OFTP Application 2014
OFTP Application 2014
OFTP Application 2014
"e #ill !egin re ie#ing applications on $%l& 1' 2013( The earl& application )ea)line for is *eptem!er 1' 2013 +fee #ai e),
Please sen) &o%r application to: :enae Frie heim Organic Farmer Training Program Plant = .oil .cience 4uil ing 10>> 4ogue .t.$ 7oom &2?? 3ast 5ansing$ ;( 4??24
Please ans#er the follo#ing /%estions on a separate sheet( Please .eep &o%r ans#ers limite) to eight' )o%!le space) pages(
1. !h' o 'ou want to "artici"ate in the Organic Farmer Training Program an s"en nine months intensivel' learning$ working an training at the .tu ent Organic FarmC 2. :escri%e 'our recent e ucational an work e#"erience. D. :escri%e 'our "revious e#"eriences with farming an gar ening. 4. !hat are 'our future "rofessional an career goals in the fiel of organic$ local an sustaina%le foo "ro uctionC Bow will 'ou utiliEe the knowle ge skills an e#"erience 'ou will gain in the "rogram in achieving 'our future goalsC 5. :escri%e 'our e#"eriences working an learning in communit'C Bow woul 'ou %e a goo mem%er of our working an learning communit' in the OFTPC >. :escri%e 'our e#"erience with "h'sical la%or. Bow will 'ou han le the strenuous "h'sical nature of the "rogramC