Experiment No. 1 CHM143L - Organic Chemistry 2
Experiment No. 1 CHM143L - Organic Chemistry 2
Experiment No. 1 CHM143L - Organic Chemistry 2
!ro"essor# Schoo$ o" Chemica$ %ngineering# Chemistry and &iotechno$ogy# Ma'ua (nstitute o" )echno$ogy* 2Student +s,# Sub-ect.Section# Schoo$ o" Chemica$ %ngineering# Chemistry and &iotechno$ogy# Ma'ua (nstitute o" )echno$ogy
The abstract is a condensed version of the entire lab report (approximately 250 words ! A reader "ses the abstract to #"ic$ly "nderstand the p"rpose% methods% res"lts and si&nificance of yo"r research witho"t readin& the entire paper! Abstracts or papers p"blished in scholarly 'o"rnals are "sef"l to yo" when yo" are cond"ctin& library research% beca"se yo" can #"ic$ly determine whether the research report will be relevant to yo"r topic! The material in the abstract is written in the same order as that within the paper% and has the same emphasis! An effective abstract sho"ld incl"de a sentence or two s"mmari(in& the hi&hli&hts from each of the sections) introd"ction (incl"din& p"rpose % methods% res"lts% and disc"ssion! To reflect the content (especially res"lts and concl"sions of the paper acc"rately% the abstract sho"ld be written after the final draft of yo"r paper is complete% altho"&h it is placed at the be&innin& of the paper! Be&in the abstract with a brief% b"t specific% bac$&ro"nd statement to introd"ce yo"r report! State yo"r main p"rpose or ob'ective and hypothesis! *escribe the important points of yo"r methodolo&y (species+rea&ents+in&redients% the n"mber of s"b'ects or samples% and techni#"es or instr"ments "sed to ma$e meas"rements ! S"mmari(e the main res"lts n"merically and #"alitatively (incl"de standard errors and p val"es as re#"ired ! S"mmari(e the ma'or points from the disc"ssion+concl"sion! ,oc"s on the points that directly relate to yo"r hypothesis+#"estion! ,or each type of information% "se the same tense as in each correspondin& section (i!e!% past tense for methods and res"lts% present tense for theory and concl"sions ! Keywords/ a$bumin# casein# in0ertase# &rad"ord 1ssay# 2arburg-Christian 1ssay# &enedict3s reagent
-.TR/*0CT-/. 1hy did yo" st"dy this problem2 )he introduction shou$d identi"y the 'rob$em or issue and 'ro0ide the bac4ground in"ormation +on 're0ious 5or4 and.or theories, that the reader needs to understand your e6'eriment7 )o do this# the introduction contains a brie" $iterature re0ie5 to describe 're0ious research conducted on the 'rob$em# and to e6'$ain ho5 the current e6'eriment 5i$$ he$' to c$ari"y or e6'and the 4no5$edge7 )he introduction shou$d end 5ith a 'ur'ose statement +sometimes in the "orm o" a hy'othesis or nu$$ hy'othesis,/ one sentence 5hich s'eci"ica$$y states the 8uestion your e6'eriment 5as designed to ans5er7 e7g7# )he 'ur'ose o" this in0estigation 5as to determine the e""ects o" en0ironmenta$$y rea$istic e6'osures o" acid 'reci'itation on 'roducti0ity o" "ie$d-gro5n and chambergro5n 'eanuts7 +as a 'ur'ose statement, or )he hy'othesis 5as that en0ironmenta$$y rea$istic e6'osures o" acid 'reci'itation 5ou$d a""ect the 'roducti0ity o" both "ie$dgro5n and chamber-gro5n 'eanuts7 +as a hy'othesis, or )he nu$$ hy'othesis 5as that en0ironmenta$$y rea$istic e6'osures o" acid 'reci'itation 5ou$d not a""ect the 'roducti0ity o" either "ie$d-gro5n or chamber-gro5n 'eanuts7 +as a nu$$ hy'othesis, 9se resources such as your te6tboo4# course notes# and -ourna$ artic$es to bui$d the "oundation# and use e6am'$es o" simi$ar e6'eriments.resu$ts that others ha0e done that su''ort your hy'othesis7 :on;t "orget to document your sources using a''ro'riate re"erencing sty$e "or your disci'$ine79se any a''ro'riate bac4ground in"ormation "rom the $ab manua$ and the $ectures7 C$ear$y state your 'ur'ose and hy'othesis at the end7 9se the 'resent tense "or most o" the in"ormation in the (ntroduction +"or current or acce'ted theory,# but the 'resent 'er"ect and the 'ast 5here $ogic demands +"or s'eci"ic resu$ts o" 're0ious studies,7 3AT4R-A5S A.* 34T6/*S What did you do? How did you do it? (n this section you 5i$$ describe ho5 and 5hen you did your 5or4# inc$uding e6'erimenta$ design# e6'erimenta$ a''aratus# methods o" gathering and ana$y<ing data# and ty'es o" contro$7 (nc$ude com'$ete detai$s and 5rite this section c$ear$y enough to a$$o5 readers to du'$icate the e6'eriment i" they so 5ish7 +(n 5riting $ab re'orts "or undergraduate courses# you may not a$5ays be re8uired to 5rite a detai$ed materia$s and methods section because the methods are a$ready described in the $aboratory manua$* chec4 5ith your instructors about ho5 much in"ormation to inc$ude in the 5ritten re'ort7, 7 2rite in 'ast tense because you ha0e
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a$ready done the e6'eriment7 9se com'$ete sentences# and do not 5rite in the "orm o" instructions or as a $ist o" materia$s as in a $aboratory manua$7 9se either "irst 'erson acti0e 0oice or in 'assi0e 0oice to describe 5hat you did7 Chec4 5hether your 'ro"essors 5i$$ acce't the use o" the "irst 'erson in your re'ort7 e7g7# +"irst 'erson acti0e 0oice, I filled six petri plates with agar. +'assi0e 0oice, Six petri plates were filled with agar. Methods ada'ted "rom other sources shou$d be re"erenced7 !hotogra'hs# ma's and diagrams may be used to he$' describe the e6'erimenta$ setu' +see )ab$es and =igures,7 :escribe any 'rocedures that you a$tered com'ared to the $ab manua$ or 'ub$ished 'rocedures7 R4S05TS What did you find? (n the resu$ts# you 'resent your obser0ations and data 5ith no inter'retations or conc$usions about 5hat they mean7 1 5e$$-5ritten and 5e$$organi<ed resu$ts section 5i$$ 'ro0ide the "rame5or4 "or the discussion section7 >ecord a$$ your resu$ts# using com'$ete sentences# usua$$y in the order the obser0ations 5ere made7 )ab$es and gra'hs shou$d be used to su''$ement the te6t and to 'resent the data in a more understandab$e "orm +see )ab$es and =igures, >a5 data 5i$$ 'robab$y be most e""ecti0e in tab$e "ormat# 5ith the high$ights summari<ed in gra'h "orm7 )he 5ritten te6t o" the resu$ts section may be as short as one sentence summari<ing the high$ights and directing the reader to s'eci"ic tab$es and "igures7 (nc$ude resu$ts that 5ent ?5rong? or 5ere une6'ected7 )his may be use"u$ in"ormation "or someone trying to re'eat the e6'eriment7 9se both 5ords and numbers to describe your resu$ts# and use 'ro'er termino$ogy7 9se 'ast tense to describe your resu$ts77 Sam'$e or detai$ed ca$cu$ations "or a $ab re'ort in a course may be inc$uded in a se'arate section tit$ed "Calculations" or in an 1''endi6 at the end o" the re'ort7 Chec4 5ith your course instructors "or s'eci"ic re8uirements7 *-SC0SS-/. What does it mean? How does it relate to previous work in the field? %6'$ain 5hat you thin4 your data mean7 :escribe 'atterns and re$ationshi's that emerged7 :iscuss 5hy you obser0ed 5hat you did# ho5 it ha''ened +or the most $i4e$y reason,# and ho5 it re$ates to the 'ur'ose o" the e6'eriment7 Com'are these resu$ts to trends described in the $iterature and to theoretica$ beha0iour7 Su''ort your inter'retations 5ith re"erences to course materia$# the $ab manua$# and comments "rom the instructor during the $ab7
You may a$so be as4ed to use other resources +'eer re0ie5ed -ourna$ artic$es, "or a more in-de'th discussion* i" you do# remember to re"erence 'ro'er$y +see >e"erences in this handout,7 Continue to be descri'ti0e* the readers may not read each resu$t and -um' to the discussion to "ind out 5hy it ha''ened# so 'ro0ide them 5ith enough in"ormation to understand the discussion7 >emind the reader o" your o5n resu$ts# 5hen re$e0ant# witho"t re'eating end$ess detai$s "rom >esu$ts7 e7g7# The temperature increased during the second phase because of the drug treatment. +:iscussion statement, ./T) The temperature increased during the second phase. +re'etition o" >esu$ts statement,7 (" your resu$t section 5as 5e$$ organi<ed# you can "o$$o5 it as a guide 5hi$e you are 5riting the discussion7 You can re"er to the same tab$es and "igures to e6'$ain the changes.trends.une6'ected resu$ts7 1cce't or re-ect your hy'othesis and e6'$ain 5hy7 (t is acce'tab$e to re-ect your hy'othesis as $ong as you can 'ro0e it to be untrue and e6'$ain 5hy the resu$ts did not turn out as you 'redicated7 You can;t argue the resu$ts# but i" something 5ent 5rong or 5as damaged# disturbed# or contaminated* i" there 5ere changes to the e6'erimenta$ 'rocedure* or i" e8ui'ment 5as "au$ty# you need to inc$ude this in"ormation and e6'$ain ho5 it may ha0e a""ected the resu$ts7 (" your $ab manua$ inc$udes 8uestions to be ans5ered in the :iscussion# integrate your res'onses into a $ogica$ discussion# rather than ans5ering them one by one7 1nd don;t inc$ude only the ans5ers to the 8uestions - use them as a guide$ine "or su''$ementing your discussion# not $imiting it7 Your "ina$ 'aragra'h is the conc$usion7 (nc$ude a brie" restatement o" the 'ur'ose and the main resu$ts and ho5 they are re$e0ant to the "ie$d o" study7 1$so inc$ude any "uture direction "or your resu$ts or changes you 5ou$d ma4e the ne6t time to 'roduce resu$ts that are more signi"icant or note5orthy7 )his section 5i$$ be 5ritten in the 'ast tense 5hen you are describing your e6'eriment# and 'resent tense 5hen com'aring to current theory7 C/.C50S-/.S A.* R4C/334.*AT-/.S :id the e6'eriment achie0e the ob-ecti0e+s,@ 2hy or 5hy not@ =rom this# ma4e a '$ausib$e recommendations7
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1$so ca$$ed ?Literature Cited? or ?>e"erences Cited#? this is a $ist on$y o" papers and reso"rces act"ally mentioned +cited, 5ithin the re'ort7 +AO)%/ 1 ?&ib$iogra'hy#? on the other hand# re"ers to a $ist o" a$$ materia$s used to get bac4ground 4no5$edge on a sub-ect* you 5i$$ not usua$$y be re8uired to inc$ude one in a scienti"ic $ab re'ort7, Scienti"ic $ab re'orts are 5ritten "or the so$e 'ur'ose o" sharing in"ormation7 (" readers 5ant more in"ormation about something# they need to be ab$e to "ind the e6act '$ace it 5as origina$$y 5ritten7 >e"erences a$so gi0e credit to the 'erson 5ho did the 5or4 and 'ro0ide your 5or4 5ith authority7 )he re"erence $ist is 'ro0ided on a se'arate 'age at the end o" the re'ort7 >emember that 1LL in"ormation 5ithin the re'ort that is not your origina$ 5or4 or ideas shou$d be re"erenced +e0en i" not 8uoted direct$y# but 'ara'hrased or summari<ed - 8uotations are rare in scienti"ic 5riting,7 >e"erence your $ab manua$# te6tboo4# and any -ourna$ artic$es used7 (n-te6t citations usua$$y occur in one o" t5o '$aces in the sentence/ Smith (1 ! has also found that ".coli is one of the only microbes to .... or ".coli is one of the only microbes to . . . (Smith 1 ! 7 )here are se0era$ standard sty$es "or documenting re"erences7 >e"erences shou$d be cited in te6t by number rather than author and date* numbered consecuti0e$y in the order o" a''earance in the manuscri't* >e"erences "or -ourna$s and boo4s shou$d be in the "o$$o5ing sty$es/ 17 Mac:ona$d# B7 M7# Steenhuis# C7 C7# and &arry# &7 17 +1DD5, #. $iol. Chem. 270# E420-E42E 27 Sambroo4# C7# =ritsch# %7 =7# and Maniatis# )7 +1DED, %olecular Cloning& ' (aboratory %anual) 2nd %d7# Co$d S'ring HarborLaboratory# Co$d S'ring Harbor# AY
'icas# 1270 cm# 47F5 inches,# or a "u$$ 2-co$umn 5idth +42 'icas# 1F7E cm# F inches,7 Su'erscri't and subscri't characters are not e6c$uded "rom this ru$e7 Aumbers# $etters# and symbo$s used in mu$ti-'ane$ed "igures must be consistent7 )he abscissa and ordinate shou$d be c$ear$y $abe$ed 5ith a''ro'riate$y si<ed ty'e# and units o" measurement must be gi0en7 )ab$es and "igures are o"ten used in a re'ort to 'resent com'$icated data7 9se the "o$$o5ing guide$ines to incor'orate them e""ecti0e$y7
)ab$es are re"erred to as tab$es# and a$$ other items +gra'hs# 'hotogra'hs# dra5ings# diagrams# ma's# etc7, are re"erred to as "igures7 Aumbering/ 1$$ tab$es and "igures must be numbered7 )ab$es and "igures are assigned numbers in the order they are mentioned in the te6t7 )ab$es and "igures are numbered inde'endent$y o" each other +i7e7# )ab$e 1 and 2# and then =igure 1 and 2 as 5e$$,7 1$$ tab$es and "igures must ha0e se$"-e6'$anatory tit$es so that the reader can understand their content 5ithout the te6t7 e7g7# Table 1. *ercent of soybean plants exhibiting +isible in,ury after exposure to acid precipitation. Labe$ing/ )ab$es are usua$$y $abe$ed at the to' and "igures at the bottom7 %ach tab$e or "igure M9S) be introduced 5ithin the te6t# 5ith a comment that shou$d 'oint out the high$ight+s, or signi"icant trend+s,# not e0ery 'iece o" data that is sho5n7 e7g7# *o not write) The plant was -.. cm on day 1) -./ cm on day 0) and 1.. cm on day -. Simply state) The plant increased in height o+er a -2day period (3igure 1!. )ab$es and "igures may be '$aced 5ithin the te6t as soon as 'ossib$e a"ter they are mentioned 5ithout interru'ting the te6t +i7e7# at the end o" a 'aragra'h or section,7 10oid re"erring to the table below because you don;t 4no5 e6act$y 5hat the "ina$ '$acement o" the tab$e 5i$$ be7 >e"er to the s'eci"ic tab$e or "igure number# and the readers 5i$$ a$5ays be ab$e to "ind the in"ormation7 )he tab$es and "igures shou$d enhance the re'ort# but the reader shou$d be ab$e to understand and "o$$o5 the resu$ts e0en i" the tab$es."igures 5ere remo0ed7
3iscellaneo"s 8"idelines
Tables and ,i&"res Tables shou$d ha0e tit$es and su""icient e6'erimenta$ detai$ in a $egend immediate$y "o$$o5ing the tit$e to be understandab$e 5ithout re"erence to the te6t7 %ach co$umn in a tab$e must ha0e a heading# and abbre0iations# 5hen necessary# shou$d be de"ined in the $egend7 Figures shou$d ha0e tit$es and e6'$anatory $egends containing su""icient detai$ to ma4e the "igure easi$y understood7 1$$ $egends shou$d be 'rinted consecuti0e$y in a se'arate section o" the manuscri't7 1uthors are res'onsib$e "or 'ro0iding digita$ art that has been 'ro'er$y si<ed and cro''ed7 1''ro'riate$y si<ed numbers# $etters# and symbo$s shou$d be used so they are no sma$$er than 2 mm in si<e a"ter reduction to a sing$e co$umn 5idth +20 'icas# E7F cm# 725 inches,# a 175-co$umn 5idth +2D
*o not copy from &ro"pmates! This is a form of academic miscond"ct that is easily detected and is s"b'ect to severe penalties7 1$5ays chec4 5ith your instructor "or
detai$ed instructions about the "ormat7
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CHM145L Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory 2nd Quarter SY 2012-201 4.* /, ,-.A5 5AB R49/RT 1R-T-.8 80-*45-.4S 4.:/; 1R-T-.8 ;/0R :/0R.A5 ART-C54S<
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