Ciara Lemaster Case Study Make-Up Clinical Assignment
Ciara Lemaster Case Study Make-Up Clinical Assignment
Ciara Lemaster Case Study Make-Up Clinical Assignment
Gastrointestinal Disorders 1.Obesity, Family Hx of colon cancer, 30 yr heavy smoker, recurrent severe abdominal cramping .Family history of colon cancer! dad and brother 3."evere abdominal cramping, #ebound tenderness $$%, &lood streaked stool '.(iverticulitis is small, bulging sacs or pouches of the inner lining of the intestine )diverticulosis* that become inflamed or infected. +ost often, these pouches are in the large intestine )colon*. ,ntreated could cause abnormal connections that form bet-een different parts of the colon or bet-een the colon and another body area )fistula* and Hole or tear in the colon )perforation*. ..#est in bed and possibly use a heating pad on your belly, (rink only fluids for a day or t-o, and then slo-ly begin drinking thicker li/uids and then eating foods, Offer to help change positions to 0mprove comfort, and Offer pillo- to use for splinting the abdomen 1.2nticholinergics: 3hese medicines treat abdominal spasms or cramps by slo-ing do-n the activity of your stomach and intestines. "pasms are caused by muscles that tighten and s/uee4e and may cause pain. 5.Fiber or vitamin supplements, "tool softeners, 2nalgesics, 2nticholinergics, or 2ntispasmodics 6.8. 2sk patient about past and present alcohol use. 7ducate to avoid alcoholic beverages -hile taking this medication and for at least 1 day )3 days if you are taking the oral capsules* after finishing this medicine because drinking alcohol may result in severe stomach upset8cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache and flushing. 9.9. (isulfiram is used to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction, and it blocks the alcohol oxidation in the body and creates very unpleasant symptoms. 2 disulfiram reaction causes serious side
effects and some can be life:threatening if not clinically managed and controlled. 10. !.;et emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction! hives< difficulty breathing< s-elling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. 3he most serious adverse reactions reported in patients treated -ith Flagyl )metronida4ole* have been convulsive sei4ures,aseptic meningitis, optic and numbness of an extremity. 11. . &efore taking 2moxicillin, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it< or to penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics, your medical history, especially of kidney disease, a certain type of viral infection )infectious mononucleosis*. 1 . ". 7ducate pt if notices any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction including! rash, itching8s-elling )especially of the face8tongue8throat*, severe di44iness, trouble breathing. 13. #. 0f history of =>? allergic reaction hold antibiotic and notify doctor to change antibiotic to prevent an allergic reaction. 1'. $. 3o prevent further constipation advise pt to use stool softeners per order, along -ith diet changes including! (rink lots of -ater throughout the day : about 6 glasses, 0ncrease your dietary fiber as it helps retain -ater in the stools, $imit or avoid sugar and processed foods as much as possible, >heyour food -ell and eat regular small meals throughout the day, and 2void big meals once daily. 1.. %. 3o prevent recurrent diverticulitis the pt should! 2@O0( "3#7"" this has been proven to cause flareups. 3he pt stated having an emotional stressful Aob. 2lso avoid the past alcohol and tobacco use. 3he pt should increase the fiber in the diet, as -ell as, stay a-ay from foods containing seeds. His diet stated in the history has several contraindications to the proper diet of a pt -ith diverticulitis. =t has a strong family history of colon cancer and should attend annual screening due to blood in stool and family history.