Sro Constr Guidelines

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MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG, Mayor ROBERT K. STEEL, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development MATHEW M. WAMBUA, Commissioner



Mathew M. Wambua

Douglas Apple

RuthAnne Visnauskas

Shampa Chanda
ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER Division of Architecture + Engineering

Timothy OHanlon
ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER Division of Special Needs Housing

February 2012


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Relationship to Neighborhood Massing & Elevations Outdoor Spaces Parking Screening Site Assessment & Investigation Subsurface Conditions 1 3 Commercial & Community Facilities Lobby & Circulation Common Spaces / Building Services Social Services Ofces Building Area Analysis Types of Spaces for Efciency Units Multi-Family Units Area Calculations Required Furniture Capacity Applicability / Integrative Design Site Planning / Water Conservation Energy Conservation & Renewables Materials & Ventilation Enterprise Green Communities Certication Site Planning Building Planning Apartment Planning 5



Building Systems Exterior Materials Interior Finishes Equipment / Accessories Mechanical Systems / Other Systems Building & Programming Description Form 1: DAE Submission Checklist Form 2: Program Description Form 3: Building Description Form 4: Building Area Analysis Reference Materials Glossary of Acronyms & Terms






Executive Summary
The Supportive Housing Loan Program (SHLP) of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) provides funding to non-prot sponsors to develop permanent housing with on-site services for special populations. Proposals must adhere to the specications required by SHLP including tenant selection requirements, cost limitations, design requirements and site selection procedures. An architectural limitation of 580610 gross square feet per unit must be maintained for new construction which represents the total construction area including circulation space, service areas, basements, and cellars divided by the number of units. Developments providing more units must achieve lower gross square feet per unit area compared to that of developments with fewer units where the maximum gross square feet per unit must not exceed 610 square feet.

Intention of the Design Guidelines

The HPD Design Guidelines for Supportive Housing, developed by Division of Architecture + Engineering (DAE), has been established to ensure feasible supportive housing developments that provide appropriate living accommodation with an emphasis on design, sustainability, and cost efciency. The core principles of the Guidelines are to: Ensure new buildings relate to and enhance neighbourhood character. Promote better site planning. Encourage spaces that are inviting and allow for interaction. Ensure dwelling units are liveable, easily furnished, and accessible. Establish construction standards. The goal of the document is to provide guidance to the development team in designing a project and to make both development team and DAE reviewers aware of the standards against which the projects will be evaluated at HPD. To ensure efcient review of projects the Guidelines has recommended maximum oor area for specic uses. The Guidelines also identies required documents for submission to HPD for review.

Additional Regulations for Implementation

The Guidelines are not intended to supersede all applicable regulations of any other agency having jurisdiction. In the case of conict, the more restrictive rules shall govern. The plans must be in full compliance with the design requirements of all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the New York City Building Code, the New York City Zoning Resolution, the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, the Fair Housing Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Each architect must provide a certication that the design complies with the accessibility requirements of the New York City Building Code, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and, for federally funded projects, the Fair Housing Act.

Filing and Documentation

Upon receiving initial approval from SHLP, the sponsor shall proceed to submit necessary documents to commence initial design review by DAE. HPD recommends that any project receiving funding through SHLP be led with the Department of Buildings (DOB) under ZR-Use Group 3: Non-Prot Institution with Sleeping Accommodations. The Occupancy Group should be R-2 Residential and the proposal should comply with the residential occupancy requirements and Construction Classications. All proposals must provide a detailed zoning analysis of the site as well as fundamental Building Code information in the initial submission. Refer to Section 8 Submission Requirements for comprehensive description of required items. Incomplete submissions will delay design review of the proposal. iii HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING

Relationship to Neighborhood
The intent of the Guidelines is to ensure that proposed developments relate to and enhance the neighborhood character. The scale, density, and location of the development should integrate into the surrounding neighborhood and reect its context. New construction projects should avoid abrupt changes in building height from adjacent buildings and deviations from the street wall. Each submission must include photographs of the surrounding context, including neighboring building facades, height, fenestration patterns, and predominant material palettes. Graphical illustrations of building massing are encouraged as part of the zoning analysis submission.

scaled architectural details on the building envelope to create a sense of depth with light and shadow. Flat, featureless elevations and large expanses of blank wall area should be avoided, and may be resolved through variation in the type, color, and depth of material. The proportions, dimensions, and spacing of fenestrations should echo neighborhood patterns and maximize daylight in units. Developments must also enhance the local streetscape and reinforce pedestrian-friendly frontages through architectural elements such as setbacks, bay windows, and ground oor transparency. An uninterrupted street wall should be maintained, and the design must provide lighting along street frontages that enhances security. The number of entry points into a building or project site must be minimized. In addition to these general requirements, projects must demonstrate compliance with New York City Zoning Resolution and its urban design requirements.

Massing & Elevations

Articulation of massing, material, color, and texture must be used to dene the base, middle, and top of buildings. The design should create a strong pedestrian-scale building base. The main residential entrance should be appropriately distinguished and visible from the street, offer a welcoming atmosphere, and provide shelter from inclement weather. The ground oor along street frontages must be activated with programming and be as transparent as possible. Avoid blank walls at the street level. All building elevations are important. Due consideration should be given to the street faade, rear elevation, and side elevations, including lot-line elevations that are more than two oors above adjacent buildings. Every submission must include all elevations. Building facades should minimize the monotonous or institutional appearance of the building, and must promote each buildings identity and presence. HPD encourages architectural variety and appropriately

Outdoor Spaces
Due to the limited amount of open space in most developments, projects should maximize the use of outdoor space including all yards at ground level, terraces, and rooftops and including green roofs, provided non-HPD funding sources are secured. All outdoor spaces should be appropriately programmed and landscaped for their intended populations, and should include seating spaces. All areas of programmed outdoor space must be fully handicap accessible, and changes in elevation must be shown on all plans included in the submission. When providing multiple outdoor spaces, it is highly recommended that each space be programmed for different purposes. Additionally, outdoor spaces must be visible from common areas to enhance security. Wherever possible, windows should maximize visibility to the street and surveillance of HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING 1

public and private outdoor spaces. Excessive garden furnishings, garden plantings, greenscreen walls or green structures are not recommended. Paved areas must be constructed of cost-effective and durable materials. Landscaping must be attractive and lowmaintenance, incorporating native plants or plants suited to the local climate in order to limit the need for articial irrigation. For specic requirements, consult Section 5 Energy Efciency & Sustainability. HPD encourages the provision of accessible outdoor spaces on concrete decking; for instance the surfaces above parking or the roofs over a ground oor commercial space or a community facility are often easily accessible outdoor spaces. These areas should be programmed for tenant use, and a signicant portion of the surfaces should be landscaped with planting strips, box planters, or other planting systems to minimize hard surfaces. One street tree must be provided for every twenty-ve feet of street frontage pursuant to Section 26-40 of the New York City Zoning Resolution, New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (including the Tree Planting Standards), and New York City Department of Transportation standards (including the Street Design Manual). In developments including family-oriented dwelling units, a toddler play area with safe equipment and matting should be provided and located to allow nearby supervision. HPD recommends grouping play areas with other programmatic elements such as laundry rooms, outdoor seating, and recreation spaces. Play areas should be secured and screened from street trafc.

A security barrier such as a steel picket fence must be provided to prohibit entry into the site wherever the site perimeter is open to the street, an adjacent empty lot, or another unsecured area. All outdoor spaces must be screened from vehicular circulation and parking areas. Dwelling units must be adequately screened from exterior utility meters, mechanical equipment, vehicular circulation and parking, and refuse storage as well as public or common spaces such as sidewalks, courtyards, and front and rear yards to ensure privacy for the residents. Where front yards are proposed, they should be appropriately landscaped and must provide screening for all residential units, exterior utility meters, mechanical equipment, vehicular circulation and parking, and refuse storage. Chain link fences are not permitted.

Where parking is provided, it must be shielded from the street and from on-site open spaces. Vehicular access to all surface parking, parking garages, and loading areas should be along side-streets or areas of low pedestrian trafc. Trees may be used to provide shading over surface-level parking facilities. If a large number of parking spaces are needed, consideration should be given to parking below grade when nancially feasible and where site conditions permit. The provision of parking is governed by the New York City Zoning Resolution Section 25-00. Pursuant to the New York City Zoning Resolution Section 25-80, bicycle parking must be secured within the property either inside the building, yard or parking garage. If provided in parking garages, bicycle parking areas and the access paths to those spaces must be safe and secure and should avoid conicts with vehicular parking and circulation. 2 HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING

Tree Planting Standards Street Design Manual Zoning Resolution

Design Intention
A thorough site investigation is necessary to ensure that site planning is successful and nancially feasible. This process will determine the location of the building within the site while reecting the neighborhood context and meeting programmatic requirements.

Site Assessment & Investigation

In determining a sites suitability for residential use one should assess the current and former on-site and nearby uses to identify potential for sources of pollution such as noise and/or sub-surface contamination. The City and/or Federal environmental review processes deal with many aspects of these, as well as, potential quality of life issues that may need to be addressed through the projects design and site redevelopment. Phase I environmental site assessments/Phase II Site Investigation (contamination) reports; noise studies; historic surveys and investigations; and mitigation/ remediation/protection plans may need to be developed during the design phase to address these and/or other concerns. The developer should work with the SHLP to ensure appropriate coordination with HPDs Division of Environmental Planning and Implementation to address such issues.

and a eld visit, should be one of the considerations during the conceptual design phase of a project. The eld visit should be conducted by the development teams Professional Engineer (Foundation/Structural/ Geotechnical) to make and record observations, determine eld conditions, assess obstructions, and lay-out a proposed subsurface investigation boring and test pit plan. The evaluation must be conducted prior to developing a site plan. The subsurface investigation should be conducted as early as possible in the design development as it is integral to the decision making process for potential foundation systems, assigning mechanical and or other uses for the sub-grade, roof and common areas. The site investigation should summarize the results of the eld investigation, provide a boring/test pit location diagram, boring logs, groundwater level measurements, assess the potential sheeting shoring and/or underpinning requirements to protect adjacent buildings and structures and provide recommendations for additional analysis as required. This information must be provided to HPD as part of the initial design review package and no later than the second schematic submission. Any structural issues associated with adjoining properties or problematic underlying conditions must be documented in the event any claims are brought against the developer/contractor. Early site investigation will ensure appropriate placement of buildings to minimize geotechnical work and structural work. When rock is found on the project site through investigation, a boring analysis with an estimate of the rippability determined through rock quality data (RQD) and reasonable rock allowance removal must be provided with submission of initial schematic review. For project involving signicant (greater than 5 cubic yards) rock removal, and or a de-watering operation, a

Subsurface Conditions
An integral part of site planning is to assess the geological condition of the site. The development team is responsible for a proper site investigation to ensure that the subsurface conditions at the project site are sufciently dened in an effort to avoid subsurface condition change orders and/or re-design during the construction phase. An evaluation based on available geologic resources


constructability cost benet analysis, must be prepared in consultation with the structural and geotechnical engineer. The design should be advanced in a manner to reduce cost and potential uncertainties. Developments adjacent to underground structures such as subway lines, transportation, tunnels, other infrastructure, or other easements, must coordinate and secure necessary approvals from the owner (e.g. MTA/NYCT, MTA B&T, NYCDEP) during the design development phase through nal design, and may continue into the construction phase (e.g. construction, vibration monitoring).


Design Intention
The building layout shall promote interaction among residents within community rooms and open spaces. Similarly, the building layout shall encourage interaction between residents and the neighborhood. The overall intent of the building planning section is to provide guidelines for common areas that serve the residents of supportive housing and for maintenance and operation of the building. The gross oor area per efciency unit must not be more than 610 sf. Typically the economies of scale benet larger developments; as developments increase in size beyond 70 efciency units the gross oor area per unit must reduce to 580 sf.

and a view of the street. When a seating area is not provided in the lobby, access from the lobby area to common spaces such as multi-purpose rooms must be provided. Alternatively, visual access to common spaces and outdoor landscaped areas from lobby must be provided. The materials and furnishings in this space shall be cost-effective, durable, and easily maintained. Double-height oors are not recommended; as such spaces would have higher heating and cooling needs. A security station must be located for visual control over the entry and lobby areas. The security station must not exceed 150 sf. A mail alcove shall be located in an area that is visible and accessible from the lobby. A package closet is recommended if possible. Building services including waste management, utilities, janitorial, and mechanical rooms shall not open directly into the lobby. The ground oor entrance lobby establishes circulation patterns within the building. The primary vertical circulation must be visible and accessible from the lobby. HPD encourages consideration of the New York City Active Design Guidelines, which promote tness through active lifestyle, particularly noting the location and treatment of stairs in buildings. The architect must provide a justication for providing multiple elevators if the proposed building contains fewer than 50 units. Security cameras must be located at the building entrance, remote exits, and outdoor public spaces for tenants safety. Overly expensive security systems such as electronic lobby entry or swipe systems are not encouraged, unless a trade-off analysis demonstrates a reduced need for security personnel. HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING 5

The plans must be in full compliance with the design requirements of all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the New York City Building Code, the New York City Zoning Resolution, the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, the Fair Housing Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Each architect must provide a certication that the design complies with the accessibility requirements of the New York City Building Code, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and, for federally funded projects, the Fair Housing Act.

Commercial & Community Facilities

Any community facility or commercial space provided within a residential building must function independently of the residential portion, including entrances, exits, stairs, elevators, and indoor and outdoor recreation spaces. For information regarding commercial spaces, see the HPD Design Guidelines for New Construction.

Lobby & Circulation

Each building must have a ground oor residential entrance lobby that is distinctly articulated and clearly visible from the street. This lobby is intended for residential use only and must be entirely separated from non-residential facilities. The lobby must be treated as a welcoming space with an inviting seating area where programmatically feasible, ample daylight,

On each oor, the public circulation space must be minimized by locating larger units at the end of corridors to reduce corridor length. The interior circulation system should have a minimal number of changes in corridor direction and minimal recesses or offsets. HPD strongly recommends a centralized core to diminish travel distance. The residential corridor must be at least 5-0 wide at the elevator lobby on each oor to facilitate accessibility, circulation, and furniture movement. However, a 6-0 clearance is preferred.

Common Spaces
HPD recommends a variety of common spaces for tenant use, some of which are described below. The occupancy and the program of each space should determine its size, nishes, and furniture capacity. To optimize buildable oor area, the Guidelines have set maximum oor areas for tenants common spaces. Furthermore, it is recommended that common spaces be located in the cellar area when possible. Lounge/Multi-purpose Room should be located adjacent to primary entryways and have maximum visual connection to the lobby to promote tenant engagement. Furthermore, this space must be exible and adapt to multiple different uses, including training areas. This space should be outtted with comfortable furniture and should include a countertop, possibly including a warming station with a sink, a refrigerator, and a microwave. When multi-purpose rooms are located in the basement due to site constraints, an areaway for natural light and air should be considered. The total area of a multi-purpose room must not exceed 750 sf. If the area is greater than this limit, dividing panels should be provided to separate the space to facilitate simultaneous functions.

Computer Room should be located in the cellar in proximity to other common spaces. Unlike the lounge/ multi-purpose room, which is an active communal space, the computer room is a space for more focused activity and requires a quiet area. This space can also be used for other sedentary activities. Although natural light is desirable in training rooms, working with computers in direct light is difcult. If the training room has windows, arrange the furniture to minimize glare. A computer room that will be used for multiple purposes can have a variety of light sources. The area for 10 computer terminals shall not exceed 350 sf. Commercial Kitchens in efciency buildings are not recommended but are allowed subject to non-HPD funding. It is strongly recommended that any commercial kitchen be located adjacent to the lounge/multi-purpose room. The sponsor must provide proof of private funding sources for all commercial kitchen appliances, furniture, and xtures beyond the core-and-shell with associated operational costs. Laundry Room must be conveniently located and directly accessible from the public circulation. Natural light and ventilation are encouraged. Childrens Indoor Play Room should have safe and durable play equipment and playful nishes. This space should be clearly visible from other common spaces such as the laundry room or lounge/multi-purpose room. Exercise Room should be visually connected to other spaces. Accessible Restroom should be directly connected to common circulation and located in proximity to the laundry room, lounge/multi-purpose room, or other common areas. Bicycle Storage is required pursuant to the New York City Zoning Resolution Section 25-80. Where possible,


Social Service Ofces

Reception / Ofce Waiting Restrooms Total Ofce Space Director Ofce Equipment/Copy Room Storage Conference 150 sf 50 sf 300 sf 120 sf 54 sf 60 sf 250 sf

Size by Number of Units 50 dwelling units 75 dwelling units

150 sf 50 sf 400 sf 120 sf 54 sf 80 sf 275 sf

100 dwelling units

200 sf 50 sf 540 sf 120 sf 54 sf 100 sf 300 sf


these spaces should be located near circulation spaces easily accessible by the tenants. Tenants Storage is required for developments receiving certain HCR funding. Fifteen square feet of additional bulk storage for each efciency unit may be required. These spaces must be secured and fully accessible. Where possible, storage areas should be located in close proximity to the elevator core. Bulk storage within individual dwelling units is a preferred alternative to centralized storage areas.

the ratio of circulation space to the gross oor area due to economy of scale. A building area analysis table is included in Section 8 Submission Requirements.

Social Service Ofces

To optimize the proposed oor area for residential units, it is recommended that social service spaces be located in the basement/cellar in proximity to circulation spaces. To allow for natural light in the ofce spaces, a light well may be considered. Table 3.1 provides space allocation guidelines for Social Services ofces. Cubicles shall not exceed 6-0 by 6-0 and private ofce spaces should allocate 100 sf for each case manager. If cubicles are provided for case managers instead of ofces, then one counseling room measuring 100 sf must be provided for every two case manager cubicles.

Building Services
The oor plans must indicate utility spaces including boiler and sprinkler equipment, elevator machines, electric systems, and meter rooms. Each building must have a telecommunications room, janitors closet with a slop sink, trash chute, recycling room, and a trash compactor in elevator buildings pursuant to the Building Code. The compactor room should be located for convenient transport of compacted refuse to the collection point, minimizing circulation through interior and exterior spaces. Neither access to the compactor room nor the path of garbage removal shall circulate through ground oor lobby. Building service spaces shall occupy no more than 5 to 10 percent of the gross oor area.

Building Area Analysis

Total circulation area must be less than 25 percent of gross square feet of building area, and larger developments must be more efcient. Additionally, social service, common spaces, building services, and their related circulation spaces must be less than 25 percent of the gross square feet of building area. In buildings with more units, the ratio of social service space to the number of units should decrease as would

Active Design Guidelines Building Code Zoning Resolution HCR Handbook


[this page is intentionally left blank]


Design Intention
This section describes spaces within dwelling units, the relationships among these spaces, and the metrics HPD utilizes to evaluate suitable living spaces. The goal of this section is to ensure unit layouts are livable, furnishable, and handicap accessible. HPD recommends buildings with only efciency units for homeless and low-income individuals, and the following requirements describe such units. Proposals offering larger units will be considered and reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and any such units must comply with the HPD Design Guidelines for New Construction. Rehabilitation developments that do not meet the following requirements will be reviewed at the discretion of SHLP/DAE.

0 deep by 10-0 long and must comply with the Fair Housing Act and the Building Code. The kitchenette should consist of a refrigerator, sink, range, undercabinet microwave oven, wall-hung cabinets, removable base cabinets, outlets for countertop appliances, and a minimum 2-6 of linear countertop work surface. Refer to Section 7 Scope of Work for equipment, materials, and xtures. The length of countertop and shelving shall be measured along the front edge of the surface area that achieves the minimum depth, and shall not include corners. Base cabinets and countertops must be 2-0 deep. Shelving must be minimally 11 deep, though 16 deep is preferred. Kitchen elevations must be provided. Every dwelling unit must have at least one full, Type B - Appendix P bathroom per Building Code. It must contain a bathtub with a shower head, a sink, and a toilet. This bathroom must also conform to the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 504, and the Building Code. Every unit must contain a minimum 6 linear feet of storage. Separate storage spaces for clothes (2-0 by 4-0 wide) and linen/pantry (1-6 deep by 2-0 wide) is preferred.

Types of Spaces for Efciency Units

Each efciency unit must contain a living space, private bathroom, kitchenette, and storage space. While there are various unit congurations that would meet code requirements, it is the intent of HPD to encourage good design. The standard oor-to-ceiling height for all residential oors must not exceed 8-0. At a minimum, the design of each unit must clearly distinguish the areas allocated to living, sleeping and dining spaces within the 150 square foot living area required. An efciency unit with a sleeping alcove is acceptable, however it will increase the net oor area and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The layout must also reect a kitchenette separate from the main living area. If the layout proposes a kitchenette within the living/sleeping space, the area of the kitchenette and the oor space up to 3-0 in depth from the counter, while counted towards living area, must be free and clear of furniture and any obstructions, as indicated in gures 4.2 and 4.3, must be at least 2-

Space Kitchenette LR/DA/SA Net Floor Area

Area 20 sf 150 sf 300 sf

Minimum Dimension 10-0 10-0 10-0

Multi-Family Units
For multi-family unit area and layout requirements, see the HPD Design Guidelines for New Construction. HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING 9

Area Calculations
The text and gures in this section describe the methodology DAE utilizes to calculate the oor area of the combined living area / dining area / sleeping area (LA/DA/SA) in efciency units only. The legend for gures is as follows:
5-0 Diameter Wheelchair Maneuvering Clearance 30 by 48 Maneuvering Clearance for Front- or Parallel-Approach Area to be Counted Toward LA/DA/SA Floor Area Required Clear Floor Area


10-0 MIN

150 sf LR/DA/SA

Irregular Geometries In irregularly-shaped spaces, any oor area narrower than 3-0 shall be excluded from the total oor area for that space. The majority of the space must still maintain the minimum dimension of 10-0. See gure 4.3 for an illustration.

NOTE: The layouts in this section are provided for the purpose of illustrating spatial relationships and area calculations. These layouts are not intended as examples, and should not limit the range or variety of units proposed for a development.

Clear Floor Area For efciency units only, the area up to 3-0 in front of the countertop shall count toward the LA/DA/SA as indicated in gures 4.2 and 4.3. This area shall remain clear of obstructions, including furniture and mechanical equipment. Minimum Dimensions The minimum dimension 10-0 is indicated in gures 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4. For efciency units only, the minimum dimension of the LA/DA/SA may overlap the clear oor area. Vestibule and Corridor The unit entry vestibule and corridor shall not count toward the LA/DA/SA. See gures 4.2 and 4.3.


Required Furniture Capacity

Each efciency unit must be able to accommodate the following furniture in an accessible layout:
Figure 4.5 REQUIRED FURNITURE CAPACITY twin bed chair

11-0 MIN

tv stand

table for two

2-6 7-6

10-0 MIN

150 sf LR/DA/SA
9-3 2-8






All projects must achieve Enterprise Green Communities Certication by complying with the Criterias mandatory standards and earning 35 points from the Optional Criteria. Implementation of these criteria for affordable housing projects will result in a healthy living environment, lower residents utility costs, and help protect the environment by conserving energy, water, materials and other resources. The Enterprise Green Communities Criteria contains detailed information that addresses aspects of design, development and operations. The Criteria are grouped into the following eight categories: Integrative Design Location and Neighborhood Fabric Site Improvements Water Conservation Energy Efciency Materials Benecial to the Environment Healthy Living Environment Operations and Maintenance

Site Planning
Sustainable design and site planning integrate design and construction strategies to: minimize environmental site impacts; enhance human health; reduce construction costs; and maximize energy, water, and natural resource conservation. With regards to landscaping, new construction projects must provide a plant list demonstrating that the selection of plants and trees are at least 50% native species, 100% appropriate to the sites soil and microclimate, and do not include invasive species. The locations of plantings are important and present an opportunity to provide shading in the summer and allow heat gain in the winter. If irrigation is necessary, HPD mandates the following components for a highly efcient irrigation system: a system designed by an EPA Water Sense certied professional or qualied landscape professional, at least 50% of landscape planting beds must utilize dripirrigation, turf and each type of bedding area should be separately zoned, a timer/controller for various zones, and moisture sensor controllers or rain delay controllers.

Key considerations for HPD projects are summarized below. Project teams are advised to consult the full text of the Enterprise Green Communities Criteria & Technical Manual for additional details. The full document is available for download on the Green Communities web site.

Water Conservation
Water efciency conserves fresh water resources and reduces utility bills. In addition to an efcient outdoor irrigation system, HPD mandates the use of waterconserving xtures and appliances, including faucets, showerheads, and toilets.

Integrative Design
One mandatory item for all projects is the submission of a Green Development Plan that outlines the integrated design approach used for a particular project. An integrated design process incorporates sustainability from the outset and this plan should demonstrate the involvement of the entire development team.

Energy Conservation & Renewables

Energy efciency helps to maximize resident comfort and health and reduces utility bills. Projects must meet the minimum energy performance standard outlined in the Criteria. If appliances such as washers, dishwashers, and refrigerators are provided, HPD mandates Energy Star appliances. Interior and exterior HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING 11

energy efcient lighting are also mandated For interior lighting, install the Energy Star Advanced Lighting Package in all interior units and use Energy Star or high efciency commercial grade xtures in all common areas and outdoors. For exterior lighting, light pollution should be kept to a minimum and daylight sensors or timers should be installed on all outdoor lighting. For common spaces at the exterior of a building, daylighting should be used to reduce electric lighting needs. Air locks or vestibules at entrance doors may prevent loss of heating/cooling. The use of high-albedo roof surfaces is encouraged to reduce the cooling costs and energy input to the building. The installation of individual or sub-metered electric meters is required.

certication to project contact via email within 30 days of receiving completed submission. Any project team submitting a request for certication to Enterprise may be subject to on-site verication by a third-party provider. Projects will be selected for on-site verication on a quarterly basis, using a random sampling approach based on the number of certication requests submitted in a given quarter. Enterprise will direct a consultant to conduct the on-site verication, monitor the consultant for quality assurance, and cover the costs to complete the verication. Additional information is available on the Enterprise Green Communities web site:

Materials & Ventilation

The importance of a healthy living environment is a signicant green building issue directly affecting residents. Creating a healthy living environment involves the use of materials that do not cause negative health impacts for residents or workers. HPD mandates the use of low/no Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) paints and primers, low/no VOC adhesives and sealants, and Urea-Formaldehyde free composite wood. Exhaust fans must be provided for both bathrooms and kitchens. HPD mandates ventilation systems providing adequate fresh air per ASHRAE 62.1-2007 for residential buildings above 3 stories or ASHRAE 62.2 for single family and low-rise multifamily dwellings. The sizing of HVAC systems is mandatory and ASHRAE handbooks or equivalent software must be utilized.

Green Communities Certication

Step 1 Project team completes online certication request form and submits additional documentation during the design phase as plans and specications are being developed. Once all submittals required under Step 1 are complete, Enterprise will conduct an initial review of the materials and provide feedback on the submission as necessary. Step 2 Project team completes online nal certication form within 60 days of construction completion. Enterprise conducts nal review and determines whether project can be certied as meeting the Green Communities Criteria. Enterprise sends notication of

Green Communities Compliance Manual 2008a



Design Intention
In addition to compliance with all other sections of the Guidelines, buildings specically designed for seniors and/or persons with disabilities must meet the provisions described in this section.

community rooms should be located adjacent to primary entrances and provide maximum visual connection to the lobby to encourage participation in activities. A common area with computers and broadband Internet access is also recommended. Circulation space throughout the common areas should comfortably accommodate occupants with limited mobility, including those using walkers, canes, and wheelchairs. Proposed furniture should facilitate senior use and be adaptive in terms of heights, angles, and appropriate clearances. All oors should be anti-slip. Frequently used doors and passageways should be emphasized by the use of different colors and textures for guidance.

Site Planning
All outdoor spaces should be appropriately programmed and landscaped for their intended populations. Provisions must be made for seating space for at least twenty percent of all residents in secure and appropriate outdoor areas, and a variety of outdoor seating areas should be offered. These areas may range from intimate shaded seating to larger, more social game table areas. Landscaping should be attractive and low-maintenance, incorporating native plants or plants suited to the local climate in order to limit the need for articial irrigation. It should also incorporate a variety of textures and materials, shading devices, strategically placed planters, and plant selection in order to promote visual interest in outdoor spaces. Provisions must be made for adequate site and street lighting to ensure visibility and safety within the project area.

Apartment Planning
Senior housing units should permit easy maneuvering within the unit, and should consider the physical limitations of many senior residents. In addition to other required accessibility standards, the unit design should incorporate the following minimum design considerations: Apartment should be designed to accommodate two persons. The bathrooms should be outtted for handicap use including grab bars, lever faucets, walk-in bathtubs/ shower stalls, and modied heights of toilet seats. Because high level storage is impractical, closet hang rods should be mounted 60 above the oor. The light switches must be easily identiable in the dark and located no more than 48 above the nished oor height. A master or three-way switch adjacent to the bed is suggested. A panic button should be provided within each unit. Each unit should have individual control for heating and ventilation. HPD DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SUPPORTIVE HOUSING 13

Building Planning
The main entry should be clearly articulated from the outside, protected from inclement weather, and well lit. The project should provide convenient, comfortable seating areas near the residential entry, situated to maximize views of outdoor activity and pedestrian areas. Additional activity areas may be located above the rst oor, provided that such spaces are programmed. Within the building, a high degree of social interaction should be encouraged, and community areas should be programmed to allow for a variety of activities. The

For those projects utilizing HUD 202 funding, HPD acknowledges the difculty in complying with both HUD maximum square footages and HPD minimum room sizes. Utilizing the 270 sf Living/Dining/Kitchen room size for 1-BR units can be efciently designed to comply with both sets of guidelines. HPD may permit, at its discretion, minor deviations from the Design Guidelines to achieve a superior unit layout for senior housing.



Building Systems Structure Roof
Note CMU wall and pre-cast concrete plank Built-up / single membrane Alternative structural building systems (for example, structural steel) are subject to separate HPD approval. Conditional justication and cost efciency will be required.

Fixtures Accessories
20 Range 20 Kitchen sink with 2.0 gpm ow Bathroom sink with 1.5 gpm ow Shower head with 1.75 gpm ow Toilet with 1.3 gpm ush Towel rack & robe hook Shower curtain rod Medicine cabinet Grab bars as required Toilet paper dispenser

All HPD projects should be constructed of high quality, attractive, sustainable, and durable materials that are cost-effective and that minimize maintenance costs. Specication items equal in cost and performance to those items listed in the HPD New Construction Specication Manual may be considered by HPD if proper documentation and supporting information are provided by the development team.

Exterior Materials Exterior Wall Windows

Note Brick with continuous air and thermal barrier Thermally-broken aluminum and glass doublehung or sliding All proposed exterior materials and nishes must be cost efcient and should reect the predominant character of the surrounding neighborhood context. Expensive cladding materials, glass curtain walls, excessive and varied metal paneling, costly alternative masonry and stone, EIFS, composite rainscreen are not recommended. Exterior walls must be insulated, including at baths.

Mechanical Systems Heating

Sealed combustion hydronic heating system with baseboards/ convectors. Atmospherically vented systems are not allowed. Non-condensing boilers with 85% efciency shall be provided, and are recommended to be located on the roof. System for all domestic water lines in the entire building. Insulate all hot and cold lines. Air-condition units for all efciencies. Central cooling systems, cooling towers, heater/chiller rooms, PTAC systems and other costly mechanical systems will be subject to separate HPD approval. Technical justication and cost analysis for alternative systems must be submitted.

Plumbing Cooling

Interior Finishes Ceilings Bathroom

Painted plank Hung ceiling; Ceramic tile oor-to-ceiling for bathtub interior, 4-0 wainscot for walls of the bathroom and ceramic mosaic bathroom oor must be specied. Walls must be reinforced for grab bars. Ceramic tile between countertop/backsplash and the bottom of wall-mounted cabinets Painted drywall and block Hardwood oors in living spaces inside apartments; a combination of tile an linoleum in public spaces. Post-formed plastic laminate Post-formed plastic laminate The following costly interior materials and nishes are not encouraged: bamboo oors, wainscoting, excessive ceramic tiling in bathrooms and public halls, expensive countertops such as granite, marble, corian, and stainless steel.

Other Systems Sprinklers Security

All buildings must be fully sprinklered CCTV system with cameras at critical locations connected to security station and equipped with DVR recording device Electrical Full installation throughout the building with Energy Star lighting and combined hard-wired smoke/ carbon monoxide detectors within the dwelling units Communications One telephone outlet in each program space and unit; intercom system; master TV system Fire Alarm Fire alarm system for building Ventilation All bathrooms, kitchens, and kitchenettes must be mechanically ventilated Elevator Conventional electric elevators preferred Miscellaneous Compactor with a refuse chute

Kitchen Walls Floors Counters Cabinetry


Equipment / Accessories Appliances

Energy Star Appliances 14 cubic foot Refrigerator Under-cabinet Microwave



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Building & Program Description
As part of the submission for all SHLP projects, and in preparation for a kickoff meeting between the sponsors, DAE, and SHLP staff, the development team shall provide a completed version of the forms included in this section. Photographs

area, including internal circulation, located within the Sub-Basement, Basement, Cellar, Ground Floor, Typical Floor Area, and Roof Floor Area (if programmed).

Submission Packages
The developer or developers agent must submit a complete package to HPD for schematic design review, cost estimation, construction document review, DOB permitting and bid review; incomplete packages cannot be reviewed and will be returned. All plans must be prepared by a Registered Architect or Professional Engineer. PLEASE NOTE: upon receiving a complete submission package, DAE shall conduct its review and provide comments within 45 days. The requirements for submission packages are as follows (materials may be submitted earlier, but no later than indicated): Form 1: Submission Checklist A document at the end of this section. Form 2: Program Description A document at the end of this section describing some of the programmatic requirements of the project. Form 3: Building Description A document at the end of this section describing some of the architectural requirements of the project. Form 4: Building Area Analysis The analysis should provide a summary of the areas within the building for the purposes of comparison and evaluation. The total GSF shall include all programmed

Photographs must describe the site of the proposed development and the sites relation to surrounding buildings, streets, and open spaces. Photographs must be graphically keyed to the area plan. Outline of the Scope of Work A written description of the scope of work of the proposed building project. Area Plan & Sanborn Map An area plan should locate distinctive features in the immediate vicinity and surrounding neighborhood of the project site. This plan should show the following information for a four-hundred foot radius around the site: land use, the stories/heights of surrounding buildings, historic districts, adjacent landmark buildings, vehicular trafc directions, locations of subway and bus stops, above- and below-ground infrastructure, and other distinctive information. This plan may be based on the most recent Sanborn map of the area or the base map from the DCP. A Sanborn map should be provided with the area plan regardless. Zoning Map & Analysis A zoning map which locates the site is required along with a detailed zoning analysis. This analysis must specically cite all relevant sections of the New York City Zoning Resolution and indicate permitted and proposed calculations for bulk regulations (including oor area, open space, density, height & setbacks, and yard and court requirements) and parking regulations.



Site Plan The site plan should be clearly legible (minimum scale of 1= 20) and must indicate all components of the development within the nearest street intersections. It must include site boundaries, restrictions, easements, encroachments, all buildings and their access points, adjacent structures, private roads, parking, driveways, sidewalks, pathways, spot elevations, proposed topography, surface materials, tree types and locations, landscaping, fences, gates, and lighting. The ood zone district should also be indicated. Building Code Analysis Complete Building Code information indicates occupancy group, construction classication, re resistance ratings, egress / access requirements and types, and live load capacity. This summary must cite all relevant sections of the current New York City Building Code, Housing Maintenance Code, Multiple Dwelling Law, Fair Housing Act and other applicable agencies regulating accessibility. The Schedule A DOB form must be provided in the initial submission. Floor Plans Submissions must include a complete package of all oor plans which meets the following criteria: Floor plans must be drawn at a minimum scale of 1/8 = 1-0 and must be adequately dimensioned. Handicap accessibility must be illustrated. Floor plans must describe all levels of the proposed buildings, including cellar/basement, street level, typical oor, upper oors, and roof plan. Parking plans should include trafc ow information and parking spaces should be uniquely identied. Spaces must be clearly labeled by name and area. Each unique oor layout must be submitted. Each unit type must be uniquely labeled by name and net area. If necessary, larger developments should provide layout of individual units at 1/4 = 1-0. Spaces for building utilities must be indicated on the plans. These spaces include boiler and sprinkler equipment, elevator machines, electric systems, meter rooms, telecommunications rooms, trash chutes, recycling room, janitors closet, building storage and trash compactor in elevator buildings. The superintendents unit must be labeled.

Elevations All elevations of the building or buildings must be provided for review at the same scale as the plans. Elevations must indicate nishes, construction materials, ceiling heights, oor elevations, and total building height. All elements must be labeled. Elevations should show existing adjacent buildings to demonstrate compatibility with the neighborhood. Color elevations showing material are encouraged. Renderings Perspective renderings are mandatory for public sites and are highly recommended for all projects in order to more clearly communicate the design intentions. Renderings should show existing adjacent buildings to demonstrate compatibility with the neighborhood. Electronic Version of Documents Electronic versions of the drawings formatted in .dwf and .dwg (AutoCAD 2000) must include a layer with the geometries used for area calculation. Boring Plan A site plan enumerating and locating borings to be taken in preparation of the Geotechnical Report and Subsurface Condition Survey. FEMA Flood Hazard Area Map A map by the Federal Emergency Management Agency locating areas of ood risk and clearly locating the proposed building site. Sustainability Summary & Green Communities Checklist A paragraph statement of sustainable design practices should accompany a formal Green Communities Criteria checklist for verication. Topographic Survey A professionally rendered survey must show all existing topographic information. Utility Survey A professionally rendered survey must show all existing utility services. Existing Field Conditions Report Demolition, material abatement, rock allowance, remediation, site monitoring, noise (window wall)



attenuation report, and other expenses resulting from site conditions should be included within the General Contractors base construction contract. No additional alterations should be proposed at the time of closing. All reports must be submitted to HPD DAE for review. Geotechnical Reports & Subsurface Condition Surveys Provide two copies of the boring logs. The Investigation of the sites previous use(s) and history as well as the current use of the neighboring sites should be conducted and should be a part of the written report. The report must also include: The proximity of any under or above ground rails Existing easements, if applicable REUC Number (R.E. Utility Corp.) for particular site Existing underground storage tanks Ground water table Underground stream location, if applicable Environmental reports and remediation plans Engineering report on the analysis of the existing conditions and salvage protocol if necessary Recommendations for the proposed structural system(s) based on site ndings. Sanborn Maps and Site History including historical maps of subject property and adjacent properties. Soil and Foundation Investigations must comply with 2008 New York City Building Code - Chapter 18: Soils and Foundations and 2008 New York City Building Code, Section 1802: Foundations and Soils Investigation Provide two copies of the boring logs with additional boring tests performed in the locations described below. This requirement exceeds the minimum required by the New York City Building Code. Architect shall interpret the boring logs and existing conditions. Pursuant to DOB LL 10/80 Reports, the site report should include structural conditions of adjacent buildings surrounding the proposed site. Test pits should also be done near other existing buildings and the report should note all irregular conditions. Any unusual features of the site and surrounding lots must also be included in the report. The boring contractor should perform borings at the center of each proposed foundation wall and elevator pit. Investigate and explain in writing previous use of the site and current use of neighboring sites. For existing sites, evaluate the proximity to any underground rail system or easements, have all bulk storage tanks investigated; perform test pits in the cellar of basement to determine ground water elevation, including pits for elevators and

along existing party walls, have an engineer provide an analysis of the existing structural conditions of all buildings considering a salvage protocol. Phase 1 Report HPD strongly recommends that every proposed development conduct a phase 1 environmental report at an early stage in the project. Initial Cost Estimate Architect must provide an initial cost estimate with schematic drawings. Construction Documents with Specications Construction Documents must be submitted at 100% completion along with Specications. A detailed cost breakdown of trades with quantity takeoffs for each item must be submitted in the early Construction Documents phase. Application Forms for the Department of Buildings For all properties, a nal set of DOB-approved architectural drawings in 11 x 17 format must be submitted. For all HPD-owned properties, PW-1 and other DOB forms must also be submitted for HPD signature. Architects Certication The architect of record must provide certication that, if the project is constructed in accordance with the HPD-approved schematic plan, the completed project will be in full compliance with the construction and design requirements of city and federal laws related to accessiblity and adaptability.



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Organization Name: Building Name: Address of Building:

Upon receiving a complete submission package, DAE shall conduct its review and provide comments within 45 days.

Checklist for Initial Design Review Form 2: Program Description Form 3: Building Description Form 4: Building Area Analysis Photographs Outline of the Initial Scope of Work Area Plan with Sanborn Map Zoning Map and Analysis Site Plan Building Code Analysis Floor Plans Elevations Renderings Electronic Version (AutoCAD) Boring Plan FEMA Flood Hazard Area Map Sustainability Summary and Green Communities Checklist

Checklist for Construction Document Review Topographic Survey Existing Field Conditions Report Geotechnical Reports, Boring Logs & Written Report 100% Completed Construction Documents, including Mechanical, Electrical, and Structural Drawings (3 sets) Final Specications (3 sets) Samples of Materials Sustainability Summary and Green Communities Checklist Checklist for DOB Permitting Building Code Summary with DOB Schedule A Form Initial DOB Submission Documents Application Forms for DOB List of DOB objections Checklist for Final Cost Estimate Review

Checklist for Second Design Review Required Resubmission Material from the Initial Design Review Topographic Survey Utility Survey Existing Field Conditions Report Geotechnical Reports & Subsurface Condition Surveys Phase I Report Initial Cost Estimate

100% Completed Construction Documents including Mechanical, Electrical, and Structural Drawings Final Specications and Final Scope of Work Add Alternates Checklist for Bid Review 100% Completed Construction Documents including Mechanical, Electrical, and Structural Drawings Final Specications Final Bid Packages Final General Contractors Bid with Quantity Takeoffs Add Alternates Architects Certication

Checklist for Third Design Review Required Resubmission Material from the Second Design Review




Organization Name: Building Name: Address of Building: D.U. Count
Total number of units: Units for: individuals families with children couples + superintendent unit


Description of population(s) to be served:

Service contract agency: Funding sources:

Describe indoor and outdoor space needs for tenant engagement:


Describe social service staf ng needs and space requirements:

Describe property management staf ng needs and space requirements:

Describe any space needed for larger community or organizational purposes:




Organization Name: Building Name: Address of Building: D.U. Count
Total number of units: Units for: individuals families with children couples + superintendent unit


Zoning District and Use Group: Allowable FAR: New Construction Proposed FAR: Rehab

Describe the conditions of the site (including details about any physical or geological constraints, environmental issues, etc.) and how this affects the building design:

Describe surrounding buildings/lots:

Describe how the building will contribute to the neighborhood:

If applicable, describe any space or design requirements negotiated with the community for project approval:

Describe any specic programs proposed for residents that will be provided on site:




Organization Name: Building Name: Address of Building:


Total Gross Square Footage (GSF) including cellar Total Number of Dwelling Units (DU) Total GSF per DU Total Nonresidential Spaces
Social Service Area (including circulation) Tenant Common Spaces (including circulation) Building Services (including circulation)

A B (A/B) D E F G sf

sf du gsf/du Area as % of Total % % % %

sf (E/D) sf (F/D) sf (G/D) (D/A)

Total Nonresidential Spaces / GSF Total Residential Area

Average Net DU Area Average Gross DU Area H J K sf sf sf

Area as % of Total

Total Residential Area / GSF Total Residential Circulation Area Total Residential Circulation Area / GSF
L sf

(H/A) Area as % of Total (L/A)

Additional Information:



Active Design Guidelines, New York City Department of Design and Construction
[] []

HPD Design Guidelines for Supportive Housing, New York City Housing Preservation and Development

New York City Building Code, part of the New York City Construction Codes, available from the New York City Department of Buildings
[ shtml]

New York City Housing Maintenance Code [] New York State Multiple Dwelling Law

FRESH (Food Retail Expansion to Support Health), a city government initiative and part of the New York City Five Borough Economic Opportunity Plan

Street Design Manual, New York City Department of Design and Construction

Enterprise Green Communities Compliance Manual, Enterprise Green Community Partners, Inc.

Tree Planting Standards, New York City Department of Parks and Recreation

Fair Housing Act

[ Final_Rule.pdf]

Zoning Resolution, New York City Department of City Planning


HCR Design Handbook, New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal




a coefcient describing a materials ability to reect radiation, such as sunlight (high albedo surfaces reduce heat gain) Apartment [see Dwelling Unit] ASHRAE the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers ANSI the American National Standards Institute ANSI 117.1 a document that sets standards for accessibility in new construction and remodels Building Code the current New York City Building Code and amendments administered by the DOB DAE the Division of Architecture + Engineering, a division within HPD HCR the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal DOB the New York City Department of Buildings Dwelling Unit a space made up of one or more rooms that contain lawful cooking and sanitary facilities, inhabited by one or more persons living together and maintaining a common household, in a residential building or residential portion of a building; also called an apartment or unit EIFS Exterior Insulation and Finish System Fenestration the arrangement and proportion of windows, doors, and other openings on the elevations of a building Fair Housing Act a part of the 1968 Federal Civil Rights Act Furnishability ability of a space to contain the minimum furniture to accommodate the needs of its maximum occupancy and to arrange such furniture for common usage Green Communities an initiative by Enterprise Community Partners, this is the HPD standard for sustainable building practice Guidelines the HPD Design Guidelines for Supportive Housing HMC the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, part of the citys Administrative Code HPD the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development HUD the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD 202 the Supportive Housing for the Elderly program Section 202 HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning MDL the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law NYSERDA the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority PW-1 a DOB form also known as the Plan/Work Approval Application; the rst document led with the DOB to begin the application process Sanborn Map historical maps of urban areas originally created for the insurance industry Schedule A a DOB form which provides supplementary occupancy and use information SF square feet SHLP the Supportive Housing Loan Program, a program that provides funding to non-prot sponsors to develop permanent housing with on-site services for special populations Unit [see Dwelling Unit] VOC Volatile Organic Compound Xeriscaping landscaping which eliminates the need for supplemental water through irrigation Zoning Resolution the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York and current amendments Albedo



Design Team
Brian Baldor Michael Davis Simone Dennery Eugenia Theofilaktidou

Special Thanks
Thomas Cavallo Shayna Cooper John Gearitty Piotr Grebski Judy James-Hernandez Cha Lee Christopher Mahase Souzan Malty Wain Seto SHNNY




MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG, Mayor ROBERT K. STEEL, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development MATHEW M. WAMBUA, Commissioner


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