OFTP Application 2014

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Organic Farmer Training Program

Application for 2014

The Organic Farmer Training Program is selective. For the 2014 class we will take 15-17 full time stu ents. !e are looking for can i ates who are committe to nine months of intensive training an work in organic farming. Our "rogram "rovi es han s-on e#"erience in managing an working on our 4-season farm$ com%ine with lectures$ rea ings an worksho"s an is esigne to give "artici"ants a soli foun ation in the "rinci"les$ "ractices$ management$ %usiness "lanning an har skills nee e to o"erate an organic farm. &""licants must %e rea ' to evote themselves to an intensive an focuse learning e#"erience. !e aim to create a health' an vi%rant learning communit' where stu ents will learn from one another as much as the' will learn from the lan an from the "rogram instructors. To this en $ we look to recruit a iverse cohort of stu ents who %ring a wi e variet' of skills$ e#"erience$ goals an "assions an who can engage an contri%ute "ositivel' to our working an learning communit'. (t is im"ortant that 'ou un erstan that this is an intensive "rogram. The program is not appropriate for those seeking an initial exposure or inquiry into organic farming) it is inten e for "artici"ants who know the' want to commit to work in local an organic foo "ro uction or e ucation. This is an intensive emersion learning e#"erience in which "artici"ants learn %' oing as well as from "rofessors$ farmers$ "eers$ instructors$ an others who have knowle ge of local$ sustaina%le foo s s'stems. (n 'our a""lication we want to learn a%out *O+. !e want to hear a%out how 'ou have come to %e intereste in organic farming an foo "ro uction. *our written answers are the most im"ortant as"ect of the a""lication. This a""lication will re"resent 'ou , 'ou shoul communicate what 'ou want us to know a%out 'our e#"erience an wh' 'ou are committe to a career in local sustaina%le an organic foo "ro uction. Previous work on a farm is highl' encourage an a""licants who have worke on a farm will %e favore . Previous relevant e ucation$ life an work e#"erience have "re"are 'ou to o"erate 'our own farming %usiness or "ro uction oriente e ucational "rogram are a "lus. !e also want 'ou to consi er this "rogram as much as we are consi ering 'ou. Please feel free to ask -uestions to hel" 'ou eci e if this is the right "rogram for 'ou. !e highl' recommen that 'ou sche ule a visit to the .tu ent Organic Farm meet us an to see our farm in action/ If you would like more information on the program or to arrange a visit, please contact msufarm0msu.e u and include Organic Farmer Training Program in the sub ect line or call the farm ! "#$%&'(%$)*$

2014 Program Dates: March 3 No em!er 21

"e #ill !egin re ie#ing applications on $%l& 1' 2013( The earl& application )ea)line for is *eptem!er 1' 2013 +fee #ai e),

-hec.list for &o%r application:

1om"lete &""lication Form 2.33 435O!6 7esume &nswers to the si# a""lication -uestions 2.33 453O!6 Transcri"ts from college or high school Two to three letters of reference with contact information from "revious em"lo'ers or teachers 8 "rofessors 29OT F7(39:. O7 F&;(5*6 & <50 check for a""lication "rocessing fee ma e out to ;ichigan .tate +niversit' &n' a itional information that 'ou think will %e relevant to hel"ing us un erstan how this "rogram will fit into 'our future "lans an what 'ou can %ring to the "rogram

Please sen) &o%r application to: :enae Frie heim Organic Farmer Training Program Plant = .oil .cience 4uil ing 10>> 4ogue .t.$ 7oom &2?? 3ast 5ansing$ ;( 4??24

2014 Organic Farmer Training Program Application Form

9ame@ & ress@

Phone@ 3mail@ :ate of 4irth@ Aen er@

7ace83thnicit' 2o"tional6@ Bighest 5evel of 3 ucation 1om"lete @

Please ans#er the follo#ing /%estions on a separate sheet( Please .eep &o%r ans#ers limite) to eight' )o%!le space) pages(
1. !h' o 'ou want to "artici"ate in the Organic Farmer Training Program an s"en nine months intensivel' learning$ working an training at the .tu ent Organic FarmC 2. :escri%e 'our recent e ucational an work e#"erience. D. :escri%e 'our "revious e#"eriences with farming an gar ening. 4. !hat are 'our future "rofessional an career goals in the fiel of organic$ local an sustaina%le foo "ro uctionC Bow will 'ou utiliEe the knowle ge skills an e#"erience 'ou will gain in the "rogram in achieving 'our future goalsC 5. :escri%e 'our e#"eriences working an learning in communit'C Bow woul 'ou %e a goo mem%er of our working an learning communit' in the OFTPC >. :escri%e 'our e#"erience with "h'sical la%or. Bow will 'ou han le the strenuous "h'sical nature of the "rogramC

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