Project Report: "Role of Sales Promotion On FMCG at Ahmedabad"
Project Report: "Role of Sales Promotion On FMCG at Ahmedabad"
Project Report: "Role of Sales Promotion On FMCG at Ahmedabad"
FMCG Concept and De inition!
The term FMCG (fast moving consumer goods), although popular and frequently used does not have a standard definition and is generally used in India to refer to products of everyday use. Conceptually, ho ever, the term refers to relatively fast moving items that are used directly !y the consumer. Thus, a significant gap e"ists !et een the general use and the conceptual meaning of the term FMCG. Further, difficulties crop up products on the !asis of ho therefore, is hen attempts to devise a definition for FMCG. The
pro!lem arises !ecause the concept has a retail orientation and distinguishes !et een consumer quic#ly they move at the retailer$s shelves. The moot question hat industry turnaround threshold should !e for the item to qualify as an FMCG.
%hould the turnaround happen daily, ee#ly, or monthly& 'ne of the factors on hich the turnaround depends is the purchase cycle. (o ever, the purchase cycle for the same product tend to vary across population segments. Many lo ) income households are forced to !uy certain products more frequently !ecause of lac# of liquidity and storage space hile relatively high)income households !uy the same products more infrequently. %imilarly, the purchase cycle also tends to vary !ecause of cultural factors. Most Indians, typically, prefer fresh food articles and therefore to !uy relatively small quantities more frequently. This is in sharp contrast countries, ith hat happens in most estern for here the practice of !uying and soc#ing foods for relatively longer period is more
prevalent. Thus, should the inventory turnaround threshold !e universal, or should it allo income, cultural and !ehavioral nuances& Glo!al leaders in the FMCG segment are *nheuser)+usch In+ev, Mars Inc, ,estl-, ITC, (industan .nilever /imited, 0ec#itt +enc#iser, .nilever, 1rocter 2 Gam!le, /3'r-al, Coca) Cola, Carls!erg, 4leene", General Mills, 1epsi, Gillette etc.
These are the four !asic pillar of mar#eting mi". Most of the mar#eting strategies are !uilt on the !asis of these criteria. 1romotion is one of the important elements of mar#eting mi". There are so many elements of promotion such as 5 *dvertising 6irect Mar#eting 1u!lic 0elations Sa#e$ Pro%otion %ales 1romotion is quite !road term it includes 5 Con$u%er Oriented Sa#e$ Pro%otion Trade Oriented Sa#e$ Pro%otion
A Pu$" Strate'&!
* Bpush$ sales promotion strategy involves Bpushing$ distri!utors and retailers to sell your products and services to the consumer !y offering various #inds of promotions and personal selling efforts. Chat happens here is that a company promotes their productDservices to a reseller ho in turn promotes it to another reseller or to the consumer. The !asic o!7ective of
this strategy is to persuade retailers, holesalers and distri!utors to carry your !rand, give it shelf space, promote it !y advertising, and ultimately Bpush$ it for ard to the consumer. Typical push sales promotion strategies includeE !uy)!ac# guarantees, free trials, contests, discounts, and specialty advertising items.
A Pu## Strate'&!
* Bpull$ sales promotion strategy focuses more on the consumer instead of the reseller or distri!utor. This strategy involves getting the consumer to Bpull$ or purchase the productDservices directly from the company itself. This strategy targets its mar#eting efforts directly on the consumers ith the hope that it ill stimulate interest and demand for the product. This pull strategy is often used hen distri!utors are reluctant to carry or distri!ute a
product. Typical pull sales promotion strategies includeE samples, coupons, cash refunds or re!ates, loyalty programs and re ards, contests, s eepsta#es, games, and point)of)purchase displays.
Re$earc" O(+ecti,e$! 8. To study consumer preferences ith respect to sales promotion in FMCG sector. 9. To #no a!out the tradeoffs, relative importance of different attri!utes responding to a sales promotion offer. hile
:. To study the effect of sales promotions in FMCG sector esp. in soaps and detergent industry. ;. To study consumer !ehavior in purchase of soaps and detergent Product cate'orie$ under $tud& DETERGENTS! TOILETERIES Cashing 1o der for Clothes %oaps
Re$earc" De$i'n
0esearch design selected for this pro7ect ill !e 6escriptive.
Secondar& Data!
These are those hich have already !een collected !y someone else and hich have already !een passed through the statistical process. I ill use the secondary source of data and it ill !e collectd from the sources li#e. 8. +alance %heet 9. Turnover %tatements :. Monthly Inventory %tatements ;. Company 0ecords <. Internet
Sa%p#in' Detai#
8. Tar'et popu#ation! The population for this research study consists of the residence of *hmeda!ad. 9. Sa%p#in' unitF :. Sa%p#e $i-e! ;. Sa%p#in' %et"od! In this study the sampling unit ill !e individual consumer. .// consumers .// retailers. The sample is selected !y using convenience)sampling method.
1hilip 4otler, GMar#eting ManagementH, 88th . 1earson education *sia 1u!lication.
httpFDD httpFDD httpFDD httpFDD .pg)indiaIfiles .godre7Ifiles
2ue$tionnaire Cu$to%er$
Ce are students of M+* studying in *(M?6*+*6 and carrying out a survey for our academic pro7ect toG0ole of sales promotions in FMCGH. %o please fill this questionnaire. Jour identity ould not !e revealed and information ill only !e used for academic purpose.
@8. Chich !rand of %oap D 6etergent do you use& 6etergent po der ,irma supper Cheel %urf *riel 'thers 0espondent
@9. 6o you al ays !uy the same !rand of %oap D 6etergent& 1articulars 0espondent Jes ,o @:. Chich factors do you normally consider 6etergents& Factors Fragrance @uality Company image 1rice 1ac#aging 'thers hile purchasing a particular !rand of %oap D +athing soap 6et.po der
@;. 6o you consider promotional schemes hile purchasing a particular !rand of %oap D 6etergent& 1articulars 0espondent Jes
,o @<. Chich of the follo ing promotional schemes you have come across so far& 1romotional schemes 0espondent Coupons price off Free!ies scratch cards luc#y dra +undling e"tra qty. @=. Chich medium do you feel is suita!le to promote the various promotional schemes& %ource 0adio TK ,e spaper (oarding 'thers 0espondent
@>. Is there any e"isting scheme on the %oap D 6etergent you are currently using& 1articulars Jes ,o @A. If yes, please specify& 1articulars :L8D'ther Free 6iscount ,o idea ,o ans er 0espondent 0espondent
@M. If you get an attractive promotional offer in the product other than of your choice s itch over& 1articulars Jes ,o 0espondent
ill you
@8N. Give reason for the same& 1articulars CostLqty @uality %atisfaction +rand loyal More !enefitD!udget %eason change ,o ans er 0espondent
Ce are students of M+* studying in *(M?6*+*6 and carrying out a survey for our academic pro7ect G0ole of sales promotions in FMCGH. %o please fill this questionnaire. Jour identity ould not !e revealed and information ill only !e used for academic purpose.
@8. %ince ho long are you in this !usiness& 1articulars 8)< Jears <)8N Jears More than 8N years
@9. ,ame the %oap D 6etergent (Company) you stoc# for. Companies ,irma (./ 12G Godre7 'thers
@:. 0an# the follo ing factors that customers loo# for in the purchase of %oap D 6etergent. (0an# from 8 to =) Factors 8 9 : ; < = Fragrance @uality Company
@;. 6o you suggest customers to purchase a certain !rand& 1articula 0espondent r Jes ,o @<. If Jes hy& 1articular (igh margin @uality 0elationship ,o reason @=. 6o customers loo# for various schemes in the product& 1articula r Jes ,o @>. If yes hich schemes& 1romotional %chemes Coupons 1rice 'ff Free!ies %cratch Cards /uc#y 6ra s +undling 'ffer ?"tra @uantity 0espondent 0espondent 0espondent
,I0M* 1romotions 0espondent ?"tra Margin ?"tra .nits credit facility Gifts promo. ?"p.
(./ 1romotions 0espondent ?"tra Margin ?"tra .nits Credit facility Gifts 1romo. ?"p.
12G 1romotions 0espondent ?"tra Margin ?"tra .nits Credit facility Gifts 1romo. ?"p.
G'60?O 1romotions 0espondent ?"tra Margin ?"tra .nits Credit facility Gifts 1romo. ?"p.
'T(?0% 1romotions 0espondent ?"tra Margin ?"tra .nits Credit facility Gifts 1romo. ?"p. @M Give reasons for not stoc#ing a particular !rand. 555555555555555555555555555555555555.. @8N *ny %uggestions. 55555555555555555555555555555555.. 555555555555555555.