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70 S Ribosomes Bind To Shine-Dalgarno Sequences Without Required Dissociations

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DOI : 10.1002/cbic.

70S Ribosomes Bind to ShineDalgarno Sequences without Required
Shuntaro Takahashi,
Ryoko Akita,
Hisao Matsuno,
Hiroyuki Furusawa,
Yoshihiro Shimizu,
Takuya Ueda,
and Yoshio Okahata*
In all living systems, proteins are synthesized on ribosomes by
translating sequences of mRNA. Translation processes are com-
plex and highly regulated by various translation factors togeth-
er with ribosomes. It is known that translation initiation is the
most dynamic step in building an initiation complex composed
of a ribosome, mRNA, and an initiator tRNA.
[1, 2]
In bacteria, it is
thought that the 70S ribosome must dissociate into a 30S and
50S subunit triggered by initiation factors to interact with
mRNA. It is generally accepted that the free 30S ribosomal sub-
unit binds to a ShineDalgarno (SD) sequence, a 310 nucleo-
tide purine-rich sequence (for example, AGGAGG), on a mRNA
in the first step of the initiation translation, and then the 50S
subunit is recruited to the mRNA30S complex with an initiator
tRNA on an AUG start codon downstream of the SD se-
On the other hand, the preassembled 70S ribosome
can translate only a leaderless mRNA lacking the SD sequence
with an AUG start codon at the 5 terminus of the mRNA.
[4, 5]
though most free ribosomes exist in the 70S form under phys-
iological conditions,
very few studies have investigated the
binding of 70S to a mRNA with a SD sequence.
[4, 5]
The inter-
action of the intact 70S ribosome with the SD sequence has
either been overlooked or not established in the literature.
In this communication, we report that the intact 70S ribo-
some can bind directly to mRNA with the SD and AUG sequen-
ces without a required dissociation. Binding kinetics were stud-
ied using a mRNA-immobilized 27 MHz quartz-crystal micro-
balance (QCM; Figure 1), which is known to be a very sensitive
mass measuring device in aqueous solutions. QCM resonance
frequencies decrease linearly upon mass increases on the QCM
electrode to the nanogram level.
Calibrations of the 27 MHz
QCM in aqueous solutions are described in the Supporting In-
formation (S1), and 1 Hz of frequency decrease was calibrated
as an increase in 0.18 ngcm
of ribosomes in aqueous solu-
E. coli 70S ribosomes and 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits
were prepared and purified as described previously.
) were prepared from an overexpressed strain
and purified.
was enzymatically methionylated
by methionyl-tRNA synthetase and then formylated by me-
thionyl-tRNA formyltransferase.
mRNAs were prepared by in
vitro transcription using a T7 RNA polymerase. For biotinyla-
tion of the 3 terminus of the mRNA, the transcript was oxi-
dized with NaIO
and then modified with biotin hydrazide. We
prepared several kinds of biotinylated mRNAs with SD+AUG
or SD+UUG sequences, the mRNA without the SD sequence
(non-SD), the mRNA in which the SD sequence is hybridized
with the antisense DNA (anti-SD), and the mRNA in which a 5-
untranslated region (5-UTR) is hybridized with the antisense
DNA (anti-UTR). The sequence of the transcripts are shown in
Table 1, and preparation methods of mRNA and the sequence
of antisense DNAs are described in the Supporting Information
(S2 and S3). AFFINIX Q4 with four 500 mL cells equipped with a
27 MHz QCM plate at the bottom of each cell was used as a
QCM instrument.
Biotinylated mRNA was linked by avidin
biotin interactions on a QCM plate covered with NeutrAvidin
as previously reported.
After immobilization of mRNA, ribo-
somes were injected into aqueous buffer (10 mm HEPES-KOH,
pH 7.3, 100 mm NH
Cl, 5 mm Mg(OAc)
, 0.5 mm CaCl
, 258C) in
a QCM cell. Experimental procedures are described in the Sup-
porting Information (S4).
Figure 2A shows typical time courses of frequency decreases
(mass increases) corresponding to additions of 30S, 50S, and
70S ribosomes in aqueous solutions. The 30S subunit showed
relative binding to mRNA with SD and AUG sequences (SD+
AUG), but the 50S subunit showed little specific binding. The
[a] Dr. S. Takahashi, R. Akita, Dr. H. Matsuno, Dr. H. Furusawa, Prof. Y. Okahata
Frontier Collaborative Research Centre
Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nagatsuda, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8501 (Japan)
Fax: (+81) 45-924-5781
E-mail : yokahata@bio.titech.ac.jp
[b] Dr. Y. Shimizu, Prof. T. Ueda
Department of Medical Genome Sciences
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo
FSB401, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8562 (Japan)
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under
http://www.chembiochem.org or from the author.
Figure 1. Experimental setup for measuring the binding kinetics of ribo-
somes (70S, 50S, 30S, and crosslinked 70S) with/without fMet-tRNA
to a
biotinylated mRNA-NeutrAvidin-immobilized 27-MHz quartz-crystal micro-
balance (QCM, AFFINIX Q4) in aqueous solutions.
870 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2008, 9, 870 873
70S ribosome unexpectedly bound to the internal SD se-
quence, because it has been accepted that only the free 30S
subunit can bind to the internal SD sequence.
[4, 5]
70S and 30S
showed little specific binding to the mRNA without the SD se-
quence (non-SD; see Run 4 in Table 1). When the concentration
of ribosomes was increased, saturation binding behaviors were
observed (Figure 2B) and the maximum amount bound
) and the association constant (K
) were obtained from
curve fitting analyses of Figure 2B. The results are summarized
in Table 1, together with the binding rate constant (k
) and
the dissociation rate constant (k
), which were obtained from
curve fitting binding time courses as in Figure 2A.
the Dm
value of the 70S was larger than that of the 30S, the
molar ratio of the maximum bound 70S and 30S was calculat-
ed to be 1.00.2 considering their molecular weights (2520
and 930 kDa, respectively (Runs 1 and 3 in Table 1).
With these results, we considered cautiously two models of
70S binding onto the mRNA: 1) the 70S ribosome could bind
directly to mRNA without dissociating into each subunit or
2) the 30S subunit, which might exist as an equilibrium mixture
of the 70S ribosome, binds first to the mRNA and then the 50S
subunit binds to the 30S-bound mRNA. To examine the possi-
bility of the second binding route, we added several experi-
ments. Dissociations of 70S to each subunit of 50S and 30S
have been known to decrease with the increase of Mg
and the binding constant has been estimated to be approxi-
mately 10
in the presence of 5 mm Mg (OAc)
In our ex-
periments, 225 nm of the 70S ribosome was used in the pres-
ence of 5 mmMg
ions, which indicates that the population
of the free 30S subunit is negligibly small. In addition, binding
amounts of 70S to the mRNA did not increase when the Mg
concentrations increased from 5 to 50 mm. This indicates that
Table 1. Kinetic parameters for binding of ribosomes to mRNA-immobilized on a 27 MHz QCM.
Run Combination
Molar ratio of K
[ng cm
] 70S versus 30S [10
] [10
] [10
1 (SD+AUG), 30S 488 1 5.61.5 (6.2)
165 272.8
2 (SD+AUG), 50S <0.1
3 (SD+AUG), 70S 11015 0.8 4.31.0 (6.8)
187 262.9
4 (non-SD), 70S - <0.1
5 30S-(SD+AUG), 50S 9116 1.2 0.40.1
6 antiSD-(SD+AUG), 70S <0.1
7 antiUTR-(SD+AUG), 70S 483 0.4 122.0
8 (SD+AUG), 70S+tRNA 1209 0.9 101.6
9 (SD+UUG), 70S+tRNA 14454 1.1 2.61.2
10 (SD+AUG), cross-70S <0.1
11 (AUG), cross-70S 130161 1.0 2.74.5 (9.2)
5.04.0 5.41.7
[a] 10 mm HEPES-KOH, pH 7.3, 100 mm NH
Cl, 5 mm Mg (OAc)
, 0.5 mm CaCl
, 258C. [b] Sequences of mRNA. SD+AUG: 5-GGGAGAUUCCCCAUGAUAA-
UGGGAAUU-3. [c] Association constants determined from k
ChemBioChem 2008, 9, 870 873 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chembiochem.org 871
5 mm of Mg
ions is enough to diminish the free 30S (see the
Supporting Information S5 and Figure S1). The maximum
amount of 70S bound to the mRNA was not affected in the
presence of tenfold excess of 50S, which decreases the popula-
tion of free 30S in an equilibrium mixture of 70S (see Support-
ing Information S6 and Figure S2). These results indicate that
the direct binding of 30S is negligible under these conditions.
As shown in Figure 2, curve d, 50S hardly bound to the 30S-
bound mRNA. The K
value of 50S to the 30SmRNA complex
was found to be 410
, which was tenfold lower than K
of 70S to the mRNA (Run 5, in Table 1). Therefore,
the second binding route (the recombination of 50S onto the
30S-bound mRNA) is excludable.
To confirm whether the 70S ribosome formed the ribosome
mRNA complex properly, we observed the 70S binding in the
presence of the initiator tRNAs (see the Supporting Informa-
tion S7 and Figure S3). The K
value of the 70S ribosome
(Run 3: 4.310
) increased more than twice in the pres-
ence of fMet-tRNA
that recognizes the AUG start codon
(Run 8: 1010
). The K
value of the 70S ribosome showed
a large decrease (Run 9: 2.610
) in the case of mRNA
with UUG sequences instead of AUGs, which cannot be recog-
nized by fMet-tRNA
. These results also support the hypothe-
sis that the intact 70S ribosome can include fMet-tRNA
recognize both the SD sequence and the AUG start codon
without the ribosome dissociating into its subunits.
We further dissected the binding mode of 70S to the SD se-
quence on mRNA. It is generally considered that the 30S sub-
unit laterally binds to the internal SD sequence on mRNA, and
that the 70S ribosome can only bind to leaderless mRNA with
an AUG start codon at the 5 terminus and translates through
sliding along the mRNA from its 5 terminus.
In our experi-
ments, the 70S ribosome could not bind to the SD sequence
blocked with antisense DNA (anti-SD, Run 6 in Table 1), but
showed a specific binding capability to mRNA whose 5-UTR
was blocked with anti-UTR DNA (Run 7). The aforementioned
results indicate that the intact 70S ribosome and the 30S sub-
unit cannot bind to the 5 terminus and then slide to the inter-
nal SD sequence, but can hold laterally to the SD sequence. X-
ray structural studies showed that 70S ribosomes have a cleft
at the interface of each subunit.
Thus, the anti-SD in 70S
ribosome could bind to the internal SD sequence that would
pass this cleft laterally without ribosomal dissociation.
To verify this hypothesis, we prepared a crosslinked 70S ribo-
some, which was reported to not translate mRNA with an
internal SD sequence, but to synthesize proteins from mRNA
from an AUG start codon at the 5 terminus.
[5, 12]
The cross-
linked 70S hardly bound to the internal SD sequence (Run 10
in Table 1), but could bind to the 5 terminus of the AUG
sequence with fMet-tRNA
(Run 11). These results imply that
the crosslinked 70S ribosome can only access the 5 terminus
of the 5 AUG sequence via short sliding, and cannot bind to
the internal SD sequence due to blocking from the crosslinker
that prevents the lateral binding of mRNA to the ribosomal
cleft. Both the k
and k
values for the binding of the cross-
linked 70S ribosome to the 5 terminus of the AUG sequence
were three times lower than those for the binding of the
normal 70S ribosome to the internal SD sequence (Runs 11
and 3, respectively). These results support the suppositions
that the lateral-binding mode of the 70S ribosome is faster
than the terminal-binding mode of the crosslinked ribosome,
and that the intact 70S ribosome can bind to the internal SD
sequence laterally with a binding rate similar to that of the
free 30S subunit (Runs 3 and 1, respectively).
In conclusion, we first propose that the intact 70S ribosome
can bind laterally to internal mRNA SD sequences without dis-
sociating into each subunit as an additional pathway to form
an initiation complex, in addition to the general pathway
where the free 30S ribosome binds to the SD sequence. The
present study shows that 70S ribosomes fundamentally have a
binding ability to mRNA without initiation factors such as IF3,
which would be required in the absence of initiation factors in
evolution history. In fact, the 70S ribosomemRNA complex
can start translation in the absence of initiation factors.
indicates that 70S can potentially translate the programmed
mRNA without initiation factors. We speculate that IF3 can
adjust a position of mRNA and tRNA of a 70StRNAmRNA
complex and helps to translate efficiently without subunit dis-
sociation. We are now studying biochemically the translation
Figure 2. A) Typical time courses of frequency decreases (mass increases) of
the mRNA (SD+AUG)immobilized QCM, responding to the addition of
2 nm of ribosomes, and B) their saturation binding curves. Bindings of a) 70S
ribosome to mRNA, b) 30S subunit to mRNA, c) 50S subunit to mRNA, and
d) 50S subunit to the 30S-bound mRNA (10 mm HEPES-KOH, pH 7.3, 100 mm
Cl, 5 mm Mg (OAc)
, 0.5 mm CaCl
, 25 8C).
872 www.chembiochem.org 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim ChemBioChem 2008, 9, 870 873
process from the 70SmRNA complex. The QCM technique is
useful to determine these complicated molecular interactions
by measuring binding kinetics and absolute bound amounts
(ratio) to the nanogram level.
This work was partially supported by CREST, Japan Science and
Technology Corporation (JST), and a Grand-in Aid for Scientific
Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
Keywords: 30S subunit 70S ribosome quartz crystal
microbalance SD sequence translation process
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Received: November 9, 2007
Published online on March 12, 2008
ChemBioChem 2008, 9, 870 873 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chembiochem.org 873

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