MI-8 Panel Guide For DCS: Mi-8 (Magnificent Eight)
MI-8 Panel Guide For DCS: Mi-8 (Magnificent Eight)
MI-8 Panel Guide For DCS: Mi-8 (Magnificent Eight)
1 . AC po!er control panel 11. AC voltage control rotary 1"2 12. #nverter 1 $A%"A&'( s!itc)
4. AC recti*ier 1 voltmeter +. AC recti*ier 2 voltmeter ,. AC recti*ier 3 voltmeter -. AC generator voltmeter .. AC generator 1 ammeter /. AC generator 2 ammeter
13. #nverter 2 $A%"A&'( s!itc) 14. 01ternal po!er s!itc) 1+. 2enerator 13 2 *ail4 01ternal po!er3 5(6+ 1,. 2enerator 2 s!itc) 1-. 2enerator 1 s!itc)
)eater annunciators
1. Rig)t side 2roup 1"2 red lig)ting dimmers 2. 789:";<=: ;>? :@8AB9C7DE"R Dust 5rotection (%F annunciators 3. A5& generator load indicator 4. DC po!er control panel +. Annunciators brig)tness s!itc) ,. Warning blinker s!itc) -. Recti*iers3 e1ternal po!er3 and G#' annunciators
.. EH"RH pitot tube3 clock3 and battery )eating s!itc)es /. E"R engine dust protection s!itc)es 1 . Itrobe lig)t s!itc) 11. %avigation and *ormation lig)t s!itc)es 12. %avigation and *ormation lig)ts brig)tness s!itc)es 13. 2eneral and standby cabin lig)ting s!itc)es
1. Winds)ield !iper s!itc) 2. JKLL61+ DD#II61+F Doppler system and MJ<N61= DOadro61AF radio control panel lig)ting s!itc) 3. $icrop)one po!er s!itc) 4. PHQ6ADQ #nterlock s!itc) +. Dome lig)t s!itc) ,. Qan po!er s!itc)
-. Rig)t attitude indicator po!er s!itc) .. 2yrocompass system po!er s!itc) /. #nop 1 . Oadro61A HQ radio po!er s!itc) 11. Doppler system po!er s!itc) 12. 7NRNS<9: KL;<=:9C7 DHeater (TF annunciator 13. 5itot tube )eating test s!itc)
1. =<@61+ DART61+F ADQ control panel 2. =<@6?J DART6&DF ADQ control panel 3. ;?62, D5&62,F control panel o* t)e SU@61= D2$T61AF gyrocompass system
4. =<@61+ DART61+F *reVuency dial selector +. @N6+ )eater temp regulator s!itc) ,. T(6+ )eater control panel
1. Qire e1tinguis)er system panel 2. Qire e1tinguis)er system panel annunciators 3. A5& start control panel 4. Qire e1tinguis)er system test panel +. A5& 02' indicator ,. A5& air pressure indicator
-. Quel system control panel .. 0ngine start control panel /. Hydraulic system control panel 1 . $ain )ydraulic system pressure indicator 11. Reserve )ydraulic system pressure indicator
1. Winds)ield !iper s!itc) 2. L;??6+2 DI5&&6+2F tail rotor pitc) limit system po!er s!itc) 3. Radar altimeter po!er s!itc) 4. <K6,+ DR#6,+F Poice Warning Iystem DPWIF po!er s!itc) +. 5itot tube )eating test s!itc)
,. 7NRNS<9: KL;<=:9C7 DHeater (TF annunciator -. 7:@8ABK <K6,+7 D'urn on PWIF annunciator .. :@6+3 DPT6+3F gyro correction cutout po!er s!itc) /. Ee*t attitude indicator po!er s!itc) 1 . Qan po!er s!itc) 11. Dome lig)t s!itc)
1. 5ilot6CommanderWs !eapons control panel 2. Anti6ice system control panel 3. 7NRNS<9: KL;<=:9C7 DAnti6ice normalF annunciator 4. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio Q$"A$ s!itc) +. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio c)annel selector
,. Anti6ice system annunciator panel -. =X161+ DAQ161+ F ammeter .. Iection 1Y4 annunciator panel /. Ammeter load current selector s!itc) 1 . 7NR89J9C7 D#cingF 7;NL :@8AB9C=7 DAnti6ice (%F annunciators
1. Ee*t side 2roup 1"2 red lig)ting dimmers 2. 7<Z 89: <=RNZ=9Z7 7<Z ;<=: <=RNZ=9Z7 EH"RH engine temp regulator operating annunciators 3. [;6,,2 D056,,2F signal *lares control panel 4. 7L=<;; <=RNZ=9Z7 Qlig)t Data Recorder DQDRF operating annunciator +. U:?61 @ D$P&61 TF pneumatic system air pressure gauge ,. <K6,+R DR#6,+GF Poice Warning Iystem remote control panel -. U=6, @ D$A6, TF air pressure gauge *or t)e Eanding 2ear W)eel Grake Iystem .. Control panel 4.4 o* 7device ,2 17 D#QQ responderF /. Control panel 4.+ o* 7device ,2 17 D#QQ responderF 1 . ;6+ 3R D56+ 3GF cockpit voice recorder DCPRF control panel
11. 7:@8ABK >=;=LCN\7 D7Iet Reserve7F annunciator 12. Device '6.1/ DencoderF po!er s!itc) 13. 01ternal cargo auto release s!itc) 14. 7LZ:N<@K NZ@<]Z]7 D7Doors open7F annunciator 1+. 7>=UN@ NZ@<]Z7 D7I)ackle open7F annunciator 1,. 7LK<9C= :@8AB9C=7 D7Horn on7F annunciator 1-. Air )orn button 1.. Code %AP lig)ts button 1/. QDR po!er s!itc) 2 . EH"RH engine temp regulator test buttons 21. 02' gauge ground and air test buttons 22. K:6+ 9 D#P6+ 0F engine vibration indicator test button
Center Console
1. ?K>6, D&#^6,F main transmission oil temp3 intermediate and tail rotor gearbo1 oil pressure indicator 2. Z?[64. D'&064.F main transmission oil temp indicator 3. ?K>63 D&#^63F le*t engine oil pressure and temp indicator 4. ?K>63 D&#^63F rig)t engine oil pressure and temp indicator +. Annunciator ,. Annunciator -. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio manual"preset selector
.. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio control panel /. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio *reVuency select panel 1 . 0ngine governor control panel 11. Eamp test and electrical system backup s!itc)es 12. =;634R DA5634GF autopilot control panel 13. R?63261 DG&63261F control unit *or t)e L;??6+2 DI5&&6+2F pitc) limit system 14. 7LZ<?_@= S8. <[email protected] C)ips in main gearbo1 lig)t 1+. KC64 D#%64F trim indicator o* t)e automatic *lig)t control system
1. ?L64+ @ D&I64+ TF airspeed indicator 2. :J61 :@ DPD61 PTF pressure altimeter indicator 3. =SR63@ DA2G63TF attitude indicator 4. ?S<64?@ D&2R64&TF )eading indicator +. :<63 U@ DPR63 $TF vertical velocity indicator ,. 7JKLL NZ@=>=87 Doppler system *ail annunciator -. KZ[61Z D#'061'F main rotor tac)ometer indicator .. KZ[62Z D#'062'F t!o6pointer engine tac)ometer indicator
/. Z:61 D'P61F cabin temperature indicator 1 . JKLL61+ DD#II61+F Doppler system coordinate indicator 11. JKLL61+ DD#II61+F Doppler system ground speed and dri*t indicator 12. R[6 /@ DG06 /TF *uel Vuantity indicator 13. Eo! Quel D2- EF annunciator 14. ;6.?@ D56.&TF *uel meter s!itc) 1+. =BL61 DAC)I61F clock
1. ?<611-U D&R611-$F 0ngine 5ressure Radio D05RF indicator 2. K;621 D#5621F main rotor pitc) angle indicator 3. KZ[62Z D#'062'F t!o6pointer engine tac)ometer indicator 4. KZ[61Z D#'061'F main rotor tac)ometer indicator +. ?L64+ @ D&I64+ TF airspeed indicator ,. ?:6+$ D&P6+$F radar altimeter indicator -. :J61 :@ DPD61 PTF pressure altimeter indicator .. N;R61< D(5G61RF bomb sig)t course indicator /. ?S<64?@ D&2R64&TF )eading indicator 1 . =SR63@ DA2G63TF attitude indicator
11. Hover and lo! speed control indicator 12. :<63 U@ DPR63 $TF vertical velocity indicator 13. RL?;62@ DGI&562TF bearing indicator o* t)e =<@6 ?J DART6&DF ADQ 14. Annunciator DinoperativeF 1+. [?;6+3 D0&56+3F turn indicator 1,. 7NZ@=> ,2 17 D7,2 1 QA#E7F lig)t 1-. Annunciator panel 1.. 2?Z6,@ D2&'6,TF e1)aust gas temperature indicator 1/. Annunciator panel
Cockpit la"out
1. Ee*t Iide Console 2. Ee*t 'riangular 5anel 3. Ee*t (ver)ead Console 4. Ee*t Circuit Greaker Console +. Center (ver)ead Console ,. Rig)t Circuit Greaker Console
-. Rig)t (ver)ead Console .. Rig)t 'riangular 5anel /. Rig)t Iide Console 1 . Rig)t Rear Console 11. Rig)t Weapons Control 5anel 12. Ee*t #nstrument 5anel 13. Rig)t #nstrument 5anel
14. Center Console 1+. Rig)t Au1iliary 5anel 1,. Rotor break )andle 1-. Collective control 1.. Cyclic control 1/. 5itot tube selector 2 . Anti6torVue pedals