Debt Settlement
Debt Settlement
Debt Settlement
Debt Settlement The next method for dealing with debt is known as debt settlement, or also called debt negotiation. In the simplest terms, a debt settlement company works with a debtor to help negotiate a settlement with the credit card companies for less than the full amount owed usually around 50 percent of the original amount. Although this may result in a reduction of monthly payments and an o erall lower balance, anyone using this method will still pay back a significant portion of his or her debts. There are some benefits to this approach for those struggling to make credit card or other unsecured debt payments! 5 Benefits of debt settlement (or credit card debt settlement) ". Avoid bankruptcy! #ith debt settlements, you can reduce your debt burden and pay off bills at a monthly payment that is usually lower than you are currently paying. The debt settlement company will negotiate with the creditors or collection agency $%A& and offer to settle your debts for as much as you can afford to pay. Thus, you don't need to file %hapter ( or %hapter ") bankruptcy if you can afford to make some sort of monthly payment towards your debts. *. Single payment! Instead of paying multiple bills each month, you'll ha e to make a single monthly payment to the settlement company. The monthly payments are accumulated in a trust account in order to be paid to your creditors+%A after negotiation. ,o, you can a oid the stress of paying debts at different rates and dealing with se eral creditors at a time. ). Avoid unfair collection practices! -ou can a oid unfair collection practices and harassment by debt collectors if you negotiate a settlement. .. Eliminate extra charges! The settlement company can try and eliminate late payment fees, if any. Any o er/the/limit fees on credit cards can also be minimi0ed or eliminated by way of settlement. 5. Get out of debt uicker! In a settlement arrangement, you may be able to get out of debt in three to fi e years if you keep your payments current. 1owe er, there is a dark side to debt settlement. 2any of these negotiated amounts will appear on your credit report as a settled debt rather than paid in full. A settled debt is a black mark on a credit report and will pull your score down for years. At the time of settlement, if you fail to get a written statement from the creditor that you no longer owe anything on the debt, they may sell the remainder to another collection agency. In addition, any sa ings are reportable to the Internal 3e enue ,er ice $I3,& as forgi en debt, which is considered a form of income. %ollection agencies and creditors are re4uired to submit a 5orm "066/% to the I3, to report any