Duct Sizing - Circular Duct
Duct Sizing - Circular Duct
Duct Sizing - Circular Duct
You need to size circular ductwork according to the flow rate (L/s) through each section of pipework. You can use a friction loss chart or ductulator to help you size the ductwork for a heating or cooling system. Commercial heating and cooling systems are more complex than domestic systems. When sizing circular ductwork for a commercial system you will need to!
analyse the layout of the ductwork materials and fittings used throughout the system perform calculations "ased on material and fitting specifications size ductwork to ensure the system operates efficiently and effecti#ely ("alanced system).
$he following diagram outlines the features of a sizing chart that has "een designed for sizing circular ductwork and fittings in a commercial heating and cooling scenario.
$he following demonstration steps through the process of sizing circular ductwork for a commercial heating and cooling system. %se the worked example&s Back and Next na#igation to #iew the demonstration. Worked example ' of ()
$his worked example steps through the process of sizing circular ductwork for a commercial heating and cooling system.
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Calculating the velocity pressure of the air passing through the ductwork
7efore you can calculate the #elocity pressure of the air passing through the ductwork you will need to know the air temperature density and #elocity. *ll air conditioning e5uipment is rated for -tandard air. -tandard air has a temperature of ('.( 8C density of '.(,/' kg/m0 and pressure of ','0(+ .a. 9enerally the #alues for standard air are used in calculations for air conditioning processes and e5uipment selection unless the temperature of the air #aries "y more then a"out ', 8C. :nce you know the air temperature and density you can use this e5uation to calculate the #elocity pressure.
$he #elocity pressure of the air passing through a section of ductwork carrying -tandard air at a #elocity of 3.+ m/s can "e calculated with this e5uation.
$he #elocity pressure of the air passing through this section of ductwork is +/.'+ .a. Worked example 2 of ()
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Fitting 1
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Looking at the 74;< ,'' fitting specifications we can see that it has a default radius ratio of '.,.
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$he 74;< ,'' fittings that will "e used in this system ha#e a radius ratio (>/<) of '!,. We will use the fitting?s radius to determine the fitting?s @t factor. @t is a mathematical factor (de#eloped "y the manufacturer of the fitting) used to calculate pressure loss of a fitting using the #elocity pressure of the air or water passing through the fitting. $o help us identify the @t factor we can draw a line across the "end angle correction ta"le from the '., radius ratio. 4ach 74;< ,'' fitting has a @t factor of ,.(/.
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$he #elocity pressure of each 74;< ,'' fitting is determined "y the #elocity pressure of each section of connected ductwork. Looking at the sizing chart you can see that the A section ductwork has a #elocity pressure of ('.) .a. $he AB@ 74;< ,'' fitting will also ha#e a #elocity pressure ('.) .a. 4nter this .a amount into the #elocity pressure column in the AB@ 74;< ,'' fitting section of your sizing chart.
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$he pressure drop of each 74;< ,'' fitting can "e calculated "y multiplying the fitting&s #elocity pressure "y its @t #alue. $he following e5uation descri"es how to calculate the pressure drop of the AB@ 74;< ,'' fitting.
Fitting +
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$he $44 /'' fitting has a straight$through and a .ranched air path. You will need to determine the pressure drop for each of these air paths.
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$he #elocity ratio of the $44 /'' fitting&s straight=through air path can "e determined "y identifying the fitting&s entry #elocity and exit #elocity. 1or example the CB* $44 /'' fitting has an air path with an exit #elocity of 2.3 m/s and an entry #elocity of 3.+ m/s. $he #elocity ratio for this fitting would "e expressed as 2.3!3.+.
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$o help us determine the @t factor of each $44 /'' fitting we can draw a line across the straight=through air path ta"le from the fitting&s #elocity ratio. $he CB* $44 /'' fitting has a @t factor of , "ased on a straight=through air path #elocity of 3.0 m/s.
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$he pressure drop can "e calculated "y multiplying the #elocity pressure of a section of straight=length ductwork "y the @t factor of a $44 /'' fitting&s straight= through air path. $he following e5uation descri"es how to calculate the pressure drop of CB* $44 /'' fittings straight=through air path.
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$he #elocity ratio (C7/C%) of each $44 /'' fitting&s "ranch air path can "e calculated "y di#iding the fitting&s exit #elocity "y the fitting&s entry #elocity. $he following e5uation descri"es how to calculate the C7/C% of the 7B* $44 /'' fitting.
Worked example
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1or example ductwork section 7 has a diameter of /+, mm. $his diameter con#erts to an area of ,.,/3 m(.
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$he pressure drop can "e calculated "y multiplying the #elocity pressure of a length of straight ductwork "y the @t factor of a $44 /'' fitting&s "ranch air path.
$he following e5uation descri"es how to calculate the pressure of the 7B* $44 /'' fitting&s "ranch air path.
Worked example
Determine run loss
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*dd all of the straight ductwork sections losses and fitting losses together to determine each run&s pressure loss.
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