Social Media Marketing Plan

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How To Create A Successful Social Media Strategy

Nadine Morper / 1301999

Social Media In Marketing November 2013

Abstract 10. November 2013 Bachelor of rt! Group or year of entry 2013 Number of pages and appendices

Author or authors Nadine Morper / 1301999 Title of report "o# $o %reate S&cce!!f&l Social Media Strateg' Teacher/s or supervisor/s (ohanna "einonen

$he aim of thi! report i! to provide all nece!!ar' information to create a !&cce!!f&l !ocial media !trateg'. )or that rea!on the report incl&de! a !hort introd&ction abo&t !ocial media* the theor' abo&t !ocial media !trategie!* a tactical approach abo&t ho# to creat a !ocial media !trateg' and a per!onal !lant.

eywords Social Media* B&!ine!! Strateg'

Table of contents
1 Introd&ction..................................................................................1 2 Social Media In +eneral................................................................2 2.1 ,efinition and r&le!................................................................2 2.2 -!er!......................................................................................2 2.3 .latform!................................................................................3 3 Social Media Strateg'.................................................................../ 3.1 0e!earch................................................................................/ 3.1.1 %ompan' Backgro&nd.................................................../ 3.1.2 nal'!e of pa!t !ocial media activitie!........................./ 3.1.3 Setting Marketing +oal!................................................1 3.2 $actic!....................................................................................1 3.2.1 $arget &dience............................................................1 3.2.2 Me!!age........................................................................1 3.2.3 0e!pon!ibilitie!.............................................................2 3.2./ Strategic .artner!hip....................................................2 3.3 In .ractice .............................................................................2 3.3.1 B&ilding a !ocial media marketing plan........................2 3.3.2 $emporar' Sched&le.....................................................3 3./ 4val&ation nd .o!t proce!!ing.............................................3 3./.1 4val&ation.....................................................................3 3./.2 )eedback.......................................................................3 3./.3 d5&!ting 6o&r Social Media .lan..................................7 Bibliograph'....................................................................................9

! "ntroduction
No#ada'! it i! hard to imagine a #orld #itho&t the Internet an' more and d&e to thi!* !ocial media i! al!o becoming a pop&lar tool in ever'da'! life. 4ver' big compan' i! &!ing !ocial media marketing fre8&entl' and even !maller b&!ine!!e! !tart &!ing !ocial media platform! reg&larl'. S&re* all of them are a#are of the man' advantage! of !ocial media b&t onl' fe# of them kno# ho# to handle !ocial media !trategicall'. ct&all'* !ocial media marketing i! ver' !imilar to traditional marketing. 6o& al!o define a goal* !et &p a !trateg' and appl' it in real life. $hi! report #ill provide !ome helpf&l !tep! ho# to !et &p a !trateg' and ho# to eval&ate the achieved re!&lt!.

# Social Media "n General

It might be a good idea to get general information abo&t !ocial media fir!t before getting involved in it #ith 'o&r o#n b&!ine!!. l!o there are certain r&le! for the &!e of !ocial media #hich are important to kno#. #$! %efinition and rules Social Media i! an internet appearance of the 9eb 2.0 #hich ba!e! on comm&nication* interco&r!e and d'namic. It appear! in man' different #a'! #hich #ill be foc&!ed in the point channel! b&t appart from thi! it i! an important chance for companie! to comm&nicate #ith their co!t&mer!. In !ocial media* g&ideline! e:i!t to define the #a' of comm&nication and interco&r!e bet#een the partie!. $he!e g&ideline! are abo&t !elf;re!pon!ibilit'* tran!parenc'* hone!t'* a&thenticit'* integret' and the 8&e!tion of !eparation of private and #orklife. In a compan'<! !ocial media !trateg' a compan' !et! it! r&le! ho# to infl&ence their emplo'ee! ho# to behave according to the!e g&ideline!. #$# &sers $here are ver' man' different !tati!tic! concerning the &!er! of !ocial media. $#o ver' intere!ting fact! co&ld be fo&nd on =November 2013> Internet &!er! &nder the age of 10 are more likel' to get involved into !ocial media 9omen are more often active on !ocial media .eople living in &rban area! net#ork in !ocial media more often than people living in r&ral area!

#$' (latforms $he d'namic and !peed of change of the Internet make! it ver' diffic&lt to name the mo!t important platform!. 9hen 'o& tr' to find information abo&t it 'o& #ill find t#o different mean! of mea!&ring. 4ither it i! the n&mber of member! or the n&mber of active member! a month. l!o there are different pop&laritie! among!t the different continent!. $herefore it i! ver' diffic&lt to recommend platform! to get involved into to companie! #itho&t anal'!ing the compan' it!elf e:ten!ivel' fir!t. Neverthele!!* )acebook* +oogle ?* $#itter and 6o&t&be are &ndo&btetel' ver' pop&lar all over the #orld* ea!' to &!e and offer a variet' of good tool! for !ocial media marketing.

' Social Media Strategy

!ocial media !trateg' #ill g&ide a compan' thro&gh internet net#ork!. It i! ver' helpf&l to &!e a !ocial media plan to define the !trateg' to make 'o& a!k 'o&r!elf the right 8&e!tion!. $here are a h&gh n&mber of plan! ho# to create a !ocial media !trateg' b&t ho#ever* there i! no form&la that !&it! ever' compan' beca&!e !ocial media i! too d'namic and diver!e for a general plan. Neverthele!!* thi! report give! !ome g&ideline! #hich are nece!!ar' to create a !ocial media marketing plan. '$! )esearch '$!$! Company *ac+ground

9hen anal'!ing 'o&r compan' backgro&nd there are man' 8&e!tion! #hich need to be an!#ered criticall'. n ea!' tool to do thi! anal'!i! i! a S9@$;anal'!e or a B%+;.ortfolio #hich i! ea!' to handle and comple: eno&gh to give 'o& helpf&l re!&lt!. 9here are #e ba!edA 9hat i! o&r mi!!ion and o&r vi!ionA 9hat i! o&r corporate identit'A 9ho are o&r client!A 9hat make! &! better on o&r competitor!A 9hat make! &! &ni8&eA '$!$# Analyse of past social media activities

)or thi!* li!t all !ocial activitie! that have been done !o far and an!#er the follo#ing 8&e!tion!B 9here have #e been activeA "o# have #e been activeA "o# active have #e beenA

,id #e get an' feedbackA 9hichA '$!$' Setting Mar+eting Goals

9hen !etting 'o&r goal!* make !&re the' are ambitio&! b&t reachable. 6o& can !et 8&alitative goal! a! #ell a! 8&antitative one! and !ometime!* the are even corelated. $o make goal! mea!&rable it i! important for them to contain the follo#ing per!pective!B content* e:tent* time and !egment. )inall' 'o& need to define the target! and goal! of 'o&r !ocial media marketing campaign and ho# to integrate them into 'o&r traditional marketing !trateg'. 9hen !etting 'o&r goal! al!o do not forget abo&t 'o&r c&rrent b&dget and re!!o&rce!. '$# Tactics '$#$! Target Audience

9hen re!earching abo&t 'o&r c&rrent !it&ation 'o& alread' fo&nd o&t abo&t c&rrent c&!tomer!. )or the !ocial media plan 'o& need to define the people 'o& #ant to reach #ith 'o&r !ocial media activit'. I! it the !ame people a! 'o& alread' reach #ith 'o&r traditional marketing activitie! or do 'o& #ant to enter a ne# client !egment #ith 'o&r m&ltimedia;campaignA ,o not forget to think the average &!er of !ocial media and if 'o&r target gro&p i! big eno&gh to get 'o& eno&gh feedback and interco&r!e. '$#$# Message

$he me!!age i! repre!enting a comapan' in t#o #a'!B $he 'o& are and ho# 'o& #ant to be !een. It i! ver' diffic&lt to create an &nambigo&! me!!age. $herefore 'o& !ho&ld al#a'! do&ble check the &nder!tanding #ith different

people before !tating it in p&blic. -nfort&ntatel' man' companie! !till fail in creating a me!!age that repre!ent! both the companie! image and prod&ct!. t the end foc&! on 'o&r target a&dience and a!k 'o&r!elf if the me!!age !&itable for the choo!en client!. @nce 'o&r me!!age i! defined 'o& can dive deeper into choo!ing a channel that !&it! 'o& be!t. '$#$' )esponsibilities

)ir!t of all 'o& need to &nder!tand that once !omething i! p&bli!hed in the Internet it #ill remain there and cannot be deleated. )or thi! rea!on it i! a good idea to have an e:perienced per!on behind 'o&r !ocial media pre!ence. "e or !he !ho&ld have a good and reliable kno#ledge abo&t the compan' and it! prod&ct! and the' !ho&ld be a#are of the corporate identit'* too. nother fact to con!ider i! that people and e!peciall' 'o&r client! prefer talking to one per!on in!tead of man' and that i! #h' it i! better to have one repre!entative in!tead of man'. '$#$, Strategic (artnership

Social media can be a ver' &!ef&l tool if 'o& can reach eno&gh people. n ea!' #a' to !pread 'o&r reach i! a !trategic partner!hip #ith other companie!. Ba!icall'* it i! a agreement to !hare* like and ret#eet one another. 9ith thi! tactic 'o& can not onl' reach the people #ho follo# 'o& b&t al!o the one! #ho liked 'o&r partner compan' a! #ell. '$' "n (ractice '$'$! *uilding a social media mar+eting plan

9hen 'o& are done #ith 'o&r re!earch and all the point! mentioned above 'o& are able to !et &p a !ocial media !trateg'.

6o& #ill !ee #ether 'o& !trateg' #ork! a! de!ired after la&nching 'o&r campaign. '$'$# Temporary Schedule

6o& !ho&ld !et &p a temporar' !ched&le to find o&t #hether 'o&r campaign #ork! a! de!ired. $hat ba!icall' mean! 'o& !tart 'o&r !trateg' according to 'o&r !ocial media marketing plan and gather all necce!!ar' information for an eval&ation #ithin a certain period of time. '$, -valuation And (ost processing '$,$! -valuation

fter the deadline of 'o&r temporar' !ched&le 'o& can eval&ate the co&ntable data 'o& have gathered. Make !tati!tic! of the collected data =e.g. ho# man' people have vi!ited 'o&r page> and anal'!e the re!&lt! according to 'o&r e:pectation!. l!o take a caref&l look at 'o&r b&dget #hether 'o&r e:pendit&re! are !till #ithin the defined !cope or over alread'. '$,$# .eedbac+

)eedback define! the &nco&ntable data 'o& co&ld gather. $hi! mo!tl' contain! of the comment! of vi!itor!. %ompare it to the co&ntable data #hether the' are !imilar or the' diverge. $r' to be a! concrete a! po!!ible a! thi! make! it ea!ier to ad5&!t 'o&r !ocial media plan in the la!t !tep.


Ad/usting 0our Social Media (lan

fter a critical eval&ation of 'o&r fir!t !ocial media draft 'o& are able to make ad5&!tment! on 'o&r c&rrent plan. fter that 'o& can either rela&nch 'o&r campaign or contin&e it the #a' it #a!.


"einonen* (. 2010. Social Media in Marketing. .o#er.oint on "aaga "elia -niver!it' of applied !cience! Moodle page. Seen on 03.11.2013 on Cardi* Damale!B Social Media Strateg'B B&ilding 6o&r Social B&!ine!! SchEtt* .eterB ,er 9eg F&m Social B&!ine!!B Mit Social Media Methoden erfolgreicher #erden httpB//'o&r;!ocial;media; marketing;plan;in;1;ea!';!tep! ###.!ocial;pa!! =acce!!ed on 03.November 2013> ###.!ocialmediatoda'.com =acce!!ed on 03.November 2013> ###.!a'ingit! =acce!!ed on 03.November 2013> Step;B';Step +&ide $o

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