The Rotary Roundup: Rotary Club of Phoenix East 2013-14

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The Rotary Roundup

Rotary Club of Phoenix East 2013-14

Thursdays at 12:10-Arizona Country Club
President Rotary InternationalRon Burton District Governor 5510Jay Jones

5668 Orange Blossom Lane-1 block N. of Thomas Rd-East of 56th St. January 31,2013 Feed My Starving Nov. 21th, 2013



Larry Cervarich
Homeless Youth Connection Executive Director
Happy Hour Social Bring Friends! Thurs Nov 21st 5:30

Preparing 10,000 meals-Sun.Dec 8th

1:00-3:00 pm
7965 S. Priest Drive Suite #106 Tempe Tempe, Arizona

District Governor ElectJohn Pennypacker Assistant Governor- Craig Busskoh

President- Sean Scibienski [email protected] President Elect--Boris Gaedtke Secretary- Boris Gaedtke [email protected] Treasurer-Debi Baldwin Sergeant at Arms-Sharon Kracht PhotographerFoundation -Don McHard InternationalMembership- Brice Willoughby Drawing-Jerry Cooley

Students of the Month Brunson Lee Eden Yoseph & Arianna Portillo Congratulations
Four Way Test Of the things Rotarians Think, Say and Do: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rotary International: District 5510: Phoenix East Rotary Club E-Club of the Southwest Great for attendance make up: (email confirmation to: Boris Gaedtke [email protected] Weekly Bulletin suggestions are welcome!! Please submit ideas to Eileen [email protected].

Aunt Chiladas 7330 N. Dreamy Draw

Prayer: Lord for the blessings of our daily lives we give you thanks. By this food strengthen us to serve others in the community through the many projects and programs of our Rotary Club. Enable us to continue to do good works. Amen


Day Meeting:

Thursdays at 12:10pm-Arizona Country Club

5668 E. Orange Blossom-1 block N. of Thomas Rd. Evening Meeting: 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm-Qdoba @ 7th St & Glendale 4th Tuesday 6:30pm Qdoba


Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov 21 Nov 28 Dec 5 Dec 8 Dec 10 Dec 12 Dec 17 Dec 19 Dec 26 Phoenix East Board Meeting Speaker-Sean & Students of the Month Happy Hour Social -Aunt Chiladas 5:30 pm Thanksgiving-No meeting Speaker-Sharon Feed the Hungry-10,000 Meal -Project 1-3p El Puente Meeting -Qdoba 6:30 pm Fireside Chat @ Marita's House Phoenix East Board Meeting Christmas Party Dark-No Meeting Wings of Peace Thanksgiving Project Tues. Nov 26 or Thurs Nov. 28th 9:00 Set up or 11:00-1:30 Serving
Knights of Columbus

8066 N. 49th Ave

Bob Amavisca-Criminal Justice (Retired)*El Puente President 2013-14 Harvey Amwake-CPA Debi Baldwin, CPA Past President 05-06 & 11-12** Drew Baloh-Event Planner Phil Bartling-Financial Services Todd Bogert(Cinda-Rose)-CloudComputing-Web Design Bob Bohn (Melva)-Real Estate Past President, Founding Member* Charlie Brown (Donna)-Engraver****** John Carlson (Estella) Past President-Honorary
Founding Member**

Jerry Cooley (Portia) Civil Law * Rigo Duran-Entrepreneur-Past President * Maria Camila Englert (Tom)-BankingPast President El Puente 2012-13 Boris Gaedtke (Linda) Architectural Services Past President 10-11* Alexandra Gutierrez-Teacher Past President * Helen Hankins-Public Service ********* Kirk Hatfield (Nancy)-Past President 07-08*Honorary Member* *Paul Harris Fellow

Kimberly Hughlette-Flight Attendant Harold Hunn (Jean)-Electrical Equipment*** Eileen Klecka (Dan)Travel Medicine-President 08-09 AG 09-10, 11 & 12 President 2012-13*** Joanne Kline CPA -Past President * Sharon Kracht (Jeff)- Public Education ** Marita Muhr-Investments-Honorary Member Vladimiro Mujica-Professor Peggy Myers (Tim) Dentist Janet Onofryton (John) Banking Dor Ortiz-Administrator Global Sales Rafael Ortiz-Global Sales Teela Piscitelli-Business Consultant Howard Powers (Lynne) Education PDG 96-97 Past President 80-81***** Sean Scibienski (April) Banking Past Pres 09-10 President 13-14* Scot Sidener-Real Estate Yelena Skaggs-Engineering Erik Stephens (Marcia) Internet Security Martha Stoneburner-Mortgage Finance Robert White -Education Brice Willoughby-Financial Consultant

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