, you can cast any curse spells on the per son being scried, no matter the distance to the target. You can cast Bestow Curs e as well as any curse spells found in this book. Naturally you dont need to to uch the target, but all other aspects of the curse remain the same. The target i s still allowed a Saving Throw. If you have a piece of the target that you are u sing as material component for the Scrying spell, such as a body part, a lock of hair or a bit of nail, the target suffers a -5 penalty to his Saving Throw to r esist any curse spell you cast upon him. Description: When the spell is cast the borders of the pool of water that is the material focus for the Scrying spell will start to glow with a green hue. Level 7 Black Ray of Divine Hindrance School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous and 2d4+2 rounds Saving Throw: Will partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Divine Hindrance fires a black ray of pulsating energy at the targe t. You make a ranged touch attack, if the attack hits the target suffers 2d6 poi nts of Wisdom Ability Damage. If the target is hit, it must succeed at a Will Saving Throw. If it fails it loo ses the ability to use Channel Energy, Smite Evil and any related ability for 2d 4+2 rounds. If the affected creature attempts to use Channel Energy or Smite Evi l it simply fails to invoke the ability, but no Channel Energy or Smite Evil use is spent in the process. Description: Black Ray of Divine Hindrance fires a black ray of pale, transparen t energy at the target that quickly swirls around the target when it impacts, di ssipating a few moments later. Cloud of Skinrot School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Area: 60-ft.-radius spread Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Cloud of Skinrot is a more potent version of the Skinrot spell. The spell create s a green cloud that rots the skin of anyone who enters. The cloud fills up an a rea with a 60 ft. radius spread around the selected point. Each round someone spends inside the spell they must succeed at a Fortitude Savi
ng Throw, if they have a Natural Armor bonus to their Armor Class. If the creatu re fails its Saving Throw, it looses 3 points of Natural Armor and suffers 2d6 p oints of damage per point of Natural Armor lost. If a living creature without any Natural Armor, or a living creature that has ha d its Natural Armor reduced to zero enters the cloud, it still suffers 2d6 point s of damage from the spell if it fails its Saving Throw. Constructs, Elementals and Undead are immune to all effects of the spell. Description: The spell conjures a cloud of green, transparent gas at the locatio n. When a living creature enters the cloud their skin starts to rot and bubble a s the spell eats through both skin and scales. Necromantic Cloud School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: 60-ft.-radius spread Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Necromantic Cloud creates a cloud of dark, swirling energies at the target locat ion. Anyone within the area of effect that fail to block the spell with Spell Re sistance suffer a -4 penalty to all Saving Throws against spells from the school of necromancy, as long as the remain within the cloud. If a target is inside the cloud, or enters the cloud, they must make a Fortitude Saving Throw. If they fail they become vulnerable to Ability Damage even if the y have a class ability, magic item or spell on them that renders them immune. On ly creatures that are completely immune to Ability Damage as a racial ability, s uch as undead or constructs, remain invulnerable to Ability Damage while inside the cloud. Even if you enter the cloud and succeed at your Fortitude Saving Thro w, you must make a new one each round to avoid being affected by the spell. Once a target has been affected, it will remain affected until the spell ends or the y leave the cloud. Any spells that restore Ability Damage, such as Restoration, will not work insid e the Necromantic Cloud. Ward of Hunger School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 Casting Casting Time: 1 day Components: V, S, F (altar worth 50,000 gp) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Wards area within a 1 mile/caster level radius around the enchanted alta r Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Ward of Hunger places a powerful ward on a large area. The focus for the spell i s an ornate stone altar the serves as the center for the spell. The ward takes e xtremely long to cast, requiring the casters attention for a full day. Once the spell has been cast, a large area around the altar will be enchanted with negati ve energy that affects all living creatures. When casting the ward, the caster c an choose areas inside the area of effect that are not affected by the spell. On
ce such areas are chosen they are permanent and can only be altered if the spell is dispelled and cast again. It is, for example, possible for a caster to cast Ward of Hunger around his wizard tower, but exclude the tower itself from the ef fect. Any living creatures that enter the area affected by Ward of Hunger become insat iably hungry as the ward drains their body of nutrition. Any creature within the area must eat and drink five times as much per day as normal. Failure to consum e five times as much food and water as usual will result in the creature startin g to starve and dehydrate. A creature inside the ward will starve at a rate of f ive days worth of starvation per day spent inside the ward. Each daily ration of food and water consumed reduces the starvation and dehydration effect by one da y. For example, if a living creature enters the ward, but it only has two day ra tions worth of water and food with it, it will starve and dehydrate as if it had nt eaten and drunk for three days if it spends one day inside the ward and eats both its rations. The ward is typically used by necromancers to deter the living from invading his home. While the ward has little effect on a small adventuring party, it can be a major nuisance to an army. Most animals will leave the warded area or die from starvation. Ward of Hunger can not be dispelled like most spells. Only Wish and Miracle will have any effect on it. The only way to remove the ward entirely is to cast Wish or Miracle on the altar that serves as the center for the ward. It is possible to subdue the ward for 24 hours by casting Wish or Miracle anywhere inside it, b ut after 24 hours the ward will return at full strength. It is only possible to have one ward spell affect any given area at one time. If you attempt to cast a new ward spell in an area that is already affected by a ward, the new ward will simply not work inside the area that is already warded. The spell has no effect on creatures that do not eat or drink. Description: While casting the ward, the caster kneels at the altar that will be come the center for the ward. There are hardly any visual indicators of the powe rful spell being cast, but any creatures within the area will start to feel unco mfortable while the spell is being cast. Towards the end of the casting, living creatures in the area start to feel unusually dry in the throat and they start t o feel unusually hungry, even if they have eaten a full meal. Weaken School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 7 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living creature Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes Weaken fires a ray of red ichor at the target that has the ability to remove one of the targets special abilities if you succeed at a ranged touch attack. Weake n can remove one extraordinary or supernatural ability from the target. The cast er must name the ability when casting Weaken, he will not automatically know whi ch abilities the target has when casting the spell. For example, if the caster c ast Weaken on a normal troll, he would be able to completely remove the low-ligh t vision, scent or regeneration ability of the target with the spell. The spell can not remove any abilities that are granted by the very shape of the target, s uch as the flying ability of a bird or the physical attack capabilities of a cre ature with fangs or claws. Description: Weaken fires a thin ray of red ichor at the target.
Level 8 Black Ray of Unholiness School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous and 1d8+1 rounds Saving Throw: Will partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Unholiness fires a pale black ray of energy at the target. You make a ranged touch attack, if the attack hits the target suffers 3d6 points of Char isma Ability Damage. If the target is affected by any spells with the Good descriptor, there is a cha nce that these spells will be dispelled. Roll a dispel check (1d20 + 1 per caste r level against a DC of 11 + the spells caster level) against each spell with t he Good descriptor on the target. If the dispel check is successful the spell is dispelled. Additionally, the target must succeed at a Will Saving Throw. If it fails its Sa ving Throw it will become completely immune to any healing spells, items or effe cts for 1d8+1 rounds. The only type of healing that is not affected is Fast Heal ing or Regeneration, all other types of healing are completely prevented. Description: Black Ray of Unholiness fires a black ray of energy that appears to be composed of a thick, black liquid. Curse of Crippling School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Target: One living creature Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Curse of Crippling places an extremely potent and debilitating curse on the targ et. The caster makes a melee touch attack against the target. If the attack hits , the target must make a Fortitude Saving Throw or become affected by the curse. While Curse of Crippling is in effect, the target suffers a -6 penalty to Streng th, Dexterity and Constitution. The target also suffers a -75% penalty to moveme nt speed. The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Miracle, Remove Curse, or Wish spell. If Cur se of Crippling is removed, the target immediately suffers 1d6 points of Strengt h, Dexterity and Constitution damage. Description: While Curse of Crippling is in effect the target appears to constan tly bleed a vile, thick, green ichor through any orifices in its body. Flesh Armor School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (undead creatures under the casters command) Effect Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Flesh Armor causes undead under the casters command to surround the target in an armor of solid flesh and bone. If the target is unwilling, it is allowed to mak e a Fortitude Saving Throw to resist the effect. For the spell to work, there needs to be a number of undead in the vicinity of t he target. Only undead that have flesh will work, skeletons and incorporeal unde ad will not be sufficient for the spell to work. The undead minions must be with in 30 ft of the target when the spell is cast. The amount of undead required to make the spell work depends on the size of the target. Tiny or smaller: 1 HD worth of undead Small: 2 HD worth of undead Medium: 4 HD worth of undead Large: 8 HD worth of undead Huge: 16 HD worth of undead Gargantuan: 32 HD worth of undead Colossal: 64 HD worth of undead Once the spell is cast, the undead in the vicinity will move towards the target. As they reach the target they will dissolve and start to cover the target in a thick layer of rotting flesh. It takes a full round for the armor to form after the spell has been cast. If the target is an arcane caster, the armor gives him 40% spell failure due to its size and bulk. While the armor is covering the target, the target gains a +6 Profane bonus to S trength, Damage Reduction 8/-, 1d10+1 temporary Hit Points per caster level (max imum 20d10+20 at level 20) and 10 energy resistance against all forms of energy (acid, fire, lightning and cold). The size of the target also increased by one d ue to the sheer bulk of the flesh surrounding it. The armor can be worn down by damage. Once all of the temporary Hit Points grant ed by the armor have been spent, the armor will fall to the ground and the spell will end. Description: When the spell is cast, the undead around the target will move to t he target and embrace it. As they embrace the target, they start to dissolve and their flesh and bones gain a life of their own as it crawls and slithers to cov er the target. Once the target is fully engulfed by the spell, it will appear mu ch bigger than before, consisting entirely of decayed flesh. Glorious Vengeance School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (diamond dust worth 500 gp) Effect Range: Touch Target: Dead creature touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Glorious Vengeance brings back a dead creature for a short period of time. For t
he spell to work the creature must have been dead for less than 24 hours. Once G lorious Vengeance is cast, the creature will return to life with full Hit Points . If the creature is capable of casting spells or has any other abilities that a re usable only a certain times per day, it will only have the spells and abiliti es left that it had when it died. While Glorious Vengeance is in effect the creature gains a +6 profane bonus to a ll Ability Scores. Description: When Glorious Vengeance is cast the creature is surrounded by green smoke that slowly seeps through the skin and enters the body of the target. The target appears to grow slightly in size before it rises. While the spell is in effect the eyes of the target burn with green, hallow flames. Ward of Negativity School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Casting Time: 1 day Components: V, S, F (altar worth 75,000 gp) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Wards area within a 1 mile/caster level radius around the enchanted alta r Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Ward of Negativity puts a powerful enchantment on a large area that slowly kills every living creature inside the area. As all wards, the spell takes rather lon g to cast, requiring the casters attention for a full day. Once the ward has bee n cast, a large area around the altar that serves as the focus for the spell bec omes imbued with negative energy that damages the living and heals any undead in the area. When the spell is cast, all living creatures inside the area suffer o ne point of damage every round they spend in the area. This damage is caused by negative energy that will heal any undead in the area for one point of damage ea ch round. The Death Ward spell will protect against the damage caused by this sp ell. When casting the ward, the caster may choose to exclude any areas inside the war d from the effect. For example, the caster could cast Ward of Negativity around his tower, but exclude his tower from the effect. The ward is used by necromancers to protect their home from invaders. The ward i s very noticeable though, compared to some of the other wards, and will therefor e have a tendency to attract a lot of attention if used near populated areas. Ma ny of the other wards have a more subtle effect that you may not notice right aw ay when entering the area. Ward of Negativity can not be dispelled like most spells. Only Wish and Miracle will have any effect on it. The only way to remove the ward entirely is to cast Wish or Miracle on the altar that serves as the center for the ward. It is possi ble to subdue the ward for 24 hours by casting Wish or Miracle anywhere inside i t, but after 24 hours the ward will return at full strength. It is only possible to have one ward spell affect any given area at one time. If you attempt to cas t a new ward spell in an area that is already affected by a ward, the new ward w ill simply not work inside the area that is already warded. Description: While casting the ward, the caster kneels at the altar that will be come the center for the ward. While the spell is being cast, the affected area w ill start to become engulfed in a dark, cold mist. Living creatures inside the a ffected areas will start to feel very uncomfortable while the spell is being cas t. Especially divine casters will feel the presence of the negative energy used to power the spell. Level 9
Black Ray of Blasting School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 9 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance: Yes Black Ray of Blasting fires a thick ray of black energy at the target. You make a ranged touch attack, if the attack hits the target suffers 1d6+1 points of dam age per caster level (maximum 20d6+20). Additionally, the target suffers 3d6 poi nts of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution Ability Damage. Undead are immune to the damage caused by this spell, as well as the Ability Damage. After 24 hours, if the Ability Damage hasnt been cured, the target must roll a Fortitude Savin g Throw for each point of Ability Damage taken. If the Saving Throw fails, the A bility Damage becomes permanent and can not be cured by any spell short of a Wis h. Description: When the spell is cast, a thick, black ray of energy emerges from t he casters hand and travels very rapidly towards its target. Dragoolhs Lifetap School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 9 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One living creature Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance: Yes Dragoolhs Lifetap attempts to snuff out the life energy of the target and trans fer the life energy to the caster. When casting the spell, the target is allowed a Fortitude Saving Throw. If the target fails his Saving Throw, his life energy is extinguished and the caster of Dragoolhs Lifetap is allowed to choose an ef fect to gain from the drained life energy. Cure Damage: The caster is cured of 1d10 points of damage per HD of the slain ta rget. Increased Potency: The next spell cast by the caster within one minute will have its DC and caster level increased by an amount equal to third of the slain targ ets HD. Restore Spell: The caster can regain one cast spell or spell slot. The maximum s pell level of the regained spell or spell slot is equal to half the slain target s HD. The increased potency effect is used to bolster any spell cast by the caster, ev en if it is another Dragoolhs Lifetap. Restore spell can restore the Dragoolhs Lifetap just cast if the target has 17 HD or more. Description: When the spell is cast, the target appears to become covered in thi
n, pale, red tentacles of energy that squeeze the life out of it. Kuzhamirs Blessing School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 9 Casting Casting Time: 1 hour Components: V, S, M (diamond dust and various herbs and other reagents worth 200 gp per HD of the affected undead) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One undead under casters command Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Kuzhamirs Blessing enchants one of the undead under the casters command, greatl y strengthening the negative energy in the undead. By bolstering the negative en ergy in the undead, the undead grows stronger and tougher. The undead affected b y Kuzhamirs Blessing gains a +6 profane bonus to Strength and Charisma, a +4 pr ofane bonus to Dexterity, a +2 profane bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence, a +4 bo nus to its Natural Armor and its Channel Resistance increases by +4. Description: While casting the spell, a sphere of black energy materializes betw een the outstretched hands of the caster. While casting the spell, the black ene rgy starts to slowly change shape until it starts to resemble a crown of black e nergy towards the completion of the spell. When the spell ends, the caster takes the crown and places it over the head of the affected undead where it remains, hovering above the head of the undead. Ward of Defilement School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8 Casting Casting Time: 1 day Components: V, S, F (stone basin worth 150,000 gp) Effect Range: Touch Effect: Wards area within a 1 mile/caster level radius around the enchanted alta r Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Ward of Defilement puts a very powerful enchantment on a large area that transfo rms the energy used to power healing spells into death essence. As all wards, th e spell takes a very long time to cast, requiring the casters full attention for a day. Once the ward has been cast, a large area around the enchanted basin tha t serves as the focus for the spell becomes enchanted with necromantic energy th at can transform healing energy into a vile, black liquid known as death essence . When anyone casts a healing spell or uses a healing ability inside the ward, the energy will be consumed by the ward, causing the healing spell or ability to ha ve no effect. This affects all spells that heal damage, even if healing is only part of the effect of the spell, like such spells as the Heal spell that also cu res various ailments in addition to healing wounds. The healing spell will have no effect at all when used inside the warded area, even effects that the spell h as in addition to healing will not work inside the ward. Each time a healing spe ll is consumed by the ward, one dose of death essence will be created in the bas in that serves as the focus for the spell. See the spell Essence of Death for a description of death essence. The essence will have a caster level equal to that
of the caster of the ward. Channel Energy will not work inside the area, and ne ither will healing potions or any other items that provide healing. Using Channe l Energy or a healing item will not create death essence though. All forms of natural healing do not work inside the ward either. Living creature s with fast healing or regeneration will not be able to regain Hit Points inside the area, and resting inside the area will not cause any Hit Points to be regai ned. Ward of Defilement can not be dispelled like most spells. Only Wish and Miracle will have any effect on it. The only way to remove the ward entirely is to cast Wish or Miracle on the altar that serves as the center for the ward. It is possi ble to subdue the ward for 24 hours by casting Wish or Miracle anywhere inside i t, but after 24 hours the ward will return at full strength. It is only possible to have one ward spell affect any given area at one time. If you attempt to cas t a new ward spell in an area that is already affected by a ward, the new ward w ill simply not work inside the area that is already warded. Description: While casting the spell, the caster kneels down at the heavy stone basin that will become the center for the spell. Chanting eldritch words, the ba sin and the surrounding area slowly starts to become imbued with the defiling en ergy of the spell. There are few visual indicators of the spell, and most living creature will not even notice the spell being cast, but anyone capable of casti ng divine spells inside the area will start to feel very uncomfortable. Chapter 5 / Arokai Description Post Admin on Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:53 pm Arokai Wing The Arokai wing was the first wing established at Tidak Osulan and the reason fo r the creation of the college. Led by the ancient dark elf Zzariach Laray, the A rokai wing is the wing of the college that has been responsible for the majority of discoveries made at Tidak Osulan. The Arokai were great necromancers of their time, controlling a vast empire thro ugh their arcane provess. They discovered and perfected the Arokai crystals, cry stals that can be imbued to hold the life essence of your enemy. These crystals soon began to dominate every aspect of Arokai culture and Arokai life. The ancie nt race used their crystals to not only power their spells, their constructs and their undead, they also used them to decorate their buildings. The entire Aroka i empire became seeped in necromantic energy emanating from their crystals. The sheer potency of this energy had a corrupting effect on the Arokai empire, causi ng many unforeseen effects on the people of the empire. The dead refused to stay dead, instead rising again to walk the lands of the living, necromantic spells took on a life of their own when cast and the entire empire seemed to be detrime ntal to the living. When the Arokai were attacked by their subterranean neighbou rs, when their cities started to crumble and fall, the vast necromantic energy o f the empire that had lain dormant under the vigilant eye of the most powerful A rokai necromancers started to take on a life of its own. Even though there has been extensive research into the history of the Arokai, ma ny things still remain to be discovered. Which races invaded the empire is still unknown, as is the location of the many Arokai cities mentioned in the tomes of the Arokai ruins upon which Tidak Osulan is built. The primary purpose of the Arokai wing is to research the Arokai crystals that e mpowered the ancient necromancers. These crystals have been responsible for the creation of many new spells and magic items. Secondarily the Arokai wing perform s research into the many other fields of magic that the ancient race had perfect ed, the powerful wards they used to shield their cities and the potent construct s made by the Arokai to safeguard the empire.
Zzariach Laray himself is the most practiced wielder of Arokai magic, being resp onsible for the majority of the initial research made of the site. Students at t he Arokai wing rarely see the old elf, instead having to rely on his subordinate s to receive their training. Zzariach himself spends the vast majority of his ti me in the laboratories of the wing where new spells and new constructs are const antly being researched and perfected. Studying at the Arokai Wing The Arokai wing is the biggest wing of Tidak Osulan and the wing that is respons ible for training most of the necromancers at the college. Initiates who come to train at Tidak Osulan are required to spend their first year working at the Aro kai wing. These aspiring necromancers are put to work on the many mundane tasks of the wing, recording and cataloguing the discoveries made in the ruins beneath the college. The first year is a test of the students, a test of their dedicati on to the art. Very little actual education is given during the first year, inst ead the students are trained to master the methodology required to become a necr omancer more than the actual magic itself. After a year of working at the wing t he students are given a choice of which wing they wish to continue their studies at. The students who choose to study at the Arokai wing are still required to work a t the libraries and vaults of the wing while receiving their training. The wing relies heavily on its students to perform the majority of the more tedious work to leave the senior necromancers to their research and tutoring. Arokai Crystals The Arokai were excellent necromancers and one of their most potent inventions w ere the Arokai crystals, crystals imbued with the life energy of the foes of the Arokai, used to bolster either spells or undead minions. Creating an Arokai cry stal is a rather simple process. The spell Saturate steals the life energy of a severly wounded or dead foe and transforms an Arokai pearl into an Arokai crysta l, depending on the type of foe that Saturate was cast upon. Each crystal listed below requires the foe to be of a certain type, or to possess a certain trait, to be created through the Saturate spell. Sometimes a foe will qualify for more than one type of crystal when Saturate is cast, in which case the caster must ch oose which crystal he wishes to create from the foe. For example, if Saturate is cast on a good-aligned giant with 8 or more Hit Dice , then the caster has three options. He can create an Asma Crystal (created from draining the life energy of any giant), an Ogum Crystal (created from draining the life energy of a good-aligned creature) or a Lesser Essence Crystal (created from draining the life energy of a creature with 8 HD or more). He must choose which of the three crystals he creates when casting Saturate. Only casters with sufficient levels in the Olan Bator prestige class are able to create so-called twisted crystals that can possess more than one crystal trait. Arokai crystals can be used for a number of things. Their primary use is to fuel many of the Arokai spells listed in this chapter that require an Arokai crystal as material component. These spells will typically have very different effects depending on which Arokai crystal was used when casting them. Another use for Ar okai crystals is to use them to bolster undeads you create. Any undead you creat e can be augmented with an Arokai crystal. All that is required is that you have the crystal in your possession when you cast the spell, or perform the ritual, that creates the undead. The crystal will be expended and the created undead wil l gain the bonuses listed under the spent crystal on the list below. If a spell or ritual creates more than one undead, it is possible to bolster all of them, a s long as you have one crystal for each undead. If a spell or ritual creates und ead of different types, you pick which of the created undead gains which bonus,
if you have different crystals in your possession. Arokai crystals can be used to bolster any undead you create, even undead create d through feats such as Servant of Bone. Arokai crystals can only be created from living creatures. Arokai crystals can n ot be created from creatures under the control of the caster, such as summoned o r mind-controlled creatures. When a caster casts Saturate, he will automatically know which crystals the slai n creature qualifies for. List of Crystals Ada Crystal Appearance: Pale green, irregular crystals Created from: Any animal Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Ada crystal gain a +2 bo nus to Climb, Perception, Stealth and Survival. Asma Crystal Apperance: Asma crystals are jagged, dark black crystals. Created from: Any giant. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Asma crystal gain a +4 i ncrease in Strength and a +2 increase in Natural Armor. Bodum Crystal, Lesser Appearance: Bodum crystals are transparent, round crystals. Created from: Any creature with fast healing or regeneration of 1 to 4 per round . Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a lesser Bodum crystal gain s Fast Healing 1. Bodum Crystal, Greater Appearance: Same as the lesser variant Created from: Any creature with fast healing or regeneration of 5 per round or m ore. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a greater Bodum crystal gai ns Fast Healing 2. Draconic Gem Apperance: All draconic gems are jagged gems that burn with the color of their e lemental type. Created from: Any dragon. All draconic gems have an elemental type depending on the elemental sub-type of the dragon that was used in their manufacture. For exa mple, a Draconic gem created from a gold dragon will have the elemental type fir e. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a Draconic gem will gain En ergy Resistance 20 against the element of the gem, they will inflict an addition al 1d6 points of damage with all melee attacks of the elemental type associated with the gem, and their Natural Armor increases by +2. Eamun Crystal Appearance: Pulsating, black crystal. Created from: Any creature of the Demon or Devil type. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Eamun crystal will gain a permanent +6 profane bonus to Strength and Charisma. The undead will also infl ict an additional 2d6 points of damage to any good-aligned opponents and it will ignore any Damage Reduction on good-aligned opponents.
Earth Gem Appearance: Brown, jagged gem. Created from: Any creature with the Earth sub-type. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Earth gem will bypass al l forms of metalline Damage Reduction (such as Silver, Cold Iron, Byeskh and Ada mantine Damage Reduction). Essence Crystal, Lesser Appearance: Pale red, coin-shaped crystal. Created from: Any creature with 8 HD or more. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a lesser Essence crystal wi ll gain one additional hit dice, and all of the benefits that come from having a n additional hit dice, such as increased base attack, saving throws and skill po ints. Essence Crystal, Greater Appearance: Same as the lesser variant. Created from: Any undead with 16 HD or more. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a greater Essence crystal w ill gain two additional hit dice, and all of the benefits that come from having additional hit die, such as increased base attack, saving throws and skill point s. Eye Gem Appearance: Eye gems are small eye-shaped, blue gems. Created from: Any beholder. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Eye gem gain Spell Resis tance equal to their Hit Dice plus their Charisma Modifier. Kaimere Crystal Appearance: Kaimere crystals are pale brown, perfectly circular crystals. Created from: Any creature with 30 or more in an Ability Score. All Kaimere crys tals will have a type equal to which ability score the slain creature had that w as 30 or above. If a creature has more than one Ability Score that is 30 or abov e, the caster selects which Ability Score the Kaimere crystal is associated with . Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a Kaimere crystal gain a pe rmanent +4 profane bonuses to the Ability Score of the Kaimere crystal. Kush Crystal Appearance: Kush crystals are blindingly radiant, white, circular crystals. Created from: Any creature of the Angel or Archon type. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a Kush crystal gain +4 Chan nel Resistance or have their existing Channel Resistance increased by +4. Additi onally, the undead will also ignore the first Channel attempt against it every d ay, no matter the result of the Channel. The undead will also deal 2d6 extra poi nts of damage to evil creatures and will ignore any Damage Reduction of evil ene mies. Lamentation Crystal, Lesser Apperance: All Lamententation crystals are blood red gems. Created from: Any humanoid with 3 HD or less. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a lesser Lamentation crysta l gain a +2 increase in Charisma. Lamentation Crystal, Greater Appearance: Same as the lesser variant. Created from: Any humanoid with 4 HD or more. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a greater Lamentation cryst al gain a +4 increase in Charisma.
Ogum Crystal Appearance: White, radiant, opaque crystal. Created from: Any creature of good alignment. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Ogum crystal gains Chann el Resistance +2 or have their existing Channel Resistance increased by two. Ogum-Atal Crystal Appearance: Brilliant, white, opaque crystal. Created from: Any creature of good alignment with the Channel ability. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with an Ogum-Atal crystal gains Channel Resistance +2, or have their existing Channel Resistance increased by tw o. Additionally, the undead will completely ignore the first Channel used agains t them every day, no matter the result of the Channel. Ogum-Nairo Crystal Appearance: Pulsating, white, opaque crystal. Created from: Any creature of good alignment with the Smite Evil ability. Effect on undead. Any undead that are augmented with an Ogum-Nairo crystal cause an additional 2d6 points of damage against evil creatures and their attacks byp ass Good DR. Raedun Crystal Appearance: Jagged, slightly metallic-looking crystal. Created from: Any creature that has Damage Reduction of 5 or more that is bypass able by a certain type of metal (such as Silver, Cold Iron, Byeskh or Adamantine ). When the Raedun crystal is created, it has the type associated with the Damag e Reduction that the slain creature had. For example, if the crystal is created from a creature with adamantime Damage Reduction, the Raedun crystal will be of the adamantine type. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a Raedun crystal will gain Damage Reduction 5 that is bypassed by the metal associated with the crystal. Soruk Crystal Apperance: Dark black opaque crystal. Created from: Any creature of evil alignment. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a Soruk crystal cause an ad dition 1d6 points of damage to good opponents and ignore Evil damage reduction. Vibrant Gem, Lesser Appearance: All vibrant gems are prismatic, slightly luminescent gems Created from: Any creature capable of casting arcane spells of level 1 or 2, eit her from having levels in an arcane class or as spell-like abilities. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a lesser Vibrant gem gain t he ability to cast one arcane spell of spell level one as a spell-like ability o nce per day. The creator must be able to cast the chosen spell before he can gra nt it to the undead as a spell-like ability. The undead use their Charisma as ca sting stat to calculate the DC of the spell, and the spell has a caster level of one. Vibrant Gem, Greater Appearance: Same as the lesser variant Created from: Any creature capable of casting arcane spells of level 3 or 4, eit her from having levels in an arcane class, or as spell-like abilities. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a greater Vibrant gem gain the ability to cast either two arcane spells of spell level one, or one arcane s pell of spell level two, as spell-like ability each day. The creator must be abl e to cast the chosen spell before he can grant it to the undead as a spell-like ability. The undead use their Charisma as casting stat to calculate the DC of th e spell, and the spell has a caster level of three.
Vibrant Gem, Supreme Appearance: Same as the lesser variant Created from: Any creature capable of casting arcane spells of level 5 or higher , either from having levels in an arcane class, or as spell-like abilities. Effect on undead: Any undead that are augmented with a supreme Vibrant gem gain the ability to cast either three arcane spells of spell level one, two arcane sp ells of spell level two or one arcane spell of spell level three, as spell-like ability each day. The creator must be able to cast the chosen spell before he ca n grant it to the undead as a spell-like ability. The undead use their Charisma as casting stat to calculate the DC of the spell, and the spell has a caster lev el of five.[b] Chapter 6 - Netherweave Wing Nethermancer Becoming a Student: Samuel Destonte, the leader of the Netherweave Wing, is in c onstant need of humanoid females capable of bearing offspring. Therefore, the fi rst demand on any would-be student is that they bring him at least 30 HD worth o f young females of any humanoid species. The second demand on students is that t hey show themselves capable not only in the art of necromancy, but also in the a rt of enchantment as well. Students must be able to cast at least one necromancy spell with a DC of 20 or higher, and one enchantment spell with a DC of 20 or h igher. Once these two demands have been met, the student must pay a meager fee o f 5,000 gp to be allowed to study at the Netherweave Wing. Description: The Nethermancers trained at the Netherweave Wing are amongst the m ore subtle of necromancers. Trained to combine necromancy with enchantment spell s, they seek to dominate those they can not kill. Nethermancers are also trained to have a very callous view on life, seeing the living as tools to be shaped an d bent into a form more desirable by the Nethermancer. Of all necromancers, Neth ermancers are the most sociable, using their skills and magic to dominate their surroundings. Even though they are sociable creatures, they prefer to have some kind of leverage on those they associate with. Role: Nethermancers are excellent at controlling the battlefield. Few nethermanc ers will go into battle alone, instead relying on animated undead minions, summo ned creatures and mind-controlled puppets to do battle for them. In battle, neth ermancers often send their minions against those with strong minds, and use thei r mind-controlling magic on those of weaker mind. The Nethermancer motto is: "Wh y destroy that which you can use?" Hit Dice: d4 Requirements To qualify to become a Nethermancer, a character must fulfil all the following c riteria. Alignment: Any non-good Feats: Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Necromancy) Special: Must have studied for at least three years under Samuel Destonte Class Skills The Nethermancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Ch a), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowled ge (all skills, taken individually)(Int), Profession(Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) an d Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int Modifier.
Class Features All of the following are features of the Nethermancer prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Nethermancers gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Master Enchanter (Ex): At 1st level, the Nethermancer gains a +1 bonus to the DC of all his spells from the enchantment school. Arcane Genetics (Ex): At 2nd level, the Nethermancer becomes far more adept at u sing the Godchild spell. The chance of failure decreases from 10% to 5% when usi ng the Godchild spell. Combined Magic (Ex): At 3rd level, the Nethermancer learns how to weaken his foe s with his spells by combining the schools of necromancy and enchantment. Whenev er a foe of the Nethermancer succeeds at a Saving Throw against a spell from the school of necromancy cast by the Nethermancer, they suffer a -5 penalty to thei r Saving Throw against the next spell from the school of enchantment cast by the Nethermancer. Whenever a foe of the Nethermancer succeeds at a Saving Throw aga inst a spell from the school of enchantment cast by the Nethermancer, they suffe r a -5 penalty to their Saving Throw against the next spell from the school of n ecromancy cast by the Nethermancer. This penalty expires in one hour if no spell of the appropriate school is cast against the target. Penetrating Magic (Ex): At 4th level, the Nethermancer learns to bypass spell re sistance with his enchantment and necromancy spells. The Nethermancer gets a +2 bonus to bypass Spell Resistance with his enchantment and necromancy spells. Cunning Manipulator (Ex): At 5th level, the Nethermancer learns how to use his i ntellect for manipulating those around him instead of his natural charisma and c unning. The Nethermancer may use his Intelligence modifier for calculating the f ollowing skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive. Using his Intell igence modifier for these skills is always purely optional, the Nethermancer can always choose to use the original Ability Score associated with the skill. Master Necromancer (Ex): At 6th level, the Nethermancer gains a +1 bonus to the DC of all his spells from the necromancy school. Aura of Dominance (Su): At 7th level, the Nethermancer imbues his undead minions with an aura that weakens nearby foes. Each undead under the Nethermancers com mand exudes an aura of dominance that affects any target within 5 ft. Any target within the aura suffer a -1 penalty to all Saving Throws made to resist spells cast by the Nethermancer. This aura stacks, so if a foe is within 5 ft. of three undead under the command of the Nethermancer, they suffer a -3 penalty to all S aving Throws against spells cast by the Nethermancer. Body Over Mind, Mind Over Body (Ex): At 8th level, the Nethermancer learns how t o manipulate his spells to target the weaknesses of his foe. Whenever the Nether mancer casts a spell that forces his target to make a Fortitude or Will Saving T hrow, he may choose which of the two types of Saving Throw that the target is re quired to make. This means that the Nethermancer can twist a spell that requires a Will Saving Throw to be made so that the target must succeed at a Fortitude S aving Throw instead, and vice versa with spells that require a Fortitude Saving Throw. Soultap (Ex): At 9th level, the Nethermancer learns to manipulate his Souldrinke r and Lifedrinker spells so that he can affect targets he has magically controll ed with them. He can only use Souldrinker and Lifedrinker on targets that he has complete control over, using such spells as Dominate Person or Dominate Monster
. The Nethermancer can not use Souldrinker og Lifedrinker on targets he merely h as charmed or held. Supreme Nethermancy (Ex): At 10th level, the Nethermancer becomes so capable at casting enchantment and necromancy spells that any spells casts from those two s chools are automatically heightened to the highest possible spell level that the Nethermancer can cast, as if though the Heighten Spell metamagic feat had been applied to them. Chapter 6 / Netherling Template Post Admin on Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:54 am Netherling Netherlings are living creatures warped by the energy of the netherweave. They t ake on traits normally only found in incorporeal undead. It is almost impossible to tell a netherling from a normal, living creature. Only if engulfed in comple te darkness will you notice that the eyes of the netherling radiate a pale, red glow. "Netherling" is an acquired template that can be added to any living corporeal c reature (other than an undead) that has a solid body (referred to hereafter as t he base creature). Challenge Rating: This depends on the creatures new total number of Hit Dice, a s follows: Alignment: As base creature. Type: As base creature. Senses: The creature gains darkvision out to a range of 120 feet as well as the scent ability. Armor Class: Natural armor bonus changes as follows: Netherling Size Natural Armor Bonus Tiny or smaller +0 Small +1 Medium or Large +2 Huge +3 Gargantuan +6 Colossal +10 Hit Dice: As base creature. Defensive Abilities: A netherling gains DR 3/good and immunity to cold and negat ive energy damage. Netherlings gain the special defensive abilities described be low - Insubstantial Phase (Su): Once every 3rd round, the netherling can phase out o f existence for a brief second to avoid an attack. Insubstantial phase can be us ed to negate any damage taken by an attack, effect or spell. Insubstantial phase can be used after all rolls regarding the attack, effect or spell are rolled. I nsubstantial phase can only be used to ignore damage, non-damaging effects can n ot be avoided through the use of the ability. - Partial Undeath (Ex): The netherling is partially undead, making it immune to ability drain, aging, critical hits, death effects, disease and poison. A nether
ling can still age until it reaches maturity, but from that point on it will age no further and receive no penalties to its physical attributes from aging. - Resistances (Ex): A netherling has resistance 10 to acid, fire, electricity an d sonic. Weakness: A netherling gains the following weakness. - Vulnerability to Sunlight (Ex): A netherling takes 1 point of damage per round of direct exposure to sunlight. Speed: The speed of the netherling increases by 10 ft. Attacks: A netherling retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attac ks, and the weapon proficiences of the base creature. Special Attacks: The netherling retains all the special attacks of the base crea ture and gains the following: - Unnatural Aura (Su): Any creature of the animal type within 60 feet of a nethe rling automatically becomes panicked and remains so until the distance between i t and the netherling is at least 60 feet. Special Qualities: A netherling retains all the base creatures special qualitie s and gains the following: Fast Healing (Ex): A netherling heals 2 points of damage each round so long as i t has at least 1 hit point. Abilities: Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +2, Cha +4. BAB: As base creature. Skills: A netherling has a +5 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks. Feats: A netherling gains Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes and Toughness as bonus feats. Special qualities: A netherling retains all special qualities of the base creatu re. Environment: As base creature. Organization: Any. Treasure: As base creature. Netherweave Spells Nethersight School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Same plane Targets: One wraith or netherwraith under casters control
Duration: 1 minute Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Nethersight creates a link between the caster and any wraith or netherwraith und er his command. For the duration of the spell, the caster is able to see through the eyes of the wraith or netherwraith as if though he was there himself. Description: Nethersight will cause your eyes to turn a dull grey color while th e spell is in effect. Slay Fetus School necromancy; Level cleric/oracle 1, sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 10 rounds Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Targets: One pregnant female touched Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Slay Fetus kills any unborn fetus in the target female by administering a small dose of necromantic energy. The spell can only be used on a female within the fi rst 3 months of her pregnancy (or the equivelant of a third of the total gestati on period if used on non-human females). After the first three months, the child will have grown to a size where the negative energy of the Slay Fetus spell is insufficient to kill it. Heighten Spell will allow Slay Fetus to affect older fe tuses. For each spell level that Slay Fetus is increased, the maximum age of the affected fetus is increased by one month. After the fetus is slain, it will be excreted from the targets body harmlessly. Description: You rub your hand over the belly of the affected female. A grey fog gathers around your hand as you cast the spell, and as the spell progresses the fog starts to seep in through the skin of the belly, leaving behind spots of gr ey ichor. Souldrinker School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 Casting Casting Time: 1 swift action Components: V, S Effect Range: Same plane Targets: One wraith, netherwraith or netherling under casters control Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Souldrinker snuffs out the negative energy animating one wraith, netherwraith or netherling under the casters command and uses the energy to replenish the caste rs used spells. When Souldrinker is cast, the caster selects one wraith, netherw raith or netherling on the same plane of existence. The selected creature is ins tantly slain and the caster can choose to have one used spell slot replenished. The spell slot can be of a spell level equal to the Hit Dice of the sacrificed c reature. You can only sacrifice one creature at the time using this spell, it is not possible to sacrifice multiple creatures to replenish a higher level spell slot. Description: Souldrinker will cause the affected creature to start shaking viole ntly for a brief second, before it begins to collapse into itself and finally im
ploding in a burst of grey ichor. Analyze Fetus School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 5 rounds Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Targets: One pregnant female Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Analyze Fetus allows the caster to scrutinize the capabilities and potential of an unborn child. The caster will know the exact Strength, Constitution, Dexterit y and Intelligence that the unborn child will have when it is mature. Naturally, the spell does not account for any illnesses or other misfortunes that might af fect the abilities of the child while growing up, the spell merely indicates wha t the child will be capable of if it grows up without complications. Description: While casting Analyze Fetus you hover your hands above the belly of the affected female. Tendrils of grey energy will emerge from your hands and st art to probe the skin of the female. Lifedrinker School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Casting Time: 1 swift action Components: V, S Effect Range: Same plane Targets: One wraith, netherwraith or netherling under casters control Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Lifedrinker is a more potent version of Souldrinker, as it allows the caster to use the negative energy of one wraith, netherwraith or netherling under his cont rol to replenish his own health. When the spell is cast, the caster selects a wr aith, netherwraith or netherling under his control. The selected creature has it s life energy instantly snuffed out, transferring its health to the caster. The caster is healed for an amount of Hit Points equal to the amount of Hit Points t he controlled creature had when the spell was cast. Description: Lifedrinker will cause the affected creature to start shaking viole ntly for a brief second, before it begins to collapse into itself and finally im ploding in a burst of grey ichor. Godchild School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 5 rounds Components: V, S, M (a lavender gem worth at least 100 gp) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One pregnant female Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Godchild imbues an unborn child with greater physical and mental power. When the spell is cast, the affected child will be born with a permanent +2 increase in Strength, Constititution, Dexterity and Intelligence. This spell can be cast sev eral times, each time increasing the Strength, Constitution, Dexterity and Intel ligence of the target child by 2. The child can not have any stat increased to a n amount that is higher than the racial maximum of its race. For example, a huma n can only have the four affected stats raised to 18. The child will not be born with its full stats naturally, it will be born with the normal stats of a newbo rn child, and then increase its stats slowly until it reaches maturity at which point it will achieve its full potential. Each time Godchild is cast there is a 10% chance that the spell will cause severe impairment in the affected child. A secret roll is made by the game master, and if failure occurs roll another 1d4 a nd consult the table below. 1 2 3 4 Strength Constitution Dexterity Intelligence
The child will have the affected stat reduced to one, and will become immune to further casts of Godchild. The caster will not know that the spell failed unless he casts an Analyze Fetus on the pregnant female. Description: While casting Godchild you rub the belly of the affected female whi le a red mist gathers around your hands. When the spell is almost completed, the red mist solidifies and pierces the skin of the belly to enter the veins of the fetus within. Unseen Might School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Targets: One incorporeal undead under casters control Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Unseen Might bolsters the natural abilities of one incorporeal undead under the casters control. The affected undead gains greater incorporeality that gives opp onents a 75% chance to miss attacks instead of 50%. Effects that ignore incorpor eal, such as force spells and effects, still suffer no miss chance against the a ffected undead. The incorporeal undead also gains a +6 bonus to Charisma and a + 4 bonus to its channel resistance (or simply channel resistance +4 if the undead doesnt already have channel resistance). Description: Unseen Might creates a crown of grey energy that hovers above the h ead of the affected undead while the spell is in effect. The crown drips with gr ey ichor. Born Servant School enchantment; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 5 rounds Components: V, S, M (a miniature iron shackle worth 25 gp)
Effect Range: Touch Targets: One pregnant female Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Born Servant causes one fetus to be permanently chained to the will of the caste r. From birth, the effected creature will be permanently under the complete cont rol of the caster, no matter where it goes. The caster still needs to be able to communicate with the affected creature for his orders to take effect, and the c reature can not perform any task it doesnt comprehend, so the caster couldnt o rder a newborn infant to build a house, for example. Only spells such as Break E nchantment can break the effect of Born Servant. Dispel Magic will have no effec t on the affected creature. Unlike normal enchantment spells, Born Servant will also affect undead, but only if cast on a living creature that becomes undead la ter through such spells as Animate Dead or Netherweave Spawn. Description: While casting Born Servant you rub your hands on the belly of the a ffected female while a blueish grey mist gathers around your hand. When the spel l is almost completed, the mist solidifies and enters the womb of the female, pi ercing into the head of the fetus. After the spell has been cast there is a resi due of grey ichor dripping from the skin where the mist entered the womb. Wraith Touch School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 4 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch Targets: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Wraith Touch causes you to inflict 1d4+1 points of Constitution drain and 2d6 po ints of Negative Energy Damage on a successful melee attack. If the target of Wr aith Touch is slain by the spell, he will rise as a wraith within 1d4 rounds, un der the complete control of the caster. If the target survives, he is still mark ed by the spell for 1 round per caster level. If the target dies within this dur ation, he will also rise as a wraith under the control of the caster, in 1d4 rou nds. The caster can only control a number of wraiths and netherwraiths equal to his caster level. As with Animate Dead, the wraiths created by this spell remain under the casters control indefinitely. Description. While casting the spell you gather swirling grey mist around your h and. When you touch your target, the mist swirls around his body for a brief sec ond before entering his chest right at his heart. There will be a residue of gre y ichor around the point of entry after the spell has been cast. Gestation Cocoon School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 10 rounds Components: V, S, M (an onyx gem worth at least 500 gp) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One creature affected by Born Servant Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Gestation Cocoon creates a cocoon of grey netherweave energy around a creature u nder your control. The Gestation Cocoon has a hardness of 10, and 50 Hitpoints. While inside the cocoon, the affected creature will mature rapidly, aging one mo nth for every day spent inside the cocoon. Since this aging is purely physical, the affected creature will not gain any bonuses to its mental attributes from ag ing, only its physical attributes will be affected. Mark of the Wraith School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (an onyx gem worth at least 250 gp) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One creature affected by Born Servant Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Mark of the Wraith puts a potent necromantic curse on the target that will cause it to return as a netherwraith if it is slain. Mark of the Wraith can only be c ast on living targets that the caster has already affected with the Born Servant spell. It is possible to cast the spell on a creature with the netherling templ ate. If the target is slain, it will return in 1d4 rounds as a netherwraith unde r the full control of the caster, counting towards his maximum amount of wraiths and netherwraiths that he may control. A netherling that is turned into a nethe rwraith will loose its netherling template. Netherweave Spawn School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Casting Time: 5 rounds Components: V, S, M (an onyx gem worth at least 500 gp) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One pregnant female Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Netherweave Spawn taints an unborn fetus with netherweave energi, mutating it in to a netherling. The unborn child will gain the netherling template from birth. Netherwarp School enchantment; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Casting Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S Effect Range: Touch (either from caster or a netherling or netherwraith under his contr ol) Targets: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: No (special); Spell Resistance: Yes
With a successful touch attack you can take over the mind of a living target. Un like other touch attacks, you can choose to let a netherling or netherwraith und er your command deliver the attack instead of yourself, using the attack bonus o f the chosen minion. No matter if you deliver the attack yourself, or let one of your minions deliver it, the affected creature comes under your control for the duration of the spell, following every spoken command you give it. If a suicida l command is given, the controlled creature will be allowed a Will saving throw. If it makes its saving throw it will be able to shake off the effects of the sp ell, regaining full control over itself. Tutoring Cocoon School enchantment; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Casting Casting Time: 10 rounds Components: V, S, M (an onyx gem worth at least 1,000 gp) Effect Range: Touch Targets: One creature affected by Born Servant Duration: 1 day/level Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No Tutoring Cocoon creates a cocoon of grey netherweave energy around a creature un der your control. The Tutoring Cocoon has a hardness of 10, and 50 Hitpoints. Wh ile inside the cocoon, the affected creature will be mentally honed by the spell , its capabilities and knowledge growing in strength from the netherweave energi es that engulf it. Each day that the creature spends inside the cocoon, it will gain 250 experience points. These experience points are permanent and can be use d to advance in any class that you choose on behalf of the affected creature. Chapter 7 - Warfare Wing Disciple of Flame Student of Hger Kahn Draugr Becoming a Student: Hger Kahn Draugr is the Master Necromancer that is most easil y persuaded to take on students. The old mage is a mercenary by heart and a smal l fee of 5.000 gp is often enough to persuade him to take on a student. All he d emands from his would-be student is an aptitude for destruction. To test his stu dent, Hger Kahn Draugr will locate an armed force of at least 100 HD and order hi s future student to decimate this force as a test of their destructive capabilit ies. Description: The students of Hger Kahn Draugr have been taught that destruction i s power, that the power to take life is greater than anything else. Therefore, t hey tend to be arrogant and sporadic in their behaviour, feeling that they are s uperior to anyone that lacks their destructive capabilities. The only thing that the Disciples of Flame respects is the power to take life. If the encounter som eone who has significant combat abilities, they will respect that person. They w ill never respect those that use stealth or diplomacy to achieve their goals, un less they use those gifts to sow seeds of strife that result in war and turmoil. Role: The Disciple of Flame is an artillery platform, plain and simple. Their ro le in an adventuring party is to dish out damage, the more the better. The Disci ple of Flame is not very likely to spend a lot of time tending to the other memb ers of the party, he is more likely to use his arcane powers to bolster himself. In any fight where the party faces overwhelming opposition, the Disciple is a h andy member to have as few surpass him in offensive power.
Hit Dice: d4 Requirements To qualify to become a Disciple of Flame, a character must fulfil all the follow ing criteria. Alignment: Any non-good Feats: Black Flame Spell, Quicken Spell Special: Must have studied for at least two years under Hger Kahn Draugr. Class Skills The Disciple of Flame's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Conc entration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually)(Int), P rofession(Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at each level: 2 + Int Modifier. Base Attack Bonus: Half (as Wizard) High Saves: Will Low Saves: Fort, Ref Class Features All of the following are features of the Disciple of Flame prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples of Flame gain no proficiency with any we apon or armor. Firepower: At level 1, the Disciple of Flame excels in making his spells hard to resist. All spells with the Fire descriptor cast by the Disciple of Flame gain a +1 bonus to their Saving Throw DC. Resistance: At 2nd level, the Disciple of Flames becomes more resistant to Fire through his intimate connection to the element. He gains Fire Resistance 10. At level 9, his Fire Resistance increases to 20. Battlefield Training: At 3rd level, the Disciple of Flame learns to affect a lar ger area with all his spells with the Fire descriptor as well as all spells from the school of Necromancy. All of the above-mentioned spells affect an area 50% larger than normal. For example, a spell that usually affects a 60 ft. radius sp read will now affect a 90 ft. radius spread. Exhaustive Magic: At 4th level, the Disciple of Flame becomes intimate with the magic principles that cause targets to become exhausted. When the Disciple of Fl ame causes a target to become Exhausted, the target will have their movement spe ed reduced by 75% instead of 50%. Free Metamagic: At 5th level, the Disciple of Flame learns how to apply a metama gic feat to his spells without inducing any cost. When memorising any spell with the Fire descriptor, or any spell from the school of Necromancy, the Disciple o f Flame may improve his spell with a Metamagic feat that increases spell level b y 1 without causing his memorised spell to increase in spell level. For example, a Disciple of Flame could memorise an Extended Burning Bombard as a 3rd level s pell. Empowered Minions: At 6th level, the Disciple of Flame improves the power of the undead minions he animates. Any undead created by the Disciple of Flame gain a +2 bonus to their Strength, Dexterity and Natural Armor.
Fiery Flames: At 7th level, all spells cast by the Disciple of Flame that cause Fire damage will cause an additional point of damage per die. For example, a Fir eball that normally causes 10d6 points of damage will instead cost 10d6+10 point s of damage. Metamagic Mastery: At 8th level, the Disciple of Flame learns the secret of impr oving his spells at almost no expense. The cost of applying a Metamagic feat to all spells with the Fire descriptor, as well as all spells from the school of Ne cromancy is decreased by 1. This means that a Metamagic feat that would normally increase spell level by 2 now only increase the spell level by 1. The cost to a pply a Metamagic feat can never be decreased to less than 1 spell level. Bombardment: At 10th level, the Disciple of Flame becomes so intimate with Fire magic that he can cast it almost at will with little effort. Any spell with the Fire descriptor of level 3 or less is automatically Quickened, as per the Metama gic feat. Chapter 7 / Wraith Knight Post Admin on Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:53 pm Wraith Knight The Wraith Knights are a cadre of warriors trained to protect the Tidak Osulan, heavily armored fighters that learn how to take on some of the traits of the und ead they fight alongside. The Wraith Knight training program was developed by Ja smin Noble as a gift to Khor Grimfist when he first joined the university. A sma ll group of Khors most trusted, elite warriors where then trained to become the first Wraith Knights to guard the university. The Wraith Knights excell in hand-to-hand combat, especially against other melee opponents. While weaker against arcane and divine casters, the Wraith Knight ar e still to be feared by any opponent they face. A well-trained Wraith Knight is able to pass through the battlefield as a wind, bypassing the front ranks of ene my soldiers to reach the casters and archers in the back. Role: The Wraith Knight is not always a frontline fighter, his special abilities enable him to quickly reach troublesome foes that hide behind more durable alli es. As such, the Wraith Knight often leaves behind his party to reach either cas ters or archers that harry his friends from afar. If no casters are present, the Wraith Knight is still fully capable of standing in the frontline and keeping u p with both fighters and barbarians. Alignment: The Wraith Knights are vigerously trained and must be able to follow orders. They can therefore not be of chaotic alignment. The Wraith Knights are a lso laced with necromantic energy, something any good creature would shun, so a Wraith Knight can not be of any good alignment. Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Wraith Knight, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +6. Skills: Stealth 3 ranks. Feats: Skill Focus Knowledge (arcana), Toughness
Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with all martial weapons. Other: Must have trained for at least a year at the Warfare Wing of Tidak Osulan . Class Skills The Wraith Knightss class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wi s), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str) Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. Base Attack Bonus: Full (as Fighter) High Saves: Fort, Ref, Will Low Saves: None Class Features All of the following are features of the Wraith Knight prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wraith Knights gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Wraith Walk (Su): At 1st level, the Wraith Knight learns how to take on some of the traits of a wraith. As a Swift Action, the Wraith Knight can enter a Wraith Walk form where he becomes completely invisible and incorporeal. While in Wraith Walk form, the Wraith Knight can pass through any obstacle or opponent, with th e exception of any barriers made of force such as Force Wall. While in Wraith Wa lk, the movement speed of the Wraith Knight is doubled. The Wraith Knight can no t attack opponents while in Wraith Walk form. Leaving Wraith Walk form is also a Swift Action. The Wraith Knight can only leave Wraith Walk form in a square tha t is not occupied by any creature or obstacle. The Wraith Knight can be in Wrait h Walk for a number of rounds equal to his Wraith Knight level every day. The am ount of time spent in Wraith Walk does not necessarily need to be consecutive, i f the Wraith Knight leaves Wraith Walk with time remaining, he can use the remai ning duration at a later time. Partial Death (Su): At 2nd level, the Wraith Knight starts to slowly die as necr omantic energies wrack his bodies. The Wraith Knight is no longer healed by divi ne healing. Divine healing spells, such as Cure Light Wounds, cause damage to th e Wraith Knight. The Wraith Knight is healed by negative energy. Weeping Blade (Su): At 2nd level, the Wraith Knights attacks becomes imbued wit h necromantic energy that sap the strength of his opponents. On any melee attack that causes damage, the Wraith Knight also causes 1 point of Strength drain. Insubstantial (Su): At 3rd level, the Wraith Knight becomes slightly transparent as he takes on some of the attributes of a wraith. Any attack has a 10% chance of simply passing through the Wraith Knight, causing no damage. Force spells ign ore the insubstantiality of the Wraith Knight, as does holy effects such as holy water. At 6th level, the chance to ignore an attack increases to 20%, and at 9t h level it increases to 30%. Warden of Death (Su): At 4th level, the Wraith Knight passes even further into a state of undeath. The Wraith Knight becomes immune to death effects and all abi lity drain and damage. The Wraith Knight also becommes immune to poison and dise ase. Ghost Touch (Su): At 5th level, any attacks made by the Wraith Knight ignore inc
orporeality as if though it possessed the ghost touch weapon ability. Lifedrain (Su): At 5th level, the Wraith Knight learns how to feed of the energy of his opponents. Each successful melee attack made by the Wraith Knight causes an additional 1d4 points of negative energy damage. The Wraith Knight is healed by an amount equal to the extra damage caused by this ability. The Wraight Knig ht is only healed through this ability if the opponent he attacked is a living c reature. At 7th level, the damage and healing done by this ability increases to 1d6, and at 9th level it increases to 1d8. Spawn Wraith (Su): At 8th level, any opponent slain by the Wraight Knight will b ecome a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Any wraith created by this ability is under the fu ll control of the Wraith Knight. The Wraith Knight can only control a number of wraiths equal to his Wraith Knight level. If he creates another wraith while he is in command of his maximum amount of wraiths, he must relinquish control of on e wraith before he can create a new one. Unholy ecomes essful tional Blade (Su): At 8th level, any melee weapon wielded by the Wraith Knight b engulfed in grey, dull flames. Whenever the Wraith Knight performs a succ melee attack against an opponent of good alignment, he will cause an addi 1d6 points of damage.
Walks in Darkness (Su): At 10th level, the Wraith Knight becomes entirely undead . He gains all traits of an undead creature. His Charisma score is increased by +6, but he no longer has a Constitution score. The Strength drain caused by his Weeping Blade ability is increased to 1d3, and the Wraith Knight becomes vulnera ble to sunlight. While in sunlight, the Wraith Knight is considered Staggered. T he Wraith Knight also gains Lifesense with a range of 60 ft. Chapter 8 / Description Post Admin on Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:23 am Description There are many secrets buried in the depth of the deserts of the world. There ar e tales spoken of buried cities brimming with treasures and gold, temples with u nholy riddles written on their walls and old forts still guarded by the bones of its former soldiers. One of the least told tales is the tale of the Zahl-Ganib. The Zahl-Ganib are an ancient race, a race of sentient scarabs that used to dwel l in enormous pyramids of stone. The Zahl-Ganib were necromancers, and they spen t large parts of their lives traversing the spirit realms. Their magic was highl y protective in nature, as the scarab necromancers themselves were fairly frail compared to the denizens that roamed the world at their time. Their defensive ne cromancy was often combined with a special type of damaging magic that was slow but powerful in combat. The special combination of powers possessed by the ZahlGanib were sufficient to keep them and their undead servitors safe for more than a millennia in a world fraught with danger. Yet the reign of the Zahl-Ganib end ed, as all empires must eventually end. Little is known about the calamity that ended the Ganesh empire, the empire of the Zahl-Ganib. One of the master necromancers of the Zahl-Ganib survived the calamity, hiding i nside the pyramid library of Zahl-Fareem. Joul-Zteram the master necromancer is rumoured to still dwell inside this ancient structure hidden beneath the sands o f an unknown desert. He resides there with his Zahl-Ganib apprentices and his un dead minions, guarding the secrets of his race. The library holds no books, inst ead the many arcane pieces of lore are written directly on the walls of the pyra mid. The lands around the pyramid are carefully guarded by the armies of Joul-Zt eram, who ensures that those unworthy of the blessings of the Zahl-Fareem librar y do not trespass the sacred halls.
Joul-Zteram is willing to teach his lore to a very few outsiders. It is rumoured that he has accepted four mortal apprentices in his lifetime, apprentices that have proven their worth to him by defeating one of his Zahl-Ganib apprentices in combat. These new apprentices have been given access to the lore of his pyramid , and they have been trained in the ancient magic of the scarab necromancers. In return for their training, they have sworn to keep the Zahl-Fareem pyramid safe from all its enemies. It is possible for a brave and cunning necromancer to gain access to Joul-Zteram if they can safely traverse the land around the pyramid and reach the library. If they can assure Joul-Zteram that their purpose is to learn from the library o f Zahl-Fareem, to keep safe the wisdom written on its walls, then they might be granted the opportunity to show their worth in a duel with scarab necromancer. S hould they prevail, then they will be given the chance to become an apprentice o f Joul-Zteram, a Zahl-Ganib Acolyte. Lore of the Zahl-Ganib This is yet another little pet project of mine, I am working on an insectoid race of undead scarabs that have a unique form of Necromantic magic. I have the intention of making a PrC, possibly two, dedicated to the various forms of magi c mastered by the Zahl-Ganib. Currently I have done most of the spells as well a s the creatures themselves, thinking of adding NPC stats for Joul-Zteram as well as some of his apprentices later, possible some special constructs made by the Zahl-Ganib as well as some magical items. But anyways, on to the stuff..
Lore of the Zahl-Ganib There are many secrets buried in the depth of the deserts of the world. Ther e are tales spoken of buried cities brimming with treasures and gold, temples wi th unholy riddles written on their walls and old forts still guarded by the bone s of its former soldiers. One of the least told tales is the tale of the Zahl-Ga nib. The Zahl-Ganib are an ancient race, a race of humanoid scarabs that used to dwell in enormous pyramids of stone. The Zahl-Ganib were necromancers, and they spent large parts of their lives traversing the spirit realms. Their magic was h ighly protective in nature, as the scarab necromancers themselves were fairly fr ail compared to the denizens that roamed the world at their time. Their defensiv e necromancy was often combined with a special type of damaging magic that was s low but powerful in combat. The special combination of powers possessed by the Z ahl-Ganib were sufficient to keep them and their undead servitors safe for more than a millennia in a world fraught with danger. Yet the reign of the Zahl-Ganib ended, as all empires must eventually end. Little is known about the calamity t hat ended the Ganesh empire, the empire of the Zahl-Ganib. One of the master necromancers of the Zahl-Ganib survived the calamity, hidi ng inside the pyramid library of Zahl-Fareem. Joul-Zteram the master necromancer is rumoured to still dwell inside this ancient structure hidden beneath the san ds of an unknown desert. He resides there with his Zahl-Ganib apprentices and hi s undead minions, guarding the secrets of his race. The library holds no books, instead the many arcane pieces of lore are written directly on the walls of the pyramid. The lands around the pyramid are carefully guarded by the armies of Jou l-Zteram, who ensures that those unworthy of the blessings of the Zahl-Fareem li brary do not trespass the sacred halls. Joul-Zteram is willing to teach his lore to a very few outsiders. It is rumo ured that he has accepted four mortal apprentices in his lifetime, apprentices t hat have proven their worth to him by defeating one of his Zahl-Ganib apprentice
s in combat. These new apprentices have been given access to the lore of his pyr amid, and they have been trained in the ancient magic of the scarab necromancers . In return for their training, they have sworn to keep the Zahl-Fareem pyramid safe from all its enemies. It is possible for a brave and cunning necromancer to gain access to Joul-Zt eram if they can safely traverse the land around the pyramid and reach the libra ry. If they can assure Joul-Zteram that their purpose is to learn from the libra ry of Zahl-Fareem, to keep safe the wisdom written on its walls, then they might be granted the opportunity to show their worth in a duel with scarab necromance r. Should they prevail, then they will be given the chance to become an apprenti ce of Joul-Zteram, a Zahl-Ganib Acolyte. Zahl-Ganib Large Undead Hit Dice: 9d12 (59 hp) Initiative: +7 Speed: 40 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. Armor Class: 25 (+12 Natural, +3 Dexterity), touch 13, flat-footed 22 Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+10 Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d8+2) Full Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d8+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Essence harvesting, spells, web of scarabs Special Qualities: Damage reduction 6/-, darkvision 120 ft., scatter, turn r esistance +4, undead traits Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 17, Con -, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 15 Skills: Decipher Sc ript +12, Hide +15, Knowledge (Arcana) +17, Knowledge (History) +11, Knowledge ( Local) +11, Knowledge (Necrology) +15, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Listen +15, Mov e Silently +15, Spot +15 Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Spell Focus (Necromancy) Environment: Desert Organization: Solitary or group (2-5) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: The Zahl-Ganib have an appearance that seem more fitting to a monstrous, min dless beast more than to a cunning spellcaster. The Zahl-Ganib appears to be lar ge scarab beetles. Where a beetle would normally have pincers, the Zahl-Ganib ha ve atrophied, humanoid arms. The creature is clearly undead, and many Zahl-Ganib have open wounds on its carapace and a terrible stench follows the creature whe rever it goes. When a Zahl-Ganib speaks, it speaks with a thunderous, roaring vo ice that is clearly inhuman. While the Zahl-Ganib are very stealthy, their voice s will easily reveal their location if they start casting spells or otherwise sp eaking. Combat The Zahl-Ganib are very clever combatants who prefer to engage their opponen ts only when they are certain that they will prevail. They will either hide, or stay burrowed when they know that enemies are near. They will then use the advan tage of surprise to bombard their enemies with their array of Seal spells before either burrowing away or using Spirit Phase to become invulnerable. Often sever al Zahl-Ganib will gang up on an intruding enemy and take turns on erupting from the ground to cast spells on their foes before disappearing again. If any of th em are cornered, they will use their Scatter ability to get away.
Essence Harvesting (Su): The Zahl-Ganib has the ability to gather the essenc e of living creatures around them and use it to restore their used spell slots. When using this ability, all living creatures within 30 ft. must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude Saving Throw. If they fail, they suffer 1d3 points of Constitution damage. For each creature that looses Constitution from the Essence Harvesting, the Zahl-Ganib may restore a lost spell of up to 3rd level. This includes both Spell-like abilities as well as spell slots gained from having levels in a spell casting class. The Zahl-Ganib may use this ability up to two times per day. The Saving Throw is 15 + the Charisma modifier of the Zahl-Ganib. Scatter (Su): The Zahl-Ganib can scatter their own form to prevent them from taking damage. As a free action the Zahl-Ganib dismembers his own form and inst ead turns into a horde of small scarab beetles. This render the Zahl-Ganib invul nerable to all harm for one full round. The only thing that can injure a Zahl-Ga nib in Scatter form is area of effect attacks that affect the area it occupies. The Zahl-Ganib can use this ability even when it is not its turn, to counter any attack, spell or effect which would otherwise cause damage to it. The ZahlGanib is unable to act for the round that Scatter lasts, but it can move and eve n burrow during this time. It counts as a free action for the Zahl-Ganib to refo rm itself after one full round has passed. The Zahl-Ganib can use this ability u p to three times per day. Spells: The Zahl-Ganib can cast spells as a 9th level specialist Necromancer . The Saving Throw to resist the spells cast by the Zahl-Ganib is 15 + spell lev el (16 for Necromancy spells). Below are two sample spell lists for the Zahl-Gan ib. Zahl-Ganib Arcanist Level 0: 2xDetect Magic, 2xSeal of Vulnerability Level 1: Mage Armor, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep, 2xSpirit Phase Level 2: Misdirection, Fox's Cunning, Resist Energy, Seal of Absorption, See I nvisibility Level 3: 3x Dispel Magic, Nondetection Level 4: Dimensional Anchor, Remove Curse, Seal of Amplification Level 5: Dismissal, Ward of the Spirit Realm Zahl-Ganib Aggressor Level 0: Detect Magic, Touch of Fatigue, 2xSeal of Vulnerability Level 1: Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, 3xSpirit Phase Level 2: Invisibility, 2xSeal of Absorption, See Invisibility, Web Level 3: Haste, Dispel Magic, 2xSeal of Fluctuating Pain Level 4: Dimension Door, Seal of Amplification, Stoneskin Level 5: 2xWard of the Spirit Realm Web of Scarabs (Ex): The Zahl-Ganib can belch out a 60 ft. long, 10 ft. wide cone of scarabs. The scarabs will attack anyone in range and skit around their feet, slowing their movement. Anyone in the area of effect must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex Saving Throw or suffer 2d6 points of damage and have their movement ha lved for 2d4 rounds. The Saving Throw is 15 + the Charisma modifier of the ZahlGanib. Spells Seal of Vulnerability Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 0 Components: S, V Casting Time: 1 free action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fortitude Spell Resistance: Yes Every other moment, the Zahl-Ganib fired a thin, frail ray of grey energy. G alen could not help but to wonder what this ray was for, as he could feel himsel f constantly resisting its effect. When it finally made it through his arcane de fences, he felt no pain. He could not help but to wonder what the purpose had be en of this odd barrage from his opponent. Seal of Vulnerability fires a grey ray of energy from the casters palm. The target is allowed a Fortitude Saving Throw to resist the effect of the ray. If t he target fails his Saving Throw, he is afflicted by the Seal which causes him t o suffer a -2 penalty to all Saving Throws made to resist other Seal spells whil e Seal of Vulnerability is in effect. Spirit Phase Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Components: S Casting Time: 1 free action Range: Personal Effect: Causes caster to phase out Duration: 1 full round Galen had been struck by the blackened ray of the Zahl-Ganib and he felt the pain surging through his body. He prepared a spell which he hoped would cause a significant amount of pain to the scarab necromancer. His fireball flew voracio usly from his palm, speeding towards his target. Just before impact, the scarab necromancer seemed to disappear. The Zahl-Ganib had entered some shadow form, an d the fireball exploded around it without causing it any harm at all. Spirit Phase causes the caster to temporarily enter the spirit realm, making him immune to all effects of the world of the living. When the spell is cast, t he caster becomes shadowy and transparent. While spirit phased, the caster is co mpletely immune to all forms of damage and no spells or effects can affect him. Anyone trying to touch him will feel their hand pass through his shadowy form. T he caster is aware of everything that happens around him while he is spirit phas ed, but he is unable to move or act in any way. Spirit Phase lasts a full round, after which the caster returns to normal and is vulnerable to harm again. The c aster suffers 1d6+1 points of Negative Energy damage from entering the spirit re alm. An undead caster will not be healed by the Negative Energy damage caused by this spell. Seal of Absorption Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: S, V, M Casting Time: 1 free action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes Galen wasn't completely unprepared for the fight though. He had studied the Za
hl-Ganib and knew quite a bit of their magic. He found the wand he had crafted e specially for this fight, the wand that would allow him to banish the sinister s eals that were tearing through his body. Something happened once he activated th e wand though; it failed to remove the pain that was becoming almost unbearable. Seal of Absorption has the ability to negate a Remove Curse spell on the tar get. If the target fails his Saving Throw, he is afflicted by the seal. The next Remove Curse spell that affects the target will be absorbed by Seal of Absorpti on and no additional spells or effects will be removed. Material Component: A small glass sphere containing ash Seal of Fluctuating Pain Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Components: S, V Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level (max 10) Saving Throw: Variable (see description) Spell Resistance: Yes The old mage walked quietly in a circle around his opponent. The large beetl e slowly kept turning so it kept facing Galen. It began casting a spell, and Gal en instantaneously started casting a spell of his own, in the hope he could thwa rt his foes spell. He failed, and a black ray shot from his opponents head and s truck the mage in the chest. At first, Galen felt no pain. Then, slowly, the pai n started, moving through his limbs like fire, as if though his blood was ablaze . Fluctuating Seal of Pain causes the caster to fire a black ray with a reddis h hue at his target. The target must succeed at a Saving Throw to resist the ray . The caster of the ray can choose any of the three types of Saving Throw, Will, Fortitude or Reflex, that the target must succeed. The type of Saving Throw is decided when the spell is cast. If the target fails his Saving Throw, he is affected by a seal of pain which will cause a significant amount of damage over time. The seal causes 1d8+1 poin ts of Negative Energy damage every round until the spell expires. The seal can o nly be removed with a Remove Curse spell. Seal of Amplification Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Components: S, V Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: No Spell Resistance: Yes The seal was in place. Galen wasn't sure, but it looked almost as if though hi s opponent was smiling, but it was hard to be sure. The countenance of the ZahlGanib was still as smooth as it had been the entire duel. Seal of Amplification causes the target to become more vulnerable to Negativ e Energy damage. The target will suffer double damage from Negative Energy damag e while the spell lasts. If the target is undead, it will be healed for twice as
much by any spell or effect which causes Negative Energy damage. Seal of Amplif ication can only be dispelled by a Remove Curse spell. Ward of the Spirit Realm Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Components: S, V Casting Time: 1 action Range: Personal / 30 ft. emanation centred on caster Effect: Causes caster to enter the spirit realm Duration: 1 round/level (D) The mage was throwing everything at the necromancer, everything he had at hi s disposal. Everything just passed through the scarab. Galen could feel the numb ing pain slowly draining away his life. Nothing was working on his opponent, not hing was getting through. Ward of the Spirit Realm causes the caster to enter the spirit realm for a p rolonged period of time. For the duration of the spell, his body becomes shadowy and transparent, immune to all harm. The caster also becomes a conduit for the baneful energies of the spirit realm. The caster is completely immune to all effects and spells while he is affect ed by Ward of the Spirit Realm. He is immune to all forms of damage, except for any ongoing effects that are on him when he passes over. All spells or effects w hich are already affecting the caster when he enters the spirit realm will conti nue to take effect while he is phased out. That means that if he is affected by a spell that causes damage over time, he will continue to suffer damage. If he i s affected by any spell or effect that heals him over time, he will also continu e to be healed while phased out. The caster suffers 1d6+1 points of Negative Energy damage every round while he is phased out. If he is undead, this damage will not heal him. Anyone within 30 ft. of the caster will also suffer 1d6+1 points of Negative Energy damage as his body acts as a conduit for the spirit realm. Seal of Devouring Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Components: S, V, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living creature Duration: 1 round/level (max 15) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes His own life, his own essence was being sucked away. The shadowy insect in f ront of him was slowly healing what little damage Galen had been able to inflict upon it. Seal of Devouring enables the caster to drain the life from his target. If t he target fails his Saving Throw, he is afflicted with this potent seal which ca uses 1d6+1 points of Negative Energy damage each round. Any damage taken by the target will be transferred to the caster, who will heal an amount of damage equa l to the damage caused by Seal of Devouring. If Seal of Devouring is affecting a target that is also affected by Seal of Amplification, then the amount healed w ill also be doubled. Material Component: A dried leech Seal of Atrophy
Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Components: S, V, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One living creature Duration: 1d4 rounds Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes Finally the Zahl-Ganib was no longer in his shadow form, but before the mage could do anything, the scarab necromancer cast a spell which caused a terrible, black burst of energy to erupt around Galen. Unable to move, Galen could nothin g but watch as the Zahl-Ganib was casting new seals on him, just before entering its shadow form again. Seal of Atrophy causes a strong lash of Negative Energy to strike the target . If the target fails his Saving Throw, this seal will cause 10d6 points of Nega tive Energy damage. The target will also be stunned for 1d4 rounds on a failed S aving Throw. If the target succeeds his Saving Throw, he will suffer only 5d6 po ints of Negative Energy damage, and he will only be stunned for 1d2-1 rounds. Material Component: A miniature silver gauntlet (costs 15 gp) (Notes: I interpretated Spellcraft as a Zahl-Ganib class skill, and adjudicated skillpoints retroactively... and sorry about the empty Spell section, yeha, I kn ow thats the one that troubles one more but I dont have a paper copy of PH (an d searching spells in the SRD gets on my nerves)) Advanced Neophyte; Zahl-Ganib Necromancer 5 Large Undead Hit Dice: 9d12 plus 5d4 (71 hp) Initiative: +8 Speed: 40 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. Armor Class: 26 (+12 Natural, +4 Dexterity), touch 14, flat-footed 22 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+12 Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d8+2) Full Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d8+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Spells, essence harvesting, web of scarabs Special Qualities: Damage reduction 6/-, darkvision 120 ft., scatter, turn resis tance +4, undead traits Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +16 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 19, Con , Int 28, Wis 18, Cha 18 Skills: Decipher Script +26, Hide +22.5, Knowledge (Arcana) +26, Knowledge (Hist ory) +26, Knowledge (Local) +26, Knowledge (Necrology) +26, Knowledge (Religion) +26, Listen +22.5, Move Silently +22.5, Spellcraft +26, Spot +22.5 Feats: Extend Spell (B), Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Spell Focus (Necromancy) Environment: Desert Organization: Solitary or group (2-5) Challenge Rating: 15 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: Essence Harvesting (Su): The Advanced Neophyte has the ability to gather the ess ence of living creatures around them and use it to restore their used spell slot s. When using this ability, all living creatures within 30 ft. must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude Saving Throw. If they fail, they suffer 1d3 points of Constitut
ion damage. For each creature that looses Constitution from the Essence Harvesti ng, the Advanced Neophyte may restore a lost spell of up to 3rd level. This incl udes both Spell-like abilities as well as spell slots gained from having levels in a spell casting class. The Advanced Neophyte may use this ability up to two t imes per day. Scatter (Su): The Advanced Neophyte can scatter their own form to prevent them f rom taking damage. As a free action the Advanced Neophyte dismembers his own for m and instead turns into a horde of small scarab beetles. This render the Advanc ed Neophyte invulnerable to all harm for one full round. The only thing that can injure a Advanced Neophyte in Scatter form is area of effect attacks that affec t the area it occupies. The Advanced Neophyte can use this ability even when it is not its turn, to coun ter any attack, spell or effect which would otherwise cause damage to it. The Ad vanced Neophyte is unable to act for the round that Scatter lasts, but it can mo ve and even burrow during this time. It counts as a free action for the Advanced Neophyte to reform itself after one full round has passed. The Advanced Neophyt e can use this ability up to three times per day. Spells: The Advanced Neophyte can cast spells as a 13th level specialist Necroma ncer. The Saving Throw to resist the spells cast by the Zahl-Ganib is 19 + spell level (21 for Necromancy spells). Below are two sample spell lists for the Adva nced Neophyte. Zahl-Ganib Arcanist Level 0: 2xDetect Magic, 2xSeal of Vulnerability [+1] Level 1: Mage Armor, Shield, Silent Image, Sleep, 2xSpirit Phase [+2] Level 2: Misdirection, Fox's Cunning, Resist Energy, Seal of Absorption, See Invis ibility [+2] Level 3: 3x Dispel Magic, Nondetection [+3] Level 4: Dimensional Anchor, Remove Curse, Seal of Amplification [+4] Level 5: Dismissal, Ward of the Spirit Realm [+4] Level 6: [+4] Level 7: [+3] Zahl-Ganib Aggressor Level 0: Detect Magic, Touch of Fatigue, 2xSeal of Vulnerability [+1] Level 1: Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, 3xSpirit Phase [+2] Level 2: Invisibility, 2xSeal of Absorption, See Invisibility, Web [+2] Level 3: Haste, Dispel Magic, 2xSeal of Fluctuating Pain [+3] Level 4: Dimension Door, Seal of Amplification, Stoneskin [+4] Level 5: 2xWard of the Spirit Realm [+4] Level 6: [+4] Level 7: [+3] Web of Scarabs (Ex): The Advanced Neophyte can belch out a 60 ft. long, 10 ft. w ide cone of scarabs. The scarabs will attack anyone in range and skit around the ir feet, slowing their movement. Anyone in the area of effect must succeed at a DC 19 Reflex Saving Throw or suffer 2d6 points of damage and have their movement halved for 2d4 rounds. Creations of the Zahl-Ganib Okay, these are the creatures used by the Zahl-Ganib to fill out their army. The Scarabs are supposed to be a supplement to the material in the Lore of the Zahl-Ganib thread.
Scarab Destroyer Large Construct Hit Dice: 16d12 (184 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 40 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. Armor Class: 29 (+16 Natural, +3 Dexterity), touch 13, flat-footed 26 Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+24 Attack: Slam +20 melee (2d8+8) Full Attack: 2 Slams +20 melee (2d8+8) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Double damage against objects, trample 3d8+4 Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., dark g em, fast healing 8, reflecting carapace, spell resistance 30 Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11 Abilities: Str 26, Dex 16, Con .-, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 1 Skills: Feats: Environment: Desert Organization: Solitary or Patrol (3-4) Challenge Rating: 14 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 17-24 HD (Large); 25-30 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: Scarab Destroyers are the heavy units of the Zahl-Ganib army. They act both as body guards for the Zahl-Ganib themselves, as well as animated battering rams for the undead forces when they lay siege to an enemy city. The Scarab Destroye rs are made of solid iron with an outer shell consisting of the bone plates take n from a fallen Zahl-Ganib. This makes the Scarab Destroyers look very similar t o the Zahl-Ganib (it requires a spot check DC 20 to actually tell the difference between a Zahl-Ganib and a Scarab Destroyer). Combat The Scarab Destroyers are not able to make up battle plans of their own, and always rely on the explicit commands of their creators in combat. The Scarab De stroyers will normally stand next to the Zahl-Ganib in battle, mainly to make it hard for their opponents to direct attacks at their creators. When not guarding their creators, the Scarab Destroyers often go in front of the Scarab Servitor armies, acting as shields to protect the more vulnerable Servitors. Dark Gem (Sl): The Scarab Destroyer has inside his body a dark gem which act s as a conduit for unholy energy. This gem causes the Scarab Destroyer to be the centre for a permanent Unhallow effect, as per the spell. The effect is the sam e as an Unhallow spell cast by a level 16 Cleric. Double Damage against Objects (Ex): A Scarab Destroyer that makes a full att ack against an object or structure deals double damage. Enforced Construction (Ex): The Scarab Destroyer gains an additional +5 hit points per HD. Reflecting Carapace (Su): Any spell that is cast at the Scarab Destroyer and is stopped by its Spell Resistance will be deflected back at full effect to its original caster. This ability only applies to spells that directly target the S carab Destroyer, not area of effect spells that happen to have the Scarab Destro yer inside its affected area. Sandstorm (Su): Once every fifth round, the Scarab Destroyer can surround hi
mself in a sandstorm which will cover an area of 30 ft. around it. For one full round, the sandstorm will deflect all non-magical missiles fired at the Scarab D estroyer or anyone else inside the area of effect. Any living creature caught in the sandstorm must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude Saving Throw or suffer 5d6 poin ts of choking damage. The DC is 15 + the Strength modifier of the Scarab Destroy er. Trample (Ex): Reflex Saving Throw DC 23 for half damage. The DC is 15 + the Strength modifier of the Scarab Destroyer. Construction A Scarab Destroyers body is constructed out of 4,000 pounds of pure iron as well as the outer carapace of a Zahl-Ganib. The Zahl-Ganib considers it an honou r if their body is used in the construction. The iron and other reagents needed to create a Scarab Destroyer cost a total of 14,000 gp. Assembling the body requ ires a DC 22 Craft (armorsmithing) check. Caster Level: 16th Requirements: Craft Construct, Bull's Strength, Polymorph any object, Spell Re sistance, Unhallow Price: 175.000 gp. Cost: 80.500 gp. + 6.400 XP.
Scarab Bombardier Large Construct Hit Dice: 12d12 (78 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 30 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. Armor Class: 22 (+8 Natural, +6 Dexterity), touch 16, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+15 Attack: Slam +11 melee (1d8+2) Full Attack: 2 Slams +11 melee (1d8+2) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Acid spit, bombard, scarab shriek Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/adamantine, darkvision 240 ft., fast h ealing 4, spell resistance 25 Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 22, Con .-, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 1 Skills: Feats: Environment: Desert Organization: Solitary or Patrol (3-4) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 13-20 HD (Large); 21-26 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: If the Scarab Destroyers are the heavy units of the Zahl-Ganib army, then th e Scarab Bombardiers are its ranged support unit. The large, bloated constructs have a far more organic appearance than their Destroyer counterparts. The Scarab Bombardiers look like fat Zahl-Ganib, with two enormous venom-sacks hanging hea vily on each side of their head. The Bombardiers are made of flesh that is stitc hed together and then covered by heavy iron plates. The appearance of the creatu re is still clearly insectoid, but they don't look anything like their Zahl-Ganib creators. Combat
The Scarab Bombardiers are primarily ranged attackers. They usually travel a longside Scarab Destroyers and Scarab Servitors, acting as a support unit that c an use their powerful acid attack to wear down an opponent before the Destroyers and Servitors engage in melee. The Bombardiers rarely fight opponents alone. If they do, they will try to use a hit-and-run tactic to wear their opponent down while staying at range. If they get caught in melee, they will often burrow to g et away. Acid Spit (Ex): Once per round, the Scarab Bombardier can fire a globe of ac id spittle at its opponents. The acid spit has a maximum range of 400 ft. It cau ses 5d6 points of Acid damage to anyone within 5 ft. of its point of impact. If the Scarab Bombardier attempts to strike a flying target with his Acid Spit, it must succeed at a ranged touch attack with a +15 attack bonus. Bombard (Ex): Once every fifth round, the Scarab Bombardier can empty one of its venom sacks in a barrage of acid. The acid has a maximum range of 800 ft. a nd affects a circle with a 30 ft. radius. Everyone within the area suffers 10d6 points of Acid damage, unless they succeed at a DC 21 Reflex Saving Throw. If th ey succeed at their Saving Throw, they only suffer half damage. The Saving Throw DC is 15 + the Dexterity modifier of the Scarab Bombardier. Scarab Shriek (Su): Once per day, the Scarab Bombardier can let out a high-p itched shriek that it uses to terrorize its opponents. The shriek affects all li ving enemies within 30 ft. All creatures caught in the area of effect must succe ed at a DC 16 Will Saving Throw or become Dazed for 1d4+1 rounds. The Saving Thr ow DC is 15 + the Wisdom modifier of the Scarab Bombardier. The Scarab Bombardie r will usually save this ability for dealing with any foes that get in melee wit h it. ConstructionA Scarab Destroyers body is constructed out of 3,000 pounds of f lesh as well as several iron plates. The flesh, iron and other reagents needed t o create a Scarab Destroyer cost a total of 10,000 gp. Assembling the body requi res a DC 21 Craft (armorsmithing) check. Caster Level: 16th Requirements: Craft Construct, Acid Arrow, Cat's Grace, Polymorph any object, Spell Resistance, Price: 150.000 gp. Cost: 80.000 gp. + 5.600 XP.
Scarab Servitor Medium-sized Undead Hit Dice: 5d12+3 (36 hp) Initiative: +7 Speed: 30 ft. (4 squares), burrow 10 ft. Armor Class: 18 (+5 Natural, +3 Dexterity), touch 13, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4 Attack: Slam +4 melee (1d8+2) Full Attack: 2 Slams +4 melee (1d8+2) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Piercing skitter, venom sacks Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., metallic carapace, undead traits Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 17, Con .-, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 10 Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9 Feats: Improved Initiative, Toughness Environment: Desert Organization: Solitary or Patrol (3-4)
Challenge Rating: Treasure: None Alignment: Always Advancement: 6-10 Level Adjustment:
Scarab Servitors are the lowliest minions in the Zahl-Ganib hierarchy. These undead creatures resemble enlarged stag beetles, with oversized horns and vicio us mandibles. Spawned from a rotting corpse through the use of the Servitor Seed spell, the Scarab Servitors are easily replaceable warriors of the Zahl-Ganib a rmy. These undead are by nature aggressive and suicidal, throwing themselves at any enemies they encounter en masse. Usually, it is possible to hear the Scarab Servitors from miles away, as they have a bad habit of constantly snapping their mandibles together, something that produces a high, gnashing sound. Combat The Scarab Servitors are not the cleverest undead one can face, but of the i ntelligent undead a group of adventurers can end up fighting, the servitors are by far the most reckless. Metallic Carapace (Ex): The Scarab Servitors are constructed using an amalga mation of flesh and metal. The servitors gain defensive powers depending on the metal used in the construction of their exoskeleton. Gold The golden Scarab Servitors are the most easily visible of the subtypes of servitors. Their golden armor can be seen from miles away in daylight, as th ey reflect the light of the sun. Anyone attacking a golden Scarab Servitor in su nlight with a ranged attack suffers a -6 penalty to their attack roll, as it is very hard to look directly at the shimmering scarab. Silver The silver Scarab Servitors are normally used to fight any undead tha t enter the Zahl-Ganib domains. The silver exoskeleton of the servitors protects them against the powers of other undead creatures. The silver Scarab Servitors have a +4 bonus to all Saving Throws made to resist spells and effects used on t hem by other undead creatures. Iron The iron Scarab Servitors are the bulk of the Zahl-Ganib army. These se rvitors are protected by a thick layer of pure iron that keeps them safe from mo st mundane weapons. The iron Scarab Servitors have damage reduction 5/adamantium . Sacred Stone A very few Scarab Servitors are made with an outer armor compro mised of the sacred stone of the Zahl-Fareem library. These rare servitors are t he elite of the Zahl-Ganib army, the heavy shock troopers. Only the Zahl-Ganib t hemselves can construct sacred stone Scarab Servitors, and only in limited numbe rs. The sacred stone Scarab Servitors have a +6 bonus to Strength and Dexterity, a +4 bonus to their Natural Armor and Spell Resistance 17. Piercing Skitter (Ex): The loud sound that accompanies large groups of Scara b Servitors is very discomforting to living creatures. If a living creature is w ithin 120 ft. of 10 or more Scarab Servitors he must succeed at a DC 15 Will Sav ing Throw or become Shaken for 2d4 rounds. Anyone that succeeds their Saving Thr ow becomes immune to Piercing Skitter for 24 hours. Anyone that fails their Savi ng Throw must roll another Saving Throw once the Shaken effect transpires, or be come Shaken again. Venom Sacks (Ex): The Scarab Servitors have large sacks containing potent ve nom inside their body. On death, these pressurized sacks will explode violent, i nfecting all within 10 ft. of the servitor with a potent poison. The poison is a Contact poison that causes 2d8 points of damage as Initial Damage and 3d8 point s of damage as Secondary Damage. It requires a DC 17 Fortitude Saving Throw to b e resisted. Anyone that dies as a result of the Scarab Servitor poison has a 25% chance to carry a servitor seed inside their body, as if though they had been a
ffected by the Servitor Seed spell. The Scarab Servitor that spawns from the bod y will be under the control of the same spellcaster that controlled the Scarab S ervitor that died. Servitor Seed Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Components: S, V, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: One corpse of size small or larger Duration: 24 hours Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No Galen had studied the Zahl-Ganib for weeks before he entered their territory . He had seen the enormous Scarab Destroyers carrying corpses from god knows whe re to the Zahl-Ganib valley. There, he had seen the Zahl-Ganib necromancers perf orm strange spells on these corpses. His training told him that these were spell s of animation, yet the corpses did not rise as Galen had expected. Servitor Seed implants a necromantic egg inside a corpse. This egg will slow ly eat the tissue of the corpse to create a Scarab Servitor. It takes 24 hours f or a Scarab Servitor to develop inside the corpse. Once the 24 hours have passed , the servitor will erupt from the consumed corpse, bloated and unfinished. The servitor is then fitted with an outer layer of metallic plates which will help p rotect its otherwise vulnerable form. The servitor gains additional powers depen ding on the type of metal used. The Scarab Servitor will be under the command of the caster. The Scarab Servitor counts towards the maximum amount of undead you can control. Material Component: 25 gp worth of venom as well as the metal used in the co nstruction of the servitor's carapace. The cost is 500 gp for a golden carapace, 2 50 gp for a silver carapace and 150 gp for an iron carapace. It is not possible to purchase sacred stone to use in the creation of Scarab Servitors; it can only be acquired as a reward for exceptional service to the Zahl-Ganib.
Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper [PrC] Another part of the material I am doing for the Zahl-Ganib, the Zahl-Ganib L orekeeper, a PrC intended for those that seek to gain insight into the necromant ic lore of Zahl-Fareem. The PrC should be appropriate for players, it gains some powerful defensive abilities, but the requirements for it are a bit high, and t he tests are quite demanding. The advancement table will probably be a bit messy , I really suck at making proper advancement tables in this forum format, so I a pologise in advance. The spell progression is full, except for levels 1 and 6 wh ere no spells are gained. I dont know if the lacking spell progression is in or der, so let me know if you think the abilities of the PrC are worth loosing two spell levels for. -Zahl-Ganib LorekeeperStudent of Joul-Zteram Becoming a student: Joul-Zteram is not like some of the other masters of Nec romancy. He doesn't take students that have only just begun their walk down the pa th of magic. He only accepts those that have already mastered all the rudimentar y spells of the dark art.
The first test on the path to become a Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper is to locate th e ancient library of Zahl-Fareem. The library is hidden in the depth of an unkno wn desert, buried beneath the shifting dunes. Only the very top of the pyramid r ests above ground, appearing to be nothing more than a simple, stone house. The few people that know the location of the library are the ones who have studied u nder Zahl-Fareem. According to folklore, only four mortals have ever studied und er the Zahl-Ganib necromancer. These mortals are the only who know the location of Zahl-Fareem, and they are not easily convinced to reveal its location. It is also possible to uncover the location through the study of ancient history, but that is a project that could take months, if not years. The second test on the path is to reach Joul-Zteram. His army of Scarab Dest royers, Bombardiers and Servitors are hidden in the desert around his home. This army will attack anyone that trespass the homeland of the Zahl-Ganib. Typically , the army will be lead by one or more Zahl-Ganib necromancers of level 8 or abo ve. Joul-Zteram will not look favourably on anyone that simply uses force to go through his lands. If an would-be student can pass through the Zahl-Ganib homela nd without fighting its army, then they will be seen on favourably by Joul-Ztera m. The third test one must succeed to become a student is to defeat one of Joul -Zteram's own students in a battle in the Arena of Sand, located underneath the py ramid of Zahl-Fareem. The Arena of Sand is enchanted so that it will automatical ly prevent a spellcaster from dying as a result of damage caused by spells. Ther e are two students that the trialist can choose to fight, either Hafn-Aghar or G alen. If the would-be student is able to defeat his adversary, he is ready to en ter the fourth and final test before he can become a student of Joul-Zteram. The fourth test is a test of pure knowledge. The trialist must recite the en tire story of the Zahl-Ganib Empire before Joul-Zteram. He must explain the necr omantic theorems upon which the magic of the Zahl-Ganib is based, as well as the arcane principles which empower the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper. In game terms, the t rialist must succeed at three knowledge checks. First a DC 30 Knowledge (History ) check, then a DC 30 Knowledge (Necrology) check and finally a DC 30 Knowledge (Arcana) check. A student which fails any of the two last tests will not be allo wed to study under Joul-Zteram, but he will be allowed to try again after ten ye ars to complete the tests again. Description: The students of Joul-Zteram are the defenders of the lore of th e Zahl-Ganib race. The undead race has always relied heavily on its vast knowled ge in the art of Necromancy to safeguard its homeland, and the student is oblige d to assist in the defence of Zahl-Fareem should it ever be under attack. All st udents are given a Lesser Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem after their first year of study at the library. This brooch allows them to come to the aid of Joul-Zteram should he ever demand it. It takes a total of seven years to complete the rigor ous training of Joul-Zteram, after which the student is free to leave Zahl-Faree m, as long as he promises to uphold the pledge he has made to Joul-Zteram. Adventurers: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper has a role in an adventuring party th at is similar to that of a normal Wizard. The main difference between a Wizard a nd a Lorekeeper is that the Lorekeeper is better equipped to handle his own defe nce, as he is often accompanied by a contingent of Scarab Servitors, or some Sca rab Destroyers and Bombardiers. Some adventuring parties might find the Lorekeep ers powers to be too docile compared to the more explosive combat powers usually displayed by a Wizard or Sorcerer. Hit Dice: d4 Requirements: To qualify to become a Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper, a character must fulfil all the following criteria. Alignment: Any non-good Feats: Craft Construct, Spell Focus (Necromancy) Spells: Must be to cast at least twenty spells from the school of Necromancy
. Special: Must have studied at least one year under Joul-Zteram after complet ing the four tests mentioned above. Class Skills The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skil ls, taken individually)(Int), Profession(Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). Level Base Special Spells per 1 +0 +0 +0 2 +1 +0 +0 s 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Scarab Servant +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Lore of Joul-Zteram, Unholy Form +1 level of existing arcane s pellcasting class 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Scarab Shatter 1/day +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class 6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Vexing Form 7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Greater Lore of Joul-Zteram, Scarab Shatter 2/day +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class 8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Carapace Form +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class 9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Scarab Shatter 3/day +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class 10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Paranoia Form, Servitor Mastery +1 level of existing arcane s pellcasting class Lesser Lore of Joul-Zteram: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper has been granted acces s to the library of the Zahl-Ganib. He may write down any of the Zahl-Ganib spel ls up to level 3 from the walls of Zahl-Fareem. Necromancy Adept: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper gains a deep insight into the wo rkings of Necromancy through the teachings of Joul-Zteram. The Lorekeeper gains a +1 bonus to his effective caster level when casting spells from the school of Necromancy. He may also add the following spells to the list of arcane spells he can cast: Blasphemy, Desecrate and Unhallow. The Lorekeeper can cast these spel ls as if though they were arcane spells of the same spell level as their divine equivalent. Scarab Servant: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper is afflicted by the potent power o f the Zahl-Ganib race. His body starts to change as he lapses into an undead sta te. The Lorekeeper gains the Scarab Servant template. Lore of Joul-Zteram: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper has been granted greater acce ss to the library of Zahl-Fareem. He may write down any of the Zahl-Ganib spells of up to level 6 from the walls of Zahl-Fareem. Unholy Form: In Unholy Form, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper empowers the blasphem ous energies of his insectoid body to increase his resistance to the powers of d ivine servants. The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper gains +6 Turn Resistance in Unholy For m. This Turn Resistance stacks with the Turn Resistance granted from the Scarab Servant template. Scarab Shatter: Once per day, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper can completely disso lve his body into a swarm of scarab beetles. Using Scarab Shatter is a Swift Act ion. When Scarab Shatter is used, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper completely negates a Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save day +2 Lesser Lore of Joul-Zteram +3 Necromancy Adept +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting clas
ny damage it would otherwise take from one attack, spell or special ability. It can only negate damage from an attack which affects the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper di rectly, it is not possible to negate damage caused by Area of Effect spells or a bilities. At level 7, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper can use Scarab Shatter twice per day, and at level 9 the ability can be used three times per day. Vexing Form: In Vexing Form, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper orders the scarab bee tles that his body is composed of to disperse their sentience amongst them, maki ng it much harder for the Lorekeepers enemies to target his mental capabilities. In Vexing Form, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper gains a +6 bonus to all Will Saving T hrows. The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper also gains the effect of Misdirection on himsel f. The Misdirection effect can not be dispelled or removed. Greater Lore of Joul-Zteram: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper is granted access to all of the lore of Joul-Zteram. He may write down any of the Zahl-Ganib spells f rom the walls of Zahl-Fareem, and is he given access to the secrets of how to ma nufacture the Constructs and Magic Items described above. Carapace Form: In Carapace Form, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper orders the scarab beetles in his body to focus on absorbing physical attacks. The scarab beetles will turn their hardened carapaces towards the skin of the Lorekeeper, protectin g him from harm. While in Carapace Form, the Natural Armor bonus of the Zahl-Gan ib Lorekeeper increases from +2 to +6 and his Damage Reduction increases from 5/ good to 15/good. Paranoia Form: In Paranoia Form, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper orders the scarab beetles inside him to be alert of external threats, to warn him of impending da nger. In Paranoia Form, the Zahl-Ganib Lorekeeper gains a +4 bonus to Listen and Spot checks. He also gains a +6 bonus to all Reflex Saving Throws. Servitor Mastery: The Zahl-Ganib Lorekeepers learns the secrets of improved Scarab Servitor construction. Any Scarab Servitors animated by the Lorekeeper ga ins a +2 bonus to their Strength and Dexterity, as well as a +4 bonus to their N atural Armor and Turn Resistance. Scarab Servant Galen looked with horror in the mirror. Before his eyes, he could see his bo dy undergoing a horrifying change from the venom injected into his body. His ski n was slowly changing colour, going from bright white to a dull black. Underneat h his skin, he could feel something move, he could feel thousands upon thousands of Zahl-Ganib eggs hatching, spawning cursed scarabs inside his body. The scara bs were eating through his lifeless organs, devouring his dead flesh until all t hat remained were a swarm of beetles, bloated from their meal. Galen was no long er one soul; he was a thousand souls, unholy and blasphemous. Scarab Servants bear little resemblance to the creature they were in life. A ll that remains the same is the general shape. The Scarab Servant's skin is black and bloated, and if you watch it carefully enough you can see a myriad of tiny, living creatures moving around underneath the skin. The eyes of the Scarab Serva nt have atrophied and rotted away, being replaced instead by two, golden pearls. When travelling in civilised lands, the Scarab Servant will often dress himself in heavy cloth to conceal his withered form. Yet, even dressed in thick garment s with a shadowy hood, it happens that spectators will gain a glance of the gold en, shining eyes of the servant. Creating a Scarab ServantScarab Servant is an acquired template that can be ad ded to any Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Scarab Servant uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities
except as noted here. Size and Type: The creature's type changes to Undead (augmented Humanoid or Mo nstrous Humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged. Hit Dice: Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s. Armor Class: The base creature's Natural Armor bonus improves by +2. Special Attacks: A Scarab Servant retains all the special attacks of the bas e creature and gains those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + Scarab Serva nt's HD + Scarab Servant's Intelligence modifier. Devour Flesh (Ex): The Scarab Servant can eat the flesh of the dead to regai n lost Hit Points. As a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity , the Scarab Servant can eat the flesh of a corpse, healing himself of 2d8+2 los t Hit Points. The corpse must be size Small or bigger. A Small corpse has enough flesh for the Scarab Servant to eat of it two times, while a Medium sized corps e has four portions, a Large corpse has eight portions, a Huge corpse has sixtee n portions, a Gargantuan thirty-two and a Colossal sixty-four. Lord of Insects (Su): The Scarab Servant is the master of insects, and as a standard action, the Scarab Servant can attempt to dominate a Vermin within 60 f eet. The Vermin must succeed at a Will Saving Throw or fall under the will of th e Scarab Servant. A dominated Vermin will be permanently under the control of th e Scarab Servant, but only one Vermin can be dominated by the Scarab Servant at a time. The Scarab Servant can use this ability three times per day. Many Scarab Servants use Lord of Insects to gain a Vermin mount. Special Qualities: A Scarab Servant retains all of the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below. Damage Reduction (Su): A Scarab Servant has damage reduction 5/good. Hibernate (Ex): A Scarab Servant doesn't sleep like a living creature. Instead it hibernates, a state that allows it to remain fully aware of its surroundings . A Scarab Servant only requires hibernating for four hours before it can regain spells and it is fully aware during these four hours. Turn Resistance (Ex): A Scarab Servant has +4 turn resistance. Variant Forms (Su): The Scarab Servant gains special forms it can assume as it progresses in levels in the Lorekeeper of Zahl-Ganib prestige class. Once per round, as an instant action, the Scarab Servant can change between the various forms. The Scarab Servant can only assume one form at a time. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Int +2. As an Undead creature, the Scarab Servant has no Constitution score. Skills: Scarab Servants have a +6 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently. Ot herwise same as base creature. Environment: Any, usually desert, otherwise same as base creature. Organization: Solitary, pair or enclave (3-5). Each Scarab Servant will typi cally be accompanied by 3-18 Scarab Servitors, and there is a 50% chance that th ey will be accompanied by a Scarab Destroyer. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Alignment: Always neutral or evil. Advancement: By character class. Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +3. Magic Items of Joul-Zteram More material in the line of things I am doing with the Zahl-Ganib race. I a m going to add a bit more items as time goes by, just wanted to show the initial lot of items I had created for the race. As always, dont feel shy to say if yo u think anything is wrong, overpowered, underpowered or just doesnt fit the the me of the Zahl-Ganib. Armors Lerhklirs Mage-Armor Lerhklirs Mage-Armor is a +2 Leather Armor that is made of a soft, silk-like cloth excreted by the now extinct Lerhklir beetles. These tiny beetles were ver y common in the days when they Zahl-Ganib reigned, and the Necromancer scarabs u sed them to harvest the special Lerhklir silk. The Zahl-Ganib even managed to cu ltivate a special breed of Lerhklir beetles that were naturally magical in natur e. These Lerhklir produced a special magic-enhancing type of silk that the ZahlGanib used to produce garments for their spellcasters. Only a few Lerhklirs Mage -Armor still exist today, and those that exist are in the possession of a few, s elect Zahl-Ganib. The mage-armor count as a regular Leather Armor, but it has no Arcane Spell Failure. The armor provides the wearer with a +2 Unholy bonus to a ll Saving Throws made to resist spells from the Enchantment, Evocation and Trans mutation schools. The armor also gives the wearer a +1 bonus to his caster level when casting spells from the school of Necromancy. The Lerhklirs Armor is made to fit the Zahl-Ganib and it would take 12 hours and a Craft (Tailoring) check ( DC 18) to resize it to a Large or smaller creature. Once it has been resized, it cannot fit a Zahl-Ganib anymore. Aura: Faint Transmutation Caster Level: 5th Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor Price: 12.000 gp. Rings Fluctuating Ring The Fluctuating Ring is a heavy iron ring with a large, black gem imbedded i n it. The gem seems to be constantly changing hue, as if though it was partially alive. The Fluctuating Ring allows the wearer to change one of his memorised sp ells from the school of Necromancy into another type of spell from the Necromanc y school of the same spell level. The wearer must know the spell that he gains f rom this ring, or at least have it in his spellbook. It counts as a free action to change a memorised spell. It is possible to change a spell into a metamagical ly enhanced spell, as long as the new spell level has metamagic taken into accou nt. For example, if a caster with Fluctuating Ring changes a 4th level Necromanc y spell, he can change his 4th level spell into another 4th level spell, an Exte nded 3rd level spell, an Empowered 2nd level spell or a Widened 1st level spell. The wearer must have the respective metamagic feats if he changes one of his sp ells into a spell with metamagic applied. There is no maximum spell-level to the spell that is changed. The ring can be used five times per day. Aura: Moderate Necromancy
Caster Level: 7th Requirements: Forge Ring, one Necromancy spell of at least level 4 Price: 20.000 gp. Ring of Necromantic Wizardry The Ring of Necromantic Wizardry is a very powerful, Necromantic ring that i s shaped like an insect-like claw. When worn, the ring looks like a scarab claw that is biting the wearer's finger. The ring only works for arcane spellcasters. I t doubles the amount of spells they can cast per day of spell levels 1, 2 and 3. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialisation are not doubled. The extra spell levels gained can only be used for Necromancy spells. Aura: Strong Necromancy Caster Level: 17th Requirements: Forge Ring, Limited Wish Price: 90.000 gp. Ring of Salvation Ring of Salvation is an item worn by many of the Zahl-Ganib necromancers. Th e ring is a simple, silver ring with a diminutive symbol on it. To most people, the symbol is meaningless, but in the ancient tongue of the Zahl-Ganib the symbo l means Salvation or Redemption. The Ring of Salvation can cast Spirit Phase up to t hree times per day. The wearer of the ring can not choose to cast the spell at h is own desire though; he must determine specific conditions for the spell to be activated. Most Zahl-Ganib that wear a Ring of Salvation set it to be activated whenever they suffer 30 points of damage or more. That means that whenever they would have otherwise suffered 30 or more points of damage, the ring activates it s Spirit Phase spell and saves them from damage. The wearer can choose any numbe r of conditions that will trigger the spell. Some chose to have it activate when ever they would otherwise be subject to a polymorphing effect, while others use it to avoid death effects. Only one condition can be programmed into the ring at a time though. Aura: Faint Necromancy Caster Level: 3rd Requirements: Forge Ring, Spirit Phase Price: 9.000 gp. Ring of the Servitor The Ring of the Servitor is a golden ring decorated with a small piece of a scarab scale. The ring is imbued with strong, necromantic magic that bolsters an y Scarab Servitors animated by the wearer. Whenever the wearer animates a Scarab Servitor through the use of the Servitor Seed spell (or through the Scarab Swam ability, if the wearer is a Zahl-Ganib), the created Scarab Servitor will have a +6 bonus to its Strength and Dexterity, as well as +4 Turn Resistance. If the wearer of the ring creates a Sacred Stone Scarab Servitor, then the servitor wil l have Spell Resistance 21 instead of 17. It will still have all the other effec ts granted by the ring. Aura: Moderate Necromancy Caster Level: 3rd Requirements: Forge Ring, Servitor Seed Price: 32.000 gp. Wondrous Items Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem The Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem is a gold amulet which resembles a miniatur e scarab. It has a number of round holes located on it which are used to contain special pearls, pearls which grant the scarab various powers. The scarab itself has two powers when no pearls are equipped in it. First of all, anyone wearing a scarab can use it to mentally communicate with anyone wearing the Master's Scara
b Brooch. There is no limit to the number of times that this power can be used. Secondly, anyone wearing a Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem can teleport to the pers on wearing the Master's Scarab Brooch once per week. This power is similar to Tele port without Error. There is no chance of the teleportation failing when using t his ability and the wearer will appear 5 ft. away from the wearer of the Master's Scarab Brooch. The Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem is usually given to especially p owerful Zahl-Ganib as well as those few, rare mortals that have studied to becom e Zahl-Ganib Lorekeepers. There exist three different variants of the Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem. Th ere is the lesser version, which has three pearl sockets; there is the greater v ersion which contains five sockets and the supreme version which has eight socke ts. Lesser Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem (3 Sockets) Aura: Faint Necromancy Caster Level: 13th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Teleport, Sending, one Necromancy spell of at least level 5. Price: 25.000 gp. Greater Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem (5 Sockets) Aura: Moderate Necromancy Caster Level: 13th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Teleport, Sending, one Necromancy spell of at least level 7. Price: 40.000 gp. Supreme Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem (8 Sockets) Aura: Strong Necromancy Caster Level: 17th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Greater Teleport, Sending, one Necromancy spell of at least level 9. Price: 90.000 gp. Scarab Pearls The Scarab Pearls are potent Necromantic items which enhance the powers of t he Scarab Brooch they are placed in. Many of them stack, allowing several of the m to be placed in a Scarab Brooch. Amplification Pearl (Dark red Pearl) These pearls increase the effect of all other pearls placed in the Scarab Br ooch. The Amplification Pearl usually doubles the effect of any pearls in the br ooch (see the description for the other pearls for the description of the exact effect of the Amplification Pearl). Caster Level: 17th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, one Necromancy spell of at least level 9. Price: 120.000 gp. Dark Gemstone Pearl This gemstone is the same as the dark gemstone which is part of the construc tion of Scarab Destroyers. The gemstone is carefully carved to have the same sha pe and size as a pearl. It radiates an unholy aura which benefits all undead aro und the wearer. The wearer is constantly surrounded by Unhallow effect, as the s pell cast by a 16th level Cleric. The aura affects an area of 40 ft. around the wearer. If the Dark Gemstone Pearl is worn in a Scarab Brooch which also contain s an Amplification Pearl, the area increases to 80 ft. and the wearer will also be surrounded by a Desecrate effect which also affects an area of 80 ft. around him. Caster Level: 16th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Desecrate, Unhallow
Price: 40.000 gp. Devouring Pearl (Bright red Pearl) The Devouring Pearl enables the caster to consume life when he casts Necroma ncy spells on living creatures. Whenever the wearer casts a damaging Necromancy spell on a living creature, he will gain an amount of Hit Points equal to 25% of the damage caused by the spell. The caster can only equip one Devouring Pearl i n his Scarab Brooch. If the Devouring Pearl is placed in a Scarab Brooch which c ontains an Amplification Pearl, then the amount healed increases to 50%. Caster Level: 5th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Vampiric Touch Price: 40.000 gp. Necromantic Enhancement Pearl (Black Pearl) The Necromantic Enhancement Pearl gives the wearer of the Scarab Brooch a +1 Unholy bonus to the DC of all his Necromancy spells. The maximum bonus one can receive is +3. If the Necromantic Enhancement Pearl is placed in a Scarab Brooch which contains an Amplification Pearl, then the bonuses increases to +2 and the maximum bonus that can be granted increases to +6. Caster Level: 11th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, one Necromancy spell of at least level 6. Price: 12.000 gp. Necromantic Magnification Pearl (Pale black Pearl) The Necromantic Magnification Pearl increases the wearer's effective caster le vel when casting Necromancy spells. The pearl grants a +1 Unholy bonus to the ef fective caster level of Necromancy spells. The maximum bonus one can receive is +3. If the Necromantic Magnification Pearl is placed in a Scarab Brooch which co ntains an Amplification Pearl, then the bonus increases to +2 and the maximum bo nus that can be granted increases to +6. Caster Level: 13th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, one Necromancy spell of at least level 7. Price: 20.000 gp. Preserved Essence Pearl (Dusty grey Pearl) The Preserved Essence Pearl is one of the most potent pearls one can put in a Scarab Brooch. The pearl binds itself to the wearer of the brooch and preserve s a tiny amount of his life energy. Anyone wearing a Scarab Brooch with the Pres erved Essence Pearl suffers a -3 reduction to their amount of Hit Points while t hey wear the Brooch. If the wearer of the Brooch is slain, he will come back to life in 1d4+1 rounds with 50% of his full Hit Points. The Preserved Essence Pear l will loose all magical properties and become inert if the wearer is slain and brought back to life. It is possible to remove the Scarab Brooch of the wearer ( this takes a full round action), to prevent him from coming back to life. It is possible to put as many as three Preserved Essence Pearls in a Scarab Brooch. Ea ch time the wearer dies, only one pearl will become inert. If the Preserved Esse nce Pearl is placed in a Scarab Brooch which contains an Amplification Pearl, th en the wearer will return to life with 100% of his full Hit Points. This pearl o nly works on wearers that are undead. A person observing an undead returning to life because of this pearl can make a DC 25 Knowledge (Arcana) check to determin e that the undead returned to life because of the Scarab Brooch. Caster Level: 7th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Dead Price: 30.000 gp. Undead Horde Pearl (Dark grey Pearl) The Undead Horde Pearl increases the amount of undead that the wearer of the Scarab Brooch can command. Each pearl increases the amount of undead that the w earer can command by 2 HD per caster level. There is no upper limit to the amoun t of extra HD that the wearer can command through the use of Undead Horde Pearls
. If the Undead Horde Pearl is worn in a Scarab Brooch which contains an Amplifi cation Pearl, then the bonus increases to +4 HD per caster level. Caster Level: 7th Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Dead Price: 9.000 gp. Artifacts Master's Scarab Brooch (Minor Artifact) The Master's Scarab Brooch is a sacred object to the Zahl-Ganib, worn by their master Joul-Zteram. The brooch resembles a large, golden scarab with nine, larg e pearls imbedded in it. The brooch is similar to the Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fare em in most respects, with a few differences. First of all, the brooch is the master of all other Scarab Brooches. The one wearing the Master's Scarab Brooch can disable the powers of all other scarab bro oches in existence. That means that if someone steals a Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fa reem, then the person wearing the Master's Scarab Brooch can choose to turn of tha t brooch so none of its magic properties will work. The people wearing a Scarab Brooch of Zahl-Fareem are magically connected to the person wearing the Master's S carab Brooch, which means that they can communicate mentally to the wearer of th e Master's Scarab Brooch and they can use their brooch to teleport to Joul-Zteram or whoever wears the Master's Scarab Brooch. The Master's Scarab Brooch has nine sockets in which the pearls described abov e can be placed. Joul-Zteram has placed the following pearls in his Master's Scara b Brooch: One Amplification Pearl, one Dark Gemstone Pearl, one Devouring Pearl, three Necromantic Enhancement Pearls, two Preserved Essence Pearls and one Unde ad Horde Pearl. The person wearing the Master's Scarab Brooch receives a +6 Unholy bonus to an y skills with Intelligence as key ability modifier. The person wearing the Master's Scarab Brooch also receives an additional 2 Hi t Points per HD. This effect is permanent for as long as the brooch is worn, but the extra Hit Points will go away immediately if the brooch is removed. Aura: Strong Necromancy Caster Level: 35th Master's Tome of Necromancy (Minor Artifact) The Master's Tome of Necromancy is a heavy book with a cover made of granite p lates. The book is a feet thick and has a height and width of two feet. The book has the name Joul-Zteram written on the cover in silver letters. The book conta ins every Necromancy spell in existence, including all of the spells of the Zahl -Ganib. Anyone using the Master's Tome of Necromancy to memorise spells from may m emorise an additional Necromancy spell of each spell level from 0 to 9th level. This only affects Wizards who are Necromancy specialists. To a normal Wizard, th e artifact only acts as a regular spell-book. Aura: Strong Necromancy Caster Level: 30th Weight: 40 lb.
Chapter 9 - Apostate Wing Page 1 of 1 Share View previous topic View next topic Go down Chapter 9 / Description Post Admin on Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:21 am Introduction
The Apostate Wing is one of the newest wings of the Tidak Osulan, led by the pro minent heretic Erasmus Semper. Before becoming a necromancer, Erasmus Semper was a devout man, a monk at a temple devoted to a good deity. Living a life of abst inence and quiet, scholarly pursuits, the young man thought he had found the pat h he was supposed to follow. Yet amongst the many books at the monestary were to mes that described the nefarious and evil deeds of necromancers, something that puzzled Erasmus. He could not fathom how anyone could be as malicious as the nec romancers described in his books, so he decided that he would seek out necromanc ers and defeat them to end their reign of evil. But being inquisitive by nature, the young monk also desired to learn more about these vile individuals, so that he might better battle them. The first necromancer that Erasmus found was an old man living in an abandoned w indmill on the outskirts of a village. Facing the old man with confidence and a holy weapon in his hand, Erasmus demanded answers to his questions before he wou ld end the life of his foe. The answers the old man provided were nowhere near w hat Erasmus had expected. The old man had chosen the path of necromancy as his f amily had been taken by the plague, in a desperate attempt to bring back those t hat he loved. Even though the local priests often held sermons about the evil na ture of necromancy, the old man had found hope in the practice of the dark arts and had decided to abandon his faith to pursue arcane means to see his family on ce again. The old man was never slain by Erasmus. The young monk abandoned his quest to ri d the world of necromancers and left the old man to his fate, which was to die a t the hands of a paladin a few weeks after his conversation with Erasmus. Slowly the young monk began to change, he began to view his faith with more critical e yes. He began to believe that philosophical ideals such as kindness, mercy and j ustice are inherently weak and inferior qualities and that the so-called good go ds can only have gained their power through trickery and deceit. Erasmus Semper became a struggling necromancer on the surface world, living his life in a typical manner for most necromancers, in constant hiding from the forc es of good that would love nothing better than to send him to the afterlife. Unl ike most necromancers, Erasmus Semper decided early on that he would never back down from a fight whenever he found the henchmen of good at his doorstep. Over t he years, the young necromancer began to develop an array of spells that would h elp him in his endless struggle against the good deities and their followers tha t constantly sought his life. After years of research, Erasmus found that he had at his disposal such a potent set of spells that he could take the fight to the forces of good for a change, making the necromancer one of the first of his kin that would actively seek out and defeat the clerics and paladins of the good deities. For years the skilled w izard travelled the world, hunting down those that had hunted him, becoming an i nfamous foe to those that sought to harm the practioners of necromancy. Amongst his fellow necromancers he became a hero, a symbol of defiance and a source of m any rumors. Many necromancers would seek out Erasmus in the hope of becoming his student, but being of a solitary nature the heretic would always turn down such requests. Only when approached by an envoy of the Tidak Osulan did Erasmus deci de to abandon his solitary ways. Seeing Tidak Osulan as a beacon of necromantic lore and wisdom, the heretic knew he had found a community that would properly r espect and appreciate all that he had learnt in his many years of fighting the f orces of good. The Apostate Wing was established shortly after Erasmus joined Tidak Osulan. The purpose of the wing was to prepare its students for the endless battle between necromancers and the champions of the good deities of the world. More powerful n ecromancers are offered to be taught by Erasmus himself, joining the ranks of th e potent apostates, wizards who specialize in defeating those that use divine ma
gic to combat evil. Over the years, many paladins and good clerics have met thei r end at the hands of Erasmus and his band of apostates. ----------------http://theunseenuniversity.cyberfreeforum.com