Passive Design Large Buildings
Passive Design Large Buildings
Passive Design Large Buildings
BC Hydro is a proud supporter of the Passive Design Toolkits for the City of Vancouver. We recognize that part of providing clean energy for generations is helping British Columbians build Power Smart high performance buildings.
We thank you for using this Toolkit in your project, and congratulate the City of Vancouver for providing leadership in helping designers create the buildings of tomorrow in BC today. Lisa Coltart, Executive Director Power Smart and Customer Care
Prepared by: Cobalt Engineering Vladimir Mikler, MSc, P.Eng., LEED AP Albert Bicol, P.Eng., LEED AP Beth Breisnes Hughes Condon Marler : Architects Michel Labrie, MAIBC, MOAQ, MRAIC, LEED AP
July 2009
Cover Photo: IBI Group/Henriquez Partners Architects Photographer: Nic Lehoux Hand Illustrations: Matthew Roddis Urban Design
1. Executive Summary................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Navigating this Toolkit.............................................................................. 1 1.3 Summary of Recommendations................................................................ 1
2 Context.................................................................. 3
2.1 Definition of Passive Design...................................................................... 3 2.2 Thermal Comfort...................................................................................... 3 2.3 Vancouver Climate Characteristics............................................................6 2.4 Energy Performance Targets..................................................................... 7 2.5 Integrated Design Process........................................................................8
1. Executive Summary
1.1 Purpose
This document presents best practices for the application of passive design in Vancouver. It is intended to establish a common vision and definition of passive design and support decision making for new developments1 that will maximize occupant health and comfort and minimize energy use by relying less on mechanical and electrical systems. Furthermore, it is intended to move the Vancouver design community toward a new, higher standard of energy efficiency without sacrificing thermal comfort. This document is not prescriptive, but rather discusses and analyzes recommended design approaches and the energy saving opportunities each presents. Additionally, the modeling results shown are useful and valid but do not replace projectspecific modeling. minimize energy requirements for new developments in Vancouver. Each strategy is made up of several design elements. Each element is addressed in further detail in Passive Design Elements. Finally, the appendices provide supporting information, including detailed energy modeling analysis.
Context provides the fundamental frameworks for understanding and implementing passive design. The Passive Design Strategies lay out the overarching strategies that will optimize comfort and
When building in Vancouver, it is recommended that designers adopt a passive design approach that uses the building architecture to maximize occupant comfort and minimize energy use.
1 This toolkit is intended for Part 3 buildings, as per the National Building Code of Canada (2005).
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unwanted solar gains. For better energy performance, attempt to limit windows to 50% on any facade (for best performance, limit windows to 30% ), taking into account other aesthetic and livability criteria. If higher window to wall area ratios are desired, incorporate high performance windows or a double facade and optimize shading. Target overall wall assembly RSI values between 2.3 (ASHRAE minimum) and 2.9. Use modeling to assess projectspecific benefits, as the impact of insulation depends greatly on window to wall area ratio. Use an air-tight envelope to minimize uncontrolled infiltration. Use heat-recovery ventilation during heating season only, and design for natural ventilation and cooling by natural ventilation throughout the rest of the year. For residential buildings, use clear glass with good insulating value (low U-value with low-e coating). Mitigate unwanted solar gains with external shading and allow for passive cooling by natural ventilation. For commercial buildings, use either clear glass with effective external shading elements or dark or reflective glass (low shading coefficient) to control
unwanted solar gains. Regardless of shading option, the glass should have good insulating value (low U-value with low-e coating). Remove internal heat gains with other passive elements (e.g., natural ventilation). Incorporate overhangs providing shading angles of 2030 off vertical (measured from the bottom window sill to the edge of the overhang) on southfacing windows. Incorporate operable external shading on east-, south- and west-facing windows. Use thermal mass that is exposed to the conditioned space and combine it with other passive elements to achieve its full energy-savings and comfort potential. Incorporate buffer spaces on all exposures whenever possible to optimize comfort and reduce both peak load and overall heating and cooling energy requirements. Design for cooling by natural ventilation in all building types. Optimize the effects of passive heating and cooling strategies by strategically combining passive elements. Incorporate as many passive design elements as possible to optimize comfort and minimize overall energy use.
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2 Context
2.1 Definition of Passive Design
Passive design2 is an approach to building design that uses the building architecture to minimize energy consumption and improve thermal comfort. The building form and thermal performance of building elements (including architectural, structural, envelope and passive mechanical) are carefully considered and optimized for interaction with the local microclimate. The ultimate vision of passive design is to fully eliminate requirements for active mechanical systems (and associated fossil fuel-based energy consumption) and to maintain occupant comfort at all times. Even though we may not achieve the ultimate passive design vision on every building, implementing the passive design approach to the fullest extent possible will lower building energy use. Building shape, orientation and composition can improve occupant comfort by harnessing desirable sitespecific energy forms and offering protection from undesirable forms of energy. Through properly applied passive design principles, we can greatly reduce building energy requirements before we even consider mechanical systems. Designs that do not consider passive thermal behaviour must rely on extensive and costly mechanical HVAC systems to maintain adequate indoor conditions, which may or may not even be comfortable. Furthermore, even the most efficient technologies will use more energy than is necessary with a poorly designed building. To successfully implement the passive design approach, one must first accomplish the following: 1. Understand and define acceptable thermal comfort criteria. 2. Understand and analyze the local climate, preferably with site-specific data. 3. Understand and establish clear, realistic and measurable energy performance targets.
Passive design is an approach to building design that uses the building architecture to minimize energy consumption and improve thermal comfort.
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Each factor affects thermal comfort differently. The factors most commonly addressed in the conventional design process, air temperature and air humidity, in fact affect only 6% and 18% of our perception of thermal comfort, respectively. To take a more effective comfort-focused approach, we must also consider the temperature of surrounding surfaces and the air velocity, which account for 50% and 26% of thermal comfort perception, respectively. The effectiveness of passive strategies depends on the range of acceptable thermal comfort parameters set for the project.
Mean radiant temperature Clothing value Metabolism Relative humidity Air motion Air temperature
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This suits the conventional approach which has heavy reliance on active mechanical systems regardless of the outdoor climatic conditions. But this can also lead to unnecessary energy consumption. Furthermore, this simplification does not account for the temperature of surrounding surfaces, the dominant factor affecting thermal comfort. The complexity of human thermal comfort, particularly in passively designed buildings, can be better described by the lesser-known Adaptive Model. The Adaptive Model correlates variable outdoor conditions with indoor conditions and defines comfort with a wider range of thermal parameters, making it more suited to buildings with passive features and natural ventilation. In the mild Vancouver climate, passive buildings can maintain acceptable thermal comfort within the parameters of the Adaptive Model for the majority of the year, with the exception of the coldest outdoor temperatures during winter. Using the passive design approach and the Adaptive Model can significantly reduce a buildings reliance on energy-intensive active mechanical systems. The required strategies to achieve such passive performance are discussed in Section 3 of this toolkit. See Appendix B - Thermal Comfort for further details on both thermal comfort models.
3 Also known as operative temperature; RT = (Average Air Temp + Mean Radiant Temp)/2
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profile is a very effective tool for understanding a buildings passive response to its local climate. Once generated with building simulation software, an FRT profile can be used to test passive strategies. Effective passive strategies keep the FRT within the comfort range (or close to it) for most of the year. Optimizing the FRT minimizes the amount of energy required of the mechanical system. See Appendix B.4 - Free Run Temperature for further details.
Vancouver (49.18 N, 123.17 W) is located at sea level on the southwestern Pacific coast of British Columbia. In general, Vancouver has a temperate climate with mild temperatures and moderate humidity levels year round. Summers are pleasantly warm and dry and winters are relatively mild with high levels of precipitation. This weather pattern is due to the combination of the nearby ocean and the protection from the cold continental winter offered by the Coast Mountains rising abruptly from the ocean immediately to the north of the city. The following table shows the average minimum and maximum air temperatures for Vancouver during the coldest month (January) and the hottest month (August).4
August Average Maximum 6.2 C Average Minimum 13.2 C Average Maximum 21.9 C
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Because Vancouver is on the Pacific Northwest coast and it rains frequently, we often refer to Vancouver as humid. However, only Vancouvers relative humidity is consistently high, not its absolute humidity. When high relative humidity coincides with low temperatures, the absolute amount of moisture in the air is still low. See Appendix C.2 for a more detailed discussion of humidity in Vancouver. Vancouver receives moderate levels of solar radiation during spring, summer and fall. The prevailing wind direction is from the east, followed in frequency by westerly winds. Due to the protection of the Coast Mountains, north winds are marginal. The outdoor design temperatures for Vancouver as defined by the BC Building Code (2006) and ASHRAE 90.1 v.2007 are shown in Table 2.
standards in indirect, non-energyspecific terms. The standards fall short of what is being achieved in other parts of the world and what is possible in our Vancouver climate. Both North American standards address only two passive building components: envelope insulation and window performance. Neither standard addresses other crucial passive design parameters affecting energy performance such as building shape, compactness, orientation, layout, and thermal storage effects of building mass. The currently prescribed methodology does not provide clear, measurable energy performance targets. It is not possible to compare energy performance between buildings or determine how a building compares to the best energy performance in a given climate. Establishing building energy performance targets in clear and measurable terms is a fundamental prerequisite of successful passive design. This new methodology has already been successfully
5 In general, ASHRAE 90.1 is used in the US, and the Model National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (MNECB) is used in Canada. However, local Canadian jurisdictions can choose to supersede MNECB, as Vancouver has done by adopting ASHRAE 90.1 v.2007.
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implemented in most of Europe.6 Minimum building energy performance is prescribed in terms of energy intensity, kWh/m2year, for a specific building type in a specific climate. Maximum allowable energy intensity targets can either be determined from the historical building energy consumption data or derived from fundamental laws of physics such as with the free-run temperature methodology.
It is recommended that the City of Vancouver adopt maximum allowable energy intensity targets for specific building types. At present (late 2008), the City of Vancouver is working with BC Hydro and Terasen Gas to gather energy intensity data on existing buildings. Once an adequate and accurate data set has been collected, the City will be able to set energy intensity targets appropriate to the Vancouver climate and building market.
6 European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, MINERGIE (originated in Switzerland), Passive Haus (originated in Germany), etc.
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CASE STUDY Turn to page 102 to learn how the Millennium Water development takes advantage of crossventilation.
With many passive strategies, there is a trade-off between heating performance and cooling performance. The building type and operation determine which strategies will have the best overall impact on energy performance. In all cases, building energy modeling specific to the project should be conducted. Once again it is important to note that the simulation results presented in this report are parametric comparisons only; they do not replace the value of project-specific modeling.
Low window to wall area ratio (N/E) High window to wall area ratio (S/W) Operable external shading High-performance insulation Thermal mass Minimized infiltration
7 HRV is an active system; however, due it its effective synergies with passive ventilation, we are mentioning it here. See Appendix E for modeling results on the efficiency of this mixed-mode system.
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the occupied space. There are design limitations on how large a space can be effectively ventilated this way: single-sided ventilation does not achieve a significant result unless ceilings are very high. More effective is cross-ventilation, where operable windows on adjacent or opposing walls draw ventilation air across the occupied space. Designs should strive for at least two exposed walls per residential or commercial unit to allow for cross-ventilation. Finally, in larger buildings with significant core spaces, induced ventilation with high spaces such as atria, stacks and wind towers may be necessary to provide adequate ventilation by strictly passive means. These strategic architectural features create optimized pathways for natural, passive ventilation. The passive elements that contribute to natural ventilation include the following: Operable windows Buffer spaces and double facades Building shape Space planning Orientation Strategic architectural features Openings to corridors and between otherwise separated spaces Central atria and lobbies Wind towers
Elements that contribute to passive cooling include the following: Fixed/operable external shading Thermal mass Low window to wall area ratio (S/W) Passive ventilation Nocturnal cooling Stacked windows Passive evaporative cooling Earth-tempering ducts
3.4 Daylighting
Daylighting maximizes the use and distribution of natural diffused daylight throughout a buildings interior to reduce the need for artificial electric lighting. Careful design is required to avoid overheating and to minimize glare, and to complement passive heating and cooling strategies such as shading. In order to maximize energy savings , advanced electrical control systems like sensors should be integrated. The features which contribute to a daylighting strategy include: Space planning High ceilings paired with tall windows Window size and placement (window to wall area ratio) Interior surface colours and finishes Strategic architectural features Light shelves Skylights and light tubes Clerestories The key energy savings benefit of daylighting is straightforward: daylighting reduces energy requirements for electrical lighting. Indirectly, daylighting can also reduce energy requirements for space cooling. Daylighting strategies are highly project-specific: detailed building modeling and analysis is required to achieve an effective design and to estimate energy savings. As such, daylighting is not included in the parametric simulations of this study.
Careful design is required to avoid overheating from direct solar gains and to minimize glare.
Nocturnal cooling uses overnight natural ventilation to remove heat accumulated in the building mass during the day. The cooler nighttime air flushes and cools the warm building structure/mass. Stacked windows allow cool air in at a lower window, creating an upward-moving vacuum that forces warm air out a high-placed window.
Evaporative cooling uses heat from the spaces to convert water from a liquid to a vapor, which changes the air from warm and dry to cool and moist. In order to cool a space by evaporative cooling, moisture must be added to an airstream. This can be achieved by drawing air across or through existing water (e.g., a water feature located within the building, a natural exterior body of water, a hydroponic living wall, etc.). Earth tempering takes advantage of the relatively constant temperature of the ground at depths exceeding 1.5 m to provide tempering for building ventilation air. This requires burying a ventilation air intake path, also called an earth tube.
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The following table displays the elements that positively contribute to the various passive design strategies for residential buildings.
Relative Impact () High-performance insulation High-performance windows Window to wall area ratio <50% Buffer spaces External shading Thermal mass Compact form Air- and moisture-tight envelope
Passive Heating
Passive Cooling
Passive Ventilation
These features were added to the parametric model one at a time to clearly illustrate the compounding benefit of each. Refer to modeling results in Appendix E.
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The following table displays the elements that positively contribute to the various passive design strategies for commercial buildings. Relative Impact () High-performance insulation High-performance windows Window to wall area ratio <50% Double facades External shading Narrow forms Thermal mass Nocturnal ventilation Pre-cooled ventilation air Air- and moisture-tight envelope Passive Heating Passive Cooling Passive Ventilation Daylighting
These features were added to the parametric model one at a time to clearly illustrate the compounding benefit of each. Refer to modeling results in Appendix E.
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strategies will be comfortable without mechanical heating or cooling; when conditions fall outside of the zone, the building must rely on active systems to maintain thermal comfort. In conclusion, passive design enables buildings to maintain occupant comfort throughout more of the year using less energy. For the quantitative impact of individual passive elements and strategies, refer to Appendix E.
Figure 7: ASHRAE Comfort Zone and Achievable Extended Comfort Range by Passive Design Strategies in Vancouver Climate
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other hand, the integration of site considerations such as landscaping, wind and microclimate can influence the local architectural expression of a building. Building facade orientation is one of the key elements for many passive design strategies. Facade orientation affects the energy and comfort implications of solar shading, window to wall area ratio, window position and performance, and choice of exterior colour. A buildings orientation determines the amount of solar radiation it receives. The roof surface receives the greatest intensity, but it is normally opaque and well-insulated. Building facades, which can have a significant window to wall area ratio, also receive sun in various amounts. The south facade will capture desirable solar gains during winter when the sun angle is low, making it ideal for passive solar heating during winter. On the other hand, window should be carefully placed on the east and west facades since they receive the second highest radiation intensities. Excessive solar heat gains on the west side can be particularly problematic as maximum solar intensity coincides with the hottest part of the day.
The primary objective of passive design strategies is to reduce or even eliminate the need for active mechanical systems while maintaining or even improving occupant comfort.
Many site considerations can affect the passive design approach, including urban design opportunities and constraints, building orientation on the site, shade from other buildings, wind patterns, proximity to industry, noise, and urban character. These all need to be considered to optimize the integration of passive design strategies and some may pose design conflicts. On the
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4.1.2 Benefits
Can greatly improve heating and cooling performance when optimized. Can greatly improve daylighting when optimized.
4.1.3 Limitations
Designing to optimal orientation is not always possible, and can be limited by roads, existing development, urban design context, lot size, and lot orientation.
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Heritage conditions and related design guidelines may create opportunities for unique responses in the delivery of a passive design solution.
4.1.4 Synergies
Since many passive design strategies are affected by orientation, responding to the different conditions of each facade is the most fundamental design decision a project team can make to passively design a building. For example, orientation and daylighting are very much linked. Optimum orientation will provide adequate daylight without glare or excessive solar gain.
Building shape and massing8 have great potential to reduce building energy intensity, but they often fall under the influence of a complex array of factors (planning considerations, building type and use, feasibility and initial cost). Certain common building shapes greatly increase envelope area to volume ratio (e.g., thin highrise towers), which can decrease building energy performance in heating dominant buildings. With a similar square footage, buildings with a smaller exterior envelope area will achieve better energyefficient performance. A compact building shape significantly reduces the buildings energy intensity and reduces the need for active mechanical systems as demonstrated in the modeling results shown below in Figure 11.
CASE STUDY Turn to page 103 to learn how the Pacific Institute for Sports Excellences unique building shape provides solar shading.
Building shape and massing have great potential to reduce building energy intensity.
Orientation that allows winter solar gains is desirable; therefore southfacing orientation is appropriate provided that it is well-shaded during summer. Orientation will often not be optimum in the downtown grid. However, responding to the various facade conditions will significantly increase thermal comfort and decrease active mechanical system requirements.
8 Massing is used in this section to describe the overall geometry of the building. It is not to be confused with thermal mass (see Section 4.8).
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Massing optimization can significantly improve passive performance, often without increasing the capital cost. As one of the first design considerations, the massing of a proposed building must account for orientation and other site-specific conditions. Section 4.1 discusses orientation and its critical effects on massing and other passive design elements.
4.2.4 Synergies
Building massing functions in close relationship with other basic architectural passive design parameters such as orientation, envelope performance (including window location) and solar shading. Massing must also be considered alongside daylighting needs and natural ventilation, which tend to improve in buildings with narrower profiles, courtyards and other features that increase envelope area.
4.2.2 Benefits
Reduced heating and cooling energy consumption. Reduced peak heating and cooling loads.
4.2.3 Limitations
Must be carefully considered so as to not compromise the livability of the interior spaces provided (e.g. compromised daylighting; see Synergies). Must consider potential urban design conflicts related to street conditions, view corridors and other urban planning considerations.
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requires an active IDP where energy and thermal comfort goals are discussed and understood within the design team. Vegetation can help in many ways: Reducing ambient temperature and limiting the heat island effect around buildings, thus reducing the cooling load. Protecting the building from sun, wind and precipitation. Reducing solar intensity by introducing vegetated green roofs and walls.
Many landscape considerations happen very early on in the design process. Set backs, street trees, street alignment and use of landscape buffer zones can be guiding elements of many site planning decisions. Therefore, careful consideration of landscaping is critical to successfully implementing the passive approach at the early stages of design. The integration of landscape strategies
CASE STUDY Turn to page 108 to learn how the new Butchart Gardens Carousel building will take advantage of its surrounding landscape.
Figure 13: Landscape Strategies for Passive Solar Heating and Daylighting Control
Deciduous trees provide cooling shade in the summer and after shedding their leaves allow for warm sun to enter the building in the winter.
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Figure 14: Reducing Solar Intensity with a Green Wall (Aquaquest at Vancouver Aquarium)
4.3.2 Benefits
Deciduous planting provides desirable shading during summer and allows desirable solar gains during winter while adding aesthetic appeal. See Synergies.
4.3.4 Synergies
Landscaping strategies can assist mechanical ventilation systems by contributing to ventilation air pre-cooling. Landscaping strategies can contribute to daylighting controls by reducing glare. Landscaping strategies can facilitate passive heating by allowing solar heat gain during winter and providing shade during summer.
4.3.3 Limitations
Landscaping strategies are often limited by the available space. Many landscaping strategies require maintenance and irrigation. Incorporating landscaping strategies in higher buildings can be challenging due to maintenance and increasing challenges such as weight, wind pressure and irrigation.
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4.4.2 Benefits
Locating spaces in their ideal thermal location in the building reduces mechanical heating and cooling energy by taking advantage of the buildings natural thermal responses. Strategic space planning can reduce glare and improve comfort. CASE STUDY Turn to page 105 to learn how careful space planning helps Surreys Revenue Canada building.
Matching the program requirements with orientation and massing (building geometry) can further decrease energy use and increase thermal comfort. Building functions with particular thermal requirements should be placed in areas of the building that can provide those conditions (or come closest) without mechanical intervention. For example, computer labs or other rooms that have large internal heat gains and thus require mostly cooling should be placed on north or east-facing facades to minimize energy use from mechanical cooling. By accounting for the thermal comfort requirements of a particular space use and matching them to suitable building characteristics, the design team can use passive design strategies to reduce building energy demand and maintain occupant comfort.
4.4.3 Limitations
In many cases, such as residential units facing only one direction, it may be difficult to program the building to avoid having uses that will be negatively affected by solar gain.
4.4.4 Synergies
Space planning considerations are directly linked to orientation and massing and the ability of the design team to provide, when possible, appropriate thermal conditions within the buildings.
Locating spaces in their ideal thermal location in the building reduces mechanical heating and cooling energy.
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When possible, incorporating buffer spaces to increase thermal conditions of the program areas should influence space planning decisions.
semi-conditioned or unconditioned. They improve building energy performance by widening the range of outdoor temperatures in which thermal comfort can be maintained in the building with low mechanical energy consumption. Especially helpful during winter, buffer spaces create another insulation layer in front of the envelope, slowing the rate of heat loss between the outdoors and the indoor conditioned space. Ideally, they should be convertible to fully exterior space during summer to aid in ventilation and cooling of the adjoining occupied space. Buffer spaces are a key component of many passive solar designs when they are oriented on the sunny side of the building. South- and west-facing buffer spaces can be designed to act as occupied sunspaces, providing both passive solar heat gain and a functional occupied space. Sunspaces function like passive solar collectors, trapping solar gains like a greenhouse. Thermal storage is most effectively provided in the thermal mass of the floor and/ or walls of the sunspace structure itself. Stored heat can either reach the building passively through the walls between the sunspace and the interior, or be distributed by an active mechanical system. The design and construction of sunspaces varies widely. In general, they can have open or closed ends, single or multiple slopes, and various arrangements of storage mass in the floor and walls.
In the Vancouver climate, space planning should target the following conditions: Locate cooling dominant spaces on the north or in the centre of the building away from any perimeter solar gain. Locate heating dominant spaces on the south or west, avoiding over-exposure to west solar radiation. Locate residential spaces on the south exposure whenever possible.
Buffer spaces such as double facades and sunspaces are located along the building perimeter and can be occupied or unoccupied, as well as
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In passive heating applications, sunspaces must be designed so the solar gains are greater than the heat losses through the windows. Integrating occupied buffer spaces as transition spaces is ideal because a wider thermal comfort range is acceptable in spaces like corridors and entryways, as opposed to other, more tightly conditioned spaces such as residential, classroom or office areas. Entryway vestibules, a mandatory requirement for many buildings under the Vancouver Building Bylaw, are also maintained at wider thermal comfort ranges, which also help to reduce the mechanical system energy consumption by limiting the loss of heated air during winter and cooled air during summer. They also improve comfort in the adjacent space by reducing or even eliminating drafts. Unoccupied buffer spaces, such as double facades or Trombe walls, are cavities between an exterior window layer and a secondary wall or window layer, typically with controllable openings between the outdoors and the interior spaces. The openings are adjustable to either ventilate the cavity, or to transfer air between the indoors and outdoors. Double facades can
also be designed to induce stack effect and passively ventilate the occupied space. During winter the cavity can preheat ventilation air. During summer, the cavity openings can be adjusted to draw exhaust air out of the building. In the shoulder seasons, a double facade can increase the amount of time that natural ventilation can satisfy occupant comfort requirements.
4.5.2 Benefits
Energy savings with reduced heat losses, infiltration at entries, and/or preheated ventilation air. Improved thermal comfort due to more stable interior space surface temperatures, reduced draft, and increased application of natural ventilation. Protects interior wall surface from the elements. Reduces building heating energy requirements via passive heating.
4.5.3 Limitations
Buffer spaces increase the area of the building, but the space is not always usable for occupants.
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4.5.4 Synergies
Many synergies are possible with buffer spaces such as double ventilated facades. Buffer spaces in south facing double ventilated facades can be used to aid natural ventilation for example. Other passive building strategies can also work well with these types of facades such as night cooling and solar shading.
Vancouvers temperate climate makes buffer spaces an excellent design option, because they could potentially eliminate the need for mechanical cooling and dramatically reduce the amount of time the mechanical heating system operates. In addition, they can serve as seasonally convertible habitable spaces. Buffer spaces can also provide additional rain screen protection for the building envelope resulting in longer life and fewer moisture problems for the external wall assembly.
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Window assemblies are the weakest thermal links in a buildings insulated envelope.
4.6 Windows
4.6.1 Overview
Windows (glazing) are necessary envelope elements in any building as they provide access to views and daylight and can be used for natural ventilation. However, window assemblies are the weakest thermal links in a buildings insulated envelope, and the window design approach has a significant impact on occupant thermal comfort and building energy consumption. In general, windows affect a buildings thermal state by
transmitting solar radiation directly into the conditioned space, where it stays trapped inside and heats the interior surfaces (i.e., the greenhouse effect). This heat gain is beneficial during winter and undesirable during summer when it can overheat the space. With respect to windows, the design requirements of heating, cooling, aesthetics and daylighting often conflict; an energy efficient design uses window materials, sizes and framing design that balance aesthetics and overall energy performance. Annual building simulations can help to identify
CASE STUDY Turn to page 106 to learn how the White Rock Operations Centre uses different window to wall area ratios on different facades.
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this optimal combination; however they cannot replace a proper understanding of how window characteristics affect the building. Window design characteristics fall into two categories: thermal and optical. The thermal characteristics are the insulation or U-value, the framing type, overall area of windows, and the amount of framing. The number of panes of glass and the gas or vacuum void between them defines the amount of insulation provided by the windows, referred to as U-value. The U-value affects the amount of heat that is transferred between the interior and exterior, as well as the window interior surface temperature. Glass that insulates better traps more heat in the building and keeps a higher internal surface temperature, which is beneficial during winter and undesirable during summer. The overall window to wall area ratio is the window characteristic with the most significant impact on building energy consumption. Even the best performing glass insulates poorly when compared to an insulated wall. On east, south, and west exposures, greater window areas will admit more solar gain during winter. However, in the Vancouver climate, the net annual effect
of any window to wall area ratio greater than 10% is still a thermal energy loss, even with the higher level of solar gains (see simulation results in Appendix E). Frames hold the glass panes and link them with the wall. They are usually made of highly conductive metal, creating thermal bridges between the interior conditioned space and the outdoors, further speeding heat loss through the window assembly. Frames can be made of less conductive materials, such as wood and vinyl. Thermally broken frames have an insulating spacer to slow the rate of heat transfer through the frame. However, even with a thermal break, frame material and design always limits the thermal performance of the overall window assembly. The minimum amount of framing structurally required is directly proportional to the area of windows; in addition to the minimal structural requirements, framing design is also guided by the envelope aesthetic, sometimes resulting in more framing than is necessary. The effects of thermal bridging should be minimized by reducing the amount of framing wherever possible. The thermal photo in Figure 20 demonstrates the effect of thermal bridging in window framing.
Thermally broken frames have an insulating spacer to slow the rate of heat transfer through the frame.
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The optical characteristics of windows are defined by the glass material and the location of surface treatments such as coatings, tinting or colours. The overall optical performance of windows is typically described by the shading coefficient or solar heat gain coefficient, representing the amount of light and heat the window transmits, absorbs, and reflects. (A window with a low shading coefficient value blocks a high amount of solar radiation.) As these are fixed characteristics that can not be modified with the seasons, they have to strike a balance between the desirable shading during summer and the benefits of solar gains during winter. The size, location, type and detailing of windows affects the thermal comfort and supplemental
heating and cooling energy consumed by the building. Therefore, window design must consider and balance the desire for floor to ceiling glass and the ongoing energy consumption that will be created by such window area and material characteristics.
Good insulation values reduce heating energy consumption. Optimized shading properties reduce cooling loads in commercial building. Optimized insulation values and framing design reduce heat losses and condensation in residential and high-humidity applications (i.e. food preparation).
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Optimized window to wall area ratios result in greater levels of thermal comfort from smaller cold/hot surface areas. Optimized window to wall area ratios can reduce both heating and cooling energy demands. Smaller window areas make better quality windows more feasible economically.
performance in combination with external shading elements (rather than windows with a low shading coefficient) for good summer performance. Commercial buildings with high internal heat gains will benefit from double pane windows with a low shading coefficient and a low-e coating. From a building energy perspective, windows should be located to admit solar radiation during winter to aid the mechanical heating system and be designed to limit the amount of heat lost due to the poor insulating value of glass.
Higher capital cost of high performance glass. Window to wall area ratios of greater than 50% (including floor-to-ceiling glass) will greatly challenge the energy efficiency of a building. Buffer spaces should be explored in this design scenario.
High performance windows should be combined with natural ventilation strategies to relieve heat gains. Window to wall area ratio impacts decisions on shading, window performance, thermal insulation, thermal mass, orientation and programming.
Solar shading elements can be applied to the exterior or interior side of the windows. External solar shading is the use of overhangs, blinds, louvers, trellises, or anything else that blocks the suns rays from heating the building envelope and entering the building through windows. Internal solar shading features, typically internal blinds, are any material that blocks the suns rays at the perimeter but inside the building. The distinction between internal and external shading is important because, although both systems block solar radiation, they have
CASE STUDY Turn to page 107 to learn how the Dockside Green development uses exterior solar shading.
Vancouver Applications
For residential buildings the most effective combination involves a double-pane window assembly with a low-e coating for good winter
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different effects on the building aesthetic, day lighting, comfort, and building energy system requirements. External shading devices intercept, absorb and/or reflect solar radiation before it reaches the exterior surface of the building envelope. When used in front of opaque envelope assemblies, external shading results in lower external surface temperatures and less heat gain through the envelope. When used on transparent envelope assemblies (i.e., windows), shading reduces the amount of direct solar gain in the space, reduces both the external and internal surface temperatures of affected windows, floors and walls, and reduces glare in the space. Internal shading also blocks solar radiation from penetrating into the conditioned space; however the solar energy is still transmitted through the window assembly. Once inside, it heats the internal surface of the glass and the blinds. These warm surfaces will heat the interior space and occupants through radiant and convective heat transfer (i.e., greenhouse effect). If mechanical cooling is used, this heat gain needs to be removed by the system. Effective shading design requires a balance between admitting desirable solar gains during winter and blocking undesirable solar gains during summer. The optimal shading strategy would be adjustable for different times
of the year. Fixed features such as horizontal overhangs are designed to admit low-angle winter sun and block high angle summer sun.
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4.7.2 Benefits
Reduced demands on, and potentially eliminates the need for, active cooling systems. Reduced glare and improves thermal comfort by blocking direct solar gains.
4.7.3 Limitations
The benefit of blocking direct solar gains in summer must be balanced with the desired benefit of solar heat gains in winter. Designers must consider practical issues such as window washing.
CASE STUDY Turn to page 104 to learn how UBCs Liu Institute for Global Issues takes advantage of thermal mass.
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4.7.4 Synergies
Building Orientation Daylighting
All matter has thermal mass, however when used in reference to a building, thermal mass generally means materials capable of absorbing, holding, and gradually releasing heat (thermal energy). Thermally massive materials absorb
heat and slowly release it when there is a temperature difference between the mass and the surrounding space. When incorporated in a wall, for example, the mass acts as a heat sink, absorbing the heat and slowing its transfer through the wall. Heavy, dense building materials with high specific heat like stone, concrete, brick, or adobe have high thermal mass. Lightweight, porous materials such as wood, insulation, and glass have low thermal mass. During summer, thermal mass exposed to the interior absorbs
heat from the space, including solar gains, and lowers the load on the mechanical cooling system. A thermally massive floor in a dayoccupied building, for example, can be cooled overnight with cooler outdoor air. In the morning the cool mass will absorb solar and other heat gains from the space, providing the sensation of coolness from the floor. This has been shown to delay the onset of daily mechanical cooling and in some cases reduce or even eliminate the peak cooling demand. This delay is referred to as thermal lag.
Thermally massive materials absorb heat and slowly release it when there is a temperature difference between the mass and the surrounding space.
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Thermal mass can have a negative impact on energy performance in some cases, where there is no opportunity to release heat into ambient air (in climates with no diurnal swing) or there is no opportunity for solar gains to be absorbed and stored (in climates with cold temperatures and low solar incidence).
4.8.2 Benefits
Reduced annual energy use. Reduced peak demand. Maintains a more stable internal environment. Increased acoustic insulation of assemblies. Improved fire ratings of assemblies.
4.8.3 Limitations
R-Value / U-Value R-Value and the metric equivalent RSI-Value: Thermal resistance How well the material slows down the transfer of thermal energy. U-Value: Heat transfer rate The intensity of heat transfer through the material. Without adequate direct solar radiation (i.e., on northfacing facades), thermal mass can result in increased energy consumption from the mechanical system when compared with lightweight construction.
Thermally insulating materials are poor thermal conductors that slow the rate of heat losses and gains to and from the outside. Effective thermal insulation is one of the most critical design parameters of building envelope. This reduction of heat transfer is commonly expressed in terms of R-Value (and the metric equivalent, RSI-Value) and U-Value. Minimum R-Values and maximum U-values for key building envelope components are prescribed by current ASHRAE 90.1 building energy standards. Thermal insulation also impacts the surface temperature on the
4.8.4 Synergies
Passive solar heating. Passive ventilation. Passive cooling and shading.
R 1/U
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envelope interior, which directly impacts thermal comfort. Interior envelope surface temperatures must remain high enough during winter to avoid condensation and maintain occupant comfort. Cold surface temperatures (i.e., windows) affect occupant comfort by both radiation and convection. To achieve consistent thermal insulation of the building envelope, assemblies must be carefully detailed with continuous thermal breaks. Thermal breaks use nonconductive materials to separate conductive materials to avoid degrading the envelopes thermal insulation, a common problem called thermal bridging.
4.9.2 Benefits
Reduces heating and cooling losses/gains and energy consumption. More stable interior surface temperatures increases thermal stability in the conditioned spaces.
The air and moisture tightness of a buildings envelope is a critical factor in its thermal performance and durability. It is also indirectly related to the buildings ventilation system. Undesirable air movement through the envelope can occur in either direction: infiltration is movement of exterior air into the building, and exfiltration is leakage of interior air to the exterior. Infiltration and exfiltration can occur at the same time through different unintentional paths such as cracks around windows and doors or improperly sealed construction joints. They are caused by air pressure and temperature differences across the building envelope due to differences in air density between warm and cold air. Greater differences in pressure and temperature cause greater rates of infiltration and exfiltration.
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4.9.3 Limitations
Rate of diminishing returns, best investigated with building simulations.
4.9.4 Synergies
Infiltration and air tightness. Window performance.
Physical damage of the envelope components from condensation (e.g., corrosion of metals, rotting of wood). Potential occupant health impact associated with mildew and fungus growth resulting from the trapped moisture within the envelope.
Indoor air and outdoor air are not only different temperatures most of the time, but they also contain different amounts of moisture in the form of water vapour, which diffuses with the air. In the Vancouver climate this diffusion is predominantly from the warmer, more humid interior side (due to internal moisture gains) toward the cooler, less humid exterior side. If moisture is allowed to diffuse through the envelope, it will eventually reach the colder portion of the envelope assembly, where it will condense as the envelope temperature drops below the dew-point temperature (see Appendix C.2). An incorrectly detailed building envelope with undesirable air and moisture diffusion typically has the following negative effects: Reduced thermal insulating value of the envelope resulting in excessive heat losses and increased heating energy requirements. Uncontrolled air and moisture exchange between the exterior and interior. Potential condensation within the envelope.
To avoid these negative impacts, a buildings envelope must be completely air- and moisture-tight. Depending on the envelope type, different approaches to achieve air and moisture tightness are required: 1. Lightweight envelope For most conventional lightweight envelope assemblies (e.g., steel or wood frame), air and moisture tightness is best achieved by applying both a continuous vapour barrier on the interior side of the envelope, at or just behind the finished surface layer, and a continuous rain screen on the exterior face of the envelope with a narrow, vented air gap separating it from the insulation. This configuration keeps the moist air in the space and precipitation on the outside. (The interior moisture is removed by proper ventilation.) Provided the continuity of the vapour barrier and rain screen is achieved (by careful design and installation), the resulting envelope is completely air- and moisture-tight and thus avoids negative impacts such as the risk of condensation and reduced thermal insulation value.
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2. Heavy-weight envelope High-performance heavy-weight envelopes should have sandwichlike assemblies with a relatively thick layer of concrete or masonry facing the interior and a layer of thermal insulation with a protective vented rain-screen facing the exterior. The dense and massive concrete or masonry layer is sufficiently air tight to keep infiltration and exfiltration at acceptable levels. Unless the interiors have consistently high humidity levels, as might be the case in a commercial kitchen, vapour barriers (e.g., waterproof coating, membrane, ceramic tile, etc.) on the interior surface may not be essential. As massive materials are also porous to a certain degree, they can absorb and release moisture from the indoor air. When combined with continuous exterior thermal insulation to keep the mass temperature above the dew point, the massive layer can absorb
and release moisture safely without risk of condensation and its related negative impacts. This continuous thermal insulation on the exterior side is critical to both improving energy performance and avoiding condensation. (Proper application of air and vapour barriers must be considered with a qualified building envelope consultant on a projectspecific basis.) Insulating heavy mass envelope from the inside requires a vapour barrier, since the potential condensation zone extends all the way to the insulation. Inside insulation also creates undesirable thermal bridges at floor-to-wall interfaces that are prone to condensation and compromise the thermal insulation value of the envelope. Traditional non-tight envelopes had high infiltration/exfiltration rates (often more than 1 air change per
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Buildings in Vancouver should have properly detailed and constructed airand moisture-tight envelopes.
hour, or ACH) that were actuallyand unintentionallyhigh enough to meet ventilation requirements. However, this undesirable, uncontrolled ventilation increased heating energy requirements and often caused condensation and its related negative impacts. Although in Vancouvers mild climate the energy penalty for a non-tight envelope is not as severe as in the rest of Canada, uncontrolled air and moisture diffusion through the envelope is still undesirable. Properly designed and built air- and moisture-tight envelopes typically limit uncontrolled air exchange to less than 0.2 ACH. As a result, the space ventilation must be provided by separate means to provide sufficient fresh air for building occupants. Space ventilation can be fully active with fans and heat recovery ventilation (HRV) units, fully passive with operable windows, or a mixedmode system that combines the two. Most locations at Vancouvers latitude have harsher climates with much greater heating-dominant requirements. In these climates, year-round reliance on fully active HRV is typically recommended as the most energy-efficient means of providing ventilation in air-tight buildings. However, in Vancouvers milder climate, the most energyefficient solution is the mixed-mode ventilation approach, relying on HRV during heating season only and relying on passive ventilation strategies for the rest of the year. (See Appendix E - Energy Modeling for modeling results that illustrate the greater efficiency of a mixed-mode system in the Vancouver climate.)
4.10.2 Benefits
A properly detailed and installed air- and moisture-tight envelope improves building energy performance and mitigates the risk of condensation and its related negative effects.
4.10.3 Limitations
Tighter envelopes require greater care to avoid leaks from face seals. An inadequately detailed and/or installed air- and moisture-tight envelope can result in cumulative moisture and condensation buildup within the envelope. This will result in compromised energy performance and other negative effects.
4.10.4 Synergies
Passive and mixed-mode ventilation strategies. Certain shading devices can also serve as additional rain protection for the envelope.
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The instantaneous amount of heat energy required to bring ventilation (outdoor) air to the temperature required for delivery to the occupied space, measured in kW. The average of the mean radiant temperature and the air temperature. This measurement is the best indication of the temperature perceived by an occupant. Also known as Operative Temperature.
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There are other factors influencing comfort which are just as important as the factors listed above, however, they are seldom considered during building and system design. They include radiant asymmetry, vertical air temperature gradient, and thermal stability. Radiant asymmetry refers to uncomfortable conditions caused by two nearby surfaces having very different temperatures. Too large a vertical air temperature gradient, the difference in temperature from head to toe, can also cause discomfort. Finally, comfortable conditions require thermal stability (i.e., relatively constant thermal conditions over time). If neglected, these factors can result in perceived discomfort and unnecessary energy consumption even though the building fully meets the primary conditions. For example, the localized radiant effects of a cold or hot window
surface (winter/summer) cause thermal discomfort even though the space air temperature is maintained within the design comfort range by the mechanical system. This condition cannot be corrected by simply adjusting the space air temperature. Instead, it requires careful design of the building fabric to better control the surface temperatures.
prescribes a relatively narrow range of acceptable thermal comfort parameters, most often defined in a further simplified relationship between only two parameters; the operative temperature and relative humidity (see Figure 25 below). The acceptable indoor conditions do not vary with outdoor conditions on a daily or yearly basis. The prescribed range of acceptable conditions falls within a relatively narrow range (i.e., 20C at 30% RH for heating, and 22C at 60% RH for cooling year round). This results in heavy reliance on active mechanical systems regardless of the outdoor climatic conditions, which can lead to unnecessary energy consumption.
Although this comfort model clearly identifies two separate comfort regions for heating and cooling seasons, respectively, the majority of current buildings are designed to a fairly narrow comfort zone representing the winter performance, which is maintained by mechanical systems year round.
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As such, it eliminates many passive systems from the design. Furthermore, it does not always reflect occupant comfort perfectly. Therefore, another model; the Adaptive Thermal Comfort Model, has been developed from surveys of acceptable thermal comfort conditions in actual buildings. The Adaptive Thermal Comfort Model correlates outdoor conditions with indoor conditions and allows a wider range of acceptable thermal parameters within its definition of comfort, making it more suited to buildings with passive conditioning and natural ventilation. The conditions defining human perception of thermal comfort are not fixed, but are subject to gradual drift in response to changes in both outdoor and indoor thermal environment. The human body is able to adjust its metabolic rate in response to changes in climate throughout the year, and as a result, occupants definition of comfort actually changes based on the season and location. For example, a sudden change of temperature is likely to provoke discomfort and complaint, while a similar change, occurring gradually over several days or longer, would be compensated by a gradual corresponding change of clothing and adaptation to the new thermal conditions and would not provoke a complaint. For passively designed and operating buildings the observed comfort temperature proved to be almost linearly dependent on the past outdoor temperature.
The fundamental assumption of the adaptive approach to thermal comfort is expressed by the adaptive principle: If a change occurs such as to produce discomfort, people react in ways which tend to restore their comfort. People will make adjustments to their activity, clothing, posture, and/or adjust required elements of their surrounding (i.e., open or close windows, pull down blinds, etc.) to improve their thermal comfort. In addition to these adjustments, they acclimatize to the new thermal conditions. Therefore, in addition to the optimized passive building design, adequate provisions and ways for occupants to adjust their thermal environment need to be provided. In a well-designed passive building operating in Free Running mode (see Section 2.2.3 and Appendix B.4), indoor thermal conditions change only gradually in response to changes in the weather. In the mild Vancouver climate, it is possible to achieve a passive building design that would be able to maintain acceptable thermal comfort conditions within the parameters of the Adaptive Model for the majority of the year, with the exception of the coldest outdoor temperatures during winter. With the proper passive design, the buildings reliance on active mechanical systems and resulting energy requirements can be significantly reduced. The required strategies to achieve such passive performance are discussed in Section 3 of this toolkit.
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The FRT methodology is one of the most effective and accurate means for optimizing passive building design strategies. Figure 26 below displays an example of FRT profile results. In this case, the two simulated buildings were identical except for the amount of mass in their building constructions. The temperature difference during peak summer conditions represents the potential energy savings from reduced peak load. That is, by lowering the temperature the building reaches on its own, without any mechanical systems, the peak demand on the mechanical systems is lowered.
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9 Energy simulations and any hourly analysis done with computer software require a weather file containing various data sets, such as air temperature and wind speed. The file from Canadian Weather for Energy Calculations (CWEC) is used throughout this analysis. It is publicly available and is a derived file covering 30 years of historical data.
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conditions. High relative humidity is often mistaken for high humidity under any conditions, but this is not the case. For example, 10C air with 80% relative humidity has a humidity ratio of 7 g water/kg air, whereas 30C air with 80% relative humidity has a humidity ratio of 22 g water/kg air more than three times greater. This is especially relevant to Vancouver; our high relative humidity levels at our corresponding low air temperature represent only mild levels of absolute moisture quantity in the air. Furthermore, cold outdoor air with high relative humidity becomes dry indoor air once passed over sensible heating coils; the amount of moisture remains constant, but the volume of the air increases and therefore the relative humidity percentage drops. For this reason, the relative humidity of the ambient outdoor air is not always the best indicator of indoor air conditions for this climate.
With the detailed relative humidity and dry bulb temperature data in the weather file, other air moisture properties can be calculated using the psychometric relationships. In this report, we use the dew point temperature to help guide the passive design process, not the relative humidity. Dew point temperature represents the temperature at which condensation occurs. Dew point temperature is important when assessing building envelope construction, internal surface temperatures, ventilation air humidification/dehumidification, and mechanical systems such as radiant cooling. The annual dew point temperature profile was generated using weather data from Vancouver International Airport. The annual maximum dew point temperature is 18C, and occurs early in September, because Vancouver summers are relatively warm and dry.
Figure 28: Summer Dry Bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity Profile
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Figure 29: Annual Dry Bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity Profile
Figure 30: Annual Dry Bulb Temperature and Dew Point Temperature Profile
Figure 31: Dry Bulb Temperature and Dew Point Temperature Profile: Second Week of July
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Figure 32: Dry Bulb Temperature and Dew Point Temperature Profile: Last Week of November
Figure 33 below shows the annual and seasonal outdoor air conditions in Vancouver on a psychrometric chart. The blue box indicates the ASHRAE standard 55 comfort range. Data points
to the left and below this range indicate times when outdoor air is cooler than the desired operating temperature. Data points to the right and above are times when the air is warmer.
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When no passive design features are implemented, the data points outside the comfort range (i.e., the blue box) represent times when mechanical heating or cooling is required. Incorporating passive design features expands the range of outdoor conditions during which indoor comfort conditions can be maintained without mechanical heating or cooling. (See also Figure 7.)
Autumn Profile
Winter Profile
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Sun Up/Down December 21st: 8:05 PST to 4:17 PST (8 hours and 12 minutes of daylight) Sun Up/Down June 21st: 5:07 PSD to 21:22 PSD (16 hours and 15 minutes of daylight)
C.4 Wind
Wind data is important when designing naturally ventilated buildings, operable window and louver placement, and local wind power generation. Wind is specific to a sites surroundings and is strongly
influenced by adjacent buildings and terrain, open fields or bodies of water, and even parking lots and trees. If advanced natural ventilation designs are pursued, a weather station is set up on the site as early as possible to collect real, site-specific wind conditions and patterns for use in design and energy simulations.
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C.5 Precipitation
The average total precipitation in Vancouver ranges from a low of 39 mm in August to a high of 180 mm in November. The average monthly total rainfall is 96 mm, and most of the annual rainfall occurs between October and March. Considering rainfall is important when assessing rainwater harvesting and storm water management. Vancouver receives an average of 48 cm of snow per year, with a maximum depth accumulated in January averaging at 16.6 cm
deep. Snowfall is an important consideration when exploring active solar systems using solar collector panels.
temperatures during summer. However, when establishing heating and cooling design temperatures for a building, it is not reasonable to design to these extremes, as the resulting systems and equipment will be dramatically oversized and
operate at low efficiency most of the time. Rather, it is common practice to use established design conditions as defined by the BCBC and ASHRAE Standard 90.1. The published Vancouver design conditions appear in Section 2.3.
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Neither of the common North American building standards defines building energy performance targets in measurable energy units. Instead they establish the energy performance of active components such as HVAC equipment (not systems), service water heating efficiency and lighting power density in terms of equipment efficiencies. This methodology essentially creates a non-existent target for energy performance. There is no established benchmark of energy performance in easily comparable energy units. With no clear target to aim for, it becomes difficult for the proposed design to achieve its lowenergy goals. The modeling protocol required by the standards further complicates
the situation by requiring detailed data on active systems before any energy analysis can be performed. These parameters are seldom clearly defined at early design stages, so the focus tends to shift to optimizing the active system components without adequate consideration for first optimizing passive features.
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Passive Building Strategies 9. Passive Heating 10. Passive Cooling 11. Residential Applications 12. Commercial Applications
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As this study investigates the passive response of the building features the variable and subjective simulation parameters of internal heat gains and mechanical systems were intentionally omitted. Results are presented in terms of the energy intensity in kWh/m2 yr and represent the space heating and cooling energy requirement at the space level. Other building energy flows such as domestic water heating, fan and pump power were also omitted from the analysis and no systems or efficiencies were included. Ventilation air tempering in the baseline model is generally omitted from the analysis where passive envelope features are studied. Where the performance of the passive element has an effect on, or may be affected by ventilation a separate base case with ventilation was created and the presented results include the energy required to temper the ventilation air. In cases where it is believed the internal heat gains will play a role in the interpretation of the results and application of the measure a commercial office building schedule was assigned. Those cases are noted as commercial schedule and a separate base case with the commercial schedule was created. Tables outlining the modeling inputs for the baseline, as well as the passive element and strategy studies, are presented in the following sections.
E.2.2 Methodology
The overall study methodology consists of the following steps: 1. The baseline model was simulated for one year and was calibrated by comparing the results with published energy use data for actual buildings in British Columbia as well as previous modeling experience. 2. Each passive element was simulated independently on a copy of the baseline building. Iterations were conducted on several of the measures to produce data ranges to identify trends and patterns. 3. The results of each element were analyzed and potential combinations of elements were identified. 4. These element combinations defined the strategies proposed for the Vancouver climate and those strategies were simulated to demonstrate the compounding effect as each measure was added. Additional notes on the methodology for the simulating each of the elements and strategies are noted in the respective sections.
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Typically results are presented for the most relevant extreme spaces, however the entire data set could be provided upon request.
E.3.2 Methodology
1. Simulate the baseline model for one full year. 2. Extract and record the annual heating and cooling results.
E.3.3 Results
The baseline results were not generated to act as a prescriptive energy target because the variable and subjective inputs of internal gains, ventilation rates and mechanical systems were not included. Rather, the results are intended to be used in the relative comparison of the effects of the
Roof RSI value: Window U value: Window total shading coefficient: Window to wall area ratio: Infiltration Room resultant temperature set points : RH: Internal heat gains from people, lighting, or equipment: Ventilation:
exterior wall with 100mm concrete outside R2.6 (ASHRAE 90.1) m2K/W U2.3 W/m2K double pane windows 0.7 clear glass 60% 0.5 21 - 24 0-100 not controlled Not included Not included
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While most of Vancouver is aligned to a north south grid, downtown Vancouver is aligned at a 45 angle from north-south.
The second orientation represents the downtown peninsula aligned at an angle roughly 45 from north-south. The simulation results represent an identical space with one external wall in 8 different orientations. various passive measures and are presented as such in the following sections.
E.4.2 Methodology
1. Simulate the baseline model aligned square to the north. 2. Simulate the baseline model aligned 45 from north. 3. Extract results for the midfacade space of the middle floor in each model, for a total of 8 sets of results.
E.4 Orientation
This set of simulations compared four spaces on the middle floor of the parametric model in two different orientations. The first orientation represents most of Vancouver, oriented with the street grid aligned north south.
Roof RSI value: Window U value: Window total shading coefficient: Window to wall area ratio: Infiltration Room resultant temperature set points : RH: Internal heat gains from people, lighting, or equipment: Ventilation:
m2K/W W/m2K
Figure 38: Model orientation for the north-south aligned model, at top, and the 45 aligned model to represent Vancouvers downtown peninsula.
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E.4.3 Results
Figure 39: Annual heating and cooling energy intensity for mid-wall spaces on the middle floor, each space has one external wall exposed to the direction noted (Building aligned north-south).
Figure 40: Annual heating and cooling energy intensity for mid-wall spaces on the middle floor, each space has one external wall exposed to the direction noted (building aligned 45 degrees from north).
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E.4.4 Conclusions
Spaces with southwest exposure have the highest total energy requirement; however they have the lowest heating energy requirement as the direct effect of the solar gain. North, northeast and possibly northwest exposures can be designed to be sufficiently comfortable without space cooling, especially if additional passive cooling elements such as natural ventilation are provided. All facades were simulated with the same window to wall area ratio. The energy consumption could be more evenly distributed in the building if different window to wall area ratios were applied to the different exposures. Internal heat gains and orientations do interact as discussed in the programming section of this report. No simulations were conducted for programming as the discussion is sufficient for the purpose of this toolkit and programming is highly building specific. Building specific modeling must be conducted to assess the building energy performance of programming layouts with respect to facade exposure. Though it appears that the downtown pattern has generally higher energy requirements than the north-south alignment,
corner space results are not presented. When the whole building annual energy use is compared between the two orientations the results show that the difference is negligible (0.04%) as the parametric building is symmetrical. Buildings which are not symmetrical would produce different results.
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The balcony concept provides an additional level of insulation between the conditioned space and the exterior when closed, preheats ventilation air, or relieves solar heat gains before they negatively affect the conditioned space. Balconies and their openings can be configured to increase the total building surface area to enhance cooling with the windows open and maintain a more compact form to minimize envelope surface area with the windows closed.
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E.5.2 Methodology
1. Revise a copy of the baseline model to have 915mm deep exterior balconies on all facades and maintain external wall and glass properties in the wall dividing the balcony from the conditioned space. Corner spaces have two balconies, one on each facade. Assign single pane windows to balcony exterior wall and typical floor construction to the balcony floors/ceilings.
Assign the opaque external wall construction to the partition walls between balconies. 2. Add operable windows to both the balcony exterior walls and the wall between the balcony and the adjacent space. 3. Extract the results for both extreme corner spaces as well as the mid-facade spaces facing each of the four cardinal directions on the middle floor of the model.
E.5.3 Results
Figure 41: Annual heating and cooling energy intensity with balcony buffer spaces as compared with the baseline building fully sealed without buffer, shown for the middle floor SW and NE corners and mid-facade rooms in all four cardinal directions.
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E.5.4 Conclusions
The buffer space effectively reduced both the heating and cooling energy in all cases. The corner spaces have higher demands because they have greater envelope exposure areas, and for the same reason see the greatest reduction in energy consumption with the addition of the buffer space.
Though comfort conditions are not extracted from the simulations, the reduced heating and cooling energies indicate more stable internal temperatures in the conditioned space. The unconditioned balcony would be comfortable during most of the year for most activities with the exception of sleeping. Buffer spaces were not simulated with a commercial schedule however the overall effect is expected to be similar. With internal heat gains a buffer space would expand the range of outdoor temperatures during which natural ventilation could be applied, thus reducing the cooling energy demands. In commercial applications a buffer space would most likely consist of a double facade or atrium spaces.
The buffer space reduces the cooling energy by half in most of the spaces and completely eliminates the cooling energy in north facing spaces. In absolute values, the buffer space has the greatest impact on the southwest corner, south, west and northeast corner spaces. The buffer space reduces the heating energy in all spaces by values ranging between 24% in the north and 33% in the south facing spaces. The balcony floor, ceiling, and partition walls were simulated with opaque constructions. These elements also act as fixed shading blocking solar gains from entering the conditioned space when compared with the baseline. This shading effect is embodied in the overall results and analysis. The results show that significant energy savings can be achieved though the application of unconditioned buffer spaces to the building facade.
This study iterates through various window to wall area (GWA) ratios on the baseline building and presents the trends in annual space heating and cooling energy required for the north-east corner and south-west corner rooms. Note on ASHRAE Standard 90.1: Section 5.2 states that for a building to comply with the standard the prescriptive values can only be applied to buildings with 50% window to wall area ratio, or less. Envelopes with greater
window to wall area ratios must comply with the standard through the building envelope trade-off method of Appendix C. Section C3.3 states that the baseline building will have a window to wall area ratio that is the same as the proposed building, or 40%, whichever is less. Therefore any building with a GWA greater than 50% is measured against the performance of a building with 40% window to wall area ratio and often the trade-off calculation results in lower U-value requirements (high performance windows).
E.6.2 Methodology
1. Adjust a copy of the baseline model for a range of window to wall area ratios. In each case apply the window ratio to all four facades.
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2. Extract results for the northeast and southwest corner spaces on the top floor of the model.
E.6.3 Results
Figure 42: Annual heating and cooling energy intensity with varying window to wall area ratios in the SW and NE corner spaces.
E.6.4 Conclusions
Significant heating and cooling energy consumption begins occurring after the 40% window to wall area ratio threshold. Heating energy is increased because although the greater window area allows more solar heat to enter the space, the overall insulation value provided by the envelope (window plus wall) is low and the heat loss overwhelms the solar heat gain. Little to no cooling energy is required below the 20% window to wall area ratio in this model because there are no internal heat gains. If there were internal heat gains a slight cooling energy requirement may be observed.
In the southwest corner space GWA ratios between 10% and 30% result in lower heating energy consumption that the same space without any windows, showing that annually the solar heat gain offsets the heat losses through the envelope on this exposure. Note that this trend is not the same for the northeast corner space, where any amount of windows increases the annual heating energy consumption. The southwest corner space cooling energy requirement increases dramatically beyond 30% window to wall area, and the heating energy increases as well, thus showing that window areas greater than 30% on
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this type of exposure have an adverse effect on the energy performance. The lowest total heating and cooling energy requirement in the southwest space occurs between 10% and 20% window to wall area ratio. The resulting trend is not unique between different building types; it is a consistent trend that the extent of windows being used currently in Vancouver is resulting in unnecessarily high energy consumption in all building types, those with heating only as well as those with both heating and cooling systems. Any building proposed to have a window to wall area ratio greater than 50% must prove overall energy consumption at or below that of the ASHRAE standard building at 40%. In the southwest corner space, for example, the cooling energy doubles when the ratio increase from 40% to 60% and the heating energy increases as well. This increased energy consumption must be compensated for in other areas of the building envelope and systems, and would likely require higher insulating values in the windows and other envelope components.
If higher window to wall area ratios are desired, incorporate high performance windows or double facade and optimize shading.
* Note that the lower U-value has a higher insulating value. Properly applied low-e coatings decrease the U-value thereby increasing the insulation value.
E.7.2 Methodology
1. Test the effect of window insulation by adjusting a copy of the baseline model for two window performance cases representing: a low quality, double pane window assembly with U=3.5 W/m2K, and a very high performing 4-element window assembly with U=0.8 W/m2K. Maintain the baseline shading coefficient at 0.7 to
represent clear glass. Apply the same parameters to all facades. 2. Extract and compare the results for the northeast and southwest corner spaces. 3. Generate a commercial baseline model that has the commercial occupancy schedule. 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the commercial occupancy schedule.
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Figure 44: Annual heating and cooling energy intensity with various window insulation values for commercial building schedule.
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required to determine an optimal window U-value which results in the minimum total primary energy used for space heating and cooling. Even the highest performing glass assemblies have relatively poor thermal performance when compared with a built up insulated wall, and cannot compensate for large GWA ratios. In buildings with greater than 50% window to wall area ratio, lower U-value window (higher insulating value than the standard) and passive cooling features will be required to compensate for the increase in total energy consumption associated with the high window areas.
2 Life cycle cost analysis requires building energy simulations and system level calculations to determine the amount of primary energy used and accounts for system and plant energy conversion efficiencies, which are not factored into the passive results analysis in this study. The results presented in this study represent the space level heating and cooling demands as discussed in the Introduction to this appendix.
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E.8.2 Methodology
1. Generate 3 copies of the baseline model and add fixed exterior overhangs at the top edge of the 2,400mm high glazing on the east, south and west facades. Simulate 3 models with 300mm, 900mm and 2,400mm overhangs respectively. These cases represent shade angles of 7, 21 , and 45 angle measured between the bottom of the window and edge of overhang.
Figure 47: Annual heating and cooling energy with fixed external shading of various depths in the top floor east, south and west mid-facade spaces. Shade angle is measured from the bottom edge of the window to the outer edge of the overhang.
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in the south mid-facade space with a marginal increase in space heating energy. When the shade angle is between 7 and 15o (depth between 300mm and 600mm) the cooling energy is reduced with minimal impact on the space heating energy in all cases. At depths between 21o and 45o(depth between 900mm and 2,400mm) the cooling energy is dramatically reduced in the corner and south mid-facade space, however the annual heating energy consumption increases.
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m2K/W W/m2K
Window total shading coefficient: Window to wall area ratio: Infiltration Room resultant temperature set points : RH: 0-100 (not controlled) Internal heat gains from Not included people, lighting, or equipment: Ventilation: Not included
E.9.2 Methodology
1. Generate two copies of the baseline model to test the two construction weights with 60% window to wall area ratio. Assign both construction weights to both models, respectively. 2. Generate a copy of each construction weight model and adjust the window to wall area ratio to 40%. 3. Extract and compare the results for northeast and southwest corner spaces on the top floor of the model.
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E.9.3 Results
Figure 49: Annual heating and cooling energy for various construction weights, in the northeast corner space with a) 60% and b) 40% window to wall area ratios and the southwest corner space with c) 60% and d) 40% window to wall area ratios.
E.9.4 Conclusions
Thermal mass in the external wall is more effective at reducing both heating and cooling energy consumption when exposed to the interior conditioned space in all cases. The overall impact is greater with the lower window to wall area ratio, because there
is more total external wall surface area and, therefore, more thermal mass. Even in the southwest corner space the benefit of increased window area and resulting additional solar heat gain does not exceed the negative impact of the greater window areas heat loss showing that lower window ratios result in better energy performance.
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exterior wall assembly. The minimum case tested consisted of 100mm concrete with 15mm gypsum wall board (RSI 0.4 m2oK/W) and no insulation. Insulation was added between the concrete and wallboard at various thicknesses up to 175mm to provide an overall RSI value of 7 m2oK/W. The simulation results are presented for the northwest corner spaces and the southeast corner spaces. This study was conducted without internal heat gains
Roof RSI value: Window U value: Window total shading coefficient: Window to wall area ratio: Infiltration Room resultant temperature set points :
m2K/W W/m2K
RH: 0-100 (not controlled) Internal heat gains from Not included people, lighting, or equipment: Ventilation: Commercial Internal heat gains: People: Lighting: Equipment Ventilation: Not included 7am to 8pm, with night thermostat setback to 15 - 28 7 11 5 10
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E.10.2 Methodology
1. Copy the baseline model which has an exterior wall assembly consisting of 100mm concrete, insulation, and 15mm of gypsum wall board. 2. Adjust the insulation thickness in each case as required to provide a range of insulating values, from RSI 0.4, which has no insulation to RSI 7 which has 175mm insulation. 3. Compare the results with the
baseline case which meets the minimum prescriptive requirement of ASHRAE 90.1 which is RSI 2.3 m2oK/W. 4. Generate a commercial baseline model with the commercial occupancy schedule. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 3 with the commercial occupancy schedule. 6. Extract and compare the results for northeast and southwest corner spaces on the top floor of the model.
E.10.3 Results
Figure 50: Annual heating and cooling energy intensities for the NE and SW corner spaces with varying insulation thicknesses for a residential building.
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Figure 51: Annual heating and cooling energy intensities for the NE and SW corner spaces with varying insulation thicknesses for a commercial building.
E.10.4 Conclusions
Wall insulation values below the RSI 2.3 value prescribed by ASHRAE significantly increase the space heating energy required in both residential and commercial spaces. Values between RSI 2.3 and RSI 5.3 yield some energy benefits and should be explored in building specific simulations. The curve between these two points indicates that significant energy benefits could be achieved even up to RSI 3.8. Increasing the wall insulation value beyond RSI 5.3 results in little to no net energy benefit. The increased insulation value increases the amount of cooling energy required in
both space types, however the impact is greater in the commercial space because there are internal heat gains. This result is because the added insulation slows the rate of heat loss through the envelope during the summer in the cooler evening hours when the air temperature is lower than the space temperature. This result is unique to an airtight building, and should be counteracted with other passive cooling strategies. These results were generated with a 60% window to wall area ratio to represent the baseline for the Vancouver current market. ASHRAE standard 90.1 prescribes wall insulation values up to and including a 50% window to
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wall area ratio. Beyond that point, the building envelope trade-off method must be used to prove compliance, in which other energy features must be improved to offset the negative effects of large window areas. In this case, wall, roof and window insulation values greater than the prescribed value would likely be required.
E.11 Infiltration
This portion of the study isolated the effect of the building construction air tightness. The baseline model was adjusted twice, to represent a well constructed air tight building with 0.2 Air Changes per Hour (ACH) infiltration rate and to represent a leaky building with 1.0 ACH. The simulation software calculates the infiltration rate hourly based on temperature differentials and wind speeds. The settings represent the amount of air infiltration at peak conditions as determined in the simulation.
Roof RSI value: Window U value: Window total shading coefficient: Window to wall area ratio: Infiltration Room resultant temperature set points : RH:
m2K/W W/m2K
Internal heat gains from Not included people, lighting, or equipment: Ventilation: Not included
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E.11.2 Methodology
1. Create two copies of the baseline model and adjust the infiltration rate in each to 0.2 ACH and 1.0 ACH respectively. 2. Extract and compare the results in the top floor northeast and southwest corner spaces.
E.11.3 Results
Figure 52: Annual heating and cooling energy for top floor northeast and southwest corner spaces with various rates of infiltration. 0.2 ACH represents a well constructed airtight building, 0.5 ACH represents average construction and 1.0 ACH represents a building.
E.11.4 Conclusions
Increased infiltration rates increase the heating energy consumption and reduce the cooling energy consumption. The infiltration rate has a greater effect on space heating than on space cooling due to
the temperature difference between the Vancouver climate and the indoor air set point. In this model the effect of infiltration is the same regardless of exposure (both SW and NE corner trends are consistent with each other). However, wind
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pressure affects infiltration and spaces that have exterior surfaces exposed to high wind pressures may experience increased heating energy demands depending on the quality of construction. In the case of infiltration the space orientation is relevant to the prevailing winds rather than the solar angles. Increased infiltration rates reduce the cooling energy because the air exchange provides free cooling. However, this is not a recommended approach because the air leakage is uncontrolled and could be perceived as uncomfortable drafts for occupants as well as increase heating energy demands. Other passive cooling elements should be applied to reduce cooling energy consumption.
E.12.2 Methodology
1. Generate a ventilation baseline model with 2 people per space, 10 L/s/person operating 24 hours per day. This baseline is referred to as Case A. 2. Copy this ventilation baseline model and adjust the infiltration rate to represent a well constructed air tight envelope with 0.2ACH; Case B. 3. Copy the Case B model and add heat recovery to calculate the amount of heat energy that can be recovered from the ventilation air flow rate as it is exhausted from the space, Case C. The heat
recovery unit seasonal efficiency is conservatively assumed to be 55% and no allowance is made for bypassing the heat exchanger during summer conditions, the resulting heat transfer increases the ventilation air cooling load. 4. Copy case C and add natural ventilation apertures and control to provide ventilation air to the space when outdoor air conditions are within the desired temperature range and/or can provide space cooling, Case D. 5. Extract and compare the results for the top floor southwest corner space.
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E.12.3 Results
Figure 53: Annual heating and cooling energy for both space and ventilation air tempering for the southwest corner space on the top floor with various applications of air tightness and heat recovery ventilation.
E.12.4 Conclusions
The simple HRV system (without summer bypass) reduces the total ventilation air heating energy consumption but slightly increases the ventilation air cooling energy. Increased air tightness decreases the space heating energy and increases the space cooling energy. The combined effect of increased air tightness and simple HRV reduces the total annual energy consumption when compared with the base case, and this result (Case C) represents a standard approach to energy savings. Case D shows that the combination of all three factors
results in the best energy performance overall. Not accounted for in this case is also the wider range of acceptable comfort conditions in spaces with natural ventilation as discussed in the natural ventilation section below, which would further reduce the energy consumption of Case D. So far in the studies mechanical systems and electrical energy have been omitted from the analysis to isolate the passive building response. However, fan energy must be addressed when discussing HRV. An HRV unit has an additional return fan when compared with a basic air handling unit system where ventilation air is exhausted by small distributed fans or by exfiltration. The annual fan energy consumption
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is therefore higher with an HRV system over the basic alternative. Natural ventilation reduces the number of hours the fans operate and thus reduces the annual fan energy consumption as well as the space cooling energy. Natural ventilation also bypasses the HRV unit eliminating the unwanted summer heat exchange that would occur otherwise. Fan energy was calculated for the parametric model based on the ventilation air volume and though the HRV cases consume more electric fan energy, the absolute values are very low compared with the space heating and cooling energy consumption and were omitted from the charts.
cross ventilate the mid-facade spaces the core was connected on all three levels and extended above the roof to represent a wind tower or an atrium. Apertures were added between the core and mid-facade spaces, as well as on the external walls of the core above the roof level. All of the apertures were controlled by the comfort conditions in the occupied spaces and the windows were closed when supplemental mechanical heating or cooling was needed to temper the space. The thermostat settings in the occupied spaces were adjusted to a wider deadband when natural ventilation was simulated. This assumption is based on ASHRAE Standard 55 Figure 5.3 and the adaptive comfort model approach which states that occupants will be comfortable in a wider range of temperatures, which are more closely related to outdoor conditions, when they have access to operable windows. As ventilation energy is relevant to the natural ventilation discussion, ventilation base cases were generated for both residential and commercial occupancy. The natural ventilation model was simulated with both schedules.
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R2.3 (ASHRAE 90.1) exterior wall with 100mm concrete outside R2.6 (ASHRAE 90.1) U2.3 double pane windows 0.7 clear glass 60% 0.2 19 - 26 0-100 (not controlled) 24h/day 2 0 0 10 6am to 6pm 7am to 8pm, with night thermostat setback to 15 - 28 7 11 5 10
Windows open based on outdoor air temperature 18C < outdoor air < 23C 50% (1/2 of the 60% window area is operable) Core space connected and extended above roof surface by 2.7m to act as ventilation shaft Apertures added between mid-facade spaces and core dimension 1.5m x 6m
Cross Ventilation
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E.13.2 Methodology
1. Generate a residential ventilation baseline model with the inputs noted in the table above. 2. Copy the residential ventilation baseline model and provide operable windows and controls at all of the exterior wall windows. 3. Connect the core spaces vertically and extend beyond the roof to simulate a ventilation shaft or wind tower. 4. Add apertures and controls to the wall between the midfacade perimeter spaces and
the new core ventilation shaft. Also add apertures and controls to the exterior walls of the ventilation shaft above the roof level. 5. Extract and compare the cooling energy results for the middle floor southwest and northeast corner spaces, which have corner cross ventilation within the space as well as all 4 midfacade spaces, which have cross ventilation through to the core ventilation shaft. 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 with a commercial baseline and the commercial schedule assigned in all spaces.
E.13.3 Results
Note: Mechanical ventilation is accounted for in all cases.
Figure 54: Annual cooling energy intensity with and without natural ventilation on the middle floor for the northeast and southwest corner spaces as well as mid-facade spaces in each cardinal direction with residential occupancy.
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Figure 55: Annual cooling energy intensity with and without natural ventilation on the middle floor for the northeast and southwest corner spaces as well as mid-facade spaces in each cardinal direction with commercial schedule.
E.13.4 Conclusions
Natural ventilation reduces the annual cooling energy in all cases, and by a significant amount. In the residential spaces cooling energy is reduced by 69% to 100%, 82% on average across the middle floor. In the commercial spaces cooling energy is reduced by 48% to 83%, 60% on average across the middle floor. In the residential occupancies the space cooling energy is very low in most of the spaces with the exception of the west and southwest corner spaces. These spaces could be treated with other passive cooling elements, such as shading, to reduce or
even eliminate the need for mechanical cooling. Space and ventilation air heating energy was calculated but is omitted from the chart to focus the discussion on the passive cooling effect. Well controlled natural ventilation has very little impact on heating energy and in the simulations the value remained constant between cases. The corner spaces have different type of cross ventilation than the mid-facade spaces, and both strategies are effective, the corner spaces energy savings are only slightly lower than the floor average.
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energy to isolate the passive thermal response. HRV was not simulated as it does not affect the passive building response or space heating and is adequately addressed in section 12.0. Two cases were simulated; Case 1 and Case 2, with different combinations of elements and the presented results are the sum of the heating energy requirements in all the perimeter spaces on the middle floor of the model.
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E.14.2 Methodology
Case 1 The passive heating elements were added to the baseline model in the following order. Each element was added to the previous model, and the simulation results were extracted at each step. 1. Simulate baseline model. 2. Reduce window to wall area ratio to 40%, simulate and record results. 3. Improve window U-value to U=0.81 W/m2C, simulate and record results.
Case 2 The passive heating elements were added to the baseline model in the following order. Each element was added to the previous model, and the simulation results were extracted at each step. 1. Simulate baseline model. 2. Reduce window to wall area ratio to 40%, simulate and record results. 3. Revise floor and wall construction to heavy mass with 200mm concrete inside the insulation, simulate and record results. 4. Add an enclosed balcony buffer space with no window openings, simulate and record results. 5. Add window openings to the enclosed buffer space, simulate and record results.
4. Increase wall insulation value to RSI 5.3, simulate and record results. 5. Revise floor and wall construction to heavy mass with 200mm concrete inside the insulation, simulate and record results. 6. Improve air tightness to 0.2ACH, simulate and record results.
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E.14.3 Results
Case 1
Figure 55: Incremental, cumulative effect of the passive heating elements on the annual heating energy intensity summed over all the perimeter spaces on the top floor in the passive heating strategy Case 1.
Case 2
Figure 56: Incremental, compound effect of the passive heating elements on the annual heating energy intensity summed over all the perimeter spaces on the top floor in the passive heating strategy Case 2.
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E.14.3 Conclusions
The elements assigned in Case 1 resulted in significant heating energy savings. The greatest contributions came from the window to wall area ratio, the window U-value and increased air tightness. However, the final result of 20 kWh/m2year is a function of all the elements interacting. The elements assigned in Case 2 produced heating energy savings as well, however fewer elements were implemented and the overall savings are not as impressive as in Case 1. Two cases were run because when the buffer space was added at the end of Case 1 it was found that the buffer increased the heating energy consumption. This result was investigated and it was found that with the high envelope insulation the buffer space had minimal effect on the heating energy because heat gained via the buffer space was offset by the reduction in solar heat gains resulting from the shading effect created by the balcony. The benefit of the enclosed balcony was demonstrated in Case 2 assuming that wall and window insulation improvements were not applied in lieu of the enclosed buffer space, which is a realistic trade-off in actual construction practice.
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E.15.2 Methodology
The passive cooling elements were added to the baseline model in the following order. Each element was added to the previous model, and the simulation results were extracted at each step. 1. Simulate the baseline model. 2. Reduce window to wall area ratio to 40%, simulate and record results. 3. Add natural ventilation strategies in the same way as in the element study; simulate and record results.
The Regent College Library wind tower takes advantage of the natural stack effect to passively provide 100% outdoor air to this underground facility.
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E.15.3 Results
Figure 57: Incremental, cumulative effect of the passive cooling elements on the annual cooling energy intensity summed over all the perimeter spaces on the top floor in the passive cooling strategy Case 2
E.15.4 Conclusions
Increasing the window U-value even with operable windows increases the annual cooling energy. With all the passive measures applied the cooling load is eliminated; note that this model has no internal heat gains from occupants, equipment or lighting. Internal gains and heating loads are discussed in the commercial approach. Depending on the amount of internal heat gains the cooling energy may not be entirely eliminated, however, the passive features successfully eliminate the
environmentally induced cooling loads and therefore the cooling system size could be dramatically reduced and be designed to deal with the internal gains only.
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performance for a residential building in the Vancouver climate. Each measure was added to the baseline model incrementally to demonstrate the compound effect. The simple baseline model was used with no internal heat gains or ventilation energy to represent a simple residential occupancy. Cooling energy results are presented even though in many cases residential buildings do not have mechanical cooling systems. However, even if a cooling system is not applied the cooling energy results provide insight on anticipated comfort levels. High annual cooling energy consumption indicates that such a space would overheat more often than a space with low cooling energy consumption. The results are summed over the perimeter spaces of the middle floor of the parametric model, which represents the majority of residential development in Vancouver.
E.16.2 Methodology
The passive elements were added to the baseline model in the following order. Each element was added to the previous model, and the simulation results were extracted at each step. 7. Simulate baseline model. 8. Reduce window to wall area ratio to 40%, simulate and record results. 9. Improve window U-value to U=0.81 W/m2C, simulate and record results. 10. Increase wall insulation value to RSI 5.3, simulate and record results. 11. Revise floor and wall construction to heavy mass with 200mm concrete inside the insulation, simulate and record results.
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12. Improve air tightness to 0.2ACH, simulate and record results. 13. Add external operable blinds in the same way as in the element study; simulate and
record results. 14. Add natural ventilation strategies in the same way as in the element study; simulate and record results.
E.16.3 Results
Figure 58: Incremental cumulative effect on the annual heating and cooling energy intensity for the all perimeter spaces on the middle floor for the passive residential approach.
E.16.4 Conclusions
The simulation shows that the passive measures successfully reduce the total heating and cooling energy consumption of the residential building. The measures which increase the cooling energy, window and wall insulation and improved air tightness, decrease the heating energy and in each case the total
energy consumption is lower with the added element. The operable blinds and natural ventilation strategies successfully reduce the cooling energy to be well below that of the baseline. The trends follow the results found in the individual element simulations and the combined effect is a dramatic reduction in energy consumption compared with the baseline case.
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buildings typically have higher cooling energy requirements and therefore the passive elements affect their energy performance differently than residential buildings. To demonstrate the effect of passive building elements on both heating and cooling energy performance on this type of building a commercial approach was simulated. Passive elements were selected with a priority to reduce the annual cooling energy consumption of the building. The results are summed over the perimeter spaces of the middle floor of the parametric model.
E.17.2 Methodology
The passive elements were added to the baseline model in the following order. Each element was added to the previous model, and the simulation results were extracted at each step.
4. Revise floor and wall construction to heavy mass with 200mm concrete inside the insulation, simulate and record results. 5. Add external operable blinds in the same way as in the element study; simulate and record results. 6. Improve window U-value to U=0.81 W/m2C, simulate and
record results. 7. Reduce window shading coefficient to 0.3, simulate and record results. 8. Increase wall insulation value to RSI 5.3, simulate and record results. 9. Improve air tightness to 0.2ACH, simulate and record results.
E.17.3 Results
Figure 59: Incremental cumulative effect on the annual heating and cooling energy intensity for the all perimeter spaces on the middle floor for the passive commercial approach
E.17.4 Conclusions
The passive elements reduce the total annual heating and cooling energy consumption in the commercial building significantly. Although the shading coefficient, and mass wall increase the heating energy
consumption compared with the previous case, the elements effect on space cooling results in reduction in net annual energy consumption. The final result is a significant reduction in both space heating and space cooling energy consumption for the commercial building.
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People(no people during weekends) People density: OA requirements: Sensible gain: Latent gain:
% hr 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 50 7 100 8 100 9 100 10
14.3 10 73 59
100 11 100 12 100 13 100 14 100 15
100 12 100 13 100 14 100 15
100 16 100 17 100 18 1t0 19 10 20 10 21 10 22 10 23 10 24
Plug load (no plug load during weekends) Installed power density:
% hr 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 100 7 100 8 100 9 100 10 100 11
100 12 100 13 100 14 100 15
100 16 100 17 100 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24
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The O project was conceived as the convergence of earth, air and water. O is a residential mixed use project that integrates and responds to the natural elements within the densely populated urban context of Vancouvers West End. Os natural ventilation recalls the proximity of the ocean and takes advantage of the corresponding sea breezes. The building form and strategically placed operable windows assist in optimizing natural cooling and ventilation through the suites. Passive cooling is also achieved through the use of south- and west-facing shading that controls and reduces excessive solar heat gain. Natural daylighting is maximized through the careful consideration of the depth and layout of the units, integration of interior glazing, and location of external glazing systems.
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Vancouvers Olympic Village development demonstrates a number of passive design strategies that significantly reduce building energy loads. South facades feature horizontal shading while western exposures feature mechanized external vertical shading devices to control daylighting and solar heat gains. Deep balconies provide shading to the suites below. Access stairwells are pulled to the perimeter of the building and encased in glass to maximize natural daylighting, encourage the use of stairs, discourage elevator use, and draw light into the public corridors. Natural ventilation is optimized with operable windows. Suites are designed as through-units to allow crossventilation with unconditioned exterior hallways. Evaporative cooling ponds located in the courtyards between buildings cool the air as it circulates between the external and interior environments.
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The Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE) accommodates a complex program of sport education, sport medicine and wellness, and high-performance athletic research and training. It is located on the outer edge of Camosun Colleges semi-rural Interurban Campus and will ultimately become an important urban landmark within the colleges master plan. PISEs greatest energy-saving factors are its site orientation and building shape. Tucked into the slope of the hill, first floor service spaces and change rooms are earth-sheltered under an urban plaza. The buildings east-west oriented shape maximizes southern exposure on the long, highly glazed 3-storey facade. East and west facades are minimized and have reduced window areas. A constrained construction budget precluded the implementation of exterior shading devices on the south facade. Instead, the design called for the south facade to slope outward 15 degrees, providing self shading for the interior during summer. This strategy cost only nominally more than a vertical facade, and considerably less than exterior shading devices. This provided a dynamic and highly imageable form to the institution and worked well to accommodate different program areas on the three floors. Most importantly, this strategy helped reduce energy consumption by approximately 45% compared to a conventional facility of this kind.
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Provided by Stantec
The Liu Institute has two distinct elements: one wing with offices and research and administration space for 72 participants, and one wing with meeting space including a case room, a multipurpose room, and two seminar rooms. The building site was chosen carefully to maximize the quality of indoor light and take advantage of its natural forest setting. A rare Katsura tree stands in the entry courtyard to the north, while the south courtyard opens to a Zen garden and the forest backdrop beyond. Passive design strategies include thermal mass in the form of exposed concrete surfaces. The pre-cast concrete is featured as both a structural element and a finish. The building spaces are naturally ventilated through operable windows, trickle vents and stack effect from four thermal chimneys. The adjacent forest provides passive shading for the interior spaces while allowing for extensive daylighting. The forest canopy offers occupants protection from direct solar glare.
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Completed in 1998, the Revenue Canada office building was one of the first to demonstrate the rational and economic benefits of green building and passive design strategies in office buildings. The office spaces are organized around a central core that contains all shared heat-generating equipment, such as printers and photocopiers. This concentration of heat assists in creating the stack effect necessary to draw in fresh air from the perimeter windows for natural ventilation. For the first time, a 100% shading coefficient was implemented, with a two-tier system of exterior shading to block direct summer sun from entering the building. The upper sun shade is paired with an interior light shelf that reflects daylight off white-painted exposed concrete ceilings, allowing the daylight to reach deep into the office space. Through natural ventilation, a raised floor system, thermal mass from concrete flooring, and external solar shading, air-conditioning was minimized and is only used in the height of summer. Adapted from Busby: Learning Sustainable Design, Janam Publications Inc., March 2007. Photos: Martin Tessler
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Completed in 2003, this 600 m2 facility houses the public works departments for the City of White Rock, including administration, meeting rooms, lockers and changing rooms for municipal operations field crews. Each facade responds to the natural environment on that side of the building. To the east, a roof overhang and a row of deciduous trees provide summer shade and allow for winter sun penetration. To the south, the roof overhang continues and a projecting horizontal sun shade is added to protect the lower areas of windows. To the west, an exterior horizontal trellis (made of salvaged telephone poles) is supported on projecting fin walls that together provide afternoon protection from solar penetration. In contrast with the other elevations, the north facade is almost entirely solid, with windows covering only 5% of the wall area.
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Dockside Green
Victoria, BC
Dockside Green is a 1.3 million ft2 mixed-use development including residential, office, retail and industrial spaces on fifteen acres of former industrial land. The finished development will be greenhouse gas neutral and on site energy generation may exceed on site demand, turning the development into a net energy provider. Dockside Green Phase R1: Synergy Provided by Busby Perkins+Will Completed in March 2008, Dockside Greens Synergy phase represents 95 residential units in 9,344 m2, 351 m2 of commercial space, and 6,876 m2 of underground parking. Among Synergys many passive features, exterior shading on the west and south facades minimizes solar heat gain in the residential suites. Dockside Green Phase CI-3: Evolution Provided by Hughes Condon Marler : Architects The Evolution phase at Dockside Green is designed to meet the LEED Platinum rating for Core and Shell under the Canadian Green Building Council (CaGBC). In order to achieve Platinum, the mechanical and electrical systems are designed to optimize passive solar and ventilation principles. Operable windows combine low (desk height) and high (ceiling height) air intakes and exhausts, and elongated floor plates optimize cross-ventilation. Narrow floor plans maximize daylighting potential and view access. A retractable, vertical venetian blind system shades the south facade, and two-storey vertical fins shade east-facing windows from the late morning sun. Energy modeling shows that Evolution will consume approximately 48% less energy than the reference building. In addition, all hot water and heating energy will come from the Dockside biomass plant.
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A traditional 32-figure wooden carousel will be housed within a concrete, wood and glass carousel pavilion at the base of an existing mature forest at The Butchart Gardens. The building consists of two main elements: a 90m long serpentine wall made of board-formed concrete and a glass drum with exposed timber structure. In some locations the wall creates cave-like rooms for childrens parties, concession and service spaces, while in other instances it forms the retaining wall at the rear of the main circular carousel room. The circular roof over the carousel will be constructed of exposed glue-laminated (gluelam) beams with a blue stain pine ceiling infill and a 4m diameter glazed oculus at the centre. The roof hovers over the curving wall on pairs of tilting gluelam columns. The upper domed roof will be covered in a thin layer of native mosses, sedums and Corsica mint. The lower roofs will be a continuation of the forest understorey; snow berry, ferns, salal. By placing the building to the north of an existing hillside forest, solar overheating is avoided. In addition, by locating the building against the hillside, the planted roofs and thick concrete walls all improve the thermal performance of the interior spaces. Fresh air is tempered by the earths relatively constant temperature as it passes through a large earth tube in the hillside. Air is supplied at low levels and exhausted at high levels through operable windows. The operable windows and low velocity supply fan are automatically controlled via the DDC system. The radiant slab heating/cooling system utilizes the existing main irrigation line running past the site. The irrigation line remains at a relatively constant temperature, and heat is removed using a water to water heat pump.
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The Hillcrest Community Centre is designed to achieve LEED Gold under the Canadian LEED standard. This unique facility, which will serve as the curling venue for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games, is oriented carefully on its site to optimize solar gains. The strategic location of window and solar shading also contributes to energy savings. The facility features natural ventilation through operable windows, providing fresh air from the adjacent Queen Elizabeth Park and further reducing energy costs. The preliminary estimated total energy savings is 44.8%, representing cost savings of $170,000/yr. The project will also use significantly less potable water than a similar conventional building by using groundwater and rainwater for toilet flushing and irrigation. A series of other green building strategies will further reduce the environmental impacts of the building, including Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood for the structural gluelams.
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