Manzanillo Container Terminal Redevelopment

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Manzanillo Container Terminal Redevelopment: Maximizing Throughput in a Limited Space John Bardi, PE, MASCE1 and Ing.

Daniel Ingram2

Senior Project Manager, BergerABAM, 33301 inth A!en"e So"th, S"ite 300, #ederal $a%, $A &'003(2)00* P+ ,20)- .31(2300* john./ardi0a/ Con1tr"ction and #acilitie1 Manager, SSA Me2ico SA de C3, In1"rgente1 S"r o. 1'&', Col. 4a #lorida, Me2ico, D# 03010* P+ 56676.'2('212*

ABSTRACT Increa1ed container !ol"me1 ma8e Man9anillo one o: the :a1te1t(gro;ing <ort1 on the ;e1t coa1t o: Me2ico. In the 1. %ear1 1ince the conce11ion :or the dedicated container terminal ;a1 a;arded a1 a 1ingle /erth, ann"al tra::ic ha1 gro;n :rom 60,000 to a<<ro2imatel% =60,000 20(:oot e>"i!alent "nit1 ,?E@1-, the n"m/er o: /erth1 ha1 gro;n to :o"r, and the container %ard ha1 /een e2<anded almo1t :o"r(:old to it1 <ractical limit o: 30 hectare1 ,a<<ro2imatel% =. acre1-. Beca"1e the %ard e2<an1ion :ollo;ed a la%o"t e1ta/li1hed ;hen the original 1ingle(/erth :acilit% ;a1 con1tr"cted, it re>"ired recon:ig"ration to attain ma2im"m e::icienc% in term1 o: ?E@ thro"gh<"t <er hectare o: %ard. ?hi1 <a<er de1cri/e1 the <lanning, de1ign, and con1tr"ction in!ol!ed in retro:itting and rede!elo<ing the terminal. ?he terminal ;a1 rede!elo<ed ;ith a re!i1ed %ard la%o"t and retro:itted ;ith ne; lighting, "tilitie1, and a hea!%(d"t% <a!ing 1%1tem to ma2imi9e den1it% and allo; the e::ecti!e "1e o: electri:ied r"//er(tired gantr% crane1. ?he %ard i1 located in an area o: high 1ei1mic ha9ard and the <a<er al1o di1c"11e1 the gro"nd im<ro!ement <rogram that ;a1 im<lemented to mitigate the ri18 o: earth>"a8e(ind"ced li>"e:action. #inall%, the <a<er di1c"11e1 the retro:it o: the e2i1ting container ;har!e1 to accommodate :o"r <o1t(Panama2 container crane1. ?;o crane1 ;ere modi:ied to match the e2i1ting rail ga"ge o: 1).=) meter1 ,66 :eet-, ;hile t;o ;ere le:t ;ith the original 3..'0(meter ,116(:oot- ga"ge and re>"ired con1tr"ction o: a third rail. ?he in1tallation o: the crane1 re>"ired retro:itting the crane ca/le in:ra1tr"ct"re and relocating ca/le 1lot1 :rom the /ac8reach area to the o<<o1ite 1ide o: the ;ater1ide crane rail. INTRO !CTION SSA Me2ico ,SSAM- ;a1 a;arded a conce11ion at the Port o: Man9anilloA1 dedicated container terminal in mid(1&&6, or a<<ro2imatel% :o"r %ear1 a:ter the com<letion o: the PortA1 :ir1t dedicated container /erth in 1&&1. Since that time, thro"gh<"t ha1 increa1ed :rom a<<ro2imatel% 60,000 to =60,000 20(:oot e>"i!alent "nit1 ,?E@1- <er %ear, and the terminal ha1 gro;n :rom an initial 1i9e o: ) hectare1 1

,16.' acre1- and one 260(meter ,'20(:oot- /erth to 30 hectare1 ,=. acre1- and 1,000 meter1 ,3,2'0 :eet- o: /erth. C"rrentl%, SSAM al1o ma8e1 occa1ional "1e o: the adjacent 300(meter ,&'.(:oot- m"lti<"r<o1e /erth /"ilt /% the A"toridad Port"aria Integral de Man9anillo ,API(MA - in 2001, /ringing the total length o: a!aila/le /erth to a<<ro2imatel% 1,300 meter1 ,.,2)6 :eet-. ?he terminal i1 located in an area o: reclaimed 1;am<, on a 1tri< o: land 1and;iched /et;een the Ba% o: Man9anillo on Me2icoA1 ;e1t coa1t and the 4ag"na de ?a<ei2tle1, a1 1ho;n in #ig"re 1. ?he e2i1ting geotechnical condition1 con1i1t o: 1' to 20 meter1 ,6& to )6 :eet- o: all"!ial material1, com<o1ed o: alternating la%er1 o: loo1e 1and and 1ilt inter1<er1ed ;ith len1e1 o: <eat. Anal%1i1 ha1 1ho;n that the1e loo1e 1and de<o1it1 are 1"/ject to li>"e:action "nder moderate le!el1 o: 1ha8ing B a <henomenon that ;a1 o/1er!ed in the :ield in earth>"a8e1 in /oth 1&&6 and 2003, :ir1t to di1a1tro"1 e::ect, and later mitigated /% gro"nd im<ro!ement.

"igure #$

Site plan$

?he ;e1tern coa1t o: Me2ico i1 a region o: !er% high 1ei1mic acti!it%. ?he 1tate o: Colima, o: ;hich Man9anillo i1 the 1econd(large1t cit% and the large1t on the coa1t, i1 con1idered to /e an area o: <artic"larl% high ha9ard /eca"1e o: the <ro2imit% o: the Colima !olcano, the mo1t acti!e in the region. ?he >"antitati!e 1ei1mic ha9ard o: the area aro"nd the Port o: Man9anillo i1 !er% high, ;ith a <ea8 gro"nd acceleration o: the ma2im"m con1idered earth>"a8e ,MCE- e>"al to 0.')g according to the 1ei1mic <ro!i1ion1 in the mo1t commonl% "1ed Me2ican 1ei1mic de1ign code ,Comi1ion #ederal de Electricidad 2001-.

B%RT&S #' AN #( 4ocated at the north end o: the conce11ion, Berth1 12 and 13 com<ri1e the older <art o: the terminal and ;ere <lanned and de!elo<ed "1ing the 1&&1 o<erating criteria. ?he Berth 13 container %ard ;a1 damaged 1e!erel% /% an earth>"a8e in 1&&6. It1 1"/1e>"ent recon1tr"ction, and the con1tr"ction o: the Berth 12 container %ard, incor<orated a gro"nd im<ro!ement <rogram o: 1tone col"mn1 and ;ic8 drain1 to mitigate the ri18 o: earth>"a8e(ind"ced li>"e:action. ?hi1 olde1t <ortion o: the terminal a11"med a dedicated r"//er(tired gantr% ,C?Do<eration, originall% "1ing .(;heel ,and later '(;heel- machine1 o<erating on dedicated concrete r"n;a%1. #ig"re 2 1ho;1 the t%<ical la%o"t o: the Berth 12 container %ard at the time o: it1 con1tr"ction in 2000, ;hen it ;a1 laid o"t to match that o: Berth 13.

"igure '$

Berth) #' and #( container *ard la*out$

?he C?D r"n;a%1 and high ma1t light <ole1 ;ere laid o"t to allo; tra::ic circ"lation on either 1ide o: each machine, ;ith tr"c8 /%<a11 area1 <ro!ided /% 1et/ac81 :rom the intermodal area and the ;har:. In "1e, the ;ater1ide <ortion o: the %ard ;a1 de!oted to to<(<ic8 o<eration1, and ;ider /%<a11 lane1 ;ere "1ed :or e>"i<ment <ar8ing. ?he Berth1 12 and 13 container %ard e2hi/ited good <er:ormance d"ring the 2003 earth>"a8e. ?he in!e1tment in 1tone col"mn1 <ro!ed to /e the right choice* ;hen neigh/oring terminal1 ;ith 1imilar /loc8 <a!ing on "nim<ro!ed 1oil1 ;ere in1<ected, the% had e2<erienced hea!ing o: <a!ement a1 high a1 .60 millimeter1 ,nearl% 1' inche1-. ?he onl% e2ce<tion to thi1 good re1"lt at the SSAM terminal came in i1olated area1 at the north and 1o"th /o"ndarie1 o: the im<ro!ed gro"nd and in the Berth1 10711 e2<an1ion area, ;hich ;a1 "n<a!ed at the time and de!elo<ed e2ten1i!e 1and /oil1 and lateral 1<reading. $hile gro"nd im<ro!ement had /een 1ho;n to /e 1"cce11:"l, the 1elected /loc8 <a!ing 1%1tem did not <er:orm a1 ;ell. ?hro"gh hea!% "1e /% to<(<ic81 and ;here 3

C?D1 ;ere o<erated o:: the r"n;a%1, /loc8 deterioration, 1ettlement, and r"tting ;ere ongoing maintenance i11"e1. In1<ection determined that the chie: <ro/lem had /een the com<o1ition o: the /loc8, altho"gh <ro/lem1 ;ith the <a!ing /a1e ;ere al1o noted, <artic"larl% in area1 o: to<(<ic8 o<eration. B%RT&S #+ AN ## E2<an1ion o: the container terminal conce11ion 1o"th;ard into Berth1 10 and 11 ;a1 a<<ro!ed in 200=. A1 <lanning o: the %ard e2<an1ion ;a1 /eg"n, le11on1 learned :rom the <er:ormance o: the Berth1 12713 %ard ;ere incor<orated. A1 de1cri/ed a/o!e, the1e incl"ded a gro"nd im<ro!ement <rogram, an im<ro!ed <a!ing 1%1tem, and an o<timi9ed %ard la%o"t de1igned to ma2imi9e the relati!el% 1mall a!aila/le %ard area, a1 indicated on #ig"re 3.

"igure ($

Berth) #+ and ## container *ard la*out$

,round Improvement$ ?he im<ro!ement o: the e2i1ting loo1e 1and1 and <eat1 in the /ac8land area1 had /een demon1trated to /e a critical <art o: <ro!iding the <o1t( earth>"a8e o<eration that the o;ner re>"ired. Dro"nd im<ro!ement o<tion1 1"ch a1 ;ic8 drain1, !i/ro(den1i:ication, and dee< d%namic com<action ;ere con1idered, /"t the <roject team "ltimatel% 1elected !i/ro(re<lacement ,1tone col"mn1-, <rimaril% /eca"1e o: the a!aila/ilit% o: an economical 1o"rce o: high(>"alit% aggregate :or the 1tone /ac8:ill. ?he 1tone col"mn1 ,'00 millimeter E31 inchF diameter- ;ere in1talled to a de<th o: a<<ro2imatel% 20 meter1 ,)6 :eet- on a triang"lar 1<acing o: 2 meter1 ,).6 :eet-. Po1t(in1tallation te1ting 1ho;ed that 1tandard <enetration !al"e ;a1 increa1ed :rom an a!erage o: 1' to 26 in the area1 /et;een col"mn1, a le!el o: den1i:ication de1igned to eliminate a<<ro2imatel% &0 <ercent o: <otential earth>"a8e(ind"ced 1ettlement. $hile the le!el o: im<ro!ement ;a1 1elected to o<timi9e co1t !er1"1 /ene:it, it i1 ;orth noting that the re1"lting 1i9e and 1<acing matched tho1e o: the 1tone col"mn1 in1talled at Berth 12, ;hich had <er:ormed ;ell in the 2003 earth>"a8e.

&eav*- ut* .aving$ Ba1ed on <re!io"1 e2<erience in the region, concrete /loc8 <a!er1 ;ere 1elected a1 the <a!ing 1%1tem :or the e2<an1ion area. B"t in ado<ting the le11on1 learned :rom the <er:ormance o: the e2i1ting <a!ing 1%1tem and concrete C?D r"n;a%1 at Berth1 10 and 11, the <roject team re!i1ed the a<<roach to hea!% d"t% <a!ing com<letel%. B% the time the e2<an1ion area /ecame a!aila/le, the terminal o<erator had con!erted almo1t entirel% to an C?D o<eration, "1ing 1)(;heel machine1 a1 a 1tandard. A:ter an e!al"ation o: ;heel load1 and tran1it c%cle1, the <roject team determined that dedicated concrete r"n;a%1 ;ere not re>"ired, and that the 1ame <a!ing 1%1tem co"ld /e "1ed thro"gho"t the terminal. ?hi1 eliminated di1contin"itie1 in <a!ing t%<e and 1ti::ne11, ;hich had /een a <ro/lem in the e2i1ting terminal. In addition, the <a!er la%o"t did not incor<orate grade /eam1 to mod"lari9e the <a!er1 a1 had /een done <re!io"1l% B <a!er1 are /o"nded /% the ;har: a<<roach 1la/ and retention c"r/ at the <erimeter, ;ith 1e<aration <ro!ided onl% at longit"dinal trench drain1. ?o im<ro!e the <er:ormance o: the <a!er1 them1el!e1, a 60 MPa mi2 de1ign ;a1 1elected, ;ith tight control1 on cement content and ;ater7cement ratio. B"t ind"1tr% e2<erience ha1 1ho;n that increa1ed 2'(da% de1ign 1trength doe1 not nece11aril% en1"re a more a/ra1ion(re1i1tant 1"r:ace. ?o hel< en1"re that the re>"ired d"ra/ilit% ;a1 attained, the de1ign called :or an a/ra1ion te1ting in accordance ;ith the late1t 1tandard1. ?hi1 te1t 1et"< ;a1 not a!aila/le locall%, /"t a local te1ting agenc% ;a1 a/le to de!elo< 1imilar e>"i<ment that 1ho;ed ade>"ate a/ra1ion re1i1tance /% the <a!er1. ?he <hilo1o<h% ado<ted :or de1igning the <a!ing /a1e ;a1 to 1im<li:% the de1ign a1 m"ch a1 <o11i/le. S%1tem1 em<lo%ing concrete( or a1<halt(treated /a1e, geogrid1, and a1<halt concrete had /een con1idered, /"t once more it ;a1 determined to "1e the 1ame locall% a!aila/le cr"1hed roc8 that had /een "1ed in the 1tone col"mn1. ?he <roject team 1elected a &00(millimeter ,2.&(:oot- /a1e o: cr"1hed roc8, <rimaril% /eca"1e a 1imilar <a!ing 1ection had /een con1tr"cted in a to<(<ic8 area o: the Berth 12 %ard t;o %ear1 earlier. $hile hea!% load1 and a locali9ed area o: <oor 1"/grade had ca"1ed the :ail"re o: the e2i1ting <a!er1 and /a1e in that area, the t;o %ear1A hard "1e demon1trated that, e!en o!er a <oor 1"/grade, the 1elected /a1e ;a1 ade>"ate. La*out Optimization$ ?he :inal le11on learned :rom the o<eration at Berth1 10 and 11 ;a1 that the ne; 1tac8ing la%o"t 1ho"ld not onl% ma2imi9e the n"m/er o: gro"nded ?E@ 1lot1 <er hectare o: %ard, /"t al1o im<ro!e tr"c8 circ"lation thro"gh the terminal /% 1etting a more logical tra::ic <attern. ?he team /elie!ed that, /% eliminating 1ome o: the /%<a11 lane1 in the old la%o"t, additional 1<ace co"ld /e reco!ered* the challenge ;a1 to <ro!ide e>"al or /etter tra::ic :lo;. ?he 1ol"tion came in changing :rom an C?D la%o"t that had the loading lane on the 1ame 1ide in each 1tac8 to a /ac8(to(/ac8 la%o"t. ?hat modi:ication, in conj"nction ;ith the con!er1ion o: the relati!el% ;ide /%<a11 area1 adjacent to the crane /ac8reach and intermodal area1, :reed 1"::icient 1<ace :or an additional C?D 1tac8. #ig"re . com<are1 1ection1 thro"gh the e2i1ting Berth1 12713 %ard ;ith tho1e o: the

ne; Berth1 10711 e2<an1ion area and 1ho;1 the 1hi:t in 1tac81 and relocation o: ai1le1 and lighting.

"igure /$

Compari)on o0 1erth) container *ard )ection)$

A1 1ho;n on #ig"re ., the re!i1ed la%o"t ma2imi9e1 the "1e o: the a!aila/le %ard 1<ace /% allocating a 1ingle /%<a11 lane to each <air o: loading lane1. Altho"gh it ;a1 arg"ed that additional 1<ace co"ld /e made a!aila/le /% eliminating /%<a11 lane1 altogether, the long, narro; con:ig"ration o: the Man9anillo terminal meant that /%<a11 lane1 are re>"ired to mo!e tra::ic e::icientl% :rom the entrance gate at the north to the e2it gate at the 1o"th. @1ing :e;er ;ider /%<a11 lane1 ha1 im<ro!ed the o<eration 1igni:icantl%, <artic"larl% in the ca1e o: o::(terminal tr"c81, ;hich had /een a major 1o"rce o: conge1tion in the terminal <re!io"1l%. ?he e2i1ting container crane1 at Man9anillo ha!e a :airl% narro; ga"ge, ma8ing it <o11i/le to /ring the 1tac8ing area clo1er to the ;har: area. ?o :"rther ma2imi9e the "1e o: a!aila/le 1<ace, the team determined that <ro!iding 1<ace :or t;o lane1 o: tra::ic /et;een the hatch co!er area and the :ir1t light <ole ;a1 1"::icient. ,?he :ir1t light <ole had to /e lo;ered to :it in the crane /ac8reach.#inall%, the re!i1ed la%o"t 1im<li:ie1 con1tr"ction o: container %ard "tilitie1. ?he high ma1t lighting and ca/le1 :or electri:ied r"//er(tired gantr% crane1 ,eC?D1- ,1ee /elo;- are <laced in a common d"ct /an8 corridor in the /ac8(to(/ac8 9one, ;hile 1torm drainage i1 <ro!ided in the /%<a11 area !ia a contin"o"1 longit"dinal trench drain. Con)truction .ha)ing$ @ntil the e2i1ting %ard at Berth1 12 and 13 %ard i1 rede!elo<ed to match the ne; area, not onl% ;ill C?D 1tac81 not line "<, /"t 1hi:ting machine1 :rom the old to the ne; %ard o:ten ;ill re>"ire the C?D to change it1 orientation, mo!ing the loading lane :rom the ea1t to the ;e1t, or !ice !er1a. ?hi1, in com/ination ;ith the :act that the mo!ement o: tr"c81 i1 al1o a::ected /% the re!er1ing load lane1, mean1 that the o<erator ;ant1 to <roceed ;ith the

rede!elo<ment o: the e2i1ting %ard a1 1oon a1 <o11i/le. Con!erting the e2i1ting Berth1 12 and 13 %ard to the ne; la%o"t ;ill /e challenging. At thi1 time, the ne; %ard ha1 /een com<leted and i1 in "1e. +a!ing the added 1<ace a!aila/le :or 1tac8ing allo;1 the o<erator ta8e limited 1ection1 o: the e2i1ting %ard o"t o: 1er!ice long eno"gh to com<lete the changeo!er. ?he <rinci<al e::ort at thi1 time i1 to relocate high ma1t light <ole1 to /ring them in line ;ith tho1e o: the ne; %ard and to <ro!ide electrical in:ra1tr"ct"re in the /ac8(to(/ac8 9one1 :or :"t"re C?D electri:ication. It had /een determined to lea!e the e2i1ting 1%1tem o: <a!er1, grade /eam1, and concrete r"n;a%1 in <lace :or the time /eing. ?he condition o: the <a!ement ;ill /e monitored and it ma% /e re<laced ;ith the ne; cr"1hed roc8 and <a!er 1%1tem a1 needed. RT, %L%CTRI"ICATION ?he /ac8(to(/ac8 C?D arrangement ;a1 im<lemented not onl% to ma2imi9e %ard 1<ace and im<ro!e tra::ic circ"lation, /"t al1o to accommodate the electri:ication o: the C?D :leet. It ;a1 determined earl% on that a /ac8(to(/ac8 con:ig"ration ;o"ld /e ad!antageo"1 /eca"1e electrical :eeder1 can /e common not onl% to t;o C?D line1 /"t to the high ma1t lighting. Electri:ication ;ill /e accom<li1hed /% :itting each machine ;ith a ca/le reel that ;ill la% ca/le on the e2i1ting <a!ement. ?o 8ee< the electri:ication a1 1im<le and co1t(e::ecti!e a1 <o11i/le, in1tead o: "1ing ca/le tra%1 or other ca/le g"idance 1%1tem1, the <lan incl"de1 an a/o!e(gro"nd <l"g connection /o2 located in the 1hado; o: the high ma1t light <ole and a com/ination ten1ion control /ollard and de!iator :"nnel to /ring the ca/le 1a:el% :rom the <l"g to the g"ide on the C?D. #ig"re 6 1ho;1 a 1chematic o: thi1 arrangement.

"igure 2$

eRT, plug and ca1ling la*out$

A1 1ho;n on #ig"re 6, the de!iator :"nnel a11"re1 that the ca/le i1 laid in the correct alignment and that allo;a/le /end radii and ten1ion1 are not e2ceeded. ?ra!eling =

a;a% :rom the :"nnel, the eC?D la%1 ca/le on the concrete <a!er /loc81 "ntil it reache1 a cro11 ai1le. At that <oint, /arrier1 :or the machine and additional ca/le de!iator1 /ring the ca/le1 into line and into a ca/le 1lot, allo;ing the eC?D to cro11 the ai1le ;itho"t "n<l"gging and re(<l"gging. A ITIONAL S&I.-TO-S&OR% CRAN%S

?o match the increa1e in thro"gh<"t ca<acit% the e2<anded container %ard <ro!ide1, the o;ner elected to <ro!ide t;o additional 1hi<(to(1hore container crane1 at Berth1 10 and 11. A1 ;ith crane1 <re!io"1l% /ro"ght to the terminal :rom Panama, the t;o ne; crane1 :or Berth1 10 and 11 ;ere relocated :rom other :acilitie1 B in thi1 ca1e, :rom 4ong Beach. Beca"1e o: the relati!el% "ncommon 1).=)(meter ,66(:oot- crane ga"ge at Man9anillo, <re!io"1 crane relocation1 had incor<orated 1tr"ct"ral modi:ication to change the crane1A ga"ge. +o;e!er, the 4ong Beach crane1 :or Berth1 10 and 11 had an e2i1ting ga"ge o: 30..' meter1 ,100 :eet-, and red"cing their ga"ge to 1).=) meter1 ,66 :eet- ;a1 not :ea1i/le. ?he de1ign team <ro<o1ed the con1tr"ction o: a ne; third crane rail /ehind the e2i1ting ;har: and the maintenance o: the c"rrent ga"ge o: the ne; crane1. $hile thi1 1ol"tion a<<eared o<erationall% and economicall% :ea1i/le, co"ld 1<ace /e made in the ne;l% recon:ig"red %ard :or a third rail 13.=2 meter1 ,.6 :eet- /ehind the e2i1ting land1ide railG ?he team al1o had to a11e11 the im<lication1 :or C?D o<eration, tra::ic :lo;, and high ma1t lighting. #ort"natel%, the increa1e o: 13.=2 meter1 ,.6 :eet- ;a1 a<<ro2imatel% e>"al to the 1<ace allocated :or hatch co!er la%do;n. ?here:ore, 1im<l% <lacing hatch co!er1 /et;een the leg1 o: the crane rather than in the /ac8reach <re1er!ed the /%<a11 lane1 neare1t the :ir1t light <ole ro;. A1 #ig"re ) 1ho;1, the re1"lting arrangement al1o 8e<t the contin"it% o: the loading lane1 on the ;har:, ;hich o: co"r1e had /een con:ig"red :or the 1).=)(meter ,66(:oot- ga"ge o: e2i1ting crane1 1 thro"gh ). ?he ne; rail i1 1"<<orted on a ca1t(in(<lace concrete crane /eam /earing on 1teel <ile1 in1talled at 3 meter1 ,&.' :eet- on(center. ?he de1ign incor<orate1 1tr"ct"ral tie1 con1i1ting o: rein:orced concrete grade /eam1 connecting the third rail /eam to the e2i1ting ;har: at reg"lar inter!al1. ?he1e tie /eam1 maintain a con1tant rail ga"ge and al1o 1er!e a1 drag 1tr"t1 to tran1mit inertial load1 to the e2i1ting ;har: in the e!ent o: an earth>"a8e. ?he third rail <roject al1o incor<orated ne; crane <in 1oc8et1 and tie(do;n1, ;hich ;ere aligned ;ith the e2i1ting ;ater1ide hard;are 1o a1 to eliminate the need :or additional retro:it or recon1tr"ction.


"igure 3$

,eneral arrangement o0 third rail and ne45exi)ting crane)$

CABL% SLOT R%LOCATION Celocating the e2i1ting crane <o;er ca/le 1lot :rom j"1t /ehind the land1ide crane rail to a <o1ition o"t1ide the ;ater1ide crane rail ;a1 al1o addre11ed d"ring the rede!elo<ment o: the terminal. ?he 1lotA1 original <o1ition, ;hich dated :rom con1tr"ction o: Berth 13 in 1&&1, ;a1 an ongoing maintenance concern B tr"c81 o:ten hit the 1lot a1 the% tran1ited to and :rom the ;har:. Altho"gh the 1lot ;a1 <ro!ided ;ith a :le2i/le co!er 1%1tem, it had deteriorated 1o m"ch that damage to the ca/le it1el: al1o ;a1 a concern. ?he team decided that relocating the 1lot to the ;har: :ace B ;hile di::ic"lt and <o11i/l% di1r"<ti!e B ;a1 the /e1t 1ol"tion. ?o create 1"::icient 1<ace :or the ca/le 1lot, the e2i1ting /ollard1 had to /e 1hi:ted clo1er to the :ace o: the ;har:. Hnce that had /een accom<li1hed, a do"/le 1lot ;a1 c"t into the e2i1ting non(1tr"ct"ral to<<ing to <ro!ide 1"::icient ;idth and de<th :or a total o: 1i2 ca/le1 at an% one location. ?he onl% e2ce<tion ;a1 at the e2i1ting Berth 12, ;here the demolition re>"ired to create the 1lot con:licted ;ith 1tr"ct"ral rein:orcement. In thi1 ca1e, the e2i1ting dec8 ;a1 rein:orced :rom /elo; <rior to c"tting the ne; 1lot. #ig"re = 1ho;1 the con:ig"ration o: the ;har:, incl"ding the /ollard1 and crane rail <oc8et, /oth /e:ore and a:ter the in1tallation o: the ne; ca/le 1lot. ?he ;or8 had to /e <ha1ed and coordinated care:"ll% ;ith o<eration1 1ta:: to limit do;n time.


"igure 6$

7ater)ide crane ca1le relocation detail$

CONCL!SIONS B% ;or8ing clo1el% ;ith o<eration1 1ta::, <roject de1igner1 and con1tr"ction manager1 ;ere a/le to <lan and im<lement terminal im<ro!ement1 that increa1ed the thro"gh<"t <otential o: the Man9anillo container terminal 1igni:icantl%. ?he o;ner too8 a long(term !ie; o: the im<ro!ement1, the terminal o<eration1 1ta:: and the de1ign and con1tr"ction management team ;ere a/le to demon1trate the /ene:it1 o: the rede!elo<ment ;or8, and thi1 team a<<roach made the <otential /ene:it1 a realit%. AC8NO7L% ,%M%NTS ?he a"thor1 ;i1h to e2<re11 their gratit"de to BergerABAM and SSA Marine :or their genero"1 1"<<ort o: the <re<aration o: thi1 <a<er. In <artic"lar, the a"thor1 ;o"ld li8e to than8 SSA Me2ico Cegional 3ice Pre1ident, Dene Smith, and SSA International Director o: Engineering, Cicardo Cheng. R%"%R%NC%S Comi1ion #ederal de Electricidad. ,2001-. Man"al de Di1eno de H/ra1 Ci!ile1, Di1eno <or Si1mo. MI2ico, D.#. 2001.


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