Social Media Marketing Plan
Social Media Marketing Plan
Social Media Marketing Plan
Abstract 10. November 2013 Bachelor of rt! Group or year of entry 2013 Number of pages and appendices
Author or authors Nadine Morper / 1301999 Title of report "o# $o %reate S&cce!!f&l Social Media Strateg' Teacher/s or supervisor/s (ohanna "einonen
$he aim of thi! report i! to provide all nece!!ar' information to create a !&cce!!f&l !ocial media !trateg'. )or that rea!on the report incl&de! a !hort introd&ction abo&t !ocial media* the theor' abo&t !ocial media !trategie!* a tactical approach abo&t ho# to creat a !ocial media !trateg' and a per!onal !lant.
Table of contents
1 Introd&ction..................................................................................1 2 Social Media In +eneral................................................................2 2.1 ,efinition and r&le!................................................................2 2.2 -!er!......................................................................................2 2.3 .latform!................................................................................3 3 Social Media Strateg'.................................................................../ 3.1 0e!earch................................................................................/ 3.1.1 %ompan' Backgro&nd.................................................../ 3.1.2 nal'!e of pa!t !ocial media activitie!........................./ 3.1.3 Setting Marketing +oal!................................................1 3.2 $actic!....................................................................................1 3.2.1 $arget &dience............................................................1 3.2.2 Me!!age........................................................................1 3.2.3 0e!pon!ibilitie!.............................................................2 3.2./ Strategic .artner!hip....................................................2 3.3 In .ractice .............................................................................2 3.3.1 B&ilding a !ocial media marketing plan........................2 3.3.2 $emporar' Sched&le.....................................................3 3./ 4val&ation nd .o!t proce!!ing.............................................3 3./.1 4val&ation.....................................................................3 3./.2 )eedback.......................................................................3 3./.3 d5&!ting 6o&r Social Media .lan..................................7 Bibliograph'....................................................................................9
! "ntroduction
No#ada'! it i! hard to imagine a #orld #itho&t the Internet an' more and d&e to thi!* !ocial media i! al!o becoming a pop&lar tool in ever'da'! life. 4ver' big compan' i! &!ing !ocial media marketing fre8&entl' and even !maller b&!ine!!e! !tart &!ing !ocial media platform! reg&larl'. S&re* all of them are a#are of the man' advantage! of !ocial media b&t onl' fe# of them kno# ho# to handle !ocial media !trategicall'. ct&all'* !ocial media marketing i! ver' !imilar to traditional marketing. 6o& al!o define a goal* !et &p a !trateg' and appl' it in real life. $hi! report #ill provide !ome helpf&l !tep! ho# to !et &p a !trateg' and ho# to eval&ate the achieved re!<!.
#$' (latforms $he d'namic and !peed of change of the Internet make! it ver' diffic< to name the mo!t important platform!. 9hen 'o& tr' to find information abo&t it 'o& #ill find t#o different mean! of mea!&ring. 4ither it i! the n&mber of member! or the n&mber of active member! a month. l!o there are different pop&laritie! among!t the different continent!. $herefore it i! ver' diffic< to recommend platform! to get involved into to companie! #itho&t anal'!ing the compan' it!elf e:ten!ivel' fir!t. Neverthele!!* )acebook* +oogle ?* $#itter and 6o&t&be are &ndo&btetel' ver' pop&lar all over the #orld* ea!' to &!e and offer a variet' of good tool! for !ocial media marketing.
9hen anal'!ing 'o&r compan' backgro&nd there are man' 8&e!tion! #hich need to be an!#ered criticall'. n ea!' tool to do thi! anal'!i! i! a S9@$;anal'!e or a B%+;.ortfolio #hich i! ea!' to handle and comple: eno&gh to give 'o& helpf&l re!<!. 9here are #e ba!edA 9hat i! o&r mi!!ion and o&r vi!ionA 9hat i! o&r corporate identit'A 9ho are o&r client!A 9hat make! &! better on o&r competitor!A 9hat make! &! &ni8&eA '$!$# Analyse of past social media activities
)or thi!* li!t all !ocial activitie! that have been done !o far and an!#er the follo#ing 8&e!tion!B 9here have #e been activeA "o# have #e been activeA "o# active have #e beenA
9hen !etting 'o&r goal!* make !&re the' are ambitio&! b&t reachable. 6o& can !et 8&alitative goal! a! #ell a! 8&antitative one! and !ometime!* the are even corelated. $o make goal! mea!&rable it i! important for them to contain the follo#ing per!pective!B content* e:tent* time and !egment. )inall' 'o& need to define the target! and goal! of 'o&r !ocial media marketing campaign and ho# to integrate them into 'o&r traditional marketing !trateg'. 9hen !etting 'o&r goal! al!o do not forget abo&t 'o&r c&rrent b&dget and re!!o&rce!. '$# Tactics '$#$! Target Audience
9hen re!earching abo&t 'o&r c&rrent !it&ation 'o& alread' fo&nd o&t abo&t c&rrent c&!tomer!. )or the !ocial media plan 'o& need to define the people 'o& #ant to reach #ith 'o&r !ocial media activit'. I! it the !ame people a! 'o& alread' reach #ith 'o&r traditional marketing activitie! or do 'o& #ant to enter a ne# client !egment #ith 'o&r m<imedia;campaignA ,o not forget to think the average &!er of !ocial media and if 'o&r target gro&p i! big eno&gh to get 'o& eno&gh feedback and interco&r!e. '$#$# Message
$he me!!age i! repre!enting a comapan' in t#o #a'!B $he 'o& are and ho# 'o& #ant to be !een. It i! ver' diffic< to create an &nambigo&! me!!age. $herefore 'o& !ho&ld al#a'! do&ble check the &nder!tanding #ith different
people before !tating it in p&blic. -nfort&ntatel' man' companie! !till fail in creating a me!!age that repre!ent! both the companie! image and prod&ct!. t the end foc&! on 'o&r target a&dience and a!k 'o&r!elf if the me!!age !&itable for the choo!en client!. @nce 'o&r me!!age i! defined 'o& can dive deeper into choo!ing a channel that !&it! 'o& be!t. '$#$' )esponsibilities
)ir!t of all 'o& need to &nder!tand that once !omething i! p&bli!hed in the Internet it #ill remain there and cannot be deleated. )or thi! rea!on it i! a good idea to have an e:perienced per!on behind 'o&r !ocial media pre!ence. "e or !he !ho&ld have a good and reliable kno#ledge abo&t the compan' and it! prod&ct! and the' !ho&ld be a#are of the corporate identit'* too. nother fact to con!ider i! that people and e!peciall' 'o&r client! prefer talking to one per!on in!tead of man' and that i! #h' it i! better to have one repre!entative in!tead of man'. '$#$, Strategic (artnership
Social media can be a ver' &!ef&l tool if 'o& can reach eno&gh people. n ea!' #a' to !pread 'o&r reach i! a !trategic partner!hip #ith other companie!. Ba!icall'* it i! a agreement to !hare* like and ret#eet one another. 9ith thi! tactic 'o& can not onl' reach the people #ho follo# 'o& b&t al!o the one! #ho liked 'o&r partner compan' a! #ell. '$' "n (ractice '$'$! *uilding a social media mar+eting plan
9hen 'o& are done #ith 'o&r re!earch and all the point! mentioned above 'o& are able to !et &p a !ocial media !trateg'.
6o& #ill !ee #ether 'o& !trateg' #ork! a! de!ired after la&nching 'o&r campaign. '$'$# Temporary Schedule
6o& !ho&ld !et &p a temporar' !ched&le to find o&t #hether 'o&r campaign #ork! a! de!ired. $hat ba!icall' mean! 'o& !tart 'o&r !trateg' according to 'o&r !ocial media marketing plan and gather all necce!!ar' information for an eval&ation #ithin a certain period of time. '$, -valuation And (ost processing '$,$! -valuation
fter the deadline of 'o&r temporar' !ched&le 'o& can eval&ate the co&ntable data 'o& have gathered. Make !tati!tic! of the collected data =e.g. ho# man' people have vi!ited 'o&r page> and anal'!e the re!<! according to 'o&r e:pectation!. l!o take a caref&l look at 'o&r b&dget #hether 'o&r e:pendit&re! are !till #ithin the defined !cope or over alread'. '$,$# .eedbac+
)eedback define! the &nco&ntable data 'o& co&ld gather. $hi! mo!tl' contain! of the comment! of vi!itor!. %ompare it to the co&ntable data #hether the' are !imilar or the' diverge. $r' to be a! concrete a! po!!ible a! thi! make! it ea!ier to ad5&!t 'o&r !ocial media plan in the la!t !tep.
fter a critical eval&ation of 'o&r fir!t !ocial media draft 'o& are able to make ad5&!tment! on 'o&r c&rrent plan. fter that 'o& can either rela&nch 'o&r campaign or contin&e it the #a' it #a!.
"einonen* (. 2010. Social Media in Marketing. .o#er.oint on "aaga "elia -niver!it' of applied !cience! Moodle page. Seen on 03.11.2013 on Cardi* Damale!B Social Media Strateg'B B&ilding 6o&r Social B&!ine!! SchEtt* .eterB ,er 9eg F&m Social B&!ine!!B Mit Social Media Methoden erfolgreicher #erden httpB//'o&r;!ocial;media; marketing;plan;in;1;ea!';!tep! ###.!ocial;pa!! =acce!!ed on 03.November 2013> ###.!ocialmediatoda'.com =acce!!ed on 03.November 2013> ###.!a'ingit! =acce!!ed on 03.November 2013> Step;B';Step +&ide $o