Nicodemus: Although This Gospel Is, by Some Among The Learned, Supposed To Have
Nicodemus: Although This Gospel Is, by Some Among The Learned, Supposed To Have
Nicodemus: Although This Gospel Is, by Some Among The Learned, Supposed To Have
T H E G O S P E L O F N I C O D E M U S , F O R M E R LY C A L L E D T H E A C T S O F P O N T I U S P I L AT E .
Although this Gospel is, by some among the learned, supposed to have
been really written by Nicodemus, who became a disciple of Jesus Christ,
and conversed with him; others conjecture that it was a forgery towards the
close of the third century by some zealous believer, who, observing that
there had been appeals made by the Christians of the former age, to the
acts of Pilate, but that such acts could not be produced, imagined it would
be of service to Christianity to fabricate and publish this Gospel; as it
would both confirm the Christians under persecution, and convince the
Heathens of the truth of the Christian religion. The Rev. Jeremiah Jones
says, that such pious frauds were very common among Christians even in
the first three centuries; and that a forgery of this nature, with the view
above-mentioned, seems natural and probable. The same author, in noticing
that Eusebius in his Ecclesiastical History, charges the Pagans with having
forged and published a book, called "The Acts of Pilate," takes occasion to
observe that the internal evidence of this Gospel shows it was not the work
of any Heathen, but that if in the latter end of the third century we find it
in use among Christians (as it was then certainly in some churches), and
about the same time find a forgery of the Heathens under the same title, it
seems exceedingly probable that some Christians, at that time, should
publish such a piece as this, in order partly to confront the spurious one of
the Pagans, and partly to support those appeals which had been made by
former Christians to the Acts of Pilate; and Mr. Jones says, he thinks so
more particularly as we have innumerable instances of forgeries by the
faithful in the primitive ages, grounded on less plausible reasons. Whether
it be canonical or not, it is of very great antiquity, and is appealed to by
several of the ancient Christians. The present translation is made from the
Gospel, published by Grynaeus in the Orthodoxographa, vol, i, tom, ii, p.
Notwithstanding the diversity of opinions here alluded to, the majority of
the learned believe that the internal evidence of the authenticity of this
Gospel is manifested in the correct details of that period of Christ's life on
which it treats, while it far excels the canonical Evangelists narrative of
the trial of our Saviour before Pilate, with more minute particulars of
persons, evidence, circumstance, &c.
The Gospel of NICODEMUS, the an unclean spirit, but to proceed
disciple, concerning the Sufferings from the power of God.
and Resurrection of our Master and 7 The Jews replied to Pilate, We
Saviour, JESUS CHRIST. entreat your highness to summon
him to appear before your tribunal,
CHAPTER I. and hear him yourself.
1 Christ accused to Pilate by the 8 Then Pilate called a messenger,
Jews of healing on the Sabbath. 9 and said to him, By what means
Summoned before Pilate by a will Christ be brought hither?
messenger who does him honour. 20 9 Then went the messenger forth,
Worshipped by the standards and knowing Christ, worshipped
bowing down to him. him; and having spread the cloak
ANNAS and Caiphas, and Summas, which he had in his hand upon the
and Datam, Gamaliel, Judas, Levi, ground, he said, Lord, walk upon
Nepthalim, Alexander, Cyrus, and this, and go in, for the governor
other Jews, went to Pilate about calls thee.
Jesus, accusing him with many bad 10 When the Jews perceived what
crimes. the messenger had done, they
2 And said, We are assured that exclaimed (against him) to Pilate,
Jesus is the son of Joseph, the and said, Why did you not give him
carpenter, and born of Mary, and his summons by a beadle, and not
that he declares himself the Son of by a messenger?—For the
God, and a king; and not only so, messenger, when he saw him,
but attempts the dissolution of the worshipped him, and spread the
Sabbath, and the laws of our cloak which he had in his hand
fathers. upon the ground before him, and
3 Pilate replied, What is it which said to him, Lord, the governor
he declares? and what is it which he calls thee.
attempts dissolving? 11 Then Pilate called the
4 The Jews told him, We have a messenger, and said, Why hast thou
law which forbids doing cures on done thus?
the Sabbath day; but he cures both 12 The messenger replied, When
the lame and the deaf, those thou sentest me from Jerusalem to
afflicted with the palsy, the blind, Alexander, I saw Jesus sitting in a
the lepers, and demoniacs, on that mean figure upon a she-ass, and the
day, by wicked methods. children of the Hebrews cried out,
5 Pilate replied, How can he do Hosannah, holding boughs of trees
this by wicked methods? They in their hands.
answered He is a conjurer, and casts 13 Others spread their garments in
out devils by the prince of the the way, and said, Save us, thou
devils; and so all things, become who art in heaven; blessed is he
subject to him. who cometh in the name of the
6 Then said Pilate, Casting out Lord.
devils seems not to be the work of 14 Then the Jews cried out, against
the messenger, and said, The
children of the Hebrews made their 24 Then the governor called the
acclamations in the Hebrew ensigns, and said unto them, Why
language; and how couldst thou, did you do thus?
who art a Greek, understand the 25 The ensigns said to Pilate, We
Hebrew? are all Pagans and worship the gods
15 The messenger answered them in temples; and how should we
and said, I asked one of the Jews think anything about worshipping
and said, What is this which the him? We only held the standards in
children do cry out in the Hebrew our hands, and they bowed
language? themselves and worshipped him.
16 And he explained it to me, 26 Then said Pilate to the rulers of
saying, they cry out, Hosannah, the synagogue, Do ye yourselves
which being interpreted, is, O Lord, choose some strong men, and let
save me; or, O Lord, save. them hold the standards, and we
17 Pilate then said to them, Why shall see whether they will then
do you yourselves testify to the bend of themselves.
words spoken by the children, 27 So the elders of the Jews sought
namely, by your silence? In what out twelve of the most strong and
has the messenger done amiss? And able old men, and made them hold
they were silent. the standards, and they stood in the
18 Then the governor said unto the presence of the governor.
messenger, Go forth and endeavour 28 Then Pilate said to the
by any means to bring him in. messenger, Take Jesus out, and by
19 But the messenger went forth some means bring him in again.
and did as before; and said, Lord And Jesus and the messenger went
come in, for the governor calleth out of the hall.
thee. 29 And Pilate called the ensigns
20 And as Jesus was going in by who before had borne the standards,
the ensigns, who carried the and swore to them, that if they had
standards, the tops of them bowed not borne the standards in that
down and worshipped Jesus. manner when Jesus before entered
21 Whereupon the Jews exclaimed in, he would cut off their heads.
more vehemently against the 30 Then the governor commanded
ensigns. Jesus to come in again.
22 But Pilate said to the Jews, I 31 And the messenger did as he
know it is not pleasing to you that had done before, and very much
the tops of the standards did of entreated Jesus that he would go
themselves bow and worship Jesus; upon his cloak, and walk on it; and
but why do ye exclaim against the he did walk upon it, and went in.
ensigns, as if they had bowed and 32 And when Jesus went in, the
worshipped? standards bowed themselves as
23 They replied to Pilate, We saw before, and worshipped him.
the ensigns themselves bowing and
worshipping Jesus. CHAPTER II.
2 Is comppassionated by Pilate's
wife, 7 charged with being born in
are so far from believing, that we thee up to me. What hast thou
tremble to hear. done?
16 Then Pilate commanded every 9 Jesus answering, said, My
one to go out except the twelve men kingdom is not of this world: if my
who said he was not born through kingdom were of this world, then
fornication, and Jesus to withdraw would my servants fight, and I
to a distance, and said to them, should not have been delivered to
Why have the Jews a mind to kill the Jews: but now my kingdom is
Jesus? not from hence.
17 They answered him, They are 10 Pilate said, Art thou a king
angry because he wrought cures on then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest
the sabbath day. Pilate said, Will that I am a king: to this end was I
they kill him for a good work? They born, and for this end came I into
say unto him, Yes, Sir. the world; and for this purpose I
came, that I should bear witness to
CHAPTER III. the truth; and every one who is of
1 Is exonerated by Pilate. 11 the truth, heareth my voice.
Disputes with Pilate concerning 11 Pilate saith to him, What is
truth. truth?
THEN Pilate, filled with anger, 12 Jesus said, Truth is from
went out of the hall, and said to the heaven.
Jews, I call the whole world to 13 Pilate said, Therefore truth is
witness that I find no fault in that not on earth.
man. 14 Jesus saith to Pilate, Believe
2 The Jews replied to Pilate, If he that truth is on earth among those,
had not been a wicked person, we who when they have the power of
had not brought him before thee. judgment, are governed by truth,
3 Pilate said to them, Do ye take and form right judgment.
him and try him by your law.
4 Then the Jews said, It is not CHAPTER IV.
lawful for us to put any one to 1 Pilate finds no fault in Jesus. 16
death. The Jews demand his crucifixion.
5 Pilate said to the Jews, The THEN Pilate left Jesus in the hall,
command, therefore, thou shalt not and went out to the Jews, and said,
kill, belongs to you, but not to me. I find not any one fault in Jesus.
6 And he went again into the hall, 2 The Jews say unto him, But he
and called Jesus by himself, and said, I can destroy the temple of
said to him, Art thou the king of the God, and in three days build it up
Jews? again.
7 And Jesus answering, said to 3 Pilate saith to them, What sort of
Pilate, Dost thou speak this of temple is that of which he
thyself, or did the Jews tell it thee speaketh?
concerning me? 4 The Jews say unto him, That
8 Pilate answering, said to Jesus, which Solomon was forty-six years
Am I a Jew? The whole nation and in building, he said he would
rulers of the Jews have delivered destroy, and in three days build up.
39 He said to me, Go thy way, thy 2 They say unto him, We know not;
son liveth. let them look to it who raise the
40 And my son was cured from that tumult.
hour. 3 Pilate then called the multitude
41 Besides these, also many others again, and said to them, Ye know
of the Jews, both men and Women, that ye have a custom, that I should
cried out and said, He is truly the release to you one prisoner at the
Son of God, who cures all diseases feast of the passover:
only by his word, and to whom the 4 I have a noted prisoner, a
devils are altogether subject. murderer, who is called Barabbas,
42 Some of them farther said, This and Jesus who is called Christ, in
power can proceed from none but whom I find nothing that deserves
God. death; which of them, therefore,
43 Pilate said to the Jews, Why are have you a mind that I should
not the devils subject to your release to you?
doctors? 5 They all cry out, and say,
44 Some of them said, The power Release to us Barabbas.
of subjecting devils cannot proceed 6 Pilate saith to them, What then
but from God. shall I do with Jesus who is called
45 But others said to Pilate, That Christ?
he had raised Lazarus from the 7 They all answer, Let him be
dead, after he had been four days in crucified.
his grave. 8 Again they cry out and say to
46 The governor hearing this, Pilate, You are not the friend of
trembling, said to the multitude of Caesar, if you release this man; for
the Jews, What will it profit you to he hath declared that he is the Son
shed innocent blood? of God, and a king. But are you
inclined that he should be king, and
CHAPTER VI. not Caesar?
1 Pilate dismayed by the turbulence 9 Then Pilate filled with anger said
of the Jews, 5 who demand to them, Your nation hath always
Barabbas to be released, and Christ been seditious, and you are always
to be crucified. 9 Pilate warmly against those who have been
expostulates with them, 20 washes serviceable to you.
his hands of Christ's blood, 23 and 10 The Jews replied, Who are those
sentences him to be whipped and who have been serviceable to us?
crucified. 11 Pilate answered them, Your God
THEN Pilate having called who delivered you from the hard
together Nicodemus, and the fifteen bondage of the Egyptians, and
men who said that Jesus was not brought you over the Red Sea as
born through fornication, said to though it had been dry land, and fed
them, What shall I do, seeing there you in the wilderness with manna
is like to be a tumult among the and the flesh of quails, and brought
people. water out of the rock, and gave you
a law from heaven.
the son of God, let him now come 2 And while the sun was eclipsed,
down from the cross. behold the veil of the temple was
7 The soldiers also mocked him, rent from the top, to the bottom;
and taking vinegar and gall, offered and the rocks also were rent, and
it to him to drink, and said to him, the graves opened, and many bodies
If thou art king of the Jews, deliver of saints, which slept, arose.
thyself. 3 And about the ninth hour Jesus
8 Then Longinus, a certain soldier, cried out with a loud voice, Eli, Eli,
taking a spear,' pierced his side, lama sabacthani? which being
and presently there came forth interpreted is, My God, My God,
blood and water. why hast thou forsaken me?
9 And Pilate wrote the title upon 4 And after these things, Jesus
the cross in Hebrew, Latin, and said, Father, into thy hands I
Greek letters, viz., THIS IS THE commend my spirit; and having said
KING OF THE JEWS. this, he gave up the ghost.
10 But one of the two thieves who 5 But when the centurion saw that
were crucified with Jesus, whose Jesus thus crying out gave up the
name was Gestas, said to Jesus, If ghost, he glorified God, and said,
thou art the Christ, deliver thyself Of a truth this was a just man.
and us. 6 And all the people who stood by,
11 But the thief who was crucified were exceedingly troubled at the
on his right hand, whose name was sight; and reflecting upon what had
Dimas, answering, rebuked him, passed, smote upon their breasts,
and said, Dost not thou fear God, and then returned to the city of
who art condemned to this Jerusalem.
punishment? We indeed receive 7 The centurion went to the
rightly and justly the demerit of our governor, and related to him all that
actions; but this Jesus, what evil had passed:
hath he done. 8 And when he had heard all these
12 After this, groaning, he said to things, he was exceedingly
Jesus, Lord, remember me when sorrowful;
thou comest into thy kingdom. 9 And calling the Jews together,
13 Jesus answering, said to him, said to them, Have ye seen the
Verily I say unto thee, that this day miracle of the sun's eclipse, and the
thou shalt be with me in Paradise. other things which came to pass,
while Jesus was dying?
CHAPTER VIII. 10 Which when the Jews heard,
1 Miraculous appearance at his they answered to the governor, The
death. 10 The Jews say the eclipse eclipse of the sun happened
was natural. 12 Joseph of according to its usual custom.
Arimathcea embalms Christ's body 11 But all those who were the
and buries it. acquaintance of Christ, stood at a
AND it was about the sixth hour, distance, as did the women who had
and darkness was upon the face of followed Jesus from Galilee,
the whole earth until the ninth hour. observing all these things.
10 The God whom you have hanged because they found the same seal
upon the cross, is able to deliver me upon the lock of the chamber, and
out of your hands. All your could not find Joseph.
wickedness will return upon you. 2 Then Annas and Caiaphas went
11 For the governor, when he forth, and while they were all
washed his hands, said, I am clear admiring at Joseph's being gone,
from the blood of this just person. behold one of the soldiers, who
But ye answered and cried out, His kept the sepulchre of Jesus, spake
blood be upon us and our children. in the assembly,
According as ye have said, may ye 3 That while they were guarding
perish for ever. the sepulchre of Jesus, there was an
12 The elders of the Jews hearing earthquake; and we saw an angel of
these words, were exceedingly God roll away the stone of the
enraged; and seizing Joseph, they sepulchre and sit upon it;
put him into a chamber where there 4 And his countenance was like
was no window; they fastened the lightning and his garment like
door, and put a seal upon the lock; snow; and we became through fear
13 And Annas and Caiaphas placed like persons dead.
a guard upon it, and took counsel 5 And we heard an angel saying to
with the priests and Levites, that the women at the sepulchre of
they should all meet after the Jesus, Do not fear; I know that you
Sabbath, and they contrived to what seek Jesus who was crucified; he is
death they should put Joseph. risen as he foretold;
14 When they had done this, the 6 Come and see the place where he
rulers, Annas and Caiaphas, ordered was laid; and go presently, and tell
Joseph to be brought forth. (In this his disciples that he is risen from
place there is a portion of the the dead; and he will go before you
Gospel lost or omitted. which into Galilee; there ye shall see him
cannot be supplied. It may, as he told you.
nevertheless, be surmised from the 7 Then the Jews called together all
occurrence related in the next the soldiers who kept the sepulchre
chapter, that the order of Annas and of Jesus, and said to them, Who are
Caiaphas were rendered those women, to whom the angel
unnecessary by Joseph's miraculous spoke? Why did ye not seize them.
escape, and which was announced 8 The soldiers answered and said,
to an assembly of people.) We know not who the women were;
besides we became as dead persons
CHAPTER X. through fear, and how could we
1 Joseph's escape. 2 The soldiers seize those women?
relate Christ's resurrection. 18 9 The Jews said to them, As the
Christ is seen preaching in Galilee. Lord liveth, we do not believe you;
21 The Jews repent of their cruelty 10 The soldiers answering said to
to him. the Jews, when ye saw and heard
WHEN all the assembly heard this Jesus working so many miracles,
(about Joseph's escape), they and did not believe him, how
admired and were astonished, should ye believe us? Ye well said,
As the Lord liveth, for the Lord disciples, and sitting in the midst of
truly does live. them in Mount Olivet, and saying to
11 We have heard that ye shut up them,
Joseph, who buried the body of 20 Go forth into the whole world,
Jesus, in a chamber, under a lock preach the Gospel to all nations,
which was sealed; and when ye baptizing them in the name of the
opened it, found him not there. Father, and the Son, and the Holy
12 Do ye then produce Joseph Ghost; and whosoever shall believe
whom ye put under guard in the and be baptized, shall be saved.
chamber, and we will produce Jesus 21 And when he had said these
whom we guarded in the sepulchre. things to his disciples, we saw him
13 The Jews answered and said, We ascending up to heaven.
will produce Joseph, do ye produce 22 When the chief priests and
Jesus. But Joseph is in his own city elders, and Levites heard these
of Arimathaea. things, they said to these three men,
14 The soldiers replied, If Joseph Give glory to the God of Israel, and
be in Arimathaea, and Jesus in make confession to him, whether
Galilee, we heard the angel inform those things are true, which ye say
the women. ye have seen and heard.
15 The Jews hearing this, were 23 They answering said, As the
afraid, and said among themselves, Lord of our fathers liveth, the God
If by any means these things should of Abraham, and the God of Isaac,
become public, then everybody will and the God of Jacob, according as
believe in Jesus. we heard Jesus talking with his
16 Then they gathered a large sum disciples, and according as we saw
of money, and gave it to the him ascending up to heaven, so we
soldiers, saying, Do ye tell the have related the truth to you.
people that the disciples of Jesus 24 And the three men farther
came in the night when ye were answered, and said, adding these
asleep, and stole away the body of words, If we should not own the
Jesus; and if Pilate the governor words which we heard Jesus speak,
should hear of this, we will satisfy and that we saw him ascending into
him and secure you. heaven, we should be guilty of sin.
17 The soldiers accordingly took 25 Then the chief priests
the money, and said as they were immediately rose up, and holding
instructed by the Jews; and their the book of the law in their hands,
report was spread abroad among all conjured these men, saying, Ye
the people. shall no more hereafter declare
18 But a certain priest Phinees, those things which ye have spoken
Ada a schoolmaster, and a Levite, concerning Jesus.
named Ageus, they three came from 26 And they gave them a large sum
Galilee to Jerusalem, and told the of money, and sent other persons
chief priests and all who were in along with them, who should
the synagogues, saying, conduct them to their own country,
19 We have seen Jesus, whom ye that they might not by any means
crucified, talking with his eleven make any stay at Jerusalem.
27 Then the Jews did assemble all 3 And the sons of the prophets said
together, and having expressed the to him, Perhaps the spirit hath
most lamentable concern said, What carried him into one of the
is this extraordinary thing which is mountains of Israel, there perhaps
come to pass in Jerusalem? we shall find him. And they
28 But Annas and Caiaphas besought Elisha, and he walked
comforted them, saying, Why about with them three days, and
should we believe the soldiers who they could not find him.
guarded the sepulchre of Jesus, in 4 And now hear me, O sons of
telling us, that an angel rolled away Israel, and let us send men into the
the stone from the door of the mountains of Israel, lest perhaps
sepulchre? the spirit hath carried away Jesus,
29 Perhaps his own disciples told and there perhaps we shall find
them this, and gave them money him, and be satisfied.
that they should say so, and they 5 And the counsel of Nicodemus
themselves took away the body of pleased all the people; and they
Jesus. sent forth men who sought for
30 Besides, consider this, that Jesus, but could not find him; and
there is no credit to be given to they returning, said, We went all
foreigners, because they also took a about, but could not find Jesus, but
large sum of us, and they have we have found Joseph in his city of
declared to us according to the Arimathaea.
instructions which we gave them. 6 The rulers hearing this, and all
They must either be faithful to us the people, were glad, and praised
or to the disciples of Jesus. the God of Israel, because Joseph
was found, whom they had shut up
CHAPTER XI. in a chamber, and could not find.
1 Nicodemus counsels the Jews. 6 7 And when they had formed a
Joseph found. 11 Invited by the large assembly, the chief priests
Jews to return. 19 Relates the said, By what means shall we bring
manner of his miraculous escape. Joseph to us to speak with him?
THEN Nicodemus arose, and said, 8 And taking a piece of paper, they
Ye say right, O sons of Israel; ye wrote to him, and said, Peace be
have heard what those three men with thee, and all thy family, We
have sworn by the Law of God, who know that we have offended against
said, We have seen Jesus speaking God and thee. Be pleased to give a
with his disciples upon mount visit to us, your fathers, for we
Olivet, and we saw him ascending were perfectly surprised at your
up to heaven. escape from prison.
2 And the scripture teacheth us that 9 We know that it was malicious
the blessed prophet Elijah was counsel which we took against thee,
taken up to heaven, and Elisha and that the Lord took care of thee,
being asked by the sons of the and the Lord himself delivered thee
prophets, Where is our father from our designs. Peace be unto
Elijah? He said to them, that he is thee, Joseph, who art honourable
taken up to heaven. among all the people.
resurrection. 21 They are sought 7 After this, they asked them what
and found, 22 brought to the they had seen; who answered with
synagogue, 23 privately sworn to one accord, In the presence of the
secrecy, 25 and undertake to write God of Israel we affirm, that we
what they had seen. plainly saw Jesus talking with his
WHEN the chief priests and disciples in Mount Olivet, and
Levites heard all these things, they ascending up to heaven.
were astonished, and fell down with 8 Then Annas and Caiaphas took
their faces on the ground as dead them into separate places, and
men, and crying out to one another, examined them separately; who
said, What is this extraordinary unanimously confessed the truth,
sign which is come to pass in and said, they had seen Jesus.
Jerusalem? We know the father and 9 Then Annas and Caiaphas said
mother of Jesus. "Our law saith, By the mouth of
2 And a certain Levite said, I know two or three witnesses every word
many of his relations, religions shall be established."
persons, who are wont to offer 10 But what have we said? The
sacrifices and burnt-offerings to the blessed Enoch pleased God, and
God of Israel, in the temple, with was translated by the word of God;
prayers. and the burying-place of the blessed
3 And when the high-priest Simeon Moses is known.
took him up in his arms, he said to 11 But Jesus was delivered to
him, Lord, now lettest thou thy Pilate, whipped, crowned with
servant depart in peace, according thorns, spit upon, pierced with a
to thy word; for mine eyes have spear, crucified, died upon the
seen thy salvation, which then halt cross, and was buried, and his body
prepared before the face of all the honourable Joseph buried in a
people; a light to enlighten the new sepulchre, and he testifies that
Gentiles, and the glory of thy he saw him alive.
people Israel. 12 And besides, these men have
4 Simeon in like manner blessed declared, that they saw him talking
Mary the Mother of Jesus, and said with his disciples in Mount Olivet,
to her, I declare to thee concerning and ascending up to heaven.
that child; He is appointed for the 13 Then Joseph rising up, said to
fall and rising again of many, and Annas and Caiaphas, Ye may be
for a sign which shall be spoken justly under a great surprise, that
against; you have been told, that Jesus is
5 Yea, a sword shall pierce through alive, and gone up to heaven.
thine own soul also, and the 14 It is indeed a thing really
thoughts of many hearts shall he surprising, that he should not only
revealed. himself arise from the dead, but
6 Then said all the Jews, Let us also raise others from their graves,
send to those three men, who said who have been seen by many in
they saw him talking with his Jerusalem.
disciples in mount Olivet. 15 And now hear me a little We all
knew the blessed Simeon, the high-
priest, who took Jesus when an 24 Charinus and Lenthius, the two
infant into his arms in the temple. sons of Simeon, trembled when they
16 This same Simeon had two sons heard these things, and were
of his own, and we were all present disturbed, and groaned; and at the
at their death and funeral. same time looking up to heaven,
17 Go therefore and see their they made the sign of the cross with
tombs, for these are open, and they their fingers on their tongues,
are risen: and behold, they are in 25 And immediately they spake,
the city of Arimathaea, spending and said, Give each of us some
their time together in offices of paper, and we will write down for
devotion. you all those things which we have
18 Some, indeed, have heard the seen. And they each sat down and
sound of their voices in prayer, but wrote, saying:—
they will not discourse with
anyone, but they continue as mute CHAPTER XIII.
as dead men. 1 The narrative of Charinus and
19 But come, let us go to them, and Lenthius commences. 3 A great light
behave ourselves towards them with in hell. 7 Simeon arrives, and
all due respect and caution. And if announces the coming of Christ.
we can bring them to swear, O LORD Jesus and Father, who art
perhaps they will tell us some of God, also the resurrection and life
the mysteries of their resurrection. of the dead, give us leave to declare
20 When the Jews heard this they thy mysteries, which we saw after
were exceedingly rejoiced. death, belonging to thy cross; for
21 Then Annas and Caiaphas, we are sworn by thy name.
Nicodemus, Joseph, and Gamaliel, 2 For thou hast forbidden thy
went to Arimathaea, but did not servants to declare the secret
find them in their graves; but things, which were wrought by thy
walking about the city, they found divine power in hell.
them on their bended knees at their 3 When we were Placed with our
devotions: fathers in the dept of hell, in the
22 Then saluting them with all blackness of darkness, on a sudden
respect and deference to God, they there appeared the colour of the sun
brought them to the synagogue at like gold, and a substantial purple-
Jerusalem; and having shut the coloured light enlightening the
gates, they took the book of the law place.
of the Lord, 4 Presently upon this, Adam, the
23 And putting it in their hands, father of all mankind, with all the
swore them by God Adonai, and the patriarchs and prophets, rejoiced
God of Israel, who spake to our and said, That light is the author of
fathers by the law and the prophets, everlasting light, who hath
saying, If ye believe him who promised to translate us to
raised you from the dead, to be everlasting light.
Jesus, tell us what ye have seen, 5 Then Isaiah the prophet cried out
and how ye were raised from the and said, This is the light of the
dead. Father, and the Son of God,
6 Then will Christ, the most prince, and yet a man who is afraid
merciful Son of God, come on earth of death?
to raise again the human body of 5 For all the potentates of the earth
Adam, and at the same time to raise are subject to my power, whom thou
the bodies of the dead, and when he broughtest to subjection by thy
cometh he will be baptized in power.
Jordan; 6 But if he be so powerful in his
7 Then with the oil of his mercyhe human nature, I affirm to thee for
will anoint all those who believe in truth, that he is almighty in his
him; and the oil of his mercy will divine nature, and no man can resist
continue to future generations, for his power:
those who shall be born of the 7 When therefore he said he was
water and the Holy Ghost unto afraid of death, he designed to
eternal life. ensnare thee, and unhappy it will be
8 And when at that time the most to thee for everlasting ages,
merciful Son of God, Christ Jesus, 8 Then Satan replying, said to the
shall come down on earth, he will prince of hell, Why didst thou
introduce our father Adam into express a doubt, and wast afraid to
Paradise, to the tree of mercy. receive that Jesus of Nazareth, both
9 When all the patriarchs and thy adversary and mine?
prophets heard all these things from 9 As for me, I tempted him and
Seth, they rejoiced more. stirred up my old people the Jews
with zeal and anger against him;
CHAPTER XV. 10 I sharpened the spear for his
1 Quarrel between Satan and the suffering; I mixed the gall and
prince of hell, concerning the vinegar, and commanded that he
expected arrival of Christ in hell. should drink it; I prepared the cross
WHILE all the saints were to crucify him, and the nails to
rejoicing, behold Satan, the prince pierce through his hands and feet;
and captain of death, said to the and now his death is near at hand, I
prince of hell, will bring him hither, subject both
2 Prepare to receive Jesus of to thee and me.
Nazareth himself, who boasted that 11 Then the prince of hell
he was the Son of God, and yet was answering, said, Thou saidst to me
a man afraid of death, and said, My just now, that he took away the
soul is sorrowful even to death. dead from me by force.
3 Besides he did many injuries to 12 They who have been kept here
me and to many others; for those till they should live again upon
whom I made blind and lame and earth, were taken away hence, not
those also whom I tormented with by their own power, but by prayers
several devils, he cured by his made to God, and their almighty
word; yea, and those whom I God took them from me.
brought dead to thee, he by force 13 Who then is that Jesus of
takes away from thee. Nazareth that by his word hath
4 To this the prince of hell replied taken away the dead from me
to Satan, Who is that so powerful without prayer to God?
14 Perhaps it is the same who took other, on a sudden there was a voice
away from me Lazarus, after he had as of thunder, and the rushing of
been four days dead, and did both winds, saying, Lift up your gates, O
stink and was rotten, and of whom I ye princes; and be ye lift up, O
had possession as a dead person, everlasting gates, and the King of
yet he brought him to life again by Glory shall come in.
his power. 2 When the prince of hell heard
15 Satan answering, replied to the this, he said to Satan, Depart from
prince of hell, It is the very same me, and begone out of my
person, Jesus of Nazareth. habitations; if thou art a powerful
16 Which when the prince of hell warrior, fight with the King of
heard, he said to him, I adjure thee Glory. But what hast thou to do
by the powers which belong to thee with him?
and me, that thou bring him not to 3 And he cast him forth from his
me. habitations.
17 For when I heard of the power 4 And the prince said to his
of his word, I trembled for fear, and impious officers, Shut the brass
all my impious company were at the gates of cruelty, and make them fast
same disturbed; with iron bars, and fight
18 And we were not able to detain courageously, lest we be taken
Lazarus, but he gave himself a captives.
shake, and with all the signs of 5 But when all the company of the
malice he immediately went away saints heard this they spake with a
from us; and the very earth, in loud voice of anger to the prince of
which the dead body of Lazarus was hell,
lodged, presently turned him out 6 Open thy gates, that the King of
alive. Glory may come in.
19 And I know now that he is 7 And the divine prophet David
Almighty God who could perform cried out, saying, Did not I, when
such things, who is mighty in his on earth, truly prophesy and say, O
dominion, and mighty in his human that men would praise the Lord for
nature, who is the Saviour of his goodness, and for his wonderful
mankind. works to the children of men!
20 Bring not therefore this person 8 For he hath broken the gates of
hither, for he will set at liberty all brass, and cut the bars of iron in
those whom I hold in prison under sunder. He hath taken them because
unbelief, and bound with the fetters of their iniquity, and because of
of their sins, and will conduct them their unrighteousness they are
to everlasting life. afflicted.
9 After this, another prophet,
CHAPTER XVI. namely, holy Isaiah, spake in like
1 Christ's arrival at hell-gates; the manner to all the saints, Did not I
confusion thereupon. 19 He rightly prophesy to you when I was
descends into hell. alive on earth?
AND while Satan and the Prince of 10 The dead men shall live, and
hell were discoursing thus to each they shall rise again who are in
their graves, and they shall rejoice 19 And broke asunder the fetters
who are in the earth; for the dew which before could not be broken;
which is from the Lord, shall bring and with his invincible power
deliverance to them. visited those who sate in the deep
11 And I said in another place, O darkness by iniquity, and the
grave, where is thy victory? O shadow of death by sin.
death, where is thy sting?
12 When all the saints heard these CHAPTER XVII.
things spoken by Isaiah, they said 1 Death and the devils in great
to the prince of hell, Open now thy horror at Christ's coming. 13 He
gates, and take away thine iron tramples on death, seizes the prince
bars; for thou wilt now be bound, of hell, and takes Adam with him to
and have no power. Heaven.
13 Then was there a great voice, as IMPIOUS death and her cruel
of the sound of thunder, saying, officers hearing these things, were
Lift up your gates, O princes; and seized with fear in their several
be ye lifted up, ye gates of hell, and kingdoms, when they saw the
the King of Glory will enter in. clearness of the light,
14 The prince of hell perceiving 2 And Christ himself on a sudden
the same voice repeated, cried out, appearing in their habitations, they
as though he had been ignorant, cried out therefore, and said, We
Who is that King of Glory? are bound by thee; thou seemest to
15 David replied to the prince of intend our confusion before the
hell, and said, I understand the Lord.
words of that voice, because I spake 3 Who art thou, who has no signs
them in his spirit. And now, as I of corruption, but that bright
have before said, I say unto thee, appearance which is a full proof of
the Lord strong and powerful, the thy greatness, of which yet thou
Lord mighty in battle: he is the seemest to take no notice?
King of Glory, and he is the Lord in 4 Who art thou, so powerful, and
heaven and in earth. so weak, so great and so little;
16 He hath looked down to hear the mean, and yet a soldier of the first
groans of the prisoners, and to set rank, who can command in the form
loose those that are appointed to of a servant and a common soldier?
death. 5 The king of Glory, dead and
17 And now, thou filthy and alive, though once slain upon the
stinking prince of hell, open thy cross?
gates, that the King of Glory may 6 Who layest dead in the grave,
enter in; for he is the Lord of and art come down alive to us, and
heaven and earth. in thy death all the creatures
18 While David was saying this, trembled, and all the stars were
the mighty Lord appeared in the moved; and now hast thy liberty
form of a man, and enlightened among the dead, and givest
those places which had ever before disturbance to our legions?
been in darkness. 7 Who art thou, who dost release
the captives that were held in
8 But now there is not one of them THEN Jesus stretched forth his
does ever groan, nor is there the hand, and said, Come to me, all ye
least appearance of a tear in any of my saints, who were created in my
their faces. image, who were condemned by the
9 O prince Satan, thou great keeper tree of the forbidden fruit, and by
of the infernal regions, all thy the devil and death;
advantages which thou didst acquire 2 Live now by the wood of my
by the forbidden tree, and the loss cross; the devil, the prince of this
of Paradise, thou hast now lost by world, is overcome, and death is
the wood of the cross; conquered,
10 And thy happiness all then 3 Then presently all the saints were
expired, when thou didst crucify joined together under the hand of
Jesus Christ the King of Glory. the most high God; and the Lord
11 Thou hast acted against thine Jesus laid hold on Adam's hand, and
own interest and mine, as thou wilt said to him, Peace be to thee, and
presently perceive by those large all thy righteous posterity, which is
torments and infinite punishments mine.
which thou art about to suffer. 4 Then Adam, casting himself at
12 O Satan, prince of all evil, the feet of Jesus, addressed himself
author of death, and source of all to him with tears, in humble
pride, thou shouldest first have language, and a loud voice, saying,
inquired into the evil crimes of 5 "I will extol thee, O Lord, for
Jesus of Nazareth, and then thou thou halt lifted me up, and hast not
wouldest have found that he was made my foes to rejoice over me. O
guilty of no fault worthy of death. Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and
13 Why didst thou venture, without thou hast healed me."
either reason or justice, to crucify 6 "O Lord thou hast brought up my
him, and hast brought down to our soul from the grave; thou hast kept
regions a person innocent and me alive, that I should not go down
righteous, and thereby hast lost all to the pit."
the sinners, impious and 7 "Sing unto the Lord, all ye saints
unrighteous persons in the whole of his, and give thanks at the
world? remembrance of his holiness, for
14 While the prince of hell was his anger endureth but for a
thus speaking to Satan, the King of moment; in his favour is life."
Glory said to Beelzebub the prince 8 In like manner all the saints,
of hell, Satan the prince shall he prostrate at the feet of Jesus, said
subject to thy dominions for ever, with one voice, Thou art come, O
in the room of Adam and his Redeemer of the world, and hast
righteous sons, who are mine, actually accomplished all things,
which thou didst foretell by the law
CHAPTER XIX. and thy holy prophets.
1 Christ takes Adam by the hand, 9 Thou hast redeemed the living by
the rest of the saints join hands, thy cross, and art come down to us,
and they all ascend with him to that by the death of the cross thou
In the name of the Holy Trinity, thus end the acts of our Saviour Jesus
Christ, which the Emperor Theodosius the Great found at Jerusalem, in the
hall of Pontius Pilate, among the public records; the things were acted in
the nineteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of the Romans, and in the
seventeenth year of the government of Herod, the son of Herod and of
Galilee, on the eighth of the calends of April, which is the twenty-third day
of the month of March, in the CCIId Olympiad, when Joseph and Caiaphas
were rulers of the Jews; being a History written in Hebrew by Nicodemus,
of what happened after our Saviour's crucifixion.