Automation Simplified
Possible Applications :
FIOA can be used for various applications in industries. T ypical configuration includes the following :
~ ~
PLC Modbus Master
Node n
~ ~
HMI Software ASTRA - by Renu Electronics Converter Example CNV-02 - by Renu Electronics Node n
4 to 20 mA
0 to 10 V
Note: AINx: Analog input (x equals to 1 to 8). AGND: Analog ground. Analog ground for all channels is internally shorted on PCB.
Specifications :
For Current inputs : Uses 4-20mA input range with 100 E precision shunt resolved in 12 bits. Total error : 0.2% of scale 1 bit. For Voltage inputs : Uses 0-10VDC input range resolved in 12 bits. Total error : 0.2% of scale 1 bit.
General Specifications :
Power Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Mounting Dimensions Immunity to ESD Immunity to Fast Transients Immunity to Radiated electromagnetic field Immunity to Conducted disturbances Surge Radiated emission : 24V DC 10%, 2W maximum : 0O to 50OC : -20O to 80OC : 10% to 90% (Non condensing) : DIN rail mounting : 100 W x 70 H x 35 D mm : as per IEC61000-4-2 : as per IEC61000-4-4 : : : : as per IEC61000-4-3 as per IEC61000-4-6 as per IEC61000-4-5 as per EN61000-6-4 Communication Port Communication Protocol Baud rate Parity Device ID Isolation : 2 wire RS485 terminal block : Modbus RTU Slave : 9600, 19.2k, 57.6k or 115.2k (DIP Switch Selectable) : Odd, Even or None (DIP Switch Selectable) : 1-64 (DIP Switch Selectable) : 1.5KV isolation between communication ports, I/O and power supply section.
Basic Operations :
FIOA 0800 L is Analog Input Model that accepts 8 Voltage or Current Analog inputs . The Analog inputs can be Voltage ( 0-10VDC), Current ( 4 20 mA) . Each input channel can be configured independently to work as Voltage or Current as per configuration through switches. Unit supports standard Modbus RTU (slave) protocol for communicating with master device. Analog inputs are isolated from the communication port . Power supply is also isolated from all internal circuitry. Input of the FIOA are user configurable and any combination of input types is possible. Selectable DIP Switches help the user to configure the FIOA units and use them as per application requirements.
Setup required for FIOA configuration: 1. FIOA unit 2. +24VDC regulated power supply 3. FIOA to Device cable
Dimensions :
70 .00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
OFF ON Voltage Current
* Software selectable.
New PLC drivers are constantly added. Please contact factory for more information. We welcome an opportunity to develop new , custom drivers and customized units.