Spacecraft Formation Flying Control
Spacecraft Formation Flying Control
Spacecraft Formation Flying Control
Abstract: Distributed spacecraft formation flying (DSFF) is a new technology in space mission design, aiming at replacing large satellites with multiple small satellites. It requires stringent control of the relative positioning of micro-satellites inside a formation flying. In this paper, the regulation of the relative distance between two satellites in a leader-follower formation is suggested, which implies a non natural motion of the follower. The system behaviour is described by the well known linear model for the relative motion between two satellites: the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire (HCW) equations. Then a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) is developed in order to guarantee closed-loop stability of the formation; an integral-action controller improves the regulation and eliminates the steady-state error. Then illustrative numerical examples are simulated to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach. Key-words: satellite formation flying, LQR control, linear state observer
1. Introduction
Since the first launch in the 1950s, satellites have proliferated in our sky for the purpose of Earth observing, deep space exploring, military surveillance, commercial and military communication, weather prediction etc. But conventional monolithic satellites still have some deficiencies[2,3,6]: High cost, directly related to its size and weight: the larger the satellite is, the larger and more costly the required launch vehicle is. Non-flexibility: one satellite on a fixed orbit matches with only one fixed mission with a limited observing baseline. Bad redundancy: in case a failure occurs, the entire mission fails. As a response to those deficiencies, an innovating technology has recently emerged. Distributed spacecraft formation flying (DSFF), to distribute the functionality of conventional monolithic satellites among a formation flying of numerous micro-satellites working together. Thus a large amount of advantages are provided: Size reduction naturally leads to cost reductions. According to different missions or error conditions, the formation of the multiple satellites can be changed autonomously or manually, which grants more flexibility and a
more efficient use of resources. Extensive co-observing programs can be conducted without using extensive ground support: in the leader-follower architecture, only the leader satellite communicates with the ground station all the time, while the followers communicate only if necessary. Increased precision and observational baseline. Enhanced survivability and increased reliability: even if a certain number of satellites in the formation fail, the mission may still be accomplished. On one hand, the DSFF technology grants flexibility, reliability and autonomy to the formation. On the other hand, it requires a fastidious control of the architecture of the formation. Indeed, a good communication between the satellites inside the flying formation is incontrovertible. It means that the exact position of each satellite must be known at any time. Moreover, the very high density of satellites in a small area also requires a stringent control of relative distances between satellites in order to avoid collisions. In this paper, the regulation of the relative distance between a leader satellite and its follower using the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) synthesis is performed. Before proceeding to the development of that
6th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS,CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING, Cairo, Egypt, Dec 29-31, 2007
controller, we shall briefly establish the model of spacecraft relative position dynamics.