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Bibliography Note that only CDA Publications are available from Copper Development Associatio n.

Other reference material is available from the appropriate standards organisa tion or from a technical library service. National and International Standards Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9

National and International Standards British and European Standards: BS 23 Copper and copper-cadmium trolley and contact wire for electric traction. BS 7884 Copper and copper-cadmium stranded conductors for overhead electric trac tion and power transmission systems. BS 159 Busbar and busbar connections. BS 6931 Glossary of terms for copper and copper alloys. BS 1432 Copper for electrical purposes, strip with drawn or rolled edges. BS 1433 Copper for electrical purposes, rod and bar. BS 1434 Copper for electrical purposes - commutator bar. BS 1977 High conductivity copper tubes for electrical purposes. BS EN 1652 Copper and copper alloys. Plate, sheet and circles for general purp oses. BS EN 12165 Copper and copper alloys. Wrought and unwrought forging stock. BS EN 12166 Copper and copper alloys. Wire for general purposes. BS EN 12163 Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes. BS EN 1652 Copper and copper alloys. Plate, sheet, strip and circles for genera l purposes. BS 4109 Copper for electrical purposes-wire for general electrical purposes and

for insulated cables and cards. BS 4608 Copper for electrical purposes-rolled sheet, strip and foil. BS 5311 High voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers. BS EN 60439-2 Specification for low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblie s. Particular requirements for busbar trunking systems (busways). BS EN 1976 Copper and copper alloys. Cast unwrought copper products. BS EN 1978 Copper and copper alloys. Copper cathodes BS EN 60439-1 Specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblie s. Specification for type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies.

IEC Specifications IEC 28 International standard of resistance for copper. IEC 137 Bushings for alternating voltages above 1000V. IEC 273 Dimensions of indoor and outdoor post insulators and post insulator unit s for systems with nominal voltage greater than 1000V. IEC 344 Guide to the calculation of resistance of plain and coated copper conduc tors of low frequency wires and cables. IEC 349 Factory-built assembler of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.

American Specifications C 29.1 Electric power insulators, test methods for. C 37.20 Switchgear assemblies including metal-enclosed bus. C 37.30 High voltage air switches insulators and bus supports, definition and re quirements for. C 37.31 Indoor apparatus insulators, electrical and mechanical characteristics.

Section 2 BOWERS, J.E. and MANTLE, E.C.: Copper for Transformer Windings. J. Inst. Met., 9 1,1961/2, pp 142-146. BRANDES, E.A.: Smithells Metals Reference Book. 6th Edition, (Butterworths), 198 3. COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: Copper in Electrical Contacts. C.D.A. Pub. TN23, 1980. COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: High Conductivity Coppers-Properties and Applica tions. C.D.A. Pub. TN29, 1981.

COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: High Conductivity Coppers Technical Data. C.D.A. Pub. TN27, 1981. COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: Megabytes on Coppers, CD-ROM, 1994. RUSKIN, A.M.: On the Safety of Copper and Aluminium Busbars. I.E.E.E. Technical Conference on Industrial and Commerial Power Systems, Toronto, 6th May, 1975. Section 3 BURNS, R.L.: Determination of Current-Carrying Capacity of Rectangular Copper Bu sbars. Pub. 224/77, Copper and Brass Information Centre, Australia, 1977. BURNS, R.L.: Determination of Current-Carrying Capacity of Rectangular Copper Bu sbars. Paper 1, Copper Busbar Symposium, Johannesburg, 21st Nov., 1978. CHIN, T.H. and HIGGINS TJ.: Equations for the Inductances and Current Distributi on of Multi-Conductor Single-Phase and Polyphase Buses. A.I.E.E Paper 57-654, 19 57. DWIGHT, H.B., ANDREW, G.W., and TILESTON, H.W.: Temperature Rise of Busbars Calc ulated and Test Results for Single and Built Up Bar Forms, Also Solid and Tubula r Round and Square Tubular Forms. Cen. Elec. Rev., 43, pp 213-218. FUGILL, A.P.: Carrying Capacity of Enclosed Busbars. Elect. World, 99, 1932, pp 539-540. HOLME, R.: Electric Contact. (Gebers), Stockholm, 1946. MCADAMS, W.H.: Heat Transmission. (McGraw-Hill), 1933, p 44. MELSOM, S.W. and H.C. BOOTH: Current-Carrying Capacity of Solid Bars. Jour. I. E . E., 62, 1924, pp 909 915. MONTSINGER, V.M., and WETHERILL, L.: Effect of Colour of Tank on Temperature of Self Cooled Transformers. Trans. A.l.E.E., 49, 1930, pp 41-51. PABST, H.W.: Current-Carrying Capacity of Busbars. Elect. World, 94, Sept., 1929 , pp 569-572. PABST H.W.: Current-Carrying Capacity of Hollow Conductors. Elect. J., July, 193 1, pp 411-414. PRAGER, M., PEMBERTON, D.L., CRAIG, A.G., and BLESHMAN, N.A.: Thermal Considerat ions for Outdoor Bus Design. I.E.E.E. Trans., PAS-95, No. 4, July/Aug., 1976. RICHARDS, T.L.: The Current Rating of Rectangular Copper Busbars with Metric Dim ensions. Elec. Rev., 186, 6th Mar., 1970. (Also C.D.A. Pub. No. R39). SCHURIG, O.R. and FRICK, C.W.: Heating and Current-Carrying Capacity of Bare Con ductors for Outdoor Service. Gen. Elec. Rev., 33, No. 3, Mar., 1930, pp 141-157. Section 4 ARNOLD, A.H.M.: The Alternating Current Resistance of Parallel Conductors of Cir cular Cross-Section. J. I. E. R., 77,1935, pp 49-50. ARNOLD, A.H.M.: The Altemating Current Resistance of Tubular Conductors. J.l.E.E ., 78, 1936, pp 580-593. Discussion J.I.E.E., 79, 1936, pp 595-596.

ARNOLD, A.H.M.: The Transmission of Altemating Current Power with Small Eddy Cur rent Losses. J.I.E.E., 80, 1937, pp 395-400. ARNOLD, A.H.M.: Proximity Effects in Solid and Hollow Round Conductors. J.I.E.E. , 88, 1941, pp 349-359 BILLHIMER, F.M.: Current Capacity of Copper Busbars. Elec. J. ,15, 1918, pp 94-9 6. Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards (Washington), 8,1912, pp 173-179. BURNS, R.L.: Current Rating of Open Type Three Phase Rectangular Busbars by Actu al Test. Pub. 219/76, Copper and Brass Infommation Centre, Australia, 1976. BURNS, R.L.: A.C. Current Rating of Open Rectangular Copper Busbars by Calculati on. Pub. 221/77, 1977, Copper and Brass Information Centre, Australia. COCKCROFT, J.D.: Skin Effects in Rectangular Conductors at High Frequencies. Pro c. Roy. Soc. ,122, 1929, pp 533-542. DWIGHT, H.B.: Skin Effect of a Return circuit of Two Adjacent Strap Conductors. Elec. Jour. ,13, 1916, pp 157-158. DWIGHT, H.B.: Skin Effect in Tubular and Flat Conductors. Trans. A.l.E.E., 37, P t. 2,1918, pp 1379-1403. DWIGHT, H.B.: Skin Effect and Proximity Effect in Tubular Conductors. Trans. A.l .E.E., 41, 1922, pp 189-198. DWIGHT, H.B.: Proximity Effect in Wires and Thin Tubes. Trans. A.l.E.E., 42, 192 3, pp 850-859. DWIGHT, H.B.: Reactance and Skin Effect of Concentric Tubular Conductors. Trans. A.l.E.E., 61, 1942, p 513 ESCHBACH, O.E.: Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals. (J. Wiley and Sons). FORBES, H.C. and GORMAN, L. J.: Skin Effect in Rectangular Conductors. Elec. Eng ineering, Sept. 1933, pp 636-639. FUGILL, A.P.: Carrying Capacity of Enclosed Busbars. Elec. World, 99, 1932, pp 5 39-540. HIGGINS, T.J.: Formulas for the Geometric Mean Distance of Rectangular Areas and of Line Segments. J. App. Phys., 14, No. 4, 1943, p 188. HIGGINS, T.J.: Theory and Application of Complex Logarithms and Geometric Mean D istances. Trans. A. I.E.E., 66, 1947, p 12. MAYE, E.: Industrial High Frequency Electric Power. (Chapman and Hall), p 167. SIEGEL, C.M. and HIGGINS, T.J.: Equations for Determining Current Distribution A mong the Conductors of Buses Compromised of Double Channel Conductors. A.I.E.E. Paper 54-467, 1954. WADDICOR, H.: Principles of Electric Power Transmission. 3rd Edition, (Chapman a nd Hall), 1935. WAGNER, C.F.: Current Distribution in Multi-Conductor Single-Phase Buses. Elec.

World, 79, 1922, pp 526-529. WILSON, W.: Discussion, J. l. E. E., 71, 1932, pp 341-342. WRIGHT, E.G.: A.C. Ratings of Rectangular Conductors. Elec. Rev., 199,. No 5, 30 th July 1976. Section 5 ARNOLD, A.N.M.: The Transmission of Alternating Current Power with Small Eddy Cu rrent Losses. J.I.E.E . 80, 1937, pp 395 400. ARNOLD, A.H.M.: The Alternating Current Resistance of Hollow Square Conductors. J.I.E.E., 82, 1938, pp 537-545 . BOAST, W.B.: Transpositions and the Calculation of Inductance from Geometric Mea n Distances. Trans. A.I.E.E., 69, 1950, pp 1531-1534. BOHN, D.l. rnd BABST, H.W.: Conductors of Heavy Alternating Currents. Iron and S teel Engineer, June, 1951. CONAUGLA, A.: Heat Losses in Isolated Phase Bus Enclosures. I.E.E.E. Paper 63-65 , 1963. DEANS, W.: What Shape Conductors for Electrical Busbars? Power, Feb., 1943, pp 7 5-78. DWIGHT, H.B., ANDREW, G.W., snd TILESTON, H.W.: Temperature Rise of Busbars Calc ulated and Test Results for Single and Built Up Bar Forms, Also Solid and Tubula r Round and Square Tubular Forms. Gen. Elec. Rev., 43, pp 213-218. FISCHER, L.E. and FRANK, R.L.: Paired Phase Busbars for Large Polyphase Currents . A.l.E.E. Paper 43-17, 1943. HOUSE, H.H. and WHIDDEN, P.: Self-lnductance of Bus Conductors with Complex Cros s-Sections. A.I.E.E. Paper 57-797, 1957. KILLLIAN, S.C.: Induced Currents in High-Capacity Busbar Enclosures. Trans. A.I. E.E., 69,1950, p 1388. MORMIER, C.: Busbars and Low and Medium Voltage Connections. Rev. Elect. Mec. ,1 952, 89, p 17. RICHARDS, T.L.: Current-Rating Tests on Double Angle Section Copper Conductors. Engineering, 184, 1957, p 823. SKEETS, W.F. and SWERDLOW, N.: Minimising the Magnetic Field Surrounding Isolate d Phase Bus by Electrically Continuous Enclosures. I.E.E.E. Paper 62-171, 1962. WAGNER, C.F.: Current Distribution in Multi-Conductor Single Phase Buses. Elect. World, 79, pp 526-529. WYMAN, B.W., and SHORES, R.B.: A New Isolated-Phase Metal-Enclosed Bus. Trans. A .l.E.E., 67, 1948, p 699. Section 6 Asea Jour., Electromagnetic Forces on Busbars. 25, 1952, p 84. BATES, A.C.: Basic Concepts in the Design of Electrical Bus for Short-Circuit Co

nditions. A.l.E.E. Paper, 57-717. 1957. CHIN, T.H. and HIGGINS, T.J.: Equations for Evaluating Short-circuit Forces on M ulti-Strap Single-Phase and Polyphase Buses for Supplying Low Frequency Inductio n Furnaces. DARLING, A.G.: Short-Circuit Calculating Procedure for Low Voltage A.C. Systems. A.l.E.E. Trans., 60, 1941, pp 1121-1135. DUNTON, W.F.: Electromagnetic Forces on Current-Carrying Conductors. J. Sci. Ins tr., 4, pp 440-446. DWIGHT, H.B.: Repulsion Between Strap Conductors. Elect. World, 70, 1917, pp 522 -524. EVERITT, L.M.R.: The Calculations of Short Time Ratings of Bare Electrical Condu ctors. J.I.E.E., 93, 1945, pp 380-387 . FRICK, C.W.: Electromagnetic Forces on Conductors with Bends, Short Lengths and Cross-Overs. Gen. Elec. Rev., 36, 1933, pp 232242. KNOWLTON, A.E.: Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers. 8th Edition, (McGraw -Hill), Tables 12-27, p 1144. LYTHALL, R.T.: Low-Voltage Breaking Capacity: Fault Current More Important than kVA Ruptured. Elec. Rev. ,119, No. 3100, 30th Apr. 1937, p 654. LYTHALL, R.T.: Low-Voltage Short Circuit Calculations: The Effect of Equivalent High-Voltage Reactance. Elec. Rev., 123, No. 3182, 18th Nov. 1938. PAPST, H.W.: Stresses in Buses During Short circuit. Elec. J., 31, 1934, pp 322323. PILCHER, E.E.I.: Short circuit Forces on Busbars. World Power, 24, 1935, pp 116123. SCHURIG, O.E. and SAYRE, M.F.: Mechanical stresses on Busbar Supports During Sho rt-Circuits. A.l.E.E. Trans., 44, 1952, pp 217-237. SCHURIG, O.E., FRICK, C.W. and SAYRE, M.F.: Practical Calculations of Short-Circ uit Stresses in Supports for Straight Parallel Bus Conductors. Gen. Elec. Rev., 29,1926, pp 534-544. SIEGEL, C.M. and HIGGINS, T.J.: Equations for the Inductance and Short-Circuit F orces of Buses Comprised of Double-Channel Conductors. Trans. A.I.E.E., 71, 1952 , p 425. TANBERG, R.: Stresses in Bus Supports. Elect. J., 24, 1927, pp 517-525. TIMASCHEFF, A.S.: Standard Curves for Calculations of Forces Between Parallel an d Perpendicular Conductors. Eng. J., Oct., 1953. VAN ASPEREN, C.H.: Mechanical Forces on Busbars Under Short Circuit Conditions. Trans. A.I.E.E., 42, 1923, pp 1091-1111. WAGNER, C.F. and EVANS, R.D.: Symmetrical Components. (McGraw-Hill). WILSON, W.: The Calculation and Design of Electrical Apparatus. (Chapman and Hal l), London, 1940.

WILSON, W.R. and MANKOFF, L.L.: Short-Circuit Forces in Isolated Phase Buses. A. l.E.E. Paper 54-138. 1954. Section 7 CONSTABLE, F.H.: Growth of Oxide Films. Proc. Roy. Soc., 115, 1927-8, p 385. COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION: Joining of Copper and Copper Alloys. C.D.A. Pub. TN25, 1980. (now superseded by Publication No 98) DENAULT, C.L.: Electrical Contact of Busbar Joints. Elect. J., 30, 1933, pp 281282. DONATI, E.: Overlapping Joints in Electric Furnace Circuits. L'Energia Elettrica , 12, No. 6,1935. DWIGHT, H.B. and WANG, T.K.: Reactance of Square Tubular Busbars.A.l.E.E. Trans. , 57, 1938, pp762-765. FRICK, C.W.: Current-Carrying Capacity of Bare Cylindrical Conductors for Indoor and Outdoor Service. Gen. Elec. Rev., 34, 1931, pp 464-471. HALPERIN, H.: Economical Utilisation of Electric Power Equipment. Power App. and Systerns, Apr., 1953, p 203. JACKSON, R.A.: Electrical Performance of Aluminium and Copper Bolted Joints. Pro c. I.E.E., 129, Pt. C, No . 4, Jul., 1982 pp 177-184. KOUWENHOVEN, W.B. and LITTLE, C.: Contact Resistance. Welding J., 31, No. 10, Oc t. 1952, p 457. LANCTOT, E.K.: Temperature Rise and Joint Resistance of Three-Phase Bus Assembli es of Aluminium and Copper. A.l.E.E. Paper 57-718, 1957. LUKE, G.E.: The Resistance of Electrical Connections. Elec. J., 21, 1924, pp 6669. MELSOM, S.W. and BOOTH, H.C.: The Efficiency of Overlapping Joints. J.I.E.E., 60 ,1922, pp 889-899. SAYERS, D.P., FORREST, J.S. and LANE, F.J.: 275 kV Developments on the British G rid System. Proc. I.E.E.. 99. Pt. II, No. 72,1953, p 582. WATSON, C.G.: Sags and Tensions in Overhead Lines. (Pitman), 1931. WENNER, F., NUSBAUM, G.W. and CRUIKSHANKS, B.C.: Electrical Resistance of Contac ts Between Nuts and Bolts. Bur. Stand. J. Res. Wash., 5, 1930, pp 757-766. Section 8 ASHDOWN, K.T. and SWERDLOW, N.: Cantilever-Loaded Insulators for Isolated Phase Bus. A.I.E.E. Paper 54-141, 1954. KILLIAN, S.C.: Mechanical Forces on Buses due to Fault Currents. Elect. World, D ec. 12th, 1942, pp 60-62. SCHURIG, O.R. and SAYRE, M.F.: Mechanical stresses on Busbar Supports During Sho rt-Circuits. A.I.E.E., 44, 1952, pp 217-237. SCHURIG, O.E., FRICK, C.W. and SAYRE, M.F.: Practical Calculations of Short-Circ

uit Stresses in Supports for Straight Parallel Bus Conductors. Gen. Elec. Rev., 29, 1926, pp 534-544. TRIPP, W.A.: Forces on Conductors During Short-Circuit. Elect. J., Dec., 1937, p p 493-497. Section 9 ARNOLD, A.H.M.: The Inductance of Linear Conductors of Rectangular Section. J.I. E.E., 70, 1932, pp 579 586. BOGARDUS, L.R.: Resistance Welder Feed has Low Reactance Drop. Elec. World, 10th Sept. 1938, p 702. DEANS, W.: What Shape Conductors for Electrical Busbars? Power, Feb., 1943, pp 7 5-78. DWIGHT, H.B.: Reactance of Strap Conductors. Elec. Rev., 70, 1917, p 1087. DWIGHT, H.B.: Reactance Values for Rectangular Conductors. Elec. J., 16, 1919, p 255. DWIGHT, H.B.: Reactance and Skin Effect of Concentric Tubular Conductors. Trans. A.I.E.E., 61, 1942, p 513 DWIGHT, H.B.: Geometric Mean Distance for Rectangular Conductors. Trans. A.I.E.E ., 65, 1946, p 328. DWIGHT, H.B. and WANG, T.K.: Reactance of Square Tubular Busbars. Trans. A.l.E.E ., 57, 1938, p 762. Discussion, p 765. Elec. Times: Transformers for Electric Furnaces. 5th Dec. 1940, p 375. GRAY, A.: Absolute Measurements in Electricity and Magnetism. 2nd Edition, (MacM illan), 1921, Chapter XIII. GROVER, F.W.: The Calculation of Inductance and Reactance of Single Layer Coils and Spirals Wound with Wire of Large Cross Section. Proc. I.R.E. (US), 17, No. 1 1, Nov. 1929, p 2053. GROVER, F.W.: Inductance Calculations. (Van Nostrand), 1946. HIGGINS, T.J.: Formulas for the Inductance of Rectangular Tubular Conductors. Tr ans. A.I.E.E., 60, 1941, p 1046. HIGGINS, T.J.: Formulas for the Inductance of Rectangular Tubular Conductors. J. App. Phys. ,13, No. 11,1942, p 1046. HIGGINS, T.J.: Formulas for the Calculation of the Inductance of Linear Conducto rs of Structural Shape. Trans. A.l.E.E., 62, Feb., 1943, p 53. HIGGINS, T.J.: Formulas for the Geometric Mean Distance of Rectangular Areas and of Line Segments. J. App. Phys.!eu!, 14, No. 4, 1943, p 188. HIGGINS, T.J.: The Design of Busbars for Industrial Distribution Systems and Epi tomisation of Available Data. Trans. A.l.E.E., 64, 1945, p 385. HIGGINS, T.J.: Theory and Application of Complex Logarithms and Geometric Mean D istances. Trans. A.l.E.E., 66, 1947, p 12.

HIGGINS, T.J. and MESSINGER H.P.: Equations for the Inductance of Three-Phase Co -Axial Buses Comprised of Square Tubular Conductors. J. App. Phys. ,18, 1947, p 1009. KARAPETOFF, V.: The Inductance of Cables and Transmission Lines. (McGraw-Hill), 1914. LYTHALL, R.T.: Low Voltage Short-Circuit Calculations: The Effect of Equivalent High-Voltage Reactance. Elec. Rev., 123, No. 3182, 18th Nov. 1938. LYTHALL, R.T.: The J and P Switchgear Book. (Johnson and Phillips Ltd.), 1947, p 271. MAXWELL, J.C.: On the Geometrical Mean Distance of Two Figures in a Plane. Trans . Roy. Soc. Edin., 26, 1872, p 729. MESSINGER, H.P. and HIGGINS, T.J.: Formulas for the Reactance of Co-Axial Buses Comprised of Square Tubular Conductors. Trans. A.l.E.E., 65, 1946, p 328. MILLER, W.H.: Three-Phase Rectangular Conductors-A Simplified Reactance Formula. Electrician, 20th June 1947, p 1681. O'RAHILLY, A.: A Note on Self-Inductance. J.l.E.E.,86, No. 518, Feb. 1940, p 179 . Discussion, June 1940, p 567. ROSA, E.B.: On the Geometrical Mean Distances of Rectangular Areas and the Calcu lation of Self-Inductance. N. B. S. Bull., 3, 1907, p 1. ROSA, E.B. and GROVER, F.W.: Formulas and Tables for the Calculation of Mutual a nd Self Inductance (Revised and Extended). N. B. S. Bull., 8, 1912, Paper No. 16 9. ROTH, E.D.: Champ Magnetique et Inductance d'un Systeme de Barres Rectangulaires Paralleles. Rev. Gen. de l'Elec, 44, No. 9, 3rd Sept. 1938, p 275. SCHURIG, O.R.: Engineering Calculation of Inductance and Reactance for Rectangul ar Bar Conductors. Gen Elec. Rev., 36, No 5, May 1933, pp 228-231. SCHWANTZ, W.G. and HIGGINS T.l.: Formulas for Calculating the Inductance of Chan nels Located Back to Back. Trans. A.l.E.E., 65, 1946, p 893. SIEGEL, C.M. end HIGGINS, T.J.: Equations for the Inductance and Short-Circuit F orces of Buses Comprised of Double-Channel Conductors. Trans. A.I.E.E., 71, 1952 , p 425.

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