This is the 2 - D recipical square lattice with the first brillouin zone.
Kr = 2 Kx h 2h 2 2 kr = (kr ) = (kx) = 2 kx 2m 2m
2 2
Kr = 3Kx
kr = 3 kx
in case of the divalent metal, if the band gap energy is higher than the difference of the kinetic energy between the midpoint of a side face and the corner, then some electrons will prefer moving to the second zone than moving to the corners of the first zone. In that case the divalent metal will become a conductor/
Chapter 7: Problem #2
Free electron energies in reduced zone: Consider the free electron energy bands of an fcc lattice in the approximation of an empty lattice, but in the reduced zone scheme in which all ks are transformed to lie in the first Brillouin zone. Plot roughly in the [111] direction the energies of all bands up to six time the lowest band energy at the zone boundary at k = (2/a)(1/2,1/2,1/2). Let this be the unit of energy.
Ch. 7; Eq. (1): = (2/2m)(kx2 + ky2 + kz2) Ch. 2; Eq. (21): k' = k + G Ch. 2; Eq. (15): G = v1b1+v2b2+v3b3 Useful textbook pages: 32, 38, 223 For fcc lattice the reciprocal lattice vectors are: b1 = (2/a)(-x+y+z) b2 = (2/a)(x-y+z) B3 = (2/a)(x+y-z) Find G: G = (2/a)(-v1x + v1y+v1z +v2x v2y + v2z +v3x+v3y-v3z)
k = (2/a)(1/2,1/2,1/2) max=(2/2m)k2 = (6)(2/2m)(2/a)2(1/4+1/4+1/4) max= (9/2)(2/2m)(2/a)2 K = G + k' = (2/a)(1/2x+1/2y +1/2z) + (2/a)(-v1x + v1y+v1z +v2x v2y + v2z +v3x+v3y-v3z) K2 = ((2/a)((1/2 h + k + l)x + (1/2 + h k + l) + (1/2 + h + k l)))2 000 = (1/2x + 1/2y + 1/2z)2 = 3/4, yes 001 = (3/2x + 3/2y 1/2z)2 = 19/4, no 010 = (3/2x - 1/2y + 3/2z)2 = 19/4, no
011 = (5/2x + 1/2y + 1/2z)2 = 7/2, yes 110 = (1/2x + 1/2y + 5/2z)2 = 7/2, yes 101 = (1/2x + 5/2y + 1/2z)2 = 7/2, yes 111 = (3/2x + 3/2y + 3/2z)2 = 27/4, no 00-1 = (-1/2x - 1/2y + 3/2z)2 = 11/4, yes 0-10 = (-1/2x + 3/2y - 1/2z)2 = 11/4, yes -100 = (3/2x - 1/2y - 1/2z)2 = 11/4, yes 0-1-1 = (-3/2x + 1/2y + 1/2z)2 = 11/4, yes -10-1 = (1/2x - 3/2y + 1/2z)2 = 11/4, yes -1-10 = (1/2x + 1/2y - 3/2z)2 = 11/4, yes
0 0 1/2
Kittel, 7.3
Kronig-Penney Model
a) For the delta-function potential and with P<<1, find at k=0 the energy of the lowest energy band. b) For the same problem find the band gap at k=pi/a.
Kittel, 7.3a
Start with (P/Ka) sin (Ka) + cos (Ka) = cos (ka) Sin (x) => x (x^3/6) + Cos (x) => 1 (x^2/2) + (P/Ka) (Ka (Ka)^3/6) + (1 (Ka)^2/2) = 1 After some algebra K^2 = ((6P)/(P + 3))/a^2 e = (h^2 K^2) / (2m), and since P << 1, we have a final solution of e = (h^2 P) / (ma^2).
Kittel, 7.3b
Again, Start with (P/Ka) sin (Ka) + cos (Ka) = cos (ka) Sin (x) => x (x^3/6) + Cos (x) => 1 (x^2/2) + (P/Ka) (Ka (Ka)^3/6) + (1 (Ka)^2/2) = -1 There is a solution at Ka = pi, and another at Ka = pi + (some small number, x) (P/(pi +x)) (-x + x^3/6) 1 + x^2/2 = -1 Drop the x^3 term, and use (pi + x) = pi
r r 1 r r' ' r' = exp(iG R j ) V (r ) exp(iG r )dv j v all _ space s r r C exp(iG R j )[2]
s j
2 A= (1,0,0) a
U G = C (1 1) = 0
Problem 6
Consider a square lattice in two dimensions with the crystal potential
Apply the central equation to find the energy gap at the corner point (/a, /a) of the Brillouin Zone. It will suffice to solve a 2 x2 determinantal equation.
where n and m are integers. The point (/a, /a) lies on the edge of the Brillouin zone boundary in both the kx and ky direction. This satisfies the condition
Drop sine terms because they will evaluate to zero in the next step. Invert to get UG