Services in Global Perspective
Services in Global Perspective
Services in Global Perspective
internationally can be seen to be increasing dramatically. This increase in inevitable, if service organization are to grow and survive in todays global marketplace, they have to develop their international operations. Obviously, trends in international trade will affect all service to lesser and greater degree. Factors influencing globalization: i) hanges in !ocial factor ii) hanges in technology iii) hanges in political condition iv) ompetition in the market v) ompetitive advantage vi) "egulations in home country vii) #ack of demand in home country International Marketing of Services: !ervice firms are increasingly investing overseas on their own account, as they seek to serve new clients and e$ploit their own uni%ue competitive advantage. !uch advantage takes several forms& '. (roducer !ervice ). onsumer !ervice *. !tock broking, +oreign ,$change or securities dealing -. Outward ,$pansion .arket environment for !ervices& i) (rotectionism ii) Trans/border 0ata flow iii) ompetition iv) (rotection of 1ntellectual (roperty v) ultural barriers Recent Trends:Off/shoring !ervice / As off/shoring creates a better advantage because workers are available at lower cost. 1nformation technology ,nabling service
!ervices represent the fastest growing sector of the global economy and account for two thirds of global output, one third of global employment and nearly )23 of global trade. 4hen the idea of bringing rules on services into the multilateral trading system was floated in the early to mid '562s, a number of countries were skeptical and even opposed. They believed such an agreement could undermine governments ability to pursue national policy ob7ectives and constrain their regulatory powers. The agreement that was developed, however, allows a high degree of fle$ibility, both within the framework of rules and also in terms of the market access commitments.
!ocial hanges 8e.g., affluence, lack of time, desire for e$periences) 9usiness Trends
: .anufacturers offer service : ;rowth of chains and franchising : (ressures to improve productivity and %uality : .ore strategic alliances : .arketing emphasis by nonprofits : 1nnovative hiring practices
Advances in 1T 8e.g., speed, digitization, wireless, 1nternet) 1nternationalization 8travel, transnational companies) "adically alter ways in which service firms do business&
: with customers 8new services, more convenience) : behind the scenes 8reengineering, new value chains)
reate relational databases about customer needs and behavior, mine databanks for insights #everage employee capabilities and enhance mobility entralize customer service/faster and more responsive 0evelop national<global delivery systems reate new, 1nternet/based business models
!everal factor driven and influence the globalization of manufacturing firms& Types of globalization drivers& '. .arket drivers ). ompetition 0rivers *. Technology 0rivers -. ost 0rivers =. ;overnment 0rivers %e& $ecision in Global Marketing:'. (arameters ). 0ecision/making for global marketing *. !pecific consideration for international services Service Strateg&:!ervice firms to a large e$tent have done their strategic decision in an ad hoc manner based on emerging tendencies and spontaneous opportunities. They often neglect their strategic thinking. >uestions as which competitive domain the firm was operating, which client they served and did not serve, which core service they offered and did not offer and how the firm could e$pect. ,lements of ;lobal service strategy & '. 0efining global vs. .ulti local strategies a. ;lobal market participation b. 0elivering global products c. ;lobal location d. ;lobal marketing e. ;lobal competitive moves Foreign Market entr& $ecision & One of the most crucial steps a firm or organization ever takes is the decision to introduce a product a service to a foreign market. ?aving made the decision to venture into world market, the ne$t crucial step is determining the foreign market entry strategy. .arket entry method level of o/operation& a. 4holly owned strategy b. ,$porting c. Trading company d. (iggy/back e. Agent f. 0istributor g. #icensing h. 1ndustrial o/operation i. @oint venture 7. !trategic Alliance 'rganizing for Global Services Marketing:Organizing for global marketing is to find a structure that enables the company to respond to
relevant market environment differences while ensuring the diffusion of corporate knowledge and e$perience from national markets throughout the entire corporate system. The pull between the value of centralized knowledge and coordination and the need for individualized response to the local situation creates constant tension in the global marketing organization.