The Rotary Roundup: Rotary Club of Phoenix East 2013-14
The Rotary Roundup: Rotary Club of Phoenix East 2013-14
The Rotary Roundup: Rotary Club of Phoenix East 2013-14
5668 Orange Blossom Lane-1 block N. of Thomas Rd-East of 56th St. January 31,2013 Feed My Starving Nov. 21th, 2013
Larry Cervarich
Homeless Youth Connection Executive Director
Happy Hour Social Bring Friends! Thurs Nov 21st 5:30
1:00-3:00 pm
7965 S. Priest Drive Suite #106 Tempe Tempe, Arizona
President- Sean Scibienski [email protected] President Elect--Boris Gaedtke Secretary- Boris Gaedtke [email protected] Treasurer-Debi Baldwin Sergeant at Arms-Sharon Kracht PhotographerFoundation -Don McHard InternationalMembership- Brice Willoughby Drawing-Jerry Cooley
Students of the Month Brunson Lee Eden Yoseph & Arianna Portillo Congratulations
Four Way Test Of the things Rotarians Think, Say and Do: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Rotary International: District 5510: Phoenix East Rotary Club E-Club of the Southwest Great for attendance make up: (email confirmation to: Boris Gaedtke [email protected] Weekly Bulletin suggestions are welcome!! Please submit ideas to Eileen [email protected].
Bob Amavisca-Criminal Justice (Retired)*El Puente President 2013-14 Harvey Amwake-CPA Debi Baldwin, CPA Past President 05-06 & 11-12** Drew Baloh-Event Planner Phil Bartling-Financial Services Todd Bogert(Cinda-Rose)-CloudComputing-Web Design Bob Bohn (Melva)-Real Estate Past President, Founding Member* Charlie Brown (Donna)-Engraver****** John Carlson (Estella) Past President-Honorary
Founding Member**
Jerry Cooley (Portia) Civil Law * Rigo Duran-Entrepreneur-Past President * Maria Camila Englert (Tom)-BankingPast President El Puente 2012-13 Boris Gaedtke (Linda) Architectural Services Past President 10-11* Alexandra Gutierrez-Teacher Past President * Helen Hankins-Public Service ********* Kirk Hatfield (Nancy)-Past President 07-08*Honorary Member* *Paul Harris Fellow
Kimberly Hughlette-Flight Attendant Harold Hunn (Jean)-Electrical Equipment*** Eileen Klecka (Dan)Travel Medicine-President 08-09 AG 09-10, 11 & 12 President 2012-13*** Joanne Kline CPA -Past President * Sharon Kracht (Jeff)- Public Education ** Marita Muhr-Investments-Honorary Member Vladimiro Mujica-Professor Peggy Myers (Tim) Dentist Janet Onofryton (John) Banking Dor Ortiz-Administrator Global Sales Rafael Ortiz-Global Sales Teela Piscitelli-Business Consultant Howard Powers (Lynne) Education PDG 96-97 Past President 80-81***** Sean Scibienski (April) Banking Past Pres 09-10 President 13-14* Scot Sidener-Real Estate Yelena Skaggs-Engineering Erik Stephens (Marcia) Internet Security Martha Stoneburner-Mortgage Finance Robert White -Education Brice Willoughby-Financial Consultant