Disbarment Complaint - Clarissa

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The key takeaways are that Atty. Clarissa Moraga filed a verified disbarment complaint against Atty. Annie Batungbakal for allegedly instructing her client to lie on the witness stand in Criminal Case Docket 111.

The complaint filed by Atty. Clarissa Moraga is a verified disbarment complaint for violation of Canon 7.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.

The complaint is filed against Atty. Annie Batungbakal.


Atty. Clarissa Moraga, Complainant, -ve !"!Atty. Annie Batungbakal, Re!pon&ent' (-------------------------------( A.C. NO.______________ Fo # $i!%a ment

VER ! E" " #BARMEN$ COM%&A N$ ' &E$$ER(A!! "AV $ )!or *iolation of Canon +.,- of the Code of %rofessional Res.onsibility/ Chief 0ustice Maria &ourdes #ereno, an& t)e MEMBER#, En Banc, SUPREME COURT, Pa& e Fa" a, Manila 1our 2onors, I, t)e "n&e !i*ne& petitione , Att+' Cla i!!a Mo a*a, "n&e oat), %+ m+!el, an& ,o m+!el,, a! a liti*ant - complainant in t)i! ca!e, mo!t e!pect,"ll+ &epo!e an& !a+, t)at# .' Complainant i! o, le*al a*e, Sin*le, Filipino Citi/en, an& a e!i&ent o,

01 2"pite St eet, A+ala Ala%an*, M"ntinl"pa Cit+'

0' St eet, Ma5ati Cit+'

Re!pon&ent i! a mem%e o, t)e %a an& a e!i&ent o, 333 4ama*on*


Re!pon&ent 7a! co"n!el to M ' 2o)n $oe ,o C iminal Ca!e $oc5et ...

7)e e M ' $oe i! t)e acc"!e& o, ape' 8' Re!pon&ent, a! epo te& in t)e t an!c iption o, )e con,e ence 7it)

!ai& client attac)e& a! Anne9 A, in!t "cte& )im to lie on t)e 7itne!! !tan& an& !a+ t)at )e 7a! in t)e p ovince &" in* t)e occ" ence o, t)e c ime'


Re!pon&ent;! !ec eta +, M!' Cecil An*, *ave a 7itne!! !tatement to

t)i! e,,ect attac)e& a! Anne9 B' 1' Re!pon&ent !"%mitte& t)e ,al!i,ie& !tatement to t)e co" t a! evi&ence

5no7in* t)at t)e content! a e me e ,a% ication 7)ic) !)e t)o"*)t o,'

RE& E! In li*)t o, t)e ,o e*oin*, it i! e!pect,"ll+ p a+e& t)at t)e in!tant <ERIFIE$ $ISBARMENT COMPLAINT - LETTER-AFFI$A<IT )!or *iolation of Canon +.,- of the Code of %rofessional Res.onsibility= a*ain!t e!pon&ent, Atty. Annie Batungbakal, %e &"l+ note&, a&mitte&, *iven &"e co" !e an& * ante&' F" t)e , it i! e!pect,"ll+ p a+e&, t)at >"&*ment %e en&e e& &ecla in* )e *"ilt+ an& !"p eme penalt+ o, &i!%a ment %e impo!e& "pon )im, o &e in* t)at )i! name %e !t ic5en , om t)e Roll o, Atto ne+!, an& p"ni!)e& acco &in*l+' Ot)e le*al an& e?"ita%le elie,! a! ma+ %e applica%le a e li5e7i!e p a+e& ,o '

IN @ITNESS @HEREOF, I !i*ne& t)i! plea&in* lette -a,,i&avit-complaint, t)i! .: t) &a+ o, Septem%e , 0A.0, at M"ntinl"pa Cit+' ATTB ' CLARISSA MORACA Petitione , on %e)al, o, m+!el, a! liti*ant, 01 2"pite St eet, A+ala Ala%an*, M"ntinl"pa Cit+ Roll o, Atto ne+! No' 66688 MCLE Compliance No' III - D38068. PTR No' :0AA.1D - A0-.0-.0 IBP No' 3A...0 - .-.0-.0

NO$ CE $O3 A$$1. CR #$ NA M. &A14#A T)e O,,ice o, t)e Ba Con,i&ant A$$1. &45V M N"A ". %4NO T)e Cle 5 o, Co" t, S"p eme Co" t, Manila

VER ! CA$ ON AN" CER$ ! CA$ ON O! NON(!OR4M #2O%% N6 I, Att+' Cla i!!a Mo a*a, o, le*al a*e, a,te )avin* %een &"l+ !7o n in acco &ance 7it) la7, &epo!e an& !tate t)at# .' I am a plainti,, in t)e a%ove-!tate& ca!eE 0' I ca"!e& t)e p epa ation o, t)e ,o e*oin* complaintE 6' I )ave ea& t)e content! t)e eo, an& t)e ,act! !tate& t)e ein a e t "e an& co ect o, m+ pe !onal 5no7le&*e an&-o on t)e %a!i! o, copie! o, &oc"ment! an& eco &! in m+ po!!e!!ionE 8' I )ave not commence& an+ ot)e action o p ocee&in* involvin* t)e !ame i!!"e! in t)e S"p eme Co" t, t)e Co" t o, Appeal!, o an+ ot)e t i%"nal o a*enc+E :' To t)e %e!t o, m+ 5no7le&*e an& %elie,, no !"c) action o p ocee&in* i! pen&in* in t)e S"p eme Co" t, t)e Co" t o, Appeal!, o an+ ot)e t i%"nal o a*enc+E 1' I, I !)o"l& t)e ea,te lea n t)at a !imila action o p ocee&in* )a! %een ,ile& o i! pen&in* %e,o e t)e S"p eme Co" t, t)e Co" t o, Appeal!, o an+ ot)e t i%"nal o a*enc+, I "n&e ta5e to epo t t)at ,act 7it)in ,ive F:= &a+! t)e e, om to t)i! Hono a%le Co" t' GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG A,,iant SUBSCRIBE$ AN$ S@ORN to %e,o e me t)i! .:t) &a+ o, Septem%e 0A.0 at M"ntinl"pa Cit+ a,,iant e9)i%itin* to me )i! Comm"nit+ Ta9 Ce ti,icate No' D30AH836 i!!"e& on .8t) o, 2an"a + 0A.0 at M"ntinl"pa Cit+' $oc' No' E Pa*e No' E Boo5 No' E Se ie! o, 0A.0'

2OHN ARE<ALO Nota + P"%lic "ntil 2an'6., 0A.6 PTR No' IBP No' CO%1 !4RN #2E"3 A$$1. ANN E BA$4N6BA7A& 333 4ama*on* St eet, Ma5ati Cit+

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