MI-8 Panel Guide For DCS: Mi-8 (Magnificent Eight)

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The document describes the various panels and instruments located in the cockpit of an aircraft.

The left circuit breaker console describes an aiming correction table, weapons arming panel, weapon systems circuit breakers and remaining ammunition indicators. The right circuit breaker console describes DC and AC meters and controls.

The right instrument panel includes airspeed, altimeter, attitude, heading and vertical velocity indicators. The left instrument panel includes EPR, rotor pitch, tachometers, radar altimeter and additional flight instruments.

Left Circuit Breaker Console

1. Aiming correction table 2. Weapons arming panel back on top ^

3. Weapon systems circuit breakers 4. Remaining ammunition indicators

Right Circuit Breaker Console

Right Rear Console

1. DC voltmeter 2. DC battery 1 ammeter 3. DC battery 2 ammeter

1 . AC po!er control panel 11. AC voltage control rotary 1"2 12. #nverter 1 $A%"A&'( s!itc)

4. AC recti*ier 1 voltmeter +. AC recti*ier 2 voltmeter ,. AC recti*ier 3 voltmeter -. AC generator voltmeter .. AC generator 1 ammeter /. AC generator 2 ammeter

13. #nverter 2 $A%"A&'( s!itc) 14. 01ternal po!er s!itc) 1+. 2enerator 13 2 *ail4 01ternal po!er3 5(6+ 1,. 2enerator 2 s!itc) 1-. 2enerator 1 s!itc)

)eater annunciators

Right Side Console

1. Rig)t side 2roup 1"2 red lig)ting dimmers 2. 789:";<=: ;>? :@8AB9C7DE"R Dust 5rotection (%F annunciators 3. A5& generator load indicator 4. DC po!er control panel +. Annunciators brig)tness s!itc) ,. Warning blinker s!itc) -. Recti*iers3 e1ternal po!er3 and G#' annunciators

.. EH"RH pitot tube3 clock3 and battery )eating s!itc)es /. E"R engine dust protection s!itc)es 1 . Itrobe lig)t s!itc) 11. %avigation and *ormation lig)t s!itc)es 12. %avigation and *ormation lig)ts brig)tness s!itc)es 13. 2eneral and standby cabin lig)ting s!itc)es

Right Triangular Panel

1. Winds)ield !iper s!itc) 2. JKLL61+ DD#II61+F Doppler system and MJ<N61= DOadro61AF radio control panel lig)ting s!itc) 3. $icrop)one po!er s!itc) 4. PHQ6ADQ #nterlock s!itc) +. Dome lig)t s!itc) ,. Qan po!er s!itc)

-. Rig)t attitude indicator po!er s!itc) .. 2yrocompass system po!er s!itc) /. #nop 1 . Oadro61A HQ radio po!er s!itc) 11. Doppler system po!er s!itc) 12. 7NRNS<9: KL;<=:9C7 DHeater (TF annunciator 13. 5itot tube )eating test s!itc)

Right Overhead Console

1. =<@61+ DART61+F ADQ control panel 2. =<@6?J DART6&DF ADQ control panel 3. ;?62, D5&62,F control panel o* t)e SU@61= D2$T61AF gyrocompass system

4. =<@61+ DART61+F *reVuency dial selector +. @N6+ )eater temp regulator s!itc) ,. T(6+ )eater control panel

Center Overhead Console

1. Qire e1tinguis)er system panel 2. Qire e1tinguis)er system panel annunciators 3. A5& start control panel 4. Qire e1tinguis)er system test panel +. A5& 02' indicator ,. A5& air pressure indicator

-. Quel system control panel .. 0ngine start control panel /. Hydraulic system control panel 1 . $ain )ydraulic system pressure indicator 11. Reserve )ydraulic system pressure indicator

Left Triangular Panel

1. Winds)ield !iper s!itc) 2. L;??6+2 DI5&&6+2F tail rotor pitc) limit system po!er s!itc) 3. Radar altimeter po!er s!itc) 4. <K6,+ DR#6,+F Poice Warning Iystem DPWIF po!er s!itc) +. 5itot tube )eating test s!itc)

,. 7NRNS<9: KL;<=:9C7 DHeater (TF annunciator -. 7:@8ABK <K6,+7 D'urn on PWIF annunciator .. :@6+3 DPT6+3F gyro correction cutout po!er s!itc) /. Ee*t attitude indicator po!er s!itc) 1 . Qan po!er s!itc) 11. Dome lig)t s!itc)

Left Overhead Console

1. 5ilot6CommanderWs !eapons control panel 2. Anti6ice system control panel 3. 7NRNS<9: KL;<=:9C7 DAnti6ice normalF annunciator 4. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio Q$"A$ s!itc) +. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio c)annel selector

,. Anti6ice system annunciator panel -. =X161+ DAQ161+ F ammeter .. Iection 1Y4 annunciator panel /. Ammeter load current selector s!itc) 1 . 7NR89J9C7 D#cingF 7;NL :@8AB9C=7 DAnti6ice (%F annunciators

Left Side Console

1. Ee*t side 2roup 1"2 red lig)ting dimmers 2. 7<Z 89: <=RNZ=9Z7 7<Z ;<=: <=RNZ=9Z7 EH"RH engine temp regulator operating annunciators 3. [;6,,2 D056,,2F signal *lares control panel 4. 7L=<;; <=RNZ=9Z7 Qlig)t Data Recorder DQDRF operating annunciator +. U:?61 @ D$P&61 TF pneumatic system air pressure gauge ,. <K6,+R DR#6,+GF Poice Warning Iystem remote control panel -. U=6, @ D$A6, TF air pressure gauge *or t)e Eanding 2ear W)eel Grake Iystem .. Control panel 4.4 o* 7device ,2 17 D#QQ responderF /. Control panel 4.+ o* 7device ,2 17 D#QQ responderF 1 . ;6+ 3R D56+ 3GF cockpit voice recorder DCPRF control panel

11. 7:@8ABK >=;=LCN\7 D7Iet Reserve7F annunciator 12. Device '6.1/ DencoderF po!er s!itc) 13. 01ternal cargo auto release s!itc) 14. 7LZ:N<@K NZ@<]Z]7 D7Doors open7F annunciator 1+. 7>=UN@ NZ@<]Z7 D7I)ackle open7F annunciator 1,. 7LK<9C= :@8AB9C=7 D7Horn on7F annunciator 1-. Air )orn button 1.. Code %AP lig)ts button 1/. QDR po!er s!itc) 2 . EH"RH engine temp regulator test buttons 21. 02' gauge ground and air test buttons 22. K:6+ 9 D#P6+ 0F engine vibration indicator test button

Center Console

1. ?K>6, D&#^6,F main transmission oil temp3 intermediate and tail rotor gearbo1 oil pressure indicator 2. Z?[64. D'&064.F main transmission oil temp indicator 3. ?K>63 D&#^63F le*t engine oil pressure and temp indicator 4. ?K>63 D&#^63F rig)t engine oil pressure and temp indicator +. Annunciator ,. Annunciator -. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio manual"preset selector

.. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio control panel /. <6.,3 DR6.,3F PHQ radio *reVuency select panel 1 . 0ngine governor control panel 11. Eamp test and electrical system backup s!itc)es 12. =;634R DA5634GF autopilot control panel 13. R?63261 DG&63261F control unit *or t)e L;??6+2 DI5&&6+2F pitc) limit system 14. 7LZ<?_@= S8. <[email protected] C)ips in main gearbo1 lig)t 1+. KC64 D#%64F trim indicator o* t)e automatic *lig)t control system

Right instrument panel (Pilot-Navigator

1. ?L64+ @ D&I64+ TF airspeed indicator 2. :J61 :@ DPD61 PTF pressure altimeter indicator 3. =SR63@ DA2G63TF attitude indicator 4. ?S<64?@ D&2R64&TF )eading indicator +. :<63 U@ DPR63 $TF vertical velocity indicator ,. 7JKLL NZ@=>=87 Doppler system *ail annunciator -. KZ[61Z D#'061'F main rotor tac)ometer indicator .. KZ[62Z D#'062'F t!o6pointer engine tac)ometer indicator

/. Z:61 D'P61F cabin temperature indicator 1 . JKLL61+ DD#II61+F Doppler system coordinate indicator 11. JKLL61+ DD#II61+F Doppler system ground speed and dri*t indicator 12. R[6 /@ DG06 /TF *uel Vuantity indicator 13. Eo! Quel D2- EF annunciator 14. ;6.?@ D56.&TF *uel meter s!itc) 1+. =BL61 DAC)I61F clock

Left !nstrument Panel (Pilot-Commander

1. ?<611-U D&R611-$F 0ngine 5ressure Radio D05RF indicator 2. K;621 D#5621F main rotor pitc) angle indicator 3. KZ[62Z D#'062'F t!o6pointer engine tac)ometer indicator 4. KZ[61Z D#'061'F main rotor tac)ometer indicator +. ?L64+ @ D&I64+ TF airspeed indicator ,. ?:6+$ D&P6+$F radar altimeter indicator -. :J61 :@ DPD61 PTF pressure altimeter indicator .. N;R61< D(5G61RF bomb sig)t course indicator /. ?S<64?@ D&2R64&TF )eading indicator 1 . =SR63@ DA2G63TF attitude indicator

11. Hover and lo! speed control indicator 12. :<63 U@ DPR63 $TF vertical velocity indicator 13. RL?;62@ DGI&562TF bearing indicator o* t)e =<@6 ?J DART6&DF ADQ 14. Annunciator DinoperativeF 1+. [?;6+3 D0&56+3F turn indicator 1,. 7NZ@=> ,2 17 D7,2 1 QA#E7F lig)t 1-. Annunciator panel 1.. 2?Z6,@ D2&'6,TF e1)aust gas temperature indicator 1/. Annunciator panel

Cockpit la"out

1. Ee*t Iide Console 2. Ee*t 'riangular 5anel 3. Ee*t (ver)ead Console 4. Ee*t Circuit Greaker Console +. Center (ver)ead Console ,. Rig)t Circuit Greaker Console

-. Rig)t (ver)ead Console .. Rig)t 'riangular 5anel /. Rig)t Iide Console 1 . Rig)t Rear Console 11. Rig)t Weapons Control 5anel 12. Ee*t #nstrument 5anel 13. Rig)t #nstrument 5anel

14. Center Console 1+. Rig)t Au1iliary 5anel 1,. Rotor break )andle 1-. Collective control 1.. Cyclic control 1/. 5itot tube selector 2 . Anti6torVue pedals

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