Sensory Physiology Student Protocol
Sensory Physiology Student Protocol
Sensory Physiology Student Protocol
Sensory Physiology
In this experiment, you will become familiar with your senses, sensory-related phenomena, some sensory illusions, and will make observations based on your own senses. Everyone in the group should complete each exercise. ou do not need the Power!ab or !ab"hart for this experiment. Written by staff of ADInstruments.
"onventionally, five senses are described# sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch $visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and tactile senses, respectively%. &his is clearly an oversimplification, and additional sensory modalities include pain, temperature, balance, and body position. 'epending on your method of classification, there are between nine and () human senses. *dditionally, there are some other candidates, such as the sensory awareness of hunger and thirst, which may or may not fall within this classification. Each sense works in fundamentally the same way. * stimulus is transduced by a speciali+ed receptor cell, which directly $when the receptor is part of a neuron% or indirectly $by releasing neurotransmitters% activates a sensory neuron. Some of these receptors have the ability to adapt to stimuli, which refers to the process by which a sensory system becomes insensitive to a continuing source of stimulation. ,any tactile receptors, such as skin receptors, adapt -uickly. &his is necessary to keep our clothes from driving us cra+y. ,ost nociceptors $pain receptors% do not adapt, re-uiring medications such as acetaminophen and morphine to be used to interrupt the pain signal to the brain. &his lack of adaptation is essential in receptors designed to protect us from our environment. .ision generally describes the ability to detect electromagnetic energy. &he visible range for humans is from about /01 nm to 231 nm. &his is often referred to as the visible spectrum. &he brain interprets the image collected by the photo receptive cells in the eye as sight. &here are two types of cells in the mammalian eye. "ones are primarily responsible for color differentiation and rods are responsible for contrast $light and dark% resolution. &he cones are found predominantly in the fovea, the region of highest visual acuity. 4ods are not found in this area but are distributed fairly evenly throughout the remainder of the retina. &he optic disc where the nerves and retinal blood vessels enter and exit is devoid of receptors and is referred to as the blind spot. 5earing, or audition, is the sense of sound perception and results from tiny hair fibers in the inner ear detecting motion of the membrane. &his membrane $ear drum% vibrates in response to changes in air pressure. 5umans with perfect hearing can detect vibrations in the range of (1 to (1,111 5+. &aste, or gustation, is one of the two main chemical senses. It is well-known that there are at least four types of taste receptors $taste buds% on the tongue# sweet, salt, sour, and bitter $6igure )%. &he existence of a fifth receptor that detects the amino acid glutamate was recently confirmed. &his umami receptor detects a flavor commonly found in meat and in artificial flavorings such as monosodium glutamate. &he actual sense of taste is a combination of taste receptors, olfactory receptors, touch, temperature, and sight.
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Sensory Physiology
Student Protocol
Figure 1. Taste buds. Smell, or olfaction, is the other chemical sense. &here are hundreds of olfactory receptors, each binding to a particular molecular feature. *ll of these receptors are found in a speciali+ed region in the roof of the nasal cavity. Each odor molecule fits into binding site on a receptor neuron triggering an action potential $6igure (%.
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Sensory Physiology
Student Protocol
&ouch, or tactition, is the sense of pressure perception. &here are several types of speciali+ed tactile receptors that may be found in the skin, muscles, and viscera $6igure /%. &hese range from simple nerve endings found in hair follicles to the relatively complex Pacinian corpuscles embedded in tissues. Each type is thought to respond to different intensities and fre-uencies of pressures.
Figure 3. Skin rece tors. 7ociception is the perception of pain. Pain is an adaptive interpretation of the stimulus, not the stimulus itself. 8enerally speaking, there are two types of pain. 96ast pain: is carried from in;ured tissue by myelinated *-delta fibers. &his is the sharp pain you feel when you slam the car door on your thumb. :Slow pain: is the dull aching you feel afterwards and is delivered to the central nervous system by unmyelinated " fibers. 7ociceptors consist of free nerve endings embedded in the skin, muscles, ;oints, and viscera that respond to chemical, thermal, or mechanical stimuli. &hermoception is the sense of heat and cold. "old receptors are sensitive to temperatures lower than about /2 <". =arm receptors are sensitive from /2 <" to about >3 <". *bove this temperature, nociceptors are activated. &emperature receptors are found in the subcutaneous layers of the skin. &he receptors adapt between (1 <" and >1 <". 6or example, the cool air-conditioned room stops feeling cold after a brief period of time. *t high and low temperatures these receptors do not adapt, thereby helping to prevent temperature related in;ury to tissues. &he homeostatic thermoceptors, which provide feedback on internal body temperature, are -uite different. &hey are located close to the hypothalamus in the brain and are responsible for setting the internal thermostat. E-uilibrioception is the perception of balance and is related to the vestibular system in the inner ear $6igure >%. &he vestibular system has two components, the semicircular canals, which are filled with endolymph fluid and detect rotatory movements of the head, and the otolith organs $utricle and saccule) that detect linear acceleration and the effects of gravity,
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Sensory Physiology
Student Protocol
respectively. Each of the ampulla of the semicircular canals contains a receptor apparatus, the crista ampullaris. &his consists of a gelatinous, wedge-shaped structure that blocks off the ampulla and prevents flow of the endolymph. &he cilia of the receptor cells and the otoconia, which are calcium carbonate crystals, are embedded in this gel. =hen the head moves, the gel is distorted and the cilia bend allowing rotatory movements of the head to be detected. &he weight of the otoconia allows detection of gravitational forces.
Proprioception is the perception of body position and is often described as the unconscious awareness of where the various regions of the body are located at any one time. &his can be demonstrated by closing your eyes and moving a hand or foot around. Stretch receptors in the ;oints and muscles feed this three-dimensional information back to the brain. *ssuming proper proprioceptive function, at no time will you lose awareness of where the limb is, even though it is not being detected by any of the other senses. Proprioception is called the ;oint position sense.
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Student Protocol
!ab"hart software Power!ab 'ata *c-uisition ?nit Pins @lack ink pen with white barrel or piece of white paper and tape &wo pieces of white paper Small black ob;ect Small colored ob;ect $one color% Small flashlight Paper clips 4uler &hree small buckets 5ot, cold, and lukewarm water *pple, cut into small pieces 4aw potato, cut into small pieces 4aw onion, cut into small pieces &hree beakers &able sugar &able salt "itric acid $orange or lemon% "otton balls or cotton buds Swivel chair
Exercise 1: Convergence of a!e
In this exercise, you will learn the criteria for binocular vision. @inocular vision re-uires the separate images in the right and left eyes be fused to give a single view. 6usion of the images of an ob;ect is possible only if the images fall on corresponding parts of the right and left retinae. If they do not, a double view of the ob;ect results. ). 5old one arm outstretched, with the index finger upright and in line with some distant ob;ect, such as a clock on a far wall. !ook at the finger and keep it in focus, but concentrate all attention on the distant ob;ect. 7ote that the distant ob;ect is seen doubled A there are two images, side by side. (. "over the right eye. 7ote the right image of the distant ob;ect disappears. /. =ith both eyes open, look at the distant ob;ect. 7ote your finger is seen doubled. >. "over the right eye. 7ote the left image of your finger disappears. 3. *sk a volunteer to look first at a distant ob;ect, and then at an ob;ect held close up, about )3 cm from the face. 7ote the volunteerBs eyes are turned inwards when looking at a close ob;ect. C. 4ecord all your observations in the 'ata 7otebook.
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Student Protocol
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Sensory Physiology
Student Protocol
(. Slide a finger up and down, and note the direction of movement of the visual response. /. &urn your ga+e to the right, and similarly press on the left side of the right eyeball, at the corner of the eye. *gain, note the visual effect. >. 4ecord all your observations in the 'ata 7otebook.
/. Shift the ga+e to a piece of plain white paper, and note the afterimage of the black ob;ect. &he image lasts for many seconds. &he image is inverted in contrast, which is why it is called a negative afterimage. >. 4epeat with a colored ob;ect of one color, and note the color change in the afterimage. 6or example, a red ob;ect gives a green afterimage $6igure 3%. 3. 4ecord all your observations in the 'ata 7otebook.
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Student Protocol
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Student Protocol
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Sensory Physiology
/. 4ecord all your observations in the 'ata 7otebook.
Student Protocol
Figure .. /ocations to Test t"e Solutions >. ?sing a fresh piece of cotton wool or new cotton bud, test the sensitivity of one side of the tongue. Similarly, test the tip of the tongue. 3. 4epeat steps ( to >, but with the salt solution. 7ote the distribution of salt sensitivity. C. 4epeat steps ( to >, but with the citric acid solution. 7ote the distribution of sour sensitivity. 2. 4ecord all your observations and draw a map of the taste bud distribution in the 'ata 7otebook.
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Sensory Physiology
Exercise 1$: %he 5oint Position Sense
Student Protocol
In this exercise, you will learn the effectiveness of proprioception, or ;oint position sense. ). *sk a volunteer to hold out one hand with the palm facing up and the fingers stretched out. (. 5old the volunteerBs index finger by placing your thumb on one side and your index finger on the other. 'o not hold the volunteerBs finger by the front and back. &hat could give cues about movements, deriving from the force of lifting or pulling down $6igure )1%. /. @end the volunteerBs finger up while saying, 9&his is up.G &hen pull the finger down to the original extended position while saying, 9&his is down.G >. =ith the volunteerBs eyes shut, test their ability to identify the direction of a series of finger movements. &ry both large and small movements. 3. 4ecord all your observations in the 'ata 7otebook.
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Sensory Physiology
Exercise ): %he *egative #fterimage
Student Protocol
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Sensory Physiology
Exercise 11: %aste and Smell
Student Protocol
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Student Protocol
&!e"e +as $o%" tact le ) sc" ' nat on t!e (est* &!at can $o% sa$ a(o%t t!e )ens t$ of tact le "ecepto"s on $o%" a"'*
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Sensory Physiology
Student Protocol
&!at !appene) +!en $o% place) $o%" !an)s f"o' t!e !ot an) col) +ate" to t!e l%,e+a"' +ate"* &!$ )o $o% t! n, t! s !appene)*
&!at can $o% sa$ a(o%t t!e ) st" (%t on of t!e ) ffe"ent t$pes of taste "ecepto"s*
"opyright H (1)1 *'Instruments Pty !td. *ll rights reserved. Power!abI and !ab"hartI are registered trademarks of *'Instruments Pty !td. &he names of specific recording units, such as Power!ab 0J/1, are trademarks of *'Instruments Pty !td. "hart and Scope $application programs% are trademarks of *'Instruments Pty !td. +++.-./nst"%''
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Student Protocol
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