Over Population
Over Population
Over Population
What is Population? In human biology, the whole numbers of residents take up an area (such as a country or the world) and frequently being changed by increases (births and migrations) and losses (deaths and migrations). What is Over Population?
The term Over Population or Population Explosion is used to express the idea of more population for fewer resources.
Population Situation in Pakistan: According to the economic survey of Pakistan 2010-11, the total population of Pakistan is 177.1 million against the 173.5 million in last year. Population growth rate is 2.1 % and in the list of most populous countries, Pakistan is at 6 th number.
CAUSES OF OVER POPULATION Following are the main causes of over population in Pakistan:
1. ALLAH is RAZIQ:-Muslims have a solid belief that God gives food to everyone even to an
ant living in a stone. So, why they reduce the size of family? 2. No or Less Opportunity Cost:-71 % Women are not active in economic activities in Pakistan. Women have no any economic loss while having a childe. Opportunity cost for having a childe is very low or zero in Pakistan.
3. Low Per Capita Income:-We know that per capita income derives by dividing national
income on total population. Low per capita income shows population explosion. Per capita income in Pakistan is $ 1254.
5. High Population Growth Rate:-The birth rate is very high which shows that our country is
over populated. Rapid growth rate of population is 2.1 % in Pakistan.
6. Need for More Earning Hands:-A single person cannot sport his large family in developing
countries like Pakistan. He thinks to have more children to be more earning hands.
7. Afghan Refugees:-An arrival of refugees from India and especially from Afghanistan is also
resulting in more population.
8. Low Death Rate:-Reduction in death rate is another cause of over population. Death rate in
1951 was 2.8 % while it is just 0.73 % in 2010-11.
9. Low Standard of Living:-It is observed that in Pakistan people with low income have more
children. It is difficult to support such large size family. It results in low living standard of the population.
10. Warm Climate:-Due to the warm climate, youth and maturity is attained at an early age. It
also results in rapid population growth.
11. Absence of Family Planning:-Effective family planning is not available in Pakistan. People
are not familiar with the methods of family planning. They feel hesitation to consult a doctor.
12. Joint Family System:-There is competition among the family member in accordance with
the family size in joint family system. It is also a cause for rapid growth of children.
13. Early Marriages:-The marriages take place usually between 16 to 22 years of age in
Pakistan. The duration for re-productivity is very lengthy.
14. Illiteracy:-Due to lack of education, people are not aware of with the economic problems
caused by high birth rate. Literacy rate is 57.7 % in Pakistan.
15. Inefficient Population:-Dependency ratio is very high in our county. Only 32.17 %
population take part in economic activities and other 67.83 % depends upon them. It views as a pressure on land and population expulsion.
16. Polygamy Practice:-Polygamy is the condition or practice of having more than one wife at
one time. The existence of polygamy also contributes to the increase in population.
17. Urbanization:-Due to rural urban migration and lack of facilities in cities, there are many
social problems. It results in increase in urban population. Higher rate of urbanization is an indicator of over population.
18. Low Saving & Investment:-The rate of saving and investment of GDP are only 9.5% and
13.4% respectively in Pakistan. Rate of investment and employment is also very low due to low rate of savings. So these indicate that Pakistan is over populated.
19. Poor Nutrition:-People in Pakistan get poor diet, which affects the health and working capacity. It reduces the per capita income, which is a sign of population explosion. 20. Concept of Large Family:-Large family size is considered as a source of power to
influence people and to control the persons around them. People feel pride to have a large family.
21. Vicious Circle of Poverty:-Very high population growth rate reduces the per capita income,
saving, investment and productivity. A country is thus caught up in vicious circle of poverty. Vicious circle of poverty is also a symbol of over population.
22. Universality of Marriage:-All men and women of marriageable age enter into wedlock. As
such the birth rate is higher in Pakistan.
1. Low Per Capital Income:-The population growth reduces per capita income of the people
because national income is divided by a big size of population. Per capital income of Pakistan is $ 1254 during 2010-11.
4. Low Saving and Low Investment:-The rapidly increasing population increases the
expenditure of government. It reduces the saving and investment. Low level of saving & investment means economic backwardness. Domestic savings are 9.5% of GDP and total investment is 13.4% of GDP during 2010-11.
5. High Rate of Inflation:-There is more demand for goods due to more population. More
demand results in more prices and inflation in the country. Rate of inflation is 14.1 % in Pakistan.
6. Pollution:-There is not any effective system to control the pollution. Capitalists install
industries with billion dollars of resources but do not install treatment plants of million rupees. The rapid growth of population creates pollution, unplanned colonies and environment problems.
7. Backward Social Infrastructure :-Rapidly growing population creates economic and social
problems such as housing, education, health, transport, water, power etc.
8. Vicious Circle of Poverty:-Very high rate of population growth lowers the per capita
income, which caused in low saving and low investment that result in low rate of capital formation. All this forms the vicious circle of poverty.
9. Low Living Standard:-Rising population cannot be provided the basic facilities of life in
developing countries like Pakistan. So, rising population means low living standard. About 21 % population is living below poverty line.
10. Adverse Balance of Payment:-Over populated nation has to import various items to
support a huge population. On the other hand their export decreases. Due to over population our balance of payment is unfavourable in case of Pakistan. At present value of deficit in balance of payment is $ 8.3 billion.
11. Reduction in Wage Rate:-High growth rate of population is caused in more labour force
and unemployment. There is absence of skill and training that leads to low wage rate.
MEASURES TO CONTROL OVER POPULATION Following measures are suggested by the people and experts to check the rapidly raising population:
1. Control the Birth Rate:-The high birth rate i. e., 2.1% should be discouraged to reduce the
population size. Effective and successful family planning should be introduced.
3. Late Marriages:-Marriages should take place in late age to control the rapidly rising
population. It will be helpful to control the over population.
4. Health Centers:-Government should open the health clinics in all the regions of the country.
These clinics will be useful for reducing the high birth rate.
5. High Literacy Rate:-Government should provide the more educational facilities to the
backward population. This will provide the true picture of the economy, resources and population growth rate. Literacy rate is 57.7% in Pakistan.
9. Provision of Credit Facilities :-Government should provide the easy credit facilities to
population to adjust the existing population in economic activities. It will lead to reduce the population explosion.
10. Growth of Small Scale and Cottage Industries :-Growth and development of small-scale
and cottage industries is also necessary to reduce the pressure on land. It will provide more jobs to men and also to women.
Conclusion: - High growth rate of population creates unfavourable effects on the economic development in the developing countries like Pakistan. High rate of population growth in Pakistan means poverty, illiteracy, low living standard, absence of prosperity and vicious circle of poverty.