Dana Page CV

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Dana Page

My goal is to push students to exceed the minimum requirements in their education as well as inculcate a lifelong appreciation for science and, more importantly, learning. My experiencing teaching and mentoring students has helped me develop the tools necessary to effectively teach young adults by taking an active role in their learning process.

Samford University Masters of Education; Expected Graduation 12/2014 Major: Fifth Year Non-Traditional Masters in Science Education Florida State University College of Medicine No degree Earned Florida State University Bachelor of Science Major: Biology; Minor: Chemistry Magna Cum Laude; Honors Medallion Recipient 2006-2010 2010-2011 August 2013-Present

Mountain Brook High School July 2013-Present

Anatomy and Physiology and Marine Science Teacher

I am currently teaching at Mountain Brook High School where I am responsible for the Marine Science and Anatomy and Physiology courses for 11th and 12th grade students. I have been apart of a Mentorship program and active in my professional learning community.

T. Dewitt Taylor Middle-High School, Pierson, FL

Chemistry and Physical Science Teacher Last year I was teaching high school science in a combined middle and high school located in an extremely rural area in Volusia County. A large subset of the student population come from migrant farming families and close to 70% of the population learned English as a second language. In addition to my responsibilities in the classroom, I served as the advisor for the schools chapter of the National Honor Society where I facilitated meetings, planned events and maintained the nationally established standards for the organization. Through NHS, I worked with an outreach organization that planned and performed a large food drive for the local food bank. I also organized and hosted the district NHS meeting and oversaw my NHS students as they planned a dance for the middle school. I attended a Regional Path Training where I became an AVID-trained educator before serving as the science liaison for the schools AVID program. 2011-2012

Seabreeze High School, Ormond Beach, FL

Chemistry, Biology and Genetics Teacher At Seabreeze, I taught grades students in grades 9 through 12. I was responsible for all classroom instruction and related activities. I implemented new strategies to prepare my biology students for the statewide end-of-

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course exam. I also completed the E3 countywide new teacher mentorship program. While in the classroom, I implemented several problem-based learning activities that allowed me to lead my students in learning science through regular hands-on laboratory experiments. I led my chemistry students in a lab involving gastronomy; I led my biology students in a lab that fermented cheese; and I led my genetics students in a lab that successfully altered the DNA of bacteria in such a way that they were able to glow in the dark. Florida State University, Tallahassee Department of Biology, FL


Biological Science I, Biological Science II and Experimental Biology Laboratory Teaching Assistant While a full-time undergraduate student, I worked five semesters as a teaching assistant for both introductory biology courses and an upper division biology lab. My responsibilities included lesson planning, tutoring, hosting review sessions, planning laboratory activities, grading papers, coordinating the schedules of other TAs and monitoring students progress. 2009

Florida State University Young Scholars Program, Tallahassee, FL

Genetics Lab Coordinator The Young Scholars Program is a summer program for high school upperclassmen that show exceptional ability in math or science, While working for the YSP, I coordinated all laboratory activities, developed protocols for students, instructed students, graded papers, scheduled lab activities and oversaw general laboratory operations. I was also responsible for training and supervising lab personnel in another laboratory.

Academic Awards and Honors

Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society Member Florida State University Honors Program Florida State University Honor Scholarship Recipient Deans List, 4 years Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society

Professional Activities and Academic Clubs

AVID Science Teacher Liaison Florida State University Honors Program Florida State University Honor Scholarship Recipient Deans List, 4 years Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society 2012-2013

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