Disbarment Complaint - Clarissa
Disbarment Complaint - Clarissa
Disbarment Complaint - Clarissa
Atty. Clarissa Moraga, Complainant, -ve !"!Atty. Annie Batungbakal, Re!pon&ent' (-------------------------------( A.C. NO.______________ Fo # $i!%a ment
VER ! E" " #BARMEN$ COM%&A N$ ' &E$$ER(A!! "AV $ )!or *iolation of Canon +.,- of the Code of %rofessional Res.onsibility/ Chief 0ustice Maria &ourdes #ereno, an& t)e MEMBER#, En Banc, SUPREME COURT, Pa& e Fa" a, Manila 1our 2onors, I, t)e "n&e !i*ne& petitione , Att+' Cla i!!a Mo a*a, "n&e oat), %+ m+!el, an& ,o m+!el,, a! a liti*ant - complainant in t)i! ca!e, mo!t e!pect,"ll+ &epo!e an& !a+, t)at# .' Complainant i! o, le*al a*e, Sin*le, Filipino Citi/en, an& a e!i&ent o,
Re!pon&ent 7a! co"n!el to M ' 2o)n $oe ,o C iminal Ca!e $oc5et ...
7)e e M ' $oe i! t)e acc"!e& o, ape' 8' Re!pon&ent, a! epo te& in t)e t an!c iption o, )e con,e ence 7it)
!ai& client attac)e& a! Anne9 A, in!t "cte& )im to lie on t)e 7itne!! !tan& an& !a+ t)at )e 7a! in t)e p ovince &" in* t)e occ" ence o, t)e c ime'
t)i! e,,ect attac)e& a! Anne9 B' 1' Re!pon&ent !"%mitte& t)e ,al!i,ie& !tatement to t)e co" t a! evi&ence
5no7in* t)at t)e content! a e me e ,a% ication 7)ic) !)e t)o"*)t o,'
RE& E! In li*)t o, t)e ,o e*oin*, it i! e!pect,"ll+ p a+e& t)at t)e in!tant <ERIFIE$ $ISBARMENT COMPLAINT - LETTER-AFFI$A<IT )!or *iolation of Canon +.,- of the Code of %rofessional Res.onsibility= a*ain!t e!pon&ent, Atty. Annie Batungbakal, %e &"l+ note&, a&mitte&, *iven &"e co" !e an& * ante&' F" t)e , it i! e!pect,"ll+ p a+e&, t)at >"&*ment %e en&e e& &ecla in* )e *"ilt+ an& !"p eme penalt+ o, &i!%a ment %e impo!e& "pon )im, o &e in* t)at )i! name %e !t ic5en , om t)e Roll o, Atto ne+!, an& p"ni!)e& acco &in*l+' Ot)e le*al an& e?"ita%le elie,! a! ma+ %e applica%le a e li5e7i!e p a+e& ,o '
IN @ITNESS @HEREOF, I !i*ne& t)i! plea&in* lette -a,,i&avit-complaint, t)i! .: t) &a+ o, Septem%e , 0A.0, at M"ntinl"pa Cit+' ATTB ' CLARISSA MORACA Petitione , on %e)al, o, m+!el, a! liti*ant, 01 2"pite St eet, A+ala Ala%an*, M"ntinl"pa Cit+ Roll o, Atto ne+! No' 66688 MCLE Compliance No' III - D38068. PTR No' :0AA.1D - A0-.0-.0 IBP No' 3A...0 - .-.0-.0
NO$ CE $O3 A$$1. CR #$ NA M. &A14#A T)e O,,ice o, t)e Ba Con,i&ant A$$1. &45V M N"A ". %4NO T)e Cle 5 o, Co" t, S"p eme Co" t, Manila
VER ! CA$ ON AN" CER$ ! CA$ ON O! NON(!OR4M #2O%% N6 I, Att+' Cla i!!a Mo a*a, o, le*al a*e, a,te )avin* %een &"l+ !7o n in acco &ance 7it) la7, &epo!e an& !tate t)at# .' I am a plainti,, in t)e a%ove-!tate& ca!eE 0' I ca"!e& t)e p epa ation o, t)e ,o e*oin* complaintE 6' I )ave ea& t)e content! t)e eo, an& t)e ,act! !tate& t)e ein a e t "e an& co ect o, m+ pe !onal 5no7le&*e an&-o on t)e %a!i! o, copie! o, &oc"ment! an& eco &! in m+ po!!e!!ionE 8' I )ave not commence& an+ ot)e action o p ocee&in* involvin* t)e !ame i!!"e! in t)e S"p eme Co" t, t)e Co" t o, Appeal!, o an+ ot)e t i%"nal o a*enc+E :' To t)e %e!t o, m+ 5no7le&*e an& %elie,, no !"c) action o p ocee&in* i! pen&in* in t)e S"p eme Co" t, t)e Co" t o, Appeal!, o an+ ot)e t i%"nal o a*enc+E 1' I, I !)o"l& t)e ea,te lea n t)at a !imila action o p ocee&in* )a! %een ,ile& o i! pen&in* %e,o e t)e S"p eme Co" t, t)e Co" t o, Appeal!, o an+ ot)e t i%"nal o a*enc+, I "n&e ta5e to epo t t)at ,act 7it)in ,ive F:= &a+! t)e e, om to t)i! Hono a%le Co" t' GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG A,,iant SUBSCRIBE$ AN$ S@ORN to %e,o e me t)i! .:t) &a+ o, Septem%e 0A.0 at M"ntinl"pa Cit+ a,,iant e9)i%itin* to me )i! Comm"nit+ Ta9 Ce ti,icate No' D30AH836 i!!"e& on .8t) o, 2an"a + 0A.0 at M"ntinl"pa Cit+' $oc' No' E Pa*e No' E Boo5 No' E Se ie! o, 0A.0'
2OHN ARE<ALO Nota + P"%lic "ntil 2an'6., 0A.6 PTR No' IBP No' CO%1 !4RN #2E"3 A$$1. ANN E BA$4N6BA7A& 333 4ama*on* St eet, Ma5ati Cit+