Evils Origins and Evils End - Kathleen Flake
Evils Origins and Evils End - Kathleen Flake
Evils Origins and Evils End - Kathleen Flake
INTRODUCTION T HAS BEEN SAID THAT THE REASON WE ARE SO interested in the origin of evil is that we are trylng to figure out how to end it. We ask "What causes evil?" and "Why is there evil?"so that we can figure out how to make it go away When Latter-day Saints ask such questions, we tend to turn to 2 Nephi 2 for answers, especially Lehi's statement that "there is an opposition in all things" (2 Ne. 2:ll). This is the phrase that many Sunday School teachers have used to make the point that without evil there would be no good, and since we need good, we have to put up with evil. In short, evil originates as part of the plan to enable us to choose good. This reasoning is at best a slippery slope, though we seldom have to admit the downward slide. Sunday School class is over too quickly, and not until later, in the personal experience of evil, do we find ourselves sprawled in a ditch, wondering how a benevolent God could be responsible for the evil that has come upon us. Only then do we rage: how can this be necessary, much less constructive of what I am to become? Today, having a bit more time than in a Sunday School lesson, I want to consider three questions. What is the origin of evil? What is the nature of evil? And how will evil be put to an end? I introduce my remarks with two caveats. First, these are hopelessly deep questions, and I don't presume to be able to make definitive statements in answer to them. I can only offer a few thoughts that have come to me as a result of time spent in the above-mentioned ditch. Second, my remarks are based almost exclusively on scriptural text, and, therefore, 1 have a problem that I admit at the onset: these texts are extremely androcentric. For some, that does not pose a problem;
KATHLEEN FLAKE is a Ph.D. candidate in the history o f religion at the University of Chicago.
you will be able to identify easily with the narratives and what I say about them. Others will find these texts ironically exemplary of an evil that oppresses them day and night. This will challenge your capacity to trust both these narratives and what I argue they teach us about evil. Therefore, I ask you-especially those who find "oppressive patriarchy" a redundancyto "willingly suspend" your disbelief (as Coleridge says) in order to receive what these texts have to teach us. You will need to do so to determine if something of worth is in what these stories have to say notwithstanding that not one single woman or, for that matter, person of color is among their heroes. I know that is a lot to ask. I like Alma's invitation in such matters: "awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words . . ." (Alma 32:27). I prefer his invitation to Coleridge's phrase because it admits the importance of retaining one's critical faculties and experimental-or "experiential"-capacities to judge among competing truth claims; or, in this case, to ascertain the possible existence of a righteous patriarchy and an evil imitation thereof. So, let us turn to the texts.
EVIL5 ORIGIN Joseph Smith's addition to Genesis reveals that God is not the creator of evil.
CLOSER look at Lehi's sermon on agency-without the expectation of finding in it traditional Christian notions of "original sinv-reveals that to Lehi the existence of "opposition in all things" is good. It is what prevents us from "remainling] as dead . . ." (2 Ne. 2 : l l ) . If, he says, things were not "a compound in one" but, instead one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death . . . it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been
no purpose in the end of its the intent of the traditional Christian creation. Wherefore, this thing account of the Fall "is to set up a radical must needs destroy the origin of evil distinct from the more priwisdom of God and his eternal mordial orign of the goodnessLof thingsv2In contrast,Joseph Smith's adpurposes, and also the power, SUCH AS GENESISand the mercy, and the justice dition of the Council in Heaven to the of God." (2 Ne.2: 11-12) traditional Genesis narrative teaches TELL US WHO WE NOW In other words, without such opposithat the option of evil existed, as did tion in all things, God could not bring we, primordially-prior to earthly creto pass the immortality and eternal life ation. The Book of Abraham speaks ARE AND W H O M WE of his children; God could not make us more obliquely, but to the same point like God and, therefore, would cease to and more broadly applied. "Whom M A V BECOME. be what we understand a god is. Thus, shall I send?" God asks, "And one anthat we and everything else are necesswered like unto the Son of Man. . . . sarily "a compound in one" is not how And another answered. . . . And the evil orignates. Rather, it is a source of Lord said; I will send the first. And the life, even the potential for divine life in us. This is strong docsecond was angry and kept not his first estate; and, at that day, trine, but no stronger than that found in Doctrine and many followed after him." (Abr. 3:27-28.) Thus beginning hisCovenants 93, which teaches that each of us was "also in the tory with the events of the Council of Heaven establishes in begnning with God. [As] Intelligence, or the light of truth, LDS theology that evil no more originates than good originates; [which] was not created or made, neither indeed can be. . . . they are always potential to the act, as choice, of the uncreated [And therefore each is] independent in that sphere in which person. In the words of Sterling McMumn, for Latter-day Saints, "[mloral evil . . . exists not because of God, but in spite God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; 0thenvise there is no existence. Behold here is the agency of of him and notwithstanding his struggle to destroy it."3 man. . . ." (DQC 93:29-31.) Thus, Latter-day Saint theology We see this abstract theological statement brought to life in places the highest possible premium on agency It is the source Enoch's question to God: "How is it that the heavens weep, of our progressive capacity; to lose it would be to die or to be and shed forth their tears as the rain upon the mountains? . . . damned. We can see this in the first story God tells us about How is it that thou canst weep, seeing thou art holy, and from ourselves. all eternity to all eternity?" (Moses 7:28-29.) This suffering, First stories are very important. They are the ones we go weeping god of Mormonism is not the man Jesus upon the back to again and again to understand the present and to envicross. He is the eternal god of heaven and earth who cries for sion future possibilities. Consider where you choose to begin his antediluvian children, bound by Satan who "had a great to tell the tale of life. Do you begin at your birth? Maybe. More chain in his hand and it veiled the whole face of the earth with likely, you start your story more purposefully with begnning darkness; and he looked up and laughed, and his angels reschool, going on a mission, getting mamed, birthing a child, joiced"-and God wept (Moses 7:26). What is this evil that or converting to a church. You may find begnnings in reverexists "in spite of [God] and notwithstanding his struggle to destroy it"? sals of each of these experiences as well. Beginnings of histories are not a given. They are a function of malang meaning out of the past to explain the present and to construct a future. A DEFINITION OF EVIL In Latter-day Saint scripture, God begins the narrative of our LuciJererS great lie is that the object of existence history by telling Moses of a meeting prior to the creation of is to gain power over others. this world. The first words spoken in this first story are: "Behold, here am I, send me. I will be thy son, and I will reN their face, the words that make Lucifer into Satan deem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I do not appear to us particularly objectionable: will do it. . ." (Moses 4:1).l "Behold, here am I, send me. I will be thy son, and I You recognize these strong words, no doubt. They are will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and spoken by Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, or Satan, he who surely I will do it. . . ." (Moses 4:l.) Isn't this what God should was cast down and out of God's presence because he said these have wanted? Maybe the sweet reasonableness of Lucifer's words. They stand in powerful contrast to the first event and words make it necessary for the narrative to expressly stipulate first words in traditional Christianity5 cosmic history: "Let the reasons why God rejected Lucifer's alternative: "Wherefore, there be light . . ." says God over a perfect creation, into which because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy evil has yet to appear and, when it does, comes as a result of the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and human action (Gen. 1:l). Consequently, for the rest of the also, that I should gve unto him mine own power; by the Christian world, God has power on earth over evil because evil power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast is subordinate to-or comes after and independent of-God's down; And he became Satan, yea, . . . the father of all lies . . ." fundamentally good creation. As stated by one philosopher, Moses 4:3). Thus, Lucifer's plan came after and in contradic-
tion to the presentation by God of his love and follow him by imitation, not own plan. This Son of the Morning had force. We see it in the Holy Spirit's become rebellious, ambitious, and de"filling," not "possessing,"us. structive. But, just what was so threatIn-sum, what makes Lucifer's plan ening about him and his offer that it definitive of evil? As I read the text, WAS INHERENTLY galvanized all present into conflict and there are two problems. First, Lucifer resulted in Lucifer's being damned? I wanted a monopoly on Gods honor DESTRUCTIVE OF OTHERS, would argue that Lucifer's action creand glory, but God wanted all to share ated a unique crisis because it threatin his glory-to be 'tjoint heirs." IWCLUDINQ GOD Second, Lucifer intended to accomened the life of all present, even God. Lucifer sought his father's powerplish his plan by means of compulGod's "own powern-by destroyng its sion-which was inherently destrucHIMSELF; ULTIMATELY, source, and in doing so, he threatened tive of others, including God himself. the life of all present, even God. To redeem by force is an impossibility, Remember, the first chapter of the and, hence, Lucifer's offer was a lie. We I T WOULD HAVE Joseph Smith Translation has already are made independent in that sphere in explained that "bringing to pass" which God has placed us. To lose that eternal life is not only God's "work but ENDED LIFE ITSELF. agency would be to lose that sphere of also his "glory," or power (Moses 1:39). life to which we had progressed; it is to Thus, because Lucifer's plan would be damned. Lucifer's plan was antithethave destroyed human agency-the ical to God's plan, which was designed source of our progressive capacity-it would have also deto endow us with the quality of his own life. Lucifer's order was stroyed Go& power. Here is where Lehi's words are relevant: an anti-order. It was designed to take life. The story of the serall things must needs be a compound in one; wherepent in the Garden illustrates this point. Thus, the snake serves fore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as as the transition figure in the narrative's turn from the events at dead, having no life neither death. . . . it must needs the Council to those of the Garden: "Satan put it into the heart have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore of the serpent, (for he had drawn many away after him,) and there would have been no purpose in the end of its he sought also to beguile Eve,for he knew not the mind o f God, creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy wherefore he sought to destroy the world" (see Moses 4:6, the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also emph. added). Here, to Satan's grandiosity and malevolence is the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God. (2 added the additional problem of ignorance, e.g., he knows not Ne. 2: 11-12) "the mind of God." In the JST, Satan is not only displayng malice but also a fundamental misunderstanding about the Lucifer's plan to be "the one" was ultimately an attempt at regicide, even patricide, at unraveling the order by which life is enway life works when he says, consistent with the King James gendered. For this evil, he is cast out of God's presence. Version: "Ye shall not surely die . . . ye shall be as gods, In the Council in Heaven narrative, then, we are gven the knowing good and evil" (Moses 4:lO-11). With the benefit of two definitive characteristics of evil that take it beyond the juthe Council narrative, we see that Satan's approach has not ridical notion of sin or of a transgression of law. First, evil seeks changed. As spoken by the serpent, the object of existence is to destroy the power of others. Second, it does so for the purpower, to "be as gods." Moreover, he continues to advance his pose of augmenting its own power. In the words of Cain, who will by deception. Of course, Adam and Eve would "die" later accepts Lucifer's plan, evil is the conviction that "I may through partaking of the fruit, but just as significantly, this was murder and get gain" (Moses 5:31)-or, that I may empower not the way to know good from evil. Such knowledge would come only by their experience. And, finally, the knowledge of myself by destroyng others. This is what makes evil the opposite of order as defined by who God is. As discussed, Lucifer's good and evil is not the means of becoming "as gods." Rather, plan was an evil one because it attacks what makes God what it is the knowledge of God that makes one like God, as the he is, a parent. We call God "father" because he is defined by Savior says: "This is life eternal that they might know thee the his capacity to engender the quality of his own life in others only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent" (John through the operation of their agency This order of being by 17:3). Indeed, their transgression distanced them from this which life is engendered is exemplified by the Only Begotten knowledge. Satan is, as God says in the Council narrative, "the of the Father and, thus, it bears his name: "the Holy father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God" (D&C 107:3). captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto The true attributes of this order are set out in section 121, and my voice" (Moses 4:4). its promise includes "thy dominion shall be an everlasting doCain however believed Satan. His first words in the narraminion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee tive are "Who is the Lord, that I should know him?" (JST Gen. forever and ever" (D&C 121:46). We see this principle of non5:4; Moses 5:6). Even Cain's offering to the Lord of the first compulsory dominion in Christ's asking that we obey out of fruits of his field is a response to Satan's command. When the
Lord rejects this offering and accepts tion of the antidiluvians, we see the Abel's, Cain is "very wroth notes the classic characteristics of evil: a SatanVIL LIES I N KJV,and the JST adds: "Now Satan knew inspired administration of death for the this, and it pleased him" (JST Gen. 5: 8; purpose of obtaining power that makes Moses 5:21). The addition of the charchaos out of God's order. Of them, God THE OPPOSITION acter of Satan to this story is charactersays: "among all the workmanship of istic of Joseph Smith's translation of m i hands there has not been so great AMONG AND BETWEEN Genesis. Moses, too, encounters the wickedness. . . . [They do not] choose devil, as does Enoch. In each instance me their Father. But, 'behold, they are without affection, and they hate their in which he appears, the character of PEOPLE, I N THE WILL Satan is a foil who offers his own and own blood. . . .[Therefore] Satan shall opposite covenant in direct imitation of be their father . . . and the whole God's. Joseph adds eight verses where TO POWER "OVER," heavens shall weep over them. . . . " the KJV suffices with one reference to (Moses 7: 36, 33, 37.) As you know, "Father" Satan will be so successful in Cain's killing Abel. These new verses NOT POWER ON provide motive for the crime. Cain, we replacing the order of Father God with are told, "listened not any more to the his own anti-order that God will have voice of the Lord and "loved Satan to start his plan over again with Noah "BEHALF OFn more than G o d (JST Gen. 5:13, 11; and his family But first, God calls Moses 5:26, 18) As a consequence, Enoch, Noah's grandfather, to attempt ANOTHER. Satan invites Cain to enter into a secret to reestablish a righteous order. Enoch's covenant "that he would do according story is the largest single addition (128 to [Satan's] commands" in exchange for verses) that Joseph Smith makes to the "this great secret, that I [says Cain] may King James Version; it constitutes the most complete answer in all of scripture to our third question: murder and get gain. . . . and he gloried in his wickedness." (JST Gen. 5:14, 16; Moses 5:30, 31.) This is Lucifer's great lie How can evil be brought to an end. that he spoke in the Council, in the Garden, and now in the EVIL5 END field to Cain: that the object of existence is power over others and that this is "gain" and autonomy, even freedom. This is the The uncoerced choice of God and the return ofgoodfor evil. lie that stands in opposition to truth, the knowing of which "will make you free," according to Jesus Uohn 8:32). The conNE way to use the story of Enoch to answer our questrast is gven voice when Cain exults over the body of his tion is to talk about the attributes of Zion. As you brother, Abel: "I am free; surely the flocks of my brother falleth know, Enoch "built a city that was called the City of into my hands" (JST Gen. 5:18; Moses 5:33). Holiness, even ZION" (JST Gen. 7:2; Moses 7:19). The people The exiled Cain will teach his secrets to certain of his chilwere also called Zion "because they were of one heart and of dren, and they, too, will enter into a covenant with Satan. one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor "[Alnd their works were abominations, and began to spread among them" (Moses 7:18). In short, the story of Enoch tells of among all the sons of men" (JST Gen. 5:39; Moses 5:52). Thus, a community that experienced the end of evil: no one atin Latter-day Saint theology, Adam and Eve introduce death tempted personal gain at another's expense. Not only did into God's creation, and Cain introduces evil. While the potenEnoch's people banish evil from their own relations, but also tial for evil is coexistent with existence itself, Cain makes the they could protect themselves from the evil of others: potential real in this world when he chooses Lucifer's plan. The all nations feared [Zion] greatly, so powerful was the contest between order and anti-order, between priesthood and word of Enoch, and so great was the power of the language priestcraft, between those who would be fathers and those which God had given him. . . . [And] so great was the who would be rulers, between engendering life and talung fear of the enemies of the people of God, that they life-this contest is one of the greatest themes in all of scripfled and stood afar off and went upon the land which ture. Ether explains the destruction of the Jaredite nation in came up out of the depth of the sea. And the giants of these terms. He writes: "there arose a rebellion among the the land, also, stood afar off. . . . but the Lord came people, because of that secret combination which was built up and dwelt with his people." (Moses 7:13-16, emphasis added) to get power and gain . . ." (Ether 11:15). Mormon, too, tells a similar story in his description of the role of the Gadiantons in Notice that the citizens of Zion did not destroy their enemies. the destruction of his people (Heb. 7: 18-21). And we are told They were able to cast evil out of their midst and cause their that also in Enoch's day, "Satan had great dominion among enemies to flee and stand afar off, even cast them out as God men, and raged in their hearts . . . and a man's hand was had done Satan. What was this power that enabled them to do against his own brother, in administering death, because of seso? What was this word of Enoch and the "power of language cret works, seeking for power" (Moses 6:15). In this descripwhich God had given" his people that their enemies stood afar
off? This is where I would like to focus Loolung at the record more closely, our attention, though there is much else we see that Enoch spoke these words in the narrative that also deserves it. by right obtained by grace, by his "right This is a part of the JST text we seldom to [God's] throne" which God had emphasize but which contains the most given him. God's order operates upon AND THE MEANS OF specific instruction in the means by the principle of empowering persons which evil ends. Here is where God anon earth with rights to access the THE END OF EVIL swers Enoch's question: "How is it that powers of heaven (DQC 121:36). We thou canst weep, seeing thou art holy, are told many are called to receive these and from all eternity to all eternity?" rights, but few are chosen because they I S BASED UPON THE (Moses 7:29). do not understand that these earthly After Enoch asks this first question, rights are inseparable from heavenly UNCOERCED DESIRES he is shown the Flood and the prison held powers. Instead, they aspire to prepared for these followers of Lucifer's earthly powers by claiming heavenly plan. In contrast to his initial shock that rights. They seek gain at the expense of OF THOSE WHO CHOOSE the Lord would mourn such as these, the agency of others. They gratify pride Enoch now "refuseIs] to be comforted" or ambition and hide their sin. They (v. 44) and obtains a promise from God have their version of Cain's claim: GOD AND RETURN that the earth will never be covered by "Truly I am Mahan, the master of this flood again and a righteous remnant great secret . . ." (Moses 5:31). In conGOOD FOR EVIL. would remain. The record states: "the trast to the many, Enoch exercises Lord could not withhold; and he earthly rights to heavenly powers to encovenanted with Enoch, and sware unto sure the operation of those powers to him with an oath, that he would stay benefit, even redeem, others. He enthe floods; that he would call upon the children of Noah . . ." sures God's life-giving influence in the world by desiring it to and that he would preserve a righteous remnant of Enoch's be so and exercising his God-given priestlylpatriarchal rights to engender life in others. Again, the Lord cannot withhold and seed on the earth (Moses 7:51-52). Here we see Enoch the father obtaining a blessing on behalf of his posterity It is not swears an oath that he will return when chaos again "in the enough that his island of peace called Zion would escape the days of wickedness and vengeance" threatens to destroy the chaos. The earth who remains mourning over the wickedness plan of salvation. He will come, he says, "to fulfil the oath of her children cannot be abandoned. This would thwart God's which I have made to you," Enoch (Moses 7:60). In the latter plan to give life to his children. Rather, in some way the rightdays, there shall be "great tribulations . . . but my people will I eous power, which had accomplished God's plan in what we preserve; and righteousness will I send down out of heaven; call the City of Enoch and cast out evil, must remain to give and truth will I send forth out of the earth . . . to gather out the earth her rest in glory. No doubt Enoch thought this initial mine elect" (Moses 7:61-62). Unlike the workings of Satan's covenant would solve the problem of evil. The vision conanti-order, this is no secret. Moreover, it is a gathering, not a tinued, however, and revealed that murder-for-gain would triforced march. Remember, God's dominion flows to him umph again. This time, Enoch saw the Messiah put to death without compulsory means. He saves by empowering others and realized that "mother" earth still would not rest. And with his own powers, not by stripping them of their own. In "again Enoch wept and cried unto the Lord," obtaining a this story of Enoch's wrestling with God to obtain blessings for second promise: the rest of the human family, we see a complete pattern of what for asmuch as thou art God, and I know thee, and appears partial in other narratives: Adam, Noah, Jacob, Nephi, thou has sworn unto me, and commanded me that I Enos, and of course even Jesus, as evidenced in John 17. This is should ask in the name of thine Only Begotten; thou God's order, and it is the means of the end of evil. It engenders has made me, and given unto me a right to thy throne, life, not death. Its power over others is based upon the uncoand not of myself, but through thine own grace; erced desires of those who choose God to be their father and wherefore I ask thee if thou wilt not come again on the return good for evil, thereby banishing evil and ensuring the earth? (Moses 7:59, emphasis added) success of God's plan to bring to pass immortality and eternal Enoch is not merely asking for information when he asks this life. question. And this is one of the most powerful messages of Joseph Smith's revelatory reworhng of the Genesis narrative CONCLUSION and the answer, I think, to the power of Enoch and his peoples' language. God heard the words of Enoch's mouth and HUS, evil lies in the opposition among and between was bound by covenant to respond. It would be in his own us; not in Lehi's doctrine of the "opposition in" us, way and in his own time, but God would act in response to which makes us a compound in one, makes us alive. Enoch's words. Evil lives in the will to power "over," not power on "behalf of,"
another. Evil will end when we banish it by no longer desiring it and obtain by covenant access to heavenly power to cast it out from among us. Meanwhile, we can know that God has the power to heal us from the effects of the evil that is done to us, if we do not fight fire with fire. As was said to another who would yet suffer physical death at the hands of evil doers: "Hold on thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass. Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do. . . ." (D&c 122:9.) I believe this is what is meant when we are assured that the wisdom of the Lord is greater than the cunning of the devil. This is the moral of our first story as given in the Council of Heaven narrative
and played out in the rest of our history. God cannot destroy the will to evil without ceasing to be who he is. He is who he is (he is God), however, because of his power to save and to heal and his power to engender in us the power to cast evil out of our midst. D NOTES
1. The Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price is the pan of the Joseph s canonized as LDS scripture. Smith Translation LIST] that i 2. Paul Ricoeur. Symbolism of Evil (Boston: Beacon Press, 19671,233. 3. Sterling M. McMurrin, The Theological Foundations of the Mormon Religion (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 1965). 99.
for Linda Sillitoe
Last night, wandering through my childhood farmhouse, I found a whole wing undiscovered, unthought, unused. Recurring over years, this dream opens with light I must squint to endure, a multitude of windows, light slanting down comdors, across expansive halls. Stirred by wandering, I find more than I left,
I find doors, bathed in light, all white with glass knobs. Where they might lead, a quickening in my chest.
I awaken slowly, pulling apart the breastbone of night, trylng to reconstruct the house, knowing more than I dare express.